■W 1^ 1^ K^ I,. T ». 'i IPS\~'V «k' k 1 \% g?rg^^iL.t .LjjL?iJi!..j^.i.jua.j FAYETTEVtn E. N; f . AUGUST I, m'^ iNO 1354.] f’lllNTKl) MONDAYS and THURSDAY?? ^:i;v*Ms>D j. n;*LK & mm* ‘ riTo»«s Ai-ijt ii0rr*iLT0F.3. v>Hvsi> *;:5 (H.' naiil in I’'S'! S'lfl (H) I)'." r.nnura, paid ;a f'rije for ttic 8emi.\V, .dTar'n, ^’or the Weflbly ()s« %1tEJ30B. S^ADVEPvTIt^EMENTS inierted for 52 per Fi aave ■'f IS lines or Ipsp for the fir'i, B-r.ti one !oll >r for each fuc?eedin^ puhlicatioTJ. Adv^ri’?jr'i are rc:^ueate«i to the iimni'>er of i^j’crrio"s i'*.ir!il. or they will > e oomluued li';' f rliitJ, ftti?. t'ha”ted ^cooru ficl’. /^tt » ...; ' - j. j 1 ' ^ Works are now in con3i)let« oporation, and ^uV'*ni8«i>i.'TJt c-’attaUw crrv”sca fi!> nr*» td- i i I „„ n_- i ^ ■ *. . , ^ V/ «a we use nothinfj but gooil roeia in prodnciaif tJie I Oil wo can recomiueuti it to be the best of the kind made , . _ , - “ctfull?, J. ifrt-s-'Dt his uemo •■"■ t.b» v. frc of Cu^iborlar'l mil li^rnott I'lr ra-elsofioE ♦•.i !lv: S ;a»itc in t»"e nszi G' CC r*l A. ts^-nhl- 7. SO t". I r^OTTOrV VA^XS9H, ilfo. lO. I * I'or the Se;^aie. THC FAYETTKVILLK COTTOM C • RI) MANUli'AO- I '|>HE -ricuij of WM. H WPIGHT, Euj TUlilNG COMPANYart*now nwuutLMJturiuf^CAP.DS ?up«rior to any run throu^'h Uio blockade. at)d at present ' are seMiufi; for a less price the ?.ini?le puir or bv the quan- I tity. ! Any persoa orderlr.g tLx or more pairs, they will l;e secvir.'ly pivckod and delirerwi in WilBiington free of ex- peude. Ciiil upon or iwldrtsa A. .1. McKETRaN. J. A. T.'OHTfl. ALEX. JOHt SO'.’, Jr. FiT^tteviUe, N. C., April 18 24tf Presbyterian .md C;irolini«n copy. FgjeUeFiiic £csiu Oii Works. »“rijnf5nent . Srr'"*’ f'rjTTK Prom aa * ^ Ur tb'.s no nrrc* of « p?Tf subaeribfr »ill b« «»oL«rt:d wiLaout f>fl.;'r;ea* In r.or •^ill Ihe paper b« t.oat to Mich s: bi'rr r’'? !''r a loasier time th^n is paid for. 8uob ofoui' cla aiibccriiisrs as de;»ire lo take tha pa per oa'thlB8V:;tem f?!’’ ple.-w -i a tify n.^ jrhon mrAi?ig remitt&noes. Jau’y 1, 1858. fgt i„ ! "■ W. DKAUGUOi\, AUCTIGtJEER, 8. K. iorner M&rkPt Sqawc, r.4YKTTKTII.I.E, N. €. aU bvtiinpsa in h'i ’ Prompt sttev llni oniru?t* 1 to him June 10, 1864. 40if H. iHcHlLLliV, ln«tlan^«r and C^tmmi^isian Jlerc&aat, •Vo. 'I'i, Jfiajf Streety PAYKTTPSriLLK, N. C. Jute fi. 3'J-33s ' IM VC ilOimGSW^Tl^r «ud Comrnhjiian MorcUant, FXYHTTKVIT.LK, N. 0. Jana’I '0‘* Atiw*j.e at I*aw, Fay?:tte\»ll.is, N. C dUana IT v!u*.!orUi: Fionipt in tliis country, (t is a tine J..ubr:cating and Tannor'a Oil, nad we wonld be ^lad to receive crd«rw from the Uoverument and the puUic ifouarally. We will 8«11 oi raasojoible tenm. MOOi».E, CASH WELL k CO. April 15. 23-tf EAGLK FOUNDRY. QOME rr-rntba ago Tre WPitlcW' I »11 our .^j’urcS KJ >!>(» K»"-sufi!otare o: uA'.l WJLiJIE, hui oT.;ag 1 t-!8 faiiiipo of .C0 iupply of !roa ji yrop-;? nittaro, h*.v^ p-; l.-J.Mly K.'gQ t.-. Rnrplr- p.Vf dCKl'iKU foi ; t; .3 i-^S'.aity norcTtr, Tril: b"; 0'ercc-j;a in ue -'ic'se 'jf j« '•■et-is, Kt frhioh :*ni; t:? «b»V n.- vb’o tc funi«.-i whn^'Is cf tba following s'j;ce~2J, 26. 28 30 :uoie«i; n1.-«3 Ot^iUfi Tires Th' Iron irs bV.aH v.-^e f'^r them will b*» BWnt Ohircoul Iron, rna vr> w.iT- r*!it • ar wheeU NOT 'rt> CXA'Jti, an I to be equal tc »py ir.s.!e >a tbn ConieJcr ;o/, “i to tli'sc ot WhUoey v% 8?ns ct rhil»'U'.;phi«, who^-j ie eo irell kn wo by all corap^nici. ‘•V? &rc pr^'pr.roi t,> er^outa Loon, PryS .nA, ns-i Grron oia'i Wor's, of £.37 B^3»T)e cr «ii.* D. 4Ni>BB30N vv CO. M*.rch 30, 18C1. 191' F‘lIot? cUixfns of Cufflberl&Dd and Harnott* Ii'( r-.rv. lOe vi'h ficHcitc-ijosfc of wary C'istHls, f’‘''ir a lt?rpnl pirf.? oft ? Ccn.c ’*/, I sa-.-unaa *aya«!.lf e so r^pr'-s>''n*. yon in ia-: cjrcil? t-f thr> nox* f.C!;tsla?i.''o. '»> vift^n ir, re^r{ to the and kIiaI of ih' d.A;^ will b? i".3c'^ known Then 1 appear Lfifor«5 y'ti. % Ycur o^’t aerv’t. R. McDANIEt, J-i c ‘ 8 4- tf c i\re au^Siorixed to annoiiiicc J. G >!-SPf EUD nj3 a o*nii.-ate for re rb’ctio^A h- K.wa« .>> Con;3 "iB from th? oowntiea flf "fin.ntn"^ i .nJ an4 - 40-t^oi Fell>if'-i)iiixciie itiaci Soldiers 1ANKOOi 3tJ ia>o •• li.iatc ;3'* r«;-(si-.'0'!*.> r:V,>iui u* f u li Li.T! U'M 1 of O'-r.-i-a HI. i To the (Citizens sd4 8oW!»rs of Kobeson i^oanty* ■ t '1' tb'! ra! ini'll •O’: of rmanv »-(i c-'i- A L'-l-TY a rccnat ocoasioa a General of the it al' C od '■> Cl ,:i J 7 ' J. • hiV'.i'g ^ ;aicrc8! ‘U 'It p. Wt*r5.-^, 'yiy 1, litil. •, ;.i n; ' i»r Li */. iiv)Dv>lj»>. f'O-tcy 1 We »rc auiUdrize«^ to auBfiOusice L. A. POWELL > )* ■ f >r i saiC in T-h*' of of t.;a a,-it G:-nt>r..l Auctnblj 0; I’soriu fJirojjn*, fioro lo, c-'busy ^ Jk’j 2 4d Furt Holmes, July 12,18&1. 1 H5» to 1*1 > ti jia r,: A’-T.- 'jua Liincoia b ! great laiaj. SiaTT th»: tim- 11'fivc >’ •'n n.a esrocs*^ j uj; Jjavr nothing to do with laurels. •i»«» of Ccut>.»m In.iet--J-n^c T -r^ in f.-vor of | dutv.’' B vn.ac3 e? Oovemo? of II.-C. I zvi in f&T r of —4t2 honora^l^ T>'5ioo. V-ut in toy n> M £d3ItS. EDlfO^a:—1 i»u iw -.iijtcov’ti«ii,tor s3 • %naouu.>C! a’ .xiijui a # ior iha ottioe >»i dceriff of Kichnua t ttc>uri-y , . Very »oi:yeo*.fu’.ly ;o"’r ,* jb’t Lar»’t. H. K Mca4IU£, Co R, 40th «. G. T, 1 ouly de sire to du luy duty. It was a seutltiieDt worthy of nny man who c flbfjTt of a fl.’jRi eep-*.r«tion 1'6'woon tfea N>rih Rud i cvcr iivod^ und all who know him iCUOW tbat it irt S ;»h —^’;d »a ac»:no»TW)!rtr!?ijt our cc}?!!iis«i cf cur | true. We do aot refer to it for the purpoee f t i- i ’.ren-I'nce—wnH bn «b hooor^blp If 1 Rm j Jaudifig tbo fliaii wbo Uttcrfcil it. We do T.ot - ■ = ;.>i- I rill do all ^Pj3y to prw-ire tl*a‘ ue- mention his name. We give the tentiment I'or ! "^ellovSizenJ tr^eiLme, I *r« j the rofiuction and imitation of others. Of all the I u It; t3 •’(. »il *n : 7 powyi* to r:-o>Eole th. Tralfw^, the j weeds ol vanity which to-day are, and to-morrow jo- ' 't tbo hcT»or of ^*oth «>l'i >n »u ^ Bol'Ji ■T'; j V ry r *pr,o‘M;7, DAVID nErHU’'3E ; « To the Voters ot Connty. SKILL McKAT. E-i . 7-d a f„r ? A-T of .a ^r.ny, . •• refl.c;iout,.:.s.atiuti.«n«ta.5«8of0.aino«s:ro4,‘ *c • « a. mn«y fr.3:-’,!at I ..a...>uBce mr- We rospeotfnily rsoonuseud Cunibfirlaii^l >*n i H .ras't oou-iti'"'. MANY CITIZSKS Mty 2. 29 ' lie DaiM~ of JAMESYlRKPTvrRM is rcii potfnl'ij sub I’ll tc i:> !.! ^oa il».ru9't to 1 f 't •tiosi. Oeauti ’s .or t*>.; tl.'UBa M)»y 1«, l?t54. • vi‘er>i, of Curobjrlard ^3 9; Hepr«oaL»tiv« of J CcMaionfi d.VNT VOTBK?. 3S-tf Ccmnjurii Jalr rt .*(.« County Hur^ritr Cjurta cf ' Mcore e.b I T-^V'S'jh Co ia- ti»s. Fionipt R'l-. ci- •' ^ t;"* : > t of slaimc sntruit;'^ ;s ' f lisni.. Oct. 17, 18ot«. ‘f JOf**. ilTfiEY, €fr?c-#“r rtMff .TSfrthrfHt. FAYKTrH'VlLLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1S€3 it i. ST1CI.'J.\.X. WM. u. Ul'.KSxnV. A. €0., WHOLRSA!.^*: AND llETAH. J AND .♦o. 1J>, fftttf Strret, FAYETTKYILLS, N. (J. April 20. 26tf B. a. WORTH. V. O WS&TIi S- Q- HAKUII. WORTH & CO„ Commlaslca ftod Forwarding ElBrcfeauts, Z%r‘*ilter‘ Sircft, WILMINGTON, N. 0. Oct. 16, 7?-12^i WA.HTt:5». 2r A/k UUSaSLS TYnE.AT. ,dUU 1,600 •• COKN. Person? haTicg the \hove articici to seu'Tr*uroceiY$ the highoat jMh price by cal’ing on Mr. .'I Tho^ia-son, at the Merchant Mill*, Fayct'tTiUCj or cn the subror’- LVBRICATIMG OIL. The uaierdi?’i?»i is now prrr-'^rol to famish ij !l*e piihlio a rcry sapsrir" ar'ieH of LDfiRICATING OIL, ef2‘*dally for ft-.i WooUn Fuitcriet- W« cl*im thit tni«i Oil do»3 not ?u»!, an.i r.iay be run at 5?-ai»r 3pe^ I with U/ia p'»Ter :h»u an/ ut*\er Oil except L’p-VIE. Mr \'i H Foite;, 8aperlai?nl:at, of Ph®n’X Cotton F »3tory ss.ys of i»: “I h»r > J e i cs a-' yaur L ibrioat- !t 5» 0 1 fur ” ir 8 month's, sn ' i-.i i‘. to bo w.p-jrior to Mj vib^^r Oil ao'.r ia d3c fjt iv.bvic;'. i'Sj*.” v!r Jrtho Kyrahaw, Sup’t of Blouat’c CreV* Factory, Buys: “I C'vn ohecrfaUy say year Lcbric»t:a? Oil ii a 8up*.rior article. It rfoes ne t gitsi ia t.'ia Icaal, bui keeps ihe joaia&l.^ clear ar.d hrit^t " ilr A F Beohc-rJi(e, Chief E.igiu?tr of tbe O S .\r.^c- nal r.nd .ry o’" ij;a pl.^re, wv3 requ'?>Kl to try it «Td Biy.’4 “I ikirt i;hf Ji ohiuo-j—f ir’; .iaCouoa F-.otorir?e—^sl’orb-inTj n>%c^.in»ry Wi.pu lae raoliou ia bIov,yivar Lubric-Micf;!)il w.ll conjcv" ’^8^**- >3 qu*l- Uv to Sodria ” Otijcr c-'ii-jts rosr.ar^y'ure's i%t3 i uiunc?i fjkTorih'y of \t. K^iiHY P.. noT.To:-. Agcat ?»-ptl‘.viilfi KercMn? Co. April 4, 1864 CO if rST'F. C>in ^ar i-h J^RP.OaSNt PUEN'»NG f^TL in qu-it- VV tiMes cf 6 or VJ galloas at {2.j p“r gallr n: tin (nra :r $15 to f .10 5«d tVifid cr lit-;e conrr-i." _ji. Ihh '2 ac jco>3 wi Oil c»i be 'a'-Io wl'i-.at tha raistur-i ■srith AS'kUoJi, -rrVrrb i* H 31.-70# a >w to obt*-iu. The pick t;jC3 oi i; 3 v. iiur. y K >rt!c?a.’ i-vwp aiould bt; eiifbtly l-ng'heR'-» y . i:.- ii,T cni * c eo-j. Wuii a Urcp thuf> arraag i :*■ ci ?r't!;-.ti». pmohe t;.{ vr'.tu V9 Vrill.^a-: ■ i’ ?" 'T . •. -.1 II.t HE«RY £ COLTOi; A^’t F K. Co. iL sni pro ber at hia old 0? Nov. 6, 13C'i. isd on J.iM'ket Kqaa; ALL.1. JOIIN;^OH, Jr. T5'f AH.yiY I AM prepare! to manniiiot.’pe all kiaa« of Vi 'igoa Harness fcr Ar:ay u3-r. 1 i^n my leather an l caa fiTO good bRrjfiirAj^eata wil- Jo .11 -.^2ud their orders to mo s«. l - y sbail have prjcpt fctteuuon, and sect off in quitk dispatoli. JOIIN CAATKR. OoldHton P. O., Cualbara Co.. K. C., ) 3.., .Ivuie 13, 1802. { ■5^0 lha. AR*a!i>!C l«v sale by J. E. LJLS e,u: Oot- 15. , AfJcr tEiia date I pay i-5 Ctn'« p^r jjuni for va>s, ihe cljgheat ms.rk t pr I’ayett-’Tille, cr at n? >ai! ^ “■ or lieL .'bv'i'i ia Feb’y 16. 18ni •>tjb.FUY 7-r Arril 7 ^>vV w We are aathori^ to aonoance ien. A. D 5iaLEiN :b ■> !!»'.• Ui*^c to repred i\t •’•imr'-r'ard fiai i i Hear? if “ i i"* uext C-r.a»jr.-.l Aijeeuit’y 48-te A C AK&>. .■MiLLOW-* inZK'^3 and S0LDIKR3; Yicliu-r Is tiie . ro’ic'tati S'! of frijad.^ i.n ('utaberfan ( eal llaracti ojiintief, 1 uiTfe ooa^soteJ i'* swiTe, if eV.otei, 30 » rret'bpr cf 'c‘ H.usa of Oo'na.riai 0? tL? u xt Gea'-ral AH3^a.b'iy of i'Ic-tia Cirolira 0>mfiavd to Camp life, Will not bj i« oy poorer 10 930 :h3 po**; Ij. It p-.jiJ be p'cpir t;>eie'ore, to atate ia*t, if clec>jd, my icfla- €cc? “irji Tot s w;d feo c*:t in r .r 'r cf iuoh uteisurc’ .ta ia ay juJg jeat ,ua.y I*? us9l caloolatel t"* lusare the puo3e*i.i vf our ‘rms aal oscnfft »he iuiop adi,U3« of ih-* South. ii vill be taj couftiat iiin to l'>iS tlways to tho c'rafort »nd ore cf my brotUcr aaldicre, acd I shall surport cferj msifc^are o-ilcalateJ to rro)t.o:o their iaterort sud ia ca-jJurAge aui ohojr the-.a ia ihtjir ir- da.’us a.i.t pa i;otio sarT.ae. 8jmp*ih?siuj; wiUi tke opl» aad soldlrra, whateter :ai!uffce I way bave Bhall be ,xer:;«d ta re»tr^ia cpprjssi a an' piarani,ca 10 >**1 juijt r-j..- e.ui privileges, la tic u>s?at.ig3 oi mj LeRialauvvt liutioa, all Uwfal b used tcf pvomiie th'i int-.ro-t a!d c.wry oa*, 19', «rl3ie3 of >y A»'Iof citliens, ^'elieTiag that a repr-j^eivtfclive :n tubi oip*cUy, is lua publia •^erfjat of ite people aad is ihcre'iri! buuad to yield a r«.»*y obeAieaos to tti.ir ia?tt'Uviiuaa oada cheerful ooia^U^aoj with tucir wi£-- ei*. in every way ojasisteat with t e pabl.o good. I *iATO serred ihrea year^ i:i th’ army, s.ud U t!ift peo ple ao# d?sire lae to serve ta?m ia aaotliiir oa'>acity, I vill ohetrf’lly comply with thoir wiel»e3 JOHN r. MoLKAl-i Plymou'a. If. 0., July 9, 18j4 4 i* iC'l tJ *;*adtditi8 for the G juse -f * 0 ffota t.-a*.!- ^ ■ ,0 nafv. T r.s.v's '•oc*?'?.-! a^ac.icitf-. ios8 feor.* iU6 Hht >hitf^ tha A:ce-iosn Heroas, or tUe oagv.cha, or f. S'- etisy at fia.Tjo to in ke aivM’V cut of Ci3 fa.^i liiH of tiji* o.>!dicrfl, »-ci o-^our-v iinie ia abi!3>r>j bet'^f mta tt*.» i'.;3”ni.vff diabyjl. 1 siii.i»d i-Mr'-y i.ud sjn* ely on ce pUtiur^ »f ri.oiihoLd d BrL.H', 01 Georgia, s*-‘d '•». W. H'.-ldio, for Gor^ra- cr, •g -iast t!(e torid; ^a i I bcit jve tu' witbru*. the e!co'*oa .f .“•jiah eipu to cID »e W2 ^iil never ht-.re 4 pcriaaueci p- e.c’. 83 t*~ au tha so'dsers ar*) coaesr>> ed, I do BOf 7»i3>. to »p*?4r to bov?t. bat I will say t. 4t I ha»« , Sk5 rc.Uf' t fu.* * *1; it,, or ct .ro. fcoorrdio^t lo aj?»'D. M vi ai»f Va«ii.i:c a int Crunty of rv^t -..>in:. F.dlow oUiiic,8 aad soli tir.', RI ia tee polls 0« tie day of clv;Sl«3, an* v *.0 for trs j ^^j'a-jrv'Hiveis, if ycu would !>avft {.euoe snd i>e «. fi je people. !>} rot be iu- iic3id*ted, but ai^nd ’-.p Jor voar n»ht8. JUiii; A. Mcl>ON.^Ll>. Oi^laaJ, Jn’.r IfJ, ISCl. 60 «e To the Voters of lloare and SoQtgoiu«ry l)oui»> tiC3, at iiouie and lo the irniy. f AN'i'MlN jh iayutflt w 'iaii .s:3 to r5(ireaeat ibe 1 c.viaiici of Moors aad ■i-'jntgi o-ry *a tb*? acxtS^a- •itc cf Nori-h Ci>r.>Lica. If sjeotai i vrili dj all ia my pu#iT to p’osDOt-* iht- !nt.> :■ t >au h«a~T r.f my.tja- f»uiuer»i!y, of iiurta Oarib-i-i »ai of i-ie 0ont’cieTi3». I R.31 f>r Vftaoc, ill h'iaotii:>i •> 4ui !•. i --vor of .'X- ecip U'g from t^ie p^yias u of T-t'ra, 8 jMi.;r4' (:>iniaea «!iA J iio ait ma^e a pltatif:?! aui p;;rt J ML3 *r!. ;KU.\IP W.od Hil , M'^tifgouer.' ojUuIj . J jly 8. a fa » \ BI^AnEH €91JI«T¥. i FclloW’Soldten 9nd fellow-CtUxens oftheConaty of Bladen. the nvU'iUa iaa af oiauy. I at th’s 'ate »• ,ur, i. have benoaie a 0Hadida>^ to rcpr-isei* you 5n tUe of ■'otsr n»x>. L'^jsla'ar’. Cv;p3.teatl" os- p ic.ing yonr 'apport, I phdge my beat »ffurts to pro- Touf every iatarogt In aniwer to tV s many qucs- uo«iB tUat m^v arise, I will say thxt I a " iu fjvor of ’*9«*wJ Fe ceil aa e»rl» and h-^norabh Pe.«iO?i! Oae f-hnt will socura cs aad oar posterity !*»•■ kight* of our *•0™ si and our fireaidG^, cT*a to tha Hts't p'.Tiad of !ime. E03P B CAiCf. Oo. H. 86'h Eeg’t N C- Troops ^aly 12 52 ^(pd To Uie Tolers of Canibdrlaatl aod Harnett. 0 ‘ VING beoa ao:a ’.itsd by ft C3n7e"-t'(»a of th* fjiti- T. tf JTftr.'iet, .ooiiaty Ijr ’w sn.-:* in lUa Hsa^i cf viaincn? of tUs ri?-xt Ai)s$mbij i adv>ptthu ■if'hod, a.*; tha only available one, of in^Toii ;j yci of ^y ^ooep‘aoo3 of the ajxtinafioa a ;d h jir / -ij^cur- I'inoi in th> raaoiatisas ado*1«l by ihs 0/a ■ .'itioB To those wao hav^ r-!Tbr ro?4 trie p^-.?C'.rfof tae j^7»ut!oa, I will 8^/ I am ^ Va'*oa W'*' >*iefin5 -%e 1 ill) vhat both the homr f>*.s 3>.%t« ad ; >d of tat i r*io8 are bonad np ia *»ij ro elsoiioa I atre bc^a • ETKiPtei with ihotfTria? froa tbs oomTQisr.oin*.en‘ of i-t u'' to the presoat tirat^: am no' aO'?, navcr ^ tve bean, subject t> *»“7 Gaasjf/pt act i.'*.^cdd by ^^•e Confjd.rftte Ooarrcja If elected, Gnntle ner «i*d eel low-doldiera, I w.ll f-rvo yea to t*ii b '* cj mj 'bii-ty; if ttot I iiftU oi'>8?fit'ly to t .vir Lisa*. Co. D, 31 M. 0 •'^tvilry, 0«iir> aev Pei^rtburj, Vi. Jaly 9. 51-te Wanted to E*i;rei!tasc, WESTERN RAIL ROAD STOC?^; Bfcnk Notps; • Gold aE'i Silver- llorth ChPol'a'*. rn.a?ur» Notes (Paadablo:) i« “ $1 ».ad ?2; “ Beads, old trii a''^; Coantj of CnQi*'eri« :\d Sojsl.'; Town of Fayettevillo Bi'r- 'g; Graeasboro’ $1 aad #2 Ccrtiiiy«.t 3s; CoafodM»(> 7 aad 8 per oeat. Uor^d?;’ Co'ipona o^ if 15,00').' 00 1 “ of Town an'. Ooaaty Hoads; " 0/ old Noitb Carolif.* Bond"; T. 3. l UTTERL'.'H. Oct 12, 1868. 71i- OHnNA.^jrD.*SrAgTMB-NI, iliiaioTi. K. G., M»y H, Lead wanted.—I Tieb to parjbwo L^wi for tJih Departmeat. PmjosT hr.%inx Ki*ge or bmall iitiee wiU please appiy ^*- o=’c?. V?;u ^=v> 1 poacd of POWDER far 10 i-vuali of uLAl). TIIOS D. HOGG, Ci.nt. C. 8. 09. ia oh u-g- 0.' Orioaace. 5g3^t Coal ililiiac. rrHE undersignoa were, at tha Kavcrcber T«rai of the 1 Confi'derate Coprt, Uintriot cf Nor H Gtsrolin'i. ap pointed Maaap9ra 0' the n;T/pi C> ' Miae prcpoit/, lad hava entered into oojart oorshn- f-'vth^j purpose o* ■.ini.-g and aeL’ing ? >:J, aud sohr i o-r^'^rj for th«. 3>»::^e InanyUofired Ordr .j f - n, y arr'-.imt cRn bo •applied on ehci i D )tioc. Th.- C.'>r.l Irom this pro perty 18 out''”" tue • . jc .'«*Iar.v3 at^.s. Appliuikyo^ “■ -n J. IfaLlctt, Faj 9tt-c- ••ile. H 0., or • ’lesf-on. 8. C- ^ ’ 0«A f B. M4LLRT.T. Tay *viU*, J an v 5>-'* ’ RAxliAWAY, PROM the subsjrioer, on the 2‘Jib A, rll, ipy,bcy f^^y||U|Hip>K«d 2X'/uAo^bM44 foot 74cicKj^igh; STJe^tKrtooniplexioa.lapi^ abio a ecar oa his laft hand, OMued by a burn, and* weighs about 170 pounds. 1 will pay fifty dollars for hia arrest, or oonfinemeut in •B7 Jail BO th*t I get hia again. HUOH MoCUUMOE. IL a, JWM EAGLK FOll.-VORV, \ ?'AYKTT8VIL^H, 0 . Ju'y I, l'^^4, » P ARK NOW PREPARGO TO RFl’^ilVE 011- dors for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of tbe f'liowiaz sites, v i: 24, 26, 28 and 80 inob. Also CHILLED TIR'JS. Th» Irjn we fih.-i’l U90 fo~ taera •JTiil be ;OLD BLAST CH\RC-OAL IRON, aa1 we war I %at o'jr v'h.-'.elB NOT TO ’RACK, a-id to b? »qn^l to *ny in the Coafedirwy, or to t^iris* of '"hiiacy & ar.nR of P‘'iUd--lT>'’i-i, wbo""* repat^lion (•'» s W’ll kaowa by fll Rvl Ri'd Oo*ap\nie« We bi.?a thf* bftst faoilitice for tranap rfatio?? by Stcaocrs to Wilt?i:og;^a, from th-’ncc to •ay fart of tbo Co"ifj'^e’'‘»oy OrderE respoot^jlly solicited 4S(f| D AND^RSO^^ & CO ” ' WEST IS iJAIL IROAl>. The FREIGHT AND PA03ENGFR TRAIN? o: this Road l^a'ye Fayettoviile usily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning leave E^jpt at 1 o’clock p. M. Cattlt tud liorte Trisn MONDAY, WEDNEODAY and FRIDAY. By order JNO- M. ROSE, TreM’r m:1 Oen’l Trana. Ag’t. Jan. 22, 1863. •* ' 97tf ^7-m ^ ^ III Many Citizens of Cnmlwrland and UiiTaett ooaai.^? will voto oh ue 4i.aot Aupjjt aoxt Ttie ConlcdM’ate Ticket, FOR GOVERNOR, Z. B. VAHCE. "for the SENATE, Kandal XcDaniel, of Cumberland FOR THE COMMON;?, lien. A. D. McLean, Harnett, J. 0. Shepherd, Cumberland, ‘Jol. M. J. McDuffle, do. Juiy 8 4S tr'pi To the Votertsot Hiainp«oii County. niTIZ«:«S AND I^ELLOW SOL' lERS: By the 5oLoi- \J tation cf aisoy f’-iea'^ti, I announo} iay*«lf a oiadi- date fyr th^' Ooaicioas branch of tbe Legislatars of K. C. Being in service. I sl*ll not ba able t' meet tha good ponp.e of old Saa.p3ou at the prccioctB bat f'ust to Lh? kiad cflBous of Frieaas. My views are well known a» b-iog a Conaii-voU e Gantl*»iaen I eolioii your vote*, T?ith tao promise if«l«ot5d lo bs awahe to your in'«9«t. Ycurs ’■'ep’t’y, H P- COOPER. July 8. 4K 19 At the .req9ie«ft of triesidif, o'tiz> 18 »ut 8.'idi^l^t^ I liavj b cj^a) a, Ov. Mi'.ii f >r 'hi; S'ijrir'ih f oi Rlnbcijul ciuuiy. i rej.et tbe acar apprjioh 0 tu-* '■Isoiioi *ci tho ?x gja-^ie^ of the 6’r- lioe pr''v?it lay ra>jeti-,g u-ith jva before that Jrj, aad tieretore aaU yau, ay aiii»6n« >»aj sjldie a, wane thoae asiae are aiireasi&g jciu aud sol'citia^ yoar surport, to rejssmber tie oae ia tuo fit’.d «ita tht: aaT’.y eoidierB in dcf-jaas of your proptrty, rig^iiUi ar.d iiberiiej If eleotii I will di»oba-ge the Ja- ti„j of t'i‘» ofio* to tho b^st o' lay abiiitj; if net, I will r?ms.iD ae 1 hava o.^oa .'or ;.w- three yoitd ia tlo- fecce Oi tao oj^uUy. I.'j\ios f.jrw4ri lo thtf wa:^a '* will be pr»vil*'2?» to rjtora iz r-3.i>^ to our ,’ioai js a:- i ••ij *.iio rc,Ti.rd of jur 6aat.r\:»j, ; C G’B ’O:^ *V F. ISri. 1. C T Jr.*- 12 ivoTice. O’ViNG to the iat,rrn' tion of hn MVd be-wi*?b hare aad N 0 I h*-T3 b 'a d'prir3- iiij u*a^l j Jo-re?J>anioBae. C3r>s?qiaaUf I ui'^9vsi*ni ta-,*: (be j ^■laioa cf the people c.f Robo^i^ niaaly i» th^. i t a OiOd*J*t?i {-ir tha offioe of Sisrllf Fs'.low c li- -f fta-t fiolditri of Rib?.’.on ovmly, f am » candidve for iDe above cffioj £'.e«iioa in Aa^a^t uext X'xj piiai t«k^n or iaflaen? U3»d by my frienda '« »f4or to s.juT'* BJ-/ el93-i.>a wi':l bi than'tful'y reoeival. WILUAM STEWART. Co. D, 46th Rsg’t 0 T., near Peteraburg, Va J.IQS 2S 51-4tpd Cow istrayed. A BROWN COW, niirifeti wits smjoitioropai'd uadcr- bii bota eir9 'ueiiuxi %i%3. Any ‘uf ira«>.i(>a Wili le ob-'Si’faliy r*cc;vjd, »-ra I » Ucir>. r .«t*?i ptli iir her recoit-'sry, by ’dis. E. .^. WALKER .^T>'. v%y in. General Orde URilKiOAiiTKRS, SKSKETK Of N. «. VfxLJ>oa, July 18, lSi>4 Thefrleuds of Col. -M J McDUs’FIE, wi'l b^ (^ratified to Uirn that ha has coiseat- ei lo oe ac^ndidat; to repreccat »he counties of H.'imett and Cuinta-Ijnd ia the nouse cf ConBmoE^ cf the n.^xt General Ass'mblf ■Ti 17 «-ia Wo are aat^.orlzt>id to annoancc Dr. W. jM. M?NfclLiT- of Uarnett. now seivlntr S5 a Li?u*-'a»at ia t:.-o Confed-‘r>.'“ Array, as caadidAte to i-oprejsat th' c •uatiifS of Camberlaad au-i H»Tae».t in the next Lagi«Uitira Juac 2^. 4>> lOtnd E*ro»o aod aftei* tfeJs date the Stsaiowr A. P. HURT wiil leave »♦ 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday ar d Thursday. J09. A. WORTH. April G—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. FA-JfETTEVSLI.E MIJTUAL iaSUSA-WE €0,^FAi\f. 52>7,688 5rt 0,077 S6 Cc>pital ia 1‘raruum Notoo amouata to Cuh o'j ii.'ind and oth?* Total, 5272,766 18 The Company h:%Te paid all losses promptl/, and >c»e never inade aa fta.-»0Bsment on their prcc\ntia not^s. Totfcl loesrs paid, Ofi’iuaar: GEO. MoHEILi, Prrsi ^ont. D. A. RAY, Vico President. MsMILLAN, Reaj. DiP.aoross: W. N. Till;a-b5-.^v, 8. J. Hir»rd?’«, Wm. MoL -'uriB, T. S. L-Utcrlih, A. W. ctc-ci, J. G. CsaV, iloa. J. G. Chcphord, R. F. Brown, I . . A. B. FVtl, gt-oii- John CoUioa and 0. C. MoCraainaa, A»>;n*.i affJ^Tba Company an,'>U‘j-ftioa«j. 58. 1R^1. ‘2* C. A. Honrjr Lilly, H. L. Myrover, D. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman, C. B. Mallett, JaiacQ Kyle, A. A. MoKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. 07AI7THO, ior the Hospital at Fort Fisher. POULTRY, Chickens, Batter and other dclicaciea for the sick Soldiers at this Ho3piti.l. Porsoas having 'itese artiol«s can obtain the market prioe on applica- tioB to ike snbaoriber At kis oM atand ar at Mr. J. W. P«w«t*i oa Haj Btmt. E. H iUEIIMI. Qmfl jj^H2 To tlia FrasmiU of Cnmbcrlapfl Coanty, By requeat, I Rjaia %ar.o.iuce rayaelf a oi^d.ai-i for the cffiao oi’ SUfrifTof Oumb‘:rl«taJ ccur ty B^^ouid I be elpotad, 1 3>q only proajise a^ beforo to iisch.-irge ltd duiioa with w;»at aftilitr I tiav oossess. HECTOR MoKEILL. M^y 25. S.*} t«* To the t'itizens and Soldiers of Haraett. T the solicitation of many of my friends I roapcctfully L anuouuco myself a candidate for re-electioa to the oaice oi Sheriff for tbe county of Haraiitt. Profoundly grateful to my flrieads both at home and in tbe 4.rmy for the very ijeuerous support heretofore recoived At their hands, 1 can only ple^ that should they again ma.ai- fest their conSd'saco by re-electin» me I wiil, as. hereto fore, s.'rve them promptly aad impartially. Very respootfally, JArf. R. GRADY. April 13. 24-te To tlie Voters of Sampson Conaty. TilfcOUGK tRo solioiistio.'ia ot •mr.v of friR'i'«ij, I Jtacouaob niy’.^f if ft ostadUsi,® far n in the Hoiue cf Coramnr^p ju ..‘ia uc^t Lefisls-tnrs of ?l3ria Cuioii'.a Should 1 Vie foitr.Ti'^te as ta Va ,.r-r ji, I ??ili iaussvjr t) work lor t ie inii.-;.‘3Cl of the olMx.^aj af SataisnDQ ooantj, to tha be?t of m/ ajHit-’. JAME3 T. GIj>DEN3. Clinton, K. C , Juno 7. 39 i.?pd •sTiggg^ We are aathoriTed aod requeQ^ed to ■ a;^aaHnoe Ool. B. F LITl’l'K ay a -3.-*'>.-.ii-J2t3 to repreient tha ooualy of iv cbra-^ai in the kloiiiw of OomnoiB ia tho n jxt L giili'uio. Mav id atjv '•ssb We »re anthorliod to aunounce JOliN A. LONG, AS a c»nuis;>' t«* for re to t^ 9 •jfRcc of Sheriff for the couuiy of iiioh 85 6tpd-te We are aiithorixed to a5esx*>umcc ROBERT M MoNAIR of Co. C, 1st 0. BattaU .\rtidery, aa a Cani^idat;: for th.3 oGlce of SHERIFF of Rabcacn Coun y. May 20. 3i-19tpd I'^eflow-Citizcuis aod Soldiers: a eamlidato to rcpreflcnt yon m th-i Senatorial Dia- iriot oomp:>aid of ha oountie*} of BLidan, Brunij.rick and Colaaibns If oleotod, will nerve you to tbe best of jcy ability. JAlB- H PRIXCHKTT July 14 50-6t W. s. JBamifey, l«t MjU Co. B, 61st B«g*t N. 0. TrtM^ is a 0—didatt foe 8HS&IFT of Qbatbam ooontj. L possib’.e cxariioa t> expsl'te tlie or^uizAt'Oii of the R’sev'^e *f N. C . iK-i-iio; hss • .!bjra»attv-a to tbe ptri-j.fcat ac2jaa.abi?'t/ fj» *15.7 vraai of norgy or ao- litiiy. II. At the ua.Iios: praotlc^bie ui.te, aficr tba t'cai:»r P.'serve are orgsn led lato cuinr.aa «-, »h? Ui tr^ri E-r-)l ing Ollijerd wtl or^^t jitj i!;e n m- . #. met:, ' uerg srs le i C3 Jiii^ai.- ; v--.' .ti'-J :» iU ' .i.iva, u I'S ibi- ter.-;!!oinn^ui?fl by s'-s^iabirr,^ t • ' oiap>-Oiii c"; J, Skod bo'd'og Rn rleotioa/■)!■ *"0 i. L; a:, s -j aad Miyof, f'r >* Koci’aoft: t Li-u ■ o'o je. 0,11) iin &■ B:*’Jaiion of f.xoe otoro -jj for i Bitulion of 1 ki losn eii comjo les. IlL Her^aft^r, s-ii appi.oatioas i-.e indylre oe'4 0 evtry kiad, ts-I'I be Mt tetbruugM t.,e pvopj - caancel 1 these Head Qaaricrs; »ud psuiiDj,’ B'lch *»ppii5*tu'n, 1 appUo*ct will boojooilered »al trcai-^i w tuoagu it bai ao', been iai--da IV. AU iRrlnng-'ie, leaveo of frtssac-o or t^m por*'y fX9c p:iiias, herc;o’j-e pr:»nt. J m . wd"', belong ng to me Hoijf r’-e of N. C.. by cCiae ’s con- n'.ct'd wii:» tne Ccniony Bu*e'u, f.va r v.ne' Ai p;^ abstat, by virtue of saca paptis, C3bi.>-h ; i iii ih> fisl i. T-ili at one; jari tls’Tr omattai • V. T&c Reserve, froui bums c Mvu i-to t'-.v 0 - a . ill cases cf emergrnc:’, are ko- li.bis (a l>e det ;..ci tv Jf’arntrt, M*eh tnie», ^ c By comn^;^d of Lt. Gen. IfoiiKss JNO W aiN,:DAt.B, Aja’t Avj-i Gen’l. July 18. 60 71 Oahp 63d Rta’r K. C. T., D-iWioai 4 Co . V.i.. 1 J.iW 1 , t.-'dt. / To the Citizens aad Soldiers of Il^ruett. ARBPJ'RT aaviug eaa oircai .fw, I > nd ^it..- d'^fcwa my ns^me troirt b^fora ‘’le ‘i c-wuii date for Sheriff of Hara»tt, I d!*3>1 ii c-i-ja ■’avy »t te X my friends at hom? and r^y o'ajv.Bii v'? m the A my, that i‘ not traa, *al tbti I -im 3ti»!. » • fi»i offio*) and sTrtu- i bo v:jr> th vn?fut for t'-jeir eup^ori 60*i3 pdj SAML i> Pil’KIS. RlOHMtiHD. Va . J.-»>0 27'!|, I6il. iBxchT«3ig€ rVotice, 'Ifo. 11. AI.^i cSoRrn ird ta of the V>>• .a'|C c-v'tnre o"^ Jaly 4;h. 18t>s, wh ) reooitcJ I'v -iu'-j bi :>i r itf’it .T pnae. M;^3 , Di'-opoUs. Al* , Jca. ab :'o’ T-nn . Vic»- lir, I’arcbitocaM Shreveport, o> Alvx -.n'ri*. Lv.,'-.t 5.C ' tjm^ pr or to A’>rjl ist 18G4 rn.i TrUn-*-: naDi"") 11.70 h'i-a forward;’ t, a.9 by .‘a« p>-;>}'cr fiCsoro, .fobr d:N’,lir6d sr-'br-ngr'? . 60 5-'] RO. ODLU, A»o&t of ^'iob*n « FSO’,! sul'fioro'. i- 01 b'ia'i’e IX)W c E^lrayed or S4«»Ica, n tbe S‘ ii i *t, 1 liuu. sis urar'^d bor.ii?J, u«ir scrafcu *d(ff -vlit*] ' cn one /*>y n^wast;?.i r^c iv»'^ eoJ'crru rn » cow vPi be libe*■^ll3' ren'fc:*ded by H W aKlNNSa, at W. ^a’B S. ?c J«1 ]&. fi'*-4fpd Cwicn A?3!:i'^ Feairle Semiaary, T..It».MAS7ILL'3 N tj Next p^islon bcir'.as t’aP 4th W 'dne'’ -»v ?n J«|y 18r.4, 0»a-d -^ad T>*hi g per ssdai.^r of 5 ■a'>n‘R « $‘iO in spefi'e. OP 2C0 1'.« cf iik-ion or 6 jbis oi Flour or .'P500 in Orn'«dHzs'« ra : n»y la vivanoe Tl!iUc•^ 5^0, Mu no J50, L'vtin or Fr^noh A? cn!y f. litaiwd aumbsr is rFCci73, these ~L?' idn*“jiioo ^iU 'ajui.'J'iitels Me M jCaalee? will board lO'y^uag Lc..Hea ooave cirnt t) tho Stmicary. J. W THOMAS. Prec’t. Jaly 8. 49 6tpd The Fmrmers’ and Planters’ Al- ’raaaao for 1864 A f*w icroeo nwrt Just reoaive^. Jn^v «1. P. J HALV » SONS iHi«« iH. £. S4COT£Lli WILL rc open her SCHOOL in the Aoademy at Lam- berloa, far >* 4c-9»iou of'’0 weeks, Aug. Sd. 1^6'^. Tu-.li-m jn Com-non Fn»r?a, ftO 00 • ia High2i' “ 45 00 •‘ in L\tin, French f. »d Drawing, eaah, 15 00 “ in P‘Soting. Wxr Fruit ard Ftowifs, do. 20 00 “ i*’ .Masio with iwc jf Pi^at, 46 00 Tuition charged iroai di*o of roira*i3a a id ac l-sdaoUon.B ^’ftcie except in ois3 of protracu’d •l'5-tne2j. Tuition at old rai«s ^ ixnd in provkior. at old vrktt. Jaiv21. Fla^ oT Trace £etter8. C0V7SI>S&AT3 6taTK3 07 AVKSJOA, 1 Was UsPAaTHUKX I BvR«*U or SXCHASQS, j Rishnor-l V% , 3a r Irt, 1864. J 1 -Hi Ictte’n to JO North by flig cf tr^oe oiUis!. OJ ec^t to this o?1q3. 2 Bseh letter raujt b* inolop~d i"' a peonage «g- »ad >ddrc7pa’ to ~.e., B« ’^aa of Exchaaje. llich- u't. I fi y : \ tlc" ran.?*, fx-i," I 'li lyax’b one p' of ord’- biS'd ie‘!cr 'ap'-r, svd it- costocl?? le coaiiued i! *.'y rc kit letter tii- lodvjz 3 f'ln _,-tients Icas’ai.o of ro 'jra will be ',» T.!?'J- I'icb’o”rr c‘!.''>'> •' a Uai*ri S’atfs p'3t?j-!i p’s-rr.r) r t-^uivsleal ia si.’*-?? ’? Untied '-•ta-^ioui Q-T T : roctti*t’o’>3 ^ili be rigidly eaf;>rocd and b't-.cf traa:’mittel i.a TT-ii.ih they arc nit i-rio;iy ob- uc.-Yj J. Rob’t Ould Agent of Exohsnge. 1 Official.! W. II. IIatoh. Oapt aad A A G. £2 8t FOK «A,8>E. Five Hundred Millidu (yoafederate Six Per Cent. Bonds. 'f "i SE i’-iad.i p-v'j. nt i.-.a ^ro'itest it-ino.Jita .j f^r A i“ ;-6tai4a‘ Th y !»‘«’e t urly veirj i ran. is*?!’ * .’■•blo sflt'ii-aar.r.'illy. .-\-id fit-', eeca^id by I aporl ici 'iport dali.49; ar?. cxeair?;. principal ^ "id ijft'ieBt, fr'-a'-.x-uiia. aad ihi ecapo’?a r,3o:;ivablc a? com for Appiy to ALLEN S CIBBES. .* rerl T^'ni'Mirj Ders'->it. JpI. ’■? r- ^ aro c^st into the ovftn, laurels arc the most per'.^'h- ab!e. livery sj/rjug^ time clotliea the tree '.q bcauiy, and every autumn strews the otrth v.' i its dry leaves. Happy the man who is arr&j d iu the immortal robe^ of virtue. He only is traly gr^it, the eff'i'gcncc of whoao rame con es from rtltliiri, like tho sua, and in not the reflect ad glory oi cUo iuoon,*und who heeds aa little as the sua tLo light which he lavishly soatters over itie universe 2\lm of fhc first order of huati.;rty. mcc who k..iOW onoc how lolty and how 1 Ltie they are, who, consoious of the august iutcllig noo wuioh entilles them to a high seat in the amphi- theitre of life, cau look up and see how n>uch wider is the ppace which intervenes between them anJ the overarching firuiamen; than that which reparati's rhem from tho levels of Hte at their fjcl, are not likely to trouble themHclvcs about latirels, and recoil from the popular idola try which Ui weaker spirits is tho gr^at object of human existence. The buniftlest soldier in the Southern 0' ifea- who is simply seeking to do his duty, is coblor th!4n the highest offi»er who is actuated iuctlIj by tbe dsdre of making himself a name. IhLs allsi;iaTicc to duty is the distinguishing ijual- vx auii till: iaiporishable glory of our Cunfederati I'i-.k iizC. die Sfangc, indeed, that Any officer, 1 juch a cuu.^e as this, should desire sfe^'ial f .ise fov tbinkin" 01“ his country and not of him- Boi‘. W-fa a;l iHat makes life worth having at stake-, ctrsirclod by a host of warriors who 2,f.> o^, rii,g t’ucir blood like water without a dream o n s ivautftge, what must bo the littleness ji a fi-. 1 ieh can be absorbed in its own eleva- tioa, Slid ♦'in play cff priceless life-pawns to win j::ame ot ambition? Yet, cous*itutcd as human nature is, wc fear there must be those in every service who have lij higher motive than their own glorification, an-i who oarry sell into a'l the com pi'nations of camp aud couacil. Whilst no man can be great without an honorable ambition, that is not an hon orable ambition which makes self, and not duty, the gov-?rn’.ug principle of action With duty as a guide—iutv to the country, duty to prin ciple—our c%u3c would be placed on a baris ol itaprcgnrbls strongth. Or, if it should fall, its fall would iavoke no self-reproaehes>; it would not bereave us o" fortitude, resigaation, and dignity; we should not fall with it, but leave a name to live when wo arc dead, and from the ashes of our t>epulcbrc3 transmit vital sparks to the hearts ol oppressed humanity in every age.—Rich. Di^. ^*A Second Dartirlconu- to Judgment ^—Biding the western circuit,, in April 1855, His Honor Judge Saunders, then on the bcnch, who for many years had been a u-seful aud honored servant of the public, charged the grand jury in the coun ty of Buncombe, “if any set of men shojtld con spire togcvuer to elect or defeat any one who might be held up for any public trust, by forcing the voter to vote against his will, by threats or otherwise, the act would be unlawful and therefore criminal.” The charge of Judge Saunders was in rispoose to an enquiry of the grand jury of Buncombe county, and was leveled a^s’nst *‘extia judicialC/itths ” And thereupon said Mr. Holden: “Cciamcnt u{ioa the foregoing is not ueed.-'d. The charge of Judge Sautider.^ is custami'd by ibat of Julgo Porer ot Peausylvaoia. li-Vl, of thesa Judges arc honorable for their year.*', aad respccced throughout the country for their virtufcs as men aud citi^seus “IJoth these charges dencribe beyond .lue.ition the Fccrct ord-r known as ‘“Know Notbi’ign ” The icprz.-. «.i J.migogixcs and disappointed pari,y hack? v;ho C'utr i the mutnbars of this orier, may wijce tnd wiith? in view of tbe cxposurofl and thi! pensUi'rS to vvhioh they have voiunf.arily mado th*Uiaelvcs liable ” fitJ-hdardf JaJy 1855. TO aai^T. rpllL 8 ftory ^rick baiUin- a-.‘j j O'-o '"cNf'iil’B. I Su*!. hie *fr a Btore and dwoiii-in; Aov)l? fo J. W' P0’5VEit=', Tal/ 14. , 64 3n SSy tbe OoTernor ef Nortli Carelisiia. A PRi>c;j(>A,HATM>?^. 11,’HEREA.S. it hath been repre«enrert to nin Ih.it Uonje»ou ’’ J(jnes, late uf the Otuniy of Guilf ,rd. hm Ihmq c mvixed of the murder of Win. Stephens>n. Inie of said coanty, r.nii tlutt tba salt Hcntlpriton Jonoj has ’scapsi from prisim ninl is now at . And, whereas, it hath al'«i been represrnted to me tiiai VV. T Eviiifi. alios Tarner Fry. of said count/ of Guilford, who fttnnd* Is die d for the crime of Burglary in siiid cnunty. h.ith ais.> e.t^apsti I'roin primn nnd is at large NoiT, themfure, tii the end that the said Hoiidc'-son Junes am] the said VV. T. Rvans, alin.'j Turner Fry, m ly be !irre-i«d and li'O =i*l.t to j:)stii;e for the>r sH’tl off^nce^, I fio Millie my I*r >« mm otieii'ii! a ri^ward ofTuRitB udnureo ooli.4Rs fur tite appreiien- slun and delivery of said Jone« anti thkbb uokdrih bo!.i.aii9 for tlie irren and delivery of said Gvans to tha Siierilf of the munty »f Gtii'ford aforesaid. H wiinesis whereof. Zebu'on B Vance, Capuiln General and r Conimander-ln-Chicf, h'*tii thtf-td rresenti aad I f TAL J c.-ittsed the Great .'^eai of t!ie S^Ate U) Itj a9L(ea. ’ Done at Raleisli, tiiis -Jii day of J:ily, .1. i>, IST-I.and '.n tte y.*ir of American ladep-iudca&d, the e.ghty-nialh. fly Ihn novernor, 2. Jl. V.SKrK. A. M. .%ic[*aBBi|R9, Private Serrebiry, pro tom. lb 3w.- Sfate ot il^ortli Carol ii&a, ROESSON COUNV. Eapcrior Court of L-jkw, Si^riug rerro, A .D. l '6t IT Fas ordc.ra«i by eaid C:»:::t. from ‘his T«rm, Monday cf eaohTj-n ba««3>gaei for‘.-le trial ii the State Daokct Ail pani,?", w;tni^(»5ei «c.:i tKff-ni- «u;, ir* sotiSed to altenrf oa Monday oT nrx* Te^m of '•i3 Cour to be holdon Ur said County, at tbo Court House in Lambsrton, on tho fja''!'j MonA*/ o* E^r''rr> her 5«Tt. J R • fMR a'n I.cnr.’>ertAn. N tl 1-,tr iO • oihj Hit I Blank Wamate for saW here. I ISCYTHE BL.Al»l!:^. TnEj>.E havo been reo^^ived at Wi'minitc", a lot of Hcme four thousand 3o/the B^a^es, both gr.iia »na graf.-3 bi*-if8. Tasy wiil at cno*3 bi brought to th-i piaci for distribution. Tae Coarts of the revera! c' nn- des are requcited to appoint CommisaioBers to rec eive *.he quota for their respeotive ooanties As th* present orop3 of gr^ aod gnm in tho Western coontieo has not ysi baea karvMted» a prefsfoaoe wi\l b« giv»a to Umm ooMBtiM fa Iks distributioii. J. DKVfKSirx, A- Q. H. 61-« in ls55, then, a sec.et political party made itself ‘'lialie to penalties" by admraldt^riug ille gal oaths; but now in 18(>4. a band of torics may league and coiuoine to sell their country ia tim.i of war, aud bvud each other by the horrid oath, the penalty of which ia, to le “shot through the head; ’ and this Mr. Holden—-only nine years olier—^*mpl, says thereof: “What in Hec uba to hini,,or he to Ht-cuba?” If Mr, Holdeu has an interest rit'.in tiiis iaticr more reprehen sible aud far more orimipal society, the changc id accounts b 11;.—Haltigh * .onjederale. The 'iVo-ttur/ui iJcb'net.—Tho New York Herald say': The latest rovel y at Barnum's Museum ia a higftly bucce^slul e.xhibi.ion of mechanical skill in the sbspo of what is called tho “Woaderfui vtJpinei Out of a bos four fott six inches high arc fAkcd a>ateria!d from which furniture id made ip sufScico* iaauticy to cyvcr tha sttrge of the lecturo room. Chandeliers, tables, stoo'.it, a bod stead, dining t;;b]e, dishes, a large throne, a cra dle, bos''% bocks, &c., areepr- ad around in nnlii lit- ed qaan*itie?. T he woiidt’r at first seems to be how so mucL c?uii ever have been placed in the little bi">s, 1 ut &> tho process goes on the obIv qu.'otion is Lo.¥ v e stage is going to hold the cutabar of aiiictcs vhieh, on every side, are spiinging up aluifst l;oni isothing. The inventor, Herr Na- do-a’ia, a ia preseut at the exhibition, and «hovj his mecLanioal skill nearly as much in puttin'; t.ogoihcr h.n stock of household furniture ;is lu; di-; i;. he original construction. This ? 'dtluet measures only 4 feet t> inches in jciglir- ^ec wide and 2 feet thick^ and con- .iiit: ■ r.»r.'tics of fclaboratc, full sized, strong rad ' 08 ot furniture, including a dining nble, 12 fee- 1 n?, with 24 covers, laid complete; 18 ether tables, 0 g«tdon chairs, 7 other chairs, i^tibs. chuadelicts aad candlesticks with candles igb^d, a fail bed and bedstead with hangings Gomplotc A bea^ful young lady of LaGrange tells tbe cv^itor of tho Bulletin to keep his eyea wide open I before uiiirriage, and half shut afterwards. A recipe for h^piness, truly, which the world wo«l4 4a well to oboerre.

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