E VOL. XIV. I PAYRTTElStLE, N. C., JULY 21, 1864. . --m: NO 1351.] PRINTED MONDAYS AND THURSDArS EDWARD J. HALE & S0H8. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Prt3« fbr the Setnl-Wefikly Obsikwk fl6 00. paM i« adTwaoe. For tlie Weeklgr Oafl««.v]iB $10 00 per unnam, paid ui adi«iio«. l0r.^VERTIS£MENTS inserted for f 2 per b (uaro of 12 linee op for tbe first, and one dollar for each BQcoMdiag publioation. AdTortiswa are r»qnMt«d to fLat« the nnmb«r of iosertioce desiaed, or ihey will b« oontlnoed till forbid, aod chari^d aeeordlngi/. AdTertigem«Btfl oontinnnd insi^, charjfed a* n»w imJ- vertimaeotn. SPECIAL NOTICE. From an ' c.ter thin date, b# of & cew subacriber irill be entered ▼ikbcat paTmaxtt ia adr&noc, nor th« paper be aest te er.ob suVcribers for a longer tioie t-har !s for. 8ae>i of ov old aabffcribere as deiiire to take the pa per OB this gytt^ra will please notify ns when mflMsg remittance^. Jan’y 1, 1868. €OTTO!V €ARDI§, iVo. lO. The FAYETTBVILIB COTTON CARD MANUPAO- TURING company are now maaufAotoringCARDS superior to any ran tbroagh the blockade, and at preseat are selling for a less prioe the single pair or by the qoaa- tity. Aay person ordering six or more pairs, they will be seciirely packed and delivered in Wilidngton free of ex pense. Call upon or addroR> A. A. MoKETHAN J. A. WOP.TH. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. F^ett«villft. N. Apr!! 18 24tf Presbyterian and Caroliniaa copy. Wa DRAUGHO]\, AUCTIONEER, 8. 1. Corner Market Square, FATKTTSTIlXi:, If. G. Prompt attention given to al! Lasiness in hie Hce ectrtMtei to him. Jane 10, 1864. 40tf H. jHcHULLAN, Aoctiooefr and €ein]ii§sioii Merebant) JVkf, Jfoy S^ireet, FArETTBTlLLE, N. G. June 6. 39-3oi I8AAC~HOLLf&B8WrORTH, ]}roeer and Xomaission Merehaiit, FAYETTEVILLE, N. G. June 1?. 40 tf IfVW. JfieJL, JfieK^ir, Attomoy at Lsnw, Fayisttrvills:, N. C. WILL attend the County ard Snpsrior Conrta of Cnmbcrl.'vnd, Haraet*., Mocrc and Robeson Coon- tiee« Prompt attention giTe'a to the collection of all BlaimB entrusted in hic li9.r.is. Oct. 17, 1859. 68-tf JOS. tlhrocer and iJinmKi^on ^yte^hant, , FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1863. 93-tf Wi.THA:« A. STEDXA.N-. Vv'lf. U. BKIUi'ARD. i¥. A. «T£D.TIA!V & WflOLfiSALE AlH) HETilL DSALERS AND *1©, JKr?£f Strsft^ FAYKTTBVIJ.LE, N. 0. AprU 20. 25lf B. o. WOmTH. D. O KeKTH. 3. O. DASin, WORTH & CO^ C«BHiiS8ion and Forwarding Merchants, WW^er Street, WILMINGTON, N. G. Oot 16, 1863. 78-12m ' WANTBiDL 2r AA BUSHELS WHEAT, ,OUU 1,690 « CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell 7ill receive the highest Cash price by calUng cr Mr. M. Thoiaascn, at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, er on the enbs.';?’?- her at his old etand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHKSON, Jr. Not. 6, 1862. 76tf AjaiTiY harive;^ I am prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. I t*n my lo&ther and can give good bargain**. Agents nill do wclito send thoir trdera to me as thi'y shall have prompt elt^ntion, and sent off in qoick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Fajetteflll® Rosiu Oil Works. OUR Oil Works are now in complete operation, and as we U9G notkiuff but good roein in producino- the ^ wo c«a recommend it to be the beet of the kind matle in this country. It is ft fine Lubncatiaij and TftDner’s Oa, and we would be glad to receive orders from the Government and the pnbUe generally. We will sail on reaaoaable teaiBs. MOQRIt, CABHWmj^ A QIX April 1». ^ mLO^dONbRY. OOME n>-)athe 650 we Mmploti^d all cor Cslurcs ff»r O ths mftDufactaro of CAE WKESL8, but cning io tbr faHnrc cf tbo fuppiy of Iron o? propor ^*aturc, wc have njt l.\tc!ly hasa to supply any deir'ird fc-r th9?a; t^.i? •I'fs.oUjty hoF^ver, vriU b« o^creonn in lha CDur.ro of rlz ■S'oeire, at which tioje Tfo efc^ll hr able ftirassh wheels of the following sises—24, 26, 28 fcU'J 80 inol'ts,' a’10 CliiJI?'! Tt’cs. Tba Iren wi siicll upo for tb.fjni fiill hj Col-i. JJ5a?t Ch«.Tcoal Iron, and wvt war- rtnt our wlicolrt KOI TU C3AC]E, and to be equal to any in ih'i Corfci^v^oy, Gi^to thooG of Whi:ney Sl Sons cf rhilatelp>:iv, wbo>w reputation is so well haowa by all Railroad c->Tiip%6>.c!>. >7e are pr*'j>5rad to pxc^ute Loom, Dry Sf-nJ, aai Qresn Saud Work, of tay sUaxxi or tifij. D. ANDERSON & CO. Fayetteviilo, SUroj 30. 1884. 19t/ rnnc . . Scuatc. fj .JlB :ri?n }8 ef WM. B WRIQHT, Beq., respcelfoltr i prag-n; hii n^rae to b.s vr.‘rr“ of Ccmbnrlaad *»! ri rnclt for re-clecticc to th^ Bf.n^ls in tbc next Q*n«e- rsi Atspft:b!y. 7. Fi;lioir citlzcns of Onaberlaod and Haraell. * IN cc-'rijsne? wil- soMcitatlo^s of roanyfriends, froM d ffsront > ’.rt? of t'»« Ocaafrv. I Mtmuac; ciysclf a r.'p”i*sen*. vo!i in f.Hs f>f >;•> asst J inro. vicr-’ in refcard to tbo ^rei^t and vital r ^ t'-r .’jv - mnde P.^oxTn rh*!;'. I-ROjw-ar A I’ARO. T- Y"ur ob't SOI v’t. R. J. G. Si’^^^iERD ti 5 c r di’.-vte for »h“ Ij"*i;3r .''f frsra Ht» ooaafieB of hni ft.td Jl.-rnt'fi. ' - V : - ,|MI.LOW.CiriZBva »ud SOLDIERS: Yicliirj? 0 the K colioItati.>r.H of frieni.i iii Cumber Ian J >inil H>iin%tt assilUe^, I have OMRS^nH'd io fi:rv3, if elso«»i. as a OMivaber of iho Hoas; of iU-.vaif us of- the aoxt Qti.'rAJ Ammbly of Noft' C-ii-. li: a Ccafint'd to C»tu^-Vi'n, •* wHI not be in my power lu 8-?c the pcaple. If £=» >; fce pr'>p«r laeroforn. to rtats tli-a.*, if plooied, my ivllu c»«9 and votes Wi.'l W? cast ic f..v r c! taoh tptvsure- i 8 1 ia my jujgnaeat r \y bs beat oaloaja'cl to iusuro iis j «Woe*s cf OOT Ptrjis ttui cccui;! tLo indcpendcn-jij cf | the South. It will *r;y co^ot-^at r'.i;:a to loci alway? « U> th»» ^C^'nifort flr’if c-re of f-y n:Mi. r.?, ead 1 | •Hall snnpj)*-t ov^ry Eaifcstcrs caiccliiva . 0 pro'uotc itir iaiarest and »o eaccatage aal cht-.,- in ti»sir ar t daons patrioiic jserv’c.i. .Srw-i^tliislr.? wiib f e j ocd soiJvfrs, wbf‘tT.-r I lu-, y h.:78 j , b? exoTi-ed to r;?tr>5u 'R ar:;i j^uivsai-’o-l Fellow ClUsem of >'ampson County. iatu a o%tJ IHa'e fai’ a aert in the House of Cu&iraoDs in {}>a ait Li'giHla>ote of North Caroiica. As it ir>j b« iTiiccssM Ie for oe to oanvasr. tbo Couniy at this t'ori'wJ^ T taka this method of briefly stating my jii^eiiici T not an origioal seocealcniat. and de« ?;c :c«> ? this -“ar as ciuQh ae Ray other mtn, bet have ; y i-.'-Jf-.n.q 8;pport»r of it «7er sJncs wa were forced i V ' by praolamfttton of Linooia I amfor pasc» 1 ? ‘ ii KH it can possibly be obtained on honorable I ca". a^sare you nf.y FtUow Oitiicn'S. I h've at on’f w?‘tt I oon^eir^ to bf for the beat interest of (ipnntrr, »r| if olrctrd nhall do aH l»! m» ;i ’ to prom ate *bo hcn ^r Rr*.i interest of North Caro- W. TT BaYAN. 1S^. 49-te .: j OcBt ritl Order 1 ' No. 8 t HK19QVABT8R8 KIBSKTK 0? S, C. Wklt>ow,. July 18, 1884 WC ape »atSlAa*ized to jest ngfcta ^irflvj, ea. Ib tfca dii^iifcrge " »U be tuc it'r, 1iiVitrIu 11 *W 't-'ttfciitTOiM Ctmiaaas^t of Conqcripta wtU nsa every fo th«* rtsblic e^irr rt 0^ rxrrtfm- to «s£;f#Ha orgaoisi.tUc of * ‘ flif 'cforc btu-xd yic.l i & obcdiena? (a R«'orrs cf N. C , holding hia eabardinatea to the We reiQ>9CtftlIly rOOOmiBOBd endenhsfrfat Q0«.ir>Uftr*a? ^-'ith tho'r wish- " for any want of energy or ao> NEILL McKAY, .E nj , a=i a oiwdiuui^ far j -▼erf -ray 0 csHtent riiK t e pnblio good. I re-election tr a Sofvt la the rjxi noufl? ofC}tumocp Troni Cii=aberlRai s-cd H^mei! M?y 2. c'^artiofl. MANY CITIZRNS. 29 tpd&te Tlie nan* of JAMES KIRKPATRIflK is respoctfallf enbnitt'^d fo t!:fi voters of Cuobcrlaad anc? fo f • f'r h.3 * KrpX'?'?fi>Hf’’>'e of thosTi Couatjfts for tKe H I'f CcntnotiS. HAN’T VOTERS. Mfty 16, 18o4. 33 tf We are authorized to announce Gen. A. D McLBaN «*r*i'^aie to raprcHr'ot rnia''i'r!at>d stI L"-.r£:''t in t‘C H'^ase of Comm^ s of tba CiXl Gatte'".'! AflapTjb’y Jjly 48 te R?-t»cd 'Hrce y^ara i-i f.ii« rj^raf. frsd if «.bo pco- fb !'0»» desir II. At ihs eatli(-i;t p»aotloftb!? da?e, nfter the flenior me t3 3!?r\(» ir gnoiber cap&oiiy. -: o?gsn «3d into oosipAnies, the Dietriet I w-il onet’jrf 'Ily conply tt'iI'. , ^rruliing OflSsera >»J1I orgariijio thorn a Reg.ment, Plyjn'^uJh N. €., Ju’y 9, JOHN lSi‘*4 MoLT^AN 4.’'fc M' Fort Holmes, July 12, ISSI. CSSRS. KDITORS:—Ytui ar^ vebT ‘ t^'. a'^D. uuca ra« cam? jw a oan-'i ^ liit cliije of Sheriff of ii.iclim'ja'I n'lnz-iy Vary rosp^o^fally. yo'n- ib’t eerv’t, M. n MoB^vrDE, 50 5t*3tpd] O&pt Co E, 40ih N. C. T. LUBRICATING OJS.. The uaicrs:gn?d ia n;iw prepared to furnish to tbe public a very superior *ari.ja)t» of LUBRICATING OIL, eepteiallif for OotUin ami WooUn Fastoriu. Wc olitim that this Oil docs not gmc, »t»d m&y be tun at gr-a*iT cpeed with Ic ts power than any otfaer Oil exeopt Spfm. Mr W H Pcrtar, Suporin’toadent 0/ Phcsaix Cotton Factory, stys r,f i«; “I haVo been using your Labrtc^t- ing Oil for 2 or 3 montha, end find it to be :.upori jr U any other Oi! now in as? fcr labricaticf;." >ir John Eergh&w, Sup’t cf Clount’a Creek Faoiory, says: “I can cheerfully say ycur Labricating Oil a sapars'?T article. It Jofi.s nat gum in tba !c*si, but ireepG ihe joarnals clear and bright ” Mr A F Bciikerdito, CWcf Engineer of tte C 8 .Arse nal and Armory of thia place, was reqnested to try it and sayp: “I thlrk Sot light machiatry—■*«ch n.3 Couon Factories—snd* or heavy machinery w’>nn the motion Is slow, yoor Lubricating Oil will eompftr? nex? 5n qual- Ity to Sf enu ” Other cotton mivnufactnro’-'i ha-r.^ tr:cd! it end prt>- nonnced favDribly of it. OBNPvY E. rOLTON, A^eni Fayett::vlii9 KcrodiDe Co. AprU 4, 18C4 20-tf WE can fnrEigh KEJEIOSENE DURSING OIL in qnaa- titics of 5 or 10 >r^!on; at $25 p^jr gallon; tin 01ns jr k*g8 S15 to §20 viJitionsl. Rond s»cs or kefi* when cucveaicst. Tbis »8 frood an Oil aa can be made without the mix.(av« iriUk AkMl»«l, wMdt it is -it9p9S:i!»)e wtsw to obtain. T^e wi>?% tufcs.of tho onr’!i;>r5' Ken^Sina iair.p ehoal'i ba Jeag.iifiJia'i bj •soli'*iaf' ca a pisec. With % Kn2p tLns arraag'^d our oil car as without tiaoke er*J ^ith us r.a^h briSiiiic^ p.s anvli>,rth«rn Krroscflo. HENRT K 'COLI'ON, Ajr't F K Cb. April 7. ai-tf To the Voters oi S^arapjioii Countv. CIT1ZE??3 AND BELLOW SOL’ lERS: Ey thr Sclici- tati-a^f m«tDy f-nea^a, I fi»?!jouno*; xay-'sl' a cat>di- fcr the brarch t*^c L'*f^itjliMiirr of N. C. in scorvoe I eli l^notbe svJiie t>> u«t;5t i a acoa p*-opie cf Old Ssmpaon a : ue preoiccJc bat truit tc the kiiid cflSc's cf Frif ads. Mj» views are well known aa bfticg a OoBS^rv^ti^o G.'.n*iortijn I colicit ycur votes, ?i>.h ths pron»i=3 if ckc'c'i to tt awaVo to youi* »n*ereut. Y uis r- p’l’y, H. B COOPER July 8. 48-to The friends 0* Col. m J McDDFFlE, will b^ f ratified to Icam that ho has oonsent- 41 to i:e & candidnt. to repreaaa^ tiie ccunties of Hara^ti end Cumberland, in the Hocio of Ccniraoni of the next Gcnjril Ansopib3y Felloir-Citizeos and j^oldier^ of Hiiplin County. JA.’JKCUSr;^^ ft '■ for r--»’cO’ion to you ’.n ta FT a'.', of C-jc\mon% prcmib'c^ if alec'cd, t J V'Hi •» r •p”f8"’n'a*i'7:. r»l- Tpyn I'.r.Ting ycur in rrre- iL: of our Gtaio iu view. L W. HODtJES. Wsursaw fuiy 1, 1864. f>0-teri felloir-Citixeiis and iSoldier^: I >.m a oasdidite to r^prosett y>u i.; !h“ Sepf toria? D's- trict com^oard of the C'’an4s.’ of iMslsa, Brun‘5»»’!ck and Ooiascbus If elf^c^ii, Ti'iil orrf.- vou t ' '.ho of j.ia IT'pp.Tr‘Ji5J^^T. Jaij 14 50 6f. We are antioriied to announce Dr. W. M. MiNiilLT. of Harcett, noTt evtvinr- r.a a Licutsvi:it in the Confederate Amy, as a can lid^te to repregon* the c^janti;? cf fJujr.^ierland and Harnett t'js next T- .>si‘Jl.i?aro Juac 2\ , 45 TOtpd Maiiy Citizens of Cum1>erUuEiM and Harriett cunt :its r;U v».»l» l.\ ta»! 'ith of An^uet p?xt Tbe Conlederate Ticket, FOR GOVERNOR, Z. B. ¥Ai^€C. To tlio Freeman of Gniab9rland Gonuty. By raqn^at, 1 a^.in ai^itO'Uic'' a candiJa»e for tha cfUcu of tiaoriff of Camh-»rla=i.l o.'iuaty i? .ould I be cioatcd, I c.ti only promis* as before to .’i char its its da'.ice witii what ebiUty I ■»ja/ ros»:'*^. War 5t' pos»r HECTOH McVEILL. KH fj> Gk>ldlBtoB P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., I June 13, 1862. j 34tf 900 lbs. Crum Arabic lor sale by J. 3. LEE. Oct. 16. S9tf Atter this date 1 will pay 16 Cents per pound for ,rags, or the highsst nar'het price, ucU?eTd(l in Fayettevi lie, or at siy mi'n 'a FeVy 16, 1864 UaPHY 7-t^ w Wanted to Purchase, E3TEEN RAIL ROAD STOiJfl; Bank Not^. Gold tnd Siivor, Rorth Caruluta TreM\i?>- K >i38 (Fu»dable;) $1 and $2; * ** Boode, old e.nd new; Coonty of Cavtberlaai Bonds; ToWtt of Faycttoviiio. Bonds; Greems^ro* $1 and CerlifioAtes; Ccxifederatc 7 and 8 per cent. Bonds;) Coopoiui of $lo,000.000 ** of Town and Connty Bonds; ** of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTERLOfl. Get IS, 1868. 7itf OBONAirCl BKPABTMaNT, , RALBiaH, N. C., May 8,1803 LRAn WANTED.—I wish to porohaae Lead for this Departaent Persoos having large or small qoaa- wiH please apply at once. Will 1 pound ef POWDER for 10 poaods of itEAD. THOS. D. HOGG, Capt. C. 8. Q9.tf In chargc of Ordnanoe. Bgypt Coal ifline. The OBderelgBea were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Garolioa, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, Md have entered into copartaprship for the purpose of and selling Goal, and solicit orders for the same In any dafizcd quantity. Orders for any amount can t»e supplied on sJiort noLioe. The Coal from^ this pro perty ii undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States ApplieatioBLP may be mado to Chas- B. Mallett, Fayette fille, N. 0., or James Btowae, C jarle^tcu. 8. C. ‘.^saElt:^ Ai. jIallftx f» tlM CUlaeaa *md fi*UH«rw«ff Maf »4t.- At the solicitation of many of my friends 1 respectfhlly aonounoc mysflf a candidate for ra-electloa to the oflScc of Siisrill for the couuty of Harnett. I^>foaudly grateful to my frivods both at home and in the Army for iae very generous support heretofore received at their hands, I can only pledge that should they again maui- f *8t their confidence by re-electing me I will, ab hereto- lOTC, ««erve’them promptly aad impartially. Very respectfully, JAS. R. GRADY. April 13. 24-te July 8 FOlt THE SRNATE, Itandal McDaniel, of Cumberland FOR TUK COMMONS. Gen. A. D. McLean, Harnett. J. U. Bhepberd, Cumberiand, ijol. M. J. McDuSe, do. 4S tepd To tbe Voters of Richmond and Bofeeson Counties; By the sclic^it^'ion cf camerous t ifizena ard eddier?, Lieut. J. 3 McASTHUR, Co. 40ti N To the Vetera, of Sampson Connty, TIIuOUGIi tha 8oliciiatica3 of many of m; friands, I anccunce myself a candidate for a 3o«t in the Qonse of Commons in tija »iext Leaisiiituj^ of North Caiolioa Shoidd I b? so fonu.ir.te as t^ Ve el-stoa, I w Ji aaicavor to work for the interest cf t*!« cUiion i of 8504)300 cotinty, to the bwt ot nj abili' JA5I2S T. GIDDENS. Clinton, N. C ../ar.o 7. 89 tppd W I ARE EAGLE FOIJSrDRT, Fav»TT«viti.», N C , July 4, l^M NOW PREPA.R0D TO RECEIVE OR dera for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of tiie followinr «is9s, v’*: 24, 26, 28 aad 30 inch. Also CHILLED TIRS8 Th--. Iron we Bhall use for them trill be COLD BLAST CHARCOAL IRON, ani wa wv- rani car wheels NOT TO HRACK, and to h« equal to aay risSo in the Confcderaoy, or to tbis^ cf ^^hitnoy & Son^; of Pailadelphia, wbo"=* reputa-.ios ia s'* wjll knowt* by *ill Rail Ro* i C9iT^anis4;. We hav3 the boat faeilitios for transportation by Steamsre to Wilmington, from th>Dce to au7 part of tbe Confe-^eraoy. Orders jicapcol'^ally ealicitnd. 4Gtfl D. AND'iRSON & CO We are authorized and roquested to auncHnoe Col. B. F LITTLE as s c^ii lid%te to ropresfnt the cona‘y of R ohin ;nl iu the House cf Commo'i" in thg n:xt L'gialUuro. May 19 84-te mond xMay 21 We are authorised to announce JOBX A. LONG, as r cauiidate for rc electicn to the office of Sheriff for the ccaoty of Rioh- 85 6tpd-t« We are authorized to anaonnce ROBERT M McNAiR ofCo. C, 1st N. C. B%tfcalioa Artillery, as a Caaiiiate f«r the ol&ca of SHERIFF of Rabeson C;>a;i..y. Miy20 84-19fpd W£STEi£IV RAlEi ROAl». TiHE FREIGHT AND PASSENG^iR TRAIN? of this Road leave F»vyettcvill« daily, (Sundays excepted) at. 8 o’clock, A. M., and retumin? leave .*?eypt at 1 o’cloclt, P. M. CatOe au4 Horte Train MONDAY, WED2»E3DAYasd FRIDAY. By ordar JNO. M. ROSE, Tre,- ?’r ani Gra’l Trans. Ag’l. Jan. 22, 1868. 97tf From acid after this date the 8toataer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’oh>ck, A. M., on Monday and Thnrsday. JOS. A. TfORTH, April 6—17tf } Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. FAYETTB VILIiE MUTUAL 1H8DR1NCI! COHPiNI, Capital in Premium Notes amonnte to Cash on hand and other a«?eto, . $207,688 2b 6,077 36 . V, From -'.a Ai»ni, my loj DENNi , . ( J v> feet 7 ino ies higii; has very dara . a scar on bis Isft hand, oansed by a 1 , n i^as aboat 170 pounds 1 will pay fifty dollars ior his unrest, or oonftnemeat is Mj to tliai i get him again. ■U«H MoQUOOa. i|pi«N4,iLa>j«Maik «-«i«a Total, $272,766 16 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium ncti3S. Total loBies paid, $29,682 Oniona: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. MoMILLAN, Scc’y: Diuoraas: Henry Lilly, W. N. TiUinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, . 8. T. Hawley, Wm. McLanrin, * SathSA A. Stedmaa, T. S. Luttsrloh, ^ A. W. Steel, J. G. C*ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, a. F. Brown, 1 , . A.E.Han Jjlm Oollins and 0. C. MiCra?niren, Tn.r'*!jn j Agsnt-i SS^Ibe Comp*ny laTtt# aT>T>!ini‘ico>!. , 97A.BfT£D, tor the Hospital at Fort Fislier. POULTRY; Chickens, Batter and other dslicacios for the sick SoltUers at this Hospi.-^t. Pcrsoas having artiolei ean obtain the nvktt price on a;pUoa- tioa to the salMosUMr «t kia old stand or at Mr. J. W. ?•««•*■ M Bay §iM9L Without Solicitation of Many Citizens, but fk'om s sen-sc of ri^ht and deep iut«ra?t in oa^ cauas cona'i-y, as there is yot nj car.:jid&t». fr^ai Mcut^o^ *'.’■7, o^'lr r, supporter cf William W Ho* Jan, ."irsiJ 0 >lonel W. B Riefi^rdson, aad John Atidriw BsiToU, of Moore, both UclJen- tes of th« worni gri», 1 aaarun^o si?Ec'f a e*ndidate to represent tb« CcuntitfS of Moore snd Monfg^m^ry ia tee Beneta of tte n^xt LcgisUtare cf N ;rth Oaro5ina> citH the premise th^t if Moatgomsry oouai>y shall have a can'Jiilste of her own of the right grit, ia 10 days from liie puolication of thie, I withdraw my name. I hsve no desire to be a mcmb;.^r ta the Lsj^i^'l^tare, and hop? I shaU neiar b3 a oandidata a^ain My plat form is, my country, and to &«ik ncthicg but wba^ is right and pubtsit to nothing that is wro’^g. 1 am a^i^«:t LinootB, IIolden and the Devil, Colonel W B Rioh&rdsca, John Andrew Barrett, or whoever else nay Advocate thsir caaae. Tha God.of Heaven hao no moro to do with wtging this war upon U3 thaa ho has «ith u highway robber, killing a mari for aht mcncy, and we are aa muoii duty bound to rselat the one as the other. God docs not favor unholy lost or oovetous- a(-s3 or roguciehness, in time of war, tuif ciora than in time of peaoe. We ought ever to remember Aohan with his eui'jon wedge »ud Babyloniah garmeats. God will not leok on iniquity with allowaaoe If our own people were all jost and good men we would have noth' ing to fear, but might sabmit ourBsIves and our oanee to God without fear of what man could do ta ns; and the best way to get an early aad lasting and glorioss lieaoe ii for evsry ona of us to get our hearts risht with Qod sad keep his oomman'’menta, to do th^n; then we would be mo-e safe »nd more joyfal, laughing in the face of our tcemieo; then we could be never bowing at their feat, and oar enemies woajJ bo made to know that God jest and good and holy, and that lie would never suffer the righteous to be moved; and if neocssary we might, hk- fa thfttl Abraham the aarvaaf of the Lord, and 3t the same time tuo mantfjr of szrvanla, jro out ! \«* 4 i I V S L .!■ •• 0. B. Mallett, Junes Kylo, A. A. MoKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. TilUnghaat. &nd get our iadcpcuJcncc KUh,/ui b ;baia5ijn to our enemies or begjfingof thorn tsrms of peace. I have not dune more than my iuty ia this war. vet 1 have pi^id c>.r tithsa and my t«, and have given to onr go!ui«ra aan ib^-r n.;ra fa»a ft thomud iolI i: d ;» ye.«M- far f l.ee? font vftars I am now 56 years old. 1 cjtiucng“d W. W. lust Septe.’nber, to X50t £>^t tiaie in R5leifb« ftnd go with iiiaito tn.owRr I r.t,'^ctaader'Bgeand’'lektil 2vvor pl«d C7cr r I a55 griil r.'ady I am for Z. B. Vaaoc fir G >v/?..:'P, oa!;' I na more •».> in sonwrMpeots ittAn h? >a. I.' I should ba cloaU>d th^ people Banw real assured i-ahail regard the honor and rtgkt. «f mr : oountry and Bt«U, ande^eokiUj Uw aoldien aad Ihsfr iMliM. BABB» TfKK. ' ag tae T Cunsonted to beouxc n (.'aauid-kii* u> reprasi>ot Sajifttovial Diatrrot of Rjehnsojl >'-’d R-jb^^so-' ia K fflforcas prosaoaMon .;f fio -q-*;, mli'1 tba S.icfl:: ij oe frjpi yankea rul« R-a l iuil > • C" in faro? of me-i3a‘0’ whioh tend to ; :-oc irtplijfc jiei i of b^t oLjsit. Li?at. Mc.Artuar bes i in t'>p .'irvi jc no«; t he part of th - wc. , .a^ h’..- r. .1! tiiitd the character Trhich h? b,?> L.a U 1 tt ho»ne, tbat of a ebristiv" j; a'.L* aaa cvz" retd- t? uV ‘ argc hia du.is.? fiithful.y; ani g ; ,uld t‘‘f^ olt rrrs :\nd ocidieri of tbe Di9t.’ci CMtrajt ‘.'i", rr.; th.ir ;2;n«?‘'3 ip tBo ucx*. L'S!f’.9.t'iT:‘, T ri ,V5U-vi ; li. not'*.ing will ba loCt un.loaj ou bi; pvr. ‘ > f- :^r t;-*:’* iatiTije^a, which cx?”ti>GC9, nuud j.»d •.-iwcrtti.vji an 1 tbe r,»o?jt exilnd pa^r otisri a-id IJV9 nf hia oc;ai- try’s iibcnics :»ad ri«?hta a-'-co opli«H MANY CIT1Z«:N3 4ND SOLDIER J. Jane 25 4.5 7ipd if j»re tii# oo^npxnieg; or iat'’ *k Bittalicn. if less tHsa ton Cowpmipg Hy aciS'irr.hiiog the Corspany Offi- c^re, a^d hoMtng an fiction for Coion«l, Li?ut Cotoeel a«d M go', f'r 3. rtjglsjnct; a Lieut Colonel and Mayor far a Bi*t‘.:oa c' p;x |.r more Ccmtanief; or a Msjor f(i» a of iliiiii six 0ompaaic6. Ill Hsrtafi?r. iill cpp!ioation? fcr isdnltrerces of every kiuJ, wi'l bo ni'de tbrcugb tbe proper channel ^0 thesi' Head Quarters; and pendiagsuca appHcaticn. tKe uppiioant will be eoasidcrcd aad treati'd as thcagh it had Pot b3en n^do _ IV. Ail furli ughfl, leaves of absonre, ?et«ih cr tcm- pori'y pUcija, terc'c-fc'c es;>?Bt.?d to cfDcers !ind me'’, belong'ng to the Rc?erTe of IT, 0., by officers ccn- n?ct'd with tae Ccnecrirt Bnrsiu, sre rcrcked All ii’cn absent, by vsrtue of scch papers, from C >mpan*os in Hf! w»r at oao'. ji!n tbpir oom=7i.ind* V. Tus Rfserve, from brinr c^Had into Hrfv o« nn»y ii caees cf emerxt^nc?, we cot liable to b“ detiiled as Far'Titrt Mfchiniet. By command of Lt Gbtj. Hoicks JNO W HIN9D VLE, Ass’t Adj t Gen’L Jalv 18. 50.7t Richh-'hd Va . Jana 27ih. 1804. Exch»ns^e iVotiee, IVo. tl. All oSctrR «.nd ra''K of the VioVo.h’.i-c cHpiuTO of Jnly 4*>* 186'* jfho renorted f'*” iiiti j ci*her at Enter prise, Mi-3 , Dt“"’0D0l‘P. Ala , Jonesboro.’. Teen , Vie n na, T'a'chi'ccbes, 8hrft'»fport. \l9xan5ria, L"v , ^ •iny time prior to Aprlt int. 18tM, &nd wboas namefi have been fo?w>irded ta me by tbe proper officers, ara hereby declared exchanged 50 6t] no. OULD, Agent of Eschaage. A Teacher Wanted A LAD* oapJiai4_ in tMfO. *»--«««, Lr.^nchea, le ac-^ircd to take charge cf a few pupils. Frr p*r“ioalsir3 ’y-® megsrs. £. J. Hale Sc Fou re ftiUboriaed to ann-iiace «'oL DAVID BBTHOSE Co G.'^1 h N C T , a C!.Ddto r«pri»so .t Robe 02 »iaty ia titc House of Cccnior.3 ia 1 !:e aext L 's;itlvnr.’ 0^ Nort'i 'Jarolina- July 4 _ We are authorizc.L lo ani^oni^cc )«. A. POWELL D.'r a can.;. for a .~o .• ; >. of Co’»'mo"'“ of the next QiC6’”>l A"3e::.blv 0" North Carolina, from the c un'y of Simpson. July 2. 46 9ipd To the Voters of Chatham County. At the BoiicitatioT’ of sMliers in tie ^raay, ns well as of many frier.de a‘. Lo-ti«, I aa??v.ao« nsy- H'-.if 0. c&ndidatf for the Ilcu'^e cf CotaEuoas froa Cfcat- hara bounty. I have reco'veu ai rv’io-tiUma f'^om he RaLabites. the Amo'ioan Heroia, or tae ol'g’.»obG. o'’ tiono who stay at home to meke mo*’?y cut of the fAihi r.eu of tha soldiers, end oioapy their Sj). «•? t::nc i'l abuLias; bit'.er men tbaa th^:.^.'«®lrcf wj 1 alf lid faii’y ?Qd aquircly on e p-ntforsa o Step' cr.a end Brew-, of Gaorpia, aid W. HoU.u,.i r 9 >-m>- 0?, »g*iost tbe world; and I bcltiTe t.:>i‘ liie elcct'on of each men to offiie '-le Trill aever h »yc r pormiinent psace. So far *yi tii» ‘fc’ditrj &r: cjt^ssr • «rl, I do not wisi to'Skp?e%r so bo st. b^t I wi-i tfeit I have den^ 1-." much for tbs'r lami 153, or m re, according io tHan asy :u tuc County cf Chatham. FpI'-'»w ciiixans and scldiorsj go to tia poiTg oa tbe- d»y of ole'^lioo, »r.d vote for true-Cov.aerTdiiveti, if yoa «ci.-ld ha70 t-eao8 and ba-ft free peopi:. l.>) uct b? tc tiaidi^tsd, but stand up f>r your rivals. JOHN A. MoBON iLD. Oakland, July 16, 1864. “ G0-?e to the Voters of Moore and Montgomery Coun> ties, at home and in the Army. ANNOUNCE m/eelf »h a jxaniai * n'present the oouctioa cf Moore aad ‘ioatgim^ry in the nextSen- .^te of North C^roHaa. If elected I will do all in my power to premot* the iatarast and honor ot ay cob- Eiitueuoy,- of North Caroltna and of the Confederacy. I am for Vance, an honorable peaoe, aad iu favor of ex emptfng from the p-^yoieat of Tithes, soldiers’ families who ^0 not make a plentifal luoport. JAMES M. CRUMP. Wild Hil, Sioatgomcry.coaaty, July 8. 40 te W. s. Ramsey, 1st Lt. Co. H, 61st Rsg*tN O. Ti'oops is a UanJidato for SHERIFF of Chatham ooanty. Jaly 12. 49te At the request of many friends oitisena and soldiers, I have b.'O.n? Ganiidat^ for th? SheriffftUy of Ri^kmond county. 1 •agrrct the aa&r approach of the cbcticT and the rxiginuiig cf ihe ser- viae prevent my nectiag with ycu befo?o that d^y, and therefore ftjjk roa, my fellow-oltiJt’na aal a^)iji -TS, while thi'se candid3it.c3 at hoiiae are adiresiing y.>u :ia i soliciting yout eas)po?t, to reTseaibsr ite oac in the field with the many noldisra in djfeaos of your property ■fights and libor>’ca. If elMtel I will djpoaaj'sa the dii tiee of ihn ofio« io tho b^t t of nxj '>ct, I will remi'.a as I iitv ^ brtei for th^^ last t.>re» yjtsrs Its di fence of the coualry, l^okiag fo?VTi?i t'. V'.9 Ja? when wo wiU be privUeg“'i to retufa iy to oar hosiep (iod e!Voy tbo reward of our smS’enng'?. «1 C GlttSON Co F, H. OrT J'l’v 19 19(1A J ’.7 16. MARY .NN EVANS. 50-tf A §^aii Calf iSfein Pocket Book ra-i rccsnOy l-> ? Sy tL-c co.n^i?rJ«5 $100 ftr w.-.ri; i.n id 3tVt»rrcMur7 Nofe?; tls.i '1=11 T't .'^*'»3ra5 cf corn, a Lancet, Post- '-.L.Ty'ps, &■! Tie fiav'T will ba liV;e^^llr rcwarled r».hiTn=r.s the si’T'.e to E. J. LILLY Ja'y 16 50-2t Cstrayed or stolen, 8!rb3?rjh"r ci? tbe 6^.h in^t, ft’iar>;I;n»n =i»e . *riloh COW O'umTsl?'! fcori'.sjJ, hair pova'ch- J cff a lii J^i on one sido Any inforiHatioa vpo'^od ooaoera'a«r e,Mi cow will b?, libpfsilJy rewardrd by 3 W 3SINNE3, &t W. DriU5h?!r.'9 Store. Jal- 15. 50-4tpd den Afi^a Female Seminary, TaO.VlAS7If.LB IN C NEXr p(*-5!on the l*.h Wednen^ay in Jaly 1364. Bi%'d ad wa'bi g re? sfi3B> .n ti* 5 ni.'jni,!'^ $S0 in sper'e. r? 200 I -s o# B iO''i: cr 6 r;b'‘« ot Flr.n'^ ot $500 CoBf“d?rafo money in i.ivRTjo *. Taiticn $oO, Muji-.’ f.50 Lttia or Prpu"h $’0 Aa oo!y a lioiit*-..d is r»ccived, these trishicg ftdmi^aif.’ wi'fl ^pply ir'~rj:>i’l,'kMy Mr MiCaalofiM will to'^rd tO young Ls^dies ccivc- pitot to Seminar’^. J W THOMAS, Pres’t- Jaly 8. 49 6tpd KeeeiTer’s IVotiCie. 'p" .E r«sin’d %IU *ttend the next County Ccnrta I O’T.Ii'!--.. p " *oipb. Chathem, for the rvr,'C!j© of >1, da ; upoa all dobfij du ’ to the A '.— ■'•i in ajooaut of the fk-. \ .. ;ti in'^r-'s', and cost?. Per- i- z>- '■ 'o-’fi If «iot pv'd rromptly, 06 hi» ■ -‘.iir c i -*r n^oper-y i . t^ei? hands I C'K-,'to. fiMe- ? ! •'ni. 0 r.r.i rrqiir.J I"* furrtnder ws, op if) a.'*., . a'l rir^ i;;f3?nar'c-a ->f ioy p"rprrty ^ Is S '^a-. jJrv!whic'i Itia not bcr:;tofore beea re;.: C !-.r » .■; q---’ JODN MANNING, rr., Bfcaver. '•9-«&9w3w To the Tax Payers of Moore Coastjr. Z WILL attend ^t «->e fo l-fris^ ti'a-'? ani T>iacaa to 1 ''clieot t^'3 1SX93, v:i: .\tRittor’s, Moid>i*y 11 th July; Ba-en C'U'.sh, Tu-'c-iity B Campbell’3, Wed nesday 1 *!b; Pock ;i. THarc^-»y lltH; J. R. Slcan’s, Friday 15th; Absalom Kdly’a -3-ore, Saturday I3th; P. Morrio'c, Monday 18 b; P K. MoNcIH’b, Ta'-fli%y 19th; D Graham’s, Wednesday 20th; M'n»r.4l Springs, Thurs day 21st; Mrs. Barrett's, Friday 2‘2d; and Carthage, Saturday 28d. All are reqn«’«ted to attend aad save oost H WORTHY. Shff. Carthage, July 10. 49-‘2w iUOVIVT CHATHAM COUNTY. Board caT^hnoVt-inedncar tbo S!I^rERAL SPiUNO, ti tannt.->,a of July aod .\aeuBt. at prIoo«i f?}m $10 ■> T-or *\y. or $220 v^t month. Pcrsoc^ d'3irc«’3 of vi'i'iicg tbe Springe, ns:7 hd ^reec me al S;’yr*, c-ra o* C?.irpc V7s>?:bs'i^tso, ^Si? T. r. TOO PER _ P S Al r^r.gt.m'n' li'oy b.? m^de for ka^{-ing a 8'cgie h''ra''. If desired, fc-r l-is sarviacs, duriag a r»rt cf thp tirro. Joly IG. 50-11A HABMGTT COVIVTY. WILL attend »t the following plaoss in Harnett _ County, for the purpose of eoUeoUag tha Gunnty and State Taxes dao in the year 1864. Tae Tax payers wiU please m«et mo ?ronptly: At Johnsoaville on TbursJay, July 21; At Mrs. C£.ntcron’t in Barbeede Disf. on Friday, Jnly 2^ At Tamer’s Stort in Upper Idttle Biver Dist. on Satnr- day, July 23; At Parker’s Store in Stewart’s Greek Blst. on Monday, July 26; At Avcrasboro* on Tuesday, Jnly 26: At Randal Tarlingtoa’s in Grove Di»t. on Heines it.y, July 27; At Reuben Jtfattb-aws’s MiU in Nelli’s Croak Dist c-n Taursday, July 28; At John Spenes’s in Hector’s C:reek Disl. oa Fr.day, July ^ At Mrs. Aracld’* in Bac^hori Dlst. ea 8'.turJ»y, July 30. JA'i R GR^DY, evff. July 1, 1&64. 47 7t ilOTICE. FUNERAL (*P LIEUr (JEN POfK TBK BOLDtBB’A BDRl«i. When at the head of hia gaJiaot corpa—the army which, in the language of tije PresideDt, *‘he created and commanded"—it was right and proper to call-him Lieut. General But, as the glory of the citizen culminates where it begins, and the Chief Magistrate is plain Mr. Davi«; so, in military honors, while wo use names to de signate rank, yet glory records on hot eternal tablets no prouder name than—Soldier. Bom of a lineage which even Republics g:e- cogoize as among the noble of earth; inheriting a fortune which grew princely in hia b&ods, he W9s^ educated in the grea^. eohool ot the old Union, West Point, for the vocation of which ho died. It is ^ little moment to record bow the living nave paid their last honors to the ashes of the dead. The time aod manner of the prooe^sion was . much ai it had been announced in the morning papers. * * * On reaching the church of St. ^*aul, in whose beautiful grounds the sacred dust will rest, ^11 Louisiana shall arise from the bankd of tho great river and claim him, the slow (Mluran halted, and wheeled into lino by inver sion." At the gates the assembled Bishops and Clergy of the Episcopal Church of the Confeder ate States, formed at the head of the avenue of steel; and robed as they were in the simple, yet graoeful and imposing robes of the church, and headed by the Bt. Rov. Stephen Elliott, Bishop cf the Dioc^e of Georgia, they presented perhaps tl) a most imposing spectacle of all, aa, formed across the way, with the splendid form of Elliott in tbo centre, the church solemnly waited for her dead. Colonel Bftins and Hon. R. H. May headed the second forn^ation, and, preceded by the heavy burial ca^, still draped with the colors, all that could entered the ohuroh. No drapery was attempted, and only tha snow-waitfj flowers in the baptismal font breathed their swcre^, siUnt weloome to the dead As the solemn procession moved along, the impressive sentences, **I know that my Redeemer liveth,” &c., were repeated by the presiding Bishop, the organ meanwhile playing a befitting dirge. After all had taken their place*, the Bishops of Georgia, Mississippi and Arkansas, and thfj Rector of St Piul’s Church in the Chancel, and the other Clergy present on either side witlicut tho rail, t.bo choir sang with its tisual pcvvor and effect, the A.nthem, ‘‘Lord let me know my end,” &c Bishop Lay then read the Lobson from I Oor. XV, followed by the hyaan “I 'xould not live aivVtys.” And then the vast audienc3, of old cidzaus Hud stately matrons and beautiful girls, arranged themselves, us well as so vast an audlcncs eo^id, to li^tea to the ser mon. Often as we have heard Bishop wd never liked him better, for his tribute was not the studied eloqvenne of the .‘^Uolar. nor the fine y’**;'?- ■*' bv,^ oituph; and touching words of the heart, as he talked of hig dear friend, in the preaeaes of his ashes. Tha opening remarks were a vindication from the charge of io propriety, to wit: that the Bishop rf the fold of Christ is pledged to the gospel of pt’ace, and cannot take up the sword. The ora tor referred to the fiery z :al of Peter as an apt illustration of his position; that extraordinary men are not to bo judged by common rules. The liie and character of tho dead soldier were briefly but faithfully sketched, but we will aot do such injustice to tho speaker or to our readers, as to attempt to sketch the remarks They v^l doubt less be published—read them. The reference to the military career was brief, and one portion of it should form hia mooumeatal inscription, when in other days the redeemed and saved Republic shall form a vast escort to his ashes; when jjds own State shall take them from the keeping of the Episcopal Church ia this diocese into her own Dosom, and when tho shafted marble shall point the children of his fl.>tk, frv.m the laud bo died for, to the Heaven he reached. He was congratulated upon the honor gained in bdli^ promoted to the highest grade »n tho Piovisionai Army. To which the Warrior Priest repUed: Honor, Sir! Honor! There is no honor on *i*rth so great as that ot Bishop of tho Churcb of Christ.” • Lst those wordj shine in gold amid the snow of the marble, and let the world reverence tho Washiogtoti-iike spirit, thit regarded the per formance of duty beyond ths rewards of hoaor,— the apostolic spirit stooping from the grand inter ests of eternity to the dear interests of time. Many others were the points of intereat; among them, tho hisktry of how the Bishop beoamo tho Soldier, and most interesting of all,)tbe reference to the University of the South which he origin ate!, stimulated, and developed; snd the persona! reminlsccnccs of his friend and companion, the orat'tr. Man of lett-irg—pastor and f^tlier to so large a portion of tho august Church of God, which we reverence while we do not p.il!iere to it in its Epis copal form—uencfactor of tho needy and friend and elevator of the slave,—his mitre b brighter than hia helmet, even so far as the Cross surpass ed the sword. Not that his bright sword won him no honor, for, in tho language of the orator, ne matter what was the fate of the rest of the army, his was never defeated; the sanctified sword that had lain so long on the altar of God, never flashed in vain, and where he led—and until God sent the bole of the foe to call the well-tried ser vant home—no weapon that was lifted against him prospered.” Lieut. Gen. Polk never knew defeat, bat the Christian Polk oared little for that. He was probably prouder of his conversions in the army than of his military success. At the close of the deoply interesting remarks, Bishop Elliott left tbe desk, and turning his faee to the north, said: la the name of hia Episcopal office; in the name of tha shed blood, like that of Ab»i, calling aloud from tho ground for ven. geanoe on *those who lend tho sanction of the ohuroh lo this crusade against religion; in tha name ot desolated homes and blackened roof*trees, of desecrated ohTirolifs, of altars profaned and ths Cow $ltrayed. A BROWN cow, marked with smooih ;rop and uader- blt boik ean^ medium aiu Any inforstatloB will Ib« AeeKdly noeiv^ aad a llbaral reward 1^ for hvtWMtV.tav Mn. m II. WULKSR. iWii. . mt ON last Tjarsday my bay xsDro, with a s'-’»ne and broke iooje at B/ypt Statioi, oouuty I have »•. i £c?n her e*nce. 1 judge that eaastj person has taken h«r up cr stolen her since eht got loose Sbe fs of common stw,*. good iooking, her 03Beid«r^ly warn off with th9 oollar; her eye bs9 been all knosked out, tha hair tabbed off ef aer baek 1 will MV well Car i«for»atiea Mftbai 1 gefc ber. SMHB8 y YSOIL Holy name ia tb toe encc uaui murdered: the t trampkd in the mire; in citizens and violated virgins; t’lo authoritv of God, and by ?ll-word rooked from the pres- J aad martyred dead; i u his this hour the list of prelates Thoa did the Bishop summm suoh of tiie E^is3opalJiid»opB nnd Clargy of the Nortl^