SE!SE1^#E:E!KLT VOl XlV.l FAYETTEVILI.E, N. AUGUST 18, 1864 [KO 1359.] / 1!;T r :,-.oSUA\ Al^l> TUT3a.8DAYS i. tUJ,S & SONS. r.: .iviHK Ai.i> i . ’.TORS. ?' ■ ^ for tho adra^-T, For t'.ie Wk Wv ( ';ii-Wftrhly OnupHvr.n ?’5 00, fvd in •yru !fin 0(> ^icr ainiuw, pwd in ^Al'VF;' - Hr.;-"' r- ■ p 'as 1 ic^orfet^ for ?2 per 8 >urtc ■ ♦‘or *^0 f r‘^t. anvi o’so lo'.lpr for cach i‘ 1. AtT-«rtiof*TH are requ-?st»! ’ ■ ■ ^rt'.ons uv.ivfi, or they tt'U ' r- -1,' .!> ■ -...^ '• ;i-' . 30 n**W !kil- C«TTO.H €A£1DS, No. SO. The FAYJ'TTTEVILLE cotton OARDMANUFAf?- TUBING company are uow taauufacturing CARDS superior to any ruu througb the blockade,urtd Ht present are Si lUng for a price the aiagle pair or by the quan tity. Auy perMD ordering six or more pairs, they will be tecur«ly packed and d«livt c;‘d iir-Wilmuigtoa iree of cx- ptrflSv*. Oall upon or addrui« A. A. McKETKAN. J. A. woaTH. /iLEX. JOHNSON, Jr. j r:^etteville, N. C., April 18 24tf I FayetteFillc Rosia Oil Works. OUR Oil Works ai-e now in romplet* operation, sad us we use nciJiii.^ bet good r^Kjln in producing tfco -A iC--: , IJGIf ? UCTiO - ■ 'Hnee, nor Trill '■■ r’-'inr 3T ■ tc' tb-' r^- u?; wh"-i makia.:; .KtiV 1, 1S5=!. Oil we can reoouuiiend it to be tho best of the kind mado in this ^ntry. It la a dne Lnbricatins and Janner’s PiUblicr.ugb; (bl. Henxy A. London; 0:1. and we would be gl^ to x^xve ^ers from the of N. Mexico; W. (to- • nin>uit and the public erjueraUv. We will sell on (, , „ ’ 7,u n:. * T«i.onabIe t^nus. ^MOOS^:. OAsKWELL & CO. : April iT;. s«-tf ^ 1^313 SALVE i»i*a been tftcrong'aly teatad for many . years, &ud U now olferei to tha pablia with the ji’ftrantft*? th*»t it pofenpes all the valo&ble billing pfon- erties claimed for it. For all crta, bruises, barns, aosya, risinga, felons, ulo'ra, 6xc.oriaticn9, sore nipples, rising and ga'hetod brea^is, and far aUtooitndi of every decoriptlon. it will bo tbuiii omioaatly aaceeAa'ul in af- foi^in^ ralir'f ard cfieolXB? a euro. It is recaUsrly adapted to iroanis exhibiting syap- loms o' eryeipdaa. wili also ba found one of tie bf«t applicMiaBfi to thn breant when il becomes neces* aary to dry up tha sccrotiou of milk. None sciiuii:2 without the signature of tho Picoprletor. Uefcr^noT? ij raaJe to the following persons who have utsd thj Salve o*n testify to its heaUiig powers: P G Cn .Wvlcn, Rur;- P /i C 8.; Dr. Wm F. Ber- ry; Ee». Jiob.Mt B. h>uu n, Raolvr oT 8t. Bartholomew’s Hon. A. F. Harllea, mea- T' M 1 X« ..4 I L . ri:ri= M.^rk; t Kqiisrs*, ?'^¥ETTE1ILJL-C, :V. C. a't'— • t- o - -!■ I'l bia 40; f ;ir:v; 4 j'uniisiju .llerfha'it, 5,^ N. li-IL!JVGSWailTll, .Mlcrpliint, Olfi, rlTJ c.';?- r itf ROW pr£v*r»d }'> firnn’h lo lUa ’iti'lic! 4 Tery pupenar o' LfJBJIlOATlNQ OiL. ei' i^ially for C'tia^ 'f>vi Woolfn /'V(cri«*. Wo ol-'-n . •■■I'lOi) iii^y run at ; gr, ' V .''O’J (: T) •v't'i* '-,ny elherOil ex!cpt j ;'>rt'-rci. j >r VT I’ Pori'i*. SuperiMcnl«*i. o( Phoen'x'GoUou F ;f.:.'.r7. c.vS • ' ii: ••• Uav.? ■: .'i?n U‘iin'5 you? T.ubri^at- i; s Oil fcr 2 r 3 rasa'Is, ted tl-ia ii i; ho tr!:>fria? to an/ ot^cr 0.\ so .f in upe for lu'jria’iliag.’’ r ..‘'‘,hD CerflliSiW, L'Up’t of Biount’s Cr.'ai F'»ct>ry, e*.ys: c&a cheerfull/ pc.y your Lubrio'»tiEg Oil is a sapor ■!” ftrticJa. ft ncrl e;au ia th" leert, but keeps i' ? ’cartiah ciaar auii br’ ht " r/f V t 'lisc'scvZd^ L’a.-ia'ier of the t’ 6 Ar-jo- Dnlfcv.i 'm ry of fhi.s rf*'^ roqua'jted to fry it ■ Bvy?: “I t.hir k f r il^hl r:-. :hinery—fcoH asCoUozi j F».:toTij.T— or !:pa7y n»ciuncry whea the motion I 13 slow, year LuViosiir-Oil I'iil o?iap«ire next in qu»l- i J ir. 3i»em ' Ot'.cr cou-'Ji ranaufiCturers h*Te tri?d it i ,\J fro- >»o-'a5c ftvir^bly of :t. HrVRV E. COLTON. Ai^pnt r»v."i -v'! > K?rosiuc Co. F-r uia ia Fay3t»wiii« ht I' PTVHDA.UI. Concord Female College. THP Bezt taoeion of this In; tUutioc. lacatec fct Ptatep- tiUe, will cflmrucaoe on tbo kat Mouday of Aueujt T!-'rrice of taitioa. f 'r tli« Pcssioo. will V? f4l' to60. The prino of board will b« 5100 dol’sVi per aentli, payable in sdT-noe. UD?iB8 t, Bpacial sr raij^aieot ehoali be roado with the Proei’eut. Kach bojdkUr will be oxpcotad \o fteain’i her own I'shts, tow- i^te, TAd « p«{r of shcsts. jS^^ttere of iaqtiiry will i^oei:»e prowpt i' addr^jeeito J. M. M. CALUWEliL Mtg 1,1864. fi7 7tp^ Boose and Lot on Winslow Street, A.T AUCTION. 0!" ^lumlay Ihe 2f>ih iost, -*iil b« cold at Auo ion, * UWELLltiCt HOHcJJS, s:t'atnd on Winslow, on W i^t r'de of said street, and next South'’f Sampson Bo^>r. laq’s. The Honse ifi upw, «oc»a*ns 5 Tooms, welt £♦ i.'. ■ i, doable kitch'>a» good wt 1' of whok'»o;ae water, aia -.x &CBO fourth aorcf) of land. Thisisadeairabiepro* ?’ , -*if«iieot to »t>y part t^wa and aeiit tht- I .^.ae ■ 1 J^ysSNf. vmK. Aac^’r ; Ani 16 53 2t •SHALL STEAM ENQINB, in exoellent ruaaing : qn rhurssay the 26lh inst, will bo aold a* Auitioc, Arril 4, 1SU4 1*0 tf 0 tf I'-: XeO-^r:', t •■•or Courts of 7obeson ro'-n- r.'it-on of -il •S3-tf Jar 5;m: N vrH»\ A. -r.-:. wii. a. EtK.v^Br. ?i. .STK35?2;^ \ A' f!0.. i'tr ..... . . . N. 0. i:i;f ;i f. O. DAriET. Cfrnrlsel(r.i an-I xai'y: &. CO., ..diaT STcrchauta, V' '-O' "A FOUXDRY, F.4T»'TCViLT.S, . Jij'y •, l^^ 'i OW r.:Ki‘Ai'-KD TO KK'JCIVB OR .} 0-! Ifi, 9 nCiCi ... r LS I'KrHoas the h.j-l e* t at tb' ber at f 1= • :p.u1 ' hOT. 6. 18n... 7^-1212 i, ;ei ■. Ecll willreociTC CD Mr. 7‘ Thoiaaaou, - cr. ti’e r-b3crir • ’-re. J0EM80N, Jr. 7otf W'l: ARE ” RAIL ROAD VVHEEl.8 rf ■ • 1 ! o«r Qi ■ -les. V z: 'Zi, 2o, io »' d SO ino.*i. .Mso CHILLED TlREi^ Th* Iron wo shaU ujo for them will be nOLT) BLAST C*4 .\R'';OAL I?-ON. saJ W3 war- r-M’.t ccr ??OT TO 'HA* M. to ba equ%l ’o anj n^'ie i-. tho C3ari\der-icy, or tc tHos” cf ^''’hi'ney 8-a'>of ?hiiii3lp :i i, repul? ior’ is «-> w?Il known by ♦'! p.»il Ro'J Gcn’r,a"frfi X''- }-V V’’-' -- -‘i* •' ' " '"^~»pcrt»*.i7T1 ''7 to Wiic;iafetuj, ii oin I'a ,oe U aay part of the Confa^ency OrdT= reanect^lly aollcitvd. 4Gifl ‘ D. ANDrMON & CO ” WESTERIV a All. RoX»r nnHE FREIGHT AND P.\SSE;;GFR THAIN.S of t:'i9 X Road IsaTe Fayetteville di'ly, (Snniaya exc at 8 o’clock. A. M., and returniuj; le.^re £.:ypt o’cloct. F. M. CadU aud Hortt Tram MOND.VY, WEDNESDAYand FEIDAY. Ey orlsr JNO. M. B(^3E, Treas’r and 0-^n’l Trans. Ag’t. Jan. L’2, 18S3. 9Ttf From and alter ilii^ data the Eteamcr A. P. HURT will leavo at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday anci Thursiay. JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf J Ajf’t C. F. Steam Soat Co. 1AM preparov* to iaa!.ufe'U'ro all kmii c? Wagon liarnc">9 v," Army uae. I iet lEy IfViicr and cmi gir*! good I i. , i'U’-. A gen'. 7- wi^' uu 7 ^il t5 psnd their cr lerR to me ae th y sUs-U Lave r.TO'r r ' ai-'?n:’»,n, and •sut off in q'.uc'i vim; auii. J ’».•* .'{ C AB.1ER. Galdsioa P. 0-. C’-at^am Co., V-. C., i juifc 15, lhu:c. J SiiO lb«. Cliisn Arahic for >*aic by J. E LE'rl. 69‘.f FOK $^AE.£. A^HALL STEAM FNQINE. in e.>v^..>v«. order, with Uelts, PuUies, Lo., oompletc; has been u^od bat little _\LS0— 2 Toralng Latlie», one large and one small, with a lull act of Heads and Fixtures; Together with a large lot of Tcrncrs’ Tools, Scrcw Gutters, Hand and Web dawa, Visoe, Clamp Screwa, &c., &c. —AiidO— A L t er HORNS t.vJ. B^IAR ROOTS. M:s. LKl-ERLE.?, Hay Street, uext door ab ve Mr James Martine’s. 54 6t To Millers—Flour Barrels »t Aaction. Apply to Ja y ^9. Alight fiix-PA56*-'-iaEii stage coach with . ilcok Best, acwly tired and paintei. lent order Apply to R L ~ CCOK, Atiot’r. 68-2i Aug 4 and in eccel- PATTSRSON, P*ttcrson, CaldTTcll oou-ty, N. G. 6tt*sw4w Hiirgcoo iireoeral's Office, ) Ralbiqu, N O., Jcaa 10th, 18ti4. J AMESSEHOKR wi'l tUiii Office on the Qrst day, and the Sfteenth day, of every month, for Gen. L&e’s army. All boxea left h'^rq for any member of aiuiy will be c:*rricd thero promptly by him and Jclivarcvl to ine owasr EDWARD WARREN. 41-tf Surgeon G 'r. -al North C»ronna. FiijetievUie Arsen&l and Armory,) June 80, 1S64 j 0100 BOU.\TY. W\iHt€d., 40 •.liounted MUfitetnen. AUflioHITY iiavi'.g ^ •''■u j;raated by the W*r Do- prnxM . to raiLj fc Coi^ip^ny of Mounted Riflemen ur atrvic? ia tlus vldaily, ’f'tio? is hereby giTCJ that refui'-B to the cumbcr o'- 40 conteryit* will be re C’ived for this servio’, to Gil ap 'h? oompvny ko he re v^uirci I-’cnib.r cflOO Eaoh rjoruit will be required to furuiaa a P-jti "iMtJ hor^j, fur which he will be al- lo*»ed 40 cct!‘.8 per tlieir. ani isis p»y $12 per mouth. IVrittm j’tTfnitiion will b^ required frotu parents or guardiau!*, wfi :rc the tpp'dcaut is under the oonsoript agy Lfwh rccniii n:u5t britg wi^h.him a blanket or bed B;.r«ii, and come pr«p=.r.^ to remain. Bridles, sadd'c^, h.tljra and saddle blankets fiirolah- ei by t.U! Oovsramsu^ or if Uie reflroit ooaacs crovidad wi>3 tL.;ci, Lc bo pfe'd for »aea a tair «al«*uoa. Apply to Msyor MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar senal F, L. CHILDS, 45 tf] Liout. Col. C. S. A. Comd’g Post. 160 Empty Flour Barrels. JOHiM H. Aug. 23. ; jC^(OTI€E. I WILL attend at the following plf-ces for tbe purpoce of coileoting State and Cotmty Taxes on the $ame dayp appointed by the Confederate Asseesors for reotiv ing Tax listn for ykar 1834, to-wi(: At McNeill’s Bridge, on Saturday Ang 20. At 71et on Monday 22d Aug , at G D Baker's. * t Quwhillie on Tuesday Ang. 23d, at Mrs J. A. Mo> Ketiian’s. Those interested will do well to attend. HECTOR McNEILL. Shff. Aug. 18. 68 2t Presbyterian copy 1 time Ai~jrrurpi>E’S! Ip you want to sate your bn/ your Tobscoo ard Tooth Brushes of J. (5. POE Aug. l.'i iPOJK COPPERAS, Soda, Blaokiag, Batinas. Satp, large anu sn^all Ne'lie8, Battous, Lo'jka, Drcssicg Combs, Mt.tahas, &o. Call and buy your Rioe and g°t the in dua'ry of t'uo Bte also, at J C- POE’S. A*"g IS. 58-3t WAIWTEO, By tlic motkth or the reminder f'f the year, a «03iao or girl cied to house wcrk and tbe cars cf children Apply immediaioly to E. GLOVER. Aug. 18 6tJ-2tpd WAIVTE», A GOOD MEDIUM SI/3 HORSE for Cavalry Ser vice Augu’t 13, 1864 JOS. UTLEY. 5«-tf - I ^UCIAK €AIVE Oct. t'-.-e b‘^ho Fayeilevilie, or t.’7 » ; AlSer s.Siias date i will pay 15 Cent;; ptr pou I for rirs, or It- , doliv-'rei in !lUaPH\ 7-tf FeVy In. J8')4 WEfT^-.-’S -*;L HOAD 8T0‘.--- Notco; C - ;nd ciivpr, l^arth ■Ur'.', Tc:: > v_c (Fand*b!c;5 y *' “ . fn l '■ “ J?oti'*'’; old a?"1 C’otmty nf Cv’ir^e’‘lr":i P-or.dc: f ^ Ili'- ii; On - ji V .fl SLU'' S)2 C^rti£c»t a; C r'-r-i. 7 nd H per cr -*. L\.: !a;| C . -:poa.s . •JOQ.OOO 1o\ti; of To^a i*ai Coauf / I - of old North flarolina iior. ls; T. S. LTJTTERLOIL 12, ’ ita. ' FAYETTEVILLE MCTli&L INSIjaiNie CO-SPiM. Capital in Premium Notts amounts to Caeh ca hand uid other aesat3. 5267,688 2b 6,077 35 Total, $272,765 16 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have asfver inaie .an aasessaseat on their premium notes. TciilloflB'>s pa'.d, $29,682 OFfioaas: GEO. McNi:>LL, t^resiient. V. A. RAY, Vise i’reaideot. C. A. McMILLAN, Cao’y, DiauoToar; Heary Lilly, W. N. Tiiiin^haat, H. L. Myiorer, 0. J. Uiasdala, B. T. Hawley, Wa. ?dcLauria, Ila^iiari A. Stcdmaa, T. S. Lutiirloa, C. B. MalleU, A. W. 3t:c:, Jamej Kyle, J- G. Osoi, » A. A. MoKcthaa, Hon. J. G. Sl^pherd, J. D. llliViU.^, R- F. Bi'OWn, | 8. W. Tiliin^haat. A. ti. Hall, / ® Josn Colliiw aad C. C. MoCraiaaiaa, i'ravdliug Agoata C,;-:j jiay itivite apyiiaM'.o-n. 38-isa .' Cimrlotte Feiu^le Institute. The tier (fate of ihla :iCHOOL will b3 resumed on WeJa.siay Sopt. 14. Taose who wish places most ia;ike c&rly appUuation. For ciroalar contaiuing terms, &v , a-.^r._.> ^ BURWELL, Charlotte, K. C. Ja!y ‘'3. 5?-9tpd Received, another of thoHJ Kxoellent Mills, iron rollers aud iron boxe*, for sate at Manutacturer’b prices or exehacge for provision.*! JOHN KERSHAW. Aug 16 68 6t BOOTS$ Ai« U SHOES. ~ T HAVE ju^t r^oi^’ved « lot Ot & le ('alf dains, . for t^afe'ag itadiaa’ and Gantlemen’s fino abce?. Winter is d'mwing nigli and shoes may be a great dr-al higher. 8o ^»>u will do w-11 tj oall on me and bsve your fbo^s trade as nt'at aad as good as can be male any whem and on ag good f^rns. A!1 my work is warranted not to rip; if It does I will repair fc^ nothing Blespeotf"lly, JNO. VAUGHAN, 3 doors aboT i Liberty Pcint Aug 15 58if SOO DOLLARS BEWARD. N l»i Tcuraday my bay m»re, with a blaok mane tail, broke lo'^e at Egypt Station, Chatham county. I have not seeu her stuoe. 1 juJga that some person hea taken her up or siolen her einoe she g»t lj3!‘e. She is of c3mmo:i t-ize, £00) looking, har mana considerably wjrn cff with ihs collar; her lett eye haa been all Irnorsked cu^, the hair rubbed off her baok. 1 will gt«e $100 for tae recovery of the mare and $100 t^r the arrest of the thi f if stolen HARRIS TYSOft. H*v«t« .loW 3. ^^-7ipd&‘r Wo(H Waatsd for the State of N. Carolina. The uud'trsigaod ooatinae to exohanga COTTON YARN TjT wool, one banlle of Yarn lor 4 lbs. un washed, or 3 lbs. oleaa washed Wool. They will also pay a liberal prioo ia oash for large or small lots. GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO., Afts. Fayettevilic, Juae 16. 42tf BO.^OS FOR SALE. Five Ilandred MUlton t'onrederate Six Per Cent. BoBds. IHStSE BONDS present ihu greatest indacemonts for . 'jve-tment Taey have thirty yeara^o rua inter- t payable Eemi-siiaaal'y, aai arc s'ouroi by impsit and »xport dutie*; ere exempt, pria^ipal ;vn'^ iiiterres, roFiiaxation, a::;d the coupons receirable as coin for cuBtdn duties Tt» coap'ns of thscie Bonds, due J«ino%ry let, 1865, haveheen ordered to be recaived ia oaym^ tt of import duties in advanoe of Q:»tarit7 Apoly to ALLEN S. GIBBE?, Ajroat Treasury Ddparlmeat, Wi'mijgioa, N. C. Atg. 9. 68 tf POST OFFICE, FayetteTiUe, N. C. 'FHE Coulraotors C'd Uoadamat; h u&aad ied X tae work on route 2178 ftou this pivce to Raleigh via Bunn’s L^vei, Sum^iirville, , J ’.rili r?oeito pro poaals at thia Oifioj until 7ih uiy of S3ut. for carrying thj n!i»il for tae roa due cf limo, or.y to 30th Jane, 1867 It willoiear the contrAOtsr from aemoe iu th.? army. I also invite prompt bids for temporary servioe. J. O. COOK. P. M. A«g 8. ^0 tf Oot, I r.A J D-r =ri- . tuiep wii r-' POWl' ■' ' (39-vf 5 i»K?AUXMSLNT, \ . U., May a, Jf ED —I j i..' I) iroha^je Load for tflis i. yr - ;cai ':^viai. iiir^'^a or 8;aall quan- " a -W . ^ oil" VVi'.' givij I pound of !^^ p ■ l! of iiE-iD. 11. D liuGG, Capt. C. 8. In C0a.fj5" of Ordnano*. rilJlE underpi^a-.a me, at the X. Conf ' n/)ur., Din! po:^-. . T,.' ■’•e I’liKe. Tlo^i -a^er Teras cf the f.. 'Jorth C»rolin»., ap- i Coa! Mice property, ■?hip ">x the pr.rpofte of .1 .licit orlcre for tha uame ini's/ ■■ V, i f*r any amonat can h irr'-* ■ -co.' Tb«s Co?,! from tt.ia pro- r^ri.j ia . ' i'-e '>cBt ia thr. Co7ifolcrat« States. Appacatioiii- ^ j ir.a-;; to iii.*s. B. Mallett, Fayetke- ^e, y. or /aa»tj3 i'lowae, Chailetitou. S. C UilARLilfJ B. MALLKTI. JAMFH BROWNS. WATiTKD, !or tie Hos*)Ital at Fort Flstior. 1300LTt«V, ChrckoT''i, Butter ani other delicacies for the ‘•icJt ioldi^ra »■ ttsi'i Hoppital. Persona h-wing tbcf>e artic lf u can obtain *»ic market prioe on applica tion to Jxe eabsoriiMX »t hia old (tand or at Mr. J. W. Powure’s on Hay X. ■. HKH>ll Oral AifL 4CC.W ^ 8TATKH 0? AMKKH .1, i JbitfQiKfcta D*rAitTM*Kr, Disr. Capb t'KAE, >■ Wilmington, i'l. 0., Mar?i H’th, 186.1. J T^OTIOE ia horehy jgipca to ad persons aaving ciaime iv »gr>inijt t:>« Engineer Dopaiimcnt, for sorviccs of eiiivoa cmployid aa Irvboiera o.’n tne Ix-id de/cnset U;.-ar rrUuj;u;^ton, c., that the iipd-ir!iiga-i I in authorisod and prepared lo pay the r.«me at hi« fcfSoo, on tju se cond floor of the building nixt al'cva Mes.r)'i’T’riig Store, Murket Street. Persons erecuting Powers of Attorney will ob- af-rvo the f jilowic;; faria—ihcir sigaV.ure!, in all ciises, ta be witneuacd by two wimessoa and signed in dupli cate, or they may bo wilaeened nofore a Juatioe of the Peace or Clork uf any Court. FORM OF POV/KR OP ATIORNEY, I, —of , do hereby appoint , of , my irue and lawful Afteut to sifTi reoeipfa for, aad receive paymoiit cf f-il moneys due to me by the Eiigineer De- psiTtmenl of tha Confederate Stitcc of Aaenca, for the eer vices of my slaves oa.pioyei ad ia*Kjrirs on the land defonoes at , daring the monta of , 186 Witncsa my hand su’d seal at , tae day of , 18d (Si^ed in duplioata.) [Beal.] Witnesse The si^naturea of colored pcraons shoold ba witnosasd by three witctsscs Tber? muct be oep»ra>e dnpliosle f jwws of Attorney for eSiCth mouth. BImie ior jis oau be aad upon applt- oatiou at tuis oiHoo W. H. JAMES, Capt. & Chief Eng. Jan'y 20,1864 laOOtf [Extracl ] GcMKaAL OSOSES, Ileadtiuarters tteserTe, N. €., s.;aLXiaa. Aug. I. 1861. No 4 ICaptaius of Senior R^Rerve, in tho several ocanK^s . of the State of North Carolina, where Oomptniee l ave been or^aaiz^d, will asaemble them at thoir re pcotiva C'’«rt Hooses, ovory Baturd*y at 12 o’oloak, for drill Ecd instraotiou. Lt. Gen Hoi^xis JNO. W. HINSDALE, A. A G. By Command of 56 7t Suji^ar €aue illola»8Ci«. THE underBigacd will e’"ect by the 20th of August In FnjPtTevilie a double-gvwed Sug-r “'aae Mill, with IRON ROLL^^RS, o/lU very httl mamfaclure. Alto a full tet of Evaporatcrs and B.)Mer8. jl^rThe toll will ba one-fourth of the Syrnp, and nouo less than an acre will be taken to grind JOHN KERHHAW HENRY E, COLTON. Aus. 56 4t TAj;^ irv KirvB »i:roT, MOORE COUNTY. All pergr.ns are hereby notified to deliver their Uth# CotroQt-^ DAN’L MoINTOSH »«/ the 26*h day of Aajust inst or they will be liable to the flve-fold penal* ty Pptfoes dcpo^it-ng Cotton at the Gin Heass will f'^o tbe Gin-Housomac’s r eeint and present the aeme !' I *• by tha 28th icst. cr their eetimatea will cot be cret^'itod for th^ eaae £y order of C R. King, Capt. ard Post Q M, Sixth Lia rict, N* G. ’ C DOWD, Q M. Ag’t C 8 A. Ar? 4, 1864 6’-2t«2t CO^EDERATE TAXES. rPilB C(»iifcdt,rate Tix A'Bfcflisors for the C-fuuty of 1 Chatht.m will attteud at the following linieB »&d p'acfB f r tl'C purpose of a^epcsalog tha Cues ^v-r J864; At Htvi^fsy's .Mills, Moadfy, Sept 5th. Hilk H' pe, Tt>o»>l»y, fifh. _ BiOKt’s, Weda^eday, 7th. Ejwaris’s, Tburaday. 8th. M«‘hoi»3’, FridfiT, 9th. JiCrtrx t*’t, S \tord&y, 10th. T5n>6»’’ y Bosd^. Monday, 12*.^ Locu^' Gtf ve, Tofnuay, 18ti. BnroB* Old Fie’d, Wed:ia«day, lth Dr ^if* Icw’e, Thursuay. 15th, Fiitnborougfc, Monday, T»et>dty Wrt5t*aday of Court week n»ywoC‘l, Thnrgday, S«*pt. 221. Pu'libcn, Friday, 234 Conncirs, Es*urday,'24*h. Wi^V.rijs’s,'Monday, 26th. Jonrs’s Grove, Tueeday, 27>h. Bal^w'i’s, Wednesday, 28th. Tax Payers of the Connty ate fcrrcby Ijotifled t-- it- tci.d al the timeu and places above ‘tat-d, n^ari«t tbeir reepectivc reoidences, and furnish the As^sso’s a c-r- rect liRt of the foll'-win^' a-bjects of t»aiica oa haad and owne > cn tbe 17th of February 18t'4. Lsnd, No. of Bjrca and value in 1800; r.'^vej, N i., flex aai age: horees, nmlp*. asses ai d j'nr.cis; cattia, No and taIhc; shpep, gosia, hogij. oottca wocl tvbsc"o, ''oru, ta'e. »ya, buckwhfa^, rice, po*'* ca p«*a. g>-cm d pp«s, beaaii, fl^ur, Ejecl. s'.’jrar, EccUf > s baoon, iirJ, »piritou8 liquors, Ac . o*> hand on 17.' rebrua>7 lutst sr« 1 not necessary fir family coasu-.i f»r tae j'ftT 18G4 llnTu-alioll and kitchen farnUure, T=3»’ltarftl i»u- i’.c.i'Jtnt9. Eicchanical (cole, n:ntiic.'l ififci.UKertf, «r- ri»»es. w*goE3, carta, &: ; b-»ck», map-, pic.urcs. ic ; pre^evtv tf c^r^oTi^tionB, jjint Etoib coirr^Bira iird asacc'ilion''; g^lv.- atd silvpr coiu, f^oldduit, &o ; amcn'st of f 11 sc’Tcat rrcdita, back biU?, fber paje 3 iaeu-d 18 CKrrcnoy, (exclusive of noa n ' be’.riaj Con- ielrr*fe T*eaaury nstea and ca:; iu ? taxed buM npKi,) valiie of ail moneya hell sad til irticies ofpfriona’ or mixed jroperr; >.o eauacrated above j and ret exsmTit froro tsxal on. Laai, B'aroi, octf n ! ard *',}-j%.noo, purc'aaaed si"C'3 the Jet Jt*.vjs'y 1862, i must be listed at tHe asi un;, {.aid for tiica; cll r I picrcrty th^ir valuo in the year 1860 { T"e/ar? il:o required rf nJer an a'>(3ouiii. of‘>-e j prof.ti tas-'e on salceof ptoi. .-y purchased during 1863 I •ttid poll '2!?*rfn tje 17ih cf February 18*54 had t'le j 1st .rf Ju'y 18‘'4 Tiioae T’ho have fiiieJ hcretcf —c ‘c I TCEi'tr an aeoount of tbe'r pri-tits cf v;li b*5 called I -:n l i do bc wbea tfcey lict tbeir propfcity; th.:.»o fs.jl‘”q; then ti re' df’r siid aoccunis viM I-Rve tVo r {rrfi;>) C6'i- laatr i by t le uadcr'3if'n''d Kcojrdiag to t?*e bc3 infur- ti;i».f?op lh*7 oa’i get. n'i taxed aoccrdinj^ly Ti f-c f^ili^v to ctiTip’y with tbe iborc nctio'. t-o Hst their prop«;r!y, & •. vill be held as dcftultcrtu tuid ?i-»‘'r list re*a*a?d bj -he A»sci's0rs according to t«e bc«i in form-.tioii they can gtt. J. A WOMACK, 1 . . J. j. RiaC.-iBlIE,/ -^'^®''^- I will a*».cnd with the Aasesfcors to receive thn tax^-? due njo" profit's, also to ocllce^ tho E?oce? >i’ug.of titncii (wub Lf.y rer oi Adaed) aodelivered so Q^ar- ttrmaster. J M. liTNUM, CoP. 3lst D^st N. C. We the A?s'.:-3ord for tbs ’^x is. kicd tor 01 cthsn cjupiy w'll 'Iso attend ai. the iime.^ “n"* place.? men- Vor.f-' ibov;, to assees ta» tit .ej up-'u Wool, Wlititt, i ate, live '•-ad Hay, produced t a B 1 HOW/. 3. T C. WO.viliL!-:, Asseasors t*z it: kind. Pit^aboro’, Aupas*^ 5 68 * 13 Headqaarters, N. €. UeserTe, \ ilaloig;, Aag 6 1864. / Oi»aAx OaDBRs > No. 5 / T kiB b>>en reported to the Li'iutinant Ganerel Com- _ msading Reserves, that (Ue-rterj from tae ar-ay *‘re permilted to rem»in uaaisle^teA ia 06rt.aia count ic-s f'f thi^ State. It is har’.by nr/ile the duty of the Senic- Resi’rves, to apprehsal an 1 deliver ta«»-a to ths ".e»r -t v*iilt*ry Conunaadant; ani *he Ctptaias of tie -liffer- ent o-oinpanies are rr-ado and w'U be hcii 3tr;cly re sponsible for the execution of this order, ia tij'ir r*;- apcstive co-mties By oommand ef Lt. General Holraee jm W. HINSDALE, A A. Gonoral. Aug. 8 "7-7t LOST, The Subfloribar has lost a 4 pe> cent. CERTIFICATE fo’’a Conf'dMatc Slatei Bja l, b.'fuittJ by Km O. Broadfoot, and Nj. 1531, for $20J. Notioa is hereby giTFtt to all persoai not to recs'vo "tid oortifisitfi or to !r*ds for th2 aarae; I rc^ke applican.>a to the proper anthoritiea to issu.5 to ma a dupllc^tJ copy 01 said oertiScate URUH BtrilERMGRHOSN. Fayetteville. N C . Aug 10, 1864. fc7 3tpd. rVaptt&a! Napihn!! WE Me now lo-.ktng a very BUferior ariiole of NA^- THA. whioU wi raojmmend to Arsenals and Rv.i- ro*ds. It may be U9?d for cleauiag the fiarct as w'11 *m the most aommon Machinery, and it- is superior to tfio best oil t6r cleansing guns of rust. &o. MOORE, CASH WELT. & CO. Aoe. 55-1 m Palma €bri»ti Beans. The sabseriber -srill pay the highest cash prices for any qiiantItT ot Palma Chriiti Beans. J. A. WORTH. 0*1. 5? -* ]%OTICE. The undoraigaed, ae Adminietrator of W J. McNeill, and by decroo of the Court cf Pleas and Quarter SesPi^nB of Mo -re oouaty, w;li nell at the Court House in ' arthoge, oa Tuesday 23 1 of Augnst 1884, *30 acres of LAND, on ^he v»terd cf PuSa'o Creek, about 3 mUes Wrgt of Joacabcro’ Depot ca the F 4 W. R. R There is on the premises a amaU dwelling hou.oe and some out houses with 6 or 8 aorca of clcared iscd. T> e place is well adapted to tbe culHvation of cor», cotton end all tho prrjduDts raised in ‘hia eeciioo cf tbe ocuatry, ii,nd in a good asigaborhcoi A rare ohanoe for 'hose whq wish to invest thair m’ ney in Real Eatate. Terms 6 months credit, bond and security.’ JOHN McNEILL, Adm’r. Ang. 2. 66 ta €ow Strayed. A BROWN COW, marked with smooth crop and under- bit both ears, medium sise Any information wiU tiieerfully reouved, Md a liberal reward paid tor bar tMwny, by ||t«. i. ML WALKBB. - Mtf Sale ot Slaves. At Lnmberton on the 4;.h Monday of this month, I wiU •ell at six months credit or for oash in new issae— two alavM—belonging to the estate of the lat« Williim H. WilUa. Tk« bUvw sm senaats and itiiabU. WM W. J08I9^ CommlMionwr. A«9.Q^ WAHTED, 1W1SH to buv a good f»nn Blaokeinith and two thre - - ee likely yon“g boys cr girh. Aay h«vi£>g sucti oan advit'on me at Avei'^boro’, N O D McN. MoKAY Hamett Co , N C , Aug 8. 57 4t t'oKtederate Tax i^otice. I^HK Aisissors of Confederate Tax for Moore county icili meet the tax payers at tho foliowiag tiue*? aud pljioea for the purpose of receiving the tax lists for the year 1864, viz: At, Arch’d Ke ly’s Sept. 6th; Shambnrgor’s K Roa-is Sept. titb; Ciy.t Browa’sSept 7tb; Smyrna School house Sept 8(h; Ritter’'S ’pt 9Mh; Salem Church 3?rt 10i>3 D U C«mpbell’B Sept 12th; D M Mclat:,sli’s S-rpt 13ij S’oan’a Sept 14tb; K“51y’3 S'orc S pt 15'fc; MoTrij’i Ikpt ISih; 17ta; Grab&m’a c^e’^c 19ti> M’nersl Sprin;s Sept 20ih; Mrs Barrett’s S -pt 2l5t 0?(rtba,;e Bept 22d. Tho tar payers of tha county are h^r^by notiCed to alten-l at the times s.nd places above stated, tnd futnish oorrcot hats of the followiac subject* of ttzafion cn hand or held or owned oa 17lh da/ of Feb’y l'* ^. via; No. of fcorcs of l*nJ employed in agriculture; No., age 6t)d sox of si'iTCS do Jo; Nj hoi'di.a, luulea, ox*»i do dj No p'oitg.'d &nd ether fj^rmiug iajplementa do do, and all oih^'r prop'rt7 emj'loyed in agriculture Also, N"* >orc3 of land aa.^ other re »l e8ta^c not employed iu tvg risuiturr; No , ace and «?x of slaves not eraol^ycu io agriculture; No* hir-»t3, muloa and asses do; No. of cat' (ii» of the I ‘•.'itia .i^eoies; No of stioep, goata an i i’Ogs No. of pcu . la cf cou.iu aul ■^o:;l; Mo. p"und3 of toLto 1 oc; No. b'laf.Vis cjra, whe.t rye, oata, »u”: o'brr j 9 jali gnil*; ra.iie of po^atn^B of a’l fei iJ i. pe»B, beaa: grauctt peae auu olh r pr d.tots oJ the f^rm ga-’e o.chjkrd. Valaa of fliur, =j’'.l su^ir ea b«c;a lard >i.r.d groc-rip^. good.*?, wares aaJ ra«TobaT: disc, fp r-t >id I quots ci ier, viisegir, wints, Ac. VaU'. of all hou.vhold anl k’ ei-'u furaiiure, ajt'icu’tur.^ tools aa ' iaipleB>ent3, and aU ».? of c?ch»a'c3 an Oil ors, iruaical instrumenfs an-I p11 a-tin'cs of u.-aest'c use N:>. ; Ed va'u** of waj^ons, o\rl3 d'aya f- i olhtr’5?hi"lc'i cn wheela Value of b1'-g >ld and ailrrr w^re as^ pl* o jewels, jw t w«‘.c?j..? Y-Vjo cf all booli?, iaap'?, pia’ures ptioM'igi, sf -tHiry an ‘ o?hf * worVa pf art Ail property :*n? asset j cf joiut ftt:)^k coMp *n’ea ■’ud orporstion'^, whethrr i'j’jcrpTst.c J or not Gold iui silver o ia. gold dost, gili -nd silver b'jlion Araomt of nl! aol7-’ai croJ.ila. t>i.ak bilia- ao I all othi’r p'pcr isaueJ »e oirreaoy (except noH-iatereHl i^aring Co«.f d-rV>: Tri*igarv uotos) and r.oi cm; loynd in a tiX'i ■ uVinssa. V>bii of all monjj o h*ld a’-road bills of cxohange on for'i^ga c-'Miutries. V\lua of a 1 ariiclcB of personal or mixai property cot etabraood ia fcrego'ng. Tu-? "ol'no't'r will tt!ord w'th the A ■sw''-r. at 1,^3 abovr i-ppo^nimfnis for thj pmi-o c cf -il the tax due ‘h- Coifcde’»te GovoKnmpot in. unt/. - EVANDEE M3«ULV'?Y. > . JOHN O. JACKSON, / CartUsxa. Aus; 12, 18o4 —ALt?0 — Tho Asscasora for T»x iu K .td wUl be V-the abov Rppointn'cnts for tb“ t.’sryc«**{ of lilting t'li cr^ps of Wb3»t Oats. Rye. H y and Woo!. It '.i >^qnaat e th-it fsU ptr?on2 couo-^raed bo prompt iu a' lo thia mitt'jr. E. R PATP.IDQE,\. D M SINCLAIR, i •’'8 15 THE VOICE OP A VIRGINIA MOTHER. We may all feel pride in perusing the follow ing extract of a letter from one of th« beet and noblest of Virginia ladies Tho writer has Buf fered terriblj from outrages of the enemy—H’tn- ter’a followers having desolated her home—but her spirit and iior loyalty rises with her affiio- ti'Ds, and she utters the sentiments and the de votion of true patriotism and religion. At a time like this, and under the eiroum;3tances which svrround us, says the Dispatch, we shall be par doned for so far intruding upon the privacy ot this high spirited and T>ious lady £3 to mention her name. It is Mrs. Lottia Lewis, wife of Col. Will.'rjn L. Lewis, of the Sweet Springs, Monroe coun*y. She is the daughter of Go^. John Floyd, the elder, and Bist?r of the second governor of thikt name—tho late General John B. Floyd. Faith ful to the Came and the lovaHy oi hcT maiden came, she honors that brUiiant one ^e bears as atiiroTt, aik'*.'T’*i«A-deeceTiL'3 la he* htssbaad ifoia thej^iorioui? revolutionary tamily which, in Charles and Andrew Lewis, gave to thtir country heroes whose characters and deeds shed Instro upon her history. How it must stir the blood and fix tho re.'solution of the true Southern man, and how it must elevate the prido and inspire th»j constan cy of the women of the South, -vshen they hear this voice of a Virginia mother ia the mi^st of h'^r desolation ! “I have now nothing on earth 0a*&11 that 1 ever possescied but my children, and I would i'aiu have them worthy their country’s service and their own race. “I am now among tlie tens of thocsar ds of our mouriiing land who have been robbed of every- ining on earth by the enemies of God and man. General Hunter, in his retreat by thia pUoo, ordered tho plunder of my house, and was With difficulty restrained by General Averill f’soin burning it and every otL:>r building in the Valley. 1 lest iu a single hour the labors of a !‘f* ti.Lae, and with it, every single vestige of a har».^ It*".) in a fair and sufficient home. Every Uno ot lore, every token or memorial of the living ar I 0 i\ad ia gone, and I can truly eay in that hour, to:', there was not a sentiment or an affection l af 'lic? i uman heart was capable cf, whether ro- ating to time or eternity, that was not shocked an.l iasa’ted by Btich atroeious barbarity tw I eally never had any possible conoeptiou of, until saw ;t exhibited by the miserable miscreants that car.uot tligmly with the name of men. If Gen llnn^. r 05 his Government think such scenes tend o su^jG"ation, they have in this, as in evcfything eho, slsnder-'d and defamed human natur«'; for ife itself would be but a crowning insult, ifspared, 0 bo npt-nf in contact or association with things so rcv:i!ti''g as Yankees “'i'bus it is that I now wish to fit my sons for their j.resent duty to their coimtry and to their 8'atu. I do not begrudge my heart’s jc-.wels to Virginia I wish to fit them to achieve her inde- pcncionoe, to maintain her honor and their own—or to vintiic-iie by a soldier’s death their title to the na*ne of n:.‘»n, gontloman and Christian.” THE ¥t0NBM.4N~RA1D. To tl-e EJitor of the Confederate:—Having jast returned Irom an exploring expedition of jcncs couacy, L can give some idea of the depre- datloDS and rascality of the thieving yankees Takia; wl'.at is called the middle road to Clin ton wc padsed Judge Williams’s, whore the yaa- kees had their extreme right. They completely riddl 'd the houses ot everything from there out. Every eorufield shows their path Mr. Bonner in Clintoa vras robbed of everything, even to tubh knives, and what could not be taken away was totally destroyed. Nearly every family has suffered from them; in many, every piece ot crockery and furniture has been wantonly de stroyed Ladies’ and children’s clothing were taken and cut into ribbons. House and bed linen alsi cut and torn to pieces. Every mule or horse was taken. The negroes were in some places forced away, and in others gave them their olioicc. Such negroes as were known to have left on their own choice, and afterwards captured by us, have paid the pena'^ty by swinging to some limb. Ooe boy. Minor, owned by Jae. Blount, Eh}., mistOvk one of our men for a yankee, and c»mc up at^king for a gun, as he wanted to shoot the datu rebels Whereupon he was scizod and irrm^'liately hung. This boy had runaway from Mr. li. sincj Octuber last. Beyond Clinton, on the Monticcllo ro.^d, every i3>a.‘'inab!e depredation that hate and milica could sugsrent to fi nds was porpctratod Smok kousoH biok:n open, mc“t taken, aod what could not be used was cat up and thrown away; trunks, rlosots, bi^roa desks, &o., were broken open, valuables tskeii, and papers, notes, &e. destroyed. A' Mrs Ha.skell’s they took everything, and nsei every sort of abusive language, ard then made use cf her house for u hospital. Even now the Yac'itics are quartered there, ar d no provision m«de ior their removal, whi’e the very people they rohb?- arocud there are supplyinj^ her and them wish provision The battle lie'd presents nothiae remarkable for ino: Iciii, as usual with a cuvnlry fight. Many of il; ■•^'1 remain uuburied, and in the Wv)01b (xtci tting for ten miles^ now and then can be seen a vottipg carcass of a Yankee. Guns, carbine, cart- rifigPM, kettles, broken sabres, letters and papers could be found in every direction. Wauted—Wo«d Lai&d. T’HK undetaigued will give a fair price for a well woodod tract of LAND of lao or 200acrert. ou the Railroad at any point between Joneatwro’and Fayetteville. Woo l, pittdi piue boxed cr nub' jxed. HENRY E. COLTON, Agent F. K. Co. Fayetteville. April 19. 2.'»tf Aog FLOUR AlTD OATS. FLOXJB and OATS will be exchanged for Com At tae Store of D. MsLaurin, by giving him a few d BOtloe. Floor good. Oata No. 1, blaok ot whi^o. Jan’y 2» ’ ’ 'f YoiDg’s irltluMtieal Distionary, EKBKAOIHQ a systsm of Arithmelio, Bea^y Beekon- hMft CMmlAtM, Boak Keeping loewk 4o. ll'>ckiHgbani, R?chmoDd (0. N. V. I >u aH iSli> * T'FF. *‘^i^r»d -rou'dre^i ft' ly h.a f iend'^ ^ - i^K public ho i? jiiJt ti p i-'ii } of the foilo’rri.'.g srfo’.ca, w‘'ioh be rill "olt • chc s*b ihe high aad a g-ettly depreciated c r'^T'O/ tT.ll permit of, to wit: Sa’iff, Tcbacoo, vdg^re. Sn kiiig Tobftcoc, Car..tle», Matches, Pipes, Pins arid Keodles, Kt^ittirg Neellee, Spoo' Thrrad, Flax amt Siik Thread, Biea^'ied asd unbleached Eomespnn, CaV-OO, Rc p SVirts, Coppera", Soda. Epsom Salts, Lardant’a, Camphor, Alum, Ginger, Pe?par. 8f»ce, Sugar end Coffee. He ^511 barter on the m^Bt favorable terms any of bio goods for Batter, Eggs, Lard, Baooa, Oo*^Md Wheat Give him a caU, if you wish to get good bar- WIW*IAM a. TEBRY, feTiDMirtT North Cdroiina SoJJiers* Homo.—A para graph has been -published in one of the city pa- j>ef8 f.jSegirg that the wife of a North Carolina PoHicr had recently been compelled to sell her ch'.ld in on’er to get Ibed for herself. We have b' 'n nfesured that il such was really the euse, the V.- could, if she had applied, have obtained atit relief at the Home for tho North Carolina Soldit’Ts, established in the old rTnion hotel. Dr. M-. ison, 8urg“on in charge of North Carolina llf'^pini No 21, is the agent, and Gov. Vacoe haa Kuch arrangements that no North Caro- Un . no*" the wife ot relative of a soldier fco u thai Slate, need become a beggar or asolioi- tor of rtlni^ in this city. Hundreds have been cai or, an-l hundreds more will be cared for if they vill only apply at the agenoy, or make their wants known to the surgeon in charge. Richmond Examiner. bf C(trtm M ft Har. iVWMSI The Realm, an English paper, describes ft sia* gular scene. Some cotton has lately been import ed Into Farrington, where the mills havo beea closed for a considerable time. The people who were previoosly in the deepest distress, went out to meet the oottai; the womea w^ over ll*Je»aB4ki8Bedttfcem,«idlbia$lyiBi^ the i 9lQsr Qv«r tibe vdoMM

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