»«R ivf i ■ w e: e: k i> y . ■aw M.H' 7 V M r M P V r M .!. . P M A M i‘ >1. aiJ 1 vol.. XIV.! KAYKTTEVILLE, N. C., Jl)I,Y 11, 1864. ' (NO. 1348.1 peust*. Call upon or addrcfn PBINTED MONDAYS aND THDRSDAVP RDVARI) J. HILG & SONS. KBiTOBs ASD rp.oi>nreToR9. Pri-e for the SeTnl-Weckly OBsttn* ?1U 00, p«5i In advance. : For ih^ Weekly OBffsvTRTt $6 OO p«r ftnnuni. paid in vlvanee. j larADVERTIREMTBKTS iMWed for $2 per »luare i of 12 line« cr Ifss for the first, and one dollar for each ; •■c^iiwRag pablisalion. AdTcrtlsor« are re ^ucfiietl to j f*iaie the namh«r of imertioBs desirod, or .^lev will ; he eont1unei till forhid, and obar|(ed aooordln^jy. Adre rtisemeot? ♦crtiHPtnenf'i. (Ml we can recqmnieud it to 6e the best of the find uiade in tliia wuntry. ft is a fine Lubricating and Tanner’s C'OTTOilf CARDS, IWo. lO. ^ |;^or the Senate. The FAYETTEVILLE COTTON CARD MANUFA^. ' THE friends cf WM. B WRIGHT, Kai, reapecJifuHy TURING COMPANY are now inauufacturingOARDS i -I pres'Ut hia n%mo tr- the TOicrs of Canjberland *.nd ; Buperlcr to anj run through the blockade, aod at present i for re-oleotion to the Senate in the next O^mc- i are sdling for a less price «ie single pair or by the quan- ! ral A‘»«nblT. :. ! Jnac 7 ' 30 t* — Any purson ordering fdx or more pairs, they will be I - - - securely packed and deliven.^ in Wilmington fiva of ex- A. A. iMcKETHAN. J. A. WORTH. ALEX. J«^^^•SOS. Jr, 24tf repbytenan and Carolinian coi>y. Fitottvville, N. C., April IS Pn ' • - - Kcllowr clt!z«*ns of Cnmbt'rland and Harnrtt. 1'’^ co: if’iauc‘j wi?h tmljciiaiioos of many frieiiE', fron difl'ereat of t>>c Cijaairy, I announar* myetlf CRndid&le fo represent yoaia the Senate of the n^r Lf ^ip.iaiurc. Wy vieirs in repard to the ^itai ■jhvy ^liU b? Pift'ie known wbca I »ppe»r cf ill9 Ir.-fiire yen FayetteFiile Roshi Oil Works. r»TT>ia, ana oaarcea ftncoruiURij. j r\i\ i_ . • I *1 . . . . J . « « ^ I I VVorkfi are now in complete operatiou and oonUuned .wt*. charged a« new ad- a. we use notkin^ but good rosin in itrodncing the ~ Oil we can recqmnieutl it to be the best of the find uui«l« ■ Vcor ob’t (»(i-T’t, ! Jnr -J *28 K. MCDANIEL 4^ tf We arc autliorlxe« to aMnoaacc i Funeral Serrioes.—Tbe FonenJ Sermon of • L. A. POWELL as a eaaii d'tii for a seat in the House | l*te Lt B W. THO£LNTON w.ill be prsMhad by of Co'nnonA of the next Genaral Aisembly of North j Uie Eev’d J T- Hai^ of this town, at (ho re«id«nee CaroUaa, from the oona*y of d«mrson. { of Bverett Thornton, E'-q. near Newton Qrove. Samp* Jolj2. • - 46 9ipj jsoooounty, on the THIRD SABBATH of JULY. Friend* and aoqaaintaaMa are incited to atteed. Werespectfully nominate GEORG E \ 8 com, former ni«rk of the Sapsr’or Coarc, m a can* didaril to repre^sat M ]ior9an'l M >nigoa»ery counties in the Se'Bftte of tfje next Logi»lat>iro- W’o ha”e wailed for Moatgsmory »e speak enough; the oanTmai be- ■ gins in a few dayn Wz have two HoMenit.es iathel ®*id, i|/»d wg mnni >iav« a Vaoa^ man t**at is able to 1 oo”te&d witH them j MAJNY VOTERS June 28 45 3tpd 46 td Joly 2 Bacon tor Soldiers’ Families. STATE OF NORTH OAROLINA. 1 SnaaiHTRiioTi Dsp\aTua*T, > Ra1;>‘ch Jnue 27 18'''4 J To €3oimt J Commifl)iioBsn: 1AM prepared to sell, at cost, to fcny of the oonntiea of Oil, and we would be Gorvcmm^^nt and the rriaMi&alile tnmut. >e glad to receive orders fnim public generally. We will sell on i * MK)RK. rARTTW'ti'TT A ^ I EA6L1S FUUxNOKY. ^OM£ njCBthti ago wo Qpmpleled >i!l oar fiztores for { remittances. Jan’y 1, SPECIAL NOTICE. I^roui an i.ier this date, Mnan-.euf a new .-mbscriber wUl b« entered wltho^-. payment !•» advirf>«. ytlt iL»u is paia Tor Saoh of oar old sttbacrlberB aa deeire to tak« Ui« f per on this systeni wiU pUase net^f> os when making ! O the m«afaotnre of CAB WHESLS, bn? owing to« i the failnre of the supply of Iron of proper i'..«ture, we 1 • have not lalfly been able to sapply any demand for | 1 them; ihis dii&cuUy however, will C“?> orercome in tbp j . ooura^ of ^iz weeks, at which (im,' we sbi»ii abl:' tc i ! famieh wheel.-^ of the following ptiea—24, 215. ‘-6 *nJ j , 80 inobcs; ala-i Chilled Tirj-3. The Iron wa shti:i use j j for them will be Cold BKst Charco«l Iron, and we v\r- | I rant our wheels NOT TO CRACK, and to be equal to ! I any made in the Cortfederaoy, or to these of Wbitaey &_| Spn? of Philadelpaia, wuose reputation is eo well known j j by all Railroad companies. We are prepared to execute Laom, Dry 8snJ, and n, ^ ^ I William iH. Baaffet aunonnccM n e arc aillliorizeri tOA»nOUn€«'jUinT,.lf • candidate for cf bap nor I’ocrt J. G .«»‘!EP.BERI» in « osndidate for re election jy Clerk for the oona^y of Bobe-on, North Oaroliaa. lie th^ llousf' 'jf t’otcmons fr’>m th** c*^tiBtij!i of C'lnV W. DRAUGHOM. AUCTIONEER, S, K. Cornfr Marhft Bqaarc, FAYETTEVILLE, N. V. Prompt attention pi^en t" busiutM iu hiu lOtf and !lam»tt ne aiv uuitaoFIs^ to unnoviee Dr.! J. MonOKMI»'K a einrfidate for re-eleolK' > ue D»Tt Hnij?’ of {'omuDn’ UTie 7 !9.tepd I We respeotfniiv recommend i KEILT. McKAY, E- 4 , Til a ovjiidafo f r | r»> "l>Gticn ;c !» nc!\t in th»; n'>xi n,>uBJ of Commons fron- ; C'Jif'herland aod Haru:>*t oouati'?. MANY CITIZENS. | •Mny 2. 29-f^'t.d&ic . this Stale, for th« aao of indigent familieb of Sol dic-.^t, a portion of the Baoon amumulatod for that pnr- pcse Conu*y Commissioaers, who are In oe«d of Ba con. will AO. tm-ini^ate with me 45 4t I THOa D. HOOG. Maj & C. 8. AiilBiiB I wlil meev i^at Moi^ K‘^e hi**; fueu omptoyAeai t» will fit hia Biental ai '* 5 l4.h, a:^d at Shoe-Hsel Papot 20Ui. 2!«t, ani ‘Iti ef physicil powjjta W.\f M. BAOOKT ; *bif ^nonth. Brin* In yonr ••oeeipls and «et a final tamp H^lrca, Juic‘>u 46 J:pd J r«ce;p’. for all they have paid on tbei»-estimates P'-r- - - ! (*ona facing to comply, are liable to have their eatimates To the Voters ofKlchmoad and Kobeton Coaatles.' r^tarn? d unorediifd By ihs aoiicit^tijn 01 nnoKiroub t itiziutf a lU eoidii-ri. t By order of Capl. McOOWAN, Lieut. J. H MoARTHUR. Co. E, 40tf N. \ T ! w: . i-jH tDtou to bpojoio a i'i.udidv.e ro ! a-CAlori»l Diitnci. cf Riobqsoud and llobfson in the i July 1. next L’g’«!ature of ^orth Carolina. Hia no!iies an: i \ ?.»0'''>u8 pro.seoc'iou of t'fc w-sy. catil itie .®cnth i' j f'«c iroiu yaa 63 rule anJ !Dti j‘‘i.ee, and in f^ror 1 ? . Post (| M. 4ih Dist N. 0. B BTANCIL, Q M. Capt. C. 8 A. 4t>-t22 Th !Hie entruBte'^ to him Jime 10, 1864 Auetioneer and Commission !Hercbant. *^2, Hatf Street, FAYETTEVILLK. N 0. june« ISAAC H0LLl>IG8W0RTH, lirecer and €ooinis§ioa Mercbant. FAVETTKVILLE, N. C. Jrj*'-, 13 '*0 tf n\n. miicMj. jficUAw Attorney at Law; Fat»ttsvillj, N. 0 TT’ILL attend the County and Superior Courw of W Cumberland, Harnett, Mocre and Robeson Coon- ti«i i'rompt attenticn g'rTsn to the ocUcction rf all olbims entrusted to his hamia. Oc:. 17, 1859. To S. UT t. EV. t»r'»€fr am? iJanintistion .V!c'i'thanf^ faykttkvtlle. n c Jan y lO, 1868 WiTUA-v A. aTEL/«v-N. ’^1* ®- Di£»>>»an .-v. A. TES>n\"« X CO., WBOLESli ' Vb R3TAIL UEILEIIS A N D 1». Metff FAYKTTEVn^l.H, N C. April 20. e 4 woarn. o o weara O- oabisl WORTH & CO,^ CommligKm and Forwarding risroliaiits, IPh'erft VILMi:«aTON, N G. Ool. iti, \8'’3 Ti-litu %VA.\TK*>. Green Sand Work, of any shape or sizp. D. ANDERSON & C'>. Fayettoville, March 80, 18t>4. 19if LUBRlCATIiVG OH.. 11HE undersigned is now prepared to fn'uiaa •> the puMic a very eupetior article of LUURICATIKG OIL, upmeialfy for Cotton and^ IfVoifn Fartorie* Wp claim that this Oil does not gun. i nny be run ai grfaier apeed with less power than .'iny other Oil excopt j tsperm. I Mr VT II Porter, tiuperintende.it of Phettoix Cotton j Fact'^ry. siys of it; “I have been o«>inf your Labricat- I iag Oil for 2 or 3 monthu, an i find it to ba superior to I any other Oil now in uac fjr lubricating. ” i .\-r John Kershaw, Bap’t of Clouut’s Crook Factory, I Days: “I can cheerful’y say your Lubricatiog Oil is a . snperior arriole. It does not gun iu the least, but keeps ihe joarcAl-i clear and bright ” ! Mr A P Beekerdite, Chief Engineer of the C 8 Arse nal and Armory of this place, was reijuesied to try it and s'vys: “I tiirk for lizht machirery—?ucUasCo»ton Factories—and for h;svy Esachinory t!qoti tbe notion ■ is slow, your Lnbrio»tincOil will compare pest in I ity to Opcrin ” j Other cr>!ton h*TO tried it and pro- } oonijpod f’sr.ir*b!» cf ii : REN'HT E. COLTON. | Ag*:r.t Fayetteville Ker'^ine Co. j .\prii -J, Ifto-i -JO-'.f stiy ro:»soros wk;ch tc.iid to ihe aco^mpiishment cf 1 KIKKPATRK'K is j i****-o-j*'"*- Lisat MjArtnarhasboca m tlfC seivioe ' ^ ^ tiiace the early rvi of the ■»&., and has well nuetaine-1 ! the ch:\rAoter irhioh Le bore anmog h:a f'i.'.i'Jn at hoT»e, that of a ehri=iiv g^ntlenjaa ever ready to dis- I charge his duUe f:*itcriilly: anl s'^ould the oitisins j and eo'dier^ o? tlo l)i:.trv.tt ‘nfru*t him with their i .HI. Vernon SFeminary, MINERAL 8PRISQ3, CH\TH/»M COUNTY, N. C name ol reepeoit'uUy i-ubmittea lo the vct«*r« of Cucibcrl&nd and Harueit to to voted f''r as p, liepreaentatiTe of thoBi Couutica for the II >u‘»0 of ComtnonM. MANY VOTER3. May It;, 18«4. 83-tf Thefrteuda cf CoL J McDUFFlE, will hi gratiSod to learu that h« has conaent- e aoard! latfj'o rt'rr’eejjt theortunt««of Harne»t of (’oDnnnns of the next f'Cl I. •t'T'd rnmbcrl’n l. i"i tb Oenrral Apssmblv .It T.-. 17 4.S-U W 2r AA BOSHELa WUEaT. .«UU 1.600 * CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell wih receive the highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M. Thomason, at Ike Merchant Hfll'^, Fayetteville, or ou the nubscri- ber at hi- old sund on j,. Nov. 6. 1862. ABLnY BAK.lfESS. | I am prepared to nauufacture all kinoe of Wagon ; HarnebS for Army use. 1 t.an m.y leather and o»a j give good bargain*. Agents wiM do well to send their •rden to me as th* y shall have prompt at^ntio^aud 1 Mat off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTCli- Oolduton P 0., Chatham Co., S. C., I ,i,f June 18. 18«^ ! fUL. ! Fi can furni'h KKHtJbENr! ItCRNlKti OIL in qnan- j tities of 5 cr 10 gallona at $25 per gan~t!; (is o%ns i r kee;9 116 to JiO additii^r it Send aans or kega when ] ccnvenicat. j Thii! jfi a“» cooJ an Oil a®, can bs m.'.li w’lhont the i 'r;x'u."i vith Alcoh.'i, wLioh »* ij r"!r.to OOiaiu. Thr w’ck tabs of the ordinary K>)ro«o9« Ump I bo !':ng*heTi' I by •olaer'iR» on a pi^ce. With ^ Ij.rnp thus arr'*i»;'‘> J o^sr ri! ni'a^nt •moh'* ' aud wi ij as much briiiaucy a? aajli tnliara Ilerobes'. ; HENRY E COLTON. Aj’t F E Co. April 7 “il tf i WESTK»\ RAII^ KOAD. 1 The freight and PASSENGF.R trains of this I lUad leave Fayetteville dttily, (Sundays exooptei) i at 8 o’clock, A. M , aad returning le^ve Egypt at i , o’clocK, p. M. i CaUle aud Eartf. Tram MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and ‘ PRID.VY. By order JNO. M. ROSE, Treae’r and Gen’l Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22, 1865. »7tf We are aut itylzed to .innounte Ur. | W. M MciSiilLIi of Haraeri, now Sv’^vini; i as a Lieutenant hi tne Uonfsderate Arn-v, as a candidate to repieaont the counties of Cutiberlaudj ard Harcott i»i thu next V•■?g•^Utu^e. , June 2'. 4S lOtpd j To tho Fr8e>2i)n of Caipberlajivi County. By rr;qa*‘-t, I arain anuouBC* rwjscl'’ a oaad'daio fur tf'f'ofiioo of Sn^‘rift ot Ou Jb*‘rtarid oaaiaty. Soonld \ I bo f I oaa oRly j romo? as beferr> to discharge I its dMt'?s vlth wLfit a! 'llty I ria? p»?«UiH. i fTROTOK MoV El LL Mar ’if' f" To the i'tttsens and Soldiers of Uavnett. At the sol;cili»tion ol'ic iayof myfriond.'' 1 reajHV tluliy i anuomct' lajrwlf a c-kU'JIdttto fcr r*M*l JCtloa It) the ; o2ico of Shvriff tor the county of Haruett. Jprofoundly ’ grateful to my friendu bfjth at h-HBe and In t***? .Army for ! the very generous support han toloro reoelverf at thetf band‘d, lean ouly pledge th.-it should they aspsln inftiii-^ fest their coatldwnoe by i^-leotiug m** I will, ith b^'rttv for'’, ssrve them promptly and impartially. * Very respectfully, JAS, B, X3RADY. ; April 13. i4-te basioefls in tbe nex* Lrjjisla'ure. W7 feel assured that nothing nill b’ left uuiori? ou bi» part foster tho*r interests, which experience, eoiind judgment, discretion and tbe most exited patriotism aod love of his ooun try’o liberiit's atid r-ghts ^:an a^ooiaplish. MANY CITIZBN3 AND SOLDIERS. J’.jce 2o 4& 7tpd By M. CftOWLY, Anotloneer. AUCTIO.H SAI.E OF I.nPOKTED 600D8, BY CATAL04ilH:. ^ ON Wpdncsday, Jaly l^i>4, ooi'menciug at 10 ITftcMEIEE^ A€!!.Ali^E.Ta K . o'a'ock. A M.I will sell, at my eale^ roomrNo. fPHE next Sspiiion *t MoNeill’a .\oademy will oim- 2 OranitoRow, Wilmington, IS. C . lae entiio cargoes 1. tcenoe the 25th Inst c* Steamships t Tuition pnr session of five months, $7 60and f 9; BADGER AND LDCY. ' Board $6 per minth—all payable in produce at old V i*h Iwge 0039'(»nment8 ex ahipa CHIU0R.A,~AL1CE, i prioes or its equivalent in Currency. F ANNIU, CITY OF PETEK6LCR0 and other vessels, • Di'abled soldiers and poer children of deceased sol- T 7: diers chargcd no tultiyu The next seSdioQ of this School will commence on the 1 .it of ^’^ptember. Every d»?partment will l>o sup plied with o'^mpetent and experiencod In*tmctors. Cirouiars containing full particulars as to terms, Ac., will ba forwarded u^on application to Rev. WM. HOOPER, or T. C. HOOPER, Fayetteville, N. C. N B. Young ladies will be reosived as boarders at any lime daring the monthi of Jaly and Aogust, if their parents consider it advisable wiiha view to the l)erefit to be derived from the Min>ral Water. July 2. 4I5 2m ^ Ifluiiic Teacher. 4 GENTLEMAN, vtll qualifitd by education and ex- T>erionoe, to give instruction in Music, French and Orawicg, may obtain a desirabla situation, by address ing T C. HfX)PEB, Miaer&l Springs* Cnatham Co , N. C. July 2 2m To the Voters of Samp/jon Conaty., J. 1 flUiUHCOH «fc» ml •m. -my *r ' 1. f.cnoancs oiyP'l'a cMtdldatc f» r a seat It the House , ^ of Commnna in t’l^ '.le*:! lieriilatu/T of North CMolina ( j 8 1 b«r »o fortunai..? ai tn bo jjl*ctfi 1, I rill andearor '■ j Wu'H. for the intcrewt of tha citiiens cf Sampson cour.'y, to lb; bist of rey abilit'i | 1 J.-fViL’a T. GIDDENS. ! I Clmton, N. C . June 7. 39 lepd j We are aothorii ed and requested to , aanjunce 'Jol. 11. F- LlTl LE aa a candidste j to represent the ooua ty of R ohmonl in the j Hounc of Commons in tho next Ji ogislature. | ia j We are aathortxed to announce JOflX j .K. LONCi, as a CkUii i^te lor la e ecuoa to | tVo oiiicti cf Sheriff fd * ttie couoty of Rich- j t^roisi aiid f\ttcr date the S'.ian^r A. P. HURT sill leave at 8 o’clook, A. M., on 'lonic.y an^l T.hursday. JOd. A. WOi’.Tii, April 6—17tf ] .Ag’t C. F. Stsaoi Boat Co. A FEW IMPORTANT FACTS IN BEOABD TO ‘ THE “SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS/* ' THEY are prepared from the best qual'ty of ftledi- 35 6tpd-te Wr arc to asisiosiiice llOL^iJar '.1 MtiNAlR 4fOo. C, 1st N c. Bkualiou .Arl’ilery, •» a C.aulidalc for tho •S’ije of SfTEitlFF of Rjbesoa Oonn'y M ly 20. 14-I9ipd The friends of Col. DA7ID BETHUBTE, Co G. 21. N T » reJp'oirfoiiy rcooajmcn'I liiui as a 1 1THEY are prepared from tbe best quai ty or meui- | cu-tr.h..» candidate tof a jeat- in tic Hou'«e of roaimons 1 . cinea by the discoverer, now an aged Minister of ! iathi* fosuipg LegipJature of N.C., froa Rob*.«cnocunty. j tbe Gcspel, and »re ^*fe. i Believing hiui lo p »i Je^3 ia an ■oiaincat degree ine quad- ' j!*_ . — .... - «_*Tt f) I . o A AOo i»>«. Arabic lor ealc by J. B. LEE. Oct. 16. Alter thl*i aatt; I will pay 1ft Cents per j^uad for ra.^s, or the hifjhest market pnoe, d«iiv-:red in ayotteviHe, or at ro/ mllta oo Rockfl' feVy i6, 1»*14 V.. murphy 7-tf Wanted to Parcliase, WESTERN RAIL ROAD BT»CK; Baiik No'«: Goiu and Silver, .... North Carolina Trea-jvry Notes (Fnhdable;) • »• “ f 1 and J2; u “ Bonds, old and u::tr. County of Cunberlani Bocds; Tcwn of Fayetteville Boals; Groens'ioro’ J1 and t2 uertlflcates; Confederate 7 aad 8 per cent. Bonds;) Oonpona of J16,000.f>*X' loan;- “ of Town and County Eonds;' *• of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTERLOH- Oot la. 1663^ “ OMSANCItDIPABTMItNT, \ RAI.RIOB, N. C., May 8, 18b8. j i T KAD W ANTED.—I wi«i» ‘o purfll^^se Lead for this title* will please apply at onae rOWBKB for 10 p..nfc .( S. «»-tf TK03 D HOGG, In oh&rge of Ordnapoo „ ’Tliey have been known for yeRra ttnd to'^ieJ by j fi;aaoiis aio^'-'sary luatuth^l %lIioieatRepresentative, tho’ipands. | we sincerely hup*! ha wiIl aUow iiis ria^ie Ci b? a'Jdcd , 3 Vive hundred porsons are taoTfm to have boen ' to the list already ai^ioutii'sd aa candidates from | cured by them. . , ! ! 4. They are n'>t reeonmended by tba proprietor for . ,lupe 22 4« oti.a j 69tf ' ev'>rything, bat only for diseases w'-leh a-is-i frooi dis- | ~ „vWs. nss* without SuikllatJGD or Mulf atlBcns, 5 Directions and certifln^tea aceomnan'? each box, j oat troui a ueoai'-jt rightful deepluierest in and the-e ce-tiScatas ara from well known and most re- -xir causa country, as there is yet no er.octable individuals. I oand-date_from Moatgo«ne*y, only a R-’ppor^er 6. Correspondents rocomoiend them as good for Liv?r Disease, Chills and Fevers, Paeumoaia, Jauadiee. Dys pepsia, Bilious Fevers, Bilious Rheumatism, Worms, Pleurisy, Bronohitis, /fee. 7. Bjveral gentlemen state that the use of these Pills has brf-ii lo them an a-inual satimr of from ilOO to thoy are the beat plantation medioinc e*or offered to the public. 8 Some phyBlciaaa of the hi«hest standing prescribe them to their patients, and hundreds of boxes havo bean sold to regular praoiitiouers. 9 During the laat quarte-2 3S0 boxes have been sold to two Druggiata, one ia South Carolina, and ono in North Carolina, aad some time ago ovt*r 3,700 boxee were ordered by Dmgdista in ona town ia Virgtcia Price. f3 a box. For ^0 a dosin bsxjs will } be acnt to any address. A very lioeral dis!*ouat to ^ ... . . .u DruffaiaU and country merchants Caah (new currency) and wo are as much ^Uy bouad to r iSMt the obj * . * AAdrPum Athcr Gad does Pol favor unholv luat cr cove! lo aoaompaay orders. Aauresa , n GEO. W. DEEMS, Goldsboro’, N. C. j For sale in Fayetteville by K. A. Htedman & Co ; in Rockingham by T. T. N«rtham; in Wadesboro’ by Dr. Bennetf. in Albemarle by J. M. Bifins; in Clinton by Hubbard & Moaeley. ic. j \f»y 10 ^ r YETT E V1L LE MIITIIIL IN8DRANCE COHPINI. $287,»i88 2tj 5,077 3D Will give 1 pound ef only a Ri’ppor'er of VVillifc''-'» W rioidon. and Cclowl W. B Riebaranou. aiid John Andrew Barrett, of Moore, both Holdeo- ites of the worst grit, I aai.ounce' mjecK ^ o»a'iidato to rfipresent tbe Counties of Moore a«yl Mcntgompry la the Senate of the noxt Lsatislature .'i North Carolina, with the protniso th^t if Mordgoi^ot/ oouaty ahall have a candidate of her own cf thrt right grit, in lU days from tbe pnblication of this, I \Tithdraw my namn. I have no desire to be a mcmbsr tp the Lojialature, and hop» I ahal’ never bi acandidati »g*iu My plat form is, my country, onii to »ok nottiiag but what la right and submit to nothi^ig that> is wrong. I am •galust Lincoln, Holden and the Oolonel W. B Richardson, John Andrew Burrult. or •« Whoever else may advootite their cause. The God of /leavon hu no mor^to do with waging this war npocr us than he h^a with a highway robbar, killing a mau. for hia money, one as the other God does rot favor unholy luai cr coveScuc- n?BS or rogueishnesa, in time of war, any mora than in j l>me of peaoe. We ought «*ver to re*>emb«r .Achan. { with ble poUcn 'trrdga aad Babylonish, igarmenta. God : will not look on iniquity with ailotr tnca If cur own people were all just and good men wt- would have noth- , ing to fear, but might Eubmit ounje’/ves aad our cause i to Gad without fear of what man r^ould do to ua; and , tbe best way to get au early and l asting aad glorioua ! peace is for evjry one of us to gtt »ur hearts right with ! God 6a;i keen his con>man•’manta, o do their; then we ! »»onli be mo"e Hafe and more joyful, laughing ia thw I fiico of our enemies; then we o nld be nover bowiag at (’•e:r feet, a'.d our enemica wcc id be made to know that I Capital in Premium Notes amounts to • E^'pt Ooal iTiine. ‘ Caah on hand and other asaets, rPHE underelgnea were, at tno ^ ; Total, f272,765 IG 1 jgjirgt and good tnd holy, and that h5 vould iievpr j I Confederate Court, District of North Cmo ,^ Company have paid all losses promptly, and 1 nuffer the right c.?us to be movfcd; and If neo'-^sary we pointed Manigera of the of have never made an assessment on their premmmnot.eB. , 1,^3 faitljful Abrahum tbe Berv-n' 0? the LirJ, Ind ^vo cTter^ into copart^rship for the purpose Ld iSng Coal, and solicit orders for the same Order. f.r ..7 -»«»■• I be iuppliod on snort cotioe. -^^*nrtioe The Coal from this pro- I. c, » JAMES BP.OWt'F- ^ ^ Fii»y*tt«vi'J*. Jan'l ^ ^ Total losses paid, OrrioBas: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. P.AY, Vic; President. C. A. McMILLAN, Soo’y. DlB.^CT.OSr,; VritAVEt^, ROM my place ou ;•->» ' TbVlj%if i^o ao. rc.o'.Iect. ^ ..scd from .Mr. Alex Mcueod Rame color ed. The oow PJ^“Jp;^,;7bre that siio hw fcai^ calf. I will pay a liberal reward of Mooro cjunty. Mtf (Hw tajiHrKtta. ••• W. N. TilMngha.4t 8. J. HiQ8da.!e, WtB MoLaurii;., T- S. Lu'terloJx, A. W, Stvil. J. Q. Hvn. J. t«. Bbop’jer'i. i E. II John Collins and C. G. M^Orurumcn, Traveling Agents H0~The Company invite appli'iation.'i %f»r M. 1»W7^ Henry Lilly, H. L. .Myrover, B. T. Hawley, Nathan A Btedman. C. B. Mallett, Jai!.’^:fl Kyle, A. A. M'’E.c*.han, J. D yt!:Utu'i, S. V7. Tiii;n/h-i«. Biank WamuDt9 tor we tier«. and at the eanio timr the n?Mt«r of e?rv^nta, go out i sg kinst otsr cacmiso to b»ttlf>^ Hword in hand, three kings i against fire (or Generals fi'/ther;) cr liko the good old I obrietian hero, Joshua, ebot^od doTrafiewa’l of Jsrioho, 1 And g'Ct fur independenou i^lthout sabnjiaaion to c«r • ! cnemica or b.rp^iaj'cf then j • 1 '•avc act «S'j‘;c 'n;-?3 vjfiai: x? ifO'. r in thin fT'*.r, ye* ' ! I \aro paid n? t't as oad m/ i,,i, uni hav? ;l7* u (■o , n!;* iol!;£'■» and ff.nki'jtnirr rl'.'o a tjc-.sind j f.i; ,.3 % {)T thct-c teyr rc"»r • 1 ccn uaw 56 • '. I caaVi?H|?o‘i T7. '\7. !.■»'? Be7t''ra*!cr, to ■ i t hi’- •’? his ona i r? :: i'l iia’.'ig';, -.nd > v*-(h j i.iu-t to tVr W’.r I j lep. l iiiuer o.r!d I r ir-U ; 1 jiover pl^'vd'. jcr agi;. I am ruIH „a iy I i.-'i for 5 B ■ ; Vaooe for Goveraor, only I a a lao^v, fi.> in so.iie ro^speo'S | j than he is. If I siiould be electod Iho pcop’.e mij re't ; i assured I shall regard the hoaor and righht of mj | country and State, aadespeot'Ulj Uw soldiety and tk«lr {^axiliM EA&RIS TTSOR 1 fair H«|f«a>.lfMN Co., 5 45 tf] DRY G00n^ It? cjdcs whin grouau Prirlii ’ , Malta, July 1. 17 b!a!*** apd wh’t^ priu-'t-d MmsUo 13 o^srfl lli’.ckr.back Torrrlfl Jl op.-'i b OrgaaJTo ?.!ui’jas 8 ba'oT Arioy Clcths 7 rases eupor Uoclcry 7 cases Co-4's’ and Clark'n Spool Cot'-ca 0 cases tiiishing Linen Tnrsad 6 bales fancy Shirts 4 oaasa solid, brok>n and mourrtln^ Gingham 5 cares ^lack Loatre 1 0*i304 Coofc'ionUe .Two^J** u^en roady ma’**' i;loUiIa4S 2 cases Oeok aadt Strlpae atoaraing 'i caeofi ocaf, vest aad ben? Battona 2 bales B’rop** 1 ctEes bis 01 3atin - ease® Hupor black B'oadoio'h 2 cased brown Holland 4 ca^cs Flaoncl Bbirie 2 bales mixt'd Meltons 1 bale bluo and grey 1 bale fancy FlanneLi I case Black Aii>aoa 1 cace Black Orleans 1 cas« Paper I'ambric, assarted ooIots 1 kale mi. tiled Alpacas 1 caso Beaircgard Tweed? ' 1 case Houth.'rn Cloakiag ' 1 cas'' Black and white Prints , I case S’birti’ig \ 1 case Faiicy Shawls | 1 bale LiU''f», pupsri'^-r 1 case Moeqtiito Net'ing 1 case Tie?, Gloves, Ac 1 bale snver Broad Cloth, assorted eolors 1 case Irish Linen 1 ca’e Pant iJuttotis 1 case Bla'''r and Wbi'e PHs SHuES, LE.\THER. Ac. 26 trunks ' a'J'os’, Gent’s and Chil’ren’-^ Shoea 14» crises Ladiv-s’, Gent’s and Children’s Fr Bu«t«e», Extra 6 c»ae* Arrnv Shoes 7 cases Birtnn’sP.leaahrd aod Brows. Sh^eTireaw 4 cat*cs Fr Wax' d ^alf Skin* 4 eases Cl>aRr.ois SVins 2 ca Morocc-o Skins COTIOS CARDS, CLOTHINU, Ac. Zr, ossee Cotton Cards, No U>s. part Whit'.4a cre’ii: bes^ • 1 OSS'S Wool Cards 2 cases Cvd Clothing 82 x 4 2 r^aaes filleting STATIONER! 16 oases Cap. Loiter and Note Pa|wr 2 ofwea Giliott’a Steel Pen* tT ca“e« P'’U Folders 1 c.v;i P’rcils and Peius I oa3C as''>rt,-d fl*alion.;rv * BAtJGl.’W a;d k »pe. 10 b lea Ganny B»gffing 14S ooilB Haie Rope , GROUEKIKS. 238 bags Rio Coffee t .W barrels Brown Sugar ' f:0 barre^a crushed Sugav ( l82 kits No 1 UMkarai 8 r.aaka Chioory | 10 boxea Sperm Candl«is | 10 ba»!8 Bl'.vok Pepper j 10 oaadie" Young Hyson Tea. ' HARDWARE, &c. 8 tone Hoop Iron .10 kega Naila asaorted alies 4 oaaka Wire 4 cases Gun Cape 12 baga ahot H oasea Knives, Files a*.td Ratoh£ LIQUOPaS. &o. 4 quarter oasks pare Oogoao Branlj 1 hslf pipe pure M'-tftel Brandy 1 quarter pipe par APiaet, Castillion & Co. Bran'iy ’ 1 eighth pipe purttOtard, Dupuy A Co Bra»dy 10 caaka Whiskey i 32 oa.«k3 old Rau 100 caees Ho’iland iQio !i) demijohns Htl^.iand Gin DRUGS, io ;10 ca'^es I 'qnorioe Paste .*.♦1 os’efl LjjUorio« Stiois If. ca'*k.’ Alcohol 14 Citrks Aiuui 8 oc. kd Ilf^om Salid 0.. 'i ^ tatri Cop'^iba ‘.t hl.lf Taursr’s till 42 k*'«n DlfBtb l?od» 6 iiiVlii •3'.-a Q • liae .> »,« 1 r.-j^rtod D;tige j: ;"ras n P ttr.a Csrb 2 ;’K;-;.s iiiue .Maf-s I '•.ftse Porrd I-^oac ^ 1 c«Be Iodide Potr lodin 2 casks Soda Ory 2 uasks Bloa St- I oaiM Fboi^r McCaSKILL, Principal. 46*4 ipd f>'arett«Tille ineoai aa^ irnoi7,) June 8J. 1864 f $100 BOUiVTY. -to ^Jtounted Mtfttemen, Authority bav*n» bcea granted by the War De- panmsnt tn rai» a Cernpaay of Monnted R'.flemen for eervlos in thi'j vicinity, netioe la hereby given that reonsita to the numl>er of 40 non'ConKript* will be re ceived for thi»» sarviM, t> 411 up tha r««at*»My i'tXhe re auirod Number of 10 J. Eaoh reomit wUV b« to furniah a uevlceable horsa, for whioh ho will >>• lowed 40 oents p«r dietn, and his pay $12 per month. — . - ffAm or The Bi$hop Oeneraf.—Rev. Dr. Qu*nt»r^, of Atlanta, officiating at the funeral oeromonitrs of Lieut. Gen. Polk, in the oour^ of rems rks made the following statement in regard to the religious charaoter of the fallen her». We •.'lip from a report in tbe Atlanta Kogi^ey: It WM mj privilege to enjoy his fiinndh' 'p— it was my privilege to share his few hours o* uu- rcstrained social intercourse. And if therei was one thing above another which always shone f . rth it was his unshaken c«)nfidence in God's prvvi- denoe—^un«haken trust in God’s love—his unsel fish eonfidence in God’s fut'ifultiess. He was eminently a man of prater. Not pruy> ing where he ooald be seen of met^ retiring to eommune with God in secret. Ho never cct>oed vilio when the n^e and heat oP'tbr* bat = ! ? parsed, we were in she towi> of Ha-ro'^v vrg. There was a beautiful church there, ri-!h iri'i: •'•bi- t«c*:aral proporaons and carved work. He tpked me to visit it with him. As we walked up th-* aisl« alone, he exclaimed with cmotiou: • Ob, for the days when we went up to the Ilonse of tbo I. ;rd and compapsed His altar with tbe voice oi prayer and thanksgiving." Reaching tbe chancel he sai^ to me, ‘-ran we not bav'' pravers?” and we knee'td dovyn, p-.’ 'td out our hearts to God; and he lelt tbe sunotn-ry with a iaee all bathed in t*;ws Such a ro'dier did not fight tor fame. I remember at I'r u-ka- manga, when we were seated upou tbft ur .ut I » few days after the battle, he said to ra»', “(iod an swered my prayers in giving us thih groat vie'orv, tor I prayed long and earnestly that he i/i tjht bless our arms.” Yes, be was emphatically a man of prayer 1'he last few weck.s of his life were mor** than others cocsccrated to priyer. As we !o. k hack upon them, now that he is gone, we hup how .' God was preparing him for the higher commuQion of the church triunipbaat At midnight, with a faithful few, he b«p*’Ecd one of his companions in arms, tbe gallant and received a few day* later, his cud lonuding General into the Church of Christ, flis last Sunday on earth, he gathered all bis staff jiDii at- teodant; i^bout him, and with prayer nnd with litany, supplication and praise, sceintd to leave them hw benediction. He was jcreatly bolovcd by his troops. The len'^s ot bia coi. nift'>d;ng General were mingled with thobo of ii.u privates when he fell. And ObJ belovetl, v? ‘ n; C all eir.it- ten—the army, the country add t’le cburcn. o lift up our voice bore between t^e p irch 'ind tha altar, and cry to God for mercy. Mcrcy to our bleeding land, morey to the hearts orurhed by tbih monster calamity. Oh God’, lift up the rod 1o8l we be utterly consumed. Judge, O God, between us and our eaemioa. ! Wriiten p^rminitfft w:il be r«icired ‘fO”’ guardian?, where the *ppU?iJI'. is under the conaoript ^Each reorult must bring wliii toiai a blanket or bed i rh7m.DSactaring .li»tricii. ed by iho’Goverament. or if the rooruU o-jmes prtwided t in jhe future, but "(i coaten Amertcan, Ihe X^ondon Times ha.s the following artiolc on^Uou, sbo^mR that Aiaorloaa «ot«» «» , B«t tb* tTutb ie, we cannot have o^^ old cot ton trade with our new cotton Wha we want is not so much 3,S00,000 bales id placn of 2,- 500 000, .13 good cotton in the pla”- of bad, and certainty i::stcad of speculation, in prices. The inspectors tell us of a singular ntato of afiurs Jti ' ■ : districts. There Fa confidence no coatentnient with the prcs- With'the^'be wlU ^ paid for them a fair vaauaiion. ; fhe manufacturers art? buiidiug new mili> Apply to Msjor MATTHEW P. TAYLOR at the Ar- j gcarging old ono.s, but not for tbe trade as eenal _ i it now ii, or the cotton whic»i they now ;et ! The opsrativcc rre hangiug on ^»ith similar ex- ; pectations, reltictaniw migrate,_;»nd clinging to ' tbeir homes, but sorely diecontented wirh Surat : cotton, and compelled in roacy cases to elo OTt i by tbe acoeptonoe i>f relief what would o;t ..^j-wise I bo insufficient earnings Wuat fo.m the de- i sired consummation is expected to take U would ; be hard perhaps to t*ay, but probably the lea!inft ! idea is that some day or other cotton v'lli c .me I from America onco more. This would nof-^ilv * furnish good i^atenal, bat would remove int. I pree‘'nt element of risk i Aa things bow aUcd, there irf on o;io al^p m EAQLi: FOCl'innW, \ unusual supply of i.ndiffcront eottoa, aa.i ou i « Fatbttkvili-k, N 4, f | »jther a pi>b*'iblc supply ol cxf *?l*ODt octtt'o; -o WE ARE Npw PRKPAHED TO RECEIVE O®^ j besides tilC di.^a,fjai.sot=oa cieated by 8 :r.. , derafor | there is the chance Or proi^peec cr anticj-a': j of fame such ^udden influx of Aifiricau a. w m..! *1.. : turn the market ui>side down. As iong ae roi, ttemj American war continues, a .evolution i. Llic c t- lwil' be'OLDBLASrcHARCOALIRON, aad we w«- ton trade will be a p.j«‘ibrhty ai any mome *t. - rant our wheeia NOT To ' RACK, and to ha equal to j Whenever it ends, Lancafbiro 'UiiiTitry mU ' o 1 any made ia the Couf 'der-^.oy, or to lhoe» of Whitney & j ^ g^art. These seem to be the ioiprc-^ u.:» I Sous of Pailadelphta, who'** rspntau-.n ia s'> well known ^ cotton diatrici*', '.i-icl ia l^e F. L. CHILDS, Lieut. Col. C. S. A. Comd’g Poet. Si • 1. i! RilL ROAD WHEELS . prevailing ia tbe cotton '^wl' f... t-.nsp0Tl.H0. I., I mcaDtmc there i, wurt eti^gh t ■ tc. ,, the • Svf^amere to Wilmington, from th. rbe to ar.y pari, of the going, and to enable the oniploiprs z.r i Cit;} : ^ together to holdout for bptti'r ti; I t;c!^f«'^«racy ^ Ord>rs respeol^*«l'iy sjhoited D AND*’RS0N & CO 4’’.tf ] IH‘8irable Goods. m aiicimKE Offere for sale- lIAA sets 1^NIV€3 and FORKS, ported; 200 40 Doa. t'ne 8 and 4 Bladed Knlvee. 9a0 Groaa ii.i«l P^ns; 12A Groe's Steel Knitting Reedlee; 30 Reams Ruled Pos., Paper, 3,to Groaa AgaH Shirt Buttons; 2000 Gross Engliah Bono Pant Buttoci; 1 B irrel Cawphor, 2 Barrels Borax; 6 Barr^la Epsom Salta, 6 Bar'el" Alum: 6 Barrels Engliih Green-Copperas; 10 Kejta Bi oarb. Soda; 1 Bag Alapioa; 3 Bags Bl«ok Pepper; 1 Paokage Saltpetre July 4 46-5W 1 haps American peace may not bring an Am i i cotton as bef>re,»and jut toe aiisl'rtan i> i.-.- ' hitherto no other cotton bis ‘akeu j p’:; • ! Lord Derby expresaed bis hope th»*. w? ' hou.l j never again be dependent on a siogi*? sourer if Bupply; and it i.^ certain that, as fir as mcrL talk ' of imports goes, wo seem to ]iave outgr .ivt t n» ; risk. But it is, wc fear, rqially Cf>n«ui t^at tue i new supply is not accented the f quivab'nt of ! the old, and that either the "Rrmcr must b« ic, ' proved, or the latter must be forgottea, b i ' : t^’e cotton trade can really be re/ived VVe ii »v ' on several occasions shown that, though cot* •!* * can b^ procured from India and other coan ri j yet a substitute for American cotton is- ojf r l-e ' found. Without American cotton our s'lnple lu- ' dus^ry oannot resume its former dimensioaB. I Chloridf' of Sodium.—A corrcHpondout of the 1 Houston Telegraph says common table sal has 1 been mere or less ueSd, for many years, as a do mestic rennedy for worms; but not till lately baa ICJ- 0 e 1864. ttated D:bts in his District, v!i; JulJ '"‘-J,, 07 *>P ib I ‘ Fayetteville ^ ^ WILDER. Rweiver. I 46tJ29 June 2.. jjfjOUESTBATEO DEBTJi. T®® f if i mZh impor-itoe been .ttaehed to it» npdio^ yit- 1 u:. ! cues any way, and especially as an anti-ponodio ( Upon the recommendation of an eminent prtcti- '• tioner, we resolved on trying it in chills and fever, I und we are fully warranted in saying that in all i cases, especially of long ptanding, where t' e q ii- » ia t '‘ine ® permanent cure, it wil, p i tISO REWAKO. I fi roost aeocptable and cfBcient icmcdy. 11 shani i I roynfioSilst’3 widow lived* in Robeson Conn'y, or {iries -i day, dividirg tbe iotorv.ii.> r.j by. ■ ? nnijrhbcrhocd of Mr Monroe’s on Big Rockfiih, jjjf, to wJiorr wo p’-c-'uiiL. d r 1 who owiio’ • brother of Ms. 1 will p»T the above r^^ ; Vi. ;tic Ita cV «pn. ut .-nc-.; 1 llU for saiJ negro o^ bis oonflne-eat m Jail so I. can | r.ll. %vbi;^!. I. no» Uic t .jU- j £2* .101IN F.URLEY. ’ nine; l ^iies it i? J'Otu anv t- f**- i ^ >ioMpeV.or P. 0., Richmond Co »J_“2® 29^ ^ ; fpupon the br^u^ UTaantetl. i Dvjit—In Richmond they arc xiH ng da s at 4 TRC3TY focd tempered colored tbe rfte of about 100 ^ W thaw A to toe i -urti* to aa laftat Apply to B««. B M. tannery- Thia «vea the food WAUSB. Hay Mouat. 1 couaaoia and tuxna tk* aniBaaJ» to goo4 leeew- JvmVi. f