SE:ilII-WE:FiK.L¥ VOL. XIV. t'AW/n'KVILLE, C.. OCTOBER UO, 1HC4 mo 1S77-1 HINl'i D .\I0xNbAY8 AND THPaaDATI. f inthlh i. «1LE & SONS.' VHOPRIETOR9. rOTT«^ !^'o. 10. f *r Je v*c«Kjy •avuuu*. ^66 ■^DVl: KTlSL>iKN TF iM*er;e4 for J# per ■ ^uiita •f 12 Uaes or l-sg fur t-i* fir.t, snd f2 for e«e)i •^rsecdiag p\ibuem*ioa. '*Xlv;*rtibCr8 are requested to ***>• tlie UdmVsr t» ii*- ’iiiojs de«irMl.‘or liioy »iil ^ Cl r.ilnupt* f, ni,i oL»rpeJ fcoccrd: »«rtWnient q'HE FiYETrF-Vll.l-K «;OTTON C ^Rl) MANUFA*^- i I TlTKIN\;rOMP I «up«rior to uiiv ruu ta I ar« selliag for a lt%s pi wr:iB 1)6 00, pftid ta j Htj. ny persiKi ord^risf^ *ix or more pair*. ;h»y wilj Ih ■ocarflj packed and ivUvered iu Winsingtua freti «f 4Z- p«U8.>. Call Hpou gr »ddxe»= A, A. McIfSTHAN. J. A, HO*lTH. Ai.EX. JOHNSON, Jr. ir*yctUTille, N. C., April 18 To tkd fiSembdri of tiie Hoast of Jaxjfiou&. Pat‘st~h'»ih» N. ?., ^7 163,^ ■ANYt»ie now u ttuufoinniLtiCA KDS ! T“^ in'J«i-vJ rE«d rMPOOvfcUf yen? ta;ou2h -the l.:ock» ut prtKWEt i * ci**aia,irt i-v r-> o price tt«j fiu^le pwir or by tbe qujUa- ' ^isj'.t'oei C!?rt of us«) H'>uw of Gociiijufl of tin- wtfMi ■3-t I * f !0 tr' ^er Kanu&i, piild Ut !!‘y cbu'jv'i n*w »«i •f sttvh y of i.nt B»*te of W&rtN ‘‘•’•{“Ifli, 6P-M flK.'iRf B 0'>^TOt« Sr^.Ci X M»T1UE. Frar* s.n u r «h?. o???. eo of & aew 8ub«crih«.' will's eii>«r(*vk j ■ y'vi?at in ».iTAa«, nor wilt 1 iL* p»pcr l>- avut It, b.i5Li ‘ \,fT9 int ft loufor linie | Us*B ig kii j(.» - • bu'vn e-' : v . * j fitt ua la'.r. i.yefi»iii \Tiit plciae T>otifT us irhs* natciii({ f^tr.ift»up 5 J»n’y 1. 1P53 1 Ho^Ja Ot! OUR CHI Worktt *re now in co«pIel« epcrauon, u«i j ** wa us« nwtlivnir but good r.x3ia ia orodoci*g Uw Oi] w* c*n rec«uiOTfart it to b» tbp b«*«t of the ki&d mauls i» thl» couitTv. It itj a iina I^uiTicatiiig »id Twuitr’s Oil, and w» would l>e gUd tw r«C(*iy« orders trow thj OoT#*iireent sad th»j public r«*ner»Uy. W«‘ will eaU 0-i rMcoMble t#iruss. ?JOOF,E, C/i.i^HWELL A CH). i.pril 16. S£ ;f Uilliib»r#* it« C* £ilitarjr Aea4fBij* ^1HE r>«i (joB/ion of iMiUatijD will bf'i'iS op I W"dT5-''lii>, FsVy Kh, iStiS AppMmlor^ for *4 lu’suioii be res'** ?jrlor lo IfilJi 0*«'r 18«4. ffVich du' vho tcrn'A wnll b» knswn .\iirc»'F * WM. 2d GORDON, Snj«riii~'?o4ent. Oi- 1 72 4u co^stjBiPT orncB, \ IS**! J B.4TBI CiecitL*»\ So 49 f LsaoLUNa Oi'FSr|/%g . lO^SlSIFT •??!€«, \ BlOH N. C JO, 18 4 j I. To the ^erabdn of tht loiw tf THk u3 J'*»‘!i.jji(c4 «f ilfti'tettOoaaly, md ••w a member of c««nn»n* A, 2i N. 0. Bs’UilsSf »•*• p«?*.iuUy tuBvuuoA* • o«odid*t® f*T 8*#*»d Be- Hrf’8'>»nff (i'etk i«* the H''uw «f Co**«««t of ta« pros-iei «t 9SU lo i j»i oi Norttk r»r3Un* Torr tupp*r» tb#r*/#r A ;f{»iS esa5u‘i 'a I O nert’ fi. .'«f Ni. 74 'i>» ■ he '•iil }{'»ttful'y Mk'i«w2dv«. Bfecttld we*! yo*r Av?j t*n*i lQ«pt’r (JfRcrt.’t; 03ic‘. iitr»«itb i y*“*'ftrfno« lie can oalr pn>ffii^ ta oa*xtrt#d •« Tcs: e:«9^'ioai um;tr«c.;d «r. i pi 1. »rg n:n | tff ,rt rightly to iJit datlM of atru^'t lo iccinde j,'rii.40»'.»'j drti»,j>, *. uuJ t boi^d fit lh* i GOLIil a. CAlfliBOH fopnly of pr-.*Ti8'ona 13 If G j»» ■ ua»>*i4. Bjnds »o ! 7avetieTi!le. Oct. IS. 7*-*ipd T»41 h‘i r?»u.n**d, if lii'on »Aiiiau.’iuB ii.*e VAnitA iu« | —— frco^:.a«ed by tuo ••■^eleot Soari'* a- CMBf arlnet. ti EtAaillboatS and RallrOadf ttkt Notlot, ^■* tMr ^c’d j riiHAX I ■\m to rspait d« l«tk« Wf A, !l '*» o’ IV. of b*H 0>ae'*l j t «ar kimJ ot C--pw^r Work or CMtins, »t a^ort f) it ■ t Wo 7t .>n‘ »»' O'-’.:- !} 12 ir n- i» i.i *i foaadry, by M. 4. BAK1& W. IHtAtOtlOi^, ilUCTIONEER, ■8. K. t'jfrwer Bark?t 8(ioerf, rArETTETIt.LE, W. C,,* x'i* Uv .* c kl’ l-tiiiiicts lii bl» X' rir- . i- ;ei Jure 0. 1ft4 40tf -A IS'AC HOLLIVOS WORTH, and iosAhsioa jlerekaet, FAYFITEVILLE, N. C. RALBsau N V.. O** 4»\ "TpiiB of >i>« lar -vi O-.rK t cAvivg I fi* ’ ^ajigaaii bf iViut tii* a»i I-i»p»o.or 0«'’C'r»i’i 0(i»6 *.o tat (.io^a- r ( ;rift’ f,>r ^v:v^l Oar«iitMft; do.y h.iki JErg f*il'»d to '’OiSfply wits s^i-i vr« roqacp'eA foroart rU'a.-^u» ia werso^, or /uTJHki* lo r»»«ij „ ^ . ^ « ; ‘. i .0 '»!• 03ia« br i*u«f «» Ui,: «.aso a.* :-«ir ^ ..^ej-sijuis ffom t*-- rwr t.w ms ai w-.-J.' »« J U .’.'iiy is bs'cby |('»ea ol. i.-», bffii- ri, ItiUscr IJ-M r^Ii :it auiy lu i jci^at »3iAi'Jvd, L‘ U ,:’J Oc E »ro: '• omiacnU"' fjr o 0«a:p H'T', W.130UC r’■'ropiw;? V w. i a-, o. i- p»r«»f»e l!i* acaii t r ^ tS.orcu.-_u oZv3jr.•>' ot v;.is t-^'por««t oi inr use wii'. hf ^duu~Uti ie>r iuy u o*n/ ik r- i‘'*» wnOlata- pt>>«>bi4 ilua foro') b? ffqiiiriji. K,ir«'liiaj oP'»" 1 (irdl. II •‘‘V V V re-iB S.UE. ANBCIiO ’*TOVAf? wifli tw» cHi'd»*'a W S riLtWOHAST:. Ocl’r 15 T»-2t W 43 tf jfScKaur, iittorRttsy iit IiAW, 'V^TTKV’LIi*, N. C. lue (.-ouiay iad Superior Oaorl* T f ruR“?r r.J. ridiucLi. Moore *4d Robw«m Cout- ii**. ji»e» to tho ooUectioB af slaim,. 0u:ra- ^ i.;ts u*aifl. Uc;. i. 4Mf of EJlOUC FOCT??nKT, \ F*T*TTaVH,LB. N. o i"- ‘ ' K ARfc SOW PRRPiHED TO XKv fit/E OF. j tferi fo' I . RAIL ROAD WHEELS of ^'I'cwinn •5ce« t *; V4. 26, -8 S > ni'ih. A^sc [ CHILLFD TIRES Tc- Iron t-’b sht’l a*: Ifr ‘b«*ic ! w 11 bj • Oi*D liL.-vSr ‘JH \r.*'' OAL IRCn, .-nd *r% ww rini 1 r-r wliti-it! NOV TO RACK, dtii to b i.i ^7 OLfcde i^ lift C''c.- lera:y, »#r to laci* cf Wjs:m;jr \ •SvJiflof P'»iUdaltp'>!'ik V- 1 x'-yuta'io.''1 s ■: wvii fcaiyrfi; by fill &%U Rc-.d Coes fciiw«» ih». b?r-.. V ' ‘;?9 f*r ti^SE»r‘*Uoa by y»«»:cic“* to Vilmiu^i'.'i, froia *.iii6so to Uij p»rt of t*t Tonfb *er*cy 0"tl'‘r= •■fspect^ur.r roI^Mtert 43lfl D. A>J0*£R80N & 00 J G Firs; Liouvo&aiit a A Socit. •‘ •• Jos*pii Nuasery, J W rwitle., •• “ B M TJr>8*iin;t0B, R H j “ •" T B W.fJ, j fiecfjBd •* Al“r ^ V»'«iiiiora!*nd, ? • W J M ,Aa* I The n-3«'i»ty ^»r too services of tfcsss is a*^ ■mt, xj.l they ara vnjMaed to ropor^ with tac pou> I cib*» d»liy B/ -'rdar of (He Coauna*d»."t: 7i-'2A B J. HARDIN, Adj’L By crder y/ the *'uc3U»o *»ct, E. J PARDIN, AdjaUnt. 50.000 O.iV 1c ■MT1L)^B!* for lalt »*.♦ wbo Maia a*ly Joa^auAi h TiJujjia-iAeT. 7* 2k - IV/ft ITT ED, •#,••• Bank Ttotm, $S,000 Old IV. C. f S^oeo a. G. maU B*ad Coi jOi^N J 0 t. T 1.E ¥% rrt'il .VrrclU>*U, >’ \ YI. i' V bj V lirii , N. C. J .i ; !■?. i - «J-if U. «i B. S 9t 24 ^ 'Kv.. •iLiiiS, Rai»'S>, i«. C. 70 ®vT.d Wanted, I? A i\A,\ SUkiSULBJl nANTKD AppI/io OU.UV/U IBA/iO HOLLIKCJWOP.ta. O i 1. . 72 IE*.TlUi:V A. Si . i'VAV. WM. B. BUU'JJIU. %. ^rEj>TiA:% c'o.. Ai,tn Xf> iso ?:et4Il bkalekis A ti U ' ,0.'. f«fc:K€BA3ITS, I A. SM.ty Sirerlf ■\\ i'TTiiVII.LiO, Jf. 0. 2&lf . !£A5L, ! n^HE l-'KEiaflT .i.ND PASSENtiSR IRAINS of tbU I J Kf»! Vv-Jc Paji •:cTi!?c ddi ai 8 i'’o:ock, K M., *Bd retoruxag 2^7pt oVlov'.'j, IV M. Ocf^le .id £Ii,-ru TVsw MONDAY, VfEUKESDAFand PvL.l\ Hj otd?r Jl*0. *d. RO^E, lic-rf r »Bo 0«n I .Vg’t. iPSi • :,Tu* Ciioice Tea«at;€o, A.c. TUS ut»der»i|tae« i>ffer» it.t a&l*. ToBAUCO, flNUPF, MATvHLtS COTfOfi rA«lIf, FESCJL?. PAPER. As . on M ^vorab.e tanas aj tka Cura will %ford, fot 0i3b or aieb«Dra for B*cjn, Ototb, 0«m. srd oitier .y, (SordatB dio^^ptea; j ptaiu«'e. laj^'J R0LLlhGn>0-lTa. rUiUgr B^ypi at 1 1 gj,^^ 71 4-rri u S-’roiin ufid Httef thin iaic iha 8*-r.- *r a. r. HURT wiJ sj. $ o'clock. A. H., on MoadU ' 4i..-aiv- Jos. A ''ORTu, April -I7^f j Ai'i-C F. 8t^«un *t Co. 2,60y V A Kk>. -S Viiiiu.VT, , I;*. • • >. f ■ 'Per*,on-. >' i: :i. - CT3 ir.iclsi t« »eli Trillx«Cbi%* tke hi^hof. 4 “ICC l„- c^i'itg on J3r. M- Tao>uaeou. ai tie -Mcrot: i M. .i. Fayc«c».Ue, »r on U»c s-bsTxi- b«r»i lus «— ' cr i t.iket. Not. 5. 185U. " " Tbix' I AM prtp*»^a to rcanuiaviiure all tiUv« of Wagoa RiuTie^? ! Ariijy uj‘;. 1 um my ieaUjcr and' >*o jiTO jjooi bfcr^^iii''. Agcc.» wili do «cU to •Knd ti jir •rders to me as tr y bUiiii ba;e prompt a^to«t;on, aaa ^eot c£ iQ .L iiNpai*.'C. JUxlh C.dRl'£R. F 0. -us!,tnj»ja Co., N. Ci., t - 13, ib82. / , i!iaie ol Htal £siatf; ia Towtt. I "I^HS tx caurs of is-* la’* T ■J-irao^e w.ll »ellat J JL pi )l » Aaotijo, a* !h.> \I»rk-1 1' 'je* in laa Tovn cf j fa. ti oft S*i«Td>j tbc 2&-a *f OoioD.*r 186i, ike I foliow ng Rjal Kjtate: 1 liviuae i^ad ^o. oa ?-iiin^ard 8tro«;, adjotoi^f M I ray anit M*-* BtM»« \ lli'ua* M.1 C«t, l*t« r^aManee'ot U»jir Otmor« H R oorc-r o' li\’l8>i.->roag': aad Riw. ; Qtffs-'.«. DupHt."^ b * "-.riD of, . j lk^i tg J A. i¥orth on li.y ■iua*. T»rm-, na« *o tito oredu wi>h laiateet irjm &ale \ Fil(i« pad Sftas|>s. if :h :,ii -u saw 14 .a I f i»t, as'* ^ R:ui:i BuMrd Fiki»; diid iiw «aJ W-.fd Flits; li aui Ho.'f* A'l owsii-» For aJtU ►'y jamas a^^RXl!B. Bipt 18 ' 70 9if-i ADjmNTAVDIS&PmUHuKNEKiVIOfriCB, i &ioB.>«oav Ujt *, l^(/4 / 0»B*AL 0KDCK4 \ Nt to i I. t«r.-n''ore *r*-At’'l, cc'^.er iia‘h.ot:j o'W'e 'Nar DvftfUiirrtt, ta nerf^ad t e'w*»?i t ‘e *^3^1 oi IS iti'i 45 ye*r^. '-re retOi«i; aaO. -»i' •« dnt.Mtfci aie i. .CF?ber wHb tu’ic - Wi»h;a ids e»i! *grs wSo ho '? tar ^ocjbt-, or ♦twrrji'iTy X r.pti.'Sa ! y r>-isua of 'P^Ka. tiaorf f'k- ar.f.' i^a, ifflli be rroir. ‘ly MC^ -^vVda' tUa of ir-'J’'ue>ivD ^td «t;^rvpi a>«!/ MeC tE-aajr «i»c artaio" fjr gtetij-; riiept ’biticw* • »U *nd jiWfc«ta«ll7 ..raplo\» j in sn*Ja aoiU’ing, - ^., oullvoiiag Alii f-.rt.-Utrinuj fvid oib«r rxv .*jbi I'ble ior It ^/ tod Un7j. or ia ?» >. . *s ' * ^fauLic f J miiltwy —o% av'.-'cr*'^'' It tboir ;.redcm m,tii fiic.r dsit«i» til'll frt-si ed II. Tee lltads cf t-id Cbl'.fB •i'l, witjia atxt tik-fct/vUya, fai«*tif^ »4 (KnTal3 f R «er»*j, li»id ^ n.i. . S'aitn.i »=*. Ls 1^- ■! OTxert, »a ibe fc ites, upvoi^lj f (tiin 1 and cf.itif»5n; ru-'fr- w;»o »r» ixp3‘*e «::* iti. * *Ni>olu(«'y i’*v>iwp*'.sxr*lB >’p.' pefrr».iac* oT f a fcboTo TE'B'i )ue:i 0>»Hru'a^ut Korii *.id t 06»:ai; a- »il de!ii d eiflf B'ii j'l e unified wifco -^ lb« n»r sfiribcl T'*”io'‘. up u fca«retf, ba foriVviih iS'i^Q. 4 i> !•»! ura:v“ III AU p8>-tOuB cau'd ?ut by t’ia Ofi*r. -Kho a'biw *jxempn' a onacocml ot psyjical disabihiy. wi:l >e ex \inuiad by aeU'Ct p»s c j*rda, afier laair ar^iral at icf* t a(sps Oi )nrt*roci>^i- IV. All men fjual for lig.u iu«y, »rp niaaB:^!;- ed, w>^! ai cc'' T(;or. to tto et'spi of iseti'aott a, jndfi/tl’9 T'naai-* cf biiEj f»na^ i.Ji at.t2.:Ji tw ike j *rtiTf K'TC'i ^ B) ordar. 8 COOPr.R, , 75 Ht] Aaj't ind lasp’f Oini’l ’• LA1«I> FOB SALE. BT virtue cf a Dearaa of ths Court of Bqslty is tke ofr.%0 of D?:BaU MePkaU asd otVen a^iat*- ^as MjPbai' RP-1 otaera—P«*iiioa for aala of Laa^ for Far- Uiisa—I will tx-' i«8 fw asla, o« T"*i«daf li'b da* «f \cTO abc-r 8 Tracts of LAND, oa tba Bait aid* o' Ji* 9 Ffar R T«r, ceauiaic; 60 ntra», 'Ijr aawa, aad S'i *cr^3, tb' pioc>*ty o? tat Th«* *i!e .-> bt at ]atw reMidcoee of a«id MoPhail, a«ar FUa Ui.l ia Ca»aberl*a‘1 Ooaaty. Taro* at a^le WId J i£cP3AIL, OommlftioBer. •a*r ’3 76-ts STOLEIV, FdOM f.B Btakl4 af kittucnr Oruuplar, ia Bampaoa f’lHin » nn the si^ht of the 10-.H lT.a‘ . ana ^OB t'EL "l .lRl, olae# fwe; rlfjat Hir'd foot ycnrs vV Alao cn> acc^aU DAHK 0‘a^ SOrBSB. w&it» Ri'.rki on >»h*nl?rra fr’M i»ji’ri»i by c*l v. foar yeura oJi. A liberal rejr»,rd will b« fjud for t>.* S»)i»frj oi The .kjrAj^ to tnbir owcera, ar for lafarratto!! oon- 3trBiai Addraat O. B COBB, ar josBpn suTToa. Qoldeb ry, 5. C., 04f. 18 7» 2t»d Fe*,-4a?rlers U'se.'TC of S. C., h\i.ai6'i 0«ifl:,‘»*4 j [i»o«ral Ord'T"! R 14 j 'I’liS followia 'irJ6» *r-la ih» A-joHiai au ■ Inspfci^r A Ota^ral’M >flSo.* ».-•• p'aSu»h. a ; >r i%e i5ior.csi-.OB t Oil and after the l«t day ol Octo- I 4.-1 ooDje.'oid AjI at.*, d* %iUd f*oti ii') ^raiy, j t »&ia Wiil ba B^t); Df^a pMsa^a Wa? Pavago la p'OM Uos jO» a7 worth. 0. r Sivaia Oo T «J LUri'B'lLOH, Nor;ft OAroiiMa. k. d. Od&ELL. Uuljaarii. Fjbjrattarzlifc. tJji't 7l '11*10 a.** at fjf fi«li a«r«'.ej Asd noi a«i' fi*.I m ri}v;Lre.i. WtU b»itam«diat«l/ rat ;ri 1 > >nrai.i t>dK | AM'« 4M* Imr'a unk'i ^rn«a, ^ ■ ft tjtaivaa, aa.| jea’8 44tf bartjoOB weaerar* 0;flce, ) ., Jt-a I'Jru. ia'^*4. j : >oi. r»? lot I ^ and tfif Liie^. * ii L«t>'fi •rtny. Ai t-cx.i . tkat AIS6J WiU c>t T deii»eri.a to it*e CuVV'AaD WaRRE 4, 41-tf b-^vg") f. U.uirai N.rib caroliaa , ca bfct. d (uiiiita, for Uta iiitj ‘"»r ui .i'pro.apuy by uiui a&d p'yfc .MILLS t. V c c . 1 • .; I orbi'.- ", By rap Su “io UU ai: » ?-»ruf u ...«• ; i!i«8 jf Ti-r_; li . prepa«if4 i« i*' evi Xifid i;i' ini.i hotK fa'JrlWt.l STiit VOl.VORI. a ijii,.. ro;.’, *tilb (roit »i Je ic . . •• , *, MJ . a : SiSi J »>■ O.'.S itieOIJU • ii li a ; 0-.U' Jr n? or b tii- »0J api Oteui : P _r, *u.« P.fiuu* iaa lia.j - tf «.i. oi'*'t) L;ii.j3 1 a*.a ; : ;c r .li'-iBi J 8: 3-‘Ve or auy O isfs rfa>).o;:'u.ij soJioUi'i. >x A. > AKEa .. O. I 3 I72 Irr pi Fay *ttcTi*l», Oat. 1. k' Ls’i* i-ta«d tor .^alc. As Ex-cu'.sr ol J i. faia ^3. I »i i ecll .^t Public S»!j, i;j CarJhig?. on ibj ”3 a of if next, •^b'e tr’s :* v»f uvND, oa w.iua thd "I'ot fcr.f’?*!.; i.v.i. tfiijt aa lie U’lJ "r'pk. it M'"- O'.aiiy, of -aia;o»c 43-.* ajr.-H, *0 ui eO o? la vi^ar.ta ai.J u » gJi"* if luj.d w yi i ■- !.»({ fiae uropd 01 o^y T >o l*jd i.-i avI. -‘u '. :a «r.-.i '.dtfte., to tbo g cw'ii »f Cc; J Oi" s 0 in 1 ali tse ^o:t r-pi Is t: .j* 1 u *.1’? : a ii- 01.r r»i;;.e fot »Di s » -e * m ti'a 00a i‘y. a^a ir. a9-r 'he ■0d Ri».r3-»i .'ra a Clior%!» to tHe Co*' F>i-lia. T^-j ».»':Oie'ire 1 l*.ail ii g-o-, *1:4 iri>ry aeavitj t.mb. ed. liaildiu^o uo- 7cr/ . o»i. Vi D D )VVD ^;x'r. 8 p' 21. . 7..8 i^OTICE. ‘n'lB ‘ j! ia« »{ ka 6ff«r« Di«- JL •rijta app./jiied by taa OcJuiy Osart c,, .>, f./r ibe diatributioa of laaoay »ad prot»it>iio lai.j'Mv a>id;urg' laLiiiidi -/e ii-'feb* Uut;fi..C u, '• et 11. • a Ojan tlju^e la L>U':3b.rt'/& .>l> .ay «Jiwa/oi' OjiJDtr ld.l, aii;2 reo-iTa tv>r dirf.nua» uu ae to irvu tur 101, aow iu uy A puuoiuat (.ttealanoe is uejtiy reqa«a.ed «OaN WALKtti, Gooim’r far Rob-sou co'y. fcejH 7*-oip4 I ««■>•« fv«n Ilia arMf a«w aarvtaa liaal til h Waited to £>ca»e, ,^OR oae Of m rc yjar.', laj aH.»Jti.’.^btuU PL'CE. 12 to 14 iu.;tt9 Fa,-eiic»*lle ca ia« .id *1 to R l.iig lae ir%u 741 ^jroo. If ut'viroti. tt> ok9 ar.i.. i>*;« jufll,(e;iv >>vj' i kie w.i uei. uu i4terdji Ivj'i. i, &yio ■> L*utug P 0 , wu; tfujw ‘-ai; pia^s to an-, ouj •0 3tu 0 0 BA^^ji.Gi & to. 6:tt; FayetteTuio, or t»ii» (faU I .J» lO O* C* pri ►•liia ior 3 " t-Jw uxj KTiif Fe^■y ;ti4 J. BdUiiPL^ 7-»f a'UAmtl OA'fi'-S. FLOCxv anU OAiV" >rui bo exen-^u^jd for Corn at iiu* Htvte o« .iiaai.u uy a.ti* a texn daja n«u4*' i cur 1, 0*t8 W j- 1- blaox or 'xiin9. Jaa’ya9. i tf OHONiNCS JifiPAftTMfi«r, I ■' • V/.j jU^y d, a ^ LEAU ^.*V>'Ciii>.—i wiS i> jia^j.iajO Le*a fur fiii LtpciriUiuni. t'eraoas uxriui i*-'g*s or eia«li quM.- tiues w.ii p. •* ... . . Wiil give 1 pjacd of POWUiiK '-V.' lU puui.'ii.d o.' uhAb. i.ilU8 D BOGO, Capt. C. 8. (j}i-tf 'u 'io&rgt; of tmuumoa. ii inc or £li)«tiitei*«. uuu ». iii* y t I- 'J fc J . 4 u-i. g > * 00 ii»j Aay u.- .1 ) U li >L ■ of -, MM *■ f Ai . »ki- I' t 11.1^3 To iUAVju ij l.'.'J tT to a.-iivjr, j’crJvit i »kt t'c ?*iivie o.»-» J*ve ;- -iJ * 1 ♦ll/UU. 1 a»-y are ^mi^Tk^iC tv »’jy »aj vftrfb.u^ t>) tu.»ie *tiuv Hk Oijuli iJr»ua/. Alao, ru.aa jf aalf bia-s 0/ abovo for paio'at ‘ialf the above r^>. liLShY E COi-lOJS ; Fitytuer.i'-■ OjV 1. ^ iPai^na €hrii»ti Beaus. fpUK 8ob X i w-l; pay tte aigae't cask fnsee ht W\»f?.02,UfK ;}K | ExuXXkCC i>«PAET?*FKT, UlHT. OaPB '•'.CA», V u, ...-jyi lOiH. li'iS ) ■^JOTICE is •'or*r'y siren 10 ell pfci'3oni aar.tis* a.mioji jLx agfcia^s the Eiigiuoer D«p^rt.atflt. hr t‘i:vice& o' titttea employ:*}. a« laborers oa tba lend dr{nc*t nfcr N C . tb%t C», c:aleri?!f;uo;l is i^aia'inao-l lad pr«(vi.>^i *r ch« =J ip it .*un . Ti.-'a, oa ,'i» s.»- acu'i tiior of (hr t'oi)4fai» it-.xt »bo»' I>ru? rt^or", .Market ■? - v, t’l.'Ci'vni,' t'o»iri e- A’torcny »iJJ 00- ■itr^s t ii; —ti?:: Taign vturo-S, iu aii o&jw. »•» be oy two w' c-ijf;*' and eigncil »a dufu- r»!0, or the" i.y r,^ -r' e -^snd L»4?oro a Jn.‘«ti2t( 0* tae Pifioc or Cl'fk o' t-thy FOHM OF PO^’ TR OP .^TrORNEY. I, —— of , do _er..iy *pi>oi t. , cf , my tne ai.d uafv.l .‘jsoat tc f '.gix ie-;oipt? fcr, »u i itimifi- t/ftyeient of s-11 Doufry!? duo to ce by tb? En,cine«r De- p#.i-jarT»l of tiic wonf'"dc»‘n J Stutce of Aiasnc*. for rri0 servi?fi-> of my Blafua oiupbiyed as U jt tho !r'..d iefijnce:: at , during t»e r*cnt'i t>f , l)‘ii Witr.c;?3 «ay b*nd au'j H;")i *-t —— vja — day of ——, 136 (S«»tied la darslic***. i fgrHli ] Witnasat (lilfatt } lra»*k K.. £!■ « XXV. AU who itt m ii prMiHiaMd unO. i..r C«I4 .'nr.*.' hy • M*« it'tsc k*d «*J(I u« 1%.!. c. I. a*.* v. ««. Km-u Mf mot noUCIi' ■•( ti iriux «• l'-‘f f*l~ f- iiaOK; :iv.inniici ;r» f . ij.itl ii« .larr 0«r lni trin/.w i!w. I'lrn.ili Ltd; r«iara«4 i»uU.f aiti uir.r r. s^.'Uve cn n i iniJ> Hj r«ana«n(1 »f (b« «cf«t»ry nf Wnr («.ga*J) J \0 iVi IMKHa, Aij'I 0{» AanriAinr *119 * I'pfici, 1 Ku.Mmv4, Oil I, IHA. \ 'Kinwt) fircaui. Ord(r .\ii 9.U 1 rte eiupli\c ■ i.r T*i ka k'o3 trn«a. »r« hfrel," rxe(^;r«l fr.1.11 th’ii,-T..t...n ri’n'A* «t>h IXV, Cl .1 II,-Hr. 'o iSri. Atf- JU|-kiil «0'i luiji Tl r l»' iier% '» i >.1i. o, Sr^is iibc- Jti ic04 I'Iibm- ttiap u 4er t le .;Be -r. o , i.i.j >^,c i. ■! iiy tre pr.i- vii!ia I >r lue unn.. mil uiuti n .i be ra. le>u>4 *y K’lr./Uiui ut&ceii, iir tiy c»aiiit.\nJer! of >.), ;t;.iueii( • • • » • By ■ii'iiiutntl of tu« :J«e.'tfU>ry «f VV*r. (fJNO \V .\ij iMiit ocasrai n, or.l«r of Lisatcniiat ^>*num! IIolmii JOli.N vV. II. V J|>\:.K. Ailj’l Gea. bep‘. i». Itefi’ard lt*d- tke Inreudiary. i'tiii >11 J; ,i,'.M.r w U pay afe. ara 01 ^2'Ju crt | eallijisai. to vio iT;w'. tiu p.'^'^oa wjo b ij .a- " »i -Ui f ^ra^i &4 Mii M-ry i. d.a^f i.v' r_ Its t*.-i 0; jr’a ott 7Mfd, uu wte ..u^aw of u»* lota m^t. JAM1.8 Fijet cTiii;, ye;i 24. 7t; 6. 9»alt tar ^aie. *)i 1 A' k BUSli*-'Li.J dOiJ^i>i2 ■» i-i, .a;^au iu ^e idj>na^ —»«iieiJi»«Ujjeitfoi*RMoa: wata o«rii,' ji’ w tfi. ier*-^ T i.'i les Alio, HO ojxh ta^ vHti'tiHG i BAOoOi for i>a.e at a> tore vjip^'ut Slni'olliug OMcCf . ■■ 1... u. r A jFj dlSMl'd O -a J ;.u , , I , 0!| i J.> ,7..I CmJ Cl lOiB *U ,.i z i \t) cu.a .•«!: M i 11 t.iij 130 u j» . pe. •i'-ps i»ao •.’r.t p-tit* j i'ar detjkili'k i' i.ik;dr», u ji. 1 !»i ;» .)!'«. i ki d» 111 P->i-“0.- wh are fjc; t fi ir. tvrvi ’ aro uifiiji 3 aa'i >te ist liras >0 taij ooasp*-iy B/orjer, . A. H lOLlfl, Capt. ».id E. u , ^ i.ueit. B B Tolar f-lr« 7.> 4i Uiiraett, i 1C J . 1 i-*« . I AC *:i I ** •. :o^ fi:.: - •sp-:idi 5 »nd at. SiOUTH&ilR.II »>lJBf.l^AT10.1[9. ']1HE ELE aE.JTABT iPKLLlR-3 B00£. aaawio 1 ahoiir rbe R»me aa Waistj^r’s Sixllitf Btok, wit^ tb«- aid;iioi!ii! aa^antaijf of ka^r nsf oU tba to^iI* and so o*a» aoc.trft .ely laarkaJ. A aappiy a’.waya aa n%ad. ’’r’Oi 58 yi>. I'SS FlaBT DIXIB P^ADEB ia A a^w Wck, eoia ■ainin^ f»v readlBg 1mm2« ob 8ca'«^«ra aah|'«t^ Pc 0; 75 cil) .i ill: DLTJS PRIMER, Tkiri Bditioa. notarial, atui tont'.rtiis to* be iia3tea&el/ popolar Frte# (ftS p®r '’Uii'ire t) fO THE Pa1MAvY GE0GH.4PKY, Saeortd R'tiuoa, ini, »Uf pjp.ii»r book. It ia rmiirsly eaatSera ant. fn-if ?dvpt.?'J, tj cotuL^au PiJca 3 09 FlP..iT B- OK IS COMPOsITiOS by L Bracsen * V ,-1*1 uow ; vd *ad '* ta« e*>tlT book •i.Hi't ta-i *• Ui til MoaJ^ Ptir.a i 00 Y .f.Gr.iiJfl GRAM’VA^, r»'rd B^iasa. ik t ly ■ r •» ;n -.or^T'on ficvco a Prise i 00 Joifi"'Soj'Jc; (:oMMt»N aoHOji, ARirsMim . >•/ Prof. L 'o raon ti* 'i\-iB,ty C jl'eg*, ia a «w aa t *%!a«ble t’ooi, .vi« ■aiH b9 filiowaJ by a ktjtk aakscl Ari'Vwcvio S Bd .MY8T1.3 LEAVK8. by Per A '■ditioa, '8 a d'Uj'h’ful >k>oIi, aad eoa’a^aa a bt^aaUi'a «tor» r>£# •*’5ol«!i'5r’rf I#o»e ” Prio* 3 00 HIBTORI AL .^JtjaiPrUP.g QUKJri058, U $r;\ Urg.iilr. 1 { k«h ik* avadaat Bii ck valaab e la/ono^- uob of Lk« Lii». p^rttoua uf Li*« liibla. Pt'km Tft ci*. tJ^n-30-^ Jf lOy S c. :l '.-«r Jell#/ u S r( a Ctsy.iii -. U%Sf. OuSvauj a. ot.^^ar coUnifctJtt o2 dm 3 *-r»l lial‘»as ?*is» iper *»a»*dre(i 5*0) 75 Oi*. 1 HdJ \OKMOaG\M 8(K'ttJ^TE^, 03uipi!«d oy Capt. ’ A. B'»u ' a, ooe 0/ ; bi3t coUe^tiocs ftf Bou-gf • w.. 8 u'lia ut4 b-^.ilads vver publi&hej. Price (|jer J *jO,i I 00 VI, ;iV6N AND LINDi, a ta.a of a aoidier’s loTe, i? t no «aa n.'.y Iiii.;« tjek. Pric« (51’ per baa trtdj « CiNT^’E IiAST Pa.\ riv’E. Hesond Si**ioB c n all tae oui^uess forme extcndive.y "Bod Fr'o» •20 00 fj .’LE" .'IUSI .I. 9 fn 1 as^o-t.Ti'*!*. of th? ri'eg-t pab- .i-u;-i :a .*.v li- P»*>ce fru.a 1 00 to 4 00. ::J''(tY of lua i*», %\ moierats pness. F‘. TY RriCI.3.-> »,r,i:rally gap" 1 ‘"t •jsu.ii Q ■ Ja'i:io\.6 iride to the Trado. T i.>-«e ord*na«? g )0.1B to 00 neat per mail, must 0 -v.r-a at..'' fa tbe dVi'^r t‘> p.y poitige. S. ti. Oar Pu jii .*»»or.R a^e to b* bad 6t tiie yrinoiivai ilioK -Ujif* tiit 'ug>cu. t -«* c.uuiry rtr, k;/*N ft TARRiR, N n 17. 76nf tpe F.:;.r A. d pt a. tii-if '^a£toi iar tiit) StaU of 19. OaroliuH. 11HK uivtjtbiguid o-MUi’n3 VO 00l’i\>.S . i AHN for WOJii, 0J4 juu.116 of Yaru fjr 4 lo«. uu- ir»e*’eJ, or 3 i:*3. oievj waj:»i»-i Wioi Xaey will aiix> pay a hberai prio-r in Jos i tar Ur:^e or sraAh loUt. OtiO W. mLulAjiIS 4 CO., .\.?t8. Fay«tt«rii'e, June lo. l^tf \Wi ti K.iA.^U£^, rHis uelei>..;-d li-i* '.t. bt nil ;y h F 11 rio,i. I -^ot. at F*«t-t, v M*, ■'T ' V 0 ■ t.-vc D c •-:• 0 o' (>;io If" *n« 3-’i:i;'v ■ r 10 h L'. ■ - 14. i Hi.l r.i •*, »■» m«ss tt t!!.* r iu-’ J , I 'f >S5 n *ip-3 « or tbr«'e >'*.'■ eij O''w.a, r *ao ' r>i- •« j' i.« r.-. 1 er :p - ci' la pnf.»«*^r.t' 'Wai’a a iiv 'nhUrjiqvi* Those ir’iO wiin to turs \f r »? «'.li b^ »o tbirilrt cY trt w^i n 76 ' > ibeOr o-Ji •’tery ;ai ti.tt0». w 0 is a crojM a I tt'Al ta»a «!' • O'isi'-i* a.*e It'- ti. ev-iai if.r l)u I w.i'c fj- ^n/ »U*i ma* occ';’'. Taj *u0‘3 nj^n'y to br due as efi/'n »a th.* f;ot ii - r;.a tfiat t»i^ .1,% e i’. Exck^aii^e i^oiice Ho i a fovl f od tiia* ft*" ‘.13 a*, i .e .ai c " tbt ti-ts >& Awamtdo, Va.. /.tr 2j. l.'JSl. j of pror,or«y f,ifci'.* n". i .3 ;ro,.- t..-')* j-ui AL’j (iio.:'H «.ua 'ji;u Oi' t'le ViokiQafK d&piura of .fu- j ’’•8 so tiis hof^ie i».>» roqu«*6iai to ueud tUe’r laaiXi. ly 4tt, iStt-i waj reports! for duty st '*ar panic r^?.i’arly twr^ t^jib dsy t"u. 0 e «^t Ol tao prior to Bsptsiuber ICtk ! H® .•jtasj.i at th’ aa -BrribfT'ki Si^blMS. u^st of t:\e lHft4, nro bcrjoy u«oi*r-jl exi iaag'sd { Ma-ket, and f^r furtbcr coaveaica^o of p .troas, i»bsre 74-Ot. RO. OULD, A(?«tat of Exetiviga. I ‘bM o.n be c)an«--* of e=x m^r^H nii.u* up, wiL b ' lae. Tke tn*,aatinc i f cf-»crid persHX« okoald be witaceflcd hjr tbTrto iviit'C'ji-i-i. laufe! bs .®e;iaraie -.Icplicate P'rs'sre’.i! 0^ A*tcra*y :'or ts^tn w’on'.ii Dlati,''. fMr'rip caa ' e i%J apca af'pli- . V..OC at til if. oiSc \ w H T4Mws.0i.rt J^rbtefEuf. ’an’* 90. ISOiV' FAYETTEVILLE lUmL IKSUai.VCS COhPASf, Capital in Premloni Notes aaicaots lo {2t>7,68S 2b Cask oa and otker aaseta, b,077 85 X any ;jvu»i ••iiy »■ •.'alr'a tJkn^t’ rOKT^ Total, .$272,7«5 16 The •Jorjp»ny bate p>«ia all los»e9 pronptly, and kata aiVQT nutd'.- aa usobdincat oa thsir prctaiua not««. i a sa&eient supply of g'^o-i rag«, aad tke ooo^equeat. u*‘0' Egypt Coal Mine. 'PH£ oivdcr9i«;iiei were, at the Kovember Term of tbc i. Coafeuoratv Court, Diatrct cf No^th Owrotiaa, ip- j.oiaiod Manac»(r8 of tha Egypt Coal Mine propvty, . jii bare enter-jd irto oopB.ria'?rihip T'-r tbe punij- t c.iuiuj: aurf seilit;?; Oo&l, aud solieit orders fcr iJ>o fcfcaio v. fjiy d'. jired qa;>niiiy. Orcsra for any auicuAt c?jx i Kapplied 01 ukbrt aotioe. The 'Coal from tbis pro- ^jri.j is us:^vinbt«*Uy tbc be^t la the Ooatrtd^rsie ip;l:;;vticaa nay be made lo Ckas. B. Mallctt, F^tyeit*.- ■lua, N C., or JaitMr Browite, Ckarlefltm, 8. G. CHARLES B. MALLBTT. JAMiW RROWKV “tn iKu* I'j' KA«S! ilA«sir^Tho”i^- rior quality of tbe paper on w.'iich tho Observer bae boen printed of ) ve, acd orLicb ta a great eye-sore to os, ia owing to the waut of at. a distabce of no- ^ore t.’.u^c t«a or tweive miice froia I e&wa. " PEDIGREP; VtoI; EoDjtrinsl i* a tUoi u*;: ^rcJ 8t L wceuce; was I pu-rvi 3 )ji i I r^ ’tda t.c Ctpt Li aa'.i, c'•• 4.2- b.f. I j j '^ef ♦'f >:t'6k i i the S » o, > i t st of JdjCO ' 1 g' id j«o■• sbspp*!'? to E**‘irn 0:r'’-.a*, i.- o.!' ^'prirg «.f tSbO *■ i' i~ ycfcr^ c’.i T^’a her e h.4’i 5 ^.it iM.M-d by tan pruoc-ti' *'W -^r «b. i *(.n da«>a ».o, aie fitl; red^grcu ia n.a to h»ni, but T>il Qe givea ia fall ub riiv't* vi it ;>i 'oFWrffded He is «ti'^i>raied for beiag ike fiaufit blooaed kotsp i.i ^ue Mmte DE:?.''RIPTiON Viok Eai^naelwas efgiit yrars cli last Sprirg me dinn eua, fla. firit aid we'l prt ii or ioued, oo-l olaijk •Ad to nyle, fieetaoee aad uuraniUty m haruoas, be bar I no «‘qaV, bann' h^«n njaiO'.‘J by tke f»»»t!-a' horaas io : t.*ie itiie a^d Dcr.r tea:‘c. He uow cb.i*llea^'8 the £L id w loipdftaat i'aais HiOAat> TO TffH ^SOUriK£:ftiV fl£i*ATlC PII.L3.’’ I i lii’ >»o t Ji t. ■.' b-:et vja-Jur A ii d» X. oi-^e by i*i») duiotferer. njw un »g’3d Miai tt«r of i ■(♦tIu'pftL aad fc*8 «af«. 2. 'iflcy h4ve l)k)3a kaowa for year* and t?a sd by i)ousi-ii« • 8 »'i»e ha.jirod p--no*u» arc kaotrn to li»»3 beta 8:r‘i J tor.i> 4. 1'.cy «••) aot r ov4.i.?nrsdi-d y t**» p','>pri3Vj!' fc e««r7t .iQir. but caJj frj- di?.>a«cd « kicb ana* fro-n din . i Tera 6 bireot'visff 6cd e‘riifi3«tai «oof>nip«iy eaob box sad tbtaf c r’iHritae •>re Uooi welt ancwB aad ta >et re noei)Mt'»lc Qii«t«ia')i ‘. Co?r(.-«pon4e'»»j rawran^nd li*aai as food f t LIt D:‘ vij^, OhilU ani Ve^ere PacHm'ni%. J*a»> Jioe, iiyapcpsia, iihk/Ud Fe’trs, BiUoas Kacum.»itb(3. '* oi».', J?leunay, Biono.'-itis. *a. 7. B':'»cr*l. ge;'tl>m>ia etatg that the nws of th?8e Pills h» be»a to i‘‘cm an annaai saviag of frost* $100 lo 5-00; >ap? ^re Lha best nlaatat'on medioioe etef of icrcd to the public. 8. S >tm Pnyaisiaaa of the ki$'>^ ent standing prescribe ibrta *i tlicir patients aad bnndre^i of koxn have bK-a 8 .Id to refa'''.r pra^titioa^jra. « I>arLig the last qa«rt«* 2,8^** box'*! htTd Huid 10 l)ru.j:t;iHt«, on« in 8~atb CtroUna. tnd one in No.’tn O.Aro'mj—aal sorae time e.?o OTer 3 700 boxes wti;- Of erol Dr in sni- -7’ra In Vir/j-nia. '* gtay’Tcic , a> t K box. F r n do*ra b> xe- will I b.' (5^3. ‘0 acy addre'8 A T.-ry )ib«?»l d'.Bo^oa^ to ! Ui^ie*' r.s I ad a :ut»=ry fticrchants Oaah (o*w ourren* I Gj) t' ‘fiy' t-vr>*hf '~d’’fp. For HaJe in North Carolina a« folloiri: AtbcTille. E J Aftton, Al.>«.aiar;r, J M SiTint, ('hupel Hill. K B Sanndera, V'hurlotie, J Sy^ ilnuhlntoa, F ^ «>.rr, i.'liiiKiB, nub(:iu(t St Miwelay, Cnncori,J He:it, K«fi«li, J iVndD. ilillsboru’. J Y Wbltted ^ C fayetiaville, V A Sto.lman aTSo I Shelby, R KI’lmtstermr. VV.ide.ii)(>ro , VV O ^anet^ •jreensboru , I’l.rU r Is, Gorrell, 11'^: ii'A^TKU, oa oii ,s Tcrxd. i Lealcar or iUs pq i.. >c '^3 caa t a .1 iQ a very .-aort t.,^;r. If jc-.^ .fd t>y Hiozie’a pt,taai. PStioas ^teUiug to*?: • .i- ! V lu i?.‘od taea to our addrobs to £c7wi D.oot wjjro .3oy WiU be ttXea iruux and Lea her aeuier.,d . our Our adlrbsa ia B^aumout, (Jaataaa, • -t.: y W. P. WAraON * JO^ Refi rt;.oa ...ts-p.ra G Wtliiama « 0j , F yatt.^irillo. A,.jj ^4 ttl*iBWiIJpd Tatf.1 \o%iii piid, 080. MoNfiftii., ProsIJoDt IJ. A. R.4.y, Vico President. C. A. McMitiLAK, Soo’y. DuaaoToxs: *’oaf« dji**f!y for iityl? >T»d 8 i" Ua' a rrra c^afjce. it ?oa -rf*”! lii;^ s oAk REUHE'i Jv)N*’8, Aa-ect. P. P. Ms'fli B at fr'>i« a will be-turccd 00 a *4.v » w Tpiii i«i I t.a-iu Jk. Mciuie, • iaiit'.ix, J t)’Hrit'n. , emty u reeurt to inf.nor mteriaU. Wa ap|>^%l t., the j , ^ ,, j firtoAd? ol tae ObSi»rTer at all aeaeraible points, to save ’ q , i« a{ *nc brmg to town all the ra^ca th«y can ppf>jur«. | - V7a h&re nc tine ouraelTes to attend to tkair pnrohase, 1 HendenHi, *V jrchc & Oa, i.uxin^tin. J P AAtreu, IrtH *Sh IHIM ! but M^frsra. W. WiUiaus A Co., the Ageat* in ^ 0 .\N4WAY t'li^ uipf't''f I' e loih last lay ^ i)>piiCAiioji will be made to of itHou Oaroaua i.iX. 00. Bl /.»>-. tU«> lli|4l frai Act »a'iorpjf‘woa f>r tj» B»i«rprtflo Ooti,«a W iu?ac;uting Companyi Bi«ctat#d ia 0-t, 8, Henry Lilly, fl. L. Myrcter, S. T. Harley, Natiiaa A. Stf>dm*n, C. 3. .ulailett, Syle, A. \. MoKethaa, J. L). IK illi*oj?, S. W. Tiilmgaaat. W. !7. Tilli9j'ha8t| 8. J. Gia-sdaie, Wr". MoLaim:i, T. 8. Lutterloh, A. W. Sto^!, j. 0. O‘»oit, Hon. J O. 8heph«rd, ti. P. Brown, > _ , , , A. fi. John C.>Iliaa aad C. G. 2doOramm«a, r;»,r '.liag Agaats f^Ik* tjoapwj laviM applia>i««ii;|. i£e«ra*a. R.\N4WAY t'li^ uipf't''f i! e lOih last my aerroes 1 PARKER aud EARUIEI Tb-,y took th’ir cai d I vytihata, »i)., ai 3 y^art* o'd, wstb thrai Pi-ikcr ia 23 . J HALK ft SONS. I jevfl ©'-i, dtri oaMp!8Xi''n, one of bi.i apprr fr^rit t.-'eth ; ^ j oat. Hi hua a el» dowu loo* waca spoico^ to; o !^ci j ao® llw. tiun Arabic tor nale l»y " ‘ J'*" ' J V»K> in HOW TO KBBP A MSN'OERIB W* haTe takeo p^lns to ncqaaiflt oaraclvss with flOOQie parts of the history aoti uiana.^'^mei't ct tho Van Astbuirgh oolleotiooy whiou is oldest aud we bdhdve the only ooaxpiet^ lucnagerie i’^ oaantry. Tie oapital iavestad la tna ascab.i?)!- laeat, whioh aaay'of our oitiacas bavo visiteJ, ii not leas than $150,000. Ii oontaiua two ha:>ured %t^ima^a- It eoipi^B, whoQ ou itfl Jrav«*ji thi’b.lgii the ooantry, noi less than niacty tour moa, auu (103 handred and thirty-four iioisss. Whea in trsTflUiog order the wiiolp ooJecciya can ntovs at an average rate of eighteen mi'e# a dty, aad on a summer tour makes a circuit ut uot IctiS £i:aii three thousand milos. The «l»ily WitSit travcllicg are nok lindor $600 Few people know the care iod energy t2|'a?rcd to keep saoh a coiluotioQ lu otder. Txie aaiiutl» ar« subject to ▼ariooa dibea^e^} they an 1 th.»t atauoh a rate that in the presant ouiia«3tt.n thsia are bat six auuoaii wluii^ wcraia tt mx |car> Witii aome few exobpdoce, iuo ta> tireiy renewed once in every liro year^ The pr;>- prietors are oonstaotly purcLiiaiug new uai th^ have agents in variou.i par id ol' tne v^ rid; and the expense oi stt-?h re.acit :ila maj oe guesad^, when we say that the bea^’ts aadcd co tiiu m«ua- gcrie now on Broadway, sinco Idst apriag, o.'ai ikirty thouraad doiiard. To 3^>an:i sacu buai* j i- dioiouuly, to buy only utiaUhy auiaiaU, likiiy u> ii»e, and to keep thom iu goad cdu ivtja, rtquiis.s exparicase only gaitied m many yeais The price ot a ;ion or any oia«r variei greatly. Sonjteticaes the hon market ii giuitvd. A fine Bengal tiger has baen s jld la L^:.ijdja i.,r $200, but the ooiumon price for a h-al^hj pair^ol y->>aug liOQS ii 83^500. Alost oi the CAU^bi lor meuageries arc first taKc-"! to iiingiii-ci xu London tnere arj two or thiuo auiiast biokciii, who make it thairiiuainesd tj rooeivc aii>l bcli '»u uoinaiiboion anytuiog liom an o*ep.-»ii6 k» i lisg* tailed utonkej. The fi&est girarfi over b.oa«t to this country wad caught by a ii.aa ni;yt.d Oi^y- ton, an American, who went to Airici »oi' purpose, aud wtkS guno eigfaicau ^liuulbi oq tbaC busiceds. fi«aniL»al, the targojt clu^iiaai r ei* iiibitud, hxs bi'CQ in tliis Owuntr^ tuir-y '-iirej years Whoa ne was firal bruugut uichcf itc was t/ougiitby an eaterprifliag buijtitr,»u the J who kept him in a horae scable * year o- i 'fo was exhibited. He was bou;^txt ua 8p;viU:i a, and we have heard that the bujoutsr ioat by lilm. H« waj atierwura i purca.yitu V aa AmdUigb, aad has been ta luid c iiieo:ua m^jy ydirs We liiay adJl hero t a; £**i paiii ot buff&lo and soiud eiis a:3u^>>v utiiO .*aji a- f- tue West, uud will be addoi .iJurUy lO hi- ii^oai- way ujiisotion. Liona at.3 all othor cf ihe cit k»ui oatfjr, when imporcija iut j uia ooa'itry, t.r.u j kiad ol c-Diiaumnuo^ Tney wii’ v*:, ia>e ti.eir iuugs betjjic diaoisod, aud ttwy UaAi»j d.o. VVhau one oi the=f.- great bc-i -ts dlt^, ue ‘i - mitiied to the iiicuity, aud it w a pioanaut d>.iS W M»a^a 8ee^»> the proprietors are not mv?eiy ‘'uisowoiu *;■' but have an iutsiiigeat intercat iu ftoaicia of na^ut'C, thut t'oey have tjr many ys»»i& aou-.i- butt'd iiiu r det'ati jt speoitajiii t®thc0i>l«echi0:> .,i th© I’ibiiladelphia Aoadooiy of N vtuii ijaiaaot, iu T5->' -'■ •\-sac 'h” ^ , ' • ' ^ tons ol lioaa, : aau otuer auiux. *«»aiJUd iU tiidii’ day la lit® 8a‘)divir-i»/-t ol L'oor ca^j maa take.' charge ot lour oage«, to cic.ia, leei aad- i:.- id apuu the Wiiits ot Uie occjp.»»itd. Vhe fl:sh ;ng aniuiitis wa tod but onoj i day, Uii ituz ui £».l ou SuQct:iy8 Tiie moukiijj aad Ov S^r &ui jials are led twi^JC a day. T.ia eldi liuis cm tj .*>rowse ail day *uag None bat g> d o-icx is . and it must out ixave the diigateal g*t4:« tl upuh it Water in given l»>ur or u - j u cCb a u.ij. A lull grown lion eats from iitcecu to Uja cwa poUDua ol meat per u>*y. au tiepjaot's s ufe three pjuudi> ui u^y two of oats per day when he is irav wi*. a b:;»'-c- log still be gets no oats, bat aa aa.iUiv>aui bujt- ared weight ot hay. Tho c!Jp-!a IB I’.o ^hen they go to otcep. Two uaitjb* ol taoist^n each eicphaut’s daily iiay. When aa aaiuiai lalls ill it dv>ctori.d. 'lUO jjdjiiterittB ot a liou’y physio ma=t be rtjiorci here. They belong to his fatihlai mas'er uui ai‘ei; If ho kaows, by the experience of mere tu.Aa 17 years, what %»ill best repfcoce hia roacajd Urin, txia glojsj cjat, and his easy breathiag Not uairequoatly animals bring fufth yo'^ng. Some dozja of lioQi iiava b*eu bttra la tiii^i coua- try, t>ut oaly a very tow livo to cut lueii* sccjud .Set ol't«etu. Ttie.e is no*i? ia a O'-'n i*a tno "igbt han*? 3ide a hon ot good SiZ i b...'‘d tLrtc 'vr fjur years a^o ia G-eorgia. He li & v^ry aavarro uad latra.tauic bcaot, who suoaiits .o bat uuo master, Mr. b'ro/t, who aureod Liai te_-crly wii..n 3 ouog, aiid whois vuic\? to ijid day ^*a | t>ii luiii, tvcn wlien ne is mMC lun tub. L.ojs gca- tra'iy pro'iucft tbrjc or fou* *. a liti.r. Two caisDiug litdt leopard.-i, oa the ifff, aro natives ot Wiscojisin. Tney ^ro coc tusn Cats, but already bovutch aad fi^*it ‘‘ai tia ihcir nature to.*’ Tuey ev^'n {juarioi wit' tUiir mjtii- or for her raw meat They reoi-ive oa*ji’ uojkeu meat, and ocoasioaal rations oi beoi Until they arc two months old laoy tinaot ba exhibvted on aoo3uat of the jealjiuly' I »uc moth er, who sometiaies kiiie her yju.ig ta tic* iiaalto efforts to {ret them out of tuo w :y who i atraagecj a/e aJarinjf at thjui. Sno wili i/iCi tut.m u^p la ccr mouxh aud thom a^a^n^t la.;; ^.ajk ol t^o •^age to get them o^t ot bight. Fur iias icasui:!, •rhen a lioness c-r iiger has a youug slie is siiut off Irom the oct:er wond a la kop: m whole* some qaidt till her nerves ati|aii'o bome toa?, and she ia able to receive visitors ax;d exhibit her oubfi without too great agitation. AVw Yi/rk P ( littking the Troyps —A saaorijr. article of clothing; acd sa.»ed is now beiag iaiu d tj the rroope oi tnn »rmy by the tJoworninoat, aud tUe I approaching coid w«ataor r.ul had thcai well I ciad ia evory respect, and pre^tarcd tj s^and iho vieisbitadcB of the winter.—l\ifirsbnnj Eypre:*. Pcace, any how.—A topoiai c'tr. i»po-ad'nt writes tb the Mobile Register l^oo. (Ja jtou, l>.>uu- iaoa: ‘‘As to tho rejolt ot the uozc ci^vtiuu lor a yai.kee Prcslieat, 1 believe it wili iaah.j bn. Uitio differthCti to tac South who suuceeds. Ii Liucoin is re-eieoted there will be a vV'esceru revolution LlDe4>lnti'B, 8 P Stierrill, I l^HiiiiDiiK, X riiftoa, I Marion, Wni Wnkefiald, I nttftboro', I Lobk, , Kaleigh, YVilliami li Haywoo)!, I " P F Pescud, I Rackiozbnm, J P .NortbKm, I SaHsbary, Hender^nn fe RnnkR, Hurtiank *t GHllaghat, VVniJev lt«. K Hayatrs, Wilmiuft m, W»llt»T Mesres, H Mcl. n. W H Llpyitt. UEOR6E W a»l.iab »5 (>at Ifi. B. i4S£. 6»if , ^ rat^or d«»k c:iap!exi^»r', a v^ry int^ilijeit r'oa'c- j aar.ce, Tfik oa;i-y'at«(T m de;.»ivo Tue 6»id rs 1 ;btog‘ ttf M v3'-r \I:N j:1i -t ;.b- R^-i S^rKfta Tao> j are h -liet-'d t-* be in suat nc^g ib-jrl^Ov d 1 will tb.; above r««:ard to aay persoa or o deliver tbeia I l.iOst or S^tolen, I i plain Blaok 8Uk ^\Ri90L, samawixat worn, iiav' i to lae cr ooafia* th«n in ja'Iso I oan g«t them. I ii lag a &|orad bofdtr aad ffiage The ftader wiUbe ! * JAMJ$3 A. GILCUS13T. Oe]^U. I it. C.} 0^ ISk T6hU.|^ lO 000 Pief^eB TVcw C3T reoo^Tad, wnicb wili be 6cat tj any addreie oo receipt ot our ‘ or ces. Wo hfcva new V.^ooiae th« 8DLC AGEHT8 in Norit fo' Qei Datia & Co. of Kiokmond Wi^o art l ift '*^11350 Pabliskers in *k«« Santb AU 0 lo thcin, from *hls 8t:ti, will be ftll.>i at j and Oonfoderacy before the 4ia ol i^iirch uixt. i s [f McOIelian is electcd liinoi;i. wi;l tuakt peacc rJT-' *f' f '-hf oeiore tae -1th of March. Kc p ihu- >a m.i.d.” J *0* OataLgiiv or 3.i kis v-jmo, fte _ . 1 * BRaN80^. a 0 ^ Womea arc said to have st a^* r bitajh^^^sts . than men. It is not bo. A m sn ii u.^a a.tach- I ed to an old hat; but did you e ^er ku;.# ci a \r)* F«pt ^ fitj'tf Wam»to| foe f«ki lititt |xnm aa attwhmynt to ai^ oU bw&eU