f m sRm-ir K L T vol.. XiV.) FAYETTEVILLE, It. JULY #8, 1864. [NO 1353.] T?“r.T—■■ '-■ PRINTED MONDAYS aND THUR8DAT«. EDWARD J. HALE SONS. EL»IT0B8 AND PROj^IETORS. Pfije for dtie Semi-Weekly OBnamTS* $16 00, paid ia adTuice. For the Weekly OBaitmTiia $10 00 per anttUB, paid Ui adTRuoe. 19‘ADVERTISEMENTd inaertod for $2 per a juare of 12 linee or less for the firet, and one dolUr for caeh saooetding publication. AdTertis«s are reqaeeted to Btate the namber of insertioiu desiscd, or they vill be continued tUl forVtld, ai»d oharged aoeordingly. AdT«rtiien«DtB oonti«t(^ iruid$, cKarged as new ad* veriisement^ SP?9C-* NOTior.. From ac i.kr thiedsii^, *o oMn'> r-T aoTf 3ub«oribflt iHilbeentftnd wUho.tl —trsT;f. iu fviranoe, nor’Tffl the pap«r be B«ut t» ec*3h r.r,bpr.tiberE for a teaser Hme than is pnid for. 8ueh of oof oil safcsoribsnj aa doaire to take the pa per on thifl eystQia iriU please n»tify us v-hoa makicg remittances. Jan'y 1, lbo8. COTTOIV CJlRDS^ iVo. 1«. The paybttbv'Ille cotton qj^rd manufao- TUBiNGCOMPANTarenow MaufteiuriQg CARDS sapexior to any ran throngh tii» bloelea4e,«e* «t preeeot ace fldllng for a less price tiie single pair or by the qoan- tft7- Aaj parson ordering tLc or more th^ will be •Qowely packed and d^vered in Wilaungton of ex- Call vpta or addren A. A. McKSTHAN. J. A. WORTH, ALEX. JOHNSOW. Jr. FiMtteTille, N. G., April 18 24tf IreBbjteriaa and Carolinian copy. W. DRAUOEION, i.UCTIONEER, 8. B. Oorner Market Sqaare* rATlBTTBTrLl.B, R. C. ' Proiapt attention given to all bufliDOsa in hia Ine entrust»'i to him. Jue 10, 1864. 40tf H. JHeiVIlLLAll, AacUoDe«r and €oiniiiissi«ii Mtrebant, 99, Jfay Street, FAYETTHriLLK, N. C. June 6. 39-3n> iSAAC^H6LLffBSW0Rm~ ]^roefr and CaniBi§sion Merchant, FAYfiTTfiVILLE, N. C. EAGLE FOUNDRY. SOME montba ago wo Mmp'.otod all onr fixtTttea for the Ri»nu^tar« of CAE WHESL®, bu: coring to jthe failcre of the aapply of lion of proper nature, we baTe aot lardy been sbla to supply any d('mand fcr thorn; this difficuHy hotforer, •^Ul o»BrcoT:i? in tbo cotiTM of iir Wviokfi, at 'phicii linaa v» ehftM hp abic to furnish wh^lf; of the follcwinf iiizea—24. 2C. 28 and 30 icohee; alao Chilled Tires Tbe Iron 're shall n^e for them will be Cold Blast Charcoal Iron, and wa war rant ou» wheels NOT TO CF.ALK, *ni to bo e^ual to Any mide in the Cacfadsraey, jr to tUojv of Wiiitaey Si Sons of Philadelphia, whoee roputittioa ie so well known by all Railroad compsciea. We arc prepared to esc3ut« Loom, Dry Bani, and Qrcer. Sacd Work, of any Bbane or "ise. D. ANDEBSON & CO. FayetteflUe, Maroh SO, 1864. 19tf June IS. 0 tf WVW. JfieJL. Attorney at Law, Fat»tt*vill*, N. C. WILL attend the County and Superior Courts of Cwnberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Co?ii- ties. Prompt attention giTen to the ccllMUon of all entrusted to bis himds. Oct. 17, 1869. 68-tf JOS. iitFi.ey^ throeer anA C’ommiMl«n JtMerchantt FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10,1868. *8-tf MA.m4K A. STBOMAN. WM. U. BKBMA.KO. n. A. sTfi»:fiArv a. co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALE&8 AND €0i9ims!»10ill .nERCnAIVTS, Jlo. 10, Hay Stre^, FAYETTKVILLF,, N. 0. April 20. fajeUeFill« Rosia Oil Works. OUR Oil Worin are new in complete operation, and as we nae nothing bat good rc^ in produoiag the Oil we on recommend it to be the beat of the Und made in this coontry. It is a fine Lubricating and Tanner's OQ, and we would be glad to reeeive orders fron GoTsmment and the pablie generallT. We will sell oa reMBMbl* terxM. MOORS, CAmWBLL * 00. For the Senate. ^fUiE ftriends ef WM. B. WRIGHT, Baq , raapwrtfcUr X presppt his name t» the TOterfl of Oonberland a»* Harnett for re-election to the Senat* ta the next (gene ral Asaonibly. Jns9 7. SO'te fellow eltiaeM of Gu^ilMd utd Uaraotl* IN compUatco with soUoitationB of many frienite, different parta of the CoaHtry, I anaonaea myself ^ cMididi«ts to nprtannt you in the 8enato bt th« next T egialatitrr &7y yiewa ia regard to the great and rftal :«sa«a cf th>» day will be made kaoim wheu I appdSf before ycv. Tour ob’t sorr't, B. McBANIEL. Ju~ e 28 45-tf P^llow-CitiAeM and Soldiers ot Buplin Connty. I ANHOUIiOjs nyt^jlf eandidaio for re-eleotion to X represent yen ;n the Hc.u?c of Ocmmon?, premising M ekoted, to M^kj yju a fa'th'al representatira, al hATiRg yoar Irierest the iateroi^ cf oar State L W. HODHBS. Wareaw, fniy 1, 18«4. A0-t«pd We are aatkoriae«i to announce wa,j^ POWSLL &3 fr for a aetbt. in Hoaae of Cowmen's of tuc a«*i Q«ner%l Asie«^Iy of North IlMrolina. ffca tbs oocaty ot Sft;n~s«c. Joly S. 43 3tpd LVBRlCATiniG OIL. The undersij|^Ai i« oowjtreparod to furnish to the publio a very superior arUo^p of LDBRICATINQ OIL, iiptdalijf J»r Cotton and Woolm Faetorioi. We claim that this Oil does not girs, and may be run at graater speed with leis powor than any other Oil exeept Sperm. Mr W H Porter, Superintendent oi Phssaix Cotton Factory, says of it: **I haro be«n using your Lubrieot- log Oil for 2 or 3 monibs, and Scd it to bo tmperior to an> other Oil now in for lubrioating.” Mr John Eershaw, Sup’t of Bloaat’s Creek Faetory, says: *‘1 can cheerfully say yonr Lubricating Oil is a superior article. It doee aot gam in the least, but keeps ih« journals olear and bright *' Mr A F Beokerdito, Chief Engineer of the C S Arse nal and Armory of this plaoe, was requoated to try it and says: “I tiiirfc for litht aaohtaery—anoh as Cotton FaetoriM—aadf or heavy machinery when the motion is alow, yonr Lubricating Oil will compare next in qaai- ity to Sperm ” Other cotton manafaotnrdrs bars tried it and pro nounced fkvorably ef it. HENRY E. COLTON. Agent Fayetterille Keroein? Co. AprU 4, 1864 20-tf 26tf >. O. WOKTK. D. O WSKTH. M. O. DAJHU. WORTH CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, frvrfer SU'ert, WILMINGTON, N. C. OoL 18, 1808. 73-1251 2r AA BUSHELS WRS.\T, ,OUU 1,500 » CORN. Persons haring the aboTO articles to seli wdlijoeife the highest Caijh price by oa?liag on Mr. M. Thoi^^asoi^ at the Merchant Mills, Fi\yetteTille, or on the subscri ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Not. 6, 1882. 76tf BVRJV1IVC3 OIL. WE can furnish ILEROSENE BURNING OIL in quar- tiliea of 6 c-r M> ^alloco at f?5 p^r gallon; tin cans or kegs.Sl^ to 1^20 additioDftl. Bend r&u.s or ke£S when coQTenicnt. This is as good an Oil as ocs be made without the mixture with Aloohol, whioh it is is^pos^ible now to obtain. The wiok tube of iho ordinary Kerosene lamp aoould be slightly iengthdned \y a pImo. With a laa'p’ihus arranged our oil I'uri. a ylthoat tmoke and with ao muoh brilianoy aa any Sortfaer:i Kerosene. HENRY E. COLTON, Ag’t F K. Oo. April 7. 21-tf ARlVir HARIVBSS. I am prepared to manufaotcre all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army u^. I tan my loather and cm give good bargains Agents will do well to send their erders to me as tb-y shall hare prompt attsntioii, and sent off in quiok dispateh. JOHN CARTER. G')ld«ton P. O., Caatham Co., N. 0., "I 04^ June 18, 1882. / 900 lb«. Gam Arabic lor tale hy J. R. LEE. Oct. 16. Alter thia date 1 will pay 16 Cents per pound for .rmgs, or the highest markot prico, dslh'ered in Fasvtt^^Ue, or at my loilut on ?. MUBPRY, Feb’y 16, 1864 7-t' W Wanted to Pnrchf*^e, EJTTiJKN RAIL ROAD STO^JLt Bank Noier, Gold »nd SilTcr; Nonh Oiirol'oa Traadury Noteo (Po*dt,blc;) “ “ *• fl aad $2; “ “ Boaif, old aoA sew; County cf Cumberlaad Banda; Town of Fayetteriili) Bonds; OreeuBboro’ $1 and $2 Certificatea; Confederate 7 and 8 per oent. Bonda;| Conpens of $15,000,000 loan- “ of Town and County Bonds;' ** of old Norih Carolina Bonds; T. 8. LUfTE^LOH. Oct. 12, 1888. 71ti We are aatiioriaed to annonneo J. G- 3;1EPIIBRD a«i a candidate fbr re eleotioB to ihe House of Conunonfl fttm the couaHy. of OobImv^ l«»d «nd Hsirastt. Jane 11. 40*t«pd We rdspeotfWy reomuneDd NEILL MoKAY, Esq , as a aAcdidat« for re-eifcO(ion to a M%t in the next House ofO:>mm(>cs froai OumberUid and Harnett onuniiee. MANY CITIZENS. M»y 2. 29->Hpdftte The laee of JAMES KIKEFATBICK Is rtsficcifuUy rubilutted lo the voters of Cumberland and Tlnra^tt to r.e voted for as a Reprv ^ntQ,tiTe of thosu Conailes for the H juse of Comcioiis. RI.\NY VOTERS. May 16, 18M. - 8S-tf We are aathorlMd to Mnoanoe flea. A. D McLEaN »s a oundi-Jate tc represent Cumberianl acti H:i^ni^^t in L»e House of Commona of ths qext General Aaaembly July •* 48 U A C'ARD. FELLOW-GIFIZBNS and SOLDIERS: Yioldtn^ to the EoMoitati'.na of friendf in CnmberUnd and Harnett oounties, I have consect^d to Rcrv^, if olaoted. As a member of the House of Coromons of the next General A&4?mbly of Nsrth C^rclba Cosfin««l to Camp life^ it will not be ia my power to see the people I; may bo proper therefore, to state th«t, if elected, my influ ence and Totea will be caat in fuvor of snob mrasnre* as in my judgment may be best calonlated to insure t^e dcooeae of onr •rms and secure the indepccdeaoe of the South. It will be my constant aim to look always to the comfort and care of my brother soldiers, and 1 shall support every meaenre ealcalated to promota their interest and to encourage and cheer them in their ar duous and patriotic serviee. 43ympathia{ng with the people and soldiera, whatever inflaaooe I m^ havs shall be cxertod to reetrain oppression and guarstntee to all just tights and privilei^s. In the dbicharge of my Legislative duties, all lawful efforts shall be used to promote the interet and carry oat the wisitea of my fellow oitisens, believing that a representative in this capacity, is the* public servant of the people and is therefore bound to yield a ready obedience to their instruaticns and a cheerful compliance with their wiah- ea, in every way consisteot with the publio good. I bare cervcd three years in the army, aud if the peo ple no w desire me to strve them ia an other oapaoity, 1 will chcerfi'Ily oomply with their wisaes JOHN P. McLEAN Plymouth. N. C., July 9, 1864 4oto MFort Uolnes, Jal7 19,18M. SS8B8. EDlTOi^—Yuu aro iie'eo antaoriss* to aoBOunc-) mv ssaxd as a'oinuidate for the office of Sheriff cf Riohmoud ooanly T*«7 resEjotfnlIy yocr cb’t e«rv’t, M a MoBRTDS, 6i**t;>d3 Q»pi E, 40th N- C. T. To the fbters of C1iAtIi&« Ootitf. To the (^tiiem and Soldiers of Bobosoli tJountj* k T the solleitation of many fyienda, and citi- fx lens, I anooocoe myself a catidi’atf r«j>re«fn* ’•kp oouaty of Robeson ia the next Legisl:ttar9. I am a Jriv%te ia Co G, 84th Reg’t N C. T I vclenteerod the 1st of May 1862, and have )>««n with icy Oo ever eince 1 we« a Uale« man ap to th^ time si AbraLau Lincolo’s ’'roolamation Sinoe'that tim* I have bten an earnes* 'vdvooate of Southern Indepond^'nea 1 »rn in favor of 2 B Yaaoe as Governor of N. C. I am in fav-'r of wikcs—an honorably peaoe, biit in my^^iTnatioa no- >h'ag short of a finM sepftrstion be*weeu the Nortl' tnd uth—and ati aokcowledgmeni by cur cuoxcic? of our ««’rpsndflnoe—wonld be r.n honorable peace If I am vi’crfjd, I will do all in nsy power to prccnr“» tha» de- (•'■vS”!® objflot, V?*: Snuthfjm ludependcno?. Fellew-CitiaoaB, should you eea fit to eloct me, I pro- Biia- to ^o all >a my power to F^omote th. welfare, tiia t JK!*rtrt and the honor of hoth sit^en •n'J. «oldi*r. Very r-apectf^^lly, DAVID BBTHUNE. ’nlj S’* eSfJrwtepd MA»i:!V COHNTir. iiHltw m VetloiTalSllaBHof 'wrre> or 2^«ketdaigr. of Bladen. " » ‘ 11»li*vOUGHthe»o?Mua " * f Jt»' e.it a c*ad.dfi‘^ tor the Uo^ of Oo^«oa# irom Chat- :q,,.raona of rour Bcit Co-iidsntly ox bnm r«nir. I reoe.vad aa f.oa the i ^ ^ ag your ^npport, I pledge my beft efforts to pro AT the sof«r-«.oo of maay wLU-4-, in aray, « ‘'ll.»iiiouaHthe«o?«ua-on cfaiM.y I st tii.,'atebonr, wAl M of rainy I „mo.inc?‘ my- t h^oome a to renra^onf vuu in the Fab&bitAS, the Am^’ijzn Hor jcg, ct* tae oiiestrohs. o: those w’ao stay at hot*io lo m*ke moaey out of th‘i farei- lie? of tijs toldiors. soi oroaoy ticir ►p*rt, (iT»e in abaaing better men ihm ih-^anoUct ite tli?i«;y:il 1 stand fairly and squarely oa the plsXrora of St^pheoB and Brow^, oi Goor^ia, aod W. iotiiea. f'r Govern or. ag&iost the world; and I belisve that w’lhsut Uie o!ecticn of such men to office vc iritl aov«r h':.vo a perniaaont po^os. So far ai the sc'diers ar« coBsem- ed, I do not wish to appear to bo:;,3t. but I will (ay tLat I have dona as muoh for thciT Uini'ies, aocording to mv meacB, tls^n Ccunty of Ghatb'im. Fellow ciiii-)Bs and swldicrs, ga lo the polls on the d^ of ehctieu, and vote for true CocMrvaiives, if >ou would have peMo and be a free people. Do lot be -s- timidated, bat st«nd ap for yuu? rl}ci>ts. JOHN A. MoDONaLD. Oakluii}, July 16, 1864. 60 te " lutt' 7onr every intc-rnst. In knstr^rto tt: t piaay qw9s- t- that m«.v arise, I ri’? s»y that I »•« In favor of Pe c?ll an o»,r!y aad honorabU One t^»t• Tili ecQure to uc and oar poateritj • he rights of our h-m ^ and onr fireMdeii, even io the listent p*nod of t’oif . ROST B CAIN, Co. H. 86tb Rec’i N. C Troopa. »:'7 12 62 atpd To {be Yoters of Moore and Montgomery Cood* tl«i, at home and In tlie Armj. I ANNOUNCE myself as a candiiat? to roprwieat tie oouiitioa of ^ioora and Hontg^mory ia the next Sea ate of North Carolina. If elcoted 1 will do in rar power to promote the interast and honor of taj o&a- etiiuency, of North Carolina and of the ConfedsrAor. I am for Vaaoe, an honorable pnaoe, sad iu f^vcr of ex- emptiag from the pAyacai, of Tithes, ao'dlnr'i’ families »ho do not make a plentiful support. J.^MES M. CRUMP Wind Hi!', Montgomery count;, July 8. 49 tQ To Hie Toters of Gamberland and Harnett. rir ies, or mere, j -rj a yiNG be^a nominated t>y a Convontion of th j ci»i- Yanoeiro in the - f Rbrnslt cointy for a Bsat in tha Hnua« '?^-iFmons of the next General Assembly. I thia nietb )d, as th» oaly available one, of (Qformi”^ yon of a." acoep‘anc« of the nomination, and heH’'t^ .u^cai^ rt^c*- in thi rnsohitioas adoiied by C?nveaion To those who have ixever rt»»d tha prooo'-d’Cf;'? of 0' »T>nUoa, I win nay I am a V»»ce ma'a. ^nti iving as I io bat both the h4hsr of tha State and (.jod of tha sf;'Ti3« are boand up In his re eieoi'oa I hive beon •v>,.v.a’t9d 'sita the aerrioo froa the oom:r>Qco^icea* of fhj w^r ar to the present time; am not aow. and asver have been, subject t3 a-y Conscript act passed by the Coafc der-^te Coagroti* If elected, Gsntleracn and F^l low S.>!diefB, I will B?T»e ’^ou to the bart of my ability; if net I snail orhei^rfnMy mi^mit to yna- u^oi^ion W risNEILL, Lioat. Co. D, 3d N. 0 C&valry, Camp n^r Petersburg, Va Jaly 8. 61-to W EAOLB FOI7NDRT, \ FATiTT*vii.i.a, N. C.. Ju’y 4, 1^64. f E ARE NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVB OR- ders for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of the faliowin* sises, v’k 24, 26, 28 and 80 iach. Also CHILLED TIRE8 Th* Iron we shall use for them will be nOLD BLAST CHARCOAL IRON, and we war rant oar wheels NOT TO rfRACE. and to ba equal to any made in the Confedaraey, or to those of Whitney & Sons of Philadelphia, who*"' reputation is s'* woll known by all Rail Ri'd Coi:inames. We have the bast faoilitiea for traasporlation by Steamers to Wilmington, from thenco to any pwrt of tb3 Confederacy. Orders reapeot^p.lly sol’oited 46tfl D. ANDERSON & CO WESTBRM RAlii ROAD. The FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRA1N3 of this Road leava Fayetteville daily, (Sundays exoopted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., Md returning leave Egypt at 1 o’clock, P. M. OdttU and Sow T’rain MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROSE, Trewi’r and Gcu’l Tr£.otf. Ag’t. Jan. 22, 1868. »7tf To tbc Voters ot Sampson Conntir* '^IT1*BNS AND FELLOW SOL''I£RS: By the JSolioi- J tatiou ©f many fs-iea^s, I annonnce njyuelf a candi date for the Commons branch of the Legitilature of N. C Beinir in service. I su»ll not be able to meet the bAing a (JoQa'rvati~e Gentlemen I sulicii. your «ot«s. with the promise if elected to be awake to your interest.. Yfura r?ep’t’y, H B COOPER. Julv 8. 48 to From and alter this date the Steamer A. P. HURT will Jeave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. WOSTtI, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. OBUNANCK OKFABTMBNT- > RALBiaH, N. C., May 8, 186-1. f Lgan WANTED.—1 wish to purobaae Load for this Depertmsnt. Persoxis having li^e or small quan- UtiM wiU oleabe apply at once. Will give I pound of roWDBE W poi »j« of IJIAD. TH08. I). HOaO, C»pt. 0. 8. In oharga of Ordnance. FAYETTEVILLE MDTPIL INSDRAKCE COaPlNI. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on band and other aeaots. f267,688 2» 6,077 86 C^ypt Coal iHine. THE nadcrsignea were, at the November Totm of the CoBfedorate Court, District of North Carolina, ap- pointsd Managers of the Egypt Co^ Mi^ne property, Md have entered into eopaartnersbip for the purpose of aal selling «oi^ and solicit orders for (he same b aM desired aumttty. Ordera for any amowt can be supplied on short aotice. The t^al from thw pro perty is aadoabtedly the beet in the Oonfedorate 8t%t^. Applioatioas may t>e made to Chas. B. Mallett, Faystte- 'f&H N. 0 . or Javss Browne, Charleston, S. C. vute, «. U., or rfaaiw cg^Bugg b. MALLETT. JAMEB BRfiWNfi. Fay^ttoQls, Jao’f *0 ' ' raSawait, FX)M the subscriber, on the 29th April, my boy DENNIS, %g9d 27 years, about 5 feet 7 inches has very dark eomplexion, and also a scar on his loft hand, oaosed by a bum, and weighs abont 170 pounds. I WiU pay fifty doUam for Us arrest, or ooaflaemont ia any Jail so that I fai hia agaia. _ _ MUOH lUOllOfll OtHniMk Total, 5272,766 16 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have nav.»r made an assosamont on their prociluai notes Total losiios- paid, 682 Ovnaaas: GBO. MoNEILL, President. D. A. R.AY, Vioe Prasident. C. A. McMILLAN, Seo’y. DiriTECTORs: Henry Lilly, W. N. TilUnghaot, H. L. Myrovcr, 8. J. Hinsdale, 8. T. Hawley, Wm. MoLwarin, Nathan A. Stclman, T. B. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallett, A. W. Steol, James Kylo, J. G. C90k, A. A. MsKethan, Hon. J. 0. Shephetd, J. D. Williams, R. F. Brown, , 8. W. Tillinghast. A. E. Hall, / John Collins and C. C. MoCrummnn, Traveling Agents afP^Tho Gompaay invite a>>plications. Mav2«. 18«1. *« ’gton Many CitlMSM «ff Cw and Harnett countioM will vote oa the 4th cf Angvst next TMtt CoBtedMmio TioiL«t, won OOTIRNOR. Z. B. ¥AM€£. FOR THE SENATE, Itandal McBanlol, of Gimberland. I^R THB COMMONS. Sen. A. D. MeLeaa, Harnett, J. G. Slieplierd, CumlMriand, Col. M. J. MeBiffle, do. ^nly 8 48 tep£^ At the request of many frIeudM, oHiiana aad Boldiera, 1 have become a Candidate fi-? the Sheriffalty of Biehmoni eouaty. I regret th». ne^r approaob of the Aleotioa and the exigonsies of the Bcr- vioe prevent my meetieg with you before that day, and thortfor* ask ;on, my fellow-oitisens ^nd soldiers, while thsee cmdidates at home are addressing you aud saliaiting yocr support, to remember the one in the field ith the many soldiers in dcfeacs of yonr property, rights aud Ubertisfl. If eieoted I will disoharge the d'l- ties of tba offio^ to the beat of my ability; if not, I will remain as I havt bsea for th*: thre;-' yeai’B in d^- fe&OA of ttse oouc'.ry, looking forward to tho day when wc will be privileged to relura in puAje to onr fcom?^* and enjoy tn» revari! of our.sufferiuirs «1 C GI380N. Co F, 180. N. 0. T Jnly li 43tlA Cow strayed. 0 IVOTIGE. ^ING to the iatnrrtu;*tior. of • h? Mail liiana bfl' W6«a cw'e and NCI hi»vc i'»priV6'’ my uvo»l corre*3pondeaoe- Ooaseqaemly i nnderstA'jd ttia'. the opioioa of tha people-of Rohdsov* county is that I am not a candidate for the office of Sheriff. Feilow-oiti- CQT-s and eoldif>ri of Bobamn ooanty, T «.m » citadidato for the above offi3a E'90tion in Acgu?t ncxc. Any ptios taken or Influeziee used by my friends *n erior lo secure my election will be thankfutvy received. WILLIAM STEWART, Co D, 46th Bag’t N, C T., near Peterslmrg, Va Jana 28 61'4tpd bit both ears, median slse. AAy information witl i» oheer/ally r«»eived. as l a lib-ir*' ??*»>’pxid fo/ her re?~va«7, by ^t9. E Wi»l-?U^R. ffavpiouiit. Mav l^*. ' ii; HBADQ¥1RTBB8 BBSBBTK OF H. C. Wbjldob, la, 18«4 / Gen:ral Order 1 No. 8 / I THE Oomaaud«nt »-f Cc^auripta will n«a ever? , podsible exertion to ezpe'iiU) the ori;aniz«tiou cf the Reeorve cf N. 0.. h ldlns' hie suboru^nat^B to tb.j strio‘.«6t aooountabillty for an^ r&at c-f (.ue> gy or ac tivity. II. At the eatlieel preoticablt »ft9r the f^nicr Reserve are orgawied iato compjkoi^ the Di)trici> The fMends of Col. M J McDUFFiB, ^tll be gratified to leam that he has caasent^ 9d. to be a candidato to represent the oonnt’es of Haraett and Cumberland, in the House of Oonimoat of the next General Assembly Jns* 17 48-te We are aitiiorlied to annonaee 9r. W. M. McNEILL of Harnett, now serving as a Lieutenant in rhe Confederate Arcoy, as oandidata to represent the counties of Cumberland and Harnett i» the next Legiolatnre. Juus 2?. 46 lOtpd B To the Freemaa of Camberland Gouty. Y request, I again a&couuce myself a oamiidafe for _ the oiSioa «f Sheriff of Camberl&nd oouaty. Should I be eieoted, I can only promise as before to disehargs its duties with what ability I Kiay poesesa. HECTOR MoNEILL. May Vi. Hft-te To the CltlieBB and Soldiers of Harnett. At the solicitation of many of my firiende 1 reepectfWly announce myself a oandidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff for Uie oguuty of Harnett. Profoaadly gratefnl to ray friends boft at home and in the Army fv the very jsenerous support heretofore received at their hands, loan only ple^ that should they again maul- feet their ooafideooo by r»H!leoting mo I will, herflto- fore, «rve them promptly and impc^tially. V«y re«peetfiiUy, /A3. R. (iRADY. AprU 13. 24-te if there arc tec coTup^nio?; or i BV.»&n3n, if les» than ten Companies, by assec^Dli'ig tho Oosipany Offi oerr, and holding an election for Oo'.oc^l. Lieut. Colonel and Miyor, for a Rcgieent; a Lt6u.. Colonel aad Mi^o?* for a Battalion of six or m-.>re Campaniet; or a Major for a Battalion of l^93 than olx oompanVm. III. Hereafter. aU appiicatlonM fur indulgenoes of •very kind, wVl b« xr^adethroaf^h t^e p'ope-' chauael to these Head Quat-urs; cad pon-Ung s>ich appiic^kioa, t>e applioant will be 9'»nsider^d end treat«d i.3 thoagh it had not been msde IV. All furloughe, leaves of a’-8(>nr«, dstaila or tea poraiy ezempdc’is, h^retcfo-e gr»^cted to ciHcora aud belonging*to the Reaerve Oi* N. C , by offieora con nect’d with the Conscript Bu’-fl»a, ara revoked AU men absent, by virtue of sueh papars, fmm Compan’ott in the field, wiD at onod join thair eom-na.niy V Tha l^Btrve, f>fom b?in.? o*lkd into af?v*cs on’.y in casss of emergency, are t.ot liAblo to be d?tr«iled as J’amcra, Mf^kamet, By command of Lt. Geu. Hoi.ifBB JNO W HINPD ALB, Asa’ AJj’t Gca’l. Jaly 18. 60 7t iHiss m. JB. SC0V£LL WILL ro opea her SCHOOL iu the Acadeuy ^t b°rton, for a session of‘'0 weeks, Aug. 3d, 1*^64. luiU^'n io Comqion Bn^li4;i, $40 U;> in Higher 45 p> iu Latin, Frenoh a^d Drawiajf, eaja. 16 00 im Wax Fruit and Fi>>vr«ra. do. 20 OO In Musio with vTC cf inwaw, - ^ a- Tuit'on charged from date of aotnnen i*ud n» t'lr 1.1.038 *^.ada ex8«pi in o'tsi of pro*. •liokne.rs Ihtrtion at old ratat if v%,d in provision ft o’d prittt. j-lir 21 6i-tpi Flai^ ol' Trnc^ ljetter(i>. OoVrKDSKATB STATBS OF AMBBICA, I Waa Dbpabthknt, ( BcRBan ow F-xoB.\aa», j Rishmood. Va , July let, 1864. J 1. All kttera to go North by flag of tmoa must b-t C3nt to this office. 2 Tl^toh letter mast b-> inclofied i-' a senra-e es> To’ope and addressed to me. Bureau of Bschaoge. Biol - CT'.nd, Vft 3. No letter must exosed in length oTto page of ordi D> .*y sixed latter paper, and it$i contents bi ccufinei' St iotly to personal or f»mi;7 matter* ?Io letiw al- lutling to the movements or looalities of f^oops will be a>) >wnd to pass. ■t Each 'etter must coctaia a Unitod States pj^tagi; si»mp, f'T its equivalent in silver or United Pta‘ea cur- rc' cy These regulat*ons will be rigidly eaforoad. an ’ Di. letter transmitted in '^hich they are tiot strictly ob- ar 'ved. Rob’t Ouii>. Agent of Exvhai^e. f Official. 1 W. H. Hatch, Capt. and A A G. Ja?yl. 62 dt C&MF 680 Rao’i N. C. T., Dlsw»i>dis '"'o . i. \ Julf U’, J?St. / To tho Catticns and Soldiers of Harnott. RKP'^RT iiikv ng uji* OiriK\litjd t *f. I .-.-d w’tV fawa car D..aa ^’’ovs before ihs p3.pl.i iw, a ov’ ^.’- d2t! for 8hmtff of H&.'^iett, I d’O'-a it n-.ucini!'/ t-- st^tc to my trienJs !».t hoa:» and my ooa^paii in the A-uiv, that it i*f ao« t?n«. csi t .»6i I sm s’.il! f» f^.r t’>ai office M i wuftldbs Vir/ th mfe^u'. f^r «M*Ir '^i.ppur^. 60»i8».pdJ 8AML O ?H‘KI:S. BONDS FOR SALE. Five Handred Million Confederate Six Per Gent. Bonds. These Bands pr?S9nt itie greatest irduoaneut-? for invcstinont Th^y h&ve thirty years tu ran. Inter e«' pav-^blc sensi-ananally, and are securci by iaport az>:i ^xpat‘t duties; are exempt, principal and intarnst. ft. m t;k.xation, and the coupons receivable as coin for ooM^Q'a d itiea. Apply to AHEN S GIBBE6, \p«Tt TiKxonry De-jarim’’nt. • TO RFil^T. 3 st->rj ^riok b«ii ivfy j'c*r2j^ G -’P Sri't' le 'or » store 'Jira’l.nf: Ap; I7 J. W PO^Ett*?. JuW 14. 52 Riohmomb, Va , t.*n^ 27i.s. lS’r4- Bxehnnce notice, !Vo 11. By ttae CtoTemojr of Nortli Carolina. A PR0€2.AiUAT10i1i. I 1XT){I:RG.\8, U hath beeo represriiteil tu me hal Hendarion j • ’ Jimes, Um of the County of GuilTord. has b««n c.iqvlcted fif tbe murder of Wiu. Stephenson, of sail coanty, ami th.at tbe To the Voters of Sftmpson Coanty. THEOUCH the soiioitationa of raany of m.r friends, I annoonoB myself a oandidato for a seat in the tiouaa of Commons ia tho uext Legislature of Ncrth Caiolin* Should I be bo fortunate as to be ei!cV3d, I willaade»''or to work fo? tha interest of the citixena of Sampson county, to the beat of my abilit'^. , ^ JAMES T. GIDDENS. Clinton, N. C , June 7^ 89-tepd We are authorlied and requested to annoanoe Col. B. F LITTLE aa a 0!iadida.te to represent the county of R’ohmfjnd in the House of Commons in the next Tie.gi8lature. May 19 We are authorlied to aanonnce JOHN A. LONG, as a oandidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff for the conoty of Kioh> 86 6tpd-t« na, W*t«hitoohes Bhrevcipjri. or ^k-sin -rja X.\ , ni any time prior to April ist 1884. loiu vitov' n>«ia€E have been forward.vJ to me by tii3 proper ofSoers, a.re hereby deoUred esohsnget 60 6t] RO. OULD, Agent of Ssohasvie. Cstrayed or Stolen, From the 8al)»^rib'‘r on the 6ih in«t, » m?iiura t i»9 brlndle n»iloh COW crumpled ’lorued, hair aorafoij. ed off t litUe on one si l-s. Any infcrroitioT rec-'ivad ecno?rn'ng Bvd cow will be libetAlly rs?r>rd»d br S. W SKINNER, at W. Drwi^h.in’s Store.- Julv 16. 6C‘-4tpJ Mki Hrndertnn Jrtoes hu escaped from priwtu and is now a: And, whems, it hath alw Men repreteir.ed to lue tiiat VV. T dlis«Tato»r fry, of said conntv of (>ntl/(>rd, who stindi iS dieted ft* the cr'ims of Barslttry in nilil cuanty, hath aUo escaped froin p. ison .iod i* at large Now, thrrefore, tn the end that the mid Henderson Jnn«8 and the i «iii VV'. T. Evan«, nlias Turner Pry, Q>\y be arrested and brought I tojustiea for their said ounces, I do issue this, my Proclaniniioti, nfferinc a reward of TiRKK ruhdrbd D«i.i.ikas fur tiie apprehen sion and delivery of s^id Jones nnd THRBK HVNDaBD OOLLAKS for the arrest and delivery of said EvanB to tha Sheri# of the county of Guilforil nfoiesaid. In wimess whereof, Zebulon B. Vance, t^ptain tienerai and Oommaiider-ia>Chief, hath signed thes! preieats and ■■al > caused the Qreat Seal of the State to b>* alnxei. ’ Done at Raleigh, this ‘HA day of Jaly, A n , 18G4, and In they?arnf American IndepeDttence, the aighty-ninth. By th? Qovernor, Z. B. VANCff. A M. McPbbbteri, Private Secretary, pro tem. M 3w 21. mond Ma« We are anthorixed to annoance ROBERT M MoNAIRofCo. C. 1st N. C. BattaUon Artillery, as a Candidate for the office of SHERIFF of Robeson Ceunly. May 20. 84-19tpd WAJVTED, tor ike Hospital at Fort Fisher. PiULTRY, Chiokens, Batter and other delicacies for the sick Soldiers at this HMpital. Persons Itaving these artides can obttda the rawket price on app^lioa- tiww to the salMeriber at his old stand or at Mr. J. W. P««an*a w Hay Strcat. % E nniHi.««iinAift. Felloir-Citisens and Soldiera: I am a oandidate to repreaent you in the Senatorial Dis trict eomposed of the counties of Bladen, Bmiuwiok and Oolumbas. If electod, will servo you to the beat ef my ability. JAS. H PBITCHBTT. July 14 • 60-5t li^len Anna Feoiale Seminary, THOMA8VILLB, G Next fWiaslon begins the 4th Wodaorlfa? in July 1B«4. Board and waehi^g pot seaaion o> 6 moDtha $(?0 in I specie, or 200 lbs of Caoon or 6 bblc. of Flour or f.500 in Ccnfeddrata money in advaaoe. Tuition $50, Muaio f60, Latin or Prsacu $^0. As only a Umitod number is received, thoae Tisbing adtdaaion will »pp1y iame&i&tely Mr MoCanless will board 10 young L\diea convs went to the Seminau’. J, W THOMAS, Pres’t. Jaly 8 49 6tpd - l*t f-t. Co. R, Olst ^tH. O. Xmpa ia a Oaadidate flat BHBBITF af I The Farmers’ and Planters’ AJ- aaanao for 1864 A few rvoee more jait faaeivad ^ W. J RAI.T * »ry*a» tMs I Qtek Wttivits fe adft Ikm*. AN ATROCIOUS INCIDENT. Mrs. Mary Beckham, living on the'Mississippi) near Islaad No. 10, writes over her own name a narratiye of the murder of her fiunily by Federal n^ro troops. The following extract includes tha chief facts: ^‘Th« next day I started ap the river, taking the eldest with me as a nurse. Two nights after I left, sover&l white soldiers came and fired into the house, killed the watch do^, and tried to get ic. My husband told them if l^ej forood thean- stiives in, he would shoot- They then went to the negro cabins and said to the negroed that there was money in the honse, and they intended to have it, but fearing the^ might get hurt| they left and went to my fitther’s (Daniel Wat- Bcm’si) who was away from bana. My sMiher aa4 sister were alMO. GRiey knoekM at tlia loor and Mtd ^9 wwated MNMtihing to eat, that no tk«m OQ the porch, and when they got it, they »»i» we do act want anything to eat, we want nioaey. ‘‘They thca tried to push my sister into the hall; the tried to rec>ist them; they then drew their guns; tolil her if she did not give them the money which they said was buried in the cellar, they would shoot her. This she refused to do. They then wcnivto the ccliar and dug it over and re turned, saving they had been misinformed, that there was no money there. They then left, which showed plainly it was money they wanted at my house. On Tuesday morning, about 9 o’clock, August 4, 1863, twelve armed acgro foi- dlcra c:ime to the house, there being no one thore ezocpt my hnsband, fathor-in-law, BenjamiB Beck ham, and four of my children, and some of our family negroes. They rushed on my husband and tied him, took off his watch and pin and rifled his pockets. They then tisd my father-in- law and dragged them to the river (^it being about thirty yards.) They killed my husband on tcp of the bank by shooting him in the head. They then out off his shoulderblade and rolled his body into the river; his clothes looked as if there had been a great struggle. “They then took the old gentleman, stabbed him three times, oucc in the heart, and cut one of his cars off. After throwing his body into tho river, they proceeded back to the house where two of thorn had baen guarding my dear little children. They spoke to my eldefit daughter, Laura, aged fourteen years, telling her to get up andiollow her damned old daddy, at the same Ume presenting a pistol to her temple. The children then were driven to tho water’s edge, where their father and grandfather had been murdered, and thcTi they were put to death in the most cruel manner. “The youngest, Richard, aged two and a half years, wrs thrown into the wa^er alive. Laura jumped in and attempted to rescue him, and whilst, in th>* water, waist deep, begging for mercy, she was knocked on the head with the butt end of a gaa, en^.irelv separating her fore head, and then stabbed in tho side. Kate Ida, eleven years of age, was then disposed of. She was tc'.to’i wlv.1 tcuos uatU her head and should* r*T9 ^er9 ponww^BOi*, »»o« wM»»y »••• wuibwH mtl over. Caroiin.', ajvcn yc’iT^ of age, shot t’tirc>Ui^' taa hend atd so disfigured that she did not ioo- hko ft human. After they had murder- -d thoui i'll fiad thrown their bodies i^to the “ircr, they rt^turc d to the house, taking every- thiug valrtbie and all the clothing they could carry. “Then they started for Island No. 10, think- lag or kr»owi i!» thoy wouii] be protected if they r?aohe-i fh-'-r.' iu s»faty. While they were kill ing the cbildreG, h m m by the name of Everett Ciiae Bp; '»ek.id i h’?m what tVtey mestnc, when they uomaiepccJ firing on him and he narrowly ejcacvd w‘.tb his li^^e; he atartcd immediately to alaim t^'. '’.■"■’^nborhood.” A Hiulsi/me. Affai'-.—The army correspon dent of the Appeal, writing from Johnston’b army .on the 4th, gives the following account of a “handsomo aflEa*r:” This mornijg a handeome affair occurred on the right luformation was brought to Gen. Wil liams that Wilder’s “Lightning” Brigade of regu lar cavalry were sloshing ab}ut in tho swamp in his front with a view to ascertaining whether or cot the dense swb.mp growth waa inhabited by the pej,tiferous rebels. Old “Cerro Gordo” im mediate iy di^moaored about one hundred of h ia men, and moving them lor«?ard, placed theia in ambujh to rcocive the visitors. Strict sil*,noe was eojoincd, aud caoh man stood grasping his tmsty rifle and fairly itching for tho opportunity to use it. Nor had they long to wait, for in a few minutes the he&d of tho column hove in sight, floundering i\nd splashing through the mud, busies »ad wire, until they reached the end of the line, whet, a iit.lt wa. callcd. Tbe scene was ludicrous in the extreme; terrible oaths, Teuto nic, Celtic anu Jiiisocgcnotic^ were freely vented upon tue d—d t mntry, mingled with cries, I “ivumo out of la' s^aicp, Jonnie Reb. Cume out, tT jTi gets hurts/’ which was received with bursts oi jau"a!er. “Tiie^'c’s no one there. For ward,” cries t;«e vaUant Colom l, and off they started; but ere th y had gone many paces, their ears were greeted with a ory wl«ioli alwayti atnrt- les one, no miitf^r whf-iher fitting quietly at home at the “we;- sma’ hours,” or upon tho field oi carnage. That cry was “fire,” and the next moment about forty of tho?e who had so lately abused mother earth, were lying calmly up . n her breast, and others writhiDjj; in pain, whilst on every side their valiant comrades could be he%rd rushing throngh swamp and morass p^ll mell ia iltate ot IVorth Carolina, ROBiSSON COUNY. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, A D. 1864 T was ordered by said Court, thet from asd after -hi? Term, Monday of e*oh To*'nj Vcasstgaa^l for 'he trial 0^ ^ho Stato Dookct All parlic'’, wiU>cue^auu d'^fecd- an's notified to aVend on M.-r^dar c? n*x* T"'m f said Cour> to be holdsn f.>r said Couaty, at the Court House in Immbertoa, on the fonrth Moada^ of Septen- hernejrt. J R n tAwH»rt«»n W o j.,1. 10 r,% eiCTTHE BI^ADES. nnHBRB have been r«oeiv6d at Wilmington, % lot of I some foor thousand Seythe Blades, both grata grasa blades. They will at once be bron^t to thiii p-’VM for distribai^on. The Courts of ti»« eeveral Qr>UB « ties are reqursted t-i appctat Ocimnissiooers to r«e"iT» the qnoto for their cMpeetive econties As the pri>^i»sot oroos of grain and grass in the Westera cooaties baa •at jet bm harraitod, a pceCnmoe will b« gjiTea %o UMMOMDBtiialatha^iatiihitta^ 1. BBvnm, a, Q. II* wild confnsion. The scene, it is said, rivaled the famous esoapadoof Tam O’Shanter. The re sult of this little affair was about thirty killed and fifty wounded, together with fifty Spencer rifles and about thirty horses. Jud^iny hjf Ajppearancei.—A gentleman was seated opposite to Coleridge at dinner, with a magnificent forehead and a very fine and vener able bald head. The eye of this patriarch war^ sdnlaKatiBg, apparently, with the fires of genius, and the whole bearing of th« man waa suggestive of immense capaoi^ la^riously suppressed. thought Coleridge, “if he would but speak, what grand things would we hear—what large ances,” worthy tjf the early dramatists wna^ poetry, and elcqaonoe, and Uiought and tru Suddenly the gentleman who could boast or a venerable head and great talent for silenoe .sp , the oracle delivered its burdening m^agc, *na 10 thia effect.—«.aam£ fn* them dumpUm. I Manfca l^rSalo »t Au

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