Q'.— ©S." PUBLIC LAWS. EjritTTKD FkbV lb, 1864. , f. . • ■ / Li nit /■ .. .1 i ■ ;r,silOj \ Th»t the »iofdors nt : shrtll be n-lil the . ot Aprii I8tu, v’;«t ot the Ml iad ut tiiti h Trea-ic.y :»• ili > JS*-’■ o; 4 [ • / J. .-U*' tno peril A ;.il • = .(,■1 -Sit' 8h«U b« suhijeot to • t»x of 38* per oent. on eT- ty or effects of any kii>d, not ennmerated n ery dolUr promised oo th« finj« thereof, wud tax the procedmg paraj:TOph, botweoii tJ^ie tmies to attftok to said notoa wherever oirealated, and ' named thorohi, 1() |M^r cent,, in andjtion to wiidi.otoflfobcluodableandcxoi^ug.;ubleforucw^tho tax on &uch profit*^ >is incorno, nndortlie Trf.asury notes, a.-» herein provided, subjcct to Hl'orertuid. the deduotioQ of siid f^vx. j JH. On the auionnt of profits exceeding Sko That any Statp h. llJujc 26 ])or ccnt, ma'io ^nrin_J^^ oithor of the years not«?8 rG«)oiml baf'jre tbe t!iueft Leroin j ,md JSti-lr, l>y aii.y bank or bunking taxi:;}: laid notes shall be nlloyd till the first j insnranco, cannl, nnvijfation, itn- 03)' ol January to fund th- F »a:c in 6 {>CT ‘ - f*" L (W^OOBP -ly: -h’l- of of th ^ -r:- T’-w ri.j'.iinfi .‘■’•-T the ■ i ■ \ 3t-'Ctlcn, i c£ 4lu;ix *id, ^h^il be held to uHVo bt/\}Q roiwlvcd I di'jainv.‘ t .-d by ibe amount of b»ud ui Th»* dii- i onDjir'.^**»>‘t-vper4 thi* ^ubjt*ct tht* tiix i arid iK>r so Eubject, i^haU be — 13. Th:*i Troa'^ary nv>t;r« h« rctoioro ift-?uwl interrate of ST -iO on the SlOO rtucn exct^it^. Ml Kim-1:3 rt r.niit-'. I '' . >!•■ • H-..ch .b;U! •.n- pro', ■ fHii r.iter ■.• pi ‘ •! t !M oi iiUC ^•or onn UI pay- Ci ot jubiio (ii'cd. brt sh i'l Ic-ui--i a?"J i:-.'" id;'rrd bt od.^ ot the Mtr.us, tM'ia- a!'.or tb' r; of ;* fi ^'S -> wiiti tiio i‘aif-.-d Su-- f-0i.iins5 i-«t‘ uJ • apiclHed fti ih'. ir ii.i i;, paVi*”''‘ iry o! auJ i-vcry ycM ., 1! Thfitfhi lWe't-;y 1 ibr Tr.w=uvy blv !i: Ja.'i ;t PJt .-11 pf 'f: ■ 'fc- '•.n ■'• li ’. ■ t ’ r r ti \'n- bo, ; {'ay D;ay U-; is beroby, b.uthjnzeil i:i ciiLM' tua **J:v 'i-is of I he (vjverniii; t' oeu’Aud ./tiny j.n’ lo co;.!.r«3tv^^ i Bi .\:r • Ji? T';^; M! ; (.. t\!'tor wi’C' pA. 'e o! ‘t' 'O r tb',> t.- 't ’.ti !i ‘ Ui'r tedl';-'-, to jsiUC-i bv '«’ i i fonu • J lie itiriv i^n-’-rr, ; ' Alter .{ riuiijv-i'i .u ul a ; o Uc---'l ^fates, bcutia;> n.i:rjrt r-•■ ». I"-'I t-tiuujii, pa^aoi o'.i; I u!v bv si.'teiiii ' !cbt p.^’t, oi *m;- -V JUL ^•ooBpirftoiet, or attemptB to libmr- ate prisoners or war hdd by the Oonfederate States. X. Of COMpiraciea, or attempts or pr^a- rations fo «id the enemy. XL Of pflrsons advising or ® to abandon the Confederate siRt the Confederate State-, or to adhere to the ^eiOT. J hurn?»iy, Jeatroying XII. Ut Jjiopting to burn, destroy or or tele- "*' "j'STinc of corninuniciitiou, or }>ru]>orty, ^!*ii!‘the intent of aiding the enemy. . rp, .* n fv.ui K III. Of treason able dewigns to impair br.c. D. r.ie t-jllowiug exemptions^^^^ , military power of the Government by r^tu,u uiuUr thi^i itntHlmll ho ' dostroving, or attempting to dostroy. vesselft or arms, or innuitioun ul war, or arsenaFa,^ foundricB, worki-nops, or other ^ro]»(‘rtv ot thy Confederate States. Sec. 2. The i-'resident sliali caust* proper oiiicerrt to iiivet^tigatfi the ciu^e^ of all peisonn 80 or detaified, in order that they II-..vy l>e (iiHichargO'i if iinproporly detaiuot], unlVsa trioy fan be Bpeoliiy tried in the due ccuico of law. S«’c. 3. 'I'har during tiie su^ipeiirtion u,fore- 8ju!, no niiiitrtty or nthur omcer shall be u t».i*’!niin.i.rv .>r naval I oompoHeti, in answer to any writ of habeas under ttiii? act shnll bo of a tamilv taxation towit: I. Prop*’rty of each . th-. v.Hlue of^.Sot); aT'^ ^ each, ninior c uU of the family to f»irther value ol $100, :nd ’ .r P.a.-** uc Hj o>'ti::>'ryd in -. vv tliu Ui :i ac •I V. V !5 ily t!'i^;^!^yd in tU*i u haa «Iievi or been >r uttVKl scrvic.e, :'f^d T'li-Mibv.r uf tlio fiunily wl\«*u ho i-,A ; - . ti t!i(‘ fpr*hor value of S'-crc"' i-y lu .«u ;• V'Vb'O veiir.s O’" l.'H) I ia who enti-! ;■ ^ ' II. Pro]-.^ty of t-e t.'t any oincor, tu>].ii(‘r, r';i!ivror iti*ivi;>r. v/ho uiav have dio'l or hfH’ti rilk l : ecrvif**', >r whf r-c tl. the fiv'.iily, ; v/ilue uf I in. Proj.^’irtv ot' !B rn- ,.r chi! 'r«n, t" ‘h.e ev *,rv wi'h «,]• /uur:i!e, fhe nivo o; six n-iiffrrv or i ;/jJ :;erv uao;u.ily, I been disabied in such ".•I under !;*w, th.on of j corpua, to ap(xur in person, or to retnra the body of any per>«n «»r peraonft detained by him, )>v ri-.e i'.riUiority of the President, Se- cjctn^v *'i Wt'i, or the Gunera) otiicer com- tho 'JVaas Mi.yjiidippi department; but 'ipju the rerriQcate, under uath, ot the o^oer. floldior, *r!y t'ru.’;a2.’'el iu the i*. or of TAich as haVe leh ifci vico, t) the value | olhoer iiaving t h!»r}j:e of any one so letained, *)rovideii, th:4t tho above exeiii{»-i tiuit such person ia dgtaiaed by him as a .1 ; , i'.i I • . i --.’ry, ,r .II-- L- v‘- ....o i/.’ t.;l Gu'^cra - ' ;'.ie ►jbii.-; Vi •.cui.-'i-r pro- -■ ;■ r -,r in ^avcioa!' 1:=, '; wr poataru, or io es- L. 1-- i. c“ hcTciiittf"!' prt>vid:-’>i, und a!n J! bo fomds.b!'’-- in bunds as ;st xtic-n - t this nnti! > ’ ; ■'=, !^:c WzU; ot • I ‘.orr.'f ti'as lii'vu tem{>>jrtiriiy «leprived of the j in fore* ! ikr . ki**■* 11 ?i*■. 1 ■* c i.r of tho ineaiii reiwi’-jn of thu the en-ijuy, r V reqiiir I’tiiC vii->v' f‘.» fiu-wb ol the 'r«uL'.vi tht -i' iui he luaj deeiu expodiei.t i USo or uccuj.'uiicy ihcrc-*!, ol S3.' I'i The .s.-crc'Jiry ot the Tr.-:i-ary -;hAll [ of cultivatiii-c the Eauie, by f'.-•••■h*-:.-^”cr-’so •• f ^ u'i ito'.v ,. . ors ; preceiiv;0 the j r/xi!uity oi p-a’r ;i iurJ in the ^*:vc-ral Htatfip, and by eai. i ■ er i the on such pr«>per'y itjhv lit? u rUi.^ ik'i thsll seourc j.tjbh rcdufetl, in pr«.>}»oitL->? li.iuiatre tir of Wat and t\i>- ;f fbo | \.y the ownyr, ->r tisL* tnt a-^SOSSe-i HaMiC raHo y uvi vVio'r ur :\8 S>vy r»hail cich it ti publitbtid tor tbe :Li\irmatioa af tb.t ;f tho j.n ne '■U,T • m Mie :! ?h9ll bo ?" . rj, ai :M.y . of jvj’ en ■ r^:e ( . ‘ * Uf ’.I • :v!cd to t ' t c-a*7 -•! ti cfaw . : I •vi, nest ot iOiTy r aD. ^ -ry ' . r=( i:tc d.'il- n 'U .^aiu tiT'j righr to rul ordrT aaTy. 11 Tbi! rid hcClioii ut t?i-i set !vJi the ^.>a»cut an»i «, .lieofiua of taxt.i, .May l::t 1' .-J, i.-l iioJel;y ffpcalcd .Ssr J’Kc ooeretary ot t!.-J Troa-ur; >• ji.'r; ‘ y i and re^^uired, upvju the uj.-jiii- CjiP jii jf ib“ h-..lJer of any call osvfincate, wKii h, by ‘h^- Crvt i of the act to piwide for the ' ne'' f'l 1 iiue and lurtUer iahuo i*t Treasury noten, e}>- iirovivl M»- h 'iHd 1'0S, was requin;d Nj W ch ' -7 ft.e '1 T iKi »■ ,f tW\- IV I t ;■ :>erty laid se 'Ft'd as i.'i -Ai-t, and li : tJav i-f June tand any Oi paid Tr^sary totei-, aitcr the Ir.t day of Jankry 1-SO.S, i^hcrcVjr tckcn away; 7 Vr, Tl'.at UviO.T aU fwch T'c^ury whj.'h tn*»7 -.-’it -a t\e Is* uc\y oi JanuiiTy \8G5, and wLioh u.iy uot be nsbarcf.d ‘in r ryTided, a u.? or be reaeivod into the Trenf under | trom this tax on the valn.c c the r>*t,vu-:ons oj thia acti and the Loldeia of the | p!oyc new nctas or of tho old act'js, except those ef the t valao den> aunatioa of 8100, alter they are reduced to jeatfl on the dollar by the tax at'yr«>j&id, may contort t’i3 sa-3'6 into oa’d certificates bearic^ ia- teresi st (qo rate of 4 per cent, per acnom, aa-i pcVi ii- j'-ars altar » ratifioskUon ot a trcnty ol pna>-: wuli tlio United States, urlccs sooner ccnverted into new Lotos. 6. That to rsiy the expenses of the Gcv- erna;c. L act ct.nerwj?e provided for, iLe Secretary of the J rtat per L ■ • ii, han' -- ; ttr’ '=. . oii for rco vai tiiere'U nifiy 1>€ n. U-c- d by ll;> iistriu^ ',ur, di>:»'‘3 >nbi.- !t:c^ I ir. Seo. 6. That the tu'^i tor t‘*c yoar 1S6-1. shu:! the !.i. ot t’.c } a'.-at'ti dutfvpd {^n th I ai • • u aii^er : ] r.i-'lica’*!'', al'ov,'- m;.' at) oitttu“ir-n >t davs Wctt oi tW ili^>iBs:i!>]»i Tii«* ldi!i--Ma: taxes n hereattcr dceiaed to be a bond, to issue to Buch ] iiict,J!\eii »r pr-'li’.i t'»r t!:e voar levmd holdsr a b'jud thcrsfor upon the tarmd provid-. d , },y (] shall by «nd euilectod by said acL f.Ttiiwitli; and tho taxe? on inc')mes or jiro fiii* 1 ir tii“ vsar lS6i, phall t>e a.'-t*.'’;'ad an> c.;iiectcvl ' ccori’.:!.g to t!io provisioi»s of tin- tax and jisseciini-iiit afts ot l^n8. I L'.f.n:. 7. t^-o luuc'i .r the tax ac* of the ‘24-th i: ?>.-i lo r April It;« ;i, 'i» levies a tax on in- taxea for tho common defence aii-l to carrv o.i ‘ c^mes deriveu tiyin pioperty or etfecit> uh the amount or va*”.e ot wti'cb a tax '.a levied by tliij Uf't, Hud hUo ‘'an Ijt section i.f j4d;i act, are suspundea for the v ui 1 Cl, and u eu'/raatcd rent, h!re *r iuier*.-i cn jto- perty or credits herein inxci a1 vr.ii>rem, sh.ai' ue £,£eer-.i.ed taxtd .>v, j l’-. lyf the act of I860. Slxj. 8. That tha tax imp )‘'.cd by *h;3 pct Oil bond? of tho C^mfederare fore i>ioned, ehall ■:i lo case an 1 E or 8ec. 4. Tliia Mct tJuill conliuue in force for ninety uavr> at'U;r tliu uoxt mcetinir of (Jon- Hud 110 longer. THR MILIT.XRV BILL. Se *iou 1. Tliat lioiu and afler the pa.^- a>^ >f thi;j act ad white melt, rfididetits of the Con*’cierata t-fates, between the ages of 17 and 5", shall be in the military service of fhc Ooufederate States for the war. Sec. *3. Tliat all the persons aforc*i?aid, bo- twee!! the a^c-i ol’ 18 and 45, now in service, sluill be retained during tho prese'jt war j with the IJ. S., in the sarnp reirlmont-^, bat- I ta’.ioiici itiid c.^'n])ai.‘iei, to which they belong at j)as6a,'-:e of this act, with the «a?ue or- g'^u'z-f.tion and otHcers, unless repilarly transforred or discharged, in accirdance ■hall b« liable to be placed in 6€»nrice m Ae for the war, as if he wore between tae ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of wo- vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of clerkiH, guards, agents, employe®* or ers in the Commissary a«d Quartermaster^ Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and of olerks and employees of naivy agents, as also in the execution of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be performed by pereous who are within the ages ot ,1S and 45 years, and who by the report ot a Board of army surgeons shall be repc»rted as unable to perform active service in the (ield, but capable of performing some of the above said duties, specityiug which, and when these persons shall have oeen ivssigned to those duties a« far as pr;ictical.»le, the Pre sident shall assign or detail to Liu'M perform- atice such bodies ol' troops, or individual:?, required to be enrolled under the 5th sec tion of this act, as may 1,‘e iiecded for the discharge of sucii duliwi: Provided, tiiat ]>ersons between the ages ot 17 and J8 shall be aiisigned to thoee duties: Provided fur ther, tliut nothing contained in thi# act shall bo so coriKirued a» to prevent tho President from detailing artisaiw, mechanics, or per sons of sciunti'flc skill, to perform indlBpon- sable duties in the departmental or bureaus iiereln mentioijed. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or Aa- ttistant Quartermaster, Commissary or As sistant Comriiisbary, (other thati th«.«e serv* ing with brigades or regiments in the tiehl,) or ortl/*.ers in the Ordnauce Bureau, or Navy Ageute, or Provijsl Marshal, or otiicer iu the conscript scrvice, who shall hereafter employ or retain in his employment any person in any of their said departments or bureaus, or iu any of the duties mentioned iu tho 8tli section of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, oh conviction theroof by a court-martial or military court, be cashiered; and it shall be the duty of any dejiarlment or district commander, upon proof, by the oath of any credible person, such officer has violated this I'ro- provisions, to be delivered by such person as aforesaid at equivalent raites. 3. Such person shall further bind hiuiseK to sell the marketable surplna of provisionfl and grain now on hand, and v,hicii he mt ■ raise from year to year while his excm;'iioi continues, to tho Govcrumeut or to the faiL ilies of soldiers, at prices tixed by the Com missioners of the St.°-t:e und;r tl.e impress ment act; Provided, tluit .iiiv person ex empted as aforesaid, shall i>e eiuitk-d t' a credit of 25 per cent, on ;ny rni .'r-t ufinf'- ■ which he myy deliv*^)’ i-frut- ui • from the ]>a.‘^sa^o oi‘ this jict: i ioviJr i tir’ thcr, th.Ht p(ji*sona c jniin. '."IHjin V'V iv sions of this, exetnjjt! tubiniil i; .1 - ii- .rive- of the benefit th«r(i-,4‘ l>v ■ ; been enrolUid si’u.'!:•_* I-1 d;'.v of ’-\ b. l- » •1. In ad.ii^i(j:! tl « * tions, the Sccrc*^ti.r'= of V/. rection of the P;cc' ! ■ -, m: tail such other ;*e lied oiigh’ to Ik* . -;t, i.ii'v e':euM;r . • n-i ns ’..i .;C ^ ..t!- eiupi-:.’ o.: ;m . .’t! . li, public necessity, and to injure tiic pro'-bv tion of grain and other prov’si lor il.; aj-tny and the 'i'amilic^ of fcobJier:. He n;ay. also, grant exemj)tioi!S or dtil:*Ms, (-ti kuci. terms as lie may prescrlli'-, t(= iU"-; over seers, fari-'aero of plauU.-r: V-i.^ iduj i -: k.-'*-- iefied will i>e more iircii;’ ti: •. ’-n? y ;; the jiun-uits of ntrric.liin tl.-.- s:i ^ tary service: Provided, tus’ uc.h c • shall cease whenever the la^ iiicr, piAt:!;-::- j^- overseer shaiV dilikre:ii.y t> ein;. m" i: good faith, Lij (-^vn rkl’’; ' ? t:;i ti- o Ih’^o! oxclusiv^ely in t!i;' '-rouu;.*‘ ai ■ f uvi ' . :ind provisions, to be toid to tii?‘ «>ov r5ii ent a.il the lamilico of-vloi- r^ at pi;ce.«T=.)t c^cwd- ing those fixed at Ihe tiii'c lu; 1 .ii,“tirli:.- by the Coianiisflr.r.evs ' f tl K.rat;' \:-'cV.- the impresbineut act. 5. The president, trcii3ur;.r, u’lditor and su|Xirintendent of a;;y c.jiinm'.;, en gaged iu trauep->rtaiion e • "'i ■. . it, and sucli officers and otnj>*-> cec- *' ureof tho president or ir,u!)orinr,.ndv a‘ ! M rei tiiy on oath to be ii.dispeuea-’c) ; • tUo cfHciciit operation of ^s:.i rsdnKid; J rov. ’od, tliat any such offlcer Las viuiatea this I'ro- the number of p-0rs_-!!s s cxctui-* J by iM-i vision, immediately to relieve suCh officer; act on a:iy railn;ad >=h.a!l not (iXCi oJ one >>- • from duty; and said commanders shall take son for each niiU- ol bucIi r>:iJ - '■ uhI L.:-e prompt moasurea to have him tried for such fur military tia:iepori,i’ - in, an - 6;i,d ^Qalpr olieuce; and any commander as aforesaid shall be rei-ortc. 1 b) i ;: (l d-..ic^i? " oii, failing to perform the duties enjoined by j wifli the nainos of v/ho have 'eiL the this section, shall upon being duly convicted j oiiiployi’ient of said c o.-- v"»'» r 8v there*'f, be discharged from the service. ] ceutoc to be indispensal:: j. Sec. 10. That all laws granting excmp-1 6. Tuat nothing • t.aticd tions from military service be, and the sutae i>e construed ii& repcaiuir the acl t?’-pr A-n Ar* to lay additional T(ju3>eafor th^. com- ir\on dej'e7!u' and rtv-port of Govrmmnxt. Bee, 1. The Ct‘ngrc53 of th» Confederate ; t’tato^ of Aiuorica da enact, That in add Mon to tho t.’.XGS levied bv ihe a*t “to Is tor TIC.9 Tica.'^'riry r.ot-'i’. r.*; b. cf jOO ^rr sent, is hereby iiapoacii Sj30. 0. Ths‘ aitsr tho first dtv of April next, all r.'::tierity heretofore given to the Secretary of | tiio Government of the Confederate Stfi-ci .’' the Treaiiry to i=«ue Treaaurj’ Dotos shall be, and ■ appr«jved ij tlh of April 1S63, tliere shall be h hei^cby, rercked: Provided^ ihe Secretary of, levied, from the passage of this acl, on ' T!*eft;i:jry niRy, alter that time, i‘aue tew subjects of taxation hereafter mentioned, Trer^ar} n-otes, ;a v.iah fonc as hemr.y prescribe,; ^3,] c,dlec»/od from every person, o.>partner- j»yab.2 two years ^ the ratiflcatioa of p. treaty , aagociution or cori>oration, liS^lo t)ii?re- airtpTit ^ L value of property, real, per- exopot eiport and import daticfl, to be issaod ini , r , , 1 • j * 1 3 exebnnge for old notes at the rbte cf 2 d'olUra of mixed, oi every 'lud and descrii>- tl-e new for 3 of th? old iseuos, whether scid old i hereiuaiter exempt^ or texed al a , ^ ^ corn -' r notoG l>s s-irrcndered for exohaneo by the holdara i different rate, 5 per cent.: I rovided, That V . “ i fmm t)na tjiT th« vaIiia rfr*irmrf’v ck?''- i OV Or U»r THiiiOl, are, iiereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted except the following-. 1. All who shall bo held unfit for miilLa with the la'WR and regulations for the gov-! ry service, under rules to be ]>rcscribed by ernmeiit of the aroiy: Provided, that eoni- i the SeerctArv of War. p;viies from one 8t:>te, organized agaiuft I o. The Vice President of the Confederate their OAjusent, exprensed at ihe time, with | gtate»J, the members and oificers of Congress regi>rcnt.s or battalions from another State, | and of the several State Legislatures^ and engaged in thoir ixrp joiiv shall iiHrC the privilege of l»eing transferred j „ther Confederate and State officers as c.ip&tiona to organi7.atioiid of tro-.ps, i;i the sanie ariii 1 the President, or the Governor of the re-1 Sec. !I. Thftl tho l’ic5:dc;;r bo, jtnd lie is of tho £- rvico, trom t)ie States in wliich said j gpective States, may certify to be necessary j hereby, authorized to gr.mt dut;v. . under comoHuios were raised; aiid tl)o soldiers from I f,,r the proper administration of the Con-j general rula;;d regchit^ :i« l ■ i t - ed or,o State, in oom}>auies from aiud.her Stal-, , federate or State Governments, as the ca^e t fK)ia tli3 War Dep^rnucnt, ciliicr oj pereous Aj’iii. the Irith i8o3, e'ltilleu c-'HU!- c j?iiracior£, lor c;,rryi.ag iUli V«d ti 1'!-^ t'* tiie mails ot tne Oi.^iifoderate Stato:^, ai'd the drivers o‘ p(»st C'.'ach'..-8 ;tnd hacliJ, fiou: \ ice: i'rovidcd, that ali i lO granted under Uii6 act whilst the per^oiia exooirre nti;ry fier- eX‘. u:piiL-ne o; ly continue are a;tually pUiSUlt.H >c- d iu agricnitnro sliJi" u« ^SucS die ' [" "'''=7 " o* the t;uc in kind delivered therefiora, ou the same shau i ' * exct-ed f looij. a£ af^oiised nader the law impoeiug it, and j An Act *o I tki privd>je of liV/' delivered to the Goveramcist; Provided,, of iia^cr!.', ivt c .tain That no credit shall be allowed beyoTid *■ ;* Con«titntion of th j C-ulcd- i }>t:r c«nt. j erato Stiists oi .^xioerica provides ia Article j II. On the vali»e of gold aud silver wares j 1, Sectioa y, Puragri*ph 3, that “the rrivi- I aud plate, jewels, jewelry and watchsa, 10 | le^^ of the writ ot hal>eaa c-rpus shall n.d per cent. | be suspended unless wiu.n in case of rebel- I ILL The value of property taxed nud3r , lion or invardon, t!ie public safety may re- ! this cectiou sbaii Ls aasei^cu ca ths basis of; quire it;” and wl-u, -i.c, tli'^ j>ower of scir- vrrit a3 rfi*'^^- ■i sole’/ if! ■ -:lu;>ivo judge i-- I be iree fr. m '.lyation, and ■-iui.- >t (*f interest thereon t.^js entiro oe* noy cx’t>cr!: duty her»aiter laid cn the tj; cotc^a, tob&ooo, and aavai si ores, wh;!., aha!' i»o esported from tho Ooulederate Staiu.-, ju i t.-ie net proe»ed3 of th» import duties now Inid. or io liineh thereof «w may be necessary to r&j *''i:.'.-idy the interest, are hoieby speeiaby pieii'T- that the dati#s 00"^ laid cn imp..r-.^ are hereby pledged and shall hereaf ter I ia 8p"CiO. or in f'teriing exohango, or in co'ip.'jri )f Htid bo'ids. S?" Vna. ihe decrctary of tho Troaaury is hereby iuchonzcd, Irom time to time, aa the waaii -U iho Treanury may require it, to sell or hypo: i.e.- -T i;,r Treuiury notes said bonds, or any part - I tf j'. ipoa chc best terms he can, bo as to inect »>;pin;.tio!?3 by Congresw, and at the cjatne nmfc i and r«j8thot the amount of the oirou- latiou ;a irefuiury coles within roascnable and sate S i authoriiLd by the 8th seo> t5v>a ;,.'j :)j^y tc either regisloted or cou- ' • **•' ■ ‘ i .>rc;c3 t&kiag them may clevitj ana e.ichaPj'cd for eaoh cth-sr under cnc: ! jiia V. t;io oecrctafy ot thv. I'rcii^afy may . - fhey shall b.j lur 5100, Risd shall th'cv ctro atiaohcd; be in r- J, «..»vui,uti0ati0a aa ra oou- ret&ry .h cu.; li casury may pfasorib j; tho ir.x're^t saah o.t p^yaoio hail yearly on tho first of Jau’y Mid Jr^b, i:j u».oh yew; ciis principal shrll be pay. able nt>, ^ ; * iiu / ye6,i» Iroiii th-;ir 8ko sJ j„.ii J. .1 o-'-rti!!cati.-i siiail b© andaldo, and !*jr ■: oo u:jL«:a ia ali reapcola aa i» providod for :he ir.y j.rj fjuica into which they are oon- fertibiS. if ooavertad before the time fixed for taxing ihe Xreaaury notes, such certiSoates shall from that time bear interest upon only 66| oents for every dollar pfomisod upon their face, and Bhail bo redeemable in new Treasury notes at that rate; but atter the passage of this act no call certiac\t!rt shall be issued until after the first dav of April, 1864. ^ S*o. ! •>. That if any bank of deposit shall give its dopoiiitors the Iwads authorised by the first section ot this act, in exeuange tor their deposits Md -pecntying tho same on the bonds by some hBtinonvo marit or t-jkea, to be agreed upon with the Hc^^rcuiry 01 the Treasury, then the said do- po':it>r Bfiaii dc entitled to recieve the amount of said Donda u; Treasury notes, bearing no interest and outstaadiDg at tho passage ot this aet: /Vo- wided, tbe t;iJ?d bonds are presented beftre privilege ol tunding said notes at par shall oease as herein presoribed. Sko. 11. That til Treasury notes horetotore uwucd of *:be denoti'.ination of $5 shall eontin.ie la be r^- >r«^olQ =a payiaent of public dues, as providev ^d tTiodabie at pur u^der the *1 aai aot, c^.J the flrst oi J^aly, 1864, s»4 Mlil 'Vs i It OMobsv UU, i iini. rflii IkH lit Alt' ehail be allowed, it they deaiie it, a tiannfor j nuiy to ori;rauiziitioUG from their own States, in j 3. Every minister of reliiHon authorized to ti»o aixme arm or UiO ii*ervioe. | preach according to tho rules of his church, Jcc. a.That at the expiration of six months j and wh.), at tbe passage of this act, shall be trom the tirsc day ol April next, a boimtv | regularly employed in the discharge of his >t #loO in a aix pyr cent. Government bonJ,-j ministerial duties; superintendents and phy- Stat-'s hereto which Liie Secretary of the Treasury is here- j gjcians of asylums for the deaf and dumb fcxci^ed V.' - ?M. ^3^ authorised to ie;ue, ^hall l>e paid to eve- [ and blind and of the insane; one editor for neb b‘'fv^, ,,r\ j noii-commiseioned officer, musician aud . newspaper being published at the time lallati^•s, f.bs'’l tvc ' p-iva^ who shall then be in service, or ijj ! this act, and such employees as said edi- ^ ucrcby authorized to ir.sue t’. , , r. , ... a.i tjo an a-nouiit net exceeGin^ five 1 marset vabe of the game, or simiiar Dro-: pending the priviie^'•'-d' r ; 1 vrri ? v; d-.ii-.rs, ilie prio’ipai and ia-' 1‘^rty in the neighborh(»d vviior«iH‘-f.jG6ed,in i ^Iz^d iu paid A 't r’ 1, - re-. ' the yer.r IStJo, wxcept iu cases v?here 1 *:> i, iho Cju;^ruric, \t^ slaves, cotton or tobacco have beer, pur- of tho neticssity lietwoeu 45 aud •'i-J yoare- oi or li-.-.u the army in the lield, in aii crjiOt vvhero, iU iiiti judg ueut, justice, o-puity and iicccssUy re quire snch details, a id he may revoke bUch ordoro of det4iilb whcusver he t??jitiks ; r. pfM- Provided, that the power herein granted to the i^resideut to make detaile and oi.omp- tions ehal! not bo constniod to i:uH:--*ri^e the exemption or detail of any contractor for , , , funiishing snpplios of any ki^id to tbe vJ^ov- ibo CNeut oi hi« death previous to the period j ^or may certify, on oath, to be ii ’'spensable ; ernment, by ;-3iV6on cf suLd contract, uulees no*, nfoderatfi par; tne lid State c: sticli payment, then to the person or per- j to the publication 01 sucl i- n»j vv.ho would 1)0 entitled to roceivoby law public printer of the Cmf tbe J^r earHgcsol his pay; biit no one shall be Govemmente, and p’’cli journeyuisn print- tr i.Li;;d to tl'c Ivninty herein prtjvided who grg as tho said p’lbnc prm*’er shall certify, Fimll »it anv t:im.% durin it any tum.-, duriu;? tho f'^riod of six 'oontt's next aitei the said first daj of April, b.a abaoiit from bis command without leave. Sec. -i. That no peiSon shall bo relieved from tl!c operation of this act by rt^son of ’ ivinc^ I'oou heretofore discharged from tho my where nu disability now existe; nor all tb'jeo who have fi'irnished suljstitates bo any longe’' e.xempted by restson thereof: Provided, that 110 persou, heretofore exempt ed ou acct»uiit of r*jIigions opinions and wiio to relieve him from roijuired to render military ests held iu any b.'ink, banking company or aaaociation, canal, uavigation, importing, exporting, inauranco, manufacturing, tele graph, cipress, railroad, and dryniocK com- paniea, aud all other joint stjck companies of every kind, whether incorj>orated or not, 5 cent. The value of propertv taxed under this section shall be aasosQed upon the basis of the market value of such property in the neighborhood where assessed, iu such cur rency as may be in general use there, iu the j^urchase and sale of such property, at the time of assessment. Sec. -3. Upon the amouat of all gold and bilver coin, gold dust, gold or silver bullion, wtetUer hebi b^ the banks or other corpo- lations or individuals, 6 per ceut.; aud upon ali uioiioys oeM abroad, or upon the amou.at of all bills of exchange, drawn therefor on foreign countries, a tax of 6 per cent.; such ifvs. upon mJhey abroad to be assessed and collected according to the value thereof at the pla^kj where the tax is j>aid. ii. Upon the amount ot aU solvent era- dita, anct of all bank bills and all other pa pers iiieued as currency, exclusive of non- mterobt bearing Confederate troitaury u(.>tes, and not employed in a registered bosinees, tho income derivad from which is taxed, 5 per cent. See. 4. Upon profits made in trade and business, as follows: L On all profits made by buying and sell ing spiritons liquors, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molasses or sirup, salt, baoon, pork, hoM, beef or beef cattle, ehoep, oats, hay, R»dder, raw hides, leather, horses, mules, boots, slioee, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot ton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harness, coal, iron, steel or nails, at any time be tween the 1st of January 1863, and the 1st of January 1865, 10 per cent., in addition to the tax on such profits as income under the *‘act to lay taxes for the common defence, and oarry on the Government of the Con federate States,” approved April 24, 1863. IL On all profits mada by burins an*’ for tbe Kuspenaion of tbe writ of habew cor »/U8, a'ld iiifortued Congrcissot conditio !o of pablic danger wiiich render the suspoi.'oio!! of tiio writ a measure proper for tlie public deienco agaiuiit invasion end insurrection; now, therefore. The Coasrress of tbe (Joufe-Iorate States of America do tnact, That doring tho present invasion of tho Confedoratc States, rue priv- ilage of the v/rit of habeas c r}>iiB bo, arid the same is hereby, fjuspendad; but such sus pension shaU applv only to the ca^es of per sons arrest«3d or detained by order of the President, Secretary of War, or tho General Officer commanding the Trans-Mississippi Military Dopartuieur, by tho authority aud under the control of the P?eaident. It is hereby declared that the purpose of Cou- gresij in the T^aosage of this act is to provide rnor« ellVjclually for tho public safety by Ruspeuding the writ of habeas corpus in t.h9 following casoa and no other: I. Of troasou, or treason able efforts or combinations to subvert the government of the Confederato Statos. H. Of couspiracias to overthrow the gor- cniment, or cM>nspiracie3 to resist tlie lawful authority of the Confederato States. ILL Of winbinihg to assist tho enemy, or of communicatiug intelligence to Uie enemy or^ving him aid and comfort. ’ Iv. Ot conppiracies, preparations aud at- tenmts to 'Qcite servile ineurrection. V. Of desertions 01 encouraging deser tions, of harb,‘riug d^juarters, and of attempts t/> avoid military eervico: Provided, Tliat in case ol palpable v/rong aud oppression by any Bubordinato otficer u}X)n any party who does not legally owe military service, his superior oflicer shall grant prompt relief tc tlie oppreaeed pait/, and the sulwrdinate shall be dismissod from olHce. VI. Of spies and other etoieearice of the enemy. ViL Of holding correspondence or inter course with the enemy, without neceaaitj >*. id without the permission of the Oonted^ > States. • XLL Of unlawful tradinor with f.'riA whitj male reftidonts of between tho ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll themselves at such times" and ]>laces, and under Buch regulations, as tho President oiay proscribe, the time allowed not being loss than 30 daya for those o»bt, aud (JO days for thoibe west of the ^lississippi river, and any pereou who shall fail so to enroll him- 6'jlf, without a reasonable excuse therefor, ti) be judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for tbe wsr, in the same manner as though they were be- tweea tho ages of 18 and 45: Provided, that the persons mentioned in this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence aud detail duty, and shall not be required to perform service out of the State iu which t hey reside. Sqc. 6. That all persons required by the 6th section of this act to enroH themselves, i*t»y within 30 days after the passage there of, east of the Mississippi, aud within 60 days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies battalions or regimouts, and elect their own oflicers; said organisations to confertn to the ezisLing la>V3; and, having so oi^anired, to tender t'tieir services as volunteers during tho war t> tbe President; and if such ojsgan- iaations shaii iiirnish proper mustor rolls, as now organized, aud aeposit a copy thereof with the enrolling officer of their district, which snail be equivalent to enrollment, they may be accepted as mL^ute men for soryice m such State, but in no event to be taken cut 01 it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before providetl; and may, by the President, be ro^mrod to assemble at convenient pla ces oi rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into compani-33, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to be prescribed by him; and shall have the right to elect their company and regimental oiiicers; and all troops organized under this aot for State deience, shall be entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay and allowance as troops now in the field. See. 7. That any person ’?ho shall fail to p’i.>iic prm on oath, to bo indispensable to perforin the public printing; oiic skilled apotbocary in each apothecary store, who was doing busi ness as such on the 10th day of Oct’r 1862, and has continued said business, without Intermission, since that period; all physi cians over the age of 30 years, who now arc, and for tlie last 7 years have been, in the autuil and regular practice of their profes sion, but the term phynician shall not in elude dentists; all presidei^s and teachers of colleges, theological seminaries, acade mies aud schools, who have been regularly engaged as snch for two years next before the passage of this act: i’rovided, that the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose s^'hools are com posed of 20 students or mo-e. AH snj>erin teudcutfa of ptiblic hospitals, estAblisbcd by law l)efore the passage of tliis act, and such physicians and nurses therein as snch su- porintcndonts'shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and efilcient management thereof. 4. Tliere shall bo exempt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or pkLsn- tiition upon which there are now, and were on'the 1st day of Jan’y last, able-bodied field-hands, between the f.ge8 of 16 and 50, upon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only bo granted In cases in which there is no white male adult ou the farm or plant«.tioa not liable to uiifltary service, nor unless the jwrson claim ing the e.xemptidu was ou the 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no caso shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. ^ Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica. in such form, and with such security, ana in such penalty as the Secretary of War may proscribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government at some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary ot War, within 13 months next ensuing, 100 peiinds of bacon, or, at the election ot the Govern ment, its ecj^uivalent in pork, and 100 lbs. of net b^i (said beef to be delivered on foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said larm or plantation, within tho above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork aud beef shall ^ paid for by the Goverumeut at tho prices uxed by the Commissioners of the State under the Impressment act: Provided, that when the ^>er8on thus exempted shall produce sabs- factory evidence that it has boeu impossible for him, by the exercise of proper diU^nce, to furnish the amouat of meat ihus contract ed for, aud leave an adequate supply for the n n rvA« 11 .a.1 the head or ercrctary of the dopartiuent mi» king such contract sup.ll ccrtify that -he per sonal services of such cjutract -r are iu- peneable to iho o.Tecution of ‘ d con:ra '■ Provided further, that when ;-,ry 'ucli co tractor shall fail, diligent y ai;d to proceed with the execution of sacb :u tract, his exemptioti or detail s'uill cea >. Sec. 12. That in appointing local bo^'rds of surgeons for the exaiuiaaiion oi p^^r.-.on'^ liable to military rervice, !io mcraber coiu- pi>sing the same shail l>e appointed from tue county or enrolling district in which they ar© required to niKke euch examination. Post Office, Fayett37iji8, i\f. C.,) Ocro3E?i 3, 1863. ) Sehs'.biU of tht Arrival and Deparixirt of ths MmU at thit 0{ficc. RALCIGH via AVESAG3aR0’, Ac. .lrrive9 di» ly, excop» Sunday, at 4| P. M. Dcp«xts d^iiy, eicept Satardv at G P. M. RALEIGB SaMWJUVILLS. Departs Taeuday and Friday hi H A M. ArriTe.‘» Wedneeda/ aud yuai»y at 9 P. M. WARSAW Tia CUSTON. AjrriT'a daily at 12 aoou- Depari« Jaiiy at 1| P. M- CAP.TUAGE. Arrives Tne.*day, T'lar j-J-.r »nd 3'.turd*y at 7 P. M. U?part3 Monday, W.'dae:diy »aJ Friday at I P. M. CHERAW, 8. 0. ArriToe Tuesday. Thursday aad i^tariay at 6 P. M. Depftria Sus'lty, Tueu-iay a'jd Tharidiy at 1 P. M. FAIR ULDt’F Tia LDMBSRTOK. Arrives TaeS'i'^.j, TLiavday aj-i .S%tur-!.iy at 6 A. M Urpari^ Suai-^y, Tac. Jiy iad T-i :njd y ai 1 P. M. ROBESOM’6 vift l^uTZ VGSTUTOWS. Departa .Moadiiy, Woincsday aad Friday a; tJ A. M. ArriT^s Tudsday, Thardav and Saturday at 2 P. M. ELIZABETHTOWN V!a rSREBlNTJ Arrives Moad*y at S P. M. l>(.parta same day (‘doadav) »t G P. M. MAQNOLIA via CV PilE^?S OHBEK.. Ajnlyw Tafr:-ia^r w ii P. -M. Departs same day (Tuosdty) at 2^ P. M. aWIPT ISLAND tia M0NTR08B, OOVIHGTON and PO’VELLrOK Arrives Tuesday at 6 F. M. Departa Wednesday at 11 A. M. SWli’r KLAND T^a TR-OY. Arrives Tarsday at 6 P. M. Departs Woducaday at 11 A. M. All mails l-avia^ bsfjr- 7j x. .VI. . 0lt>30d tao ovau ing before ut 9 P. »1 All I- to Pe scat 'ff f?om this ofiiflc, oiter tlt^n by mail, most he >^ni r^T ai; it wntbyiaaiL All let^n^ Hhonl-i b« prc nald by 2 ooiit stamps. Thn oQloc will tc op-’c on Suaday froa 8i to 9J A .. aad from 4J to 5* P. «. » " « * JA8. O. C(X)K, P M. f7ia tl ipoly V Tna i>roRTit uris W(>W ia tho teuth yaar of s’-isoosfilol operition. I' growinfi; o'^piud and fl; iai*r hold upon public ccu- tdenro, C'.^t’.aaes to iucure t^e lives of all koaitliy p;ii>- aona ft-ca 14 to 60 ye|^ of age, fcr caa yoar, ?;r suten years, aud for life—^u^meml-ors B*iari!ig nr af te AU elaves from 10 to 00 years of aje are i ?of oae^o%f w for live years for two tbir^ taotr vi 'xn. AjI letflce art poaowially paid witbia 9^; daya satiufaotcry proof is preaeated. For further information the public ta ret^rrcd to Agemto ef the Gompaay ia all partd o * Su-vf a, au-i te &. H. BATTLE, Seoret-:iry, Kueirb. B. J. UALG, Aj;ect aX I’y 1869. Fa^eUeviUe, !ii. 0 _ subsistence of those living on the said farm frem^TOM as required lor plaiiUOiaQ, th« Secretarr of War akali I tlM FmUaoL I dii^ » Ofimtaiiiii igf him. to ttia I

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