f ip- (DIB C£KL. Y VOL. XIV.1 FAYETTEVILLE. “N. C., AUGUST 25, 1864. fNO 136L] PRINTED MONDAYS aNI> TUURSDAY?5. EDWIRO J. HALE & SO!«S. EriTORS A.NP PROPRIETORS Pri^e fhr fh«* 3*ttii-WoeV1y OBSiavica $16 00, paid in ftdTance For the Weekly Obscsvck $10 00 per annam, paid in advanoe. VDVERTIBEMENTS inserted for f2 per 9 inare of 12 lines or Ippb for the first, and one dollw for each mp'^efdinjt publication. AdTprtisers are requested to Plate the number of insertions desired, or iuey will be continued UTl forbid, and charj^ed aooordina;fy. AdTartisen’-'nts rontinne'.l inWifc, charged as new »d- «rtisenient^ SPECIAL NOTIC?- Troia aa • .»or 'his date, no name of a new subscriber will bp enterod without payment in adraDoe, nor will the pap^r b sunt to siach pubscrihera for a lonj;er time ! than is r*»id for. Fuch of our old subscribers as Jeeire to take the pa- p.'?r on this systfra will please not:^ us when malciiig remit tar.c'-*. Jan’y 1, 1863. W. DKAVGHOIX. AUCTIONEER, 8. E. Corner Market Fqimrf, FAl'HTTETlLLE, €. tl^' Proicrt »t»eT?trcp fr’ven to el! bc^irrps in h*i« lir» erin^fted lo him Jure 10, 1864 40tf If. ]fl€illlLI/A]\% Anftionefr and rommissiou Merchact, •Vo. *-J«, finif street^ FAYKTTEVILLK, xV. C. Judo 6. 3y-3m IS.^Ar HOLLIN'(^S\VORTH, jrcrfr *ud (liniBilfisiou !II(rrhant.i FWKTTEVILLK, X. 0. *; tr«? ^ i- I*, Atiornoy at Law, i-AYSTTEVILIV:. N. 0. ul (he County and ifaforior Coun« of COTTOrV CAUD59, IVo. lO. The FAYETTEVILLK COTTON C\RD MANUFAC- TUBING COMPANY arc now maiiufacturinarr ARD^-^ superior to any run through the blockade, and ;it prost-nt are selling for a less price the singlo pair or by the quan tity. * Any pt'mon ordering six or more p*»irs«, th«y will be securely packed and delivered in Wilmington free of ex pense. Call upon or address A. A. McKETHAN. J. A. WORTH. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. F^etteville, N. C., April 18 24tf Fafettefille Rosin Oil Works. OUR Oil Works are now in complete o{>eration, and an we use nothing but good rosin in producing the Oil we can reonmnend it to M the best of the kind made in this ccpootxy. It Is a fine Lubricating and Tanner’s Oil, and w® would be glad to receive orders from the Government and the public gonera’Jy. We will sell on reaaooable tenas. MOO^, CASHWBiL & CO. April 15. a8,UT LrBm^TilvG oilT Concord Female Collef^. The next ae^eion of this Institation. located at SteiMi* Title, will eoiTP>«nee od the last Mooday of Anfttnt Th« i^rice of tuition, for the Peseion, will W from 740 to 60 The priee of board will be $100 dollar* for mcDth, payable in advanoe. unleea • speoial ar- cement shoidd be made with the Preei^ent. Bach bnrrder will be expected to ftirnish her own light*, tow el: . ard a pair of sbeeta. Le'terfi of inqniry will recefre prompt attentlo* if at'7r« Bed to J. M. M. CALDWELL. Av.g. 1. 1864. 67-7tpd. Charlotte Female iMstitute. The exercHnes of ihie SCHOOL will be reeamed on W?du«Bday 8«^t 14. Those who wish plaoea nnst mako early application. For oiroalar oontaiking terma. address Rev. R BURWELL. Charlotte. N- C. July *>3. 5«-f»tpd &o A IRA 111*9 HA1«TB. THIB salve bae been thorosfhlju tMted for may years, and H new oDbw* te Um 'yabVa with the i guarantee tb»t it poa«eflset«ll the«alo»ble heallag t>rop- WnBted—l»Vood Land. The ’undersigned will give a fair price for a well wooded traf.>^ of LAND of 100 or 200 acres, on the Railroad at any pc>^ at between Juneaboro’ and Fayetteville. Wood, pitch i^oe boxed or unboxed henry E. COLTON, Agent P. K. Co. Fay..tt«viUe, AprU 19. 26tf Headqosrten, K. C. Reserre, \ Raleigh, Aug. 6 1864. J Qbuujil Oboiks \ No. 5. I IT hM be.-n reported to the Lieatenant Qeneral Con- man>1ir g Reserves, that deef riers from the army *rc pticroitted to rsmtin aamoleiited in certain counties of thifi State It is hereby made the duty of the Senior R^r««a, to apprehend and deliver them to the nearest Ul&aryXomma&ittnt; and tho Captains of the differ- ent oom^anies ve *»sde and will be hold etriotly re- Bpous«hii tot the execution of thia order, in their re- spect^e oonibi-iea Bj' -jouiuktd of Lt. Qeneral Holnei. k W. W HUISDAidi, A. A. OoaaraL A' 5 . 67-7t LOSIT, The undersigned is now pn^pared to fnrnish to the J erties elaimed for it For all eate, bmiflee, bnmi. Maids, | j rKVrilTTr atp nf itnnnaw* publio a very 6-jpt'rior article of LUBRICATING j risings, felons, blietera,aleere,exeorietlone, Borenipplee, Tohu W Band ford, Eeq Fayetie^lie N C nu^ , I t:t ^ I ’I'-" ;riar; U ftnrr !f, Moore , a'- n'ioi' to -.i: :-nfU3*e'’. to b's !;3nf*3. I 17, ISo't. 8 TLL (iroirr and t’ontf‘*f-*lofs eAYKTTl Vi?J.K. I i^oVeson Ovun- :si-r. of all o-'-i r ^'yrr*r."nf. OIL, erptciaily fur CoiUin and Woclen Fuctoriet. W cUim that this Oil douO ucf gua, and :c*iy bo run at great.*r epoci witli Icsi jiower than any oiLer Oil exotipt 8perti. . Mr W H Pi>r(er, Tiutcauent of Phootix Cj*tci: Faci-iry. n~ye o/ n: “1 iip.vo been uaiag ycur Lubricai ing 0;i for i or 3 ncn»be, and fiai it to be euperi:r to any cibar Oil now in ve for labrioatirg.” ' r J -hi: tteibha-,/, iJup’t of Dlouut’s Creek Factory, sajti: •*I oan ch'’“- iul!y say your Lubrics'inj; Oil is a suffrior article. It iocs not gum in the Icaai, but keeps ihe joornals clear and bright ” Mr A F Beokcrdito, t?hiof F.a,nneer of th;» G 8 Arna- nal and Armory of this pUce, was requPft; *J lo try li ind says: ihirk for light machinery—sa Cotton Factories—and’ or hc«vy uia^binery when ibn n.otion is slow, your LubrioaiiagOil will cot.parc next in quai sty to Sperm ” Other cotton mannfACturers have tried it auJ pro nounced favorably of it. HENRY K. COLTON. Agent F*yett>,riUa Kcroaiue Co. 20*tf April 1, 1804 rtMi-r ukd gatheied breaete, and for all wmmda of every deeeription. it will be found eminently anocessfnl in af- fordicg relief and effecting a core. It is tecDliarly adapted to wounds exhibiting symp- toF.’S 0* f rysipclaa. II will also be found one of the | b»st apriicaticr! to the breast when it becomes neccs- Ea;v to i?y np the sfcreUon of milk. N('t p eennice without the signature of the Proprifior. Pti:ter.c* in .icade to the follovrieg p*rsocs who bt\i! the Salve ard e^a t>„stify to il^s heelin,; j po P Q Piicwdew, Pnrg P A C B.; Dr Wm F. B*r- ry; Hev. MobPit B. Sutton, R»otor of St. Bariholoactw’s rUurch, Pitisborougb; Col. Henry A Londrn: Hon A. H*ncber Ex-Gnv. rf N. Mexico; W. F. Harllee, mem ber of Ex. Botrd 7;h Cong. Dist. Pnr sale in br T,>t» F. AIRAM .1 htnpdale Fp 0*n.» F4IR SALE. LIWHT P1X-PAF8PNQER STAGE COACH with ?rk seat, new?y fired and painted, and in excel- lent cr icr ArpJy to R L PATTEBSON, Ai g I Patterson, CalaTeil C"U' ty, N ^i*sv4w bered V7, dated Mavoh IB, 1864, and drawn in favor of Mrs Hannsli J Tunnell. No'io*» is hereby given ‘hat application will be made for the tseae of a new oertifl- catB in ii“a of the one lost T> H HILL David ■'H Collfge, Ang 12. 69 1m Keckingham, Klclunond Co. !f. C. \ Aa^nst 1864 j I^HE mdptsigned would rpspeotfuliy inform his fnei:ds . und tiie public generally that he ia just receivinir a smell t«ck of the fci!owi;f articles, which he will sell as chesp »s the ligh taxes and a greatly depreciated curr'iioy w'll pc»iait of, to wm; Bnuff, Tobacco, Cigars, SiEfki jg Tobacco, Candles. MatoLea,' Pipes, Pics and N»^dkts Knitting Needles, Hi>oo' Thread, Flax end BUk ’"hrra:', Bieac 'ed and unbieached Bomeepnn, Caltoo, Ho. p SkirUs, Coppeia”, Soda. Epscm Salts, Laudianm ramphor, Alnm, Qioger, Pe;>per, Spioc, Su.o-ar and (3offec. lior He will barter op the m^'st favorable terms any of his goods for Baiter, Egirs, Lard, B&con. C''n and Whe*. Give him a o»ll, if you wish tn got g*K>i l*ar. feaics ^'TLLl.AAIR TEPRY, Atthestan i rortncrlf hy Carter ikS » Har Tiee** ^^op. in» %sfe. ,s A ?;Tr'iMiN, wv H KKavirj. .4. & € «., iND iiETUL n ’ -'t,. f- r-' »-»•■; «»’!? « "VT*, f». if it if N. C. ;;nr ; H tS & CO.- o-t 1 : c/r-'raraing Itt I. 73-12U linsHi.Ls i.y-: h-. - n’l F:. .dOO I^ACiiLE FOl'NDRT, \ F.'»Trrr*vii.L«. N. t’ , Juiv 4. 5‘'•4. i ^yE .*.RE NOW l’HEP\HSl> TO HK' ETvt? oR- j hTi'l road WHKELS I of tl' ' {^llow'nK sixes, v'l; 21. 26, ^nd 30 Uiob hL v. ■ CfSlLLBO TIRES T’l' Iron tto ?L;a’! unj for !a>':a wilHw^'OLD BLAST CHARCOAL UlON. anl w» w%r r-3t car wheeis Nv>T TO «>ud lo hn to *1:7 male in th' Cocfttderv^y, cr to tboii" of ^hinty a f' cf Phila''*»ipUi», wfeo^* r pa--\.i -n is •••> well known “ ’.i o^'l * I I ‘. n in::s Vv’; the b"!: rt-it.ua >ty d»?a’JierB io Wiliaipgt^a, fr -ra thence to any part cf llie Orders rcspeo'.'jlly '‘oU-'. 5 D. ‘N h. CO WES’M'EB:¥ S \IL I40AJ!>. rTHE FilSIOilT AUL PASPGN0^;R TTvAlNji of ihi=j • i leave F-.ycit. ?iUo d*ily, excepted) locli, L. JU., And rei iralng ler.vo Hypl at 1 P. M. MONDAY, WEHKESDAY and iU3L I X. %.% 3 0 0 clrK:K C\,-uL -.-.tJ ilcrte F^'fUAV. ■ ,. 'IJf'r so. jNu. M I103E, Tr.as'r and G**n l Ttann. Ajr’t. 07 tf ^5r »’ oii ./y rt3-r- -u, ;n, J.- 7.Vi fr'roBii and thU Jatc the Steamer X. P- HURT will lciyi at 8 o’oloi'k, .''J., on Moad^ •adT'r" i-'.y J08. A. '.VORTH, April o—I7tf j Ajf’t C F. Stsaoi Uoat Co. r;u :■ -‘i-’s kindb of VAgga ■r ■ rrjy '■ n’yU'ithir jkn-.l c*a • j i. 1 i.hair i- t'l V iHi- .Ji'-i a''eniion, an»i ^ .i JO'iH w., I, 'a t*»a t/C.. N. ^ „ I- ’> '■ j FA Mm AL L^SITR1N€5C '•P'tftl ifl I’rcniiiim Notes acio-.'iils lo 52‘>7,68^ ..;v> * - - - i, 077 3i) Burgeoc General*s Office, \ P>ALI10H, N. f5., JCMl ICth, 1864. j i M L’S4?E10ER will leave tills Offi jo cu the first day, A. find Ihe 8'tecoih day. of every month, for Gea. Lae’s May. .ill b'):^j8 left here for anv member cf! fltikt arrcy w'lu ^e csrriod there promptly by him and delivered to the owner EDWARD WAFREN, 41-tf Sur^a Qeneral North Carolina. rayettf'Tllle Ancsftl and Armory,! June SO. 1864 > ?§lOO BOUi^TY. H*ant€iij iO mllounted R.iHcmcn. Authority having tjc;n (granted by tie W*r D-; jiAni.jf.ut. to r*i3e a Comp^ry of Mcunied Riflej»f n f r .“■f^rvice ia tal vicinity, uetioe i* hereby gives that rooriiita lo ilic r amber of 40 non ctmscriplt will be re- 'cr tbiH psrviof, to flii up the comr*ny to the re i;uir i Nucibor of 100 Eaob reomit wiil Ixi required to furnish a gevi'-'able horio, for whioh he will be al io rd 40 cents per diem, and hie pay $12 per month. \nrittm pmiittcn will be reqair^ frora parents or vjlero ajiplioaut is Jie ooa^orlpt Ckch reomit must bring with hint a blanket or* S«d spread, and come prepared lo remain. Bri l!c •, BadJies. laitcr« and eaddle blan^jets famish- e l by tho Gor .rr’ueat, cr it the r^oruit eomes provided VTi'h la-'tn, be Wili fce p^id for tbem a fair valuation. Apply to Miycr MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar- F. L. CBILD9, to if] Lieut. CoL C. 8. A. Comd’g Post. ~ flOLEARls tt£WABl>. ON lasjt Thursday my bsy m*re, with a blaek na^e aud t\il, broke Ic'ee at Egypt St%tion. Chstham county 1 hnve not seen her einoe. 1 ju^ge that eome pcison has taken her np or stolen her since she got '•oc’.'o. H*’C’s of commor ti*e, poO'l looking, her m»ne oons.der*b!y worn cff with the collar; her left eye has bcf-n ail kr\oel'»‘d otU. the hair robbed cff her back. 1 wi’.l gi’o $100 for the recovery of the mars and i MO for U-.- ('rr»'af •'T i>-« thi-f if stolen HARRIS TYSOR V»-' .Inlr V 7ipd*'f Wool Wanted for the State of N. Carolina. '^HF iindcrsi*ned ooiUintio to exohange COTTON fjpwo 1864 }| Claim your Horses! EN'B0Li,isa Orric rayoitaville, N C , Aug 15, , | ^WO wert'r*f".nt!y capture 1 7 miles f*'om i p!*.c? UTi.Ji'r cirai'^-^tia-'■> wi.ic'j i- * 1 to the i beli’^f i..*t :• "'V w .•«' »‘ol>n bv b*‘ D,..trt( r in who«e ! P'EE»eiod tUey w-ta w>'eu capture 1. Tne oriminala :rtv -ling under fals-' r.aun»s, vit' fjrred papers, and o*uH giv^ uo credib o t,oo3int of toeinselve^ The horfftj boio liark*! o.' havutg be>n ridden v^ry hard. Their a'^.iad *'.amcb a.ad p'cper desoriptioa arc as folli'*' 5: 1 Y Cn-'-nui. 07 yearn oil. hai.*l '*7C6, h'ir, r otnp'o'-fin" *)f'>>thiirh AUbama rHcro>t9d oouuty ALen 0» , y'-r» old, bine oyes. blao^ hair, fair ^ con'Ti-?!!ioa. 5 f..*rt l' i»'oh'‘', N. tj , Or-'iuga co'iaty. ^ Tas former Hi? e»3*p* in Wilmingtoa »nd is arair. at Urg- Ti(C >t*or hi? ■ nee givea his name >s Irkhmrt, »n I !»d"-it e! h'meelf lo be a dc»'rHr frora the 4’»t Oa . an! e'-iits that the licrsss were gotten from Dejert'r«t !?iiid hcrrs3 ate ncT hf id subject to wy crders by Q M . F«»yt*ttcv.l*o Arx^niil and Armory. Any on* sup:)0««i'‘g ‘'imficlf the owner may address rte OB tbc ma’^rr Wh« •Jiv-r tha real owners shall atpear, the rr^t^r'T bIi-JI bo retum-d o.- the r-art? receive vmlae Uippefor W. C. R£NCil£&. CONFEDERATE TAXES. The Ccnf'dente Tax Anseeeora for Riehmord e>arty wiU meet the Tex Payers at the following Mates and plaoes to receive tbeir Tax Lists for the year 1864: At Steele’s, 29th and 80th Aagust; At Mineral Spri&gs, 31st Aug . and 1st Sent; At Roekinrbam, 2d end 8d Sept; At Laurel Hill. 6th and Ath Sept; At Stewartsville, 7*h and 8th Sept; At Williamson’s, 9th and 10th Sept. To enable the Assesscrs to get throcgh with the As sessments vnthin the time aUowrd to each Precinct. Tax Payers xnost come prepared with ocmptele Hsts cf every article of property held and owned by them ec 17th Peb’y 18€4, specifying what ip and what »• not **»> gaged in Agrien'tare, with the va’ae t.ber*Af «• IS'O, (exoept where lands, Degrees, cotton or ♦ob»cc>' h»v« been pnrchased since 1st Jan’y 18€2, then the pricrs actually paid therefor to be stated.) Among the enl jects to be listed the following may be enamerated: Lands, slaves, horses, mules, cattle, bars, sheep, goate, c''rn. bacon, flonr, lard aa* ether egricul turx! prodncts, (except what may be necessary fer the enppott of the white family aad hcnee eenruite Cor t*ie rear 1^P4, provided the>% pvo^-uoti^ ars in tha iMnda efr the prodaeer and have paid tlii tltka) All *rt««lea nterchsndize, hcasebotd and Vitches f^itnre, wafoafl, p'cnghs and aM sgricnltural and nteebanieal tocle and implements, books, mspa, mns'cal fEstrnmecta, a»d other workx of art, buggies, carriagea and salkies olocka and watches, gnld and silvpr pUte, gold and sil ver coin and bullion, amount of all eolvent credits, bank bnis and other paper issued as currency, (except non interest bearing Conf«'’erB*e Trearnry Notee,) and not employed in a taxed bnsit.e66. moneys held abroad, bills of exchange, and every deeoriptiop of property, whether real, personal or mixed Rst’^ms must be prcmptly rendered of all specific ttxes and of grcRS qnsrterly sales up lo 1st July 1864; as well as of all rrofita made from sales of property of every kind, purchased since 1st .'an’y 1868, and eol'^ I between 17th Feb’y 18C4 and let July 1864 I The A 8.ieesors of the Tax in Kind will accompany (he ■ nndereigned for the p'j.pose cf Asnefsicg the w^ol. I wheat, oats, rye and other crops which have been gather- ! ed. JOHN C FNIOHT, } JOHN W. LEAK, I APsesBore. 18 60 8tpd Tax in Kind—Riohmond County. The Fsrmers residing in the followipg Listrirts, Richmond county, are notffird to meet me at the tollowing times and places for the purpose of listing their crops of Wheat, Oats, Rye and Hay, and Wcol, the present year’s crop, to-wit: Wolf Pit, on Laurel Hill, on 6th and 6th Cept; Stewartsville, on 7th and 8*h Srpt; WtlUamson’s, on 9th and 10th Sept Prompt atter>daTtce required. PETER MoRAE, Assessor for low'^r end of Riohisond cocnty. Aug. 18 fO 4tpd To Tithe Payers of Robeson County N. C. You will be allowed until the l"t of Sert to bri»R in all rrodnce d”*" from the cror» of 1863, provided yon bring i* to Lumberton. None of the crops of 18t>4 will be received until notice is given. B STAXPEL, Q M. Agt. C 8 A. Lumbe"ton, Aug 19 60l*tlisw 89 L/%. wma Fayeticvlllc Arsenal and Armory, Q. M. Office. \ S'ay-ttcvillf, Aun;. 17, 18ti4 \ Wood Wanted. SEALED FH''‘1-0S.\'..? ri-l roc“'ved ft tJu.-i office uptil I'oe 16.b 'i&j 3opt f>r the delivery of fonr hundred cofJs of good sound BLVCK JACK WOOD tc be dollverel at sm** time e.n^ place and in a>i(h quiutities as the A Q, M at tViis po«t may re- quira. It wust conform ttrictly to tba ataa ’ird mcaeure- meat for Ccrd Woo 1, v i: 8 x 4 x 4 Proposal's to *>c '^%rk''d Prou’- Wood for Q M. Dcp’t Jl>TN L HOLMES, 69tf ) aad A A. Q M. f 'tzj ^ -V Kkt 1-.. Uuft**. Araft'C lor sale by J fi LEE. 6Ptf j?* iJatr. E iviil 1 , . n>- r>, - «-o'-n i ♦’“jr r»s8, or ;■ - > ...3t 'ir’cc, v;’Jrer«:d in . - -. 1 •’ )•« .''••b. ' VOflPP.V 7-t? F *. 1 I' '/Al* OC:^: (!• i4n-t»h!e: 3ioh on h*ad and clber aee-is. Total, ;^272,7G!> 1-i 'iKfl Coaipany have paid nil lo^tsee promptly, and t s'.>)iiever 'nade • a as::ij3smout on their prctnium iiotetj- Total tosHO^ paid» t2'>,l>82 OrrioBEs; OEO. McHElLL, President. D. A. R.^Y, Vice President. 0. A. MoMILLAN, Seo’y. Dia5»-?T0as: lenry Lilly, N. Tillingliiist, 1?. L. Mjrove;-, ii. J. Hiaaialc, S. T. Hawioy, Wa. MoLaurin, Nathan A. Stcdmao, T. S. Lutlcrloh, n:;- '•t f i I ^ . >:• ‘ f 'N ”'i n ^ *.y I ".t-erlh. i'.l iic ids i'»ill^ B'lnn; • 1 i ? '.'Ct 'VI A. ■ ..CuV, *;00 lot an - C- hrIj !>:• c'lt ' r'.'.'ii* t.l B. Millett, James Kyle, A. A. MoKethan, J. D. Willina«, f.. ri!::ii£rh^n. lcta\ tJoilin * and C. 0. ?aart“Tne Coi ap;,ny iaKt s«pp' W. Steel, j. G. Ceoa, tloa. J. U. Hl'onliord, Ti. RrowQ, A. I’ J jr ; Ui't*-!*, fiar,'^’’,a5 -V '.vni-J YARN fjr WOOL, oue buiidle of Yarn for 4 Iba. un- WAjhed, or 8 Iba. clean washed WooL They will also pay ■> liberal price in cash for large nr small lots. GEO W. " ' ‘ Feyottovil'e, June 16. Headquarters Heterye, N. €., \ H\L]i!on. Aug. 1, 1864. J WILLIAMS A CO., Agts. 42if t.x rs'. J OsaB'i.vi. 0»D*as, 1 So 4 / IOai-tiln^ of Senior P.«6erve, in the seven* counties , of the Sta'e of North Carolina, where Companies harr V'fcn orgauised, will assemble them at their re peoti»a Court Honses, every Saturday at 12 o’olook, for drill and instruotion. I>y Ccniniand of 56 7t JNO. Lt. Gen Holmes W. HINSDALE, A. A 0. )• H il a’i.-gt-u ./!. • !1 I tirlafti t*',rjT tH’MuK, FftytUcflile, .N . . - : : . . ■ • K it.an■ I -fjod ■o 5-Jcigii >■ i/i) ) I. r c-»l ' V J , 18*)7 !,'■ .-VI? viu. jjKMtiB bitOWWfc C«NK»nitrtArK isflTfia* »F AMKSICA, EK4iiai!...a i>liPABTK.^ST, DiST. Cap« Fkar, f Wilmiegloa, y. 0.. Mairch Itith, 18t>:i. ) VTOTICE is bjrcf-y ^i.cii t. al. i-erson^ bavin* jlaitn.^ ih« ii'nr^a^er .-t.—for servieoj uf %lMe^t etnj-ljjjd dffcntot U'^ar W;lalugiai>, - -J , . . '-.-l.Mi ’d is authorised and pr -j>Ar.)>.* Ij y-'j - i 't a-.s on tho se- M.nd V-n>t O' iL.. . j;] .".ucv Mcares’7>rug ijivr*', i»i-»r;{Ct Stt* ‘ t. t’arrtoi.j -r-.ciAUn;: r wc;h c£ Attcrncy will ob- srr-’c tiic f torji—liiC-f -jigaaturea, ia ;iU oaie«t, I,. 1,^1 witnrjHv l by iro and uigne i :a du,>li- f.r ihoj 1 -• w ii‘. • i ■ v'oro Jn-iti.iii of t»:c O' Cier i o. Ai.y C tr*. ' i-'UiiM. u: rO-.V‘JU ()!•' .iTlOfiNKY. I. - of , do herc'iy 'tppoi it , of my tr'te .«!•' A7*!el t>-> re'^-'pf! f =ia;l r-«ertivc r\vo ri( uf -.11 W'yDi'j'i Awi to i:.. t>j 'f-'J i^^.inoar De- par'ijje :*’ ofi.hu Stilus of :'or iso ucr^iop-i r { luy slaves l'» - i--ri o-j 3 i»t. , dannj, tiin no..i.'t ■>[ , \ t> ■i'»r* i -f I -?*’i i't' ■■■'•' ' d:-ij oi JOHN KERSHAW. 68 Ot ^U|4AR CAHE Received, another of thoea Exocllent Mi roli'TM &;}d iron boxea, for s&le at Manafacturer'e pr.'v'fl or cxohaa^o for provisions Aug. 16. ^BOI%PS F0iS~8AlJl[^ Pl\p Hiiitdred Million CoBfederate §lx Per Cent. BODdH. rni-B^E BONDS present the groatost induooineiite for 1 They ht*v« thirty years to run. inter est piyabVi -.eTni-fcnnual*y, and are secured by impart and • d-itic9; »re ercsnpt, prinoip*’. and intercs!^, from *'»x» i'irs, an(i the ooupocs receivable im ocdn for cur-ou di;' i?s The o?up''i'd of thrso Ronds, dne Januftry 1st, 186S, h»'? ' ticon lo t»e reonivcd ia p*yrn».at of import duh«* i-i vimooe r>f mi-iurity Apniv to ALLRN 8. GIBBE3, Agent Troawry D*partatent, Wilmington, N. C. Ai’.s. 't> ' 68 tf ,-a,; t !■ 4'5>:S V,. i:. 1 5 !' WltR- Btfr-d ■■•J of A tier no/ . u ,ii>a pppli- ( fe'sf Eu^. i.JOOtf W IVapth^! nfaptlta!! K v.n* u'^w making r very sntierior article of NAP- TRA r-hicb W8 reoommnd *o ,^^se3%*^l ial Pail- ru*> U may iie«d for Oicaning tVa finest *ifsll as the riJ0»t c •m^K'n V*nhin‘ry, and it is suporlor to the hcMt oil for clofensing guns of rust, &o. Mt>0RF, C.\SHWE[#r. & CO. Ai;j. Rft-lm r9 lu..,*e ■fui're aius!. ^ l-j. i '-k'l at i-i. K J%n y v'5, la: Slraycsl. BROWN UO^. marked with smooth crop and under- bii both u»rs, liuviinra >»i*o Any information will broUi-.r'aUy r ocivi'd, and a hboral re»#*rj p»id for k«r r*ro«»y, by Mrs. fi- M. WALBJsR. •?avmoBnt Mar *9 licanM. I'l'E eabe »r»bar V m tho hirhest c«*h prices for ^r'T cr'jJ.1* ,- Chr-rti Beaas. X. A 'V^RTH tr. • -r • " >■ CosiSedrrritc Tax.^s. I WILL U5e«*t tbe tai pftTori^ of Iho upper Di«t»ict of Robeson C'ui't.y V. tie followitig times and pl»c?s far tho purpofi cf correctm.T potre rrrrors made in tiie Ugt I'atinf (bcii'S l^‘5 same days on tMcH tho vsessor of tithes will VI tbor: ) At Smitu’B, August 23J, 1861; AlfordsvLlle. August -4 h; Wisharfs August 25th; HowelliivUle, August 26!h, Ft. Paal's, .\ui(u9t 27th; Lumber Fridge", August 29tV; RtndalsviUo, .\ngusi 30tb The Taz-payers of the ooiit:ty are hereby notified to attoad "vt tho liicet &ad placoi? ibovo stated, and furnish to the BSseMord correct liEtfl of the followinn subjects of Taxati''n, on hand, held and ownod on the 17lh Fcb’y 1864, vii: No- cf Aorea of Ued empl-'yed ia agrionlture. No. age and sex of slaves “ “ “ No. Horses. Mules find Oxen “ “ No. Plouehs and o*hr>r farm ng implements, do. All other nrcpertv et«tployod in agriculture. —ALat>— No of Acrcs land and cHier Roj-1 .Eeiate a^'t oraploycd in agrioultu’c. No age tind («t of p’axvs not I'Tij^oyed ia »grlcti!lura N*' o' Hijree.’^, »'td AsH«r.s do- No of t:»ttle of th' IJ^vitkp ppec«i=. No o' Sheep. Qotte and Uo No ff ponnls Cotton end Wool- No *• Tobftooo. No bushels ^cm na*i Whe^*, Ry^, o*!*, R«c? acd other Email grain. V*li;c of potaf-'es of .‘vll k'n-’K. j>«rs, bfam, ground prae, aui all oib;r p'cduota of iiJ9 ft^rm, garden or or- ehard. * . , j j V*lue nf flou , mos,;, engnr, molasses, bacot*., Ixrd and other groeertc', goc ln, Tnr '^ ?nd r'erchsndira, spirh- ous Uqaora, f»in«9. oidor, virie'-’.-^c, &o Value of all bi n*eh>i'ifnd kiir'he'^ fa*-nit'jre, ft^icai- tural toa’s mi irr:pif).reT?'F, ftrd ^ill too!>i of K0^hanic9 »n-i others, in '-ntm’nts, and all articles of *1o- ip*>"tip us-;. No rad-’hIi? ' of c*r'..3, Jr^ys ’ "'I other %ohiolca on wV--of.’«. Value of all aud n'iver wfro and plate, jc’relR, jeweli-y and wa*c't''’»- Valuf of el! bo' kB, tn^pa, p*cturis, rti tti-!?’, sXtu ary and otUcr wo'ks of srt All rrcperty i»nd apfetn of banks, joint stock com panies aud Thethjr ^iiojrnorated cr nu*. Gold v.t v«>r coin, gold dust, gold ftnd sd?' !’ bnli'.in. ,\mount cf »■* sol-^ent o«-pdit>>, bsnk biil.4 a;id r.I o(h»r paper iaHU"d c-rronoy, (exo ’nt ••oo»!Bi^ref i I’-arinx Confederate Tr».v':t:'y co'as ) ar 1 not c’•.piojoJ m a taved busine^-s- Value o' all raoneya Ueli atref ^ bd'a of etch>»nfp on foreign cottntrios. Valua of til ^rt!c\'«> cf oers^cfcl or aa i»d p roperty no*, embraced in me tore »3m;;. D F MORRIGON. Ans^Mor. Aug- 16 .')8’'st»U llKADaVABTKBS RRSKRVE, N. C.\ Raliiob, Aug. 19 1864 / General Orders 1 - No. 6 f I. General Orders No. 3 paragraphs III-, IV. and V , Headqaarfers Reserve N. C , current aeries, are V,,.,’.,w T«vAlie). U. AU Ezenptiont of persons within iira Reserve ^ « vitl he ffraatod tmder |K>nMNU iiMitraoiiona from Ue Bureau of Conscription, witnom reference ?0 tnc Lt Gen’l Commanding R*scrvo. III. ApplieatioBS for Detail of parsons within the Re serve ages will not be reoeiv?d by the Looal Enrolling f)tfitdrb, UBt'i aft?r tho crganiiation of lisa compacv frorn the cminty in which the aprlicant resides shall have been effected They wiJ then be oarefully invest i- g>ted, and acted upon in ronfcriaity with the p»’ovi- sions of Circulara No. *, 8 and 29, Bntreau of Conscrip tion, current series, exccpt hereinafter prescribed: ftrst. In cases of approval by the Diotrict EoroUicg Offioer, a furlongh for tizir/ da»s will not bo granted, when the party wonld, within that time, become eighteen years old Secondly, In cases of disapproval by tbe Distriot Snrolling Officer, if the partv be t-e twren forty-five an-* fifty years old he wili be forth with assigned by the Enrolling Offioer t-o the cow psny of Sprier Res^r^os from the eounty In wh'oh he rcsidef; if be* ween the agos of seventeen and eight''ea ytarp, he will be eont t-j Caiap of Instruction for a»»- signment by the Commandant of Conscrints. eoc'rdjng t« county and C'tngresHional dintrict. Thirdly, All ap- plicatioJis herein referred to. required by tho Oirca’ars from the Bu»esu of Conscriptioa to be forwarded, will bo transmitted,' throuffh the commandant of ronscfipfs, to this cffioc for final action, instead of to the Superin- tenient ot Ihe Buroau at Richmond, fiy ooia-ind of Li«ut Gen. Holrncs. .•OHN W. HIHSDALE, A A. Gon. Ang 20. 60 7t THE REBEL INVASION [From the London Times, July ^S-l The interest of tho American intelhgeDce re ceived by the Arabia is derived from every varie ty of incident that can Uiostrate the history of war. Military operations, political conleets or fi nancial difficoltics have, severally, often given a special importance to the instalment of news; but never before has the confusion of the time b'*en eo vividly reprcscntrd as by the brief out line we pnl.Iith fins ncrrii g of tie rvents of a f?irgle week. 3’he inva.cioxi of M-ujknti by the Coiilod.-natrp is in itself bi’t' a ropc»ition of their forr.er aggrefsive ioovcnj«-nts. but the effeota tf thia attpok, and the spirit in vbich it is met, give the !Pcur?ion a new Eif^':*'ficar.co It had ‘‘aesnuied formidable propoTtions,” and filled the three chief cittee of the North with, alarm, extend ing even to New Yoik. Baltimore and Washington are ‘^threatened/’ a*d th« war ia. earned into the veiy snburba rf both, 'tlw danger is to tlu* whole nec- ple of tho North, bnt the reitemted appeal io them for the means of defence does not find the same respocse as before. The people of Marjs land itself cannot be relied on by the Fedei^ Government, and would probably rather anist tbe invasicn than help to repel it. But tho popu lation of Jersey and Pennsylvania are now tle- Boribed as apathetic and disinclined even to three months’ service in the militia. Massachusetts itself exhibits tho same indisposition to support the war, for which, at tbe beginning of the con flict, it was tbe most zealous State ia tbe Union. The civic authouties of New York protest against the removal of the military from the ci^y, appre hending the revival of a riotous spirit in the in habitants if tho trcorfi are withdrawn. The Governor of Pennsylvania is driven to woid his proclamations to the people, not in the old terms of ccrfidcncc and patriotibm, but in the harsh language of reproach. He actually accuses them of “stupidity," and that “culpable indifference’* which, in individuals, has been stigmatized as treason. These are indications on the surface of some change that must have been silently work ing beneath. We cannot hope that the Southern invasion will be a closing incident of the war; but tbe different, or rather the aba*^ed, feeling it excites in the North gives some faint hope that a state of opinion is being created which wiil not howl down those who speak of peace as public ene mies. During these events the paper price of gold varied in a range of thirty per cent. Tt rose to nearly two hundred and eitrhty, and subsided, when tho worst period of alarm was over, to tv’o hundred and fifty. It was just at this juncture that Mr. Fessenden, the successor of Mr. Chase, arrived in New York, and applied to the bankers for a new losn. He wished to obtain a tempo- rar}’ advance of ^50,000,000 until tho first of Sept’r. The cost of the war is thus impressed on the mind of the North, at the same momei^t that its dangers are visible on Northern soil, and its difficulty orhopelespcosg in Virginia. The lessons of' experience of all kinds are coming in quick snce«»fiHioB. It will task tbe inventive facility of the Governn.’ent press to represent tnc x^ccurtrn- ces of the past week as other than dLsastrous. Wo have never heard that Charleston or Richmond had been thrown into such alarm as Baltimore and Washington have felt foi several days. The Confederacy is more formidable as an enemy than ever before. Its Government can engage Grant and big enormous army wbiic it stretches its arm over him and deals a blow in the Xurth itself that is felt in every soction of society. In tho lower olasscs ei th** community tbcrc appears to bo beginning a tlim conboioatnoss of the real state of things. The mass of the people have fill ed the ranks cl tbe army again and again; they have foui'bt bravely, and given tboir lives trcelji) but they cannot endure a contincal effort that has no result, or brings only calamity, and they now begin to shrink from the useless sacrificc. FI.OIIBI AI¥i» IjlLOL'ii and OATS will be exchang-'i for (om at tho I’ P.ore of T> MoLauria. by jci^lng h‘>n a few days notice. Fljur gomi. Oats No. 1, bl»o or whitj. Tmo’"* ‘I'A. Young’s ArithnieUcal Dietionary, l.'^MDRACINO a system of Aritbmctio, Reidy Reckon er, Interest Calculator, Book Keeping, Forms, &o 1. J. flALI k SONS. Dae’r 18. TM« TsiaKfi*'- One Haudrod and Fifty Dollars Reward. *JTOr.EN on tan nig.it 'h.-. ’7*.' t ■ pjv pUt»'.«i'0’. ■" Bn’>U C. ■' ' P-i-v c..’n- F f.ci^y tn'i', wbo'i: fivo fjo . ■ ti u U, ‘.Viiu mi.ne whioa tarliaes tj the Iti't : i?-. u w»!Xiag o.‘ trot- t’pg. he hit*, fin; feet grc&:l^ inr*.r 5 w^ic»» is i'’o orly pr-ubar n'^rk of the arji^'- i recollectrd. I will pive ^ reward of One -ItJudred fcijd Fifty 1*'J1- lar-t f«>r ti? litre? an'! Th;jf or -‘'iO hundrtjd Dol!»ra for the lloise akac- 1- K- DYER, QoldBborfl', 11. C Anft. 1®. 60-lt NOTICJB. The A8"0fi3ors of the Ta« in Kind for Hamot t ocunty will ba at flie followinr plRcos on tbe fallowing days, for lh« purpose of listing the crops of Wheat, Oats, Rye, cured Hay and Wool, products of 1864; At JohnscnviJle, Thursday, Aag26,18f!4; At l>*ibt>oae, Friday, Aag 26; At Tamer’s Store, Up Lit Riv Dist, S»turdav, Aug 2.1: At Bnnn’a Level, Stewart’s Creek Dist, Mon tay. Au^ At Averadboro’, Averaaboro’ Diet, Tuesday, A tig ;:it; At R Turlington’a, Grove Dist, Welnosd»y, At:»g HJ; At Reuben Matthews’ Mills, Neal’s Crcik Piss, Tburs- d»7. Sert 1; At Jshn Sj'oace’s. Hooter’s Creek Dist, Frtdav, K-'p!.2; ' At Mrs Arnold’s, Buckhora Dist, Saturday, Sept 3 The T*x payers of the County of Haraattare respect fully reqao9tod to meet this notice promptly. HUGH MoLEAN, \ Assessors JNO. L. ATKINS,;^®®®**®” Artg 18, 18r^. 60*2t23w ProAtabIc InTeslment. INTENDING hereafter to devote my entire indivSdnal at‘entioa to the Coal Oil Works, I cff.r for sale the fixtures of my BRANDY DISTILLERY. They corsist of two Stills, with Worms, Caps and Tubs complete. Tbe Blilifi arc peifeotly now and made of extra thick coT'per I c»n pafoly say that there are not two better Stills ia the South. One has a capacity of >0 to 100 gallons, tho other of 50 gallnnri, and they wi’l *urn oMt in stiiUag cider from 16 to 20 f*llonti of frood procf Praady per day -Also, If dosirei, an APPLE MACiJINE, w>ic\ will grind fia» 60 btisbels of epplfs an h iir. In an applo-trrowiog srctiea any fenlflrpfiiisg man can make from $500 to fSOO clear profit ?er d»y. HENBY E. COLTON, Fayet'evme, N C Alii? 17 $."SOO REWARD. I WILL pay tt»e abt'vo reward of Five Hun^r*d Dollars, for the apprehension of Joe L«e, a free mulatto, who ia guilty of the murder of ArchtbaM Blue of Riohmond oonjity, N. C , in a;sy jail so that I can get him. Said Lee committed the murder on ihe 8lh of Anprtis*. iri>t., 18"4 Pa'd Li-o is Cve fe"t R 'r 10 in-hiis hi h, d^rk compleotion anfi »tr Mgnt htir. Wfcen laef seen he was on his way to Sontflatown, in Robo«en oonuty, where ’ais Father oame fr-sm MALCOM BLUE Mfftilrnf!^ N n.. A Ilf 16 59-tf From Turkey.—A letter in tbe New York Tri bune, dated Constantinople, 20th ult., says: “All Constantinuplc in in a ferment The great est oxcitement prevails among all classes. >n Suntlay last all the converted Turks who could be found wore suddenly seized and thrown into prison. On Monday tho establishmenis of the American board, the American Bible Socicty, tbo British Bible Socity, and all the Kngliab Mission ary Societies were seized by an aimed l\>ice, the occupants fjectcd, aal tho b'jiluii /'> up. Tliis Huuim;try proc» edit':., vtH:i tue lac.ri liap^iaut I violatioL «iif tr»ary rights evci bf-iid oj io tiiifi city- : Ai'iue Iruiit »li rclijxio'i.-' ij it n. * ■ i • n'Oi^t Bonuu.'' act up'u wliich tht? Tuiki • Guvcjnmitit ever ventured. AH the lroatict> witij raikey luakr i'oreigu rciideuts rcspun.siblc dirr-.ctly i*> lit if cm- ^ll^sics or coDSulalfK, artu a Turk 'h p.>!i'!o "ffKcr has no more right to enter tbeir doors than he would have to arrent ;i man in Xcv,- York or i»on- don.” ^iilrayed or .Htoleii. fPHE unbtfu^iber !o^t a litely BL.\CS MARE, under I medium si*c. ♦•hiu> gj>ot on her back, oiused by the harnotks, ftru feet ‘arna oat, and tips hor •-.noles in traveling, r'0i>a'ly sh.>d. four yet»rs old, and in good orler. A liberal reward will be givtjn for the delivery of sfrid Marc, or a^y information, so that I get ht^r Addresp *^e subscriber at C"rrie^v»He P O , Moore Co.ioiy, N C KENNETH M. MoDONALD Aug 10 68 3tp4 Blamlr WarrPDtf tor iaia Thf Missfjmary /ft/mn.—Tin* late Dr. Hafll(‘>4 gives the following aeeotint of tho origin cf tho Missionary Hymn, which is now sung the world over: “Ileber, then rector ol Uodnct, inarrie-i th'i daughter ot Dean Beipley, rector or vicar of W’rexham, in North Wales On » certain Satur- t^ay, he came to the house of his fatbor-in lw, who resided at the rectory or vicarage, to reinH-n over Sanfisy, and preach in the momiDg the ar.-t sermon ever preached in that church for t!ic Church Missionary Society. An thtjy pat cop- verning?alter dioD«r in the cfeijing, the Jjtkn suid to llcbtr— “.Now a} you are r poet, Enppcso you wr;tc a hymn for the sorvico i«»-iiiorrow utui iiicg ” Icjujcdiatcly he tcnk pee, i ik and i^per, ard wrote that hyma, which, had lo written noth’ng else, would have ifumortali//.;d him lie reat it, to the Dcaa, and said, ‘‘Will tiiut do?" “Aye,” be replied, “and wo will have it printotl acd dirtrj-j- uted in the p;ws, that the people may Hng it after the srrtuoa ” ‘•But,’' said Ileber, “t) what tunc will it go?" ‘ 'Twas when tho seas were roariiigl” And so h* wroto in the coruer, at tl'e top of the page, “ ’Twas when tho teas wt;ro roaring.’' The hymu was printed accordingly.^’ I! you say to a friend in the morning, “May your shadow never bo less,’’ arc you .iot exprfSrt- ing a wish that he may not liv^ till noon? TRKTAlWEiHTS ArVI» nVn'XS. ("IONFEDERATE States Bible Sooiety Toit»in«ntt> ) A CollMtioa of Sabbath Kohool Byions. fet wla Kv ■ J BALB * PONS

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