TO NRM'I-fr FiFi VOL. XIV. ^"AYETTEVILLE, N. C„ august 11, 18^4 [NO 1357.} PRINTKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. BALE & S0M8. EDITOKS AND PROPRIETORS. Pri'e for the Send-We^kly Ot?pkbvsh SI 5 00, paid in •dranoei, For the Weekly Obibkvkk f 10 00 per aanum, paid la ftdrftnoe. 18^ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted for $2 per siuare of l‘J lines op less for the flrot, and ace dollar fbr each •Bceeetlng pablication. AdvertiB«TS are requested tc ■tate the ttambtr of insertionfl desired, or they win be ooDtinaed Hll forbid, and charged aooordlnfij. AdTeriisetsents contiaaed intide, charged a^ new ad- vertiMment-i. SPECIAL ITOTICE. Frotn an ^ n.ter t'ais dat-&, uo name of a new Bab«oriber will be entered with(?ut payment in adranoe, aor wtU the paper be sent te tni'^h ■ohenrfh«r8 for a loa^r dme fchaa is paid for. Snch of oar old subeoribers as desire to telre tht pa- per on this system will please notify us whea makl&j; reioittanees. Jan’y 1, 1ST>8. W. DRAliGTHoSr AUCTIONEER, S. s. Corner Market Square, FATBTTimiXB, 'X, G. Prompt attention given* to all business in his Roe entrasted to him. Jane 10, 18«4. 40f H. ilicilllLLAM, T Amedoaeer and €ommlstien MiMreliaot, JYb. Haff Street, FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. Juns (S. I81AC HOLLINGSWORTH, ttroeer and ComsissioB Merehaot, FAYtrrTEVTLLK, N. C Jane IS. 40 tf irvw. jacJL. jficKJM r. Attorney at Law, Fayettbvill*, N. C. WILL attend the County and Scperior Coorie of Comberlacd, Ilarnett, Moors and Robeson Conn- Bm. Prompt attention giTea to the coueotion of all di^&s entrusted to his haads. Oct. 17, 18§9. 68-tf Chraver and Cammisnian Jficrthtft^^ FAYETTKVlLI.Fu N. C. Jaa’y lO, ISeS. »3-tf XXTBAS Ai 8TBDItJL\. W*. H. BiaWAIU). ' m. A. STED.nA.lf €0., • WHOLESALE AND KETilL DEALERS AND eo.nuf^sioij HERCHAx^TS, ^ro. I street^ FAY(-ITE71LLE, X. 0. April tc. 25tf 1 0 WOITH. D vr»37a. J|, O. DAST«t. WOIITH & CO^ Oommisslon aad Forwarding Merchants, frwer StrreU WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct 16, 1863. "waited. 2CAA BUSHELS WHEAT, ,OUU 1.600 ‘ CORN PCTSODS kftTiUg th6 ftbCTe &rtiol6S to ssll will WCCXTt (he highest Cash price by oalilog on Mr. M. ihoma'ion, ft tte Merchant Mills, FayeUeTille, er on the sobscri* ber at hia old Btacd on Market Square. .\LiX. JOHNSON, Jr. Not. 5, 1862. 76tf AR.flT HARMKS^^. I AM prepared to manufactore all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. I lan my leather and oim glTe good bargains. Agents will do wsll to send their #rders to me as they shall have prompt attention, and icnt off in qoiok dinateh. , JOHN CARTER. Goldaton P. 0., dhatham Co., | Jane 18, 1862. 900 lbs. Gflun Arabic for sale bj J. R. LEE. Oct. 16. After thib date 1 will pay 16 Centd per pound for ,ragu, or the highest raarket price, delivered ai k^tevilte, or at my laiiiS oa K. jkaati. ' D. MURPHY FeVy 16, 1864 7-‘f €OTTOi\ €ARD«(, IVo. lO. THR FA\’ETTEVILIE COTTON CARD MANUFAO- TURING COMPANY are now manufacturiug CARDS superior to any run through the block:ide. aud at present are selling for a loss price the .single pair or by the quan tity. Any p*rson orderiag six or more pairs, they will be saourely pack*d and delivered iu Wiluiingtoa free of ox- penw*. Call npou or address A. A. McKEnAN. J. A, WOKTH. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. F^etf^ville, N. C., April 18 24tf FayetteFille Rosin Oil Works* OUll on Works are In compmft o]>eraiian, and 88 we use -notion^ Itet ^od rosm?i prodncing the Oil we o«n ii'coiaEiend it to be the beat of the bind made In this ootuitry. It is a fine Lnbricatlns and Tanner’s Oil, and we would be s|ad Is ivceive wKhirfi firom the Govertjmont and the pncllc generally. We will sell on roasonable i^rras. MOORE, OASHWKLL A CO. April 15 88-tf nLUBKIC^tiMG OiiLi.~ The U9«i. • Sign iTis ujw pru} *rci lo furutsk to the publio i very superior artioTe of jiUBRICATINQ OIL, especuilly for Cotton and Wool>^ factoriu- We cl»ini (hiit '.ais Oil Jooe not gusi, ‘.'ind may be run at gr«aisr »p.ed with 1 oB power than anyofisrOll exaept Sperm. Mr W H Pcrfr, Supcrinteadect o PLsb i x Cotton Factory, snyu of >♦: “I have been ueing your Lubrinat- itg 0:1 for 2 or £ mcntba, and find it ‘o he Ptiperior to any ot ;cr Oil now in use for iubrjcaiiag.” ;«!r John {sershaw, Sap’t of Btounfc’a Or~eb Factory, says: “I can cheerfnlly say yonr Lubricsiing Oil is a snperior artiolo. It does not cum in the least, but k5eps khe journal? dear and briirht ” ilr A F 3eok'.’r*lile, Chi of Bng’n«»er of the C 8 Arai- nal and Armory of thie plasa, requested to try it 4nd ssyp: “I ♦hi^4^ fcr light ni»cLla ;ry—^ub'j »sCoUod Faotories—acdC or heavy uiaobinery whrn the motion is slow, your Lubricating Oil will compare next in qual ity to Bpcrm ” Other oofton mannfiicturers have tried it and pro- nnunce-l favorably of it. HENRY E. COLTON. Agent FAypp^viliC Kerosine Co. April 4, 1864 20-tf E AG LIE FOUITDRi:, \ FATirrsviLi.s, M 0 , Ju - 4, 1*64, | WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVE OP.- ders fnr RAIL ROAD WHEELS of the fol'.owinf? a?x»s v z: 24, 26, 28 and 30 iach. Also CHILLED TIRES The Iron we shall u^e for them will bo OCLD BLAST CH.AR JOAL IRON. ac w» war- r nt our wheeis NOT TO 'SACK, aad lo b? equal to smy madT in the Ccnfpieracy, or to of ^himey dt Sans of Philadelphia, who® - ropuia >ca ie e"* weli known by all Rail Ro^d Companies. We have the best faoilitiea for transportation fe? Steamers to Wilmington, from thence to any part of tha Confe'^eracy. Orders rcspcct'sily BOlicit^>d 46tf] D AND^R?ON & CO ~ ~*WESTEaiV RAIL ROA«. The FRSiaHT and P.A.'iiEyGER TRAINS of this Road leave Fayetteville daiiy, (Snndays eic«pted) •t 8 o’clock, A. M., and rctismir.s leave Egypt at 1 o’clock, P. M. Oatlls aad Hvrtt TVoin MONDAY, WEDNESDAY aad FRIDAY. Uy urds? JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r »i»-J Qen'l Trans. Ag**. Jan. 22, 1863. 97tf From and after tiii« date the Stcair.or .* P. HURT will le«ve at 8 o'clock, A. M., on .Monday and Thnrsiay. JCS. A. WOP.TH, April 6—17if } A|rH C. F. St*am Baal Oo. ROrVD^i .^A|/e~ Five HanireaJ Millioa t’oaf^deraie Six Per Cent. Bonds. THESE Bondi preeent the graateGt induceraents for in*’ s’ment Th*y have thirty years to ran, inter esf pay*bk; £3ui-an:5ua’!y, and arc sccured by iraport and export djtiea; arc exempt, oriaoip^l at>d interest, from taxation, and (he coupons rescivable afl coin for caatoni dat’-;?. Apply to AI.LEN S GIBBES, Agsnt Tre?‘ ury Department. 17 M-tf TO RE.^T. The 3 story brick building a-Jjo'D'ag Gao ’^cNeill’e. Suitable 'or a store and dwelling. Apply to J. W. P0WE?18. Jnly 14. 62 3w FAYETTEVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPAXf. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand and other aBsets, J2G7,683 2b 6,077 35 Wanted to I'lurchase, WESTERN RAIL ROAD STOOK; Bank Noter, Odd and Silver; North Carolina Treaeorv Notes (Fundable;) and $2; '• « Bonds, old«nd cewr County of Cumberland Bends; Tovrn of Favettevillc Bon Js: Gn^nsfeoro'Sl aud ;$2 Certificatae; Confederate 7 and 8 f>er cent. CondR;! CTJponfl of ^15,000,000 loin; “ of Toiitc and County Bonds; ** cf old North Carolina Bonds; T. 8. LUTTERLOd. Oct. 12, 1863. 71t; OBDNAHCfi MPABTMOT. \ P»M.aiQS, N. C., May 8, 1803. / Lead wanted.—I wiHh to purohaac Laad for this Dei>anment. Poraons having large or small quaa- titlra win pleaae apply at once. Will glvo I pound of POWDER for 10 Bonndo of IjBAD. THOS D. HOQO, Capt. C. S. 111 charge of L>rlnanct:. Egypt €3oaI ifline. rlE undOTBigned were, at the November Term of the Confesi^wite Court* District of North Oarolint*, ap- poimted Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, Bsd hmve entered into copartnership for the purpose of —ii»4ng and BeUing «9ai, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount oan be funplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty Is undoubtedly the best in the Cenfeder^bte States, ^ppuoatisns may be made to ■-has. B. Mallctt, t'ayette- ▼ille. N 0., or Jaoofl I'rownc, O.harlestcn, H. C CHARLES B. MALLSTT JAME.S BROWNK. I^y»'f.evin». Jan’r 5n C. A. Henry Lilly, E. L. M/rover, 6. T. Hawley, Nait^n A. Stcdma>t, C. B. Mallelt, James Kyle,. A. A. McScthan, J. D. Williafjii, S. W. Tiilinghast. Clinrlotte Female Institute. THB cxcrtfters of this BCH(X)L will ba reaomKi a WoJiidsJay Sept 14. Tu.oso who wish places nost make eirly application For eieoalar coatauiing t^iag, &a , address Rev. R BURWELL, Charlotte, N. C. Joly ‘'8 5^-fHpJ ~ ~«00 MLLARS~R£WARD. bay rn're, with a blaek maao ana tail, broke lonee lU Egypt Station, Ghatttam county. I have act seen her since. I judge thai eone pe:rf’cu hau taken her up or stolen her Rinoe sha got iooso. Sise i^ of oommoa &ise, g«K>i looking, her Buo* coi^if’eriibly worn off wii.h the collar; her l9ft eya has be; n avi knocked aat, tae hair nibbed cff her baok. 1 will gi'^e $100 for t^s rsoovery of tiio mare end 5100 f:r t'ie srrert -HT t'»e I hi t i' stolen HARRIS TYSOR Ut.von JbIv 2. 4R-7tpd&*.f 0”. Wo(rt Wanted for th« 8Ute of N. Carellck. THK ondsrs^oed oontloae to exohange O-'lTok.-.' VARK f'l.- WOOL, one omidle of Yr rn for 4 iotj. un- Vasbed, or 3 Iba. clrt.! WMhed Wool They wil! a’sb piy a liber.'kl price in e«h for larm o’* small lots QBO W WILLIAMS & CO., Agts. Fayetteville, June 16. 42-.f Prosby>.^^iian copy. Surgeon fieneral’s Office, ) RaXKiaB, N. O., Jumb IOtu, 1364. / A MESSENGER will leave this Office on the first day, and the fifteenth day, of every momh, for Gea. Loa’e -.rmy. Aii boxes left here for any member of that army wiU bo carried there promptly by him and daiiTc-rod to tiio owner EDWARD WARREN, 41-tf Surgeon Gsneral Nor'h Carolina. Pftima Christi Beans. l^IIE salwtribor will pay the highest cash prioos for I any qaaciity of Paine a Ohristi Beans. J. A WOBTH Tay»tt^n«. 0«t 8. «T fByettefllte Anenal sad Armorj, June 30, 1864 } 8100 BOUNTY. 99^f*Hteit, 40 J^ounted. MtiHemen. AUrnOttllY having been granted by the W^r l>«- P4rim:>nt to raiee a Company of Mounted Rifletaea fvir scrvioa in thi4 vic'nRy, notice is hereby gives that rc! ruita to the cumber cJ 40 will lio re ceived fcr this service, to fill op the comp’^ny to the re qoired Number of lOO E*oh recruit will be rcquiiei to ^arci^b b sevio^ablo horse. f>r which ho will be al io ire.i 40 cents pc-r diem, and bis pay !jl2 per month. WriUen pcm^seim will h*i required from parents cr guarJiaps, r’uert the *pplic»«st is under the conscrfpt »it'. Ea.ih recru'.t muat bring with him a blanket or bed s'f.-aJ, and cotne prepared to remain. Bridles, sadulf', haliers and saddle blankets famish ed by the Government, orjf the rroruit comes prcrvided wit-: them, he will be pail for them a fair valdation. Apply to Mi^ar M.'VTTHBW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar senal. F. L. CHILDS, 46 tf] Llent Col. C. S. A. Comd’g Poet. Total, $272,765 16 The Company have »>aid all loasca promptly, tind have never made an asaeesirent on thsir prenium notes. Total loaces paid, 129,682 6/f!0IES; 630. Mc5iEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. Moj'vIILLAN, Seo’y. DracoTo^s: W. N. TiUisghaet, C. J. Hiujbdale, Wm. MoLaurin, T. S. Lntterloh, A. W. Steel, J. O. 0«iok, Hon. J. G. Shephard, 11. F. Brovrn, I • * A. E. Hill, ^ 3toa- John Cjllina and G. C. 'tl^'Cruairuen, Traveling Agente oratMiy inv ;i Vi*. FOR 9IALE. A SMALL STEAM BNGINK, in excellent runnicf order, W'th Belts, Pnliies, &c , complete; has been aspd bat little —^LaO— 2 Tnrning Latliefl, one large and one Bmall, with a aU set of Headj aad'Fiztmoej Together with a large lot of Tu!nets' Tools, Screw Cutters, Hand and Web Saws, V’ises, Clamp Sorows, Jto., &j. —ALSt)— A Lot of HORNS ; nd BaiAR ROOTS. Apply to Mrs LiiBERLEiS, Hay Street, next doer above Mr Jamoj Ma.'tine's. Jujy 2S. 64 6t Bank of IVorth Carolina. ADiVIDENu OF SLX DOLLARS AND NINETY ocut3 on each sham of etook in thia Bank, has been dccl«red this day, payable to the stockholders (less the t»x of niset^ cente to the State on each individual share) iu four per emt. certificates or bonds of the Con f))'id'Ptc Stsit?s, or one third len in Confederate States treasury notiyj of the new istue; paja^le at the Principal Banic and Branches on the 15th day of Atfgubt next The dividends of the Windsor, Newbem and Tarboro’ BrsBchee and the Goldsboro’ Agency, will be paid at tae Principal Bank, and of the Wentworth Agency at Milton. C. DEWEY, Cash'r. Raleigh, Jnly 21st. 55-td C^lVi'EBESSATE TAXES. The Asii-^sora cf Cocfedcrftto Taxes for -JiiiBu -rland county will meet the Tax Payers at the following tiuiea and places fcr purpose of reoeiving tfcoii t»x lists for the 5t »r 1864; At the Oflloe of a. M Ctmpbell on Tuesday Aogcwt ®th, to Saiurday foUowisg At Cedar Cieek, on Morday Aug 16th, at B Cnl- brelh’s. At Lock’s Creek, on Tuesday Aog 16tb, at Maloon: McMillan’s At Flea HUl, on Wednesday Ang. 17tb, at John Mur- phy’B At Blaok River and Silvte Bun, TJitnwIay An*. 18'.b, at D«vid MoNri l*s. At Carver’s Creek, on Friday Aug 19th, at Daniol MeKionen’s At Rookfieh. «n Saturday Ang 20th. at H McNeill’s At Seven(y-fir#t, en Mon''ay Aag 22d, at 0 D Baker’s. At Qaw%iffle, on Tuesday Ana 23d, at Mrs J A Mo- Kelt^en’s. The Tax payers ot the county wre hereby notified to . att«nd at the timee and pla«»es abeve etated, and farnieh 11« tbo Astesson correc* libts *f *lm f«ilov>^af rabjecta cf I Taxation, on band, held and owned cn the 17th Feb’y M864 -U: H Ho. of Acres of land employ«>d in agriculture. No , age and sex of nlaveo “ “ “ No Horses, Malps anJ 0.r*n “ Nj. Ploughs and o'her farming iipplementa do. All other property etDplr7>d in agriculture —ALBf>— No. of acres land and o'htr Rral E&tate n~t employed in agricnltnrA No., ago and sex cfslR.ves not employed in agrioulture. No. of Horses, Mul^s and Asses do. No of Cattle cf the Bov’ne species. No. .f Sheep, Goats and Hog« No of pounds Colton and Wool No * *• Tobaeeo. No. bnahelB Corn and Wheat, Rye, 0*t«, Bice and other smaU grain Va ne of potatoes of all kinds, pea*, beans, ground pes4, and all other produets of tbo farm, garden or o''- ehard. Value of Hour, raea], Eugtr, molasses, bacon, lal^l and other groceries, ffoode, wares and merchandise, spirit- ous liquoro, wines, oi^er. vinegar. &o V»lu3oi aM hcu>ehcliscdii!ohen furniture, agricnltu* ral tools and iniplcRents. and all tools of mechanics and others, mns’oal inetrumentp, and all articles of de> mcstic use. No and value of w'fons, cart?, drays and all other vehio’es on wheels. Yalixe of frll gold and silver ware and plate, jewels, jewelry and wa-ohcs Value of a?l b'loiii, maps, ricturee, paintings, statu ary a(>d other work^ of art. AU propei^y and assets cf banks, joint stock com panies an^ corpnrations, whether lnoo>‘portt?d or not 9s!d and silver coin, gold dKyl, gild and sil«'cr bnl- Hcn A.^nount of all solvent ercdits, bank bills and all otHer paper issu'd currency, (except non-iaterest bearing Ccnfs'^erate Trea.°ury Notes,) and not employed in a tax«>d business Talue cf all moneys held abroad, bills of exchange on foreign countriAs. Val»?e cf Ml Rrticlefi of rer-^on»l or mixed property not embiaoed in the forefoing 8. T H.\WLEY, A M CAMPBELL. Assessors. Angi:*t 6. 56 28A Presbyterian oopy Conscript Office, ) Ralsioe, July 30th, 18^4. I T3B STd^ial attention .f-all ♦x**rpt^ cr tailrd under the provisions of tba law for the prc- te^^irn of farming interest!;, ie called to tho followir.g cxiract from CirouUr No 24 from Bateau of Conscrip tion publ’shod for thfir informfttion: By order of tko Cofstcanlant E J. HARDIN, AdU’t. POST OFnci, FsyetteTllle, N. C. The Contraotors and Bandsmen having abandoned the work on route 2178 flrom this place t« Raleigh via Bunn’s Level, SummerTille, , I will reoaive pro posals at this Office uatil 7th day of Sept. for canryiitg the n>ail !cr the res'due cf time, say to 80tb Jane, 1867. It will cirar the eontractor from service in the army. I also iavfte prompt bids for temporary service J. G. COOK, P. M. At»g 8 66 tf Hesdqaartm Beterre. IT. X UAUian, Ang. 1, 1834 / [I>Ktraot ] Qtnnu, Oamns, 1 No 4 ; IOaptaine of Senior Reserve, in the several counties , • of the State of North Carolina, where CcmpanicB Save been oi^aaiaed, will aseemble them at their re- peativa Ofmrt Hotuss, every Saturday at 12 o'clock, for drill and InstmetlcB. » • • • • • By Ooamand of Li. Qtm. Heuas 66 7t ' JRO W. HTRBDALB, A. A O. ~ ' AiMesflor’s liotlee. The tax payers of the upper diatriot, Robestm cotmty, are req'^ested to meet me at the following times and pl%c«4, preparail to list their crop of “Wheat, Rye. Oat^ curcd Hay and Wool,'’ to wit: Smith’s, Augns; 23d, 1864. Alfordsville, Ang 24th, Wiiihart’s Aug. ^ih, HowcUrville, Ang 26th, St. .fjkol’s, Aog. 27th, Lumbar Bridge, Ang 29th, RandalsriOe. Aug. 80th. Punetaal attendance required. H A. CAMPBELL, Aee’r Upper DM. Aug. 5. 66-2t Tax In Kind—Robeson County. T^E farmers residing in the following Districts. Robe:ion Tounty, are notified and requested to meet me at the following times and places for t>4e purpose of Hating their crops of Wheat, Oats. Rye, cu! p-i Hay, and Wcol the present year’s crop, to-wit: Lumbermen, Monday, Aog. 16, 1864 Baok Swamp, Tuesday, Aug 16 Thompson’s, Wednesday. Aug 17 ^kite House, Thursday, Aug 18 Cterling’s, Friday, 19 Britt’s, Saturday, *• 20 Bnrrt Swamp, Monday, ** 22 It’s only necessary to add that it. >d cf the ctmost im port? ace that all persons conco'n d ba p^onpi in at tending to this matter ANGUS D. EEO^N, Assesaor Lower Diptrici, Robeson Aug. 5. 56 2t Common School Notice, Robeeon County. rilHE Ex&mlning Boa'd fcr Teachers of Common Sohrels J. in Robeson oonnty wil! *nect at the Court House in Lumberton, on Friday and B&turday the 19!.h and 20th August (inat ) Persona wishing to teach the Common Schools for said county will ^e‘•equirel to meet tao Board ea one of the above n»niedd'.ya, for*xatnination H. T. POPE, Chni’n Board. Aog. 4 . ' 56 2t • FOR $$ALE. LIGTiT SIX-PASSKNGER STAGE COACH with deck seat, zv>Tty tired and painted, and :n excel lent urdei'. App'.y to R L 5ATTKRS0N, Patterson. Caldwell cou- ty, N. C Ang 4 66*sw4w A A1B«.W>8 SAL.VC. IlHlS S.VLVE has been thoroughly tested for many jaars. and is now offered to the public with the guarantee that it posoessea all the valuable htaling prop ertiea rlaimad for It. For all cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, risings, felons, blisters, ulcers, excoriations, sore nipples, rising and gathered breasts, and for all woundM of every dcacnption, it will be found eminently anocessful in af fording relief and effeoiing a cure. It is peculiarly adapted to wounds exhibiting symp toms of'eryeipelaa. It will &lao be found one of the b«et applications to the breast when it beoomcs nace^i- sary to dry up the secretion of milk. Nunc genuine without tite signature of the Propriet .^r. Reference ia made to the following persona who have used tho Solve and ckn testily to its healing powers: P. G. Baowdan, Surg PAG S.; Dr. Wm F. Ber- Cf; R-v. Hobeit B. Sulton, Rector of St. Banholom.;w's ChVch, Pitisbwcugh; Col. Henry A. London; Hon. A. R«ctc'aer, Ex-Gov. of N. Mcxico; W. F. Harllee, m:m- ber of Ex. Board 7th Cong. Diet. F. AIEAM. F-^r sale in Ht R J. HIMflDALB. Jnly PP Oircuiar No 24. B'trsaAU or r?o»soaiPTioH. Richr.onJ, June ‘’7, lb74 ( II. THe sale to the go»a'ntteat or to the families of sold!er»! *t prices Sxed by thn Comaa'Psicners of tLe State undfr t^e iit.r.:?cf smsp* act. of the marketable sur plus r?roaining a^.** fariiiahint the government with the Biipai^ted quacti*/ «'i' provifi'.ons and whitih he ma^ raise from y^Ar io yeitr, vhile hi"? esempf-on co>>tinne?, is made by the act o' CongreBS, approved February 17t»!, 1864, one of tho condiiions of exemption allowed to an overseer oV agrienUarist A claim is asserted by some of those exempted an ajsnealtu-isJs to exchacg- such part of the aforesaid anrpl^is as they m%v plea* e for oup- plies of proviaiona, eloihlng »nd the lih", to ba con snmed In family use. and to sell the g'ive>*r>ment oV the flunilies of soldiers only what may rem^-n of f aoii anr- plus after making E«id exchanges Tnis claim is in violation cf law and of thoir contract with the govern ment, and cannot be allowed. Upon aiitiefaotory evids'sce bcin^ f'lraiahed that per sons exempted as ovoreeer( or ^grioulturistd, have or are thus disposing of their surplus prodaotioas by ex change ao aforesaid. Enrolling cffiQf r* will t*nTst ail saoh peraoas, forward them to their nearest c?-mps of Instruc. lion to be retained thera u''iil final aolion shall ba t«ken and announced in t.hcir oa3C!>, and forward through^he proper channels of c^'mmunirta^ioii to taio Bareeu a re port of all the f*cls and cirouta^Unoes of eaih ewe. Erery ^g^icultariB^ or orerseer upon receiTipfr his ceTtiCoate of exemj-tiori sl*^uld be in^o^-ned that »>;« action indic\ above will be tVacn in fh« ev n! of bis nit diepoaipg of hio marketable «ur ilus 5a aocordta^. with the rcquirament? of Uw. Py co:nmand of Btig. Gen J-^o P P.-ogton, Sa*'’t. 0. B. DUFFIELI) A A G. E^ypt Coal. 'pniS superior artioie cau be had by procuring frwn ■ the nndccsigued a '.'rh-jt fcr the quantity rtrqt^ed. BEVERT-Y BOf’E 8. 66 2tpd Aog. Floral College. 4 MEETIN8 cf tbv Stcckholderj cf this InrstitaUon ^ will be helJ on SUurday 13th iiief. AP interested «*r0 fHTOestly rcotKstfri to attend. By ordar of the Pri‘3ident. JAMES S. McQUEEN, Sec’y. •^nrnat 1. ' 6p THK REBEL CAPTAIN From the Virainia cortMpondent of the Southera Banner we clip the following inoident: I have room left for the relation of bnt ona incident. It i« one well worthy of notice by the pen of the historian. In an engagement ot Wilcox’s division, on the 24th tilt, near Hanover Junction, Captain Norwood, Asaistant Adjutant General to Brigadier General Thomas, beoamc a piisoner to the y«nkees la attempting to go to our line of skirmishers, after dark, he walked up to the yankee line instead, and, maoh to his surprise, found himself in the hands ot the Philistines. He was immediately marched up to Brigadier Gen. Cutler, and by him found to be a hard ease, and turned over to Major Gen. War ren, commanding the oorps then on the South side of the North Anna River. _ By that Geciiral and his staff he was treated with muoit «oQvi«ajr and hcq;iitBlityj (ia the itcras of a good supper and several juleps,) evidently with the view of pumping valuablo iDformation from him. But the shrewd yankee was moht wofullv mistaken in his enstomer. After vain efforts for an hour and a halt, adapting circuitous and cunning questions for the purpose of eiioitir g information respecting our forces and lines, the yankee General desisted. As the Captain was marehin^ off, he touched hia hac pulitciy to the yankees, saying: “General, is there any, other information which I oan have the pleasure of giving you?" “S^rgeant! maroh off that,o£Ecer, immediately!” said Warren, while his whol« staff mared with laughter at the cool impu»lenceof the rebel captain. After partaking of a good supper, and being stimulated with two or three toddies and good oof fee, the Captain, in company with several other prisoners, str^rted to the rear, with a strong escort of cavalry. About midnight as the prisoners ^tero passing a train of wagons, the Captain mannged to put the train between himself and the gaard; and taking advantage of the darkness, quietly stop ped under a wa^’gon until the guard )md passed; then jumped into the woods and cautiously work ed his ^--ay through the Yankee aru. -. At one time he walked straight through, a brigade ol Taukec? lying in the road asleep; at aaoihfr he crawled on his hands and knees across an open field fall of Yankoo wagons. Having noarl;- ee>- ?aped, he came suddenly upon a picket ol two Yankees. They were sitting carelessly at their pust, and the Captdn walked boldly up to them, saying ia a short angry tone: » “Wbj are you sitting on your pos*^, sir? Get up and hold that gun in a proper position I If I catch you stapding guard in that position aguiu, I shall ccrtaicly report you ” * Coloric-l, I beg your pardon,” saiu the trcm- blinpr Yftukee. “1 di In’t think it v us any -iarai to si;- down, sir—1 wa n't g-jing to sleep.” “V.-?ry well sir. V/h-'rc aro the next posti-:” ‘■Ri;4bt down there, and there;” pointicg to ihf* nearest pickets. rh«i captain pastj^d quickly on, aad, of couTn^ did i;t •e'^t. tii^ vlgiiance oi tho next pickets He n ’■r'^e t within our line.R tho next day, having' f'T h^d for lU or 12 tours eontinuoi’flly, and foru'" i ri’^er up to his tc‘k in depth. H»> wu' able to ^iv*' Geu. Lee more inforiantion that, he eo’iU atiord to Gen Warren S^ngar Cane molasses. The undc-riigned will e^ect by the 20th of -^u^st in _ Favetteville a double-gaareJ Sugr f ane Mill, with IRON ROLLERS, of the very beet ma^ufarturf. Aleo a full tet of Ev\por»'ors Kud Boilers. The loll will be OB«-fou«^h cf the Sjrnp, and none let>s th« a an acre will be taken to grind JOHN KER6H.AW HENRY E COLTON. Au&. 56 4t For $iale! For $^aie!! ONE PAIR ef 3^ feet LUiVR SFOi^ES; been run one yc4^; oou'^hi la Philadelphia; will be .".Gli for Ct5st. Apply at St. L%wrenee, Chatham county Ang 8 J PACE. 65-4tpd S;SO REWARD. RANAWAY from *be »ub:»criber on the 17th ul*., my regra boy, JOHN, Ifi years old about 5 faet high, ar j weighs about ICO lbs. I would caution Steam Boat owner-9 on the f^ivcr agkinst lett'ng him go cn board of »ty cf !heir beats. Tfto above reward will be paid for hij >:.pprehen?ion and coafia’meat ia any so that I C'> - pE't hin\ D. W *.YER. Fa; ■ evi*>, 4. 6t> Qtpd S.03!iT, August 3. ClB0n»/A3 \ No «7. f 55 8t Conscript Office, \ ‘ Babigh N. C., Aug,u«t 1st, '64 j ANtJ jE MADE by R J. McLean, payable to J. W L-'i i’^r th’: PI. 0! Or»« TV.cubaud Itoliiire. The j ni-t * W-!i fivoa on she 2*iih of July, but W4* paid i:id j taV)>i up dizeetly &fiorw»;du aud lost in Fayetteville Pe. s*’'^!! are warned je.raiaat trading for ihe mto 56 n --a^uft 4 Flag of Truce Letters. Coi»TaoKRA.Ta States or .Ambp.ioa, Was Departmbht. BtmHAH or >?xcii.-.NnB. Richiuoni, V* , Juiy lat, 1864 1. Aii Igttora to 50 North by flig cf trrce n-adt be sent to this office. 2 Each htic>* must bi inclosed i ■ a separate ca- velcpe and aidre?sc' to me, Bu:“os.a of EzchaM^e, Rich mond, Va. 8. No ieiter must exceed in lon=;th one page of cfrdi- catj eiscd lotter t iper, and lt>» contents be confined strictly to personal or f^^mily mtUers. No letter al luding to the rjov?meats or localities of 'roops will be allowed to ptss. Eaih ’c'tcr tnn?t coDicin a Unlt. d States postage stamp, or its eqiiivalen* in oilier of United PtaJes our- renoy These regalat'fus will be rigidly enforced and no letter trftnaaiiiici in wMch they not atriotly ob sorvad. Rob’t OoiD A^nt cf Exchange. W. H. HATtjC. C'ftpt. and A A G. F9 «i [OEoial 1 Jnlv 1. i?ttt. Vernon ^emsgs.'iry, MINERAL. SPRING*?, CONFKUfit^lTJfi BTATKS OF AMKKICA, EHQIHKSC DB?AaTMilMT, Dib7. Cafi Fhak, Wilmii^ton, N. C., Maroh 16th, 18u3 NOTICE ia hereby given to all persona having o!ai:as againot the Engineer Department, for serviucs ot elavoa employed as laborere on the limd dtftnct* n?ar Wiia>ingtcn, N. C., that the undorRignod is authorized aud prepared to pay the aamo at hia office, on the c-o- oond floor of the building next above Mearc»’ Drug Store, Market Street. Persons executing Powera of Attorney will ob serve the folio wing form—their signatures, ia all cases, t^ ba wilne;iivd b/ two witnesses and eignod iu dupli cate, or they >aay be witnosjed bcfcie a Jiisiice of (he Peace or Clerk of any Court FORM OP POWER OF ATPORNEY. 1, of , do hereby appoi’Jt , cf , my truu uid lawful Agent to sign reoeipts for, and receiv3 payment of all moneys due to me by the Engineer De- partsnfnt of the Confederate Statas of America, for the services of my slaves employed as la’jorera oix the laud defsnotts at , during the month ot , Witseea cty hand au i 90il ui ——. the uay cf ., 186 iciigaei in ) [Seal.] Witne33c DI8TRIGT Enrolling officers wil’ rro3oai imTO9disf »- ly to action in-aceordacc^ wit’' C rauHv Fo 28, 1 I j from Bureftu of ConecTipfi.n. hcff iT’*a I*." 1 I j provisions apply a/ coll to yersora Tyhos-'i r-vlit'S-ti' u? ‘ ! are now pending as to t*iOT? r'ho rr.*y li4re»f:,i-r 1 Arplioaste for reacwal o^ d‘icil frill not b:^ p rn i-:- tc^ to remain at home or at v>'ork »fecr ihe fxp’ratl jn of the time allowed by the terms of the detail grant?d- By ordar of the comipsndant E. J. HARDIN, Adjutant. A' 111 WrANTED, lor the flogpltal at Fort Fisier. PiULTRY, ChwkfcJis, Butter and other dolioacIc3 for ths sick Soldierd ai thia Hosp.tai Persona having these firticles oan c>>iain tbo nMlrct price oc sipplioa- tioB the Bubi-riber at lus old ttand or at Mr. J. W. ?owen’a on Hay 8t^»at. E. » ESIOB, Qm'1 Af t. H'THAM COUiSXY, N. 0. The next session of this PoUool wlli commRace oa the lat of Se;/tt»nb3r. Ev^ry dep»ninpnt bo fu^- pl!r*d with c-nar-et‘3Rt ard exp“rianoe-t In-trucf ors Cir''ilara oojiainijig fu!ipa*'ti3tiifPi3a'a to terms. &c , mil bj fu:vcnrJed u'^iic cppU3»ti.>T to V/.’J. IIOOPFR, OV T 0. liO;ji'?JK, r *T ,-;!t?V5il6, N. vJ. N. B. Yonng ladiJfi will be iccoived as b>%tdore at anytiruoduring the niontbp of Julv aod August, if tk*'ir narsnts oonaiderit advisable with a v'ow ^0 the benelt to be derived ttm the Mineral Water. T.iie 3ignatui33 of coisrtd perccnF shouii be TTitnwscd by tu'.'.'Q w'laoaasB. Tiii'.iti masl t>e aepe-ratc dupliosite I'owero of Attoruey for ekol. mcnt.i. i JVija.f ciJ be had uppn appli- Cifipr a.' f.i:'} ofict-. W. li. JAM.t:a, U-tpt 4. Chief j&a J 20, li-04 • • iciOOtt C;«»w ABROWK cow, iD.rkeu f?iiaBmojiuoropan« under bid boi>i e*4T>, r>i .lian> s’*e. *-y iiiforraation will t)o chv:r^illy r-coiv«>.1, and a l?b3ril r^»warl p>\id for btf tmowt, bv lilBr 9* M. WAJJBLBBk Buy—at. 1A9 It. nu CoaFBOKBATE StaTSS OS AmBKIOA, 1 W&r Dep’t. Bureau of 0-in?wipticn. j- Richmond, Va . July 8. 1^64 J f^iaOFIiAE \ No 26 / , rPHE Secretary cf Wwr directs, that heretf'er no fur- J. laughs bo allowed b^^ the cfiScfrs of oonscription to' applicantn for cxeuption not sai?t*tned a« requitpd by rcgni.'vticus; or detsil. whil'^t tb?ir »pT*lio^tiot./j are pendini^ bn', that th»y ^'5 T'fompiiy forvrardtid to the Cs^rcra of iTistmotion, «pd it oace assigned to comm >'dB in the field, cntii!'>d nn 'er cxi3ilt;g srders to r.'ccivj conpcript'. EHrollipi; of&??rs will, wl-h the aid of the Temporary Iloarde, proceed diMgtnUv to invcatig»to »11 ouch appli- eationa, in acof>rd5:ioc with bo instrcctiona heretofore given, »•? 1 f3*"R'rd th'^ra to tha Bur'^an. w’th their je- por*t) auvl oriri^DS, f. ? a>’c^ a-tioc tnu »Vnr ’>cp»rt- E' r-t uiiv ..vjto it rcif .’ai'i** t > “a'i p.;pUc'in**’. Ifpoa tr^r.emit^iag t‘>o »• pUcati uh to jhn Brrgau S$ale ot iSiawes. T Lumborton on the 4th M onday of this mcnlh, I will s i' Et eix-months orcdit or for cash iu new issue— •tiv-'s—’>ei3r.* .rs- tbo estate of 'he late Willi&m TliC EtUv-'a sio goou aervaats end reliabla WM W J(>NE0, C3tsm-.8Biooer. 66 *2t4tpd life Au/- G XOTICK, The Ci-ntval Commit'es* tageiUcr with the Committees fo" the rcc.dpt asd distribution of funds and 9cp- piief for tlio indigo”t fam’lies of soldiers in the aevera’ bia'Ti-JCS for (ho county of Moore, •.re hereby notified to ati-n' ?t :he Court Hou?e in Cavthcg?, on Saturday the 20th c’ *y cf August in?t. for the purpose of transacting impo’-Iant buainc-ss. Prompt attendance rC'^uired. By order of tho Cintral Ooramittre WVf. McLEOD, Chm’n / Carihag9, Aug 5. 56*’wt20th WrOTICE. The nn(tereigned »i.'d i y decree of tbo Court-of Fleao and Qurr'er Sebsi PS nf Mo''re county, will sell at the Court Heus«e in f'arih»g3, on Tuesday 28d of August 186t, "SO »cr. >j of LA!*D, on ‘he v».a»erB cf Buff>»lo Creek, abc.ui 3 r.iilos Wesf' of JmesbotiV Depot on. the F A W. R. R There ia ou tha prca>.i8ci; » small dwelling house and pome out houj'i with 6 or 8 ao^ea of cleared land. The place is wel' s.d^'1-ed to the eul'ivaiion of c'ni. oct!oi\ snd ill tbe p'-ioui't? raiBC'i in *eia ^ocliou cf the of ur'ry, *i!:d in a gcG.^,v.p’3fhhcTb ocd A rar-*. chpa"3 for hcse ^ho wish'to i wSt thftir auiiO-y in Reil Fa^&te 6 Coc»n>a*!(i».'!t-» v'-\l state tbe co-naRard? to which the j mactbs credit, boal and geonrUy arrlicarts aasig'^ed By cacDreg-rd -:f . ol. Thos P August, Actlug Super- | intecdfst -j 55 4- C f. rUt'FIELP A. A. Gf^^crJil j JOHN McNEILL, Adm’r. 5H tE WE 'vro now iBa .latr vf *-y sm esior article of NAP- THA, whiih we i. O'jmin'nd AT5t.ia’s and Bail* ro'da 1‘ Enay be usrd tor *hr’ foeft as well y.m tbe iTiCjt coiB»«n '*crbin*r7, ar.d it ia Eaperior to the beat oil for ti^oansing euns o. tost, &o. MOQKBt OASH«SbI> * GQl mm A'^g 2 $^0 leeward. RA’^AV/' Y fro.'^tb? ’-.UDBcribtir, o>» the 1st A ignat, 37 nei^ro nan TROY, agod abo^t 21 ye^rs. r!e is ittU .^nd rt’ini, ayd q'iita Hacfe When ssaa last He w»a OB -■'c ro!,d to Fayetteville from Blac’: Rivfr, aad said that be ■^1 os fiit wa^ to Mr. J D Jackson's^ near W‘> I tiill pay the abovt> reward for hia delivery to ur for .hia Qon&mBnni 9^' that 1 get him. ^.^duress . a iXstm, OATBABIHB BOTALL. ^ IL • iMUKl (ten. Koo^ri L'c..—The manner in which the soldiers speak otGen. Lee i'^ to U3 one of the most beautiful things in human annals. They refer to him, says tho Charleston “Courier,” with tenderness that is r^o riinpie and trtutlu) that the mo^t callous heart cannot fail to be uf - fected by tho picture it presents. Gen. Lee’s life has been spent in the army and the la^t thre*' years amid the rattle of musketry and nage of the battle field. He ccoupics the posi tion of tho ablest general of this day. Ho is a great soldier like Marlborough,' Turenne and Wellington. How gentle mu.«?t bo that nature which, living in such an environment as this, has gradually and silently softened every heart around him; which, notwithstandiug the lofty eminence which the hero has reached, oommani- cates itself above avery otberinfiuence, until the great characterizing sentiment of the army to wards Ocn. Lee ia not admiration or respect, but love. Gen Washington did never secure any thing that amounted to this, in degree, from his army Wa?hingt?'n wm a lather to hie country and his troops; but there raa « Je\iaa majesty about hita th&t convey^'d a leelljg of a’.re, tend ing to antagonism with the emotion of love. Thew was reverence, but it stood at a distance. Gen oral Lee p•1s^e^^».>s great dignity of fharacter; but there is tc much genuine l.ind.icas in his nature that it is ever giving itself esprefit-ion. Th.i sol dier cannot ibrget to behave himself in such a presence; but he knows that that dignity looks with a sort of maternal indulgence upon the errors of its children. With s hi«h etaodard of dut’’, and vo’.^ to frcqucni capital punisliment, keeping up in ti e luo t wondorfnl uauner tho efficiency -i hi- aiJiiy, he s*.;cTn8 lik:’ cho im- personaiicn of shsvi'y, ever rordy to oxcuse the Bhortcomings of orlitrs Th« mcn>.r:»bl« ut»-er ance on the thrcatenii.j^ Held of G-i.}shur'i;; “It W'S my frvu’t,” eskibitcd a loftiness of nature that is almosf Godlike, aad of iisolP sufficient to have bcund to him every noble spirit in that noble wmy. How can they help but love him— when they see so mue.’i strength cooibiacd with bo much u.sef^^l^e3•^—power in intimate union with such cublime usagnanimity. Wy mpke such a rcmrrk v:ith the profoundest reverence, but amorg tho errat characterp, of history* we knrw ot none that reminds us in this respect bo much of the f.'.rent Ma'ster. wbese inherent force eonld regulate the elements of nature, buist the bands of death, hurl from the heavens Hke a laiR’-g star, “Lucilor, the eon of the morning”—I ut who took little ciiiidren in his arms and blcascd them— heard the Syro Phtenician woman— r.accived upon bis bosom the centie minded John —wept with that family of Bethnny Seme nine yca’’{? .'igo a letter vas Tcocived iu Ntv^ OtioanB, dirw'ited to ‘^tho b’ggrst tool ir. New Orleans ” The postmaster W is cibHtn', s»'‘d on his return t^o*cf the yO’’’'ger cleiks in the ofhcs informed him of the receipt of tho leLtt^r. “And ^hat beca’i^e of it*/ ’ inqui’'^d tbe por^t master. Inie replied the olcrk, “1 did not knoT who tho bigccst fool in N. Orleans wa?, atid so I opened the lottcr myself.” . , . . , . v'hat did you find in it. iniju red the postm^^r. "wrthiig boc tiM

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