vol.. X1V.1 FAYETTEVIM-E. N. C.. SEPTEMBER 8, 18(54. [KO 1365] tfintfd mcnpays and thubrdatb EDWARD J. BILE A SONS. EPITORS ANT) PROPRFETORa. Pri?«> for (he 8emi-Weakly OBi*av*u $15 00, paid tn »dT&r>re. ror the Weekly Oh««v« f 10-00 per atmnn, paid In fclTjince. •^Ar.VFFTIPEMFy'rp it,ser«-d for J2 per 8in»re »f 12 ’=nP8 :r jfc» for the fi-st. and one d.llnr for «tteh mccff.l,n? p iMicai'on. Ady«.rt-?.r«i ar* repeated to ■'♦ate tlie nurrVr of in«prt5j>n« de*ired. or they will be CO ifHnpd (ill frsrhid. nnd n^arjted acoord’njiJT. Adverti^iAripnts r^vtinvn^ nuile, ohargwi ao new ad- : . ^ iT ts vU, u 'uf t* ucvi Muaoriuer iri’J be entered Trhhoul p^.yirent ?n adTaroe, nor will the paper be Fonf tc on ?b “nhs'^T’bers*for a lonj^er time ia paid for. Such if cur old Bubaoribers aa dertrc to take th® pa- ^r on this systera ■will ple»sc noti^ ns when makin|t remittarses. Jan’y 1. 18/>8. W. DKAl €1501^, AUCTIONEER, S. E. (ornfr Hl^rkft Square, FATFTTETIIIF, N. C. Prcirrf bUftIicp jt’tch o »ll l.uB5nf“*> ia hip t ' 10 i'm. JcBO 1C. 1S64 40!f ~ ISAAC FOLI TNGSWORTlf, l^rcrrr srd CcirBi^^icii VrrchaDt, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. 40 tf eTFrJ^. Airtomoy at L4iw, FAYHTTKVTliLI!, N. C. WILL attend the County ar.d Anterior Coorta of Cn^a’i^rliiiid, Haraei.t. Mc-rr- fkcl Hobcucn Coon- pT’Tant filtat.i ' U jivj. >0 «»'^3otion of all ^aiat ftj'rustsd to bis ha.jJo 031. 17, 1869. 58-tf J i>n. a^T liE Y, F.M'ETTK ILLE, N. C. Jau’y l-\ ic»:i. 95-tf aAmt-v A. :»TBr.WAN. WU. H. BE3tXAJlB. A. CO., WBOLCSALK AND itETAIL ttElLERS AND .TflEKCIIAxllTS, .Yo. 19, Bay Street, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. April 30. Utf ** •• w*>»rr WOKTH & CO„ Ccaiaflisfclra and Forvyardin^ Blsrofe^nta, n-*nt^ir Ffreti, WTL^UNGTON, N. 0. Cht. 71-12as O -U3Hi Ld vrniz^v, 4,OUUl.?00- COFvN. 'Persons ‘t* 'bc^a articles t* coll willroceife tae highest fiwh pnc» by o’iiiia)^ oi» ?*ar. M Thoiui8on, at th« Mc.'chiat MiiL'. Fiy • tcvi)!e, *r on tkft i^.■f^ac^i- '•er at ht? old stinrt oo !3qti*re. ALSS. JCHN30N, Jr. Nov. S. 1SC2. 1AM pr-'parrd to ill of '^a^oa Harnesa for Army asc. I t«;a oy leather ^nd -iM jiT« good barg.*iiix. wili io ■f'.U to send thoir crd?T3 10 me m I'u j ‘•’jftli r j.rora^'i atiou'son. and ^^srti otT >a >|U'>x iit 'St-ah. JOtlK CASTE& flei.1/,' n P 0 . t>.&tha'a C-t., C-, 1 ,,,,, ;'i. iP«2. j Jf.a. «ijna Irateic ioE* »a!c by J a. L.E6. t'r. 1 b this dale 1 will XjAj 10 Centa per pcand for >aifs, or ih« b’glijst uarket price, deh7orf i in Fav; i.ter'i’'-, ‘ t “t uoilw cn Roch'S.'jii. ^ D. :*IUSP1Y FeVy H, 181 4 Farettevllle Arsenal and Armory, Q. M. Ofllce 1 '•'•/"'.leTii'r, Auk- 17, f Woo'S Wanted. X ?'>PO.'"'t*”- 1'* at thi'i office S »-jV ]r>t\ .'V-7 T*. l’-64, f')r t*-e deliTPry of ntrd-'l or*—f ^ BLV^K JaCK odrK'cr*' ^ - b'I place ard in >-r 1,;. tCe A. ■' Q, M. »i t 7 po't nay re- I •-• 1* { '..nf :rm gcricity to tbe ‘rtir. ard in-t?are- J V'-.o' T-z: 8 X 4 2 4 Prfr,'-- '" -tolc r^arkc J P-':p>-&V f >r Wood for Q M. ^ JO"N L H'?L-ME3, . j 'i*P? sad A A. Q M. Ki:WAK3>. L-. r. /1 • ’ • .'If L ■■!, R fre* muUtt-', vho V fon VTOOD t 8)C^ qut‘ e. tafJl i 1 Der;' V,l ~.3’cr 0 Ij f.Ui'' ‘ ooDn'7 N I,' e c' Oi'’. . • IS ■' Tr v->: \rch'bfl4 E'n.r of Ricbmoud !ii “tv *'"4 ’ t” I 1 f» fTii.r. r o*: tae 8 h of Auruat iaat.. 18- 4 f^*=d I 5.efvt8 cr 10 i'^chey bi-b, dark comrleJt':'-» yrl «.tra-;!?ht h*,ir. Wher. l«ct seen h^ ww OB -in%. %■ .o Fc a-to-T'-, ui J u ^ vf.^LCOM BLUa h.« Fi-h-l C.lO? .r.,^ •’ (R M -ir. i r*K”VM>iR5T, y*.my H, 1863. N. Mi*7 », 1863. } I EAl; VVAr. •'.-iJ.-I *** - « e>TV r-.r taia l4i v.») V/,n 1 poa^a of POWD for 10 p..?.ad« , n u ''tl'j-.? D /lOUO, Capi- C o. I:.i r,i; jf Orduancc.^ POST OFFItSt FayetieTllle, X. C. the C.r tra«i ru ■•ouJ. r.u 1 th' V' r on r->ri" 2'7H f-o:» »h?n p»«ee to F.-.t-gU r 1 J, > • , S-p^«>- l>a . . L- , 7 .)t •Se’-'t I.-r carrying ..,6 c ^ ‘ ^ ;jOlb Jur.-, 1807. ; . --ty b i’-'-a J G a.OK I*. M. ,?8ane. rrilE und^r..i^n-a w-re, ai the NoYe®ber Term of t^ 1 Confode. .U.'Joarf.. of jMurti Carolina, --r. 0- •>.- Ki m’ Mu-e properly, ard !»' »'; >R*‘^ c'^partucrebip far tha parpote of AiuluK »!:d wIIiDi? ®t»i, ajid fiouoit ardeft for taa ttwae uiitf. o’rdei-9 for aa/ auxotuat oan . . The C.->sJ frou. this pro- iii lu'. ' J ’■ ••* ’® Cun^eder»t« Biatsa. Annlioaii‘7'lU 3j*J tfi . ftiM. H. Mallett, Fr.yett®- , . }l » i>r J»J- i CharlMton, 4i. 0- * GHARLB8 B. MALLJEX?. JA31B8 BR0WN1. »ay Jan’y SO. IH69. »«« tbf I' w»' I i. In aa/ be B-4? D«ri ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Mtf COTTOiV CARDIS, !¥o. lO. ! cotton card MANUFAC- J. 1 C OMFA^ Yare now manufacturingCARDB superior to any run through the blockadc, and at nresent are selling for a less pricw the single pair or by tbe qaan- Any pernon ordeHrg mx or more pairs, they will be socorely packed auu delivered in Wilminjrtoo free of #x- ponae. Call npcn or address A. A. ^cKETUAN J. A. WORTH. ^Faystteville, N. C., April 18 T Waaitod—Wood l^aisd. HE nnderpijin*‘d will give a fi^'r price for a well woodn-d tract of LAND of iOO or 200acre«, ou the Railroad at any point bttv/ei‘n Joiu-sboro’ aud Fayett^rille. Wcod, pitch pLuw 1-osed cr a:ib»xi!d. HhNRY E. UOLTON, Agent P K. Co ^ Ap .i-''. ^ 2St^ rayctteyllle Rosin Oil Wcrhs. ' [ or «Brren^^r thenpeelres to the proper euthoritire a fnll OUR OU Works are now in cempleto operation, aad J pardon, or the infliction of only the mildeot as we tue nothing hut good rosin in producing tiie i penalties of the military law. except, thrpp who have Oil we can recommend it to be the best of the kind in this country, (t Is a fine Lubricating and Tanner’s Oil, and we would be ^lad to receive oraers from the Government and the public generally. We will sail on reasoEable terms. MtX)RK, OASHWELL A 00. BY THE GOYKBITGB OF NOETB fJlFOlINA, A r«ro€i>AnrAi:io]V! \\f HFPFAS. it ip reported to roe that nreny soldier fl from tbe trooyp of thip Ftate have deserted their colorfi end ccBiredfs. and a^e row Inrfeirg in the wnndp and monntsini*, some of them piibeiptfpp by forcirg thei'' friend? ti violate ■'he lawp eidipp them, ai'd other* by violent depr^datiocB npor peacefnl citirens, ertailinp Fhame ard obloony upon t’ enspelvcp ard their prpterity. ontrastlrp the law* ft d the peace of sooicty. and daniBg- inp the canoe of iheir herd prrpeed connfry. And, whereap. f*en. Fob’t E. T.ee, in General Order No. fi4, Anff. 10th. 1F64, haa prrn?ifed to deal leniertlr with all who prow’f tly return to duty, thcurh they mav have ^ncnrred thf* peaoltles of desertion by prolocjred abeence without anthority. Now. therefore I, Zebnlon B. Vance Oovemor of the State of North Carolina, do issue this my proc’an’ation, urging most earreptly npon alF snch miti^idfH men to wip»> out from thoir orce respeoted narnnglh V’ll ' fdc.»frti'D hr j'rop'ply retrrn’"" April Iti. 2S-tf EA«LE FOUNDRT, 1 Fatsttevillb. N. C.. Jaiy 4, 1^64. ( WB ARE NOW PttEPAiED TO RECEIVE OR- ders for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of the f lionia;; siiaa. ▼ u 24, 26, 23 at:d 30 inek. Alac CHILLED TIRIS3 Th« Iron we shall use for tkau wili be COLD BLAST (.'Lf AROOaL ISON, and wo war- r>nt onr waeeU NOT TO * RACK, and to -qnal te ■uiy w*de in the Confedcr*oy, or to thoa* of ^h.iwiy Si S of PVilaaelpi.ja, wbo«-» reputation ia a*’ »eli Itaown jf 7.3*d ()o.np»r;i»3. We htn t -e b»n fr.-}Vitiea for tnBB-fr.rU'!oci by Steaners to WUiiiii»g-.OB, f.'om thouoe to any pat of the Cor.fl- ?er»cy Order? r^’psct^ui!-, .o.lijitfd 46'.f] ^ D. ANDFRF'' &, CO JB^AIL, RiPA&. Tun FREIGHT AND PAS3BNGER TR.^LNa of this Rotd leave Fayetteville daily, (Sandayn excepted) at 8 0’ai0(.k, A. M., and retorBing leave £gypt at 1 o’oiooi, P. M. CaOU aud Uoru fVoi* MONDAY, WBDNSPDAYaad FRIDAY.. By order JNO. M. ROSE, traaa'r and Oea’l Irau. Af*t. .-Jaa. 22^ ISfia. Mtf. ■.2-i Th iralaj. April d—Kif ] i'rom and alter tbi» date the Bteiiuaer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M-, on Monday Sorfe»B fi«ienil*f OWleSy \ Raliioh, N. 0.. Jon ICro. 18H4. j AME98BN61R will leave this OSoe cn the ftrst d»T, uid th« fifteealh iay. of eTory month, for Oa&. - Ii*Vf WOJ-. JUI boxaa }»tl W* te mmi. aaamhar of ni army Wiube wme dellvarad to the owmar BDWARD WARREN. 4I-tf Suri^ra General Nc'rth Carolina. J03. A. WORTH, Ag’t C. F. Stsim Beat Go. FAYETTE VI 1.LE MUTl AL iNSIi?U\CS €OMPANi. f267,68S :n» 5,077 85 Capitil la Prfeinlam Notes aai.-’uata to Caab on hat,d and other assats. Total, J272,766 IS The Company have paid all loawa promptly, and have never saade an asaesBTsnt oa thoir prctaiosi notaa. Total losijea paid, $29,682 Omoaas: GEO. MoNEILL, President. D. A. BAY, Vioa President. C. A. McMILL-iN, Seo’j. DlSJiOTOK3: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghaert, H. L. -Viyrcser, 8. J. flinal^c, 8. T. Hawlo/, Wia. McLatuin, Nathan A. Stedmta. T. 8. Lattcrloh, A. W. Steel, J. G. Caok, Hoa. J. G. Shepaord, R. F. Broim, ) A. R. H-11, / Joiin Collios and C. C. M^Gr^imman, Traveling Agenut fUjfThe CoTT.T'aay invite appUeatvooa. Mar'**. 1«'»’ C. B. Mallett, Jamo« Kyle, A. A. idc£ethaji, J. D. Wiliiazni, S. W. TUUngLiait.> CONVKDM&ATK BTITSH OF AMEBICA, | Eaouaan DarAaxMSNT, Dist. Capb Fbab, > Wiiaungvun, N. C., M’troh ISih, 18^. J Notice is hereby feivrn to all persona having aiaimj ag«>in»t the Euginadr Dep(*rtacut, foir servioes of a!a^’'ofi employed aa Jaboreru oa the laid itfmatfU naar Wilmington, C , that the undersigned is aathoriud and prepared to pt>y tita sais^ at hia nffioe, oa tha se cond floor of the biiiiding next above Mearts’ Dmg Otore, Market Strzet. Si^Persoas executing Po»*ra of Attorney will olv eenre the folloiriUg form—ihoir ait»a*turca, in all naiaa, t9 b*3 witcsased by two uitujsseB aad sigtod in dupli cate, or t’uey to'^y be wltn^siiod before a Jrrjiice of tha Peace or Cl**ri of «iy Court FOr.M OF P077BR OF ATTORNEY. I, —^ 01 . do It -rehy »?poiJ;t , of , my trup and law^il Agent to E:gn roo.elrta for, and rooeiva payB’ent of k-U snonoya due t.o me by tha Eaginaer De- p^r;mr'3f. of (Ue (?ouf*dorato S**te« of Ametio*, for the of ny elavcfl erom^'T'*'! *w labT«r« on ibo laad d«feaoe« at , dunag the oi , 186 Witrxofe ki7 be'?i a."d eo»i* « ttea day ef , 186 (HLrt'od ’’n d!«ri«.''>vij ) I8.*l] WUn«9?e except. been {H^ilty of capital feionirs apjainst tbe Htps and pro perty of the citizpns, and this promise fhall hold good for thirty days from the date hereof. And I berebv warn all snch who refuse to conaply with these terms that the ntmo»t power of thi» Stat« wiil be exerted to capture them or drive them fi-om the borders of a country whope high honor and spotless renown they di^prace by reftisirg to defend, and that the extremeft pecalties of the law will be enforced without exception when caught, as well as ayainst their aidrrp and abetters in the fivil courts. Simultaneously with this prcclairation orders will iapue to the entire milit’ft of the State to turn out for their arrest, and I hone by timely submission they will apare me the pain of hunting down like guilty felons ma ny brave and misimided men who have served their country well and covld do so a^ain. Peserters from other St.ates who hide in cnr woods and a«ist in giving pur State a bad nair»'," I ran do nothing for, but to the errirjr poldi^rs of North Carolina 1 confi dently appeal. And I eRmestly call on all rood citi- sens to assist me in m.'xVing this appeal effectual, both by their exertiona as militia soldier* and th>ir Irflnence as men, to taVe pains to seek out all deserters of their ac- quaintarce, put this proclamation in their hands, or in the hands of their relatives and friends, and nrpre upon them to return to the path of luty, which is also tiie path of safetv and of honor. If every erood and loya eitliea would set about to reclaim or captur® one deserter l)y every meana in his power, be would succeed and he vrill have rendered a moat valuable and patriotic servica to his State and country. Civil maciatrates are also ex horted k> be diligent in proceeding against all sac.H aa •violate the statute against harboring, aiding or abatting desertars. and warning ia hereby (riven that in all caaes where •ithf'r aivil roajistra’ps or militia or home guard offi»>er8 refuse cr aeelrat to faithfully perform thuir duty in thi« reapaot, open proper evidence sobmitt«d to Bie, the Exeeutive projection extended to them under acts of Congreae shall be withdrawn, as I cannot certi^ that officer*, civil or military, who reftise to perform their duties are “naaessary to the due administration of tha laws” which they will aot execute. Given under my hand, and the great ••al of the Stata, at Raleigb, this 24th day of Anguat, 1R«4. By the Governor Z. B. VANCK. A, 14. McPRVTRaa, Private Sec’y, pro tem. Aug. 25. 61-4f2t HfilDQViBTEBS BKSEBYB, If. C.\ Ralbiuf, Anr 19 1864 ( Gercra* Oidsri ■> Nf, 6 j I G reial Orders No. 3 paragrapba III., IV. ano' V. K;''idqcari/T9 Reee ’Te N. C , current eerie*, arc hei'by 'tvflr'd. r. All ExffrpUont of p'.rsoca within the Fe'crve »ill ho gtanted tir.f!er gfl^r^l i: r,;rc‘.ioti f r; t^e i>nr.-^,n cf ConfcripHrtj. wiiLout fc-fer- rec to the Lt. Qcn'l C'^iD''. ijidinff Rrsrr^o El. A.'^’I^stfioiia for Dtt»U of perarnp v»i«bi**, rrr R.i .'Tfc '■*»;,j rot ba received tj tb^ Li.’t? FrroJJ'rg fiflj*"'-;}, ’at’l Bit;-r the cr^'-r'* tie’? of the r»7**rftnv froa tjjib 4nBtj in wl-'c’.- tSe !«vTl.«Hct rfti^en th.:?! jlfftelei Tbey rJll tl>n b ctrs'rl-y isv fi ^«tcd, aif rvtcd npon iix cmt'rm'i? with tbe provi- f.'cy- BTv No. S, P' an-'’ 29, R^^ctc -f CoEfcrip ■*i ’ i u: * ' I »c: «.i ‘' r>?.rsi,f‘fv prfBoriJcd; * t W XarclUag ” hi* pATtr »K«* a’.shiae^ yMru old Steondljf lac'- .ei^ ?!fe.^’'T>'.vai ^5 *he Dintrjet Eirr-Iliij Ol3of,r, if tl;c. p^^t' ^ be- tv■ “5 forty fre an** fifty yc.^rs dd I'c *•>'1 he icr*h- witl- ,*g0‘gyp?. b>' the Usrollin.- Cffic.— l3 'l- ecw- pju,7 of Se'’ic'r Rcerrvcs -h* tovr • jr wLic't 5«e re.«i!ee; If between tht ages of o v- ui.' .a ith i f'i'htfen yf&Ts he will be sent to Caap of L.jiiu-’ lcu for as- s!f,r.3:i>t bf tLu Cocm' .'^iTt i c c ;fv i"'p. “co rf'^"’g t« coar^ty ard a-.sg*c8«joti»! •iiernct. Thirdly, All nr- phe?'i( B ht-reia n *i'trpd li. lequir^ii by tbe vJircu'sr? froir the Ba esp of Co!:sa-{^ !?'>;• f.> be f r^^srded. will tr«nin.itted, '-br'iufii tbe coamiii.n'iant of t^cnecripts. If thii plSoe for flrsJ eclion, instead of to the Su oriu- leT'diit of the Soresu t>t Riohn*ond. B> oom^and of Lif^n* Gen Bnln-ip JOHN W. IIIN8D.UB, A A Gen. 2^. 60 7t ! DAT1DSON COI.LEGE, N. C. The Rejt S«''SG’on of th'e Ii»?*ituMir. a^d of the Frc pt»c‘4cr’f Depa^tcjfi't ccnnerted with it, will com- 2T» 'ce (he 3:1 of OfTOP^R Tuition SEO per eessifn of fiv« jronJba The r»!ce tf B'?rd aill be rrgnlat«d ty tie rrg‘ c? provi^i'ns As hcretfff're it will be as l?iw sn tire ritts o^ liv-Bg will ptiirit Thr.«e who m**’ bf willirg to fay ic prcvitioiiP *t tha oid priocsoan ob tain bri»j %t tie rsn e ^’(rd ntn jicyWe thf> cv>n rof>n ^urnitnr". liirhts and fu“l. J. L KirKPATPirS, Pres’f. N- B Su‘lpn*8 aniv'stg ft C^'■^!c^tf! rn Mvrday, Wei'n'Si'sT cr r»i'’py wi’l firr! a c'ETsyence to hring^ th^n' *c *be Cc'l:g»* withcnt detenlirn. /.vg 80. 6i i'«lliarii?e J. W«rd rc- 8T!T e the? duties O’ hrr nni>T. ia Fsy»-tteyili6, oa the 8d Jay cf O^t 18G4. iii A»ch 8t Any. ^0. 6R-lm IH psrtDic ut H. i'. anti So Viu, O-'iPfBOBo’, N G . e* t. it iP64. AdJ’t and Insp’r tien’s OCioe, > Riobkonu, Aug. 16, 18ti4. / Fitraot Ginseii. Obdsss, 1 f 0 »i7. j V. Pavnifraph I, General Orders No 6>*, (current sr>»; 's (huR ftpi*ndfd: All uetalled (ico'udios Jioae betw'«n 18 eai 46 .▼ears of are.) ^11 report t», aad be ccrnu.ft«dfd by il*e Gc^n^ral of ReaeiTMii the State i» vbi.h th^y have bt ca ?B3igEed a detailed, who will oros.nise tbr-rj imo compa'icf and lAib^oaa. It ia nat »L''>ip«.t'J f «*t they will be oalltd oat, exeeptfBamor^-neiej occa'rrnir ia or near tta eotiat^M of r'-'iownc’; n^r wili ‘^^rv'oa t’e exsof^d ftf thaai bayond t'-oso c.n! tics ead onant'SB contiguon* thereto; azorpt >h'4t ocn>p«n'c8 fcc-e- sfier fenced may ''6'T«jn?red to p»'f'rr.t tirv^oe in ro oenitg raids along a line of railroad renuirg tbrcrgh th.'ir reepeotlvo counties AH cxc.-'-T'U trc r.liOTffd, aad invited to ciin 11 thent.-trlras with tiuo-h. c^mpanffr ro a« to be prepared to ai.l ia defsii*irg lL>o*r i-oir'cs •rheo menaced by the enemy. * » * * * ’ » [Signed] 3 COOPER. A r.nd I flen OflioltJ—Jao. W. SucsDAia, A. A. G'". fajetteTllle Amul aad Arnory,) June SO, 18C4 / 9100 BOUxWY. fW^anteU, 40 Jfi^uMted AUTHORITY having been granted by the War Da- partment. to raiio a Company of Monnted Rifemen for aarviee ia this vio3uity, uotiee ia hereby given that recroita to the eumber of 40 non-eom*r^rt* will be ro eeived for thia sarvioe, to fill np the oomp‘'ny to the re qairad Number of 100. Each rsomit will be rcqtiircd to farnich a ssvic-^ble h»ra-», f>r wbieb he will be al lowed 40 oaoii per diem, and kf« pay f 12 per montb. Wriitm ptrviigtUn will be required from parenta or guardiana, whera the applicant is undfir the oonsoript Fach rsarult moat bricg with him a hlaoket or bed spread, aad'ooBsa prepared to reuain. Ertdia*, aaddlea, halters and aaudle blankata fumlah- ad by tha Government, or if the rrcrait comca provided with them, ha will be paid fcr them a fair valdatioa. Apply to Mi^jor MA'TTHBW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar- eeaal I. L. CHILDS, 45 tf] Lieet. CoL C. S. A. Comd’g PoeL lilDQUiBTEBS BBSEBVB H. C. 1 RALEiGn, A'jj ‘^3, 18ti4 { Gr3se.AL OapEaB, \ ■ No 7. ; I. Pascant to G'ae'ai Or l^rs No 67, parag'spH V., Adjoiars ard Intpcctor Geaer>l‘« Office, datrd Au^nut Ifiiis. 186t, Looil ETirolii'ip Ofi ;er9 wiil proe»ai at one*' to crgspiae the detailed met, of whatever k*nd, in ____ «h(’r.r#8j*et*»« oBontiM, into ecmranie!*, reportio; I© ra prompiiy by ana and ..i 'Wiffi - ' 'IroU'd. II. Att exempta ai* in*itad, and ear^iesily reqaeatad, to attar^ tbeoaeWes to eoKpaiai*B thoff ta be or^arizcd, for home defence ▲rmB aud anmttriiion will be iaaucd aa soon ns the eonpacics arc f'^rss-d Bj ooRinand of Lt. Gen. Folnaes JNO W. HINEDALE, A A G. Aug. S7 e'i 7’ ViTKTTEYILLK AH8EXAL AXD AK¥OUY, { Avr. 2(i, I8c4 f TinriVER WAiKTJBEI. ASTIAVY »nd r-!iable man who underetands hia trada can find steady cmploT"’crt at good wages. Apply to the 6”-6t COM DG OFFICER. A few Important Faoti TN REGARD TO IT HE “SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLi.*» 1TFEY are prep-»red fr^in tfce best quality of XJedi , eins by the'di3CC7erer. now aa iged Minister the Gcppel, and a*e saf«. WAMTEO, Hides to tan on shares. Terms, ^ Leather or its eqaivalent ia oaBh Wo can tan it in » very short time if desired, by Hiekle’s patent. Persona ^Bbin; their ITidea tann'd can send them to our addr«Fs to Egypt Depot, where they will be taken from and Leather delivtred at onr expense. Our addrcps i« Beaumont, Chatham Ccnnty. W P. TVATS^^K & CO Pefere>>ce Messrs. G W. Williar.B 4 Cc., Fayettftille. Aug. 61*&iWtlJpd Th'j fiijnatures of o&lored pcra-' >8 : aoniU o« witneased by threj witneos^B There r.iuat bs Sip.^raii; .iupUci 'c i*'w^ra of Attorney for cacii ta. ata. ^ J-'-as ri. j al up»a appli- Mtion at tJiis o3ioc. W. H. JAMtJS . I. i Chief Bag. Jan'y 20,18^ 1800tf The next BCtSfcicn will oci'rae;^ jjcxt. Taiticn froiu f S to SIO Traiiity C/Ol'i's-i*. ■! i tho "th ot Sept. C- : i:th tn sdvaMtf ^a’d f 100 per niontu, pay!*.ble mortf'iy in advanoo, or abont 98 per mont h, if pvd ri prov ’ * peace prioe*. There are small extra onaigou for ning taa room Siud’^atfl aro r-'queated to briag ~.!1 t’^a Toxt Baoks that th'’y tsay ho nble to prodare. ^ W T. OANK W-^Y, Pmb’*- A ''ourt of jrOTiCB, 8Ute of Korth Carolina, Blchmond toantj, T opring Term, A D 1864, of the Bupw’or ''ou Law for said ooar.ty, it waB ordered b.v said Coart, taat from and after daid Term of said Coori M 'aday of each Term be laaigned for the trial of the P’“ te 0 okot. All parilbd, witJieaBet, aad defeadanta are ? to aiUn.» CD Mon'ay of next Term of said Coi'r: to h« holden for said ooanty, at the Coart House in V ham on the third Monday of September ne^t. nam on w* / ^ ^ MoDONALD, * t- __ 0*0 UEWARD. ON lafit Thursday my buy m«re, with a black mane aud tai>, broke lo^so at Egypt SiAtion, Ch«th.am county. I have act seen her Btcce. 1 ja^ge that aome person ban taken ber np or stolen her since ahe got looBo. Siie is of ccmmcn site, gool looking her au^ne considerably worn '■ff with tha ocllar; her l*ft eye has been all knocked on>., the hair mbbed off her baok. I will gi’e flCO for tLo recovery of tho mare and ^100 fjr the a~rcst "f t^"* tbi'i if stclou n ARRIS TYSOR F»!r tlftvan .TijIt •>. 'tR-7tpd&‘^ Wod Wanted for tho Stato of N. Carolina. The uadcrhipti»4 oontlaue to erohange COTTON YARN for WOOL, oae bandlo of Ys,rn/or 4 lbs. un washed, or 3 Iba. oleau waahsd Wool. They will also p»/ a liberal pric" in Gas'! for Ifgo cr pm'»U lots. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., A*ts. Fayelteviile, Juac 16. 42tf BOJ^DiS FOR SA£E. Flv« Handred MUlion Coafcderate Stx Per Cent. Boodi. rCHB?E BONDS present thd ;roat08t indacemevtiB fcr L iB»e«^ment- . They havn thirty years ‘o run. inter est psyabls enmi-iiuauary, and tvre seeured by import and export duuea; are exempt., principal and isterest, from tAxation, and tha oouprns reoeiTable as oota fo? custom daties. The oonp^'Bs of thrse Bondn, dae January lat, 1865, have been ordered to bs reoaivod ia paymaut of import dutief' ia advaac? of mvtaritjr Apply to ALLEN S. GIBBEf!, Ageat Treasnry Drpariment, Wi1mirgtoa» N. C. A tig. 9 66 tf Palma ChristI jS(ean«. The svbs«rih«r will pay the hii^hast onah prices for any qaiuitUy of Palma ChHsti Bearm. J. A WORTH FaTaftovlTla. a' * FMMiJat AXD OATiS. TjUiOUR and OATS will be exchanged for Com at the 1! 8t.nre of D. MoLaaria, by giving him a few days BOtioe. Floor good, Ow« No. 1, bla^ or white. .W^TO. tfcf MjOST, ACSR'^IFICATE af Depoflit* for #700, ieroed by .Tobrs W. Saadford, E«q. FayettoviUe, N C , nara- 2. Tb-y have been known for years aad tested by thoae*njs. 8 Five handred peracna are known to have been enred b- then. 4. They are not r ecmmeaded by tbe proprietor fcr evarything. but only far dlaeaBCS which aripa from dis ordered livCTB. 6. Directions and ccrtiioaUss tMctapany each box and thfee certii5cates are from well known and most re- spr3‘*{^ •ndividnal*. f*. Corrcsp-indcDtB reeommend them as goc’fi ft-r Liv- er I>!s"ac“. Cbills tad Fevers. PneamoBia. Jann- dica, Dyppepsia, B)lious Feverf, Bilious Rheum-itiem, Wcrnis, PlonriBy, Broaol'itle. &c. 7. Sg',eral g'ertlamen state that the use cf thepe Pills b-^6 bean to t^em an antual saving of from Jlt'O to they are the best rlasiation :aoi!ciae ev*.r of fe’’pd »« the public. 8. Same Physioiftns of the highest staading prescribe them *0 their patients, and hundreds of boxw btye been acid to rcj!ul*r practitVon^wg, fl I>!»rir? the l>st qaartcr 2 8'*'' bcx^fl h.ivs Hef^n sold to Drpggist«, one in S'uth CaroHn'j, ►nd one n North Carolina—ar>! • mo tim? a?o ♦"▼er » 700 b-'xes were orVrod by I’ in Virg'niH. ■^Pi-vee. 313 i. — r. For $20 a dcion boxe^ will be Sint to ary ^ VIrcts A very liberal dteooua to Diuf»!ets and 0^"' Jnerchaats C«h (ce*r currcn- cy) to *rop!Tp*p •''*8. For 8ale In .'itu'tli Carol’na fts Follows: Ashfvlllc. E J Aston AUeB*arle. J W Biv' -. Ot>at%r|h!l. » B S»».*n!r.-i. Ctiariotuw J Nye (lu'.ctiinsi'n, K t’arr. CIIO'OD, Hubharil k -c ey, >*nrord. J Peld, Cnthild, j t'ohen, iiilbbotn’. J Y >Vl)i'.(* li &. Co,' Fayetterilli;, N A e nan &. Co Graensb^>m . Pi»ru‘r ^ ^lorrcU, Gdlilstwro*. Ijtica!* Mnnre, Halif.ix, J O'Britii, Hendersiic, Wyr.tn- t f'o, [.Kix.Djp.'n. J P AiMrem, Inir fiith lOt . Ijincolnlon, P Shern'l, ly»Hi^bur?. J ri fton, I Marittn, \Vni WakefieM, I Plttsliiirit’. r Ijonc, R^'.elgh, VV'.'tij-Ms U Havwoiid. l> F r.« 'Id. Rorkinsham, .1 I* .N'orthnm. 8a.!\*hury. II«mVr*i>n a. Enni*. I “ IturlMink * tirtUaghar, I Shelhy. R Fr. npl-^rser, I VVarfe'bom', VV O Henn«*tt, 1 \Vhltev;lle. K lluvnea, I Wilmingu>u, \V»!kfr Meares. II VcC.in. I •• W II I.lpp tt OF,r>R;n \v l)!’F4^ Strl: Court of PI Sarah Bro^^ru ol ]%ortw t’as'olioa, »DN1Y OF RICHMOND. *id Quarter Sedeions, July Tenn, 1864 Thomas B»rrcntine and An.tel'.aa »»ie wife, E O V ■ and Mar'ba his wiu*, and oth»rB. Petitloa for Dower. IT appearins; to the 8Rti5f»oi.i(>n of ike Cci:rt, llit • Sarfih tu-i Oi.^'m Wright, Leonard Browa, rj.d ^ ^c*- aoder B»'o»‘ i, reside beyoad tho limits of thie Offered: th tt » .b'io^ifloa be ir;»de in tha rnyei .jii.U Observer, t...apaT!cr pnbliaheu in Fa.rtft**’’’!", 0 , for six wce^^’, notifying said not^-rea’dent dofecdania *4 ba and sn'. • .%♦. the next t^rm of this u>^ to bo b8i(J at the Court {."case in Rcokingbam oa thi* 31 M.otvlnj of Octobcr p»xt, then a«d there to plcaci, aasif'cr or iRutto'h" >)e'itioa filed ?n thir case, ot'iP’'T!i’o t!'« same wili ia heard ex parte aad juagmeot pro ccofesJO entered r”? to t' !*m Wiineca, ’ ruis H Webb, Clerk, of cnr s»id Court, at office ij> Ro'tkinghan*, 3d Monday of Jn'?. 1831 L H. WEBB, C. 0 C., 62-6t1 H. H WEBB. Dt*pt. CJ*Tk Is hereby «-ivc»i 'o pr’^prrp w>o have ai'p'ied ' r )•■ ra.5r»>rn to p*8s cur I’trs below Kin toii, that ! )»r)f . »(if r." t-ili be rc-« ve.i Uotii t‘ e IC'h inat.. frciP . *11 •ti c-yr :sf?u>i'n ir to rp.-tijn tit cnffny’p I'-hes 0 tho Ifiih jpft, t’l Those p'>‘re£ ar"* aprro-r ’ a: thrf H^foquartfru, will te foiw)!.rdcd to *he •■npciy’b ov’'.f[''^ts near Nf'wbern by fi g cf truce. Perinje‘’i"n win czly be ursiited wiin the d’Etlsot uadorstarding th*t ' .c r»rt,'» cot to r{>M;!n. By order cf Brie Gt>n. L R Bakbb: fi4 f-t ^ JAS C. McRAP, A. A. Gen. Offlce Post Q M.,-4tb Cong. District, \ FaTRTTBYiLLB, Eept C, ltL-4 j Haying Icnmrd tit? t Fe'eral Afpss tia a-o exempt- ir-g ’0 j^8. ->f Wo:! for esoh mc»> ber of a family, I w ,'uld .sttio that whare a pcrecn znt;kes .nly 10 lbs of Woo' ha pays cone; if hs n3t.kcB 11 Ibe he pajis oa tbe wbole Lsee^pors will th' refore cbsn re their SESfcemfTrt!', Sra C4 3t J -T .VG0WAH, Capt. & P Q M. . HbaPQUAVTBSS Sd VlI.IT.lBT DlSTaiCT, 1 Tsp't R. C asd SouTH.f:aN Vjbqihia, j- Wilrr;’TirtaB N C . AnzM' 30tb, 1“64 ) SPEITAL mJTICE, All Perso' s »«t rotidests of SrxUUvi ie ars request f.d to refrain fron c^pp^ying at Headq jiartrrs for per ii’K.'on to Tie?t the F: rts cr to go dc^a thi- river ia the Go’Tfnojrnt Stcomcrs This is addreeaed to perscne Mviag at *i*tane«, CBpoQ;*lly lad’es, ia the hops c* tre»'cati’g a fmitlcES j>uj’a.’y from ih^ir horncB Upon oor'jijarbt'cu, for i&e pre j«Dt at 1 a^l, will permis- «i'Q be giTe.’a to psfa upon the Qovcrnm»nt b,»t8 Whea oircu!ra» *T!o»-.B t-i l -idmit of a relaxhtioQ'of thi« ;u!e, «ue uctice wiil b» g-ven P?o!ra|FS f. r goidit-ra at th^ diflf'ren» po"ta will be de liver'd »o Capt Graiuffer, A. Q M. They ehou'd be edit il ly marked ’ ad be will be reepon 'ible for their .-.afp deltv>rT tarough his agents Ctfiola!: W. H. C WTTITING, M^jor Gccaral. JaU28 H ITiu., Maj. aad A. A. Gia'l S-.pt. ■'et, liJ'j4. 6V6t w^':; iKoslin Oiis. ■pi'H uader^igrued ia manuf'tctaring on a new prooeeB I i.USIJf OIL, tauoh eup rior lo any iieretofore made, and has naw r*a^.y ftr c»’e and delivtiry, IftO L'lbrioatic'j OiL 60 V.J Paiai. Oil 30 . J Xaan^rs’ O-l Eailrw-d ■ \ tipanics ar. I Gov.;*nment t-i^.oi^is are ra ques'ed o rive tbeso oil* .■» tr?«i. Tca^y w»ii •« noit mt cna tenth • w cost of other oi'.a, and for mov rarpoees ar^a«^o.-i T. S. LUTTER^OH F^y tt Au'UHtSO 186*. 6S 3w 7SOT9CE, ~ ^ TUO?jll‘i >N wiil c\ve Hillsboro’ and ’ on F-i^.'-y th" 17th dtv of Ssptem- ber, ' 7 v •' i."'r'lia, for the arwy of Northern Vir- giuia. /»ii b.'xeo nrcpsrly mtirked ana weighed, at eitber poiw, a?d the in^ermediatd depots, will be taken of ar.d duly dclivo'sd. All boxes e?at to any of our pr*80Dera o! Wir wili be delivered to Comiui»sioccr Ould, by vaom they wiil be duly fa-»rardod ae direct ed. L-ncrs will also be UtMrvded by mo throui^h the B.tmo reuse but all letters mast bo accompanied by ten oenttf in ailver. or one dollar in rcnfedcratc money WALTER A THOMPSON. Atrg 31. C4tl7S and 1.0T at Auction. ON Thursday 16*.a iK»t, wiil be oold at auction, Cno DWELLING ROUPE, sitaa'.cd on the west aide of Wiarlow strtet, nest south of Bamp*on Boon, Eeq. The IIouBS coriains FIVE ROOi‘8 ail finished, gocd kitcecn and an exocllcat and Q*ver failing wf-11 of water. Tho lot ccatains IJ acrfs uader rood feace- J H COOK, Auet’r. Sept. 6. 8t Engle Foiindry. WANTED TO RIPE, .1 rr 4 •tle-bodird NEGRO MFN by the aofi'.h or for tha balanoe cf the ye^r For such the highest price will bo r'aid. D ANDISRPON ft CO Sept. Si 64-4t Walt for ^«le. on A A BU^HFLS tfOUN'>8' lt. made ia the Spring .gUUU 1863—will exchaage it for Bacoa, Lard. C«m, or Confe'^crate Tr^*aary Notes AUo, 80 boT.es fine CHE'^ING Tf'BACCO; for sale 6t my rtore pppcsite Capo Fear Beak. A. G THORNTON. 8 pt. 2 64-tf $100 REWARD. STOLEN fioip my rtVole, 81st Argd^t, twoSORRBL MARBS. One is aoont 13 years old; tie other h iiiere is a«» raark ca the old »^are, the othi-r baa a star on her fr^^^ead. DAVID OLDfl.AM. P'dlei’d P.til, Chatuaha cou»>ty, N C, 8*pt 2 64 4tpd EX€HA!««£. I G^OD BROOD MAP.R. C years old, works well, V BQur.d red «»?ntl'"; f.r seed wt^er.t. rv« or o«ta. .H. H KOBTNgON. Liaco'i-t^n. N C , .*ug. SO. 64 3i Wsf.nted fo pnrcliase. CONFEDERAT E 7 and 8 per cent Booda. Ditto 4 por cent. Crrffioitea Wi-st ’-n RiiVoad Stock Batik Notas, Gold an;'. Silver. 7 30 Notes. ' T. 8. LUTTERLOH. August 22, 1864 68-8w ?«alc of Slaves. PURSUANT to Ml cr(?er of the laet Term of Robeaoa Couaty Court. I will sell Rt the Ccu’^. Ki-nae ia Luiiib'Hoii on Monday of the Superior Court wei>k— (the ?S‘h r{ Se’'t*mb'’r) % lot cf slaves belonging to the ol'iidrea of tho iaie Dr, -. M. MoLean. Tf T.Ts cash. JOHN LS.XCH, ConiPi's‘!iojacr. Aur 81. 63 7tpd II Hack Eaintbsi for Miaie. PRTCB '50 175 dollars tor choice, to deliver bv tNe l^'t-h ifc pt, h«lf fr»edo; some may be full Full i>r-'eds shea’' from 7 to H lbs HTTGH McLEAN, Buie’s Creek Post Ofi>ce. Sept. 1. 68 tl63 9100 REWARD. RANAWAY ^rom tbe aubecri'oer ou th^ 2l t of July 18^4, 5SJ maa MISLE, a«e.i 2A years, dark com- pleeted, and we^ghB ab>ut IPo IbB Said boy W’U pro bably renaia. waile oat, in the neighborhood of Fay- etieville, N. C. I will pay the above reward U lodged t'cred 77, dated Maioh IS, 1864, aad drawn in favor of Mre Haanah J TanneU. Notice ia hereby given ‘hat »rr!!c£.iioB will bfl made for the iMoa ef a oev ojttif- j tay Jail in the State, lo that I get him again oAte in liea of the oae leaL J>- ■- HILL. 1 ALT&SD CAVNBfll. Blank WarranU tor mJ« Mrt* | J>«vidK« Oeilat*, Aag. is. \ Bnuh OreO. Jalj tl. I i^afches. HAVE a Ifjt of MatcbcB in round hexes, for eale by JAS. Sent 6. G COOK 64 2w YoHDg’s ArltbjMtieflil Dictionary, EMBRACING a system of Ariihmrtic, Ready Reckon er, Interest Calonlator, Book Keeping, Forms. &o E. J. HALE k SONS. Paa’p 1# JViV T.‘L^.AHA«='SEB. DiorT)ir;'| f*. copp'derablc flutf^r *** oicatcd in the ccmmunity by the arpccrsof - o • stranpe armed vessel, ot raki.sh appcan^* j** c tic Market Wharf The visitor p’’ the Confidcrntc cruiper TpIli’.V'ssrep TuC at.a- lt?F?re JB sn iron ttcaniCT of about then, hap a pcwrrfr’ cnpicc, red is with t»o scu^s, pT.d is tl'C rocr’^ 't'rjn. pliip in tbe Confederate fcryico, beir uftder heavy prcFstjre of Ftram. of from IR to 20 i!iilcs sn hcut Sb* cnrripa tv’c f. ttdi* *^al)ie ewi’^ei ptiDS, one at tUc bow and anc?I>er at the ptern, sr d a picct' ofhra.®e or«^ra’»c^ of f’TfilJ* cr calibre forward her foremast. The Tal-f^ is ccmnifcP!?ed by Capt J.'hn Taylor TVood, ‘am to be a D«*T»Iievr to Jefieraon Dav'Si Prcwd^nt cf tha Confederate',J^t^tcfl. ard has a er- v of up* Tvord^ of 100 men Sh? was built i" L^ndc»H Enff^aad, abont two j'csr.' snd a ha’f '•e*’- **^1 V7r f'T f'ire time employed srcccrpfn”j ’i »un- rirt' the blockade into ard from V I’t- i •£,t'i>. SLc wa.e fitted out as a cmiscr at tb • fork froai which nlie sailed on tbe (ith cf ti c month, and has eincc capfurcd. brmed e.r lof.d- od no. less than oo Fcdeial rccrchtntmcn and fiphinsr eralt. Off Sandy Hook, in one day, tbe cru'scr enp- tured and destroyed six vessels, one of them bo- lDf» the larsre ship Arctic, which, in ronndirj; to collided with the steamer, carrying avsy^ tb® mainmast of the latter, but doin^ no other age. Between Sandy Ilook and Cape Sab»' sev eral small craft fell a prey to the vieilance of thfl cruiser, and near the latter place she took ard destroyed ecven vessels, and landed thei’" ore'TO at Yarmouth. N. S. On Wednesday nicht be tween Cape Snl'le and Halifax the T£jlabr..seo captured and btirnt three small Ameri'an sob' on ers, and pot tl T crews anhcrc at Fone tcrt. on the coast. This cnji‘’er appears to b' v»o?l offici^red, and jrf^L'ina; from the »ppe?.r8n?o ~i thinars good i .=tifi!ine is mnirtui^M^d on b^'Mid. Tho officers say they do net fea- a’l the men-of'War that way be pent in pursuit of tbcpi, as their Bteatoor ig truch swifter than any foTir.i l- abie gunboat in the Northern Navy, and as r/s- spectfl lesser craft they count upon being a match for tii'jm in ct^se of"' contest. Id ciu- ine out of Wilminjrton the Tallahasseo wi s c’n- ed by one of the blockading pquadroc, and ecvctsi phots xfc e'"^ha''f'cd, bttt a? the conte‘»^ Jf' c.'j’jal t'ce. the F«*deral guiiboat Ko».n ori.3c, Mid th' oruiser cectinu'-J w a V. gave V ji her fcn Yoel • board 1 ci afceruoon th« Tallahassoo q-njMitlty of coal from the 1 "f? brig Mari'*. Gncf.-'.TTold. Soon after thf 'T;'a«.'.T arrived hc-.ro tho authorities communicated witb her coaim'APder notifying him that .b’! vcr?cl could not be psrrpitted to remain here k rf, r than tweaty-four hotirs, so that it is vc^y f rcbi* ble she will leave here seme time this mornii:c; of coiiHM? we know nothing r.f her i1n(!tirrt;cL, but it ia evident ehc will pursne the objcot of the mis sion for which she was equipped Halifax {N. S.) Chronicle, 18r/t. The El^fr av'} i(6 uses—Blacking— for Wouudt, 1-0.—To the Editor of tbe Sentinel;— Every ho.Ti st dcvice to save money in thcs" times ought to be resorted to, and therefore 1 a.«k yc u to publish the following process for maVing black- ing: Simmer ripo elder berries over a slow fire in ai iron kettle for one hour and let the laaiw "goI. jitI you will have good blacking. Tbe juie • may ho pressed cut and put away for rse y-'U i; ay c^cc it, and tho pulp or mass may alj-o be u This ^’a'kiag has, v»hen wot, a redoi.'^ t'rjre, but will ^wiish to a good black. Paste b ack.ng may be made by adding lampblack to the j' i*J« until it is of the proper ocn.'>isteney to bo pack d into boxes. I have used this mixture i'or sca>e time, and find it as good as any that I ever tried. I suppose tho whites of two eggs and a gill of sweet oil to a gallon of juice would answer a gcotl purpose in improving this blacking. The expresseJ juice of the leavea of tho olu«»r diluted with watci y. iil oxpel maggots from wcurds and heal them very rapi'ily; and the loaves, a li*’- tie bruised and worn nest tho parts affectcd, v hile a person is in motion, will speedily cure chaflrg. I have used them for the htt^r purposo for up- wardft of twenty five years, and recommcrded thoiij in very many instances with uniform succ'^s.h. By the way, could not a very good fui^o b5 made by boiling the leaves to a pulp, and after removing the woody fibres, mixing them with lard or mutton tallow by stewing? Altquir [Another friend has given us the followiag di rections for making blacking of cider berri'p. He say.s he has used this blacking for a number of years, and that there ia t>fl better: Boil the elder berries wer, mfshing the p’llry matter. Then strain through a culler der and b.)t- tle for use. Tbe liquid eoura somowhat by rg’, but rotair.3 its qualities ] What iShrrman Infenfh Dnixg.—Editors r.re suppoGcd to krow ererything, bat one r.A oacniJ v c a 'oi'S we don't kn t?: and t what S -eiojiii i.ateu'^s to do. ./e are tho quei^ticn so cft« u, that we det-'rnuued to .ir.pjy t*' eomc i f our catb stone geiicrab for a so!nt.o i of Shermaa’s intentions. Accordingly, on n;retir^ our friend, Poeitive Chucklehcad, on tho fifrocr, we asked him to tell us coafiientially what Sher man was after. “Sherman, sir,” ho replied, “Ls goivg to retreat. I know this positively I c^n* not tell you my authoritj, but it is undoubted. I’ll swear to it, sir.” Leaving our friend C^'uck’c- head, v»e met, on the next comer, old Phcfio. “My dear Pnogie,” said we, “tell us what in your opiuion of iiherman’s movement"? Ib he goirg to retreat, or not?” “K«:reatl sir,” said Pbogie, “he has no idea of snch a thing, he is masaine his tro'^ps, and intendq to fall upon Hood, drivo back oar pocr boys and capture Atlarita. The signs are unmistakable. If I were not nnitr a pledge ot secrecy, 1 would tell you 8omet,h)u»r, sir, that would convince you of this fact. Atlrn- ta is lost, sir. I’m going home to bury zay rII- ver tea pot;” and old Phogie, taking a pir'-’. snuff, started down tho street. Wevre in a mystified mood, towa’-ds ou’- -ij OJ .r* ^a!H: f' ec.tct.tim, wb»n we met a little girl, whom kn«w well The Farmers’ and Planter*’ Al- for 1864, A law groae aore Jnat reeaived. jr«’v >1. «. HAi;« « fioift we met a uiiie gtri, wnom kn«w well “J il- ly, said we, “do you ,f tnt the ugly yank^e"? *re going to whip Pjr.r’' “Oh, no, air,” sdd Li.lj, “unless G^'8 asleep, and mamma gays Li-^ c rcn are al’jrajs open and he sees everTthing N.k >ir, tae yankees can’t whip us, for God is lookijg at them”—and little Lilly, Hkea comforting cherub, aa she is left r.q and went her way. That’s all w» know ahout SheriTut > intentionB. i Macon Ckmftd^rat*