yV y I e IL ri^ I-WEEK L T ■ap?— un ;(• iiinlii . pert U' t* \ M P M el A 2 P tht tVvti off tl u for ay if -pai4 h/ to •i A M io:%-^1* sterrid lo lie. aa l to ialeigb uot »i , li. 0 i \OL. XilL] FAYRTTEVILU^, N. C., JUNE 30, IS64. [NO. 1345 PRINTED MONDAYS aND TlIDRPDAYr*. KDHAttD J. HiLE & SO!^S. EDITORa ANT> PROPRlETOK'i. Priae fbr (he Seml-Weokly Obskkvbk $10 00, paii in adyanoe. For the Weeily OBSfiavHR $6 00 ptr annum, paid in advance. W^TADVERTISEMENTS lusertcd for 52 por a juare >f 12 linpe or Ifpa for tho first, ami one dollar for each kneceodinj^ pnblicailon. AdTertifforrf are requested to slate the namb*r of insertions deiired, or they trill t e continued till forbid, and oharjf;ed aooordiugtj. AdTertiFsnients continued inside, obargcd aa new ad- ▼erlisement^. yPECIAI. NOTICE. €:€>TTOili CAKIIS, I«. K n'l^TFKVlLLH: (;()'?TON 0* lvl \N!' i TIJUINUCOMPANY are now imumthciuring:'A Hlr fUjK^rior to iiiiy run lhrouifa t!u! biiKkivdr.iind at prew-nt urc 4elUiig lor a Irss price iht‘«i!i»jl« pair or ly the qnan- lity. Auy jKTSou ordcriuK six or more pAir-. they will In* | securely packed uud delivered in Wiliuiuglon free oi cx- peui^e. Call npoa or aduresK A. A. MoK.L'TLlAK. J. A. WORTU. A LEX. JOHNSON. Jr. Fs^-tWville. N. 0,. April 18 24tf I'refiliyterinu tud Caioliuiaii copy. Fajettefiilc lt*slu Oil Work« OUR V/U W»/rks are now lu omnplete «{>ei-aMon, aud | a.1 wti use uotWiiff but eiX-Ki rusLn in prutluelujj; the (JU we tvu ruuuuiuieud it lo Go the bost »{ tha kind mad* ' ia vhia owmtry. It is a tice Lnbiioatlnjj ai:,i liiUiier's I Oil, t»nj w« wuuld li« •'ihl to roueivo onL-rs the t £' J* i •« j* rjliJlJ iiijnda of V,'Ni. Ji n I I rco. at hia iisaic > ■ t'.' r-»1 AfcP' -(hty J.—' 7 iUuHl. T. x.rs f Cu>- ■' 'tilt ■ in !i r 3pec!fullr 'b“r'a;id find e :iuXt 8“ t- r — fcw t V From an i n.ter thiaJat«, no name of a new subscriber \ tiwoi'nuM-nt mid thti jmbilg rHuerally. We will p«U on rl’’be entered without payment in dTance, nor will j 210^jPtK, OAbtTV* KI*L & CtJ. . f Aiuul IX. At papci -.U't Sutccmur: tssr a rhan Is paid for. iiach of our old snbBoribers as desire to take th« pa per on this Bjalem will pleaso notl^ us when making '■‘mittarcce. Jan’y 1. 1?68 W. DKAIOHOM, AUCTIONEER, S. 1. t'orner Market Sqnan*, FA»ETTETILI.i:, C\ HP* Prompt attention given to all business in hia Hue «Dtru8t>d to him. .lone 10, 1884. 40tf luctiouefr aud foramls‘»!on Merchant^ fittj Street, I'j: lLE, N. 0. June ISAAv onVOHTH, (irofer and (oiuMi'^'ilon Hfrcliant, FAYKTTKVILLK, N. C. June 11 -!0 tf irvw. •ncjL. Attorney at Law, Faybttkvillb, N. 0. yjflLL attend the County and Superior Conrtfl of • T Cumberlan 1, Harnett, .Moore and Robeson Coua- Prompt at'enlion gives to the collection of all -Irxiae rnira^ted to hia h;uiia. ' >ct 17, lSo^>. 68 tf UTLKV, .v»’or?r aati t'o*nrnif*fif*n FAYKTTEVILLK. N. 0. 'sn’y 10, IMS. tf xath.o; .V. srsi)jc-->. wm. h. B.sii>'A.aD. \. A, CO., WflOLKSALK i.^l> UKTAiL DEALKKS A:« u €0.n.7l .nKKCH ,»o. 19, Hay Stt'eft, FAYKTTKVILLK, N. 0. April UK We »eilhor*9s:(! ilo aBiUiOiince J. ti. H!!E1’4KU)' » i> c^nJi'iLio ff-r ro-nlaotion te • isn J’.o'iJ-' of Coiiiaj.’u^ from tin oouatica of Cucubor- h'.n J Rii'l Hmrprtt Jan,'11. 40-fo^>d We are uuthuriMHt to aunouBce Dr. J. .''fcOOK'flCK. tk cuiiididatc far re e!rotion tt ue n*Tt liou'ie of (’oniTm'na. '«*• '7 :y fApd We r&speotfuUy rouoiumead NEILL MoKaY, Kr] . iw ^ O'mdidak: for u to m efu in the atfx^ i;=.i:a'j of UoiamoDs froa ' Harai li iJAKl' OiriZSNS. '• 2 ‘j. . A Schdoi IVr foung Ladie!^ >^p;th pnaMj,j o: .VuBa ajiioul wii5 im> i f >rHay H.. Jn*u, k 'na.k rv^o: , t n^-iVr, ;»Ir=f. , 1* Mang.n:-. o:. t'iu R ver ^ ®^d > heme in tuir aoloer’.t fs.!miy '-iM.lajjtaitoJ nuDiher o;$a ba rvOt^ivud k’-'T i'iirihf.r nation atlirees Mine M. p y> Hillab'rr.’ camity, N. G . for the p?e,^ai, care Dr J. if' 4a Im arollua F«iuaJ« ■^Xiroisea of t.his in^'tttuitdu will hs roKuniod on •y tha 1st of Aa{urit 18*’4, witt> a fall oor’>c of For oircuUr aCdrMs Bsv J. a. aKifPiTn. • AriSon^tlla, N. 0. *4. ' 41 tji.pd (lA 2r)tf n o. woarn. d. a w^aru. ». Q. WORTH & €0., CommlsslcTi aud Forwardiag Sleroliauts, street^ WILMINGTON, N. 0. Oot. IG, 18*53. 7a-12m WA.\TE«. O '“AA BUaHELS WHEAT, /li.OUU 1.500“ CORN. rersotts having the above ariiclei to sell will receive t'i? highest Caah price by calling on Mr. M. Thojnaecn, a‘ tac Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the Bubscri- tfsr at his old itand on Market .Siiuaro. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr Nov. 5, 1862. "5tf AK.nY 1AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of V>s,vou Jiamess for Army use. I tan my leather and c-yi give good b&rg%in^. Agents will do well to Mcud their •rdera to me as they shall have prompt attention, and sent off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Ccldfiton P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., \ June 13, IbOi. / !00 lbs. €itam Arabic for »ale by J. a. LEE. (;ot. 15. Alter this datv I wi«! pay 15 Cent« per j*o«nd f r ^raj-^n, or the highest market pr’ca, delivered in ?ayettc^e, or at my milia on Rockhsh. j. MURPHY. Ifl. 18^54 7-tf BA8ILE FOUNDRY. SOME m'-nths ago wo ^mp!e»ed all oar flrtures for the manafaocnre cf OAR WHEELS, fcuf owing Jo tho fall:;re of the ropply of Iron of proper nature, we have ni)i lately been a^Ie to cupply any d^iuauvl f-i*' them; this d'Eculty hcwev..*r, wili be overcome in th'^ ct5nrs* cf s:s ^eeka, at_which tif^n we thail t/e able to furnii»a wheels of the followiaj' s'jes —-4, 2li, 28 aini 20 laohea; also Chilled Tiree. The Iron we shall a*!o for them will be Cold BV^l Ch^rcorvl Iron, and wo 'wa*'- rant our vrUeela NOT TO CRACK, .aJ to cq>j»! io any made ia the Confedeiacy. vr tc thaae p' Whitcoy & Sons ot Philadelphia, whose reputation ia ao well knoTTU by all Railroai cnrapuniep. We are prepared to execute Loom, Pry 3.-s;.d, and Green S:ini Hors, of any siRpe or e>js->. L* .-'1.NDEC.20N a CO. Fayetteville, M-\rcb SO, l>?t'4 I***? TiUBKI€ATIj^« ^^HE nndursignc-d is now prepared to ;.Tirui8h to tha J public a very superior articl*- ■' LUBP.10.\TINO OIL, for Cottim and FiKtoriet. V*a claim thai this Oil does not ijaci, an * mny l>e run p.- gr.'atcr speed with less po~ j/ taa:: aiiy Jil cx-.ei-i ^perm. Mr Vf H Porter, i^tiperiutendcjt of Paaii!x Coitou Faotory, ytys of it: have been ceing you- LuVrica':- ing Oil f-r 1' or 3 months, and t'lod it t • be -upi.nor : j any other Oii now in use for lubricaliag.” '■!r John Kershaw, Sup’t of Ulouct’? Creek F-.viory, says: ’‘I can ohcerfully eay your Lubric%*iug Oil ia » snp>.’rIor article. It does not gum in the leajt, but kedfs the journals clear and bright ” Mr A F Bcckcrdite, Chief En|?iacer of the C S Arse nal and firmorj of this place, was reqaestei to try it and SAya: “I thirk for light machinery—i j,ch- > :on FactDries—ai>'lfor heavy machinery whtu ihv "’;r5ou Is alow, y iur Lubricating Oil will compai*? n-x' in «;ual- ity t.i yj»er»n ” Other er-itou JO.'rcrs hive tried it an! pr"»- nounoC'J :t. HKNHY E. 'OLTDN. Piyet' Till** i'?r ~- -T!' «'o. April IHijt *f ffl OISj. Eoan furnish KEK03KNE iiUIlNlNG Oii. in quan tities of 5 or 10 «r«llous :it f-6 p^T ga’-Ti; tin can'i kogs 515 to $20 a IJi'.lrjial. hJeud jand or ke^s whrti oonverilart. This is as good an Oil as can be made without the mixlnre with Ala^hol, whlnh it is impos^.ii.>%* mw t.i obtain. The wick tuhe of tb? orlmury K-to-.ouj :»mp shouM be *l;ghtly leng*bcn v' i y .! i. >■>»'.>' oti i« f't Vi'i;h a lamp thuR arratig^ 1 our at; ’ rr,. wrnb jt ,'moke anJ with va much briS*.%ncy » ■ m-.v N >rth rr* K.fror're. ilENKY K v,i>LiuN. t' K 1:0. A-.ril7 vi-t^ Wv are auShorix«d lo arn-^L'i:o« Oei}. t. I). McLl! N ; a * OHadidHte to rtf rcs.ut ('umbermtl .a'nt-tt n th‘j ilcuije cf C-ordmona of tho iiext Oer.eiii A-.-bl; s libera Wanted for tke State ot U. Carolina. uadijfBl^jsd ooatlnuo to exo^cu. 2QIXUN Pl^BLIC SI*£ I i'L' oa''dida!c» for the Uoncral AsBCiably in Cumber- r ud llnrnetl ooanaei will addrepfl the people tf Ounhs'-lan.l at the following times and placc**: Oarv- v’n Cr' i'k lU McNei'l’s 8'ile. Friday July let; nAcfc Kiv,trau! fiilver Ran ni MoNsIH’s plantation., iu »eiay July 5th. Other upp(.intmentB may be made tiig pleaeure cf the peoplo June 25. 44«t Flat lloat tor Hale. I HAVE a FLAT U3 feot in length, 17 Jeet beam and 3 .?pet ia she bold, just finishel at my laniling on the I'aj'd Hirer Sho is well built and thoroughly ironed My a.drebs ia Pleasant Exohange, Sli^en county. N C THEO M SIKBS. Junn iib 44-2tpd Ifotice to the Citiseos of Fayetteville. PBB30K8 applying to tho CTi'lera’gnett for icc for the s ot. c^nat invariably bring a oeniticate of the Prao- 41-4t*ir. W of JAMES RIRKF;VniI(;K is fotf;:-. .,‘.u W !n;i ;.j ;S.2 r?ters ( f CuraoerUnd aud b*rr’.«:i to ‘ c l f >r as a ll?pi*e«.^-nt:»!:ve of tbcuc ConuLcs f r ‘Ijus-; f Co.nniisp. MANY VOTERS. Miiy 16, 1S*14. SSt*' -Kil*Wc respectfully recoinmeud Lieut. .lOSRI’H McARiii"!:. cf C... 1. r>h;t P.ejf’t N C. T , a-’ a Ciividiuaic* to T-;T('s rn n.-^ In 'h-; Hou5? of Comiaf iw of the utxt L;*f,'.’!’•. C-t.?!'-r!:*’sd Oud Hjtrceti eouQ'i'^fl. Lt MI rui*.’.! to Sis couu tvj'it oau-i,‘ I !m>i i."!*') ;•> *.i-j r'^r .-•ver sim’O it boJim, ttc I fc- will m'»ke un a v.oi '-.tive. HJ Updte " v*vv ‘?OLI)lEK«. The friemli* of Col. J .VicUUrilti, wi!t b’ 'Tst'^ie t l? ira tLr.t ho Lta ciasent- 1 to be acan^li i.t. t ; rvr roscct uic oounties of Harnett an i Cau;ber!%ni, in the Hou.^e nf Coiamrn’ of the next Gtrer:! 1-r. ’-r To the Freemon ot Cu Tiberland County. B\ rcvi’iegt. I «7aiit auiio lao* »j •■«-lf a o»aiiid.»ie for tiiB cflije of Xh'*ritl\>' Cau**>crl.iii,l o-U'ity Should 1 ! ' ■ .u*1 T c-\n only •,jrjmi'Jf as befor? to discliarje '.irt ill’’..* with whsi abili’7 I -ov/ pos^i v*. HECKUl MoN«ILL. U. - Vt- To thti CUIivHN and Soldiers of lisriiott. I T thf :^Jliclti»tlou ijf ui'Auy i»f iny iYler.d:> I r *i«.*ctfully ^ aunoutKX' uiVf^U'a caudidat*.* for rc-elocMoa Sw the tfiec" ot ^'b-■!^a■ i'lir the iruuaty of llcini**tt. Pi'jfoundly ^r.’otul iM my trloiid' both at hoan-.' "^ud ia tho Army for ■ bu uy ^truoroud TOu{i«iii h^rctuftrrc r'.-rieiTed at th*;ir ;..i:.u;=. 1 C'AU oaly pl'Wjtr ttnit -shuuld th'y ag:ila laanl- iVj.'i the;r coafideuix- by re-iKM>tliig I will, a-, iier-P(^- fbr“, wrve th;!u jiroujptly ainl iinparti*»lly. Ver;. r,'sp^:tftlly, JA.S. it. GR\DY. A pril 13. ■H-t»^ ’jl!e, J^na 16. 42tf i much distressed family, we tender our 1 T Faj utevil!e, June 16. Pr«db7tori»n copy. PIEOMOMT «!P2?.iM LUilKi: CO , N. C 8't'RlNQ.^ wiii b-^ r.pt,- -Ite r»;.:eption of Vig'.tJiJ tJiO 1st Jiis/. 'i'Cj'^3 ui ffill u5 pub" UoI’Cj It* '-'ue df&sor: A goodootiiJo'tc-hl-s foiiV /.orse will 1&C.70 MorKsnton cn tha .vrrival 0/ tha pmasvgt.r tiain irum Sillibury every Tae::'liy, Thui’sday and SVurday Daring tho mont'PB ofJu'y, Auga-'t anl Sr?pi.ember it will kav» Mor^anton i£.'*y. PROPRIETOR. Jua; 7. • 4l-8tpi .^learner A'ort^a Cai’oiima leaves F-^ysUcviilj Vf'Umiiigton V7c'lc^-‘iay aul Saturday liiitm ,,igs ai 8 o’clock, a/id \Viimington :'jr l-’;iyo'-isVilio .MviUa»yd aud Thuiddays P. Al T. 3 LUi'TEULoa. -»uae 18. ll-3w 5000 I'ou » .^CRSS OF PINE LAND ton mLlcs South of the W & M R R , op; o^it;; Orist’s Dipoi, !i> O'-IuTiibuj county Wiii be ixo-Jaaged for Confede- rat« aioujy or young neproe-' ouy laformatfon de sire 1 a:>oui swid iaud oau be tai b v applying to Albert Peacock, at E eaoock’stitore, H li iiuni Ou the premises, or Lhf dubiicrit>er at tals place. i\ B. ME.MORY. Whiterille, N- 0., Juito 8. '‘1-71 ~WAi'%TIii>r Aset of grist .mill irons. tTith or without the Crane. -i- 8- MSMORY. Ju3(* V*. 41 -7i iSupplies ot i^ood Vaccine Matter being required for onr Armies and lIo«*pitak, I will vacoinate the ohildrcn and colored,) of ail persona who ficsire to have the opariition performed, if they will engage themselves t J prcbarvo iho 80433 for aif Cli.'itlr.'n may be oent to the Qcasral Hospital (Dr. ?c?5fcU ?nV) or to tha Arsenal, at whioh places I will fc’ in attendance between tho heurg of 10 A. M. and 12 M —at the Uoapital on Tuesdays, rimrsdays aad Satar- iaya, aud at th^ Arse ial on Mondays, Wednesdayp and Fridays, ft’ori June 20th to July 17th inclusive. 1 am provided wi?h purx and r.^lifible virus W. W. ANDERSON, Siirg. 0. S. A., Med. Inap’r and Sup’t- Vaat’a. jiv.^jr, 41 3t We lire ;iutli«»riKc«l lo auuuaiive i'.ji. EDWAKU il Li^i^;^^ as a candidate lo repr*«c'nt Ar.'^i.n i'l ’ House ' t'omreoo'J of the next Lcgisia tv.re JilCPli. ^0 pi 1 Ho KAIL UO\i>. FKEIGKT AND PAeSENUKIl TKAINri of . Hoad leave Fayetteville daily, (Sunday's cxoej ’c^i) at 8 o’clock. A. M., and returning leavt; Egypt al 1 o’clocK, P. .M. GMtie aud iJorie Tram MONDAY, WEDi^ESDAYaud FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROSE, TreM’r and Qea’l Tran.^. .\g’t. Jus. 22, 18>8. 97»f from anti alter thU date the Steamer A. P. HORT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Motiday and Thursday. J08. A. WORTH, April 6—17(f ] Ag’t C. F. 8t«am Uo&t Co. W Wanted to PurchaMe, E3TERN RAIL ROAD BTOvK; Qauk Notes; Gold Sir. • .Siiyer: North Carolina j're.dury lot-,.9 uudabte;) •> ?pi huJ $2; “ “ Bonde, oM and new; uounty of Cunibcriaii i Bonds; Town of Fa7?»tevil!c Bnnif; virooaai-oro’ !fi and 5'2 Ccrtifioates; Confederate 7 ar.d 8 per cent. Bonds;) Coapooi} of $)5,U(>(>,U0y loan; “ of Town an 1 Gcanty Bonds;’ “ of old Norta Carolina Bonds; X. a. LOTfJiiRLOH. Oct. 12. 1863. 71tr £)£pre«M Agencyl The Southern Express Company having completed i-g arranwments, will reoeivc .ind forward frtight to any points in the Confederacy, to whioh their Lace c.^- tend All articles of freight must bo securely packed, aid all boxes properly hooped, and the name of the person distinotlv marked. All Money Packages must bo pecarely scaled aiid stamoed, with private seal of the shipper It Id desired that all Parcels, Papk»Re« or Freight to be forwarded by either of th« Boa's, be rent to this Office by fi o’clock on tho evening previous to departure. oa&oe ou Hay 8t, )r'>n Front Building, No. 50, for merly occupied by Starr Ik. V/lU'amR R E TALIAFERRO, A»ent. June 7. S9-tf Voierot of 1 am, mad . ■ :■■■ .1 -- 1 .v.ticu, a ;»i ’ .le t i rrpresci-* you in Hou' C of Conini'.ii*-. 1 a"i ■ .ir W. W. lio'dci B i' ’icipK'i’ acl pe .00 u: rn ^ny »her tcr!r:« tba’’ subju- , ; 11 A. A. M'SDli, Cbakrieston Navy ■ 'Tar'-* " n. JtiT)" S. 4(J-1*; i To tlio Voters ot Sampson County. the sahcufttioas ot • any of lay friend?, 1 i. anu :ui»cc raysclf a oandi.JAte f„r a 3»»at in the House of Comcions in the next Lts^isi-uure of North Caiolina Should I be 80 fortunate as tj ba cl- ctei, 1 will andes^or to work for the interest of thj citizens ^ Sampson county, to tho best of my a lilit *. * JAM ES T. G!'‘DENS. Clinton, N. C , June l' tepd mond Mar LI 0UU9A?(€ii; UKI'AKIHEXT, KA.i.Kiaa, N. C., May 8, 18(i». } Lead WANTJuD.—I wish to purohaRe Le*nl for this Department. Persons tiaviug large or email quau* tltica will please apply at once. Will give 1 pound ef POWDER for 10 pound? of i.EAD. TIiO!3. D. UtJOG, Capt. 8. g^.tf In charge >->1 Or dnance. i'.gypt i/cn’i The undersigDed wtrf , at »'i=- Nov' >->r Term of tha Confederate Court, D.e’-t Ic* of M , ri. i Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the ^Mine property, and have entered into oopartner'r>'p or the purpose of Btining and selling tic&l, a::d BoUoit (.rdere for tha s&om la any decircd quantity. Order.' for any asoaat can be supplied on short uoUco. The C.oal from this pro perty ia undoubtedly the beet in the Confederate Btaiea. Applioatlona may be made to Chas B. Mallett, Fayette- TUle. N. 0., or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CUARLLd B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE ifaT*^t*jJll«. Jan’T ‘JO. n«*f Bank of i%ortli Carolina. The Stockholders who have Dividonda now due on the Stock of this Bank, are hereby notified that »he reepective amounts are latd luuk in *'Sp«cial dtpotii" in the old MW of tht Oonftderal* States Notea, for them, mad they are required to apply for the same at the Prinoipal Bank, Branohea and Agencies wh repajabla. By order of the Board, O. DEWEY, Gasb. JB«l«igb, l&ajSKi. a7*lni h FEW IWFORTAST FACT3 IN KKOARD TO Tmc “SOlTliEUM UEPAT1€ it*iLLl^.” 1THEY arc prfipared from th%> b:6t quality of Midi- . oines by the discoverer, now an aged Jdini-iter of lue Uospel, and ar«j safe. 2. They have bern known for years and toatcd by thoutiands. 3. Five hundred persons are known to have been oured \*y ibum. 1. They are not recommeaded by the proprietor for everythin?, but only for diat&ses which i»riso from dis ordered livora. 6. Dirnctiono and certifloatos aocomrany ctnh bnr, and these certifioates are from well known aud luos; re- spootable iu4ivldu»la. G. Corre9pjiidcnt« recomrnjund themaepvod for I ;t. r Disease, Ch'lls and Fevers, Pneurrjoni'i, Jaut\ lic'j. Dys pepsia, Bilious Foverfl, Bilious llhc.umiti3m, Woruts, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, &o. 7. Several gentiomon stale that the use of these has been to them an a'lnuil sivingof frota .$ltW to (20U; they are t.he best plauUttion medioine ever o^etcd to the public. 8 Some physiciauE of the hirheet ptviding prover bs eervicM of them to their patients, and hundreds of boxes Jiave been ! J- ;• ’'5®^ sold to regular praolitioners. 9 During the last qua’^tc' 2,880 bos’3 ti.’.To l/.iou ’0‘ 1 to two Drugeista, one in South Onrroliua, •»’*. I in North Orirolina, and Bome tinu* ago o?er ),7tW> were ordered by Drugttists in one town in Virginia *iij|r Price, Ig-'J a box. For £dO a dosin boxes v;IiI be sent to any address. A very liberal discoui-.' Druggists aud country morohantB Caah (aow curr ,ac/) to aosompaay orders. Address GEO. W. DEEMS. Goldaboro’, N. C. For sale in Fayettovillo by N. A. Stedmnu At Co ; ia Rockiugham by T. T Nsrtham; iu V/adcsboro’ by Dr. Bennett- in Albemarle by J. M. Bivina; in Oiiuton by Uub)>ard & Moseley. May 10 35-16tpil We are uutbari>e44 and requested to a.iuoMUSc (Jol. B. F LITTLE as a candidate ;d reprcJcut she couuty nf R cbmaad in the Hcue3 of Commoaa m ihe n.xi L.^i *.iure. Maw 19 .'4-te We arc authorized tor aiiuounce JOH?f A. jlONG. oa a c uaidaur f.^r lo clecticn to :ne oilioc of Sheriff for tha coacty of Rich- 3/i t’ind-fe WearcaiiSliorixcd to aianoueicc ROBLRT M IiicNAlR of Co. C, lit N. ’ Itatfalior. Artillery, a.? a Oaudi-jkto for the oihce of SilERlFF of P.cbesoK 'j junty. M *y 20. H4-lytpd ^he fiieuds of CoL DAVID BeYhU^ Co U, 24t N v). 'J' . respc'jit'uiiy rnojimaen> him bh & suitable c.ittdtiiatc for a in tiio lloa ’c^of nomaiona in the ensuing LcgiR!v*:tr»'. of N. C , li^osa RnLePou County Believing httn to passebij 'n an 1 unaant d.>gvee tiie «u*li fica'ions ucc3«8ar/ in a faithful ftli'i^ftnt Reprcsoul-*;»(• we fiincercly hop'i he *^-11 fiia to b» added to tbiu list u’.r:!idy ii«..uuaccJ »3 c».tii- from ROLE^jiON CO. Jdzid'i‘2 4a'itr • i^OTKUE, A.M now p'-cp.r«»d t > f.irniah tic publiu g^avruHy with Bc-Jiij and St’O'-s of tho ber't icnteriil a.tid ECiii.i rejpectfu’.ly eolicir a share of the pubii j vtruu^j •, aa ai: .7 ^erjaauo'i 1 c^a ?ivj f-.ttisfar.i a. 1 lisiv.- gOiXl Wv.irS.Eiea and meu of er).Tiei:^e in t.^.o l u.i'orgs AH o' riy wcrk is warranted uot to rip; if it doei 1 will pair for uo'.hiug. Ail orJ's.'^ '-f ropt*-riii^ d-ae prcimT>tly ani a short uuliOt). i •■♦'3 be fujnd in ycl- W boil ling uorta sida of I’ersi:i Kir-'et. i doors abovts Lj''f'rtv }'.iiut JOHN VAUOUAN- Jane18. 42 tf’pd $100 n '-N.^A.\Y fron the suhicr;trr in 0 I7th M>y, a-y lb ao..ro m*n EMaNUPL. abmt '.it yean of »c% i»ob ciranlcxion. stout buiii. aud ht»i a tn.-rk umIct right eye, prcbatly cjiused i>y u ni;. ,; IK- if pr^'Va- •i? m'.kiag hie way to the sea O'jast Hia mi-thc-r Iitjs i.'ir iici^r Swamp iu Marioti Di.^Irict, S. C , a:jd he has wo one at 8^ra’l Flov i’a in Robc^un ounty, aud f r.e a'b#' at Peter PvracockV, Pcaaook’s btatiou on thr W. at .M R R 1 will p^y t03 above roTrard for his irrooi ar- oouSuemeut so that 1 g..t him. U N FAIRLEY MontneHer P. t)., Richmond C»->.. N. O. 42-Wtpd the oops MTKAYI^I>, ii^HOM my plaoe on tho 2lst iaut., a COW ftoi CALF. The Cow is white with red ;ipota Tho calf tho same color. Calf unmarked, m*rk of cow not recollect ed. The cow was purchased from Mr. Alex McLeod of Moore county, and it is prob'.hle that she has found Iter way back with the ealf. I will pay a liberal reward for their recovery or any information so that I get them again. WM. MITCHELL. Haar tayattanU*, Maj U. a&tf (X)NFill«iiE&£K Otr AMKi&it'A, Emgiuekb Dcr/wSruaar, Capu Fhab, Wilmington, N. Mnrch lOth, 18t>3. j "VJOTICE ia hereby givsn to all persona having claim« u^ainH thu Engiu. ci’ DepRrii-ient, for t.erviies of Bla'fes employed au laborars on the t^nd defences cvar Tifilmington, N C , that tho iwniyreitSLied ia authoriic.d and prepared to pay the bamtt Ht hiii ou tie se cond floor of tb« buildinf: next t.bove iMcarca’ Drug Slor;', Market Stroet. PerbOiiS ezecutiag I'oTrer? of Att.orijcy will ob- flcrvs tee foUowing form—iheir si^nitiurcg. in all ca3e^, v-t b>; w.tncaoed by two witacseea ant*, sij^ced iu du'-li- oet;*. or lhny rj«\y be wltiiesicd befoK; a Jualiuc cf tho I*-,'-oe or Cl"'. :: of ^uy Conr^ FORM OF POV/til OF ATTORNEY. I, cf , do hereby appciut , c? , wy tlUv* fT. j laTrful At'ei;t to eign i-eceipts for, and reoiiive pa>’)r:!cut of ail moneys du« tj mo by the Eui'inefir De- pa’-’.riciu cf o-.e Ooufederate K‘at«a of Ati'rioa, for tho eervicM of ciy slaves employc.t »r iaborcr? en (ho land darin5 the mcaiv. c.” , 180 2r)8 iily tuid and seal a* , tii« wool. ilOTl€E. QUARTERMASTER’S DEPARTMENT, Ralvigb. -Iuuc 9. 1854. AM now prertred to ext'.hangQ Cotton Yarn for Wool, uron the followicg terms, vis: Onn bunch of Yarn for three pound.? washtd Wool, and one bnnch fcr four pontida uawa^jr-ol. (ig'nte h-iv»^ been a.'pniJtea tc maka * ae txcUanje lit liie :i!lo?-)ng places: Oi.'ard, Tiri:> jr.>’, Kin-^ton, Cal’i^i- riua Lake, ConcDrd, H3okiu.-r ;tia. d.;fi I'rsjnv.IL.. Statesvili", Roxboro’, .^►iisviil';, Piit «''oro’, L >Ui30'.irg, F*^ettcvilia, Ccl^riin, aai i-t this pl.ce. Persons fihippicg wool t j thic pUoo wiii piease m:trk (vn the packages who they are from, au t the cotton y^rn will be forw=-rded lmiuei;»iely. I hopo the people will patriotically r-^-pond to above notioc, the wool i*? for cloihipv- the N C Tro 11. A. DOWD, A. U M., N. C. A. June 14. 41-tJl ^ “ SYKUP, k PRIME A RTIO’LE for sale by \ JAMfS MARTINE. Jnuo IH. dspd hurgeou tteueral’is Oiilce, t RaLiion, N. «!., Jukk IOtu, lb»)4. / A^JESSENOEit will leave thin Olaoo on tke first day, aud tho eftconth day, of evtry mouth, for Gen. L.'e’. f-Tmy. All boxes left h*r« f jr any member cf thilt army will he carried there pvoni;ill/ by him and delivered to the owuef EDWARD WARREN, Surge'ju G 'tt- rjil Nonh t^roluia. " >l>o’|IK Af«l> I7SL0UR and OATS will be exchanged for Cera at the r Bt.ore of D. McLaurin, by giving t».m a few days uoticKi. Fio'ur «ood. Oats No. 1. blaok or prUite. I Jaij’» 20. Cow Straye«l. A BROWN COW, marked with eranothcrop ^ild under- bit both ‘tarn medium six3. Any infomiatiou will bs cb ?3rfully recsivad, and a liberal reward piid for her reoovery, bv H iymount, May 11^- Oospital Supplies Ifanteil. uuderaigaed, beiii? an authorised A?; .t for the 1. purchase of supplies for Hoepltal No. 6, ;>i Fayettu* \ilie would be gU'-d if parsons having arus-es of food, &o., to sell, would l(s; him know, at his reiiidciUOO, Gray’s Croek, Cumberland oo'uniy C. GUTTENBUHG. June 2o. 44 4t i^o'riciE^ Til IX K1!IU DKPOT, Uobeaus: couiitj, N. C., \ JUNE 21, 18H4. / fpHE Tithe payers wiU meet la 5 at Lumberton cn A the 1st day of July 18';4, f.»r 10 d»ys, to hive their esiimates credited Peraous i:;u»i bring ia thsir re ceipts and get a final receipt for al’. they have paid ou their esti3at.es Perdoos failing to c.'api/, arj liabla to ha^o their eetiaiates ret'arae.’ 'i3credited By order '^'■>7,;. McOO*VAN, Pest Q 4fn IMaf., N. C. 44tlOi'n.11 ii. ST.VNHEL,, T-' Ag ni, C S.A. 1 OFFICK TF/'HE AGENTS, I I Biadea Co. !>6. C., Jauy 24, 1364. >' To Persi>ns jjityiitJ TitfuSj Blaiien Cu., A\ O. tt \x .'.i ''*7,ne.l >»i 1 taeet .3" Tax lu Hiud pay 's at itiM ,ijti rsj't iLjips aa I pl» j'*, sp.'Ctfiod in OU;' n ;t;0 '» i‘i o oh Ui.'^trio* to uia.k.> a Sinai set- tlo-’jcii'- of i.u.-' i ax ia Kind of l«Ol. All peti-ouji who have re'>eipt.$ will bring them in, sj as a r?Lu!>»r tinal reotipt will be given T. D LOVE, T M SIKKS, 44 j »,i M. Agenis ^ A. i:v(li)uivi lilLl.tl’iiKit S\n lU. I tiENKKAL AaKNT’."j OFFIOK. ^ Fraak.iiatuu, 'V. J an^ JO, iStjl. ^ i P GENERAL Agent 01 tue aujvr u 1 wiau ic jQl ca'.l the attention '’f all c» min of this State ij thi'^ a' Co'-p+ny h '9 nov a cap!' *i iar ’ .subscribed, vul nes'-iy are being male to secur ■ ••• - rouiaia op^n loag, bui -il'* glorious chituoe for a gou l agent ^8 instructol to ta.^e bui-.us at their fase in pay ment of ■'took, of bll doao:iiittu‘'''.iH cxcepL 4 por cent bonds; ihoy will bo takeu at o-l^ per ceaf. dijcouQt, with ti e promiae to plaoc to the cro ‘it of the party pay- iuj: tbsta ia any ftn;?itat thi? C''''’u t/ may soil them f..r ov -r tht* 6&J ocr cent f>llc Coi p !» t ' Tobacco vHlbf- aooc'diag ffOtt TUB OB8ERVKR. ^ The mctiiberg of tho Lafayette L^i^ht Inf'iijtry Company having received the sad and luoiancholy intolligence ot the death of Captain Frank N. Jloberto, one of our offiecrs on tho Peninsula, during our first struggles for independenoe, and who has fought with undaunted oourngc and couimcndabic *eal, from the oommenccnieci ot the war until he foil a martyr in defenoe of teraburg, Resolved, That in tho death oi uur brave and heroic Captain the Conlederaoy lias lost a de voted friend, our community a ijuodt usctal and ozcellent citiaen, and his family a loving husband, a kind father, an indul'cnt master. Kesolvod, !id. That the L F. L. I. Company deeply deplore tho loss of their onoe gallant com- nwnder, but kumbly submit to the difli> :Q8ationa tercavfi’iiebt of tis maoh distressed family, we tender our heartfelt sympathy, and condolc with them in this oalatr.i- tous disaster which has befallen our country. And whercaswo have painfully witneasfd the arrival of tho remains of Captain Itobert J. Mc- Eachern, a member of the L F L T. Oor-)p*nT, which came on the boat witb. his «.• i co»a- mander, who has done yeoman povvIcj I m; a th;^ beginning of the war up to the ti’ui' t victim to the cause of liberty in the a>»U(id Potcrfcburg.— ResoKed, That aii a private gentleman and •• a comrade in arms, no one excelled liiiu in I rjkvo- ry, no bosom glowed with more zeal and f»’rv ir ffc our complete inJcpcndoncj than bis uau xuue knew him intimately but toveil liiai doarlj. ‘ Fur noiw v:;c hneTT hi >. r.e.»d bfl ti,l\ A warEi.'*r fiv:rt doith c?’er msde coid ” Aud whercaf, iLl - is the first meeting that tS^ L. F. L Infantry convened Biac*; the coic- its good iS-', ■rt'ar, and, ruacy of meneement of th and true men have fglloti victims to iis in deadly strife witli th.? enemy— Resolved, That wo «,xoeedingly regret ;ini deeply deplore the lo.s3 of the followiug mem'.'crs of our Company who added lustre to their oiimes, credit to their families au'i houor to our commcn cause: Mr. John Clark; Lieut. Atmui .Shaw; Liout. Benj W Thornto»»j C:.[t. Hour-' Muilioi; Mr. Charles H. Murphy; Mr. Anibvw V. oir; I Thomas W. liakcr; Kobt;r‘. P:ilui.;r; Cait. I A. Moore; Lieut Ales K'.iie:; lieuj, S. \a'..'r - I tine. On luotioii it veaA *Hitioiis :>i; rtjjrca-l u: Tiany. I.. • HiUlMA.y, CuUi ■ 1 ‘ ‘ ' • .ft Mi ,ta 1 ratriofio iro.'pris.' T%’s oyr?.- n ' > iioa of vlo»- I pai 1 'a. urcat e!XC'.-t4 Our b:>:ki any not '.ro orett aer^ is a i. r liai* iuTCstmeut The 1 ’* ' I ;n- 1 ra. n ;'a3.-mentofBtook, uy. Any one wish- •i-ixe si'.3k iu thid Joma-■-/ 0 -u do go By address- t:f ct- ia- ' A I wi'I all’ lak? pleasari !'* li'iLCi Wis-iutf to l^ke ftocir Rj7. V7»LL1 ^uul- 2.j. [v». J-1 ',’ritir. ••ill infom^tion to .■>iiO:« Hi RRISS, Gef.eral .4«reai. 44-10- Aenbrotypc I8.«bIc« uc»»c». 1AM now preparei'wii^h sn'ibl * cHc*nic*lB to tike AMmiOTYPE MKE>:KSSE.S ni tiaall children at Vauoradeil’s Gallery on Hay street, opposite Marble Y ard. Other likenesses taken as usual T. J. WILSON. June 22. 4H-4tpd —. 1.8!^ i:i d.;pUofct'.) \‘^*.noG3e day of i Tae c; ociuitd T'crpfiaE 'jhculil be witaosaed by ihrco Tutro tiUiil •»;; t.^p'iratt auphoatc Powera cf Attorucy fur each mintS;. i!Uak for.ns caa be had upoa appli- caii ja it this oii;c-. V.'. li. JAMES, Capt. a Chief Eng. Jan'y 20, 18fi4 ISOOtf Mrs. E. M. WALKER. aatf A STET'Jf iJ V M I., i, E HiiTUAL ItiSCRiSCE COMfAN't. $2t>7,tj88 2t» 6,077 35 JViifTMkVS-1, New lii&'icry 0 8 Kecond-haod JiuijgicR, h Rooka,?a7C for 1 aad 'Z, horseF, raieh 1 wish Bell. A A. McKETHAN Jnn« 9. Httx* to Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cae'a oa hand and otacr aa;’.et.s, $272, 06 16 Th>* Company hftv*? jiaid all l-DJtses promptly, and hf.^vei-cvcr aiaie an t.;i.i;9('meiit on t!ieir premium notes. Total losae 9 pwd, !jt>29,082 )V?tyBni»: GEO. McKEiLii, J'l'ceidcnt. D. A. R&Y, Vice t‘r'-«5! lent. 0. A. M^MlLLAi'i, iJoc’y. W. 1> Tiiliagh.a.?t Ji. J. I'^iciian^e Wolice, PKo. 10. Bicssiond, Va., June ti, 1H(!4. rjICE followi.Jg notico Is biased upon a recent dectara- X ration f'l yichr..nge ro^de by the Federal authorities, b«ariuK d**^' Mav 7th, 18G4. ani is Bupported by valid Foda^'al pjkralfs on file io my ollioe: SiiO 1. All Ooutwderatv^ ofliaera and lueu who have b-cn dolivare I at City Point. Virginia, provious to tho Ut f Jiiae 18ti», sro horeby declars l to be exohangetJ ‘ to 2. AM Couf«di tale oflicats au-* men. and alt civlt>an>i who have ba^u caoturod a* any place, aud re- leoard onparoU prior to May 7tb, 18Gt, are hereby de- ciarcd to t»e exchan?::e4. This saction, however, ia not intsiided to laoluda any oili^erj or men captured at Vicksburg, Ju’y 4’h, tSOi. cvocpt such a« w«re declarjd exchau);ed by Exohaage Koticcij, nuoibcred six, seven r.nd oight. 43 bt] RO. OULD. Agent of Exchange. WA3SVBD, lor the Hospital at Fert FlsUor POULTRY, Chickens, B'uiter and other delicacies for the sick Soldiera at this Hospital, Persons having those articles can obta’u tae rnwiet price on applica- tiou to the subscriber at hie old stand or at Mr. J. W' PowerM's on Hay Street. U. K IIEIBE. Gen’l Ag’t. »iiir “Jft Wanted—Wood L.:&akd. 1U1E uuderaigucd will give a fair price fur a well wooded ti-act of LAND of 100 or 200 acren. on the ^ilro^ »t uay poiilt betwtjcn Joncnboru’and tiiyetteviiie. Wooa pitch piue Ijoxed or cntjoxed. , HKNRY” E. OOLTON, Agent b. K^Co. hayi-ttfviiid, April !». FOd TUi Or.SE:;V?K At a meeting of Co A, iUth Heg't > tl T. l' id iu Camp near K‘‘t!:tn;;vil5o, ’oun'y.i' on tho ItJth day June wr^^rt oi I r-nk'i i Hat'vey was chulfman and .Sgt Ja- v .Sec’y, tbf* following iwuuntti’*.^ w;v» appL»i'>‘.» •’. Lt It ti Vanh\ (Jorp! 1> F pr . atos A u' Whitfield, A L> iJill and .latiici WiUiaxuh, wLo al'.er a brief ab^etioc r.'p-r.'ta tho ivilowiog pre amble aud rosolutiori>, wlr ‘ii wort unhn^iiir.i-ily adopted: Wncre*9, U hssometfi ai-'f u- ai, .a'l- rrd .-j- ecially in tUese i>erilou3 tim..^, tc ,eie w).^ j' and best men to Legislate f-r tjjitki; mi T»icifaa u welfare of the army materially dtycu U’ "X .. - ■ v. i- ner in whioh it ia represented: a:\d s'i.’rc“ - « . r-’t interest can only be properly a tierjwji au.i " i- ated by a soldier; therefore Resolved, That the voters of this osnui» • ^ county of Lonolr, being about sixty in niir^bcr, fully recommend to our brother eoldiers fi om a ty, and our irienas and rciativea at uonie, M; j Holland, 40;h Reg’t NOT, as being emiuL-^tly i.i>- ed to rppreBent them ia the Comcioas of fho Le gislature of N C, and we pledge him our united i u; Kssoived further. Th»t a copy of t^cse prooeirdiagc be iransraittfd to M#j Ilolla'td (with a hope that j irfili consent for tiis name to be rui>,) and ai^o lo the diffir- eut oomiifcuifs frois Lsuoir, aud to itc Wiliaiiigton Journal. IKily State Jourua! Ratcigii fed crate, ayetieviii» Observer, Daily Progregs, aud Coas. na tive, vita the rcqaes: Mitt they »>c publishc FRANKLIN HARVEY, Cbm’n. Jas. A. Hink>*, Beo’y. yoa TUE OBBEaV^U Article? givca by the Ladies of the Laurel Hi‘l .Soldiers’-Aid S jciety, at the recent mccti iga; March 1.—Mrs M McLauchiiu wove 2'6 yards of cloth, Mrs R Hall do for 15 ydt, 1 pt ot socks, Mrs M Leach do tor 21 yds, Mrrf .} McNtili do for -0 Ills, Cotton yarn l«>r 1 prs sock-, Mrs 1- Giichrist do lor 25 yds, do for 2 prs eocks, >iiss C McKay do for 21 yd:d, Mi.sd Mary Monroe '6 prs drawers, Mrs M Mclutuah cotton do f r 1 pr of socks, Mis.-i Nancy Moaroe :> prs of dra\M.rb, 1 pr of socks, Mrs J A 1‘atteraou 2 shirta, 1 pr ot socks, Mrs J 1' McPhcrsnn 2 pr voUen -locke, 4 prs of cotton do, Mibj E V Mct'ners »n ‘J prs ilenry Lliiy, li. L. .’“\lyrovcr, ii. T. Hawuiy, Nathan A. l^todman, (3. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. McKothan, J. D. Williams, H. W. TiUiugbast.- .. . . Joha Collins andC. J. McCrammaa, Irweling Agenta (I'j’apanT iavita Wm McLauriu, T. S. Lutterbh, A. W. Jrttf;ol, J. G. C»ok, Hoa. J. G. Shepherd, iE.sr KAlaS! RA€«S!!—The info rior quality of the paper on whioh the OOBcrver hae been printed • of late, and which ia a great eye-Bore to us, is owing to the want of a Bulhoient supply of g^od rags, and the oon-equeat nec- w^ily to resort to inferior materials. We appeal to the frioada of tbo Observer at all aCoebsibl© poiula, to save np and briag to town all the rags they can proaure Wo have no time ourselves to attend to their purchase, but Mewra. Goo. W. Williams & Co., the Agents in thia town of Mr. Murphy, wiU pay 15 oeata por lb. for K. J. HALE A BOMS. P*h’T 16 Palm.‘/t Cliriiiti - aiHE BUbseriber wall pa/ the highest csth priocs for Xhe JFarmers’ and Planter*’At* | JL any quantity of.Paix»» Chriati B«w»a.^ YoHBg’H irtttmetical bicUonary, Embracing » svetewi of Arithmeuo, Hoady Reckon er Interest Cai'eulatcr, Bonk Keeping, Forms, &o cr, lu ere K. J. HALE & 80S8. taanao for 1864. ^aa’f Ul. A few «rooe more jtwt roeeived m. J. HALi * sons A.-1 sa. > J. A. WO&TH. 674f De»’r 16. Miss Mag McNcih 3 shirto, 1 pr do, MIm E J Jjuchanan 1 pr do, Mrs W iiuchaaau je; is lor 2 suits, Mrs i>Isijor J McXeiU 2 shirij, . C MoK MclNcili 2s'iirts, MissS li McN';l. - , hirie. Miss F J McNeill 2 shirts, xMis.i C J .'io.X ili ^ shirts. Miss Flora Moaroe o pri of dr iwcro 1’ j.r of socks, Mrs A Monroe cotton yam fur 2 ut Hocka, Mrs J>r i'attersou cotton do lor ‘.i pra of Books, MIsh Sallie McLaucLlin cotton do for S prs of socks, Mrs G M Patterson 2 prs drtwcrB. Miss C Gibson 2 prs drawers, Miss J A McLauch lin 2 pra oi wooicu pauts, MigsC W Mcliauchlia cotton yarn for 2 prs socks, Miss >1 MoLauchliu G prs Hocka, Miss C A McLaucUlin 2 shirts, Misf A McLaurin i pr sucks, Mrs li A McMiUan uottm do for ii pr-j socks. May 1.—Mrs II A McMillan :i shirts, cottou for 2 prs socks, Miss Sallio McCall 1 pr of socks, Mrs S Gibaou ODttuu yarn for 1 pr aocks, Mra Maj J MoNcUl 2 shirts, Mrs K Gilchrist 1 pr ot )caus pauts, 2 shirts, Miss Mary Monroe 1 shut Miss ¥lt.ra Moaroe 1 shirt, Miss Nancy Monroe 1 shirt, Mrs J H McLean cotton yarn lor 1 pr socks, Miss K C McNeill 1 pr sooks, Mrs Major D K Monroe 1 pr do, Mrs J McNeill cotton do for 1 pr BOcks, Mag McNeill 2 prs sock.-i. l)r (> Morrison 20 dollars, Capt 11 McGregor 10 dolters, Mat D K Monroe, 10 dollars. EFFY GILCHRIST, Pres’t. Mao McNeill, Scc’y. Bkaok Warrauts tor sale here. BluDk* for y

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