SEMI- m GEKL. Y VOL. xrv.i PAYETTEVU.LE SEPTEMBER 29, 1864. PRIKTBU MONDAYS aND THDRBDAYB. EDWARD J. HALE A SONS. „ EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. • _ Priae fbc the 8«mi-WeeUy Osbbbvi* fl6 00. paid la advMiec. Weekly Obsbstbe flO 00 p«r »naiua, paid in M^ADVERTISEMEIITB iBMii«d f»r 98 per ■qnare of 18 linefl or lees for the first, .and f2 for each «a«oeeding pabliaatioa. Advertiaen are reqaested to ■ the Boiaber of ine«rtions defti>ed, er they will be'ooBtlnaed till forMd, and oharged aooerdingly. AdTflitifi^iBents ocatinued iitmde, oharcM aa new at- Fr»i aa J Alter tlii« date, ue ttaae of a sew eaWorlber will hm nt«Tcd ^tbaut p^jTucat in Advanoe, u»r wiii the paper be sent to saoh sabsoribon for « longer time Ikan ia paid for. Saoh of our old Bobeoriben as desire to take the pa per on this system will please notify os when makin|^ remittaaoea. Jan’y 1, 18S8. W. DRAUOUOIV, AUCTIONEER, B. I. Comer Iterkft S^nftre, FATETTETJLUS, H. C, ggf Prompt attention giron to all business in his I fentrnsted to him. Jane 10, J864. 40tf “ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH, limer tad CeuBissl^D Merehast) FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. COTTOIV CAUDn, No. lO. THB FAYETTEVILIE COTTON CARD MANUFAO- TURlNG COMPANY are now manaf^turingCARDS aaperlor to any run through the blockade,aud at prenent Boiling for a leas price the single pair or by the quan- Any person ordering rix or more pairs, they will be seoor^ly packed and delivered in Wilmington free of ex pense. Call opon or addresp A. A. McKETHAN. • J. A. WORTH. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. ^ J'a^^tteTiUe, N. 0., April 18 24tf Wanted—Wood Land. The nndendgQed will jjive a fair prioe for a well woodetl tract of LAND of 100 or 200 acres, on the Railroad at between Jonesboro’ sad FayetteTill^ Wood, To tlie members of tlie Hohm of CommoiiB. TUP ^ FATm«Tiu.«, N 0., August 17, J864 HE undersigned wspectfblly ^res«n»9 iiimaelf to your J *. w election to the office ot rrinolpal CWx oC the Hooae of Commons of the Qensr&l Assembly of tae State of North Carolina henry E. COLTON. Powder. l^UPONT’S PWJfg KIFLfi POWDER, for sale hr A-' JAMES MARTINB. C .■ • 66-9»p.i HKAD^^BKSMlYlt oT nI (C KaiuicJi, S«pt. 9tk, 18^. / f3tyctfJ¥*T en itiSmiH ODB Oil Works are now in complete qwra(iba, md aa we uee nothing but good roein in prodociBg the Oil we can reouHnn^nT it to &y the l)est of the kind in this country. It is a fins Lubricating and Tanner's Oil, and we would be glad to reoelvo OTders from the GoTemroent and the puMic generally. We will sell on reasoaable terms. UOORK. 0A8HWELL k CO. April 16. Jane 13. 40 tf BTVIf. JfteJL, Attorney at Law, Fatbttkyilli, N. 0. Ij^ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of Vt Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson CBob- ties. Prompt attention fives to the ooQeotion of all slaims entrusted te his hands. Oct. 17, 1869. ^ 68-tf JOS. UTL.EY, iirocer «a«ui VotmmUaaimn JfiertJutnit FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. Jaa’y 10, 1863. »3-tf C^/LLE^ w EA6UE FOUNDHV. 47l‘ HAT8AM A. STBDMA:*. WM. B. BKKSJJU). IV. A. IITED.llAlW & CO., WIOLKSALE AKD RETAIL DEALERS a H D €0HllVH$l«10iW iHER€HAMT8, ^0. Mimy Street^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. April SO. 26tf a. •. WOBTO. D. a. waan. ■. «. DAaUL WORTH Sl VO^ ConnissioB and Forwarding Korohanta, PTMcr MreeC, WILMINGTON, N. 0. ■ OoC 16, 1863. 73-12m WATVTBD. 2 c AA BUSHSLS WHEAT, 1,600 “ CORN. Tvnona haTiag the abovo artiolet to sell will reoeive the higbeat Cash ^oe ^ ealliag on Mr. M- Thomaeoi^ it Ike Merdumt Mills, FayetteTiUe, or os the subscri ber at kia old stand on Mtf kot Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. No». 8^1862. 76tf ARiviir tukUNmnn. I AM prepared to mannfaotore all kinds of Wagoa Harness for Armty aae. I my leather and can give food bargains. Agents will do well to send their arden to me as th«y shall have prompt attention, and Mot off in quick diapatah. JOHN Qoldflton P. O., Cnatham Co., N. C June 18, 1862. CARTER. ’}. 84tf 8orfeo0 OOoe, \ RAi.aisa, N. C., Juai 10th, 1864. / i MESSENOER will leave ikia Office on the first day, A and the fifteenth day^df ever/ month, for Oen. L^a army. All boxes le^ here for any member of Mutt army will be oarried there promptly by him and delivered to the owner. edWard warren, 41-if Surgeon General N(»rth Carolina. 900 lbs. C^ttin Arabic tor sale by J. R. LEE. Oct. 15. «9tf IT Alter tikis date 1 wiii pay 16 Cents per pound for .rags, or thy higheat mwket prioe, delivered in or at my milla oir Rookfiak. Veb'y 16, 1864 D. MURPHY. 7-tf FIA^IIR AIVD OAT$l. and OATS will be exoliaaged (or Cora at'the Store of D. MeLaoria; by givi^ him a few days netioe. Flour good, Osta No. 1, blaok or white. Jaa'y 29. S-tf OKOIAHOI BlPABTMUrT. \ Baumb, N. 0., May 8, 1868. / LHAT> wanted.—I wiA to porohaae Lead for this Department Pwson« having ii^ or small quan Utiea will please apply at onee. Will give 1 pound of POWl>aB for 10 pounds of LEAD. ^ thos. D. HOQO, Om>^ 0. 8. (KMX In charge of Ordnaaee rVOTlCEn At September Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Seaaions of Cumberland county, geoerai letters of Administration were granted to tne sub-soriber on the iislate of the late John R. Morohison. Persons having busiaaaa on aooount of the Estate must give attention to tkia notice. JANE B. MOROHISON. Sept 7. .-^,66-lltpd Egypt Ooal Mine.' rpHB oiidenigned were, at the November Term of the 1 Oonfsderate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Haaagen of the Egypt Oonl Mine property, •od have ent«^ into oopartnwahip for the purpose of *****iwg atwi selling Goal, and solitpt erders for the same Inany desired quantity. Orders fbr any amount can be rapp’ied on wort notice. The Coal fTom this pro- porty te uodoabiedly tho beat in the Confederate States. A^hoatioaa may be made to Chaa. B. Mallett, Fayette- Vuwi N. C., or Jamee Browne, Charleeton, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLBTT. JAM^ BROWNE. l^fottevUle. Jaa'y 90. 1868. »6tf FATarrsTiLLS, N. C., July 471*64. } E ARE NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVE OR- ders for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of the following siiea, v's: 24, 26, 28 and 80 inch. Also CHILLED TIRES. The Iron we shall use for them will be COLD BLAST CHARCOAL IRON, akd we war rant our wheels NOT TO CRACK, and to be equal to any made in the Confederacy, or to those of .Whitne^ 4 Sons of Philadelphia, who"a reputation is so well known by all Rail Ro*d Companies. We have the best facilities for transportation by Steamers to Wiluin|rton, from thenoe to any part of the ConfeJeracy. Orders respectfully solicited. 4tftf] D. ANDERSON A 00 WEi«TCRir ra:l road. The freight and passenghr trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning leave Egypt at 1 o’clocx, P. M. a s/F Catti* mid Bortt Tram MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. ^l-OTdn JHO. M. ROSE, Treaa’r and Q«a*l Traaa AfMi Jan. 23, 1868. r»jett«Tllle Ineaal ui ^raierj,\ ^ June 80. 1864 / SlOO BOUMTYa MVanied, 40 JfiauHted RMemen. Authority kavlng been granted by the War De partment to raise a Compaliy of Mounted Riflemen for service in tkia Tioinity, notice is hereby given that recruits to the number of 40 n»n-e»^er^U will be re ceived for this service, to fill up the company to the re quired Number of 100. Each recruit will be required to famish a sevio^able horse, for which he will be al lowed 40 oents per diem, and his pay $12 per month. Writtem jMrmu*i»n will be reqaired from parents or guardians, where the applicant is under the conscript »o. Each reoruit must bring with him a blanket or bed spread, and come prepar^ to remain. Bridles, saddles, haltsrs and saddle blankets furnish ed by the OovwniBsnt, or if the reoruit.oomea provided with them, he will be paid for them a fair valaation. Apply to Mi^or MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar senal • F. L. CHILDS, 46-tf] Lieut. Co^. C. S. A. Comd’g Post. Erom and after ttiis date the Steamer A. P. HURT will _ leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. FAVETTEVILLE NCTCiL IN8DRi9ICE COHPINI. Cspital in Premium Notes amoants to f267,688 2b Cash on liand and other aaeete, 5,077 36 Total, $272,766 Ifi The Company have paid all looses promptly, and have never niiade an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, $29,682 Omoaas: QEO.^ MoMElLl, Prenident. D. A*. RAY, Vice President. 0. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. DiaaoTOKs: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tilllnghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. MoLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lntterloh, A. W. Steal, J. a. Geok, Hon. J. O. Sn^hord, A. E. flSjr* } 0. B. MaUett, James K^e, A. A. MoKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghaat. John Collias and'C. 0. MoCrammen, Traveling Agents •IV*Th« Company lnvft« anpliaatioas. fiaTSS. ia«i. OONTlDJtKATl SfAUS OF AMBB1CA« Ekouiub DBTAftTKura, Dist. Cara Fbak, Wilmington, N. C., March 16ih, 18^ .} Teug’g AriUneikal Dietionaiy, 1?M£RAGING a system (^AritksMtic, Ready Reokon- la or, Interest Oaloulator, Book Keeping, Forms, Ao. B. 1. flALM * SONS. IWr 16. Notice is hereby given to all persona having claims against the Engineer Department, fMr services of slaves employed ae laborers on the Imd defmett near Wilmington, N. C., that the undersigned i« aothoriied and prepared to pay the lame at hia office, on tj^e ao- oond floor of the building next above Meares’ Drag Store, Market Street. Persons executing Powers of Attorney will ob serve the following form—their signatores, in all oaies, te be witnessed by two witaeoaea and aigned in dupli- oftt«, or they may be witnessed betore ft Jostioo of the Paaoe or Clerk oa any Conrt. FORM OF TOWER OF ATTORNEY. I, —in of , do hereby appoint ——, of , my (roe aaid Uwfal A^ent to sign reoeipts f«r, and re^ve payment of all moneya due to me by the Engineer De partment the Confederate dtates of Amwioa, for the aervioes of my riaves employed aa laborer^ on the land defsnoen nt , during the month of , 186 Witness my hand and seal at , tka day of — 186 (Bigsed ia d^plioata.) [Seal ] Wttsesaa « Th» rignatorea of oolored peraona ahoaid be witnessed by three witaeaaea. There moat be separate dapUoate Powera of Attorney for «Mk BUMtk. Blaak foms ou b« kad apon Milas at tUa eAaa. ^ Gmoral Or'dcrv 1 Vo. 8. / I THE foUowin 1. no 82. [XO 1371.] Not lee to Absentees. rBSUANT TO ORDERS f^m Ljent Oen. ■ Barb,' amandifg Valiev Department, (Virginia.) I here- " aisenteefl from the 8d Regiment I rs * w* 'v« dotToe to all Infantry, flron whatever eanse, whether siek, adad or det^led, to report to me in person, (or ky l^r. If to appear to Mrson be In ordev their fitness for dutV, er Jtkeir claims to retiremev^ ba examined Into's^ oensideredTby a medical Bz- Bing Bcar*. will attend fTom Thursday, tStd last, nntU farther oe,' at tha olloe of Men^. 0 9 Parsley A Co , oor- of Ckostnnt and North Water Streets, at which all fbsentees (witkoot exemption,) from eountlee '>;ruoas to Wilmington are expMted to report '-y. ■irfceoas ia eharge ef Hospitals where there are siok ounded, Snperbiteadenis oTRail Roads, Arsenals, As., kaviag detailed men from the above - -r. ’ r$sr*otftill7 raqaettad io give to / i 'juifre published r-- - mtot- ” 2"** e.’r i Vttk «ke above, as aa ontinary exeuaa «iii oe bMtertaia i; PARAGRAPH Gsneral Orders No. 66, AJ|J »nd Inspector Oeneral’i* Office, Scpt’r 12,1862, is so tar amended as to read as follows: Enrolling or reomitiU|{ officors, tn the' disohargs of Iheir duties under the Consoripl or other Acts, are en joined not to remove or Interfere iiith workmen or em ployees at tho Nitre, Lead or Coppor Works, or Misers or Furnaces worked by Goverc&ieat officers, or by ooii- tractors for the Ordnance Department, without first ap-- prising and obtaiuing the consent of the Superintend ent, or officer in charge, wUo will he held strictly re sponsible for any afcuse or evasion of the law. z'* -td, bftt the m«p held strictly accountable for noa-oom* t I !iaqoe with this order. * Ajj^int'senta will be m^e for Raleigh ahd Fayetto- By order. (Signed) S. COOPER, AdJ’t ^d Inspector Oenei^ Am*t aao lasp’a QasaaAL’e Orrioa, Richmond Feb’y 9tk, 1864 General Orders, \ No 18. / * * • • • • • IV. GENERAL ORDERF, No F2, (series 1863,) for bids icterfereoee with the workmen or emplyecis at Mines, Furnaces or Ni^re Works, whether iro.kcd by the Government or Contractors. These orders are now repeated, and especial attention is called to them By order: (Signed) . • S. C00P2R, AdJ’t and Insp’r General U. A strict o>we^vBnoe of the above is enjoined upon ail Enrolling Officers in this State as far as it relates tS persons within Reserve ages. By command of Lt. Gbn. Holmbs. JNO. W. HINSDALE, Ass’t Adj't General. Sept 12. (}6 7t RATES OF TRANSPORTATION On the Cape Fear River from Sept. 1,1864 Alum, per bbl, Apples, Bricks per M, Blue Stone, per bbl. Buggies, Barrels, empty. Do do Spts Turpentine, Baoon, loose per ton. Do packed (casii,) Beistei^, Cider, per J>bl, Copperaa per bbl^ Ca»4a, O^rbers, Carriages and Oeaekea, Ooffee per bag. Coal per ton Do per hhd, „ Chairs, sitting. Do smaii rockers. Do large do. Cotton, per bale. Cement per bbl, Demijohns, empty. Do ‘ filled, Fish and Pork, per bbl. Flour, iter bbl, Fluid,' Grain, per bushel. Grindstones per ton, Horses and Cattle, each. Hay and Fodder, per b^e. Hides, dry, . Do green, Iron, Lead and Pig Iron, per ton. Liquors, per galls>n. Lime, per catk. Do per bbl. Measurement Goods-per foot, Nails per keg. Oil, Peanut per bbl, ' Do Linseed and Tanners, Do Coal, Do Rosin, Paper per bundle. Powder, per keg of 2S Iba, Rice per cask. Rosin per bbl, Salt psr cask. Do per bbl. Do per bag 3 bushels, D'> per bag 2 do. Shingles per M, Stills and fixtures, * Sugar per bbl, . * Po .per hhd, per hundied. Soap per box of 100 lbs,. 7 60 Do per box less 100, 6 00 Sheeting per bale, 20 00 Spice and pepper per bag, 26 00 Spirits Tiirpentine per bbl, 10 UO Tallow and wax per bbl, 7 50 X Wagons, Timber. 75 00 Do Road, 50 00 Do wheels, eaoh, 5 00 Wheel barrows, 6 00 Tarns per bale, 16 00 All oiber I'reights not eaomerated will be charged la proportion to above rates. J. A. WORTH, Agt Cape Fear St Boat Co. R M ORRELL, Agt Str Kate MoLaurin. T S. LUITERLOH, Agt Str No. Carolina. Bept 14 67-6t*6t $25 00 7 50 50 VO 26 Oo 40 00 « UO 6 00 50 (>0 15 00 7 50 10 00 16 00 larvf -/o «o 7H 00 25 00 87 50 20 OU 1 00 2 50 6 00 20 00 7 50 1 00 6 00 7 50 7 60 26 00 75 60 00 80 00 10 00 2 00 8 00 30 00 1 00 10 00 6 00 75 6 00 25 00 26 00 26 CO 10 00 6 00 10 00 20 00 7 50 7 50 6 00 8 50 2 50 10 00 100 00 16 00 Confederate Tax !Voiii>e« T^B Confederate Aaseaaora for the eoooty of Chatkam X will glva anotker opportunity t> tkoae wko k^e net yet listed their property, and will attend at the follow ing timea and plaoea, when all wko kave not yet done BO are required to come fonrord end give Hat of all tkeir property of every desociption, that ike tazca aiay be aa- sea^ tkereon: Rllk Hopei Monday ITth Oct’r. John HUtnt'a, TucmIav ISth. Haywood, MoadayJTik. Backhora, rneaday ISib. Coaocll’a, Wedaaaday IBth WJUIaDii’i, Tboradsy lOUi. JnoM’i Grove, Friday Mtl. Baldwin's, Taeaday aSthi Hadley's Mllla, Wednaaday Wtk. Pittaboroach, 8alni4ay dlHh> WAi«T£l», * A SITUATION for the ensoing seesion in some School or College The applicant is a graduate of a South ern College—also of the University of Virginia—has been teaching for ten years, both iu male and female Sobools and Colleges, and can furnish the best testimo nials of character and qualifications. Those in want of a teacher will please address, slating terms, & ]. Box 157, Petersburg, Va. Sept 6. 66 »tpd FOR I^ALE, A VALUABLE LAW UBRARY, (IONSISIIjSG of J * TBTT BOOKS, And other deslrabia aud raru irurXa, all ia excellent order. Catalogaes may be had at the Store of James MoKimmon, Esq , anl ipformation wIJi regard to the sale, by application to Mrs. JOHN W ELLIS, Raleigh, N C. The Books oan bo seen at any time, if preferred. Sept. 18. 67 4w 9100 Refrard. RANAWAY from the pubstriber, at Bjokiagkam, Riskmond county, on Friday tke 2d inst, my negro boy FENDRIC, aboat 86 yeara of age, five fret, liz or seven inches high, a heavy head of hair and very blaok, remarkably polite, one froni tootk oat, haa some letters on Ilia arm' Said negro wa« bonght of Mr. F- Lynch, Charaw, S. C , and ia aapposed to be lurking about hia tanyard in Ukaraw or kia piaatatioa ia tke vicinity. Tha above ravard will be raid to aaj oae deliTerf tke bof to tha mbeoribec ac ooaflalM kiia ia aajr wn v)Ue> af which das notice 'ill be given. WM. M PARSLBY. Lieut. OoL 8d Regiment N. C inh’y. Wiimington, N. C., Sept. 10th. 6t IV. €. Velnntccr Xawy Company* Ni I:!1C£ is hereby given to the Stoekkoldera of the .'forth Carolina ^laateet Navy Company and the puo io generally, that the books for farther aabscription in e OCX in said cpmpany will be positively oloeed fbr furl tor subscriptioB on or before the first day of Novem ber next Parties desiring t^ make investments in tUs entatprise will be offered an opportonity up to that dat4 bat not afterwards, and notice is hereby farther giv^ to those wbo have already subscribed and shall rail to pay into the Treasury the amount of their suH- scii^ions oa or before the sidd day, that they will be ohajied interest on their subscriptions and the Company will prooeed to collect by law. C. P MENDENHALL, President Ss^t. 21 * «»4w Wanted to l^ease, one or more years, the MONTAGUE PLiCB, 12 to 14 miles from Fayetteville on the old River tioai to Raleigk. The tract contains 741 aorea. If deeitsd, to one who haa suflioieBt fores to work the f«rm, we vni sell aa interest. liiO Neill McDnrald, Kyle’s Laa4Ing P O., will show tke place to any one desiriag to set It 0. 0. BARBEE & CO. Ba'olayviUe, Oamberland Co , Sept. IB. 60tf 0"^ WANTEB, FLY WHEEL of a Steam Engine, 8 or 9 ot f->et in diameter, 4 or 5 inches in the eye, gaurMng 2000 or 2600 ibe. Any person having soch a waeel, can fot an old fasbiontd trade for it, by addreOatag the subscriber at Pedler's Hill P. 6 , Chatham aounty, N U A B. BRIGHT. SepL aO, • e9-8tpd •liOO Reward for the Incendiary. The mbsnriber will pay a reward of $200 for evidenoe dafficieaf to convict the person wbo set fire to the dwelling house of Mrs. Mary H. Shaw, three miles East of Fayetteville, on the night of the 16th inst. JAMES JENKINS. Fayettevlill^ Bept. M. 70 8t. riAJHO WaOTBO. tflSr Sept. 1(Il 70 tf BOMDH l>'OR SALE, fire Hu4red MUUos Orafederste Six Far Ctost. Boids. THJBSB BONDS present the greatest ladoeemeota for inveatmeat. They have thirty years to rfln, inter est payable semi-annaally, and are secured by import and export duties; are exempt, principal and interest, frost taxation, and the coupons reoeivable as ooin for oastom duties. The ooup^'as of these Bonda»^e Janaary 1st, 1865, have been ordered to be received^ payment of import dutiea in advance of matarity Apply to ALLEN S. GIBBES, Agent Treasury Department,-Wilmington, N. CT Aug. 9. 68-tf Bdwards’a, Wednesday lOth. Manh(!Wa’a, Ttmrsday 20th. Doraett**, Friday 91at. liurper'a X KonJ«, TasaiJav BSlh L«)eu«t R^)ve, WedoeadayaBih. Bnrna’ Old Fiald. ThnradaySTUi Ur. Wtn.brw’a, Friday SBth. Those who do not report aa above will kave their Hat made oat by the Assesswo, with an additioaal tax of 26 p«r cent. f |An Assessor of Tax la Kind will attend aa above to aeteee the Wheat, Oata, Wool^end Hay. Tax payers . iluiSr pmm fciafcat kU trailers most raitari ssaocoat qaart^iiny aales ap te Ow> aistlUers of fntt the nuaber of gaOsaa tober lat, and made. PHtaboro’, Bept itt. J. BIQGSBBB, \ A WOMACK, / Aaseasora. 70 t02d WArfTfBD, ^,000 nanlL Moiea. fS,000 Old M. C. ConpMlB. #s,ooo nr. e. rjULI Boad cee»ee#. JOHN G. W1LL1AM0 A CO.. Brokers, BaleiajkN 0. Sept 24. ;pd Files and Rasps. 1 i WOH MILL SAW F1LB8;. • 14 inck Fiat, and ^ Roaad Baatard FUea; Hand Saw aaf Ward FUea^ 14 lack J7i»rM Maapt. All anperior quality. For sale by • J^BS'MARTINB. Sept. 18. * 70 »tpd "vroricjR"" NBW HICKORY BUGGIBS; 8 Second Hand do; 4 Roakaways; 80 Firrt-rate Oak Sirop Barvele; Old Oarviaaee aad Baggies aad 8pttog» taken fat es- ^aage. A. A firel^S|HAM Sept. ' * «0-*Wpd 6 * WANTED. CT AAA LRfl- BBESWAJI. The highest market prIoe OUUU nald. X. 8 bVTTBRLOE. X. 8 bVTTBRLOl Sept it. ^ MALT, [N tjntmm for Bole aad Upper Leatker, at tke sipve [ of D MoLAURlN, Haytft. Sept. 92 6« 4tpd A *OR 8AIi£, GOOD CaviAry horse, Saven vears J. R. SLOAN, near Joaesbore . Sept. 21.. . « «11. Apply la J. M. SLOAjr •9-8tpd. 8 rOR SALE. BBLS smoking TOBAOOO—| lb PapM joe. bur. Sept fl. • 10,0M nccca JV«w Rusie, JOM »eeetv8 wSiak win ka aaat to scj sIHi ibs aa reoal^ of ear Oataiofoa priesa , We kava aaw baeome' tke 80LB AQBNT8 la Norik Caroliaa, for Ciao. Dann A Oe. ef Riekmond, wko are tke umdjhutt tfosio Pabliakers In tks Sontk. All orders to tkem, from tkia State, will be filled at oar Store. Oae kalf off to tke Trade. Apply for Oatalogoee of Books, Masie, fte. BRANSON 4 FAiiRAR, Raleigh, N 0. Sept 6. , 66*tf .jEfr Executor’s ^Voti€^e. The sttbscribers having qaalified at September Term 1864, of Cumberland Coanty Court, as Executors to in* last Will and Testamsnt of MaJ John T. Gilmore, deo’d, hereby notify all persoas having cliums against of their Testator, to preaeqt tkem witkm the time preacribed by law, or tliis notice will be pleaded in bar of their reoovery. S^LEX. J. BYRNE. ^RCii’D McLBAN B F. MOORE, IVotice ol Sale. The Bxecntors of the above John T. Gilmore, dec’d, will sell at Public Auotion, in the town of Fayette ville, St the late cesidenoe of the deceassd, corner of Bowan and Hillsboro’ streets, on Saturday the 1st day of Oetober next, all the perishable property usually kept •ad osed about the said Town residence, oonsisting of Household and Kitchco Farniture, Buggy, Harness, Wagon, Books, Stiver, Cow and Calf, and other valuable articles. Terms made known at sale. Tke (iffM of sale of the Stook, Crop, Farniture, Uten- ails, Ac , at the Pia'*tation, has not been appointed yet. Due notice will be given of that sale, wheu the time is fixed Sepu 7. 66ts Salt for Sale. Oft A A BUSHELS SOUND S.ALT, made intheSpring ZUUl/ 1863—will exohange It for Baoon, Lard Com, of Confederate Treasury Notes. Also, 80 boxes fine CHBWINQ TOBACCO; for sale at. my store oppoeite Cape Fear Bank. A. G. THORNTON. Sept 2. . 64 tf WAIVTED, ffBES to tan on shares. Terms, } Leather or its eqiivalent in eash We baa tan it in a very short time if desired, by Hiokle’a patent Persona wiahing their Hides tanned ean send them to oar address to Egypt Depot, wkere Uiey will be taken from and Leatker delivered at oor expense. Oar addreas is Beaumont, Chatham Coanty. W. D. WATSON & CO. Befereaee Messn. Q. W. Williama A Co., Fayetteville. Aug. 24. 61*&swtlJpd Wool Wanted for the State of Hr Carolina. rilllE undersined oontlnae to ezohange COTTON J. YARN for WOOL, one bundle of Yarn for 4 lbs. an- washed, or 8 Ibe. oleaa washed Wool. They will also pay a liberal prioe in caak for large or small lots. GEO W. WILLUMS A 00., Agts. Fayetteville, June 16. 42tf Piano Tuning. PARTIES living in or nrar Fayetteville desiriag to kave their Pianos tuned, are informed that Prof. W. 8 B. Matthews will be in town about the eighteenth of September and will attend to any orders that may be left for Idm at the Post Ofloe or »( Mr. J. A. Worth’s atn’e Strings replaetBd and other repairing neatly ex- eonted. Mr. Mattkewa will tone in tke ooantry wken convey ance is provided ^^f JLoat or Stolen, A Plain Blaok Silk PARASOL, aomewkat worn, kav- ing a figured border aad friage. Tke fioder will be aoitably rewanled on leaving it at tkia O&oe. Sept. 12. Palma Ckriatt Rcmna. kaeriker wUi pagr tiM kiAeat e IS} at Iwsi QkriMlkasOk state of flortli Carolina, ' OOUNTT OF BIGHMOMS. Coart of Pleaa-aqd Quarter Seaaions, July Tsrm, 1M4- Barak Brown vs. Thomas Barrentine rad Angelina kk wife, K G. Wright ud liartha his wife» aad othasa. Petitioa for Dewer. IT appearing to the satiefitotion of the Oonrt, tiat Sarah and Orem Wright, Leonard Brown, and Ale^ ander Brown, reside beyond the limits of this State, ordered: tkat pablioation be made in the Fayetteville Observer, a nevrspaper pablished in Fayetteville, N. 0 , for six weeks, notifying said non-reeid^ defendants to be and appeSr at the next term of.lhi8 Court, to be koTd at the Court Houae in Roekingkam on Monday of October next, then and there to pkMtd, utfwer or de mur to the petition filed in tkia ease, otkerwiae the same will be heard ex parte aad jadgment pro ooafBaao entered as to tkem. Witneee, Loaia H. Webb, Oleric of oor lald Ooor^ at (Aee in B^Ungiiam, 8d Mmday of July, 1664, J,. E. a,fi. a. 62-et1 H. H. WBBB, Def*. CleM . State of IVortik Carolina, MOORE COUNTY. Court of Plea# and Quarter Sessions, July Term, 1864 Jokn Danlop, Adm’r, v^ Jamee Beekaad wife andotken. PeUtioii for Aooeant and Settlement r' appearing to the satisfaetioa Of tke Coa't that the Dofendaat James Beok is a non-resident of tke State: On moiion, it is ordered that publloatioa be made for six auooessive weexs in the Fayetteville Observer, noti fying the said defendant, James Beclc, personally te be ana appear at the next Tenga ef this Coart, to be held for the eoautr of Moore, at the Court Hoaae in Car thage, ou'4ih Monday of Ooiober next, taen and there to plead, answer or demur to tlie Petitioa filed in this case, otherwise the same will be hsard. ex part^ aad judgment pro oonfessa will be ^jitered as to him Witness, A H. McNeill, Clerk of oor said Ooart, at Office in Carthage, dth M'ond» of J^y 1864 • A. H. VO'fiw] MeMBILL, C G. ]. State of IVortIk Carolina, HOORS OOUMTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Seeeiena, Jaly Term, 1864 B. T. WilUame, et aL, ve. K. Myriek wife, et aL Petitioa to Divide Slavee- IN this case, upon motion, it ia ordered by tke Oeort, that pablioation be made fw az saooeealTe weeks ia tbe Fayetteville Observer, notifying the Defendants, P & Myriok and wife Manoy, Asa dnnsaoker and wife Qicy, aad tke Beira ef OoroaiKeaaedy, dee’d, wko are nou-f esidents, personally to be and appear at tke next fern of this Court, to be keld for the eonnty of Moore, at tbe Coart Honaa ia Cartkage, on the 4tk Monday in Oot^er next, then akd there (o plead, anawer or demur te tke Petition Aled in thia oaae, otkerwiae tke eeme wiU be liaard ex parte aa to them and Jndgmeat pro oonfesso nili bo entend. Wltaess, A. H. MeNeill, OieA of oor eaid Coart, at Offiea tu Cartkage, 4tk MoadM ia July 18«4. ^•6tl A. EL MoNEILL, 0. C. 0. iVo Detpondencjf.—^Thete mrjt be ao uc :pHJ denoy amoog a peoplo vho are stnig^iing for Uberty^.for property, fot’ hono7| i!or oiatouoe, anti for the fatare weWare of their poatc.ity. W« have recently met with reveracd, bwi jy manly exertion they can be repaired, and *ao enemy made to yield ns our rights and 03 alone. The Southern people ought to iai&nk God th%f thetr condition is no worse than 1 u—i* ighi* be a great deal worse, and theu wo o*iouid tn- omph.» We have not yet beea^.redaecd to. the stnuts endured by the Aevolutici«jf/ aflitxjs 3i '76—they triumphed i^r a seven j-'axo lating war, and we oari and must sucvoed Tute is no time for oberiBhing deBUODdiA^; leolmge--- we must all work with renewed energy t j pujo forward tho cause. A little mute oou*«»^e ai\0 energy, and all will bo well. "Ww Jwepe’-afiiong tkcae wbc rcinctavitly co*ijeilt» ed to secession in 1860 and '61, b^.1 from tlie day that North OwoUna seqpd^ to -ihe preseut time, we have given forth no diseoaragiag sound nov permitted ourself to entartam a aoubt about the unal sueoess ot the Southern cause. We mu.*t and will suooeod, and tiie struggle vrill continue until our enemies consenU to let us tdooe. We want pcace as bad as any one is the land, and are willing to any arrangemdht that will produce ^ peace, provided it establishes the iadcpendcnce ol the Confederate States: but there never can be a . permanent or honorable peace without inaepen* deuce. The Sooner everybody in the Bouth makes up their ininds to this, the better for us all. Charhtle Democrat. Horghutn Crop* at the Montsommby, Sept. ).0, 1864.—^The people of Alabama and Gieorgia ^ve gone largely into the culture of the cane and the manufacture of syrup. From all sectiMis we bave accounts oi the progress oi this new souree of wealth and comfort. Melds furmei- ly blossoming with the cotton boll are now nod ding in rich luxuriance with the luxuriant growth of the Imphte and Horghee. We lately visited a plantation where there was about one hondred aijl thirty acres in eane, of (ho most beautiful growth and texture ever seeih We rode through the field in various places, and mounted as wa were upon a fine horse, and ourself rather over six feet in height, the dark tufts of the Imphee, filled with seed, were in all parts from two to three feet above our head. We nave siuoe learned that the proprietors, who have been grinding all:! ing tor more than a month, have already realised $50,000 from the sale of syrdp, and if they are able to grind the entire crop, expect to soake some $200,0(^ mOre. This is rather bettor than cotton. Independent of the great valun ol the syrup, the fodder* is of the moat nutritious oiiaracter, and is highly relished by the stock, while the mashed cane and^the skimmings of the syrup will fatten the hogiMAo«U other food.* ^e negroes, too, like the^tup, and thrive upon it with one iburth of thetr former allowance ol meat Tkese ftots, whtah ezperienoe liae -d«mot>c»triiled, wiC the culture of the cane a leading objael hereaftef with our planters. It is well to remark here Uiat the imphee or Afijean cane will yield- a much larger per cent of rich syrup than ^e Chinese or Borghee. We have the assurance of the mo^t li;- telhgent planters who have carefully tested the matter, that the juice of the African eane will yfbld a much larger per cent of rich syrup than the Chinese, and will require le^ time for boiling. We would, with these^establiahed facts before us, recommend our planters to save the Ainoan seed ia all oases, as it will be in greater demand here- a^r. It is said a fine gruned and beautiful light sugar is also being made^ficom tbe imphee syrup. Affecting Incident.-^An Atlanta correspondent says: **We have learned of a very touching and affecting incident which occurred in this army on the battlefield of the 23d of July, and which b worthy of being engraved in letters of gold as commemorating the magnanimity and true Chris tian spirit of the two noble hero^ oonoemed. The preparations for battle were being made. A corps oommandeif rode up to one of hia division generals, and finding some delay and confusion, reprimanded him with some severity. The tone and manner was »loulated to wound, and the two soon parted with feelings of evident bitterness towards eacb other. Tbe corps oommanucr after the excitement of the moment was over, that he had probably spoken too harshly to a brother officer, and as they were both about entering tho danger of the batUefield, he felt it to be a dut^ he not only owed himself, but a former friend, to render an apology. He therefore dispatohod astaff officer after the battle bad opened, through a storm ef fire, to oommunicate with him, and express his regrets and asli^ forgiveness. The- division com mander replied that he had been deeply wounded by the language of his superior officer, but that the apology was satisfactory and ho freely forgave. In a few minutes after, a fatal bullet pierced the division commaader, and bis soul winged its flight Uf ly^othsr world. How beautiful and touching was this evidenoe of mutual forgiveness, Miacted by two dibtingpiahed soldiers’, in the day oi battle and in the hour of df^ugor and death. A machine for spading grain, in stead of ploughing; has been invC]?^* Michi gan. It ia wor^d by four horses—takes a TT:d^ of three feet, and performs three times as much as a plough, cutting up the earth deeper, pulver- iaing it completely, and leaving it in a condition for planting. The expense) too, is less by one half than the cost of ploughing. Bo states the Prune Farmer. / State of IVorth Carollipi*^ CHATHAM OOUNTT. 0*ort nf Pleae and Quarter Sessions, Aug. Term, 1S64. E F. baglin and others vs. R. S. Iteks, Ada’r of Jas H. BagUn PeUtion for Aooount and Settlement of tke Estate of Thomaa Raglin, deoeaaed r' appearing to tke aatiafaotion of tke Oeart, that Jaa. H. BagUn. one of tke Defendants, residee beyond tke Umita of tkia State: It is ordered, tkat pnblieatien of tke pendeaey ef tkia Petitton be made ia tke Fayette ville Obeerver fbr rix weeks, tkat said Raglin may ap pear at tke next Term of tkia Court, to be held for the Coanty aad Btats afbreeaid, ea tke 3d Monday of No- vembw aext, aad plead, answer o* dearar, otherwise that aaid Petitioa will b»iaken pro oonfeaao aa to kias Witneee, ft. 0. Ck>tteB, OkBrk of said Coart, at oflUe In Sttt^ere*. tha I^Mesiay of Aonst IMA. a. a (^TTXEI, O a 0. ^ WmasMfai IPS' —Is fcsafc. I^ France the wastn steam from the locomo tives is made to heat the cars io tbe train behind. It is conducted from the escape pipes through tubea, which inside of the oars are copper, but outside are of vulcaniaed India rubber, with coup lings whioh oan be readily managed. At Oldwark, near Selkirk,' Eng., recently, an a6d Htrolled into a garden, and nearly ups^ • beehive, the inmates of whioh immediately rush ed out upon the intruder like a clc^pd, infliotinK such severe ii^uries that the poor animal diel shortly afterwards in great agony. Why is any thing not easily denominated like a chronometer? Beeanae it^s a watoh you may oall it The eounty courtof Buckingham, Va;, has appro priated 9100,000 to buy provisions for the sol diers' ibtmiUee of that county. IIu Imila tbs «bm« at gpld ia yiest aa»e^ai». iba