FAYCTTCVIt f.K OCTOBER 10. itm. printed W0NDAV8 aND THURSDAYS EDWAK!» J. H4LK & editors and I’R0PRTLT(}R8 PriM for the Fcml-Wcikly Adruioe. ?#r tke Weekly OascavcR JIO 00 ^.er tnnVkra, p»d In tdT&QOe. “’ft ;>y, yiAii in • ADVERl IBEMENTP for S3 per -5 >,u»re of 12 lin^n or It'ss for fho ftiTit, an-^ **'.5 for csvah I ■neeeedirg pcbVt;. (i(v 1. Advoriiscr^ Rt* relo j •tate the number o> iBefrficr^ or tbeyi.iUj be oontinued till ftrv ii?, i^rd c*‘f'”iin;r;r- | Adv*»rtis;njcot8 contiu'ic’ futdA, m oew »J- j or more pairs, tbt'y will Ix* Tvered lii Wilmington frc? of ex- 8PECIAX KOTICE. From sn \ fuler this due, no nunc of 8. icw sabsoriber will be entered withoat payment in r. ranoe, nor wil! the paper be eent to such subscribers than is paid for. Saok of our old subsoHbors as uesiT per on this systeia will please c.oti " remittano^E. • loQf^r timo ' to take the pa- u« when making Jan’y 1, 1858. W. DRAHGilO]^, AUCTIOKEER, S. E. Corner Market Square, FAVETTETILLE, Jf. C. Prompt attention gi-" to all busirese in his neentrofted to him. June 10, 1864. 40'f ISAAC HOLliNGSWOKTH, (Grocer and Cojusission MerchaBty FAYETTi'.nLLK, N. C. Jane 13. 40 tf JVJft, ^yicL, W Attomoy at Law, F/YITTBVILLH, N. C. WILL attend the County and Superior Courts of CaaiberlAni, Harnett, Moore aa J Robeson Coim- tie«. Proinp. attention gives lo the ooUeoticn of all eUims entniBted to his hands. Oct. 17, 1869. 68-tf JO$i. UTI.JEY, firoctr and Commission JffercharU^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1863. ‘tC-tf MATIUN A. STBPILIN. WM. H. BIKNAJtD. iir. A. STED.^Axir Sc €Om WIOLESILE AND RETAIL DEALERS AND .TlERCHAi«TS$, 3o. 10, Ha^ Street, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Ar ril *0. 25if O. •. WOKTB. D. O. W6ETH. B. Q. DAairL. woimi *& co^ ConmlMloii aid Forwarding 9IercliaDt«, n'Wtr Sit'eet, WILMINGTON, N. 0. Oct. 16, 1863. 78-1‘im %VAHTE1*. O CAA BU8BEL8 WHEAT, /(V.dUU 1,600 “ CORN. Persons kaTing the above articles to sell will receive tke highest Cash price by c.%Iling on Mr. M Thomason, at tke Merchant Mills, FaycUev.ile, or on lae subscri ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. J0HK80N, Jr. N»v. 6, 1862. T6tf AR.TIY I AM prepared to manufacture all kind'j of Wagcn Harttess for Army use. 1 tan my Isaiher and caa give good bargainn. Agents will do well t« send their erders ^o me as they shall have prompt aitentios, and •ent off i.n quick dispatch. JOiiN CART SR. Ooldsu'n P. 0., Chaiham Co., S. (J., 1 o June 13, 1862. / Sargeon General’s Office, 1 Ralbioh, N r., Juiia lOra, 1B'>4. / AME88E.'1&ER will leave this Office on the firgi day, and the fifteenth day, of every month, for Gen. Lee’s army. All boxes left h?re for any memDar of ftat army wiil bo oarriei there promptly by him and delivered to tl ve owner. EDWARD WARREa?, 4j.tf Surgeon General North Carolina. OOTTOn i hUnHylVo, 10. rnHK FAYETTEVILLF COTTON C^RD MANUFx^iT- j TURING COVPANYare now niauufacturingCARl): Nipeiior to auy ran through the blockade, and »t pfe&?at ara setting fur a le^ pric-; the single pair or f y t!ip uur^n- tiiy. Any person orderfcM^ securply packf d Hnd^KTT; pense. Call upon or addreae A. A. McKFTTffAN. J. A. *rtOl rii ALEX. JOHNSON. J KayottevlK:;. K. C.. Arril 18 ^ nitf FayeUeviH^ ^UfJs* Oii IVockii. OUR Oil Works are now in cou:*>lel» operation, »s wo use notki:i'» but pooH ro^ir in pri^iucinr lie Oil we e,Hn nH5Cimin»-nti it to the be-’ ij’ kind mad^ ta i- !> ^ l Tani5u",> I Oil, and we would t« r^ive ’orders irdft tho j Gk»vemment and the public tenerally. W e will eeH on reasonable terras. MOORE, CASHWELL «t CO. { April 16. 2S-tf I nr i To the Members of tho Hoiisi of CejaaiODS. FATItTi'lSVILT.K N I? . AUf^U'Jt li 18i> und.'rgiirnnc: rispeo-fally prec-ntc liiusel; to jf-ur * fsTOv - a a c*DdiilHi» fcr re cIe«Jc>ii to »«io cScjo rt Prir.c'ri.1 Oierk of the H; u^e of C" tf tie Oencrf.l /■c?cxi-!y o'the Siate cf Noiit Csrulina ^ ' s ilKNSY E CJLTON $5,000 Bank IVoie!^. !^S,4IOt> Old i%’. i'. C'oiipduit. $*i,000 !V. C\ Knii Road C'OHpttna. . J. ■ . .iLl(\Nii 1* JO.. D kera. R\iei(t., ]:« . S' •»' 70 »ti'd 14 Fik'x r*«mi H KT^L, RrtW Ki.ES; 1 .nch fc*a* «nl ^ r ,nud B*cjtari Filia; icob Jloru Ratfa All « u.er!c' qaaliiy. Fcr sale hy JAMES S-^i 18. MARi'lNE 70 »tpd 6 I) CPu,;T 8 SfjK. G T r,) ”D>;*. for salft b, 66-»Jpd 3 4 B iCi- cbviJ ■ t JVOTMCK. HICKORY BUGaiE.S; • ond Hand lio; ■kawayp; ’Jt rato Bed Oak Sirup B»rr;lp; wi»g';i and Btg«Ti fl aui-Bpn'jiwi tak«a;n ex- A A . ‘'cKETHAN •:i fi'i 4'Rpd ’8 W EA«UE fou:kdrt, ) Pat*tt*vii.l«. N I"! . Jul^ 4, l«64. f B ARE NOW PREPARED TO RE-.'ETVE OR- ders for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of the following sixes, v *: 24, 26, 28 and 30 inch. Also CHILLED TIRES. Th* Iron we eball u.»e fSt them will be COLD BLAST OH .\RCOAL IRON, and we war rant our wheels NOT T(i traCK, and to be i*qual to any made in the Coufi i, Mjy, or to thos(« cf Whitney & Sons of PMladelphii ,wbo«»«* reputation is so well know” by all Rail Ro*d Ceir^panies. T7e have tie best facilities for tracsportation by Steamers to Wilmington, from thence to an* part of the Corfe-ieracy Orders respecWlIy solicited. 46tf] D. ANDERSON A CO RAIL ROAD. The FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning leave Egypt at 1 o’cloox, P. M. Caitie aud Eortt Tram MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By crder JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r and Gen’l Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22, 1863. 97tf WAIITEO, A SITUATION fcr the ersaia-' so’^sion in some School or ('cli'?.? Tha ar)nlic.at is ^ gr»inat3 of a South- i ern CoHeze—also of tha University of Virginia—has been ’eaohiag for ten years, both in male and female Schools ard Colleges and can furnish the best testiiiio- niala of character an') ijnaHfications Those in want of a teacher wiil please rddress, staging terms, 4o. BOX 157, Petersburg, Va. Sept 6. 66-9tpd EOR SALE, A VALUABLE LAW LIBRARY, n^NsrsiifjG of TEXT BOOKS, And cfhf*r deslrfcbb und^rare w,ri-, all In exoellent or.it r Catalognes mi*y bs h%d at the Store of James MoKimrooa, Esq , and information with regard to the sale, by appUo»tion to Mrs. JOHN W ELLIS, Raleigh. N. C. The Book^ can be seen at any time, if preferred. Sept. 13 67 4w $100 Reward. AN away from the 8ubs'>ribi*r, at Rookiagham, i Richmond county, on Fridav the 2i Inst, my negro boy FSNDRIC, about 35 years of age, five f«et, six or ■even inches high, a heavy head of hair and very b^aek, remarkably poUte, one front tooth out, has some letters on his arm Slid negro was bought of Mr. F. Lynch, Cherew, S. , aud is supposed to be lurking about his tacyard in Chtr«w or his plantaiioa in the vicinity. The above reward will be raid to any one delivering U»e boT to the subscriber or eocfining him in anv jail 10 iVft V« can f»t hinj WM P MoDOHALD. IS CP-6ipf FajetteTiUe Artcaal and Armorr,) June 30, 1864. / 8100 BOUi\TY. . Wanted, 40 ^ffounted JRiiletttcr. ^UTHOBITY haring be.'^n granted by tbe War De- IVoticc to Abi«eiitces. PURSUANT TO ORDiiRS from Lieut. Gen. Earlv, oomaianding Talley Department, (Tirginia,) I here by give Dotic& to all akicntees from the 3d Regiment N. C Iifaatry, from whatever cause, whether sick, wounded cr derailed, to repo*t to me in person, (or ky letter, if to appear in person be imp9tHkk,) in order that *heir fi'.ncss for dutv, or their claims lo retirement, nay be examined into and considered by a medioat £x- aiuiaing Board. I 1 will attend from Thursday, 22d inst, antil further ^ ’T.o'-.'.ce, at the ofkoe of Meesra. O. G Parsley & Co., oor- • .lO’ of Chestnut and North -Water Streets, at which > olcca all absentees (without exoeptioo,) from counties * 03i;:iguoas to Wilmington %re expteted to report ' proniptiy. •Mr aS rOR SALE. J0S'if7tE\ Cf-tf Hillsboro* N* €# military Aoademyt The a*-xt ■ session of this InUitatioD will bcgic on W,?no«day, Fei>’y let, IStt'* Applications for ad mission must be icade prior to 15th Deo'r 1854, about wbich ttmr the terios will be made known. Address M»j. WM. M. G0RIH)N, Superintendent. Ojt 1. 72-4m Female Teacher Wanted. TRE f’tibsiriber wi8**e8 to prnonie the servioea of a FE.vlALE TE.\.CHER who can teaeh the English, Frevcb, and Maeio on Piano. D. CBW)MARTIE. Elixv:sth Town, Sept. 80. 72-2tpd iTiUs M. A. Dews will comuicnce teachii.i;; SCHOOL on the 10th of Oot a* the residence of R«v j B. Hardwick. Terms $20 for ten weeks So.pt 71-3ip(» Otk and after the lut day ot Octo ber, Cabin Passage will be $40; Daok Pas-sga $25; Wfty Passage in proportion JOS A. WORTH. C. F Steam Boat Co T 8. LCTTERLOH, North Crrolina R- M ORRELL, Kate McLaurin Fayetteville. Sept. *-*7, 7l-lm*lm Sale o Real Estate iu Town. The Executors of the >ate .lobn T Gilmore wdl sell at public Auction, at the Market House in ths Town of Fayetteville, on Saturday the 2^th of October 1864, the following RmI Estate: House and Lot on Mumford Street, adjoining Mr A- rey and Mrs Evans. House and Lot, late reeidenoe of Major Gilmore, N E oorner of Hi’lsboroogh and Rowan streets. Disputed interest in a strip of Land, adjoiniog J A. Worth on Hftj Meant Terms, one »nd two years credit with interest from sale A. J. BYRNB ) A. McLEAN, SEx’rp. E. F. MOORE,) Fayetteville, Oct 1 72ts Would Like to Employ. I WOULD like to employ a First Olase FEMALE TEACHER for one month, Utr«e yean, or dnrinv i the wa^- I will p«y a liberal price, and give the board, (»4 «»!■ BMau^JkBd tk* Teaeher fifty miles oa her way hom wkm tik* can do better at some other place or wiskes to qnii mine, a small or family sohool. HARRIS TYSOB. Oct. S. 72tf On«« of Clilef Q. m., C. 8. DUtrtct Mortb Carolina, Kaluqb, Sept 26, 1864 ?') -r Mpunted , Hv«on*i*charge of noepiial# wker* thar* aiok ..r »srr„t Tb;. bc.i'.h; is ktni'/ tl»»t i wuaudrd, i^npcrintendews of Rail Roada. AraewJs 0 the iiupi^«r of 40 n^m riuerntt will be rs shin T»,.u i # ’ recruiis to the nupiHer of 40 non-f»iuer^tt oeivei fir this eemce, to fill np the comr’ny ta the re quire 1 Nnmber of 100. Each r ecru I; wul b»* required to furciah a soviccable horse, for waich he wiil be al lowed 40 ;ents rer licm. and liis pay $12 per month. Wriitfn pennutien will be required -fronj parents or guardians, where the applicant is under :he c*«a8cript age. Esc'] recr.iit must bring with him a blanket cr bed spread, and come prepared lo reaain. Bridles, saddles, halters aaJ saddle blankets furnish ed by the Govprameat, or if the recruit ccires provided with them, be will be paid for them a fair Talaation. Apply to Major MATTHEW P. TArLOR, at the Ar senal. F. L. CHILDd, 45 tf] Lieut. Col. C. S.-A. Comi’g Post. I Ship TarJs. &c.. having detailed man from the above named command, are rospectfuily requested to give to tnose er iheir cbarj>e every faciUty for complying with the above, aa no ordinary exeoae will be enitrtaia- ec’, but li 0 mfn held strictly aooouatable for non com pliance wit^ this order Appoint”'cnt3 will be m'lde for Raleigh tad Fayette ville, of rAich dufl uotiae »ill be given. WM. M PARSLEY, Lieut Tol. 3d Regiment N. C. Inh’y. \MIm'ngt)u, N C , Sept. I9iii 69 6t W'nnted to Leave, 11^0F. one or m re years, the MONTAGUE PL^CE, ’2 toll miles from Fayetteville on the old Pvivcr Road to R\leigti. The tract contains 741 acres. If desired, t. onevaa had sufficient furoo to work lae f'rm, we will eeli au iuteres*. Mjj Neili MoDayald, K;le h Ltnding P 0 , w.U show lUa plaoe to any ono aes.ring to see it C. C- BAR-iEE 4 CO. Barolay^ille, Cuo^berland Oo , 3ep». 1». 63tf si*300 Reward lor the Incendiary. , j ''l^liijubsonbar w 11 pay a reward of $200 for cvi. • A STAR FOISUBT. C1ANE MILLS, two and three rolls, with iron Bide in I complete ordi r for work, will be scld at old fashion prices for bacon, t orn or flour; Cauldrms for bailing the syrup, 80, 40, 60 imd 100 gallons; Pots, Spidora, 0?ans and Parlor Grates; Ploughs and Points and Burs; (’ast- ings of every dime 'isbn, made a» short nonce. I am prepared to do caati ng for railrj'ids. s*f*aiboat8, or any kind of mill work Orders respjctfully solicit'd. M A, ^AKER FayettevTlle. N C.. S. J8G4 Vi lm At,ter this date I will pay 15 Cents per T’^.nnd for jrajs, or _ ^ tho bigl eat markut prise, delivered in Fayetteville, or at ray ici 'is on RockSu^w From and atter (hl& date the Steamar A. P. HURT will _ leave at 8 o'clock, A. M., on Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. vyoRTD. April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. ' ^'orTt^ \17E wil! sell for cash on Saturday the 15th Ooljber, tV sbout four air?* ci LAND, in the towii of Wades- ■ A bnfficieat to convict tlie person who set fire lo boro’, on which is situated a first class ^TE^M TA^-t dweliin* nouse of Mrs. Mary H. Saaw. three miles NEKY and GRIST MILL, all in goad running crdjr, [ East of Fajetttviiie, ou the night o' the 15th inu. ngetaer wi'-h all the implements ncoest Ary to carry on the ; business { A’eo, a large lot of Tan Bark, a quantity of H’des in prcceaa of Taiinia/, one Cart, 2 Beeves and mauy other articles loo numsrous to mention All persons baviag C'aims a^»inst us or indebted to u3 arc respectfully requested to settle up. ROBINSON, MURR & CO. Wadpsboro’, Sipt. 28 72 2t Fayetteville, Sept. 24. JAMES JENKINS 70 8t Feb’y 16, 1864 ilUSPHY. 7-tf ELOUR A IfD OATS. ?LOD-R and OATS will be exchanged for Com at the Store of D. McLaurin, t 7 gi^iug him a few days notice. Flour good, Oats No. 1. or whit- J«n’7 29. t 2-tf OBDNANCK RalAiqh. IKPASTMliNT, I N. C., May 8, 1863. / Lead wanted.—I wish to J^n’rch*'!? T.0ftd for this Department. Persons havinv Ur^ _r-email quaa- kities will pleaae apply at once. V’ill jc vo 1 pound of POWDER for 10 pounds of LEAD. THOS D. flOV 'G, Capt. C. 8. 69-tf In chEk. *ge of Ordnance. IVOTBt^E. At September Tern of the Court cf Pl>'*a aai Qa^ftcr Pessiona cf C'tmberlaud county, ge. tsral letl&rs of Administration w^ie granted to the eub 'oribcr on the Estate of the late John R Murchison. P> '^ons having businwi on aooount of the E3ta‘e- must g» ve atten.i)n to this natioe JANE E. MUK-'^HISON. Sept 7 6’i lltpd To Wine Iflaker;? or JUiMtiiTlerM. I HAVE for sale 10 irot: bound h. avy oak fr’EA ’JENT ING STANDS, of ci.faoity of IPO gt'lons; a!s(., 4 not ■o heavy, earae pi*a Pric* ging’yfiOO earn. Any ?trBon who will take the whole o-. »iave taem for $1000. hey are valuable to any one wisnipg to make Wii a or distill Brandy. Also, some of half sizs of above for sate at baif t.Xe above ratfls HENRY E. COLTON. Fayetteville, Oot. 1. 72if WAl^TEU, A TURPENTINE STILL, WORM and TUBS, in good order. A fair prioe will b* paid. T. 8. LQTTEEELOH. 79-8t I%OTlCE. The Chalrmea of the Couimittees of the d ffcr€nt*Die- iriots appjip.ied by the County Court of P.obeeoa ccuntr, tor the (•ieiribution of money and provisions among indigen t pMdfsiT’ilieii are iui?rebv notified to meet at the Ccuirt in ' ujiDerl va on S^tariay tec 22d day cf October lBi;4, and rfcc«5va for distribatioa the loar;h div’ienJ .jr n^>w iu my hands. A punctual st.enJance is earnestly re a»MtP.d. JOHN WALKER, Comm’r for Kobes-'n co’y. Sept. 29. 72-t>ipd €0NFKDSKAT1£ SIATK8 0? XmKUICA, T E^ouiasB DSPA5.T1IUNT, Disr. Capk Fs.vk, V Wilmington, N. C., .*larch lt;th, li>63. j Notice is hereby given to aU persons naving claims against the Engineer Departa-nt, for serviaoa of sSavee employed as laborers on the land defnc9t near Wilmington, C., that tha undersigned is autiorized and prepared to pay tbe same at hia oQoe, on the se cond floor of the building next above Meares’ Drug Stor?, Market Street. Persons executing Powers of Attorney will ob serve tke foUoiriug form—their signatures, in all oases, te be witnessed by two witnesses and signed In dupli cate,or they uay be witnessed before a Justice of the Peaoo or Cl!rk of any Court. FORM OF POWER OF ATTORNEY. I, —^ of , CIO hereby appoiat , of , my true and lawful Agent to eign receipts fcr, and receive paymoat of all moneys due to me by the Engineer De partment of the Confederate Statae of America, for the services of niy slaves employed %e laborers on the Uad defeuoes at , during the month of , 186 Witness my hand ind s^al at , t!>.^ day of , 180 (Signed ia daplisttt.) , reo*i ] Witnesca PlAilfO W;%.1ITED. The Adrcniser desires to hire a gaod Piano. Apply at tha djiiocl Usoia of Mrs. McNeill and ai.^. Lannciu. Sept. 16. 70-tf Salt lor Sale. Ortnn SOUNDS ALT, mude in the Spring iOUUU 1863—will exchau^B it for Baoon, Lard Corn, or Ocnlederate T.'c* ■ *ry N .He? Aleo, 30 boxes fine CHEWING TOBACCO; I'er aaic at my aiore opposite ~ape Fear Bank. A. G. XilORNION. d*pt. 2. 64-tf WAxWEi>, Hides lo t»n on shares. Terms, J Leather or its equivalent in canh We oaa itn ;t in a very i-hort (me it desired, by Hiokle’s patent. Persona wishing tbeir Hides taniftd can send mem to our address to Eg} p’. De; o:, wocre they wi'l be taken from and Leather delivered at cur e.Toeoee. Oar uddress is Beaumont, Chatham Couaty * W. D WAT80N & CO. - Referenee Meosrs. G. W. Wililaoas & C-*., Faystteville. Aug. 24. 6I*&swtlJpd Wool Wanted for the State of N. Carolina. ^pilE uudersiirned continue to exohanga COTTON JL YARN fof WOOL, ono bundle of Yarn for 4 lbs. on- waaUed, or 8 ibs. clean wadhed Wool. They will also psy a liberal prioe in cash for largo or small Iota. GEO W. WILLUMS & CO., Agts. Fayetteville, June 16. 42tf Thf sj ^natuTCE of oolorod peraona should be witnessed by three witBcssos. There must be separate daplicaf^ Powers of Attomoy fir each month. Blank forms can be bad uyon appli cation at this office. W H. .lAME.S. Capt. 4 Chief Bag. f*n‘v iRfi-* Palma €hrift|i ilean«. The subscriber wi.U pay the highest cash prices for any qnaniity of Palma OhriRti Baaos. s *„ W0RT.*a t'lU V -■» if 900 Ibt. Cliim Arabic lor sale by J. B. LSI QH.19. mt All Conscripts serving in tkis Department throngh- ont the State, under tke assignmeut of “Examining Bo^s,” will present themselves without delay to the Enmining Boiurds of their respective Congressional Distriots for r>-examination, and report to this office the Certifioatbs of said Examination, whether confirma tory or not of the Certificatea bow held, on or before the 20tk day of October next, under the penalty cf being immediately thereafter reported for field service W. W PEIROE, 71-3i Maj. 4 Chief Q. M. Dist. N C. ■cad’^ra R«serT«,!«. €. > SarTBMBaa 28 n, J8t^ / Tni follow’ng extract of a law of Congress entiiM "An Aot to organise foroee to serve during^he war M published for tke information and ^idanoc of all concerned. Sac 8. That hereafter the dtUiea of Provost and fioapital Guards and Clerks, of Cierka, Guards, Agents, y. y.../evn or^Eiilb«r«M ia lt»Co»ahiewy m4 vlfMrver- militer Departmants, iu the Ordnance Dipartment, and Cbiks and Employees of Navy Ageatg, as also ia tha execution of the Enrollment Acts, and all similar dfitice, shal) be performed by persons who are within the«ges of eighteen and forty.five years, and who, by the reports of a Board of Army Surgeons, shall be re- poried as unable to perform active servico in the field, but citpa'ule cf performing some of t^e above named du ties, as far as praeti:able,. the President specifying which and when those persons shall have been assigned to those duties shall dotail or assign to their perform- aticc such bjdies of troops cr individuals, required to be employed under the Fifth Section of this Act, as imy be needed for the discharge of such duties; Provi ded, tbat persona between th> ages of seventeen and eiE^teen shall not be assigned to these duties; Provided j that nothing contained in this Act shall be so I oonc.raed as to prevent the President from detailing ! Artistns, MechNnics. or parsons of sjientiflc skill, to perform indisrpnseble duties in the Departments or Btiraaux herein mentioned S>o 9 TKat any Qaartermaster or Assistvit Uiar- lorm-^^t r, Coi'Kiiusary or Assistint Commissary (oiier t.haa those serving with Regiments and brigades in the fib u). or cffiser in ^he Ordnanca Bureau, or Navy Ascent O’- Provoat Mar’hal, or offioor in the Conscript service, shall hereaf'er ejirl^y, or rstaii in his omploy- mi.ut, auy person, in auy of their said Departments or Bueaux, or in any of the duties mentioned in the E’gl'th Sootion of this Aot. in violation of the provisions th'*reof, sball, on conviction »her.iof by a coart martial or mili'-ary court, be o'shierec^ and it shall be the du ty oi a^T Dspartment and District Ccmmandor, upon p’-njf by the oath of any tredible person that auy such •..Sier has violated this provision, iaioi!; liately to relieve suoa o&cer f>ozi «^'ity, and said Commander shall take prompt measures to havo him tried for ^uch of- feno>, «9d any CommacdeK *s aforesaid, failiaw to perform the duties enjoined by thisSco ion. shall, upon being duly ooDvicted thereof, be disjiissed from tha ser vice. Confederate Tax IVotlce# The Coafcderatc Assessors for the county of Chatham will give another opportunity t) thoaa who have not ypi listpd their property, aud will attend at the follow ing tim«:s and placos, whon all who have not yet done so ars required to come forward and give list of all their property of every desc.nption, that the taxes may be as* sessed hereon: Hiik Hope. Wednesday 12ih()ct’r John Stuut’s, I'hursdiiy t.tlh. Mw:ir«ls’», t'iidny 14lti. Diirsett’s. Frid.ty 9l*t Harper's X Uotds,Tuesday 35th Lticuiit (>Mve, Wednesday 26ih. Haywood, Friday Uth. Duckhnrn, S^iturdav 14th. Conneil's, Wednesday ISth. Williams’*, Thnrsday SBih. Jones’s Grove, Friday 9I*t. Buldwin's, Thursday 27tti. Burns’t.Md Kield. Thursday 27th Hadley's Mills. Friday SHth. Ur. Win^luw’s, Friday ‘itith. | Piusborough, Salurday ttth. Tiiose who do not report as above ^1 have their list -mnide cut by the Assessors, with aiAdditional ttjc of 25 psr cent. An A'^sessor ot Tax in Kind will ati>nd as above to assess the Waeat, Oits, Wool and Hay. Tax pa/ers will report the weight of their grain per bushel. All tra^lero must repcrt amount of quarterly sales up to Oo- tober 1st, and distillers of fruit the number of gallons made J J. RIGGSBEE, \ . J. A WOMA K, nitsboro’, Sept. 22. 70-t020 Approved Feb’y 17th 1864 By command of Likut. Q»s. Hoi.hes: JNO W. niN*3DALE, 72-31. Assistant Adju'at* Gorcri.l. 60.000 Oot. 1. S^htn^les Wanted. SHINGLES WANTED Apply to ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH. 72tf Grapes Wanted. I WILL purohase at the kigkeflt narkei prioe any quantity of good ripe SCUPPEIUilONO, or other GRAPES, delivered at my house or at tke Store of Col. J. H. Cook 0. W. LAWBENGE. Fayettevill*, Oot. 8 7^8tpd Choice Tobaiico, &c. PPHE undersigned offers for sale, TOBACCO, SNUFF, 1 MATCHES. COTTON YARN, PENCILS, PAPER, &o , on as favon^le' terms as tke times will afford, for cash or exob*nge for Baoon, Cloth, Oats, and other country produce. ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH. Sept. 29. 71-4wpd Land tor Sale. As Executor of J. T. Phillips, 1 will sell at Public Sale, in Carthage, on the 26th of Ooto’'^r next, a valuable trMt of lAND, on which the dec’d formerly lived, lying on Richland Creek, in Moore county, con taining 380 aores, about 8P of which is cleared and in a good state of ealti^ation, an exoellent meadow, yield ing fine crops of hay. Tke land lies well, and is well adapted to the growth of Com, Wheat, Oats, dotton, and all the root erops Is in the midst of the best sum mer range for cattle and sheep in this oouuty, and ia near the eontemplated Railroad from Cheraw to tke Coal Fields. The nnoleared land is good, and very heavily timbered. BuUdings not very good. W D. DOWD, Ex*r. Sapt. 21. 72t« *64. } JENROLLING OFFICn, Mid. E.xamihihq Boakd. 4th Covo Dist Wilmington, K. C., Sept. 2(*t&, 1864. P.\R. I —In obedienoe to Circular No. 45, Conscript Office. Raleigh, N C., dated Sept. 17th, 1864. all white male residents of tke 4th Congressional district, liable to military duty, between the ages of 17 and 50. (exoept those who have received ptrmanmt emrt^fteatM of exemption £rom Medioal Examining Board since SOth Feb , 18C4;) also.all male free persons of eolor be tween the ages of 18 and liO, will report at the follow ing times and places for nedisal examination, to wit: Hew Hanover County, 221 Ee|^eBt.H 0 M at Wil mington, Oot 6tk, 7th and 8:h. Nfw Hanover County, 2)d Regiment N C M at Wil mington Oot lOib. Branswick Caunty, f6th Regiment N C M at Smith* ville 0?t 11th and 12th. Columbus County, 57 th Regiment N C M at White- ville Ost 14th and 15th Richmond County, 61 ^^t Regiment N C M at Rocking ham 03t 19th and 20th. Richmond Cnuntv, 60th Regiment M C M at Laurin- bu'g Oct 21st ana 22d. Robeson County, 58 th Regiment NO M, at Lumber- ton Oct 24th. Robeson County, 69ih Regiment N C M, at Lamberton Oct. 25th. Bladen County, 55th Regiment N C M, at Elixftbeth* town Oot 27th and 28th Cumberland County, 58d Regiment N C M, at Fay- eville Oct 31 st and Nov 1st Cumberland County, 54th Regiment N G M, at Fav- ettcville Nov 2i and 3d Harnett Countv, 52d Regiment N G M, at Johnson- villc Nov 4th and 5th II -All persons recommended for light duty, whether assigned to duty in any Department of the Government or not, are included in this call III —“Senior Reserves” organixed into oompanies and subject to the orders of their commanding officers, are oonsidered iu ths service, and are not ordered to report IT.—Enrolling Officers will order before the Exam ining Board for re-examination, parties holding ptrma nmt certificates of exemption, when there is reason to believe their physical condition has improved, or where fraud was practiced in the original examination y.—County Enrolliog Officers, and officers of the militia and homs guard, will see that this order is rigid ly enforced, and that every man embraced in the call is present at the proper time SAM’L R RLXEY, Surg P A C. S., l -2w aci Chm’n Board 4th Dist N. C. Bis Mtjfstjf —Onoe the customs and trappiugs of kingly governments, or despotLiina, as we then characterised them, were peculiarly ofiensive to republioan notions and tastes. It some monarch had traveled through our country with a retin-ae of retainers, and a body guard of cavalry, tho American peopl*» would have been so supremely difl^ustvd and offended, that his majesty would have been ip danger of mobs. It is even ouen- tionablo whether, without an army at hia back, Buch sovereign could have made tbe tour of the U. States IQ safety. But what do we sec nowf Go at six o’clock P- M., on any day io tbe week, Suntiay.s not excepted, to the north of tho Prc»t- dentiaI,mansio^,*nd there you will see a troop ot cavalry 4r^f^,np in front of the northern door, e^dently a^vSting some^hing. Presently a tail, .ungainly ibrm ^pearp, the troop goes tbrougb a salate, a charger siao^ Toad^ aaddled^ Ihe un gainly cavalier mounts the chargor, an officer in full uniform, bespangled with gold, a general is evidently at his side, the two ride off, the troop remains stationary a respectful moment, return : their sabres to their scabbards scientifically, and gallop after tbe general and the tall chieftain. And who do the people suppose thus emerges from the Presidential Mansion ? Some foreign potentate, or ambassador, or general of the army who had called with his staff to pay a passing re spect to the President of the United States? No: none other than Abraham Lincoln! And thin is his body guard! And this every day! “K^ublican, proud America!” exclaimed the great Irish orator Philips, when contemplating pure character and plain honesty of Qeorge Wash ington, and his simple, unostentatious manners in his offickl position as President of the United States. “Ahis! how are the mighty fallenl” The words of Philips, uttered now, import not eulogy but sarcasm.—Const. L'uion. The Hun.—Mr. Alvin Clark has inetitnted a series of experiments to determine the compara tive light of the sun and stars, and finds that the former would be vbible as a star of the sixth magnitude if it were removed to 1,200,000 times its present distance- If the distances, ascribed to several of the stars, as obtained from parallax, be true, our glorious luminary can only be reck oned among the very small stars. The astronomer Verrier, has discovered an er> ror in the sun’s parallax, as stated by Eccke, and hitherto followed by astronomers. Instead of .57 seconds, it is really 8.95 seconds. As the parallax, together with the earth’s semi-diameter, is the basis on which the earth’s distance from tha sun is calculated, a chango :.n the parallax must be attended by a change in .he figures ex pressive of the sun’s distance from us. Thus, the sun, instead of being 95,000,000 of miles from us, is, in reality, distant only 91,328,000 miles. The veUcity of Ught^ the distances and sizes of the heavenly bodies, &o., being caloolated by comparison with the earth’s diatance from the sun, must also be changed correspondingly. Thus Hgbt'trarelH 183,470 miles per aeoond, ineteed nearly 192,000, as heretofore supposed. The sun’s diameter must be reduced .38,000 miles. The distance ot the planet Neptune from the sun is less by 122,000,000 of miles. Richmond JSeninel. Head^firn Reserve, 3i. C'., 1 K\li.iqb, Siipt. Ji'tu, lrt04. / Gbbbbai. OnoBBa, 1 No 10. / PARAGRAPH 1, General Oriers, No. 7, IIeaiq-iar- terf Reserve, current series, are hereby modified so as t.i exc'.ule from its op«ration all persons who are members of the “Society of Fiiv^nds ” By o.»ramand of Lieut. Gen Holmes. JNO. W. HINSDALE, A. A. Genu Liost or i$tolen, A Plain Black Silk PAKABOL, somewhat worn, kav- inc a figured bocder aad Mb^ Thafta^rwiUba nitabijNiiavMoalMiiBcitaiadaOaot. 8«pi.]jl. Head’iiiK R««erTe, N. C.,) RALBian, Sept. 28is, 18«i4. / Gbbkbal Obdibs, ) • No. 11 / 1 ENROLLING OFFICERS will forwarv^ to the , Commandant of Conscripts, with tbe least possible delay, duplicate Mnster Rolls of the Companies formed ont of detailed men. II Presiients and Superintendents of Railroad, Kx- prcss Companie'*, and all Con'ractors, are earnestly re quested to report to the Enrolling Offisers aU men detailed or exempt in tlieir employ, whose services are not inditperuable to them, or who can be substituted by Senior ^serves III. Enrolling Offinei^, officers of the R?serves and Provost Marshals, *re made responsible that all officers and soldiers, co»>ing within their respective jurisdic tions, are properly absent from their aommands Offi cers improperly absent will be reported to these Head- qutrters; all others so abeent will be sent to the nearest camp, for transmission to their Regiments or Companies IV All officers and soldiers assigned t3 light dnty in this State, cxoept such as are permaneubly disabled, will present themselves on the last day of each month for re-examination and renewal of certifieate. to the nearest Medioal Board. It is made the duty of all com- mandiag officers of such men to see that they are sent to their respective commands immediately, if they are without the necessary medical certificate renewed from time to time as herein ordered. V The Commandant of Cdnscripts will forward to these Headquarters, without delay, duplioato M-ister Rolls of the companies of Supperting Force, orgaaiied nnder instructions from the Bareau of Consoripti3n,^to- gether with a*report of the present position of eaah.' By commaad Lieut Houos: JIKK W. EQUDAIil. A. A. 0. mi Enrollment—7th Congressioiial District [N cnmplianoe with ics'raotiong from Conscript Office, Raleigh, N C , the Medical Evamining Board, of the 7th Congressional DiKtriot, will hold sessions for the several oountieR of the District, for the examination of onsaripts and Soldiers on furlcngh, unable to travel to Hoopitata, commencing with the ^3d Reg’t N C Militia, Randolph, at Ast'cboro’, Oct 12th and I3th 64th Reg't N C Militia, Randolph, at Asheboro’, Oot I4th and 15th. 49th R’g’t N C Militia, Chatham, at Pittsboro’, Oct 17th and 18th 50th Reg’t N C MHitia, Chatham, at Pittsboro*, Oet 19th and 20tb 61st Reg’t N 0 Militia, Moore, at Carthage Oot 29d and 24th f2d 'Reg’t N C Militia, Montgomery, at Troy, Oot 2611b and 27th. 30ih Reg’t N C Militia, Anson, at Wadeaboro’, Oot 29th and 31st 31st Reg’t N C Militia, Anson, at Wadesboro*, Nov 1st and 2d 33d Reg’t N C Militia, Stanly, at Albemarle, Nov 4th and 6th. » 65th Peg’i N G Militia, Davidson, at Lexington, Nov 8th and 9th. _ 66th Reg’t N C Militia Davidson, at Lexi%ton, Nov lOtb and 11th A H SCOTT, P. A. C 8 A , Ch’n Exm’g Board, 7th Cong. Dist N. C. CHIEF ENROLLING OFFICE, Sbvbbth CoBoaassioaaL Distuot, Ashibobo’, Sept 27th, 1864. GBBBB&t. OaoBB, \ No. 9 I I THE attention of County Enrolling Officers is invli- . ed to the above notice of the Medioal Board. In compliance therewith they will proceed to enroll for ex amination, and cause to be present all parties liable to oonsoriptian between the ages of seventeen and fifty excepting those belonging to regular organised com panies of Senior Rese'^ves. II In cases of Conscripts ordered to Camp, they will not await the arrival of the Board in their respective oouatieB if, by so doiag, sneh Conscripts will be delay ed in getting to camp, but Irill send them direot to the Board on its tonr throngh'the Dictrict. III They will see that this notise is made public so that all soldiers on farloo^k who are unable to travel to a hospital Board, mar have their furloughs extended IV. County Enrolling Officers will have present for examination ALL DETAILS, and those who have ap- rUeatieiii pe»diafc betwew tha agee of 18 aai 4S. *Ta rMflcw, Oapi. Dili 1. a Cinderella'» Slipper.—The Dublin University Magazme gives the following account of the glass slipper: Two centuries ago, furs were so rare, and there fore so highly valued, that the wearing of them was restricted, by severe sumptuary laws, to kings and princes. Sable, in those laws called vair, was the subject of countless regulations. The exact quality permitted to be worn by persons of differ ent grades, and the articles of dress to which it might be applied, were defined most strictly. Perrault’s tale of “Cinderella” originally mark^ the dignity conferred on her by the fairy, by her wearing a nlipper of vair, a privilege then confin ed to the high^t rank of princesses. An error of the press, now become inveterate, changed vair into verre, (glass,) and the slipper of sable was suddenly convert^ into a glass slipper.” A Wonderful Fl'rnt.—One of the most singular productions has been discovered in the Damftra country in Africa. The plant grows to be a cen tury old, and its trunk attains a circumference oi 14 feet, yet never produces more than two leaves, and these, singularly enough, are the first or seed leaves of the plant. Imagine the loaves of a melon to keep on growing and spreading over the* soil until they reach th^e length of six feet each, and some idoa can be formed «f this vegetable wonder. These two leaves, which are split into innumerable things that lie curling upon the surface of the soil, are all the foliage the plant ever produces. The plant inhabits the dry regions, where rain rarely or never fails, and has no need of a large surface or foliage. Flower stems spring from the large trunk, and produce cones about the size of those of the spruce fir. This strange plant is allied to the pine family. Monkei/s.—A recent English work on Natural History contains the following: The small pox having spre^ fearfully amongst the monkejB of South America, Dr. Pinckard, Secretary to the Bloomsbury Street Vaccination Society, was struck by the idea of arresting its further proCTCSs. Vaccination was, of course, the means of staying the plague, and his scheme for the introduction was singularly ingenious. He bound two or three boys hand and foot, and then vaocinated them in the presence of an old monkey, #ho was observed to be closely attentive to the proceedings, lie then left a young mon key, with some matter on the table, and beside a lancet, gaarded, that it might not cut too deep, by a projecting piece of steel. The Doctor witnessed the result from a neighboring room; the old mon key thrust the young one down, bound him with out delay, and vaccinated him with all the skill of a professor. Who’ll Try it.—To prevent steers from jump ing fences, clip off the eye lashes of the under lids with a pair ot scissors, and the ability or disposi tion to j ump is effectually destroyed, as Sampson’s power was by the loss of his looks* The animal will not attempt a fcnce until the eye-lashes are grown again. A yankee stock raiser recommend ed thi“ siagnlar remedy to the Farmer’s Club at New York. Yowig’s iritiuMtieal Dictionary, EBiBRAOINO a sytrten of Arithmetic, Ready Reckoa-i er, lBtM«6t Oatoulator, Book K #. HAyg • BUKB.