VOL. XIV.l FATfETTEVUXS, H. C„ SEPTEMBER 36, 1864. [NO ISTO.] I'PlNTEt \ ONDAYM .'vfiD TIiCKFDAVS. ?^DWARD J. fill E & Ei'iroEs \ND prornuiTOHS. Priic frif Hip ^irJ'V'wkly Ot;aai,'r>rp '^^5 00 jviid in viT&nce Pot !b? WpofeH Ot^p^svti^ f lO TO wnuTH, p»s! In |[>'*an‘50. * 5S?* ADVT'ETIPFMT'NTf’ ! for s icve of IS pv !p«3 for )'*p i”'l oT>.r dol's-r foT e-Mb eaccc'eJinpr prl'lVftijoT). A'Herlifc^ arc rs^ucelcl fo ^t*lo hp nnT»?'>f'.r of ir.?e“'?ViP '’'•sircsl, o? they will rt''! cl'wprS ROocr^iE?'iy. .* AdTcrtiscmcn’fl cotttipi'.ed Krt'dr., k? r.e>’ nl* »eTti3cnetit». p,PEvIA’j'NOTICE. PrdTO S.H ’ fu-'i' •'''■i'*. r-t, ycs'^ int >? pcv.cc’iit'-.r be nterc^l wi'^r* >.1 -'^vsnoe, n-- tb9 piip«r T»e to ^ *b»n is paid for. Sack of nor ol! snbsorT 'f*^ dce-re *he tw,- oer on ihtB syst-evo '•f’P pl'?-2C notify -S 'w^'B niftiliip: wrnMttaiioee ^ W. IKEAS'CPOW, UCT^OKEEK, ti. T:. {'('Tver Jltrhs’t f=(jK?»rS • r ♦ •% T’f TF> IlLl Jttr T’Tf'rct * r fi'CTt f' sD »*>? j «(Ctn'RiP^ io Liir. Jrrc 10. 1804. IMAtTWLLlNfrsTra Irrwfr FAYETTEA'IJLE, Jure IS. _ Is-aw, 't^ATSTTPVt'LLS. N i-- ILL dttotiJ tha t-oanty tapevior Conrte if «> w CuBibfa’iGJui, Hara*‘i, TJc: r^ p >i Rjb-eac^ tl88. Prcwu^ aU-'^tii.ior. gi’fo" L. e ccnsclioQ of fr.l tl«dm5 4ntruBsd lo bia siAi-:1r5. Cot. 17. 1859. fuTLEY, FAYE'rrF.VTbuIC, N (3- Jnn’y 16. 1863. SA’fHAN A. STKl»tA\. WJi. H. HKllKAlin. ■ N. A, STfK>J^A’V & €iP.. «B?LESii E JM> i!ETl£L - AND 1^- i&Jf’iJ SA7KTTEVILLE, N. C- A.pii! 10. . 5‘n‘ltf C'OTTOJV l:AP»>-, l\o. fO. . rrHF FA'VT.TTEVII.lE COTTON CARD S^ASUFAC- ; TUUING COMPj*^’YarenowmomifificnirfapCAEDS eupcrioT to nry n’n throu|.'h ihe blr*ckaclc, and at prcfieisi ate sieiling foi a l‘ss price ll'e sinj(le pai; .* by tbe qusii «ty. Any pi reoE rrrtcrinp >1.^ or more puirF, they will bo cocme'y picked a«d delivorod in WlltairptoH free of ex pense. ^ O&li «poi\ or A. A. MoITPTTJAK. J, A. WORTH. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. Fajaitteville, N. 0.. April 18 24tf Wanttrd—W«o! L«.ii3. undersigned will p'ire p ft*.lrprlPO for a ■'Tell wooded I tract of L*iN D of 100 or 200 acrca. cn Railroad at fray po'nt betweea Jonorf>oro’and Fayvti t'. Hla. Woo«l, piicb pine boxed or unboTCl. BE^'RY K COLTON. Agent F. K. Oe Fa,wtt«wriil«. April 19. 25ti A P*isyet^‘?ilk Soria Oil Works. OUii Oil Woriis arfl now in Oon?.plote operation, and j nt-tie® ■»?;;! R3 we UKfi HotkiD^ bnt tfood rosiii in i)ro«^caiig ti * ^ __ P-ick?:*cs fcr 8clJi( Sei^oo C?cr.fr>'.I’3 Oofi^. > ! Rai*.iod, K f.. 'tjsb ICtd. f \;FS»?ErGFB >¥11] IpRvn *Vir CJf..'o r-u i' c- fiitt lirtr, ‘ G’^a; rf 1 On?ers * ar'i ihft £f{ft-"nt.h ^ay. of *tvpry r’f>r‘h. for G.-a, ■ Nc. 8 . Lte’n atwy AH boxea Icfl bprf: sry mciclipr ef j T TUF foilo-»;ns: orders tn pablisfced for ffcc irfcr- &Srt »rt»,T TrU! lo c«rrjc'J tbere proifHy by hiia «n3 {1, raid ^aid«l;c8 cf »11 ffecotmad: deli*>fcJ to the owrr?. / d^t /‘nd Ispp'r Q)cnkbai.’(i Ow^cb, > FDWARD WAT1RE»;. ! Eichm,>Bd, M:»rfii 21et, 1B64 ) 41-tf SiiTgtoa 6?B!‘y»> Ncr‘h Ciirolir'v. Oirdji^, | 8d VtiTT-.iLY LisiaiCT. }1 i PARAOaAPH V., Oc-n?»^«l Or’cr^ No. 66, A«’j’t Pkp’t F C asp Southhssi Vieoihh > I and I-sfr-'Clor G.-js-ral’rf Office, 8en*’r ^2,1862. i*^ 80 ftjr Wlircf^i:f>n N. C . Aam'-«t S'>th, Iff4 J *c ..cjfj a* t© v^fid f^^laT'=■: ‘ »PK€^IAJL J^O'a'.gCE. . I . Bn/oll'u« or rcp;uitinjr ofBc^rn. in the d;W:h»rre of Al'» r^rstsBs n t s^tii^eota >i Rmithviiie aro r?o'i-;k-! CoP!..r}pt or rtlior Af^ta, »re cn- . f'f? »c. I'i-fr-Aiii I'rcni »t He»dqr.«d-ffrs 'if i poi to vfrnc-we nr interfere -mth workc-en or *>t>- !o vitU th» Sports oi- to fro covn tb? ^i7f r ii\ i>:,d i '^"5 Lapd or Ccpp«r ^ctYs, or Mine?^ Ocv^jTTtiCi.f SWiiiCiS This 'n U-ir;i a dislcnce, especJallv iad^e^ m hoc=* Jc? Uv? Oruasner I>jp«;Kciit. wii! cut firrt f.i'- f?uHIes8 jouriicv Jffonj tbriy rcn'?9. Up->^ i apl tbt couf-*Dt of tto co-.'siirT'f tfoa, for ihe jrs.-Et siBoer -a cIim{^9, vbi^ vili be hoLl stricCy it- s-fo bo f.iv?** to PW3 «p»n 111? b ibo&s « cf t?-c i»'?. _ HKAPQB’S BK8EBYE OF N. €.. \ I To the Menjb&ra Qt tfce Honee of Gommoud. E*leip;b, &.p’-9‘’b. IB'Z4 I ! m f A?i;TTsni.L8 N. C., Ati^st J7, 18C‘ - . 1 Wi:>on c’rcaK-H>*acs' pwa «p*n 3 TiU r.dteic. ^iHii uaJercisueJ rcafeofftjily preaM'Et^s bimBell io yr'ur * i»-Tot’ fts c for r'^ electicu to tse eSce of Friocipai OJeiii o’ •h^- Hfu^e ri Cc'insjiOi*^ cf iiic GetxSfAl AaecJJbiy of li.? Si*te ul' Nort^ CfoUnfc 68-1^ HENRY E. COLTtTN. ntUee Vfi;! be given ' lifflra at the diff-iTec'. pofKa ^l! !>«««' Oil we can rocamincn'i it to be the beet of the kind made ^ ii'^eivd to C^pL QraiB^or, A. Q M. T'’>^y. B^ouid '■>9 la tius coiinfa'y. It is a fine LubricatiTuj and Tanner’o ^ ko will be rcspct-r.ifcL; t-’i?ir Oil, and we would bo glad to rec^vB orcters free* ijio »■i^f® d»?llve.?y throagh hia agents- By ord*r; {8;g>7td) To Fajiyers in Cotton HatMng Jflstrifte- {Extrbc»:) *»♦«•** Yll THE ’'■-•oirt's t^ftt vh'r** pcreoiir* s J i, bT'«. ia ifeor of proeoirig th»iir Porape :o7 iui,riit, w f-x^ivg Cc ion prrRf-es ei».b-»r at fecam t;r r*RT, V»a'. ‘nry i;iaU d.oUycr t> Jhe Tithe Agents thcur For-go ia u;tks. THe; ».• c2'«Tnp"/^d boldiers’ w"*es aij i olher« 7*faa do i l-- mtke mo*^ tl;jj I'OO 1>ub>»» e’s 'f OvJu of t'iyiif '•’’oGucr, i* is bopc-d thai tbe •?4^a« r*iy t»y *L-.d / WJiWe lb« boB’flcs.'i by eomplj- lit: vf’tb iii? rfbo'5 •.*. McGO'^ 4N, C*pt • %I9*^ V o M., 4*4t Conp Wsi r O t’.rrctiv'T.;'!.'. 5- v> 15 . 68 2,*2t OATcntizwi ftPvt > ; t*«byteri^ai ou"t 2t 8 COOFEB. Adj’t and lappcrter Oeaeral GoTCfiuiKat and the pnWic generally. We vill 8^1 on reaaou-ible ternio. MOOkB, CA'SHWELL * CO: April 15. • / as-ii W\ EAGIlJB FOfJ?n»B¥,.. \ FAo;TTr.vu.i.T!, N r., July 4, 1»'64. f AJIE NOW PREPAilED TO EECSIVB .CR- dera for ^ RAIL PAD WHEELS c’ tha f"lloiFiii.-» »*5: 24, 26. 98 s^d "0 inch. Also 0'.iILLED TlttKrJ. Tn*; Iren pUb(1 uso for viU be >'OL^ BLAJBT CllAHCOAl. IRON, an 1 vr, war- r!»yt- oa? v}h»:els N'.)T TO f’E.ACi. Ani \yi ‘qeal t^ ■^U7 nr- :e it- tfc j Cenc-'dciW/. or t"i thorj* of Vbitn^.y &, tf.tj; •if'r'.'’.i.itlph(i, r-?p'atfttica la well kixcrwQ bj ^ai liiii GoiT-'*r,sl’a. We i;»w tKe bagt fc?*ilitieo for ‘^ocapo^tfiiaoa »y Sfc-u^.T? to WiLjisg^oji, frosii iiionoc tu any p%si of ihi Ckr.*^'^cr»cy Orfiers rcS'ocoi*n'is fio)it3i>d ' D. ARDF.KSON St W €?iTtjJii3tM0R aad r^iT5rft^r6.i:ig Mercliatiis, V71I MIMOTO?:^, N '5 I'- . M- I ■•J cubjC'i- j ■frijL 'iOtl, h. i fl TAU BIia£l>4LU 'itlli Prr^voT'T biTicst t-I-o ' ’ h»gho 11 V'*'iet V.y c;. u-’ ' 'V a Ike r.lcic-»i'--at MiTli-. Fu.r-'.u-'’ :’c, V>er jA lib old star.d on i'c-vVel Sov. n. jSdU. ry r? ;¥ 3 \ l:> Kw.n«Jiu''■>••■;■ wl’. k‘ain -v' i f^r Af?iiy ass. i -- i J2V iiB' g’.va noo>‘ bar-^VG^. -lo ifrll -o vcl tiioir a?OkJ« to iu6 .' th y «jU%U kftT; ofi in liii' C •..‘I iii. Cvki‘«- - r. 0- thiih3.r-i Ci o. C..-) J.:;..--.-, 7 ^ lt>? ->iSi's4:hY J. ? :-F," ^ WSOTJB5bir¥ The FFkBiOB r and PASSENGEE TRAIK^ af this a/)54 2.“.6t> Faj-eU'^rlUo d’til/, (.Biiaiiayc ea.xpted; 6i 8 o’clock, A. M.'. a-cd reU\ioiag loava Jgfjtiji at I o'olccfi, F. M. Oc-^it olJ Jlorz^ Pr(yn M«W?L‘AV,l?FL>??F!9DAy&od paiPAY. r-7 orclCT JNO. M, F,0«E, TriSTkS'r Oflu’! TVjm». Aif’t. Jaa. 22. 1*^*=3. WiT 5»y:t5e¥lHe AxscbuI said Arm«rj,> Ju«» !y). 18t^.4. .V 1^1.00 BOI/IVTY. ti*49uf€^^ JfimimSed. XiMemeu^ AtJTHOMTYb?nu;;V o-3 granted , by tbe W«t Dc- p^Hn.rtot to raise « (V>5p>4Ry ^? Monnted Riiomon t}f £ Wtc»* jn thi.i Ticinity, hereby tb*t M-cmlfs to tbo uuTobcr of 40 r-oH '-amerif49 wUl be r«- e-^iv-d *or tbie to £ I UT' t'se aoT9.T>^T*y to rbf! Mj of 100 Fvj’r eil? b? rcqcirsH' to foraisSi w pevio^sMa Uorj;?, iie wiU be al- lotofui 40 '•.cnts TKjr “ind bin p*y fl*J por month. 4F3K«^ l>rn^i,:«isn »!ii be reqal:'od i'roi’ ps.rcQta CT pswrdiana, tiio Rpnl'.*3:^ ia vr. -er the cc-iso ipt i'.iWJis r.’cniit nhUPt btii’.|; lii^r, » b’.'>n^el or bed E-orv-j-'^, and e^rio r>rcp-' jil t-o ixn^tr.. r3 ii'-i b'.-iul- v.H ?*traii)ii- cd rj' thi! Gofcrt^rieai, ce Ki-io n cfuit cor;»::s pro^iiod \ri’- jb m, bo Will be p?-t’:ew r f*?.r- ;il!Stkn- ArtMyto M-'jc' MA'^T’ii"‘V P. TAYi-O.r?. f^t tee Ar h,;a5l F. I . CniLIi^, 4, tVj X.l»ut- CoL A. I*o?t. Ofieisl: W, H. C WFTTUSG. Mpjnr GtsscuL . Jah£4 H Hitx, Msj. and A. S-. Gen’l. a-pt. 1st. 18S4. ■' C4-tH 5i*alt #or Q A A A BUSHF JiS 80UND H-* ^T, tnado iu tie S;»riii« cUUU Tyil!cxeh.'»r!gpltforBfcoo. LJifd >m, or ^V■n^'e•^’^ra^e Ttcfc?«ry N*'es. SO box':? fit a OHEWINQ Tt'BACCO^ for wtift at icy st-oro orj^riw rape Faar Bank. A. G THOPNTONt Srpt 2 _ 6i it HII^FS Id t»n on ehtrps. Tirrs, | TK'S-ibor o*.’ iis eqa:.•^lar■t in o»'?b V’a can taa ii in » fcry fbui tiJEc if d,’?’red by Bic'tfle’s patent. P?va')pa'»il^^il^'g tbeir Hides t»unp4 cs-n eerd tbero te car adfV.98 to Eg^pt Depot, wbere tiiey ^;11 be ti-kc-n frcni and L'>ath‘r delivered '^t orr expecee. On? addreea ir Bofuraoai, Chatham CsTiaty. V. I>. WAfS^N & CO !^effrfr=i>a Messra G T.'UUatae t Co , PavalttTille. ,, Au^. 24 . '. 61«&iwtlJpd Wool Wanted for tha Stato of M. Carolina. Toe aEd«r9!>»^id eonMan’^ to eToSas^e COTTON YARN for oa'» bwr.‘U* •'>f Yvrn for 4 lha. us- wasued. or 3 lbs. c^jta. wsLcbtfd W>ol. Tboy will a'ao pfiy 1% UiMJ-Sl ur;o.’ oiiib ter hhr^e nr s'B^H lot*. OCO W'. \:'IT.-LIAM^ &G0., A?ta. V‘n.^!}tU!*iV9, J-.iiLe 1^. 42vf OeI1c« C'ountF i 4kb CongrcMoiial District Fa7ett«ville. 8>’pt 16. Anj»T AHD T«p?’k i f The Special Attention of pH Cont^'rned in called Biobmoad Fcb’y ®»b 1R64 f . at, ) K. C., \ 6, 1«‘4 ) acz-.era; Orders, "> i N5 18. i * • * * • ,« » » ' IV GEKiJRAL OtDKBS, No. .=2, (Rerios 1863,) for- inf«rfe'*cne« ^tb the worhrcen or cmployeee ft ji^inpf, ifnrnaoea or Viti-e Works. T'h«ther-wo»keo by thg ao«rEB!ent cif Contr«ot*re Thr-so crdere are now ref cated^ and ceptcial attceticn cslki to thca B? order; (Sijmed) 8. roOPEB, Adj’t pnd InBp’r Gcnrral. II. A. strict obiie^vtngc of the sboTe fs cnjoin.^d upon all Enrcl-i^'S OScera in this Stxio f&x aa it relates to perBOEU \.«'.uii' ftea^rve «4jea. • ilyof Lt. 0KH. For-ERe. JN® W. HINSDALE, Ase’t Adj’t (J?neT*l. i Sept 12. 66-7t ' ^Ox"»;-6>S FOS SAM-K. Ftw! Iiiiit4r«^ aillfon Confedcrstft Six Per Cent BCJS«t8. ri^IlB^E BONDS preecpt tie ircfttesl incJuceutetUs fcr 1 iaTe^l tnent. They b**^«* (.liifiy jj aro to ran inter- e3t payable scua-aiiBtt»l’y, Aid ri.'o ??onred by 5»p>-irl aid frxport dutJaB; jfe cxerapt, priujjp^l an'l trtcrtBt, fron: tarr '^Ofi, tiiii* tbe oouprca vweivftble aa «jn for c«stw5 dnMfs. Th*> jonp'’iy> of thcee For ^c, Jf Bsarj 1m, bftwc !»een ordered to lie r“CiSi??d i>x *«kyTreai of iaocr'i dp^ia* ia twlvance of mttirit.7 Ap.’)5r to ALLKN S. GIBSK!’, Ag^5t Trovmry Ifeparlnen*, WiljEirgton, N. C Angr. 9 ft8 tf Aii8C8»^>rN» TWoflce. . i4. Tar Payerg rmkiiag in the upper Distriot Bcbo .1. eop ocfi^' j wbo bt?e vfn Jisfed air (aaa»LftjLjy^*-*'t' S^t. --—— «.-»»» aft; i HR at rte ifclloring ilaiei’ pa* placCT prnj«red o la: Alfordjrtille, S-ipt. 20tb, 1 ^64. Mmith’a, S>pt. 21 it Bins Spirii??, fiept 22d Lnm'’o; Bridge. 8«pf^. ‘'8d. Pt Pe.al’s, Sept. 2^h. HoweUsTiile aai Wi'>hart’fv 26lh 3a La?«lerton. It is of tbe tiit »bio Rif*‘e? > a»JJi>>feu7 s^tvaded to aj? ifctj AfVs*4ie:’EEi/t rec '.tTf i;::e Tithe wit-HOKt w socc^mpfcniei witb ar- csiin%i>3 froai tbs AHfioeeo*. ‘fiio?^ f?n^isg to list will b‘o anbj?ict to tie ad«iiixcavl tax. KUGH A CAMPBE/..L, Aser.ssi'? Upp»r S . pi. & ' ■ . CG-4« -t?r n.\- fi { ?! ^ C 1.?» 'c.’c.vfO'' :iTir:ry Fro IB as5fl iSii-s fb? A P. H'JR^ witL r». S'tv clock, A. M., oa Monday Ra? Thursdsy.; .^OS A. WOiSTH, Ar>ril 5--17».f1 A*r't C F. Si*An> Ho*t Oo ! I\'C9€’C. • i rr. ' j ("jlHE i-ub^or’ >ir9 having qu^’iS“* &. --.^^t?.nbf: isfi! i ,l cf Ca;'jb5ri&nd Coai>*y Cv'xi. -la Exeeato;^ tv I y»o las*. Wi’* j'nJ Teai^ni oi t' j J .>:'.b '? CJibv.w.^ i doc’d, Seie'jy aoiifj ali i.-^'soKd b- vin ’ diim^ ! tbe F.si'.te t-'tbeir V'-stAi':? t-' nrc.aat ibnw t tbc tLme ■f-vi.acj-ibssd by l»w it li 'o «o'.-iai ifriU bt. p-*;,(.>isvV;ii bv oi theif reyov'^ i j-. AIRJL J IJYEV/ AR,(j>i i> E F. 2ff00 J l!Yav>;, ) j Me.LEAS, >-Es roouB. j ’.f- lB->4 1 fos- i.'-yrr: -i? t^^ hie. 51 \.:V •■'.ays ‘t «'iX\ ’'■i* l,lL.OlWt Hkd QAl'^ rUUecxrb-»v ■■ !p Si'*re of I* by Ac-Heif. iio. .V, blncV a A I -v LLI' f ?y ifeo at>' VO rcTf,ind of Fiva Hundred Doll-trs, for tU'J e.r;>rci;eiuior. of J.’e Lee. a fe^ *aul*tto, who ib £1jU»5 of tie mardor of Aroh.D»W iiiua of EiohLiond e9&iw.y H. C , ir« i-ay yiii ho Ibet I sasi ^et Lim. Eatd Loc oom.'»ii‘f^d the "t'Tr'cr on the.8‘h of Aninet inst., Ifr'i 6i d Lee ic five fec-t 8 or 10 inrhea nisb. d«rk 0c>splv0iK'a aod ei’-«>'a t hsir. WasT Iivat s£-en ii» way on hij wy to Sc-'.iiyir, in e.j*!»it7, wfeere hie Paibef ei.me from MALCV).\I BLUB. b C. . A fig Ifl t/ O&BXASCS BaPABT*aMI~ 1 Sa.MHm, N. C., yay 8, 186'J. / 1BAU WAiJl'Di).'—I Mieh to nuvjJia»5e for ihie i PcrjOiiij lis vug *?v’‘vQ a.* q-xae- tii# a 'f?.n o^?e. Wil! give 1 poand of i‘5 V'-''tf .!.S/-i) trTiDct D. Ti'XM, Oant. O. S. Irt ot Ord’-a.'ii'c. %' 'i' S 3j E* r*'T3i4L In Pvfr.At'ia Ko:cs -n and ol.bor r Sio'J.GSS b,i>r/ ^ii ToUl, • f2?2,76o 13 Th-. C'^itijv.jiy i '-.v^ «:V iciiuSrt pi’W.M/iy, an5 fctiWu.'«r 'jui'iv! ‘a usifweaiiijjit w taur cro:-nTr.sn n?tsa. S^tal io5«aei paid, Ota '5S0. McS BiLL, t'rsaiJout. . p. A. &AY, Vies ?p«riidcTttt. ' C. MoMiLLAll. Sec’y. t'CMOfOTlS: • • ileaiy Lilly, W. ii. Tulitglurfje, H. L. Myro"Jsr, S. /. Einfidoklo. 8. T. iTawleyj Wra. MoLAuri}^ JJatbAa A. T. S. .Loiterk>Ii, C. B. ila'lett, A. ¥. 55wi?, * *v JttJBtis l£ylc, •> • O'jiot!, A. A. McK»thfta, il:n, J. tif. Sicohori. J. U. VllIUa-!, li- i’- Bn«ra, » %nm> a, W. A. L. Hi's / JoLit CoiUiis -wui O. G. XfMiP'.ittnson, ’i>Tr»Uas X'eeiM w. •! • 1)UWiVA:Ji io«i - Ocuii, ] Luiiib^r?-!i= f’K (tbc-»6‘-" • fScr'tLP!; •Ohildiva 0’ U e late Aug 81 S*' Cl: li • j 'v.r ui l4,^j i'SfOi Xc'tn of LLi-icBoa I >ti! st t'-c L'- u-l li»»a:?e ’b !>:%" •" 'iiV C ».>-t s/.-eli '«rr) r-1 ■>';? t l-eiaa,'!.!;; l>r. '. M • CM,'a, JOl/'r-* »j'ii ■ Oil. Co:*ur.‘jB*ici.vr.’ fiii yi\>«. 1.3^ r,reo«3t rn of thn tbo»e John Oilii’CTe d^e’d, j 1 «iU sc'i at PuMic Aaotios, ie t-JC i-aa ».f IVy.ifte Title, f t Dp iRte re«deacv» of * i? «/co.'ifi'’sd. tcrce? o' ilo9,'tn St:? HUl-'l 'r-'i’ PtrcJ»>*, on f^'atiirJ«y ta? IsS d-sy of October »e»t, all i!se perit.ha'>’« ' PO;'t.y^/ uti.»:'il‘' leot K=«d »boDi-tbf* Sffid 1 &w*i ifrf;c:'*^u9 cf jwivirg i f Kou3iibc>ii fcL-a Si>oheni Fu^aU i..'? U Waged, Sookd, Si'ver, Oov nnd ’...lf ii.d oth sr v».'i:»c’e (t/tioles. Terttw made known at. saic. ^.Tbe ti-mt of Rala ot the Stock, C^op, Paroiturs, Ut«'B.- aiis, Ao . at th^> Pi&rtati.?n. t'.'w not bact? anpr^lkted yet, Duo aotice wiil b« £iT«a of*«iiat sale, wiiea thb timo id fired Sert. 7. 66*s t BITES OF TRANSPOBTITIOS the Cape Fear River from 8ept. 1,1864 I ‘ Alum,'per bbl, ; Apples, B^ckd per M, Bia? 8‘one. per bbl, Bufrgics, l>b*T6iS, EiDpty, Do do 3pte I'uifaatise, fiano!!), loono p-'P ton, Do packed (oatik,) Bedatead'i, Older, p«*r bb), Ci.'pperae per bhi, Oarta, C'rboya, Oar-i^feji end C4achM« per bag. Ot'9-1 iH,r ion , , I>Q pci hbd, Ccaitb, piitin|(, Do 6D»tl rookeru; Bo U«’^ do. (’ottca, rw bale, fleip.enl p«r I bl, D««ijjaij8, wai'tj, : T>o filled, IMpt «LBd Pcrte, rer bhl, s?!*i’JT, per bbl, ,, ip'Juld, — ^.C» . ** ?t?ad8tciie8 Ti^r ton, .H irseu 4n1 Cattle, e»&^ Hay aad P^Rider, per bale, Bidep, dry, )io frrcen, Iros, iioad ijcd P.ig Iroi), per ton, L1qt!(*ir8, per t^sllon, L’me, per o*^. Do y?r «*'!, Mesj^ureropnt Ooo'^h per focfc. Nai-'i' i-flr keg, OM, Fcrnci per bbl, L'o LtciKX'd an^ Tacneze. D) Oos,’, Do ■ficsl’: I i ’p-?r ’ usij^s, j >'‘”«rdc!T i'Cr ktt uf 2^ lb«. lod ptr . pv { bV 1, S'*!? 5>!^r Cix-.tc, Do i .-r ’'bi, Dc { ef bisf S tu?hs]p, D> ver b*g ^ ' do, ^ai glfej V-r ndr:.-. jjta jsr ter ^*>1, ’^‘o” r.}i- -‘ad, var brsadx.d, fi 'sp per box ct 100 Ibe, \}n ?>er bos l«^>8 100, « prr ’''ftle, i^pi pe» per por b»g, Tafj'^Tihae p r bbl, Tallow viz per bbl, Wvoux yi'a'.>er. P:> HoS-d, !) • vb-^'E, A*fe, . ‘Wh*^c.I i ■rr-'TFn.. Vsru8 ppr bftle. All othar net eauHic/iiad i roportior. to ^bcv» ratea, J. A Wf^aTa, Aft Ctpc Fear Kt B.'at Co. jfl H OEEELL, Agi Ptr Kite MftL^nria. T 8. LU'^TBELOF, A«i Str Bo, farrMna. Sept. 14 67-«l*6f 7 50 to 00 25 00 40 00 3 O) li 00 60 f« J15 00 7 fiO •10 00 If. 00 25 W •26 00 7R 00 •i6 00 n7 50 A© 00 1 00 n (U» K 00 20 00 T 50 1 f>0 6 00 7 50 7 50 26 00 Tt 50 00 HO 00 10 00 2 CO 8 00 80 00 1 00 10 00 6 00 7& j5 f O 2'^ 00 C 0 2^ fO 10 0> 5 00 ’•0 w 20 (lO 7 £0 7 50 fi S 60 ?. 6^' 10 fa.) too JP 03 to this Notice. yHE Af'srs'pcri; of'i'jis -n it-ad ba?e been on duty eiaoa 41' tbo lat of Angnbt »iltii!ic, efitiua'-ing the arilolee of WbP^t, Bye, Oat% Wool aad jaa'' These articlea «ic Ikt .zj3 ascteseS; wa required f o bfl aelsvered to (be duly ap- * oinU*.'! Atfoi?a by ibe’latit’t^ey cf thia inoBtb The tl-ovrrSiiieiii ii; rr.bcb irt V£>»t cf th« prcduo©. PariitB *l3l»Te»-icjr tbe tiiAe kuH bnag wi»h them Aseeatsora’ estini:-^t«, 60 » recs'spt fJT *h»» a»c'e iia«-7 ba entered therccn. J M. V/TLLIAMS, Q. M. Agt 68 2t*2t Fo“ Curoberiand county. Prtf>byierian 2t and bill # Oftpt McGowan. ksaeesor’d i^oiice! Hobcaoa County. IjA?.T c^ll y VILJ: ioUoTfing ii.aca Wid plaoea, to, I tak'' tbe l?s? of those w^o hsTd not hrtTe‘ofor*»Hsted ti'eir c'/epa of Wheat, 1‘jfe, Oats, Cared Hay and Wool, tin girbwtb. of T8’4. to is it: Lvusbsrtof*, rJfn-.’Av •i-'d TtjcsUny 3apt26ih & 27!.h. Bsck 6w»’-v'p. Wo'Jaesd'y 3cp.t 28th. Tbcmpsoti's. 'rbnTBi»s.y 8ept 2^lh. '5^h5ie Houpo Prl'^fty Serst 30th. Sletbng'e. Pa*»«d«f Ocf lat. Pealey’s, Monday Oot SJ Bnrat 8wnn3p, Ttsesday Oot 4-b. I esmcaily bopo tha'. fll parecKa whc hwe not al ready listed twe above ^rli^le8 will be piitiotaskl ia at- tordiKjj to tidn Clatter o?t the daye set forlb, as longer tune cw»nct bo girea I'i idl oani'j* of fai-ure to l*et»c conl’n;5 to le.w, I &ai require*! to makn'the eetimata and forward tbe eftros for cfiioctija, eubJ?ot ta the addi- •rouAl *ax of 500 per ei-e?. A. D BROWII, Aefe«i>or. Rept 16. Confederate Tax J^otiee. "SiJO'fr^E ift hereby givct ♦* all persons ia Eol'es'n ^ -jovrnty who failed to rio^it, the A aewsore »t the lart lisijag, that a* opportnnity i.'j riven them tn rotara their liets dorw the v>ck rf Bupprior C^upt u'. Lembertoa, M the Asaeeasra wiU be tasi-o to reopive liets from aU Tfho OEVJ not llstid All who are behind ara e?jae?tly reqneeted to com? forwa~d and list, llioie who Cau wuet ti*k3 tbo ceruKqaencei, •'a this ie tho last oppor- ♦aalty that will be g-vsr. D. 3. s^P* 16 es 2t*2t ^pHF- foUowiii?; oba.'^g'of prio»B in Sob^dule of date J. July 80«h, 1864, bo pbservsd frow iWb da(.p until oaanged: Fodder, baled, per 100 poanda, $4 '00 •‘ uzibsled, «» . 8 60 HftT, b-led “ “ 4 00 “ uabjiled, «t «c « 3 60 (>nts, PQ«^af n6b«:»"d “ «' • 5 00 • “ bakd, u «i it 6 60 shiilled, prr tmsijc’, 6 50 PoAtrc3, Irish. ‘y “ • ♦’O lb?, 5 00 “ f'Vr>j‘t, *' “ _ fiOib”. 4 (V) Bhr^l-s bclttcl '*• 10?l^fl 4 (to Tbe Coniimtf’i ^a’r^ trA i. K-A .-d that u ere i^ a gr*rN or bbujlM oe •? theaiovc r abs-ftance tf;»3 thoy had sjt>t-cpevl, LeiiCi tte iu r.rifes. V } L.^CK'’^^V'K, II K. ? URG?;VN. Coflirr*’--ioners. P p», 13 67-4i2t« r«*|s3C- »7iHFi uniei^t’Enei v..'n, v ;br No^cv^'b-er T;ni of tl.-e 5 Cob:'': te;f.o Ct^uc;, Ct N^rA VfrTnUa\ fep- pi-ir.todcf 'b-' i»ite^>no;»ett.yj *tid h*-».! odU"-ci izU-./ y-ix) >.=r lb--- i»> ^ipc.« oi «bt»ag »-fid «K-iUr..^ c-'-'m-j .>-• >:i.3 5^ la-Rwy'-1'^‘»*r«d o’tM'r.y • oaat - o-i he rappii^^d os 'tis-m i»o»jo' tr;? ttn^ p.-o- wrty is vVU’ u- -=■ w. '-.-e O-.rt'oderaw; et.=^t«d. AVJ-rto»fif':ie 'ntiJ?? to Cfe iii. MwUe-i, Fa^utd- N '■■T Bro*r;'«o- C;»*rles!.i>c, 8. 0. OHAiiLES B. MALL«iTf. 4 a At HP nHowwt! IT* 1 I ..'** %'J' VeuBg’s ArJthniel«al JWelionarjr, EM.TJR.\CIN0 ft -lyBtcia of Aiithiaetio, Il'ja:Jy Eeoxoo- I -.a, Inujroa*. CalcrlAtor, Roo*i Fe.’t*icz. Forme. &o. S. J. HAUB & SONS ♦ rf, - CONflBSRA?);: blATSS 0? .iilEKlCA« £jKu;f^jt PsrAjanfSr'T, Diet. CA.Fa Fiak, Wilmin^^cn, K. 0-, March 16i^ 18i3 3,TuTI0F is beraby to ail p«r9&nt> haTiag oinims iii ^^nioat the Etyjioeor Dop«r?.mjai, fvr Mmoea of t .4?«i (-spiploytMi as '-Mbcz-csre oa thtu land defmct* &6ar WlhEdngtokv N C., tb.oi. tiie undersigaed is authorised au*} p?epardd .0 pay toe ‘»ru) »t v&as, oa Um w-^ iioad floor of t.H* ballOisg »«£?. 9mg Btore, ^Turket Strict. PeraoBa exaeutiag Powern >f Attaraoy will ob- 9*^c the toiiowing &m ’.—thoirfligii^tores, in all cas^* t« bo wit'Ccaaed by two witae««a RTii si^od * hi dapii- (>Mo, or they tiiy t*e wH^-wsvd be.* re r Jv’ jtias o{«iho r»Me « Gierk of «»y Ooari. • FOKM OP FOWKR OF ATTORNS'. —y-r-of ^breby s.ppoiR*. , x-f , nij frac Bi^ lawful Age«t to ai^a receipts for. «ad w.orvo J a;->fi»e>?t '>f aU :pmy3 dc t ) Tnel*}' the Biaiyiwr De- -jf ♦.Ka CoafwUaraie gtatM of Amerioa, for the f •3r7iC'«?t if tuj slavc'J *7«iployc.d as l.'i')CJ^sr!! oti me laad j t-eieuc*’(i at , during the nonth of -—1^ Wjines**) r*y h&ud ais-J s*vJ iJ> ^ (**e — das’ of 186 ia daplisftt*’ > — M?oa5.1 WHoeuM •f5©XICE. 1 T Sspteaiber Ter.n of thcOourte^f PI3M aa-1 Quarter ri if^esai^^b. of Oumberlaad ooaaty, general letwrB of Admiaia^ ration wera graatcd io tbe Bubscrin*r on the Batale of the late Jcbs R. Marohisoa. Pe’^svas h»?^ ba'iincsa ow acooaut, of the Estate iauat g*ve atteatioB t(,*ia-flE‘Ui». JAKE E. MlfBHHiaON. S-jpt 7 60 lltpQ ^ coix£e2% W. tJ. Tttfl R>»xt S«nb!oa of th’a ItiSticutioa. s*jd cf i.aa ?«*- p*ra’«ry Dcv**traert eonavtpc) ^ri b 1*. Bieace tba 8d of OGTOB^Ii TuHioa $60 per waisitu cf Cvr lacaths. The prio« of Boerd nil be roi;tt;*i.ed by the ecflt of proviaiona A a h*retofore it will b« ht low a« the ratritt of living »i!i x>c’^ii. 'i'!>.vf3 vbo be wiTRrg to pr.y ia.prcviBiDHS at tbe cld pricse can o'o- taio l.-o’ird at tbe eair.e ^^ijideata t rovide iheir owis ■•■’omfarciture. hiehts fu(3l. ' •- - ‘ J. L £I£B?ATftIGlL Pree’t. N. B. Stadests anivvng at ObMlotta ca Mjcd&y, Wtdneeday or Friday will fiad a coawejanoe to b.fir4. them to tee Cjoiis*ge witboot detcatioa. Aug. 30. . 64»^ illba 7 fiO H W iO 00 ‘J?. 00 irt 0" 7 50 Vo CO 60 00 P 00 8 00 1» 00 cbsr;^i»d in Tithe Peannte. OPyiCB OF CWIEJ QUABTERMASTBE,^ Bauioh, 9it Septembw', 1^^. j riST QU ‘.RTBEJ.IASTEES ti»roughcat iha 3t»ts «« reqttjBted to iaetraot their eoveral Ocuaty Acoats to c^U^ct aU tbo Tithe PeaKUts a? coi^.r r'cnvenieat depot on tbe H'»r 0? tbe tbI r»»l\. ri»*l as e»rly ts poseible, and sen-i ijjfcriiffati'-B to this cA?o. so that an Aieat luay bc: E«i>t to reeeive tboE W W pF.I«ry, e« 4L^a] " M;*} a, Caie^Q. I^. Ditf . N. 0. 'iCtMi fr'arntcrv' aiad Ptanteint’ Al- ' MKAi tor iSiit A r* w c.« '•*% ■«'.»*• ee4«Nr«J • f M .1 jl. I HAbir * The si^oataica of coiared perecuo &h\tuld bo whneaticid by three witaeasea. There most be separate du]^o*te Powers of Attwaey tat etmh month. Krak fomu oaa be had a^u ^ppli- cation at this offio**. W. H JAMES, Upt. & Chief Bag. 5ao> 180Hf IWrs. Catiiariise J. W»r! ’»yi£i iv ea^e tae dntiea ot Uer SCHOOL in FsystftvLit, o'! tLc 81 ds? of M I064. ^a Aich St Avg.^0. _ Piaiio Teaming. IJ.\BtlE^ Uvirg in*or ai*r deei?;*!^ to hf-Vi? the’? P-AU >0 fnncd, a»'e jn^’orn;«’d thst P^* f. Vi. 8 B. M*ttbew» will be ia tawa ab'-at She eigbt4}*n'b of Cit-ptemVcr and will atteai io any orders t,b&t may I e left fcr jiitti «.t the PoLt Ofls's or't Mr. J A W-.v.h]fc etcrj 6{jTUiS3 rrplaoed and o4i»£r rejilrtng aetuly ex- eo«>«d. Mr M^ttfc^wR wiU tune :a tb« coualry when ocpvey- acoc it! jrovideo 66-lf WAWTEB, 1 SITUATION f -r tbaeneaiasr sopaicn in sono Fc’iool rr ToUogs* The appHomt ’a e «T*iia4^ of f. 8outb- M ACcHerc—alM of the “University of Virjriniit—has f.«*B t‘^ohitir f.»r too yeare*, both In raalo sad feniale g/*feo«lp s”(! Cclloipes. »ad car* furasBh the b»st tsjBtiroo- ni Jb cf chsrsoter aad qaaUfioatioi(8 7h&’.e in wact tf a to2obcr will ple»6s jCddrese. stating term?, fto- BOX 157, Pet-’rei>rrsr, Va. Sep'. 6. 6« 9-fwi t'Olt A riLUABLE LAW LEBSIART, riOSBl-^TiliG cf \j TEXT BOORI, Arl (ithfir.deajrablti aud rare wor&M, a'l in exoo»l^nt ori?sr. Ofcta!''g'tiee ms.y b»» hi>d at tbe Store 0? -•^».acs Vf('KiB)iT''n, Weq. aud informaticB with wig»rd *-o the I td«, by eaplio'^tion to ' Mrs. JOaN -W FLLI8, FUei^sb, N- C. The BtK'kB can be ee»at any time, if preferred. Sept. 13 .• ^ 67 4 w •! I^jbl or ilitolPis, A Plain Bl&ok Sij.i^ PAHA6t)L, f»cae^hct wcrs*. bav- iag a figar«) boritr an J fr’jia'e Tb^ fladar will be eaitably r^wa'det’ on le^vln^ ii at thlti Offiio Sept. 12 Palma Cliriati Beanii. i^lO#. Reward. Ran A way from the nubB"ribf*r, at UiMskiBgbaiii, Bi^J’t ofd O'-'Bi’ty, on Fridar the 2-i inst, wy m^gto- loy FFNDRIO, about 80 years of a?e, five f*ct six or' (ieven li?.chj« bi«b, u heavy head of hair and very biack, remarkably polite, one front tootb oal, hiMS some leUerti ca H« aius S»id aeiero was boaght of Mr p. Lynoh, Choraw, 8. C , and is ropposed to be larkicg ab.ut bis {tacyaE^ in Gheraw pr his ptotatioa la the vicinity. The sabsnibw iiill p*y the highest raafc prioes for 1 Tha above rew»rd will be p^d to any oae deliveriag ‘ uiy qamlitj «C Fiuaa (%T!stt Bauia. ' | the boy to tiie sabseriber or eonfiniag hUn in any }»il | T^in'ONT 8 > ' J. A WoaTK. Uo that h« OMi get hun. WM. P. MeDOW^tD. jX/ i*' K Of E i.C r& T «5 TA X KS. yiTE vill iTi;r*. the- T*i pfcytTi* of tiemp^on cMiniy aJ \f tbe fo’lowic* t^3*e8 f.nd ?iv«8, vit: Cl’ntoi?, Frldiy ani batu'clf^v. Oet 7tb and 8h. ?cD*«i«^’’rT Moadty, Or^t lO-h- Listen, Tnr^^ay. Oct llUi. . •byk't’s Vv^-laeeijty and ThiU'S^ity, 12*b and UK Frif^fty *.nfl Pr*'r.r'i;7. 14t,h ini iJ^h Littli'CohStif, y.ccfcjy. 17ii: At ti» abo/o Vm»(f tirspT wd pive*? ^r. Alfred: Jobne.-)’-. AR.5ei3or ot Tsx ia Kind, will be with u" for t*^e tnr}>f*!?e ‘-f r?o -''^'r3; «he l’?i of tH^ T»x id kind, oa Whest. Brre. Ofcts Cjrac. H&? xcd Wool V/ewillbeat Honfi?calt’e. Mi>i;'»y Via Dtsivial, Vut sdsy Hs)? «.h Miago, ^ e(in-“.sd»y and Xaars.Lay, ?»t.h and 10th. ?5iiBtW0''k’8, Friuav aud S4turd*y 11th and 12«h I-all’s, Tusadav, 16tb Piaey Grove," Wi-Hloeoday, 16tb. The **x payers of th« couaiy are hereby notified to fittead at ibe titree »nd rJauea above tpeeifled, aadfur- nhh the A&'Wiio''* correct UstK ct t>*-' f jlicring eub- yiiie ot taii'itioa ts?-t ■%'pr? on bsmd, held azid owned oa thft 17:b d»7 (.1 i’eb';?' ’3''54, vii; iJc- of Acres of ici-u »nd olbsr real enisre No- &j?e »nd b*-? of fcU elar^s. No. Horees, Hal* ^ n^‘1 Asfno Nc of C»U1? of ‘bf Bo7ii;e "pTcica, ?crk cxtc iaoluded. No ct S'icer, Goftts «td Hog^ Ko of ponnde OcttcD ti-d Wool No *■ Tal:*^?.!.. N.^ bttitcle two, Syt, 0%ia. Kks and other eis^^ll frr&ji. VaIso cf potiJoeu cf tL h’.»*dfi, j-«-a3, bcAss. ground j**s, and *J1 ether i*cx,'?c:et£: of tae farih, ii,ardea cr or- cHr*r! , Value of fiott", t"?- v, l »ocn, Ifcrd anu other frroceriet*. goou;, vfc^‘s r troiiftaciise, ep^rit- oup Vqiiors. Triad's. cid''». ''•x -:..sj. tio V -liie of r'.I p'-.v.Beh Id f ind Vit^’jpn »'».r3iia,*t,i'7^i*ol' tcolo &ad itl’pl* KlrUtP, SBU G.11 of I3C^'bAuiOd and others, iiUBioal inp»rr!ia!BtH, »:.d a!l arlicl'SB of do- mer»ie tie*. Nc and ?a?ae cf wsg?as c*rt4i, di’aye atd ail oiher vehielta on w‘?cel«. Yams of all gf>W aud a iver wtie and plata, jewels, Jiwelry and watoN^s Vaitto.of ail ho''5i>i, ]~xtarc3. pajnti’'jii), B'’,ai.u* sry R>>s ether woti = ofsi' ^ G'vld a>il9iW«r tciia, ^ci5 g^ld ?^d*1 BStver bu*tiou. Ar>;o!int of >»ll solvent oreJ'te, ««.ak bills aad all «thei- l apci* •ESiiCil i?’ -*’rrcncy, (fscwpt «os.iatereBi feearia; (. OE?i-d»r>.Jc ’fk-weu’j r ^ ) f^a-1 c €r.‘pioyed in tAxed buEJaw-5 * . L Vfcl’-ie o* S.U Hsoi e. y po’ » sUiftiftO, bilV of exchange on fareiza conc‘rls3. Viinc ot !%ll r' pi/ec'^al rr wii'>^ property rot eiabT&cPd ir ue fcrt^f-iaj cor cx-mpi froro J*xa- ftiion. We wiil fca^e witb na t^ie list of ite rroptriy used ta jgricoUare, that thofe!’ vho bave npglectod to Lsi such 1 rorerty, is»y av»il tbean'elve*^ cf ibe opporiuaity to do po, ai'-o 10 oorrect aay crr^jra tkii lavy have oooarred at t^e time of UcUng i-nder tte lufctmoiioas that we wore taea acting, &« ^ ^ HILSBP OWEN.l^ Jl. F BOYKIN, 1*“®“®"- Sept. 7 Powdey. THs NEwrcT Artificial dumonds. Within tlic past year some very fine ir'.itationt* of diamonds have been pat np«n tbc New York market, lar Burpaaeins in limpidity and refractive power the best psstcs formerly known to tbe pub lic under various docoptive names. The new imitations, like the old oces, purport to bo a species of o^eap “diamonds” from the gold lipro- ducing countrie.s of tho worl^, but the appcllft' tionB are purely fnnoiful, for they are oufy supe rior articles of paste. Some dealers olmm them to bc a kind cf quartz, but that i.s true only to tbc extent they arc pulverizoid with borax, alumina, Arsenic, oxido of tin, or other iDgrodi- ents. They are not cut from the solid quartz, which ia Icsti brilliaut than the common pastes. Tho c-xaci proccss of makinfi;,these highl;^ stjp- i-e^Hful imitations is known enly to tho manuiao- turers (in Paris or Germany, for cot one is mado in this country, so far as known,') and ifi, oi course, jealously guarded by them. No respectable jewel]or flttempts to pass off pastes as diamond.s. Swindhjrs may sometimes buy fine speoimena from tho dealers, and trade them away at tbe regular diamond price; but such casQs mtist bo rare, for any person of tho least c.jounon sense, who tbongjht of purchasing a diamond from an individuRl not in the trade, would bc pure to consult a jeweler or other expert in 4>recious stones, by whom tbe fmud would be * detcotcd in an instant. No paste can Rtand all the teats of the diamond. Tts warmth to the touch, its retention oi moisture, the ease with which it is pcratehed by agate or topaa, the min ute air bubbles wl>ioh a microecope discovers in its depths, all prove it to be an imitation. But tho skillful eye can tell the real diamond from the fake at a glance. The former has a hardness of lustre, a cold glitter of rcfracted light, which tho finest pastes just miss. None but the most expericnoed judges can re tain a memory of the icy lambency or adamantine splendor of the genuine gem, so that they can al ways apply it as a test. Ordinary judgoB will be deceived by tbc im proved pastes; and any lady who might be ex pected from tho xichness of her- attire to wear diamonds, may swing out the pastes from her ears, or display them on her fingers without fear of detection till tho brightnoes of the imitation has departed; for it goes sooner or later, with the mobt careful usage. The permanent lustre of orystalliEod carbon is its one precious wholly in imitable quahty. This perrancneo or stability, it may be remarked, oharacterises all the precious things of nature, gold, silver, ivory and every ono of the gems Imitations which arc almost po-fcct in other respeot°, fail in that. It is nataro’b !a^t, impassable barrier against art. So far with tho paste manufacturers. A more interesting branch of the eubjeot is tho chemioal, or striotly scientific production of dia monds from their native material, ctirbon. Some of the first obeml;t8 in the world have devoted years of i-oil in tWfi t«ek» without sucoess. Mi- croscoDio (tiamonds have been made, or are report ed to have been. Bedquerel, a French chemist, produced minute erystalizations having the hard- nc3.s 0^ diamonds, by the slow action of electricity on boxwood charcoal, (a very pure form of carbon,) but they were nearly black. Another Prenobman last year claimed to have made diamonds by the reaction of phospboru.'i on sulpbide of carbon, both being under water. The sulphide of carbon dis solved the phosphorus, and the latter, it is said, slo«Iy combined with the sulphur, freeing the car bon which erystalized out. Nobody ever saw the diamonds—but the maker. Many experiments have been made with this remarkable fluid, sul- phiiie of carbon, and Irom it, if from any source, h^ !;tiiiiciai diamond muat come. It consists of 1 pure Ful}-hur and pure carbon, in tue proportions ‘ of fl>out five ot the former to one of the latter. The carbon iugrcnlient is ia (act diamonds in a state 01 auidity, posscasing the wonderful refrac tive power of the real gome. The eyecediag bril liancy of tbe sulphide of carbon adapts it peuuli’tr- Jy /or use iu f rifiiiie, for apectral sualysis, that new department of modern scicnoe, which some of the most oxtrswidinary disoovorics of the asre have been madi. Now, if it were pos.jib;c w isolate tho carb-.’n ana let it orystalisc rut, dimioad.^ could bo made. Ordinary attempts to def^empobc the fluid by electricity give a deposit cf sulphur on one pole, and oi black charcoal, in sujall trains, on the other. Silver baa a powerful affinity lor sul phur, an.l aa jfinglish chemi.st tried the effect cf immersing tiiat metal in the fluid, hoping to separate the carbon in that way, but nothing cane of it after ten years experimenting A French chemist has brought out during tbe present year, an entire new proocos o| making diamonds duect from charcoal, by the action of borax, which he claims dissolves the carbon at a high heat, yield ing one pouud ot brilliants of the first water per bushei oi charcoal. It is further said that a patent for this proccss has been taken out by the inventor for the United States, as well as for ail other countries where “sp^arklers” are in request. Such are the extra- ordinaiy ‘‘yarns” to which scicptific journals somC' times give currency, proSabiy tor tho fun of tbc thing, Finoe the editors must kcow that nothing can bo more absurd than the alleged diecovery. It is not quite safe to predict *vhat science wi'l not do; but this much may be e^'i'!, that tbe proB-* p>ect ot making diamonds artijci.tliy from carbon, except in nature’s secret arnl awiul laboratory of the a^es, is about as flattc'^iog r;s that oi tho dis covery of the “philosophers stone.” Joamal of Commcrc*-. 1:1 it j 60 that ] i Sept. It, FFPif RIFLE rOW^DB^, for sale b/ JAi>ij!iu 3rL^RTT.'-B. 'SV^pl Wknt War Teockea.—In the mouth of one of tbe nob'tc characters, in the fragment of a Romance lei't by Thackeray at his death, we find these stiik- iijg words, which have their.l"S3on at this time: “War teaches obcdience and oontentmentunder pri’.Rtipn; it for*ifio6 courage; it tests lojalfcy; it givL-H occasion for siiv'^wlng mercifulness of heart; Dioiltration victory;* end if an ce anu ohcerfulnesA under defeat. The brave vrho do battle victo riously in their country’s caudc Ipave a logsey of honor to their children.” * ^ Col. rreem&atlc, of the Brilieh Amy, in his re cent book, vepublished by Mr Goctzel, gives tho following high compliment tu otir soldiers: “Aft>ir liuviug lived with the vetc/aofl of Bragg fiC'i T>eo, I wa? able to form a still higher estimate cf (’onfcderato fiolJiers Their obcdience and forbearance in suocess, their discipline under dis aster, thci^. patienO'3 under suffering, under hard- ' ships,-^jr whrn wounded, and thcfr boundless dc- 'Ttior t!‘ ihrjr 'oui try, uuiJ^ r*li Iicumst«D;e», be’'oi 1 \ \ ‘i. 4

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