Krutis r- )li I > QfQC«39 OU Mid re u^, t nuA in 0^\tT fb ■lUit i f ■ * - . r«aA ^ r. t. -r’V, 1.0.^ ». •’■ ill.d . M ii' I . .1 H i. ri I ^AYCTTEVILLE, K. C„ JULY 4. 1864 I NO. J?46] 'f’RfNT, > a'\'' TVltJRPPW'! J, ’ iLf; & sfi';:?. ^riTt^HS ANU !'ROF!iIFTOR.;. •e ' !r t’ ’Tanee. i.' *ae Wcfslr ^T’ 'r.Rvc>^ SS 07 rnjc r^i5“M>VFFTlSKA;RWTti iru.rto1 for 5? ^ VJ 'irii-? ■■'• ’ -j fpr Ibe ''■r'*. f\nd one ' ’• ic'' .'.iin^r 1 Mfp the n: - ■ »r o ■' I' nf'im^l »;■' *■ .luraHon. ' insprt •«1. an \UT ' iiNorj 'ir« P? ■ fur 'scU 5rc-^, .. ;• thc r '% r's'vrKci #3 new vl- .¥o. 50. 'piu: K-.viTr rHV.t '.ii ot/rroN o iu> manufii . X TUIUNi oril'A i'; r!no'.v inaiiuf.scfnring '.vRL*.; tupt-rior lo anj mu ifaiwu>,'li iht! binek'idt-,and at prc'nent lire s.ilinn prico the pair or by the quau- 'S'^, p;vM In •-'•'J- Anv p.-.•■.■) oi-.a.Tii:^ fix or asore pa” -' Ihoy vvill bo ■vciu-.-iy packed au i deiU’t:rt,il u» V*'ihuiuu,to;i r»-(H.- vi ex- • ; • 'n npon or ■v.l'lr •: • , A. A. Mclv;'T'.’AN. J. A. .o''^rr. . LEX. JOiiiSSO Vy -aIUo, N. r„ April IS M\i 1‘ T-’rVf'T'- C.-' Alul »a coi-r • Fa7cU>:i'!iie V'siii Oil. fvorks Oil Wot'bs are na# iu coiiiplflt.** 'ojx'rntion, f.nv £^«r Pa«* JNftiiale. '.-rr ' - ; '••f.'.f, !: .‘.■]'i.l\jlHT, Jisq , neot'Ct/ft^h r* hi*! n«ja>' ; ibi; v cr.j • ? Cumbci l.'inil im-* ‘r '>-eifcHr!n Jh” ” —-tc’c tb9 r?*t r ■] A_ po’Tiblr. 7. M’g a5*« to aaijiuiettce G •■'■'4Err>FH.‘' . ft c f ' rt‘ii-cuoD «o - M-" f o -.c. • H fr^r-j ♦b'foanricn of Cum’Hr- ■- * ■' ■ t. 40-tfP'l r.\r - fv t ' I '.p . ni-TP i ■ ’V rn-» ''r •! is vulf.' ... U ^ » ,] ■ ;l U sy^'s V^'TIPT ' DO V. .rip of H r.,T i.-ii?'- ' l^• : J .■'3’mi‘tit ia rx.Hrnce, or a ; 5 >' 'Vrrr fr\:* i’m* .’- Ire ! . »:>U i*-. wVl plpis^ n'(ify ,"i v ^jea raaldui; J.\n'y 1, 1S58. \V. IDSiArCJSfOA. R. K. (’or»}i‘r .'ifurki’t Squire, r«^Y ;:rTr.TI8XE, !«. V. p 40. f 5«.. .'Tlr.liaLLA*^, anu Merfhant, .Vo. 'i'2. St iff Streets FAVKTTKVU.l.V, N. C. anc 39.;i.n iS\Ar H^)LLI NtHW'MiTH, i^'icer «n'l r »qjniis]o=i 'f(‘rch:\ii{ WB use nothing but ^o*k1 rosin in j'rtxHusirg tl“ ' >il vs e ca:' n-couiiuend'it to be the best of t'ft' mad-’ j in tiiia country, (t is a fine Ltibricutiu^j and Tanri'r'.' • Oil, jintl we yla-.l to receivi* crcU. • >-m ‘V . C9- ; (iuTCrDiiM'Ct tmd the pubiic ^wieraHT. V, e -.rill » ti roasoaniyle teruia. MCK'mE, Cl'dllW 'LL A 00- .Api^ nro no f ■ . K ojii fiiU; > ’ O W.SilflOf.Urn of (Ta^ '> ■-0 " of *Uo ‘'.r"Iy o* *r.i.; >f ’^C'p J their; t-i '* .^‘{^cuHy hcT^^* '", will 1>e r- tr'-cpia *n ^ C'l^r'R'- ■-‘■X -'rsSt'i. :.t r' . ] f') ri-n • h^fSa cf tfeo f.-T'rvi it ■ ■—24. ’lij, r" ' ineali^T*'- T.- I-.-or. tr ,;h.= u’.: iCr (jicni 31*"^- p ' *▼€ '-r Tint rur «-h» ’.i KOT 'i'f* f’V ^/'K. - •- 1 t.-i •«»ny I' s I9 ;i taa Conffl;l"> ’ ■* T* ‘ f?33"rl Pi(i'%.iplnViiv i»»i: ci'-.I'i-u.a ■ !i'> t*eli tu t'j ftii e..ra»*srn‘^ . ^Ve &rc> r-v’-.^.T-co u> .-jOi-r!. l>ry>-L ', »•• ftrcf'a F '■) 1 V- nr'i. I'" ,+ r; ; jn ,pe ‘ ' D. .vNDiiRgO.'J V F;»yf! M.-.r-'- '0. lSi>4. ■•: '» J Ui ? it. !'e ar« nothorized to Hnnotiitcc Dr. -■ ;■.?• ! (' ^ ,. 'i.i;.*. •- flVecr.ji) 7- • c 'r;fu=. S9-ctv\ Wt^ res|K>otfaiIy reoommeuu EIl.Tj r. :.:.q , ^ t, r *u ’ .. ue -‘oe.i 'T ; • Et ?iuaS° of C )*ii,ncr.3 .*roT. ’*}T,.uM ^ t. ^ANT CITIZc’Nf? f 2'* V ftttf f A rriyaff ^hool for fouag L9di6i4« ■.k ^sn•■*o.. nf Hilt'. *trT. - ••• ^r!’• •-- ' July. » ics. rcR if CO Ji' h .'*•• W'ide P Tuiiie.'tu, o,i £. !l v! r V'l;, win -» hui:i iv h.,- o. -0'’- Uol; «» *4lted r.n-.aU'!- Oi-u or rs-j-iv- ■ F,>r fr." v ^•ilrf'an M?S“ il. P !-.\oGir^, •• Or»T|j^o amy, N. O . for t‘.a c»r.j Dr J. »? Cria ^■ I Feut/tfc 4'o*i'*gc. | -™’^cc of :b’s Iu !■■(•.;(i.i;i »r .] *■ > re.suisoi ob i *Hr Itt of *ugud* 18'’4 wI^^ *i ^•"ll co" “of ! Te*3fctr Par (j^rcatur M'jre'* R^7 j. R. O^lPPiTM. J Ai.8v.‘u.'t:e, N. u J'U-’fii- • ilOnJ.lA ! i PUBLIC MPEAIkl:Vft. LARGEST IRON-CLAD rS TF I n L; o»r dia,. , 3 thr h- e-^i A.^ »u.iy in r.imber- ; j,„ , !iad i.j-vi 1 *. ... i Lud Kiir'’*u c 'u>i.(»-3 wi i aidrjifsthe people • » t- o ^^ t. rUa.f -It tL-i .g ,.CU8 *>ud plaofi,.: j launching of a great ocn^.n 1 I ' 7. > >8 Ocek at McN i l’tt i^l:, Fri'iay July let; j represented to be “the mpst fora.;Oa*’? : -iaflr Ilt^»-r Run s.t, McNeill’a pUntRtion, | war in the world.” She is caiiccl *hr D.v ^for, I Tn-sJ^y Jaly 6ih. Oiu»r »T> m^y be m»clc | and is described as follows: ' ■••'•jA.':er, jt the pleiiBare of tie people J«rie 26. 44 H Flat float for Siale. “The dimensions of the hull are » l'o*•'>w^; Extreme length over all, 314 feet; tuc uit >ver hang being ‘J1 feet, and forward overhiui^, li>, H;\ VE a FLAT 9,1 LtU ia ieiigt j, 17 .'eet beam ana j it leaves 260 feet between perpcn JiculHr&; x. rem« ^ i'^t in ju«t finisfiod at rjy landing oa tiio j breadth, 50, end depth 22i feet Ubi.k.. thfl r * = r-r RiVfr ' is wsll bnilt ani thoroughly | ,nnn;tr.P on,? mnnlrnr* ,4. * . .. nAW if* ii^d Mf 25. Wo0l♦-anted for the State of !f. Uarolina. ‘ jV’B •;>.{!.rsirr-.-ia JC{..*n.i f • e. • 1 TAf^ Mr 0-J2 bu.Tj;-> 'TY , iU 0*-' ,Mr- au.. - W« iiti-f. *■ ."I HI. .1’ 1;: D iv jl>. Ocr.d.i’ ‘i' tji t, . s a « I n,’* c ' ; f f |!h hjt. .-n -i nrx* fi' *. 4i.l£*2t t b 11 - C ' P .DIC or JAMKS iUjlKPAl'liiCK is / -.ih'-r.' . •' ■. O’. tl •■ VO!'’I r •• ’ s .:’.!pif*3c-ui-; ■( ij cf ’X'M ’ t -!'' ’( ; r’-j .rn '-r.!i V.'NY VOTFJ-S. iti, ic 4. a>-t.t 'i': 'f '-'•1 •'■’€■ ■; &ti'. .. >• )>1 '.X •0 ff Csr^w. t A"ii , 'll.l... . jN L aitfnd l’i“ C(5ua»y TV-'ra^t ^H-niion s*’' ' '•nt.rafi^a t* u> Li!v: i;'. 1;, ir- •. .' ynprrior Couna •! i . - anJ flacker. Coon- j ^jv : • ? i;;“ • .-J Si lu of i.U J fJ R' u-'v.. r./u-ii i-: ; .r :ir* . : S. pij ;»3 a very eupirior At'; OIL, efprstiUi/ for i’oflon -1' cl* lUl f: ‘ ’ I Its Ol’’ ?Or-l r ;■. 3 m. -r ppoe.j wjiu - powor .'I' 'trr. ‘?r .V 'I Torter, Supcn; i.’ndr::' of ? ••-r T Cr.*t:. F^.-y Qf .T ^OTT.; br'u U8'.a_ y. ir L 1' •. i’ ^'■■p (; 1 f r 2 >‘3 rjiont»9, and find it t.T *■; ^7 •; v. » oth''- (>; j in for iu'?ric.iii"; , ^ n .-'I ?h. p i 1 ;:»^)Uut ' ; • : I' - 8»^y3: “1 o*n Caeer^iily pay you'- Lu; r.o?^hug ) i : : BDnfnor »rti'3i-». Il 11 ji gijuj iti 1: -i, ' 'j ihc jonrnah .'■^■ir md ’’ .Mr A F licrken’i!.'. hiopin?'"* cf t" C ^‘> i Jo'K'Vj A. MciMilUIl. . .0 . .. •r.i H rtN 0. T . ,di. I !j ; rrf.,; I itq ;ji Ij.xi.-, -fromr’,.'ai ■ i-t-xt L’.-i-i'-'’r*" fr .'-.u 0. -nhprl'ind 1 Ha~- ' C'UH!''‘f. L‘ Mo’’•tau''1*1 >. .’•'VC*-.'* }T*HV 11 ill* coun- rj’s -* r*"^. D"l« V- u in ’ ■ • V ■ • fTi;a Ii it i fo tLS i ■ - ^ * U make us ii i.ppr^.pen.a»iv j. '’*.TrN'j| --’trit- M.A.NY hOLDlLRS. j The friends or Vol. J -o^-VtFls. ,riiu6t^ 10 I"!, n ' ?t 1.9 h^.s conwict- ! s c f r. revTCsei.'t ite count!*'*: Ilf lliriiCU .'•»j.' i t ihe Urns* of i!-iT»)inOTi» ofi’ie I'uxi i V I. Ol'T; >:>(*! ri f, !• 1 Ib -. ua- j ttiea-i -J T.*>e/ »i'l diso i : ^ in e*^a fcr l*r(i« or uoaM Icia. -"0 \C. r •iVe, June !'■> Pr-^?fcjieri5u ospy, i»I >ho.v i' %i*mr«w«, BtifiKE 00 , il. 0 rnHK.SE 8PRIN0S -Tiil h- . jKH for- X .-iiflit-ra fba 1st .fxy. r-i i jiied ia une sema-ra A good *D'l ooin' four i" roe s^aj; Mcrc&nton cj tL- 'itriTAl of t!ic j'‘-:’t£i.g.-r cr*:a frvUi SiiJ.-'hury tTcfy Xii'.'jiH., '.'i!ir;.i*y nn'i bi.uraa? During ihe rroulhs ofJuiy, Au,~u t %ail ScpUmbcr it i=i’l lear-^ ^{ot■gtp^ctl u«i'y. PKOPRIiSKja. Juafi 7. 41-8ipd JStenincr .\iort3> I'ksroiiiJia leaves Fayovtc-vilij f'r >Vii»iiiugt.u w’-.c.e8ctAy aui Si.urday taoriMog.) »: 8 o'olo.;k, aa J WHn.iu(t»oa f;v if'ijetteviUo .•>(ui»/d and Thars-lays at >■ V ■i'. ii LUITERLOH- -’uno 13. 4l-8>r thoroughly iga, BUden THEO M. S1KK8 44-2ipd Notioo to tha Citizens of Fayetteville. uudcre'.gaea lor iOu fcr H i; :. £,u^tiij^.naiily bnuj; a o.rifioate of tae Prac- | sufficiently tieht . ,.'uof Fh 8 oi«a th.'it the ice ia rrqairsd for a oiok per- y = ' Bon Uaier ni> other oiroumaianoeB will it b« giv«n. * iae -iriU net he d>'Uverd lifter aoad’^wn. I MAXIHEW r. TAYLOU, M*jor, &o. 7,in>. ‘ O / 43Jf ' r:> ef>iioa o* I wJ! t)3 put' wi'l Itive tv of V5-!f F^ot i« tl' J r i-'r K ^ , T V K"^r* ' X V.' tr 10. J ■•' M. »: br.i.s MU). £>;pn.i^ A: *'0, \VJ in^rw, .UA-:i^ A .• '' • r-1^ :«EarK ^ -■>. 91ftif 2,500"-: ifc ftl I: ; ■«: ;h»'. b' . ■ -' I a! 5. IS*;-2 • • • V .1 . .;i f* . *- .} i 1 j - • U ■ * J - ■, V LlS V. »lV’t 1 -V ■" Ot: - ;■ r. M'/- ■ ','u:c :i 'i . '. ■ • f ! 1 *. f 1 -u lii ;; i i \\T- c%n ' i? i> '. VV ! • of ?> '■ T i vr L, :- ' ? '1 ■ ^ ' r ' . ■T.*.nrr‘ V.:--.:. Ir - ■ . ;.t -. i - r. i; i nir ■ ri» wiiu Alcob.' ohi TSf. rric»- t:, ' V'^\ 4 U. --- - - • « •. . ■ • -1 ■ ■ *. I'i > ?;’- .A 1 " 'pMb ’Kio r ! i ’• ' ienve F vyitit , vt o’ii’Kk, .^1. I p’.ac?. yr* ' ro-juf^ic t !•■) r‘»ch'c»f — :: b . •rer-- TV l- ■ •"or ntNirf i:. ’.^HL v; I. 5UR; V3 ! 3 .V*- ? a Ml of Ouoibs^'ind County. j »> q;i* t. i ,»ii .•.ui'otm ji la.^ • s aa...^:i • it.j far i. \ . if >p. ;fi of (luinb' ila-.'I OQU jty. Haouid ■ ■ I fT't’ .1! ;• i.-.j-'j;-- if L.e.*>r to Sif-ch4»'g9 • ’ ‘ •■ ' » '■iLiy I «^r p.i :p»! j Tir:oT(Ui •.f-’VsiLf.. i * : r ■ - >S f„ -0 J:e v:!z-fHS auil Soldiers of ilarficU. f. The !H)iicitatiou 01 m.vuy of my friends 1 rcsrHXtiulIy i.f atinxjv v. ;uy'-ijl M cnudidafcr; for re-eiecrioa lo liit-j H' ■• s»»vr!?t for i!ie oouaty of Liaructt. Pmfouudly j ■/:u>i'ui i;i riy ii't-iiu^ al Uooi*,* uiui io Ii-- ‘rmy for j \ ry .lei-)’.!.. .-‘jpjnjil herotJjf-.n''* ifc'rivc.l a.t iht'ir 1 ■ .!-. cd I ci)!v - ih kt Rfcouid tl -y ag.tta loti.d- | '■ ■ (hi'ir^ tn • / vv U h*rfto~ | '- rv ' ';"in ; •''* : ir.-- Wiy :■ ’K. 1 .* s ' G iur. ' ■ :;»-!• roK ACRES OF FINK LANL tea ;a les tiovJii of \}\J t;io sV. &M R. U, cpi j::Uo Uriat’s Dip'.'i, m ocun'y Will !>■ cTtcaviged for Confede rate M.>n&y or young n- proc i •■ uy iafr;:m''tioa de sire : ftl'oui ifdii iana oaa bq b;. »pply!r'i5 13 Albert P. *cack. at I'encock'ei^iiore, i-i H iiiit oo *be rrt«i-^c3, oj i!sc aubs'-ibcr tt*. ( pla',) r. 3. Mr.MoRr Wiiit2T:l>, N. C-, jiiac ‘i. '’t 7t W A.\T mi, O? GRIST Ml LI. IHONd, with or wifaout tbe T. e. MEMORY. Juue 'i. 41-7t 4 PEl'Oi 1\. Craoe. ^^ni>plic!s of g^oiMl Vaccine ", yy»:n: uulug require, i r'o.'o >t Arffiiuu ana llfispi'-fth-, I ■will ▼eooia.ite the ohiWraa (will *; t»aJ eoltrtd.j'o. - J person^j who desira to LaTe ih-i cp'rati n pi;rforaied. if they willeuga^e theiasolTes U pr S'T* • i.*\e ec»*'8 /or nn^ Ooiurca ra^y bti £?“nt ti> the Geaer»l Hospital (Dr. n kr’."; :ri>t>i Arj*;u»;, ai irnioa pl*'’8j I will b-i iti atieudri^fo i)«iween the lioura of 10 A. AI ani 12 :vi —tbs llojpU;;ioa ruoaJtya, Tauridaysand tiaiar- aaJ at th-« Aracjul or Mob Wednesd«y«: »ad Fridjys, iro-i Jane 29th to July 17ta nomsi^e. I provided wiiii pur^^- »tiJ ri-Uablo virus »A^ W. W. ANDSRisON, 8urg. O. d A , Med. Inep’r and Sap’t VdkSt’n. Jua? 2-j. 44-3t Elo«»pitut Supplies Wauted. ^pflB UudeTp’.guc'i, bfciut: »a (.uiaor zjl Ag for tha I. puroa*?' of sappl'e? f-->r tlispital No 6. ^ Fayctto- vdle wouH be gla i :f p-r«cna i»*»ing ariir.’ca of food, io . to Hel;, XT’ 'jld If-t ram kiio*?,»i bis resi i.;iice. Gray 0 Cl' ‘tk, Ca:nb2rlaad couu^y C. aUITKNBOaG. Jxuit li>. 41 4t j'¥OTl€K. T.4i I N fcLlXi) DEPOT, Robes eunnii', N. C., \ J L i»i:> -i, jS'»4. f The Tit be payera '.»i i in'tt. .; ri tiu.Jibcrton oa the let duy of July 18*’4, for lu d-ye, to h"T3 their t-ailmatcs orooitfd. Peraons bring ia tacir re ceipts an'd get a fin^l rccsipi for >1' ibey bave piid on tiieir C8iim%tes Pcrscaa. ^^'iiag io caioly, ar*' Ii»ble | tank, &c a - 1 i.w^: .1--^.... a ' ! h 'Hr be v-%.V? ' it in ■ I- ' •iiT3*»iijr"v:i* J? ??) i l; L.; . 1 ' •>As: oi>d r a:i Li'ier* I »>n ' - ‘^U'V’ t'M tVDl? rsr'JlMC:K. I .\>! iK'w prep*; I tj rur..i: • > pubiio g’ft^r-.lly 1. Wii'i Djv'a feiJ'l Srioe*' v' i le bcft ■:i«»!riul »«J taake. 1 reap.'^ct.'cHy eoiicl. • ^j*r? .1 ic i..^‘.ic ^fetr^aiRc, r.t i ! R-n fnlly ’ er>juaJp«l I ciT! givj f.ausrariii-.-’j 1 hiv> c. ' ap.ii of cxi • f'u nt e i-a ' ? w.i *. is t'.rraiiieC i.J,- r r ; ■'■ •■■ 1 »;J : or *A:1 rru--i r-,"i'-. ;i..» d !is .» i~»ri awJO". I 0- ; 1-* ; - ;ui la yd- r 9;1(' of l\*r80i tr • 1 > ..■ .*bcT»‘ .a: i 'U'JMAN Ii y;ni to have their caticaUs teiu.aed uactsdiicd. By order C ipt. MtQOWAN, Post 'i r.I 41** Uist., K. C. 44tlOihJ] B. SI VNSEl., U. M A(?ect, C. S. A. OFFICII TIT3S AaSSTS, T Blad€*n Ce. M. 0., Jaa3 24, 1864. ^ Jo l\-rsoux ■}) lyiiKj Tithti, Ji^ ii u f V) , .V. ('. original monitor, and the moniioi^ ii «* ■*« now in course ef conslraction, the Diotiiiof a’liio!** exclusively iron, her fraiuas, beauia, , being of that metal. Ev'cry frame and b«aizi »fc ed in the most secure manaer, .and we o»!liove th^boltfi are al! put in roJ hot, to r?Dd'u tbea^ The tkin ol the tr’iip that ia the covering of the framcB—m of woCv., put on in slabs lengthwise, each beam bt;iug about 14J incbeu square '^hese woo«lcu slabt iirtj lastrned io tbe iroti itami,. 'ivilli SUiCn f .. uh >a«o no Data, thu.n rendcriog it Ilm uaj such occurronce to take place i>3 i uy v^ioh the lamented Captain llodgenj lOst •'» ' le. J i is wooden skin is no lees than li feet G iric^’es in thickness. The magnitude of this ts irfacc cru oijIj be understood when we siatc that tbe hall ol an ordinary European steamer does - not measu e more than 18 to 2U inches in tliicknes'^; so without tho ou*'side armour at ail, the h t)i c» tl*e Dictator is ne»rly twioe as thick a« tha c>f aa or dinary steamer. Both forward aad i.*t there are inserted in those wooden slabs imm '>*b^ocka of iron, to make them still lujre r formidable. “The armour the original Moni* r of four and a half inches of Ic^ ■ • plates, each one inch thick. That u*. rior consisted of four and a Ljvif iochr laid on in a solid shb like ate llo^nake. The Frcnch Jrif^ate « tr ].,= also four and a half inches of ;roL, laid « n solid slab. Now, the l>ictator bits rr, '■ 'dr dono eleven inches of iron, and live lacuc. oi h>L« in one solid beam. U'^cr t.iie^e 5 iti.'h blccks of iron are six 1-mch plates of irou, u. king altogether an armour cf eleven in‘lea of iron, the same dimensior^s vs the oi a ♦ar ret of the original Monitor, the I ...siio Mon- The armour bcsrias •it ih • ?c:.k v»d ]1 and • -isi^ted tingle - War- of iron, ai ov? 'i ir.!ii frig- rbieh t so th«it the \y: nCSii .i .M ff the sN> .V.r t ah r»”rS ’■ ' ■. r-.r ■ N. gn- ord: l.Sfl f>.!- r-.'- ‘ - i hsr. ..i.ri lyT n*; ->B f. .l\U- • !• •I' J.'-'V *, ~ :i'. " I t.-u r rUi ' .;*YS pr : n'co: ve ‘V i lOn, 7-a: •i n • >.' "".^ou ."auh'T u.-j i^.i pr-'il ' • "cr.-i their ■lot iii-Bad -I -J.l li returt.Inc: ’ca?s‘ I' o’olocii, 1*. M Carl" -ffti //.-rj- JV-.n • V; *!TT\ r, WEL-:;» ? FiilD.v’^. J!' ). M. 11' Treas'r Tn; ^y cvdcr J.1H. 22, i: i3. T" S'lou To tho Voters of Sampso^i Cozaty, } I*-!- '• V ■ , ;ous -i' c-,;. r ' ■-. i-.-.-n'r, 1 u X ' a;'f It C5.idi I* f ,:i li ’t it ’.a (ic i id the ••.eui Lf'r'-ii»tura NcrtU G.»ioliEu i h 0 ^ ■- U 'ttti} ;•-! I ■) ' '•! ‘' 1 wdl k" ’ ’ jVjr :> Tforic i .r .a'.*'r.- 7 ... and TtjtirsJay. April 0—17tf J fe-’roiiJ ai3i« fiJtor the ^ ' au-i,*' A. ■ . . I;»!' 518 .. A. on Vii"; m JOS. A. .. Air’i C. F, Boat Co. i co.'i I , to iJe best oif wiy a'-=ht I ■ J VMS'^ T. Gm^KNi?. • CMr.;>n, N C . Jur.c 7. • ‘V-t , 'Ve are authoriiod anu rctiucstetl 4o . Ji'.iiO I' IO i .. ii. i Lilx. lLil rts J,’, A£;■«•*'■■r.%'’ I’o's. will : li-r! ? , ^'r' rd A:. to ri=’‘.c-Tii ■tt' cona’y of ti chin:ii 1 ia the f (io'.'^’.no'* 1 in ri'T’. L 'i' '• Li*. ih$. ?'i3Jss Ar:i?»s«.’ U*v 6>y J. R. L-’L. 10 Tr ■3 "'.’’relv ; the cain^ f Oct 15. Fi»y 'ttt^dle, or it :r V' jai ' ^ h.nH HAIL H i.s - •’’■'M’K' ol J m; i .^J!y ?r: Nor I': ■ *”;-flury *l >tc- ?'ii3 K • “ :■ 3 i ^ i» “ ten oil* aad tew: ■ ’ . f Curartc’’’>r.-J T ■ Vcwv' f . ‘■■ro’ ; i : ’ i -I’-: ...tirificM.;':; ' . 7 an ' i:! 1' r ■- tJ. ■ ■.■■■4 Ot > ) I *• ot Town 4 u;li T » J, or . A- 1 >3 ;pJY. 7-tf ,ty Cf'oi f Oot 12 vf. POWDiii^ i - If^iLcLOlL / It. '. . V-, y--*y 3, 1864. / , ; r M! L'J'id f -r this ' ’ 'ir:. or >«i,i ,!.re i ;...ii«d e» MJ.-- L.'. !>. L'OCl'J, C%pt. C. H. jil OQ^.fsrO { '*. -1118300. K?iy2> Coil ;’2aai-% the I'o’':; - ■ ’’crra r,f ibo 'f ;-:i: t : will •kzv ' r.u in rfae Co:»r-;. Ji' tca-'i Al; '■'.rtic'c" of fr.-'!rhl n’-a.' S'*" i.ror'-’’’y Iioored, ■'• diqtir ■tl'- n'l'; -i. .'\U M';i*"y PftC-f .-,0'a wu ■. ha PccarcJy r;,-1 ststapsJ, ni;h privats se^^i ibo Fh'pj’ ;• It ia desire’, t'j-t. *11 '•■.■ Fr is f rT'’.rdcd by r'ther ci r*i r.;’ ■. Iw .■ i »o Ihi'"'Otiiee by ri o‘olo'^ r.n i- .i ( vcqjes r-?io”8 • dipirtuTC 06io>‘ oa 'I&V St,, Ir^n Promt. Ritil.Un.'^, TTo fcr- ms^rly occnpied hv ‘ liTr i n L. .>'ALlArCH;;>), n*. Jure 7 ^f F£Vy !;^?3RTA^T rA:-T , IN P.KOAUL* TO Ttfi: ‘^SiitrfiiECRA’ HEPATiC ITilEY «ra pr-s; r-:'- t’-jo btt.vt fjL-a’. ty 0: Mc'” , c’rna 'ly tha We arc liuluorlzeii to au’iouncc J»ILV A. LitKXtt. J .; icr vn !0 *' I’•• ofii.--! f b’herltl'fo' -r.j c-.w i v of Pich- iSlOO SKW.ASi UAN ; .-.V i ■ lbs ; c. i . U -C^ o^iplexica, Ftc'Jt rtST’t* u-fi.-hi eje, rcba'.ly J--.d ..i/ m^k.^3: lit-* W*y to tb , »'A .ntf ' •.I- '.r il'HT rf**tup !H Disirtc- tf.-J 0110 ’i.tij'l f 'j a • ai\ i ibe :ber f.t t‘^' r i'?»jOOii I' ;-.e W. ft M R. li I wi'i p- ' *'■: *rrC;' aui ;C’ i.nifu' ' > i • ' * i/.M 11 V. .Kn; M. Uij ■ atacT ■ 1 prcbi*- ■*! • ui ••■i r r.rJii ,, ■'. C , fci- i b' uis •. llobji'o:'. 0 >'.1 y, a-''.':3C’':i's H;-.!!ou on -DOT*! r>rfar i Jor r t '"ini. ■'n.^ N. iV 12 ‘ f.t u III-re.i;.-!. era ttt .e ’''I'-ri' . ill' piJ9«ad a'>l -; » ia ■ tlarn-a; oi' . > Tit t ^ Al! 'V. 0*. HrJ a rr. ' •}» 2L‘-tl ;-*y ■ ■ . ^i;d ;:i goes down only six ! tour feet Ijelow water ocean irou-chd IMctvur w!ll feet over watc*r. • twenty-two lec’^ of ihe v which is covered by j ma'l There are. • 1 feet of thi? hull whi;j> ! inch iron plate. Th. \i ! live Laudrad a. ;K,d ir sb.)ut »l -IK >!'T bi» tlcvet on.y burd i?; a ol a proft^" vfili bi i T,aUern. v O.:. 1 j-i i.‘ 1)1' t!u: •■''Mrl”-.! M •iicr ul . .ir. Mi vycare ^JilSiorixcd t >* IKiiJKST M MeNAL; o: . o. 1 ■ .y a-i jk i i -la for t’-.'' oCii;i c Rjb^j n ' >u.i y. M .V -U). 35 rtrd-l3 ' •i'i-.i . I r>n r ^nsKirv’ cf ru-in.pi iu A lil i; U-M V KIVo 1‘i; I* \»l r'' cN /, K/ii.«icii, Jati: 'J. ■ til. f AM nowprer-*red to • ich!i' go t>o:tcn Yaro ' - 1 up.’ii lac foUoiPing tercjg, V i: Oue t'.i3th of Yiir.i for {arcepouD i.; v.^.-h .; Vi oci, »nd one bnooh fot' four f ousJe nnwa'tei'd. ' genu hnT ' bc'Mi Hpp’'t>‘ed Ij ra i’. -‘C exeh''' i th.’ '.’IloTiDg fHsck: O?'-rJ, T.irhor.,’, iv'itr.'jn, t.i.H'i- r»a * iJoncor.l, il ijiiu. •.• n ' vsju/Li.. ,-)r ttcp'^ile, Rnxboro’, A-b^v'^if*, Pfi L.U“ tv, F%v tttiill’. C.l-r.i’u. tl-. " '■ [1 3 P‘f8->m ehipy.:- : W.U;.- tr. liiif - wi!i on the p»c!r- «p- ’^co '.hey ar*- ircin, ' ihs o', ton v .rn w;'‘ ■ ; 1-'.I I opj .-p- pi'^ T above notioo, >8 th'i wool i t-.r •. ;••• ^ ^ .'5. .A. ilOr- IJ: Q >’ . A. Jucell • .M*ui •; t« i*i M.».l V Lt3 VTxr 'z lni :^;y^ ■ J • i A ilE.VEH^i. k ■, ; 1 '“(“I li iX e-»il the rtHenii. : • f » •ti .1 ! ktnO' c ui 1 tf thi3 a^ato t>.t lu.-f ■ ■ • -i ^ T-'iis • • .p%ny liaK qjk a * i :•. cf 1j\- l*r“ eilHcribt'd. nai P I '.1 i . -44 c‘i >ftB •; ■• ‘j-'ir'.j lualo tu s?cu''i oa- f'j. L- :a>-y Uvl ? . opi'a Inn^, bai 'jnii? ■i: " Hfti jer" a \ j / io.t: cU-'uca i'cr a r* ■ - i ■ r * i .'fiit.Tcer.i i'he j 1 : - ■-.s iij^iructs-. t-»«‘’ k ■ «L ! -iat? 1.1 p'iy* 1 ■.""Ti of «tojW, of’..'.i 1 ■ ■ a. • : i I re ’ 23Ut I > ju'-',; frioy r.i'l " “vn ■ . j j ->.th I'll? t r^'u t • p'.a.- • .• ■ • ■’ % ■- - c ... c- p-i 1> r 5- i ;• i: la.'iu iu a.i' " )> ■ •■. ;a ._■ tc!I thf lu 1 wil! b“ ried (i;., ft tiea ij t 'ri.e aVard tue Ice* ol .:o)i J oak iisMllr- - iJft •ary. r^i'ti is ti>j iia-Mf y,. iiip 'i’iic r.»*n j fo and iron: n i f .- (ivoT the ti'j| ■''r -jer.*. :’..l i-0 Tobac.!? v i •»' ^ic^ i price, hclotC in" to t .ko pt^ck in vhi?! iitri. ai ?-'0«-e. I W I tac‘T>'.- ;'T part ..?.! TiritiSu'.g f ' t iko ' a a. 't. , • .■»■■■ ^ . /;ny CBO 0 .. do f 0 by ii.lir(.gj- ~.rii7 ^.11 to XV V. \7 LLUsliifJ ITi^.aiSS. Geie”al Act at- [w. J. 1 11-lOi Tli-3 frioad'3 of Col, D/iViD BLTHUIJii, C'' 24 N t', 1 , itv',- y iscji.' iucii i U;m (i ■■ a. c(v?i ;;iite t-jr » si*.! isi to.e Fr'iM-c cf ■'’fa.iQc&e ‘c;!?, :)fN r. ,f ' rj-nco'.'T5iy L-,‘i .* i..f- !:na t) ‘•'"•’■co ihe 'iisH hCAivVaS i'-cc '.iry in h ;^’>iiifoi eiliv-i'rr .-'i! piace'.'i’t bopi ho tt.U a'ivW h.r? •t'f- 'io to n» alJed 1.0 ■ ,-A'' airnaiy ;>.-\.oauc«fd *V3 os.Uaii-itu.'H from IlO-.I’tV^’ t!0. Ji’>c~2 tip Gonpe’, f.V'i av' ".'-fo. be.a kao'^ra ^ na &i^v' 1 r yc-%ra at;d i^'Htod 1 rPHF unkrtignft‘3 were, tae 1 Ooui* c,rV-c f'o’^rt. cf No.i of t* i.eypt X OOJi pointc * ‘•-.r •"i'r fcud have iL.j • .'^rUte:-. .p > 1c:h n;U.tX-g tii fctiy auppl*' s perty i ■ Aj pii' ‘ ; nlle, : . 11 V ;’ina, ap- •■ p pr-'peny, !e purpo^i) tjf 1 '-a H'*.Tno ij i- nr :- ■,«. r(U.' :'ay- I’c- i, o. 0. Ce.V?"sOii!i*TK Hi' , KNa'-HiisR L>j:rAaT>i!-‘Ar, Disx. (.’irr.FiAii, ^ VjilraiDgtOB, JT. C., M.:rch I'itfe, 18G3. I i ft'^OTICE 13 hereby f^t’^en fn aP. pcrjjcs feavsnr o’aims .--I ^ thj Enxincir Di^purtrnenr, for utrvic^ji of ■ »'a;3 -ia.ylojedaa Uborcrrt o.a tbo* nJ :c/i-«CM nv.'-r r^'ilriin^ton. C , ib.^l tae i.i'.dcn;ir* va r/ ,-.r.J pr.'pwrd lo r ay ibo rao:’e at hia oa sc- coad iijor of the builJinjr next •boT3 M^nreii’ Ihuf; t'torc, Mar':et Oti'cel. ?tr«0!!B e.iecut->Qs Powers of Atioraoy will ob- t t’i3 filio«'iitg fcria—thetr a’gj)dturec, m all c*5ee, t» bs wiiai; ■.'.d by two rri.ceaceB and sigaed ia dupli cate, or t.;n=y niAy be 'rrUonassU be^ra a .Ijjijfjcij of the I .‘ficc or Ci rk of auy Court, ronivl OF rO’J^rER OP atiornev. Oj ; do bereoy appDvzt , cf , ny ijjj Ageat tox!g;i s ^oe'.pts f?r, and rcaeiy'S >.T. '■■f ftt! moneys due to ia>^ by the ling-ineey De- p.vt ■;. at ol th? Confederate Siates of Acsarica, fcr the Vr-ri;,', of T f 8l»iC3 cmjioyed ftJ! Itborern cn the Und ;i',' ,n.:e'i at -—. duriag tbe laouth of , IPfi Vi'cc!)3 Ejy li?iiid and aeaJ Rt 1 tl»'! *^*7 13b {Biwt'l "r: (Jarl'T**?! ' [Sefl.1.1 U'lt'sro \ FRlME A Jun3 If*. ' RTICLK i-.r >i: ^'■ JA•d^ ■_r "42 1 nd CHAl'LAS p.. MAL5-ETT JAML^ nrt' 7 l>a s. P'iva hurivred pcrspaa arc liaoTrn to lur'y' b" 4. T' tj a^'e v- oomT^n.icd by the pr,’">rii*t'r f.'r ev.”’yf.''n/, biit vHV f'>r 'Jiri>i.4>a9 w‘.i?h frotJ dit:- or-’er^d lirce. 6. Direcii ‘iifl .»a-l or;r')ri?a*.e=: scooaiT'any ec :.b. h'.x, .r.nd *hc”'^ oortifiCf.iei are iroa veil known and .no;!l ra- epe’^ablT in.-ivida'i'-) 6. t”Jorr»-“"> >itd?c* ■ r-'>C'>^ntnet; 1 thon g''0'l ’or I>iv :v Difi?a,'-c, r-itl'3 IV-’d F:-7cr=), Paeu' ioa'.^^, J »ur. !>' >- rt?ps;H, Bil'ou.** Fcv .r.^, F.ilioin Rhc'i'iiiti'in-, ./ , Pleurisy, I'roucbUi'', fts 7. H s!!i‘« th%f the u'-e of thep.» ha-' bn-'n »' then a i e,^v•^ ; f '^lOO '■! $200; th!‘\ nr : tk'j V pi ■. ^ ‘- ’iTO TQoiioina ft’-cr o^i'er";- to t!if n'l’j'ic. 8 r'-me phy»io:ai'« of tb*» ;!;»’• ":?t ■ pTO.-'”’.';’ then to t'..-ir p'^tiea'rt, fauafir'!'l3 of c'-iJ sr^ld in pr53iilio3'’r.>?. V) Dariag the list quarter 2.8S0boif:‘;bav!i * to two Wrac.T’Stff. oae ia i? juiii O.r; liaii, nt^.i oi*-' 'n Norta C»roiio», ani soma ticuo epr> ovor S.'^O b-2 ;j wcr" oT’ .rci by l>*i>3 n->('3 in on.i towa ;n Virgi!?ia *-i#“rr!ce. ?3 ft bos. P r : ^0 ^ doz.’-« bcr.e^ wi'l '■ bo Hoat. Bay e ■’..'reLis. A liberal •ii-i.'iount ; —— Dnt'?->'’?;s j^nd^'OH-itry i«''rob^a'3 C.»“h ^aaw ourrrncy j j ; , * ij o 5’*-• nff to 5C^0Tnpany orJ‘'rH. . GK-) W. l>Rt*;US. jnl JfiVcro’, N. ; by J • v-^o #*** F.- Mftle in r*yHeTilb oy N. A. :^^e^man (’0 ; it. 1 Ta vc i^.un onpl’c^fe ^ovxor^ c- Attorney Ror.kintM.HK, r./T. T ^,r,h^r.t: in WadeHboro- by i>r, i f^r rro..- -^. _LUnk fnrms o^n bo ..a'l upon appu- Bsnaofi' tn Albemi^rla by J. 7>I. Iii'»ii\e; in Olintoa i\v ''^^vt '-r ^ t^it.^ Iinbbrv'*d % Wosi»9y. I r. , , ,\;»y 10 S5-iGfpd 20, iH. ' Surgeon {*encrai’» Oiace, 1 RALttOii, N ., Jv'.n; 1 'T;i, 1»*-4. / i ''ESSKNGER will Ie*'7o ihis cn t^.e S'- f. Uy, is au-1 the fitrc’^clh day, of •'v-ry racniu, l.r Gec^ Ltl’d srtvT. All boxes br« t\.r Rn'- rnFmbjr cf 'hr*.!. .'^rrny'TTiU be orriel th’T' promji-y ny Kira if '. doiiviTca to the owiicr. E1>V^ARI> WAJiRE -'. 41-lf Surgeon X'tib 0»ri>I':iA i^LOTJR 0AT3 will be erchans;cd for 'Jcra at ue i* £tt-r'of D. McLjuria, bygiviar; feim a fe'^ •if'yn ->.>iice. ^lonr rooi. C».t9 Fr>. J. bl»ck'■•r ^bite. '.■in’T24. V ,7 hi . ; (*’;*’■.*.1 . ’. '•AO.VP'i livE r.fs:. (•VIS G »ii?-’‘y 'a 'J ^y ■ O-h' T n“!ii328 : oij.r.,c*M to take * children at c o j^ca t9 Marble til a T J. WIL60N. 4‘ 4tpd I. ow 5^ara>ec£. AEllO^N COW, iTi'irked vHh i laoothcrop Kud under- bit both ear«. nelinm «;j3 '*ny infor.naiiou will bo chcia'fally rc-oeiv=>d, and » iiber^vl ravjsrd pv.d for her ’■ecovery, by Mrs. E. M. WALKLR. H'tjmouatT May 19 ?3t,f FA ¥ETT K V a lili K MUTUAL il?S!J!lAi5CK €OMPA>i¥. ^207,688 2b fi,0T7 35 r&pilai in Praniiam Notas auiounta t» Cash on band and ctVer acseta. , CO-. tlaEjIt oi i^orli# I'r.roiia.n. TilK n ^^'1® iSi'iok Ol : *'■« aef':.; li itifi'*'! respec’tvi itat ke V,'. H. JAME3, Oftj t. & Oidef Unjr. 13C0tt sT&i,%vKa>, jyotsvm:. ^ FPOM my platse on t&e 21el ajt., TOW and CALF. | C i 'lb'» (jjw in 't.iiite witij red finot'i Xh'* (••i’' ti;.; i U > '• r>?.-L»'.d EH'ifries, ...» , - - , color, f’llf nnmirfcc-l. rr rk of COW not rcr •>’>•. • f> •{ ; k-j-ray ^ fo>' 1 anr',. Tr^'rA I t? . (11“^iire 'iati at‘ik ^^ctit dpox-L" in ' rd. The cow wau purohantd from ',,'r. Alex MoLoo i : bs!' 'ihe*old ‘il"i of the Con‘~'d’raU States Notr.o, f. r th*BC, 0: Mooro cr anty, and it 13 probable thbt she hae f^und 1 . J”p» ' -...1 r^,. lifwi tn fcT,£>ltf lof the BuBQo »»t tho bor w»y b^ck With the c»lf. I will pay a liberal reward j ' Priao’ » R^k lir^n'heg and AfteucLefl where payabla. for their reoovery or any information so that 1 j?et them 1 'H hc fr ai*PISCI*S aal Plawtcr^ Al- Priac.,». UU.H. lir^n.tieg an F,/ . MITCBELI.. I ai»n«o for 186*. A t»n growJ S*M X3. Wtt I iwetn Sft- 1. J. .BMm « 8CW8. Tottil, ,'?272,7(j6 18 Tho Ccnipany have paid all lo«sca promptly, -and »>>fen ■•'^ermade an on their prctnivmuotea. Total loB.-iL-^ paid, ili.O.fiS.. OrrioHa?: GiiO. McNElLL, f r?niicnt. l>. A. RAiT, ViO'3 Prcsidi-ut. 0. A. McMILLAN, dec7. Dta^CTO-Rs: Henry Lilly, li. L. MyroiFcr, g. i'. Hi^wlcy, Na(*vMi A. a;;iir.aa u. JsT.te^ Kyl!>, -1. A. >io5ot’tian. J. D. ;/itIiaaii, R. ?. P-TO'rn, 1 fl. VT. 'iHilnghf»9t. A. cJ. Hali, j CoUtHi a.idC. aMsO- ioan^ca, T:-r. Oorjpas'? ittTiti* r.cinli'ss.r^-x'*'-, ’. ^ r ‘in. •! ^a\.' \V. N. TiiU-ijbMt. .'i. J. Iliil'ilui:, Wra. jSlaL iarin, T. t?-. L'literlo'o, A. Vt. dte.1l, .1. fj. C»olt, iloa. J. G. ?7'.i8pherl, 5 iCASf SEge r¥o. lO. S.ieujiosi>. \ A., Juie H, 18'^4. iIHE f.'l i’ NHti a on -i-.-r.i diolara ^ T’. .; E/.C %aie in -e F :kl authori'ire, b.-nriap d‘*e .'■lav 7r>' 18t54. ii‘ ’. oappor’ed by valid F.-.i-ral p rr,l.M T. S’ la • f'I'&'r. Pro i. M! Oov.'"' ’.'jr tt.' offic. B and ineu who have '>• :.'i -J '-iv.'r -l fvt City pre^ions to the ■nt cf Juan %r-: herobw d*«laro i to ba fXohani?ed. f^rc 2 ^11 Cv'nfiicrat? ot&c rs Jin ia»n. and *11 oi7;i'ans ^Lto n^vo be»ti oiz'tu'-'i '■ a nny place, p,ni re- Uri‘«.d nn parol", p'^icr to M»y 7th, l'?6, .>!.re hereby do- clir. to ► a -nc5!.n; e I Thi-j aootion, tiowever, ie not Ir>t ■'.t!'d to iujliiJe »^.v tiiocra or taen eaptnred at Viflseburg Ja y 4 a. 18iJl, except such .*'i wj^re deolftr-l cs:\auj:ci by Exchange Hciicort, numbered six, seven Hnd C’tfibt. 43 6i,] RO. OtJLD Asont of Exchange'. Wilm’st 3131. ;Ung AT^n*% 7’ By order of tUs Hoard, lUh-igtu Uay (j iihWBY, Cask. Slim USsrisJ.s krilUFs Bubseriber will pay taa hi^liePt ciSn prioes for ,1 ^y qaaatity ol Chriati Bea^ wOBffR- ?7AWTKn. tor tho Hospital at Fort Fislier. P\jULTilk’,*Chioteas, Ratter and othor delioacies for the ?iok Soiditfvs at this Hospital. Persons having liiese artielps can obtain tha market prioo on applica tion ti> the subscriber at aid old stand or at Mr. J. W. Poif'ro’a on H«,y Hlr»et. R. K nETT>R. Onu’l Ag’L ?R Wanted—Wooil l^anct. a’lHE uudorsigned '.vlll give a fair price for a well wttoded 1 tract of LAND of 100 or 200 acrcs, on the RaUro:*d at any point bijtwcon Jonesboro’ and Fayetteville. Wood, pitch pine l>o.X(;d or uttbt.'c*d MESUY E. COLTON, Accent P. K. Co Fay ;tt«iviile, April 1». 2i'>tf ”r A«S! RA«.*^:r—The infe ricr quality of the p^wp^rr on which the Obspirver k!a8jt>aea printed of l^tc, fctjd «^3h ia~a fre^l *3 tJ8,'’t8 owiog to toe wapt of n scSiflientsapply ofg->:> l tar-, and thi- ootsPi'quent nsc- ed?iiy to rcBori 0 itifsrior mHteni,ls. We apps'^.l to the fricuid rf the Obeft»cr at all aem-'^ible points, to st>tc op ftnd bric.15 to tOTni all ttie rss'T ’‘Ay c'^n promi- Vfe have no *1™*? owrselves to ati,er>d to ibcir Viircia“ bif Messrs. Geo W. V.'iUiaris 4 O-^., ts'* .^.r-o « i i this town of Mr. Murpby, vlll pay 16 «enl3 lb. f-? J H\I.K * sort?. P«V’Tlf> _ • fii'J Ynaug’s Aritbiaetkal Diftsoaary, EMBRACISG a system of .Arithfoctic, Reaiy B^pkon- «- Inleri«tt. Calculstor, Rook Karpictf. F .rn", J. ’ F. J. Hale & 8OK8. Bfto’r 16. ’; t l ' ■:ho f ve ot 3a i "1 -■ d T” ,, C t ij .r * ' .a r- 1 V'?!, ) - > tu r ' ) i J rt' r- I’l s i‘ - J • '} d ' ai V 0- J ie Ji .1,, id t .• 1 • ?r ‘r; ■ • jt jf oe >r, )n ii- •it; ids : i, ■ 0, ! the keel this extend.^ from th bcic^, a** it were, an oxteosio^j c' iitour of tho fhip \i;o:her £■• t\4Ui is, that it oouKl bp a«’ thfiu laaferial damage or injury u t? = without her making wU'Ci . “The decks are pcrieciiy cieH* c brances, except the turror.. ll'he : deck cotisistij ot one and-a-)...h‘ u^; 1 ■ on in two plates in tbe sante niannt:; :i ve.ssfls. fihe has noiie of the Dtu > » such ocean vessels as wo ate ir. i» ■ looking at in our harbors. She ha lio tall bulvrarks, no masts, no rigging, «.> deck—nothing, in fact, that looks liki nary ship A tall man could almost dip in the water from her deck, on which i. base ball might be played even with me v ret on. The ship is ventilated by throe imt? ose • blowers, two for^he use oi the vessel gc i .r ily, and one for the evpress pttrpc oof ve> t;U itsg the eucino room. Thcge blowers arc ol in? . ;-Q8e si*e—about 72 inchcs by 48 iaehoa ‘‘In the ircn-clads the common compai-s ■’I ’pe- ment is impracticable—the needle re fu I S I do its accustomed business surounded by such l^.. -.(iee of iron as is in each turret—aet-s sltoggisfcly &>jJ ib, in fiict, perfectly uselcse. Several m a’-': hav.'' been adopted to remedy this inconvenicuce, tb5 most succcssfui of the'ui being that zovr n n*s- It is no other than by the help of a looking gh-si. The helmsman stands with the wheel in his ha ./p, and before him is a minor ' iSevrtp ‘ ub'vo his head, situated in a copper pij. alova the pilot-house, is the compass, whicl ire-is tlic course of the vessel. The compat,> is b .-rrar.^-ed that the movement of its hand is rcflectod in Li i mirror, and thus is tho vessel 8te’rc i. ‘•One of the greatest difliculticd in the way '.’t making the iron-clads permanently ful .was that of protecting the bottoms from the Glili which concentrated there and prevented them from mdv- ing. The original Monitor had to be ‘ovro J Irom ITortress Monroe to Washington oa ac’ .nt of the bott'»ms being so foul. On tho bot! • a* th& Dictator, howevci, and t)n all oi our if i: 'Gp to be built henceforward, and most oi th" . .t btjiit vessels, a 8uec3:ifful remedy has bee'! . ered whi..'b will keep the boitoixn f'crtecth • >1 a*l filth. It is callcd “.ship zinc” pn’»it, a...* I'sr- loclly white in color riouto tbirty ytxrs -^incft a vtssel coated with, it ia Kn 'lauc-; mi. • ar rived here a lew weeics ago. ‘were found in peifect order. tliinjs Blank Waxraiits lor saje here* 6'«« /,#•#*.^A goptleinan r’c. iiL y Ir.. >’' moud leils ufi of a vtr* intf rp.:Ui;g ii* ’> ■ ‘dent which tviocis soc'cthing ol the i-tntr I .Iio •> ub- lic rcg’jjd for Gen. Lee, ttntl his thou?':t ”i ; :nj. ness to our sick E.iid wourdod ‘tolV>r- T'^ Gpn Lee’s i“eeenr attack of :li'ih- ' •• ''i-vn to llichmopd to veeru’’ his hc»!**' A h. ^ n the cars, be t xprciSfd . dt ,: ••’. fr'' ’ : >f port wine. After bio pvrival, Lis v»ri-ii »« ..u i of on the etrcct-s, tn'! i,'. 1‘> th«r ’i-rK- • •», three hondred botticn of ^ »i • •• ■ • u:.- Of the number, he r&serve'i '"e ij - Lm ,.t - and (teat the renuindev to the I wQWidet Boldic^ to 2 ma