pavkttkvtu.k, n. c.. jhm: \^m. fNO. 1343.] VKfNTKli \. , . ; , l-'MWARO }. ?HU: , RDITORS AN A PtldPlt. Pfi^e for the St' I H, adva&cc For the Wffklv Dii,.mv»iE fn (h» pe. ly OHHKHVKb li* J'-tM •^Ivancc. iiirAbVKRTfHK\lKNT>i ut^ert.'t f..r yi- ;!u.m of 12 linM or Iffc? f«r lU** tJrel, and i!>!'ir lor Succeeding puV>lic>i;I,,a. A(lT*»rjiiie''» Ar«> r>* jupt:ei.l to •t*le the namb«r i»' insertions desired, or ILey ttill be oontliiiied till torVUi. \nd c*nire'> * sec'^ril'niriT. Advertif ?n;'‘i't3 con:ii.’.''A! tiiarged as in”* *id- SPEC] i!-. NOTK^E. Froiu %D 1 s.ier thiidate, no aamft of & >w‘vr sii' riTier W. DKAl«.iIIO\. AUCTION!; T!K, H. K. I'nrner MMrki^t Kquurt*, FAlTETTF.l'H.I.K, !V. C. I'roAipt MtbPHon ftWen to all husi^rsa in h « April iriU L? e?\(i»rrrt witlinu! j'ftvuitu! ' ivKuo**, V;'V will ' r»*sonable Wit.'5 Ih* p«per b« Mat t» euch suhscriivorx for » Ums«r licte lhan is paid for. Saoh of our old Buhpcribei’s fcw de!ire to take the pa per on this sydtent yrill please ootify us wlieu ninkia^ rwnitiftnMs. Jru’v 1. 1858. 4 rr r^iv j^o. i«, »;■} VlvTl'KVll.LK tMTTJtvi (’\Ri> W \nL'K\ J II Ki\«; roMP^N’Vui-iio« uiunurm liitir!{»O.^Rl>,,^ M' lo any ruu tht-uiii(u ikt' blockiidf, and prf^*nt t\T- s. i;,, ,r i,u- ptioo ili»» sins'lo pair or by Uif* qriin- lily. .Any p.-i.-ua «u.l‘riui; si? or mor» jiairs, tW-y Aill In* i--cuf.*ly p:M'V‘l arid d, |Jr, r.-d in Wilmiii;inn fivt* ol «;»- j;t n^■ >. full ufM.n or »ldr> !«i a. McKKTli KN. J. A. WOBTII. .\LEX. JOHNSON, Jr. N. f., April 18 :'4tf Prcebyieiiau aad Caroliuiau copy. Fayettefillc Rosin Oil Works. OUR. Oil Wurk.- are now in tumplete o])eralion, auJ »8 une iiatliin)^ but good rosdn in prodocin^ the ! (»il we ttiu rocoiuiiiend it to be the beet of the kind made I I in tiiis ootiutry. It is a tiu« Lubricating and TanufrB ! j (>il, aiul we would be ^lad to receive order.s fram the j I (ioverumcut auvi the public generally. We will deU ou j f f.r ;.• «.* t. tlKr!!0 = . !t*r . r*! A»!«{■ nb!j r l-'rtr ihv. -SoikMle. t.f V;.\! >; WKttjjil’, r.-^j i- ; • f. ■'•1/ fsi ;f!c-cv i.s: : • »5lt U^X tJ-li-' :5'» I' fti*c :kIIftiojri:/.«*«! I» :anuoif iiicc J. t» f^LlKS'ri KRI) a, c»uJi'it*-.! r ;i;ou Id (ac il0‘>3e o? froiu lu-? cf 1 Un 1 ‘♦ji'l Ji.a.; n. 40-U‘pa I to 'hi rn Oaaiijirl.. MOORE, CA8H\)'^F.LL A CO as tf EA»LE FOUNDKY. lute aDtruE^ted to him June 10, 18f.4 tO'f H. nvmiAjAi%, Auctioneer and Cenmiissiott Sier^bant« •Vo. Miay Street, I^WKTTEVILLK, N. (' June «i 3uj ^ ISAAC HOLUNGSUTiKTHT tiroeer and Coninission Herctiant, FAYiyrTKVlLLK, N. C Juiit 13 JO if IS'Jf. .neJL. .IfrfcVf 1’, Attorney r.t Law. FAYKT’TEVlf I.K, N. VV^lLl. atieud the (’ouniy aii.l .Superior 0»urtB of M t.'nniberlaud, Hameti, .-.loijre au«l Rohesou I'oon- | liea. I'roiupt a'teuiion §•»' i>> the coll«''tIou of all ' slalcit (•nirtisied to Uis haadtt. | ki. 17. 185^, j JOJK. CTI. EV, ^roi rr antt ^yti-n hattt. KAYlCTTEVn.LK, N. C Jau’y 10, 9:1-1 f t.i.lUA.S A. XlKbUA.S. WU. H. 10 .(.MRIl. ]%. A. A: «;o„ WyULKSif.K km ilETAiL A K D lftER€HAr%T>i, Ao. 10, Hcty Street, FAYETTKVIM.E, X C. April 20. ^OMJ^ ajoutna ago Wis ^mpiet«d all our tiiturea for O t^-.o rj iMifr.cart* o.' tJAll WHEELS, I >»t owing lo ibo o( liie. «upply of Iron of proper nature, we b*.»c u'I Idt-'ly ‘ n!»!e lo Bupp'.y dem.'.nd for »bc;L‘: t >1^ liithcciiv ticfreTsr, will 5.3 o’froorao in tli? coa'"'' -..f »ii, *1 luijo »ie Kb*'l b»- fcble »o {urur-ih whyris c? «be following: biic-s—W •>! auJ 80 aIjjo i'DillPi Tirc'* XUe irou wa t>^aU U6e fur tjrui w.i; >>.- ‘.iM Bl-=! ('hatcoal Irou, and np war- liiu cur »tas^is Sup T«» CKACK, ana «o t>« t.|Ua] 10 ftiiy II! ilic (’oiifedcr\cy, ; r «o (ho.'^e i f Vybiiuey & Boixi ‘1 I'tolui#!:” i-v Tfti.-N’e re^’U'i.!-ju io do welt know 1! by >»ii iC%iIroa-i cuoipauier. Wt »rc pr- ('•twVd-t to ezc3ute Looni, J'ry r^.aui, and Gricv tatil of tay Biiajx or tiis*. b. ANDER80S & CO. Fijeitptliic, M*rcU8t> 1861 ]*)tf LUBKICATINO OIL.. , uadersigned is aow prepared to furninh to the . 1 puMio a *try superior article of LLIURIOATING j OIL, eifttaally for CoUou and Wooltn Factoriu- We . e!'*im that tb:t Oil doee not guta, and may ha run a: ! gff*at«r epe«d with leas power than acy oiucrOil esoept tfperm. I M.* W II Poiter, ijuperiuteudeat of Pi«Dniz CoUoa , Faciory. btys of ii: **1 have betu uHiug your Lubricat- j i»;g Oil for 1! or 3 mouths, liCd find it to be ,uperior to j 'aay -^iLer OiJ uow in uee for ltt>>r:catiBg.' ' ‘:r Jobn Kershaw, Sup i of htcuatV tyreei Fsotory, «»yt!: ‘*1 can OLcerfnily eay your (..iLrtcanug wil ie & i We Mthorix«d to ftaiiouure Ur. J„ hteCOllMlCK a oandtdal'j for ro eUoiiou Hotipie of tloiuou&iiR. lp.t We respectfully reoomiueud Nl.lLL McKay, 1' >] . « t. 'aad'.l-»t.; f .r In a iu tae uext llOiiS.: o: i aal Haru#tM, (.' u^iiirs, . MANV ;1TIZUN;5. •".> . We ai’i* aiilhoi'ixed fccD'smce G«u A l>. MpLE 'iS n i •;iDl'i'te lo roprraen* !;u»»tHr! jji.i) Iluiitc 01 (!u(i:iii«ti4 uf !i>c neil t*.ii.-j'.i | 41-1!* ■* i The mm of JAMES KIRKPATRICK i.s! I resivcituiiv Kiibiuitic.i to iue voierb «>f y'ini!>i'rilud : 1 and id e i for as a of i j tSf»3c ('auiiiita i.;r m« H «^.-ninio'.'a j I .MArJV yoi’t'iu-i I I Ma/ li ‘ IJ ' ' _ ' j j UdirWe i'**ipectfiiiiy r«c»iuiia«a«l lieut. j ’ JO.SE^JI A >fcARTnUIt, of 0 . ! ■'.'p! .N' t' T j a^ a c-.ioltii»>e t*. uh iu it-' Ho'iX' rf ."onjta-'bi ; j cf ht r..n !.S('!;>f»iiir.- f.'coi (’•■II L-r!*Ti-1 aud Harr-t; ! j oouiiiit'f L MaAi’iaii.' i« t dvv i!.rvi I'l i.i* co'.iit ' j try's caii-;e nod t;t8 h. jo In t;,. »»--• .»yer ■■u* c it ' rgiiii, j and h» w‘1' iii-»ke a i^'oai Kep*" “at'-iiv^ i ;I2 Itpi u By K. CHOrdLY, Aaottoueor. mPOKTKD US C'ATALOOCC. Ihuritdey, Jiive aoJi. IK* 4, ;.‘t>ciuief>e at .. .-ioct, A. >i 1 ^jii tj iuy rotiiud No A iMiite Rov, iii.issgto:i, U c, the eat-ire oargoid di.iroihifrt »AIHJKK Atil LtcV, cAbsiftABieri-) ex fth-pa rniCOE,*., .‘LlCli, » FANNIE f 5i’V OF rKrKKjjIiyaa m-J .' • 10 tu CltiMIS aad ^‘OialWi of RlC'lMBd Mid U«1^koii €«}aa(ie«. * •. .1;eac«'. ‘?*e'Hrf^«»t MlisMatioas pf r«? Tri*>n.l« } •> ih tToBi.iif'*!, lanaoi i * u.jje!/a Oi»uiid'»!r> r. you la t!:? cf I'oe ns*t u:,f- ,»f N c. abi jcii L*- f>'oprr to c’?r‘ ms f -niicatcr i>> ibf -iiitici* :Lw^f.y i».» ‘ i i\y «.n oaa dcs.rt: in'..** £nau l d *, bot it .oost be uvea uonorable i«r>n» i am »ot is fs^c-r tvf eub- ra;i* i‘t 0 V^. LIncoiu i’>r tflr’-.*. linf: Aufuttt electi)Q I sbaU oasi th« fn 'I. t> V«o«a for G3T«t-r.9(-. Vfff resptctfolly, A. J. MnQCEEM JuL‘.' !.'J. 4' 4'pd To tiie Freem >a of Cnmberland County. By reti'iffi, i ajjfcii' i.(.noun.?A liPgelf st ci.'idvtaie for the otti:" of *ib»T U OusiLnriaad ji .a*y iJiou^d 1 be el.»:;.'6d, 1 ciu oii!jf j.roi-iise n6 k?fere 10 discharge iiti duhee with wt.*i alulity 1 •i^.’ I'O^s^ef!? M», T. • . . To ihf UltfDK iMid hol(f(«rs of Uariteti. SHf.trior article. It -toes not gaui iu the k»!4t, liui iieei'3 '* 4 1' Poli.'iUitiou ot uiany of loy lrt*ad'« 1 n'sjiivtfolly (he joursials cL'ar %uJ briel.: ’’ ! ix itiuou!.-:c loy^it'a (..indidat.* for r'-»‘lf-ciiou (« ili-i , S3 ,v i’ Itccicerditr, {]h‘ef t.iiiuo(*r of K .Arse nal p.’jd A-.uiory of tiiu plat.e, wa«t reqaept? ! lo ?ry U ► nd 8»y«; *1 ibii-k r-r lij:i.i ui’ohiuery—riicli as t'odou j ri?d—MZjJ for heavy c^ajliiaery waen liio motloa I lb fl M.your Lnbiio*t.ingt>it will :oi£pare next in qual- I ily 1-. t^peim I O; .4i c .itv', iiiau'ti'u-ciU'-trN j.,i7e .ried 11 and >fru i u' uu f ( favurab'y bf it ! ' HENRY E. OOLTON. .^i^eut rayetteTillo Kercsine t-o. A].!-:! I. lSii4 *20 »f loy^ of SL.*rirt' l-ir tli»r i-mrity of Hatn“it. flxfoii-idly in'aleful lo uiy lriet.d! Utiii ai home :i';d io iti.- \rmy lor tho v-ry nvni'ron.^ ►•ipport b.T^iol'oro r.x;eiv' U at their tiaod-, 1 cau uuly olHii{o liiit should they agaiti luaui- fwt th.*ir confldf^nc'j by re-**lectinx ui»* 1 will, a*- her'-to- rur>i, Nr-rre theiu prurnpUy i\nd impartially. Veryreapecifully, JA.S. R.. (JRAbV. April IX 21 te B 0 WO»TB. V a WsITH. M. Q. i..\ieL WORTH Al CO., Coramlsslon and Forwarding Sleroliaata, W'ater Sirret, WILMINGTON, N. 0 Oct. Its, 18H3 73-l;iTn WAI¥TEfi>. 2r AA B08HEL8 WHEAT, J)UU 1.609 ” COEN. ^erson^ having the aboT.> ar.-Jie to a^l wiUrcceire the hijchea* Cash pricf: by,? on Mr M Thooi^-sou, at tte*M?rch«rt Miila, I'syiUflvi.Ii, or on thf' •"•.bscri- ber at his old stiii i o;i ... f'oii.'-r' ■ • ,.OKNS(,>N, Jr. Not. 5. 186-. AU-liY I AM prepared to m'-nufactu-. o.i kiE''* f.r V.^iton Harness for Array use. I i»u my Ui^i'rcv aad cr.n gire good bargain*). Agent'j wiU do wtii to send their •rden to me as they shall have promt-* f.itention, NBt off in qoiek dispatch. JOHN C/ RTEil. Ooldflton P. O., Ohatham Co., N. 0-, ..j.,- Jujivj 12. 1802. J ~5iOO lbs. Wiiiii Arabic ioe »alc by J. R LEJi. Oct 15- _ _ ‘‘''‘f Alter thi^ dale B wllS pay 16 Cents j er pound for or the hishes*. mfcriec* prios, dt!ive.>:d in iZyetteTiUe, of at my mibs oo F.ookiigh. I^. MORPn 1. Fr-.’y 16. 18‘>4 ' Wanted to Pifrchase, WE8TEEN BAIL ROAD 8T0CK; Bank Notes; Oold and SiWer; Horth Carol’ua Treaaury Notes (roadablc;) “ $1 auJ !-•; «• Bonds, old aad Lew; County of CumberlaDd Bonds; Town of Fayetteville UuttJe; j Ort)«as*>orG’ !t>l and OuruSlcalue, (Joufederate 7 and 8 per colL Boadii;; Uoupoue of !^i5,(K>0,uit) ioasi; ' of Town aiKJ tJouniy lioudu; " of t'l Mortb Carohaa Uoudti; T. a. LUITERLOU. ()n li, 1845 ‘1>" OEUNA.XCk UKFiRrSiKNT, \ H«jjiia[i, N. C , .May 18*..'. | IhAl* V%A1 winb to purohfc-« l.^ad f&r tain i i^eps/iaifcat P^reoua haviug lap£.r 4,1 «ui!>.U m*AQ- uti*« will pUas.5 apj>ly a* once. vViil give 1 p&fin l ef POWDSR for 10 pounds of i»KAl>. THOO. b HOuU. Capi. C. b. (jy.ff la charge of Ordnanoe STHAITED^, A BOOT the 1st May, one COW and VEARLINO. Said cow is of red color and the yearling is pretty muoU the aaiae, marked as foliow»: Tue cow with an under crop and an over erf p; the yearling has a ewal- low fork in each ear. Any information left at the Wagon yard will be thankfully received, or I will pay a liberal reward for the delivery ef aaid cattle. W n WILSON •••»*• "■ t*«i4 BiiK.iriMf; OIL. 11' l: c«n rurni:*h EEROSRNK BURNING OIL in quau- VV titieb of I'm or 10 f'aMoua at !t26 pergallos; tiu oAns r It. /« $1G lo tsO k lditiona?. Send 2anu ot kccs w!*en Cut. This ia a«i ^or.d au Oil M can be made v Ithout ike 1 obtain. T't^e wick tube of tho ordinary Kerosene lamp Ktiouid be liliRhtiy lengthened liy solderin;; on a piece. Witb a lamp thus arranged our oil burua without smoke and wii'u as muoh bnliancv any Nor', Keroeene. HRNRY B' COLTON. Ag’t F K Co. A.ril7 ‘il-tf WE^iTIBRK RAIL ROAD. The freight and P.\8SEN0P.R trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sandaya excepted) ai 8 o’clock, A. M-, and reluming leave Egypt ai 1 o’clock. P. M. Cattle aud Hone TroM MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r aad Gen’l Trsns. Ag’t, Jan. 22, 1863. 97tf From aud atter thU date the Steamer A. P. HDP-T will leare at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. WORTH, April t)—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. Cixpresti Ag^eucy! I^RE Sout>»»rra Esprssa ‘Jompaay having completed its arrangements, will receive and forward freight to any points in the Confederacy, lo Yrhiok their liurs ex tend .A.1I articles of freight mast be seotirely packed, and aii boxes propi^rly hooped, and the name of the person diaJiactly marked. .*11 Moapy Paokagea uiust be securely sealed and stjinofld. with private seal of the shipper |ia^ I* is desire i ta'it all Parcels. Package* or Freif^ht t.' be forwarded by either of the Boa^s, be sent fo this Office by « o’clock o» the evening previous to d^n*-rtur« Uilioij ou Uay St, Iron Front Building, No. 60, for- aier’y occupied by Htarr & Wllliftuis R E TALIAFERRO, Ageai June 7 %V« are autliorixed lo i:iiiioiiHC'e j Cul. EDWARD H LILC8 as a oandiiatc to represent | Atisuu In iLie ilousd of t'Ciiumons of ibe next l.i^giela tore I June 11. 40 8i*2)pd Volerx oi Robeitoii: I am, and ' wifl be til! the eleotioB. a c«ndid«-(} to reprewni yon in nt-xi llcusc of Ctommons 1 aiu for Vt. Vi. Ho-de** s xaa Ch»r1eptcn. June 3. 40-3‘-pd To tbe Ycters^ of Sampson County. TH*jIOU0H the soliciuiions of many of :>nnounoe mvself a ca'ididafo fcir a sea! ii frisr.c’s, 1 1, :>nnounoe myself a ca'ididafc fcir a sea! in the Hcuae of (' T.mot'S in the uexi LegiaUture of North Ciiolica Shcu d I bi so forlutiaie as to Ve el'^oted, I will p.ndravor «rrrk for the interest of the cititens of ^amps>a jlT. to tne befi of my abilit»- JAMES T. GIDDEN6. CltiiloD, y. C . June 7 8® tepd We are aotkorlKed and reqaested to j annoduceOol. B. F LITTLE as a candidate • to represent Jhe county of R ohmond in Ihe ! House of Commons in the n-jx. Legislature. i May 19 34 t« j We are autborlxed to annoance JOHN A. LONG, as a candidate for re election to iba office of Sheriff for the county of Rich* mond Mar 21 85 6lpd-te %Vc are aatkorized to amiounce ROBERT .M McNAIR of Co. C, Ut N. C. Batt«lion Artillery, as'a Candidate for the otiice of SHERIFF of Robeson County M-*y 20 Xl-I9tpd B Egypt C)oal iniue. The underBignea were, at the November Term of the Goufedc.-ate Cotirt, Distriort of North Carolina, ap- j pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, fnA have entered into oopartnsrehip for the purpose of iftiitng and selling Coal, and aolicit orders fcr the tamo I0 deflired quantity. Orders fur auy amount cita ba supplied on short notice. The (Joal from this pr'j- oKtj is tuidoubtedly the beet in the Confederate Slatee. Applioatiooa vutj be made tv Chas. B. Ualleti., Fayeti^i- wifle. N. C-. or Jamee Bruwne, Charledton, b. C. CHAHLEB B. MALLETT JAM£8 BROWNE. A FEW IMPORTANT FACTS IM REUA&J> TO I TUE «»SOlTHi:ilN HEPATIC PILLS/’ 1THEV' arc prepared from ♦he best quality of Medi- . ' iocy by tha discoverer, now an aged Minister of i tne Ooepel, and are safe. ' '/ They have been known for years and tested by I tboii!jaudt. I Ii. Five hundred persons are known to have been ; cuied by them. ! 4 They are n kl recoiumondcd .by the proprietor for I everything, but ouly for diseases which arise from dis- j or-lerod livera. i [> Direcii3n« and coPtifioalos aoo>mnauy «iob box, and these oertifiaatee are from well knowu aud iiiOKt le- spectable indiviinalri t) Correapondenti recommend them as good for l.ivor Dis«$aae, Ohilla aid Fevers, Paeumonla, Jaundice. Dys pepsia, hiliout Fever.'. Bilious Rheuaiaiisiu, Wortua, rleurisy, Bronohitin, &o 7. Several gentieinen aiato fiiat the use of these PilIu ha> be^!ii io them au aanual saving of from l^lOo 10 they a»"e the beet plantation medivine e»eroiered io ue pii':>Uo. h Some ptayaioiauaof ihehigiteet ut^nding prescribe them !o their patients, aud hundreds of boxes have been uo'd lo rcguiar praotitioaerM y During the last quarter 2^880 boxes have been eold to two Druggists, one in Soath Carolina, and one in North Carolina, and some time ago over boxes were or.lered by Druggista in one town in Virginia Price. f3 a box. For JBO a dostin boxes will be sent to any address A very liberal disnount to Drnggistsand country msrohants Cash (now currency) to accompany orders. Address GEO W. DEEMS, Goldsboro’, N. C. For Bale in Fayetteville by N- A. & !o ; in Kookiaeham by T. T Niftham; in Wadesboro’ by Dr. Bennett- io Albemarle by J. M. Bivins; In Cliaton by Hubbard & Moseley. May 10. Sri ifiipd We are authorized to annoonee Col. MURDOCH McR-\E as a candidate for rc-elfotion to the llousu of Common.'^ irom lto5.»c8ou county, April 27 27-2m To the Voten of Sampsou County. EING in to-' sTVice, I lake this nietixoi ' f auncu^u- ing niyHelf as a c>utdtdat« to repruseut (he oouuiy of Siknipsoa in tb? House of Cciuiuonaof tbe next Legis- Uture It will be impods’bie for mj 1 t uieet the good people of old S'impson (without aa acoioimi) be fore the August election, I can oiilv say that my prio oiples &r^ t '%nell known to iny countym ju to adaait of any doa'it ati to the course I s'nall fur.-uc if ekcled Living my country aud bearing arias iu her dcf?ace, I can oniy add. “that whateftr may tend to her beat ict-^resis and independent nationality,” will be my earn est dedire to aocoaipli>b, and to sm.-u wili n.7 whole tiiue nnd taleotft he devote;! ^oliciiing duHra^es cf li'.y oooiiytuen, I tm gontlemon, your ob.i t Rerv't. JAMES K LASSITER, Of 63d Rag’t N. C Troops. M *y 21. 1 m HVi. j CONVKUKItiTE HTA7KH OV iMKUI€A, E.NOiBiEaK DMrAarwiNT, Disr. ('Avti FsAa VilKii:gtou, N. C , Marcti Ititfa, lii> NOl !('-E iti boreby ^ivetn to all peraoUs having claims a({ainst the Engineer Departruent, fur Bervicea of slaws employed a« laborers on tUe lutui defencft n^ar ^'iiialii^lon, N t> , that the Ubderuigu’.'fi is aiitboriicd ftul prepared to pay the same a( hU uiiiue, ou iju se cond fluor uf ike building nex: above Mearec’ I>rug nil.fa, Market 81 reel. Piti’ioi'd rteuuiiujj Powtrs of Aitomey will ob serve tLe foliui^iug I’orui ^iheirfeiguul.utes, in ikit caiea, tit be nhut!:titil by two witBebtcs aud signed iu uupli cate, or they ui.^y >>e wiiues8el before a Jus>ic« of ti>3 Pt ace or ty'lnk of uny Court FOK.vl OF POWER t»F ATTtiRNEY. I, of . do hereby ajfjitoinl , of ruy tue ana lartful Agent tj sign receipiM for, and ret«r!fe paymetii of ail moneys due to m: by the La(;it)ei.'i' D;- l>artin?int of ihe Confedeiate Stales of Amerioa, tut tUe eerviocs of my slaves employed as laborer* on t&o laud detauoes at , dtuing the taoulh of , 18t> VJiiLCSd my hand aad eeai at , the -— day uf , l«ti (Uigbed io daf-Htiiij ) (t^al I I W iuieiice DRV GOO'ja ’K eases '^hite grsond Prints f7 cn%e«i t'lit.k and while pr'i^ieJ .Mii-l’a 1-' cases Huokab^tjk Towi*!s Army Ol'iibs > ji (-ii;>sr Hn.--i^ry . ;„rr-n 'Xi’l'''.iiL'c ’ (3%***-!» (. caK B ifti'^biD j; Lia' U Thread *' Iinke (ii-iiy ti-iris ‘I t’olid, br'kct- Msd moviiiiiu^ Giii^hasA-i ;> ca»efi bUok Lu"tre J Silca Ci.'ifedsrjit-.' ’i rtrij.jh Cl; ca re v*;? uiad.\ !’i 'Ihliii* J Check aiid M?ipe;; i.ioiii'uiui^ 3 ca?v-c I>, we-i ail I Luui liuliuus 2 bab.'i! Harci^e 2 c**es '! .ck oas -s fiiper htack l*.io»dulut>» •; C'~ ■!- brcwc HL-iliiV 1 ■* Ki%'i;tp! - bilsif *,ilXrt M,*'-! li.^ 1 t.ale b!ue a>:t ■, I bile fi^u-.y 1 fivsri IJl'cIc Alf 1 c’t-- Eiaiif Orb'.K 1 j^:-e P«‘r?»' Oar-vi'fir., vj1.iim 1 bi!'.* A Ih-fc-r'i* ' O'; * l>e»i;r«'i»»j i ’r«r 'e 'p 1 C'.^e H.iar.t-fo iu.i- I ifP Plsfi fid «’- ■(£ 1 cise o.Bj FoZuv HLawl. 1 !•-!*: . »up?» I C HI* NJotk^ siiC N^rtOl-jr 1 tiaS TSfS, Glovo^ i t.*'e Bupef Hr-i'ad f'loih, &aSOrte'l oolt>rs 1 caec Irish Lineu 1 • f''';t Ifaitoita 1 ' 3.‘ II uU aud Wtiite I'i-jB. SRoilrf. I.Ha'I'UEk, 4i; ■?». ti-i.iln- bvJie?*. tl»ni B aud Chili;«n'c Pi, •>.« I'.t'J.v.* , ueni't tnd tltl’ds .u’e Kr Buuteefl, f.x'rs ij c.'.ies Ar'j'^ t il'.. ' • * 7 C.:iS.*H b^ftou t> Bl iai.t ‘ at>d ilrciTu Thtrad t c.uijs l-'r Ware-i Stiua 4 c.a-4.K CLfiuiuld Sriui 2 f; ,s-*i; M-rtO‘:o rttiTON (;ARi>a, «;iit>raiNti, &c •id CMiM Ooliou Carda, No lUi paa Wh4Uen*of-e'8 beet 1 oa^4e Wool *.ard« 1! t’litd Clotkihg H2 i 4 ■J c.tb^e iilletlng STATIO.VKKV I*. oibs iJsp, Leinr and Hole P*p r 2 cASes UtUoit’s Steel Pets .'{ b-.tes Pen Holders 1 Penoi'a and Pens • I cv«e as^-irtel Stationery --UAttOllULAIiiilliili.. 118 eoils Bale Ripe GRJK'KKIti* Hio Oollee barrels Brown SuK»r •W Carre's crushed Su^ar Is'j kita No 1 Manktrel rt nasks t’hicory 10 boi>s Srerm t^an 10 1 »gs black Pepp»r It) c^'j ii.*s Yoa^g Ilyi'-n 3'«a HARDWARE, 43. *8 tens Hoop Iron 3t> begs N\il;>. ftss''i'-e4 sites 4 oaska Wire 4 oascfl Gun Caps ri bags Shot 3 cib's Rniies, Fil^s ftad Raaors LIQUORS. ±3 *4 quarter caeks pure Cngrae Brandy 1 half pipe oure Martel H» »-• 1 quarter pipe pure Plnet Oastdb'U A iJc. Bi-audy 1 eighth pipe pure Otard, Dapay Jc Oo Brat ly io cask9 Whtfikey ^2 oa*ks old Rnm ItK) oases HoKaud Oia ”6 detnijouos Holland Gla DRUGS, &o. 30 ct^es Liqu^rios Pa.*te H4 oaies Liquc-rice Siio'ss 13 o%> ks Alooliel 14 caeKs .Alum 8 e-isks F.psout Balts 9 casks Balsam C'^paiba 9 bbls Tanner’s Oi' 42 kers Bt Carb Soda 6 bbls B irax 5 eases tjuinine 3 c »h€8 asaurted Drugs 6 bbld Copperaa a oases Potass Garb. 2 eases Blue Maes I 1 case Powd Ipecao „ ' 1 case Iodide Potasj and lodin 2 ca“ke Soda ''rystalo ‘ I 2 casks Blue f^tone j I 0*80 Phosphorus. JaO'' Ift 42-ta j . I At June Term, 18U4, of tbe Court of Pleaa and Qdar* ter Bessious Ot Cuoiberland eouuiy, the subs -ricters we«» appointed Geusral •Admicistrators of the estate of Iholatn Uuuc;in MoNeill Pernous indebted to the Iu le.kats hr.) uofitied tu tiisWe early p».ybient Those ha* ing ('diu^TtrJs present them iu duo tiuie, or ihia B^tice wiil be pleaded iu bar of a recovery. D.AVlf> McNEILL. A A. MoKETh-^N- Etirllier iVolic«. flHlKitE will be sold at Fayetteville, oti (he ‘>sih of Tout:. t.iid LiBKAKY, the property of tbe late D.inoao .McNeil! Also, ih.-ani"**s io H.e Warerooui of 'be dec^a;j?(, ailQb lied&ie^b, Chotil'r. Wath:>(»i:ds. Alid ai t>ie .MHi plaod on •'arver’e tlf^ek, l»ef tn'.int't Wii'j Fn lay the tirst day ijf July, icterri wiil be snM 1 STtCV t all kinds, embraoing some Male^ of I uuility. Wo.jfocs, (!acif, Pl'>nta!ioii Toola, ant ta.iao j hn'-ailure ' At tUd Tikyim-a Hole Plan'at on, on ibu Cape l'oa’ Itiver, on ’l'!i«i»day the fith of July, iherit will bo ta*4 Pat!!?, ,’l ,»■?, T jfs. Fufniture, a Wagon aci Car*. Tt>e wii* fo.isi dny t. d»y at eith place, whan the teruis wiH 1:6 ano.^'.jc^d DIVID McNEILL, A. A. MoKETHAN, ,^dnjini8fra«» H'.Mii |»d A Private School for Ttuig Ladies ' *1'^' V. fi.urth *^swon of Mins .Manama’s aohosl »i]l open I ! bit trsday (k;* 2^th July, at th* r^slder-cij of ]^v r r uiosfeti'. Mrs. Wtlli' P M'vntrnra, on F»at H v»r J H-r papiis will J*nd a' h-uv« 5n i itniy K biol'od utimo^r I'an be r«o»»T^-.» fiirtitrr * MiaaJii. • «»;ai»£ ■ i‘»oBt.y, N. •, f«r tae pre»«nt. eara ir. J r ; I I lun II 42 tm «/:iroliua fr'einale C^ollese. exaroi’es of this Tns>titnt;on wMl s-epnmed or- I M3uda.y the lot of Ap|fr;*r 18’4, wrtb a fwil corpt of Tiioh'^' 1 >'jr c:» Pillar ad jrea-i !;?? J. it iiRlFF:Ti^ Ar^isvi!'?. N t' JU'-se J4. Wool Wauted for the State cf W. Carolina. Thr. nnd.ranfn-^d coit>in’t» to >rro> ^ ARN for Wool, tine boudb* ">t Virtt for 4 ?‘"j. uii wush^d. or ){ lbs. cleau w*rto''d VVooc 'S'-'t-y »i‘.i s pay H liberal prioe fn 0!i :U for la: te or e-aa’! iot^ GE1 W. WILLIAMAf CO . A»t9. Fa?i'H^villf, Juno Ift. 42tf * '’c:''-yteria£j 0'>p7. Ii of !.ub j nURKE 00 , N. C SPRINGS will be npen for the recef ! 1 vii. tfjM lie lai July Term? of will i, : in season 1 /• 5- -d sad cooifortable four horse stage will leave • Mo’feau'.oa ol th« »»rriv*l r.f ih« pa^seugar traiu from j Ha!i?bnrv every Tu»9'*a'', Thursday an-l Saturday '■ Du*-,..* .-eniontbs of July, Angmt • (fiber it , will k»v > Mo'-^'iuton daily PRI,I'OR. Jun» 4’ bipd .\orlh l^arolifna leaven r»5.-‘i!:3:l’., I'or WilmL'>j'ioa W.jtnt . ko i Sjt urdsy L H »,‘olcok. acd Wtiming'ot. i^r ?ayetU;»il!e .^Ici.dca Thursdays at P. M. T. 8 LUTTERL'Jti. Juse tH. 41 Shoe-Heei Wool Carding. { '! Mu lin.iersignad, wieh to Q3tiy my OQBtoiners and t*!t. j'lbilo generally, Ihf.t 1 am oowraady to CARD I H't./t>ij iHTff Rolls, having pttc my m»oM£ery in go'>d crJer and re7«lrs 1 feel ftiHy abU to do work tbai Tiiil oompar^- favorably with any work of the kinA I dwue ih '-ka Sonth. .'^triet attention will be given to all J panels mixing. I will nlflo o^d t^otton and Wool uiixed t\,get.her. Persons having such done will beoare fai not to pat any oil or lard on their Wool to mix with Cotion. Mix %hcu( a poaad of Cotton to four pounds of ^ ool I will run day and night to aooommodatc cus> 1. iAALAT^ faikau. m. .Hal ^ «. tArm« .ariU hA WMw I niflvctloiift ror rreparues* * it in cold waier witiiui so* -, iree it from If and burs, auioU k with Nevsfoot oil, about 1 a pibi. i,> 12 pounda ani regulate as the Wool may re quire Hnng on jotir Wool and g«t f03d rolla I A A M-LEAN, Shoe Heel Depot, W. C. & tl ii R. ! G i .!.- U P 0 , June 14 4> 4 pd FOR SAI^E, AC2JB» OF PiNE LAND ten m les South of OUUv tus W i M R ii , opnosiie Qrist’s Depot, !!i Coluoibus oousty Will be rsaiiaajed lor Coufi'la- I rale money or young n»grocs Any informition de ! Sirn-.l fcb-ut eaid hnd can be had by applyinj; to Albtrt I Peaoock, atPoacock'eStorc. H Ii Hont ou the premises, I or the subsoiiber this piaoe. j T. S. MEMORY. ! Wait-jv'lle, S- C., Jute B. *>-7t WAIVTED, PUT OF GRIST MILL IRONS, with or witu-:ut the raua. r. S. MEMORY. 41 7t %¥OOL i^'OTlCE. UUARTERMASTElVa DEPARTMEST, Raxaioa. June 9. I8t>4. I .\M uow prepared to exshangs Coiten Yam for Wool, uQ.jit the foliovriug terta^ vis: One l unch of Yarn fcr three pounds washed Wool, aud « a-i buno's for four pounds anwasbed. ‘ gvC-a have 'neeu i>pp>ib'.ed to mak£ tae ex^Uaugt: ai the tol.orring placets: Oxford, Tarboru’, Kinston, Oatha- rins Like, ik'ncard, Rjoiiiaiaain, fierii rBjnvilI» Si&i-:is»ire, E.oib}ra\ A^beviila. Piitsfcoro’. L'tf'ehir.t, Tavctt-iville. Colerbin, and at this plac«. i Pcrs >iiS fihipptPr woo’ to thi'J pl*.33 Wiii p'.'Me oi^rk i on the p»ck*£c3 w^io they are iroui, an t tbo caUci; >-*ra will be ff/rwir>’ed immediately I M’Opj the people will patrietically f’epptnd so the ’ »‘-uve tioiice, as tiie ^>01 is ff^r ol this^^ tha N C 'iVoops H. A. D’>>?D ti M . N. i) A. i ! ji, 1, J.J .11 tj » i It; MfltjLi:' or i’* MAfi^'lN'E. is. P'> ' ’' !’A RM Sa W A .VT K fiVlK Snhscnner wi.stj^'^ f> erojn Trcas to K itaio i t«i work ia firf.p uai lo s^t? am-*!; g^atu; I wn j.-y in »T£iii to t’.o.'jR who n. 2 t it. J bi,-> i;kv!. »'*'iae Oc^ek, • Jitiia tAt 42*if «• ti«AMRH ALAUAM.4 Th« Nuvy l>epaftmoiit biu receivcti a very id- t^rcjtiiig disoatch Ironi Capf. K. Seturaes, «i[’ tho Aiabana. It is dated “Table Bay, March aotl f^ves an account of tbe operations of the ac^^mer Bubsrijucnt to her doparture fmai Siafi;a- pore, on the 24th of Iieeember last We extract * the followia^, which will be "ratifyiog to all who an authcntit; account of thccrniBingof otir heroes of the seas; Pr«>BJ Singapore, which is at the Southern ex tremity of tho Peninsttia of Malacca, the Ala bama eailcd iiorthwcfit through the dtraita of Malacca! theoce actops the bay of Bengal, and t}i*!nce fio Cape Town by way ot Mozambitjuc rJlsaoael. On her firi>t day's rtio she overhanled the yankee ship “Texan Starj^' which was bamed, aud ht-r «r^ir landed thp next day at the little town of Ma!asica. ills tiuntiw, t-apt.. ^tuoie«y on the >t>th, enptureri aad harmed the enemas ahips “Soaora ' aud “Higblander," near the mouth of the .'3trait«. The run across the Bay of Bengal yielUf-a nothing, no yrtnkje sail being descried; but 3it«?r passing (Jape (Joniorio, and arriving ofi .^falabar (*oas£, tht* whip ‘‘Kiuaja Jane," on th« 14th ol lianuiry, fell into our hands, and the llatpf'H. winds uiadeaHlow triil thence to Mozani- t!hann«»l, where the Alabaoia nrriv’ed about j the miJdia of bV.bruary. (Japt. 8injn»ei stopped at i an island there lor ait duyM, ».o rcfrceh his men, j s*nd eivo them a run tm shore. Sailing thence, j on the 11th of Maroh be fii^hte*! th#* Ot'pe o: Good I Hope; end aftor dilignctly cruisiog io the criigh- i borhcod until r.he 20th, without seeirijj an fvemy’s j ship, he wteamed intfi ]>ort at Cape Town. It would I seem remarkab’e that not a Yankee vesael was I seen i'ountlin^ Jhf' Capo, althouyh (’apt Sewmeb kept him.9cli‘ in the u)ual traelr nf o.^mmcroe, and overhauled a i&rge nuiahftr ol neutral vesael!). 'I'he Yankees have either abandoned those scatj, or seek eeoentrie courses, and steer wide of the Cape The Alabama hns now been two ycara on the sea*^, during whioh time she has made a record ol achieveinr-nls which, we are bate in spying, no eruis'^r that ever floated hat e^ualt'ti. Hhe in to tlftj Vatikees iiticraUy the terror o’ tb.> S6a. She seeinH to huv« borne aehariued lit*?' biivinj^ escaped the tempest and tbe •'Ottk, atid ull the effor*^s of the Yankees to tiapturo her. Hh.-' li.u illumiiiated the i^t^as ^itli Yankee captures, afi«i thriven the eomi/iorce of the enemy 1 rom some oi' its most ao- custotned hriants. Well have she and her eom- mand deservel of «he ooaotry, ana londly are they cherished and proudly will they be evor remem bered by our people! Thelullowingnxtrattt from tbe .SingafioreTimes, Derember 0, ISri.*}, give« a gr.iphic anti rather lu dicrous piotiu‘8 of the effect of the Alabama’s cruis ing on the movenieni and the nerves ot tho Yan kee sea captaini?: “From our to-day’d hhipping list, it will be seen that there are no fawer than ^^eveateen A jier- ent riding there. Their grojiS tonnage may > o roughly set down at 12,C50 tont. Some of these have been lying ht^re now for upwards ol threo months, anti most of them for ai: lctst half that period. And all this at a time when there ia no dullnesh in the freight market; but un tl.t. con trary, an active demand for tonnage, to »!i psr^ of the world. It is indeed, to us a home piel't :o —the only one we trust to have for many _ '» to come—of the wide-spread evils of war in thcw modern days. But it is a picture quite uniqic> xn its nature; for the nation to which the«o eirr n fine ships belong, has a navy perhaps second only to that of Great Britain, and tbe enemy witb which she has to c>pe is but a schism from ]tt>r- self, posiiossed cf no port that is not blockaded, and owning not mere than five or six vcsscIh on the high t»eas; and yet there ia no apathy, and nothing to blame on the part of the U nited States navy. The tactics with which the Federals havo to combat are withont precedent, and tbe me^ns to enable them succcsslully to do so have not yet been devised.'’ Baiak ot IVortik 4i;aroliua. Sio;kiioidtr9 who hav«» DivKionf^e Q 'w dtie ou t- J Stsck of tliis U&nk, ar« l^«»robr r.cufi.;! 'b»-t 'i refipai’tive aaonais *n ■■H-'frU J futu' .n j tick wh'Pn Lifc ( tUoUUm^o) th> Con/fJerat* .Vou-. i>T j gttcm-jted to pIk ? they svre repifea ti »>|» , tot Jte sbUid at tae • l'riaoi, li»ck. and Apfin'j'ts wh»i^j>ayabl^ i.y '?ier ot'the ■' ltRnE>' RaUiirh. Alar s.asW 37 ItP Joar. H. i,MlO r Tb ii^TRAVEO, jMlO’d my pUce on tbe 2lst iast., a ()t)W aud C \LF. he Cow is white with rod spots The oalf the same color Calf uamarked. mark of oown’ot itcollect- ed Tbe cow was purchased from Mr. Alex McLeod or VI001& county, and it is probable that she ban fonnd her way bac% with the calf, f will pay »liberal reward for thoir reooverj or any infermation so tkM 1 get them aittiia. Wai. MITCIOILI^ H««r Ms^ V- Te^ llIcS: The sig^aaLiiTeH of colored per»« jik luot'' 1 l.-is wiiue»...“ed by ihre.’i tplLnesBftt Thuro wuHt be isf-.p.vraio dupiic>ii- of Atti>iuey for eacb i^aih Blank foiiu.'* cau tie bad upoti appU- ca'ioti at this oh'ice. W. H, JAMKS. (japt. ft Chbf Eag. Jan'y 20, 1804 l.‘’.uOt? f>» I Hi! ' iil» hni'ia, ■w^'ch I t j ^ A iii.KRTHAr'i \f yi VaiMd, V V,'%i Mho Tke FarBMirii’ aad Plaiitem’ AI- fur I8(i4 A fav ^«o* jwt rMelted- HJU HAUIftlOlia. Ssrfh i’reasttry A’otes* lU/ ; I .Ini, !• f . iK (!'>nrt Hcuse i^. orcf '/.. F ^ei;, l-y of t‘ o '.Vnn’j' •.Jourt ct Aut^ou, Ti'N TH''U.4ANi> DoLLARt in N. C- Treaaury ttote.^ '5— Ki tss will be soil for «*irrenfly iKaumia.tettai(-pu«kaa«K». J- A. 1*1^2. NOTICE. 1AM now prepared to i.irnish r'la put-^.' ^^fa^i:atly with bools and Shoes of the t>e3> m&isriai and make. 1 respriiifnM/ Boiio'O a nhatc of iLa pablui patron.°ge, ai) 1 am fully persuBded i can giv = satictAstion i have p-'>04l worKman aad luon of c«pe’'ieE«fc ia *!\o bafliUf.BS Ail of my W'rk ia wirtMnied cot to rlj>: if it doeo I will r pair fcr ujthiag All otdetc of rey'a’rii'ff ditse j.'.Miiptiy ani a saori noiio’. I ciii b-' f>aadlnyel- I V builfti^*? nonh e’is ot Pesnju street; a d-.-^ri abci?e l,.b,ru l*>int JOHN VAOaHAN jas4iH $iM> iCBWAI^n. HAN.\WAY (rorn the eut.-t-rr^r ou -fee l*?t* M«7, my K nv*iv, m«n EM'NUki . «b;;ut 26 yes.ra laLk complexion s^ouL ?I- ^ My mVi-.n? 11- . V , . tn^ « » H ^ r l.vw • « •.» .i^swt* ‘U M " '. n D Pinrt. 8. C , a^'t fttw ! Vo siP'^r., o^c Vt S»r.i’i K'ovd a in U.^»on o nary, I ithitr &L fc* ''pk' i‘-'*cuijs. F, 1 eiioook 8 Station on ! ue W t M B I' • I"? j ki. «• i P. Gf. KatatMfci i»» C- Giant's TfU'ti^s.—V7e think it may be ealely asserted that, since war first became known tf> mankind, no General ever saeriiiced bis men ho recklessly, fo remorselessly, and to so little pav- jiose, as Ueneral Graut. lie etarted from his camp on the North side of the llappahannock, little more than :» month ag.‘, with 180,000 men. Ife la.s Ix'eu leiutorpco, adeordiag to tiie atatc- ment.1 ol’ ‘»i-s Iriends, Ly luore thau MOjitOO •incR that iini“, viz: Stunt^m eays he went him 25,000 veterans af'cr the battle :’ o I'Jib May; Batier has Hcnt bjm *Ji»,t»uO, a-io' j.ri'iUucr. say bo hat* rr^e -ivf i 4U,0u0 irom Omio ami oth('r .sourcos, inikirir & t.i>lal *if .S.> OOu Yoi hi i aroiy, nt tbis day, in tho ojtMiion of thos*.- riOit q-i^jliliod to jutlge, doOH not :iivaUy cicccd liMt,0l0 jii’ji, and io, cer- ! la’cly, !'*■ inl-ifior lo inir'iH..r3 •> it wa« i when ln\f»f-rted oa hit' ‘Te ii>.?t 75,001) i ir. Sjn»tr-yii'ania, and hi.-. iM-i ; iu fiatiover t^au- I not bave, faMfii very far -•l.-sit oi l!.'i,>00. Thu:; jhe ii-v,« :.a.-’aSc.>I 100,('■ j m-i., the iiower noi {.nl5 ot iiiH OiVri Lfoops !.Jf ».' ili« whole United .XwipH r»ij»»y. Ia rritira ho l;:i* elb c^t d noihiog, absolutely u.'-thiH^; Lac’H » lo>s eince thw c*inpa>ii;T» oppncd. disi n. t uiauant t-k 17,OtiO, all told, k‘;'il«d, wounded and r.tip: !iifr lie bus aever oncp! ber-n ioroed fvnm u prntida. ti-d has only eniui,', ol victory, has attempted to pHde oil tf» l i'lt aisi t'ot m rear withuut turthcr lighiifii'. t/r-.nt in th«- mcan*iui6 has he«'n brrtU;3ht up b’dore M'jOS.'tlan n old line.H btytm ? i!i«» lhi’VahorriWi}, ;iad \a not fible to taVe a eio"if 1-. a'lvanee. tie ha‘t thrown away I0u,00** liit'U tti oittsin what bj could have bad ^or noiitlng —/ttV/t i>/s. Thr. (hi!y Truth- T-. Ufr —Amid the uoivcrsal trifkt-'ry arid dce«;t>ti jn a' tiitt North, there is one thing that tlmast I avail; M3' toll.-* tho truth —ci-Tiiit. Thin great tinanei*! barometer ni.'ldon’ laiU to indi'sate tlse triiw ^*tato ol the political ^yesther, I'-* vennl ne’^fsp-ipfrrt and l>ic;r p.>hli eiat.s pervert-Htid Lilhily a.s they may. .Record ing to lhfc.'e latter, t#rfiDt’' march into \ has been trmnipftal I'roiii tbo beginuiug iili novv, whilst the cowardly L'’^* auJ h?^ rafrg'd Rebo)- bave been fli^eing lor their llve.s n* Kiobinond The Money Martef telJ.-i its si.'iry, and v.haf is ir.' When Orstif eroysfvl tiic Il»pldaii goM was it it has gone and Vankt’« cr^idit ;;onr down with »very victory, until fiualiy, v5^r.iu: makes a glorioiw Sght on the oarrie.^»he r>bei work* at Oold Ratbor, repels every aasault with heavi less, awi»^^ightwaj. put«imp-toia2l SitvamakBf^gMkKouk,

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