YANSEt; ATKOOITIES—THEia EFFECT. tub fobage question. toT a lato op:r;xtions in tKe \ a. cy, | officers in tha milifary Hcrvice of The belt of -leVHXation , Xo^fh CaroUna. Tho charges are of course only witMn tlvit bdt fl.e ;vork has U„- ao„tv purposes”’to affect th« election, and enough, but still ilui oo!»nfry has not ®? i uot be drawn into o labored dofeuco of „i,h".al,. In » or rtj V.n.-’e oonuuct in th» regard. The fol- bus be Ml uark^'ni'J by this ® ,; ] .vvin^^ obs^'rvationH will show tU'* insincerity of n. .V... ,n. b„, '•■V?’” .ad thoir falsity. bonicslcBJ ^od mi .110 0 . | cmolnmouts now *' !,,( p,„_ Holdon raid rh^-cMV^cke-.ed ruins remain Hntonchai. j Vance was an excellent Governor, and should bo We ■ "t' n'">t u" arfi tie people u.' tho y8i*kta r.3-cleoted. Why did Mr. Iloldcn desire a cor- chiru'to bo, wc lave neitl.er th’ tn«to n«'r -.he , rapt man to be oontinuod in olBcc'* m>rev for Vrctty-ibura: monunjcnts »nd atnp.ii- theawioal ccuietcri^: Our dead hc^o.'s slr^p j cnl Awmbly ot Aapot 1^1 in f;,o tos^ni of rh.'» old iiiOtljer, wboui ; tion coationf’d its se.«sion until jUy Iso-. J>i. ’ Up made no motion to 2 The emoluments were granted by the Gcn- Tbo Oonven- thev died to deten'l, and in her poverty that old , Holden wa.« a member. He made no motion mother has not ^eckcd their resting placcs w:th i repeal the law. In fact iu Jane 18)1, (see Ur'ii- precioQs stones and miracles ot art Xol we wrnt | nanoc Con No. 2:>,) he voted for^ a law, giving no lUttle Monuments as yet. Wo have mocu- i to the railitary officers of the State tiic same mcntt? enough—monyments fuTri»hcd by our old j emolnmcnts. purveyors of the North—mcnnments brought by | ',i, Messrs. Jones, Alford and G. J. Rogers, iioi Vankee entcrrrizo to OUT very hearthstones—n:-y, 1 J.jnitc8, are members of thr* General AHseml'iy made of the hcartb'=tonc'» themselves. Our now j iVom Wake. They have made no cftjrts to re- eountrj lf.cked ihc picturci=que attraction of 1 p^ai the law. Mr. llo^-'r*’, in May I8b4, movcu We have that attrHction now, ans^ in i res''lutirjn of inquiry of Gov. Vatice as to th ;’c CASUALTIES IN N, C. TaOOPS.Q FOB THK OB8KBVBB Forty-Bixth Beg’t NOT. Cooke’s ^ the battlf of the WtUlcrnees, 6th May, to July 6, 18C4 Co A—VVoaod«*d; M%y 6. R H Wystt. I**? slight; M%y 10. II L Me»n8. rooHi»Uy; H Mercor, berd »nd b^k Btivere; Jun« 8. C*pt H ft McKian y. fwje *lighl; N ^^e^ce^, h^rd pli?Ut; Juuo 12, Lt F M W ?»«*rt, wrist Biijsht June 15—Jm DilUr^s V'oun'iecJ:C VV 8n>i»h, hip Revere; Vf Bra^Mo. h?.ad B—WcnDdqii: 10, -S M lUrdnjrer, aria Blight; Juiio 3, J38 Jobnsjn left tl.ig’» so»‘.t3. 0—Kill -f’: V.nj 10 G W W O Niobolson, T H Pe?hlf3. »T P Fl ’lHr-3. tight wra broke; C'orpl G II Fleir.ius, ie^t *ad tw« fiofiiers h!>u i a-aputi!^!; Cor;-'! H II VVntbinn haad sVtght; Jce • bo* weighing 86 Ibi., mbI so short • disUnoe to om defenders with less oostT There are many bttl** things t would iTie (0 send but the heavy freight diBooura^ea us Money is not so plenty w it wm some timrBipoe. end under the oiroumsUr opB m which our army w, i do think »11 th^ tr^’na should be put in carry bcxaa to the hof?p5t«xl8 fr«« of coat to the Our box W'S not spuf *o !»n iadividnal but to any wtxo ItiS c' !rllol». «, h... =«l t>“ the was f.o'bigii. Yoiirs, rot.pco‘.fu)ly, A Faxexp to 8y.Di8Ra- F^r. TCI3 0>jaiuvjsa At a mnr-iffr of a fsw of of Co p.ee*t N C Troorfi, ^ , I law. on inMioB. r. A. ,'tt -ra; ♦rt lict .vj (’rmr/ j'in «nc H ii- B rjkbeao ooc-'i! *ry. iuc foll.^iog irc»ir/y.c EJ*»*-rH htnd -Hp'-;; M O Eil'sgton, I^gsnvcrc; .Ichi ! nourly tspro.^ itO or a . pr,!.: w .-n .rm hr.k«: .V.av 12. O.h J vnes W. H.U, vrho fcU riortdl? woj.i led la the lao ruins abundauco The Icni-in Greeks wonld not • c-j ol course tor “party purpose:-.*^ ium build thn tc"'p:f•’ whi’h ♦h-'ir birbarie cuotnics | aujwrr w;is pivpn, so satisfactory that '1*^*',''’ destroyed; tb. y aiir^^cd t'"c rums to rem:iin a** j fJon \^as dropped of the injnr'fs wMlH they l*a-i \w this diioiumu. ’s t i l',.:ivc I for vcnp’Oac ! f i (:■ thi’ ■ rueiiii^'i- lu Uii r II ’.Till b ■ 1 \ 10 huvo a ruiu iu t^. .I'ftV.'ult t •■ cxT.ict a '"iin or . Vt-r' b Mr. ilcMin nir.ees his fricn*'..^ Ifo either tells the truth, or he ■loos not. If he tells the truth, M 'ssrs. Alfora, Uo-orsaod Jones reprc.sentat-ives, n,) d dttici'vo to be discar fed by the vot-ira, be- c;iise Ihev saw m.'a sq-.^nd^rins the p-oplc s p-.o^ortv, kud make no ctfjrts to stop it. It on ;i.p .-.rHf'’- lIoMon tells JO uotn;t’-, fren vlic;ic owe It «>* Hiu;*' rem n«l:r sutioro^i; n.' ni-.ff' arv Lr' TM ii. ’i' als .1 L.' ■ '’I almost 1. p.iK.ai C-. .. fai ilv. Ind •I ’t •. T.C I u^f^K'^^Mdon u p-o{.^s.ioaal politi morafrc&ii-r ji’ t‘:.-^ r,i d„ ijwojin;: and hymi- j ci.,n who enue^vors to rtf in au iiounrablc ofiioe, Hating as they are, i.s invari-i^ly ip favor of cur j ]^y .’iH‘;onorallc m. ans and falsehoods. c.iG^c, The y:inkec3 m.;y find hikewnrm Con j Vunce eiitore’. on hi- oiiiciai caic*'r, fedcrat '-u* U'.o" I- ;'vi t:\v li.'h'.nd tl'LUi. T'n | t - carrv on the ir>vcinipnt as econom- !i>hf ot is;-;.:-’-nMd’ l -zi-- laerorips is ; t>o-^sible.' Oe snb:uitted t^ie — whrh V tlie ofticcr.^ hvl oy law the ri_’ht to l'i\, ra:i'»ns‘'' ;o ihe pr?por department, aud »he j ' crv nble Auditor, Mr. Phillips, deei'led that the j (i.ivernur b;id no mor*"* ri^rst to deprive the olh- i ecr*. of the priviL>jes ijiven thoTu by law, thau he bsd Iu tike oway tkeir puy. J uo Gov'eruur takes t-.'\v ii.'hind tl'LUi. I 'n n»id ' I’zi-p: faerorips is '’i_ ' -h i; t ••. 'i'i-i re . 0 - row i:: ; .T 'out? r..n ye, n f'r>:: I •;!'i ■■i ujjirtyr- ■i-i, .i aior,^ 1- i vi i :Io\V A •It’ nor fho on'.y 1 ’ : i .-1. "•■ T-- a.:,Li' i; a new lin- i'; ■. ry do:u ii'-'Uiri o%i rv ratrioti> .1 'a vo b’'-it?> An-’ w !;o t’lar l;a-? seen eun i vcc t '..‘t ;■ r.>>blt : > >.•1 our vvo- mt-Di tl;e [,1'^'h V .v?ti y.' ■(■;! they rc hetrsed th'’ outraeo3> t ttu-.r vis 31jry of them had uothvni^ klr, absoiutt-ly notLini% dvM a grain of corn iu the bin, uot an ounf'cs cf meat in the larder, uot n chick''u in the poultry yard, not a vegetable in the i;ardcn, «iid yet they-spoke not of themselves, but of our soldiers, and '■PH:ret:ed their Is.'scs, no- for thom-;?lve-), but for the sake of the liber-ititii,' ar;ny;- aiiu wh^'n they i^i l, they dii sa? with th.’ horc: thpy li3-l -J '’li-'i: :o c .r, calrar:- . . f .‘’i.-v ‘ r “ : - - i ’ri, ] It j R'vrs, Tnariii'Ij; .* J W.-'n am broke; .'ay 12, Cppt e W J nes, kn»>c 7'%in?u’; J W Foriaf-r, hand «liyUt; W P y’j.UIng'?, nrn: rflV 'te; -Tucc 1, Ens'jga Jpo U&mraord. arm BCTftre; June 3, J D Spe.*»in, botii thigtia l>_KiUc‘i: M*y 10. t/orpl ^ S VVatncn. Woundid: S^t D J Stfw^it. sboulder p>vpr€; Aaron Bul’er. facp sliRht Woucded. M»y 31; H P ‘^oviugton, urm aUgUi; Juro 2, HiTiiu Joafa aud Ja« No't;’i, band sliga'.; 3. OiT)t Colin Stewart, h«.K?; Jan'? 16, H ACwop- be ), t.:;^U brat.-^; JtJv Wniium'o”, »’T3 Blight.* i:’-V, oU! -le.i: r.Uy 10, Corp! F Usry, foot sc-rerc; 8 T>>orafii'On, Rnv. . noi; V? G J.'lii. ;on icj? flight; May 1 J R Kiiuto'J, baci; sltatt l; Jur; 8 V» o, Wo'^l, h^ad Ju2P 15, Lt il V. 1.h .ad; Jon*h M-sl^bse, tbi b V * ; ^ i hr.t* I J a Aikcnn, H * t sl-.v;'!.*; C. »'1>1 w K Dulin. leg I'bf-it. J. .'Hr 10, :-'ol Ll'J/bbS, bcui 0 —Kilict?: Mv JO L> S: u a V/uku’■ J; C. rpIJ 0 he.’.d I* H'tif, J Q i-)') h.it^.^t; Jao HoJ ' r. foot fS’ff-re; J *'i i.r^j oT-i*. ; 12, .1 *) J h>^ oa, RUf' t; J Maudcuhi.il, f ioo. K'ii uiJ ?'' J ■ I. >vvn. J • H 0-jny. Vfoua co: P F Uurp.ds. i->r - V *■- ^ mi- uV.y—tliPd t'8 J1M ; J 'J B E P ;J'uu> x H—’.Vcu;u:..: 'ry 10 Lt .1 N M Nei’'. tl^Jt; C. rr.P* 51 ■ ’•• ' ‘■■4 ^ C G*U^f, H.rn‘\’-^y ‘-l-i, o B'.ifl.i!', !*?(. Kik*;j;^ajv I, S ‘; J u e •>. I • ' ; £> ' •; * I—•.Voiiuus'': 1-, b": J I i. \ •:fcovi--^r '. j K '.Li-i: Tiiv 23. Jto 6^''.il. id: L."^ h.- ',t.7 .oB, : 'vi d’i.r’H; r. ilu ' 0T>, leg b- vecc; Xho^ G r' Lex I I tiliKv t; Ju:.® ’J, Vi K L: c'.ai? . : ob.:^*: C P Jor: ■. I >%:t ‘■lu'ui; u_» o, J j > i>ai.;r, fcc .T’ ; Jar>t if. i VVt fpeli. fiiJ" bcv.ie K—'-Ti iiu c ; r\iv .5. 1’ 'J G r el>h*; '.i-7 I '.0 !/ A R n », ra . a' t—’ >,i 2 . "Irj; .'i i ' jvv !. h Hy 1- L' .) .'i ' ■ j 1 jk-u. ha..i b1 Pat. .d iv .V S K j J lO Fry. 'eg Jan ■ L' .. II n I b il'pii: J i"c '.V ^ il c t r m * f: >l J ::a 1 >. Is L f- ( Jlines fi/bt al Plymoiith and eius-J died. Wherf.s^, ii b-ih p^ccaei laii to vi'bom we are v..-3tiu-d to bow r,ubaii6*i?"’y. piDi r wnni. we l>^-red .*n i vhow w.i m.Btevar Bj\* R'.'t-oWet, Tliat iu •.h«» of Jao:**8 w. H'.U HUNTER’S ATROOITIBS IN VrBOINIA. I PA gentleman has kindly permitted us, says the Richmond Examiner, to make the following ex. THl POSITION IN OEORfllA. . Since the fttmies oo our front left our ohain of defences »t Kenucsaw Mountain, there has been tracts from a letter received by him from bis , Ufflc lighting!; i-rd really Ioor s-kirmishing lhau sister in Winchester, describing the atrocitics ! ^3,1;^!. 'fhc menny er-utiously ppproach and committod by Hunter and his army in their paa- : carefully occupy their posilioDS for batteries and gage through that country. This is rot the fir?t 1 lines froro '^'h^ch *0 op'rT»to, wit'* much eafe- in“taace that the people of that ^^.llant old town , t/us po-oibif; to lhemn''ivP8. On We'^lnesday, hare felt the merciless venjreanoc of the oowavdly I they occQj icd the hi'ls on this side of Vining, and barbarous fee Nowhere has the enemy’s ■ aad » -n r.r tl.f river a.s they seem to deeire lor truck bceu marked with yrf-t-.t. r v.-> vaudirnm, and nowhere have . Vel;'.-' protected poople been uixv jut'.ic despoiltd and iiiSuUt ' tl i i*: Virginia. Yet her r> ipio r*Ti.di 1 t shaken in their devoti >ri u i;iit sent a spectacle thi^t ! •■(' 8o i e. Ij in the war. Thcr.gh thnir houiv^:' . ,i Tion anu .J Hiid -un- ;}y ri-bbed, V: Iley of to ind uu- !. iiod prfc- H paral'el ro overr'in leocntof f uih, that j r '.’2 ivi-’i rerfci?' i i O .1 ( J.tMir : f,^rd!v ■ J a •'V*? •- -UU' -» i.u t'lc.u ucsr o.’.’ii Ift''- >" ■■.V-re I'.'t to be piMeJ, r).e 'pco}4.- of ‘le r"e--y ' ■ ' : r* - ' ;i?ttl:u!y li ovita c'j.'U a ttii’iil Ot joy, such exultact happiness a=> ••hf>y revpiled, s’ldom et;'rr» into the eour:-.' r af or li.iary liie. :.ni ihe phib?oft’i3i! ! uker ou v,’t il h-ve usk '-i whether it we-e not uorth whil' to l.uvo the yaake'? lor -v -bj’-t f.aie in crdcr to cajcy ’'le pleasant fl-;n>ation -t ni it jizu Uov.- evor, it r.'.us* l»c> ob;:erv>,J ihit the deiiyh: of the inhabitirits A'as njtably heightened by tite reSeciion s'an’ry dead yaak' ^^ lij stili and stark Oil :^r:.‘2D -lores 'lutsii^c th./ to'.^a. an-d that . ; ;; J I-C.U ' ’ on ;vr the wro3tT= v. lii^,h tacy had sutier'jO. Afi —'i V.^ 'b nt ‘ ■'in ar iD^‘ni3-»nJ vicu iiy, 15 worih reeordir-g; A swsgf'ling vaakec, armed with an Austriin rifle, wi-» -ioea to pa«s en old ^en'leuan’s hcnse early one luoraing, eraisint; h-s way towards Rome, '['he old man wao infsrciod that the yan- kee had jmt gone by, and that he was all alone. Re says either patriotism, or the devil, or some desperate thing took pos-session of him, and ho vowed rliii no one yrinkee f-bouii go b}’ di' Loujc. lie had npuhfii rac, pisfo! or pjo!:jt kaif mounvii all OHth to carry out the );iW, not to muko, or break the law 11 Mr. lioldeu _-.huu)d t y s(,mc 8tran;^e ebanee beooine (fovcrnor, he will deserve iui- peachment if he illegally deprives a public oflicer of his eompensatifc. 5. The Progress creates a fa)-' itijprcssion •‘for pirty parposc-s,” that the oliicer.-4 draw ra tions, A.O., without paving for them. Of course he kjyr>v,’i .if! the.s« uit^ le-> ar» boujht at ifut f-t ronr c6o and rhurijei. The Sra’«’ norldai;—the tr.s p.ayer nut a cent. I 'i Til-.’ .th’cr.s ■’. > u*iW f”-j--,' for hors's ' t all T'r.S t vi, ^' r.i ii’itiicnted by *‘'0 A.l- 1 ;-,i u '.. :al i i r.' . -n^-'to ilie intjuiry rr.a''.' by t l i!d Ir;-.'':!r j;or'i .'1 Wn^re. 1 - tMay. .lo i llv'.i'n sr i ih'' i' v'r "lu' - liur*; known ■ '.?. ’ ’ (* ottie.'rd htvc n- v'rr even j bou-ht rcitijns from the .''tate. ! 7. G-n I'owie had no li'-agreenieat wrt!; ('rov. - \ ao'.e V'.: rric ■■ijr.-./c" tjU -;;iL>a, or about t}»e j etnolu'uotitrt uf any oflieer. See his letter in to- j i t ■‘■4 p ip r. j ^ We h»i*r that llol k’U “ lr.iw.- fora-.re,” from ■ tiie Stare in fhe -ihap’ ',t' v with whi.Ii to tec 1 his pri.itin:’: pres.'’ TtiiaL of the people's molajis^s being used to print eiectiouc-rii;^ .jr>.'n- nieato for Holden, tiokctei for Holden, etc, eti? ! ! •Oh ourrup- s‘ViIfederate.” ■J ' ■.,! JS. Saaderr cotitractcd t») deliver to the ;jtRto goods at Xova Scotia, aod to recivc j ros.a bonis ih paymetit. Sanicrs deiuacded tlie ■ 0! s'^ '^!:.!0•\•L ucUveriug the g'oJs. (lov. Vance r ;f laed to comply, ard S; ndor.s say.s Vanee broke ‘be coiitract, aud cluimd heiwy dama^e^ of the One w ek ago Holden in hii pat>’r sided w'th Sanders and dacides that Vauce broke the con tract. lletiien, while a candidate, rU!cmT>tj to sai Jle on thi state a heavy e]«»im which will more than the emoluments of all the officers for years to euiua—Ra^-ifh C'>nf' hrate Hupremi Court.—Opinions of the Judtrcs ia the folio'-viug Cises have bjca filed; p£.\ii.‘'ON, 0. J —In Ll^yd v.'. i>arhapi, l^ iru .'. 1 O'.'!?.; ; > d, fc il :-li?’.i; •II, l.-sc a'vei'j* O MJirr ti, lb- .‘j flrvcrc >rv^SilV£; A rtgltb; it U'O'f Hi l A L £8ti4, n i »how w*T rui.Btevar do7^0"e. of Jaoi«*8 VV. H^ll ,e h^ve lo.t a friend wiios-; pUce in cur hearts can ueycr be sunpliel. K-s g-iot-’e au ‘ winning ofporinu'-’t Vi« fthall a'waffl rcai?mb3r wU’a eff'-aioa minglo I »TJth 8r»cfnc°s ft^d gril^f for bis ohd^ Reaol^ed, Th.at re tender *0 tuo famiiy of our treoB.**-- ed c.jtnrado our w»rjic9t Hytnpiithy in thalr ead borea c- D-etil; for dp^th !*■»« letnoycd iroui ciro’n* oofe wt?> m » ntnber rcrisoicd bo^'or upon meia, and wao lu hitt E\.->ral cIi -.vActer ntd 6taU;uH uibiia. bft aa ex*m- rle \.or;’:j of 1 aif■!’.»* e. ile. atvc>’. T. at wn 'Tculd bOl rutruda .’[:on tbo BHcr }ue?) of t ie'r rncf, we roti'd a ill deai.c fo weep Tfi'tvth n; ffir. 1 7 d uiii i‘'**'«t, ^>Vur (b«> eirly prAT“ of our re t a-'iv Goi w.‘.> !:as pr^T.iHcJ 10 oo'ar.'rt ihi'-o t*.-*?. lacuia, bf' ihcir c ~y i‘; tn ; ..lour of triS.1 su I Ilsao'.-; 1, Tn-\t '>iH i. r!y w>r. oa* ii>- )iv-3 ei3f3*-« «v.d Lif? UuB.It pocinei to itrob vi'h the B tj.ffc. injfuNrp, tind we ere co;ti'or’td iw th-* b^l ef tbat h"^ exc'^ii’p i (c ■ sjrTows, tfv^ub'eB 'ni tri»is of iti d u4i,hl i orb -.1./W or Ue august p.*viliou of a^i - ' K^solv T'"»t 1 ojp7 irf rj~o'Mtioas be ssp.* ( 1 ’■? F'>c‘.'»i»i.’.B Ol'Berver r-n.l lUiicboro' IleC'Tdc?’, lor pv.bl-ca*’-a. 8 K.- n;K,(JKME\D, THOMAS .A. FAUOKTT. VOrt XUE CCSCHVER. E.illci-Icf>i;vu'’j, in at the ‘V^iicrn'3e, en ' $■ ' I Oit)» Jiba C. 0*iue9, o' Cj. F, 44iu it y-. N ' Kirkiauu ■ Li gik.» , “O'l dou 0.' ;Ii»e • ol- J-«ioci L. s, t»f Moa’jo^cry Conntv, N. jc.. fa (he 27th ycir of bi.i 5453. ' Mi:* Ilep^u''ea' h’-d b;M*n r^!: -’*cafter l“»v>p(rcLar5eJ ■aad c»rrLi'd tli» eac:.j’'H ^ork.6 in g^lliDt "tyio. a'’d vi letiri'.'g i.apt. G^insa w%> killed b/ a n’Utiio b’.U picr- oiuc bH h'j.^d. lie on'ered e ee'^io? iu M=vr. t 18o2, as l‘H Lieu eaani u! the comp^ioy. Thioh he cad a*«f'i3t- ?d to rui-'a l>y vo!intee’'ing, aad ijpon thedealbof Uapt. D. D. Il'^vrry, wt.ie’i ijippcuoJ shortly aft''r tt*r Goopvty was org .nii'd, be xfiiJ promoted tbo (J ^ptiincy, rhich po-’tti >n he h:lJ a.:d cerre l jra’lantly up to the tiin« 0^ bn djitb, w th creat ao-Dcptability to t'je ?,roD*,ut. From their batteries, which are s'tuat(i on very high and comri.ianding positions, they shoot chclb prcmiscuuusly over the blali a CDi; the river, though tiicir cffeci ha.s becu tri fling th'18 fir. Sherxijan siill ir-asses to our left, aid thri.'ifens by fiank to displace as again. It if 1!» to Kpocalatc on his prospective m.jvcaient« o” hi.'’ nppurent marceiurcs. The heavy demon- ? rations in (ho dircctioa of Cancpbcllton, are uct F*JR Tau r z . -irL jjjo Nj 133, helt* ■j Ajhi*lorr’. Il , J .1/ ‘iih A I) r’G*.. he Viror8>’'-tul M..ei :• ih%l ihie Lj'cf h.is lost one 0. it.: j we’s hy iha '.**ath •r Br.11 herO \V->rtS, A lj-t^l '^. C C* a!ry, wko ^cll * ;>w triM'i N ■'•••'' of ii-ijtinood, w i!-' in f a-'cuit t'f tbo -i..'rnr. frjrrt a ‘ a'l ni -.rii'g n?4r r^in s., n?f senior oUicer« and bia comn>an1. pj'jgessinsr !»ri'l en- oniy a foif eot??!!’* prrv Pin to hi? TbU pTfjruiol oi:c j their eoiifi'^en'je aud adic’r»tion tj ttic tullcst f the mO'^t uobli a..-* o. • ?i. la \ f-'rn .'i-., n iije j j lie wra % and ^all.nt 3oM'"'r jrtd n>tliit;,' 1 iii» «.rl-nt iov' of bis* o nnuv iniuoel him i.i iti-.ai ii»( ! H ■i-»ic*. f;jr hi-i pr c\*l."'m uaal'U W2'i‘1 ha»e bocu a utlio'cid exoue *. >f li; uaa aiiponeJ tn Bliriak .'rorj dij ;■■; i-d e i frieu la b*.l grei. luis^lvin^ LA . -il J u, '.utijn rou'.J fii! i.nl;r t*»e cipofHrA of aaup I i'‘; hii' ’i“ W-1S t vfr r.' t-ii? r- 3:. •,lp&'3 d'sjh.'iv;. af i i.;? uu:ic.-J pro'iipilv aa 1 ivisf«C!''rily to bll ccn- sol lii'r^ . f bis C > :-'n*-U» pro»ii‘.-,n .'o ' ; 0 1 low IP ho h«d ja«* b*r* r . -i h’-r • ■ -. i.rj.jtn-T' Thifl - ••Turr-.- i ilB i 1 . 'h v (if NI f ’'--.I '^h.?rC' ;»C!> 6 C ■! '' - 0..D i. t(I f l}r-.R B c'. ^ 'o.- r, I . ■ t. I I H15 ' J 11 ' . wn ,1 ii if r*'~:;u i-'-. ij X-' •; -fivf t' :*»e I • I;-. !il I y ,, ;■ in ' ■' > 1* H* 'Vor.b. iT^ I r-' stf ■ ,, ■ t ' '. Hh> - , - r i »-i. : - J ■? • .'r. I ihiil it •r-. s ! ■ ■ tV-; > .. • .J. r.' 'vy :rom lie nti-i rar;, or pjO;:jr =iai;t. 1'>1l ' /1 . • , ^ -• ■ • u 1 ■ i '-'•» icr , J'idzuion' reversed, venire de n .vo In mounViit.' ms hori.', • -1 \:j pur. uti. b. uiT-I,1 l- 1 / • 1 u li ! . -> ■ '11^ . t.ai'.Lic.’' vs rcrebce, iro'ii L)avij, errD>‘, venire upprotty nctrhehal.u'-ji.-r;‘o',,s»r;i-i^'er, I . u 1 the L -rd s .A'o :r u-:- r.,- • ■ V- •. m.-, " ‘ " V ner a' o*'*.- i'-!n .)*’ 1 .-^V i u.-i.iVr 1 j ; e’U vii. Jir.ct;n:.r a .-a -■ •jt ttie ri-! ,.,l 1 tuo'P strouel? Cf-Tneu?- hbip, —I a’ w?li: ou e-'e- n h • » yr *6 tv - l-y -1 •Sc- ny‘ It L ririu-'f ' f', •> H g---- 1 til >t *> J . •■'it iU : ; -j- !. -Tjr. V Un~ - r ' rti.j t J-.' •I br ! j ■ ■ !1 ! i tJ iV -' ■ c: \'i . .lai V • V u ; » . :b**re V f iH. , , anJ ; e 1! frietil- r ■■ Iher, .M' t;*c d o;.r -n L, ■'V-.'tC I Li: V.f i {-'1 h TI' . f *tii u»; *•0 ten >'!■ [ J br.tber, cn" l ■ b?r 17? ! wi^. ! • ? U ? , c •! V. •: IV. k' -J .r syrup v: jr%y tbi*t IvE *! y :'\ fr V 1 this Ii- f:' 0 V '.^i : .T I*; in tlsii t r := *ri»vlegl cf is f •^.eir a'tTj-1>( otn-'Eii' g lu^- o'-r i -. wiL.'i i lei'j tripf ii-sol'’CJ, Th»t ta«a« prv3f-»dia^d itip widir of cnrbr.' .'icr to tK (^b- perT'r with « t.qinsf lia the P’-'sh” ri'-~n Cjpy ResoiTed, Tfat ▼ ■ we»r i;ie a i;»l t of ajournJr;/ (.r 30 d^ys Pt:"J.\MIN MOFfllT, V7.-.M , 1*. T. J W Brows, -Stc’j. P. T Fon ran ouhkhvkh. P.iebft- j T It ;.an. ' o. f} j.5 !i X t’ iv iilict mr p ! rMh'n V'.l. n »> c" day n gat J.^n ITt: A' ia» • ,c" o>’ err!'.; 'o b;* . ,‘'o of pic-i ho u^: 'err ^ It the lie ti ’ 1’ ■ vhiM !• i;i«i ile Fr ,{.• y-.., , I i'(* ■■ 15 V -> ,J,i ! 1‘ '.J tii. n ■d h ■i w utes — hill ner a' o*' *;- •=.-i'-'u.d j ;-v. ? u and ol hi.: r;»ie it the s\ilju time. Siys man as h' Lojk ic, ''i? r. ba:ic'd *• i’-.-j.' it ehootr' “Ves.” “Well, it’s all n^! Wiil Ik Diixui.. I es. v>oii, us all right my friend—you are the dog f was lookiacr for-—’bout face, and he marc* d him nine miles witiiout stopping, and dudivored him to our soldiers. This incident is literally and strictly true. .4 ’ " Vr 1-J ! e’U vij. air.ct;n:^ a ,-a-■ ■■1 the i ;d In Ujjj.;- vj. lijb'Ttd, from (Jloavclirid, io c.{U:ty; iicirs a-’' law to cxccat'; doeio, iVc — i.ijionce i-T aujjua*. of rv.Lts aud prrhts. in Sanimey vs Patton, in equity, from Buncombe, dechring plaintiff not entitled to that part uf land ia del'endant’s hands ari-iiag from sale of tan yard. In Patton vs. Patton, in dffuity, from Huceonilc, decrce for p'aintiff. In Worth vs. y-//,TO'- MinufiOurfJ /oe.~Wn ^Jiay, in Cfjuity, from ftandolnh, bill diamissed I with c mts. By I’.vrrLE, J.— In .'lurfbison vs. MeXeiil, fr tm (!urub.^rlaiid, affirminj; ti^e j .11 rr;.-;nt. In •V, alk.Tvs 'Vaikcr, from Orange, judgmout rc- • verdvii t. id venire de novo In State vs. Vdy, Iroii; Lin'*3l j, .;o crior In Smith vs. N. (!. 1{. Company, from Macon, alBriuing the judg- • ■ t. Il ili'dori vs I’hast'dne, from julgi-jnt ».‘iir;jLijd. 1» I'l'mmo):-, vs. Frih&y, III !^!’ne(‘• .lb-;, ju &jiirmi.‘ j. In SiJiiih had tho plea-iure ol wirae.‘«sing yesterday an eater- prisQ rcc'^iitly int*'i)'duo:3d Jiito ou*' ci^j by '^ur energoio and Tl■•r^ev■-ri.•.:r citizen, (Japt. Camille (iir.ird >y fins •'oturp.^se L» no ie.ss than a itncin^* f.jr >he m^'j’.ii.tu‘uri> of ice' It is the iDvcr.ti.:,n ot .*1. tjurae, >i j',acce, aod is of proiueirjs ice—the ‘.no now at work -•• ^ ■ •- t'lt! ti ia;" B . or •■A I JJS -h; ■'/ •). t 3 uf t'l ■ - 'J: V. • ■ ^ i; i- =nd p 'i. VO -.1 u tae cjttfi t? ii-'i:. ctii-. f. •iduicn OTarii ti be t-u y 1 i i ' .0 .4 c d ; QJ .‘I.- i;i • f. I n ,, giOTlJUi 0-.UK3 Maj our l033 ho '•is •'t'’*nal f' .in. A PnivATB J',’ 0 C. ;i.5rn Rcq - foa Tu;2 on.-iEavRR. KiJ’ l, at the tiiuioof thi> VVjLior cso. tLe 5-h capab'o here—. manu ,. anc.: saw th- it—’ . day ’n acid -1 aud aecad ; and iti'ca’s machin t era'•I'.i?-' —A ' Hi t* c u I* rn a;,: ; oi' imr -.; crila), j.i.i I ■* •-Craa}, a?i * * -i. n-(* arj-:. jui:>va*:r;t. ajarnicJ. In o:JUta O.jly I . f! (1 I from Johnsto-i, decrfe ;.»r plaiiitif}' lu icv, m-i i.' i,n ,'i hot j '^•'^•^ne vh .*laij.c:t, ia _juity, from Ohatiiani, do- ,d "CKS ot •1 r tv,f. d eal’irit: ^ -m 1’ • t > i)r> jutaetu e a n’l-nh i . .•.>'inf-;d inti at* rt l L J'.lti ft ut ih; 'ils ber of ieac'' ^ to tho aejor. l ' ' '-t. , ‘ V. -- ." ii ;>-I- s ..fii>-e it iiieiiui T r’-m- ‘.pOi tc ur> vj m ^r,er su-ta ried ar; i bill dismi-scd lu Hrigga '.s. Hof .yji, iu i'."{Uity, froi.'i Gah on. order re in W'^ilkins ’•uie.i In 'ii.u.i-; i,:ij I''t in.j’i^Cuio’i di- Ivri in pert. [ iT'i Jor ' ii.i :icr jC-, '' ' srom itut'iTf r 1, order ;'iTi in equity, fro'n Barke, plain- iH .'at'ti-. i u .tIuto a-i u imin!s‘.rator. liy J.—In vi. Olive, fioui JoiiQ;t.>n, afhrniiog tho judgment iu Kcavc8 v.h. C'.Kirubar^i, iroia Or.*ngc, jadj^mcnt reverted ar.a V i!Tc ucovo. fti Woouiord vs. iliglv, ir ui Lineo>u, affirming the judgment. In State v^. J;rake, from Havie, error—judgment for the • -te i!> Srato rs S»Ki, from l»avio. ro o’-r>>- ?. f^«^‘-rson, from Clay, drmurrer the -U't ol 1 ;eO'lii:.... 1, j- >j..'.:rd»uied *i 77’ - amon bama ■ ;*'7; N • . Vlrgit^iu =; V .'»;:f)7; S' !It ^^ ^Arkan.^.i', Floridsl,liU . J/r. — ;; who i.a‘» lost al) of hiB largo estates, and is now a refugee from his home, wasi, a few days since, aojouruit.g in the County of .denwether, at the residence of Mr treeman son, H is deei(.:.l (Jay, -.i1'-r to w'l-*- rfcCfiv. rn*r(,;» ‘ risn .1.1, ]hn,1in,j n Tre. —Some vrr s .-"o .1 IT ^ . ' ■ d . ji'.'.'! v: if'ij tl;o r-d ‘ '}*' oo-. ... '■ " ' '-cr re^>lv>.-I .1 y -u!.'' .-urr::' , (}. , if, „ ^ ^ . , -V’ ^''Jiiurrer '^usU'.ocd and inf.);luation fjaashcd In -'IcIv't V' Chatham, difliui.sii.a vVi equity, frotS \ .dkiu, dmmssmg bil! at plaintiff'H costs In King vs. ^McKinney, in equity, from Surry, dis solving injunction. In Crossland vs. Shober dismissing the bill. ^nooer. i . . ■ y 'u.'T.:d to t'.ie . , . ,^1 'I '' r [■'’ ^ ‘ 1 tree near tite ^ said, ‘'father f wish you wuld bo-d tbpt for ■ wl Lar^.e Diouhnd.—At tho meetingof the Direc tor“ »;♦ N C. Ilail Road, on the 0th in«ta>it, n dividend of 15 pr. et. was declared out nf the oarn- (d ho lload for la^^t hall year (mdint; 1st dun ?. fin ilivid^i d "viM be paid as soon ‘>s tho Prcf-i •.lent oi th« i'oriipany can succeed in receiv\'fg the l'!t)'^h -lUo tho Ci^mpany by tho Oovc’'nrneut. JSo/thbiiri/ Wfh'c/inian. The Ci 'jpA.—Tae wheat crop ia made and a 0. May, Caas iJH; im. r:i iCob rla, C.3 il, ->th Hej, N C Tr. o'-., i itl'e ‘.iitn (■•ir of !.■« ngo ilc.'^ater-d'he srray in t .•?! r;?vii*g f 18*,1. for tir..;».' rcoaihc 'i tbo tzp'-jition ‘f :h4 titre l.r ,'r.'rr.ptly v.'lu^i'cpj'. d fonhc w."r t f r ; iscr.,,';on-.in cvetit Iji d if ,e i a r: d 83i 'l.r, ;»K£ iC.'ilo'i on F?c • ne f.f ihc ■ '; ’ r-.vt-iy by iben« ir.jLf' i.tiT. I a.- tier • Li;,a he rc- ->'..vc.i a '■ i 1 p M'. 'v re in t rk i;ij fj.juJ j y e pr- u'Uy t; ua- m ni y u; ;r -..Ha 4T r •is hr-. x% C 'in'T, I. .1. t . . ‘ ti- i '\r rt 1' 8 i ' . rer"- rt ! ? Kc , .■, v; i;y ^ l.ai" i ' ua’ht f f.nr of :e V-- ur ■ i,'..- v;o y J, V t ; '15 r- , rc.-t'd’ ^ If f T da-y, ;.'.d c ’(MS (■ tbe iiti b ;{-f:'! i il H'j 0 uQirv vf.:' f.-'-f ; /r. . nv-i .iT; r-i-.. l.c w g fi.; '1 »y Tf « n a Oi'u •a '.♦'illy. Tti'.-s h 3 T-'m: r - ■''-tnoorc ; Kt houi'! tnd ! i;lTC? b ' u?Vtr t i. rpti te.-s h id o l Iv st^'i.iiog •, . tiicftti ;ie i q!) c:i>trc I i., lcs.^.1^ ! ii • g .. u :.>';cl r t it ■ i: ay • 3 l;: . | O- >.t" : t y h.,: .,v-'v. I c ^rmy. rnd way ib y ■ p; ’^.■.t tiic'ifrh hie o f- ' j, II (Ill f ai I i (ft ,t H ! cf O'lr lies (' ’ 'e 1' vp. lUtl l.v,^ k.t tae r ^ it b-i -d of Old; be f'jicvtr Jiubhed V .orv tOt- ’ •- i TO’Cv. ill • > wi'l I V 1 ia of %^r «M FOH xna or.sKi’.x i:p,. .Mort-,'!y T-oua ■ d n-ar!;cli Va. ;a Moar^av 11-’,o « L t!(it i*.id t'led the a x: ovo. inj^ jn one of the 111 lii-hcrood, Li r.i J.mes CMvia 0fr?0 F, (Scctoh P jT M g t„ -n(hc28tb yc»r t f hiH iij:i ji-;i,v5 O -*, of lua first Vj’untcer cowvNf.niea fcjru^'d i.ic;>ruoi:d c.ntr. y, niorp than tbrco Velars ago L.:d' r ih-' of the laiaeicn- y who )ic,s bc.Mi lab'-riojr for s u e Un»« ia tlie 1«H, Tvi., he Tib other; of -is corrp'-.,.y Kir.de a r.ubl-c pr ness.on cd f^ith la Carig* md w».a n ceirei into wLat >9 oalied the ArmyChureh F.-rly thia ppri>j-r ^«d a fiw i^.’cksbei r.^ l.isdOf-tb, 1-c with his hr xhcr Wijtj,™ now piiscn^r, were reocivsd an meta».ers 17 cf Laurel tlill CLurcb, with which his pir -nfs bavn I31R been eonneetei. aewto kin Wr T-»ned by a fricid -f.oreprrts c-^lro r.nd p«‘»cBfu!, aed'rcadv'to His frie; d tl^o had Ins hody hroujrtit fc.-)mo,‘tiad I -ic. I', nr.w rrs8Mi peace ia tbo f*o,ily buryinp 7.”n„7d I'e vsp vronnri: d t’r^.-»frb ihs borr-fp, *-v . >> '-1 nhct, or ry one of t*:e eneny’a Bbarrfiooo'ei-H He i fp • ho wr.up.'e.?; but i, ( •,“„! hr." tae rr;. . nt var, and a t:,ird ia now a pn.onrr ;n t' e 1 .nd. cf the euoniy 5f,y Q„d T. ir mi ... ^ ^ j it is, both in quantity and quality. },.^j ,j, .. , ' ‘ by, j 5' par'ixl dr->u.rht, ii ?m fcarnd, will cuL short a )urse not.” •‘Yon fmi^ » Oat cfop. Corn is looking I I t^nd so it is hut the chmch bu' has attacked it in in;ir!w iLeta ui}(!ei* tbeaj pad tris!a. course With iM'. tr.^rc tKiH hrcr a tiino vhc-n you eoall nave bent uc ;-.t ydur wiJi; j is too lute now.” Six hundred yankoe prisoners pa^ised throuch MxeeiiHDoro, ou Saturday, eu route Sooth. bug has attacked it in many pk-cci -icd is aoing mater'-tl i»iOiage during the prevailing drought. It is thought that a good raiu would swcrcp these‘‘yarkce" marauders away. Uarden vegetabiea have suffered much from the drought.—jtfj&on Chmiclc. POU THE 0H8KRVKR G(.r>t'emor: We V.ve fib. fe;, wr.l.a oem out, ^■y , \ '-aiKi^'r .ea .lf r.fou/ w.m .'ed Puffer iBR Hodlicrg, jnd our ho^rt3 hare •obed to t’unk they tfho .Id want for aajthinR trr i,?„I Wa r-r-p^r^d a box .»oc ,-dit>g to dircotiODd fil!. d’7ith-aes ho-v-v !b.m.r,d.;edfrud. and r ,d it ' From L»uri'burgh to Wilmiagtcn the freight wfe * potind; at Wilmington ft was put on the Express'' (raia to Raleigh and Ute freight vss tweatj dollars. Now mj 9h}«ot ia wTiUag Uia it to UKioir*, w v# aoi ^ fp 'r. h*.* Irr H.h lo.; on' O' i.« i' ve-.t ta . •‘••1 clti;'i », a;i' t,*'« ■; aairy • V'i”- ■'i- i^'.T.d-r, »»uo?; M->^1 i'ftrDifiPy ■nul»'l h ii hvi con I Uf JO ihc fcli.*r cf hid oo'i ..ry, a c'lrioc for ..-•I T'e aud f.'O d iS: ('h; ; O pi crJsrint 1; ■?*.'shich '-i' h. a t'.'. I’.Hy •> tt>%tf I. .ut y c )iu taou', 1 ti’VK- fr%’'s of .•L'rAj'Cr oal v..u the ti- f :*? .J i *.! i.l-‘i;i .n rf -.Il if .0 k;i ;’r il i ’-irV * i .4''.lMy, ni-i (ird. a pair'. ':isa», hia firtnutss **i J d^’ciion clia'AUtr, hn procip'.itude io ?*’»■ d.r^ ctia'g’ 0'FV»'fy du;y, wriv:k'.i .%5 •▼e l utli-i-il, gtrc j-ro.-’iiri'; of I;f of u-^c.'u'.aes-j !*. id euiiaoao'’ Hi'i i H! is H publ'C :*l»m!ty, i-d v lic^ j. TrLcie cctnry p'y m urn h.s ipj o’y wiO '’7.T ’i»? iu tbr hC'^rij of hii! kiT- dr?l au! c .nairy.n‘rc. a’jib’ fjal y a-, a tni’iyr T r thi 1,'rn Liberif. Pea e !o hi« \ Fk’esu JfOa i'UK OiJSS;UV*K. _ 11 thg V* . r-rivatci ArcHib.-i’d ! Poarce cf Gj 11, 4 >ih R?g* N ’ T , in ir “ 321 y*ar’f tii-j a^o Tas !ec a-edwM s. kio I nusbiad, uu aff ito 'ttb» r, a.ii fjr fcvsra y^i'S a n.iT'-'y meia'.er of i‘ic li^p'i.-t cjuroi in .M.'*)ro J .sjty He If^vee ^ wiJor wi.u iiT’ scaail ohPi.-ia tp nijii'Q cis loati Fro'n (he litar of' .i/u rm tii’s Army—We h id the pleasure on yc-tor lay of sjL-in a gillaut yf-uag sddier, wh j h:;= j.iS^ returned from'a'i ad vea;urou3 trip i j the rc.ir of Sii rmaa’s .Vrmy >uv iiold a-.d aivonturvus trion^ i, .* S. »i M.'K'roith of the I Itb Tonas Cuvalry. Vount McH!re.*t'i in lii^ trip visit 1 th? vicinity of ilnue r .Ki'i \ail-y, a:iu utucr plaocs ia tbe eiieuiy's liae.-'. lie r»rts t.i^* tii;j o.joiuy every when uuro coiuoiiiliug greit ou:fag._>.s up):i tii3 loya iniiabitauH—cspccully was This the caso with Hlair’s Seventeenth Army Corps, who were do- Sjioiling the farmer.^ cf thcii wheat and s;ock in every direction, and otherwise planderiag atid maltreating them. Iu tho vicinity of Kingston near Murchison’s farm which he visited, tife iu-. habitants were being lob )ed of every thin"' ot value thoy possessed Many of them had bjcn hung up to limbs of trees in order to force them to give up what money or othf*r valuables it was supposed they had coucealcd Ouriog Ml. McElreath’s short stay within the enemy s lines, raidiiig parties were visiting the priucip d farini to sccare the wheat as the farm .r.-j got it out, a«d to seize what corn they had. All the stock tliat they came acro.»s they kiilcd. Tnder all this barbarous treatment our iuform ant fcays that the spirit ot our people there is a.» de termined as ev^^r before la its loyalty to tho South The women esp.'cially exhibit no sign of yielding to the vandal foe; on the contrary, while they have to endure, they bid dcfiancc to their vile op pressors. They have to submit, but they scorn and spit at the thieving vandals. Atl'inta luicUtjeiicerj'dth. M’>re Testimony —Mr. Ilolden has been de- uounciog Henry Walser of Davidson as a “de structive,” because he supports Gov. V'auco. Mr. WalscT replies through the Conservative, closing his letter thus;— “I sec but one othor cbanco for Mr. Ilolden to be made Governor, and that is to be appointed military Governor, for he has failed to be made Governor on his secession principles, and he will c{ually fail iu his Convention scheme. The one montioned is, therefore, the only chance left him lie now denies that he ever advocated the calling of a Convention ior the purpose of secoding from tho Confederate Government. Has he forgotten the morning when ho informed me that the news was dark aud gloomjr, that Grant would soon be proprcd with an army of 200,000; that McClel lan would have still a much stron/^er force- and that HurnMde would have nearly the same num- bcrj that cach division would move on the South at the same time—Grant down the Mis-sissiopi McClellan on to llichmond, and Burnside to Wil-^ mington; and that we could not have suffieicat forcc tJ meet them, and that the Legislature had better call a Coaveution and take caro of herself aud the sooner tho ^ttcr? U. VV'alskr " ’ From G*n. —Rev. Thad L. Trov arrived here kst night from Gen. Lea’s armv and directly from Cooke’s IJrigade. Mr.* Trov left llichmond last Wednesday moruiuw. Cooke’s Bn>do had been in no regular engagement since the 15th of June, though occisionally exposed to the enemy’s shelling. The Brigade is now sta- tioned li miles south-east of Petersburg tood health aad fine spirits prevailing. and their fire.sides at the mercy of an unsicrupu loua foe, that whole country has giv'n up its al- | iiuji'*;.tions that he intends to give battle there, most entire male population and sent them out i H'u strategy h*5S hitherto evinced an unusual with arms in their hands to aid uh in driving the 1 c-. ircyrdncrs in the «’ispotiifion of his plans for invaders froro our soil! See iu this iustfiTice;— '■ t le ctr turc of Atlai^ta. lie must neceesarilj ar- while a brother ia in the army, gallantly bftariog | rmgc bis movements to engage the attention of the fortunes of tlic war, his sislcr writes him us | our fivnt during a few days, ag»ir-%t bis feints, f(dlows of the enemy that s.»rrouud3 her: “Hunter, finding it imposfiiblc to vttuqii.'^h the men, hp next tried the woiu^n a^d thil .ria; but finding them as chstinatc ss the men, hw r.;V7 reeks hiti vengcance on brick walls and bratc-.s. When he first took command iu tb.e Valliy he eaim very near being starved out, for wl.'’iicv r ha pent on f’3r provisions the reV)elB would fi 'd i‘ o it, attack an'i capture the train, no m-.'tter how lurge a guard they had. The rebels always twne prtparod. One day as the wag m train 'va=^ p'-.HS- ing tbrcugh I'ff'wton the Confcderatf.« fi*jd )r. the train. Gen. rTnnt.er scut back andbsd throe hous^j burnt, aad i.ssued an order that if any more train? were fired upon by the rebels, houses within five miles around should be burned; aftorwards, he changed tho order and contented himself with burning only the hoiises iu the im mediate vicinity, and oompellicg thnso within five miles around to pay taxes; and if they were not able to pay ia the right sort cf oi jney, ( Yar^kee mjucy of course), to hold ac cl'.so piiaon- era until they were able. “Oae poor woman living near Strasburg was iof'ked up ia her houso, and thon the house .set on fire, and tho poor wcmati kept there until the hair wa* scorched c;S of her head. • It then be came too hot for her persecutors to stay so near the burning house, they were obliged to let their victim out. 1 could write upon tluntor’ii deeds for a year to come. I suppose you know Seigel was sapcrccded by Hunter bccau?c he al lowed a handful of rebels to defeat his veteran #rmy, as they arc called. •‘We have nothing but the Baltimore Apicrican to real here All er« anxiou=ly awaiting the time when J..CC will come and froe us from the Yankee yoke. General l.ie«, however, will rever find this Valley as be leit it last summf'r, if he does not comc soot»; only a hon-e here a^’d there wiil be left to toll where oacc a flouri^bin.' ^own stood. D.iily prayer .meetings are held around .nt the different secos.'^ioni-*ts’ r?sidot;c‘‘S There a rcp?rt in town that the Fa^kees say they aro goiui» to burn every ho>«s! io wiiich rhcae p"ay r meetiniTS har? boen held.'’ nii; '.v.\u IN The Mob ia liagistjr mtkj^ the foKjvci-jj^ esi- tracts from a private letter ji^t rcoMvod from Hrig^dier General Hawthorn, of Gifneral Prico’ • army, to his father in Mobile The n’w.i it gives i:? interesting, becauie authentic: We have had a ghrious campaign on this side of the Mis.-»issippi this spring. General Banks ha - been ut orly defoatod in Louisiana, and driven out of the State. General Steele, who had pos- ses«>ion of this town for about a week, has been completely defeated and driven back to J^ittlc arrttipu •re badly vrhipped oud *'ort. fie. •1 the tri- we tiie i came I r»«ip «rn adly demoralised. Our little army has performed wonders. In the short space of six weeks they have marched seven hundred miles, fought three desperate bat tles, killed, wounded and captured twenty thou sand men, capturcd thirty four pieces of artillery, fifteen thou>.ind stand of smtll arms, twelve hutidrcd an i fifty wagons, five thousand mu'e.- eight gu.abjits, aa J Seveatcjn transports. Insides an im'ue.T3if aruodnt of qairterm-js'^er’.*:, commi.-i- sary aud ordnanee stores. T.'.-j c n'jvsn is wjrthy to be compared wi:h Xsj 0 co.i's first cim';aigns ia l;.a'y. We a~i' 'i i:, .,‘i and now, 10 raise them s ... fi, co- gbrious new.^ thr.t our pr.us • ..v. i.-i ' umphact ill Virgiuia F m;,i t * a j ■ receive (which are j>-i/‘e fighting there has been s; n. 1 have beou in but o.je bat ^ _ back. This was on the ;iOth of Apru, u. c/enklas ferry, on the Sabine river, fifty miles ncith cl this It was a mx^t de^p;ra.e and bio. Jy lasting SIX hours without intermission. vV'c gain ed a complete victory; but owing to the cihau.'t* ed cjnditiOQ of the men (^who.had marched forty miles without eating or sleeping,) we were unable to pursue the cncuiy any iurther. Gen. Steele .oft Liulo iliclk lor Shrovepjrt with 34 pitcos of artillery and lUUO wagon.*,; hj returnci to L'fc’t lljck with soveu piccoj of arailer? an 1 fjur teen wagons, having lost at least fiVc thousand meu killed, wounded and captured. 1 am sorry to learn that ho aad General Banks have both been rilieved from duty in this department. They were tho most accommodating Generals we have evt r had, aud have furnished us with more gunboati, transp orts, artillery, liae guns, fine wag ons, mules, scythc-bl&des, sheep shears, quart*'r* master, commissary, and ordnance stores, than we could have ga'hered uo in a great while without their generous assistance, lu two months mure tlie enemy will have been driven out of the Trans- Mississippi Department. /Vowi (he Trans-Mismsippi Deparfmmi— Mr. hrank G. Watson, Ordnanee Agent for the Irans-Mississippi Department, has arrived from tho other side of the Mississiopi. He crossed thf» nyer on the 23d of Jano, and brings late in- tercs‘iDg and encouraging inteiligccce He reports th«t all the available cavalry of the popartment, some 20,0u0 in number, had started for Missouri, under command of Gen. Wharton of Texas. ’ Brig. Gen. Shelby bad crossed the Arkansas river with 2,600 men, and was already in Mis souri. Gen. Marmaduke had also crossed the Arkans^; and Brig. Gen. Major had left Texas, with o,000 men for the same State. Maj. Gen. Price was chief in command in MiMoun, and would advance with the infantry and artillery as rapidly as possible. Maj. Gen. Buckner has command in Arkansas; and Gen, Magruder in Texas. The yanktes had evacuated Little Rock. Mi. Watson says that the report that Gen. R. Taylor has been relieved, has no foundation as far as he is aware, and that the General, insto«'d ofTcsigning, was making his way towards New Orleans. Twen(j/-i,x(h Re^imenf —We had the pVaaure last Dight of seeing Col. Lane, of the 26th K-c! mcnt. We learn from Ool Lane th.-i^ bi«. a- 7 ment has not been engaged in-any seri>.-i. ^ fi"n since the 3d of June, and that thU are'no ca^ ualties to report m having oeoorred since that I 26th ate all in good health .ud wmfidant of looM^CWaW iWioi. liilni ?.e .socurc-e his positionci aud repairs the nilrmiJ so i' at he may bring to his immediate r iTj I h railway supply trains. When he sue- o.'iri in cstabii’biDg his depot of supplies at CjfiV itifnt and prop'v places, he w 11 again be gin tii.s advaticea Ihus it will occur that eever- a day must ' Up e bttore thf* enemy can mtke ,i iy a.u . aicc3 on thii city with buch forcc aj 10 ri'tu ly thrcatcr: our occujalion or caasc us to e^’-ior.rtto if ba'tlc is r.ot gi'-en. Our urn.y istlcllant and confident aa ever; the onb bo,)0 'iud wi?h they rcit' rate, ie tbat our (/CM. will is-iuc the order of battle and they are in that mood tbat makes them indifferent whc* t-iev they attack Sherman’s flank, centre or rear, or whet'ier his Uisolect yankee troopers, wore twice the number they are. The enemy this moi ning made a heavy advance oa our extreme left and commenced severe skir- mishing wiih mu.s’cetry and artillery, exhibiting an it'tentiou- to cross the river at Green’s terry. The fkirmi.jhicg has coa inued to increase in in- teci^it^y and fupidity up to this hour,,but without any advtutage beirig sccured by cither p?rty. It ia evideiit that the enemy is making this sudden and persisteut deaionstration for the purpose of attracting attention away from their operations in some other important quarter. There cannot be the slightest probability that Sherman will force a battle in the present position ol both armies. His evident intention is to insist on tremendous ar;illery operations to drive us from our position aud thea cross his forces to the south bank, wLeu fie hopes to divert our centre from its position aui thus Euocecd by fiank movement again, in se curing cur central strongholds. Adanta hUelligernceTj Stk. Oa Thursday the greater part of the enemy’s deiii‘«ii3L’'atioQ3 were made against our position i:: t’uc licigiiDorhood of Greea’s Ferry. Heavy m-i^krtry firing and oanu.?nading occurred du- vir'; the daj’, but do heavy movement was made '■y tho CEomy to march on the position or take il .‘■j ^:i;-aulc. Shcrmaa has sent a large fore* to ui'- a!'* cur kit, and doubtless to divert our at- [ ati'in iiou: other and more important positions. iiH djwa the river ia the direction cl’ Vv : i'oiut cannot bo very extensive or safe- iy ii*..ie. for reasou that if au isolated force vv ij i. th.it direction too far from their depot }i supf-;aa ou iLc railroad, they subject them- .-cIv’ls -o .,rjat privations without securing any ^d' asit'igvd. .juch a force v.ill doubtless be bro ken up by «ur cavalry, who are watching their op''ratioDs. Ote object of the moveruent is proba bly to deslioy our railway line to West Point. Tbe enemy have been surprisingly quiet along tiic grv-aLcr portion of cur lines. Douutless, they arf sv-‘ekicg tor th^ most available positions from vfntcU lo dj^ up to our front again, and, if ne cessary, iay siege regularily to our position, li seems to be a aetcrmined policy with Shorman not to fight a regular battle, but to take this city by strategy and merely outweighing us. Surely the turning point must be nearly reached. A(lin(a Jn(elliyencerf \)th. From i'irjinia.—We are under obligations to Caf t HazzeU, for a copy of tb« Richmond Ex- ;.mi':or of the 'Juh, from wh;ch we make up the oil 'wing summary: ^ A getitieman wiio left Charles City county on iTitlay moruing, brought to Richmond the report that Grau: was li .Jiag forces at Wilcox’s Wharf, Jame.^ K'.ver. Other parties who reached the •.'uy oo i'riday evctiing stated that a large nam- L* r ji transports laden with troops, passed down Le river dur*ng the day. These rumors gave ii-ic to the opinion that Grant was withdrawing ’roiD Petirsburi^: and the unaccountable scillness oi Urant oa Itiuriday night, and Friday, during w.i’ch uoc a single sholl was thrown into Vctcrs- burc, gwe strength to the opinion. Nothing ciilci.ii m th-j w.iy ot ooafirmttioa waa, however, r3«e ved ;:i liiohmond up to a iate hour Friday nigut. uru ds^>ro’ iStute Journal. F'vni ihz AorfA.—Ricumosi), July 11.—The N. \ . Herald ot tiie 7t.ii has bocu rooeived. It says tUit liiiutcr 3 iorced arc rapidly arriving at Har- pcr’t, Feuy to support Seigel who holds Mary- lu d iicights. It is reported that the whole of Ki^eh’s corps are oa the Uppar Potomac. Capt Winslow reports tfiat Samoies seat a writ'eu cha lenge, bogging that the Keaviage not dcpjrt, as iie intended to fight her. riie Kearsage recjivtd yu shots—thirteen taking cff'eoc ia her hijli. An uuexpfoded one hundred pounder rifle fchcli remains buried in the stern post of the Kcarsage. A large sum has been subscribed at Liverpool to purchase a sword for Scmmea. Maximilian arrived at Mexico on tho 13th. He was met by a cortege of 500 citizens on horso- back and more than 200 carriages belonging to the aristocratic families of the city. Excitem«n( in W\i»hinyton.—It was reported m \Vashington, on Wednesday morning, that a large force of Confederates were at different points on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, and great consternation prevailed. The militia ol the neigh- boring States had been called out, as it was ap prehended an attempt would be made to capture Washington!—ificAmonJ Sentinet^ OfA. Attack on Mobile —-We learn from tho Cour ier that reliable information has been received in Charleston that a yankee fleet of gunboats and Monitors is ready and about to sail from New York to attack Mobile. F^estruction of RosvofU,— VV’^e Icara from a re liable source that all the factories at Rost ell were burned on Thursday. The enemy seemed to pay no attention to the protection demanded by tho forui^T citizen owners, and their own promises to prf.toct the property. Thus has been lost to our Cuafedtraey a valuable property, estimated at the least calculation, at five millions of dollars yulucition. It cannot be replaced until the war is o'. cr, and ia simply irreparable. Atianta Intelligencer, J/r. i/t ; ':i »• —Tho Savannah Republican ha- . Cl' ,, t r ‘r)m Mr. Mcmminglr, written in hi.- ty, »s Secretary of the Trea sury, and Qat«d June 27, from which it infers that the statemout thiU he has is nithtg qr oatnw. be Au

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