c., ^ *t6P M. Ui 1 P. M. •4t H M. 1 P. M. rN. |«i 6 A M. M. 2 P. M. ra- HON j'i tbe «Te» It off from for »9 it -paid b7 to 9^ A P M. IMSI. ^ioa, wiik iblie Aoo* tltii/ p«r- I fv aerma lie pruftts red t«r |r»iu«. A/s »&«> ferr»-i t0 »oi (• M. L Y vv.M. \in. rAYCTTK\’ll LE. N. C.. JUNE 2, I«64 (NO. 1337.] RATKS OF FKEIGIIT, BTA«MaSm>-8T 1H« PKOPKIBTOKS Of TBI Bt9am%koat Vompaniet JITmigaHng tht Vap' Ftar Hiver. FEBR17AB¥ 1804. PHIIfTED MONI'ATS AlfD TRURSI>ATi KOWARD J. HILE & SOSS. ■riTORS AND PROPRIETORS Priiefor tb« S*aii-W»«kly Obsbkvvr $10 00, in , For the W,ekly 0«t»TBm $6 00 t«r annum. p*li is | „ I Bortcn. Wix AoJ Tt.Uow, tJtrf j B^con loot.. ton teirADVERTI8EMENT8 liuerte4 for S2 p»r -n»»re j dP>, P-r hirrd *f 12 Hdw 't 1.-»8 for (he first, and on« JolU^ for e^oh ] ■ueoc«di«fr publication. AdTerti»er« are re laested to j .‘h.»a'ir‘B-'p*,r >>aj4. ■t*te the nuffthar of inaertioas dwired. or 'her wU ! Ditto T-irn, ■„ x bale ba flontinnel fUl forbj-^. aad ch*T^'i acfiortl’aglj AdTertiamt>a*ii oon*ino‘'1 obar^cd »a new vwtiaemeni 8PHCJ.AT NOTICF. From an ‘^r tbi« dnf^, no n>»ine of a new Bnl'ucribsr will b« entetwd withont payment in ndrance, nor will the paper be s#nt t« gnrh f>nbBoribera for a loneer time khan i'h paid fnr Such of oar old Kab(>3riVer« aa fiesire to take the pa per on this syntoni will please notify as when making remittanees. Jan’y 1. 1R58. •IVff. »ncJL. f, Attoroioy at Xaw, Fatrttevill*, N. C tiriLL attend the County and Superior Ooarta of M Cuvberland. Harn>tt, Moore and Robeson Conn- Uos. Prompt attention give* to the oollection of all slaima entrusted t« his hands. Oct. 17, 185? 6B-tf Jo$i. UTi.ev, tlroctr and C’ommiMlon Jfiercitani.* PAYETTKVILLE, N 0 Jan’y 10. 1f^6S »3-tf C. 78 12m ■AIBAM A. STKDHAH. WM. H. BBKNAJtD. M. A. i«TED.TIAM A « O., ITBOLESALK illU RETAIL DEALBR8 D .nER€HA!«T9y J9o. 19, Bay Street, FAYETTEVIT.LE, N. C. ▲prtl 10. 25tf • ft WUBTB. D O W9BTB. I. O. DAIIBl. WORTH Sl CO^ Commlssiou and Forwarding Kerohaats, Street, WILMINQTON, N. Got 18, 18^:8. waStei>. BUSHELS WHEAT, 1,500 •• CORN. *ereoBS baving the ar-cve Ar.icleii to eell will receire Uie higt>es« Cash price ^ calling on Mr. M Tboinaeon, at the Merchant Mills, FMyetierille, or cn the bet at his old itacd on Market Squnrp ALES. JOHNSON', Jr Hot. 6, 1862. 7'- ’ I Ay prepared to mannfWotur? *11 kiaJs of *■ Hanesa for Army use. I laa b»7 leaihp* »'•* '-ftv ||t0 good bar£Ain«. A^eow will lo 'en to i”- »■ •rden to me a« tb y bdhU haTf prompi attenuon. as-d Mat off in quick iob. JOHN C*J!.TER •«ldstOB P u , Cha'^bam Co., 9. C.. \ June IS, IWl • lt»9. Arabic tor Mlebjr J. a L£B Ocu 15. ‘ IJMto ve'" 'CO Ib* rcr h*’!. Coit al, i.-r b -le (>m. 0«t’», .%«. I»?r busS.*l Oh«.lr!* Sifine-^ (>Ff*h l>l*>o R'>rlri:'p, 2 60; l^rna eae’t t rfl.e. p*» 4jf .>» ^crcJjnV.pp fl; F*sb and P'>rk, per barrel Grinf 8tope^ p«>r ton F!o«r. p r barrel |tr-e® 1 60; Iry fl Hor«*'s, down or on Hay and F'^i'ider, per bai' Iron. b%r and h->on, pe*" *o»« Piito, pig, p* r fou L’lce, per e*B- S.'j; ditto per h*rrel L8**ber Iocs? p^r t ^0; do, b^le, p»r foot Lfia.'i per ton MoliKBe^. 40 ff»lli>U3, p?r *iHTre» Por-c*..*?. p-r h f' 'In 1hi P^pp^r rer b%sr OiJ, in bbis , 3t ytalloBi, 2S OQ 10 00 40 0« » 00 6 00 6 0- ' 15 00 10 () 2 00 10 ( '0 I6't>0 25 7S 4 60 I ’OrTOlf C AnOr-, ilio. lO. ! To tUe Fre90ii7a of Guoabarliad Coanty. nr*HK F ■ YETTEVILLI'’COTTO' C 'RD M VNOT’A ''-j ' I »raia a i.'inao , :«>>!•,! * ca'.^i • f >r ■jc ! U ' > ■' * . - - - TUtUNG ■ O.MP Y are now manuflicturiag "AKDS inao 'Of* .S'l^^riSFof iTumS-rt-ta ' equity ' 'On!d wjperidr to any rnii through tbi biock'^do, and at prewut | } *''' 1 oaiy m-'nutf .» •v'T-r.- to tiisob k’ ge " ■ . ■ .1. . _ ... I «i*, p!*-ii«sa. HROTi)R Mo'-EFLL ♦> arrt H-illiug for a less pricJi ibn «iugh* pair or by tft- qu&ji> tity. j Any i>- rson ordering? nix or more pairo, they will be I uecur-ly packed and delivered in VVilmuigton free of ex- i pt'DS>f. fall opoa or addruai A. A. McKCTHAN. J. A. WO«TH. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. F«tu»v1lle, N. l\. April 1« ♦» 24tf rrv.''byt'Tittn and ^'tiroUnian copy. Rosin Oil Works* OUR Oil Uofks are now in complete operation, and as we use aotbini; but Efood rosin in producing the Oil we can recommend it to be the best of the kind made in this c^ntry. It is a fiue Lubricating and Tanner's Oil, and we would be e^Ud to rewiive orders fix>in thf 25 00 OoTerninent and the public generally. We will a«U on R 00 reaaoaable terma MOORE, CASHWELL k CO. fi 00 April 16. ji8.tf 26 f;0 I 2f> 00 6 00 25 00 25 00 3 00 1 HO 25 00 5 00 1 50 20 00 A 00 Palt. in bfrg!) per bag 1 60: ditto, la bb's, 2 60 per bM Rice, p*r eauk Pi'^rn, per barrel Roirits Torpi^ntine, per barrel WagoB^. R.-'ad, fl-*ap, in bnxes, Sp'rits, in hhdiA , pipes and oaaks, p>^r gallon Snirar, in barrels. Ce*1. oer (on, ditto, per hhd., flO. • All Hhar freiehts ia proportion 15 00 2 FO 5 00 40 00 « 00 26 6 00 After this date I will pay 16 r«E(* wr poaad for r!4j8, n the hishc»?» niAri« price. doli^sjrT 1 in faT«Ueville« or M ojif ■i^r' R.wcdMh . MI.-RP37 FeS’y 1«, 18M * ^ Wanted t« P«rcha*e» BSTEKN RAIL ROAD STOCK Bank Notes; Gold ml SiiTfr, Korth Carolina TniMorf Notes (Foadabla:) •• *• . $1 and $2: •• “ Bunda, old ani new: County cf Cntnberlicd Bonds; Town of FayctteTille BdhIs; QreensNoro’ $1 and ^2 Certifloates; Confederate 7 anJ 8 per cent. Bonder,; CoupoQB of $16.(KK) 000 loiD; “ ot Town and County Bonds;’ “ of old Nortn CsTolina Bonds; T. S. LDTTERLOH. UCL 12 }8W. 7lw Balbiob N. 0., May 8, 1863. j LBAP wanted.—I wish to puroha-^e Lead for this Department Persons hsvinff lartre or small qoan- tlties Will pleajie apply at once. Will give 1 potuid af POWDER for 10 ooanda of uEAD TR08 D BOQQ. Capt. C. 8 In charge of Ordnanoa. l%OTI€E TO EAttilEBS. STRAW VVANTED. ANTKU IttOiPliately for tb*' imf^JT-orp^ 000 UST OF €BAR(ffiS FOR PASSfi.\I^ER8. The fellowipg rates of Passage will be ohargo^ •'n oar Steamers;— UOWIf. From Fayotteville to Wilmington, S80 00 •• •• “ Elisabeth. 15 00 “ White Hall, 20 00 “ Kell'*B Cot*, 2100 “ “ All point? below, 80 00 SKtiOND CLASS, OR DIOK. From Fayette 'e to Wilminpton. >20 00 “ “ “ BMjabe^b, 10 00 •• •• “.Whitehall. IS 00 •• " •• Kelly’s ’0T0, 15 00 '■ *• All points be’.ow. 20 00 rp. From Wilmington to FavetteTiIle, f30 00 “ “ Kelly’a Cots, 18 50 “ “ “ White Hall. 16 60 *' “ '• Elizabeth, 20 00 “ “ “ Prospect Hall. 24 00 “ “ “ All points abrjTfi, 80 00 8KD0ND CLASS, OR DCOK From Wl'aing^on to FayetteTilla, $20 00 " “ “ Ke'ly’s Cove, !0 00 “ “ White Rail and Elisabeth, 12 00 •• “ •' All points aboTc, 2# 00 K9*SeQond Jla.»« cr Dfck Pass^pgers mnsi stay on )07 r deek or pay fall prioe, or pacne as Fir^t Class ifirAn extra charge will ba made hr Way Pai^c* ' re setting into Berths during .lay tin^e, and for >coa- pying a Berth wth th«ir boots or shcea on, it thn ii^ c^i.-r r»f tV>« Coptaia. J A WORTH, for 0 F St’m B’t Co., T. 8 LUTTERLOH, for St’r N C. R. .M ORRBLL, for 8t'rs Rate and !)uti May 20, 1864. 84 1 no*Ira ' ~ WESTI^li RAiL R^ 11HE FREIGHT AND P4S3BNOKR TRAIN« of this S jal leare Fayetttrille Jailj, (Sun lays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M.. and returning leavp Egypt at 1 o’olocR, P. M. Cattle ami noTM TVtria MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. by ordw JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r and Oen’l Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22, 18CS. 07tf Rooi EAfiLii POUNDBY. ^ T" ni' p sro wp jeroi'teied aU our 9\lores for U the mu.ietWtire of C.AH WHESL8, but owing to i;>e *^*',lu''e nf tbs supply ol lro»» of proper nature, w** Varv 30' •'-ly b.'»ri to Supply any detnand f->t t^iH I'CScnIty boire^er, will be 0’’erec>n!e in th'‘ r «•» -Tflkn m »riiob Hmn w* sba’l be able to fiirci'*!) vi-brf^’ip of ih^ /i1'.'jwid? eis?s —24, 26, 28 atiJ 80 aIs.t (’hi|(*d * >»••'» The IrO'i w.» shall uee -?r iiius* ■yi!i bf> ‘ '’barcosl Ir«o. and wr war rant . ur wht in NO I TO '’IIA' K. and to bf equal tc »r.T i{( Co.ifp tf»T »oy. «r 'o tho^ie of Whitney A 8'.>a« of PhiiHjt'l :ia. woo".; rep>i‘atijn is so well knowu by nil R,:ilroad orrapan!"'*. We a’-e pr-rare.^ to eicecu!* Loom, i’ry 8iin(i, and Green 8acd Wori, of may s^»De or •iip D. ANDBaSON A OO. Fayet!('v:il8. M*rch 80 1864 Ifltf The name of JAMES KIRKPATRICK Is '•“nn'o’fu Iv BubrnittoJ to the voters of Catnberland 'knd H*rtie t to e ▼o*"d fr.r as a R-’pressptati're of *hoHt- (’ 'Unties ^>r the Hj>ise of Coin'nooo MANY VOTBRH T 18«4 gg-if We are requested to announce >A''Di.' b M t'S^., as a unt- t,)f re-e'wl o*. House '-f Com'nuns from Rich • n- nri ’ I'u V. 27. 86 i^r. i’^ditor, we wi«li through I ynur c- linni-^ if> i*'e naoRi* of C >1 A. J Mo ! QlfflEN of Pic' i Oon'ity to ■orro -i'nt the Semt‘'>r 5 i fti D R.eltniniif) abI RahrA^n. ii* tb*. * nf>X' OtnrriJ A-^f*'-nhIy of Nor.h Cart.lina We ^rsp^et- 1 fuMrnif-m^d Mm ?o the roters of those connt’e», b'lptftg that he wiil Ounsent to beooroe a oardi *ate. MANY miZENS Va. 2R M S(p4 LUBRICATING UlL. '|*LlE u u !•» li'iW prepared to fiirnirib to ihe I pu' li.'’. t very “uperinr articl" of LURRIOATINO OIL, ttpiciaUy for ''otton and Wooltn Fttctorin We eliim ttiftt ihia Oil not gu*t, and iu>i.y b*i tun at greater speed Tntb Io^-b power than any oitier Oil except cperu». Mr W H Porter, Superiatcndsnt af Ph*nix Cotton Faotr? 9iY9 of it: “I bate been oaing your Lubricat ing 0 1 frr 2 or 8 uton'hs, and find it to be superior V) any other Oil now in use for lubrioaMng.” r Jr>bn Kershi! w, 8up’t cf Blount’s Creek Factory, says: *1 can obcrerfully »>ay your Lubricating Otl is s superior artiale It doen not gum t:te least, but keapb »be journaW cl»ar ■^td bright ” Mr .A F Beokcritte, Ci>'.ef Engineer of the C 8 Ar»e nal aud .\rmory of this place, was requested to try it and B'iyx “I thirk for iicbt machinery—f'nch as Cotton F»c'» ri s—aud for bcary raacuinery when the aiotl-: r is si w. your Luhric* tingOil will ooiripare next in qua* liy t-j Sperm ” Oitcr c.'ttyn maaufacturfrs bars tried it and pro noun^ied fiToratly ef ii. HENRY E. COLTON. Agent Fayetieville Kuros’ne Co. April *, 1964 20 tf We arc auttaiorlaed to aanonnce ROBERT M McNAlli of Go. C, 1st N. 0 Battalion ..Artillery, as a Can'iidate for tha office of SHERIFF of R'bes'n County. M*y20 84-19'pd W fr'rom aud alter thi» d'lte the Steamsr A.. P. HURT will leave a> 8 o’clock, A. M., on .Monday and Thor.nday. * JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C F. ?team Boat Co. HITCAL IN8DBl\Ci: CVMPi.M. Oil,. TEoan foroi-tj KhitOi'ESE BU fiNING OIL in qaan titips of ■'> c-r 10 ir-.lion.' at $p-?' gallon; tin o^ni ot kfgs $15 to $20 «dii(ton»l 8sud sans or kt‘£S when oonvenient. Tois 14 as g>'od 4n Oil can be made withnat the mixture witii Aloohol, wbiob it i* ioapiis^ibio uow to obtaia Tne wick tube of the ordinary E>'r',«(..ue lamp should He slightly lengthened by soldering on a plcoe. With a lamp tbue arraog'd our oil burrx without smoke ' a" 1 with IS ranch briS'anov 'i» any N j^i^ern Reroaeoe. HENKV H courbs. Ae’t F K Co. Afrtl 7 ai.tf rayetterllle Irtenal and irmory, \ j Nov. 12, 18(ia. f ! «lttO BOU.\TY. 104* *fftmnted Kinemrti. AUTUOUIIY hariug b.)f,n by the War De- p:*rtr>-irat 14 '■>i« ■ a O'Efpji.uy of Mouut^Ki Riflemen for service iu ib>j ric-.Mij .I'tice is hereby gi^an that rerrdite to tbs number of lOv' nyi-conscrtpU wiil be re- oe^Tcd for this service. Eaoi roonit wiil be r equired to fucuish a borvioeablo iior^e. 'or wtiioh iie wiil be al lowed 40 ct^nis per dicta, oaJ hia i>»y f 12 par moatb. r-"r,Micn Wiil to from paranta or ga'irdia.’*', (he applicant is uader the cansoript agi. Each recruit must bring with him a blanket or bed sprei*d, and come prepared to r'ni»ia Brilles, saddles. b\lt>r8 and saddle blankets furnish ed by the Governraent, or if the recraii o^mea provided with them, oe wi I t>o paid for ttiem a fair valuation. Apply to Capt MATTHBW P. lAVLO*^, at tn* Ar senal F L. CHILDS, 80tf] Major f*. 8 A. CoTHd’g Post. We are anthorlird and rtqiested to aDnoan';!* . el B. F LI I'TLB aa a candidate ^ to repreofnt the ooumy of R ohmTnJ in th« ff' tB" '■f •'ommop.'’ in the n-xt Lt>gislaiure. 10 *4 4e uond M»’ 21 We are antborlied to annoaiice JOHN A. 1.0.NG. Ml a o«uaidi>’^ lor ro e roiiun to the cffice of Bheriff for t(*e oonntj of Rich* S5 6ipd t« We are aatborlied to ansoaace A. B. McNKILL at) a candtaate for ih-* ofE:^ of ^h'rtff far the eonnty of R'ehmond at tb* ecbUiPf .August election .Mar 20 84 Otpd i^We reipectfully recoumend LleaC. JOSE'.'H A. MoARTHUR, efCo. I filet Reg’t N C. T , a« a ca'^di late to represent na in the Honse of Common* ryf (bn p- xt L*r’"li*ture from Cumberland and Harpett countirs. L Mf Arthur is a devoted man »o his conn try's cau-'e and has been in the war ever sinoe it began, and h“ w'll make as a good Represeniativa 3i Itnd tc M^NY P0LDIER3. We reapecotfally reoommeiid NEILL McKAY, Ei^q . as a candidato f^r r»-ebc'u>n t(> a seat in the next Hoofe ofOiiamooB from Cjraberland and Harnett oountice. MANY CITIZENS. Miy 2. 29 ‘•tpdJtte We ftre authoriied to anooance Col. MUHDOCH MoRAE as a candidate for re-election to the Hotiau of Commons from Robeson county. April 27 27-2m To tii2 Voters ot Hariiett County. The unders'gned. a private in Co. A, 6th N C. Cav alry, having been solicited by some of his friends, respeotftally annonnoes himself to the Boldiera and citi- Bens of Harnett oouoty as a Candidate for the OlBee of 8HEKIFF at ths eleotien on the first Tbaroday in Ao- gust n.>xt. SAMUEL D PIPKIN. March 21. 17 24tpd To tiae F«ter« of fampaoa Cwutjr. Bkin« in t'^ iyio», I take this method f anaouao ing roy^ if >s candidate to represent the enuniy ot HanipB'>B in t'.u Housoof Commonaof thenext Legis latnre At it trill he irapoHS*blc f'r me to meet 'he goorf people f‘f oI Svmpgon (w'tbout an acoidfnt) be forn the Aug-ist fl>ct oo I csin onlv say that my prin- oiples are t- o writ known to my countymen to adaait of *rJ douSt as to the oonrse I shall pursue if elected Loving mr country «ad bt armg arms in her def*Dee, 1 oan oply add. “tbat whatevar may tend to her best intercBta ai>d iod'p?nd'nt nationaliiy,” will he my earn est dssire to acooisp!i.tb. sjid to snob will my whole tirsf' and talcn's be drvoied Soliciting the suffracea of my oountymsn, I am geatlem'n, vnnr obd't eerv’t. J^MKS R LASSITER Ol 63d Rfg’t N. C. Troops May 27. }»6 Im Tbe Annaal nieetiug of tbe Stookliolders of the Cap. F*-ar Navi/aiion Comttanv wi 1 tie hol« n. •h" Town Hall in Fayetteville cn Friday Juse 8' 1864, at l‘i o’ciook, M. W W TILT.INGHABT, Tr«*s'r May 28. S6 tm The Annnal meeting of the Stockholders of the Fayetteville Lu(> (Jcmpany wtil b'^ belu ii the Town H*M ia Fayetteville on Thursday June 9ib, I8ti4, at 12 o’ciook, M W N TILLINGHAST, Treas’r May 28 »« 3» layetteTille Arsenal and Araorj, i Mar -i», lbu4. / WAi\’TED, rent, % pasture for seventy head of horses. A fair price will be t aid S'^fd paetor* most be within 10 'r 12 n>il«4s ef Fayettevi lo Apply to 86tfl M J TAYLOR, at the Arsenal. Rosin Oil. BBL8. SUPERIOR QO \L1TT OF ROSIN OIL. For sale bj MOO HE. CASdWlLL k CO. May 26 S'i 1m TO r 250 JCr.V THK Ui,OCMC^l»£. Wl. mciNTTRK Has r'e«|v^d and offers for aaler /»AA GR^fS ENGLISH PONR PANT BUTTONS; 01/v ' Case Madder Prints, T.612 yds ; 1 Cas« Black and WKite Maslina, l.*76 yda-, 1 Bale ScarUt Flannel, all Wool, yda i 20 D>'i Gents Neck Ties, Fanoy; 30 Resire Ra1*d Note Paper; 1 Pane 8te-l Peoa. 1000 boxe«H 1 Ciae Kip Brosan Shoes, 69 pairs; 1 Case Koivea and FTks. 200 sets, aeaorted; 6 Barrels Alnm, 1,875 lbs ; 6 Barrel* English Green C^'pperaa, 1,560 Ibe; 8 Kegs Uefined Bo*^ax, 88^ lbs; 6 Barrels Epsom Salt#. 6*^ Ibsi 1 Barrel Can>nbor, I'^T lbs; 1 Bale Bboe Thread, 87 lbs; S Bags Black Pepper, 268 Ibe Maj 23 85-8w CapitHl in Premium Notes amoosta to Cash on hand and other assets. $267,688 Zt 6,077 86 W “fti •'20 600 P-. UK Iti Of W he AT PTtiA W, eoitable for beiding. Fa'-n- rq havinc a surplus of this article on hand will coaler a bravflt on our nick a^ w^onded so'dters by bringirg it in. A fs.tr price will ke p»id. Apply to . . , QUARTERMASTER, at the Arponal FayettevMlo '.r^^na' »"d Armory, April 4. 31tf E^yP^ €oal Mine. The anderii^cd were, at tie Notember Tena of the Confederate Court, ’/ifitriot of North Carolina, ap pointed Managkrs of the Etfjp‘ Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining aad selling (So»l, *nd solicit orders for the same IB any desired quaulity. Orders for any amount can toe supplied on short ootice. The Coal from this pro perty ia undoubtedly the beat in the Confederate States AppUo*tiona may be made to Cha* B Mallett, Fayette- wffle. N- O., or Jajca.s Browne, Charleston, 8. C. CHARLES B. MALLBTl JAMES BROWNE. Fayeitevllle, J*n’y 30. #6i.f WANTED, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. |)0UL)!RY, Cbickena, Butler aud other delicacies for r the sick Soldiers at thia Hospital. Personf, having these articles eaa obtain the market prioe on applioa- tton to the subscriber at hie old stand or at Mr J. W. Powers’a OB Hay Street. ^ , R B. HKIDE, Gen’l Ag>l> Aaa. 25. $A0 KEI^Attb. R^.NAWAY fr .m the eobscrtber oa iht. 17th inst, my negro boy, JOHN. 16 yews old, abou' 6 'eet high, and weighs abom. 100 lbs. I would oaution Steam Boat owners on the River against letting him go oa boyd of •By of their boals. The above reward will be paid fcr kis apprehenifioa aai conflaemeat in any Jail ?o that I caa get him. P W AYER Fayetteville, May IB 88-9tpd Total, $272,766 16 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Toul losses paid, f29,682 OrriOBBS: GEO. MoNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President C. A. MoMILLAN, Sec'y. Dibbctobs: Henry Lilly, W. N. TillinghMt' H. L. MyniTer, 8. J. Hinsdale, 8. T Hawley, Wbi. McLaurin, Nathan A. Sfcedman, T. 8, Lutterloh, A. W. Steel, J. G. Csok, Hon. J. G- Shepherd, 5-.I; loin Collins and C. C. MoCrummen, Tr»veling Agent>^ I'fj-T'- 7 ^^oir^pany ioT’ te Applications. •If ar . * I S68 J C. B. Mallett, Jaiues Kyle, A. A. T.loKothan. J. D. WilliftTOP, S. W TUUagttwai. The Farmers’ and Planlers’ Al* for A tew grooe more just reofllTsd. B.1. ioafttm- €ow »(trayed. A BROWN COW, marked with smooth crop and under bit both ears medium site Any information wsll be cbeeri'ully received, and a liberal reward paid for ber recovery by Mrs. E. M. Hajmount, .May 19 COXIKDEEATK HIATKS Or AMKBICA, ENOINkkB DsPa&TMKMT, Dl^T. CaPB FbAB Wi’.miQgion, N. C , March 16th, 1868 NOTICE is hereby given to all persona having claims against the Engineer Department, for. serviooe of aiaves employed as laborers on the land defenett nsar Wilmington, N C , that the undersigned is auihoriied and prepared to p.ay the same at his sffioe, on t^ se cond floor of th^ building next above Meares’ Drug Storf', Market 3treot. j|g^ Persons executing Power9 of Attorney will ob serve the following form—thetr signatures, in all cases, ta be witnessed by two witnesses and signed io dupli cate, or th^y m^y be w.tnossed before a Justice of the Peace or Cl*rk Of »ny C '-irt FORM OF POWER OF ATfORNEY. Ij of . do hfT.'t»y appoint , of , wy true and Uwful Aryjt to sign reueipls for, >'nd reo^vp payment of all mon^yo »« ~*> i-ne Etigmeer Do- ! l> u-iTOpnt of the Conf.'derate Stateu of America, for the servioes of my sHves emploj-ed aa laborers on the land defences at . du;iug the monih of , lf*6 Witness my hand and seal at , the — day of , 186 (Signed in duplicate ) [Seal] WitnesB* To tbe Cltiiens and Soldiers of Harnett. At the solicitation of many of my friends I respectfUly aunoutice rayf>elf a candidate for re-election to tbe ofBce of Sheriff for tbe county of Harnett. Profuundly graK^i'ul to niy friends both at home and in the .^.xmy for the very sreDefous support heretolbre received at their hands. I can only pledge that should they agtun maoi- fert their confidence by ro-elocttng me I will, b& hereto fore, serve them promptly aud impartially. Very respectfully, JAS. R. GRADT. April 13. 24-te The Confederate Tax Assessors for Bladen County wilt attend at the follcwiag times and plaoee »o receive the lists of propi^rty an4 other «>n*'j'C‘B cf taxation for 1864, also the twlditioni^ taxes on ir oomes or pr. fits for 1K63, and the quarterly retans b) 81st Maroh 1864, vii: Hollow, Monday June 6th White Oak, Tuesday June 7th. Beavsr Dam, Wednesday June 8th. Colly, Thursday June Olh. Frenoh’s t'reek, Friday Jnne 10th. Oanrer’s Cre» k, Monday June ISth- yrkite’a Creek, Tocad^ Jane I4tk. Btown Marsh, Wednesday June 16th. Bladcssboro’, Thursday June 16:h. Elix*'- etiitow t. Friday and Satarday June 17 A IS. The collector will attend tbe above appointments to receive all Mr«srcges of Taxes. aPanctual attendance is required W A ATKINSON, \ W H WHITE, I'"*™ w Bii»be'hto»»#May 21 A’ 81-tl5J LARtiE SALE OF FURNITURE. Y "virtn? of thf prwer vested in us by the will of the Iat« Di- A Malxiy. we will se'l at StewarUville, on Thursday 9th day of Jane WALKER. P8'f Executor’s $laie. By an order of the Court of Pleas and Qaarter 8es sions of Cumberland County, the Su’^>soriber, as hxecutor of NeiU Wiikineon, d«r'’d. will expo, e to public sale on Monday of June Court. 18G4, the land belonriug to said estate, containing 125 acres more«or less, lying on tbe East aide of Cape Fear River, ac^oining the lands of McDaniel aad others. Terma at gale D TORRENCE Ex’r. April 9 30 ts FLOAwiToA^^ FLOUR and OATS will be exchwged for Com at the Store of D McLaurin, by giving him a few days notice. Flour good. Oats No. 1, black or •Tan'y 20 rhite. •iif RACiiS! RA«Sn—The infe rior quality of the paper on which the ■ Observer has been printed of Ute, »od which i^a great eye-sore to us, is owing to the want of a suf&cient supply ofg >od rags, aad the oon«equent nec essity to resort to inferior Biaterials We appeal to the friends of the Observer at all aooeselble points, to save up tu»d bring to town all the rars they »n procure Wo have oo time ourselves to attend to their purchase, hut Messrs. Geo W. WiUiams ft Co., the Agents ia this town 0t Mr. Mtuphy, will pay 16 ocnta per Ib. for them. • B J. HALE S SONS *b’y » ______ The sigaattues of colored persons should be witnessed by thrvc witr-i'se-fs ’fher? mu.H be separate duplicate Powers of Attorney for each month BUuk forms can b> had tipon appii cation at this oflioiv * W H J AM £“1. Capt ft Chief Eng. Jac’y 20. 1864 130Oif i^flATCHES. A LOT of dUPEltlOR MAT'HBa, for sa’e by JAS. G COOK. May ft 81 4w The^edar Falls Bob bin ti» are now proparod to a' sbort notice, ail kinds of BOBBINS. SPOOLS a^d QUILLS, Ac., suitable for Woolen and Cotton .Mills J M ODELL, Agent Cedar Fall-*, N. C , May 7, 1864 30 lOt-d 25 i»alt! Kalt!! BA0K8 ff good DAY SALT. ti be '(xoh'jngod fw Corn. Apply to JAS. Q COOK M»-» 80-4w To t le (Itiieni and Soldiers of Robeson i'onnty. T t*'»-.rr(] je8t aad soltcitation of many friendt-. so^,- iiiTd ai.d ciiiB-^ns. I annouoce myecl:' a c&ndidate to r*-prc9*int tbe county of Robeson in the n»‘Xt Legiti- laiure. I wou'd be pleased so attend the diderent pre- oioctH of the o'unty before the elf ot ion. bnt «s the ene my ia prar>ar-nr to give us a fifrht soon, I fear I shall not b» able to meet yon. I only a«k you. my'fellow- citinns. while thp candidatofj at home are addressing yon. to r.*mpmb«r that I, with the many soldiers who have s i1'cit«>d me to alhw my name t?* run, ath prohibit ed from tbe pl'^asure of meoting you. by standing in de fence of your prot erty, your rights And your liberties. And to you. brother soldier^, who have so strongly soH cited me to become a candidate, lean only tbank you for this manifestation of coniSieDce. and promise, if elected, to keep a vigilant eye to your rigbtg, your honor and your comforts If defeated. I gh*l! willingly re main (where I have been for three years) In defence of the ountry. while those choaea will logiplate, praying for the happy day, when our indep^'ndeaoe is acknowl- edged.and we all be allowed to return to our homes “to enjoy the reward of our onfferiags” an independent, prosrerons and happy people I am, f'l*ow oitisens. and brother soldiers, yinr hum ble servant. JOHN H MoLE^N, Co G 24tb R ’t N C- T. Ma- 0. g‘.3-nl»;«^ ~ A PP-W laopoaTArrr rAUT8 IN REQA'D TO THE i^SOUTHEHN HEPATIC FILLS.’’ ITilEY tre prepartd fr. nj it!« bebt quality o* Medi , oinett hy (he discoverer, now ac aged Miaisl.r of the Gjspel, and are S'»fe. Thsv have been known for years andtt^tei by •lion''and’,. a Fivo hundred persons are known to have been cured br t^>em 4. They am n >t rcooramended by the proprietor for fv rytbiiiff, but only for dtseases whioh arise fkoro die- or-^erfd livers 5 Dirrci')ns and oeriifioatos accom'^an'r etch box. and these o:*tifioate>) are from well known and aiost re epc-i’ahle in»«ivida*l^ 6 Corr'RpiT;dt'nt» reoom’oend them as g >oJ for Liver Disease, (rnilb a-'d Fevera. Pafu^ionia, Jauiaiice Dys- pppsi'i. B'liou’ Fevorti, Bilious RbciunaJtidif, Worms Pleurisv, Knn*flitis. Ac 7. S-vjral ge.i'iemen state tha* the n«* of these Pills tia« bei*n to them an ^wnual Bavin* of frim $100 to ;5-'00; they a'e the best plantation medicine e»er offered to the tiiihlio. 8 Sorae phy'-iiiansof !h«highrst st Ading pre»or:br th m to their patients, and hundreds of boxes have been BoH Io r>‘ttnHr praoi'itio'iers 9 Dur-ng the last q iarter 2.880 bor^s have been sold to two Drugzists, one in South Car »Hna. »nd one in N'’rt»i Carolina, and some time *go over 3 700 b^xes were nr'«rel by Dmggi'^ts-in ona toirn in Virgi.oia 1^* Price, f 8 • box. For ^ISO a doB?n boxes will be sent to anv addrres. A very Hberal disoouc* to Drugjrisia and country merchsntB Cub (new oarrency) to secompany orders. A4d^e»a Rict uond county, N C next, A Ltirge Lot of Handsome Parlor Furni ture and Carpets. Ala' I, a large amount of Chamber FurnUore, Ward robes. Bureaus. B’dpie4d», Washetands, Beds, Mat tresse f, B!ai.kets and B d Furniture, nearly all n«w and in g‘V>d keeping. Also, a l»rg’ lot of Dtsiing Rosm and Kitchen Fornitnre, Table*. C*-ock‘ry. Cnina and Glass Ware, Pots, Ovens, OookM:* Stoves, ftc fto., ^ith a great variety of USE FUL HOUSE KEEPING articles not to be purchased from first hands Also, Carriage and Harness. Wagon and 3 *rne®s. Hogs, and Cows and Calves. Al Mt * Select Library of valuable Books Tht»rf»le will be Urge and the terms li.'ieial JOHN A. INGLIS, DUNOAN MALf.OY, CHAS MALLOY, W. H. COiT, May 26 18“4. £f /te Grant mnde h{$ men fight—The follow> ing order shoves the demorali^atioo ofGntnt'sar* n)y, and how his uuen aro kept in the ranks: Hkadquartkus AftMT or th« Potomac, 1 May 2, 1864. | Geveral Order* Ao 2.S —The Commandiog General has learned th^t. notwithataodioK ths caution oontsinod in General O'dcra No. 2S, of -^pril 25, 1864, from tbrs' 1 eadqaartors, thffrs are men in tbe army i i •''usa to do lnty oo (he gr uad that th-ir u riii ■ 1 r,prvioe his ezpiffd* It will he uta'le kt.ovTti nj uch n>en that the«X conduct beidg (',’011 niunt v, 'Ley will bo puni>»h- ed wi^h death, wpiout ttiil, unlcps tl’ey retnra to dafyj and bi^renf’ti'r ny tt> i/>er triio refvuet £• do du'y, on a i-iaiilur p'c-k, will he $kot^ wi*h‘ uf orty form «/ lrt>il u h tV uer Tl»« honor f th? S'^rvit'e and n c«^'.~i i s of the hoar *d- mit of no o'iier ti-iiK»Mii.jn u5h O Mes. The (^omtuan liui; ti’eui ra’ au'ain expresses the hope that the 8oi!iot8 • f ihin ..riuj will respeol- fully ask lor and cheerfuJ'y »hiJc bj the droiaioB of the War Dt'f-artiuent with ie%peot to their term of serric**; but Ar hu.% un /unfier word or xearnivg jnr thn*e wh», at a tim' like thepreteiU, choote to defy authority, Curps and other independent ootnraanders art charged with the e»*‘«utii*n of tbja order. By commapd «f M-.j.»r-General M*-ade. S Williams, As^’stant A'dj’t Gen. An incident oj the Late f'atnpai^n.—‘W9 have had related to us an incident fntm the Soufhside, whioh shoira at the same time the fidelity of the slave to his Southern master and the cruelty ot his would be Yankee brother. For many years the Petersburg railroad oompanj has had in its employ, at Port Wathall junetion, a most worthy and trusty old neg^o mao earned Columbus When one of our artillery oompaniea moved up from Petersburg this fa'thfujlold slave volunteered his servioes to them, “to wait on hia young maasas,” and wbeu the battle eame off the old negro might be seen muking hia way OTcr Ihe field where the shot and shell flew thiekest, ad* ministering water to our wounded soldiera. Thia noble oonduct commended the old negro to our BoldierH, aud wfien they moved off tb^ carried him with them to Drevrry’s Bluff Soon aftev srnving there, the poof old ilave dieopvey^ that he had left behind him a stocking full of silTer, whieb he had been for years saving np li^m his small earnings and started baek to get it, asanr- ing our soldiers, who were trying to dissuade him froai going back, '*neyer mind, maasas; I’ll aoon be back to jine you '* The brave, honast old negro eould not bear the idea of losing his money and ventured back, but on approaching the plaee the Yankees caugh^ him and hung him from the limb of X treel His body was disooyered yeater* day suspended from a tree, the victim of Yankee malignity.—Richmond Examiner, An Incident of the Battlei of the Soufhtide.—^ At the eommencement of this war Larken Estea and his son James Jackson Eates, aged reepeotiTe> ly 66 and 26 years, two highly respeotaUe o|ti* aens of Anderson distriet, South OatoUna, wera r^iding in that place and prosperous in bosineaa. When the tocsin of war was sounded they relun- teered in the 18th S. C. yoluntcers, and wera soon on tlieir way to tbe theatre of war, in Vir« ginia, to meet the ruthless invaders of ovr aoil. They passed through all the battles toaght ia Virginia On Friday last, in the battle near Chester, Virginia, their regitnent was engaged, when the son, James Jackitou Estes, was ahot down while in the aJt of ohargiug the enemy’s breastworks. Uis father seeing him fall, went to assist him from the field, when he himself waa also severely wounded. Tho father and son were then both taken up and carricd to Chester and laid side l\y side in the hotel. Tho father being able to sit up, eat by tbe fide of his son, doing all he could to relieve bis fuff^riugs, and on the next niornins; that 8on, lyitii; prosttitG from the wound he had recoived, dirvi in tlie sight and by the sido of his wuundcoi ta !ier. The old man expressed astronK hope that hisown wound might not prove fatalj that he iui;;ht I'e t^pared to return to his regiment to avent,*’ dcatli of his bob and assist in dtiving the iuva^crt; from the South, which then i,«ght enjiy once more liberty and independence, aud b« fotk-ver freed from the Northern vandals.Lxominer. Ex’rs. 80 St «TBA¥ED, From the Arssinal a F»yett*-vil1e. en 5th M*y, lest., a smaH t>»’% "d MIL' H COW; I th’uk Bhe was slit iO thf* she »s whi»p up the right flank ani b-llj; *1. r ’Of •- »re irhiN'; ban born* ’«l. iVem cvwapf.'r , .Any pers. d knowtntt '“fcP'•* .-Hi iM'wrm mn if” r*me or tcna her to (tip ►ob 'jcfihar, SEiali b« Ul e-ally rewarded E. '*■1 .y 28. MONAGHAN 86 4rpd BA 1% A WAV, FaOM the subscrit'tr. on the 29th Aptil. my boy DENN13- age ♦ 27 jears, aboui 6 feet 7 inches hifrh; nasrerj dark ooBvpl x«on. and also a soar on his M ■'a-^d Ci*ns--d by a » nrn. and weighs about 170 pounds I will pay fi'tT dollars Toe his arrest, or eonftnement tr. A Substitute for Coff e —A friend sent us soma dfys ago an article wbicb h’d e^ery appearance of the well roasted and i rouTiJ J^va c:ff-*e, with the r qu**st that w w u' 1 »ry i and «5ve our opin ion on iiis rofri^H ss t • iib tr-j'c. W f* diJ %■),and f^und it inc .m^-ara'.l) trup-t «>r »o nnythicg that we bwve seen in u«-, n v sc p i ir «h.' more com mon vane(i('s i*f tf1 be tJi-t(? i8 - ijrhtly pun- jje^f and OJO(.f , and «-i» vrofli nnttu''n OQ our lu’il to »xcUavg‘‘ ii tur ilv ^ uiuc artcle. The prep rutiofi c a jj|-y il the common Knglisli fjardt-o pi a |*iot> • d Irotn lin^ ^ in* whcodrj, and roasted to a «^ark cin- ani-in brown. Try it. JS'tVdiinah h'epublican. any Jail so tha/ I g-'t hita agair HUGH MoGREQOR. 8ft «tpd OEO W. DEEMS OoldsNoro’, N. O. For eale i** Fayetteville by N. A. vtedman ft Co ; la Rockin(rham by T. T Nsi-tlwm.- in Walesboeo’ by Dr B'rcnctt" in Albemarle by J. M.. Btvias; n Cliaton bf Hnb'iftri Von’lev. • M,y 1,0 85.16tpd Springfie’d. N. C , 98 9HS JBSeward; The Bubscribf^r w U payi w^n*»-«l?v' dolly" reward for the apprche»»ion vid «>nfin*me« * negro boy nawed APRIU wV'k left my i»la«#.^,i?'\dencout. y on th*- 21st insti. S»i • neitrn is ZS years o» ‘’S'*' complected, about 5 f iO inohea high; he hV * «n orr of his lees’ a little aho»fc the ank>e P7 *x»; he is a reTarkably a«ti*i*, trim, well mme *'»gro It is likely h?« may be ro»kiii« his wa;y up to LiwooWr, os bi^ wifo has be-^a recently Ukcn «here by D.*- H « Rjbinson. who owns ber; or be may be trying to the ysnkees. J- LRSE^R. Bakrr’e Creek, Bladen Co , May 27. 86-M STBAYED, FROM mv plac(» ou tne 2l«t iust., a COW and CAUF The Cow is vhite with red epots The oalf t%e «ame color Calf unmarked. w»*k of cow aot reeollet V rd The oow Wiis puroh'#ed from Mr Alex McLeo*. of Moore county, tad it is prob'Me that rta bss feind her way bacV witb the ea!f. I will pay a liberal reward for their r»cavpry or ary information so that I getthm ^;b WM. MITCBKLL. New Payett-evills. 28. ^ 86tf fll-itf Blank Warrant! fot sale hera.. $50 Reward. RAN.AWAY from tho snb-'oriber, a NEGRO WOMAN hirt’d the i?t Jta'v IH‘.4, from Mr. A W 8‘e''-l ^ P*yetteT’ll'» ?bp Is s:ipvos?d to bi> ab.’tif the town 1 — TriTt. m v * Ssul wotcan’s B'xtiV'' it) Be'S-'y, and jn of medium t*igbt j cho^^tlQgS, COttOtt zam and TODaOOO. dark oomilexion. and a fall suit of bsir. I will giv' j ■* ■* 3HEKTING; the above reward to any one who will dsliver her to me i UvUU 1000 Bundles Cotton Tarn; at the Arsenal, or eonfine her in jail. MATTBSW P. Afcuae. TATLO& M-tf 60 Boxes Me^featered lobaooo. for sale W li VOOUL Mayas. fi-lm Wan ted—Wood Eand. The nndersigJi*^ will give a fair price for a well wooded tract of LAND of l»W or 200 acres, oa the Railroad at Bny point between Jonenboro’ and Fayetteville. Wood, IHtch pine boxed or unboxed ^ ^ HENRY B. CK)LTOR, Agent F. K. Ca nyetlevlUe, ApcU l». **»f Saving Uer —Just fel >re Grierson made his way to West Fmot. confi erame alarm preci'ded him throng* out the ouuntry where he was ext octed to travel, and eve y p* rnun di i all he conld to sBve his moveable. pr'>p«-’‘ty, lo prevent its being stclen. A certain oid lauy a short dia- tance from West Point, l-Brni"!? that tbe advanee guard of the maraunug p^ny were within a snort distance of her home, was in gr«-Bt distretis as to wi'at disposition she should make of her bacon, SB she bad a quantity ia htr smokehouse. She stood wringing her hands and crying out, “my conscience” “bUss my soul,” “where on the f^ce of the yearth can 1 hide my meat from these conn'd Yankees?” ^ * The Yankees hove in sight On t*>e instant a brilliant idea struck the old ladv, and she aung out to her son, ‘‘You Jeemta, come here and help me throw this meat into the yard ” And at it they went, spreading the yard with bacon. In a few moments the Yankees made their ap pearance, and dashed into the yard The first thing they saw, of conrsc, waathe meat, ‘‘Ah* ax- lelttmed one,.“you have got plenty of meat here; xh« very thing we want.” Tbe old laJy being alose by and listening, replied; «‘YfS we have . «oC plenty of meat here, auch as if w; h \ve it and welcome, for I shant tcuch a mouti fa Iob'T a* I live; for this mcrning. the de’^ed reba goe ITS c»me here and took. ® and done aometbing wi'h it. ar«d flting t m “ d «d thar it can 1-y ti» rots before I «t it - ’ Tankeea took the hint--ihoi^ht it waa Blank Warranta lor here* The poiaoBi ^ ahs iMrik Mmm \