VOL. XIV.] FAYETTEVILLE, SEPTEMBER 12, 18G4. [NO 1366.] printed Mondays and thitiipdats. EDWARD J. OALE & SONS. EriTORS AND PROPKIETORS. Prise fbr the Semi-Weekly 0B9»avia $15 OO, p&ld \n »lT)vnc«. for the Weekly *10 00 per •nnua, p»id In ^dvaooe. • ADVERTIFFMFNTS iawTted fcr f 2 per 81T1MP of 12 lines or l»Pf, for the first. rh/I one doMftr for eiMih sncoeedjn^ pnblJaation. Adfertiscrs are reijtiestpd t« state the nnoher of ?nscr»ions d3!nr«»d, or tbey will be continue*] t?!! forMd. and cbjirged aocordln^ly. AdTeriiBfiueotfl oontinned mi:*, charged as new ad vert iaem^nln. COTTOW €ARDS, Wo. 1«. T ^PTT0N card MANUFAC- I 1 UKlWG I 0WPA>Tare now nsanufacturineCARDS any ran tbrougb the blockade, and at la^nt ^sclliDg for a less price the single pair or by the qnan- Any person ordering six or icore pairs, they will b*» jwn^ly packed and deUvered in Wilmington tree of ei Call upon or addreee A. A. McKETFlAN J. A. WORTH, ^LEX. J0HU80N, Jr. 24tf SPEriAT-- NOTICB- From an j.ter thlciiato, noaam-' of a new subioribcr will be fntered without p9TMv*t \v »«lT>tnoo, a»r viU the paper ?ve geat t* rann mr a lociter tiine ttfaa is pa!d for. Such of onr old robsoribcrB aa dssire to take tho pa per on this syrtem will pleaae notify ne when makiBf rerolff-uioe' Jwy I. 185?. W. DRAVGIIOm, AUCTIOKEEB, 8. I. forrrr ¥»rkrt f>c|car^y FA’WETTE’f II LE, W. C. Prf.iPTt e'{(Fr;cr p'tce Io »1! bvcirese sn hi« TieriTnEto^ f> h.'pi. 10. 1P64 40‘ ISAAC ROLliyGSWOBTH, t^reffr end fcFirf^^iei* Mrrrliaiit, FAYETTKVILLE, N. C. yHEe 13. ^0 tt nvfi, jfMcz,, ^ncs£jiit\ Attorr.oy at I.aw, FAYBTT*VTLLt, N. C. WILL attend the Caunty tad Superior Courta of Camberland, M«ore and Robesoti Coua- iifls. Pr-'nsot •itteutJOTi iriTe« fo ccE-'iDtion if ail slaim eat-u‘ t»-.l t4 hit? b%c Oat. 17, 185«, f.8-tf Fayetteville, N, C., April 18 T^HE undersijrnpd will give a fair price for a well 1 tract of LAND of loo or 20aacrea, 00 the "««• COLTON. K.^c.. Faj e!teri21« |2a«Im uii OUR on Worta are row in compiete opcrr'»tiiu», and * •8 we nse nothing bat £jood rusin in f>roiuniig the Oil we can recoiumena it to be the best of tht> kind n«le ia tWs country. It is a fine Lnbricating and TanBer’e Oil, and we wouUl be glad to receive ^cra from Hui GkJTernnieat end the public srcnerally. We will uell on reasonable terms. MOORE, CASH WEI J. i CO April 16. JOS. tJTLEY, Groccr tt^td €\>mi*tiHrU»n •We»Yftrt|t#, FAVETTKVILLS, N. C. Jan’y 10. IS5-3. t5 tf UAXDA.V STBPM.VX. 'Wll. H. IV. A. STKD.'tf Air Jt CO., WH0LFS4LS Am RETAIL 9ElLCn.^ AND €01&ITUI!^$$I0xY .liERCfiLA.lfTS, •Mo. If*, S**y Mrnii •FAYETTEViLU!, N. C. Ajpril 20. a&tf B « WOITH. D Q W»3.rH. « C. DAJtl&t. WORTH &r. ani T’^rwarjlinjj JS'sTii'aantj, N. 1. Ovi. le • ^ . *) ^i\i^ Pev.^i: tlie It 'I' tt = 31;. ..L3 C' S»''- aV Vi ■?i»e -» u, EAGL£ FOCSrDJKY, 1 PAT5TT* TJL£.a. N O.. Julv f WB ARS NOW PEBPauSI' TO Od (iers for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of fha f'l ow.D'T «itM, T *: 21, “8, iff u;r.b. Also C2ILLEI) TiaC^ Tliv Ir^» ^0 ih-vl f,i tk^ wlUba ''OLD SLASr (JI!\R X)AL ISO.^, aaJ vr3 war- f'at ccr Hh»p i NOT TO ''RACif i« be >iiuil »o »ay mJe In t -e Con’^ ltfuf.y ir U i ;i«a of 'Xb.C tv b. S as c^f Phjl-.a‘lpS!i--,, wto« '- apv.la ;j« u 3c ^ Wwj bv' 3.11 R»il Rt-.I J«ii,C.rE!.'d Wc h^TC -'■>-> b.-7i: f'l.jwit; 9 I’cr U. by 8t«>E»£a to WiiaaLrij oarl 0/ ti.., Cc^fe^erxcy Oricrs »capc-a*.?j1’/ .^cLcitB^J. 4^tf] D. AND-^RSiON b CO WESTEa*^ LJA2L 11HE FllBIGEIT AND P.tSbSNGMiL T&AIKS &f UiL. Koad lisvo ?ajcitofiii« o&ily, (Suilijj excepted) at 8 o’clcair, A. M., ristai’aiiig le-i7j u, 1 o’cl*4£, P. M. Ca:^4 Wort* frem WONDIY, WHDSEiiDAraa i FBISaY. By atfd-r JiiO. M. SX}3£, »ci Qca'l Truia. Af’t, Jan. 12, 1888. ^^71/ icz-^e _li T«._-3dA/. A^rii ti—i7if ] o'oiowii, A. Xa-. oti JOB. A. VOr.Tli, C. F. A'j^a.’a Boat Co. mfvki imnxsii: amfkVi* •J. ..t, uait s 4-3'5,Hsi4 ■ 5,077 BT TFl «0TFR9»R OF KOKTB fjl£01151, PROri^AlflATTOl^? PFPF.AP.. Jt in rPT’^rtf’d to ine fbpt n sny 9*^’dierp frrn’ the troofp.ot this Pat*» haw d(Sf-rt''d tbe?r colors ccBRi'Pdfp. 8rl row h»rVir» ir. tb* woods ^nd n’cnrtafrti. Brme ^f thom miboiFtSrg ly f rcirg thoi rrir r?p to %'folnto l^tvs !>▼ ^ n». pi d cfhoT'« Lt rjolrrt (’pprpflnlirrs uprr prticpful ci*!r«'rB. ertaiUn? Fhfrni^ ^at'd ol V^uv tl wp^'lrrs ar^ fht*T r^'pf^rfty, ontrneirg the lrw« prd the rence of sociHy. and damag- inp' fbe ■'pn?-'* of bf>ir r'TF*-fd coiTn-ry. And. wbfrpas, Gen Pob’t E. T.ee, in Gerrrni Or/^>r No #4, A»r lOtb. 1?M, bi>B prcrrifrd 1o «lee1 loriprtlvwitb all who prrirrtlT rcfrrr totality, fbrnyb fboy ir*v 1 nve iTi^curred tbft ppKpltic-n of c^f'g^^rtJor bv proV*r^e^ ab«f*poe withont antbority. Now. fhprefore T. Zrhnhv B. Vance Goverror of fbe Ptafp of Norflt rpro'iT>a, t^o icsne tbie pro^’arratioji, nrcing mort earrppflv npnn all sncb niiS6Ti]f!ed iPt’n to wipf* opt ^oni tbHr crrp r«»pf‘pt“d T>8nie8 the r«I pfnin cf deeertif n by prrniplv retvminff Vo the ff'st rf duty in accordrrcr with pjid Grr-rfilOr- OV No M *.• • ' - ^ or KiTrref^t r n,errrf>Tr^ To tne proper *ub{)-iHpe p full and fr**e pardon, or the Infliction of rrlv fhf> mildfrt nen^Uirt. ot tfift n^flHarT low. ercept tb Re who-hire beer, {’uilty of capital feloniee agaiii‘’t the Ifvea and p’"o- perty of the c5ti» ps, and tbie promise ph«11 bob’ pood for (b’rty days from the date hereof. And I berebv warn alT «ucb who reftipp to comply with tbene tenne tbit the ntTTO®t power of tbia State will b* exerted to captnrt' tb«*Pi or drive them from the border# of a eoiinfry wbo«f*b’«'h honor and ppotlefp renown they disgrnc« by refi'sirr to defend, and that tbe extren’eat peualtips of tl>* law wiTl be orforced without exception when caneV.t. as well as ajrainpt their aidero and abetters in the civil conrta. Sinrnltflpeonply with this proclan’ation ordars will issne to the entire inilitia of the State to tu-m out for their arrcf?t, and I bopp bv tinif*lv eubmiapion tb^v will apare me the pain of bnntirg down like sruilty ft1ori ma ny brave and mi?giiided men who hrv» »crvf-d tbcir conntrv well and could do ao aprain. Pepertew from other States who bide in onr woods ard a«»Fi?t. in givire: f'tir Stat.«t a bad namn,* I can do rothine for. bnt to tba erring poldiera of North Carolina I confi dently appeal. And I earneatly ••all on all gwd citi- ifons to assist me in makirar tbi? appe.O rffcctna]. both by tliM'r exertions as militia “oJd'era ard their irflnence 89 m'''!, to take pains to peek ont all dest^rtera of tl’elr ac- qanii'tano**, put this proclamation in the’r hands, or in tbe iianJa of tbeir relative* and friends, and nrtre ur>on them to return to the path of duty, which is a^^•') the path of tafetv and of honor. If every and loya •itisen would iot about torcclaimorcaptnroonedeperter by every meana in hit power, b« would succe«sl and he will have rendered a mo«t valuable and patriotia aervice to his Stata and c«tintrv. Civil magistrates are alao ex- kertMl to be diligent in proaeading against all sncb aa viclata tho itatnt^ againat harboring, aiding: or abetting ^asartara, anrf wa’*nicg ia hereby jpven that ia all ca^ee wkora oithor aivil Bia^etreet or militia or home {piaril o^fiara rafasa er nedeat to faithfully parforw their duty in this raoraat. upon propar evidence snbmittad to D'a, tha Exaautira proteation extecdad to them under aeta of Congreaa ahall ba witbdraMm, aa T eaonot certify that efficara, aivil or BiillTary, who roAisa t« parfoi*m thoir datioa ara “naafaaarr to tha dae adBiniatratien «f tka lawa” which th ly wiU not axecnta. Give* nnder war hand, and tha great »eal ®f tha Btata, a* Raleig’"', thia t4th day af Au^nat, 18A4 By the Governor Z. B. ▼ANCS. A. 44. McPKMTMta, Privau •ec’y, pro ten. Auj. 25, «l-4t»2t HlilMtViBTERS BE81RT1, I. C.\ I . Raibioh, A«». 19,1864 / Qtl**" O.dsra \ • jy 6 ; I^hne-al Or-JBr?No 3 w.^grapha III., IV. V ,ri'-’;)rftrt»r6 Rero ve N. 0, current aerie*, are hf-^l ’cvfirrd, Ettvifiiont vf p'.raoE’j wM’iiia Jha Raeerve tjii h* praMed uu er gtnerftl i» etnicloar firm riEu 01 Confer?j-'Jert, itttkcut refereii«>e to the ■'’1 C'irsr'-»ii(|'nji' E- A» j-1) rti(,)'R fcr I>et.ail rf pers''n!' v.it>in !■» Ri gee v'il rot b* r^ce'v'd ty the Lotal Vi'n-;''»r I'Bl i Rtt.’r the rrrt>t » tif B c the cfuranv .e cf»*si'y t2 WEicb tfc. -j'l eaui. r.-fiJe« shall l.fi. flf c'cd. T :ay wtlMb*ii be cerefuliy iov.'B i Iji ONf tB'ty wifU Lt r» .vi- f t oalari! No J*, P apj B»'rr*;n cf Cenicrip- Krf?:t pc'-et', ex0J*pt I prepcr*Vai^; fBecB of approval by the D'-s'nat Ejiri lling ‘‘ffv. Jt'W'» ^'or a’rry ? nf thr- ;rapt»-d, r ¥*^rr(^;V."e*tVV ft,*-if i»» v«- be DATlDgON COUJB»B, M. C. TFE rezt Srmion of (h?s Ipstitatioc, aid of tha Pre- p^rator® Pepa'tnjent ecorefted with it, will ecin- DJ* pee !he 34 of O^TGB^R TcUion f£0 per rcmica of five D'ODtbs. The price tf Beard wil! be refpilatad by the fcaf- of provipiftca. Ab heietofora it will be aa ?ca> *a (be rrtea of l>?:i»g will penrlt Those who b»»v be wflflrg 10 pay im povieioi-B at tha o’d prices eaa cb- tein br^rd at the pae^e • tudvBtii r Tovice ihe^r cwn ’••'rns fornitnve, liehta end fu I- J L KII KPATEirK. Pree't. N B 8tt*dea*B arti^itg at f tarloUe cb Mcrday, Wtdp*-Bdf» rr Frii’ay Te;!!" find t CM:re^tsee ia briujf thtf' *0 Coll'ge witJrcct detc*;>ica Acg 80. brikg 64 6t Iffrs. Catharir-e J, Ward will re- TOire the dntiet' of her S'JPO^'L in F^yatteville, o» tie 3’ day n»0 t 1864 in St '■'0 6^-lni B£ACqiJARTEB8 2d DISTBICT, ) *- " ana >• i.o»aoB> p'.snj i D itrcin jMi. rred to, required by t*n sJiroa'a’ t frcrs tbe Br cf t'cr-f o ipfio'- ic !'(» /tv-.-.ided, will rsusnited. «br 'irb the ortvrtt-ninnt of ^crsct!?.t^, t»-i8 'ffief fo*- fiual »e'?^n. in. toad ef tj tbe Suretin- ttrd^n* oi'tij" T5iir“-i! -t Ri'e' "”. ( By poiaTRDi cf H-Di G?. W. nr'CDALK, A A Oen *n^ 2\ 60 71 AdJH acd lDsp*r Gen’s 0(3e«,' Exte/ot QbNKKAL *'rDSHB Ko. r. Ault to, 18o4. •} V. Parasriph I, Q neral Or^.r- N*' 6?, (vttTiCiit r e.''; IS ^menieO: A!: (i^o iid-rg t- ftsr _ 13 ahd 46 '.t: /i.'i w'li 10- ■■ u i>‘‘r eoffi'.-.\r.’ d Nr fi-e 0 ;rAlofit ;•. 'f in . 3t;« ia w . >. u lr,^y ttv.- i ■ -j?’•s'’wJ. who vit! Oli. ivju it*o V . Irgtta iou- i„ :.o* .-’B ;i!'prii.a thtt be? v«il' i-e s lUd out, «2.o«pi a : rc-n-^iea cc- u-tinfr i. or 2»T fr : dC ij it r'-.'-’’.• i.a;-; t-.-.r vi- '’>3 ti'. oUd fif t;i. Ta i \ c! J ;o0‘8 ? i»al r^Dvt'e?r ni'f-noas !*)ert>r; ez-it At ^fTn /:cr f.rpiC'4t>ic-y !'e»rqijirei f ? r' f~;;s' -• ixr tk* « • lorr ». I'nc' of r:»ilr.''‘.d r\:r.2it g »t-rf>’ch their r'-J-.-xO-iTe cfrnfiert All sir,- rilcwc-d, fcsd d u Our'"’.! : elvca wiik .aii’,’ Ci.aipuiii-.i p *■; !j be {/if +ry I ta «id ia J*. j: ’ir^ iJicLr r.orcer i J • {jcetay ' ISIjr.rtd'l OlSsial—J*c B COrPER k (tild I. Oea A. G,z. GaviKAL Oed; No 7. in P-v,ro’'v \ t Ct.i9 on i\>. s:i l «' -i AL It ^ ’^2 Y r ■'i-v. Ail prtj iTtl tmi) i-il I hinici.3 tive y -'.:'* '■- ;rd- t . iue .* ‘'q “".’.‘pV ■■irr y u - ! t; ^ --.il. C-- : 'ii ■ -1. ) . C iit-an Cj Jr\. !?, v.'i^.ea v.bor ’.c-.i ‘'-an i 10 i-.xJt if.ci? prcr:'' ■ J0‘; itU' Ca ar£i', mt io-r b;^' J K ijJaS J pt,f ^oaai ir’ :* pr*v:. 0/ i»>r a.sliv/ic'5 viun? IV 1ft' 1 Fayft^evUle irnenal and .Armory, Q. M. 0«ce, \ 'J ''-T..!.-, At!?- 1". J Wend \^af*.'€d. OE^ LFI> PR‘'U*0.'‘/ ' 3 re - 3c iv^d Rt i.HTs cffi •' nr.r -VffSf.i. I''64, for f';o delivery f ■ i c'-Jk f o' i:v-d CLl'K JA-.X f'O’o t-' K- V7S'-: ■ 6’ ac"" tim« tv.'* place ar-d in e-.oi q.! ni:i .,ct' tt,e A. • Q. -M. »t t v> poH ms,y ro qa;re, I ^ r- r o ^ Krictljf f.c G;.%a'ifcrd Mvasure- r‘ vt f ■■ Co! ' -lO., V *: 8 K 4 X 4 t- >*0 -•r^'i F.'opo a’; f^r Wc'>d fur Q M. ‘ L HtJLMES, f‘ap* afld A A Q M. Pop •>9tM T ^ { fi- S. «iOO .t •- ;i. E> r, '..laty L ' ■) o-' > j 18 4 F. conif.'. ■ '■ C!» f- kJs Fa'-.' Mci-if :: De^'i ? ■ > . jVl*. '*37 i • r var-1 'j' Fi»- II caur. U I'o lura .1 J .f* L«'e «* ' liBlitt ', who cf .4.r.'ht;v'.lJ B u“ of P*iio*^*i->nd tbrt I cm (fct ti« Sa'.i ;■ .i‘h ."•u• r t.i ta- 8.; of .■i.u*'u»t iast., ■i Ltj? :.i fiva 8 cr 10 jt-cUfcS bi. h. dirS ^ bwir. i»>i- ie^c h** was V Fc ‘or. in a. ’-r.^y. '*b nruB fj /■' \, If- Ic-tl, l liu Oonspan - tiav^ j iii aU ka*4EiJVcr jaa'A* iu n.'Ut oa tic f itt-1 lose"* j.»: 1, UiJO. iitljL, ri'esi luai. iJ. A. i’. Ik, -ii ['lej-i^r.t. it. A. Ac .’ • a..;; ^2tZ,7^ W 0 pronptly, aa^ 1 pf«3\,nia r.ftae. iieu/ wiily, H. L, Mi-TjTer, 3. T. Hawia/, Rat.baa A. ?>.edio*u, C. B. Mftilea, 3 asu ijti . * ■ A. A. l^i.civ3iu.^o, J. I). Villia-jijj, S. W. I'ili317aa.;t Joan CV.Uia.^ an'i ij. 3. ‘ I J. vfia. McuixiriiL, T. 3. Lalterleh, A. vy. ,st*ie', J. *1. C»v>il, H.ua. J G iiiiopAbftt, ti. ?. Brown, ^ o. H%u, j unea, Ifravouaf Ag«Eta SirseMi efit«nl*f OB«e, ) RAiaicv. N. f .. Jr«R 10^«, 18«4. { wi'l laare »Kla Oflae »a tia first fvy. *n4 tha i^ftcMth day, of every K^oth. f-»r 0>a Laa’f arn*y. All boxu la.^ hart far aay oeoHar ef ikat aney will be aairied L'xare aroapUy ky h^ axtd 4eliv*ra.f te t?*3 awarr 41-tr p^iTgtr..., WIKI J %. JKA cajaM-.. j lRf«ti«TlU« Arjiwal wiii ir*»«r7. ^ Jnn- SO m4 > n\00 BOU!\TY. 40 ^M^nntvU Mi^femene k U'raCKITY Ls.^ns -vcji J'rxi.:- by tbe V' r h. \ tv r;ii.a Corup-iiy (; Rila.'Si-Ji f »• #erv.5P La ttu viwu.ty. laitice !■* hereby thi. rc'^roi * le tje aujuber tf 40 rr’‘J V re- ceiveu ^rr this ssrr’ct, ti* £11 up the c.'cin .-*» to the re qairB'l STtnbcr cf 100. S-t-tt rt'oruU vill i;-? tv^sir^d ‘o f'imiv-'* ;* •'eTi."''''.bio V --■- f-r T' o'i r .• vil! be »-- lor (1^6 • dtcirt, ani ff./ wr r-.mlii. (fritun v^nnuM»H will be rc-^’iircd . »rectfl cr ca*rii!i4na, :iEBro ibe ;::.pUr :>• T t?' czi'KCiif- ! *«®- j Ew.H r •emit lauat b/:L)r: With tiii a V’. w.itt OT b-. i 8pr**«i ts J -jaic prep%rtd rcarvi 1 Brid’sa, F.;:>dl*«, haliers aini •v'.d e '»li»jji;-tu ed by Ooverijiaent, ar if the r era’i i* prrv JoC W’i>’ to w’.ll be p*iid fcr thern 1 f;» r vf-,^„»t!nii. Apj.yto ilAjcr MATTHiBV7 F, T^YtjOP., at tbe «r- anrji. r. L. r «ILDS, 46 tf] Lieut Col. C. 8. A. CeraH g Post. H2iD(l?iKY£&S RK2SBYS I. G.\ llaLEiQH Af^- *.'S, 1664 / “•} I. I* Buaui ;o GiiC'»’ Oru«ra No J7. pintgrsph T . Adju.«s*: Uid I;:5p.»ctjt Qc-ctal’4 Of&3«», dxted Au*;0.'!t Iti.N 188*, L^«»i EnrclUag will procjau r.i:>9 ♦ i'T^aoft; i* • Jft*il.«d irco. of ^ faver kinl, in li»i; r#flp-jci5v»? eounf.es, into cocira;_»3, reporting fo Liim -fisa iha Buta: »cJ ra&iiiMace of k« cdioarii elaoted, II. Allexut pta m' . • \ t*. itif'ty rat;a.->je‘l. f :■ tr . f r’T d 8r ccuwunl of Lt O'a HoVf»» .«r'0 W HUS.^DMiJ, A A G. g 97 ViYKTTKYlLLK AFSESAL AND ARyOUf, ) Aui'. 2fi, )^4 5 T SIV K E K WA Tr:»K \FTEiVY rd reiu*blo >r.wn y. c ui;d>*rs;!inda kie tr* '0 fun find fcU". 'v ^Tap'^'■'^lcrt ». >. cd w-foi A..pl« to tbe 6 ’-6t COM DO OFFICER nip-e',e sear NfWbern by fl?g of tT0C9 P'’Bil8*icii ?»i;! otly be granted with t*se dlctirov ucderBtat.diBp fh't r*«e rsrty :« cof *0 return. By ^rder cf Brig 6;j». L S E/zjib; ^4 f't JAS C. McRAF. A. A Goa. Offlce Post Q. M., 4tli Coog. Dlntrtct,» PATkxxiiVn.La 8apt d. IH.4 j H4VING ic«'rc d iu;.l .o't-ia; A?pcs • «> exempt ing ’0 Iba. 0* WoM fir etcti B'C" t#r of a fsniily, I would BtMo. t.bt,i wbf^re a prrett jicekea c-nly 10 Iba of Woo’ he pays BCPf; if l-o wakes 11 Iba he pays oa tie Wi‘0i* Att?e**cr8 will ihfrefore obsnp^ their afeB^cecifnts, &c 64 3t J V. McGO*^AN, Cii.pt. A P Q M 1 HaAPQCAOTBBS 8n '^IllTAST DiSTaTCT. I^EP T N. C AHD ScTTTHKKM ViaaiHIA. Wii»Tsrs*'5n N C . AncPB* 30th, 1'64 SPE4 litJL .\OTl€E. Peijii a n..-t vt-iJ.etiU of S rji.a’i.ii- *i-e tcqaed I to Tiir la (fc n e-pp^vinf at Hwadqairtiffi f-r pfr- i>”ES!ca o virii the i^ortt vr to fo dos^a tHi* liver in the OoviTrjouLi Rwitncra This i? addrcsacd to peraors »♦ ajr at ' ilisiaRoe efspe-^taily lad'td, in tie hcpr of a fruifcleaa journey from tbtir tor ea Uooa AT eonsid^rii'cL, fjr il-c pre'^cut at i E3t, wi!? peric^p- ;j3 do rivs-si Jci pi 4 npoa the Oov ranjM^t b »?s W.^en circa* i'^^xeca vi I tdsait of a rclaXktion thip id'e, cue a .tbji viiJl t:-* jlv-n Paokxfraa f .r at th* d-ffereut i^ostfi will be de- Jirsr-.d io (’apt Graicgcr, A- Q M Tbey sbeu’d b« saUibiv nj«Ltd td lo vJI bo reerot Ibla for tbsir saf# Jtli^rr: thr3ugh kij a'/u>tB OaeUl: W. H. C WHITING, Major QcEarsl. ■lAMEa H Hill, Mrj aci % A. Cka’l S^pi. lftti4. 6i6t Mosiai Oils. T^B ar’daraigv 'xt la mannf&otaring on a a?w proeesa ROSIN OIL, iiioah sap«rit-r to any harttofi>ie maaa, and aaa now r^xdy f >r B&i« end delivery, 160 bb!8 Labilcafj^ OiL «0 do Paiflt Oil Id uu ThQu«>ra' Oil. Bailrcad CsMpxaloa and Ocvctamaal cftpiala &re rc queat?d *0 ^iva thoea oiLi a tri^i. Taey ** u^ feuth t^a coat of ot!i«f u-. * rVOTfiCE. TH«!.M?»iON will ’esre H'lleboro’ and *i,v ■ jnyia.'''fc •oolv'^v.’ar CONrsniEATK tiTATJSS Of AlfSSJCA, IiS31He>*E J)aJ*AEXy»HT, DhT. CaPB fHAK, liVilniAg'-oQ, N. C., iiarcu 16tk, 13ft8 i VOTICI’ ia hereby given to all pereoas having oia’nta agasj?iit tbs Epgmaor Depiriiajat, Nr wvicoe of »lb»ep esiploycd ;>-b-3r^*r8 i4i tn.: l3 icfoMM B'^ar W>iaiin.jr* 5a, C , ice t is aathonsei cad prepared to p»y tlie w*i!a« hui «zfice, on ».>• .-(jnd flocr of tbe building next above Mtoroo’^rug 3tor*. !V-i»rhot. Street. g^;^Pfr«oRS exwutiiig Pow;rd of Ai*orx»ey anil ob- serro tbe fcilowing lora—their a; jautnres, ia all csje^ ta b3 Yfitnceeed by two witncwes %'id oiftrt'l in dupli- (».c, or' they m^y be W!tui?e«cl before a J.’btioe of tha Pe%oe or t!Icrk of rjiy Co jrt Ft/RAi OF POVtisii Oi AXEORNJEi . I, of , d»i reby snp-jiut , of , my ti-ie *!.td }»’rfa! to aisa roccipt^ f>-r, uad r«eeivo L^jr ant of ?U nijr 73 ii>3 by Th~ H te tan on ehare*. Tertaa, ii'rs cqa.wslfcc* in Wp etin ‘»a L«atner or it^ a - x ery > '•'■r - t’Eie i' d.»s’ved by Riexlo’s ratriit Pirprnsa w;.,l in;f ♦i»eir Ridee t-";pn»d era B«nd t.^em 1.0 r.ur :»d*r.'as t> Ejjypi Depot wberc thiy wille irin ard L»a’hcr delivered M ccr expeLse. r>rr add/rpsi** Beftu^pnt, Cbatfam Coniiiy. W D Y7AT8 ’N & CO Re' f^' re Ve?£rfl. Q Wiiiiamn A Co , P%r«ttf ville. Aug. -4 61*&8'rrtiJ^d f ir.«ec- of la .J-'r.fj.k-i-suj f.:, ije*vio«9 01 .:i7 eu^plij ji do'euoed it 1 tte ?.a-- Wi.rif'-G my hi 3.1 f* ’ ’ . :..» Jvjpb •!:.'% ' V-'itjit. ;e !.3:» *8 K’j .rirs nta cf - - t*"* ci ! ft 1 S#« •OLI.AB^ HEWARO. ON lart Taaraday ray bay ^ re, wi»b a b’ack mar.e K.n'J t-'.il, broke lo^to a? Hgypt Ot .tion, -’h'-tbtui: ecHJiiy I have act so.:n fan f^rce. ! uui^t pe’^Bon hag takea ^er up ar a'olcn h-r *’aci> she got loose- She i^ ot ooasmon eiso, foo' lonkir^, itd m^uo 8oaaider»kly T-ra rff with ths eollar; her irtt eyp ba^ be-'a all kacolcd oat tha hair nibbed cff her baok. I will gi'^o SICO fur ('.•e r:i!&»*sry of Um mure and flOO for the arrast of t^e thi’f i’ eteleu UARR!.^ TT‘^0« ViKwn* .Tulv TlTldit*^ W«9l WaucAil f«r the Btate of N. Carcliaa. ■pHE uid jrsj^iiid coistiaac to oxoh.*a te CtJlTON * VA aN f:>r WOOL, on* b-iAdie '■T Y .rn far 4 !b«. un w:»3iiod, or 3 -b? elc 11 ;»fV'ae i Wool. T«»9y will ‘»b j pty Tibet It'. • in '’a^a >or ia-’K’' or foiatl le.4. A few Important Facta IN RKOARD TO the **fOl’THER>' HEPATIC PIELS.* 1T‘-EV t^re pr-p*r«.i tr- tn tcv: b-6t ouali'y of Mcdl- eio - br rb*” d'-c.-'Vtrer t-cw an ffci Minister of (• e G'gpi>’,'iU't a'.* sr'e 2. Tb.c7 p-.ve btiJ iiowQ '^or years and tretea by tirUB'D^S . . V 8. Pjv“ p«?ong are kno^n to have bcea onTtvl Ir" tb»Tn . . I . J , * 4 T^iey are not r oo^iiaep Jed by the proprie-or tor ev-*ryibiog. but only ff'r diseaae* whioh arise fri>ia di»- crd« rod !'vers. . . I. mrecttcns aad ccrtiioa-ec *o«:»pa»'y each box and thcBc car 52'airi ara fiaa woli known and moBt re- bpect^We •’ndivt'^Inil’. ’ j * r • * Co^csp r_Jot tB reeominpnd thaaa as good ^r iiiv- er DVeafle, CbiUs and Ft’-prs, PneatPoniH, J-cn- di!v., Ljr?otpB!a. BtUoae Pev.7, BUioa?! Rireumatsam, W^r’ats, Plear-.ay, Broi.3fcit;8. ij. T S»ierai gentltmin stito tbit tfca uge of three Piiia ^^3 Irsn to t-a^icg of fron $100 to S2('0; f re the best r-I^ptatioc modicire ever of fei«?d 10 ttc pub'tc 8. 8- rae fhvaH»Dff of tb-* Msrreat stsfa-liDg prfrtorihe tbere *0 tHoir patients pnd_ bucdro ’a of bcr»5 have be«*ti »,;ld to ri*»*al' r prictition?’^ 9 »h>} Isat quarter 2 8^'^ pcxob have N? soldi© ouj iaS''ct-' Oaro^m, tnd uic ni North Carc’jn*. »^d e me tima sjo cwr t,700 boxes wire rr t.r'i bv Drurp;:tM in '^e town in Vir?*n:a. a bcz. For $80 • dciT-a boxes LTER A Qroeaabo^o’ o^¥ridj-y »hc 17ta d»'^ of Ssptoai- b*r, by way of D^-.vill^*, f :r th3 array of Ksrihtm Vir ginia ill kcidfj prcpCiM? EiMked a?.d weighed, at i'l-jr point, asd the ii*ter««i»dia*e depota, will be taken ar^a of aud duly All boxes seat tj any cf cur priaousrs cf war will b* dcilvr rC'd to CommiasioQOr Oa’.d, by whom th-y will be doiy firr-irdQ-1 aa direct ed l.3tien wi'l a'so be f rwi'^si b/ ma thrca^h the 6sa-e ron'e I at »i» letters nae^t be wooaipHsicd by ten •-ct;; ia tllver, o? one dollar ii» Ooafedrra’'* icoi’ey WALTBE A TS0V»Pj»0N. A..g 81. 64tl7« ill liberal dlBOCtin* ta Caa'i (new ourren- l^rPnoo. be hont. '0 *»oy addrcsp A v^ry Dragyis'B *ud ojuniry meroharvls e*) t" t'*o''’rp'sr>y c'derp. ' for 8al*t In North farolfna jw F«!I«w«: ■ S r »*hi ulli, riifton, Mnrion, \Vm WakefielM, rittrfbnro*. I Irfin?, >'.v ,c :r., N. ■" 'V t ) i 'IT'. ' ■ ■ • t c-.. W 'i •'’• ■ f ■ D 0; ..^T, I r K, ]P«i / ,j:»d for ti.j "-TsV qriii-'- r.:- 0. 8. '1! of 0?tl. .iuC' '.•I .1 rb f.-- IMWT »KrirK, M. C. 1 rj o»ia - AjfcC'J-' >u.r vxaae ?o y,, I*.,:! , -7 ..tS'Ot ::r c-rry'-jr . - 30t: J >. 1867. . : - i'- >. ,f .••r' 8-!;T=-'i J G P “i « If oii. j u 4' • : : - aae T ?• •; fti'i •'tiv Cc \5»5 Cea.' ..*•«? ;-i '»r.5re, w tfc;j i^oveTiber Tf^ia of tho 4r.t^ ■* lytn’lh ^^.ci’onas, fp* l-T fjri.}, ■ t- ■ p :>'f I.'.# par/a*ja oi 'r € ■ .•.■ ». ■•o v/r orl;;rc lor ICO iksje vt'*^ y V ' . 'ir.ii'.i.s i.r any ataoaii. oan ''0’'-r? V ff u .;*;. ^ >>aI from t'li? pro- ) . ■»; 1/ I . ht.«t i-i tco Coufedtrnt’o •*ri ■'•;■. ■ t* r- •'• ».'* Malktr,. :‘ay* tti;' ^ o .-.1:, O.iariaeioa. 0. CH. RLEg B. MALLiXr. JAM-liS RROWNl. ITayaiUr.i,^ ;iO, WU .ii.namr?a .>f c;.io v •. ,.-'”'5ud R".''".: bo !rtar*j>‘ i J ti;rf;e ""‘‘nOr'-itS I'hiiti r^jijpv 0^ Eepir-.ij ■iaj)lic:^U FD«rv>»ff Attrr^ar (. , -r' ) o jmJs ' >t f ;5 i td ovun apoli- "it t;!iS u'-IiOt-. W H J.lMflf*. fJjp'’.. Chief ling. J,iu (f -.iO, 5 8:^4 > 1800tf Triwity CoRlcge. 'flHS MX- p=.v a -;.i 0( •- -CO cn ih-? "'vh ct 3- pt. i r. it. Tuiti ;n ir-.^ .fS tf- 310 p«r a nth in tianne-: b;a'ii $ CO > rr .1;p y X''f monthly v-R , t? 1, j..-; 53 ovrrXiO J h. i.' v-tid ap^^v ei 'i-asi.;.neac.: pr.ctJ it etafcU ezt;» oim fcr wMhing »n- room rent. ,, . 1, u Si’jVnrs ar*t to br.ng a'l tiC jc £ti>fec>lci t: -A !br ? rr.r>7 '-0 abb to cr-cur--’. - ■ •'/. T f?4NNAWAY, P»0-’*. ‘>r gut® of North €.irollna, KicSnjiond Cf»oRty . A T tJCi'in^ T: r:n, A D li404. o-. -Uu '■ ourt of ^ L »w fvr 5»'d it crii'ro'i t>f eaid Court, tr.at frcm e.yi aiief a% l fc~ia of a.td iiooday •? fin’u Tetd oe »£i.itnei for the Uial of t:^a Rtati Daoket. Ail piirtus, wUrc.je«, ani d-'fe’id»ura f.re nohil«d to aacnd OD Mog iy of Q>cxi 'i'. rraof eaid Conri to k« bolden for B4*d oouaty, at tha Conrl Hatist la ftoekiug* ham on the third Monday of U. S MoDOHALD. ‘;’evk. SO'lOt July 7- _ Bluk Warrant* tor «)• her#. O'^.O w. r4V«vteV)l'e. J ITlf Ifi WILLIAM S &. CO. -A ■12J- mmBii rott s/ifE. F!y6 GcQUrMi MiiUoo CoBfcdtriiie Six Per Ceat. UOQdft. I ^pIiE'*E BOi»DS present thu ^rcstccf induo-?ia« >wi icr , J. irvo-iaiefll. 'Tojy '-iwc: im rtj y-^a’.4 >o ru-i ictv-r- e.;t p*y»V.'v i *'n: '-.nai’.*' y, .i-l ara ' rzTci by sxp'-'-rt B id exp'^.rt dutiots; .r« prinoip^i nid 1. ter st, from tax&t;«n, and tk# otipoat rtceivflibve m at-in l^r cn»/om doti'^B. Tha ofap''na of thefc.* Bocda, due J.wiary let, HJiS, h •vfjbeen ^d?rc>l c» b« rcoai^e I ia sivraoat of iiiport dutj^* iu advsBOa ' f mttarl:Ap">i>’ ui ilL«^>ZN S. GIBT^Si‘», Ag >^t Xrevin^y D-par.’.menf, Wi’nii«£;tou N. 0. Aii.y. » tf Afherllle. f. J .^sli>o. Alti«n'n''p J '* B vins. Chapel Mill. R B .Saunder*. Ch\rioll». J Ny« noichin*.ii\. , ~ P SU«Tr. , Clinton. Hnl biird it. Mo»*l»y. 1 iVnford. J Reit, I Kntk’ld, J ('elien. ■ lliHfb.w»', J Y Whilted k. f’t>. i favenfville, A f»todm»n Jt Co I . Pt'ri’if fc t»oTTi£ll, . (iolikboro’. It M««r«, Italifti, J O’Rri^n, llenderv'a. Wycht; fc Co, I>oxin|^T>n, J P Stiniion AildretS, Unlrich, WilOnm* fc Huywn.il, rrPesrnd, Rockipirhnni, J P Northura, Sa!i^bury. ileMltrinn fc KnnU, “ i;.irbf?il« fc (.allaghiu’, I Shelby, U Fp'iiPberKer. 1 VVatlo»ix»n> , VV O Kt^nnctl, I VVhiteville. K llaynef. I Wilmington, Walkf-r Mearet. H Vcl,>n, W H l.ipp'tL 'iKonnK \v r-'vK^e, iH»h,.r^,?Trr Jnlr ***^ THE GULF STREAM. Tbe Dsa’in water ntslies out of t'’® pir»t Mexican cauldron through tbft Straits of F’^’rd* having a tenapcratnre 82 dpfirreee, »TjVvli’'£: that of the bet springs of Matlock, and vidth 18 a hrndred roiles—with a yelocicY f'J'cni ihreft to fire miles an hour. Thontv; it through the S'raits of the B'hamap, and • i rn rlcr^t on to the barks of Npwfcundljind, pprcpdi'’? over tbe wefetern halfcf the North At^ ,rt’c,'^l'ch w thereby ated in winter conpidcmbJy s’of V'- >be i€Eipcratu\f which it wonld othprwiso Kevc A rived at tbe barks t'f Nev’founf^Ifltid. the Go'f Stream, as it if caHcd, ip Buddonlv df ^ho and. bccciring divi^ed, rre portkti n i’kc.'? a head southward in tbe diTccticp of f’ e Aa. rp;*. and fioally merges i»~to tho pr^'r.t cqtiat^riej rr^r- f'r;tj w?ilHt tbe p;bfr porticn rure N F-. rr N. K , until it irsr 'nees Pt'aintst tho wf«* rr r^“.rcs : ■" ^ru’sfc 1mV«, vVctp it l-as 0 0 'argitte uit u’itb xa£isi»rp;-and rtr-'eri-'jr tieir winters coceidrrabJy n^?Mer tb^^n th*e ;f tbe eafctern cras's Tbe Gu’f Stream. 1T> >3 r'Tsrso across t^c Atlartlc, briogs wi»b it We?t L'oi'i B?ids fMiico^r, deacdtns, Dolicbc? ur'!>s rtr) &Dil uOUu-,ieh^{ prti'Es ot on tb'> cf;ast3 of D'VJinoliirc, ih-'’ wt’st of the ilebridfs ard th^- Orkney Isles. It t^-.rtri. bntfs to give to Irr!cud its perpoti’?! v'-rf^nro, anu to make Buto the Isle of Wiybt r*' S.'.'t- land. A native of the Gr^'en I«lc r’irt' (■ fancy tbsre was fcomethins holy in his father’^rnl rn earning tbai a bo’tla was thrown American capfgiu off Cape ITorn. in lodT, which, alter floatire about thn /•'■s’lt'o or somo years, was at laet p'ckfd up in £ 1 svni on hiB own shores. The water of tbe Atlocio rn the south and Fouthwest cnatt cf Irel^rd is net on y warmed by tbe Guli etrcaiD, but its tcm- pera X re appears to be increased by a»'0*bcr fetreiii:^, known ta Konnd’s rurrect, wbieb fiords clue north fron- iir-un alonp tbe eborfe c£ Fr-^nca an.i on to our Sf-uiLcrn coasts. Herce it b?T>. pens that tbe water of Kerry, ard h, ip. Tn JuD t an that of aty part of the Atlantic on tbe Fsrrs) parrsllcl, the surface ten perature ranrirj? fr^ni SiVCrigC of fif” Ft'TfK ti -1, '^'^gfees. Oa the Newfound^.T^d cos t about 8 degrees of latitude further scutl.. fbo. temperature ranges bptvreen 42 eleg ies frd-?w degrees, averaging 45 deg^rers, in the k.^.c itit tb. The .nflueice 0 the Gulf Sircam extenc.i r:ach mrth^r north, than Cape Wrath, Scotland. Slew- ly continuing its western course this great gpt'"* iier ot our climate passes the OrkiiCjs f.Eci • Shetlands; in the former the pools are said n ’t .> frozen in winter. Next, it sweeps along the , -'i, of Norway to Hammerfbct (71 dVprees l ortb ' *1- tude}, tho nortbernmoi^t t'>wn in tbe world, where, as^ we learn frcuj L'jrd DufTeiin*'’ Lett^Ts ■‘'■opi High La‘ituu«s, me wa'er on a July day, ia 1853, degrees, pxactlv the st^me temperaturo wtich he had registered at S^^orneway ia Scet- !?trcaia,’^ ro resell English liav in Epi*^at =‘iTcr. .situated ia north istitude 7S „dc£r. 20 tci".. (only about six hundred ecd th'ttv riles from tbti north pole,) where he found tbo trci- perature of the water, ia August, to be yi ceg. Tbo nutlike seeds of Mimosa (>c£ndcns lave h1k> been found thrown on the fcbores of Spitsbergen. Frnzer’s Magaz 'ne. A rich Auction.—Yesterda^«e-||^ a >;re acd rich a.uotion on Cotton Ave the sell- Eomc"bRt e snd July, wr.rmor, HOIJj^e and l^OT at Aactlon. ON Timraday 15th iaat, wlW be poid at auction, One DWELLING HOUSB* Mtuat#d cn the ’restfiiJo f Wirsiow strefct, next acatli *f SjmMiiOc Biion, Etn- The UouBa eoataina FI7I ROOD'S all finished, gocU ku«lcn and an esflellent and never failljig woU of wstcr. The lot eoataintJlgMrea usder good feaoe. J H COOK, Aoot’r. RepL 6. «4 8t ^ K;«fle Foandry. WANTED To H1R3, » or 4 *ble-bcdied NEGRO ilFN by tho mcaia cr for ths balance cf tbeyear. For auoix th« hirhcst price wil' be raid. D ANDESPON a CO Sept. 8 ' $i$ftlt tor Sale. on A A BU8HPL8 80DNDSALT. made in the Spring lb6»—will exchange it for Baeon. Lard. Gem, or Confederate Tfo^ury Kctes AIbo, 80 boxes fin® CHEWING T‘BACC0; f^r Bale at my Btnro orpoiit* Caoe Fear Baak A. G THORNTON. 8pt. 2 64-tf $100 REWARD. STOLPN f.om my »Uble, »Li Angust, twoSORRBL MARES. One ia aoout 13 ye«rt old; the #ther » T»ero is n*» isark on th» eld w^are, the oth;-r baa a star cn her fof«-he%d. DAVID OLDHAM. Pf diet’s Fill, Ciiatham ecanly. N C ie^ 2 64 4tpd EXCBAill^E. AG^’OD BROOD VJRE 6 jcars oH, wrorks weU, acu.'.d had £^«a'if; f- f aood wHe*; rj« or oa»e Llcaoiiitun. N C , Aiz^- H. H ROBINSON. 64 3t Wanted to pnrcha«i«. CONFEDERATE 7 *u}d S }>^r coat, Bonds- Ditto 4 p'r c*nt. Cert fioatea W‘^t'Tn Railroad Stoek BiVtik Not«!«, Qoll aai Silver. 7 80 Notes. T. S LDTTERLOa Au^’ist 22. 18€4 61-lw Chtej^'ia ^T»t«) interefftd crowd 3g to the cD(>inar, add just as :hcj ezidaint>tijn. t^alnsa CUi'iieti The aabeariber will psiy Lite h?;jbar.t r^ish prioea for %*y quar.iit’' of Prlaia i»c»Tia. jr. A. ^OikTV «?I.Ora AIVIl llATH, FLO0P. a-i i 0AT3 wil! b« c~c;k-xxT d f-j- Cor-i ct tic, StiT9 of ^ M ;!»(iria. by him a tav d'^yi rcvi.,fi. y’.xr .;J.-: Mo. bi»eV !>r wail‘d. 0.M ? @i«t€^ ot fVojTth «'ar«!liQ», COUNTY OF H IGF MON D. Court of Picas .:ad Qv'Hor Sf -.alor-s, Ja'y T.’rm, 186% Ear^ll Rrox^ii V.. Ttuats^'J •!»! Aa.el^a *■• wiff, R « Wrifl.t, .ua-t .Msr • a * •» '.Jlfj, tad otrpya. Petidcn for Dc» 'r. IT appc«rit*g to the eaMnf oiioa of ths C.>vrt, that Sar'h Hfld Ot«*p> WrijrM. L?63»rt’ Br -'i.UJ. Ai?®- r li^r niow-, re-id? boyond baiiia ot^ TJ»is Bwu-,, o»*dor-f.i; that jiubUoiition bo £c:i*« i' the i; y5i'''./i’l£ Ot jci'ver, t pahl i3i?c-'l in r'Ayftt:^ !1''. N J , fwr six'Cfcekfl, nc«.!iyinf '-as-i ncn-resviest defeij.'.njs ^ 1-t« and soppRr at tbe n«’it t^-rm of this C’^crt, to be •o;il f.t the C.juri Ifoase in ot iVe 81 cf OcLpb;r n»x», ii'^'n t"d there ■•1 pV»i, or d«- inar to'h? t'o’i'ion filed 'n e o' ' -"!, n'he’T^i'-e^ B 1.100 wi'l ce ti'ard cx piirto "ud juv'jjuent pr-i e:2'es?c f ■’ to i>. 3;i> Wiint'#, ' (Ui3 H. We'.b. Oler’t of cur o^id ai cfiicB i’' Uoakiashaai, 3i ^Jon'^av rf Ju'y, 1844 L n rni?B, c. c c , 1 6-'-6»l ♦ H £’ WF;’-B D»p'.. $?ale ot l^laTes. PUaSU AN1’ to an ort*er »f the -aat Teim of Robesoa Cv'uuty Court, I will -e l at tkfi Ornrt House is LnrtHerion n .Monday of the Sapericr Cour* we«k— (iAe cf Septei'iVicr) a lot cf e’ave? belonging to th« ci'ilrtren of tbe l.-^te Dr, *, M McLean- T.rros caeh. JOHS LE-iiCH, CotawBPtoBet, Ang. 81 7lp»i 8.«ST, TFiOATRef T>. poB't.« for 9TOO, T- d by ACFR .Tf.hu W San-'ford, E*^q F»\ytt'ivjlici N 0 . i»u.a b. red 77, dskd Mai^ch 18, 1M4 ard drarn i’ favor ef Mro Haaaais J Tnancll. Noiiee ia hereby givtn »h%t _ appiieation will b« mad* for tke isfiue ef a new eertifi- ioftte is lieu of th* oat loit P H RILL DavidaM GoUega, Aug. 12. 69-lm SldO REWARD. Ran^w\i 18 4, m ' m.ia MIKE, a*cc5 2f> yearn, dark er>-T. p' -ot id, w.id‘v7. Jg-» about IPO lbs Sail boy will pro h My remain whi-j cut, in tha Bfigbbrrho"^ of Fvv tt‘-3»iUe, N. »!. I wiU pay the abcve reward If lodged ib .ay Jail in tha State, lo that I get hiw again 11 Riirk i^ambs tor Sale. PRICK 160 t'- 176 d lurd to- enoiea. to .'tv,.ver by the ISta S. Tvt, bsir Iroede; 3 *«ns rs*y be falL Full breeds sha**" from 7 to 11 ib« EHGtt McOliAN, Buie’s Crspk Po?t OiFaa. Rrpt. 1 68-1163 Matches. 1HAVE ' lot of Malehsa in round h«xea, Jcr eale by JAS. O COOK IVpt 6. 2w ing off of unclaimed freig Road. An immense and d was on hand from the br and afrer. Ah packages were, without allowing an trunks, valises, carpct eacks, etc., without be in." broken or unlocketi, were put up. To fac*’. all bidders “went it blind” upon such articles. "VVo not’ced one trunk knockcd down at §225, wbich bore good marks of valuables inside. It vas bro ken open on the spot and found to contain spoiled provisions. Buzzards would have been in their glory at t^at trunk about th&t time. Another one of unpretending exterior went ofiF at ^125, which contained all of SI,SCO worth of clotbicg. One box icarked “15th Alabama” waa ^rooked down at $150 It contained a giMiit qfl^tiiy ef eoldiers' clothirg, new and v&luibie, a^arently made up by the ladies and sent to army. Some of the articles contained the nfiues of tho persons for whom they were intended. The box waa worth all of 81,500. And in thw stjle tho auction went cff throughoat, affording iulioits amusrment. some swearing, heaTy lo^e*?s, heavy profite. Unmwried gentleman b*ugbf; tranks of ladies and baby clothes. Women bocg! t breceU- ea and boota—(perhaps sooc of them will wear them)—men bought bonnets, and wom^n pur chased vests; and so on the ludicrous auction pre- gressed. A Canine VefcraJi—We f»w at Batte, den yesterday a curiosity in the vray of i We havo read of the du rcgimajrt»”*%a^^ the early part of thia var wc bavp vivaitditrs mrrobiBg i» n^ilitury jac^tU j r.ank3 uf rpoitceotH fA r- v^e for r’le fio were je.'-'ter'^ay ir troluco*l a “chicn da*" menr,” ic the sbafe «-‘i' u fiercc iittie spocjircc, 7 ho, at the io^omeat he wns poir'ed out to us, we» bnar.- Hng bifi back and tryioj: ti> got up a Sgbt vi*^h another dog five times as liv l^nisolf lie 1 sd lost his ifU hind log below the kcee. Tb't; wrs shot cff at Sbiloh He bad f 1'0> thrcuab bis ear, done by a bt iunic at Vicksburg. On h'f body wer-i the marks of a terrible w*tmd, roctiveJ from a piece of fibell, ;^lso nt Vu-k'burg. He be!:>rgrd to the 22d Louiiians, and has b: cn with the rcgi- ment ever since it was t'ctni'‘d. As tbe “dog vf the reHmcnt,” he ip of c'^/urse a great pet, ard be has a game look and mein tbnt does no disctviit to that fighting corps.—Al’bile pap^r. l%nBf^n IrithMedetl l^icUdiiarj, AN^W;IY fron. .he subBcriber on ..be 2ln of July j T^MBRAOING a syBt;.^ ef Ari»*«eti^ Rca^y Q tr, Interest OalorilMor, Bo>ok Kerpiag. Forms, 4c. Y J HALS h SONS P*- ' The Farmers’ and Plantew’ AI- »aas6 for 1864 A fow groee 9or* jiut r«]«i'*eci Ja»> «. « ^ ► *•>’■» I Bnuh Oraak. July 31. ALFRED OAYVESa Executiin of ove of iS&n.—Cbarlea Fenton Beavers, of Loudoua county, Virgii io, formerly a member ot Mcsi comrany, who bed tiikto t.ie oath cf '^licgiance to tbe Uui'*'’ S cfo Guvf^'nujn r. an» wa.>i substqueutly c;-giit vi h Mot by’s men [so s :y tbi Northern ’■ap' f] bunsr tbe *;r{l of Old Capital rr:iH.>a c.2 tho ‘20t.' _ ^ - f /iiv.cr'**»'.s—Wi? Ici.m that tb*i sexton in \rl»ctA rcp'ntn tHrry cbili'roT: ki;le*i by the enemy's shells ir* that city" In the late Ccastitutional Sta*e^Yankee^ vention, of Louisville, tbe menibcrs disjcpfd c- over fortry thcupand d'^l’ars woitb of whiekey, a* which was paid for by tbe State Tressury, a* among tha expenieo of the Convention.

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