rticr »ind •!«s of proriaie** I'i ba Uiaj t« Itis exttin^tioa itit or to tb« fftM- x«d bj the der tb« impr«i«. anj per««a b« oDtitlttd to a f amomut ^ ui«at lin three montha It: ProTided writhiu Ui« provV 1 not be deprived of baTin£ d:iT of Feb. lSi64 i*regoiiV|5 exeuij*- tr, under tUe dl- luj exempt or de- be tnav be latig- (d uM account of iisurc liie produe- •rovifiiotit; tor the )M 'cr». He may^ detniU, on eiieb tv» liuch over- as he tUH? be sal- t>> tliw ««*untry ia tiiun ill tiie iiiili- it such tixoiuptioa f'flnuor, planter or itlv to employ ia ciipital and laber ti ij ..f grain and 5 t^T(,>reriiiueut aad pi ccrt not exceed- i« tor Iflte articles the State aoder Hirer, auditor and Iroad ct>mpanj «a- r the Governluent, [^loyeea thereof as ndcnt eball certify >le to the efficient ki: Providod, that exempted by thig lot exceed one p©r- roftd in actual um i; and eiiid exempt* e and desariptii>n, who iiftve left the ptiny, Of who ma/ u cout&iDed shall I the uct approved tied an act to ex- rying th« mails o1 uid the driven ot trotu military ser« I the exemptiona hail ^ily continue ipted are actually ▼e pursaitfi or o»- lident be, and he tg ■ant details, under tions to be iteaed It, either ef persoM of age, or from the oaeett where, ia his y and uttceAdity re- e may revoke each ir he iLinks proper, r i*er«iii ji^rauted to ietaiU and exemp- lud t;.= authorise the any contractor fer ly kind te the (jror>- aid co!:itract, anlees the '^epartmeat m»> cerVify that the pe^ H'*itrrtctor are indis- >D of aaid cootraet; rher ;tny such con- itiy aad faithfully, sutiuu of such o»fi' letail shall cease, iiting local boards ainat’-n of persons no member coin- app‘>intfcd from the rict in which they ih e\amiuatioB. ettev OTOBji urture of iiie, N. C., r a a, ls63. y th*. MaiU at tkm A.EDrii.., iko. at -4^ £*. M. 49 -i! *> F. M. •4EKTILL’i. HL l» A vl. b*y at 3 P. 3H. f£. nil H titirjiy at 7 p. M. 4;id Fri'i.*7 a« I P. M. i 0. q1 Htt'urJity 6 P M. f 1 aar 1 *y 1 P. M. IvIliEKTON. 1 H -'ur l-iy at Q M. T i iri.iiy 1 P. M. I 'Il‘ :V7N. t Fr -i n at 6 A. M. li at 2 P. M- rri' .iii.uru. « i- iS 3.'j ' ' it ilA P ’4. SiS.'ouVLNSrON a»* N. L I . i the s***® stui off fra® ' . *il for as J !iprj j>*it l>jr •i.y I'r .m to HJ A « -) )K. P M. Hi . , m 1 • «rc il'lfi I0 4PA.VY, loltt upua pubUo oon* rcB of noalttoy p*r- or •>.'1'; juxr, for :shwnu)i; -ai.lis *'• »rt> iu»umJ 'O' tai it fheiT inthia * ■ J*ya afte* iQbU'' !■ r«ferr»J *® 0 th* owite. aad Iwni^ry, H A Li., at N. 0 _ ai tUi Oikt i£ (DX xsn. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. JUNE 9. 1864 [NO. 1339.) »"RT\TKD MONDAVa a!«) THURSDAYS KDWIRD J. HALE & SONS. KPITORS AN1> PROPRFETORS Prijo for the aemi-We>«kl.v Obskbvfr $10 tM). pail aJvtince For the Weekly Obsbkvhk $(> (XJ per annum, paid in advance. RATE!^ OF FREIGHT, BATABLI8BID BY THI PBUPKIBT0K8 OF THK Steamboat t'ompanien ^VavigaHng the Cap* Fear River. FEBRUART 1S64. “ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for !f2 per s ,uare af 12 lines or Ices for the first, and one-dolKr for e»ch sacoeeding publication. Advertisers arereqnpsted to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be oontinne^l till forbid, and oharj^ed aocordmgij. AdTertisenient« oontinuei tnnck, ohMged ax ad vertisements. SPECIAL NOTICE. From an i.ier thitt dat«, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advanc'e, nor will the paper be sent to such sabsonbers for n longer time man is paid for. Such of our old subscribers as desire to tHke the pa per on this system will please notify us when making remittances. Jan’y I, 1868. WTJn, Jnclj, Attorney at Law, Fay*tt«vills, N. C WILL attend the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the ocUection of all elaima enlnuted to his handt>. Oct. 17, 1869. 6S-tf Buggriea. B%con, Wax and T*llow, per hhd Bacon, loose, p ‘f tr«n KaJTels. dry, per b'trrel I'iitd Potatoos. per barrei Hc'iieieiids, «*aoh Sfaee ioy. ner bale Ditto Yarn, per bale Diuo Wn^te. f^r ’06 U'« •'nppt»r»8, per bbl. CoitDn. per b»l* Com, WhfiHt, O^'.ta, to. por bushel rh*irs SiMiog, «)»ch Ditto Roflkinif, small 2 C-O: large eaoh ('off.'e. per 'ag or r*emijons'ii empty $l; tilled e»oh Fiah mikI Park, per b»rr**l ^rind Sion^t" toD F!our. p.'r hun-ol gr on I 60; drj $1 Hort>?s. dftwn or up Hay and F >-ider. per bale Iron, b-ir and hoop, per '«n DiHo, pig, per inn Lime, per oasV £6; ditto per barrel Leather, loose, per side, 1 fiO; do, bale, per foot Lead, per ton Molasses, 40 gallons, per barrel Powder, per keg, 25 lbs. Pepper per bag Oil. in bbls , 31 ir»’l >iui. 25 00 10 00 40 00 8 00 6 00 6 00 16 00 10 00 2 00 10 00 15 00 25 7f> 4 50 26 0(» fi 00 A 00 2ft CO 00 2«i 00 6 00 25 00 25 00 3 00 \ on 25 00 5 00 1 50 20 00 f> 00 COTTOIW CARDIS, Ho. 10. The FAYETTEyiLlE COTTON C^RD MANUKA — TURING I'OMPA N\'are now maiiafacturiagOARliS aiperior lo any ran through th« blockade, and at present are selliug for a less price the s/ugle pair or by the quau- litj. Any p«!rsoa ordering six or more pairs, they will be ♦ecurely packed and delivered in Wilmington free of ex pense. Call upou or addresii A. A. McKETHAN. J. A. WOftTH. ALEX J0HN80S, Jr. F»‘lteville, N. C.. April 18 24tf Prvsbyterian and Carolinian copy. r«feUevili« Rosta W viWks. UR Oil Works are now in complete operation, aud ati we use nothiof but i;ool rosin in producing tlie Oil we can recoiumend it to Ce the be* of the kind made in tliis country. It is a line Lubricating and Tanner’s Oil, aud we would be glad to receiva orders fron th« 0 tlie Yoten of Sampsen I Being •« the H' Tvioe, l tbts method annoano- i >ng myself as a cand:di.ie to represent the county ; ot Sanpsan in tho House uf Commons of the next Legis- ! latare A^ it will be impossible Tir ma to meet the j «ro''J people wf ol>i S'lmpsoa (without an aooident) be- j for? the August election, I can only sav that my prin- j oipies are tno well known to njy oountymen to admit ] of sny doubt as to the course I- shall pursue if elected ■ Loving my country and bearing arms in her defence, I : can only «dj “that whatever may tend tocher best ( iaterfsts and indppend-nt nationality,” »ill be my earn est desire to aceoiupKsh, and to >uoh will my whole time j Find talpn'g be devoted Soliciting the euffraites of my i cuuotjfmen, I am geutlemen, your obd t #erv’i. I JAMES K. LASSITER. ' 0^ Reg’i N. C Troops, j '.‘?6 1m C. 8. Arsenal and Armorj, > fayetievtiie, N. C , Jane 1, 1864. / l'oun4lrsr.inaii wanted. APER80N well aoqu»inted with the business can find cmpIoymoBt Apply to the OOMO’fl OFFICKR To the Freemaa of Camberlaud Conaty. By request, 1 again anuoimce myself a candidate for ^ the 0151'-of 8*i*riff of Cumberland couaty Should reasonable terms. MOO&B CAjJHWELL a”oO.'"** 1 ? «l«ai.ed. I can oaly promise as before to discharge April 16 ’ ' I duties with what abilUy I «b»t poraesa. I -?^BOTOa HoNEILL. I U*« «K JO». IJTL.£.V, tirocer and Commimtion .^Verchant, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1868. 93-tf NATBIN A. STEDIUJl. WM. H. BERNAXD. ' !V. A. i4TED.nA.ir Ac CO., WHOLESALE ABiD RETAIL DEALERS AN D wto. 19, Mtay Street^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. April 20. Salt, ia bags, per bag 1 60; ditto, ia bbls, 2 50 per bbl Rice, per cask 16 00 RoKin, per barrel 2 60 Spirits Turpentine, per banrfl 6 00 Wagonci, Road, 40 00 S lap, in boxes, 8 00 Si'.irits. in hhds , pipes and casks, per gallon 25 SiiKur, iu barrels, 6 00 Coal per ton, $26; ditto, per hhd , {10. Ail otber freights ia proportion LIST OF CHlKdGslvR ri88E.\'«BRS, D. Q WuKTS. 2£tf a. o. DANIIL B a WORTH. WORTH & CO^ Commlssivn aud Forwarding Meroliauts, 9WWer Street, WILMINaiON, N. 0. l*ci. Ifi, 1868. 7S-12m WAI¥TEI>. O CAA bushels WHEAT. 1.600 “ CORN Persons having the above articles to sell will receive the highest Cash prioe by calling on Mr M Thoinaaon, at the Merchant Mills, FayetteviUe, or on the subscri ber at his old stand on Market S]uare ALEX JOHNSO.'^, Jr Nov. 5. 1862. T5tf ^HE fellowing rates of Passage will b« charged nn 1 f>nr Steamers:— DOWiV. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, $80 00 “ “ “ Elitah«th, 16 00 “ “ “ Wbit^ Hall, 20 00 “ “ “ KelWa Coie, 21 00 “ “ “ All points below. 80 00 HECOND 0LA88, OR HSCK. From Fayette 'e to Wilmington, $20 00 “ •* “ Elisabeth, 10 00 '• " “ Whitehall, 16 00 “ .. •» Kelly’s CoTe, 16 00 “ “ “ All points below. 20 00 UP. From Wilmington to Farette»ille. $30 00 •• . .. Kelly’s CoTe, 13 50 “ •* “ White Hall, 16 60 “ “ " Eliaabeth. 20 00 “ '• “ Prospect Hall, 24 00 “ “ All points above. 80 00 SXCOND CLASS, OR DCOK From Wilmington to Fayetteville. $20 00 “ “ “ Keiiy’s Cove, :o 00 £ACLE FOUNDaV. ^OME months ago we completed all oar fixtures for 0 tfce manufboture of CAR WHEELS, but owing to *ac fvilurc of the supply of Iron of proper nature, we uot lately been able to supply any demand for rceiu; this difficulty however, will be overcome in ih- r.uree o* «lx weeks, at which time we shaU be able to fumiwD wh-iels of lAe following sixes—24, 26, 28 ancv 30 iucbe?; uJbo Chilled Tires The Iron we shall use t.jT (hrm will be Col.J Bl«Ht ('harcoal Iron, and we war rant our wheels NOT TO CRACK, and to be equal to »ny made th* CoafeJer«)y, or to those of Whitney & Son«of Priilade!i>tia. whose reputation is go well known ^.y all R%ilroad companies. We are pr«*parod to exeoufe Loum, I>ry Sand, acd Green Sand Work, of any shape or site. D ANDEESON & CO. Payctteville, Mtroh 30. 1864 19i,f tUBRIC Anp«G^iiL.r" 'pilE undersign d is now prepared to furuish to the 1 pu lie ^ very nnperior article of LUBRICATING OIL. efptdally for ^otlon and Woolen f’aetoriet. We claim I bat ttiis Oil does not gum, and may be run at grratcr speed with less power than any other Oil oxeept .:perro. Mr W H Porter, Superintendent of Ph»nix Cotton Factory stys of it; have been using your Lubricat ing Oil for 2 or 8 months, and find it to b« superior to auy other Oil now in use for lubrioating.” ■ r J.^hn Kershaw, Sup't of Blount’s Cr««k Factory, says: “I can cheerfully say your Lubrioating Oil is a superior ai'ucle. It does not gum in the least, but keeps khe journals cl>-ar «nd bright ” Mr A F Beckerdite, Ch'ef Engineer of the C 8 Arss- Q%1 and Armory of this place, was requested to try it and sayw: “I thirk for light machinery—such as Cotton Factories—and for heavy mactiinery when the motion is slow, your Lubrioating Oil will oompare next ia qual ity to Sperm ” Other cotton manufacturers have tried it and pro nounced favorably of it. HENRY E. COLTON. Agent Fayetteville Kerocine Co. April 4, 1864 20-tf Tbe Bame of JAMES KIRKPATRICK is r**speo»fully hubmitted lo the voters of Cumberland and Harnett to e voted for as a Representative of those CouotiAs for the Hjuse of Commons MANY VOTERS. May 16, 18«4. 83-tf We are authorised and requested to annoHuce Col. B. F LITTLE as a candidate to represent the county of E chmond in the Hcuso of Commons ia the next Legislature. Mav 19 uinnd Mav 21 «4-te We are aatlioriKed to announce J0H9 A. LONG, as a candidate for re election to tbs office of Sheriff for the coauty cf Rioh- 86 Btpd-te We are antborlied to announce A. S. McNEILL as a oandid«te for ihe office of Sheriff for the county of Richoiond at the ea^u ng August election May 20 84-9tpd We are authorized to announce ROBERT M McNAIR of Go. C, 1st N C Battalion Artillery, as a Candidate for the office of SHERIFF of Robeson County. May 20. 84-19tpd I^We respectfully recommend Lieut. JOSEPH A. UoARTHUR, ef Co. L 61st Reg’t N. G. T , as a candidate to represent us in the House of Commons of the next Legislature ftom Cumberland and Harnett counties. Li McArthur is a devoted man to hia coun try’s cause and has been in the war ever since it began, and he will make as • good Bepresenutive. 32-ltpd-te MANY 80LDIERS. ARyiV BARXEHH. i 1AM prepartad to niann^turt: all kinds >f Wagon j fiarnass for .\rmy use. I tan my leather and oaa | five gowi barjsin*?. it'll o vr»Ii to send their * •rders U> me aa b--y shall have attuui-ou, aiJ e«Bt ofl itt 4uick dispatch. JyHS CaRTEK. fickdiiton P O , Chathaiii Co , ^ 0 1 June 13, I )HH> liHi. Aiiruiu Arabic tor »ale b> J K LEF Oct. 16. 'i'Hf Atteir IhU date I Hill | pay 16 C-cnkd per pound f*r rags, or • _ _ the highest marki't price de’.ivert^l In ! lyettevUle, or at my iciI’M &u Rnckflst. MORPHV Fab’y 16, 18(i4 7-«^ W Wanted to Pure have, E8TERN RAIL ROAD STOCK: Bank Notes; 6old and Silver, North Carolina Treasury Notes (Fundable;) f 1 and $2; *> “ Bonds, old and ucw: County of Camberland Bonds; Town of Fayetteville Bonds; Greensboro* $1 and $2 Certificates; Confederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bonds;) Coupons of S16,000,000 loan; “ of Town and County Bonds;' *• of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTEBLOH. Oct. 12, 1868. 71*: __ OBDNANCM dkfabtmrxt, \ Raliioq, N. C., May 8, 1833. / Lead wanted.—I wish to purchase Lead for this Department. Persons having large or small quan tities will please apply at once. Will give 1 pound of POWDER for 10 pounds of uEAD. THOS D HOGG, Capt. C. 8 69-tf In charge of Ordnance. W rVOTlCE TO FAR.HERS. STRAW WANTED. ANTED immediately for the Hospitals and Troops at Fayetteville, 20.000 pounds of WHR Af luitable lof beddlog. Fa^-mers having a surplas of this axtiolf^ on hand will confrr a b»*nefl' ou oar siok au-l W3ua ted uo'diers by bringing it in. A fair pricc will b« paid Apply to , QUARTERMA5?TER, at lb-Arsenal Favetteville Arsena* aud Armory, .\prii 4. 21tf “ “ “ White Hall snd Elisabeth, l‘i 00 “ •• ‘ All points above, UO 00 Ml^Seoond vJlass or D?ck Passengers must stay on lower deck ur pay full price, or same as Firot Class. (^^.An extra cbarze will be made fer Way Pa>(ieo> gen getting into Berths during day tiriie, and for ooon pyii^ a Berth with their boots or «hoe^ on, at 'be die cr?liLii of iOK Captaio. J. A WORTH, foi’ C P 8t m B’l Co., T. 8 LUTTERLOH, for St’r N c it M OHKELL, for Ht’rs Kate and Suu | May jSiT, 1SG4. 34-lm*lm WE9(TIBRIV RAIL ROAO. ^tlH£ FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS of this i Road leave Fayetieville daily, (;}undays excepted) j at 8 o’clock, A. M , and returniog leave Egypt at 1 | o’clock, P. .M ) Ciittie aud Uortf Tratn MOND.\Y, WEDNi£SD.\Y aud I FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROSE, j Treas’r aad Geo’l Trans. Ag'i. Jan. 22, 1863 . 97tf I eURIVli\,i OIL. WE can furcieh KEROSENE BCHNING OIL in quan tities of 5 or 10 gallons at #25 per gallon; tin cans or kejF* $15 to tiO additioaa! Send 3%as or kegs when convenient. Tuis iii as g Oil ws can be made without the mi*'ure with .f'c hoi, wnicb it i# irufos-iibie now to obtain. The w^ck ' 'be crdiuHry Kerosene lamp should h' slix '!ty Ifugiheut^d hy ii(.i4«ring on a pieoe. We reroeootfiilly recommend NEILL HcKAY, Esq , as a candidate for re-election to a seat in the next Houle of Commoas fh>m i Cumberland and Harnett eonntiea. MANY CITIZENS. May 2. 29 f^tpdftte April 7 UBNBY E COLTON. Ag’t F K Co. 21-lf and Thursday. April 6—17tf ] From and after thU date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday JOS A WORTH, Ag’t C. f. Steam Boat Co. FAYETTEVILLE niJTIJlL INSDRIXCE COMPIM. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on band and other assets. *267,688 2b 6,077 86 E^ypt Coal mine. The ondenigaed were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, aad have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same ia any desired quantity. Orders for any amount o»u ^ supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applications may be Eiade to Chas. B. Mallott, Fayette- vil’-, N C or Jjtmes Browne. Charleston. S. C. CHARLES P. MALLET r JAMES BROWNE. Ktyrtteville, Jan*y 20. 186H ^ _ WAIVTEB, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. POULTRY, Chickens, Butter and other delicacies for t^e ?iak Soldiers at this Hospital. Persons having tL«£e articles can obtain the market prioe on applica tion to the subscriber at bis old stand or at Mr J. W. PoVers’s on Hay Street. R. E. HEIDR, Oen’l Ag’t Act. 26. RE%VARI>. 1) AN AWAY fr&oi Lh« subwjtiuer ud llie 17tu iuat, lOjr W aeifro boy, JOHN, 16 years old, about 6 ^eet high, and weighs about 100 lbs. 1 would caution Steam Boat bwaers on the River against letting him go na beard of kny of their boats. The above roWard wiil be paid for his apprehensioa aat* conftnemsnt la auy Jail so that 1 van get him. D W. AVER FayetUvUie, May 18 SS-9tpd The Famer«’ and Planter*’ Al- Mae tor 1864. A few cr^oe aiore just reoerred. U. I. Jl. iOJI * 80K8. Total, $272,766 16 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, S29.682 OrMcias: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. DiaaoTORS: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, 8. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nath&u A. Stedman, T> 8. Lutt«rloh, C. B. Mallett, A. W. Steel, Jameu Kyie, J. G. Ceok, A. A. McKethan Hon. J. G. Shepherd, J. D. W.nu™-. “• J.Wilm’gton. H. 'T T^lliughast. A. E. Hall, / » Jo'in Colbua and C. C. .McCrummen, Travoling Agents lriiir*The Company invite aoplicationa. Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, \ Nov. 12, 1868. f «»100 BOUNTY. Uy4nt4sU, too ^ftonnteei HMetnen. Authority haviug be«n granted by the War De partmeot o r)0»e a Oumpany of Mounted Riflemen for service in this vicinity, netiee ia hereby given that recruits to the number of 100 noh-em*erwu will be re ceived for this service. Kach recruit will be required lo funtish a serviceable horse, tor which he will be al lowed 40 n>ntfl per diero, and his pay $12 per month. Written pemution will be required from parenta or guardians, where the applicant is under the conscript *fe- Each recruit must bHng with him a blanket or bed spread, and come prepared to remain. Bridles, saddles, halters and saddle blankets furnish ed by the Government, or if the reeruit comes provided with them, he will be paid for them a fair valuation. Apply to Capt MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar- seual F. L. CHILDS, 80tf ] M%]or C. 8 A. Comd'g Post. W«are authorized to anooooee Col. MUBDOCH McRAE afl a candidate for re-election to the House of Commoas ti^m Hobcsou county. .April 27 27-2m To the Totern ot l^arnett CJonnty. The undersigned, a private la Co. A, 6th N C. Oar-' »4r7, bavio« bM.n solioUed by some of his friends, aa>l Witt Uiou.>h brii^anc' *uy Northern KeroeenTN announces himself w Lke soldiers aud citl ■ene of Harnett oounty as a CaaJldate for the OfBee of SHERIFF at the election on tbe first Thursday in Au gust next. SAMUEL D PIPKIN. March 21. 17 24tpd €ow l§trayed. A BROWN COW, marked with smooth crop and nnder- l)it both ears, medium else Any information will be cheerfully received, and a liberal reward p^id for her recovery, by Mrs. E. M W.\LKER. Haymount, May 19. ^’8tf FLOIJR AIVbToAtS] Flour and oats will be exchanged for Corn at the Store of D MoLaurin, by gfving him a few days notice. Flour good, Oats No. 1, blank or white. Jan'v 29 , RACSS! RAOSn—The infe rior quality of tbe paper on which the ^ Obeerver has been printed of late, and which is a great eye-sore to us, is owing to the want of a sufficient supply of good rage, and the conoequent nec essity to resurt to inferior materials. We appeal to the friends of the Observer at all accessible points, to save up and bring to town all the rags they can procure. We have no time ourselves to attend to their purchase, (tut Messrs. Geo W. Williams Co., the Agents in tbis town of Mr. Murphy, will pay 16 cents per lb. for then. I J. HALE & SONS Feb’ylfi “ STRAYED, From my place on the 21st inst., a COW and CALF The Cow is white with red spots The oalf the aame color Calf unmarked, mark of cow not recollect ed. The cow Was purchased from Mr. Alex McLeod of Moore county, and it is probable that shn has found her way back with the calf. I will p»7 * liberal reward for their recovery or aay information so that I get them agaiJL WM. MITCHELL. Near Fayetteville, May 2*. tStt Blank Warrantt for lalo hm. CONITKDKBATK STATIS OF AMKBICA« ) Enaisaaa DsFaaTiiHHT, Dist. Capb Faaa, I Wilmington, N. C., March 16th, 1868. ) Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the Engineer Department, for services of slaves employed as laborers on the kmd dafmett near Wilmington, N C , that the undersigned is authorised ard prepared to pay the same at his effice, on se cond floor of the building next above Meares’ Drug Store, Market Street. P«rHons executing Powers of Attorney will ob serve the following form—their signatures, in all oases, to be witnessed by two witnesses and signed in dupli cate, cr the; ci^y be witnessed before a Justice of the Peace or Clerk of %ny Court FORM OF POWER OF ATTORNEY. I, of , do herfih* t ’ a ’ .._! A(;ent to sign receipts for, and receive payment of all moneys due to me by the Engineer De partment or the Confederate States of .America, for the services of my slaves employed as laborer** on the Und defences at , during the month of , 186 Witness my hand and seal at , the day of , 186 (Signed in duplicato.) [Beal ] WitaessA The sigflattuee of colored persons should be witnessed fty three witnesses There must be separate daplieate Powers of Attorney for each month. Blank forms can be had upon appU- cstiou at this office. W. H. JAMES, CapL & Chief Eng. Jan’y 20,1864 ISOOtf The Cedar Falls Bob bin Co. are now prepared tc furnish, at short notice, ail kinds of BOBBINS. SPOOLS* and QUILLS, &o. suitable for Woolen and Cottna Mills * J M ODELL, Agent. Cedar Fanils, S. 0 , May-7, 1864 80 lOtpd iSfiO Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber, a NEGRO WOMAN, hir^d the 1st Jaa’y 1864, from Mr. A. W. Steel of Fayetteville. She is supposed to be about the town now Said woiAaa’s name is ^tsey, and ia of medium height dark complexion, and a full suit of hair. I will giv^ be sent tc any address tbe above reward to any one who will deliver her to me at the Arsenal, or confine her in jaiL MATTHEW P TAYLOB April 2« 29-tf Yeimg’s ArithBetieal Dictionary, Embracing a system of Arlthnetic, Ready Reakon- er. Interest Calcnlator, Book Keeping. Forms, &c. 1. J. HALE a SONS. Deo’r 16. Blanka for lale at Offic*. To tbe CItlieni and Soldlen of HArnetL At the duliclution of many of my fk-iendK 1 ieqpe«tfUUy uuuouuce utvself a uaudidate for rM;Wti*u to th« ot' Sherltr for the couuty of naru«tt. Prufuuodly grateful to luy t'rleads both at home and iR tbe Army for the very fcsaervua support heretofore received at their hauds, 1 can only pledge that should thej-'again majii- fest their confidence by re-electing me 1 wiiL ab hereto fore, serve them promptly and impartially. Very respectfully, JAS. R. GRADY. April 13. 24-te To tie Cltlieni and Soldiers of Kokeson €o«nty. At the request and solicitation of many firiends, sol diers and citis*ns, I annonnce myself a candidate to represent the county of Robeson in the next Leg’s- lature 1 would be pleased t« attend theiJifferent pre cincts of the county before the election, but as the ene D^y is praparng to give us a fight soon. I fear I shall not be able to meet yon I only ask you, my fellow- oitixsns, while the candidates at home are addressing you, to remember that I, with the many soldiers who have solicited me to all'iw my name to run, am prohibit ed from the pleasure of n'eating you, by standing in de fence ofyour property, your rights and your liberties. And to you. brother soldieri. who have so strongly soli cited me to bec'^me a candidate, I can only thank you tor this m«nife«itarion cf confidence, and promise, if elected, to keep a vigilant eye toyoar rights, your honor and your comfo'ts If defeated, I shall willingly re main (where I have been for three years) in defeno# of the country, while those chosen will legislate* praying for the happy day, when our independence is aoknowl- edged,an(| we all be allowed to return to our homes “to enjoy the reward of our nufferiags” an independent, proecerous and happy people 1 »m, fMlow eitixena, and brother soldiers, ynar hnm> ble servant, C. T. May 9. 81 S^piAte A FEW IKFORTANT FACr][S IN RROABD TO THE «SOUTHGRN HEPATIC PILLS.” 1THEY are prepared fr.'^m the best quality of Medi- , cines by the discoverer, now an aged Minister of the Gospel, and are safe. 2. They have been known for years and tested by thousands. 8. Five hundred persons are known to have been cured by them. 4. They are not recommended by the proprietor ior everything, but only for diseases which arise firom die- ori^ered livers 6. Directions a?«d certificates aflcomnanr eaoh box, aud these ce'tifioates are from well known and most re spectable individt’*ls 6. Correspondent* recommend them as good for Liver Disease, Chills and Fevers, Pneumonia, Jaundice. Dys pepsia, Bilious Fevers, Bilious Rheatuatism, Worms, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Ac Z. Several gentlemen state that the use of these Pills has been to them an annual saving of from $100 to $200; they are the best plantation medicine ever offered to the pnb'io. 8 Some physicians of the highest standing prescribe them to their patients, and hundreds of boxes have been sold to regular praciitiocers 0 During the last quartor 2 880 boxes have been sold ti) two Druggists, one in South Carolina, and one in North Carolina, and some time ago ov«r 3,700 boxes were ordered by Druggists in one town in Virginia. fSf* Price, $8 a box. For $80 a doten boxes will A very liberal discount to Druggists and country merchants Cash (new cnrrency) to accompany orders. Addre»:s geo W. deems. Goldsboro’, N. 0. For sale in Fayetteville by N. A. Stedman k Co.; in Roekingham by T. T Ntrtham; In Wadesboro’ by Dr Bennett* in Albemarle by J. M. Bivins; ia Clinton by Hnbbard A Moseley- May 10 86 16tpd iVlATCHES. A LOT of snPERIOR MATCHBB, for saU by jia. Mayo. IVOTICE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, > FAYBTTavii.i.B June 4. 1864 f I WILL receive dutinjf the present month frcm tbe County and Depot Agents, all the Tithe Cotton in the 4th Cong Di»t. N C that can be baled in time ar hax buen baled before in tihippicg order. L C. ROSE, 38 3t] Agent P L. for 4th Cong Dist N. C. AnjUTAMT AMD IVSPBOTOa GlMBatL’s Opficb, Richmond, May 28, 1864 (Extract.) Spbcial Ordbb, ) No. 124. / • ••••• XXII. ALL the Oompaniee raised im the 8t«t« o N. f'«roIiaa, for local defence and speoial service, will re #V»r to JAmmt 0«b’1 T. il UolJBM. CoJH(X^ Reserve Forces of North Carolina at Raleigh ****** By ccmmatd of Sec’y of War. JOHN WITHERS, A A. Gen’l. Official. Jho. W. Hibsdalb, A. A G. June 1, 1864. 87 St Bank ol IVorth Carolina. The Stockholders who have Dividends now due on thr Stock of this Bank, are hereby notified that 'ht respective amounts are laid aside in "Special dtpotit''jif the old ittue of the Confederate Statee Note*, for theat aad they are required to a^ly for the same at thr Principal B^ink, Branihesand A«rencies where payable By order of the Board. O DEWEY, Cash. Ralniirh. May 2R 87 Iro STR A If ED About the Ist May, one COW’and YEARLING Said cow is of red color imd the yearlong is prett} much the same, marked as follows: The cow with ar> under crop and au over crcp; the yearling has a swal low fork in each ear. Any information left at tht Wagon Yard will be thankfully received, or I will pay a liberal reward for the delivery ef said cat tie. W H. WILSON. Fayetteville. Jnne 6. 1864 88-6tpd A small lot of BROWN SVCiAR for sale by J. W. LETT. May 30 87 4t $750 Reward. 1WILL pay $500 for the apprehension and delivery to me at the Endor Iron Works, or for his confiaement in any jail in the State so that I can get him, of a des perate negro called CHARLES HUNTER, who com mitted an assault on our Overseer aad stole from him cae of Colt’s Navy Pistols, with which he is now armed. Said negro Is a bright mulatto, with a Xieokled face, has a reddish appearance about tbe eyes, with a bushy head of red hair. Hia age is about 80. Stammers in his speech. When last seen he had on a faded suit of cotton clothing and a light colored wool hat. I will also pav $250 for the apprehension and deliv ery to me of FURN^Y, belonging tff John W. Gunter. Said negro is dark skinned, not quite black, stout and well made, with a large smooth face; is probably abou’ 20 years of Me. When last seen he had on a very ragged suit of^lothes and no shoes. W. S DOWNER, Pree’t Kndor Iron To. Enlor Iron Work‘d, Chatham Co , N C , June 3, 186^. ^*-81 TayetleTllle Araenal and Araor|y\ Mat v9, iao4. / WAiVTEB. T> rent, a paature for seventy heaa of horses. A falf prioe will be naid. Said pasture must be within 10 f'r 12 miles of Fayettevl'le. Apply to 86tf} M»J TAYL)R, at the Areentl. RoMin Oil. OCik BBLS. StlPERlOB QUALITY t)F ttt)r»lN OIL. /gOU For sale by Mt>ORB. CASHWELL A CO. May 26. ^ Im Sheetings, Cotton Tam and Tobacco. ^AAA YDS 4 4 SHEETING; uUUU 1000 Bundles Cotton Yam; 60 Boxes Manofactnred Tobaooo. For sale by E. F. MOORS. '^:«v W «R In. Wanted—Wood Land. The undersigned will give a fair price for a well wooded tract of LAND of 100 or 200 acres, on the Railroad at any point between Jonesboro’ and Fayetteville. Wood, pitch pine boxed or unboxed HENRY E. COLTON, Agent F. K. Co Fayetteville, April 19- 23tf 0. OOOK. n-4« RIT.V Tff£ WM. HlCINTrRi: , Has reeoived and offers for sale: £?AA GROSS ENGLISti PONE PANT BUTTONS; ^ Case Madder Prints, 1.612 yds ; 1 Case Black and Wbite Muslins, 1.^76 yds., 1 Bale Scarlet Flannel, all Wool, 67^ yds ; 20 Dcx Gents Neck Ties, Fancy; 20 Reams Ruled Note Paper; 1 Case Steel Pens, 1000 boxes; 1 Case Kip Brogan Shoes, 69 pairs; 1 Case Knives and Forks, 200 sets, assorted; 6 Barrels Alum, 1,875 lbs ; 6 Barrels English Green Copperas, 1,550 lbs; S Kegs Kefined Bo'^ax, lbs; 0 mymvaa Omlim. 0'H> !(>«{ 1 BaiTel Camphor, 1^7 lbs; 1 Bale Shoe Threaid, 87 lbs: 8 Bags Black Pepper, 258 lbs May 28 85 8w sfOAYED^ From the Arsenal at Fayetteville, on 5th MMy, inst., a small pale red MILCH COW; I think she was slit in the ears; she is white up the right flank and belly; her feet are white; has horns turned inward, or as some call them erumply. Any person knowing where she is and will inform me of the same or eend her to the fub- soriber, shall be liberally rewarded E. MONAGHAN. May 28. 4tpd jrou THX OBtiJCBVKa. WlNTiH QCAETERti, 8d Reg't, N. C. T, ) N«ar Oranoi; C H., Va., April 14th, 1864 J At a meeting of the officers of the 3d Regi ment N. C. T, npon motioa of Capt. John B. Brown, Col. S. D. Thruston was called to the Chair, and AEsistaot Surseoa Tbomaa F. Wood was requested to act ss Secretary. The objects of tbe meeting were explained bj Col. Thruston to be for the purpose of pajing the last tribute of respect to our heroic dead who had iallen upon the battle field or in hospital. Go motion, the Chairman ww requested to ap* point a committee to prepare resolutions ezpres> sive of the feelings of the meeting. Lt. Col. Wm. M. Parsley, Capts H W. Home and J. C. Stone, Rev’d George Patterson and Lieut. B. Henry Lyon were made the Committee. The Committee sabmitted the following: Forasmuch as it bath pleased Almighty God in ITia K tlwf.* T*rnwitlana» to reannva fnun flia Lu*. den of the flesh, the souls of our brethren and comrades in arms—Captain Thoe. £ Amistroog, Capt. John F. S. V*n Bokkelen, Lt A C. Sid- bury, Lieut. E. J._ Garrison, Lieut. Henry W. Potter, Lieut. Thos. J. Kelly and Lieut. John P. Oates, I'herefore Resolved, That whilst we bow with submission to the will of our Heavenly Father, and thank Him for His mercy thus vouchciafcd to them in relieving them thus early from the temptations, and toils, and straggles of this world, we do yet remember the lessons of their lives and the force of their good sxamples as seen in their untiring attention to their duties as gBDtlemen, as patriots, and as soldiers. Resolved, That our remembrance of them rtiall but stir up in us a livelier interest in that great struggle for which they counted not their livM dear unto themselves, and that so far as in os lies^ we, too, will carry on that great work which thw 80 manfully began, and which they sealed with their hearts'* blood Resolved, That we not only o£fer their families and their friends eur deepest sympathies, bnt do also joy and rejoice with them in tbe hope that they do now rest from their labors, aud are en joying the perfect peace and security that can only be found in the Paradise of God, where ire ‘ truAt they are now safely resting. Resolved, That whilst we record, not upon pa per, the virtues of a single one of our brothers, yet in our beart« are th 2eeds of eaoh and ot all of them indelibly insoribed, where they wiil remain as lasting mementoea of their lives. Resolved, That we cannot thus formally speak of the departed officers witlwut at tiie same time alluding to the enlisted men of thi« regiment, who, too, in tbe e^ame faoly eause. have departed with them to the other world, Ikying down their lives on the same aitar of s icriSee, with the same devotion, the e me f«.n»^rgy, the same unse'.fi'*h* net-s, and the panic love for their country, and therrfore cntit'od to the rememheraiioe • which they do non rec'-ive from us. R esolved, Thttt to euumcr&te by name the great number of the er.Iijt d men of this regiment whose lives have been » aacrifiee upon the altar of their ouuntrj, wuuld preclude the publi* cation of tbis tribute of reuueoibranoe, therefore we must be ouutcnted to mention them eolleetive* ly, synjpathizing deeply, however, with their fam- ifies and friends iu iliuir sad bereavement; wbilat we do most revcromly oV>erieh the memorieS| and gratefully recollect the deeds oi our noble dead. Resolved, that the proocodingfl of Lhis meet ing, together with the ros->(ut'ons, be pnbli!«hed in tbe Wilmington Journal, Fayetteville Ob■«d^ ver, and the Raleigh Confederate. WM M FARSIET, Chairman Committee. R. Henry Lttons, Recorder. Hxadqcabters 3d N C. Tkaops, > April 18th, 1864. { Those resolutions were uaanimou>ly adopted. On motion, the Adjuf»n* was directed to place npon record the proceedings of this meeting, and also that the resolutions commemorative of the death oi all officers, passed at previous meetings, be recorded Cn motion, the meetin^r adjourned. S D THRUSTON, ChairBan. Thomas F. Wood, Secretary. The Tithet in the Sf'xth District —Captain King, Q. M. for the Sixth District, has furnished us with the following true statement of the tithes collected in this District, up to May 1st, 1864: Sweet potatoes, 268| bushels; Irish potatoes, 204} bushels; corn, 50,106^ bushels; wheat, 33,116 bushels; oats, 17,454^ bushels; rye, 665 bu-ihels; buckwheat, 326 bushels; cured hay, 1,269,473 '.bs; cur“d fodder, 794,652 lbs; sheaf oats, 435,791 lbs; •huoks. 9,448 lbs; c.>tton, 4,7-301 lbs; wool, 6 008i lbs; tohacco, 220i ibs; peas, 95f boshek; bscoo^ 232,220 lbs; pork, 4,404 lbs.— GreenMborn’ Pat, Affecting 7nci/«n.~During one of the sarics of engagements which recently came off at the front, as a body of our cavalry was being hotly pressed by the enemy’s infantry and artillery, a cannon ball came whizzing just over the head of one of our boya, and passed between the le^ of a brave fellow of the infantry who was just in the rear of the cavalry and in the act of stepping across a branch. Both legs of his pants were al most torn off, but no 1amage was done to the sol dier further than the loss of a finger. He stood perfectly amazed at his almost miraculous escape. While standing thus, the young cavalryman, near whose head the ball had passed—^and, by the way, as brave a boy as ever bestrode a horse or chased a Yankee hyena to his lair—rode up and remark ed: “That is the answer to a pious mother’s prayers”. The soldier was touched to the l.eart; and, bursting into tears, said: “Yes, he had a pious, good mother. H«* felt that in answer to her prayers he had escaped almost unharmed from the deadly missile.” Mother! let your boys in the army know that Jon pray for them, and they wiil be bravor sol- iers and better boys. A mother’s prayers is a safer shield for her boj than bomb-proof fortifi* oitioiia. Excitement at the Military Prison.—Night before last, the Commandant having been informed that the prisoners, under the direction of Major White, contemplated an emeute, quietly tOok precautionary measures and awaited the result. Between 11 o'clock, p m., and midnight, the report of firearms and the long roll clearly showed that the precautions had been snecessfal. One prisoner was shot; the wound, though a painful one, u not supposed mortal. A tunnel was dia- oovered moet ingeniously cut, leading from the fonadation of one of the buildings, through the yard and beneath the fence- haYemeks filled with provisions were discovered—-plainly shewing the* preparations for the tramp. This is the second tunnel attempt that has been frustrated within the last week. Salisbury Watchman^ 21th. A Devout Regiment.-^TYie following is an ex tract from a letter of R'- officer of the 18th Va. Cavalry, Imboden’s Brig *de. It refers to the fight of Gen. Imboden before the main battle near New Market: “Before the charge, and while we were in liney the command to dismount was given, when oar noble old Chaplain sang a hymn and thra prayed —the whole regiment kneeling. It WM a solemn and impressive sight just on the eve of battle. And God blessed our arms with victory. The Chaplain prayed that if it should please God we might scatter our enemies, bat, O’ I preserve the liTCf* of these dear ones, and prolong them for Thy glory.” Truly did God answer the prayer of the devout old man—they v>ere soattorsd to the ton wiodt and loe loit not • maa-"