PRiSIOBKT D«>TI?! VT •Rlfc'f1B0»0'. Oar Presid-it bronght u« ch(*erin^ »nd reviT- ing news on hia return from the jjrestS ’uthwcBt Hundreds of both srxoft, ml and igcs, pr«*et od him on hit oomiog, hoping to hur » {fo>.>d ao couDt of oar martial affairs in th*t impo' t^nt sec tion of the Confederacyj nor weie they diaap pointed G?n Hood’s yet arsnd and spiiitcd er luy is ag^in in me tion; and if > is wily and ais^iPivi adrorsary is not wide aw»kr>, ero thi. ‘iaie b*fl hia oiaws, to U!*** his ezpre^i’re iaDg>>fti(0, ou his liuo of 0 mJQUD;CHcioii8, nad witi boiora oiauj days uoiupel hioj to m ei )>:m in oatt'e. With proper ma'’afi:e'' enf and a judicioas se’eo io” of nis groni'ds, O^'n H-Kjii oau con«jiier hla and will 0 utjucr him. DinobedtoD'!'? of orda’s tnd or tain briga des not t«kioi? tivir proper pUcos i" what detoatfd u? before in the ri!gar«‘inentsiiround Atlanta and at Jouesbon ' He felt Fnrc, that we would uUiiiiat**ly drive Sh^'riran ic dcfrat »ad throueh p'auuhter back tti fhe ix*rer*e Eorthe*rn oonfine*^ of fbe “dsrk anf^ bloody g'’> nnd” of old KenttLCKy xnd p'ant our standard on the bjvnk^ of tha D ..utitul Oaio He 8'i I the Cocgo'ip^ law was pcp’.;lar no whire, ^'ut that «o S'at’ had jfic!d-'i njore oh •’r- fully tbf n the people of the old North Sisto; that iihe had, seoordi'>ki to her popuUtior., sent iDore men to ihe field and exscat: d that law more thoronghJy than any oth**r of her sietorn; that h« had seen the heroism ..»f her sods' d'fiplayfd ou different fields sinoc the wat bad been progrea# ing and that none had rttirpts^fd them; that her daQ8;brer«, too, had done noitly; that the* gr*'at women o+ the Revolution of 1778 *'»d set them an illusti.ous example in those p«'ilou« days, but that their ciiildren, macy«f them rriied up ten derly, had ovoo sarpKStiud their mothers; th«t(haiv had mot the ^liek, weary, W'>uuded aoldiers on the wavside »ud relieshed aad fed them; had run the wr 1 t!'. loom, and plied the De*idle to clothe and m.-tkvi tliem ooaitorteblo; had visited the hos* pitaL >«:iere nM the keeci'st Buiiorag, and tfheru was death, and v>-ith angelic hands eofteoed tho pillows ot these who wpre offvriofi; themAelvM uf on the ait*r .f their oouniry for appeasing the goddes:) of lioerty He paiu 8 glowing »vd handsome tribute to the greet Lee, to Lio patriotiitm, his mude*tj, his cheertalupM sad roaoitess to do whatever was bee: for the tucoess and indepeodenoe of his na tive country—tliat if he ooa!d beltft'r serve her he would o»rry a mueket latbe'’- than wear the sword No higher encommm ot.iald be pronouno ed upon him than chat whioh felt from th« lipi ot his Izceiieaoj H' said no pf^orls. so !»?ge, so unibed, to de- ter^iincd. a.* we arc, oonld be ensi'aved, extermi- Dstcd^ ’i.&t DU iDKD, who hit! a proud and utisU risil Cfsrt, otuM tcoopt the tvrais of Preaidert Lincoln, wbich at wculd not m^k* as more thaa depcDd'^noi sj that he woa'd Tvtly rather die * freeman '' ad live a slarp, sach n ilav^ His eatirc upeech waa ^u)l of a »l, earni«iQ?«s, hopefulaes*, and oc his psie n«i’C »nd in hi^ eye was an expression of defennlaation never, !i**ver, never to be co? (^arrpd. He is in the proper spirit tor the hea- c*f a itru'^^linR-, toi'.irg wnd resolute people, and the message ot j - * and che-er, which he wil! carry to t^e node aui pitiartiy endunng soldiers arcund the Capital and Iicr sLv ter city a£,d in the Valley, will lift from tiicir hearts tho sada>*s a- d d«’ r-j«sioTi oati?ed by the tmfortune»to tur', which thingi appear d lo b« taking in lh“ S utc Wc:»t Morehead, our distingui'’hed fdlcw-citi len, was Icndly called for by the 6t:*':'ger», sol diers and other*, after the Fre'ident oloied. The Gh)vernor mounted the plat crm, einresaed hia gratifioation at hearing ttic caeericg and gUd- some n«W5 which the President had brought ui; told our people he felt well a?8ured we could be oonquercd by such a race as tl.; Northern people; and that it we oo»'ld do no better, wo could sueoesifully vanquish, ari'i d-n'’«'»t, and cut the Tankees to pieees oj guerrilla wirf^re. All went away, wht'u he ciajfjd, io » joyiul mir'd. Lrig^tened with the ii^i’t c* a mild out itesd? hope.— Gr^ttntonro' i ?T0-1 ‘ -t ■ ■■ PFi:: r.)vN'' 1, iVi'^ p. i r*. The Prtrideat .ijade Li3 fpoeiraiic.-, aCc ai- p&n^^d by Gca# Bcauft^gird, K*rdee, Cobh,‘ndd a number of o**Kr .ficsi's, au i on baioj; intru dac3ti by M«,yor May RHiil er ..husii-^tia cLe'rs, spoke as f Uow?:— L»dift and Ontitmm frtends and rtliO'm-CVw*n4 of Giorgia: At lajra^nl of '•.%?! -i y •cffl* Li'her to >?»«■;■• •i-.-,' i tarj op TftUJOB -i^ra. I vo t* . than wiifn I I >T*Ta i ifflbae-j ih" g.-t (b;= iHcr a^e v* ^ally rci.y now a” e’s*" to ai^et enfm noJ taai if e-i' sr(»-i •►g abitent will t«tara »n(i thos« (ring p«r»l0' wlh go, thirty snns *fi‘l pf>t v or.i !i» fca of an 'atidor wll pr*«8 »be !«r,tl of 0»c-g'» Sevt>i before w»g I «3oo''fl au'i ‘ietenai >»t'pD »cnli ii. asi kiTt* to th« wonwT o? »>»• deeds h'»e sj fr.'’’ Wesftrved The-; • ee? na opa now, who‘'•▼e 1 ;* !cr£«?er.rt?, are to m lik*? thope of wi3S'> diit jr:«i i: is sni.i thcT be'^oli! "rot' upoa tue saa Fusb xrt-iie cr iaker« who 8*eu to tiTg^i ihe battles tb-it b«?e b**”! t*pb »nd th^ aan wao r.Me fiu^bt who forjret »>»»>,■ »a 'he tur f, of t‘!ofe batrie? ta« h^roictn o' fV'M'i nua, J.tnggle excoeds »!• (bai hi*lnr7-r«ofir^^ W»>o,.x ' clthofigiit ^riihout tmi-sy, witbca wiiJi out A78eD%i.‘i, wi hout •vAchiiniC’', witbcc mua^y and wit!»ont or«flit Four jears we have the 'idc of incision »*il to-dty »r» pf.ronger th*.n wt?on «be w.r b»g*?»; better abl® now ihas ever to rcpul;? tbc vndal who 19 peekinr onr OTi»rtbrow. ()nc» we ija;;ortc4 the comiao r it Rriiclfs of daily use ted ' ag'ct in fri.ji be yond our ^ird^rs e^en bread and v- u. How ths Stite 01 Q orcia ai%.-» produces ^ood.enough nf't pbI' for own people rnJ *!i? irmy whhin it, bnt to>, tb*> army of Vir»;nie. Once we had no arnss atid ccald re- cci'»e u) Bcldiers but those wbo o*ir.e to ns arn'pd N^ow We «.r’U8 tor *il aad art fcecg'cg men to iiesrti-cin —thia city *f Auguitaitione proJucis more porder thse cm b. ira—%'\ tiiagRMf fair t.iic C»n fndty^'”’’ ic oct yet in the fatrilifcr parlatice of t'le ero-ji*r, ■‘p^'ised oai." thisas doo)a^o wlia th*ir -na 'f-spnn^ecav ots7 ibe wh^lp bf>«1v poliiic, (Toioi in tho crowd. > ayca) donr,t of a Bibttfsvia **Thr'.; oh^irrq for the '.oafotlwicy.” whioh vcTe vcwi- ferniily g>o;. ) frora tnu aoor»i9 cf !,>« t, •»o’c*. my fritnd. I s'e i*s.i you hav» ootne tci^ o jUf r y fr> m ore baa it self lest is.i’.iberty rvd you may w»;i 'xe\r*;m oheeri for .ho ('o'-f’drr**oy u'-'in wi>ow fce-irra now alone dcptfaJ’i tha exiai*nci’ o' co;iBti*ntiina! libdny ir> the world We ligLiicc f. r tbal principle upoir x:n depoads iis Imi kopt^. The j-%nk*e? ia e-d'M»Tf,fi?'g to eoeree tnn Ptatfs h«ve bst ihr.», htirlootn cf their fa thers, aa) t/rp rjfn of lias 8cc ^ alone mast auKt^in it. Oa'8 !8 net * rtr^nlnMor, We wf re a free and >nde- pendent people in -ad tbe right to make « betier 5ov«r.:m;ut when t-*9 a-.w fli Tasy voufht to infringe t jc riewta wo hiil and wa ^.nly InatUntrd a new gc7eri»rrnt ca ibe h' »:> of tbo»ip righta Wi» Rtfi not ?nj:tg d in » liaiKoHo fignt for the righte of mer; cur b ragjfle i* for (nberit^d rigbta, and who would starcnder theu? L«i every papf guaranty pofeaible b* given Mid trr-'- WvUll iubiuii? »ro?s the ercvo of trta ny a f»ilea -ero tli«, bbot’ of ibf sbin wculd cry cat a^rsin^t ca^b r. p'ics wuh ti >• icurtiirers The women of the iaa dHwn from then i mea the ohilcirxn lack ing food; old eg- hobbling frow the seen- s of its yontfa; the fugitiTf.e, forced to giic w*y to the yariki-e opprea- Bor aad now hiding tn your rail* obds, a^I prcekim » eea of blood that freemen c»r.not affoid to bridge There 1b but ono th‘ng lo wbic;. we can aoos>ie—separate State IndependcDoe Some lb**rf' are wJto e^oak of rirof>a ^Imctioa with &l*\ory maii]U:se.1, lat are tVew* any ^ho would thus m.’f earr ripaia by ptoper(y? God for bid. WruJd you sie that boy Kii;h » peaan b!oom on hiB cheek ^row np a fitrf—E.e:-:;r :o tread the p«i.k of honor ani'RH hf n*. to-T.h tb .* fpneraf ^yre of hifi oomtry? WouH y.'^ se** fce fair dan^thtirs of t&e laid given ov«‘r tn th l-TUiftHty of tie If »ny iir.ipna this v-n''1 not be bo, e hi iiloi;kto the deolar6ti''iis cf M:. Vnoc.D, tb> trvm« i-e cttcrv; let him read the dco;Aratioua of the Northern vreee; let kim sate the tona ot the Northern people^ Mid k« mu a«t tfc«r« ia potb*»g I*f! f>r ni but s»parata Independ Wii* pow lorVfl for ic?«ri«ot5puT Wkt ^nig P''t kc™-" tt.ii’, #nr ? a>road il*p«rd upir c-r it Tiat t»f !3 rar •wit?’ vt«‘(c ■ ry, P.a-’’ tnrra sv^'n^ n» (lef-nt cor »*rt5r-. i' ui >»n«s.i-'yeO. w- Ti'i'd t e rsuos;T:’i«d, t.ail no» tfj fi'i'r ■ ** tnyit v 'u* »T,d 'Vif dni" i? tb a: 12v»r,‘ t" rrn' sr -• o "o ’h- frjr'. ta • ^^0«i ---.vHir M> 1. OtTlSt •VV “ I - - I” fx i^vT-K'I nr' !i! rtio *■ 1.4.; U., c.-.» C- • S*. p li'- v -r.-» P«4 )k ‘1.. u •> ^h~> .*JavMr>;, fr ni ’.usU r-. '.n-,, lu'ii-.. to >«x a'll — . has f*'v t*' ► blow f ' h?B r vsaa* 1#«^ .■i ii;>l rt W«s tk« ili'-. •» i '?» 03 ; >*o'i .1,0 ct.f.j poit k>rf f.u i: * P >i »«t I . I ,% Te*. f.»'H »# ill* ” tv ! »t;?t H *'■» •'njrer! t>f v.** Rix*. t.. ■ .nn* T>r«i 1 ? — t* r« ft-s ■?:;'! iri;r f-ij( v.’0 0;0 I - *0 ^OO I ■ onr ft t'. .tt i ;c • ri'*g-'■•••:t.i K. r>’t!S tt« rsef*? i%* b .'ilr r'.tt >• r-t-*o* tit ue can . I * 4r :lrv.t ■S’.Tl’.f »*nf i If I* «*. - 'il ■ i T- ♦ t »' A 4-r!c itr* ] i'vy • »;1T8 -'!-i rr' *>'W ,T-’* V i’ti -..i -i"'. ajcaul; yi'U? Tvi'T: * t Vsir #. •! fX?L*t jr'.tlk aP *» ♦'♦n’-it 4ft.'’. f^'t, 'iH w.!' *pcfi nrd **■ rv.'ffr o-'«i'( for I os'«".'Ar'te l!l'a$'»s ;i . ja'. c I'. n -T.o* ‘KJir*'v ii- H »'.,'■«* .y ,T cr ii.h'". *!• •?i9r* rsr t' » v ji>» %c N»-'Ser) s)i»« iif'-o i. *^’.r ?«r3 >'v’ ?f i''-t '/•■'ov, *nd dtrirti cf li;* ri£r*»> o- ne^. vlll’uttiKl ic- ward In *•# orufa’«p da -vto'a •){ He Qttt* t'f 0#. «y ■ ; • t! ea Wia avV c! other 'tiJ • ba'i '■ I » t;:' r4 Hi'- tj! Ici^ eo, ifc'.t P’v-v.wr i-^n ;»'* 'i-ir J>ot3‘u.'». I t" n' 1 ti i>*'. rk'4 ?-io nr nr '.n : iii rriy^' 'til ''J-'n .T >‘.jfout V, ?,s '-'.‘r.s '.iisr f'ii'. ia »i o!; fo zr rt ilcsp ‘i*.-. '. a Til? Kpr. V* ofn vv> T« i*- ai’i* ys. lcvji «ry cu' t ' »>vf2 ui» j -.twrTc in i* f t:x cii- fc*' v^. ? .''nin an-m sjiJiO -i f.u Ifxskoli'*:, Aiui ‘^fct Kxtout--^ :» if'iafrTS ai) pri.;* of a ni'P r»-' •■o *.> .■ »a * 'iJ'sVca'# i T.'liO «hr-!k k' !Qift*i2i tr.t rr.'r^ Qi' iM» ttia oiftR D* t.iey not aa. u.»* I cs«- evi' »tt wsund;t5 so».i'f;r i orae troM t • ^£ o' tSota wtot**'?'* Irj- ! ii?n I aftTe *201 !»s.«x>.lC''- tk« I:uf. of p' of s»fcy by oar tccd an'i gr^.at xtr; t>»> j KTt rr.carB««t oTar the 1 v*« tk«4 iir,ve te«a - ifind My irflt w&c f^'r per^i, a.T 1 aoM « tunr'iationai* to ffn'1ea»or t- arranpo a ROiiaaoie dii^oiuiioa. UK* i« u5f^ I b-ije r«3t* »fd effort# to vbitt ee \ hut n«Tdr. nnT*! »«r« i eooj^t u on svwy o«t»r chau !a- dv«pen'’tuoe. ,'*j' i5u> 1 «x I'iziU*. r*r, f r*o ^R»r.«i«»a ct*ariof ) BraM wtR uk.rt csf*i~« fr3ikt«i ours and wJ»*n wo-* v.'sr. t»*r brm* ? W« v;iU ae^iara it. K» xaar it rnmj take 1 -crfuot ••(I Lv > I Me’djTB . iftt a jaat J ;d !;oii ■ tpsa rtf.'.' «%na8 yt sjl*» ‘ o' :nr • H» vrs^' nttw'.K: ai ‘“T n.'' c'Xfjcm bit in »o d»i»g H» if c/cpivriuj; ii, rnd i i li.- t-io# fi-a-r «» will tv'ciai and r-tvfcr ii«p«rt tV* rifhi. Iju ;r. !n/fi'T .■• "ir*. M -nn .1"*^ ■v*Hirn::ca i ..'aA.‘ yv’i Wi,i -i' ia f.i erf. »%i; :»a > r*^ •' d'jr >'»>!»» t, ►>:a 'ir >> to w‘-.o Si«vTe hvi>«; «p,T th«'"m* H !it ar:»i«p, as,? f’s; to J.'C'C r •.J.bii-’iid; » - 0 Uc«ii tkr raj ■ »♦ ‘o s» a.FUi- .0 !*.,« «a^ .'sc '■.y • ^ fj Hsv'-tn Y‘V c . don« t-%ar dusy Tou - f’ tip Tl feir« •**:» »3’. &r:r nil 'j.'ur ’V PCX'! t* a. is', ' a' y .u cu*t (io r ore Tta KuKi I'rJ ^ n ‘ifl ‘-v. t.» w-«%l *v i to fi at l 0 'x' .i* ■ • *il n*. i>ku.'.krr ir«a. .r.7i iaz} c- k-'Op'- 91^% .^'•.'yrn, ’•; tjo «I’l t ■ r-jrrry, i».t::. j"'- f *.» ' . '' '->1 • c-i’t 0*3. «m ■ t 3* "Vi , ar,ar* r>'.-s.- to eJnj . -jkt. "’!* htv ah»TC Tk»K l.f i V>-'W v'= .?«!*'.'.• T ; B ft.-. «d • »riw ti»> a .i.tu e .iO >'.’«> 'K*fl I - uJ t .u floods Oi.Tild ■>'TC ViT'T' t *j.i aiTV.:>'>»“.?• it'T- b« s — iift’ -in-" ■ • .v"-''• ra oy rci:i.«*er 'iu, rn>‘jr -p b; C'~i(sr.p : ., t yi>' | \ ,. 'n vfcj *. • «s 'bi Ji-cr-. j-f Y u f.r*-.. .»n i,t»r c i*>Ait« *sa I. }■•%' it.KM n nsi j’ '' ^ 'd l^l»t uJt b:t..;:? My 01 i^.l-a on thti :nrj at ^^4 boj as4L^»it I t>-.-i:vcd I bfli POTT u ut Ja«v thu It w^r.i'J t vk b: ; . ( iivi i; L *ta .bi pol 3;- 1* ;»• CJ^'.Qal^^? rf 1., A.v-.i I «x-icra* it i& ► !! iIa > -u^ta tr^ • E*i;j ;■ r - • ... r*>- f"'.' • . j.w ‘■‘:3 ' I - i'j. IB ujt I " r; \ ^ "Tl :i e • r. ^ : ' ' ■ c la' > a'-^/ I f ■» ..r -- 1 - Vf JU. I' ■ »>» p > t *0 F-r p. 1 »'J i; \ * a.-, kfi r kvir* 49 f -• '-l«! Cl ij- aca raorr »7Ci'*nt '.ow ar ; Tsi ■■ r-mrn nt that ene-?y, ‘avTnoDy t.'iJ chantry •> ii« »aa y Ian i that p^t s;* til ^fo'cl * S' • « -iir. ■ fjt b D ■ ft i • r - ' ■le/epdta' w; heir fn a -i; go id 4n .at w'-.^lr '.r\ -f s i L. U.‘. ■f-" 'i L ?; .it ‘ 1 ii C '4 ■ or.v t-. ’v .•■ii ms' .a , 1 !. ' u j : ? * p •q_,J- .0 .. t^ trie* V a,n aj, i f ^ 'I' ^ , 'sjt* , . -. I »"•?, tfa •• 1^1 ...'I r;*L - to ine ■■rr.k \tti L u« '■ * :r rr.l .1 i.'l.t! 1. 1 b i'-.n- .■» T -. .r . >;a J., 1*1 If ! r ro J 4 8, ui*? i o* iv,.r ... nr tb-.r c u'-t-.u *■ J UKtiiroy trailjji'Ov ia littui oy raiLkr? Ir. j;(oj>or- uoa a" u-t-y rr a ■••3 if»i» :iip .e » ■ . In pr .p' tiioa s»s ti,!.' .n 7vt'' *. • -oi 'l cr','.'- ei8.ii \jj iTi^a'liy i.:»a ^n-jr j * .;i -.ut -j .i.:!/ of. ■"»“ tV 'y ft-, s-' j 0 !-.i in t>. y a»-.c, -u 'r^n Two of .h -S g V iR..- 1 vi: ■Si-you tt*»e Cu-:*'ad, ai.i »ou fci.T© slietriHl i»’ ia uw- o-iifli ycu rf(H'"c. tho‘9 w.' • l?\«e :r>l/ y uitirru ••;. ii if* .5 ia yc.jr d.-t-rT:e.. OiST's Ge^ig.n'u owa eoa—tae hf>ro ef laaay aiid SyugSi ti H'j—year o#n g;-ja .laa tra H {i'n'srs ) . • if20 .«ii x o-totito ap;^7T^u au-ri-lf f*:ytcC. rr'iiU'ji H':lj..;r, ; who roa Z tifx , t .• , *.-£i ■•>1 j ',0 wao 1 *tia.? u..‘ »rr^/ at it*, giei l . A».k£. gojJ tif dt- fc.-o; of d»#ana>»i i»g.i 8 ; .;ur ro? Taeotti't. b »u’eg*r.i, ^oae«rt; g -es t jaa*te tnetoiU, tbv fortunes, iho aa sfcr Oie3, it it he - of ibe ftri>y la Georgifi lie «*h;h witn « rnjcii* >;'r»e wLir?»er 1 d.ieul. g ••■: y\ tarx'm pif.cs: o.jituag nu apjoia) soaija-ni. .a' t.i tiic .■ i ■* j erva a.cpor>.i, -rho-i* I at i-.-i I irtw. ac goes aot 10 UUi O C3fqt.:T ) WiiE tKsr.i hjp ji g:u V.rsjxi >. f>rr#es *r>“.-c b-.v., ^ii.c.tirvt-’d 0/ :.»is t» -;grAp!?, au , ,e tiw of g’.riry :h new rictiiOi; n vc. fhv.:>r I’c'. -.m diiVostcJ cf iho eaciiy ihfit hel.1 »i;u i:: ch*oi »•« i Tg, aorf m niw gj n;; tir .a« nT?r .:n/*r :^-.4vn tho NoriU, f'aiai'cjt vie;oi‘i’ ttfitrvic^ iry, couqiitfsit.j^ tr.i to eonqubi' Be of g iixl chr»r lu a.)r7f!y ♦.?.•, pai ycur ik'jKlusr t« the wheel, »a.i vork it ie •!*/. Willi laia etirrir^f p-.r' ra»i'oa, and a fiw i>4rting wurda *E to tfca nec4i*s!y q{ defa vticg the *wo ra»u» Yankee armicc bcior tue n;w c.’>ild C’jee ixi fria oraft t*”..* (,u*: du y •! U*orp; to fted the ttruies aid (j.}^ fiu.j tft-u-.ooy hp.-ugiU k;s rs- iuhTk( to • -'lotio hii-iii «i> *.afli!i3t:o apoiHuat^. i¥OTl€E. ''pilK sr. »ery.>2r qa. -.fu ; Bx^ufor, et Ju-y L TciOi, ' f «,’o I'lty tJourt, on t*»9 ♦»!( n^ui.1 tijF.f&.ai;>i.t cf J .£j' t dr, ii» aoit&c« aii por- 8'as'aaag olfii.Tis E.g»(ail idu ti» osifttj n prftJ'nt th-jm. law ully s.ui. ajU.Ht^/., j: »r.ij wiJ be plcado^ ia bar uf reoarery. Furtltef 1%'otictt. ALu thr,gi iuuK&ied to and to immoii&te p*yuttut ' D. G *ulTER, Bx^ontor. 08tr6 1M4. j^_2t cosrisDiCiiirE TiJt aariix IWILjL ati.eC'i wii^i use Asai.irvc.'s a' i..o niQoc 'j? A.. M. Campoiil, froia Wsdofcsaav Oo'-o^>er 12.a: to Twye day Oat i8*''4: At Jiia MoPhs^a's. en H^,»if.OTday Oot lf>k; At 'aa Biu-’s old p.sMH*, T«iaf»-i*y 1 At B. Oulbr" ti’rt, ie'rid»y 0>it. 2l»>t; At tJhenlf McNad.'e, 6a.urd» Oei ‘i2 i; At D idciiiiinon’it, iioBdsy Oot. 24th; At (i i>. Ifiker’d, Xaewiv 2os.'j; At Mrs MoK?ita»n’«, We-ii:ijirft„y i7i--t 26ih. To ooIi«>^'i tii9 I li.'Uff.derAie 1'iJ£m Jae, 10 wit: Ta* c« Sfth-a fut thi, qaa*w!r anaicg 1st. 'I'hf SO per -jeit. tsiz on peoSid oa »*ie» ra-*dc botween lie 17lfa '?0b’^ 1864 fcid (h'i i£‘, July ld&4. The Tax oa prn.^^^tJ. Vhe 8old’er»’ Tax Tax p^yeri, wsJl plwkae Uiwpd FPCJ**pt!.y at JO o’cloak, lit ire aao*e pl-;e«s ??o8t .5 Vj thes; ,jjii p*y loeirUJes a. Vi. riAiijDli,, JU-c oiitcior «'pt.‘24 .70i>2St.h (Heod milcb €oiv for «aic by ! J. F. MAiUiH. Oot'c 4. ^ cMMvn iciA;pt0.irtt. **, T.tV '.-f.J' f-. t >. , niiAD«UA*>T«a^ 6l*f U-ax N. 0 I' \ 0*itB*’? Oii^ Va , fV’i 2 IS^ t H J H.:!» A 5 c«:-- YcJi ’■•il- pa’* iflh iVe fa^’owttig o*3Ui»i’.i*e if’ *iau.--6 l) Rug t r* T 'nrj*!.- ' e F» n a 8 r* r-Ik ^v ouir’t'g -tjrt to r*' '♦!te F..rt Hi.-'.-Wcr.; Cc D—Ki '*» t •■ ■' ' :».it f 9 Car'» t~fl n ,. i;.a.,4« »• ft'^n, is e*ikd Sjrii>u**j: i‘ »i [ 'a I. g; 0^»f* n itp i'' T- ! a*iy; Mu* U/t, n i«f Ikfciiy « h >i r i^ua 1) M.;Q •.'w’T’s. t%-m‘ K I'fca 1 rt^if •\*t i xa\’ \H¥'1 C* I—Irtn •- X €luy t J^itl* i*« C 'i«w;ay r«i«—»'▼ .'•i^Vi ^hca; »er; T 1> ' b«f Joaer •-'i^.oi’'■* '•» J S'tt W'sms'-s: O-p-i W J " ,ir Ii J i Q •>>-.a ^ in Jf.a Be*., W r. MoUty, Jc*.t* Ir 'c#; J 1) J»M'.-h 0 S*d? » ■'o'.i^L, S, i v W 0; tha tibcif '»re d.-iia.-. .uBly. r-. atoat jf *L'( 01 ti^Y' ve.iH Bvttt to Ricih'i. rl . >• ! ^ ‘/cinf V jt'v rtajT.j'.’.i;iy, Ia* i ’ tTtvn. I * 0 ). 61.U n c T i'flti*', itisra* at. Watsc a«aa ‘J$ Ww*"*. U J. 4. V M-; t'*!;-.*, ' fnh’ -t t»- :ol f Hoi cf oiHtudiiae il Co V 54tL W C ia an 1*1 » at c*ar '^-'inoe7c,?n.' Y. }> .’tci.i.riyi-, i» sr^ ;»« i.Tr ; » rj,*l J &iu. Tt»j .^r .* :t.. .. ■ l. 'A' iLi.iii, %*7oi« :c K ‘f’ Vrr.h.'.ai, pv'fu'',' a fliva*) 6‘a:>ly >. in ha^d; 1> tj.-l ,jr>-;r, ?t> ij .'LanJ, 't*ldfi/js, siifDi -a ziL'f; V*' C W.-iu, in a.icu1 Jtr S V •• 'I- n uy. Tit "v; > '?0 it T.-i ^ >t> Hf.r tli'.: il :cEt j'.'it 't-Sr i'‘ .■ti’i , r ■. k._,i si>j I' Ci. rrei oot'^ilir J Mi.RS :.''LL VlLTlAMi, L; C)m ijfr oifft,: »ryt.. -D Cc F, ‘JO.K Itfig’i N I, Vrco.«, :a ti.- **iitner. Vs . f ia* of t'ipt olci Jo)»a r un-* h 4' r iZf-e. '"ir"': diftrtn P^iiai'j hi W. ftf-.j, lij»y -ti t^t It.'fcKEjv' a.> botk i’.ri80i‘.;rr, Uj. cu 8:*.*.cti!a «i4/;ttiy t nnia > uc‘ i>t .«*. iijr?. x« A bflcutevs. TlURtUAN’ t-tvrx l'‘cc: w'«u h.a y coej- I a3^»dlf( J\ i ) bni 'j '/‘r.-x'ai*, 1 :i'.it‘iy g!»e rot**s o »1! aiKXU cas f'oa I's C- ft^g-.ann; K C Jc- i»ai4tT, ir .Bi wh-i .i»v»r c*ufl«, lick. or dtt&i'ad, to ^ep -n to v« p‘t?.^a. by ii »o 4pj»or in pf’’’i,a &* fmfntti/k ) is nv-!T i*.': tf-dr fit- Mft. ffir duty, cr tke^r .c rtti:-T:tnt to-j ie «x- aaiiaf'.^ a*.f 4on3:j*Teu f;y u WtdKki fr^aiiBiug BOFVd I w:d attend frc* lu»»cl.y, i&a Mti >aat, natii ga- iVtlk/. tbf 15th iaii tho V^roUiug OQice la FAy- (iUT,. e, a v;k:)ii p>»ce ad k;bifutt«s fro'* ooaa>ir} aon- 'iguoui to rayeitfT;'U •’.t* bxysaiol to tipt t. i:rv"ipiij». Harr^ecot in fb. ire of Hrejn'tl.s w-^r* tiora ai? Cf ^fouadod Pap-«'!!i fn3epV» .\r.v.n*J!, Sbio YmiJb, aw , -‘.ivitig o»?': fri’ta "a %bov#- -vijitf-J apan>n.‘>, ;.r^ y \\>.l >_• ^ita i.' -k'Cu- 'tr » Vi- fi »»?■■■ ' I - « *.';;!y.i'r K.ijt .Ar •■». n_ ' yv.'rii jr rxvU"c I'lU Is eatei :*iU.: • : Ut vh« t..£a AGi.. k-tie.-/ '-..coua'ft'-'le f.* Loa oc»)j.'ii--no-* isui cr.'.r 4pi.'Cia:a:dat srii be cd^^^x ^aio> aa> ucuut n.ii l it gi*c.a 'mM M Y, Lt C.i Si U»jI Oal'r I. ^T4 :] . iLi»',trf (jK -• »■ ^ ..'4 r. 'i’iiil :otl^w I ..v ■■ 'I- A» j _» • «-' i..»*'JiUt Oi 'I .;* tal.. ■, ' .* .0 iSi ;n m. .a j viv. tn .•>« U«ie*> oy i.t^cr >j, tija^t . aC'8*.iot; " (Japtaiu *> ri ' naetHia, J G ii^yai, Kirot '-icaiaa&ak A -V dacf (J.THlUirT QF/IC2, ; Kalk:s. .% • i • J0. . J c)r4««,> hi.. .1 ••O-r.. V ,r ; t; >.ir ^ juir, 5 * -err, »tc 0. ? U" -.lut V » fTA -. « . .f ca’i V of i-;e!r ^r:. “ jv-'i-U 1 uiitiii y. J vtt d %t r i Ii. n u *•. H it -.41, .. . 2J V\ ,1 J. X • M ^ -^^wic i. - i, ?• a w :;5T ■'>" ' ■' * :**; , I*i r •. ^ 4 -"c i . : I ^ . . a./ ii ' . .’5' ■ f t e J A- 74 i'.x- r. >. 1*' Kj;. 1 J ^airttr.uAoi.i V o-tcc 8. 1., ai. J ■ Ssv* j Ii N . i^lv.V y. Ta, i,y . iti.j; ^ '•i . O' t.tdy. Aoatc‘€ Ou i-KL> i i>i X I..I a c ii^ u s oa.-e i , laO* !. u f K f. . A-r, ?■»(,* J-. r. t>icnp ^. ji It :^‘ut Ufc, OUip^U' N^.u.-t Ii ..a.bilit, . « ».o'viig ocr-.:fic*. d oi Uati'U 4 atf6*j *(i'j o. i»' J a, pi .'1 Ui *iti :a u i u 4 .u, • ■ t.C4*r.ii Wvia »a> .-.u.! tUji a.a’* t jn:.ui*Q A. e *• J'a-;y »ai .\.u ..c:;-..- iliu.-n li.; ptifftcLt (•ul 13 £.*' 1 w laa .'n . .is 74- V ' i» i'Llirt, ^ Jt t «.aroiiaa ipkame^i” iMat*. Aiito dmuuii St. «aa^ t la. c..u iAc:.o v. .ii .«* : piaoc la ,.u .i*e -Ja T.*u.siiy .uO«>oo»i, iO... .Ul ii '.s eiizzvtil/ r q'Xvi'.t is. - M. wao .»•. ia«,6U •itjc* lu th.awtiiv-p :>« )t. .-i.o fcuj.a.d^ .ji jo WiU b:, ei A ~ui m il i>:ieuiu a *i:ii b', e'ej.eU fjr las , e'r H- aides, tae Agis^t aa.: kue icdi'OactOiuiy c. uondiu^ t>u at V.., iSiurop.* tj u^un-k.-!t cii^‘ d Uu iirha;e '.Ut oi-i&i. .( ti«e 3;ouiic>ri'i'9 ja iio >a ourca ' j dan- o n *.ut jri(K»—i .i.b.gai .t sao U apAi^. a!id an* kt: .'via f* ■ caa Earjp: >-»'i ocr>iv«) ■ L a-w uc'a j y.jg^^el it trade ;,u ■ »«*rf , WILLI.^..liaON dA'iHio. 4g^.»- I C. V N;vy. Oct r 7, 18i>4, 74 in • A\. au',,; '■■ t >« i, ti. X tae -O.n .i»- ot e’ i-b.., u.e o„. ii*c cvxp ui laiid i . *? 0. iijiucs, t. .ki/.Iu a >d k W igoB ikua J. . ,.i »ii Uicaji^, Ho'ijt- hoid (*tid E.^iwut'a iuin:tui.c. iii« j«.b *i;i oj out until tae 26'M Ueoeai .cr nvx>. xUix. pia.iianun le Le rented ouv loc oaj ,i ear. aLAM j. il.iii'kl.tai'0 Wistejn't^e, jii-jor. 7. 7t ;■. ILaiil i^aie, By Tirtue *f wa Orae ifom lu.- U of t';ea nu* Qa&cur tJ»i!ei«us 1 r tl-eouuuty o.* 1,.%.. Au- i5U;t I'ftfva lSt>4, i so.ti. £U, oa la,^- I'i.h vi o^c.ui‘ er Q.'Xt, at i/a-s l.', uiti of s,ii Hvich la tae ocua* fry of C^V-Lf*ra, oa a or^a^t of aix iwo triMuo ^ LA U, lue ui' Widir>^ 1, c .0 d Oaj tr?«t cuatiuB uuo nuaat a *orti :,ai ucUir irt',o« oon- laiuB fifty acres. Said Uu.14 h« id ihr aeighuvrna.j ol EU Welsa, ara uaiaiprof . a, &ad » p*ri oi‘ it very uro’ '^active ANH Hii,L, A iai’x. tict’r *, 18«iL ' »r i^toleu^ A OKiiTllflOAi’K tor a 4 p.,? ook*i. li^ivx for a. isflueil to Djuge.:d MoL^.Kh ia, bj W. (i UepoBiUry «t r'aycUeTiib, No 2';&, >l*roli "^ta, lBtf4> Appltoatioa *»iii b-j la.vjc lor m uett oarriliaata. Vr.M. McLHiOD, Ag’t I Q 111** tji’J»iii M.'ii*ajaiiA. Oot r 8, 18i>4. y *5ip-i L.OIST, TN the town of F:^yo,w7ille, an ?r;d>.y ,*-,t, a Biaa^ A Leather POLK.KX B001£ 4'jiut .dr^e anuftttsd doiiai-H at ro ^ir 194^, i joa^f.t u u-ivj bjci. urai»poi at tae M»rxei HaUb^. a li;.-»ra. • awara wi. D8 g»«u ifc? delif^r/ to tae and', or leu uith £. J. Haie 4 o:/aa. R. L. MoD'>KALD, „ Solemti tKuve. Mojvv co'iuiy. Oet’r 6, IPM ^4 3, Burning mtMrss ot tue iJeae^«ii»u» lu uuta.. xnow ^ remained, how«ver, gtill in the poescssit Ivncfcaajfe risoiice ilfo 1^. A l'.ican .ju, Vt i? :40, 188# 1^1 4 *’ ‘ ® C»pwUf^ >u- ij 4 •*., I'StW Wao rcpuiteu f.,r au.y a' aay paro:.'^ eamp ewt ol Uj.« Miaaibaii p', pf*or to 8epu;mber ICth 1804, art a«r«i>7 declared ex.a&nred BO. OUlil>, Agioi c( tiohMji) TEl WAB IN VIBGmiA Tolegrams in oar last briefly announced the Ooflf»d'-^r*t« sncoess in South-Western Virginia. T r V’ir^ni» papers #inoo bring us a few particu •afd. '^bc Uvrcbbufg K^'pabiioan of the 5th s*ys: ‘•'•The. e>etny De/eaied at S''ltvilh.—Autheiitio ii!t»*ltijifnc« w?a reccivvd hcr^ y‘»serd»j that B»r- biidge'fl fvvoos an.^ulted t ar wt*r!:», about three uaii .s ftODt SaltvilU, at noon ou Sunday, j\ad were ’■e' ulao'.} with htravy 1 >en. The assault w».t r-*- •jewcd after * briet intervkl with a like disastrous re»u't to tbfi enenjy Their losf* is OBtiirated at. L'ctwoca 600 »ud 700 killed »nd wounded Our loss was 16 killfd aud about TO wounded. The principal part ot this fif'hting was doct' by the K .serves and militia who are said to h&v« behaved oplerdidiy. We al«o have the infcrmation trom a pert’estlj rcliublo source that the fighting w»s resowed yi>*tcrii?4y morning at an early hoar, but whether the attack was made by our own or the onestyV. forces, we arc unable t© say. The gen eral fact, however, that the enemy were again dc- teatcd with hosvy loss, i,s os.tain. Report has it that they retreated, leaving their dead and wound ed on t'i> ficid ” The liiohmoau Dispatoli of the same date says: ‘ Ti e advacoe into Southwestern Virginia by the enemy wan made* in two columns. One otm^ tVsjir. Tonaessf^e tcwacda Bri.ato*, and oonsiated of fjur rc^inxeiit* (two -^hitc and two negraV under tho command 0* Acting Brigadier Genera! Carter, a notorious Tcnnptaoo reneg-ado The other came frcn. Kontueky, through Cumberland Gap, and liU b«rfd eight ihoaiand men, under Gen. Bar bri'.Ve. 'I'hey were to foroj a janotion in Tace- wcll oouiitj, »nd »hon move on Saltville. On I'ridftv, however, before ^ettinK t* tli* Virginia lino, wa* atfjioked by Gen Vaufhn focr Tuiles fr«m Oarto.r Snttion on tha ^ast Tennessee and jVirginia railrof,d, driven to the station, and th re routed. The o^lumn of Gen Burbridge b kited at Kiohmond, Rustell county, Virginia, on Ftidaj,and there wsit*»d tho arrival ot Carter. Ab he did not, tor the bent of reaaoni, arrive, Bur- hrid^o movad forward on Saltville, after previoaf- ly starting a raiding rarty of 600 cavalry to go aiottDd to Wytbfcviilo and cat the Virginia and Teriupcs e railr.^ad at tbat point He arrived at Saltviile oa Sunday, and at noon awaulted our works about three milee from tho »owt! ’Pli? m •auit WM bloodily repulafd, and, after a brief in- torvftl, wai ranewed with a still more di«!aHtrous repulse He then retired at nighi, lc*vini? about 7t*0 killed and wounded in our hands. Orr loss wa^. 15 ki'led aad 70 wounded. The followin* ofli- oial dispatch frjn Gen. Elohob wm reof ired at Gen. Ivoinpar’s oJB«e yesterday: • Oo»~'.*nr S—To if f- (/**• Ktntp^.— iVt vi {»? »simT km ’■nrt'frdny, >nd c* I/s* re^i-rd In conf'icicc, icaviaj: hi« aai T«ea }« ’ !' o r h;.sda—fk»m a Brisa-'.lw Gt*»r>l tn: a •reed r’^nv t&*er« T**«p^ irers tiro or »'ar»* r»g!r»:»'i*Ji if'i*ff.o »r-r-f, wV.leie wsr? ks.!» on- nr ilie re *«d ctl^i.e'? sst.'i sct*»l p^lao -•icily fhi UMOiy’a • oro*. w.** i b .ui cU iK'USttrd g* a»iT ta w* eorjU isvi »*i’ Wi- %~t ir. h->i porfait JoBi Eorolb, ‘•The following b the dispatch of Gen. Lee t« iht \S ^r D. pa'tiiieav: S T . O.'^t. 4 —Ho^ of War -• •.. r\*. rtt taat kiie fcaTiT i’ r ’2 '. :vr. ki'.d e k jOvJf ’■vpn'af 'i • • • •..•:irvd 0 *'.’nT :.*t r.^si Irs fi'»at cjr^TjR- ■p ii,v '■'■ £'• •'!"J3i5'» rf S/.-r’iy -ivfir. Is'.Tir' : k* " rd^j"? tr.d rc'caia^ jn '-nr baa?». I;c i"* pu: . ** t::-ji rill ot Lur troope te^avffd Tji-il. R. K Lbb ” ‘ Tae partv which start.ed for Wythevilie got as far *3 r:>2-wcli Court Uouic, and have not been tjc^ri Binoe. Tho defeat of Burbridge, ciiuplKl witii tht failure of Stieridan t« reach J.,) .oa ar^, arc two disasters -.vhioh will make a marxed ehaage ia Graat's plan* Had Sheri dan rcaobe-i Lynchburg, a>d Salivilla been cap- tu nl, t’.i.' Virginia n>d Teanesseo railroad w..>ald have cjtf'tituCv'd ^ ji’^c ct rorcuiaiiic»ti>u for gjr- tio.^ 9apj-!ic.J rhrcaw;h tJiiinbc!laad Gav, wt:nh vfCU-ld unv'i.* be»c ino-t *dv*n:agr'0Ofl w thp en.Lr my vvaioh w^utd h-»v^ ^-rr-atiy ttoilitiie l l^e Kr;.:id J'. u 0 fl'..ikiD.i (i-n. L*.*", by trty of tne ,'^.v bid , a-d rutting »!ie roads ]ea.iiag s-:at^- ;r>iL> Cmtffft and f^orghum.—Tn the Observer of tha 29th ult a corrcstw’tident gave his viewa «fi t« the oau'»''« of the death 0! cattle reported as the cffect : f t^'tdinfj on sorght’m eaue '^he Greensboro’ World oopics acd renisrkrf:— Af> no evidence toat tliii theO”y not currcct, will statu a few fscts: La«t year, we fed a cow with oi^ne that wm pulli*d Qp in tbiucin^f, anJ tho sucks thit were pallfd off duiiiij^ the* .“I'Ji!-’!: » r, vfitl iJU- gard to d*‘ ^ or ra'r Sht? was fed freely in •ji: s way during tuo saoj'uer, ?rit« o'^t any i effects. Tho jtres-.’aw year, when thinnnj^ the cano, we a paiill basket fuU to the t u/:: ec.>y, late ia th« altt-niiK n, vhon it wa^i 'Titir^iV ’»y; she. ate but a sm^U p>art of it I'D'i *^efore ^h- n iii moniii'g who wa.'a dead Throo 01 four of a r^ ’ig'!- bor’s C0W3 got into h.8 csn-j, daring the sruoiiurr, when it vfa'i four f^r fi ,0 foot 'iJ^h, dtJring the d»y^ They wv;ro disoovi'.cd .^hnosr. imoiediately fttd driven out bofarc they had boco in i;. more .tbaa tf n minutes. One of thi-rn died in a few haats a&d two ethers were very siok. There seems «o be some mystery in the »natt«i*, *»nd we advise ex treme OAUtion in using the cane jus ft>od for oai'lo. (h-njut—Having some bn/inew matters to at tend to in Sunster, S C , weicfr hero on iaolThnrn day morning, and returned hcaia vf*t^ttday lacrn ing. We found tke or.'pti, so far &s W5 ccaJd leava, cxceedinji!7 fine. Th“ corn is probable some lew weeks l».to in m-^^urirg, fnd of ocut«e will bo that nitjoh later in being iKry ei’cugh for bousing The pot«to crop is eioellent, a? also tho Sorghum Of the latfsr a lari^e quantity hris been roede, and i(» »'ow bcicn prepared lor use. From all we cculd lo*trn the price of Hyrup mu«t materially fai! Seme thit,k it will he down to 85 p^r gallon— p(*j^aps lower. The only di*iculty appears to be in procuring puicablc rasks for packir»g tbe Bymp Upon tho whole wo think we are .'■.afe in saying, from all we have heard, from bntii North and South Carolina, thatthe crops g‘='ner»l'y were never better, and more land cu1tivat?d thaa ever before. Btcon and other aieata are gone'ally toaroo afd very high.— W%lmin^tun Jourit'^l. Te/lo^r r-yprr in Nevsitern.—Wo itated yester day tt'ai this terrible seuurge of ijumani^ was extending ir« rsvav^ts in Newbern, with fbarful rapidity vVe learn now tbat it is also fearfallj prevalent in B^auf- rt La addition *0 l>a name* of Mr. James W. Bryan ao i wife, whioL we an- nonnced yesterday a3 having fallen viokimi to thi- f«li dis a=e, we hfive obtaiued the f;dlowing nan’es ’^hich m.%j be p.daed t tho li«t of iaOi-*Rli*v: Wm. Hutchinfi, w’fe »a J son; Biwa^d Hurl and two children; K«v J. A. Siiydaiu; O P. Sfnct and wife; Mrs. T J. Hyson; Capt Bartholomew Oli yer; Bradford Ga*.ia and *fife; 0 F. LTofkins-; John Tayli'r; JoHc Gaekias ?.ad wife; ML“6 Pru d^noe iliec; Capt PurEal Hall; J B Oxi«y. Miss Hebccca Wftilace is aiso repcted amoau: if e dcaJ i}olhhi>r'' Jovnuil. WR • §^\.^ From »V -T-iM(*j Qiot 7-—A. specMi io the A.dv.'Ttiw!T o5*ct Tr.. (Jih, h4i news item th^ Ch w.g.7 Vti'^uitr, -*^4 Memphifi iwrtr.'s .u th-'4*h Oa ^3»p :J7»h f^oar%i6*' lua a 1,*00 G'^-i. Tiic Fcderu-': W#; .ho :r-l fir!. i •' r,v ’ -.ty.. \y:^^VTnitfi ct' U'^i •'? ■* 0^ *0 wtit-one Ui- Cft'i'.rt, btxn j, p the 1 *r\ Twiai, all a|>- prU}* tl.f th.-. g'vr-'r."t” it t'lT.i.ijUje, j anr & e 'a piste •i-'wlj .«f \ ti#- Borrihh Hurdmr.-^ i rao^t brutal mur.ier ttm oonimittC', I«.‘=t wefk, about 20 inilef below Now- bern, on the bodies of Mr Alfred Heel rad his siiti-r. a mo't renpestarde and loval Isdy and grnt!eaian -f that oouaty lu the ab**’u^e cl !*Ir. R cl, hi.'i s'.s;er, about th:riy jotjrs old, and s netro girl beiag the oc'y persv'D*: koine, two necrifs c-at^rcd the premises, took ».U the vale* blet?, includ ng money, that they could o'ta'n and then murdered Mias Reel. Mr R>ei eon.iug up cb. ut this timo, tDtered thr yard, and waa in staatly 8hot de-«d —G Ui-oo.'o' Jou Ms.iuisiurtds usscHvs, n. c.,«a, Ut, IW*. QBBBAAI. 1 ii i ALL .Mcfi. rnporiaJ f^r !»*it da*., ia uxr, State c-f u'vj J t aaeiflas'-. V l‘>) of moth)> *^‘3 'iri, 5m' ’K /.' Aiivay>e of y^en into —Tf i:-'. l’.-i* e *oaiiBU?P his mirch nj>>a St. L:>aif> ^rii.^i .i ? "ar di.y >uich has already : i)aracter-*-;u U'., - ovijtt-fU'S the cily will fall into hi" hands rti r t are turet; ra^lnndt! running out of tiie city, .snd ell th'ce h -ve been cm. The ciott Tmpor:-. ;iiir, the North xtid Misicuri, by which the i'lty '.u'.i'd rrcxive rj^nl'oro»?aioute, was ca* at Ceatraiia y our c-ifttlry on the 28th, aud two pajoenger rr^tind 0 ptar-ad Ou thess trains were a score 01 tial Jiers, ‘vaom the frighteaed passengers that es- i-aped au - returned to the city reported, aa usual, had been murdered. The Pacific Missouri road WAS out H. Ofttgc oa the same day; aad upou the Si. Louis and Iron M'untain railroad General PriC i hioid'ilf is advancing. On the 29.h, his cavalry at De Soto etation, 24 miles from c*t Lcuii, and h‘« army wae at Po^«i station, 10 Uii les tiiiy side, fno “^(tiiona’' were iiurrying into the town for protcotion. Gen. Roseoranz has no r^gtilar troops to defend St Louia with, iad its capture will ir»e easy if no time is given ftiai to receive reuit'orccaicjttts by way of the river. Ttie Yankees have already started twelve steam- -rg to him from Memph’s laden with troops. Geu. A J Smica, whom Forrest bad thrashed 00 Dhdly, ts ia c; mmand of the oavalry in Missouri, and ia “w.ktohing ' Price’s movements Richini>nd DUp»*tch^ 5/Ji. wati^ of Life —Th# Boston Courier, uudcr the uaptioa,“Grant's Waste of Men,” thinks th^sre cftn be no fairer illtutratioD of the havoc ot bvar when carried on undar willful guidanoe, than tue condition of the First Massachuiietts Heavy Artillery. It was for over two years stationed in the- defences ot Washington, doing mOiit oaeful Kiid valuable, but not “active ’ aervioe, when /'fter the depleting battles of the Wilderness it was rdofed to the front as an infantry organisation It marched out 1,670 m?n aod 80 oftoerx, and was in the brunt of the Rattles at Spottsylvanii CourthouBo. It now retarns with but 270 men, leaving at Pet“rsburg about as many re-enlisted uicu and recruits, whose tims ii not out, and there arc only 13 officers left. Tnus, within sixty days, about 1,100 men of 1,700 have melted away in ^hat is called “glory,” certainly bravely, witli no desertion, no straargling, no slow disease, no Cnick- ahominy swamp, to detract from their laurels or trv»a tnc record of as fine a regiment physically iS iVlausaohusetts could produce T‘t, this is no iaolated case, but only a fair samolo of all, and au iircfrogable proof that’Grant’s waste of men has not been exaggerated. More Beef for Bood't Army.—We have re liable intclligcnoe that a drore of throe thouiand beof cattle from Texas were driven safely across ,,he Mississippi river, at a paint not necessary to mention, several days since^ and arc now on their way to Hoo4's army.—Selma M'asiasippian, 2^th. Southern Sentiment.—One remark in General Cobb’s speech, at the recent public meeting in Ma con brought down loud and long eontintied ap- Tilausc, int.orruptiog his address for some time. Ho "aid: “We tiave long been accustomed to re gal'd the Yankees as the meanest and most infa mous people on eaith. This is a mistake, and 1 uiUi^t beg even the Yankees’ pardon for misrepre- ^cn ing them. There are some meaner and more infamous still, and they are those who are willing to go bMdi Uvtt ihe Ytokook^ wil! rfp •:•*. :* i ’ T.xraon d-iay, w tl» A i in li" '■n tf isiv ’njn. ■«' 'i r?:>or. t.r,eif n»;n 1.0 -^ :.i1 Ct 1: 'ke ou.ti-fs'.l «f OcivMKlt ts All tfi.-'-.-ir '. I »•£ 8:v»t' t'.!* 'Jrr-'..', r Fh- Vav’; * S'' crojjxd ■'"•it- ‘/■.’.ly, i ■v-o “irt tx cr -. cTp/ •tof;: WLi lu- “n.'r* •S-. K f - c-3 r.t ftJvlU'T G 1 I r.., ii .. >n I \. A I ■ P Tr * t,- St 'y'., of 0 8 ('fia^n'J. •■v - il O'V.rN - 2y)7 Pf.’-t XX, 0 , c-' •-, f3r fluiy t •-> i ■’v*'*‘qii ,'• i-« '» 4^.11 :a h 0®*'Jr Ji, m.' Sii.9 of iJif Lii ai 0;a O--rra'.a«..1 r-'M i'r' I.( Q"'. t^.a I> Or iniao Offij'* .NO B c.'-an- :»^ 0! t, G-i Ho!.ifa8. 1 7i «• J' .' HINSiV.lii .A 4. Q . T."»x in 0«utity Aifei»o>, 4th Donf Blst. ?f. i iLaACM^i X'.UAwaa OJ- 4 8'54. j ITfenF.iJT jfvc art :e .h > t - Ocpc'tn tn conwty il! i>.' r»> >» I"-a iu3.. n.-- "•on for six c^iiv, t' itit I'l.noT.-ia %rf‘o'.«c "f lax. -a K c;>, i.? ffi«: W-'tt. R;»- W ,. -1 I'r'ita'*s‘r» wV 1 t’t»n r.o- ’.y p^!•^ srp e*”’'c-t f reiii«i;*.: fo r?'" jn^'i «oh , -n >0 ?hii aftd T 5,,.) 'wP to cr.’.- Arti'jl' r .'n es-imsie ai'j^t b* jkJji S‘* K ^ i; ao x.-taijf 013..!* TMfcO hi BIKB3 7a i..rd Q M A. for 0 .'in y. €tialfiafli Coautv. : ■ 1- 0't a v-0P> o- t:^'!« ly j* >. i t-o •xa-'oMiti’a'?!!' lie A» i-»f ji-a ioard in ».iii paper, af »la.* o.*ai%-lfr# .•_ i n N lice N.otr o'.i'si' h. litrs. k« I'itti-.or-' Ojt. 3 7'-2t .Tc»rl starch, &c. r'5*.UL HT.4R H; FFF- Rifl-s Pow'o-; t’ Ctpt; ?*p r; Enr^^ljpca; 8tf • n'; Ki*x Xa.Tkd G*li' iJttnj; &j . &e., N A. SEED dAN & €0. N,> ’6 Kay Ptrnet 78-1*11 l*» L for n.i Qjt C- • Qan.iit, Ot»icia?i, B'.ja O.Ior. Poia:L. Opi.tcn, R*-ut>aro, 8a’.»rf. Balpknr, C>-«^aci Ta’fcr*, daUpetre. Jt5 if »r jils bf JAS. » SMITH, Ora?gi?l. Oi:t. 1. 7Mtf IV. 4'aroii4i»---IIob«ii()a Coosxly. Coort of Picas and Qa..i'iiir dcflHoas, Aaguat I'crin, A , D. 18!4. John McPHaal, Miltoa MoP..*m!, Gal’':^^ino MoPk»n), Jas ^foP^au!, m«)Iot MoPr»a! and Nuill McPi;au), r>. W;U »zn MjPiic-nl Caivin MoPi?^!. P. iitipu for diviaio.^* cf Slaves. iT ai>; e»i7i3g t;> the stt'sficnoa 0; ».lioCour% that Wil lt\a>. M?Piau’ ^ad C*lviu MeP(»aal, liie ief.*adau * in tti."? ca ifl«, ra’ido I'eyoad thr Jimiti uf ibis Stato: It t^en.ff'TC! OK mJtion, Order.»d by t;:e Ooart, that aa ▼arfiaoni-ir.t be uitKje Mr S‘X weeis euofiaJSiVuiy ia .t c Pa7«‘vttviHc Unoarv^r, r.atlfyiu^ tii* sa! 1 d?f'ni&ata of taf. filivg nf t*!!) PjliiioE, aad th»t unldss they arp«*r «t tae uxt Ter. .; of tula Court aad sn-nwer tiia Petilion. B»mi -wdl bo ia^en pro coafa>fl3 aai ti-^ard «x parte iB to thm. Witnesd, Join A ft^wian'^, Cl^rk of iur ?»il Tou'S It 09i33 iu Lumheriou, Van 4;^ M nd»y cf Augtist, A. D. 18o4. JNO. A. RO^VL\Wi>, Clk. Oot’r 6, 1864 74»6t pd^iOinpt of Morth Carolina, suRar cooNxr Court of Plew and Q ’aner 8 -ssion, Aug. Term, 1864. H. 0. Hfcinptnn, Adm'r of Jj*.n A Ada'os, dec’d, ve. John Jone4 Original Atts^iimeDt leHlcd os L wd iM this Co”rt, »'i*f t*)3 af>feai?ni, J'»h> Joaoe, in no» a rcei- deat 01 tuie 8t.t.t« It h Or lAre 1 ?.j ».be G 'nrt, tkat sd- v^rt.B'^’ be ade ia thj Weekly Fajrtieviile OiXior- rer f r six WB2k-. isoti'jmg (ho ciefi.daat to appe;.r aad pl,*ad or repltv/. o«* j ids^.ient will ’>c rtadarr^ b defaulr. arainet nim, a4-? isp la::d levied oa ooa.iem^vil to tLa aatr'fwki'-n of Pliinalf’s debt, aad order of / »(c grsiuteck Wi.u.'ss, H 0. Hampton, Clerk of oar said Court, at Offioo, tie itcCsaii Monday of Ang-iit 1364. H. C. HAMPTON, C. C. f\ Oo**t 8^ IMl 7iH:pd910u^ o7.Tt‘^ t nntj li‘‘r»J’.'f ir^' ii-vrrls j' '•▼vMSiei Miii.;Til P.iiit, i3*8oB!>, m»4 ih» country be'ow Bridj^ A. J 8e#gk WPrt fleT-VriiJ £j.l fell '.-ack » fi'.ffmf ai acd is fofiifyicg A raiding party wai HCtmr- ‘onitt^Srt r^^tir Uiiics from tiio ciiy (St. Louis^ Tcc Oiiioa^o Times fMnks it Rt'angf! ti>n Ing shcn’vi have tvacnatrd Pilot &ncl Isughts.i^Jg BO ncauy rebe^, R«d Ofniy 1»^ ^ incQ. Bill Anderatin AabMhed a»d kil’e^ Jaok^on’e six montl.s r.on, acd »ys he to »?il» ‘‘Tcrv m«u hc: lladfl wearing the uniforir, tbey hftffing killed his ftthe*-, acd .sister. Price conscriptfl all Union sympathianrs. a, large number volnntanly jcined him. Maoy drafted men have eaciped from St lK)ail joined Price Ro«ecf*ni iasncd crdeTs to Bho» (v;iy man goiog in that dirocrion. Nafiiiville dates to tho 30th say that Porrsll was at Fftyettevillo on tho night of the 38th, aad was, with nearly his whole force, moving on lh« Chattant-oga road. A small portifjn of Ibe road is destroyed. All tno bridgee are dastroyed be tween Athens and Pulaski. Forreet bad 20 wag ons and 9 guns, including two 10 jrauxtd ParrfM. Decatur is reported captured by Wnealer, formf» Succ^tae*.—MoatrTjB, Oct Mobile Advertiser kas advices from Porrest’g my via Cherokee, Oct. 6th. Be has oaptnrvi 1,000 prt'oncre, 4 guns, 700 hjr»eii, S500 sImA cf sajaH ani'fl, and tOOO negro men and childrm. Ho has completely destroyed *he Ala. and Tena. Haiiroad from Franklin to Deoatur F'omthe So'uth —Fm MiLMfao* Oi^aTocf^ La., O t 8 —Teftcrday the enemy adranc«4 ba heavy foree frum Bayr-u Stra on the Clintoa aad Wr-odfill*; riiads. Colonel Scott, with oat ^.ent caly, ought and drove them bsek on tM Jacks.r» r.iad to with n two Eilw o' Bayou San^ bn* betas flanired, ard the -iaewy being roinforo- i*d, Col S*ott fell back on Lie Libarty road Th« enemy o«; jpic4 WoodTillo yesterday at 5 o'oloak in tho a(tcmooQ &x>d Ciioton early the nest morm> ILg. A fig'tf B5v»r RichtmmH RlOHSiOWD^ Qh. 7.—A oomincEced this morning on tha Lhirbrtowi! ica/i, tn the north eido of the JamoL (xr^jnJicK the lin.fl to Fort Ham^on, aoi ccis-'d kt 2 o’cicck. 0ir trodps oarricd, it ia r*' p; rtec, tv:o lines of brcufitworlL", took 800 priaon- rn a%d 9 p eees of artillery and 100 hora«. G'o Gr y7, ot Texxa, w&i isilWl; &en. Bratten, (' k.'Tj ?lr."i’l a’’d Msj Haskill, of S. 0 , wcM Our k'8S blight; that of th© enemy b'avy. /•>• “fi» l^t^'shnrg —PSTRBSBVBA, Dot. 7.-“ Uausua' q-iiet hfs prsvailod here to-^y, mo^e to thf-n for tije f>p.sjt two weeks Grant is stiil bmy with the ^ ade in his new position near ¥ort F o>n the Vall^ —Rtohmond, Oct. f.—#eo. L-d rcpcrts to the War Uepsrtment that dispal- ches from Early say Sheridan is retreating £rom Harrieonburg down the Vail’y. A BrK^h with Yankee GunbuaU.—-4)Q. ktst Thursuay, quite a spititcd little brush came cdl bCvWeen a BrnMl detachment of our troaps, an4 eotne y irk>.*e gunboi»*3 which attempted to go up die Souppc.nong river, in which the yankeea oajie oat bfco^d t)e»t Oa attempd'ag to ascend the river, two br CiS were atucfeed and forc^ b?ck by Lt. biarpe, commanding Oapt. Pitt'a couipinj • 1 cavalry, a?siated by two pieoea ot artillery under Lt. Wiiliams^ ot L3e's Ligb' Ba{>- eery, and Ci> Lt. Me vVataon rf the 50th N. 0. with thirty irfjtntj^. One ot tne bu&ts got i^round atxout 700 yards irom the stiore, at t* e mouth of the river, where she vrzs well peppered, for some time, by both our artiiler/ aad sharpsnooters, one shot striking :ier near tbo water line. 8 j hot was the Ire upon ' this craft, that the yankees were all driven from i>.eir gacs Three mors gnnboa*s at length oAmc op to tLeir relief and open'd fiercely on our liivie par^y, wao courageously held their ground aaa fo"gat Liiem till the appic:ioh of night and scarcity 01 ammunition admonished them to retire beyoud raogo of the enemy’s guns. Wc had th/ec men slightly wourdcd aud our tionitior vrup snmewuat damagea by a shell. The i-uomy's loss has not bsen ascertained, but it miut have been coasidc'^blc, as their loooden gunooat was agrouiid and under the fire of our ariilleiy for some three hours, and it was well aseertained tbat every man had to seek shelter belom hoi% tae deadly aim of otir sharpshooters Gotdsboro’ JownuU. Ikterters Egrajfc^—Wehixii that 12 or 14 desertci-s escaped from the Western train Tuesday evening, at the SIX mile tank. They had bo«n arrested in the mountain couttry and were des tined to their respective commands SaUtbur^ Watehmam. D 8srt-rt frrm Sherki»n.—^'xnQij deserten fro;c Sheridan’s “/ raiy of Lynchburg” wore re ceived ia Lynchburg by the Orange cars Friday night. M-eb'ng of the Cwncil.—The Govmior*9 Council after a session ff two days have declined to call t&e Legislatur# in extra seeeion. It b understood that they will meet again. Oou/t-denu*, Der.ths of Returned PrUonert.^ln a list of deaths of prisoners returned by the last of truce, published it the Kiohmond Dispatch of tha 4th inst., are th£ following from North Carolin*- John Durhoie, E, First; Sidaay J. HaU * lirteenth; J. W. . * D, Tweat,.«^; W. E. ’fUj, Ihe ( huiham RaiJroad.—W« li.CoEMer.(oOoTennBeot. soffioient qu.n«i- , of .M M U, .ho ^ c.., on Uie N. C. K. », to Looknile on Deep Kivo, twontj- thrMfflilea iaerg.tio means will k inune^- ately cjmmmoed to finish the track. f^*ileigh Confederate. t» he Aid Sooiety of O.-ang., pubUihed « the K.corder, we see one of five ?hi,„nd iol. ■ .“"I'Z J* »* Pl«« I" h«o d.ys ot Eelfchuess, when lo« of monej- tUaf^ootof aU enl;'_i, predomin«.t, . deed df^ves to bo widely ohrcoiolod. It speski for Itself, and needs n» eulogy.—Ral. Stamdard %e w^negiectB h^hosbai^ aturi. «o»tj la Qoi the isCt q{