.ay r .a. fak 'i f.rU-d ^at a Ipjinth fsr.^ut ap- iipiurL- ->ur- fcd JO :.„.i -New \o pay tho |ri-i f H it to d |fi .Kir*- »V4f iinh) 11^ ^-n ill I j^Si SKK_y K R. . THI RSOAI l»K.vi„6; Jlt,ft)7 CHANGE OF TERMS K ,m hen^er b. Mtf (W « year, .nj of tho Semi.Weeklj 815 00 iDdj the ..m, proportiot for .hoMer p,rk>d. th.,. Wuhsroat rcgrel we .re obliged o„„ .nore to .Jva'.v..hepr,ce,ot .ub«,ripu„„ ,0 tke Ob,erver. Bat .or the f.et. that o„r subscriptiou list has .»pplv w.th the h-mted means at „„r di.p„,al and that »e dei>re-,» „ reUet from ,ne.h.„i,al labors which hat-e becooie l„o Rreat for »s_u dimmotioii rather than aL iu.rea^e „0 our U*t. wo would much prefer to reduce prices, especiallj a, ,1.,, , .careity 01 t.,orey. Hut a '.ate. very larn, adTau.e 10 t'le price of paper, which iucrt^ases our e.vpeo,M mail) •■dc-u.iauds c.l dcllars a year, t»,,airf, lie s,e„ It IS fue taat ol\icres|icnses have increased and are increAsinp—leleirraplm- ili.^patches, for iDstunoe which cost ug several thousand dollar!- a year—but we would have bom.> thesi* additions. 'I'he addi- t;oi:ttl cost of paper we could not stand at our old and I'oniparalively low prices. Jri.v 11, 1’'64, I he renewed lighting at Charleston, resulting as usual m the defeat of the enemy, is the onlv mater'al event since our last. A private dispateli froLn Ri.‘h- laoad. 11th July, says, -All is'quiot." We Lave in- formution satisfying us that our troops are in Penn- sylvama, though of what they have done there we have as yet no intormatiun. f’lBLic ^pilaki:«i.—Hon. Thos. KuHer. R«*- pr-sentative in Congress from this l>istrict, was r.n nounced to speak in this place on Tuesday last on • those subjects ot general interest which have re cently engaged the attention of Congress;" and, as hkeij to interest our readers, his consiiiuciits. we expected and intended to furnish them'with a lull report of his speech. Very unexpected duties, how ever. made it impo.«sihle for uh to hear more than a small part cf the speech which occupied some two hours in its delivery. What we heard, and most of the speech we learn, was a discusjion of the Il ibias Corj'us suspension, (now about, .evpiring) to which Mr. taller was opposed as contrary to the letter and spirit of the constitution, thou.^’h ijuite willing .0 vote for such a law if made to conform to the re- qu;remenis of the con^tautiou and if convinced of .1:^ He. css;ty 1 his, we believe, is a correct statement - f h,s position. Ut the vi'.'Ws advanced by Mr. duller in support of h.11 position and as connected with the whole IL::,U{ C ■rj.’us business, the little we heard did not appear tc^ us sound in reasoning or just in spirit, iljt ii.-: we ure unable to furnish a u::wa:;ug e him by h;a ?;•• • —a day ’.Ilf w*! j'lo //;. '.V “A man U known by the oomp^ay he keep..- n the state, a dwerter. a ^iaaflected man. a recon- •tmctionut, a tfitor, ,bo is n„t Mr. Hordrs i>o—emphatically no. oelieve that Mr. Holden is the deserter’: Lincoln a fyend, and will vote fo"r hi acts that he voted tho State out of the old Union, first 7T’ Confederacy, and was the to the \ secure the independence of e Confederacy; and being deceived further by his ofloyalty, until lately, when he ^^ms to have ceased to make even these empty professions. Nor has he now a word of denuncii t>o« against the enemies of the (;onfcderacy treasonable conspiracy, which either has made an arrungement to get “protection” from the enemv or whose object is to make such an arracgement, is Shown to exist by the oaths of its members, but Mr iloUlen has no word of complaint or rt^mouHtruuce against it. What is that to him? he asks. Its mem bers are “the company he koeps." The man who iDitjates traitors into the order—the Rev. W. N Bragg adipiia that he ‘ keeps company” with Mr 0 den, that Mr. Holden writes letters of recom mendation and other things for him, that .Mr. Hol den wrote such a ktter for him asking President Ihivis to give him a Cbaphuucy in a Hi>ppital—a place, bj the way, in which he con!l with thegreiit- ^^t facility work upon the sick Rud wounded to jo’iu his vile band of traitors. Who doubts, who can doubt, that Mr. Holden knew that this man liragg was a member of the association of traitors and was engaged in initiating others into itT “A imui is linown by the company he keeps.' But tLcre is another remarkable case to which Mr. Holdens proposition about the company a man keeps will apply to himself. I'hert is in Goldsboro a law7er named James H. Everitt. On the Mh of ■September last, Mr. Holden endorsed Everitt s views uud ’ in the following paragraph in the Stand ard;— Mauy sold'crs ot the Mh battiiliou at Kinston, havu /xprt.,d u -troiig w;>Ii ili U Jamos II. Evcntt. E^u..of VV.iyne, 'bouli Ir- a (;audid*te in tiii« District. Mr. Kv ritt i.- a joun^ K'*‘ntlemau of tine taleu's and s^iutid view ami vsould make an excelieut reprfsiiUtative; anl we have ao (i'.ul.i that Dr l..‘ach. «ho has C’)u>tut.-d to hi a candidate ouly at the urg- ut s.jlicit\uon of numerous Irieiid.'. would have been pieiised to >Uf'poft Mr. iivcritt." ell. what were Mr. Kveritt's views thus pro nounced sound by Mr. Holden? I'hey are embraced in the following letttr written to “My Dear Holden” three months after “My Hear Holden’s” eadoreeinent of his soundness:— S.C.. Doceniber liJtb. LSo.i. "My Dear Holden: KncloR-d you will find four dollar* fi-r \V.v-k!y .StaadarJ si.x months, direct to NoeiUiam* Smith, Goidr-l>oro'. N. C. h '.rl--' I’armle*? ol' tlils flare hii. .'I'll r»'c '.; ed hi' .•'tatidard tor some* two w.ieiC::: ii hi- 'U'.Krrij)lio:i Iixs eApir-d iie wi-lios to r-.-iew it. 1 h.ive t>_“vu quilt; sick alt tliti 'v .'ei^—ho'V are tiuF.'s now in lialci»,h -w'lat d'> you think of th- c.f the tim-j'—w .'Id iliat 1 cocftd see into the fulur-,- and tt'll VNJi.u t.uie th“ cr.i'-h will come, but coaie it ina-'t. • y 'let ifr can forgtt tht jiig of a n liton tii H f>ro- Ucttd n- and my pr r^trty: and nev^r can I love ont that oppmsft f erton and ttiku my proptrty u:Uhou con- f(Hsj*i^n (he 1‘Jc f'jcto o/id murp* i ^tQctrtnntni of Davis. .Vay K't dtyt be fete, uf.djniy C'lot^er HU nat hit place, bui the plice of /'rendtu: of u.. nL Truly, your Irieuii. JAMfo U. LVEUirT. \V hen this k?tu*r was published, a month ago, Evf-ritt d'jnied that he wrot> it. Hut the evidence was conclusive that he did write it, and that Mr. Holden received it and knew that he wrote it, for the Standard was forthwith rtKveiv^d ax the boro’ Post Office addrt'iged to Xeedham Smith, as ordertxi. M.r. flolden was asked if he had not re ceived it, and answered it, aud has refused to reply to the question. . The inevitable inference is, that Mr. Holden dni receive the letter, and did answe' it, not in rebuke of its infamously disloyal sentiments, but m approval of them. But further to fasten the uuthorihip of the letter upon Everitt, and to show how little reliance can be put upon hia denial, we find in the Goldsboro’ Slate Journal the sworn afiBdavits of three gentlemen who saw the original l|^ter, who are well actjuainted with Kveritts hand-writing, and who swear that they "have not the slightest doubt but that the whole of said letter was written by him.” These witnesses are John 11. P 'well, John Taylor, Postmaster, aud •reorge V'. Strong, District Attorney for the Con federate States. Besides these, John B (Jwen of (ioldsboro' swears that just a mouth ago Needham Sinith told him ‘‘ihat Mr. Everitt did write the let ter.” J. J. Baker of Goldsboro’ swears that— ••;Soiiie time la«t wi.iter I htard Jam.'s II. Ewritt say th it h; did no'- p irtici urly care ti> any lody tiuiig. !tu' tfiat h ‘ would go tirther to se ; Jetf. Davi-, llu^i^ than any othrr man in the world. Tii*^ suhjuct i'll' his ct>nver- .-atiou wa- »he hanging of dt.-.^erlers irom the army." H. F. Hooks of tjjldsboro' swears:— "I h*;ard JaiH'.'S 11. Everitt .-ay. thre*j or four inonih's' T would never voluiiieer u ider “uch i tyrannical (iov"rani;at a-‘ the JeiT. D'vm iJoverumeat. 1 would jM- • them i i hell ti--st. And il Jelf. Davis will pay me lor my prupjrty aud give me a pas-^port to Na.-^iu a friend, and vote for him accordingly. ■ nopsis, wt* are ; 'innieiita apuii n imp ;ia-;ce, as in a few ui.>'t**r dies by luni- e Lu t liitle ... si-.y .ibont it sinee the law whs paasvti be^aiice. thjug'.i i'ppo?ed to the sus- p-et:sion aud ;‘-gard*„g it. wiih the lights before us. as UDDecessa.y and iikecV i.) do ii.jury rather than k'CK'd, our iuformaiiou was necessarily .Uiperfect, and we have quiKly as,cut?d to tht* law made by the’ people's representatives and counselled our readers tu do likewise. Mr. Fuller, stating tlie injunction of, ■!et, rvcy as to the causes of the susponsion to be still •n ci.stence, was unable to strengthen the lights ^e- fure u*. and we see no reoaon to change our own upiiiiunB or to doubt the wisdom of the atlvice wc have given to our readers. As to other matters of public interest, Mr. Ful ler IS of course an caraest advocate of th« cau»e of SoatLern lndepenu«nee and of th - r»-election of GvV. Vance. Both the Governor and the President, Wc leara, were haadaomely complimented in the course wl' his spc^ch. Suamski'i..—In the course of a long Editorial on eiecticn for (iovernor, in the last .Standard, Mr. Holdtn says:— T:. • i- W'ur >r Pei.'e, aad L K>rty ai;ain-t Derpo- !uF» iijv. Vauce and ii'iS buppjrter-> are not oily in f.iv. r ■ I th*- war going on, an l on, and on, aud not only to n*'g >tiatioii3 fur peace unler^s they cun be in Ih'ir way, wuich is the way i oiuled 'Lit l>£i'.but they are O ivi* in-n—en- i/'jrT', f hi-r uJaiiiiistraliin^, and tcr'i him in every es- par*;' ular. To vote I'^r (.i jv. Vanee i- to futiorse i rv'iieLt Davis, and at the -aiue time to encourage the I ‘it the war with all its hurr-jr.-i, with no ear- n>--?t ur ''.elermiLei etf'jrls t.o -s'- 'p if by neg')liation=." Iii.; vv.jiiid be laughai'le ii' it were not false ar.d hu-. i'.su ; 1.-5 V.'-r or Peac e.” I he war is ipjD anl u}.,n U;> uy Mr. Holden's own vote, ile ha'.e !iu tnjre pow.-r and nj more desire to pruourc p -a'. - '.'aaa - jov \'uuce has; and he knows N .i'i;er has be, o. can he have, any more power to preser-.e i.i.oerty and avert Hespotism, thati Gov. ^ ancfc has, and he kn /«c that too. Mr. Holden knowr alro that the only way by which peace can be obtained is the way pointed out, not by Presi dent l>ttvis, but by the Constitution of the Southern Confederacy, which .Mr. Holden voted to adopt and has taken a soiemu cath to support, and which he publicly proposes to violate, by a pretence of get ting {K,-ace in a Inode contrary to the (’onstitu- tion. Mr. Holden knows that peace can only be obtained by a treaty concluded by commissioners appointed by the two yov'rnm'^nts. He knows that I’resident Davis has three times distinctly made overtures to the I^incoln government of his readi- n»B to enter upon negotiations for such a treaty. He knows that Lincoln utterly refuses to listen to tii*y proposition to appoint such commissioners. He knows that both President Davis and Gov. Vance have made both eaniest and determined efforts to stjp the war by negotiations. Mr. Holden kii'iwn all this; yet he is so bent upon getting into ofTice that he heBitates at no amount of slander to e fleet hia ambitious purj)0?es. If .Mr. Holden cxpccta to make peace otherwi.se tiian as the constitution providers, he must expect to du it by a bario and cowardly snhmmsion—submis sion to Lincoln and his abolition hordes—submission to the loss of Liberty and of all the property of the of the State, except po.ssibly his own. 'I’hat of his followers, as well as that of his opponents, would be needed Ut pay off the yankee army and keep them from going back to raise riots in the great Cities of the North. If the people of North Carolina are not prepared for such^results, as we tioow they art: not, let them vote against W. W. Holden and for Z. B. V'dnce. I'onnicH IN Bbcnsvk'k Cot .vty.—-A Bubscriber writes to as from Shttllotte, that “If there ia a Hol- d'-n man in this Fcctjon I don’t know it. I have no doubt that iheie arc inf n her*- so blinutd to a sense of patriot^Mtj as to ije led off by Ms delusions, but they art i.hn •’ ,jr .:^l!a'Pfcd to uvo - ” 1«kC . 1 s In a r ’ ^•Vestern Railroad '.0 t^ypt uij l utfsaav lasft, «c glad to see that the growing corn, with the exception of a single Hmail held, looked healthy aud proiaisiiig. It ia late unaJil t»at loo^ gr«ea aad Ikrifty. he hell may take ‘-he .Sjuthern (?onf>.d'jraoy aud go to with it " John R. Smith, Tax (.^Hector for Wayne county, swears that— •Some three* or four months^go, 1 heard James II. Kv-ritt =ay, -By I s.'iy, I had ratli^r live urid-r the 'tars and strii) 's than to live under Jed'. Davis' Govern- me.'it, as it i« administer d.’’ Such is the company that Mr. Holden keeps. Such is the man whose views Mr. Holden pronounces "sound”—meaning evi'lently sound Lincoln views. And this man Everitt, so endorsed by Mr Holden, is a candidate for the Legislature in Wayne county, as Mr. Holden is a ;.andidate for Governor. Are not these facts, proven a.^ they are by the oaths of several witnesses, and not even denied by Mr. Holden, enough to make every patriotic citizen of North Carolina pause before he votes for any can didate who keeps company with W. W. Holden and J. H. Everitt? These men cannot be the friends of the (’onfederacy and of the United States at the same time. Everitt openly proclaims himself the enemy cf the Confederacy, says he wants to get out of it and to live under the stars and stripes, and Hol den endorses hiS views as sound. Let him go, by all means. I-ict him take “My Dear Holden” along with him. But for the sake of all thit is decent aud patriotic, let no such men be allowed to till offices in the Confederacy. Foraok,—'I’he Standard copies from the Progress the promise that if elected Governor Mr. Holden “wiH save millions to the State in the way of forage.’* jSee the article which we copy from the Kaleigh Corservative, showing that no forage at all is issued by the State to the officers. The I^rogress however could safely make a prom ise that, if tlcrU d, Mr. H^den would save millions out of nothing. He will never b' called upon to re deem the promise, for he will never be eltcted. Crops i.v Rtchmond County.—A letter from a subscriber at Mangam, Richmond county, says: “Harvest is over; wheat housed, and the oats generally stacked, aud exccodtugly good. Com Ik Luiiig laid bjr, lookiog Sue, witb plmatj of nio. W ittKMtk eooM oofion' em WEB wei eage «pe iiiU h» 8oek’» Turn Fraud.—The Standard baa palmed off upon lU readers a pretended “Exract from the Journals of the House of Commons." We denounced it as a “fraud,” there being no such matter in the Journals of the House of Commons. The Standard ia silent under the disclosure of its fraud, which is little 8 ort of forgery. It cannot pretend that its extract is to be found in the Journals, and yet is unwilling to give up the advantoge secured among those who are ignorant of the truth. A Hakd Hit i’LEAsA.NTi.y qivkn.—Mr. Jas. H. Everitt, who wrote the letter to “my dear Holden,” is a candidate for the Legislature in Wayne county. Alluding to some of his sayings, the Raleigh Con federate has the following sharp paragraph: • Mr. James H. Everitt eays—“If they will give him a passport to Nassau, aud pay him for his property, they may fake the Confederacy and go to hell wi’h it.” Mr. Even t ,s health is bad; bis feelings towards us are worse. _»Ve are in favor of giving him the ‘‘passport,’' alid pay ing for "his properly,” but we are opposed to “going to hell with the Confederacy.’’ for when we get rid of Mr. Kveritt. we do not ui.sh, for oin»‘Ivcs, nor for the Con- led* lacy, that either Mi 'uld cvir iii.'ct him again.'' \ . Montoomkrt Poutics.—A letter from H^rris- ville, dated July 6, says:— “I think V'^ance etock is gaining every day, and Hol den is loslug in proporl'on. ■ Yesterday, being our County Court, our candidabes deolan d themselve.s. viz: for theSenate, IJJ-.J. \J. Crump, V ^ince man. aud Thos. J Br'glit, Esq., Ho'denite: for the Leujiuon.s E H. Davis, Vance, and Alien Jordan, si'ent: for Sheritf. A. H. Sanders. J. C. Andrews, mid D. O. Mc.Vulay." C/Hi.NK.sK Sl'oarCa.ne u.vkit kor fket>ing Cattlb. 1 ho following letter comes to us from a friend at Clinton, a highly respected gentleman.and physician: Cum.July lah, K. J. Hale Sons; I ad.hi sti you this as a cautio’i to ilie public, on account of the general cultivation of tho Snrgliuiu aud the danger to be feared from its use in soilinu: cattle or a.-i green food Si'ine tight or leu ilays siuee L. Hubbard Ksij., gath ered tile young suckers, as they are called, from his Sorghum aud in the evening when hi.s cattle came home he gave it to them, ot wtiieh they Bte fref-jy and in one htur two of the/n were dead niid the third he thhiks would soon have been but for the introductiou f a tube in the side by which the meteorism was relieved. In a few days after tliat Mr. L U. Uich near here fed his cat tie witii some of the suckers from the same and next morning on** of his cows was dead in the pen, Capl. Owen Holmes's family saw one of his cows leap the fence Into his sorghum aud she was promptly driven out but ate enough in a tew minutes tu cause hor death. On yesterday C-olonel McKay's fence blew down that en- olo'^ed some sorghum, sweet jiotatoe.s aud corn. Six or eight head of cattle iielongiu; to .v.r. A S, U. Powell got in the tield aud two of them are no» dead These were down iu the lield when found Thesy facts are too pa- U‘nt to need exj.lanation, and wuen results follow causes iff such rajiid su^.ve^sion it is plain that there must be something in tho sorghum detriiueutal to cattle. It is very strange that norhin^; w.ts tbund in the minute analy sis of the plant by able eliemists, at t'>e Tatent olHce to lead ti> any su.-ipicion of it-, use as forage. It nmy Ix? . aused by the sugar itself taken Into the toLiach W'hile ail tho elements tor rapid fermentation are pr(*eent. Yours, ij. MORE FIGHTENO AT CHARLESTON. Prom the Charleston Courier (Extra) of the 10th. At an early hour Saturday morning heavy and rapid mscharges of musketry and light artill.'^ry in tlie direc tion of John’s Island were heard in the city. News was received of a severe tight on John's Island, and the eheerlng announcement made that the enemy, after a hard and stubborn resistAuce, had been diiven from aU us positions. About 9 o’clock the following dispatch was received at Headquarters from Jolm’s Island: I- If enemy, who was expecting mc.atday- ngnt this morning, and am driving him at all points. Wo nave passed the lin** of vrorks he occupied yesterday. Uur casualties heavy. J{. H. UoBKarso-N, Brig. Gen From an ofHcer who participated we learn as follows: Ine enemy, after the previous days skirmish’ns', had ^en up a^ut 1^ miles in front of Bnrdeu’s Causeway, they had thrown up a very heavy lino of intrenehmeuts, w-hich was strongly fortiticxl with artillery. The force f ®nemy behind tho intrenchnicnt.-? wasesiiirated at atout 3 OUo. A deserter who came iu said that it cori^ s s ed of nine regiments. About daylight our forces, un- fer iitto. Kobertson, moved forw'ard to the attack. (Mir ®en steadily and gallantly pushed forward to tho sDomi- ing of th« enem/s position under a territic fire of mus- artillory. In leajiinf' over th"ir works, many Of the brave Georgians were wounded in. the head, breast aud stomairh, principally the latter. A desperate hand ^J»nd encounter also took place behiuil the fortUica- loca. The titrht laiiteu about aa lioui*, the enemy ffa\e way along the whole line, and were gradually driv- wi back to their second line of intrenJinients, Lehind burden s Causeway. During the tight the entmy were reinforced by twoiv- gunents of infkutry. We took but few prisoners, the fight being a most ob-tinate one on both side.s. Tlie rauaketry tiring eea.s»;il about y o’clock. The artillery tiring was kept iq> till towards evening. Uur loss was estimated at about 15 killed and from t)0 to 70 woxmded. » Y T 111 i. k o k a 1- h . as PORTS or tfk pbbsh association. KK'>Ki.'i.L). Samuel 1. I'hillifV'. Esj ,thi- excellent Au- liitor of J uhlic Aci’ijuiit-^. ha-? re')i‘_^netl, anti is acandiilate for the House of Co:iiiuon i:i Orange. Th- vacancy will till.- 1 by tlic C >uacil ol ritato on the IVth iiist. SiAUtil Iti), ^ \t t!io rc^idencj et .Mrs Stt.-p’aen-'. iu .Sampson Co'.mty. ou the iJth ia-i., i»,- t . J.ioper. Mr. J.\Ml'JS ■V HI I fc., Jr.. uj Ml-*-."sL-S \5j !iO\ .\LL. d'.tugb er ut the itj Johu Koyall all ot .Samp'ou. DlKl), Near.Wytheville, Va.. on the 12th inst., in the 70th ear ot h*!- age, Mrs. J ANK LK, daughter of l>avid .y e ot Hjckingham cjuuty, Va., aud wife of James Kyle ot thii town. The announcement of the death of Mrs. Kyle will be ^c‘ived With sincere sadaess au.l r.-gret by m my friends I this town, where she ha^ resid. 1 lor the la.^t 4o \ears Haying beeu bless-jI by the goal i'rovidence of God with ample mfans, her life has beeu marked by a singu larly zeuiOua altcutioA to tW of whTch was snowa not only in giving of her abunda.ice, but also in Visltiiu; them personally aud providing for their wants. es|H.-cia]ly in siL'Kno-s an 1 during the inclemencies of winter. .\t liie sams tiinu h-r charities were so di.-i pen•^c^i as not to encourHge idleness and vi.ie, which she did not fail to rebuke with a fearless decision p eculiar t-> hersc'lf She w;irt for many vcars a Communi' ant of the Kvi-^- o.pal Church, enjoying tlm resp(H-t auil alfcction of* her feUuw members iu the tjo.Jy of Christ, uud gave alw ays to her 1 astor in his w >rk am >ug the pjor support an«l valuable ar.-iunce, the loss of which is now deeplv de- plor-d, .May He that •■went a*>jut doin/ gojd.” by His gra- ciou.- .Spirit put it int > the u.-arU of mauv to*follow the exaaip.e »f her rharitable hie. ' ,) (j In this vicinity, on i.ie l:ith inst., THOM.\S, infant son of .Mr. .James .\tiearn, ag-d 3 months and 4 days. In the \ii.i’iiiy ot LaK .' .iiy, 1 iorida. on Siturday June nth. EDWAta) J JcJEi’H, intent sou of J. aud •M. J. HoJp.T, igjd ^ mmms and 24 days. •'Thvy are going, ever goiujr, rje-ivi')^' tua ly a lonely -poi. IJm wliii hasciilled tacin, .Sull-r an.i torli.d liiein uoL' Coin. In Walcsuoro', May Isth. Mrs, C.\TH.\.liIN;: LILiJy, widow of th,* l.itc Hdmii.'i 1 F. Lillv, uged years. On th ; 2Uh June, at th- rtsid .ucw* of hi- I’licle,\v. A. Kai>on, li-q.. iu S.imp.-M>a county, D.WJD ii.^ILv’ ML’U- l’H\ , sjn ot 1*. Murphy, E,s| , aged 12 years. At Fort Caswell, on Friday morning the Sth of July 18»;4, in the lath year of his age, DAM EL WHITE MoMtOE, son of iiev Jolin .Monroe of Uichm >nd coun ty. In his illness tjf two months' duration, the Hymn commencing “Jesus, Tliou art the sinner's Friend." con tained the prayers of fiis soul; aud the 1st. 2d, Vth aud Will verses of tlie ylst l’,^alm afforded him unspeakable consolation. iN. 0. Tresbyterian and W'ade-sborough Argus ple^e cojiy. in Cheraw, 6th April 18rii. at the residenca of her son-in law.'Mr. D. B. McArn, .Mrs. CllAKLOTrE V. C. Ht"NTER, wife of Capt. Nathaniel P. Hunter of Florida. In Cheraw, on Sd July. CHAULorri-: (JREE.N’Ul*. infant daughter of Daniel i'.. and Nannie .McAru, aged 4 months and 7 days. ’ At his resid-^nce, at Mangum. in th ? upp'r part «f Richmond couuty, DANIEL McitAE. Esq., aged about 00 years. Borne ilown liy the t»arthen of manj .Summers, wii.fl altenu.ited muscle, and wiUi totteriug step«. the brittle thread of life gave way. on the afternoon of Junt* 4th, 18t>f. lie br;atii;l his ia.t peaeefuliy. calmly.aud emphatically witiiout a struggle. As a IlittiMg candle sends forth its light with irregularity and les.« hriliimcy to illume the ohj-scts around, so it w’as with the aged father, whose death we announce. In his earlier years he wa>i endowed with au indfmiitable spirit aud great energy, f'ut at last his body and mind jjave way slow ly but H irely, to inexorable time. Ea'h t ifort too truth fully told that the next would be lo;;s energetic than the one just previous, until life ceasid to hs. In his death, another chord, which f«mnd the present generation, and oiir present ptru?ele for indepmidence, with the far past, tho tir.st revolution, wh-'n brave men did mighty deeds for Freedom's cause, is severed. Mr. .Mcliae votel at each I’resideutial elwtion from the fof4ndation of the old government, except for the -Father of bis country,'- down to the one which caused the dis ruption iu I8C0, bufWas not permitted to see the inde- pendcuccof his beloved South, which he often expres-sod so much concern aliout and in who.>»e cause he lost his only son. yet never saw cause to desert. He leaves a wife and one child to mouru his lo.ss, but not without iiope. He joined the M. E. Church in the F.kll of and oftrn e.xpre.s«ed a hope and l>elief that all would he well with him. He is gathered to his fathers. ‘•Oft weeping memory sits alone, Beside some grave at :’vcn; And calls up n some apiril flown, Oh Fay shall ‘hose on earth our own. Be ours again—in Heaven?" Ai.iuv. In Charlotte^ on the lOth instant, Hon. GRF^EN W. CALDWELL, formerly M«*mber of Concreas and of the •State L-gislttture, und for many yi_-ars Superintendent of the Brapch Mini at Charlotte. In .Moore Connty, on the 1th day of May Inst, Mrs. .M.ARV SMITH, in ner TUth year. The deceased was a coiisirtcut m''inlK.T of thft Ha[»tist church for many years. Blnpscd are they lhat die in the Lord Com. In Bladen Couuty, N. C., July 7th, S.\RAH LEE. diugh'cr of T. .M. aud R. M. Smith, aged I.*? mouths and 21 daya This lovely bud, so youug, .so fair. Call d h -nee f»y early doom. To show to us how sweet a flower In paradise ca'i bloom. H. H. VAiVCC: TICKETS, b% luvl Ibift The following dispatch was received at Headquarters about I2i o’clock Saturday; . “Fort PV.motirto.v, July y. li M.—Li^.it artillery ti- apc vith occasional volTies of musketry is s;till b'-ar.i o»» John s Island and steadily receding soutliwards in the direction of Legareville, where the yankte gnnboai--’ are st ationed.” A later di.spatch trom (Jen. Rot'evl.son was received about C oclock, which stated “tliat the enemy waa sup pos'd to be abandoning .lohn’s Island. A lar-;e number of transjiorts could be seen at th(* wh irf at Lc'careville, and men observed pa.-sin,.-- to and fi-..in th- li.^a-. whe’- ther leavinu; with their woundeil or lamlifig moi e troops wa^ uot detinitely ascertained. Our casualties wero tlmated at ahout I»ni killed and wou!Me,l.” \ eiy lew negroes weicen*;a;ed in the light, acci.unied for. no doubt, liy the fac‘ that .;t ^ix o'ch.ck Thui.iliy evening, two reg!in>-!!ts ol black-^ a>siulted our woiks (H>d met with a di^-i.stious ri*puise, 'i’he^' wer*? uHowed to approach within 15 yards Ij -lore our men opened upon them, driving them l>ack in cLsorder and leaving allcast 2u0 dead upon the ti jld. The bomhardmenf of Fort Sumter and Batterv I’ringle has Iwcu kept up with unrenntii:jg :ury .sincc our last re port. i^ajor Blanding, 1st .S. (J. A'-tillery. commanding bat' tery Prin.i,de. reports on Saturday that three shots tired in succession from the Brooke j;ua struck one ot the mon itor*. -\fter the tirst shot t.vo or more Ijiwlies were car- rit-d Inside, and alter the second a thick volume of smoke ro^ from the smok j stack. trom Charleston, via Richmctud.—Richmond, Jul\ 11.—-An official dispatch from Charleston of jpsterdav s date says that (ren. Robertson attack ed the enemy on Saturday morning an^ drove them from their first position. Uur loss was 100 killed and wouudod. The gunboats in Stono River have been driven beyond efiective range of our batteries. C^ne M'^nitor «iamaged. The bombardment of Sum ter continues heavy. T'he force now operating against Charleston is composed of the whole available force on the South Atlaa'iio coast. FROM (;EN. EARLY'S CuUl'S. From the lialeii/a Coulederate. 13th inst. HoKk’s BrigaDK, NKaR STAf>TOJf, VA. ! June 27. | On Sunday night, the ll’th inst.. we lay us down and slept in our camp near Gaines' mill, below ilich- mond, our men weary of lying m the intfenchnh cts. and dreamed not of long and weary marches. Put at daylight we struck off, both infantry aud artillery, under Lieut. Gen. Larly. directing our march uorili- ward.^ liy suu went down we had made 23 mdes. On Thursday night we bivouacked about i miles from Charlottesville. Ou the next morning we took the cars and at 2 o’clock, i». m., we reached Lynch- burg, aud met Oen. McCausland s cavalry coming into the ci}y, and retiring before a heavy force of infantry, cavalry aud artillery of the yankees. We were soon placed in line of battle to pay our c-om- jiliments to the approaching visitors. The enemy j^vanced with apparent boldness and formed his first line within three miles of the city, and at sun set threw several rifle shells nearly into the corpora tion limito. Early next morning our sharpshookrs became engaged, and continued the work with con siderable 8pir»t until late in tho evening. From 12 until 2 o’clock, p. tu., c» ruiivun Briinri^ auet tOOE lace. The effects of these operations satistied the Tankee General, Hunter, that the better game for him to play at would be ruuuing. So during the night of Saturday, the 18th, under cover of darkness he liegan his inglorious retreat, leaving his dead un- buried, and his wounded uncared for. His flight was rapid. Uur sharpshooters had whipped him. (ien. Early’s whole force did uot arrive until late ou Saturday evening, or in all probability a general en gagement would have been forced upon the enemy, which would most assuredly have resulted in their complete annihilation as au army. At daybreak on Sunday we began the pursuit, which was hotly pressed. At ti o'clock iu the afier- iToon the enemy'^ rear guard faced ai»out at Liberty, twenty-live miles from Lynchburg, to oil -r us battle, but iu a few momenta tiiey broke aud tied in *;on- fusion, leaving I'J dead upon the field. On .Monday the pursuit was continued without any occurrence of note. Ou Tuesday evening, the 21st, o'lr cavalry pierced the yankee wagon aud artillery trains near Hanging Hack, in the monuftiiH, miles north of Salem, in Randolph couuty. capuiring i;i pieces of artillery, 15 wagons, l.'»U horses, and upw.irds of t,>U prisoners. At this pomt the pursuit by the infantry was given up, and continued only 'ly tiie cavalry ou the noit day, but as the enemy had gotten com pletely into the mountains, little morv' was expected and the troops changed the directiou of march, reached here this morning at 9 o’clock, and are rest ing during the balance of the day, expediting to march forward in the morning to some unknown point, where we may turn upin amauuer that will redound to our country's welfare. The caiualties of our brigad^i at Lynchburg and at Liberty in the pursuit are as folio .vs; Gth Reg t—Killed. Oliver P Mcl’h rsoa, Co F. tlil- lebrand, D. ‘‘Vouuded: Lieut Fleming, li ib't Ev vns. F: Juo Fowler, H; Horner. K. .')4th Reg't. \Jo 1> —VVounde.l: W -V Wale, R Ed ward?; C. Jqo a McDonald, (seriously;) 1, F B fieisv; G, killed. F farry. ,")7th Reg t. Co A, wounded: \V A Miller, Lt L E Pow ers, E H Weltare; U, Niblock, T’ o nason aud Brown; H, Kizor. arm amputated. 2lst Reg’t, Co A—wouud-i: 1) Linijr; B. W Davis, W A Cobb; D, killed. Nat .Siigijer.'; wo;indeil; H T Har;; E, killed: Ihos Wilson; F, wound-d: Win Beii'i‘t;_l>. A Samuel and Sidu'y Smith; II. UilleJ: E HolleVfield; woundeil: Thornton King; I. killed: L Harrison; woind- ed: TC Mijthews; K, wouuiie J. (i Spingler, J iV Bjioth and S Zimmermau; >1, woumkd: .Sgt C H Wooters, .V II Stewart and D M Linens. Sum total of cisu.uties in the brigade 6 killel and :il wounded. The enemy sutl'ered a lo.vs of at least five to our one in iiie.se oper it ion.s. Yours, &e. Prom E'lxtern Worth Carolina.— We are in pos session of recent reliable intelligence from Newborn, by which we are informed that the late -yankee raid in Onslow turned out badly for the yankees. It appears that they divided and got toge\her unex pectedly, when they fired into each other, killing an orderly sergeant and two or three privates and wounding many others. Gold went from 204 to 235 at one leap, in New- bern, nnd on the 30th was at 240, and still going np. The yankees that came out about the 1st. of January for the purpose oi renting the abandoned lands around Newbern, nave made rather a poor business of it. Most of them have broke aud gone home, while those who remain are making arrangements to get out of the scrape as soon as possible. The 17th Massachusetts was abont to leave, l^eir term of enlistment having expired. The yankees* acknowledge the defeat of Grant up to the time of his pppear n.g before Petersburg, aud none bi l;ovs> that he will succeed there. If is univer.^ally ac- j knowledged by the yackees at Newbern. th-it a fail- ! ure on the part of Grant to whip Lee, must pul an end to the war. The force at Newbern is now verv small—^^just enough to garrison their forts, with a few cavalry to send out, to keep up appearances. Raleigh Coa/ederaf*‘, I3fh. Pine Seasons.— This* whole section has been bbtss- ed recently with fine seasons. Crops .•iie looking well, and the prospect, thank Providence, is really encouraging. The wheat has turned out a mucli better yield than waa expected some time ago. Let all tak* fresh coarafe, for toraly God is od oar side. MdiUiry 1*1 omijtions.—RicBmoxd, July 13th.— B'i.g. (ren. Clayton of Alabama has been made Major General, and Col. J. t'. C;irter Brig. General —each with “temporary” rank, nnder act of May 31st, 18C4. about Pttt-rsburg.—Scarcely a yankee shell was hourd on jjosterday in i*eter^?burg*, although ■somewhat heavy firing was heard along the lines. \ arious surmises were made as to what this sudden silence portended. It is pretty well known that no it.considemble portion-of Grant’s army left City Point in transports more than two days since, but where bound is yet to be known. On Thursday night, there was a great stir along the enemy’s lines— rockf ts g’oiug up, und Bigualiiixu: ^oiug on through the ^^reutcr part of the iiif'ht. As no demonstration towards the front followed it was surmi.sed that the vagabonding Grant with his-host, fainting under the ray,s ol a so'stitian sun, and parched up with thirst, and with l\is men dying of pt-sL’lence, aud with the oatteries that have teazed Petersburg knocked out of position, and with some tidings from the virtuous Xorth, had ftice more chan?.’’ed his oase to go some where el.se, anti try to do something else. Just ai'lcr the ebove wa.s* written at .5 o’clock p. m. on jcsteiday, we heard the nnmistakeable noise of a f^jilit (»f small arms, and parti ularly of musket- ry, going on upon the right of our lines. This sound coiiliuued for about twenty minutes, and then came bi-rsting in rapidly, shell after shell, from the yatv- ko»' liattery, or batteries, which injured some houses, oiit as Ijr as we have heard hurt neither niftn nor beast. Our most abondant supply of water from 'Ourc; s iiinumerable, and impenetrable by vankee shot, vviih a well organized fire brigade, with’all the necessary equipments, ifeep us well clear of loss from fire. At 7 p. m. we learned that a little after 4 p. m. oil yesterday the yankees made an assault upon our line from their river battery on the extreme right, to “Riyes farm,” and were driven back with loss fi'om every assailed point; our men-sufiering little, if any loss. Iheu it was that the infuriated and baf- lled villains let loose their impotent rage ou the brick and mortar of Petersburg. Our once busy streets a>-e deserted; ladies are in visible, and male pedestrians are ‘-fow and far be- tweon.” A solemn stillness prevaiia everywhere, save when broken by the fljing yankee missiles and the occasional crash of some stricken dwelling. The latter occurrence has become so common as to be regarded as a matter of course. This is the 25th dijy of the siege, and about the 20th of the shelling, yet the spirits of our citizens are as buoyant and de- tiant as they were a mouth before Beast Butler’s atta k. W'e often have to admire the coolness with wi-icn a m.iu relates that his house was struck, and certain arncles of furniture destroyed, aud what a iiarrow escape his faniiiy hud. No murmur—no cX.ifsruieut—all is evidently’ regarded as his indi- vitiual share of the cost of indepeudeuco from yaii- kec misrule. Twenty years’ wariare could not break the spirit or subdue the courage of such men. /\f. Rej., >at. 'Jth. The Raleigh Progress is informed by some one who left Petersburg on Sunday morning, that “on Saturday the Depot buiWings of the Petersburg and Richmond railroad, just beyond the Appomattox bridge, were fired by the enemy and consumed, and a row of six buildings on Bollingbrook at. were also consumed by tire. Our informant tells us that at some points the enemy had actually penetrated the corporation, and their batteries are so situated as U> throw shells to any part of the city, ut pleasure. Large portions of the city arc enlirelv luutioiiants. wmie SI otfier parts the citizens are living iu cellars, caves, tc., wlule man}’ are camping ;n the woods.’’ [ i'he dispatches from the agent of the associated Press, published iu the last Observer, were of later date and make no mention of the burnings, &c., above reported. On the contrary, all was quiet.J Frovi tht Svrlh.—We have before us the New York Herald of the 7th inst. It contains the ofiS- cial statement of the disaster to the Alabama, and unfortunately leases no doubt; of the occurrence of that untoward ev6nt. The Herald's advices from St. Louis throw doubts upon the cajnure of Little Rock, Arsanias. ^hese advices are trom St. Louis on the 5th inst., and Litt'.e Kock ou tho iWth uii. In its money article, reporting liie tratwaclions on the ‘J:’d in>t., the Herald says: “Gold was more steady to-day and some business was tfaOiiacted at inc exciiange, wluch was deserteiTby the sp'.'‘i;uiators after the p..ssage of th‘gold Oill. It ope.ied m the nvorniug at '.ii'?, b-.it vlie majority of the sales were mad,' a .'^ieriing excuango 2(!d a 270." We see little in the report.s afxiut the advance of the t'onl'.'dera.OS under Jiarly and Ransom, exce2>t that ihe Fedcrals are in a big splutter, and all Venn- syivania is exciied.— V17/. .hnunal, 12/4, Aiiifthtr Xaui^. for tha R>AL of Honor.—We call the special atteniion of those interested, says the .North Carolinian, to the fbliowing liberal ofler, ittt'Je by the President of the Eador iron Company; The families of soldiers, cr widows of deceaeLd..-^oU\iers, who feed blacksmith work done for their lariEf, are in vited to Si.i.d it to ihe*r.ud ir Iron vV’orks, where it »vill I' ■ doao for .-uch prices as lU jy can afl'ord to pay, iu caifh v"-t ailo. h i;;-, car;uot a!lv;rd to py, it will Ikj done u. e ot ch uge. fhobs who cannot atford to pay, will i'f ng a ce iilioate lo thut etfcct !roni a Justice of the i’eace. iV. 6. DO WNER. iVeSident L. 1. Co. Julj .»ih, lsi:4. t'Ai }j Tji K'v itlAllKJif.—fjuly 14. KtiVlE V Or T:13 ;»I.\KKc;T ' '3^ yfl 4 00 10 4 j.’. F .rP. 2 50. L^rJ $4 to 4 60. i t (•') >0 H 50 .;r pjuad, tiHil bvrnffn o 00 Bji‘ert> 00 c ot oa I bOio id (j.»itce 10 00 tj 12 60. t'o'.'on '»’ara—18 00 to 35 00 p^r bunsh. 0 •ppe'’a^. ret.Tiil $6. Drici Fruii 1 75 per lb. j 50 per djiea. fcx ".'i'.t Lc>5»co I 6 00 »o 8 00 per lb Fi u —Fami’y $D?5 L^cprr $175. Fiuc $165 F. .^^ lea 8 00 tii ' 0 00 per ha- 12 50 t‘)15 00 Hr» 12 60 8iua'e 12 S(f, QraiD— ora $26 Wh9*t$30. Rye 20 00. Oats (10. Pe«ti 20 00 Hides—Qree'' *2 60 to 8 60, dry 6 00 to 6 00. D-ar.—•'w'deti 3 00 io S 50. Lenther—Upper 16 00, Sole 14 00. Liqijors—'!orn VVhifekpy $46 00 to $50 00. Apple Br&nJy 60 00. ‘ Mclaaaen. country made, 30 00 to 35 00. Soda 6 00, re^»il. Nails 3 50 4 00 per I'o. Oai ius 20 0J per buehe’. Potato;!!—Irish 15 to J20 t'us'^; BWcct $10 to 12 6C. itio« ^'5 to 76 Sugar 9 00 to 12 50. —F4''iily Bar 2 00 per ib., Toiljt f 00. Spiritj Turpsatiae 3 00 per )t»Uon. Fkyci:c»iile 4 4 Shep'i.nrs. t 40 to S 00 SaiI—SjIct by ‘..14 0 > t j 25 00 p™? bushel- Tail'.vr 3 00 i ) ‘‘i 60 Wool 4 I/O to » 00 (•- r : ' >■ F- L pi-MBrRTOK. ^cmLiiary, v'li-L:', (- N'iX jc _ 'i*. 1 V,'.cL.,i.v >s.y ia JiHj t 1 r a'l ■:» i or H.vji-n ( f 5 -ri jn 'as $30 'tk ; •-.. ^.vO 1 s 15.0 r 5 'ch-p. rf FI. ts? or if.aJO li Co ■■ ’'i'.T’.L'-' 'It u ' V..C i'uitiou $50, t-oO. L ! .! X-' S 0 As c£i y a x.im -.'t i,>’. nb*'.: v: 1, ihoae rie':'Hg p.d&ikai a 17!‘1 sprlj t"^t-C-!Xtely Mr MflCanl^s’. w;ll bv.r.rd 10 youag Lidlta cccv«- ultut to fi'* e ■■.■J. tiJ.rv. J W TliOMAP. PrEE’i Ju’y 8. 49-6 pi F*K TB8 OB8IRVSR. .\RMY MISSIONS. Rev. .M. T. Sumner. Cor. Sec. of the'Domestic Mission Board, writes to tht* South Western Baptist: “The news from the Army is wonderful. God is displaying His power in the conversion of our brave defenders. One missionary reports 44 baptisms, an other 23, another 25, and others 5, 7 and 3 each, .fee. The brethren are greatly enconraeed and a.^k for continued interest in the prayers of God's people . “The Board isextending its aid to our feeble churches, to enable them to sustain the preached word among them. The Annual Report is ready for the press but is not yet out. will give you a brief abstract: Amount received during the year, $137,009.65; amount paid out for Bibles and Testa ments, $4,961.95; for Tracts, ;g9,il3'J.5T; for religious papers, $23,012.08; number Missionaries employed in the army 77, in Domestic field 23, in the Indian department 23—total 123. The salaries of 9 chap lains have been s.ipplementod. “W’ho can estimate the good accomplished through these agencies? The Bible, the tract and the paper have been scattered with a liberal hand, carrying the knowledge of life to the camp of the wearied soldier, far away from the kind influence of home and t*ie sanctuary. Many a mother’s heart ba.'« beeu cheered as she reads the letters from her soldier boy, telling her who loves him, of what God is do ing in the army for the defenders of her home, and dearest riffbis. Rev. J. B. Hardwick is Agent for North Carolina and Southern Virginia. All who desire appoint ments as Missionaries, or to make contributions, should address him at this place. Tor ou C'oassiguuient. A FEW bars IJ fcii 2 iaoa 1Y»E IKON, 6 bblB g03u brown •* 16 tieroes freah beaten BIOE. Q. T. HAiafi * S0M8. jQlf 13. A c;ab0. FELL0W-CinZ3NS aad SOLDIERS: Fieldirg o (he so1io'‘ft*.i( as cf >rienda in Caisberland H- rnot.t I have coasost? ! tr* if pg ^ u;>iabc’ cf iKr cf 'Jo’tiiitiH i,i the xi. Gcufral ,* V of f. I:ra CovCs’ i? u ' ■'Jirpl’fe, t Tfill r>ot he ?s ny r see ihi> p«'rp’(*. it r sy he pr p..r librefcrc, to et»*^ ibkt, i.' rboted, my ilAu ot o** HL* i vot‘G w .''l e.'vsi In fa.v:r of luc’i! n-essurc* »a in Ely jucgffif'-jt i.-r j bc.-cct Oiic aiatcd U> insunei tho ••jccc== ff onr J'lrns sr-d ascare ihe in kp-c J !i:a of tha Scu'h It ▼•>>1 bo lay roasts.'t aiia to IcoV si -ya «o *’»; orofoit !rd C*.TC hrcfhcr Bcld'rr?, imd I s’hall Burpoft t^.Tv let.culatrd. to piomoie trri'- '"ter^bt end fo eaco '.r-ip‘ nnfi oer thera in tbpjr ».r dv'-na &.”’d ptfr .H:c ( .sivicfi. F!rnipat.'ti«;i.g wit’n t * pfoph aad s'-l'^'-crp, -wHf -v.r ibfluctoc 1 miy 1 ?;ve cball be exerted to le^trr-ja cp,3iion ard jjua’a- f 1 "J1 just rights ai.d l-i tfco d‘ oharji,e of ciy hc-^'slAtiy? t’ut::?. ai! l-wfi’! ••f rr>.*>>j»ll naed fo yroTaote ioferept f-.r>d ofvrf ru*.«•?’of rry ffliow citijeiiB, lplr:ving fha* a rcpr^'stsiativft in 'is, opn^ity, is I'lt. rub!'c s iv-it* of the p cp;e .^:i; js" vcr“for-^ bound fo yv.I * a ' obcii''*:c- *o ti’’ir :n^lru'Iior‘» a chtc'fu! rcrarlif'.nc^ '^it'' t' p/.r w'ah- ?», ia evrrj i^ay cnsistri-t with t.ie fubiic gooi', 1 h*.re served three years in the arcay. »i.d if t.»« V plo iio#r desire me to Hcr«-i5 (hea. iix aacther oi^^c* y. I will ohc rf”lly conjply w:*li *h - r i»i(«bc3 JOHN ? Plyraralh N f; , Ji?y H, ISi 4 A'-ir KlmboUon, t'batUam Co.> 5. C, Jaly 9, P64. E J lI.'i.LK & bO tf:—'( ; i Spec a'-t-* Cc'v?Tt;-.n c"'’^p'jc’c- .' ' i,; ■n r ^y portion of ccuaty ol C ; ‘ • ■4- fJC’u' l''’'li the foTTu of Pit oher.)’c'l tt'O Jiu'.r, 1?G1, the fo5!o^'.r!«: 'fo'set >wa3 unaa .u ’ ! ai- nitr.J E.S . I!'■'r5'''n for cendi »o jiiiir.'cat Lc> co'’.n . ia (*•» neit "?1 .^SBCCi' iy : KLItfll \ n STd.U'H'IAN fo' ud J*M?;S1I Il':ADtN vv \f p. K\D;..EYaaiT»0 AS f.r the Coumcn?. July 49-1 : To liie Voters of Soore and Montgomery Coun ties- ut Uomc aitil in tbe .Iroiy. f oiyselt a*) a candidate to rcp'peent the 1 c n.'.tl'iH of .''oore atid ‘t’ontgotaevy in tfae seztSan- %U- cf J.or* 1 Cir-’ina, If elccted I will do all ia my powsr to r-'oract-'i tbo i^iterett and honoT cf iny coa- E’i v.i>v "T. • * V i?‘h o' the Oon.fei.’etici'. 1 am tor V .. .' ‘wiiortbie peace, siad iu fnvjr of ex err.plinz frcw iiiu ; ^yaaont of Tithes, eoldier^’ fiimilioa FkD cto not natc a*pl»ntif jl sti’ipart. J\Mgj .V. CRUMP Wind Hil', Moutgoaaery ciTiat?, July 8 'J te W¥. S. Kamaev, Bsl O, Alsl Rfg't N Troops is a Oauiidate for SHBKIfc'F ol' Oiiathasi eoinly Jn!y 12. 49te At Ihe reqneMt ot iinany triend!i, oi*.’* ; -H wn.l aolditj-> '■ bt.v« b ociaa for the S'!! riffib of P.icimon 1 c'^uaty. £ regret tie njat approach of h--'l->e!io «•! i 3of s;r t'c' L'fCT.-Ei iny 'seeiin? yju fe^ore Ciy, ard tl’er;>f''rj a-k roii. rcj c'ltis ns i •>,!l*orH Trhjiii thnse f-.ndidatcs at t-ci3 arj allressijg y u and !‘otini'u? yoar 2u;*pori, to r?’r'- riibcr tHe one in S«Id with tLci P’MJV in of yrar pi^oirty. rights snd !ib^r;i;n ILa'ccte^ 1 wiil 'ischarga t';o >'u- ti'-3 of t’li' t3 tho of my sbirty; if "‘ot, I \7iil rens^iic 1 h.ic« beci foi’ '•-'t yoira in Je- fenoj f'f t!ia conoi-y. ? jo!i'vg forwirj to lie d'.y 'r.ien wc rill bi p.';vil*?.'d to reia':! pi»?e t3 on: bom’i j^cd onj . V the r»ward ot onr ‘uflferiur" 0 C GIBSOU, C-. F 13:.1 T Jo. 7 12 Fellow Cit!i:ens of ! umpson Cowaty. I ■ '-i » c hi’.se fr.r p t,.> i in ta-; hou«c f foBi.neni >;• liie next L«gihl.nie of Norfh it :c: 1 iruro^SIMe !> t «ne lo tlieCoun > .at t’*lB ■hic-frcd 1 Viiw thia m?*bod cf briiflr st.atin.c' my vc'M.O” 1 'wss aoi an origiiiRl f’e.'^jionis*. »i03 pro"atei tLir • ar as nw'-ri R3 a^v ct^^r t;.s*n but hyi si proW: r c.f i- pit jc wo were ft rord i ‘0 ■ y ibe prr.c'.iiaation of L'ne'"*'!' 1 a~ Jnr p."'lu? ■ {. '!» 1..8 :t can posribJy be c’> :Erj»i. 1 rn ' a'Hure you my Fcll'>w 'Titiiens. i h'--.., f%L ’.ipar' oa'y v'-itt I ooncei’e ta be for the bes*' at •jr cj"rn.on C'M’ntrr, ard if eleoied eb*ll ^o t ’’n ifQwer io p”oiaote the honar and iutercst of N.r •ir«. W. H Ini VAN. J\i f h, IS ’ 49-fe ^33 Reward. O.N Lowf'r Liyle Rivar. o.n I'^e let day of Joly. a medimu e»xvl B-ED HOUND IJOQ. A rerari f f $25 will b‘ piid for bis .'^rU'fery ro J. .4 MeEAY, FaycttPTilie. July 12. 49 lt*li Rctcifer’s IVotice. The undersicac^ will attend t.he PCif C ounfy Courts o' Mo^ro, lUnuolph, and Cbatl>;m, for tbentrpot’e of rcoeiviog t^e int^rc^t dm upon sU debts du4 to the Confederate States of America on aocount of the Se- L.^ecu'ioas will is-n?^ fcr tho interest and costs. Por- qccstvaiion and i. oafi; C4 ’oa Acts, if net paid proaiptly, .■iona bating ovluene's of debt or pr occr'y in tbeir banda bf bnging to alle’> rnemies. *ra required to eurreader tb'' same to me, eni to yite ioforma'ion of any property liable to Sequcstratioa whiob has -cot heretofore bee* returned to me. M.xKNINGl, ’r, Receio0‘. July 7. 42-iriB*i3w To the f«x Payers of Moore Coasty. I WILL at'end at tb» fotlowirj ti‘a?s aad ?>lao-.'» te eolieot the ta/.^?, At littfer’s, Moaday lUh Joly; SaTom Ciurch, Tuesday 12tl;; D. Campbell’s, Wod- needay llih; Pocket, Tbureday 14tb; J. R. SIeaa>, Friday 16th; Absal^ai Kflh’s Store, Saturdty lJtl: P. Morris's, Monday 18 b; P *K. McNc'U’b, Tuceday 19th; D Graham’fl. Wednenday 20(b; M’aeral Sprmr.s, Thors* day 21st; Mrs. Bi^rrett’g, Fritlav 2‘2d; and Car'h».pre, Saturday 23d All are request'd to aHeod anl saTe cost K U WORTHY S’^S ('arlbiige, July 10. 9 w The CiiterpriMe Uoftoii Factory is now prepared to e.Tchange for com or b;^on tht* Finost Wumbprs of Spun suitable for Sprluir aiul Summer Cloth. Th is of a superior quality, not Burpnsi?od by nu;. u :i- fed'^racy. GEQ FavettArillp. May 4 ' g KE^H C1UGAR' jo tOFFEB! bLACK pepper; 8NUFF! &e, &c , JcBt ra- • el b : N. A STEDMAN & CO., No. 19, Hay e .t. Jul, • 4R-i2t llauk of Fayetteville, I JnMa 18»:4. / Dir ctors cf ijts Bank have declared aacmi-an- unal d-vl^taiof aix per coat., payable oa the la* day of August next. _ .. W. Q. B&OADFOOT^ OMh*r.

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