1 vol.. KlV rAVl5TTEVll,!,E. N. V-.. AUGUST 4, 1834 (NO 1355) ’R!NTHU MONIVAYa ^ND THORBDAYft. i*:2>V.ilSU» J. HALK ^ 8()NS. Gl'ITOr.:^ ANb PrOPRCFTORS -’iBX'BK 41 •!> tK), in J’.'i'e for tiui Scm'. O’ «>iTaucci. I .r th-» '>Ve?kly On9n\xvy% $10 00 per annuri, paid iu ■ *y'vi»cw. AUVFElTTc^l'MR^Tj* imeried for S2 per r ;uare of 12 lilies rr !«eR for J^o first, and oi»c dolKr for cftoh BiTo^eediuff ynblication. Advertisera are req’icste i to t! .fe the nar ' -'r '.n^^crliona desi»e'l, cr lbr«r lyill i-out!M.ae 1 ; , ; • ,ad ciiargtjd acoordtngl;. ''■■ivcrtit’ppif'Tii j ctorfinu?d infide, chargcd an new »d- ter- i Fl*rCI' T, )TICT;. ! t -.11 SQ -. ter IhipdV- r;' nr.j^c cf ?. ncT» enbrcr^Ncr wi’.l b« cutered wiibout »n"r.t in fiv i'joe, nor will *• - ■' ..>• i»lan«r- ti a« ts pfi'l for. Such of ow old subscribers desire to take tli# pa per oa this syetciB will pleaee notify ns when reakiaj; reraittanecE. Jan’y 1, 1H58 g>g*g—— CPTT01i CA»S>$i, I¥o. lO. milE FAYETTEVILLE COTTON CARD MANUFAO- X TLI KING COMPANY are now matiufivcturiiijrCAllDS giipenor to auy ruu through the blockad'J, and at pre*!ut are »k;Uin^ for a less price the sinsrlc pair or by the quaa- tity. Auy person ordering six or more pairn. they will be securely pAcked and delivered iu Wiltninglou free of ex pense. Call upon or addre* A. A. McKET'IAN. J, A. WO'^TIf. aLKX. JOHNSON’. Jr. Fa(|L»‘tteville, N. C., April 1« ‘J4tf Fayetteyiile Iloslu Oil Workn. OUR Oil Works are now in complete operation, »nd aa we u«e nothing but good roain in i»rolucing the Oil We uan recoramendf it to be tiie best of the kind made In thiu conntry. It id a tine Lnbricatbig md Tanner’s Oil, and we would be^’elad to receive orders from th« Qovemaent and tha public ^nerally. We will sell on reasonable terms. MOORT3. GA3HWF.LL A CO. April 15. 2L'-tf I. p. UKAIHIUAKTK^, UESKttVK OV M. j Wklooh, July 13, 18(>4, ^» w miWGmyN. AUCTIOPIP.SR, 8. K. ()Oi-iier Market Siuarc, F4YETTET1LLE, !V. i\ Prompt '•'* plTcn ta sU business in hia Mne «D rn - h-n>. June 10, 18t)4 40: f li. Mc.niLLAiiT” AaHioneer aud Commission MercliAnt, •Vo. nay Streets FAVETTKTILLE, N C June % -5m ISAAC l{l)LLr\^(ilS\^RTH. ~ «fOcer and CuuiMissioA ^erchant^ FAYETTF.VILLE, N. 0. FOLiNliHt. SOME mocths ago we coaiT-totM all owr fixturos for the m»uu(^oture of CA.K WBEKL?, i'U‘t J ho feilure of the lupply af irm of prcper u*'urd, ?ra biva uo*. JaMy bpen ablr to aupply auj d.n-.and for ihetD; thle lUfEauUy howaTcr, will ba o~ roome in the course of six weeks, at which tl.ae tit" ?‘.ill ba ♦h)-'* to futsli fi wheels ci the followic" si3t. —24, aG, liJ itad 30 i&obca; also Chiklod Tires. Tne Iron wd ebfcll uje for them wil! be Cold Btssi Charcoal Iron, ard Wo war rant nar whe*'lfi NOT TO CRAOK, to be cq ial to any mala iu the Confedertgy, or lo ttose of Whiiaey Sons of Philadolphis, whose reputation is so well kaoTtn by ail Railroad oompanies. Wfl are precarod to exeoutc Lrota, Dry3:\n l. a H Orven Sand Work, of .viy caapa o; rise. D. ANDERSON 9i Payettcviile, M*rch 30. 18Ct. 19*f 'i'tiF. i’.Ui u-in U-it of wii' U83 ever> »i*j I Vi.xp3 5 le IJO orj^jiQ.ist j;i of • Ke’evre f li. 0.. -.ilOlnt' ;j!‘J tubjrii^ates lo the ■'.’iw .1% aojouu;i*'-‘.U > i->r vTi.Jit c-f vaorj/ :/ »rt- livily. II. A'- liic u pi£,ctioaluo date, after tae Seaior Ujje'vc ii’i! I., gip'aed n.to cd!apanled, ti»e IMttrrio; R'.roMur ? ivaiie tjnoi laio 'i Rag ai3»l, i' i^j^re ar,; or iato a B%tU>lioa, if tL'^a by asaaoibling liie Compiny f>fii- 'ti aj u ug au tijctioa Colonel, Lieut. Ov*>/»io! tjDd Al.ijo'^. ir. ; Ro’Jawnt; « LieiU. CoIcBrtt tend .V. ijor 1- •«. R^'-a = :.,v: o' ‘ K ..r more *}>ia‘'aiie"; '’t a ,M»jcn lor a Oj.tul’-I' j' lem i'»*a six conipai'.iea. Ill iicruiU;:r. ikii 5j)2;icatioau "fcr jcduige' csfl o' C'ury irinl, t-i j b3 n> iiufongt? the n'opo* ctiwccl c liuvE' i tiaMtcr.-; ••. i njaaiug appiicatiou ike uj.-'.iOiti*.. sriK be i.'ti »u. ^6 tb;'’;,.- 1. j i T-,o». bata m«d3 IV, 41* l-i’K'% ■ AO, Oi'V-.-6l3ie g. a^’Buto uflic^ra a’.- uii. , as tc the iit-utrve of N. 0., by vl&afei j o u- atot-j wii.h l ie C'lHjeripi B.ire-m, ara ^.'-.nacd All k-oi! 0/ .-irine of suoii papers, from Coaipan ca in iLc field. w:l* at one t'jcjr a>'.mr>:»ndj V. T»e llps^rve, uoci ocla'' Cvued inr» n-.rv oa ouly in i'*3jB of einorgt-m*’, aro nj:i tiabic to be* det^ii^d as Farr.:er$, M^ehnniet, U; Gaicn>!ii:d of Lt. Ocn. Holmks JNO W UlNcDALE, Aa-’t A.'j t Jfu’l. Juij 18. 60-7i I'hArlottc Female IsislitiiU* TflK exerci8-*3 of i .h S4’*l H)ii Wii! i -ra=u ' We iaen Isjr .S 11 niakfl psriy apj:l> &0 , al'*’'C8s T.i'"^.- \tHo w'«a p!'*- ? For oirjuKr O'-u’rJniux > Office Post Quartermater,) URTH C’iiNGRBS lONAt HISTKICT, N ()., [ FAT8.TTEVILLE, N. (V, -I uly 2Htll, 1864 ) Rev. R liURWELL, Chariot’ v N * 6^-‘*fpd 200 Desirable Goods. w«. nicimRK Oflf«s for Sftli*; PETS KNIVES and PORKS, «>;so>-ied; 40 Fmti 3 »u4 4 fi)ai«d Unlvo^; 900 Qrose I^Uic.l P« 3P; i?A Oro«B Pl'pt 8i^el K^Ut'tig oO Hb»nt3 Ruled Post P«p*>r; 300 Gr^es 'pate Sairt Bpiiots; 2000 (}r.-:s Enrlif 1 Bone Fi- 1 ’• aplicr; 2 U4!^0l3 5 Bivrr-'irt Eo" ^ 5 B«r’pl' A.*- 6 Birrnls Su^'ivh Q-r 10 KoijS Bi carb. 8od\; 1 B«$ A1sp!0«; 3 B*gj BlAok Pepper; 1 Paokaj^e Saltpetre. J.'ly 4.. District. NOTI E ;b hereby ^Eivra tnat in thfl oolUotion of Tax iu Ktud for i'r.8 Croos of 18^4 th%t no Receipt to •3 f».r::jcf iii T’iVi i t xot-pt froui reffui'tr vitLorizju T'Ucj Agent, appeinted oif’er ^7 the County Ageut or niytielf —the r»o?ipt cfsnyct^rr in»n, v’.ietber ofScer ■U" BOi. >ill n .t bi .-occiTrd The Tr.x I’ijar will b- nat-tlsd ^han Jlio Ag«n 3 are /cady t-'ret)ei*e, and no irao c\c inay until S3 h'3 the .Assessor’s estimate with him *0 tib-ow lb*j anr:ount due, 'ind hi? reoeip!- witl bu M'lon his cpticnate .T. M Mo30?7AN, C ! 2‘w2t5w1 Cvpf, & Post Q M I'ariUnian, Prfsbyter- r, sa'^ Wi'min^^on .J-nirnal ‘ae t?id Rcnd bill lo Capt. MiQo^f.^r. l-.prerag; 46-6w June 1‘3 40 tf Attorney at Ijaw, Fayettrvill^, N. 0. VP’ILL attend the County and Supcr-or Courts of VV Cumterland, Uarnett, Moore and Ilobeson Conu- ti#8. Prompt atiention givc^t j the oollectioi: of *’l 58-if claims entrast*l ..o hi? hsnis Oct. 17, lH.'-.9 JO«. UTLtlY, Uroier Kiz%f rAVE^ rEVfiil E, N 0 Jan’y 10, 18o.i Mi.TH4.-v .4. V.:. V.'^. U. BtTt.Sijr*. IV. t'O., WHOLES» : •'i?! DJCALEIt:^ A X l> CO.n.^fiCS’^IOiu.ITTS, .to. L?, t£n:r V.WHT .VM.LF., N. 0. April 20. LUBKICAT5MG OIL-* 1'^UE uadsrsigu-id id now pr.:^r.3d lo furuuh ,j the . puhiia % very superior artiol-’ of LUI3Ri(3A flKQ OIL, etpedally far Cottcn* and Wooitn Factoria We »’aat this Oil d >C9 not jraM, j*a l :a«y be run 'vt grt-at«r spood With l3e3 powc;- ■'to,n any oiln>rOil ?i;oopl bpcr'’j. Mr W H Porter, l^iipeyintciiieDt of Puosiii CoUnn Factory, siya cf it: “i bav^ beea usia? your Lubricat ing Oil for 2 or 3 noatUa, and tnd it to l.e cupctior to any other Oil now in use for lu'>n3ivt.;:g,” • r John Eer3haii, Sap’i cf Hiouut’s Crcc-i Fa.tcry, Hays: “I can cbecrfcUy s»y yo'ir Lubric*» iu» OM i“ a suscrior article. It dees not guoi in the 1c3*sl, but keeps ihe Jc-arnalfi clear and bri^ct ” Mr A F Btokarditc, Chief Bu^inecr of the C S Arse nal and *TTaory cf this place, was requested to try it and eays: ‘-i tkirk f^r liRht rascbiaery—•‘nchasC '!ton FtoLoiie.=*—aud! or heavy us-china.y when the Jtiou is »)!pw,y!>ur LubrioatinijOil will o mpare nezt iu qua! ity to Sperm ” Ouer ooUca Kauufac:are'S Lavo ined it aaJ pro nsunce* fovoT»b!y of it IIUNRY E. CviLTON*. * Ae;nt Fivett-vili: lier>-’ue Jo. April 4, 1804 RiOHUiNU, Va . .luu - 27i*t. 18t>4 Eicliaiigc notice, !Vo. 11. AL*i otJicsrs ; nd Ki-=a of the Vic'»BHnr;r o*p»ure of Jtflj 4ib. 18(H, wJio roo>rted fn f?u'/ fvber at Enitr- pri.»j, Mtsfl . fJ .■•’"cp .IN. Ala, Jen-BbjTo’. Tosia , V'e»'- •a... '’t.‘ '.bi'oabjs S'jr.'^oport, or .AU.xandriit, La , *t >i.iv tim,' pr jr lo .April lat. 18t>4, an.l whja i aaiiP.) ii*ve bc-eu f.^rirard .1 f- ru? by t »•:> p-o;er ofDcorB, ire bc‘el>y djclirci^ oio.i 50 6i] R.O. OUL’J, Ageot. of Exchange. Btl^li^lpou l§Ai«E. Five Hondrt?'] Milliia CoaCeileraie Six Per Cent. Boais. TiI28U Bjuaj pre-j?nt the grsile?t indacemenla fjr inv^BtmcDt Th^'y h’iTo thirry ye%rs to run, inter est piy«ble senji-u3au*liy, and sro :;3ouri>i by import end cxpjrt datios; a>-ss exempt, princ paS a&J intarcsi, from iaxt*ion. a a i the coupons r oeivabiij as coin for ci3io"j duties Anplj tj AiiLEtl GIGBi^S, ^rast Tr«»i*ur/ O.jc-iv-Iment. July 17 M -t' - TO HEIlTi ’HE o f' ry ’ riji bailiing a Jj - n'jr O’ ’ oN>;Hu. Sui.Kblo cr a tore a’ld dweliug Apjd’ “ , J W P(W!5P.S. Jolv 14. '>i$ -'W 1' Palma ChriHtl 'TTI ■ rJ aubuwibcr will pay thn hf^best o»»h pri-cafnr I tay r.ttiaEiitj’ of t’aliok Christi Ecinu. J. A WOBTH 'VI n ■ T I" IfftjetteTllle Anenal and Armory,) June iO, 1864 / SlOO BOUl^TV. W\wledj 40 JUounted HUiemen, AUTHORITV bjving V'pj-.i griiittJ by t^*? W.rr De- partnsul to r»iflr a Company of Mounted Rifletren fti ^ervioe in thi*? vicinity. Bo'.i le is hereby jiiTea that recruits to tti«» oumofr nf 40 ?;jb ecmsvr^lt will be re ceive J for tti;s ser*ic"', to ttil tr> f.hc to the re* ^uirftd Nuiiibi’r ef 1YJ Eaci »eo.u!l will o* ’^quir.'J *0 rurnijh a j v^'.■'ahle horee, fox .fhiob be »^i!l bo al- loired 40 oeais per dieu, and Hi pay $12 per mcnt'i. Written p^rm:in3n will bo reqaiied from parcntu or Kuarvliaus, wlierc the applior..Qt I3 under the oousoript Ea'b recruit mi'.st br’ug with hia> a blanket cr b"d hpr- a I, %cd comij pixpared tc remain. r.ri.iie-', nai’dli'B, halter? i^nd svldllc bl»ak'«s fnrcisS- ed by iLo Oov?ramei't, or if iho recniU cosics provided wii*i them, he wil! be paid for them a fair v^l'-at ;a. Avply to Major MATTHEVV P. TAYLOR, at the Ar- •^en^l F. L. CHILDS, 4j tf] Lieut Col. C. 8. A. Comd’g Post. GENERAL POLK—A Rt.MINLBCENOE Atlanta, Jane ly, ISU4.—The death of 0 'n. Polk iH atill the thornc of coiiversitioa. It was To til* Farmersof the4th Doiigi'ensional I aDnounced in the Vankee army thu day after it oofcurred. What a beautiful or«cr that was of Gen. Johnston! The finest production on reewd I th'nk. At Kciaoa Gen. I'oik waii more than commooiy subdued in 8pirit. At lirst I attributed this to the fatigue of his march Irom Dcmopulis, which hal been long, wearisome and exposed, but his health and vigor seemed very r.^bust, and I began to))c of the opinion that his mind was uneasy about the situation. He pfterwards told me that he hid been ir the ^reat^t aaspcnseallday on Sauday “The eoeiay, sir," said he, “had it iu their pow er at any momnut after the loss of tfaoAe hilid on Saturday ni^ht, to burn our bridges and com pletely cut us off; bud I was raoked by the though*- tbar they old imprcre whe frol leu op portunity But God is witJi uf , wr, Go’- ia with U.S ” It was on Snitday night that ws rctr«*ated from Kcaaca. About noon that day the General took out h's lunch (a bit of cold ham and hard tack, aiid 1 believe a piece of mutton) and as I happend to bo near him offened to divide. I thanked him, but declined. *Tat, tut,” said he. “I aoc lioaa your Lungry face that you have had j no bna*.fa6t, and I insist upon it—there's quite enough for both of us ” “Very well, Generai, ■>i\t .3uppoi.f I look up a safer place.” The cM man looked above him, and a bracc uf shells cam sereamine along not far off. “Oer- taiuJy, ’eita.„ly, that will be more agreeable.” u under the hill, came back and re- T'tX Ii% KirVlD, A»iset»«or’.3 rVotiee. Having bjm anpoiif'-i .^f.^P3.^or for Ibo Ijx in Kiiid, I r'jpncoi.'aity reo.',;eFt. tuc p-oO'i'r w> an ise ' It «i^6 of the Pi»*r t*3 nir 'h* tr-e ^“al'o'Rijirt ti .>e£ and T>l«ces to 1 ":t tv.’iirer- ps cf Wb'^3'., Oats Rj.”; C’l Hay (if r*ad7, l and produced during the present year The ab.>Te I'&ujed ;rops mutt !e 1‘Siad n.^- ; .« »^'iv»ry. M'j.'h trruble will ba s'.T’d by lieting p omp'ly bsfsre it is too lite. Appcintmentx: ; d»r Creek Diwi, «t Tero 'in:b'>, Monday, Aug 8, I.''jk’r Creek Dist. ^''I'cph C>»ic’«, Wcdaeeday, A’lg 10, F .:a Hill Dint, Mary’e Garden. Thursday. Aug ll 8 mr Run Diet., Patii >fcN"iii a. Esq, Friday, Aug 12, Bl'Mik River Dist, Smith’s Mills, Saturday, Aug 13. Only cne round will be mado for the above orrpa, ec it is evident that ovfrybody icugt appear apd list p.oniptly. 0. H. BLOCKER, Appcfjor Ju’y 28. 64 *&8»» T Hyj, cured Hay, .lad Wool Gray’s Greek Diet, at Bethel Church, A>jg 17. R jkSsH Disi. at Rookdsh Village Aug It, Qu^.^-iffld Dist, at Mrs J A MoKsthan B, Avf 19, 'cyeiiiy-First Dl»t, at D 0 Muat’oo’r*. Au» ~0, arvcr's Greek Dii>t, at CingHbary, Auz 22 F"/eKOville Dist, at Market House, Augr 23. J. A. J0HN.S0N. *e:!e3r,or July 30. 1864 64»2f&2ti,vrpd 20 tr s. }. DAMIFL ■I2ui B. O. WOKTH. '>. WelLlu. WOltl'il & CO., CommJsetim aud Fcrwariitag Kfi-obauta, fW'ater WILMUn’ }TON, iV. 0 Oct. 16, 18*33. 2r AA BUS^HELS WHKAI ,OUU 1,600 • COU.-. ^ Persons havLnj; tiic abo* ' nrtiolo* to sell Ta.ircce»»o the highest Casa pr.!C« oy c'Lrar -»» IvIt-. M Thoms.a3n, at the Merchant Mills. F^y-'t-'ev 1. , or on i-.s subncr*- ber at his old star i ou Market d ^uar.-. .'J.f-X. JOIiySOH, Jr. Nov. 5, 1862. ‘6tf W AR.^fiY IfARl^Evm I AM prepared to raanafr'.''lu - al'. of V.’->gon iiarness for Array use. 1 > a i^-y i-iather aai ca£ give good bargalii**. Agenta wil' do ^-sil t > Kr-.3a th;’r orders to me as I’l;' y sh^ll hive prompt tent off in quick dispatch. Goldston P. O., Cfaaibani C3.. K. C., June lo, 1UU2. j ;:uf aOO lb*. «iim Ara?j5e l«r wale by J. F. LE«:. Oct. 16. ‘.75-. A ftes* Ihix 3 pay 15 (J.isia p-’’ ;■ ~ '■ the b ri'ir.T Fayetteville, o- r t r; v m: I: - Feb’y 18, 18'»4 •• i-3v1 w Waaited to EdTERN RAIL ROAD t»IO Bank Noti'f, Gold and Silver; North Carolina Treawr-* Notc^ (FKndAMo.) snd f?.; • “ Bonds, old aai c iy: County cf Cumberland B .ntla- Town of FayetteviUc Bors it*. Greensaoro’ $1 and i2 Cfrtib!"»*^ j; Oopfedera*.'! 7 p.:- 3 r)-i -J. Co'!!- -na of ^IS.l.'yO.f.'t.*') loar.; of Town anJ Ccnaty Ijonds:; “ of oia Kcr'h C.jroliL a Bonds; T. a. LUTTERLOK. Oct. ) l«i68. 71i; OLlONAXCii DIPABTMSN?, i RAi*J'fl, N. 0., May 8, 1803 j LEAD WANTED.—I wisb to purc^ia-.a Lead for t’lia Department. Peraona havini? b-gs or hujall qni n- kities will please apply m choc. Wi.l give 1 \-via,id of POWDER for 10 pouada of tiEAD. TdOS D H03Q, Capt. C. S ^2-tl Iti charge of Ordnaaoe. ~ ~ Egypt Mine. THR undersigned were, at the November Term of the CoBfederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and hare entered iuto copartnership for ths purpose of mininc and Belling Coal, and solicit orders for the satrc In any desired quautity. Orders foi any amount caxk b» supplied on rtort notice. The Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Apphoatioiu may be madj to Chas. B. Mallett, Fayette- »ill# p. C.. or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. ’ ’ CHARLES B. MALLETT jAMi?8 Baows:c rty«ti*viU«. Jan’y 20. >>'«» WANTE^torYhe Hogpital at Fort Fiolior. POULTRY, Chi«*kenfl, Butter and other dclioaoiea for the sick Sold; ra at this llospitaL Persons h)'^g these arUoles can obtain the market price on applica tion »o the sabacrlber at ais old stand or at Mr. J. W. Powera’i oa Hay 8tn«t. 1. I. IBIDI, 9mn Af’t. EA6LK FOU!n>R¥, \ Fayittsvill*. :• . Juiy 4, ' B ARE NOW PREPAftEB TO RECEIVE OK- SiL ROAD WHEELS of the f I'owin? sixes, v i; 24, 20, aud 30 inoh. Also CHILLED TIRSS TS'^ Iron we nba 1 U30 for them will be '"OLD BLAST CHARCOAL IRON, aad we war- rtct our wh-r-'''3 NOT TO '^EACS, --i to cqu .1 to ar>y eiaie ia t’-e Conlc-der^oy, or to th'v}-; of A Sen'' of PiiiUi-lphia, who“' r£.put>vi,ion is e • wd!'. kn:ru by »11 P.V‘1 Rt ' Cotsn.'inira. We h -.ve f best faailit^cs far iracsporti-'iou bv St.eamer’ to V7i-:aiJgtc3, f. 'E tb.r a^ to tuy part of *.h.’ Co’ife'cracy. Orde-i '■'-sn-. 't'tlly 4oifl B. ANDFR30N A CO ^VESTEdll KA22. !K«Aa>. The fheioht and pabhenorr trains* of this Ro't'l leave Faye*to\-iUe daily, (tiundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning leave Egypt at 1 o’clocx, P. M. CattU mid Eortt T> xir. MONDAY, V/EDNE3DAY and FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROOK, Treas’r and Gen’l Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22, 1863. «7tf from and atter this d?it3 the Ste&oier A. P., HURT will 1 ItsiTP at 8 o’clock, A. M-* ou Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. WOllTH, April C—17tf ] Ap’t C. F. 9i-:am Boat Co. ' Y ETT^ VIL l7E ^ SiiJTCAL SNSJIRA^'OK By the Ctovernor of Xortb Carolina. A PKOCl.AnATiO.^. V^HEREX:*. It htth b«en reinx>enicil w> lue lh.it Httndtiriiin >m*«. iHte ol'lhe i'ouniy of UuiU'tirJ. h u b«en c •nvictefl «if iSe iiiuriler of Will. :4U'phen»m.'dte »f s^xl &mnty. Hnl ihut lh« snUi Hemlvi^n Joue« e«cs|>ed rniiii pfism I •« now nt I iiw . And. w bofBM, tt h illi «Uo b«e;i rnwcsen'tw! M iiio ihul W T r».in*, alia* Turner fry nf «id c>unir itf ffuuford, who In tticiiid fiir Uk cr.mu of Burf('irv in sitid oaity. htth ils.i innD pritim and !• at larKC Sow. then*f >re, to lt»» *nd thiit the »h1«1 liemtcnun J m»» itad Ihf %niil VV. T. E»an», -ili-i* Ttinier try. m.»y Iw nrresteJ ;tnd liroughl tor iheir sit .1 ■ (f'lif.e-'. I d.i niue this, niy t’r.«:l«in»llon, iiiterl.i* a reward of THRKK nrsnRtu nobtiAa* f.>r the upprehen- • on Hnd d«i T«ry uf hdiI thkik ncnoaaa ix>li.ar» fur the arr»«: and (It-iivefy o( iiirE»ain to the .-iheriff of ihe conniy .if Iu w;t!i"M« whereof. Zeiui->u B V*nr*, ho l.’MnmAi'(1er-lH-’hief, hath » itie'e i>ie»ent« «od 5 -»*L I r'lUicil t*ie (ireat lie-.ii of the »> h' nlfl^e . ' ' Ume it K.tle.^h, ibi« ‘J'M day of Jiily, \ i>. 1304,fmd in the y» i*r of Amer . .in Iui1iipjiid“«ce , the e nhty-iiinib. By the }«)veriior. /. B V.^Nt'H. \. ,M .NicPHViTKRj I’r.valo Serretiry, i>ro lein. S4 3w FliOUR AIVO OAT8. ijlLOUH and 0AT8 will be ttcban'rsd for Com at th j = Htrre of n. Alcl-av.rin, ly hua u %Tt d*j ^ aolioo. Plo-;r ro'.-’ ()».'« K-). 1, b’.sw'.l >«• •K'-'J.f.. J ■ f' !Viir«e Wanted. 4 TRUrtTlT gi d temr»jrei oo'jrel '.»ojnan is wanted ^ to hire ac aur« '.o aT iisfi-jt ?vppiy VO fdra. *J V' '7ALKLlt M*y .M'lu:-. •iur.-iJo 45i' Horae .Manufactory. f^LO’.V LINEi;, (ILOTHLU LINES, BED COHDc?. cr J>. aiy b’*; ' 1 ^aih Cott. -. rtapc; S'idHIIt'G LINES, i.ul tuy 3:s: I'o'-tcK Cor ', by v.hoIob.iU orrt.iii. I fre^sred faraisu loy quautify at s^ort notice Strict at cation pdven to t-li orders that m'\j be sent to me. anl the w jDt »riil Ve sent without deiay ai*J in goov^ order to any bIj'ic wfcrrc it asy bo po.^dible. App’;' to H i: DAVlr», F.'.yctteville, S. C- 'rl» 96 53 4'.*''^ OOO DOLLARS REVITARO. ON l»3i L'eurdday my b'iy m«re, with a black ciaae and tail, bruko io co at Egypt S'ltion, Ch*tnam ojiuity. I tiave not eaeu ner s’oce. 1 jujge th*.t somo p«:sou i>a'3 tbkeii bdr up or stolen Lcr eince sla g^>e IU0S3. yi.e is 0. oommon site, goo locking, 'jt-r mane 001 t)’d»r*bly worn off wi>h the ccUar; her left eye has be n all *a\cked ou-, tao hair tubbed clF her back. I will g.-'c JlOO for tr.e r:covery of the msre and $100 for the arrsai of t''e thi f i’ stolen HARRIS TYUOiV V»> HaT»n. Jiily ‘2. 4ft 7tpd&tf RAOS! RA«?N!!—The iufc- rior quality of the paper on wnioh ths Observer has bean i rtiited of late, r.a,I which it~a great ey« sore !o us, is ewing to the waut of a sufficient supply of good rags, ano-t.*. ooMA^u^a ntn* io r»3'*r* to mf»-'‘;or nbttcriaL. W«* *ppe»l to the finenda of tno Observer ai all amessible poiuis, to savo up and brinsc to town all the ra^je they caa pro-uro. Wt rare nc. iiae ^crselvcB to at.bud t i^cir puroaa'i* b'lt Mf'ssrs- Geo. W. Will’aon a Co., t-e Arenfs i- this town of Mr. Murpay, f.iU pay 1C osaUJ per Ib. fc the?!?. B J. BALK & aO^B. FiVylS. 5i!- SItate of Hortli Carolina, KOBSBON COUNY. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term A D. 1864 IT was ordered by said Court, that from aud after 'hi-i Term, Monday of each T«'’a be. jb gaed fjr • dc triii of iPo State Docket Ail pariit ', witnvcse-i and drfend- fcuis, ar- uolificd to attcm on Mo«m*y cf mxt I'erm of saii Couf‘ to be holden for said Ocaaty. at ih*j Gauri Hcttdc in Lutubertoa, on the fourffi Monday of t:>j!tern- bcr E='x!. J ^ *'' **Tfiii, C- 8 0 S r- ItW jo 1 Capital in Premium Notea amounts to on hind aiiJ o*hev aancis. J207,588 5.077 85 Total, 5>272,76u 16 Tht Company have pail all losses promctiy, .%nd baTc »isvcT made atn assessment on tj.uir prcaiu^ notca. Total lc30S8 paid, ?2y.»^J2 Orvioaas: GEO. McNEILL, Presi.ient. D. A. RAY. Vice Prjaidani. C. A. MoMTLL^VN, Soo'y. DiEKorsRB: Vi. N. Tluinghaai, Wool Wanted for the State of N. Carolina. IlfiE uadusig'iad coutinae to exoh^ugo COTTON YARN for WO'J^, one bua lle of Y^rn tor 4 lbs. un- waihod, or d iba. cltiaa washed Wool They will also pay a libcra'i pnoa iu cm-i lor largo or Iota. GiJO W. WlLblAMd & CO., Agl?. FayeU vil e Juna 14. 42if I’resLy ijriaii c py. Surgeoa C'enenti’s Oillce, i K.\Lt.iau, rJ. t;., Jusa IC'iu, 18>4. / At.; JC3. a E il >iil. I3>va i^iisOilju ..a '--.e liiitday, aiid ittc tiUi.‘p-".i aay, u. ffpiy loua^.:, for Gnu. jLiot’a .-.rmy. All boi>ii loft h.'ri fcr any mc-T,'osr of ^r•ay wiii b"j ctrri'1 'her' promptly by fiia aad deli»erea to oo owner EDWARD 41-tf Curgoou G»neral Ndr^h Carolina. A Chance to Iu?est Coofed^ratf E underi»iguod will seH bis STORE LOT at .\llera X vill«*, Pei son oouaiy, C-, ccnt^icmg 11 »cres cf L*.nd, with a lar^o 8to>-o Hous", Grocery licuac. Office two Log Kouses all ucwiy new, n.uely vainied, i; CO yurda cf a Church, ia a i nalthy section of country Taere ie a iraotof l,*nd adjoining trhina cia be bought, a go 1 stand for a store and looat’on for % Dooior. Any person wishing to puroii'so woaid do well lo coma and BOO, or addrv’S me at Allecbfille, Person ooanty N. C WM n ROYHTEH \geit. J»i.« IP. 44»»t^d TAX liir KIMD. HE Farmers of Cmiherloni Ccuutv Wen o: Cape » ■ j ^ Fhtr Riviir, are rcqusstod to rieet me at the foilcw- i * , .1,1 1. iu^ timfs and placee, p-epared lo Its* their Wh i*t, Oais, porte-J, arid we sought the shelter, where we set I to ovcv the luncheon with lively appetites, j Presently a schrapnel tore the branches just i above us from the t’-unk, exploding and sending I it=i leaden entrails all about us. “Umphl” ex claimed the General, shrugging his shoulders, “you’re a nice fellow to send out after a safe place. 1 guess we’d as well move back to the front.” The day before this he had made a very nat - row escapi. from the eacmy’s sharpshooterH He went riding with Captain Hunt, of Hardee's staflF, and several of his own military lamily ?.t the time They were passing down (Cheatham’s line, and the Tennossoeans, with whom Ge i. Polk had always been a great favorite, were cheer ing him. The par.y paused in front d a regi ment, aud 8 group coileeted which a'tractt’d *ho yankce fire In *n inatant, i'aptair Hunt’s 1.' rse fell dca*. oti one side of the General ai.d tho horse oi a courier directly on t^he otti'jr “lial that -s i»aying pretty dear ior a littio hand- Hbafeinj^,” suid the General; “goad day, Cidonel Pick yourstll up, Hunt, uiy dear fellow, nud let’s get out of tiiiti.” The lu.'^t tlmo L ever saw him he waP at New Hope. 1* • was full ofbnsiness, and talked littk. What a beietvement and breaking up fco the most churmloir military family in the army. ^ Corr.^Aui/usta ConstiyiLt/nfffdtni. EiVROLLIiVfn «I£^FI€E,) Harnett County, July 25, 18G4. ) I* this date my Headqaart^-a will be ft Jciiu- faoiville, on the Wostcrn Pl ;o c R">«d kp.ding f.om Fiiveiie-ille to Cartbap*? All free whita men between the a'.es of 45 Rud 60 ears of t ge, that hava « ot rcpor cd for eurnl'.aitut of ;s county and of Blac^ Rit;jr. Silver Ria tkU t ?;a-'ver’^ ’r-'ek Dietriats of Cun:brtrii^’.. are hereby ^ rdered 0 port to these He&dq &rf.:;i3 v>u -ha 10«b uay 0^ Au- jr i.it 1864. Any pcrioa f^i.ia:; to leoort proiiiptlj on litof i?' y vill be sent to tbo trmjr No oxoiMe wil ?;■? 3id‘T‘d re''®onaMe Ta.? .Mil:!ia OSoirs * thoi' r:3p3;itive Tila'irlcta will pie lb t ( id 0* {cr ll} et^f-read A II 1'OLil', 4- tt ! C.=»pt tud K for Haruet' county ISnnk ,%tAcl£ at Auction. «9d«7 ti.c loth iua‘ . ^ill be sold at .\uctioi, OW '* Kf. iVi:, narca Bai.k cf t”*.re > on Stook “ Bank of F*’»e.tcv.lie Styok JtMlN H. COOK, Auflk I Aug 1 &4 3t UAM..MZ. iittla itev. L>r. i^uiulsri, of Atlanta, at the fbaeiui ccrf'mori-'b at *jic\it. General Polk, ia the coursii oi liis rcuii'rks uada the lollowing Mtatemeats in regard to the relit^ous charactev of the falle 1 hero V»"c c'ip from a report In the Atlani Register: It was my privilege to enjoy hia friendship—it was my privilege to share his few hours of ud restrained social intereourfce. And if there wc cne thing above another, which always f>hon> forth, it was his u^ishakea confidence in God’, providence—his unshaken trust in God’s love— hia unshaken coafidcocc ’o God’s faithfalness. He was eminently a man of ^•rayei —not pray ing where he could be seen of men, hut retiring to commune with God in se»’ret. He never ceased his devotions. He was instant in pnyer, .S'-iALL STEAM ENGINS, in ^xcolUrt rumi&r T, w’th B^KB; Pullif?, Ac, ormplst ; has bee*.* —'L3'>_ 2 Taming Lathes, one large and one small, with a full set of Heads and Fixtures; Together with a lar/^ lot of Ta"ners’ Tools, Screw Cutters, Hand and Web Saws, Vises, Clamp Screws, &e , &3. AL.SO-- A Lot of HORNS and B'ilAR RUO' S. Apply to Mrs LF.BERLEd, Hay Stret^t, next door &bove Mr. James Martine’s. u y -9. 5* 6* Rent Fret’. AG0C‘D Di"ELLING house kc all aeoeeaary out- hjr.HS at the McNeill pltat’tioti on t^arver’iJ Gr^ek, ter a • os irom FayettaviUe. is offeree for the b.alanoe of . 1 11 j « 11 • t’j-s yetr fr«9 of rant to any-o^d far i!y who T>iU inov9 I and I remomber hew, after the b'oody held et to to Vc ttere mere’y cf protcoticn to the jrowiag j PerryviHe, when the noise and heat cf the battle orcf'. ’0 * t'ei'hy p -ce, v I had passed, we were in the town of Harrodsburg There was a beautiful church there, rich a architectural proportions and carved work. H‘ ft.f. JORi% P. iUcLEAi^. I asked me to visitit with him. As we walked up tho / '{9NTPARY to my ti at lodoUes on th? sut-jaot, I feel j aisle alone, he exclaimei*, with emotiou, ‘*0n, for oaitod upon to s»v a word in tha canvaee for msoi' 'tv 29 G W LAWyiSNCE 54-3tpd ilcnry Lilly, H. L. Myrovor, B. T. Hawley, Nathau A. Stodman, G. B. rdalleti, Jaiuea Kyle, A A. MoSLOthan, J. D. Williams, 8. T?. Tillinghaat. B. J. Wo. MoLaurin, T. S. Luaorloc, A. W. Bt2C', •*. (J. o#v*k, lloa. J. G. Shepherd, 15, Joaa Coiliaa aad C. C. MeCnir^ -■31:, 'frv/ti-.nr Assents #grTbe Company invit* ‘.’’- Mt .■'IS Fla^ of Truce LeUers. , COHIBOKaATM StATB3 OV AmSRIOA, War Dupabltmkiit, Buaaau or Bxouanob, Richmond, V* , July 1st, 1864. J 1. All letiera to go North by flag of tr^'oe cmst oc Bd&t to this office. 2 Each letter must b« inolosoJ a pcparato en velope and addresee'^ to me, Biireau of Bxohaoge, Rioh- mond, Va S. No letter mast exceed in length one pags of ordi nary sited letter paper, and its oontents be confined strictly (0 personal or family matters. No letter al luding to the movementa or localities of troopa will be allowed to pass. 4. Each 'etler must oontain a United States postage stamp, or its eqoivalenl in silver or Uuitod Rta*es cur* reoey These regulationa will be rigidly enforoed. and no letter tranamitted in which they are not strictly ob* Rob’t Oou>, * Agent of Rxohange. CONlTKaiiillTE hlATiHU OIT AMiiifiCl, \ Eac .HaKS D*PAUiar.KT, Disr. Cap* iba^, V Y/iiiciugion, ii. C., itsroii Itilh, I3v>3. J NOTICE is iio.'oby £;ivou to all perbDUj Uj.ving ciaim.* ftgaiiirt the Eagtueor Dep&t.raeni, fjr rier-Ioes 01 .jJAve" employji >w isborsrs oa tno iand dcfetu ^t ni4t vVilrn.Bgtoa, i-i. o., tDiit tTiO aucioi'sigp.ed id authorisud aud ,.>rrparO'i to p*7 tne saaxo ai hia elioe, oa t.^e co- ocdi floor of Ue ba'ldtng text aoove .l.'irM’ Drug dtoio, M*rkct 8;rooi. jja^t’oraou? executing Po«cn of Atc.iraay wiU ob- 60iV^ Uie so;»ii—thisir eigaatarcs, in ^>11 oujvu, Li be wi'.i»o'E,;a jy two wilnosuce and sigu.i iu duph- catc; or tht'y lu-y i>e Witucsaea I’O.Vre r Jwelioe of tac or C.urx o* jjiy Ct^ai t. FOl'M O? POWER OP ATl’ORNiJY. 1, —^ of , do hereby appoint , cl , njy true fij»d laTiOi Ageut to SigK rtsaeipts for, %nd rec3ivc payujttut of «tl monoy& auo to saj Ly tl»e lidgiueor De- paTt'^^nt of taj Cuuivut-rats Sidtoj of Aiiie.ioa, for inc psrvicos ic^ ei-wa oiapioyad xi 1 jvatcrs oa the iatd deieaoe-j at , during U:o month of , i8l> Witaess my cuu soal ;i , >.u9 day o' , 18ti ibiiCBed ir duplicate.) 18**1 ] Witnesw Hitate of IVorth Oaro!iua, RICHMOND COUNTY Suporior Court of Law, fiprin^ Tjrra, 18t>4. Jooeph iucOullooh va Jikmei Sutler. Afti?cii?aent Levied o * Lind. IN this ease it sppaaring to the oa!:sfsciioc cf the -Critrl, that i;-,3 lL»er*Ed.'«u!., .lam.-s rasidea be- yjml ' iiiai(2 >f the S.aI?: It o iairiffore ordered by iiie C^nrt, thit puui:o«tioa Oo mide ;n iho F^yeiieviUe Oi)*ercr, a newapapor pallishei :a tho Xowa of F.iy- e'« tor six couitcoutivti »3o!‘3. noti.jiug sail De- ftrJa-1 to h: aii\\s.pp-js.'* a tu!; ^».tt term of ih.'a Court tc ’no holiicn x'cr s-iid County, in the Court Huuac ia aojiit‘Ztiaui, oa tiie thiid MoJuAy of S-?i.entbtr a.xt, tbea iiui taere tj replevy or pla^d to nii-t jk,.;aohmeat, otaor,7*a3 juJg-ueat *fill beeatc’*-.;! a^k'nst nioi, and the i*uJ levied on ouiotnnjd to k’liiaatT’s uaa Witacdf' Haaiol '■•. 1, Clork of oar aaict Court, ft otiiuo in Roca.tng>ani, 3i Xiuuiay oi Alaroh, A. D. 1304 R a Mii-ONAr.1). Clerk Mrred. lOMiLl Mbit. The siftJB^ures of ooloroi persons anonid be witneaeeti by three witnousaH. Tbere must bo separate duplicate Powers of Attorney for eac.1 month, i^laak i^rus oau be *ai upon appl^ ealiou at this olhoc. W. H. JAMEc}, 'Japt. s. Chief £og Jau'y 20,1864 ISOOtf iState of Horfli Carolina, MONiaOMERY COUNTY. Ia Equity. Fall Term, 1«64. OlitrlcT MoKinnoa. Murdooa .VIoRiaaon, and others, fs Sir^a A. MoKinaoa, Mirgarst McKinnon, and cshsrd. Petition for th« Salo cf Lanl f^r Partition. T appearing to my Pat jfactioi], tft t S^r^i. A McKin non, Margaret McKianoa auj Jo^'' A McKinnon, tie dof-nlantsin t^.o aliovo pofcitijn. arc nja re«ideuts of this S-r.te: It ie therefor-j ordered th»t pnMioalicn '..e m^de in tiie P*yett.;vil‘^ Oois>rv.if for d x v^eeks, ac.i- fyiog said dcfefldam# to bi* and appear at the next Court of Eoo‘i.y, to bn held for the ooua»y of Mo.itgomery, at the Court H in'** in Trey, on the ii^ai Mood^y in August next, oiatfwise this petiJion w.U be Henrd ox par*e %a to them, aad judgment pro confeaso rendered agaiukt tbera. , . . Wiineas. Edmund J Gaines, CLtk and Ma8t.-r m Equity, for said county, at office in Troy, July lOtb, 1864. 5S-ll'5tpdJ E- J- QAIBEB, C. M. E. bet s cf tLe Legislature In a coiaB'-unicatioo wiiich appeared in the Observer of the 28th inst, headed, “Beware 0/ Holdenitet,” sign ed “A Vo**r,” there i'« an implied cba.*»e of disloyalty or Holdeftitrr p.^aia^t Lient. John P. MoLean, which in his abiienc^ and in jupt'ceto his character, I take upon ^ myself to pron:>u^oc«;vi«tan/aite, an t to say that the fac> all bathed in tears, autbor of the ocnjmuuic*.tion haa perpetr."'cu a Eia^- er • upon »»n abBoat soldier, whioti I hope the peopie of Cuffib-rlkHl *ad Harnett «ai signally and iuJi;;aaatlj rf»bu£"j at the ballot 'ox ca n-xi Thursday. It J P MaL-.n b>^J a^sente.! eix month« aeo to be a f>%a.v.i«e—a fi,ot rbich wa» kncwa to hip f.-ieaos -he dasi *'«• n absent with his Ro(i,inient over ei:j.ot. Tho aii- murceH-'ort of hi" na»?i». *s to tiaic, Ac, wai; !c*t to his fri* as:;. He »?3;^r.te.! to he a c ■^•Sioaio ph.rJy ou !’.0"0J!it of Lis fftilinf *i8^lth, ri.nlorin? hi"! U'.^iiit''d to ctaip life, and parily to pi friea is ^e i} Biit rsrfpoaiiib.e foT tHi 01 his naoi3 witii oth?r.-? c:i any fcke»-, but i« pcrsciie.’!/ icteresUid a-^d S'»I-'.i cu.3 for hie own dao^eaa without rjilcreoos toottier o^Ddi Ntloa His ob»7».'.ier lind p'^Biiioc is too well Wao- to raqni^c furtbcr s's-tirsii.'se of hi^ somdn 8“ or lu-tl^er trsiiminy a? to h.e cli.-iiv'• up jr. t^e j.ubho forltc’v favor, ihc:r ooafidcni5 aud support at the eiir 'vr c’ 'Stioa. Let j'isttco bs done A i'UIOD TO .\a AB'iSi: ^ SoUUlBH. Jrly 80,1864. b4 2.jd Cow SItrajred. ABBOWN OOW, marked with amooth crop and nnder* bit botb ears, medium siie. Any information will b« oheertaUr rsocivad, Md • liberal reward paid lai iVNOofVfy.by Mn. 1^ If. WALKBA- t»i|l9lt. MU. Moore S$uperlor Court of Law, SPRING TERM, 1864. George 8. Cole, Adm’r, vs. Mary Muse, et al. ON motion it is ordered, that Mary Muse is appoint ed Qnardian for Samuel T. Mnse, Mary Ann Muse, Dkvid Mcse and EfFy J. Mtise. It appearing to the satisfaetion of the Court, that John A. Mnse has arrived a( the age of majority, and fHTther. thut h* ie a non resident of the Siate. it is erler- ed, pttblieat>on be made In the Fayetteville Obser yer for six weeks. Wi^eaa, J H Gadi^H, Clerk of oar »%id Cowt, s; OfiM is Omfceee, ta* Mosday Mere tka Itoai^y fealiV»lML iHttiAItawMM. AlRAin’.S 9ALVE. S.iLVE has been vt»or.!ag-lT tosted for miuy I \-i;ar8. and iit»OfV oCoreii to tha publia with toa «ual an*e» that it poe-cssea ail the valuable hv ’-linp prop ar.ics claimed for!«.. Foi nil outs, bm*u?ii, bun>s, KOikda ri'^ij ?;s, felons, blisters. uloJr;^ tiiooriatio.-w, aor« nippiw. risir» aad gathered brsaftts, aud for »il u/i>«.if* of every ijHC-'^p'ion it will bo fouaJ eToioently sucoejefut in af- fnrJ'L?; rt.ief »pd effeounj a f.nre. It ia peculiarly adaptel to wouais rxUi>.jiia^ s> iiy'- lome of eryeijVlaa. It wiU «laj be fou«ii o' tUe tj»st fcpplioati«'»iR to ths braast wheu ii. baoa.a'SH d€' _.iry to dry up the Bccreticn of nUk. Nf ue eencin'5 withoui tie sigaatiire oftb" Pi'iuristor. Rsfer;:n3o ia made to the follow.3g parsaed wuo have used the Salve au.1 0-18 testify to its healing oowera: _ P G. Snowden, 8urs P A C S.; Dr Wm F. Ber- rv; Rev. Robert B Sutton, Rco’or of St. Barcholoaiew’o Churoh, Pittaborongh; CjI. Henry A. Locd.-'n- Hon. A. Renoker, Ex-Oov. of N. Moxieo; W. F. Harll»e, me^a- ber 0' Ex. Board 7th Cong Pist. F. AIRAM Por sale ia *'v ^ WINHDALE. Tn1» *>» K® Pure RIackberry Rrandy. I HAVE for sale about forty gallons of BLACKHERttY BRANDY. This Brandy wt:^ diatilied, with gro-t.t eare, under my own supervision from the pnre juice ef the B’'ekberry, aad ia perfectly free from all adaltera- tion '^nd OI* very high proof As a medieice it ia in- f b> at 4 is superior to FrenoH Brandy. Fo sal'* y tha den^ ika •*t e*6« TVii tile Ilf Ttiii|ilaln is nmhnilarlj aalU'* tilt BfiSKl 1.QEHdEQIk»9«l*niae. B. & the days when wc went up to the house of the Lord, and compassed Hi? altar with the voice prayer and thanksgiving.'' Reachiug the chancel he said to me, “can wc uot have prayers?” aad wo kneeled down, poured out our hearts 10 Gcd, and he left the sanctuary Such soldi«'r did uot hght for fame. I leincmbcr at Chicka muuga. as we were seated uyion the ground a few v^ays after the battle, he said to me, “Gol an.swcreJ oiy prayers in giving us thi- great victMiy, loi I pruyed io; .^ ».«i earnestly that 1 0 tnighi ble.s.-> ou»* arn:L ” Yes, he "v-w e>npViatic.4lly a man of pray r The Ust iow wcclrs of hi? life were rnore than itheis cousccrate!.! by jiruyer A"' .ve io^Jk back ip in them, now that he i** gone, ac f'Mj how God wa-> preparirir h.m lor the higher caintriui’oa at' tbc ch’irch .triumphant. At midnight, with a I'aithlul few, he uaptized >ro of his coDipamons iu arniti, the Kallaat Iloud; and recpivod, a few days later, his conimaudii'g General into the Church of Christ. His fast SuTi'iay or, eai tli he gai-hcred all his staff and at- tei- lunts s.bon*- him, an i witii prayer aud with lit?Q^’, supnlioatioE, and praise, seemed to leave Ih 1. ijoac'ticMo’.!. fie was greatly beloved by his tr jo«*h The tears of his commanding gen- ral w ”0 raii>g‘ed with those of his privates wheu he tell Aii'i “ii. beloved, wc are all smit;tcn— the fTiuy, t* 3 rauntry and the Church We lift up our voice here bctT?een the porch and the altar, aad cry to God far mercy. Mercy to our bleediug 1-inil. mercy to the hea^'ts eriishod by this monster, oalaaiity Oh, God', lilt up the rod, lest we be utterly consumed. Judge, oh, God! between us md our cncmiea. The i wrrenLy.—Our new Soeretary of the Treasury has commenecd hia adminbtration by the adoption of a mearjure which, wc think, will improve our currency He has authorized the Depositories to receive currency on deposit on call at 4 per cent iatereat. It hah been suggested that our Banks shotdd now loan all their surpias funds to Government, and utterly refuse to dis count for speculatom. and we shall soon see a (all in prices; or, at all eveuta, a check 0 any further advance in the necessaries of life. Charlettofi Merctir^. Aitonia.—AtlanU is completely stripped of every thing in the way of army material, and the fereatar portion of it6 privaW and peraonal moveable [ nrofieTt?. If tlte enemy oapkoe k tk^ mU noli fg^mohio ttob wqnolg—Cbi^^b^^SSci*.

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