I TLK-Fikh* 1‘ >4. 7 p.tu —To- iBtially quiet; both It* -ulibiith Only tbe wUole ot ‘mat aiui. icb’ Mill, > p. it nigbt amounted cticuiy ^bstuiloQcvl appar^utly i,j fiu J miles I >-day, ay Oiaut has gouj b»a men will uy,t «‘rt\ however. ih»t riv.T to cross to the » Mills, Juue 7, ;> t;ntri'r:ched behiud uip in tront, Karly ur Iclt ib unchanged 1 Iront of Uill and >viu^ to the right, og lo-day. Anni/.—Battls- STTA, June G.—The i VUoona. Hooker’s between Ackworth e past two days have ililo tor artillery and ierably. Sonieslight 'St Mouatain ytster- Lcpoiier left the front **ro XU.OV - ri^lii ot the enemy Lokworth, and Hook- east of it on the old ers were west ot Ma- ; at Lost Mountain ight, with Polk the I.—Important chan- tho pa^t two days oa liny have abandoned ad are withdrawing Dg in the atrong for- 1. This contraction r the purpose of se* a depot of supplies rnh river. li Sher- li make Allatoona a >, which will be more flanking operations the campaiga. The have necessitated a art, and Gen. John- Jig ad strong an of- m as he has had at 0 weeks. The rapid lint by his wily oppo- } a large army in a it site ot the armies, desperation, hurl his gateways now occu py bring up his col- ginia, eight and tea power ot weight to kttalions, but we are } no more suocesstul re ot Johnston’s arn^y incible veterans witn ^his is the last offensive y be a furious and the s campaign, for a great g either to successloi {nominious retreat. 1 notea ot alarm have m’s temerity must be 8 tatterod lines drag >rn bodies bleeding to forthern border. The ^hibit the uneasy sen- ervaJes army circles. ^ t' - much ot a broad, —tb ' t ;at bold War est, 1 another bold arr- and when om; ' lat ho will be ,ppcr -lud nether mill , It - m t a matter ot ir: h to the enemy’s 6. ... and supplies, ^\e p > - unmo eated. k 'on watching qui* tr^ij and carnige along ■■■' and Oostenauia la^iirp.i'Med soldiers of [li - lOp down on k iV 'nemy's fleeing b' "iy mound shall ' -miberland. teu’ - , ith ''nst. I I he n IJUXv —iil' HMOND, ; ’.J, oi the 2d, ■n the White llroad between > Will be put in threatened by ic 2‘ rb -.^y that Parlia* 'he ■ 'r' - i jQ on the that t* re is some truth y V.?r Lee. The The news •rcial circles. - VV e hear that Id trying to re- . .ng down the . nle -ear i» en* am’fierj ->th — Icaru, thro .at jneral i'^ir^y • cl. and Eli Tbay- la'io goneralj wiih all their , h to be beyond 20, Wua^ t*' - inton on bt oti safely to pe lu yi/( or h hu . ja. 'i:h H'F tin :h. in.' un*- nc. h n>, > d a! cnt Qe .—All citi- ..oldier* delivered fuo, are declared /•f-. ar I ■ apt r legan, attempti**K , with an assort* inle th i leti. ii. tl the 7 th* Arrnj/ -^ ved at the frovost turday, from Gen. Lee? pa : -ortj to iritizens in!- 1, on .-rrands ■ are of the dead ied. VTfcOns who to p. up and cl»» M be rigidly ex* pic el linea her©- i houie. Rick.i^'. FA VK rTK VIIJ.K. Trtl^RSn.lY KVK-ViXh. JUXB 9. 1SI14. A t^uKKR Notio.n.—Wo learn by letter I’roiu Ko iiiiii'iville that the uuu of l>uplin county, Iroin 4.> to f)0, who are now in 't i vic*' at joldsborini;;h, aro vt^rv bitter a«;ainst Vanco. thiukiiii? thuf ii. >va» 1,.‘ who had tht'in » out They Lave beru di*- i«*ive»l l»y the “houfst jirt-;” ol tl\^ S'andard. Uov. Vauct* has neither the power u»r t)u> iucHnatioii to •lo Huythiiii' of the kind. It Wt il kno\Mt that his ilcsire i.H to keep these men at lii»in» upon their lurins. aiiJ he hail succeeded iu making an arrunsjenient to 'luit fttett, t'Ut SHl)se«iUfUl t*iner»»‘Uv;ied, »>r |ir»)bu- tnliiies ol eiiiergeiiciei'.. induced the War l>epart- ment—not liov. Vunee—to call them out. It i.*! earnestli^to he hoped that the comlition ol' aflairs will justify their speedy release and return to their farms, the thorough cultivation of which is scarcely second in importance to tlie beatinf^ of the enemy on the battle-fieldj No doubt the govern- lueut is as well aware of this as the sufTerin'j farmers themselves; and that it will, in conseciuence, dis charge them at the very first ntoinent that it l an be done with safety. If they had not been called out, the probability is that the yankees would have seen that the way was o]>en for tliaf march into the inte rior of the State to which they considered themselves invited last Fall by the Standard. And then what ■would have been the condition of the Duplin farm ers'.' Not only what Crops they have under cultiva- tijin been ilootr.>yotl, I'ut thcii l.ou.'c.' burut, their negroes run ofl'. iheir proviaiona uml clothing and furniture stolen and destroyed. To be called from home to perform a soldi r's duty is hard for uieu of their age, l>ut it is not so hard as to be dfspoiled »if aR their proiKMly. their wives and chil- dreu insulted, aud perhaps themselves carried otV to a yaukee prison. Jlveuts that soc'in to us to Oi> grievous calamities, are often blessings iu disguise; itutl it may be that this is oue of them. Tuk Hospitai. IX THIS Town.—W'e would remind our readers in town aud country, that there are about a hundred sick and wounded soldiers in the Ho.'^pi- tal in this town, aud that any delicacit's that can be spared, of vegetables, fowl?, fresh meats, eggs, but ter. in short anything that would be acceptable to an invalid, would be most worthily be5*towed npon these brave and sufi'ering defenders of their country. To those who canuot afford to give, we are retjuest- ed by Mr. Palmer, (an inmate of the Hospital, who has been detailed to make purchases while he is con valescing.) to say that he will be glad to purchase on as favorable terms as possible. He travels for this purpose up the railroad every week or two. A OooD CuA.vrn.—\V> saw on Monday in the re cently established K.^tpress Office in this town, a barrel of tiour, wtiich a soldier's wife was sending to her*husband in Virginia. The freight was no doubt a considenible item, but including that the flour will be laid down in Richmond at about two-thirds of what it would cost there. But what most struck us was the facility afforded by this Kxpress line to send Hospital stores for the sick, as well as tood and clothing for relatives and friends. W'e tru.st that the line will do a large bu siness in that way. On Monday two gentlemen handed us nearly .?4U0 for the Hospital Fund, which we turned over to the President of the Cumberland llospituJ A=>ociation, who will see to its prompt and appropriate applica tion to the noble object designed by the donors. Any further contributions left at this office, either fur this purpose or for the r*^lief of the unfortunate people of Washington, will be properly disposed of. CoL. .loH.N K. Murcu’so.n.—We have graat plea sure in stating that a dispatih was received here yesterday from Capt. David H. Murchison, contain ing the gratifying assurance tliat his brother. Col. John U. Murchison, was not killed, but was in. tlic bauds of the enemy, dangerously wounded in the head. W’e trust that ho will bt- spared to his family and his country. Likct. Thkophii.us H. lloi.y -.—Tlu.-^ jjaliaut youth, only ly years >1 a^’e when he w:i,‘^ killt d, had been two years in the service, and often under tire. He was not satisfied with v.'iat had recen'ly become, by location in Raleigh, a sirte position on the stall oJ’ his fathe.', Lt. Gen. Holmes, but preferred one near the flashing of the guns.' He obtain d pcniiis^jion, therefore, to leave Raleigh and go to V'irginia. Not being able in Richmond to obtain the transfer from his e.visting staff appointment to anothor that was offered to him in the field, he volunteered in the .5th cavalry. A letter to the Kditors trom a member of that Regiment says: “Lieut. Holmes came to us only a short time since and volunteered his services for the present campaign. In every engagement with the enemy he acted with great gallantry.” Mr. Hoi.dkn amonu the Yankkks.—Under this head we published on the 23rd ult. a very remarka ble statement by a “Paroled Prisoner” of the effect upon the yaukees of the Standard’s Editorial and comiuunicated articles. 'I'he statement mast have produced a sensation wherever it was read. We had a reqoust from one gentleman in a neighboring coun ty to print a large number of handbill copies of it, at his expense, for circulation. From another ‘ Paroled Prisoner” we have just THE COMMENCEMENT AT TUE UNIVERSITY IN 1864. Seventeen humlred and eight diplomas, "pro bonit lioti- btu flfiwnt, have now been granted to Baccalaureates at Chapel Hill. It is well for the givers that they have l>een given in Ijatin, for now f,h« public caunut in gene ral deny the propriety of the gift. The receivers too have now a chance to get two certificaiea coucerning their jjroticiency in tlie Humanities, oue a.*) a matter of course but in Latin, another in English to l>e believetl where the certified are not known. The class of 1804 was small, only seven, but it was composed of good ma terial. Its members were allowed by the Confederate received a letter from which we take the lil>erty ofl to coiu[ilete their eilucation, and the most of *' I tnoiil tkavfk nioilo .,.***1.:,. rr> l.\test m.ail anu tkleoraphio news. K.\LEIDESCOPIC VIEW. THU SAUK nCTCRE KRO.M DIKFKKE.NT STANPPoiN cs. “Mr. Hampton is a stupid, uftinformed person. /•Vom Geii. Lee's Armif.—Bichmomd, June 8.— yesterday, for the | * , ^ j* „ot for us to‘refresh the leaden mem- 1 M detail ot ours improperly wvp- Hampton. * * * He shonid bear in ^ u e urymg the dead last night, and to apol- golenm injunction of the oath itself, to tell pS^dio day “■ ^®‘’““Sof'°t«'-*‘3thastrans. |ihe truth, the whole truth, and nothing bat the copying a sentence or two, as n)llow.s: “The article iu a recent i.s.sne of the Observer j day, and the others will doubtless be where their e«mn subscribed “Paroled I’risoner,” which shows the ef- try direts them to be at the time apj>o?uted Onlv two fects of Holden's teachings upon the enemy, has the neven have been at the University in all Jf th caused some tluttering among the supporter.^ of this I‘‘'rtht terms of their College oour»e. When the elas« truth.”—Mr. Holden, Kal. Stajulard. June S. '64. “The meeting at W^ilkesboro’ on the 7th, was largely attended. W W. Hampton, Esq. presided. It will not do to say that W. W. Hampton, I>r. Calla way. Calvin J. Cowles. Rev. H. P. Smith * * are not true to the South. 'I'hey are as true men already in the lield us Htiiff oHicers on Coiunient-enient j pulsed with loss in every instance, and several him- I the Stat»‘ contains.’’—Mr. Holden. 19, 1863. Later front the Xorth.—Rk’H.mo.nu, June 8.— U. S. papers of the 4th received. tirant’s dispatch of the 2d claims that the enemy’s works at Cold Harbor were carried the previous af- them Itaye made ijood u.se ol'this indulgenre. Two were ^ernoon The Miemy's repeated assaults were re- mischief-maker. The only way they have of meet ing the statements therein made is by denying the authenticity of the article, endeavoring to create the imi>ression that it was fabricated for political purpo ses; and they try to make this plausible by saying that “no nsine is signed to the article,” \c. * * “Coining from a gentleman of his position and es tablished reputation. (I think 1 can point out the gentleman without difficulty.) no oue can doubt the truthfulness of any statement made by him. I can myself testily to alt, iu substance, that he writes from what I saw’ and heard while a prisoner. * * * “1 have knovm them [ the yankees] to rejoice more and make greater demonstrations over an article from the Standard than over an important victory claimed by them on the battle-field; and very rea sonably too, for fhe^ /I'uow that we cannot be sub jugated if we remain united among ourselves. Hol den’s paper leads them to believe that North Caro lina is about to desert her sister States and return to Lincoln’s embrace—hcnce their joy.” The writer of ike above has filled a political sta tion. hut he is a gentleman of unimueachable charac ter, and there is not the slightest doubt of the entire truthlulness of Ills statement. As to the author of the article signed a ‘•Paroled Prisoue’*. " we repeat what we said at the time, ‘• The wr|ier is no politi- rian. His pursuits before the war had as little coi>- nectu'u with politics as with arms—none whate\er with either. 11 is high personal character is a gua rantee for the truthfulness of his statements.” We do not suppose he ever v^rote a political artiele. but rather that his habita of life Itf him to be a corre spondent of the North Carolina Pn‘sl>yteriau. Those people who pretend that the letter was fab- ricaU'd for political purposes do not believe what they say. They hiou- that we would never be guilty of such a trick, nor allow any one to do it through our columna. I'he writers of both the article and the above letter were captured while leading their com mands in battle, and, along with hundreds of other officers, suffered imprisonment for long weary months. That they give truthful statements of what came within their knowledge, there is no doubt whatever. A Pai-er kok thk Times.—We have often had oc- casiou to notii e the Standard’s habit of ignoring the army news. Confederate victories, aud such things, and devoting its columns to the far more important political aspirations of W, W^. Holden. Twenty lines sufficed the Standard to tell of Hoke’s great Ply mouth victory, but twenty columns are not enough to glorify W. W. Holden and abu.se Gov. Vance. The Standard has not yet found room to publish the correspondence between Gov. Vance and President l>avis, for that correspondence might open the eyes | joined Mr. J. H. WiUinms to Cary Peters of I’orts of its readers to the unfouuded nature of its com plaints against both of these officers. But instead of that really important official correspondence it devotes nearly eight of the twelve columns of it' last Satur- day s issue to matters relating to the Governor’s election, and only one and a half columns to those great events that had occurred in Virginia during that week. In that issue of the Standard, under the appropri ate caption of “Hard Run—More Humbnggery,” Mr. Holden, aftei a wool:'^ delay, noticps the certi ficates of Messrs. Hamptou and Horton. As in the case of the Vance and l>avis correspondence, the Standard does not publish those certificates. 'I'hat too, might open the eyes of its readers. Mr. Hol den .says ‘he has no recollection of any sufh . onver- sation as those gentlemen describe:—' ■ H’e enijasre in hundred.-) of conversations during nioiiMi of which we retnin no distinct rc'collcitivn, and We cannot, therefore, be sure, us no one can be surn, tliat we have net usel cortain words or e.xproHsions. It 'vould Ik wonderful, indeed, if we could recollect all that we was in its Freshman year it counted t>» members. :>iot oae-niiith of that ni>ml)er remained to swell the ranks of the educated nii-n of their cumitry. Muiiv, how many is not known, have tallen in defence of that country. One- tiiird of those who were their tirs't teachers at the I ni- ver.^ity t^Ieep with them in soldiers’ graves, and another titth are ready lo till the “iniTi'inent, deadly breach” in delenee if all that is worth living for. When the war is over the surviving Alunaii of the l iiiversity ought to rair.e a cenotaph in “the College Campus” in.-icribed with the names of those who have bravely died that they mijjht safely live. l)r. Ite enis' sermon in'fore the graduatirg class on NVednesiiay morning waj the only address delivered du ring Commencement week. His te.xt was tlie same as ^rehbi^-hop Fluijhi's’ in “Thou shall Wive tho Lord thy with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is tlie tirst and great comuiand- ment.” But the exposition tiiereof was entirely ditl'er- eut arul set olK with all those :riaces of language and e!o. ution which characterize the Rev. Dr’s discourses from the })ulj)it. He showed that his text was delivered to bt* a preci-pt for al!; no man, in Hy;e, country or position, can claim e.\em{>ti'>!i fri>m it. It comes Ui the whole man; no faculty of tlie soul can be in healthy exercise tliut re- r«:M‘s (il)ciMence to jt. It rests t>n the »)iOle life; no eOoih ill II tiiiyi's c.visU-iure it- it timulafes to tTie I'crronnai.ce of every dutv and com forts in the enduran«-e of every chastenin*;. While such loctrines I'ermeale the leachinijs at our I'niver-it v, its ■>on^ will, untler the biessin>; ol tnul. continue to Ih^ wise in coun«'il, fearles-i in ilaiiger, patient in labor and ciiHri- table in judirment. will: that charily which is jfreater than Faith and Hope. The graduates of this year are Messrs. Albert. M. lioo- /.er, of l.exinjfton. S. Walter Mi K. Clark, of Halif».\ ounly, WiUiain A. (iulhrie, ol Chapel Hill, James C. (iilmer, of Scurry county; James T. Tate, of Oast on co.; Augustus Van \Vyck, oi IVndleton. S. C., and J. liu.vtou Williams, Jr., of Warren countj-. Mr. (Ulmer won the highest prize in scholarship and in punctuality, and .-jMike the Valedictory. Messrs C.uthrie and Tate were reck oned Bs equals in the sei'ond rank, but Mr. tJuthrie sjioke the Latin Salutatory. Messrs. Loozer and Van Wyck gained the third distinction. Mr, litiozer was never al>- sent from a Colleire duty during hi-- two and a half yenrs’ connection with the Cniversity. Mr. Cl«rk joined our Hi-my at the early atje of 1,'). was preserved thrjugh many of the. bloodiest tights of the war, was absent from no duty during his sojourn of a single year at the Univer sity, was reckoned as second to none in the studies of that year, prepared himself for license as a lawyer, ijrad- iiatfj before he was Is. and is now a CapUun on Cieii. M. W. Rausom’s .st.alf iu Virjrinia. Surely this is a bright prophecy for the future of a young and devout Christiaii :;entleimn. Some other incidents connecti:d with this class i»re wtirth mentioning. It has lost two members bv death at Chapel Hill while pa.Sbing through College. One of these, Mr. Rogers of Wakn county, died the week dred prisoners taken. Other diapatchesj, eijnaily fabulous, from Butler and other sources, are published, probably with the view of influencing the action of the Republican Convention, which met at IJaltimore yesterday, tjold is quoted at I'JH. ^u7uiress.—IIiciimo.ni), June h.—The Senate sus tained the I’resident’s veto of the joint resolution e.jemptiiig editors and employees of magazines and periodicals from military service. Also, the biU in creasing Ordnance officers, returned by the Presi dent. The appropriation bill passed without amend ments. The House joint resolution of thanks to Gen. Taylor, officers and men, was concurred in. The House was occupied in the discussion of the Senate impressment+»ill until recess. Frnrathe Valley of Virginia.—We have unpleas ant news from the Valley. Our forces have sus tained u reverse there, with the loss of a very valua ble general, William K. .loiies. Our forces, under Gen. Jones, met the (jtieiiiy at New Hope. 10 or l‘i miles from Staunton, at 11 o’clock on Sundaj'. 'I'he enemy had nine or ten thousand infantry, a large train of artillery, and a heavy force of cavalry. Our forces were driven back lirou^ti atixiinton and towards Waynesboro’, (ien. Vauijlua -u.|.oeded to thi‘ tsouixiaiid «.ii rh«* dc-itth of (3en. Jones. All of our trains were brought oil'safely. A con- cenfration i>f our forces there will prevent a repeti tion of the enemy’s success. 'I'he above information from an authentic .source. There is but little doubt that the enemy hold Staunton; but we are of opinion their .stay will be short.— liich. Srnlinel, 'Ith i’injniia Arrnu /terns.—In the fight of Friday night, it is said our troops after levelling the breast works captured from the enemy, so as to permit our artillery to play over them, retired. The enemy, supposing we still held them, advanced in lines ten deep to the ^sault, when our artillery opened apon them with grape and canister, mowing down the first line, which fell back upon those advancing, when our artillery firing into the mass slaughtered them by thousands. I’he Medical Director of Anderson’s (Longstreet’s) corps states that up to yesterday morning the totai number of casualties in the corps, killed, wounded and missing, in the fights around Richmond, is only hro hundred and sirfi/ three. This corps, it will be recollected, has taken part in nearly every en gagement since the enemy crossed the Pamunkey. It is said that seven hundred dead and badly •unded Yankees were counted iu front of Hoke’s line after the fight; and, what is most surprising, Hoke only had two men killed. five hundred wagons is employed in Cease!^—A file bites yon.—Riileujk Confederate. •iNOTHRR I.OOK IN THK KALKIDFSCOPK. From the Raleigh Standard, June 7, 1864. “If ii-e had been in his [Gov’r Vance’s] place, while we would have yielded every proper and just support, and that cheerfully and promptly, to the Confederate Government, we would have seen to it at the same time that our State was respected, as it has not been under his Administration.” From the Raleigh Standard, Oct. 2, 1863. “If Gov. Vance had been defeated in 1862, civil liberty in this State would long since have been trampled down, and Bastiles filled with victims suf fering for opinion’s sake would have been establish ed in nearly every County. The military power would have triumphed over civil law, and the arms of our soldiers would, if possible, have been turned against their owjj countrymen. W’'hen we review the history of the last two years, and sec what our people have escaped by the defeat of the Destruc tive candidate for Governor, and the election of Gov, Vance, we cannot be sufficiently grateful for the suf frages of the soldiers and people in August, 1862. which rescued liberty in this State from the grasp of military power, and secured to the people the prar- tical exercise of the right of free thought und free expression ••No 4>i>vt>rnor »f thi» Sta.te, HlQce the timos that tried meu’s souls iu the old revolution, has had gra ver or more perplexing responsibilities on his should ers than Gov. Vance. It is simply impossible for him so to act as to please every oue. 11 should be con stantly borne in mind that he is a sworn officer, smd that his oath binds him to see that the Confederate laws are enforced If he has not obtained for his State all that was justly due her, it must be remembered that he has to deal with a stubborn and perverse ad- miniistration at Richmond; and that much of that which has been obtained has been forced from those, who, whether from accident or design, have been singularly unfortunate in their course towards the people of North Carolina.” , From Eastern A' C.—The yankee Newbern Times of the 28th says that 40 yankees were killed and 17 wounded by the torpedo explosion noted in last Ob server. rOR TBS obsmmvmb. Hiad’e» 61st E«a't I Ntrtu- UikiaiNt’ Mille. V» JaM It 186*. / .Messrs R J H'lle « Sob*: Be’ow will uwiiialiiiMi ia au «u^»gemcDt with tte mutj u^ar Oainea’ Mills, whioh you will IpWi** for ih» in'.)rtr.atiou of tbeir friends: Co A—Wcuuij^,i. Private J E Herriam, B-Wo«na«J: Capi W R 8*11, arm UBW^aMb 04*0 .uP^r.tt, LtUfctes W E Raokley, D Eiie'l ZEmll ' C—KUled: J J Tboiaas Woundedj Sgta B BMlte. a W Stanford, privates Loui« Saiamsrlia, B lUidik^ 4 ’ Hntn merlin U—W*>uDJ«d: Tapi R J -VloKaobtnm, SgtTi Pbaul. private?* S I Cobb, A MaMlewUtc, J W ' W J Humphrey, oligbt; D Sbaw. seiioaf; MW R—Killrd; 87t S P Hammonds, privat* p PomlL Woiinded- ,f Bltokman, E Qrimslej, ARaatoa, W L Brcjfeii F—Wonsi^ f: Privf^tes W P McLellui, J B Jomm, O A SpR.'kman Q- K letj; Private P Edwards. WoBnd®d: Prlvatst O Ba i J R JotUy slight, McD Blackman el’giit. H—Killed: Pr«T«tes D MoColbk*y, J J Nobl*#. Wounded: Corpl D Q Pearoe. rrW 8*bb«tt. I —\ T Jnoke-^n Wounded: J W HeiUMA- wav. T D Jvn.'S. H J Biyn**. Jaok^aa T^w slighity. K—v» '.nD"‘'>vl: L: J f T, w arm, privet* W T Sill*. K'l‘P.1 7 ►•nl'Si -d rn‘'n: wcnnJed 8 offioera. Si eBUei- *d ricD—tois>'. ‘15 Very r spectinity. JOHN R. I«ATTA« Lt Hnd Aojt 5l9t Reg't NOT. At Oain's' Mill Junt I. Gft I—Wounded: Sgt H H Bolton, JGCHddee,DStn- pr', J h Durdon M'ss'Oji: SRt H L H«U. T Bryant. J W C»n o! N H UoaTer, J D Davis, W D B SUis, X 0 Fi.vDer, D Graham. W K Q'over, J J Hardiicta U D Jonf!« John JackHOth. D Munroe, A C MoDj^ald W J Norria. O McIntyre M McQ'ioroadale, W Nan^ery, W D Pooe J D P.ioe P M fimiiD, T J Stricklin. A J T*y- lor, M h Joiaer, Akx Tow, J A Tew, D.C TeW, J M Tow, J Tew, J C W»rren, W T Mmot. Kr-Jvillf*d: Lt Elliott, Bgt R Warrrn. A C Walker Woon?irc': Sgf E l>uJley, M Pope Missing: 8gt 0 B Vrttin A W Lfp, J Simmons. R Wil«ford. DIID, In this vicinity, yesterday, LI2^IE GRAY, infant daughter of Major .lonathan and Mr?. Douglass Evans. In Cedar Creek District, Cumberland Countv, :;d March, Mrs. MARGARET WllEELEK. leaving four children. Also. Mr. JEI’THa HALL in the same District, aged 29 years, a soldier of the Confederate Army. ^ A train of five hundred wagons is afU-r the Senior Reiiort was read in the l>eginniug of I hauling supplies to Grant Irom the White House. May, and was buried in Uie suit that had been provided for the graduation of a first-born son. Shortly after wards another of the class was summoned, but reached his home too late, to receive the last kiss of a dying mo ther. On the morning of Commencement day Dr. Deems laid away iu tlse dust of death Mrs. (»uthrie, the n»other of the Salufiitorian. and at nii^ht the Rev. Mr. Hilliard mouth. Vtt.. in those b.iud' which death only should sever. There were seven graduates at the tirst Com mencement nf the L'niversity ^in 17^8.) But the chron ides of the day do not show that they pa.-s«l through aS manv trying scenes as have marked the career of iheir brethren of IS04. IJcsides thes« seven Ba''calann ates, the Trustees who were pre-^ent i tlovernor Vance, Ex-Governors Manly and .Swain, Judges Hattie anl Manly, and Mr. 1‘aul Cameron, conferred the Mastership in Art-s, ■'« honore,'’ on the Ilev. Francis W. Hilliard, ot the Episcopal Church, who was already an A. M. of his Almu Mater in Cambridge, Masx., and on the Rev Norval W. Wilson, of the tist ('’hurch. The same degree wa conferred “in course" Kichniand Serifinel, "ith. Capture of Waiiim Trains.—An oflScer from Gen. Smith's army thus writes, says the Register, to a friend in Mobile: Ilefore Steele evacuated Camden he sent a train of 2110 wagons, guarded by 15000 men and 7 pieces of artillery, out foraging. This train was attacked by ^r cavalry. We took ’200 prisoners, killed 800, captured the train and artillery, and saved all but about 30 wagons. •‘He again sent a train of :100 wagons lo Pine Bluff, guarded by '2800 men and 6 pieces of artillery. For the innate. The friends of WM. B. WRIGHT, Esq., respeotfully prespnt his came to th« voters of Cumberland »nd tlarnett for re election to the Senate in the next Gene ral Afssembly. June 7 39-te h’AYKTTKVILLE MARKET.—Jun« 9. .4t the request of many citi- ^ns of Harnett »nd Cumberla" i we Aie *n ihnrized to ancounoe £. L PEMCERTON. £eq. »s a candidate for the Honae of Commons in the next Lp(»ipla'ure o? North Carolina June 8, 1864. . 32itB We are authorized to annoance Dr. I _ _ J 'Mc*’ORMI''K )». cand'date for re election These were met by Fagan’s division of cavalry, j beaten, all their tbrce killed, wounded and takeu, and • June S9-tepd r. ilut;h Strong, teachej «»f -ay iu these coavcrsaiions among friends, or all that is 'aid !o us. But the gist of the charge is that we desired a Convention to secede t>om the government. This we solemnly deny. There is uo truth iu the charge. ' The Standard then enumerates several persons, intimate political and personal friends,” to whom it says Mr. Holden never said anything of the kind. This is precisely similar to the case of the fellow who was tried for stealing, and who, to rebut the testi- Liect. Chari.ks T. Ha.ii;u.—A letter from a Sur geon iu Lane’s Brigade says in reference lo the death of this gallant yeung officer, who but a few months ago left the Lexington Military Institute for active service in the field: “Lieut. Charles T. Haigh fell on the evening of the 12th ult., while gallantly leading his company (Co. B, :t7th X. C. T.) in charging a yank«;e battery. A member of his company reports that ht was shot through the head, the ball entering ubo'^'* eye and coming out on ttie left and back part of his head. Our men were unable to hold the ground on which be tiill, and conseiut'nlly 1 was unable to se cure his remains. “Ool. Barbour had no officer whom he fsteerned more highly than (’harlie, and although he had been with us but a short while, he had won the p-^teem of every otiicer aud man iu the reiriinent. His conduct was auch in the battle of the I’ith as not only to eli cit the commendation of officers and men of his own regiment, but his gallantry was such as to attrai-t the attention of Gen. Lane, who complimented him highly for his bravery and efficiency." From La.ne’s Brio.\uk.— L.\tract frosn a letter, dated “Batti.e-Fiei.u, ('oi.u Uarhor, June 3, 1804. “Yesterday we moved to this point, the extreme righi of the army. Uur Division and Breckinridge’s drove the enemy’s skirmishers from an important line of hills. After gaining the hills, Gen. Lane and 1 wen* locating our line of battle when the enemy’s eharp-shooters opened upon us. A miunie ball pasriitd through the (ieupral's groin. I feared from the profuse bleeding that the artery was cut; but we hurried him ofl' and have since learned that the ar Vjry was not cut nor was the bone struck. The wound is a very severe oue indeed, but it is hoped not a dangerous one. It is very sad to lose him • even for a time. Col. Barry now commands the • Brigade. I “'Phis morning the enemy made two charges upon ithe lines just to our left, but were quickly repulsed *We watched the tight with intense interest. Uur artillery opened upon them an entilade fire aa they retreated, from which they must have suffered heavi ly. They have a battery or two which enfilade our Srigade, and the balls come very close when they open upon us; but with God’s mercy I am still safe “The right of our Division rests on the Chicka- t'hominy. Then come Breckinridge’s two Brigades of Virginians, then Hoke and the rest of Ewell, suppose. I presume Longatreet is on Ewell’s left the left of the army." J. H., Jr. The Standard abu.ses .Mr. Hampton as a “stupid, uninformed person, incapable of comprehentSing a long sentence or a contingency, or even a statement argument.’’ We never saw Mr. llamptonsi but have UfCard from those who know him a very differ ent account of him, and especially have we heard that he is a man of e.xcellent personal cUaracter. It is but ten months since the Editor of the Standard himself declared that Mr. Ikimpton was as true man as the State contained. 'Fhe evidence of the Standard’s object in desiring a convention is suffi- ient to establish a fact in a court of justice; and is corroborated by Mr. Horton and by the contempo rary declarations of the Standard to the same effect. Besides all which the lialeigh Confederat« sav«-— ..H-. u-.o uearu ol many otht^r ifentlemen, who will verifv tho btut'-ment of Mes-.rs. Hampton and Horton. There are men in Chatham, who heanl similar proposi tions from Mr. Holden; men in (Juilford; men in .lohn .^ton: and there are such men in Raleigli .■\nd we have heard of one gentleman, a niinistcr of he gO'iH,‘l, a public tnan whose word Mr Holden could not call in ijiie'tion. All thene men owe il to the cause f truth and cuuntrv, to make this matter clear." ( lieniw’. S. t'.; on W illiam Bingham Lynch, lately 1‘ro fesor of Greek in Davidson College, and on the lion. Sanmel J. Person, lat^lv n .Judge of the Suj>erior Court of North Carolina, all “tir't honor" graduates of the L ui- versity. Tl»j*report that was read in Gerurd Hall ou Thurt^sluy atlernoon contained the following items that are honor able to the few contestants iu the peaceful arena of Lite rature and .''oience that were to be found at the L'niver- ity. Among th*- fourteen Juniors. Mr. Peter H. .\dains ot Greenstwro’ obtained the tirst. Mr. W. C. I’rout of \Villiam(«t>oro’ and Mr. Henry Condon of I’ittsboro’. the second, aud Mes'^rs W. liuff of Bruu!>w'ck Co., Va.. and N. K. Roan of Vauceyville. the third diotiuction in scholarship. Mr. E. G. Prout was declare*! to tie of th» first rank in Latin, French and Logic, and of the second in the Bible. Greek aud Math«;iuatics. Mr. J. S. Hender son obtained the fir'll distinction in the Languages, th secotid in Logic and the th'rd in the liible. .Mr. R. Hodge of Wake county, wius the ouly niem'ier of the class d* dared to have i>.-ei etuirely punctual in att*‘nding tf)hi> duties duriug his three years connection with tiie Uni versity -1 the Ix'ginuing of this term the Sophomore Cla.ss consiritcd ot w.*ven regular member..j. But the iat«> most of the wagons and all of the artillery saved, together with 1100 prisoners. It was on the receipt of the news of this last capture that Steele evacuated the place.’’ ... Battle-Field in (*‘‘oraf‘^—Th*, UaodieM little ‘Z rrr.i'H j /tyft. Of me War.—A correspondent of the Appeal, ll()i,i>K.\ i.s URA.MiK.—VV'e are a.“8ured by a letter from a gentleman in Orange that fhe .self-nominated andidate for (»overnor will not get one hundred voles in the county of Orange—his native county Upon this you may rely, ’ .says our correspondent. •Ii STICK TO North Carou.n a Trooi's.—The lett*T of Gen. Clingman corrects a slander of his Brigade. It seems that the giving waj of a Brigade from an other State was charged to the account of his Brig ade. It is not the first time that onr North Caro lina troops have boon charged with the t’aibire of troops from other States. rin;; this t*.“rm. Hut the dread of conscription w»is reat that only I.'J n-tnained to hel[) do fhe “gallafttiag at Coniinenc‘.’5ieul. (and the girls said they did it riglit Well, '••eomn'ifriHg f>t the^e Mr. Kubius H. Bu.b;e of Raleigh, is the ticst s'holar. .Mr. II. W. Means of Ca barrus county. sto;>d next to him, while M"?Hr.“. .\lston of Warren county. Burton of llalifa.x county, aud \V'lust«ii of Windsor, will have to advance two paces Ixibre they will reach the front rank .Mr.K.Tenny was declared to be among the second in's-t in the Bible and in Mathe matics. During the last session, Messr.«. (Juthrie. Means and Tenny have always Iwcn pn sent nt their Co'legiate duties. There w€>n- some negative honors dispensed in the Junior and P'reshman Classes, hut u« they are net reditahl" to iLose who trot them, nor agreeable to their friends, we will leave them among !he echoes of Gerard HaP. The following declamations were heard on Wednesday night from inemt)cr.i of the Freshman Clas-s. ,pi , • «:»irtiva—tJcrfi-i'l II. 'Jdllctt of Cha pel nill 'partaciiH to the (iladiutors Patrick H. iVinston, Jr.. of Windsor Our duties lo the Republic AllhTt (i. Curr of ChniK-l HIM. The Lone Star ot Texas -Andrew J. jliirton of Halila.'C coui»ty. Intemperance Win. ('. Mc.Vdoo ol (Jreenstioro Address I'oi' the (Jreekw Uoltei t VV. .Means ol ('alniri'us county. Irish Ali' nsand lOnglish Victoiies I'aliius of Ualelgh. These ileeiuniations wen;, on (lie whole, pl*>tisiii>' to both eye :ind ear. ,Mr. Iluslwe and .Mr. Winston itcijaiit'd the most eclat l\>r the .spirit aiHl propriely with which they renilercd thuir sp**tK;hes. When iUI th‘ horses are hard at work in the corn field or in fhe army; wtien Railroads are liable to imprcR-mcnt at a moment's notice; when a servant will hardly answer a question for le^s than a dollar, iior a hen lay an egK for less than a quarter, it was not to !>«• expcct'-d that many f=trauKers would be at Cominenc^ent. To those who were presc'nt, the |)olite and r!ady attentions of the Mar shall, .Mr. 1’. H. Adams, aud of his Assistants, M‘.s.srs. Henderson, Loudou and Koan, rendered attendance in Gerard Hal' and at the r‘ union very agreeable. The tjand of the 4;wi Reg’t discoursed very sweet mu?ic to {^ratified curs, and received many favors iu acknowledg- writing from the recent battle field in western Geor gia, gives the following accouut of the terrible slaugh ter of the yankees: . O.V THK BaTTLE-FiKI.D, ) Sunday, May 29—12 o’clock, M. ] I have just returned from u spt'ctacle the most bloody mine eyes ever beheld. Along a line of about 100 yards, directly in front of our right extreme, aud over a broken woodland, lie the dead bodies of 700 yankees, heaped in con fused piles of two, three and half a dozen I’hey fell on Friday afternoon. The fight which led to this splendid result began about 5 o’clock p. The men of Granbury’s brigade of Texan.=! were at reat in line of battle, unprotected by stockade or ritle-pits, and hardly expecting an advance, when their pickets descried a body of the enemy moving up the liill through the rough timber. They ap proached in an easy nonchalant manner, bearing a white flag. As soon as this was percelvtvl, orders were given to reserve fire, and they actually came within thirty paces of our line. It was a heavy col by two lines of reserve, und the the peaceful symbol and signs were not alow to detect the snare, thirty paces before us, and one of their officers cried out "you’re* surrounded; snrren der.” There was a single instantaneous reply. Along Difr whole line leaped the fire from 1200 trusty Texan rifles, while Keys opehed au enfilading fire with a howitzer on their left. A sanguinary con diet en sued. reaching more or less across Cleburne’s front, but falling principally upon Granbury. It lasted until 8 o’clock. At that hour the enemy fled pre cipitately. They lost-2.500 wounded, and left us 200'jprisouers and 700 dead bodies to put in the ground. The sight is horrible. For a hundred ,j?ards you can .scarcely tread without stepping over the' mangled forms. Most of them are shot through t.be head. One fellow was examined and found to havo receiv- wonii^erlul. ('oolly these Texans went to work, repulsing an entire corps ia three hours. It was the corps of Maj, (ien. Howa rd. The figures above are not exaggerated; if any thing they are umlerstated. Our lo.'i.s or 400. To the Veters of Sampson Connty. THPOUOH lb? solioitatjona of many of my friends, I »cnoanoe myself a oandid«te for a seat in the House of Commot's in the next Legislature of North Ckiolina 8hoald I b« so ^ortun»te aa to Ve el- cteii. I will endeavor .0 work for the interest of the cUisene of Skmpson oonuty, to the bent of my abilitv. JAMES T. G1DDEN8. Clinton, N. C . Jaoe 7 . tepd Express Ag^ency! The Soutt>ern Express Compaay having completed il« arrangements, will receive sad forward fi'eigbt to | sell. KEVIEW OF THE MARKET. Bsctin a 03 to ^ 25 Pork 2 60. Lard 8 60. Beef 1 00 to 1 60 cts. per {tound, retail. Beeswax t>0. Batter 5 00 to 6 00. Cotton > 7o. Coffee 10 00 to 12 60. Cotton Yarn—20 00 to 30 00 per buaok. Dried Fruit 1 75 per Ib. Kggq 2 50 per dosea Extract Logwood ti 00 to 8 00 per Ib Plnar—L^st B»lc9 Sttper $175, Family $185. FUxseed 8 00 lo 10 00 per bu Fodder 12 50 to 15 00 Hay 12 60. Shaoka 12 60. Grain—Corn $26 to $30 Wheat $30. Rye 25 00 to 30 00 Oats 10 00. Peas 80 00 to 86 00. Hides—Green 2 50 to 8 50. dry 6 00 to 6 00. Iron—8wp«iea 3 00 to 8 60. Leither— Upper 20 00 to 25 00, Sole 17 60 to 20 00. Liqaors—Corn Whiskey 60 00. Apple and P«Mk Brandy 6Q| 00 MolMses, conntry made, 30 00 to 35 00. Soda 3 60 to 5 00. ' Nails 3 50 to 4 00 per lb. Onions 20 00 per bushel. Potatoes—Inah 15 lo $20 per bash; sweet 16 to $lt. Rice 76 to 1 00 Sugar 8 00 to 12 60 Soap—Family Bar 2 00 pet lb., Toilet 6 00. Spirits Tarpentine 8 00 per |t;ftllon. Fayetteville 4 4 Shootings, Outaiden’ 8 00. S»lt 25 00 to 30 00 per bushel. Tallow 8 00. Wool 6 00. Corrected by E. L PanaKToa. Hemersrille High Sekoole, Male and fenale, FORSYTH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. R. P. KiRNKa, Pri:'cipal, ai *.ed by caapetent TeMkm. Rev. Wm Bbrst, Chaplain. The Fall Session will open the 26th Joly 1864. Tkese schools ar* sitaated in a healthy, moral and rell* gious neighborhood Tidtion Is Primary Bnuwhcfl $18. Arithmetio, Geography, &o., $20 Philosophy and Book Keeping $2 Masio en Piano $50. Latin, Alge bra and Geometry $25. Beard at the old prioe, if piid In produce; bnt if not, as low ia meney m oIa be af forded. Students admitted at any time. Paymente at the olo!e of the session. A dedaotion of | to woonded soldieni For partioolars addrees the Prinoipal at Kar- nersville. Forsvth ooun>y, N. C. June 7. 39 4tpd JVOTMCE. ^ New Hiakory Bogies, 3 Seoond-hand Bnggies, 6 Rookaways for 1 aad 2 horses, whioh I wlsk to any points in the Gonfederaoy, to whioh thrir lines ex tend All articles of freight must be securely racked, and all boxes nropcrly hooped, and the name of the person dietiaotlv merkea .'Ml Mcr.ey Packages must be pecurely seikled and stamped, with private seal of the shipper It ia desire 1 that all Paroels, Paok««;e« or Freight to be forwarded by either of tho Boats, be sent j to this Office bj o’olook on tii?i evening previous to deparinre OfSse ou Hay St, Inn Front Bail iing. No 50, for merly occupied bv St'.rr & Williams a E TALUFERHO, Agent Jute 7 ~^JFdRS^E^JE- FRE8H RIGS by tbe c»sk A few bfc-rels PRIME BROWN 8UG.\R, by C. T HAIGH A BONS. June tl. 8^-3ipd June A. MoKSTHiJV; 89 8tpd From FayetieviUe. a MILOH COW, of medium ■he, a dun color, with two long teata Any one ftading her, and delivering &«r to me, or give any informatioB of her whereabouls, wilt be suitably rewarded. BILAS 8HEBIZ. Juno 7. 87-2tpd Rich mood County Salt JVoticc. 1tU£ euhsociber will uistnbuie State Halt lo ftU in need, at Lvmubu-ch, on Tuesday, 14th, and at Old Hundred,” on W«dnesday, 16ih. The Agent# from the upper end of the county will pleaat meet nu at Old Hundred, prepared to p»y for and teke Salt to their Districts D. McN&LLli, Com*r for C«. June 8, 1864. Jtpd M: The K\aminer, from which we copied (ien. (Ming , , , _ J , I mcnt ol their timely s‘rvico»,espcciallv from the familic!^ man s letter, omitted a paragraph ol it. I he other I-i; q friend.-^ of their ollicerH. the brave Lieut, fol. Lewi^, Hromofiohs.—'Fhe following promotions and a.s- signmeutH are announced in a special order from the Imadquarters of the army: Maj Gen il Ii Ivershaw, pernianenlly lothe comniaml of McLaw.s’ Division. II Hn^u... h^rig Gen liryan (irimes, permanently to the coni- I maud of Ihuiiel’s (N (’) Brigade. Hrig Geu .lames t 'oiiner, temporarily to the command of Mctiowan's Brigade. l’>rig Gt;u Ilufus Barringer, permanently to Gordon’s Brigade of Cavalry. Brig Gen John McOausland, permanently to .leukins’ Cavalry Bri gade. Brig Geu Wm 11 Cox, temporarily to llam- seur’s N C Brigade. Brig (Jen 'I'hos Toon, tempo rarily lo .lohnston’a (N ('j Brigade. Brig Gen Wm (j Lewis, temporarily to Hoke’s (N C) Brigade. Brig Gen Lilly, tempoiarily to Pegram’s Brigade Brig (ien Zebulon York, temporarily to Hays’ and Stall’ord’s Brigade. .Maj Geu Ramseur, temporarily to Kiirly’s Division. Maj Gen Malione, temporarily to Anderson’s division. Lieut Gen R FI Andersvui, temporarily to Longstreet’s Corps. l..ient Gen fJ A Early, temporarily to Kwell’s Corps.— Richmond papers, received since the Kxaminer, arc not so squeamish, but very properly publish the whole. 'I'he following is the omitted paragraph It may not bn aiuLss to state that, within the last 3 wenkn, it has lost (in battle j eleven hundred and 8e»enty-three (l,i7:i) men. Il is a singular fact, too, but one that is indiBpulal)ly true, that in every instance in which it hus been engaged, whether attacking or defending itrfelf, it ha.s decidedly and signally beaten the enemy in its front, and that foui lift hs of its losses have been sustained solely l>ecause iu llankn have been left unprotected by the troops whii'h shouhl have been there. They have suf fered in ihid way on Hix different occas’ons.” A Grkat Mi.stakk.—A press telegr.phie dispatch from Richmond on Monday night, said: “Our losses during the whole ot la't week, will not reach ten thousand.” This was a very serious number—ten thousand in one week. When the Richmond papers came it wag ascertained that it was ojte thonsand, instead of ten. Troo'ps EnoiMjh—The Petersburg Express, ot Monday, s ya the troops which arrived there on Saturday night were stopped and ordered to report Gkn. Kiiitii.A.ND.—We find the following iu the I to (ien. Beauregard. With the large reinforcements Richmond Kxaminer as an advertisement. We think 1 known to be on the way to Gen. B., his^reugth, we . • 1. ,1 u r 1 . 1 I learn, will be even greater than betore Gen. Lee was It might well have found a more conspicuous place, ^einfJrced from hLs army. We state this, says the without requiring pay for its insertion; Express, to calm the-fears of the timid, who may “Brigadier (ieneral W. W. Kirkland, of North | fear that Gen. Lee is uot strong enough for the work and tho giillr.nl Serg’* Major W. R Kenan of nujjlin Hy the way. S'-rg't K 'Uaii was a ditJciple of Miu'-rva, ae a memljer of the Class just graduated. But Cupid and Mars clainu d his scrviceH last Spring, i^o after niariy- in>? one of the prettiest aufl riche.«t girls in Chapel Hill he went otf to the war to Ikj just in time for the taking of Plymouth. So he has taken (a wife.) has b(.‘t>ii takcH. (by a wife.) ha? pone t« take (the yankees) and Is going U> bring home honor for him.-^i-if and safety for hearth and al tar. CoLU.MBUS (-OUNTV.—The correspondent who re ceutly informed us as to the probable oandidates for the Legislature in Columbus county requests us to I (Jarolitia, was shot through the inside of his right j of thrashiiig Grant, as it is hardly to be supposed state that R. M. McRackan, Ksq. declines to be a j thigh. He is at the residence of surgeon Franklin I that all this force would be stopped before reacbing candidate. | Uaucock, oo Main is doing welL“ I his army, omess he felti agaplj prepared Quartermaster's Office, AVSTTBV1H.B. Jufft tt, 1 R4 To whom it luay concern. 1)VjRS0N8 wishing the appointmeat of Assessors of Tax in Kind ^or the of'iuiag crop, in the counties cf Cn:oberli»n l, Harnett, Robeson. Columbus, Bruns- wich;. New Haao^er and Blades, will address me imme- dia^^ly, giving taoie, P. O , age, and cause of military exemption Wouaded or disabled officers or soldiers, w'O arc capable, p>‘«ferred An p^rly %p»jljc»tinn is re- o^;ret J M MoGOW.\N. C »pt aad Post Q M Wit. Journal copy twice an** bend bill to Cap a. .tiictloiieer aud C'ommissiun >Iercliaut, FayttleviUe, .V. C Jiiae « I'OR i XOPFEE ani 8UC AR; Vj' F.nglisb 'Slu.'ifard; Cfiifna Y.-vrc N v.iitlO C. dar Fslls 1 1 t>it>e'iiip;- E*tv* FhaiiSv Fiiu'^, LoiMio’t I’orter; Ure?u (’opp-r *a. Kiiivns aad Forks Spice ail *. P’a."k 'liugpr, ^o U; E{.pcm Drovi. Windsor P.-’ap; ALSO—StoiiV Wure, toch a« (!hurnJ, J ire, L« iBoui'«, Pitchers and Mug>-. H MoMlT.L^K- ♦> ■’9 911 WOTICli-'. I T JuBO Terin 1««4, of ifte Oouv't of PU*as and tiaar- .A, ter 8essi; n.' jf C!m.».erUnd oonuty. the subseribers worf> appiiotfd G>n**rul Adn?isi«t. a* M's* -'f •''e e'fate of ti)« litc Uu.ncan M:N«iil P jr?ons indebted to the Iv.- u ure notified vo mnke pmtIj p-^yntent Those h«v- ii!g r—.nt p*'«t >ui ihicm in due, litre, or this Mo'ioe wiH bt> pl;'a*led tu bar cf » r*t«>vor7' n.\Vlf.n McNElLL A A McKETH.AN iiroTicE. 1 I T WILL attend at ih« foJJ. »riag tinies »nd plaoM for f j 1 lae purpose of oall^.c iog ttke (yonfe'ljrat« Taxes ttOW assesseJ, Taxes ou quarterly sales, ad'^iii,/ual Inoonta t4X, Ac , VIZ: At R; g*ii’& ou Mia V.j Ju"'e IJ^th, 7864. At St. Paul’s ou Tuced'ty Jum 14lh. At Lu'noer Brijg*^ -.a Wi-d'iiidiy June 15th At Randalsviili' »a rhur’ iiay Ju'se Ifiti. At Sniiih’s on Fri J*y Ju^ie 17(h At Burnt Swamp oa S-'unlay Jo’^e 18ih, Al Aif >'!•a^^T 11^ cu T j-Hi iy Jauv 2let At Thomppo'i’fi ou W.- ;urt^'i»y Juno 221. At WbUe House oa Tnnrs iay June 2Sd. Al SierliBg’s '■*iils ou Fr-'l-*y Jme 24lh. At M T. Reilly's o . Sttuid i.y Juua 2(6th. Al U*ok Swump on .VibnJity Jua.* iiJtH. Al LuaiLertcii ou I’ue aue 28i.h ,\i Wi%n^ri's o-j WeJueaday June 29ih. Ail Tax paye;3 who Dave not m»do return to the As* di^ssors will n»ve nu oppariaoity of listiag and p*yinf at the same lima ijuoie up with your $6 Confi^erat* Notes: (bin wii'. *e Ia«i cbanoe to p»M them off At A. NicMILLAN, t^oDi^otor for 25th District. l>uud^rToob, Jnae 4. 39-2t*H :jj(IOO REWARD. OTOLEN from tuv eiaU»e, on the night of t'"* 28i>k of V-ay, a dorp biood bay M.^RE, with heavy man* *nd bushy tail aV.oui feet 2 or 3 inches h’th; worka in double or sin^lj harnea-; %bjut ten yoara old, %nd trots with great rapidiiy From iuforraaticn I think sae was giolen by a man claiming to be a soldier, wear ing a blue felt hat ard carrying Hie arm ia • slisi;, wno faid he wa.^ going to Ttnues^ee The mar. ia iie^ed 10 hfcve been Beeo near Joyner’s D#pot, in Wilaoa Gountv, on hie way to Fayeueville or up the Couatrj> ^ WILLIE J EPPU. Halifax, June S, 18C4. 39 2w Ale and Porter for iialc by C. £. LEExS. 3d-i2t June tj Further i^otwe. , ^nilEBEnill be so'd r-t F«^7otte\’i'l>* on I r; :be Ivld an i ili;c»ien FURNl- ^ TURK, and LIBRARY, (ha prorert.» the late Uancan jgderacy. McNeil! Also, the tirtiot^iK In the t’aV‘'u'' " | ^Fayetteville. May 4 of the d'tceased, suaH )»• Bi*ds:eals. lairs, Washstanli*. And at the Mill » Hoc on ’arver’a Cr^'ek, be^inmng wiih Friday tho first day of J'xl7i STOCK of ail kinda. ombrncisg so me M-Utes of good quality. Wagons, Carts, Planti*tioi» Tools »nd some l^ruiture . r> i? At the Taylor’s Hole PKnta»ion, on the »ape rear Riv*r, on Tuesday the 5tfi of July, th«»re wUl be sold tlattle. Hogs, Plantation Taels, Furnitur e, a Wagon and Cart • The sale wiO g^ from d»y to day ai' e»«h plaoe, wnen the termi* will be announoed DAVID' McNEILL. A. A- S lol^THAN, Adsiiiiistntoit. Jam* 8,18^ The Eutcrprii*e Cotton Factory is now prepared to exchange for corn or bacon the Finest Slombdrs of Span Yiurn. suitable for Spring aud Summer Cloth. This Thrtad U of a supzrior quality, uo^ surpassed by_M^^ th^Oo^ GEO. BRANDT. 29itf 1 am a Candidate tor tlie office of SHERIFF of Chatham county at tke election in August next. W. Q. ^LBRIOHT. Simmon Grove, May 12. 34«i« E. Forwanliig4 C#»ffl*8sloB Merefcntj \tJlLlt give amok despatch to goode ooi-tiga^*o kte JL