L Y VOL. XlV.l fayett AUGUST 8, 1864 (NO 13M.] ' J:_5* PRINTED MONP\Y8 aNT> THURSDAYS. EDWARD J. HILE & SONS. El’TTOFS AND PP.OPaiTETORS. Pri?efhrtbe 8emf*W(t«Vly OnsasTiiB $16 00, pAid la Far tke W««kly Obib«v«b $10 00 per saiiiua, paid In »^Tano«. mr’ADVERTlBF.MSNTS inserted for $2 ptr 8 iu»re of 12 Un«B or 1«pi for the first, and one dollar for eaeh saee««dinfr publication. AdTertieert are reqotsted to !?tu.t« the uuraber of inMrtidos deeiied, or they vill br coDtlnudd tUI forbid, and charged aooordiagiy. .\4Terti8ent>nta oontinned intide, charged as new ad- wrtjBempBt SPECIE I. XOTICE. Prora an • H^t«r thU4at«, no nvw o.* a new guhcerlb«r Vili be jut?r*d -wltnoQ*. j>».Tment in nAvwao*, wt9t wUl the paper be aent te erloh stibecriben for a longer time than ia paid for. « Such of otir old anbMribera as d«9ire to take the pa* per on this tystem vill please notiff as irhen making ren>itt«noes. J.on’y 1, 1868. W. DRAUGHOIW, A0CTIONBER, 8. S. Corner M»rk«st Sqaare, FATBTTETIIJLB, M. C. Prompt attention gtvcn to bnsinesa in his Bne entraptc-* *o hin;. Jane 10, 18C4. 40*f H. mcmLLArv, Aaetioiip-^r a-id Merchant, *V«. Bf(*f street,^ FAYETTBVILLE, N. C. Jun« tf ’89 8oi COTTOIV CARDS, !Vo. 10. The faykttbviUiE cotton 0.4 rd mandfat- TURING COMPANY are now manufacturing CARDS superior to any ran through the blockade, aud at present are selling for f less price the single pair or by the qaau- ti^. Any persdh ordering six or moi-e pairs, they will be securely packed and delivwed in Wilmington of ei- pense. Cail upon x>r address A. A. MoKETdAN. J. A. WOttTH. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. FflBBtterille, N. G., April 18 24tf Fajetteviilt Rosin Oil Works. OUR (Ml Works are now in complete operation, and M we use noChinff bat good rosin in producing the Oil we can recommena to be the beet of the kind made in tUs ooontry. It is a fine Lobrioating and Tanner's Oil, and w* would be glad to receire orders from the OoTsnpMBi and the public geiaerally. We will sdU on raiKnabU tcrmo. • MUO^ CASHWEXiL A Oa April U liSiDQUiRTlHS. ftlSlBYl or H. fr \ WuDoa, July 1*, 1W4 /. EiGLE FOUNDRY. SOME mottChs ago Qompieted all «ar ftxtnres for the Danufaoture of CAB WKESLB, but owing to the ftiHnre of the supply of Iron if proper nature, we hare not lately been able to s^ply any demand for them; this dijBouity however, will be overcome in the coarse of siz woeke, at which ttiae we shall be. able to faminh wheels of the following sixes—24, 26, 28 and SO inohes; also Chilled Tires. The Iron we sball use for them will bo Cold Blast C^arooal Iron, and we wve- rant oar wheels NOT TO CRACK, and to be eqaal to any made in the Confedemoy, w to these of Wh^taey ft Sons ot Philadelphia, whoso repat^ion is so well known by all Railroad companiee. We are prepared to ezeoate L^cm, Dry San^, »ad Green Sand Work^Sf any shape or lise. D. ANDERSON & CO. FayetteVille, March 80. 1864. 19tf ISAAC HliLLIVGSVVORTH. li^roeer and Coma!ioa Merchant) TAYETTKVILLE, N. 0. Jana 13 40 tf Attorney at Law, Fayittkvilu, N. 0. WILL attend the County and SuperiAr Coorts of Camberlacd, Haruett, Moore and Robeson Cotu»- tios. Froxr'pt sttentioQ ftiTea to the oollectioDof all olaims entruKt el to his hacda. Oct. 17, 1869 58-tf JOS. t)TL£Y, &ro€etr at%H CommiMimt J9ercha»U^ FAYKTTBVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, ISei*. 98-tf MilTBAM A. STSniLAN. WU. H. BnMAHD. N, Jk, Sl €0„ WHOLESALE ANi> RETASL DEALERS AND .nERCHA^TS, .fo. 19, Hay Stireet^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. April W. 2®tf liVBRICATlNG OIL. The undersigned ia now f rrrared to furnbh ta the publio a very superior art-cl» of LUBRICATIKQ 01^ ttptdally for Cotto% onJ Wfn>l«n Faetoriet We oUiai that this Oil does not- go^, an I m«^y be run 4t prrater speed with less powto :hta any other Oil ^'xoept Opera. Mr W H Porter, Snperinten.iest of Piii»oix Cotton Factory, says of it; “I ha?c be;n using your Lubrioat- isg Oil for 2 or 8 months, and Cai it to be superior to any other Oil now in use for lcbrioat*og.” yir John KenJiaw, Sap’t of Blount’s Greek Factory, says: *'I can cheerftilly say yotir Labricating Oil ia a saperior article. It does not gum in the least, but keeps ihe joamals clear and bright ” Mr A F Beokerdlte, Chief Scgineer of (he C S Arse nal and Armory of this place, was requested to i.ry it and says: *‘I tkirk for lij^t machinery—caeh as CoUon Faotories—and* or heavy machinery when the motion is slow,yoor LubrioatiagOil will compare next in qa»I- ity to Sperm " Other cotton mannfaotnrers hftve tried it and pro- ■oonced fkTorably of it. HEflRY E. COLTON. Agent Fayect'riUe S^roslce Cc. AprU 4, 1864 20 tf I. General Oriof > No. 3. / THi3 Co'.»ai4ii«!aut ot Csasoripis will use e' po»:ble csartion ti expedite the organiiai'oa the Kcfcorfs N. C.. holding his subordlaate® to 4M Btrio^est acoounubiUty for uy want of eaei^ ot tivity II. At the cs^liest practicable dale, after the Seuisy EfoerTe aro organised inta companies, the E&roiiin^Offi3«rs will organise them into a Reg if thero are ten companies; or into a BattaUon, if leel than ten Oompaiiies, by aaaembliag the Company Oi^ eers, i*::d hatdiug an cleotion for Colonel, Lieut. Golos^ %n«l M^jof, f'>r % Rejtmeut; a Lieat- Colonel aad MaiW fjT a Bv (»H>>c of SIX or more Companies; or a for a U«t>^rca of less th»n six oompaalea. HI Hsr.^kft'^r, ail appHcations for indolgenoe» every ki&e, -tI'I be iaade throaga the proper ebuai2 % EeiMl Qauters; and pending aaoh appHcati^ > App'bvn^ will be 04ati'i«red aad tvsftU'd M br'1 ro^;b#«B ly. AU Itarkugns, leaves of-ab9nM«y-dfttiJila«r p jte.ty exeiObptiiiQS, heretefor^ granted to cficers auU mt', belong og to the Reserve of N. G., by oi&Ofrs con nect" d witii taa Ccnaeript Bnreaa, are revoked. All men abs«nt, by vifCne of such papers, from Gompan'es in the field, wil* at once join th^ir commands V. The tieserve, (fom beinz called into serv'ee only in cmaea of craerg«nef, are not liable to be detailed as Jbrmer*, Mfthftnies, By comBta:id of Lt. Gan. Houfis. JNO W HINSDALB, Aas’t Adj't Qen’L July 18. 60-7t Ciiari»tte Pemale lii«tUate. fl®* of this 80RWL wil* be rein ■» i 'n Wateeeday Set>*. 14. who w*«^ oUo jS ^ •avlyap^isation. Far eiKuUr on>t«!nln|L t r^iC lev R BURWELL, Ohttlot*^. N 0. 6^ *>tpd Desirable CtooAi. WL MMHTAiB OCsn or sale* lAAA ant IHITia a»d FORKS, anertei; ^9vU tf Ffau t asd 4 Rlaied Kkivee; IM 0iiM Btml ftnui Ifll areas Steel K&ittfBg Keedls«i iaiMM»a«le4 Feet P^n %-M fMarcii ICegHrt Beae PaatSiittaMi SallK 6 Bi^rrsis £si;]i«h Ckees Coppeoaat 10 K0ij;i Bi flarb. 8oda{ 1 Bag Ahpie^; 8 B«^ B)*ck Popper; 1 Package Saltpetre. Rioh3I'>hd, , Joue 27th, 1864- ExehaB^e iVolice, Mo. tl. All oflEcC'ra -snd m«a of the Vic^aonrg cap'ate of July 4tb. 186^. Trho r«norted tsr «2a^y either &t Enter prise. Misa , Dj-”op5l'9, A?a , Jonesboro*. T«nn , Vien na, ^atohitoofees 8'iroveport, or Alexandria, La , at any tim? pri^r o A^il ist, 1864, and whova Banian h^ve been forwarde! me by t*»a proper offioers, are ho'ftby deoUred ezch»njge’i 60 6u] RO. OULD, Agent of Exchange. BOrVD5« FOR $IAf4£. Five Hiudroil Millioo Ooafederate Six Per Cent. Bonds. T9F-8E Bonds present the greatest iadooemants for inv-3«oent Xh'y bive thirty years to mn, i.itar- ftst p»7«’o’.8 Si*nt-uinaally, and are secured by import and export duties; are exempt, prioc'.pal and iaterest, from taxation, and the eoupons raeeivable as eoln'for co3to«>i duties. Apply to ALLSM 8 GIBBES, A {tent Treamry Depavtnent. Tn\j 17 m.lf TO R£HT. »oHeari. Apply to W. POWERa. sa sw Jnly 4. 40-6W Palma Ckristi Beans. r[£ snbseriber will pay the highest eash prioes for any qnaaiUj of Pilma Ohrwit Baaas. J- A WORTK Offloe Post Qnartermater, Fi DETH CttNflHKSvlOJIAL DhTRICT, N. C., Fatittitillk, N. C., July 28tb, 1864 To th« Fanattn of tlie 4Ut CoagrMaioaal District. Non 'B ia hereby giv«n that is Che oolieetim of Tax in Kind for the Crops of 18^ that no Reeei^t *o I farmer is valid except fToa a ruular aathoriasd Tfthe Afent, appoisted either by the Ootnty AfMt or ray^elf—the r«eipt cf &ny naa, whether oflker br not, will «ot be received The Tax Payer irill b» notlAed when the Agents are ready t** ntesive, aad ae ctaa ean pay aatil h« h*e the AssMsor’e eetiatete with hiss te skAw the amenat doe, Mxd his roeeipt will be upon hta esdaate. J. M He^WAN,- 54 Stvttsvl Oapt k Pflet Q M * .'aroti«lea, Preihyteriaa, aad Wilainftca Jooraal 'a« tisse aad mi4 bill te Oapt. MiOowan. tXx iSm W, Mjaumor^9m0Uee. aA.TlSB beaa "^oeiatad Asataeor i»r the Ttx ia Kts%l reqeirt ^ »a sideef the t'l m ad fonfferir^ j and rl«e9« to list their or^p* of Whf st. Oat*. Rye, c cu>d Hay (if ready.) aad Wool, fromteei dmriHg the \prueia yser. The a^ve nftmed crops mn»t b$ Pste-Tba- 4 fnrt deiivory. Much trouble will be eavsd ^ lutiitg pT9nptly before it is too late. Appointm>^ntR Ced^r Creek Dint, at Terehinthe, Monday, Aug 8, L'Kik’B Cr«ek Dist, Jp?ep:i CsioN, Wednesday, Aug 10, F e« Bill Dist, Mwy’s Garden, Thursday, Aug 11 S^ver Ron Dist, David !tfcNi'ill’s, ScKJ, Friday, Aug 12, iUaoit Rlvar Diet, Smith's Mills, SUurUsy At^g 18. I O'.- y one round will b^ ''%de for thn »bavo craps, so IftyetteTlll« Aneaal auMl Armory, jR'it W. 1864 } 9100 BOUNTY. 40 Jttmmtea AUTHORITY having been granted by tKe W*r I>a- partaent to raise a Comn^^nj of Monnted Riflen.ca for servioe ia this vicinity, ^*ine hereby fiTcn tliat recnxite te the Dosiber cf 40 nan eorucr^U will b« re* ceivod for this ssTvioe, to fill np tha .omr^ny to the quired Number of 100 Facb recrj?^ wUl b« requii ed »o famish a-sevis»ble kerae. f“>r wpioh he will be .al lowed 40 oents per diem, &nd his pa/ $12 per mon h. WH/4m permitiitn will be reqnisrsd from pire.jtH or guardians, where the appiicak^t is ander the oonscr pt Eftoh r6crait mast bring with him a biaahet or b^d sprr^ad, and come prepar^ to remain. Bri'lles, saddles, halters and saddle blank-us faroiei> cd by the Gcvernmeat, or if the r^orait eoaes provid'»d with them, he will be paid for them a fair valdatioa. Apply to Msjor MATTHEW P. TATLOR, at the Ar senal V. Ja. CH1X.D8, 46 tf] Lieat. CoL 0. 8. A. Comd*g PoeL i It evidsnt tasU ov?rybody masi *i.pf«»T aud 'ist I p'-ou.ot}y. O. H. BLOCKER. Ar;g«s8or I Juy23. " u4'*isw u. Q Wf-ara. >. O. DAXIGI.. 0/V B. O. WOKTU. WORTH & CO., Cammisslon and Forwarding Kerohant., WWe*' Streetf WILMl^IGTON, N. C. OoL 16,18G3. - 73-12m 2r A|\ BUSuBuS WilSAi, ,OvU i.tvK) ‘ fsrhOQs -aTiEf ttic u- j’.: -.7 '.cics to Bell will roooive the h!g‘iC~i . ' J • r;«.v. i'y Ccn>ii>,i, oa l-lr. M. Xhoinaso:!, at the MercLi.;; * .i; . vuir*, « on the subscri ber at his old cisu’i on II. ‘jUit ^.^uKre. ‘ij.EX. joHrrsos.Jr. Nov. 6, 1862. 76tf The 8 stcri ^riok boildiag adj^iaing Geo Suitable 'or e «iore and dwelling. J Joly 14. By tlie Clovemor »f arortM^ttoiit— i A PROt;£,Ail|JLTIOilf. WUlSRKAd, U hath (Men raprcMnteil io ^t H«ad«r(OD >oa:'s. I&ie ofthe 0>anty iTOaiir*fd. hiu b«m cr>QTiet«d of the innrdor of Wm. 3iephen»iB, late of mM coaatjr, and that the Mtd Henttennn Jom - b»« eacaped Irom prisno and u now at lar||*. And, wher«aa. It h«ih aUo t>«ea i*pr«M«i«d to n« that W. Y KvaiM, altaa Turner Frr, cf said onantr of Qallford, wb* .taMd* !• dwiad for th« criiM of Barglary la said co«aty, hath alao eaeapee fnim prison and is at larj. Now, itierefure, M th« aad that the saM H«Dd«fM« JoM. and tha SRid W. T. antns, iilUii Turocr Fry, m&y Im arrsstad and toronglit to Justice fur the*r aa>d iflbaee«, 1 do Urae tiiis, my rnielaMatioB,, oibring a ren’arcl of TiBM aoNMs* »OM«M fbr th* spprwhM- .ton and deli’rary iif aahi Jnnas and aoxar ^ ' thm (bimA and d«SMAT tf —H Bvaas t» " Gailfbrd Krnrasald. In witiM^ whereof. Zabaion B. Vaace, Oapain OeMial aa4 C^iuunivndcr-ia-ChieC hath Stfncd tbeia preseats aad cnus^l tne Oreat Seal of the dute to be ailxed. Ik)oe at Raleigh, this fl9d day of July, A U , lM4,aad Id the yearnf Americia lodependeaee, the eighty-niath. By the aovernot, £• B. VANCB. A. M. NcPHKTims, Private deMottiry, pro tem. M-tw w I AM preparei to manuiao'art all binJs of W&50H Harness for Army usa. I i»n my leather and oim give good bargain**. A~enfj will ‘lo well to send tkeir orders to me t»3 t>. -y snail h»ve prompt attention, aad ■eat off in quick diopatoh. JOHN OARXEE. Qoldaton P. 0., Cuatliam Co., R. C., ) xnt ' Jane 13. 1862. / • KAGLM FOVIfDBT, \ FATBTTrvii.i.1, N C . July 4, 1®64. ( E ARE NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVE OR- ders for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of i^he foltowlnc sixes, v'k 24, 26, 28 »Dd 30 inch. \lso CHILLED TIRES Th», Iron we eha'l usa for t^em will be OOLD BLAST CHiRnOAL IRON, »a! wo w*r r^nt oar wheeis NOT TO f'RACK, and to b- »qu*U tc M*y made in tiiO Conf'‘dericy, or to t’ros^ of ®'Vit.D«*y A Sons of PbiUd^Iphia, whoa-* rsputa'.ica is B'' w-3li known by •11 R^il Ro'd Companies. We h«ve the best facilities for transport«tion by Bteamera to Wilmington, from th-»:3oe to eiuy pan of the Confederacy Order? reepect^lly roliciti'l 4fltfl D. ANDliiRSON & CO WESTBRM RillL ROA^. ! FREIGHT AND PAS^.ENQ?!R TRAINS of Road leave Fayetteville diuly, (Sundays ezoeptod) 300 lbs. Ouiu Arabic for »ale by J. £. L££. Oct. 16. 69tf Attcr tiiis date A will pay 16 Oenu per pound for .rags, or _ the highest market prio«, delivered is syetteviile, or at iay.iaiiiB on Rc-otfieh D. MURPHY PeVy Ifi, 18G4 7-tf Wanted to Purcliane, ESTERN liAIi. ROADSrO .ii; B&uk Ncttr, Gold and tSilvf-r; North Carolina Treasury Notoe (Fuadsblei) “ “ . “ $1 aad $2; “ “ Bonds, old aad new; County cf CutuuerUiia HmdF; Town of Fayetteville Boa'lb; GroenfiVcro ;fl and $2 Gert’Scstcs; Oacf&deratc t uud 8 ptr cuitL !ic&Us;| Goupons 0: $15,000,00*J loan; “ of Town and County Bonds; of old North C»roliiut Bonds; T. B. LDTXfiELOH. Oct. 13,1853. 71tr at 8 o’clock, A. M., and retamla^ leave Egjpt at 1 o’clock, P. M. Cattle aud Horte Dram MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROSE, Trees'r aad Gen’l Trana. Af't. Jan. 22, 1863. 97tf From and after this date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. WORTH, AprU 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co FAYETTliiVILliE HCTCIL iNSCBL^CB COSPIM. W Capital in Preminm Notes amoanta to Cash on band and other aaeeie. $267,683 5«b 6,077 85 ORDNAN€S BiiFARrMfiXT, \ UAi.iiiuh, i«. 0., May 8, 1668. / EAD WANTED—1 TTisU to i/cvi for ting ■ yiuy, .v-vv (H fme.ll quaa- . W:ii ^i»a i poaod of (Jipt. C. 8. in u.; 4.'g.i of Or .loanee. Tl IJ Department titles will pi".''.:-' ^. POWDKR {or 10 f 69-tf Total, 5272,765 16 The Gompaay have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assossment oa their premitua notes. Total losses paid, f29,682 Omoaas: GEO. McNEILL, Freiidsnt. D. A. RAY, Vice Presidoat. G. A. McMILLAN, Boc’y, DraaoTOAs: W. N. TillinghfeSt, • S. J. Hinslala, Wm. MoL»urin, T. S. Lntt«rlob, A. W. Susel, J. G. Gsok, Hon. J. G. Shjpherd, R. ?. Brcwn, vs'n-,.**^ A. B. Hall, j John Collins and C. G. McG ramson. Traveling Aj^ents jjl^The Oo’apaay lav?t« applio«Uons. Mar ia?i Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedmao, G. B. Mallett, James Eyh, A. A. McKethaa, J. D. Williams, 8. W. lilUngaast. FLOOR ANB OATS. ||UX)Ua ttad OATS will be exehaag«.d for Cora at the f Store ef I>. MeLauria, by giviag him a few dayt noiioe. Flour good. Gate Ifo 1. black or white. Jan’y 29 ‘J-*f 4 iViirse Wasted. TRUSTY govd tempered ooloro-i woaaa ie wanted to hire as naree to ae ii^nt Apply te Mr-. E. M. LKBR Hay Mouat iouf ItO 46t' Home iHauufactory. LOW HNE3, CLOTHES LIKES, BED CORDS* or any E ze to \ ic^h Ccttoa Rope; FldUlNG LINN, &ad bay niae Cotton Cor ^, by wholesale or retail. I am pi epared to fornidh any quantity »t short notice Btrlet attention given to all orders Uiat may be sent to sse. and the work will be sent without delay and la geel order to any pUce where it may be po^sib'o. Apply to ^ n. 0. DAylS, Fayetteville, M. 0- 26 ^8 4*rd RAOS! RA«8n-Tha iafe- rior qnaRiy ot the paper oa whioh the Obeerver hM beoa printed of late, eo 1 ie a great eye-sote to ae. ie owiaa to th« aut oi* egood rage, aad iha o-meeqaoe* aee- esaity to roaon to inferior OMteriaR We appe&i to the fHeads of.the ObeRver at all aeoeenble pcinte, to save ap and brinf to towa ell the rags they caa procure We have ao time corselveB to attend to their purohaes. but Messrs. Geo W. WilUame A Co., the Ag«nt« i: this towa ef Ife. Mor^^y, will pay 16 oeata per lb. fc J. HALS ft SONS. S iV 900 0O1.L.AR8 RfiWARD. ON last Thursday my bay m^re, with a black mans and tail, broke lo'^se at Egypt Station, Chatham county. I hav3 not seen her siuee. I juigd that soaic pckson has taken aer up or stolen her siaee she got loose. Bae is ot common sise, gooi looking, her maas eosaiderably wcrn off with the oollar; her left eye hM been all knocked ou^; the hair rubbed off her back. 1 will gi^e $100 for the reeovery of the mare aad f 100 for the arrest of the thitf tf etolen HARRIS TT80R Bavao. Jnly 9. Wool Wanted for the State of N. Carolina. 'ilHE ujd-.:raigaed oontinae to exchaage GOTTON r YARN for WOOL, oaa handle of Yarn for 4 lbs. an wafihed, or 8 lbs. clean waehod Wool. They will alee pay a liberal prica in casn for large or stnall lots. GEO W. WILLIAMd & CO., Agts. Fayettevii^e, June 16. 42tf Presbyterian copy. Surgeon denenri Ottee, Eausish, N. ti., Jusa 10th, 18HI. A MESSENGER wtii leave tiiis Offioii oa the firut d^y, ttal ii.e day, of every month, for G«a. army. Alt box«s left hire for aay uembsr cf that army wtii do carried thefe promptly by him aad delivered to the owner EDWARD WARREN. 41-tf Burgeon G.»neral N-jrth Carolina. Feb’y 16 State of Mortk Carol uta, ROBESON COUNY. Superior Goart of Law, Spring Term, A D 1884 r' was ordered by said Court, that from aad after *hi0 Term, Moaday of each Te’v he aesigaed for *he trial of the State Dooket AU parties, wttneese^ and defend ants, ar«‘ notified t*' attead oa Monday of next Term of (>aid Coor' to be holdea for sal t County, at the Court House ia Lambertoa, oa the foarth Monday of Septem her aext. J R '’4RTBR, C. 8 0 iMifB'na'Un !• n jnT» r Cl o.-e,T.» A Cbaaee to Invest Confederate Hon’^j flV E andervigned will soil iiis STORE iiOT at Aii’sns- X Till^ Peison county, N. 0., ooataiciag 11 acrfa of L-kad, witlt a laif e Store Hcaie, Groecry House, Offloe aad two Log Houses all aearly aew, aioely painted, in 60 yards ef a Ohnrch, in a houthy section of eotietry There is a tract of land adjoining whion ean bo bought, a go^d stand for a itoro ead location for a Doctor. Any pereoa wishiag to porchaM wonld do well to oomo aad lee, or addrees me at AUensville, Person county, N. G WM. H B0Y8TSB, Agent. Jnee IR. 44«»ir^ • TAX IX mXD. Tee Fana«re of Cmnherl^ad C- unty Weet of C-^pe F-ar River, are reqaeated to m>*et me tt the follow ing (ijaes and places, prepared to lidt their Wheat, O^ts, cared Hay, aad Wool: Gray’s Creek Dist, at Bethel Church, Aug 17, UookSeh Diet, at Rockflsh yillage. Aug 18, Qura fflo Diet, at Mrs J A MeKsthaa’s, Ai^f 19, havei. y-Fi’rst Dik't, at D C Manrve’s, An^ iO, /.rvrr'a C’oek Dist, at Klogsbary, Aug 22, sville Diet, at M^rkKt House, Aug 23. J. A. JOHNSON. / s«eissor. Jnl; 30,1864 64»2tat2t5wpd Ei«ROL.LtIII€l OFFIC£, Hajihstt Oowmty, July 25,1864. AFlfiit tiiis date m/ Headquarters will be at Johu> scnville, on the Western Plaa^ Road; leading ftom r a/ett«ville to Oerthaf e AL free white men between the ages of 46 and 60 years of age, that have *‘0t reported fur ecr-oUmeat of f'is cotuty ead of BlaiV Rtv >r, StlverRaa and Carver’s Oreek Distriels of Oumborlaud, are hareby ordered to Import to these Headquuiers oa’tha 10th day of An gus; 1864. Any person faiUng to report promptly cn that day will be eont to the army. No exouae will be c onsider^ Teas )a%ble The MiliUa Oaosrs of thei' roepe Jtive Districts will sec that this order is eaf iroed A H TOLAR, 64« Ul Oapt &nd ML 0. fcr Haraett eoaatj. 0 Banii Stock at Auction. N ^'adaesday the 10th iaat, wilLbe sotd at Aaotion, 85 Sfinres Back of ( •f»reu*'cn 8t.ok 78 *' Baak of Fayett«vdie btoak JOHN H. ;OOK. Aoci r. Aug 1 64 81 M.X1B. A SMALL STEAM KNG1N2. in exa^ltcnt runniac ord^r, with Beits, Puilies, &o , oomi^iete; has been ui«l but iittle- —’.L8U— 2 Turning Lathes, one large and one amalli with a ioil set of Heads aad Fixtures; Toget ;er with .% large let cf Tamers’ Tools, Screw Gutters, Hatid and W«b Saws, Yi«es, Oiainp Sorews, &o , &e. —AUdU— ■ A Lot of HORNd >^nd B'lIAR ROO^S. Apply to Mrs. LRBERLRS, Hay Street, next door above Mr. Jam^a Marling. Joly 22 61 6t Rent Free. A GOOD DWELLING BOUSE aau all nacdSSKy out- aooses at the M«Neill plant*tioa onT-arver’s Oreek, mi us from Fayeittiville. is off9reJ for the balan'^e of DEATH OF MARSHAL PBLI8CTB. Retx^nt foreign adTioee aanoiinoe the dmtk of Pelissier, Duke oi Malakof^ Marshal of Ffaaoe, Gommaoder of SeToMk Gwfs d'Armaey 6over- ‘^nor General of'Aj|pria, md one of Uie Yioe Presidents of the FBMk His oi^n was humble, his ftmfes being &r- mers residing at Maronuse, near Koon, wh«ro he was bom, NoTeaber 6, ITdiyJso tliat his age was nearlj seventy years. Whan . twenty years old he wm admitted to the military pry* tanenm oi LaFleeohe, and two montits later to the Military aehool of St. Gyr. On ihe 18th of • Maroh, 1815, two days before N^leon’s arriTal ia Paris, he beoame a sub-lieutenant oi artillery, but in the following month joined the fifty-sev- tmth regiment oi tfcM lioe, in the army of obUrva* tion oi the Rhine He s^ed in Tarioei erades and ia difTar^nt Ciampaigns, and ior his partli. the aonqu3it uf A^una, in ISBO, Lo was gtfdu tbo rank of chief ot squadron. From 1882 to l'^9, he was on special duty at Paris, but in 18o9 he was sent to Algeria, with the commission of lieutenant oolonel. There he remaiaed tor sixteen years. In 1833, at the battle of Is* whi.ro he had the grade of colonel, he com manded the left wing of the army. In 1845 he headed an expedition against the Arab tribe ot Oaled Piaha, who took rei'uge in a great cave. Pelisdier vably tried to get theni to sur render. Fiually he made a great fire of iaggots at the mouth ot the c^to, and the five ur six hiia- d unfortunate wretches wcie sufFoeated to death. This monstrotis and unparalleled pro ceeding 01 dated a great sensation throughout die oivilized 7orld. Even in France it wan coc- demue'- nr my, and especially Marshal Souit, then W«r Minister. But Marshal Bugeand, nn- der whom Pciissier was serving, declared that Ve aoteu ur der-orders, himself assumed the respon- sibiH.j. ar l#astified it on the ground of militory nfcoeesit'T^. The Government sustained thb view, and Peliasier was promoted, reaching, in' 185 i, the gmac of general of divieion, when he suc ceeded M. d’Hampoul in the government of Al- geria. On receiving news of the coup d'etat be c '• elared the province in a state of siege, and adopt ed the most vigorous measures to preserve oroer and secure adhesions to the imperial policy. Napoleon III- was not forgettul or ungratet il for these services, and, in Janaary, 1855, Pelisai r was ordered to the Crimea^ as second in command to Ganrobert whom ho supercedcd in the follow ing May, Ganrobert returning to the command ol the first division. The French operations in the Crimea and the siege of Sebastopol were thence forth under the command of Pelissier, and the final and sncoessfhi assault o»the formidable work known as the Maiakoff finished the portractcd si^, and brought the Knssians to terms. For this sM’vice he was made a Marshal of Franov, Duke of Malakoff, and Senator, and a pension of 100,000 trancs wes voted to him. Ie Aprilj _l858j^ »oon after his marnage to a yonng and faandsome i^panisfa -wma ap pointed Minister to England, but was reoallcd the following year to take command of the obser vation hcadqoariers at Nancy. Ic 1861 ho was appointed Governor General of Algeiia, & post which he has held ever c>ince. Pblissier was Grand Gbanoellor of the Legion of llotior. Queen Vkton% had also oonierred on him the honorary grand cross ot the Order of the Bath. The genius ot the Dukn of Malakoff was almost exclualveljr military. He made but a poor figure an a diplomatist during h^s short career in London Bat ho wM a thorough soldier, bold, dashing and anscrupulood. He was a devoted servant ot Napulcvu III, who will doubtless cause every honor to be p^id 10 his memory. e.’ 3i.' year free of r^n^ to any go''d fi(ta.ily who ;tll move 0 it to be there mere y as a pretsatirn to the growing crc‘ It is a very htxaLihy p.toe, »ithgs»oas;.'ri7>g wa^ei. G W LAWRKNOa. J Jy 29. 64 8.P-1 Cuai .:3me. The imderBigned weu, ih.> N,>veEibcr Torsn of the Goniodertkte Court, Dijtriot of Nona Carolina, ap pointed Managors of the Egjpt Co&l Mine property, and have entered into oopariLtfsL.p for the purpose of mining and seluag tioali and 8oli:;t orusn for the same In any desired qu»ntxiy. OrdoiS for any uaount can be supplied oa F.iiort notic«. The Oo!*\ troir. .uie pro perty is tmdoabtoiiy tie b«st in the Oonfederato States. Applications may be madu to Chas B. Mailett, Fayeite- vule, N C., or James Browne, Chail'iBtcn, S. C. Fayetteville. Jaa’y 20. CHARLEfi B. MALLETT. jambs BHOWNK 1 «6« ofJlf WAJVT£D, ior tlio ito^pilal at Fort Fisher. ■pODLTUF, Csiwkeas, Buuor and othsr delioames for IT the siok Soldiers at this HoapitaL PereotU) having theee artioles can outain tue market price on appiioa- ttoB to the sabkoriber at hia old staad or at Mr. J. W. Vevera’s oa Hai Sweet. Flair or Truf^ fjetters. CoaraoaaATe Statb) ot .\MBaioa, I W&a Dap/iaTaiMT, I BtraiAO or ExooABaa. f Richmond, ya , Ja'y lat, 1861. J 1. Ail letters to go North by flag of trtioe must bo eent to thia office. 2 Each letter, must b*i inclosed in a separate en> velepe and addressed to me. Bureau of Ex'jhaoge, Rioh> mond, Ya 8. Ho letter must exceed in leufth ona p^ge t>f ordi nary sised letter rapar, and ita oonterts be confiaed strictly to person^ or family matters No letter ai- luUng to the movements or localities of tror^ps will bs avowed to pas9. 4. Each tetter must contain a United Siates postage E amp, or its equivalent in silver w United Pta^es our- roney. Theee tegulat'oas will be rigidly nnforoed, ani * ao letter traasadtted im whldh they are aot strietly ob served. Bob’* Onu>, Agee* ef Exehaaga. lOSsiaL] I V CO.^fKOKKiTZmTSS Of AMKRICA, 1 EKSxaaait DarAauuaT, Disz. Cara Faaa, !• Wilmington, N. O., Mitrch 16th, 18t>8. J ]^OXiC£ IS hereby gi?en to ail persona having^ claims Dl agaiarfs thd Engineer Department, for serviese of iiavos employed laborers on the kind dtfmctt near Wiliainglon, ri. 0 , th&t the nndersignsd is aiuhivixed and prepared to pay the same at his office, oa t^ se cond floor of the building next above Mearea’i>rttg Storo, Market Street. . Personc! executing Powers of Attorney will ob serve the following lo>m—their signature in all oases, t« bo wiineseed by two witnesses and signed in dupli cate, or thoy m«y be witneaseu before a Justice of tne Peace or Clerk of any Gouri. FORM OF POWER OF ATfORNEY. 1, —of , do aeraby appoint ——, of , my true wd lawfoi Ageat to sign receipte for, Mid reodive payment of ail monttyi. due to mo by the Eoginear De- yartmant of ths Gonfoderate States of America, for the s^rvioes of my slaves employed ae laborers on the laad deifaiioee at , dariag the month of 186 Wiuiess my h^nd and seal at —> the —— day of , 186 (SigaelX ia daplw’.e.) [SeaL] Wjtueue State of nortM Carolina* RICHMOND GOONTY Saperior Court of Law, Spriag Term, 1864. Joseph McGullooh vs James Butler. Attaehmeat Lovied on Land. IN this case it appearing to the sstisfiction of the Court, that the Defendant, James 0niler, resides be* ycad the limits nf the St^te: It is ihercfora ordered by the Court, that publiOAtion be made in the Fayetteville Obuer^ar, a newepnper pablished in the Town of Fay etteville, fcr six ooao'iouuve weeks, notifying said De fendant to be aad •ppa'ir at the aext term of this Oourt to bd holdea fur said Ooanty. ia the Court House ia Rockinghaio. un the 'hird Monday of September aext, then and there to repie'y or plead to sai‘l attachment, other wise juigmaat cill be catered ag>in)t him, and the lud ieviei oa oonjsmaed to PUiatilf’s uss Witaesa. Rvidol MeDoaaid. Glerfc of ear said Ocart, at office ia Rociunghiun, 8i Monday of M-j.roh, A. D. 1864. 60»atl R. 8 MfDONALU Clerk The sl^aauatett ot colored persoae snould bo witaessed by three witaoeace Thor a vitisi, ba aepar»te dapUo&te ifc-mara of Attorney for ehOii mja^ lU^^ak i^trias ana '>•' .aJ upon i^ph- oatioc »t this otbt>^. W. Jan'y 20,1864 (State of IVortb €3arollna, MONTQO.MERY COUNTY la Equity, Fall Term, 1864. Charlee McRii^nua Murdock McKinaon, and othera vs 8»raa A. McKinnon, Margaret MuKinnon, aad others. Petition for th^ 8*le of Lanl for Partition. r' appearing to my ^^t’sfaotion, th*t Sarah A McKin non, M»rfftret MvKiaaon and John A. McKinnon, the dvfen Unis ia the »o3ve petiti'4&. are non residents of this State: It U thort^lore ordered that pablicallou be nude in t^ie Fayetteville Observer for a-x weeks, noti fyiag said uefaniaata to be and appear at the next Gourt of Equity, to be held for the ooaaty of Montgomery, at the Ooutt Hou"e in Troy, oa the isat Monday ia August next, otherwiSQ this petition will be heard ex parte es to them, and judgment pro conf«sso rendered against them. Witness, Sdmund J. Gaines, Clerk and Master in Eqaity, fortNtid county, at offlee in Troy, July 10th 1864. 63 lt*6tpd3 ■K- J’ GAINES, G M. £ a. JAMES, C«pL & Chief Eng. 1803>jr Cow sitrayed. BROWN COW, mwrkod with amooth crop aad nshder- bit betk eara, asediam aiaa. Aaj latormatiea wtt W eheerftri^r reeatee4, SMi% Ubeial reward paM IM iMTgeeoffwy, by Mia. & M. WAUUft. I^t. JOHN P. ncLUAIV. ^OMTBAEY to my fi'st resolves on tae sut jest, I feel called upon to sav a word in the canvass for mem- b«i\. ef the Legislalnre. I:, e eoniTuunieation whioh appeared in the Observer of tt e 28'h inst, headed, “Bewwt of HoUetutu," sign- yoSer,” there an implied oharcs of dUloy^tj/ or B^idemnn, agafant L'eat. John P. McLean, wht(|^ui tsie i't'senc^, and in jusi’ce to his charaoter, I take upon myself to pron^u.ioe vtyuit and faUe, and to say that the nutfc ir of tha oommanicai:vn has perpptraied a slan'^er upott an ab8"nt soldier, which 1 hope the ga«d people of Cu:^bfrlaad »nd ^srnett will signally aad iadignabtly rebnlt'i a- tHe ballot box on oext Thursday. Lt J P MdLsan bad assented six montiiii ago to be a oan^date—a fact whioh was kuown to hia f/ieaia—lie has been nbsent with his Re|ri3iwt ever since. The an- noutiomi#*it of his nat^ie. to time, &o, was left to his frleods. He ass?»»ted to be a candidate par .ly on aoaount of hl3 faiiing he-^th, rendering hit \ uabuittd to camp life, and partiy to nerve the solieitaaons of friends He is Bit responsible fcr the assocat^oa of hia natuo W*th o’bcia on any ticket, but i« pewonally interested and sol^oitotts for bis own suoess witJioot rotereooe'oottter o*Bd5’at«s His obaricter and p'>siti^n ia too well knova tc raqoire furtiicr n^^uritnce of hi? «CQ:;Jn es or fnr^bc’’ t?stimony as ?o his claims upon the put iio for tt A'r favor, their ooailpnoi and support at the ^'.ect'on. L^st justice be done A b'aisan to ab absmit SuLDiaa. SO 18^ , 54 2 fd AlSLI^Wf^ SIA1.VIS. This salve hai jaca thotjtjghly ti»9t^ for many j' *%rs and >is now offer'jd to the publio with tae gaatante^ that it postesaeR the vali^able htt^Ung prop* ol«imod for it. For all cats, brutsos. bums, scalds, t isings, felons, blisters, nlcv^rs, exoariatiin?!, sore aipples, liaicj' 'laU J^athered breast?, and for nil tpow.-ii* of .i«ec iptioQ it will be found em»nent1y euooe^B.ul in a.- for-ljBiT rr'iaf and effec^in* a cure ary n d»y- up the Beorst!o^i of aiilk. Hom «enaiii3 wilhoa*. tSf Mja.iore .f — CiQ testify to 1-8 healinj have u«fd the P >. rr; R’t Salve noore l^aperlor Conrt ol fjaw, 8PRINC TE^M, l&M. George S Oole, Adm’r, VJ. Mary Muss, et aL ON motion it ia ordered, that Mary Mase la appoiat ed G'^ardian for Samnel T. Muse, Mary Ann Mum, David Mnse aad Effy J. Mnes. It appettfing to the satisftMHlaa of the Gout, that John A. Mnso has arrived at the age of majori^, and farther, ttat h« la anon-resident of the State, it is or-ier- ed, that ptU>Ucjition be made In the FayettoviUe Obser- «r«li Oaee Im OacttaM^ IMv lae» ils^ 1 —Ohm P a.. 0 0 ; Df. Wm P. .B&r- r y , p”^t B. Sut ton, Reetjr of 8*. Chor«h, Piusborough; Cat ! eikc'^er. y f'Oov. of N. M«xjoo; w. bar o.'Rx. Board 7th C3tt3 DUt. Ljnd.in: Bon A F. Harllee, mem- Po- sal*^ in F. AIRA&:. T HTMRDALE Fare Blackberry Brandy. IB Ay® f(»r sale about foHy giJ'^ns of BLACKflER^Y BRAHDY. TM- Brandy was distilled, with griat eve, unier my own supervision from the purs jaico ef tSie B!aob».rry, and is perfectly free froin ^ adnlU^ ^d of very high proof. As a medloine it la in- valnabla ard ia saperioT to Frenoh Brandy. Far sale by the dasa^'iln er ease. The att«»ti«« ef DnwilMa ia mniealaily aallal to it. iTT»7 inWBN(l»ItlttiiUa.S.C. Vegetah!tit f ->r S^tldiers —Prom the “Military Sorgery/' by Prof. J. J. Chisolm, M. 1), we qoote the iaaowing testimony for provisions and . preparations: “Fresh meat is a frequent issue to armies, and b the most ccmmon issue to our troops. It is usually boiled or roasted over the fire into a tough mass, known as frizzled beef, which tests the ca pacity of even a soldier s digestion. The proper mode of uooking chis ration is in soup, which is always palatable, whether thickened with flwUr, hard bread,^ or aach vegetables as the country afi'ords. A French niiiitary preverb says that *Soup makes rho soldiet.' In the use of ir*sh meat, Irt ii always be remembered that a iunda- mental rule io caiiuary art is to boil moat slowly aud roast it quickly. ‘ The free usb of freeh vei?€Ubiij8 is toe only mode of prevcatiog the appearance of the scurvy amo^'g th) troops When these oannot bu obt«in- el, the fttc use of drfcd vegetables, of ricp, pota toes, corn n^eal. etc, wiii tend to si^tain health 9:n(i vigor ‘*A diatioguished military surgeon has remark ed that 100,000 tranos Epeat in trcbh vegetables, will save 500,000 fruo> the expenses of siok sol diers eutenng iLie hospital, besidet» the use of the Tc&n for ao'.r. s service. Of tho dried vegetables, rice is among the be»t for feetiing troops. It is easily oarridd, easily cookcd, ea-tily digested, and is 0U3 of the most wixoledome tarinaueous arti''let^ —correoting, as it oitcn does, the tendc'^cy to intestinal Uuxea; and yet in the rice growing coun try ol thb Ccnfoderate States it is issued very t,paii :§jy t'j our troops.” Boltefi t‘iid Unholtcd Flour.—The Latter- the Best.—A Pu'^’ r of tie IstSouth Garoliaa Volun teers, wilti. g Ti'C'n Chaffin’s Farm, a day or two ago, saya; On venter Jay isf drew a ration of first rate flour^ said to be w, lor whioh we are truly thankful- As thf', wheat crop id about to bo ground, !et it be remPinKorcd by those in authority that dour unbolted is of much more value than that from whioV the bran has been separated. Just at this momo^nt Graham flour will relieve more cases of sickness than all the pills in the Confed erate. It has been fully demonstrated that do animal can live uzoluoively on fine fl.iur; and also that unboltrd flour, with wa^er, will sostaic the animal frame, in gor.d health and spirits indefi nitely. Give me unbolted bread, and I feel safe f'cni diEeaso un Icr any ordiLsry fatigue anu ex posure; and I fpyl tba+ I am p’eadif'.g forbuman- iry as well U3 eooLomv, when I tsk roti to help mo beg ibr a portion of Governmimt Irax for the war-worn veterans c*f this hitherto invincible army. I- The Farmers* anil Flanters’ Ai« mm for isec* A Caw frees meee }otit reaifvea. % 4. 4 ffai^ V

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