je b Lxo H'li, Kitu’v A W3 10, iStji. titiMil be aubjcct to a tax per xtut. on or- tv or enecut m jvjixu, nw. cry dollar ororoised oo the face th(!r«of, said tax ■ the jirecotiing paragraph, between tho timee to attaoh to said notOH wherever oiroulatod, and ' uBtxxod therein, 10 per cent.. IfeL addition to etfecta any kind, not eaumerated n ‘. ;ir - ti'Ji;! ! ; ^ •,> ... 1 ..‘n; •'IilOirt uI 1 -.1 .1 VO^J Hi. - ii? « : • .i * ./ I A'tit 'hf ('itTVlV f’s'i t)f f'ir f 'till ftuitiT’l/e 1. i'iiat *h>i holders of 0 :'llu'*cd urstil tliC ; t'lii Miosis^ip})!. to porioJa aad ‘.it the all aucu 'i’fcuMiiy 1 tho • in rci.ri"»-1 H ;itt. tiioir 'Ulf, * I i-oi otuc per H-i iin! .ry ialv ot said iiutos to be luadabU and exoUaB^eable for new j on such }>rotita as i: Treasury notes, as herdin provided, subject to i aforesaid, the dedaotion of said tax. j HI. On the amount of pi Seo 12 Th.-\t any State holding QS iwr ^^pnt.. made during W1 Qv>tc8 received before tho timea herein fixed tor i:iiine; iiaid notes shall be allowed till the first Jay of January 18G5, to I'uiid the sauie »u 0 per oci;i boudi^ oi tiio Ooiitederate ttatoa, payable 20 t'v^r . 'tor d itc, ud I the interest poyab'e seuji- iii'iu.iilj. But :»li Trea.-«ury uotes * under the f :.o-v bli' , r 05Pt; u- t ^ it y in)toi5 oi a! u:; t. >1 !br uii ’t. r tli ^ ,'n v ! o;. = V - *l' Wit -• 1 a>i ’ Ml*:! i > i.]-.' - ^ ' V ' I M •r,- )!riU i ’luU ’ ■ »> >u r ■ i\ ic lUay K ■‘'I*' *iuvh i.)uuds ^iiou i'.ii-r- ,u } r.yul'l ;i. >rt tl;. C^UO.Ul- „Mc- UU c ^r 'vbions .•ji: r.:; i ai'or >:i r?i ‘A v' t lO rcoeived by I uuy 8f.att‘ aU-r tlio ti-Uf lixoj lor taxing the .^anio a8 aturcs.-iid, Bhall be held to have been reoeived I diniinishcJ by the amount of said fax. The dis- 1 hclvyem the nol-»i the thX I nnd thiHc not so subject, rthnll be— ’Vhr~f. Trt-a«i»r' i: ‘iC’\*toforo ij.-sued • ■ ; 7 ;>" on the SlOO ]»t'r afjP:; w! .c .: ■ ‘m; n;c5(.!ivel in p-.y- ni'nr o/{>(!?>!:.! li.;,':, bij. .»i:all be deeuj»*d und Sec. in uriii;r exceeding 25 I-Kjr cent., made duringof tlie years 1863 ajid 1864, by any bailor banking company, insurance, canal, naviMtion, im- |H>rtiui? and exporting, telegraph, express, railroad, inannfacturing, dry dock, or other joint stwck tvuipaiiy of any description, wht-'thor incor}‘«)nitotl or not, ‘25 ])*r cent on puch excess. Swi. 5. The t’oliowing exoinptions from tnXHtion under this jict shall he allowed, 1. Pro|>erty of e.acii Ive.vd of a tainily to the value of $5U0; anti for each minor child of the fatuily to the further value of $100; son actually engaged in the 1 at f a; SUfj '•ir •V u« ■ Ui‘ r.w I h.uo A lO'i- in tisis Rc l.-iT -n ali said 'I’rcasurv nutes uot : ’ iu r ’jrajon: ;I fares :;t the dates r ' ’ the isi s,.?*ioj of t\5s ’ * '• li-vl- .l !'t :a'J Ujte.' and i -r very i?.olUr proTi*istd on ■'aid tax K?rall a.t acli --j ^aid , r ; ;ouI.^ oa, :;ui’. h-iil hi- oviiectc-d r tiie •■‘ainft At the trea.snvy, it.s dci>08i- ir e.illeetors, ncd by •Jl e. ivii!,' fhe saiee whuuever pre- *^ d ! r r- /Uit-iit i r li>r tiindiui;, or lu pu^aient t>i)v’c;.’in ni lur piissias^e, or lu ex- ■^e f> r r.t-i. uoN d. as herwiaalter provided, aad '•-i'; .1.^ hball be fundable in bi#aJi a.-» lUllit. and |i ac»^- • a t - 0!L th- !■ U'.'tv . b> ;1 *. t.»; -! - 111(1.! . iiud tor each (•>)n«tv.t'ri'i bniid': ut tin'' ■ nlv-drrAte ht-itea, p:.}a- uavv, or who liH* died or been r,v,. j-curs tlK rut,lic»tw„ of » ! kiilJ.1 i>i the niilit.irv or naval scrvice.'and •:»'a V 'V:rh t(i« Uu'.i'.od 5'-ilos, bearin'' the rate ol , i vi -i i i m. ;i,«ir i.c», pavabk I« i "'‘f' Janu.r,ofc»ch«nacr6ry5w. __ j ontored l,.u sor™«, the tnrtl,,.r v:iluo of Stc. i f. Tiist the HeereiAry of the Trossmy { • 11. 1 roperty ot the w*luow ot atiy officer, soldier, sailor or marine, vvbo may have died or been killed in the Miilitary t>r uuval I service, or where there is no widow', then of tho fiiniily, Uein^ «;hildr*.*!!, ti* the value of III. i'roperty ul‘ evyry oliicer, soldier, s;iiior or uiarino, actually engaged in the military or naval servico, or of such :vs have been di.sablcd in such .service, to the value of $1000; ]>rovided, that the above excmj>- tions shall not apply to any person, whiwe proi>erty, exclusive of household furniture, shall bo asfiessed at a value exceeding |;lOOO. IV. Tliat where property had beefj injured or dostroye 1 by tlse enetay, or tiie owner be, aiu'i in- is hereby, authorized, .a ciyse tivc oxi- ^eucioH ot the Oover ; sh raid re.iuire it, to jj.'iy tb ' «b>T".:iRu .tj" ijrjy p’;l.lie ; rcditor whose uebt j uaj be coiitraeted alter toe psHsa^e ol t’li.s aC', ■ffillin;' t’.? roMivc the paaio in » certiSca'.c et ii - to be i jj^u-'d by said Hc.irctary in «ueh ij i i».rtu IS ho uuy t’t-eui pwpvr, j ;;yablG tvro . ars V I :Jtcr I runfiyatioD of a trta^jr of iica-^e with the ie«ir;v--"l! I 'loarin-; inter-:8t t:t the rate of six ' ] r tonr. jicr anuum, payable scmi-annuaily, and triT ' ’^"■•Ic only by special e4it^>rse*ri.'>nt, t’ l ’.e? rcjniliif.jna be prescribed by the Scerctary of fhc Trc liury, nnd Ha;d certificates shall be eseui't from taxation in priaeipal and int;rc8t. Sec. 15. 'f’he Socrofary of the Treobury is aa- thorir.ed to increase the Dumber of depi^itories so rs to meet tiie requirements of this aot, and with Mlt i v that view to employ >ueh of the banks of tho . ev-1 thereof has iKjeu tom])orarily tlej»rlved of the iral States s^'i he may deem expedient. I !iBe or occupann.y tlieroof, or of tile means Skc 1(5. The Sooretary ot the Treasury t>hall j lorthwitL advertise this aot iu Bueh newspapers | jmblinhed iu the sevt.-l btutK^^, andbyHuch other means aa shftll B'oure immediate publicity; and the Sccretiiry »tf War and fhu Se»!retary of tb( Navy ■■'haU t uih Oiuje ii to be publishini In ^eao- ral order tjr the icforaaaou of the army and naTj. fcsEo 17. The AVA section of the act for the piX‘vidovj ill (lie l-i BcJtiOu of tliis act, until the l«t d; v 1 1S05, at the vale oft>C| cent!; asnefsn'ent and oollectiou of Lixes, Rpproved May of) ibo .Jo!iai; un.i it eh^ll be the duiy oi the ticc I ia hereby repealed. ' ^Bo 18. Tho Secretary of the Treasury Ls hereby HUthorited and required, upon the appU- eatiou of tuo holder of any call certificate, which, by the first soctioo of the act lo provide for the funding and further i«sue of Trea-sury notes, ap proved March 23d 1863, was rcjuircd to be thereafter deemed to l;:e a bend, to issue to euch holder a bend tlierefor upon th« terms provided by eaid aot. ref !,xt t>'.,' tj i for ' : i lar: 81UJ exch:*n. tar.i! an u •' := a.ury, .it aijy time betv.-.;i,a tlio H»>' ihe 1st ol Ju'y, 1 bl, '^ e. *. of r' . r, tb.c 1-.U ni J.tmv.-.*’, >;>, .* ..1 n'-7, ■ :iL the rate o* (»6? on the a**!- ' . '-'liAt no!.cJ of the di'nou.uiiuoti i-t ■ -V be eatidcd to the privi.Lgo of said rr vihd further, that tue right to ! - ‘i i Trcafiury notes, a’tcr tLe lat day of Jaca.-vry l':?G5, i? hereby taken »?ray: Andpr^- t:‘7. / /■« fj. TLit upon all such Treasury notes which amj remrun outsiandicg on the 1st day of Januii.y aL-d wiiicb may not bo exchanged for nc * T sd iry notes, as herein provided, a tax of lv‘-> per coat. i.s hereby imposed Sr.:. 5 Ttat af^cr the first day of April next, all aath?rity herctolore given to the Secretary of the '*’fi a= aty it:sae Treasury notes shall be, and i.=? her A*y. d; Pro,iidM, the Secrrtsry of tho Treii/nry tniV; alter thit time, ij..uc new Tren -ry n sicu, lu s’ach form as he c;ay prescribe, payable t'^o yeir» after the ratification of a treaty of p. a^e with the United States, eaid now issues to be receivable in paycjtm oi all public d’lcs, except export and import duticfl, to be is.sued in exchange for oid rutes at the rate of 2 dollar:; of the n lor I* of the old issTic.s, wliethci- said old notc-^ b- J- p-' n-At rvi for c.’fcbaage by the holders •I'^.’od into the Trea-sury under th)T act; and the holder of the ho old n-jtes, except those of the cfter they are reduced to ^lollar by the tas. aforesaid, may V i into CTill oertifieates l>earing in rate of 4 per cent, per »Tinura, and yt u'o aller s rstifioation of a treaty ii the United States, r«ale«.s sooner ther- nr lo r the pruvL-iot-s n new note-; r^r oi ' denomlti' t;o i >; 66f cettij on th conv»i7l f:" ; r>V tercst r* t payaM ■ t ol pe;. An Act to Lay additional Tcuces for the, &r>’i tmn defence and support of Goveminert. Sec. 1. The Congress the Confedera ■* States of At'ior’ca do enact, That in addi tion to the taxes levied by the act “to lay taxes for the common defence and to carry on tlie Government of the Confederate States,” approved 24th .»f April 1S63, there sliali be levied, from the passage of this act, on tiie subjects of taxation hereafter mentioned, and collected from every percon, copartner ship, association or corpon.tion, liable there to, taxes as follows, t^>-wit: I. I'pu'i the value of T>roperty, real, per sonal »nd mixed, of every kind iind descrij>- of cultivating the same, by reason of the prwence or the proximity of the enemy, tlie assessment on such property may i*e reduced, in pro]K»rtion to tho dHii'uge sus tained by the owner, or tlic tax assoi^sed theretin niny be reduced iu the same ratio 1 y the district collectjr, ou satisfactory evi dence suiunittod to hi.'K by the owi'er or a«- eeswor. Skc. t>. That the taxes on [uoperty laid for the year 18t$4, shall l>e asiesaed as on the day ot the pa^aage of this act, and bo duo and collccted on the 1st day of June nes t, or as s-'on aflef as pracMcable, allow ing an extension of 90 days West of the Missiseip})! river The additional taxes v\ incomes or proiits for the year 1S63, levied by this act, shall be assessed and collected forthwith; and the taxes on incomes or pro- j fits for the year 1S64, shall be assessed aud collected aco.rding to the provisions of the tax and asgessinent acts of 1803. . Sko. 7. So mncii of tho tax act of the 24th I day of April 1863, as levies a tax on in comes derived from jiroperfy or cirects on the amount or vjilue of which a tax is levied by this act, and also tho 1st section of paid act, are su8))ondcd for the year 1>^64-, and no estimated rent, hire or interest on pro perty or credits heroin taxed ad valorem, shall be assessed or taxed as incoincs under the tax act of 1303. Seo. s. That the tax imposed by this act on bonds of tho Confederate States hereto- tbii in- IX.. Of e«>n«piracieB, or atteniptB to liber ate priboners of war held by the Oonfederate States. X. Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XL Of persona advising or inciting others to abandon the Confederate cause, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to adhere to the enemy. XII. Of unlawfully buniin'g, destroying or injuring, or attempting to burn, destroy or injure atiy !>ridge or railroad, or tele graphic lino of communication, or property, with tho intent of aiding the oJiemy. ! XIII. Of treasonable designs to impair the military j.*ower of the Government by dftslroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels or arms, or mutiition^} of war, or arsenals, foundries, workshops, or «.>th«’' ,>roporty ot the Confederate States. Sec. 2. The President shall cause proper officers to investigate the castes of all persons s» arrested, or detained, in order that they may be discharged if inipro}>erly detaiue I, unless they can be speedily tried in the due conme of law. See., 3. That during the suspension afore said, ii» military or other officer shall be compelled, ip a'lswcr to any writ of im!)eas corpus, to appear in person, or to return the bc*dy of any person or j>ersoti3 detained by him, by the authority of tho President, Se cretary of W^, or the General otiicer com manding the Trans-Mississippi department; hut upon the cwtiticate, under oatli, of the oUicer having charge of any one so detained, that euch person is detained by him as a {'risoner for any of the causee hereinbefore specified, under the authority aforesaid, fur ther ]>n>c6eding8 under the writ of ha..»(;as c»rpus shall immediately cease and remain aus|>ended so long asJJUis act shall continue in Ibrce. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in foroe for ninety days alter the next meeting of Con- yress, and no longer. shall be liable to ho placed in service in tho field for the war, as if he were between the ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the dntien of pro vost and }io6pital gnards aud clerks, and of iployeeft or labor- d Qaartennaster’s lapit clerks, guards, agents, em era in the Commissary an( Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and of clerks and empbyees of navy agwits, as also in the execution of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall bo performed by persons who are within the ages of ,18 and 45 years, and who by the repor:. of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported aa unable to perform active service in tho field, but capable of performing some of the above said duties, specifying which, and when these persons sho 11 been assigned to those tliities as far as pr«ctical>le. tho Pro fiident siiall assign or detail to their perform- ajice such bodies of trooiw, or individuals, retjuired to be enrolled unt'er the 5th sec- titui of this act, as may l>e needed for the discharge of such duties: Provided, that persons between the ages of 17 and 18 shall be arisigned to thjS9 duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall be so c«>n8trued as to prevent the President fronj dotailinif artisans, mechanics, or per sons of scientific skill, to ]>erform indispen sable duties in the de})artinent« or bureaus herein inentioned. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As sistant Quartermaster, Coinmiijsary or As sistant Commissary, (other than th*jso serv ing with brigades or regiments in the field,) or ofH^ers in the Ordnance Bureau, or Navy Agents, or Provost Marshal, or officer in the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain in Ids employment any ^ J tion, n-jt bereiuafter exenioted or taxed at a isoued, snail iu no cjiso exceed difleient rate, 5 per cent!: Provided, That i YJT from this tax on the valiio of property eni- minors or lunatics, suall be })loyed in agriculture shall be ueductcd the from tax ctees whcjv the value of the tax in kind delivered therefrom, I ‘Merest on the same shall not exceed J^IOOO. ae ^sesi.;ed under the law imposing it, and | An Act tomsj.Htnd l/ie primkge of the Writ bjnclH lo acjount not eieecding five d tEill'ors of dollari, the principal and in- copvertod inui new not». St,c. 6 T'or.t to pay tho ext>en3ta of the G ov ert asent ri ;it otberwiae provided for, the Sccrctaty of ttie '^r* -v' ‘.rT i/. Jie’-eby authcrired to isaue 6 per c»'f: nandrH tcTcst v?b. -eoi fVkII be free from taxation, and for the psjuir.~t of interest thereon the entire net reoeip. • any exp >rt duty hereafter laid oa the value Oi any cotton, tobacco, sad navd stores, which I'tiall be exported ftvim the Oonfederate States, and the uet proceed-i of tha import duties now laid, • r so muon thereof as may be ncoesEary to pay annu lly the iaterost, arc hereby specially pledged; 1-, loi!. that the duties now laid on hereby pledged and shill hereaf- dpef ’e. or ia sterling exchange, or ol said bonds. the St :reUtry of the Troasary is I' >n;- d, from time to time, aa the Tre -i ury uay require it, to sell or ! .I-r T-;ry notea said bonds, or any . q.>>a the Uc'Ht terms he can, so i« to meet aj propruii' aii by Oongroes, and at th? same time reduce Hnd roisiriot the amount of tho ci»‘cn- lation in - ^tary notcn within rcafiODP.ble and sate Itmir Sec' ^ Th bonos autli'riicJ by the Gth seo- tion ot Hv.: act may be cither r»>^; pon bo! and the; Bttoh r-' may pr togotb puch fori imports HT ter be pv^’ in cour> n Sec. T. hereby wantb : r by pot Li- r.% part th-r». delivered to the Government: Provided, That no credit shall he allowed beyond 5 ]>cr cent. II. On the value of gold and silver wares and plate, jewels, jewelry and watches, 10 per cent. IIL The value of property taxed under rhis section shall be assessed on the basis of of iraheas Corpus in certain case^. Whereas, the Constitution of the Coniod- crate States of America provides in Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 3, that ‘‘tho privi lege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless when in case of rebel lion or invasion, the public safety may re quire it;” and, the power of sus- the market value of the same, or similar pro-1 pending the privilecte of said writ tie reco^- a,in ; nizod in said Article 1, is vested solely in or c'j«- a;- the parties taking t-'^a may cleet; r ajr be exohanged for each uudei > " ?' .n as the Seorctary of the Treasury "■ih: - TV.oy shall bo for 8100, ard shall ti'c ooupons thereto att'.i.3hcd, be in and ,T anch autheotioation as the Sec retary ol the Tr j;v?ury may preaoribe; tha interest shall bc.p^vpVlo ‘ rlf yearly oa the first of Jiut’y and Jui^ ■ or.eb jc v; tho principal aball be pay able not lotia tbau .'O years from tUcir date. S»o All Ci*li c-;jitiDcat«a shall be fundable, and flhs'l ba taTtu iu aU reapeota las iii provided tor the 'i'reasury n4>i':i iuto wbioh they are oon- Tortible. I' con verted before the time fixed for taxin" the Titahury noicH, saoh certifioatcs shall from th;U rime bear iotcrext upon only 66i ocots for ever) dollar ptuai: ud upon thek faoe, and shail be roi^eemable iu new I'rei^sary notes at that raie; but alter tho p:u«agc of tbia aot do call oertilicatca shati be until aftir the first day of April, 1861 Sro. 10. That if feny bank of deposit shall ^nive its doj)oe'iv)rb 'i.^io bonds authoriied by tho first Motion o: tiiis aot, in exohango tor tbeir dep^Mjiti and epeciiyiri^; tho Hamo on the bond;) by some distinctive mark or token, to be agreed upon with the Secretary ui tho Treasury, then the said do- poeitoT shuil be entitled to rocievt tho amount of said buuds in I'reaaury autos, bearing no interest Msd outBtanding at tho paMage ot this aot: /Vo- widedf the said bor.oU are presented before the privilege of funding said notfi# at pu shall eoase M herein preaoribed. 8*0. II. That all Treasury aotoe heretofore iMaed of thd denoauoation of Mb ahail ooaiin le to be reoezvable ia payment of public duea, la provided bf law. ^d fandabls at par oader the ^vif iaas at tiiii aat, uatil the ftxst oi July, 1S64, •Mt, aa4 'V* t 8k Oetobw 1M4, wit of IfiMMSpi «r«^ bat aA«r tiii lla perty in the neighborhood where assesse the year 1860, except in cases where land, slaves, cotton or tobacco have been pur chased since the let day of January 1862, in which case the said land, slaves, cotton and tobacco so purchased, shall be assessed at tho price actually paid for tho same by tho owner. Sec. 2. On the value of all shares or inter ests held in any bank, banking company or aeuociation, canal, navigation, importing, exporting, insuiance, manufacturing, tele graph, express, railroad, and dry-dock com panies, and all other joint stock companies of every kind, whether incorporated or not, 5 ^r cent The value of property taxed under this section Bhall bo assessed upon the basis of the Viiarket value of such property in the neighborhood where assessed, in such cur- roncy a^ may bo in general use there, in the purchaeo and sale of e’.ich propirty, at the time of ;uieoi8aieat. ' See. 3. Upon the amount of all gold and silver coin, gold dust, gold or silver bullion, wkethor held by tho banks or other corpo- rationo or individuals, 5 per cent.; aud upon all moneys held abroitd, or upon the amount 01 all bilia of cxcliange, drawn therefor on foreign countries, a tax of 5 per cent; such tax upon monej' abroad to be assossed and collected according to tlie raluo thereof at the place where the tax is paid. II. Upon the amount ot all solvent cre dits, and of all bank bills and all other pa pers issued as cnrreiicy, exclusive of non interest bearing Oonfeacrate treasury notes, and not employed in a ro^^f.sterot I business, the income derived from wlncii ia taxed, 5 per cent. Se«. 4. Upon profits made ia trade ai\d business, as follows: L On all proiits made by buying and sell ing spiritous liquore, Houj, wheat, ou rn, rice, dugar, molasses or siruVj bacou, pork, hogs, Ixjef or beet cattle, siieep, oat 3, hay, foddtir, raw hides, leather, horses, mules, bootc, shoes, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot ton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, Uarness, coal, iron, steel or nails, at any tliiie be tween the 1st of January 1863, and the 1st of Janoary 1865, 10 per cent, in ad«litiou to the tax on aach profits as iacome finder the “act to laj taxes for the oonunon defence, and oarry on the Government of the Oon federate States,” approved. April 24, 1863. IL On all profita made by bajiaf' and seilizig money, gold, aUver, foniiga ^omuige, •to«ka, notes, aeMa, cv «btici4ioiii 99)4 9^. tho Congress, which is the exclusive j‘^’go of the ueceiisity of each suspension; and where:is, in the opinion of the Congres®, tho public safety requires the sunpeusion of said writ in the exibting case of the iuvaaioii of those States by the arraioa of the United Statt 3; and whereae, the President haa asked for the suspension of the writ of habeas cor pus, aud informed Congrccss of condifion^ of public danger which render ^lie saspenBion of the writ a measure proper for the public defence against invasion aud insurrection; uow, therefore, Tho Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That during tho present iavaaion of the Confederate States, tho priv ilege of the writ of habeas corpus bo, and the same ia hereby, suapcnikd; l)at such sus pension shall apply only to the cases 01 per- soiis arrested or aetained by order of the President, Secretary of War, or the Gouoral Otiicer commanding the Trans-Mississijjpi *ililitary Department, by tho authority tiud under tho control of the Prc^iidcni. It ia hereby declared that the purpose of Con gress in the passage of this act is to pro rldo more etfectually for tho public tfafetj by 0U3pending the writ of habeas corpus iu the following cases and no other: I. Of treason, or troaaoiiable elforta or combinations to subvert tije government of the Confederate States, II. Of conspiracies to overthrow tho gov ernment, or conspiracies to resist the lawful authority of tho Coufedorate States IIL Ofc of or ^ " conspiraci^ preparations and at Liombining to assist the enemy, or : communicating intelligence to the enemy, • giving him aid and comfort, jfv. Of conspiracies, preparations tei^ts to incite servile insurrection. Y. Of desertions or encourp.ging desor- tions, of harboring d «rters, and ot attempts to avoid military service: Provided, That id case of palpable wrong and oppres;?ion by any subordinate officer upon any party who does not legally owe military serrice, his snperior officer shall grant prompt relief to tlie oppressed party, and the subordinate shall be dismissed &om office. VX Of spies and other emissaries of the enoiny. TIL Of holding correspondence or inter* course with the enemy, without necessity, and without the permission of the Ocmlede* rate States. YIIL Of unlawful trading with the eae- mj, and othar dbnoea against tiie lawi of |the OiPibdarKte HlatM, gnmaf! to iwei Is W» 13*. ^ t person in any of their said departments or! impressment act t y - J-..; A I er rni.„ . provisions, to be delivered by auoli person as aforesaid at equivalent rates. 3. Such person shall further bind himselt to sell the marketable surplus of provisions and grain now on hand, and which he may raise from year to year while his exemption continues, to the Government or to the fam ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed by the Gom- - missioners of the State under the impress ment act: Provided, that any person ex empted as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a credit of 25 per cent, on any simonnt of meat which be may deliver within thrive months from the passage of this act: Provided fur ther, that persons coming within the provi sions of this exempfion shall not be deprived ot Ihf^ Iw.Mietit thereof by reason of having been enmllod Rince the 1st day of Feb. 1864. 4. In addition to t!ie foregoing exemp tions, the Secretary of War, under the di rection of the President, may exempt or de- i-tail sucb other perBons ab he may be satis fied ought to i>e exempted on account ot pul>lic nvcessity, and to insure the produc tion of grain and other provisions fur the army and the families of soldiers, lie niav, also, grant exemptions or details, on such terms as he may prescribe, to such over seers, tartners or planters as he may be sat isfied will be more useful to the country in the pursuits-of agriculture than in the mili tary service: Provided, that such exemption shall cease whenever the farmer, planter or ovenieor shall fail diligently to employ in good faith, his own akill^ capital ana labor exclusively in the production of grain and provisions, to be sold to the Government and tiie families of soldiers at prices not exceed ing those fixed at the time for like articles by the Commissionei*s of the State under proof, by the oath of any credible person, that any such officer has violated this vision, immediately f^(relieve such bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th sectioa of this'act, iu violation of tho provisions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, be c*ashiered; and it shall be the duty of any deiiartment or district commander, upon THE MILITARY BILL. ■ « - ^ Section 1. That from and at\:er tho passage of this act all white men, residents of tho Confederate States, between tho ages of 17 atid 50, shall he in the military service of t!ie Confederate States for tho war. Sec. 2. Tliat all the persons aforesaid, be tween the ageu of 18 and 45, now in service, shall l>e retained during the present war with the U. S., in the same regiments, bat talions and companies, to which they belong at the passage of this act, with the same 01- gipization and officers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and regulatH)ns for the gov ernment of the army: Provided, that com paniee from one State, organized agaitiAt 118 pro- otfice from duty; aud said commanders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such offence; and any commander as aforesaid failing to }>erform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upon being duly convicted thereof, be discharged from tho service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted except the following: 1. All who shall be held unfit for milita- ■ { rv service, under rules to be prescribed by ' 1 the Secretary of War. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and Haperiotendent of any railroad company en gaged in transportation for the Government, and sucb oflicers and employees thereof as the })re9ident oi’ superintendent shall certify on oath to be indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, that the aumber of persons so exempted by this cer j act ou any railroad shall not exceed one i>er- • - ' - I - --I- i'— I : son for each mile of such road ia actual use for military tianspoj iation; and said exemjjts shall be reported by name and deecriplion, witTi the names of any who have left the 1 employment of said company, or who may cease to be indispensable. 6. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as repealing the act approved April the 14th 1863, entitled an act to ex empt contractors for carrying the mails ol the Confederato States, and the drivers ot post coachcs and hacks, from military cer- that all the exemptions vice: granted under this act shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are actually _ 2. The Vice President of the Confederate ihoir consent, expressed tX the time, with States, the members and officers of Congress regiments or battalions from another State, | and of the several State Lejjislaturcs, and | engaged in their respective pursuits or oc- shall have the privilege of being transferred ^ g,ich other Confederate and State officers as , cupationfi. to organizations of troops, in tlie same arm | President, or the Governor of tho ro-1 Sec. 11. That the President be, and he is of tho serviue, from the States iu which said ! companies wore raised; and the soldiers from one otate, in companies from another State, slmll be allowed, if they desire it, a transfer to organizations from their own States, in tho same arm of the service. Sec. 3. That at the expiration of six months from tiie first day of April next, a boiuity of $100 in a six per cent. Government bond, which tho Secretary of the Treasury is here by authorised to issue, iball be paid to eve ry non-commissioned officer, musician and private who shall then bo in service, or in the event of hi* death previous to the period of such payment, then to the person or per spective States, may c-wrtify to be necessary ; hereby, authorized to grant details, under tor tlie i)ro]>er administration of the Con- : federate or State Govornrnents, ae the case may be. 3. Every minister o^"roligi')n authorizeti to i preach according to tho rules of his church, ' and who, at the passage of this act, shall be regularly employed in the discharge of his ! ministerial duties; superintendents and phy- fsicia^s of asylums for the deaf and dumb I jiud blind and of tke ijisane; ono editor for j eaf'h newspaper l>oing published at the time , of this act, and such employees as saitl edi tor may certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the publication of sucb newspaper; the proper: intea to sons who would be entitled to receive by law I public printer of the ConfcMierate and State the arrearages of his pay; but no ono shall be Governments, and such journeymen print- entitled to tho bounty iujrein provided who | tho said public printer shall certify, general rules and regulations to be issued from the War Department, either of persons between 45 and 50 years of age, or from tlie armv in the field, iu all eases where, in his judgment, justice, equity and necessity re- {^uiro Bucli details, and he may revoke such orders of details whenever he tiiinks Provided, that the power heroin grantee tho President to make details and exemp tions shall not be construed to authorize the exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing 6Vi]>plios of any kind to the Gt>v- ernment, by reason of said contract, imless the head or secretary of the department ma- king such contract shall certify that the per sonal services' of such contraetor are indis- ensable to the execution of aaid contract* rovided further, that when any such con tractor shall fail, diligently and faithfully, shall at any time, during the period ot six oath, to be indispensable to perform the months next after the said first day ot April, I printing; one skilled apothecary in be abcont from his command without loave. j ^ach apothecary store, who was doing busi-1 to proceed with the execution of such cor- Sec. 4. That no person shall be relieved * nogg ^3 snoh on the 10th day of Oct’r 1862, 1 tract, his exemption or detail shall cease, trom the operation of this act by reason ot jjuj lias continued said business, without I Sec. IJ. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of persons liable to mdlitary service, no member com a 14a Aj I i7 lA 11 L L : *Ar\rt ir\f Iciaf T 1»-» f any longer exempted by reason theret^f: _ _ . . , inero(^i: ; actual and regular practice of their profes- county or enrolling Provided, that no person, heretofore exempt-j but the t^fm phyoician shall not in-' are reqaircd to mak( ed on account of religions opinions and who | elude dentists; all presidenfs and teachers of colleges, theological teminaries, acade mies and schools, who have been r.,gularly engaged as such for two years next before That all white male residents of | the passage of this act: I’rovided, that the posing the same shall be appointed from the district in which they e such examination. has paid the tax levied to relieve him from service, shall bo requirod to render military scrvice under this act Sec the Confederate States, between tho ages of j benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com- 17 and 18 aud 45 and 50 years, shall enroll themselves at such timea and places, and i posed of 20 students or mo. o. All superin- imder such regulations, as tho President ! tendents of public hoapitalB, established bv may prescribe, the time allowed not being | law before the passage of this act, and such leeai than 30 days for those oast, and 60 days - '—’ —j - .t for those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll him- aolf, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to bo judged of by the President, shall be Post OSoe, Fa^ettevjliOj IV. placed in service in the field for the war, in the same manner as though they were be- twooa the ages of 18 and 45: Provided, that the {>«rsous mentioned iu this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence aud detail duty, and shall not be required to l>erform service out of the State in which the^ r^ide. Sec. 6. That all persona required by tho 5th section of this act to enroll themsolves, may within 30 days after the passage there of, east of the Mississippi, and within 60 tlays, if west of said river, form themsolves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their own officers; said organizations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender ^boir services as volunteers during the war to the President; and if such ojqgan- izations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as uow organized, and deposit a copy thereof with the oarolling officer of thoir district, which snail be equivalent to enrolbnent, they may be accepted as minute men for service m such State, but iu no event to be taken out ol it. Thoeo who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by the President, be reqmrcd to assemble at copvenient pla ces of rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to be pr^^ribed by him; and sh^ have the right to elect their company aad regimental officers; and all troops organized under this aot for State defeace, shtdl be eotitled, while in actual servioe, to the sMue pay and aUowanoe as troopa DOW in tha field. Seo. 7. That any person who shall fail to attend at the plaoe » roadeayoua as required bj the aalhori^ «f the S^raaldent without physicians and nurses therein aa such eu- perinteudenbs 'shall c^stify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and efficient inauagemont thereof. 4. There shall be exeiupt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, and were on the 1st day of Jau’y last, 15 able-bodied ^ field-bauds, between the tvges of 16 and 50, i upon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted in cases iu which there is no white male adult on the farm or planta.tion not liable to .ailitary service, nor unless the person claim ing the exemption wa-i on the 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and manr^ger or overaeer of said plantation, but in no case shall more tJian one pewon bta exempted for one farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first execnto a bond, payable to the Confederate Stattee of Amer ica. in such form, aud with such security, and in such penalty as the Sewetary of War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government a- some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary ef War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100jKHjids of t)acon, or, at the election ot the (arovem- ment, its equivalent in pork, and 100 lbs. of not heel (said beef to be delivered on foot,) for each able-bodied slave oa said farm or plantation, within the above aaid ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork and beef shall be paid for by the Government at the prices fixed by the OommissioQers ot the State ander the impressment act: Provided, tJiat when the person thus exempted shall produce satis- uictory evidence tnat it has been impossible for hio^ by the exercise of pr«>pQr difigence, to furnish the amount of meat thus contract ed for, and leave an adequate supply for the subsistenoe of those living on the said farm or plaotatioD, the 8e(aretar^' >f War ahj»ll dirMt a eesuiidAtior, of to the , J. C.,) oxd^sa 3,1863. y SeheditU of the Arrival and Dcpar{ur$ of tht Maik at tki» O^iee. EALEian via AVEftASDOKO’, Arrivsa iaily, except danday, at 4* P. M. Deparifl daily, cxcept Sainrday at 6 P. M. UALSiQtt via SUMMERVILLE. Deparis Tacsclay and Friday at 6 A. M. ArriTBS Wo Jaocday and Sunday at 9 P. M. WARSAW Tia CLINTON. Arrives daily at 12 coon. Oeparta daily at P. Ai. CARTHAGE. Arrivea Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 P. M. Dep&rta Monday, Woduesday and Friday at 1 P. M. CHERAW, S. C. Arrives Tussday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 P. M. Dopart'S Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs^y at 1 P. M. PAIR BLUFF via LUMBERTON. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A. M, Paparta Suadav, Tuesday and Thursday at I P. M. EUJBEiOS’3 via ELIZABETHTOWN. Departs Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A. M. ^"rlTes Tuesday, Tburday and Satui^y at 2 P. M. ELIZABETHTOWN via TEREBINTH. Amvea Monday at 5 P. M. Djf arts same day (Monday) at 6 P. M. JdAQNGLIA via GYPRESS GREEK. A*TiT09 Tuesday at *2 P. M. DoparH e«iai} day (Tuesday) at P. M. flWlPT I3LAK1> vi-i MONTROSE, GOVINOTON aad POWELLXON. Arrivaa Tuwday at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. eWlE’T KLAND ▼ia TROT. Arrival Tuas'iay at 6 P. M. Dcparu Wednesday at 11 A. M. All mwls hof .rsT^ M ,ar» olosad tie even in^ b9."ore at 9 P. H. All lettara to be aent oft from tkia office, other than by mail, must b? paid aa if i*Qt by mail. All drop letters aUoall pro-pala by 2 cent iitaaipe. Tha uffioe will be open on Sunday flrom 84 to 91 A. M , aad from to 6^ P. M. JAS. 0. COOK, P M- THE DIXIE PAMIEB, th Folki A fortV>r rapply at wa ■ ^ , I ft •*' WicolMalt ft THE iVORTH €ARO£.lJVil. ncTDU urK ihsdkancb coNPiNr, NOW in the tent^ year of sueoessful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon pubiie eon- ftdenoe, eontinaes to insure the lives of all healthy per- ■ons from 14 te 60 jwa ef age, for one year, for sevea years, aad for life—allufe members sharing mthe profits All slaves from 10 to SO years of age are insured tm one year wr for tve years for two thirds their value. AU losaes are poneiually paid within 90 days after satisfaetor;; proof ia presented. For furtcier infbrmatiea the pabliA is referred to Agents 0' * * Q^mpaay iJt all parts 0'ke State, . &. H. BATTlX Beoretary, Rale:-f,j. B. J. HALC, A^eat at Jaa’7 186J. Fayerteville. N. 0

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