1 ■■-■’Ji! ! 0 IKlBTIBIBo EB K L Y. ■*“ AYKlTFVn-r.E. N, c.. JUNK 20, |S(i4. ' fNO. 1343.] "HIN .V ifi!> )'U. Lll P ' -p ■:i« '"f(*k!v ■,.« H r (\e iM-'KXrujt f-iti *!■: r>i ■ •! K f - i^r*ADVRnTlRP\fENTS! ir.c..v»,K| f.,r f s 12 lines '>r p for 'be r'lH'-r fOT' r-'-h pucf'ee^i'n5 pubMnfl'n. AJTcrfiso’*'’ ' ‘3‘o>i s a:e t'le nnnuHe' inp»>r'''.ijs :»-iro>l. o. ' ev w »a »■ * ! ir(!or'Vivn ^'Ivert.isenK'r't® -■ ,T’ ’-.3 > e T,W5-;ai^rii St'K' l/iw ! ‘ ;TI{/C Fro;'’ -n u^i ‘MadMp, nonanj^o? > new subs-’rihf^r fpi?’ J'fl enferp-l* withour pnympnt iu ailT^nt.vs, Bor will lhe'*pai>i*r be ssut t.o sn'^h snT>=.?rV,'rr‘> for 'i I'jnper tiiac tnan ;p paid fnr. Such of owr old snbecribero •'s do^'re to '"ike th? p‘\- pcr rtr ^bi« r.yp.feir! plerv'C notifv us wb>^T' tnrvkinp reuiiUauces. .ian’;' 1. 18>8 W. l>RALGHOr¥, AUCTIQWEER, 8. K. (orner Market Square, FAl'ETTErifXE, N, C. S(jS“ Prompt attfj^Hrkn giv^o io tH in b's lir* £?'■'■( pte- Hii^. Jjn^ 10, 1PG4 4)t' H. McMILlAM, lDction«er and renimission Merchant^ •Vo. 2*2, Mtay l^treet^ FAYKTTKVriiT,K, X. C J’.inf* r» W-3jn ” IS.^AC HOLLrGSWOHTSr Grocer and CommisMon Merchant. FAYKTTHVILLE. N. (V KATKS OF I'KIUMIIT, iV B! iHK PRv-PRItTv.ltS of T»iH \ rmlfiHtt VompaniiH A'aviijuttntt i’itpi t\ai' Him'.' irBRt'AllV 1S&4. t-.iU })£r !«h.1 ■, n* r ten . D"? V>".^pl ti? i ,.ia bnln ( u. irs re i. r: •V pf-r 1 ii . i fif ■ ( 0 !hs- . prr i'-'il ■' 1, • ■Tsuit, (yar-, 50. per Stnoet Nuiiuh,, e»ch * I DiMo Rockii oms.U 2 T.O; largfs eMli ■ oiF:>e. rsr '■»(? or ■.‘irre’. I ■^J^'johrs tm-zij Jil; QUcd 0&?‘ I arid PprV. vfl*" b‘- r'.l I Qri ' * fifor.ep ppr toe Fipnr, p-r barri*l 1 H> ? -3. gr en 1 60: d»-v .*1 j n''VP'P, d' ▼ a f.” up. I 3Iiy and Fodder, rcr br>« Jro.1. h«vr nnd h^op. pe* on U ';c, pV~, T :o»n I L'OP, rter #5; d’Hn per barrol I Le vtber, loofi" p^r r'd* 1 ^0; do, hale, per foot ; L.ad p^r 'on 'i i^src, iO p'\!Vr.-?, barrel j I' iwds'r, per keg. '25 1' 3 i r.*t'p'^r ,T>iT b»g ; Os’, i-'. b'jla , g*il>a3, i StH. in per •>*«; 1 GO; dit'o ■ pr *• 0 vsk ^ pf-r barrel j Spiriu T jrp. utine, vor barrftl Wc^cno. Road. ' ' p, in boxes, i 3p'r:(.i, in hhdfl , pipes and casks, per gallon I Sue»T. io barrelq, i Cc*l. per (on, $’26; di>fo, per hhd., $10. I E»“A’ otaer freljcht=« iu pr-iportion. U- «>,. I(» ( •• 4v l»‘ «.• b *U i> o:> I' 0 Vi (( z I'O 10 V (•> 0' 26 7.=v 4 50 25 0'» ' 00 fi 00 •25 00 00 2.*^ 00 5 00 ?5 00 25 00 a 00 1 00 ^5 00 n 00 1 50 20 00 6 00 in hbls, 2 50 pez bhl 15 00 2 50 5 00 40 00 :} 00 25 00 ITTO.V rvo. lo* ' ' , V'.'OITUN OSHD VIANOF^ - V- *• O Mt. v ui>>¥ uu»nutnutui'ln)(i/A :U)a • r 10 :ri. ruu (ii« ba‘okatl'. .uU At pri-^enf U." „ ic..i j,. ; VI 111. single pair or by the lu- ' t (' -a ^ricj jug iwv »m more puirsj. they will ' i .:.'U Ji .1 livoiei? in \Vi!:niii^toD of ox- 1 . are aulfiorixed to aiiiiouiice ' o ED\f ARu H % c^udidate to roprestut Au-)cu n fhe' nouij'i of of tbe t'ett Leg.el* J n>’ 11 upo;' b ) JUB 40 4 ■*2 pd We »re authorized to auuoaqce Col. I'KIKR P SMITH • Mudidaie «o represent t>» pourtjr in the next Len'islature N O. 40 3’pd 10 Voler» ol Kobeaon: 1 \. A. McKKT’-AN J. A. ‘^'O IH. ’ LBX. JUT' SON. Jr. }• tl-v ■'He, N. C.. April 1S -.:4tf _ P;-^^^y»4?r:.uyd-*?-qro!uiian copy. rajfttei'ille lUiSij OJ* Workst J:I '..-i-kyi a ih »»’n (': .'HiI-t» •-.m rai.I 'I, - ^ —; ^--cr=r- —- ■!- rustn i.\ i>rJdi. ^flw Ltjc , "T*# tllC '*7cter8 *f SampSOQ Coantj. Oil aLfwf w ml Sr LTf -I «*ndida*e for a De^t in the Hou.o Uil, ana we would be glad to receive orders from t?ie : , f r • i . » m Au Government and the puke generallv. We will b«11 on i - *'•L-j^whlnre of North Catohna M(X)RE, CA'SHWELL 4 CO. I''!? am, and Trj'l b« till llw' eleolion, a aiR'ii.*aie to represeMl you in ti X House of Gomoiunt I ann f.r W. W. HoMe^’p ritra'plee aj»J peco.'^ ucoq any ther ter.na •h»’» eubju jijv.’fft A- A. MoB&YDJi, On«rl«sti>i* Navy. ; , :-r!c3*.'r Jrojc 3. , 40-3tpd reasonable Xcrms. April 16. KerH^r^rflle lligli 8ehooli, laie aad Fenale. FOK'^Fl'H ( OONTT, N«KITH ('AKOLUN.^. (I. r. iivBVKH, I’li- oip '1, »i !ed by oan>r • ,-ai Teadherb Re^. VFm Bphxt. 0,sp*^in THS ’*'^'1 Sc Riion wll open ihe26th July 1864. Thfpt- f*oJ?onlp ar-'fiitu!»*.e.- in a ^e*llhy mi'r^l and^.^'i THR QRJ?AT HATTI E FIE' Ther- O'^rtnin localities fated to taroisti l'a(}!e Mtj in ucJao proportion. Whether iDvi^.d by rca33cs of strategy, on neccssifatcd by facts of geography, War Heenis to Reck them M its favorite arenas. One ot these looaliti h are the MaaassaH Piaios. j Tv'^o strui'f'lcs have been fought there, the iu proflfeee; bnt if not, an low w. m«aey a« caa'bv af forded. Stiidectti admitted at any tieip. Pa^msntn a the of^e cf t%e »«’ti(*’i. A dedu-'^on of J to wouBdi-** ^oMiaci .F->? ~i oursTUl'j!, Poniyia ooMiy, N. O. June 7. 89 Up l 28-tf June ''0 rf HVT.f. .Vrl. .TfriAwfr | Atrtoraey at Law, I FAYKTTr.VTLLE, N. C. * WILL att.cii'JI tlie (Jouo’y and Superior Conrta of Cumherlani, Harnett, Moore and Rob*son Conn- ■ li»8. Prompt attention riven to tb«' col’ccfiou of all j 3lain:3 cnlrusted to hi?* han>*ji Oct. 17. 1869. 58-tf ; JOS. IITLEV, €tr*>rt-r and t'omntission .^errftant. rAYKTTFVILLV;. N. Jai.’y 10. ISGiJ. 93 tf KATHIN A. STKDMAN. ’VTH. H. BKRNARD. 1%. /1l. ^ t o., WHOI.i;S.tl.F; liHU ItRTlIL U&ILERS AND €On^l»«I5>\ illEKl^WAlfTS, Jto. 19, Maif Streety FAYETTEVIT.LE, N. C. April 20. LIST or CUIRKES FOR PASSG.MUEHS. ^PHE following Kstca of Pa;saze will he ci!i^rgp-.l 'n I mir Pt"»n%r8:— DOWM. Fron* P»**et4.e»!lle to Wilmington, $^0 00 “ ♦ “ “ Eliiaheth, 15 00 “ “ White Hall, 20 00 “ “ “ Kellv’g Cove, 21 00 “ “ “ All points below, 80 00 SECOND 0LA88, OR DECK. Fron Faye^t« 'e to Wilmington, J20 00 “ “ “ Elisabeth, 10 00 “ “ “ Whitehall, 15 00 “ ■ “ “ Kelly’s CoTe, 15 00 “ “ “ All poinM below. ?0 00 €P. Fr'im 'VilTiington to Fayetteville, $30 00 “ “ “ K lly’s Core, 13 50 “ White Hall. 16 60 “ “ “ Elizabeth. 20 00 " '* “ Prospect Hall, 24 00 *• “ “ All poiat« above. 20 00 SBOONU OLAHS, OK PSOK. JTt.-jj, Wititiiagf'.n uv t'ayeti'?villa, ^20 00 “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 10 00 « “ “ White Hall and Eiiiabelh, 12 00 ■“ »* •' All points above, 20 00 a^rSecond Jlaas or Dack Fasqengan mcs* stay Tv 25tf B O WO»TB. D O WeRTn. 5. O. PAXIKl WOKTH & CO., CoiE’nl8si9n an«l Forwarding Karchants, n^ftter WILMINGTON, N. G. Oot. '6. lR’i3 73-12tD lowdr deck or pay fall price, nr same a"? First Class. ! fV^An extra charg" will b« mads fer Way Paeeen- Kcrs gettirg into Berths daring day time, and for oeen pvipg * Berth with their boots or shoos on, «t the difi ! crotion of th« Captain. ■ I J. A. WORTH, for C. P 8t’m B’l Co., ! T. 8 LUTTERLOfi, for St’r » C. 1 R. M ORRELL, for St’r^^Kate and Sun. May 20, 1864. - 34 lm»lm WAWTEO. BU3fIl?L8 WHEAT. 1,500 “ cor:j. Fereon.® having the above articles to Bell wiUre'wive the higliwt Crjih pi’icc by cp'iing on M T'iOd'-a«.»T«, at tk® Merohani Mi)1ri, FayettcviUe, or oa'he-s’jb'^ Ti ber at hie old slc-rd on Mavl?t Squire. ATiE’X, J0HNS05, Jr. Not. 6, 1862. • * 7&tf Sv'MG I be ♦ f-Un' hfc7e not. ib-rr. OOUISV5 o« EAGLE FOUNDliY. nr’f^s airo we '• * *'^1 onr fi stares for air.r.ta?tvp'? rf WHEELS, •!•« owing to ,->f fi p s»jj.n!y rf Iron ,f proper nature, w? latsly h^eu ib’** to erpply >^07 dt^ni-nd for '» d ff:r."!»y h, 7rt.w)»r, cii' o~r’’f^ ."‘C in the hLs «t whirls liine we shall h» ahlf to farni-;j wh?oh cf :be follow'nfr sixes—24. 26. 28 and 30 ta.ihes; also «>. Tir*-" Tl>e Iro > w? ?bal! n‘'« .or -f eaa tnU b*- ^'ol i (’Sarcoil Iron, atd we wir- ruv^ ’’■nr Thsula HOT TO CilA''K. and t(» he equal to any ^ad^? tho '^ODfeJcnoy, er ic those of Whitnay & Sor5...f ri-.l^.d,*: »in/i, whoflo r»! ut*-*ion i« sc well known r^y all R ‘.irt ad eotnp .nien. W.' are prepjired Io excoute Lo'^n, I'ry S-ud, aud Qr>C!» S-.OU W >rk. of )*ny gniipp or «iiie. O *NDER80N * t!(». Fayetteville. >f5roh 30 1864 19tf Importaut Sale of Sh«e( Iron at luetleiifl ON Thursday 23i June ensuing, in front of oar Bnles room we will sell 100 sheets 80R0RUM PAN I IRON, 30 inohes wide, 4J t"> d f>et long, 8 16 inch tbic'v p This lot wa!> al»crtiBed to be ”011 at Warrecfon, N. S ’.ou:d I he 80 forfun'ire ns to be cl'-cte I, I will s adeavor .0 work for tbe interest ^f the oitizens of 6aicpsoi co'»nty, to the best of my ahllitv. JAMES S. GIDPENS. P Clinton, N. C . Jure 7 39 t,»pd I ^ • ’’3™" time since, bat an interruption in traniporU tiou preventfd its arrival in time for t^e «ale. In a l- LVBKICATiniG OIL. T'dE un-t.-rs'eu a !s now pr? jar.jd lo furnish to t;io t . I v-ry su'^erior article of LUBRICATING OIL. f.tp«cislh/ for Bolton and Woolgn Fittvritt We clfcini .' at thi*? Oil 'ioefl cit gua*., and 'ji«y ho run at gr- af» r epee . nilh less power ,h#n .*vny cjtcer Oil except .'p“t‘'r:. Mi’ W H Portar, Superiutendcat of Phauix Cotton Factiry, siya,of ic “I have bsea using your Lubrioai^- ing O 1 for 2 or 3 mon«be, and find it to be pup.'rior to any ether Oil now in upe for lubricating.” r John Kerehaw, Sup’t cf Blount's Crock Factory, Baje; ‘I can cheerfully eay your Lnbrioaci»|^ Oil is a superior a»'t;clfc. It rfoes not gum iu the least, but keeps ibe j‘?urnal? cK'iir and bright ” .M;- A F Beckerditc, Cbief Engineer of the C 8 Arf-e- ual and Armory of this plaoo, was requeuted to try it »r>d stys; “I thirk for Heht maohiaery—each maCottou^ Fact'-.ries—and for hesvy TD»\obinery when the motion !S slow, your Lnhncit'PgOil will compare next in qaal ity 10 Sperm ” 0*her fcV r. mftTiuf '.^turer8 have iriei it and pro- niT^noed rnvrr^b! ’ efit. HENRY h. COLTON, Agent FayetteviUe Keroeiite Co. April 18t>4 20 tf CTVK*«»» ITRIlilSiCKt oTTnutMA^viT .^i - *T.> I f V tiiies o' 5 cr 10 ral'ons at $25 p r gall >&; tia cauo .>r kr.y ir, 3gO ' ;■,* -.-1 .J ? .18 or k wb«n 00PVC’:»r2t. This is '.g r-'Od sTi 0'.’ ■'•.'i* e\n be 3"'i' wi*'»oat the n:‘iX'’jr.'w t}' Af-j -hol, wbich it is i? *> jfe’c ro'T to obtain. T ie wick tube o^ the or l’n»’-3’ K rosene lamp sao’iM he slvr***’’ ’?n«T'hen»l hy nr’ “’•ini- oBi^ piece Witli a Krap t j«is arraugJii ou^r, >: without smoke and with us mnob briiiancy a*anv NortSfrn Ki roeen-j. JE’-RY y. C’ T-’Ov Ac’- F K Co. Artri’. 7. 21 fi B To tbe Voters of Sampson County. bINQ ic i'.;' 3>’rvic3, I take this method '•f ■tonoaoo'- in(j{ as a candidate to represent tl>e county ot SAnipson in the House of Commons of the next Legis lature As it will be irapoHNtble fnr me to meet the goed people of old Sampson (w5i?i''nt an aoeideut) 1>^- fo^ til? Augiist election, I can onlv say that my pri'i- qipUs are t-'o well known to my oountym^n to admit of any doubt as to'the coarse I shall pursue if elected Loving mv country and bearing arns in her defence, I can rnly sdi. “that whatever may tend to her beat interrsts and jndepcnd»>nt nationality,” will b*' my earu- e.'t d>sire to acaompli«b, and to buoh will my woolettme and talents be devote.; Soliciting the suffrages of voj ooantymcn, I am gentlemen, your obd't aerv't. JWBS K. LA88ITER, Of 63d R-'g’t N. C. Troops. May 27. 36 Im To the Freeman of Camberland Connty. By reqne»t, 1 ania announce myself a candidate for the office o' Sheriff of Cumberland county fthoa'd I be elected, I can only promise as before to discharge its dunes with wha» ahilitf I mav possee^. HECTOR McNEILL. M»v 9(> RR.t« The name "of JAMES KIRKPAmiclls respectfully submitted to the voters of Cumberland aud Harnett to ;>n voted for as a Representative of thosfe Counties for the H juse of Commons. MANY VOTERS. May 16, 1864. 83-tf We are aothorlied aadl reqaested to aunoance Col. B. F LITTLE as a candidate to represent the county of R'ohmond in the House of Comraons in the next Legislature. Mav 19 34-19 frond Ma' 21 ARinV S3 WN^-^S. I AM prej'ared to mwiUiiuoUirs all l^.ncia of 'W.T.gca Harnees for Army use. I t^n my Icoth-r and can give good bargaii*^.. Agents will, do w ill to send thclr erden to me m th^y s8all have prumpt attention, and sent off in qp":;k dispatch. C^3.T*?H. OoldstoT' P. 0., Cuatham Co., K. C., \ 341 Jnae 13, 1862. } "^00 lb». Gam Arabic tor sale by R. LEE. 69tf Oct. 16. After this date I will pay 16 Cents per pound for ;rt |i,s, or ^ _ Ike higaeat market price, delivt ''ed in aTetteviUe, or at my tni’lB -R'iokfich . J MT7RT3V FeVy 16, 1864 Wanted to Purchpsc, WE8TFRN RAIL ROAD STOCK: Bank Notes; Gold and gilver; „ . ui x North Carolina Treasury Notes ^Fu»a*hlo;) c and $2; «• “ Boud^, old and uew‘ Connty cf Cumberliua Bcndp: Tc?»n of Fayetteville Bonds; OreenBhoro’ and Certifiaates; Confederate 7 and 8 per oent. BeadEj, Coupons of $16,000,000 loan; « of Town snd County Bonds; “ of old North Carolina Bonds; T. 8. LU'aTEBLOH. Got. 12 1863. OBDNANCB DBPABTMBliT, 1 RALaiQH, N. C., May 8, 1863. j Lead wanted.—l wish to purchase Le&d for this Department. Persons having large or pmall quan- titietl wiH plea.^e apply &t once. Will give 1 poaod of POWDER for 10 pJurda of lEAD. THOS D KOGG, Capt. C. 8 In charge of Ordnance. WESTBaiV RAIL ROAD. rjPHE FREIGHT AND P.kS8BNGER TRAINS of this I 1 Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundaye excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning leave Egypt at 1 o’clock. P. M. ■ * I Cattle aud Horie Train MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and 1 FPTPAY. By order JNO. M. ROSE, • ‘Trcas’r and Gen’l Trans. Ag*t. I Jan. 22, 1868 »7tf From avd atter thi» date the Steamer A. P. HURT will lefve at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday »vnd Thursday. JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steaa^Boat Co. A FEW IMPORTANT FACTS IN REOABD TO TBE “SOCTBERN HEPATIC PILLS.” IT HEY are prepared from the best quality of Medi , cines by the discoverer, now an aged Minister of the Gospel, and are safe. 2. They have been known for years and tested by thoueanda. 3. Five hundred persons-are known to have been cured by them 4. They are not recommended by the proprietor for everything, but only for diseases which arise from dis ordered liveri. 6. Directions and certificates accompany each box, and these certificate*? are fTom well known and most re- 8^eot^hle inJividuals 6. Correspondent" recommend them as good for Livor Disease, Chills and Fevers, Paeuroonia, Jaundice. Dys pepsia, Biliwuf Fevers, Bilious Rheumatism, Worms, Pleurisy, Bronchitip, &c 7. Sevexal aentlem-jn stale that the use of these Pills has t)o%n to ttiem an aanaal saving of from JiCO to fl^OO: ♦’^•ey are t^e best plantation medicine ever offered to the p^bli? 8 Some phyileians of the highest standing prescribe them to their patients, aud hunireds of bozea nave been sold to regular practitioaers 9 Durir J the last quart.-«r 2,880 boxes hare baen sold to two Druggists, one in South Carolina, and one in North Carolina, and some time agi over 3,700 boxes were ordered by Druggists in one town in Virginia. Price, $3 a box. For $30 a dozen boxee will be seat to any address. A very liberal discoant to Druttgists and country merchants Cash (new oarrency) to aooomp*ny orderf. Address GEO W. DEEMd. Goldsboro’, N. C. Fer sale in Fayetteville by N. A. Mtedman & Co ; in .Rockingham by T. T Nertham; in Wadesboro’ by Dr Benneit' ia Albemarle by J. M. Bivins; in Cliaton by Hubl>ard h Moseley. May 10 36-16tpd FayetteTiUe Arseaal and Araory,) Nov. 12, 1868. / ^tOO BOUNTY. JftouHMed Ritlemen. Authority h^viug been granted by the War De partment to rals» » Company of Mounted Riflemen for service in this vicinity, natice ia hereby given that recruits to the number of 100 non-ecntcr^U will be re ceived tor this service. Each recruit will be required to furnish a setriocable -horse, for which be will be al lowed 40 cents per diem, u>d his pay $12 per month. Writi^m jMrmifn'm will be required from parents or guardians, where the applicant is under the cw.ietipi age. Each recruit must hring with him a blanket or bed spread, and come prepared to remain Bri'Uea, saddles, halters and saddle blankets furnish* ed by the Govem'neut, or if the recruit comes provided with them, he will be paid for thum a fair valuation. Apply to Capt MATTHEW P TAYLOR, st the Ap> secAl F. L. CHILDS. 80?f] Major C. S A. Comd’g Post. r%OTl€E TO fr'ARHERS. 8TilAW WANTKD. WANTED immediateiy fw t»ie floepi-alfl at FayeitcvilJe, 20.000 p^junJn ot WHEAi SlitAVV, tuitable for bedding. Farmers having a surplus of. this Mtiole on hand will 0 arer a benefit on our siok ani wounded so'diers by bringing it in. A fair pnoe wu» be p%id Apply to . ^ 1 QU.\RTiiit:YlAflfiJit. a-, the Aiaoual Fayettevtile ^raena’ aud Armory, Apri' 4. 21tf Egypt €o»S .^Sitko. TliE tinueraign .'U were, at tiio Noiambcr Tcrin of the Coufederatc Coart, Uistnot of North Carolinik, ap- nointed Matagera of the iigji'pt Co*l Mine property, ^ have entered into coyartaerijUip for the purptae of ouuiag »!id selJinf Coal, aud solicit ordero for the same ia any deeired qwaatity. Orderr for any amount can tab supplied on short, notice. The Coal from this pro- oerty is undoubted the best in the Confederate States. Appueatioos nu^ be niade to Chu. B. M&llett, Fayette- vffle N. C., or Jamts Browne, Charleston, 8. C- ’ CHARLES B. MALLETT iAMSS BBOWMB. ' fiyartafilla, Jaa^ 3ft I***- '• 1 i68. J We are authorised to aanoaoce JOHX A. LONG, aa a candidate for re-electtoa to tbe office of Pheriff for the county of Rioh- 36 6ted-faiu We are aathortsed to aaaouDce A. S. MoNElLL aa a candidate for the nSoe of 8h'riff fur the county of RichmonJ at the c-i«>a'ng August eldction. fav 20. o4-9tpd We are authorised to aniioiiiice ROBERT M McNAIR of Co. C. 1st S. 0 Battalion Artil!«ry, aa a Can'iidate for the ofiice of S.HERIFF of R)t«‘i.>n County. .Miy20. 34-19ipd jli^We resp«ctrullj recomnaend Lieut. JOSEPH A MoARTHCR,’ of C'>. 1. 61st Reg’t N. C. T , as a candidate to represent ua in ttie House of Commons of the next Legislature from Cumberland and Harnett !>ountie8. L‘ McArthur is a devoted man to bis coun try’s oause and has been in the war ever since it began, and he will make us a good Repreaentanve. 32-ltpd te MANY SOLDIERS. : one Ju^ lSth-2lst, the other August 29th AtJthTiiet’r OeotrraphT, &e , 1520 Phi;os"rhf .i'*? : oa»i. nr J j. j.- ai. 11 BooKer*ia« $2 Maele en ?: ro f.so. J.atir A ce i mention the many small br-» »iiJ^Geom>try $26 Bsatd at the ld price, if paiti | ^r cnoouDTcra in the same vioinity. Spottsylvacia county is another grca^ battle ground. Gen. Burnside fought the battle of Fredariak.^nr■*. cr 1562. He WRi! 3!ii9et;(;ded by liookei, who foui^iit the bat* of Obanee’lonmllCf the WiidmeeB, Ao., May 2d, 3d and 5th, 18G2. Again the same neighborhood has been the scene of a tremendoua strugfk, the most sanguinary and protracted of all. May 5th and 6th, 1S64, witnessed the great battles of the Wilderness; May 8th, two encoon* tcrs at Spottsylraaia C- H.; May 10th and 12th, two great battles near the same spot, the latter the bluodiest ot the war. Besides these, tbere was constant and heavy skirmishiog niteuded with encounters that at another time wo^ii theiuaclvcs have passed for eonsiderab^e h-ttlci. The region of the Chickahominy is aiioiher of Marti’ iavoritc tramping grounds. The gre^t battles of MechaDiesville, Ellison’s Mill, Gainea' Mill, CoM Harber, &c , June 26th, 27^h 18(32, broke McClellan’s power, and set him upoT> his retreat to Harrison’s Landing. It was on the 6oii of old Uaaovor, that Jackson fell upon him like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky—uucspi'Ct* ed and irresistable. Again great armi^ are col.- fronted near the spot. There are reasons which have thop gu'ded tlie opposing warriors to these beaten fieldij. Ma- n^ra&s commands ^he junction of two railroadS| and the great interior highways between the hos tile capitals. It cannot be flanked by an army advancing on either, without difficulty; and it of* fers an elegible battle-ground. Spottsylvania county lies immediately across the path of an ad> vance from the Kappahannock. The country is favorable to defensive lines, and the railroads are convenient for the transportation needed by our army. Hence, a contiontation will always be had there. As for Richmond, devoted Richmond, it may be said to have been fought around, on almost all sides The most serious menaocs, however, have come from the Chickahominy, on our north; for it is there that that stream passes nearest to u.s. McClellan advanced up the Peninsula; but, when he drew near, he flung his long right arm around in that direoVioo, to gather u.s in hia lov ing embrace. It was there that McDowell was to ioiD him. and thence, doubtleiw, would hare ^ ^ diti lU to th« above, we have some 60 sheetti saree qu»l- ity we will sell privately. It is probable that this is the only lot of the kini a' this time in the Confederacy CREECH & LirCHFORD, Aucl’rs Raleigh, N. C., Jure 10 40 Richmond County. The District Agents of Riehiuond couuty request eu to ffieet the Central Relir-f Committee Rookinfj ham o*’ Thursday 30ih iiistant, for the tr^cg.;ko*ion jf important businefs A full attendince is sarnest’;- oolicited. The second allotment of Cotton Gards (150 pairs) will then be distributed. JNO. W. LEAK, Ch’n Central Relief Com. June 10. 40-4tpd NOTICE. At June Term, 1864, of the Cotirt of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions of Cumberland eonnty, the eubsiribers were appointed Genaral Administrators cf the estate of the late Duncan McNeill Persons indebted to the in- t4>*tate are notified to make early payment Those hav ing demands must present them in due time, or this notice will be pleaded in bar cf a reeovery. DAVID MoNEILL. ^ A A. McKETHAN. Further Motiee. There win be sold at Fayetteville. on the 28ih of this month, the Household and Kitohen FURNI TURE, and LIBRARY, the property of the late Duncan MoNeUl. Also, the artioles in the Cabinet Vr areronm of the deceased, such aa Bedsteads, Chairs, Washstaads. And at tbe Mill place on Carver’s Creek, bejrinaing with Friday the first day of July, there will be sold STOCK of all kinds, embracing some Mnles of good quality. Wagons, Carts, Plantation Tooib, and soiae Furniture. At the Taylor’s Hole Plantation, on the Cape Fear River, on Tuesday the 6th of Juiy, there will he sold Cattle, Hogs, Plantation Tools, Furniture, a Wagon and CarC The sale will go from day ta day at each pljoe, wh^n_ Ik • i««> -ittl b. A. A McKETIlAV, Admiristrafcfjrs. Junes. 1R«4 89-(J.pd We are aothorized to.aonoanee Col. MURDOOH McRAB ks a candidate for re-election to the House of Commons from Robeson county. Apfil 27 27-2m To the Voters ot Harnett Ck>unty. The undersigned, a private in Co. A, 6th N C. Cav alry, having been solicited by some of his friends, respectfully announcdS hhnself to the soldiers and eiti- sens of Harnett oouoty aa a Candidate for tbe OSoe cf SHERIFF at the election on the first Thursday in Au- g>i«t next. 8AM.UEL D. PIPKIN. March 21. 17 24tjkd CdNFEDBRiTK STATES OF AMKKIGA, Knoireir Dipartmbht, Dist. Capi f RAa Yfiipsingtcn, N. C., March 16th, 18t>8 Notice is hereby given to all persons havingr claims against tbe Engineer Department, for servioea of Blav«Hi employed as laborfcrs on tbe land dtffiieea n««r Wilmington, N C , that the nnderaigned ia authorised and prepared t.o pay the h»ie'.' at his a&oe, on t|^ se cond floor of the builaiaif Uixt above Mcaref’ Di Store, Market Street. g^'Persous executing Powers of Attorney will ob serve the following form—their signatures, in all oasee, te be witnessed by two wiipest'es and signed i*'. clu.'U- cate, or th^’v niiy be wiinefea^’ l before a Justice of the Peace or Clv-rk of iJiy Co irt FORM OF POWER OF ATfORNEY. I, rf , do reby »»>poiut , of , my true aiiu la'./ful Ajcet'f to sign rece.ipts for, and receive payment of all mon»*ya duo t i ma by the Eoginecr De- pir'nwi’ orrt" .Sfatos of An.eHn-, fc-r ?Hi», 8e««lce8 of my oi>i'pes cicployed as laborers on the tan* dafeu>ie4 at , dpring tiiTOinnth of , 1H6 Wiiupss my hand a-id at the day •>! —^ 180 (Signed in duplioatc ^ IBeal.] Wltcesss To the Cltliens and Soldiers of Harnett. At the solicitation of many of my friends I respectfully announce my-selt' a candidate for re-election to the oJfice of, Sherift’ for the county of Harnett. Profoundly gfatefui to my friends both at home and in the Army for the very ^jeneroas support heretofore received at their hand.s, I can only pledge that should they again maul- fest their confldenco by re-electing me I will, as hereto fore, serve them promptly and impartially. Veiy respectfully, JAS. R. GR.lDY. April 13. 24-te JYOTMCE, 6 Ne=» Hi'jkory Bujfgies, 3 Becionil-haud B gzies. .*> Rockaways 1 an'* 2 h"is.' pell. * Jnr>f ft. », wl'^eh I wt ib A. McKF.TIIAN 99 9 JVOTMCE. The snbecriber havinp' qoalified a? Executrix of the last Will and Testanitnt of Wiliiam V?. II t >ell U the last Term o* »be Court of Pleas •«lQ iarterH*ssions for Cnmberland CcHuty, hercSy giv 'S no - r to a’l cer eooB ic'Jebtfi.i to eai-^ Es'ste to make imaicc’i-.ta p»v- tpont, and all pergoss having claims ega-nst rai l E^itP'c to prp»ent tbe'" within the tirne prescri’>e by er tain notice will be pleaded in har of their rcco»'ery MARY T. H iTCHELL. Ex x F*ye*^«ville, June 6. Further IWotice. At the Auction Store of .lohn H Cook, Esq , will be s.''ld on Mbndty the 27m inst, a valuable lot, of ’ARPENTER’S TOOLS, consisting cf many valuable Tools^that are valuable ani scarce—manr not to be had Any person wishing t'* buy would do well to call and SCO them. Al«o Fariria^ Iroplemeato. MARY T HATCHELL, Ex’x- JNO H COOK, .Anct’r. 40 8t Jane 11. The sigaiituiee of colored persons should be witaeaeed by three wibuesses There must be ftiparate duplicate Powers of Attorne/ for each month. Blank forma can be had upon epFli" cati''3 at this oi&ce. * W. H. JAMES, Capt. & Chief Ep?. Jan’y 20,1864 130.'tf North Caroiina.Treasory lloles* ON d^nrday 2d July next, at ih% C”urt House in Wadesborcugh, I will sell, by order of the County Court of Anson, TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS in N. C. Treasury Notea T ^e Notes will be sold for c’-irrency ia fl’iaas to suit purchasevs. J. A. LEAK. June 7 40ts 1NR0LL1N6 OFFICE, \ Fatittsvilli, Jime 10, t8tJ4. > Special Orders, No. 19. IN Obedicncc to Irstructione fro’.n L*. Gca'l coiomaDditig Reserve, N C , thr«"gh Or-.l?r.^ reoeiv- ed at this Office from Chief Eu Offioe.r, 4t.h vouf, Die., all white male ros'dc’-ti^ of this Couuty between sg'Sof 46 and [known m S.-nior Re8'rve>«^ wur. w?re not exempted at last cnrollm n, are hereby rcq~ r d t> as- scmhie at theso H»«d Q'rs of Cumherl^nct county en last Saturtlay of this month, being 25th iast , to or- ganite “permsnently,” and to retun; I'.cu* prepared to hold the’rselves in resdiness be oJi-le i out w^ienover the necessities of our C'>unt»'y dp^oini their bcrv-CES. »*»*«» Persons of the above mentioned class can now avail tkemoelves of I heir privilege to retitiou or apply for special exemption or detail. It is hoped "ove will do so merely because they have this privilege end whope appeals for exenafption from Home dcf^nO'-^ present little merit. Thpse of this sflme cl.'.s? who hnve ner^r ytJ enrolled themselves and who do not efpeeiaUy prtf«.- active Si'r- vice might do well tn present wriittn excui.'s w.iich will be for"avd»d to t&e proper authority for ju-’ging '^f th»*ir sufficienoy They are notifie ‘ of th*ir p’-e.-j.mt I abiMty to V'"‘icg at any T»»on»ent prdon -i >o the field, penalty presorib^d by act of Congre?i to wiii'u’ delin quents W a .SENCUEll, 40-I25J1 A $50 Reward. Ran AWAY from the subscriber, a NEGRO WOMAN, hired the 1st Jan’y 1864, from Mr. A. W. S‘eel of FAye^tcville. She is supposed to be about tbo town now Said wom^iu’s n.%me is Betsey, and is of medium height dark complexion, and a full suit of hair. I will give the aboTO reward to any one who will deliver her to me t.'~ tbe Arsenal, or eonfine her in jail. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR ‘2fl 29-tf FLOFR OAT»^ i^LOCR and OATS will be exchanged for Com at the ' Storu of D. McLaurin, by gi^ng him a few days •5 ->*4oo. Floar good. Oats No. 1, black or white. J»n*f 2f* Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory*) Mat 29, 1864. / WAPKTED, ■TK) reut, a pasture for seventy head of Lorsea. A fair I price will be raid. Siid pasture must be w-’thin 10 t r 12 miles of Fayettevi lo. Apply to 36tfl M»j TAYLOR, at the ArsenaL Bauia of IVorfh Carolina. the old i»me 0/ the Confederate Statu S^ote*, for them, ■ p! the.v fvre requirt 1 to a}PU for t*»e same at the Frinciffc^ B ah, Bran;hes’»nd A/ co^s vh?>fep*yf‘hle. By or J-r ' f the Dr.ar-I. ■'! DUW’ Y. Ca.V«. 1t*ilBijr!i. MarS7 1 nf* . C. s. Arsenal and Armory, \ Fayettevilie, N. C , June 1, 1864. / Foundry-man wanted. PERSON well acquainted with the buoiness can finl employm-nt Apply to the ^7 fill COAfO’G OFFrOER. Ro»in Oil. O ''A B«LS. SUPERIOR QUALITY OF ROSIN OIL. Aidy} Por Sile by -MOpaE, CASflWELL & s 0. May 26. 35 Im She»tin^s, Sotton Tara and Tobaooa. f* \LU\ YDS 4 4dHEETING; I'XH) BuodieiJ Catton Yarn; 50 Bovps Manufactured Tobacco. Ft'r palo hv E F. MOORE. MrT- ‘A« "ft Im Wanted—Wood l^and. TH E undersigned will cive a fair price for a well wooded tract of LAND of Itiit or 200 acres, on the Railroad at any point between Jonesboro’and Fayetteville.' Wood, pitch pine box d or unboxed HENRY E. COLTON, Agent F. K. Co Fayettnille, *prll 19 25tf Lt & Eu Officer, Cnm' er’and- Expreiis A§^ency! THE Southern Express Company having completed its arrangements, will receive and forward freight to any points in tbe Confederacy, to whieh their lines ex tend All articles of freight must be securely packed, and all boxes properly hooped, and the name of the person distinctlr marked All Money Packages must be securely se»!ei &ad stamped, with private seal of the#hipper • It is de3:re that al! Parcels. Paakepr^' or Freight to be forwarded by either of the Boa s, bt? sent to this Ofiice by 5 o’clock en the evening previous if departure. Office on Hay St, Imn Front Building, No.. 60, for merly occupied by Starr & Williaoss RE TALIAFERRO, Agent. June 7 *9 FOR SJiM^E. Fresh RIOF by * .e oa- k. A few barrels PRl.ME BROWN SUGAR, bv C T. HAIGH * PONS. Jnn* 6. 3tpd ff^R »ai7e. FINE RO KAWAY and HARNESS, nearly new. Apply to A w June 10, 1864. DRAUOHON. -?o 8t REWARD. RANAW AY from the subscriber on the 17th inst, my negrd boy, JOHN, 16 yeira oldUabout 6 feet high, tnd weighs about 100 Ibe. I would oautioa 8i«dtm Boat owners on the Eiver against lettintc him g-j on board of any ol their boats. The above reward will be paid for .bi4 apprehension and oouftneoMnt ia any Jail so that I o«n get him. D* AYER. J^TflAVEO, About the Ist May, one COW and YEARLING. Sa'd cow is of red yol.,r and the yearling is pretty much the same, marked as follows: The cow with an under crop and an over crcp; the yearling has a t wal low fork in each ear. .Any information left &t the Wagon Yard will be thankfully received, or I will pay a liberal reward for the delivery ef said cattle. W. H. WILSON. riVtttavUII. Joaa 0.18M. M-8lpil l§TRAYED, Fro 1 my place on the 21st ioRt., a COW and CALF. Th» C'tw is white with red spots The calf the same cil.’r Calf unmarked, re^rk of cow nit recollect ed The oow was purchased from Mr. Alex MoLeod of Moot^ «oaa^r, and it is probable that she has foand her wa:r back with the calf. I will pay a liberal reward for their recovery or any infermation so that I get them acaln. WM. MITCHELL. K«r FiqFtte^ Maf 28. Utt $100 REWARO. STOLEN frjm mv etah'.e. on the night of t' e iSth of May, a d'p biocd bay MARE, with heav;- msue and bu.^hy tLil about 6 feet 2 or 3 inoh>'B hiet; work« In double or sinple hnrneez; about ten years old, and trots with great rapidity From information 1 think she was stolen by a man claiming to be a soldier, wear icg a blue felt hat ard carrying his arm in a sling, and who said he was going te Tennessee The man ia be lieved to have been seen near Joyner’s Depot, in Wilson County, on his way to Fayetteville or up the Country. wxllh j. epp^ HaUfko, Jose 8» 1861 move from him. The spQts wc have referred to, and som'' others which might bo named, will be peculiarly tbe ‘‘holy *;ro’.>n*ls'’. of our country. Every fi'^l'*. in deed, on v.hich a battle has bo'n fou^Vr, or a p^.triot 1'08 died, will be dear to memory and to po«tcrity; but tiic gn*at wrcstling-grounds of the war will bo objt^ct^i of edpecial interest. Manas sas is long ago poetic. The WilderQe.-;“ is no more associated with ideas of solitude and gloom, but awakens the proudest and tenderest leool- ''flrctioDs .Chickahominy will bear its Diri)*flnou9 Indian c'^gnomec tu tbe latest history; far mc?^ famed than when King Powhatan held his war councils on its banks, for great- feats of arnis in Liberty’s behalf have made its name oe! brious and immortal. It is meet and ptoper in such a oonneuiion to pay the tribute of a notice to the beloved «^hicf who has led our armies through nearly ail Le Bc^'ues to which wo have referred. On the 31st of May, 1862, General Johnston wap 'ji-”’ ! rifle shot on the battle-field of Seven Pine-*. The next day—just two years ago—G#*n. J.e9 took command. Two years! How lo.hj th:.y seem to have been. For these two years Opueral Lee has led the great army of Northern Virginia No m»n can know until the records are uncovered, what di«pr*'portionate means he ha.« accom- |t!‘shed his great achievements. H« has had no controversies with his Government. He has in dulged in no murmurs. “Do the best you can for me—I will do the best I can with wbat you g’vc tQ‘\”—♦hi.^ ha.s been the sentiment on which he h!»s actcd. All through the great biltlcs of the Chickahominy in 1862, the great battles of the Second Manassaii, Uic capture of Harper s terry, the battlcH of. South Mountain and Sharpsburg, the great battles of Frcdricksburg and cf Chan- ceUorsville, the Pennsylvania campaign, down to the miel'ty engagements yet unconeluded with Gcd. Grant, thi» unmurmuring patriot and glo- r;ou.=? 1 ,adcr hiis t'^.ii'ht on, labored on with on- abated and un k inir zeal, for his country and her cause. Even lAw he is in the perils of the battle, watching over ms men like a father, at»d leading th: m liktj a ero. Is there a heart in the whole Ceafodoraey ti.al h r>ot sending its aapirruions to Heaven, not only for continued vitory on his arms, but for his own personal safety and happines.-^.' Not ooel . Consider, t»o, what a versatility of talent and of policy Geu. Lee has had opposed to In his two years ot c'lmpaigning, he has had to study the whole catalogue of promine at Federal Generals, a’id adapt bis own measures to their peculiar ideas. Tiie cautious, ambitious ,.rd able McClelUo, 'vho’ie genius made the Army of the Potjioac; tho braggart Pope; the gifted Mc b l.an once uiorc; the weak Burnside; the hot He)».ded Hooker; the prudent Meade; and last, the famed Ulysses S. Grant, with the laurels won at Doael- son, and at Vicksburg, wreathed around his brcf?. have all in succession, b>en sent agaiust *iiiu, each at the head of an outnumbering army. Lee has stood at bis post, aud iought and baffled and defeated them ail. “What surprises us,” paid a Yankee pri.soner the other day, “what sur- priflcs us is, that Gen. Lee has never needed to be relieved. It has been Lee all the time. We have sent against him many of our Generals, but none of them have been able to out-manoeuvre him He is a grea.. man.” And well mighr tbe nan say ho; and grateful should we be to toe Pr *viueiice which raised him up lor tJio great occai^ion, and Las preserved his life and LiA health.—Richmond ISentinel. Pnlina Christi IBean*. Tub snbseriber will ^03 the higbetsi oasa pnoei lor aD,r ^uaaUiy of Palir^' Chri-i W0R73- » r»*« R ^1^^ '* ^ Blank Warrants for ialo b«ra»

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