Iter Wind hi Ina of proriti*^ d whidi h« xaj- le Ilia •x«in|itiJI mt or to Ui« t'tn. xed by the Coi»- iar tb« impr««^ »n7 peitom tx- entitled to t r ajQoont in thr»e n: rr®vided fj*-. vithio tJi* proT*. 1 not bt depriT%4 e’ison of hftvin* lay of Fttb. 1964- .regoing exein^ ir, uiider tk# di- *y o\etu|»t itr d*- he may [>« iati»- d on acoouiiL *f isuro tlio pr.Kiuo- rov.^ii,,urt f,jr th* >ldiers. He «UHT, detail*, on »ucL >«, to mich oT*r. « ha luny he sai. to the counrry i^ than in the mlli- 18ueh exeiuptiuo iirmttr, planter er tly to employ ig JHpitul and labor iini of grain and Ciovernineui arid >rice6 not exceed- i for like »rticl«* the 8tute under irer, auditor »nd tmd c«>inpany eo- the Government, ioyeea thereof m ident shall certi^ e to the efficient I: Provided, that axempted by thi§ >t exceed one per* wd in actual ut« And Aaid exemptc and descripttua, ho have lett the any, or who may contained shall the act approved led au act to ex* ring the mails ol id the drivers ut ‘om military s«r- the ttxemptions ail only continue tied are actually e pursuits or oo- lent be, and he ia ^t details, under ons to be issued , either of persons f age, or from the uea where, in his and neceesity re may revoke such ' ue tilanks proper. heaeiQ granted to itaiW and exemp- id to auihorzse tkf uny contractor fer • kind the Qo^- •J :untra«t, aoleas i«s l«partmeDt lua- Drtiiy that the pec* utractor are indiif of said coDtraet laii auy such coa- ly and taithfully, ition of such ooa* tail eiiail ceane. ting local boardi naiioii of persons no uiember com- jpointed from tiie ct in wuich they exaiuiuatiou. .teviaa, C.,) oBaa '6, ) urt of the Mails at aOHO', io. 4J P >1. »l P. M. tUVii.LS. \ d. at 9 P. M. MTUH »i 7 P. M. d Frii>*; 1 P. M. Sa^uri^j 6 P M. 'aurHait/ «l i t*. M. aE.lUN, -i**ar !■»/ *t > A. M. iarKtik/ at 1 P. M. fclfHrOMTN. i Fn.iky *1 6 A.. M. l-uurl^y !»t i P. M- P M. t»GU££K * P M OOVlNflTON raoT. olosed the •»«!> ba suat off lr«* » >>0 P4»i for M ili be pre-pAid from to ^ COOK. P M. lHea, ippljr a ROLl.ill C tUdPlNf, (U «fMraiiea. mlM apon publio oott* of ftU healiAj M year, for ring ta the proflw |« are iiuured da their valaa- in ttu dajrt afl^ - la relwp^d to Ji« dtate, aad M •iarf, EUieif^ UK, \^eai at llm O (DIB E B SC L ¥. \Oi Mil. KAYCTTEVfl.LK, N. C.. JUNE 6, \Sm. [NO. 1SS8.] PRFSTFD MONl-AYS -iSU THORSDaVH BOWARO J. HIW: & SOXS. nrrroRg and T^RopaitixoRg Priiaforfie .Seiui-Wf^ekly Ohohrviui JIO '"iO, p«i i in adTaocc. RAT1'.!!$ of freight, B»T«BU«BaO BY IHB PliOPBIVTOKa OF THK Vompaniet JtYtmlgaUng the Vapr Fear itimer. S*> U(> per auuuin. OtUd to Fer thp We«y advaao*. |fiiff‘ADVKRTlSEM.'?N'ra fo«- % l r-;r s B»re •f 12 Ihxft -',T 1',«a for fhe and on* f*o’i >r for each ■ncc«edinp publication A'?»wtiBerB ^rl' r? to •late tb« ntjrvber of ‘T.^lrsii, or 'hey be eonHr>-j> I '-V ‘•a-VM. nT 1 •itTlT AilTert’ji wti«emsn' af*F-Ot : ?JOTIOP.. Prcw t-S'.ff j V*#'. of I will be entvr^'l ^^ithoTTt pavmnnf i*j . .nc'~ "nr •wl'l i the paper be ^ent io ar-’S imh'»-'rU far i ’ i.^iror fsTie than is paid tc Sach of oar pM ■■^jtTi.-ribers 4*'I'* io i per on tb^eaf't''^' ^1’ p'»'»«■(» tio'jfy ■v»' remittances. Jas-.’T FEBRl^ART 1SA4. I j )5*CC»«. W T r^:* tJii ; H- oa. 1 ose, i- r t.>r ! ih\. r r hferrr-l 0:Uo 7;“' ■ -arrti* TIiV* pjr T'stt'.' F~’n, p*>r I ■«1>' 'rrr- CO iVe’r'.p, T'e- b’^1. C >i! r, . b vlfi r. rr W .,->^1 0>*v *f>. » =>r Sii .-.'i riip;- •i6 00 10 00 40 00 ■i (0 & (>0 5 0' 16 OU It* I>0 2 00 U) cO i j (?0 t’5 11^, .'fnh ' -i r jrr r. B.ttoraay at Isaw, Fatettfvillic, N. 0. IJ^ILL aUend the County and Superior Courts of »T Cuml>«rbr.l, Farnett. Moore ^ad H3be3on Coun ties. Pronjj.t '.ittcntlon ptcb tf> l>« of ail d&imi eEtru3tei to hi?- Oct. 17. 185^f Ss-if J « » r 1.1 T l. E vV ” ' tSro€«*' nttft FATKTl’KVlLLK. N C Jau’y 10. 18tlS OS-lf KXTTUS A. 3TKI»VA>. WH. H. BKBXAFD. H. A. ?%T!E»1IA'\ A: €*0., WHOLESALiS 15D RETAIL DEALERS A N X> co.^jsi»sioif iiEftrHiiLrvTa, J%«. 19, Uay atred^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ifiri) 20. 25tf fooi 12) fO Ro-Vtr. • ’off f*. V! r .~.c ■? b-rrp'. >hr..i rr-,'’jr »l. F'^h F »»k. Cri tJf’jti***! per I’’on*‘. p - h*rr«>l ' i jTT tr. 1 f)0- ilry $1 H own or vp Bay ftod F::dEr. •>er b'»’" R^d b- ^’T), r;*" 'or I'irc-, pi/. p*jr loi- r"r p«(s’' ?'n (’it'o per bArrel L^»fhor. pirti'le, 1 '0; ci'i, b-vle, ptr L"'Af5 per fnr M l i-^ses. 40 gr.lior.a, pi*;- li^rre* r. r;? -,r. per k-'j-, ‘26 it- » ppppnf Oil. in bbls . 81 frsJIonn, P'llt. in p*r ba^ 1 50: dilto. la fcb>, i 50 p=r bM Bin, per fv5V 1ft DO R''=!B j)!*r hnrral • 2 f-0 Pptrfra Turp"ntiDi^, per barrel S'i t> i;\ brif's, S. 'T ti’. '*1 . pines ^nd oir'ks, o'^r Rallsn i-i t . O-'Hi Vir Ion, f'l5; dl’lo, pr^r $10. otner frf.iiht? ia praporiion ■i 25 00 ^ 00 A 00 25 t o 00 2:' fo 6 00 ?5 00 25 00 3 00 1 CO 25 GO n Oft 1 60 20 (X) f- 0) 6 00 40 00 S 00 C'OTTO.^ €.1«».S Ho. lO. 7»HE F Y^ETTEVILJ.K COTTON C ' KD MANDFAf •- I TU‘iIN’GrOMP Yurenow maiiufacturiugCARDS euperior to any ran throuijh tba blocltadis, aod at present STH si-l'iitiK tor ili;ss privse ibe.-}iagl« pair or by tde qaan- tity. iiy porsou orderiiiy six or more paim. they will be «icur.‘iy packed aud deliv«er«jd iu WilmiugtoQ ft:«e of ex- pt‘u.-e. ‘.'ali upoQ cr addroso A. McKKTRAN. J. ■.voH.TH. L:'X. JOR.v'SON', ^r. F:«ttevil!e. N. April 18 24tf I‘re?byt{.‘r;in and ^'iirolinI»n copy. RosIji Oil Workj«. OUR Oil U iM ks Rre now in coiaplete operation, and as vrt* u«o nothiiig but ;;*>od nwin in pnxluein;^ the To tUff Pr?»3mm of Jao)bdrlaiid Co«ntf. O' i-.-t, I * caidi f >? ’hr efj . g:* Of' ;',imh.T!*o i onu >ty 'i ;a«ld I b“5 J I uii od'7 fi -ijraiJie *s ^efjrf ?« di'chirga it- Jh' ' wiiii r-. t jSj'tij- 1 -n f HUOTOH v!o’7Bir,i. V*. i*5 tr • The nmf~ of JAMES KlRmTRICK is * 'oirgM? .‘•BULTiUo i to ih« ▼oters of C«^i»bfl»»*( Mut Hs»r .s; (9 ' c l for aa a Rtprss*? tafiTe s»f fH> tf- C "or tUe H ftf Coinnmn* MANY VOTERS X**v Hv )fir.4, t»-if B' iiaiK I V 27. W« are requested to announce tA"^l*b S M 1^UKAM »■« a v:.t»ci .•iTit Or lo tS“ llcc!s?> cf-r>s fiota Riabt- Oil ▼.’e can recoiuiueiid it to be the best of the kind made in this country. It is a tine liubricating and Tanner’e _ tjil, and we would be "lad to receive orders from the I Government and the puliiic trenerHlly. We will wll oa j ^2r. (■'.(litor, WC Wish reasonable terms. MtiQKE, CASIIWELL »k CO. , y.i>ir c li'iui'g to 8!:if;jest ti’o ' aaiti of O'!! A. J Wn- April ]5. SJt-tf I iiCC'-'N yf RioVm ja'J Ovnutv *o -ft ru-eBt fbe t*rr«tor — - — - wT«Ti w ' *-*• U ''«'“• «'^'in-.; Ted of Rcd Rt>hr^.n, irt tLe KAGLb. I'OLINDIIY. » * Akh - nbly of North C irclin > We reEpeci- fc4uu-r •>iin'»o me 7otrn» wr rt*ofw> cttjint^c^. To tk* Totors mt SanFs«n Hmmmtf. BINO in e'^rvioe, 1 t.'tke this method ’■■f aBBavc** ing mycAif ^ Candida** to rerrtsctit the aaao^ I of Ss.nifaou !n the Housoof ComiBonaof theaaxt Le|t'>e I latiifft As U will be inp^sible for me te meet th* j (T0>h1 people • f oH 8“mp'>on (w'tboot an p*o5d"^nt) b« fore the Aojii8» fc]«*cfon, I c^a riiW eay that lay *ri*J Ciples are t o r«11 known to my onuaiymcn to a^Kit of "ry dou’^t as to »he coarse 1 ebal! purfue if eleoted Lcfiag my conttvy and bearinf a^nn in her defeoee, 1 c^n only e.dd "th'Nl whatever mny teed to her belt iatereitfl and iDdepfnd.*Et nHtioralHy," »ill he my aara- «?t d«a!r5 Id i^croi.ipHsfe, »nd to Euoh will my whole tiwe and taloriR be d>~To:«^ SoHoitiag the luff^afca ef mf eouatymsn, I am geotlenen. vour obd't lerv’t. J\ME3 R LA88ITBB. O,’ tSd Reg’t N. C. Trocpt Mav 27. 2« Im 00 UST OF CBARMES FOR PlSSGStiliiKS. The f^Ilow'.ng r'At«3 of Pi:«aftoro will hff i o»r — ;'f vT\R r-’ •ae V: lure v>; the niit >' tr -.v; th't i'tficiil*? C''U’'C'' ■* ~‘T -'s'"' furr.i-h -wb>-ela of th »«a^ 'tTT , hui. (>> pU of Irc ’j f ;r;»er nature, t'i -'•.bie ».'» etipt-ii* (4&y dt^!nand fnr 'jWfivcr, wi!' i: • o' tro' me jc tb^ *i i'v tir.j* we he abl" to fill.iTicf sii >s —24, 26. 'IB and 80 ir'o lee; alr.o l ri" * Th» Iron wi* etel! nse f,>r th-'T vi’.l be {■ U' P'x -» •• v^-r.o'-.t I'->n, i*id we wer- rnr.i '‘a; iNO!' TO «o b'^ *q-al ta any jo."!? ;n tb* *r 'c j' Wh'tney & S-'a'X'i Pr>ii->ie; '-i?. r-i'o'c: ;eicii *tiir issp w«lili«i->wn bj -i'.! R-ilroac ci»*r:pan!et. Hi> pr; p«if" * lo ciceate Loot?, l>ry SaE'i, a?>'i Ow.D S:iu » Wort. .)f s.T»pe or *(«•■* D ANDEv’80;-f ^ CO. Fave"«7?He, Murcrk }J 19i,f a e WOKTH. D. O WtKTH. K. O. CASIII. WORTH & CO^ Commission aud Forwarding Merchants, ff'Wer Strert^ WILMINGTON, N 0 Oct. 18, 18^. 78 r^m WAiVTJKfi*. 2 “'AA BUSHELS’ WHEAT, ^IFU 1,600 •• CORN. 1 ersons haTinst *h" K'"o'*'e articir^ to wiii roc**l?e the bigh68i Cas.'* cr-cc -i'tUirtt cn 'Jr. >•! Thr-.r^vcn., at the Mercbarit S!;'!' Fhj .•i-'^!l1e. cr c" ^>-3 «nbs.'ri- b«r at his old r~\ >T .t-Vc* S-,'i-’'re AT^f.X. JCU'JW?. Jr Sot. 5, 1862 7';tf WOWxX Fro’a Faycttevillo to ViTilminftfoa, *80 00 “ *• *• Elizabeth, 15 Ot) •• White lUll, 20 (K) .. t Cove, 21 00 '• “ -\11 points below. •0 00 SECOND CliASS, OH OKOK. From Fayette e to Wiiminirtoa. *20 00 •• “ BHjsbeth. 10 00 >' •* •' Whitehall. 15 00 ‘ " Kelly’s Cove, 15 00 • “ •• Ail oolnta below. ■JO 00 UP. From Wilaioffion to Favettev.Ue, S80 00 •• •' Kelly’s Cove, 13 50 “ Whit« HaU. 16 6'> •• “ “ Eusabetb. 20 00 •• “ Prospect Hi^ll, 24 00 ** •* “ All points a.bove. SO 0(1 8K00ND CLA88, Oft DSOK Frotn Wiltn’.nEion *0 Fiyet!*'V\il--: f20 00 «• “ “ K>ily’f Covf, !0 00 ri “ “ V’hite n’vli ar.d Elitabeth, I t 00 «« “ “ All oo;r»B nocTp, 2# 00 l.tiilMCATli^G Ollx. '’I'iiK n ••■.•'•.a vi 1.1 I, jf tit fMrtjiHb ■> *be ,1 Mii-'t.; ^ v^ry >>i.i»:rior f,r?-cl“ f.DUKlC ■VTI.-';'.! (.»Uj e^ptci'xlly far ^affc.n -mi ^aoltn F’tftoriet 'Vo c‘-nn •?>*.• iniH Oii ".'“p -.Ol jru «i, h.’j > I *' ruu 't g'-.-v'- r p^*r?.-T :r»a ^sy other Oi! 3iJ»-pl fyrrs'.. 'd'- W H Pcrtcr, S'l'perinfspJe::! of Pta^ix Ceitan FiC! -ry siyr of il: ••! ha^e h?an an your Lubricai- 1 »' .r ‘i i>r C -uDnfS.i, and fled it - be tuperior to v.v' other O'’ nv.T in u»p for iubrioa'ing.” r Cersh^TT, Bnp’t of Bloufct’e Crtsel Pac'ory, gsvs; ‘T oaa cioer.'u;!y say your labrio^iing 0:1 ia » «Mi.T.or f'tiele. It i^oed not gum in the leMt, bni keeps ihe joe: n!»l* •■’le^r '»»d br;i;bi ” Mr A F Bcok'^r Ute. CiaVf Bnticeer of the 0 8 Arss- n-j,l aad .\rradry of this plaoe, was requested to try it and siys: • 1 thirk f'T licht mMhiaery—^uohaaCsHon F*oi-ric*—vul for .Hc»vy icaohinery wHen thr Diutioc 18 rI.'w. yjar Labris.tir^OU will canjparc next in qual Ity to Sperm ’’ Oiber Kauof^oturerH hare tried it sad pro n'lunoa'i f*vor**)lT of it, HENRY E. COLTON. A|?ont FaTettuTille Karos^oe Co. April 4. 1804 20 tf hop U; r>i,v w!l! r\:'n»nn* to bi'come a c^ndi^ate. MAJiY onnSEHS 2/i Sft Stpd We are antlioriied aod r^qaested t6 israoBD'.'e Col B. F LltTLB m » candidate tc the ooanty of R cboi-:nd in the of CuajBoo’^iJ in the npxt L'gislatare 19 R4 te The Annual Sleeting of the Stoekholders of the f3»p-> Fear Navi*aiion Company wid be held ia tho To^a Hall in F’»jeti«Tille on Friday Jnae M. 1864, at 12 o’clock. M. w N ' irea* r May 23. a6-‘i» The Annnal Meeting of the Stockholdtrs of t'.e F«y»tteTillo Lirbi CoBniany wiil be held la the Town HaH iu Fayetteville on Thursday Jana 9'b, 18b4, at 12 o’clock. M W N. TltLINQUAST, Treas’r. May 28 «fi St 21 W L'e We are anttioriied to aonoance JOan A. i^'i.lQ, M. a c inc^ida;*: !'«r re to ibe cffice of t^heriff for tH« ooa?ty of R»ch- t5 f>tpd-ta ‘ We are antborlied to ann«anee i. B. .V! KILL a« a oani>d ^.i.« K r -htt oitioe i f Fh*nff th» eoan«y ef RiooEioni at the ui. eleoiicc. g4 9i;.d FajettcvUIe Arsenal and Araorj, > Mat 29. 1864. / WAnTED, TO rent, a pasfu'c for B'>vnT)ty head of horse*. A fair pr’ce "rill be S*’d pajsiare moat be within 10 f r 12 miles cf ray«ttcti‘l*!. Apply to 8«tf 1 M*j TAYLOa, at the ArMnaL Ko»iii Oil. Wcareaiithoriz«d io aunoaiicc KOByRT VI MoNAlS of Co. C, l«t r» O B*tK«H30 Ar iilery, aa a Cancfidata for the cffiae of SHERIFF ef R besr.a *’Oun y. M -y 20 «4 19tpd •9T We respectfully recomnaend Lieut. JOSSPd A MoARTHUR, ef Co. L 61ei Reg’t N. C. T , ae a CftndiJate to represent ub in the Honee of ('omm'^ns of ihe nfxt Le^'!*Utare from Curabstland and Harnett oouniK e. L MoArthnr ia a devoted man to hie conn- try's cAue and haa been ia the war ever sinee il began, aod hs w'.ll make os a good Repreeeniative. 32 Itpd te M\NY B0LDIER8. We resBeootfally rtoommend NEILL McK.AY, £«q . as a oandidate for re-election to a seat io the next House of OjmmoBS from C.»mb«”'!'w.l aad Himelt coaaties. MANY CITIZENS. ,M*y 2. 29 ’ip J*»e ^on i Jl»~v U'ct ra'«ppirrr^ musi Ft%y on low**r lesk or pav fall nrior or .-am: as Fir»t C!af8 m" An ex^ra charge will Ijo nadc f-ir Way P*.->8«n- ect'.ia^ ;nfo D^rth*! dnring -iev ti:r«, »0'J ftir''*fni- pT?rt a UcrttJ with iJiair Loct or Hhcss oo. *t the dii* I AM prepa-c l »o'a'' -5-e all kin 's »f Wagon Harnees for Arro? ti«je. 1 'an Jr.y k'»‘-her sxnd can ^ _ pTe go*.‘d barjr\jr^. will do well lo send Ibsir | nrpfi.-ri of ;!>« C%pt*io. ordexn to me at y ?"4U H>t7« p'-atnj)* -‘*«T5on. | j. \ WOP.TH. for ‘ Bent o8 in qaio’t JuS’l I VRTF?^ Ooldatoa P. w . Ch^^^'’tn Co., S C., i in, \X132 i‘ r,fia Ti’; Co., T, 8 LDTTERLOH, for 8fr N C R. M ORRELL, for Pfrs Kite and 8aj' 1864. 84 lro*lBti 900 .*r«bic tor ! J ‘I *i>0t 16. W ‘ '(tf .%tt«r rt«te I will 15 C'TV v»f ^onvi t‘ir .raye, o? t»o r.i^’ifcP* r!*r>i-i price, doliTerpd in ' . MTKPaY FVs'y 1«. 18ft4 * Wanted to Pnrt’bafic, ESTERN RAIL ROat> iXT'KK: Bank No ee; Oold and Silver, Ncrth Carolic^ Nosvs (rnnd*bli!: i « “ *• $1 anJ %‘£: «• '• ' Bjsie, old nrii an;-. County t-* Cuioberl-’.nd B-nd*; Town of Fay«tteTiHi' Green.-^oro’ fl *nd i'Z Ortiflc'*.*^*; Confederate 7 ar.t 8 por Bon lav, Coupons of Jl-j.OOy.OOO lo'in; " of Town aad Cjnnt” Bon in: of o\i Ni‘».th t >iroiiuft Douis: T. B. LUTTEHLOH. Oct. 12, 1863. 7iU Mav 20 WEST«AI5^ BOAlf. The FRElOfiT AND PASSENGPIR TRAINU of this Road leaTC Fiyeitevil’e daily, (Sundcy-i excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., arid returning lea-ra Egypt at 1 o’cloox. P. M. Ctttle aud Bunt Tratn. MONDAY, WEDNBSDAT a,-. I FP.IDAY. By order JNO. M. R08B, "^eaa'p and GenM Trans. A^’t. Jun. 22, 1883 9Ttf ia.} Oa>!>ANtK 3RI*Al?T.'«RNT, llAi.»ion N M’ij 8, 18ija LE.\D WANT5?T>.—I wi3ti to pur .'U?.-') Loifd f'or this I>ep»rtfl)ept h tiI’? or rtoSII tiiiett n.H ple»>*‘ “"piy m i pound »f POWDER for pc’ir.i?, o' i.EAD 1) HOGG, Capt. C 8. Iti o.Tirir*- of OrdnH,Dce ^noxit:f: Ti» rA»neks, STRAW WANTKT>. WANTED imtne^ia'o’y for ib^ -r t T=-->- t%p at F*yettevi';e, 20 OO'O p'-nc^Vi .t W ^ r r'-ok a'« CT From and after tlii^ d&t« the Steamer A. P. HURT wiil UaTi* at 8 o'clock, A. M., on Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. WORTS. April 6—17tf ] Aff’t C. F. SUam Beat Co. FAYETTEVILLE JUiTljAL ISSCR.\NCE COSPA.W, fEco.Q I’sr:-: ts li SHOttKNU BUrtNtliQ OIL in yiiir- i Tii‘ of •' r 10 J25 I' T g-Ul.'u; tin J- .f lo to J *dJji.ion-i>, Sai'.t zt^m or k*.gs «.!!»’» 0 n»:in'C5t. Ttis »4 ««■ » } n Oil a\n be male withoni the ! mtcare ».- t A'a J ol, wUi'.o it i« Irapos'iS'a n-jw to Oji.'iie. T le frick tsi'” 0* no orJn;*ry K -. oeone !*au * S'.'UM ^>9 lit;' ti" I? .'g. b'.-w- I 1 J wa m iJJpi;-*. j ?. ii' ••. 1 , .;p ar.-i iij.-.’’ ;ur oii l>’:rr.» ▼•.•b''Jt rmoke • ■ .'.lit *s rnT'."* b"i* inc” aov N jrtbern Korosene. K Co'.itjN Ar.’« ? K Co. ' A ! FajcttcTilie Aneaal aed irraory,) i Not. 12. 18t)8. ( BOU3JTV. KiHemen, A* UrHOHlTY saTine botn ^ran'el by I'ae D?- pir^kmeiit ii r,-*i'- a CvapaDy of Mouatfd Kifl“uien ; for serTise in ibm unitee is hereby giren tht^t rt niii.9 «.» ihi number &f lOU »';n-conscript9 will be re- ! oeived for this ssrvice. t-Ach. recruit will be required to furninh a aerTioeabla horee, for whioa he wiil ba al- ! I'l’.fsd 40 cents par diesis, and hia p;»y f 12 per micth. j \^~itt€n rcmiukiti w;U be reqajrad front parents or i gu-ir-i’an*. wQire tte appUoant la aaJe’* Ihe censfript j ag . 1 Fi ,h r-'Cfuit must bring with him a blanket or bed i «pr.- id, and c>^iu^ pre;*i*red te renBuia saddles, h^lion ,tnd :«;,ddle blanket? fa”oi«h- ed the GoT6nim«nt, or if the recruit ooae^ preTidcd I with them, he riji tio paid for tnem a fair Taluation. j Apply to Cap». M4TTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar- aen»l ' F. L. CHILDS, 80i.f ] Major C. 8 A. Conid’j^ Post. We are ttsthoriied to anseance t- rd. MCilDOCU McRAB aa a candidate f»r re election to the Houue of ('ommoos from Robeson county. April 27 27-2m To l!ao Voters ol Harnett County. TKF un‘i*~a go'd, a priTVe in Ca A, 6th N O. Cm- alvy, Ji.iTiiif been solii-itad by seme of bin fneuds, r.,M K-,^~»u t* iVf soldiers and cit* X Qfl a' Him-?»t coiiiitj as a -andidate fjr tba OAyi of t^HERlFF M *he el*«(.:»9 aa tli^ first Thursday ia An- p >1 D'xt. S.^MUV.L D riPKTN March 21. 17 2ttpd Capital in Pramiura Notes amccnts to Caph on band and otbcr *267,688 -.ib 6,077 35 Total, f272,705 16 The Company hare peid all losses promptly, and b**"** novor made an asasPRmcat on their premium notee. Total loeses raid, J20,682 OTFioxsf: GBO. McSJElLL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice Prea. lent C. A. MoMlLLAN, Seo’y. Din.KCT.iT-s: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillingh»*t II. L. 'Myrover. S. J. Hinsdale, S. T Hawioy, Wa. MoI.»urin, N«.t'tan A. Siedjoaan. T. 3. L'ltterloh, To the CUticna and Sotdlen of Harnett. 4 T the ■elicitation of mauy of my frieuds 1 respectfully A. announce myself a candidate for re-election to the oClce of Sli'-riff for the county of Harnett. Profoandly (^i-ttt 'fu! to my friendV both at home aud in the A ray for the very jriMierous support heretofore reeeiTed at tiieir haud«. I can 'baly plcd.i^e that pbould they again loaai- fei*t their confldence by re-eleotiug me I will, a» hereto fore, mrre them promptly aad impartially. Very rospectfnlly, JAS. R. GRADY. April IS. 24-te A’ a. B. Iklallctt, Rjie, A A. M-jKcthan. J. D. v^iUiams. Mticleon haai wiH c.m^r a beu fit cn ts-'r r-.« wionded io'dicrs by brinKis.^ i*- A ^ ir rn be paid. Applyjo llUAPkTEHM V9TEH tha FayetteT^le ^rien* Arai>.ry, .ipriJ 4. 2J^ ■ Egypt Co?sJ! Mine. The undcrsiEaed wrre, at the Norctnuer Terra of tue Confederate Court. £>i«tTtct of North Carolina, ap pointed Managf-re of tho t’gypt Mine property, nnd hate entered into copartn-.roHip for the pntp^te ol micipK and 8«lUnic Co?-l, »ad solicit oid^ru for the samt in u*y desired quautitv. Ordei-! for aay amonnt oao supplied OE •’iiori oum?**. Th ? Ccal from this pro perty is undoubt« *'y ttie beet tn the Confederate SUie» Appln:attoc8 jt ly t c :ae ic to ChiB B Mallett, Fayet*«- tU1« N. C.. O'- laiai« D^'owne, Charl.:«ou. S O CHARLES B. MALLEiT JAMK8 CROWNK Fayf»teTiD“. 20. WANTED, lor the H.oBpltal at Fort Fisher. P\)OLTRY, Ct>'ckci3, liutter aad other deliOMies for the sick Soidiers at thi?j Hospital. Persons having these articles can obtain the market price on applica- tia to tho snbscribisr at hie old gi»nd or a». Mr J. W. Powers’s OB H«vv SfrMt. o R. B. IIEIDK, Oea l Ag L AnfcW. «Ji50 llEWrilfS?. R1N\W.VY I- O -t- d.iOW'rTn;ir ,> ■ :u 17th iiet . TO} noitr Doy. JOHN l*i y*'-rs ..ii, ^hm f> ret high, and w^iahs •bm- IWJ lbs. I woai t f.viiion SteAm L*oi.t vwnere oc the Ri^ff • lo'unr him .n bo^rd of #ny ot their Voats. Tuo *.hoTtJ rew^ri w ;l ba pti l for kia apprehens'OD an^ con&Acmcnt ia any J*it so that I oan get bim. ^ AYER- Fayeue«)lle, May S3-9lp-d The Fariiier«’ and Plaatcrs’ Al» MaiiM for ISM. A fsw uooe more iodt reoeiTed. Ii^u. 9. dAU * 80SB. A. Vf. Steel, J. a. c«ok, Elou. J. Q. Shepherd, ‘^oir-ta aud C. C. McCrammcu, Tr^veUng ’or'pany inr't»i ».noHo»Mo»ia. HT I'* 4,'ow ^^trayed. ABRO'^N COW, marked with smooth crop and un Jsr- bit both ears, medium sise Any inforniat’oa will I'O.’CFKDEKiTK STiTKS OF AMBKICA, ) SaaiaisisR Diipartmbmt, Dist. Cara Faaa, > ffi.miugion, N, C , M^rcb l^th, 1868. j Notice is hereby given to *11 p?rsons kavinj claims K»sin~t t^o Enziii '*r D.'parliTjenf., for scr»!oo3 of wtnifea eKploy«d sn laborrrs ou .tue land dtfencts naar Wi!.TiiC£;;.;ti, 'J C, that tka nndi'rslgn^d isauihvrised ai.d prtp=irrd to p iy iho same at hi« elEcc, on 8*^ coikI fl->or of th“ bntldiiiK n.-xt abuTe Meares' Drug Stor**, Murkoi PcrBoiis eTiCtiting PoTrer^ of Attorney will ob- Bfr'ic the f.iiiow'.Eg form—si(rn«turea, in all casec, ta be r-ii’iM ed b? t»o wtine»t>'9 snd signed in do^'li- 0!i;a, cr 'iit:y m»y b« wnivseoa before a Jn.fliice of the Petoe or Cl ik c -cy Cnort FORM or rOWKR of .ATfORNEY. I, of , do h«-ri'by appsint , of , «>y true aud l.>^wfu! Ajcf at to cipti •^^^eipts^foi^ I ?^'' TfoRf«d-ir!wi.f- Gi»te» «f A«ncrio>i, for tUv; tei*io;ft of mj aVvcu tUiolyysd ai Uborers on the Had defcnce® at , du'"ir>g tl’c noElh af , 186 Witness my h.-^n.^ nci real at —the - day of , 18. (Signed *n Jnr*’-.cM?.) ] Wit^esse 250 M>»y 26 BBLS. aUPKRK« QUALITY OF R03TN OIL- 600 May JCC.V r/IJS BI.OCU.tMtB. WM. MICI.HTIBI! H«8 r»/(j«t***d «ad fffera for sal*: OROBS ENGLISii noNR PANT BUTTON*; ’ C«se Madder Prin's, 1.612 yds ; I Oaf« Biack and WMte Musl.ns, I jU., 1 Bale Searlrt Fiann*!, all Wool, 67* yds ; 20 D-x O^.nts Neok Tiph. Fancy; 20 Reuua Ruled Note Pajiar; 1 Casa 8w»l Pens. 1000 boxe.g; 1 Case Kp Broean Shoas, 69 pairs; 1 Case Koires and Forks, 200 seta, anartedf 6 Barrels Aim?, 1,876 lbs ; 6 Ttanrels Sngl'sh Qreea Copperas, 1,44# Ike? 8 Kegs itefined Bo'a*, Ibi; 6 Barrels Eps-'^m 8aH. 5^0 lbs; 1 Barrel CaB»t>hor, 1^7 lbs; 1 Bble Shoe Threfsd, 87 lbs; 3 Bags Black Pepper, 268 lbs :s M-tw The Confederate Tax Aa*€»»or« for Bladen Ci>unty will attend at the foliowlag times and places >0 receive the listp of property »n4 ati^er nu'j.c s cf ttxitton f>r IS64, also the additianal tax** on iiiOonJCH cr pr'fl s fnr ItBS, and the ^aartrcrly ratiUM to 81et Marob 1864, Tix: Hollow, %f-.nd!»y June 6th White 0»k. Tuesday Jnne 7ih. Beav.*r Wednesday Jnne. Stli. Colly, Thursday June 9vh. Freuoh’s «'reek, Friday Jrine lOtk. Carver’s Cref’k. Monday Juc« llth- • White’s Creek, Tnesd y June 14tk. Browr MarfiU. Wtdnesd^y June 16th. i BJadeatboro’, Thura»y June ItJih- ^ 1 Elisa eihtowji, Friday and gatarday June 1 fc | The collcctor will attend the aboeaappainimeB!* t« , receive all arrearajtes of Taiee. Ponetual atteadta*a | is r«qair«d W A /iTIINiOS, 1 H. WHITE, Mamachutetfi.—^This State was del’D^uent aii4 raitoroDS in every war of the old Uoioo. She was bitter against taxation and threw OT*r tht tea io 1776; but she was not faithful in the field, aad never could be argued or goaded into sending h#t quota of men to meet the enemy. She TOtcd (ke war of 1812 unholy, acd iurniahcd ao i»en. When war was declared with Mcx1m), she TOted hergolf out of the Union. Nctwitls*anding all this dislo^'alty, it waa supposed that her fanatioisn and malignity would prt n-ipt her to send men freely to war upon her former sifter States of the Soatfc, and desolate their lands. At first sh? exhibited (Treat fire. A« time has pssst^d, thoogh, we find her ghowing hor old proponsity to Ivt ©then fight while she makes monet’. It is annoaneed, on the authority of Boston paj ere, 'hat “Masgachoectta has enlisted fifteen hundred Germans, who are now on their way out to this (that—TT. 8 ) ®..aDtry, to help to fill the quota ol that Slate in the Federal army.” It lurtl:er aDDoaoces “that negre eolo« nists, who have j'JBt returned from Hayti, hare l>«ea onlisttxi ior a sin.ilar purpose.’’ That ia Mas8achu.settfc! She ‘‘has levied,” rays a New York paper, upon all parts ot the country, acd all races fiU the ranks ot her “regiments ia t^e field.” She will pay monry, she will enlist the very devils from_heli to d- strny the South, but ter own people are tired of lueeting the Southern soldier in the field, and desire to bend others ia their places. ThiH is Alasfacbu.oettf! the Pando* ra’s box of North Americ*, which has covered the continent with evils —Richmond DitpaUk Yankee Tricks.—The reporter of the Ridh* mond Ditipatch was ir^fortntd by officers who ar* rived on the lafct flag ui truce boat that bcfcre sclccting thope who were to be sent South by flag of truce, orders were received at Johnston's Island that none should be fixed upon whose woutds had thoroughly healed, the object being that no one should return home who could pos'^ibly re-enter the service. It was geperally understood for some days prior to their dr|,arture that Ghen. Trimble, who has lost one of.his lin.b^i, would be among the number, but on reachinft his ease (he officer having the matter in charge telegraphed to President Lincoln what should be done about it Lincoln’s replv was to aso'^rtain whether h« would be likely to enter the Confederate service if s«nt home. Upon interrogating the General as to hia ability to do so, t^e old patriot, not understanding the trick, with his usual candor, promptly an- swerd, “Oh, yee, I think I am in good eondition to enter the service,” whereupon he was ordered to stand aside General Trinible is still a prison* er at Johnston’s Island. To t'le t'Uiiens and Soldiers of Roheson CoBstj T I? e "eqi?st and solici^aiioc of many friends, snl- diors and cliiaeos, 1 fennouDce myscK a candidate lo repros’nt ih« county of Rihesou in tho n-i* Leg’i latnre I woaM be pleased to att«nd the d-£foreat pre oincts of the county before lae el’etion, but »s the en** my ii prava" u« to give ns » fijjht "ood, I f?ar I nnall nr t be ab!o to meet yon I only %ak you, my fellow citii»n>!, while the oandl-1»tes at home »’-e addrcsf in? yco, to remember that I. with t*!c la.^ay soldlrra who bwve s'l'cited me to albw mr n»me to run, am prohibit ed from the pleasure of ra?&t'og y.;u, by sian^jss; in de f'nc’* of yoar pr ipart/, yoar ri^ats your 'iht^liep Ard to you. broth»r rrldier^, who h*vo eoBtrcrrl” aoli- eited t-» i-eoome a candidate, I oaa cn'y tb»ok yon (or this riin:f»p!.ition of ootifl ieiioe, and prc'nsise, if c!.*ef“ t' k^'P a vig:Urt eye to yoar righta, y*inr honor %T«d yo'ir oon!!fofts If defMtod, I sh»U willingly rc- T)a> » {wbi'rj I been for three years) in daf-.noe cf :h>* 0 ’lotry. wSils Ihowe chaicn ^ill l»*gi«‘!*te, proving fOT i3i^ happy d%y, -vhen onr indepen'Jcttce is ackmwl ■} and we aU bealb-wfid to return t'l our hooten “to enj'-y th/* reward of oar “uffiriags” an independent, Dro»!''er!'f’8 and hnppy piopta. I i*-*, f'l'ow citittns, and brother soldiers, yonr hunj- hle^erTaui. dOHN H MoLEKN, Co Q. 2^th Rjjt’t N C. T. Mav 9. 8' 3 n-?*e ba c>cer'ul'y received, and a liberal reward pt'd for her ’■eoovery, by Mrs. E. M. WALKER. n^>iaouat, May 19 SSlf Kxceiitor’s Sale. BT .'\n order of the Court of Pi.-»s and Quarter Sea pinna of Caai'"'erUrd County, the fiu^dcriber, ac hxccutor of Neill Wilkicsan. dar’d, wid expo .c to public P4l» on Vonday o'June Court, 18i4. thoUnd bKloacinft to .’ait eHta*fl, ccptaining 125 Aores more or less, lyicf on the E \9t 8:d'’ -f C»po Fas'" River, adjoining tne laada of 'dclKnscl f^vid otherii. T.rtnn at s;.!* D T>RRBNCE, Ex’r. April 9 jfg'oua Alil>~OATS.’ Flour and O,\Tfl win bo exch'ins'ed for Corn at »,he Store of D McLaorin, by giving him a few d^ys wotiofl. Flour »rood. Or.ta No. 1. Waek or white^ .Tskn’^f 2ft ~RA«S! RA«S!!->The infe- rior quality of tfte p.p€r on which the Observer hae been printed of late, ar.d whie.ti iiTa pcreat eye-sore to 'ik ie jwIds to the want of a enPiyi'ntnapply cfg >od r-g^, *nd i*jo C'^n'Cqueot oeo- ewtty lo rrHor«. i» inf* ric- rnatcri.-via Wc .appe»l to the friands of i^e Ob9‘rver at. rd! MceR»ible poiti'9, to save up *nd brio^ to town ad the rape they 0‘vn pro :ure. We have no titne ooraelvso to atleid to ‘heir purohaao, but Messrs. Oeo W. Wjllianis A Co., the Ag?&ta in this tona ef Mr. ^5^^Dhy, will pay 16 oeots per lb. for Ihesv E J. HALB & 80N3- FeVy 16. ‘2-tf Tb« siy,natures of oo •>iel r jrs >va sh-'in'-d witness'* by ttiri'e witr. 'BPefl Th?.r* ranjit b*> sep'vr.ite dnpllcatc of Attorney for eac.h month. Elsnk forna# can ha t'aJ upou appli Ciition »t tiSc''. H JAVe?, n^pt. A Chief Ea?. Jan’yIZO, I8ti4 ISOvi'f i:i^vr€8S3-':?r. LOT o/supsraoil .M.vTvJH£.% r-r -^19 by J.\ri. G COOK 81 dvr W S'i’sabe>blown. May 21. tl-tl5J LlRtiK SALE oFiro By virtue of the power Tested in ns by the will #f the late Dr A Malloy, we will eeil at •(•wartsville, Richmond oonnty, N C , on Thursday 9th day ef Jaae next, A Large Lot of Handsome Parlor Furni ture aad Carpets. Also, a large amount of CanmbDr FuraUare, ro'oes. Bureaus. Mfct- ir€8P€?i» aud Bg*! Furniture, all in good keepiiijT. Also, ft Itrg' lot of Dining Room and Eitolien Fnrnitire, Ta‘bic3, Crockjry, Coina and Qlass Wars, Pots, QveaSi Ccokiut Stoviw, &o A''., with a great variety of FDL HOUSE ESKPING arlio'es not to be purcbaiad frcm first bar,da AIno, Carria«e and Harnaea, Wafcn ■O'! *?nga, *nl Cot*? and C«l^a*. A^so, a deiecv. Lii'r*»ry ot v»lua*'le B>3a« Tae sale w>ll be larce and ih« lertns U^wal JOHN A INGL18. ‘ DUX-aN MfLt^T, CH^iS MALLOT. W. H. COiT, May2^^ 18«4. Bx’rs. tS 2t 9TRAYCU, Under the caption of “Specimens of GabemaS orial Literature,” tho Standard quotes the iol* lowing aa having been uuered bj Gov. Yanoei while in Virginia: ^ ‘‘Boys, if you want peace yon muft go to the heart of Pennsylvania, and there fiicht till hell freezes over as Lard as a lightwood knot." “Boys, when you w^'ip Grant I will send each of you «k kottio of wbiokcj, wUU cuwu^ii «WSM to sweeten it.” *'Boj9, you must fight till yon fill hell so faH ot Yankees that their teet will stick out of the windows ” We understaBd from gentlemen who heard every speech the Governor made to the soldiers ; io Virgioia, that he used no such langnsge ee ! ascribed to him by the Stsnda'^ d—and that the above is a total perversion of what the Governor did say^—Raleigh Contervatitt. Gen. Folignnc—Gen. Polignac, recently made Maj. General, for his gallant cocduot in the re> cent Louisiana battles, ia a French Prince. Da ring February last, he marched with three regi ments, 45 miles, crossing three rivers in flat boats, in 36 hours; then drove the Yankees in Vidalia to the protection of their gunboats, and held them at bay, while he removed all tiiat was valuable in the town and on the neighboring ptantatbns, and leisurely retired, carrying off all the horses, mules, and bseves, that he could find, to his eamps at Harrisonburg, La. The attack on Vidalia was made in full view of thousands of spectators who thronged the bloffs and houses of Natchcs, which place was directly opposite. Our loroes remained in Vidalia a whole day, the gunboats harm’essly firing at them all tho while. The OoniWderatfP numbered 700—the Federals over 3000. The Yankett giving nw^y the landn rf tK» Sou*h.—Late Northern pa{cra bring accounts ef the passage, in the House of Keprepentativos of the Federal Congress, of a bill to give as home- ! s^^eads to aoldiers and sailors, wit/iout regard (o c«nfiM,tci lands i. iMurfeotionwj rr SAOaO A VU v 9 The Cedar FaISs Bob bin • are ni*r pr‘»par' d to f tru: '••. a* flhori roiio?, *ti kindn of BOByiNfl. SPOt'l.^ J QiJlIi 8, *0 , for Woolen and Cott'jn Oeri»r F^li• 2? J .M N C . Mar 7, 1S64 ODSL'- \(rcnt. 80 lOtpd Blank Warrama far Mde bore. S^tTKR -' f s;3!’d D *.Y eA.LT, t>' be ♦x‘b\nf'sd f t C-.’^n. Apvly -1A6. G COOK 'i„T Sn- 4rr ^^50 8S.e»y«5*d. RANAWat fro’^ til? enb;arihi:r, » t^EGRQ >^)MAK. | > hirrd th-3 'et Jh.. y la »4, from Mr. A W gie.-'l J tt.yett-'-.i'Jr j.SGnp;:. -cedto i*S.:Ki the town wm j 8a’d’)' natae i." Ss'-.vy, and i“ of icedlao ije'jbt ] dark oom--le»io’?, a»."i a f«l! *"u^t of,Jnvr. I will f.iv» ' the above i0Ka“d to an» eaf^ wbo will deliver her to me i at the Aroenal, or oonfiae her in jail. | KATTBKW p. VATL09 Aflil 28» T aim IS BfiOARD TO THE *SOlTTilfiaN HEPATIC P1LL8.” 1THET *ire prepared fr^’m the beet qu'^lity of \Iedi , cined by ibe disoovarer, now an aged Miaie*-;r of ! ilie G ;spe5, and are S'fe. 9 Tn^Jtr'• been known for years and to’ted by thoui\nd'!. 3. I'ive *'niidr;>d persons are known to have been cured by n;em 4. Tiicy are a"** reaomfoended by the proprietor fcr ev^ryihir.jr, but O'dj for diecases wluioh arise from die- i)riic»"r'i ii’*fri 6 D rcoMoae s.nd oer'iSoatcs aco.-nn aTiv each box, tnd t»'e=e arc from well known iTid oios? r«- Bivv'i ir. Jividu Is 6. Corr''-?:>’M5. n*» reectnrnend «bew be 15'od fcr I.iver [>js(««r,e, Cb'.iia arc^ Fnv^-rs, Pni‘U'' on5a. Jaundice- Dys- D'lton- ?!ver3. Biiioufl Bnrufuatiam, Wornii. Pieuri'^v, nronohitifl. Ac 7. a-:Tern' pc ulcmen state tba‘ the an.j of taese Pille ba*! b(^ n to Ihtni .•.'inu«kl savin*: of fr-an $’00 to S'2(K); fjo:: arc the best pUuUiion nicdioine erer oS'erod 10 the r'lblio. 8 Sum? phy-iicir'.nsof th«bi«rb'*9t Ptandiag pre^tcribf' thfin fo their pat.jects. and hsiudrfdv'af bot'S have be'D iioH (o re^nlir pTso’.itiouers 9 Duriog tha last qria’. tv’ 2 880 box^e havo b:ensold to two Drujct^iets, one i-a South ^\%r'»lina, end ons ia Ncrth C»roUna, and Goine time »>tT over 3 700 boiea were ortered by Dru(^giste in ons town in Virgtoia f©“ Price, $8 a box. f30 a doE>n boxes will be senf ti anv »ddres9 A very liberal diaoouo' to DraF?is!8 and oonntry mtrchants ^anh (new earrf ncy) t-o ioo’,icp\ay ordrre. .\-Jdre?8 QEO vr. DEEMS 0.^1 iaboro’. N. F'-^r t^lc 'n Feyet^^-ville by N. >t.odn[>»u it Co It'c’jiae'.aai by T. T N^'thinn; In WaiesVor.-i’ by Dr B.M a.'lt’ in A’Vn^rle by J. M Bific»; in ^liflton »?y ft *V>.»:-l«V p M.y 10 36-T6(j:d in th^ ea-e; sbeip *hi>e up the riVbt flamk and bally; | distriets.” h r foet f»rs wh te; bae horns fu'aed inward, or ai come call iheri cT-jr^ply .Kny persion kaowisg where sh#^ scri’ier, be Hbirally rewardel K. MONAGHAN Msy 28. *6 4-pJ ESAilfAWAY, From the euh?cr’ber. on the 29th April, my boy DENNIS, ar-i^ 27 year*, ai‘oui 6 feet 7 inohee hisb; very d»rk compl x o'l. and al*o a eoar on bia lett, >>anf, c:.nsed by f. tinrn, a>!d wtigbH about 170 poonda I will v)i.y fl-'iv d.:>l!»re for his arrest, or ooninement in any Jiil bo tb** I g-»t him »g(»jr. HUGH MoORXGOR. Eprlrgfiold, N. C., Ma- £8 8« «tpd $95 Steward. The 8«ibj.?-iber w;U pay t^-nlv-five dollar? reward for the aporah*»i:on tn i C'siineTnent (n j«il of a nejrs coy nawed APRIL, W.-j l^fi ti? p!ac-* in BUdeneouaty rn th' Sl-^t 'r. 8m 1 n-sro 25 ycare of ajre, ligM compl'oied, ab«u*’ C inori‘9 h>gh; he hae a war on one of bia iejr? a abov;- the »rV’« ia*de by aa *xe; he jij a rewarkaMy a.niTe, ttira, well ni*de negro It ie likely he n>%v ^e mik'ng hie wav np to Linoolnicn, tsB hi? wifa ha!3 be!»n reemtlr 'here by Dr H D. l^obinsfn. who ow;-n ftc'"; f>r S’? njty be to e*t t« ihe yuDkjee. J. W. LBSE8NB. Biksr’s Cr^fk Biikden Co , May 27. A Good H*ul—The Abioi'don Virginian of the aoth learns that a part of the 31bt 'I enneseee regiment captured 72 000 lbs «t Yankee bacon and the teams that hauled it, with their nngro — i drivers, in upper East Tennc»see, a tew days ago. They are now all safe in our hands. 86-8t Sent hack in iroua —8ogq« tight or ten oflieers who were arrested in VVa.-iiui'gtoa for having skedaddled from the battle fi id, w^ru scut back yesterday in irons. It ia siatcd that an order has been issu>id direct Log that these uiSccre bo reuuoed to the ranks.— Yankeei^nyer. Corn sold here jesterday at $15 per bushel, new isbue. There is cot Uiiich duwnvrard ien« dency ia prices yet, ‘hough it is very evident % I declice muijt tipeedily begin. There ih an ino-eas> I ing demand for money, which is obliged to affect ■( prices.—Saliahurif H'atchman, 19/A. Jleavg J/e».—Lieut. Martin Bates, a native of Kentucky, is a giant ia bizo. He is seven feet and one inch tail, and weighs 390 poundi.' His feet measure 13 iuchesin length. Ho belonge to the 17th battalion Oonf«‘deraie cavalry. Hen ry Stacy, a citixen of Hawkins eouniy, Kaat Tennessee, died en the l':ith April, 1801. He was about 46 years of age, &iz feet six inches high, and weighed over 600 pounds. STR/^YiBD, From my pUe^ on the 2Ut iae:.. a COW aad CAIF- The Cow i« while with red spota The eaff the wane oolor Ci*lf occi irksd. ni*rk of eow act reeollMt- *>d The cow wis purchased from Mr Alex Mol**od of Moore ooanty. and i* i« prob hle that ehe h!»s faead , her w>iy witv the calf. I * The Grtat S^uihrn Senator J. L. Or*. '1 recovery or fcc-r jt. onaa MITCUELL 1 South Carolina, has informed the editor cf the Southern Guardian tliac tht* great bLUthera i_ 1 a^a;n N*v^r Fayettaviile, May 2*. 86tf &beeti.ig!3, Cotton Yarn and Tobaoea. /»AAA Yi»^ 4 4 3HPETING; Ul/UU 1000 Baadlei Cotton Tam; 60 Boxes Meaolaotiired Tobaeoo. For s^ }sj ^ f- iroOBR > oa-U to and from Kichmund- wUi Wsanftcd—TS'ood Land. j traasDorted over the Dunville rjutC; panin^ The unden^ignod will give a fair price for a well woadad through Charlotte, N. G. tract of LAND of lUO or 200acres, oa the Railroad at any point between Jonesboro aud Fayetteville ^Toodf nitcb nine boxed or unboxed pucn pine ^ COLTOS, Agmt f. K. Oa. Fayetteville, April 19. BlHd( WvraiHB tor b&nh Itsklmm. CkrUtI iicaia*. rE£ salnMZTbw will pay mo aigaeM «a«a piioM ter M7 4eaMitj tf , A ^ VOBCB. gniiwmna,o»i. ‘

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