AfV. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 3, IS64. [NO 1381.) ’RlVrRl* MON'OAi'a and THCRHDAyS j. & soivs. .^Nl. i KUPKlLntRS. fr.'x-^ r tf.e Senii-VteeiLy v)bs»»vi» fl6 00, paivl ia fer tae wofltly Obsbrvkk !f’0 Ot> p«r a&itua, paid in 2e*- ADVEHYIBEMEKTG inwrted for fS per s iu»re sf Uajs cr lo9«> for lh« firsi, »nd for e*oii ; •nive>‘Aiucr mthlicaHnn. AdrerUsers are rcqueBted to lir.ieiiie nuiul)«r of in§ortion8 desired, or they w? 11 be tin fervid, and ohargf 1 tcoord'cjjiy. A 1' - r(i^.M;.rDiR ooutiuued iA«td'. oharfcd aa nrw ad- ter isviiifin ^ COTTOIV ITo. 10. rIE F^YKTTEVir^LE COTluN C'RDMANUFA^- TJRING COMl’A^v Y art* new iraiiijrooturiMt;* \ ;r»> •aperior to any roo throa.h the biockitie,-md it pr. pr-nt aiti soiling for a K'sw price t&emuj^te pair or by tn»* uuau- tity. Any persiva orderia)? six or more pairs, they will be sparely packed and delivered in w;ij;iai?toa freti of ox- Call upon or addre* A. A. McKCTHAN. J. A. vvdkTH. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Fayetteville, N. C., April 18 24tf BF'KOLAi. NOTICE. F'O’s ta ° ter tLu-late- no name of a new (inbsoriber riUboos«re1 »rilhoui payiEunt ia adrance, nor will li; r -i — t'e "eaJ t« such sabacribers for a longer tim« .r F^Hi for. i 6u'?a of our nd %a deeire to tike tke p%- j 9«r on tL'.e 8> stent will please »oiify as w’nem maUnf rfmii'anoes. Jan’y 1. 1W>8. FayettefilU Kosin Oil Wdrk«. OUR Oil Works are now in oompiet© opwntion, and as we use notkinff but trood rosin in p'roducing tlie I Oil we can recommend it to be tbe best of the kin i luaile • j ia^ this country. It is a fine Lubricating and Tanner's j Oil, and wa would be glaj to receive orders from tiio I Qo\?cmnient and tlia puolic ^nerally. We will sell on I reasonable terms. MOORE, CASH WELL A OJ. April 16. as-tf Tc tie Weaibars of the H3U3a of OdonaTdis. ^ /Afi2rfi»»ii,LK >1 Aa£;u.v. ’7, pt'2 3;) fu)!* pre»'nl n i-iuiMlf u> >Oni f■>*:}'• *« f- >'nr p» to tflc c-jni:o oi * riocipil i‘'!cri nf 'he .‘I -u nof C jiA'aa ot lae G^un'a. 01 ino 3'.»'e c.f Nofih t'*-o'i0a. ' j Rs^ nY E. OOLTOW iiill buro’ i\, r, jjHilary icadeaiiy* a cf !bi“ I i«iitu:ion will Mjcia ct> ^a*, ’f 1 t, iSi** Api>.i,:«trou- ad n 'psiori ira't bo m :c arior to I6ifa I8'54. a'ooui s*»ioU time »he ter-rs wut b» mai** irn wa^ Addre-'B M »j. WM. M GOP.OON, Sup:riot€ndeut. Oit 1 7i 4oi aaii\ULE W\NTED .-ippljr to UV.VUI/ iSlnC HOLLINaawORTH. W DilAVGlUm^ AOCTI0N2ER, S. £. CorDfr )l8rket flqnare* rAl'E rTEriLLC, n, c. mr Prox fi attftticc giveu lo ali busiccM in hu -i: r-> !.:f■' 10 l*Jin. Jute K. IHA 40tf JSaAI HOLLl^tiSvViKirH, flr«;rcr end .Herchantf FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. Jarc V 40 tf id\. * ;i 72if FATKlIEViLLK AK&KSAh ANJ) ARKOUf,) Ou 17, lbt>4 ] Foundry Man Waated. WANILD » gjt^' Mouiaer and Fuu:^Jer, one comp*- i«ni li tiui’ATiavnatl. a:> wall mn a Praotin&l Wurk- I ♦*»'■* A-fc,* ai»«M ^ fwi Ap[l/ 19 iiu Col F L tMluDS, (jom'dg >tboer. O ji 17 "7 6i at Lftw, Fatettsvill*, N. 0. J I L attend tne Coaiity and Superior Covirta-of Cas*’i-c:lM>na, Ii.wueu, Moure and Ikobesoa Coua- I'rotupt aueu:ion givea to tbe ooUeotioa of all i Mins cntru.-tad t> his baudit. t>c». i7, 166^. 65t-tf jo». Qv(tfiir and VotitriHHi*ion Jfttrchant^ FATRTTEVILLE, N. 0. J SS-tf iSD WM. H. CEftMJU). Sk^ CO., DEALERS AND \?iTSy ■ i>. I •>. t* 'y St/'ffl, ^ ' jTj 1 1 Cj > 1 I . C*. EAf^LC FOVNDBT, 1 Fayhtt«vh,i.i(. N C . Ju.j 4, !*fi4. f ABE NOW PRKPAilEP TO RECEIVE OR f f ders for RAIL ROAD WHEELS r.f tW f'l:or n? uijffl, ▼ i: 24, 2G ’28 * .i 30 ii oi. Ai( CniLLEl) TTRS'^ T'* T*-.ii »e s*>»li me for thcrr Willb-i' OLD SI>^Slr t:u\?.' OAL I'U)N. T? w»r runt car wbee-8 K‘>T TO “RAJSL, and to b*" f(jut«i It any made ia the Gonf*ifir*'ey, or tj tHr.ft* of ^ hiin^y &. 8^ii»cf PhiUitlph: ., v\ o»* rcputSiioB is e-» well kuoui by til R%i! Ro'd Coicp».t,ies. W* bkve ti»e b*»t faoilitifa for traEspDftation Steamers to from ihauoe Co any paiTi of the Cocfe^oraoy * OH^ri respeot'ully sclioit.-'d 46ifl D A*TD''R80N & CQ WE^TERrV EA!|7 ROA£>. ~ The FREIGilT AND PA3SENQ*:a TBAIN»> of thi- Rdal iMkve I'ayoilefilic daily, (Suaiays oxocptci) at 8 o'clock. A. M., aui rotaiuiu; leave Esypt ai t o’olooS, P M. Citiit oftd Uoru Tram MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and rHiDAY. liy ordor JNO. M. RoPP, • Treaa’r and Gea'i Trans. Afr’t. Jan. 22, 1863. 97;.' Oil ai:«l alter ll»t* d ol Ocn- b.*r. t aO'ii P.MiiiT ri l Le 340, D.-ck P-..-. ^ t-j. i^ t- orT'-'ion JO^ A. C. - 3 J n %r. Co T t? LUFrSH.'u l t ir; in*. R. M 0*'.RivL*L K*ia McL u.-ui Pfcjeitevills. S«'pt i7 71-ln*l3 Headqgart'rs CUngman’s Brigade, i OU'it&u d i>.uU, O.l. 19, iool. J 1%'oiice id Abiseutees. All ofBoers aui mfn of this Brigade whose leaves and fi'riviijc-'S kairc expired or wh? aro otuermse uu I ncut witaoul prorer au^uorxiy, ar« ■ odi car4iea«.iy esile'* up3 to return friiak.U'. »«■»« i.> tMeir rirr'pejii/c Kegi j uira a. tiaauti lois cul i>e ptim^tiy cou^pt ed wi>u, iijiin-*iiiaii 8iepi «Ui do laLea to jL«*e >U who eo'fie ua J«r ii-i t:.rinj *rre.idi »--ti l>raj.tkt >ao£. Tee btigade, depleted ty m^uy oaUien, is fast filling I ap, b&u il oati ro pruui^‘i.iy cos^Ued wiiii wiil,iouu j ajfU ii9 I'S for^ner-pr.p^fiTiiojLj. , By cjai—"J i f Col 11. Mc’TSra k’-J, C^ind’e Brigads. 7^4; i-D.VA..i> A A G;d. ■E Cartl x\otice. £ IS aow tHkij 1.0 ^ iijioa rrom t^i« Depart. X u.iu io tiie afFjr.ui fio iotitdiu tj)4 t»i« a lot uf v^oi.uN AND V-o ‘uo^llDS Tii»8 loiofO*tdii w.l. ue etni ;o iu3.'gaii, Wii-u U 4c:aa reaJy for lAokii.^ i.:e t'airos rn, A&a t>a sold %i $^z.bO »> r I'air lo the ei>ji Z:~a ^•uers.i;; iv ao i-s n >uora uae pair oo awiJ iv> » I..1C ly .^a.Sd o^tdi are nut iiite&Ucvl foi ,jic X«iiuiii:« Vi BJ dietd. laj Djp.iriaicnl ia h**cg a iji baoatd to«d/ i.>r uss. wiikoa Ul t>e aeui cut •L-a d.>i4 ko lae o^ljiord as fadi. aj (he^ 04Q o: a. r..uoa i«;s y .cv Ajaau tkic icq.cai«^ ■.j Ciiikf arrs.L^ oitUia c -L fu^ tacs>. U. A. 1/0 .t n, *. Q M. Oot 20 7b t>- ! MStilS fit o'ttSa ^£LL, Fayeitei^Ue, W. C. I Oii^: UliLl! ’ E are n ii, I incr» *a1 No *'5 f I Oil th- i’'f>ria'ti^>o oT 0. ; feru'! un i iu-.o d iliai ti:e O^iup of Tc Biiiujtio.i. kn.,.'-n >.a V’oo*, h‘i*rIrC'toJ •4r erf'sii'f-5 h*9 V.ri;u f)'oa«ia up. r»3d i nrw ’•p 0‘ta'‘l-eir.l at Orrnaer'-iru’ u,:-dpr ike n’-tn!' of ‘Caia'> d k“s’ for l^5 ri'?i' «zvouH and fc9s’gii«tiCut 6t ’oa scrijj's, Jssfncra and aS«»*cl«eji. il T e o'j;.ct ■of lia rew ;*mp ^etn» to avsid d*Uy and ani:Cf8^£ry WA4te of irao9» ■rta>.lan in forw^r.iaf r-oruira in t'»e ar/nieH in the d'lJ. it is l‘-*i tn d e cetion af Farolliii;^ Offiica ta sead Oo^s .ripts »~d dc s rlera »i*her to Car^o itolt-nes or Hamp 8lck^», wUtob- e»er roay b» n>'>*t rsaily rt^o'eJ. T.'is d ecretivn wi 1 bo car^faMy rzifreieed witn a tiew to the grand ohjict o- a^Tl* g than 111 I oroinag Offioore are oaa>i>Ded against ob«y. inr aoT ord »i froM ta» Bon'*oi «h*t«ver whioli »on ft 0(3 vitfi the CTdprB nf the L!«?al. Gen CoTDinsndsng iasard tbion^a this Offios, and tha loapestori of tu« sc«r:! D'stricta. B / order it H»j. J. R McLkah, AotiRfc Goo»««%nd*tnt 79 8t E J H'*BDIN, Adj t FAYF.TTF¥XLLF. TIOR'^H C’HHLI^A 3* r. I F;r3- M. g o* ( -liB Li?uiuii.0a wili C0:aiii':2C0 OfTi'5?rg rn ’ >U r of Fe»!ruai-». 1^66 Apt*i.^tijL3 f,.r ^t •?’ 9ion ba nsa-Je pr?or the let Jftuiiar , 18o5 r.!oat wtiah U» o *hc f»m’» wiil He n tJ** hnawn. A1.S3 ws-nf?d Tft^c' ari Military Kdaaatioa and ft S^iiwafd ia t .i« I-stuutioa. Addresfl M»j. WM A. BANKS SupariiUwdcst. Oct. ?4 80 »f i*OU HAJjE. 4 GOOD comfjr^ftHo DWELL.r^G HOUS«, oa HiHn- T boro’street, ooctai'sioK 8 r coisandFitobiin 818*^Ire, Ao. with a good w«ll m tiie jar-l, aad * la^ga vin« arbor Taer: are also d acres o' L>ad attached to vke premises Far farther inf«rni»tim ►ri>!y to S. BR-ANDT, Favei^evi’la. Olt’r 81 ' 80 8t 00Sie«:rtx»* 04*oe, - I BALEiQU, it. o , Ou.. lS°A J niicuL^K, No 56. IT UK arieni’-o" of laspectora of 'cnpcripti^n and , Ea'oilifi* OflS^ers ia btreby oall«*d to Qoucral Order N>. 82 A & 1. O., outr>ut svri'8. All man tuia*d over ander this erdar wttl be forwarded to camps cf loitruolion wi'iicm deUy. II Any ddSty ia fa't ishing tij« rpqalred lisia will bo i r»n> tlr reported III Special atceniios is dirsote.1 to Par IV , General Orur. No 82, A. a I O 0., oorrcnl eerie.®. By Order J R. McLb^m, Acting Cuiud’i C'Dacrirtp N. O. E J Uabdin, AJji^nt. ADJUTANT ASD 1 xSi' R GKNL’S 01='FI "E, }! Boxes For ISolaliers. All boxes for gOuDiEis ob f^ isoners of War from North Carolina, dpliverad to tto follow inf; named perausd will be ptompily forwarded free of okarg«: Dr D F SaaiBiey, A be»H>e; Dr ^ A Mornn»«t ^ Lr J W AUiSon, b^atcsville; * I-r J L Neagla, Orcensboro; Mr A Hkgan, Charlotte; Mr Elward Hege. Salem; Capt J N McDairell, Kaleigb; .Joseph A Worth. Fayetievillc; E M'lrra’' & Co, Wi^Eiiajctor; Mr F L B.'pd, Twborc; Mr J A J Askew, O'^leraln; Mr F L Roberia, Marfrteibaro Tb» B>xcs 8b«uid be wed hooped, properly marked and de'ivered in time for my Special Mrsaenger who leavbs Ra3f''bi nn t^e firat d%r of every month. fcUiV *RD WASftEN. Surgeon Ga:.’’ N G. Rtleigb, 03i 29. - 80 Im 1. w 1 H O pr xess J i. -’-V • i.s I ia pfice Wa»te«l to leasr, "r m *•* ycir*. th.' '■lONT\u-(IE PI ai-^ ,»> to scl. ^«.Llrcwkv* j “ *" yc*r'. ih.' '■lONT\u-(IE PI ‘OP oy caitia^ oa V:.’. M j Jt 2 to 14 milea 'r. «> Fay**tt?T-lle on H Riv- r «/ on feuOstfri- i R^oad to RiJfijii Ti» Ir^-Ji e»ot»in^ 741 1 1.JL-C. , d ,-i*-c4 tc 02: wi US S'f9 .'-C O. fcra» to 0 k'. i'? r_: r ^ jOHtiisOff, Jr- i wiii Mil ia iai«r^t .U:0 Neiii iUuDa-'alJ, K I"}*!? Aj* S 'fi' 76(i ! L.,nli'j« P O . wiii saow tUo pi^is to %.:» -xi; 'io> rin? ; to see it C. C BA^BVfi & O. AKHY fclAKAKS!^. . ' liarola.r»i'ie, Onab-rUnd Co , 8eo‘ I'*. 6^if * AM prei'ircl to manaiact.ire all Kin u! of Tfafon | i^alt lor I Hir? ;tfs Arojy aee. ^ ^ “f! I O AAA BUSs’i^uS SOU:^D d ui' m\ie ia the Sprini iin gooa curgaxas. Age-.t» wm io we^ to ES^a i^eir . ) ifyeS—will exihanreit for 3ao->a l,%rd O^rn, or Ooafe*era--e Tre»»ury ?1 '*«*« Alao, HO boxe* fine Jt iors uj ujc as th y scali have prooip? i.- iL.ioa, and •?at ott lu .j'.ii iWwtsteh. JuuN vAilI3R. OaiOfitcD P. t.'.. Ooatham Co., N. U., ) Jane ii, ib-iJ. / 84tl xttui;.'.!/ fe e,iii J in t' e man.'f^ctor. * J • u^. .-ior r..;i uti UJKI A 1nOOU> . ifo u U d;a, ' u. 6/ tn mtire y ntic HO f*r aai , a6jc4 i.*io Te ;c.-»*:ie iilj a rc-> : > lo tu i..ia 0,/uairy. jaa^v» p-^ j .i.uit.£i :> •liii >ct, ■( iiCi, 2ui' iu.riCjkiu:^: j pa'ui a s. ij . -.c L-esi ifiia Ul- ! il -a t>.'3 • i»:gt.y uaoa l> taa li%ilrr*us in Virginia ! .r.a cnJ fu:iy kn#^i.r« ai> tne purtuteL j . til uii»!st « i!- CTtig:jte uj-d. Wkire- e- It ful btt’i tr:eu it- ni givi compl'te *att*f tction, ..uj a»o, 1 i.e laXu u 1, , a -• lu p... - .>t » i »>. ct uuma'urj I It la Tua VXI.Y Bisf »iiat^B..a OIL »Aua ik Tua j >.o«7«.uaaA\a j • 9 o».'« uow u uand, waioa we cffjr at a very Icxc 1 price, ) 3.IU y. .1^ l.u:>rinmi.ik g it.i I ! ^ ^*0 ^ &A*ncra j bO ad i'^iciucg Ou I Vfo aio a’.i. J barrels w week, and aoii i s.t v.r.ieia liai^bAdci, Fjs&arirtf, F.cioties aad u> ] .Ilf Cu'.J. & O&dHtlEuu, Fa^xiot-lit, N. U. ! Ovf» 20. 78 iiiu Uicuu^ao, Oj> 20, l&tii GaitEmAL OaPBSs, No 1 KK Ojil «.f tic Ssrs^u ofOidnaroe will w’tsoc* take K.raFurra to ;lve in t> e fie*d one-fif>^ vf ail (u*; iQcn f-mployed io hit d-paitjiet>(, (iaclaninti’ aoDtrao'f*re aud l^^ir unoloTpfgJ of i-e elansi's sp«ci fted la Gen^riii Ordits No. 77, A. tni I Q 0!Boe, (cur r-at series) To tl.ia end he wilt direct the sever*! ffio'-rs i'.i cbargr of arioas's. wtKsiops dfpots, Ac 10 tun over to the nearesi tnroiiine rffioar. by li t ^hoirirg taoir •g;s. cocu.aiion a?d residence, s cb propuriiou of ifaeir employee)* (iaoladicK oontr«ct^ra mpkytjea under thMu.; of oU»3 a^o»c re/erred to aa will ooasiitu’e in the agre;a>e ooc-iir* of the wnole /umber in tbe s*id o’.assoa too.riiop lo returns i ' hia ffi^e Sept. 30, 18t>} Dii^; iaat«a of soiiis^ will be 3 at t > the Oenerat of R 3oi »es of the Si*tcs. ari tri^j- iioates to ^o chief of orunaac3 Titrce days are allow* 'J 'or ths ex cutijn of thH ot ier af or its r.,oepUon at •ny pont or f^tauan of itv or m>n.)e dotartCiCiiC. II The obiuf of Nit»e and Mima? ii ir..anx wil* turn "»rr ill like manner, on s’milHr li« p. ot'i* 5 ifi of all nca cf tha njaspcfi f'P'cified in Q nc. sl Or iera Nj '7, ■srplo'el 'u, l.«J, copper a!a cot»l m’nu'g and i»j >.!l te »ic* app»‘>'lA‘i in« iae*‘eto v '’'.-‘tUfr U‘; * r . lEo^Tii f h.d ixireau or hy c .utr*o’j'p Djt'fct? • * nl t:‘p.’ f.-s'C '9 5 l'i ba ftirnj-nf.i •b, d r.-.Cv'J ia >ii«' o:d r uoo * ”r?ta An l wiii la };k- T.a::n.?r lurn j^er ijji' n:ti cf a.-l rcch m-u as »rr ’Eplf-y i n >iif a« r; e?r y c?. r-.o le ioa of lario ai,i r .rp a o i.-u: I oi>H «e »h370 mca^ioi'^d, »re allowed fur liie «.X6Cut:ou • f tl-ia o.'dir. HI. Tot' list of -crait a -iir. civd in t>.e for^g .ira seo- *tou3 to turaeJ over ta taw erjral'i-cj? oui-'ht. will '•c pr^pa^d at ouoe, on tbe r.o'f ioa of t*!is order. t» i irill ba 'urQiKSpl to too ea>d tfli.ii're •witaij three •a abo»c ;.-a,Qribed. by the Ta.:nii-> cffi’trs o' caca * ihe above ba*eanx hdv'ng m-n uaii- fa-i.- on^rjjo, a;.j j J**!* a‘-«---“*'.re *ril! be • re>>'• Tv' iv th>- !'i>pr t-T obroUtAc ci&.'cra, to carry out the i icni.oa of t:.8 order IV So rouoti af General Ordtra No 7’’. M re!;t»s 'QbO«uployvd in me two Dur.'aux nam.d ab'>vc>, - aereby S'J'pended. ani the fcrgoing orJer wni btwua 'n hen of ai! rrqa.reincma c der the forrs- r Bycr?er. 8 COO^^E?., 79 3 ] A. il u 1 Gtn. T‘ CilE^’ilNG fOBAOOO; for sale at my o.-'ra oppoeite i Cape ?«ar Bank A. G TUOa*^rO.-. i S*pi 2. 64-if I Sdrg«Oii CeysrHl*# Offlce, \ ■ ~ RAI-SiC.. ft, JCj.1 iJtU, 1» )4. / i VICK K.:1AI\U«L.. rills oelabintea uosj kiU at ni taia, iha F*I1 Sea* A MES^ENOEH «»iu » iYv tnis f»n me iir'»v i*jr> l_X^ au. UJ-.7, ut cTCcy iiwstu, lor Ueu Lee’s aia>y. 4.1: uoXtS if;fi Si-rn iur tiiV mtfaiji.r o/ taat arny ^ i. - pio>nps.iy by aim aud (ieatv-rtu to luc owaor. fuwab-d wAaHi;‘^ 41-i! tfargo ,.ivi u-rwt iS-jU- Fi*oiui and after dite liie dt'atner A. P- HGRT t^il' leave at 8 o’oi&o i, A. .M., aca Tnu!2dj.y. JtJ-3. -A. WOtlTtI, April 6—i7tf ] Ag’* C F Bo- Oo Tu the jlvJabors of ih Tbt, U -S I . . C I » UJi ifcO.. c c- -1^- f : pcu'i'iy »uu,L".,c- gr-s-.L^' -.fW . ttau«c of tonnnoni. I N •-* »ia p.etC: -Uvi • u.r: rijj. lU. . ■ f.e M Use ci 1 iiw I. ir. .ic*. U. B* : 1 r c* '«te 1 r ::!lj a i E.i of ue tieuer- -1>- ; at# OA'J’S. f-ud v>AT K !• uc ic-ia^ .'d for Ocrn at the i." >.1 D ny trivu-g ai.a a f»j*f days Dcuic. V .- Ul Oils Nu I. t‘la«5K or whiie. »%t’y .a. CONFUPfSBATS 8TATRH Alt^EiCA, ) | LSaL?»RS DirAETKlST, rtA5. i Wilminfftrn, N 0., .Vjircb It-ih. } j ■^OTICE ti ner -hf niven !•> al’ pi-r rna Ur-r ; clain » j ar^^i'j'^i »h(« Kr>rirt*er 't, -tir ‘Eorc. ■ 1 HST05 -■ap'oT'd as lai'or**''^ on tac f u-.t' iWjiuinytort.. S (J , fijat. tJc .;nitnsIi(utH ia autbur's.-' ^sd r fe ssrse at tw cn .he i „ ’ aond fl.53r*of fi® buildiojt n.?xt aoo^e >!«-«.«’ Dru,: : \ ->-«■ -u. ,. ft iutjr -lor i i Pcraopr fx : .mmg Pow^r* of Auoraay *»iil oh I ■s^rve 'b-i follow me ?crm—tleir siga itiires, in all ca m. I '9 be by two wi»a*VHaoB and igccd ;a >iar i. I >ate, cr .hey u »y be wtin-Skad before a Justioe of iic t "^scc or Clerk of anv Cojri j form uf 1**' -V£H o? \Tr0RNEY. 1 L of , dv r,*-r.-by M’lKiiuk , tf v:if I ?rac «ad I’l'rr'tl .^/er.t u, pi?n r**oeip»« ?_r, i-ml pr.Jti, AeiiffctAvi li _'-««itteai of money* *ue to ae by 'he £r;«T>te-/ D.- i*ri.ii:-*at of ihc ai»tr:.T of Aia^r^ei, f.or id. U. klDBPKY- »* jy .■'.li'»es .•’rpl-.'/«'1 as l:.r'rer^ c- toe ian-i J-tf iKA;ne»M a» , of , 1H*> Wii.jc-?'? »uy o»u l auJ *t . tt» Jay o' , 1R‘^ (Hixaed ia dupuoftte.) [Soal ] lfitiOR»a •«e. «.s tl2*’.'rf, J .1' ^r .aic VJ uII'.:aciI-5 i Q .• • J >r t ^'A4>CiS« ( Out: MEHON. 3. 7*' *>ipa !cr t!ii* ifu&e fvr 1 -s.i f I wifil •J.- niJ5«, or f LSa & DtPAaTXSST, \ lid^jtiGa, ii. a, 18W. j f EAI> >9aNTI-1>.—1 Wifea tc puiviSjaae Lf'ad for thu Li i'vpariiu^ai i'erf.QO; h»?iDf, iirjie or lemall quasi i'.ie- » c aj'j- J *■'. oaCK. WiU jjive 1 pound ot I j. ««/ Ku.Uij is 01 iiX; \D. Thoii D HOUG, c>pt C S. Oy-tf In cuETge of Ordnanoe. The sigaatoies of ooiored peraons shonid be witnee&‘?i by three witttrsBcs Tuere must be Hcparat* dnplioate Powoi a of A»torucj 'or e»ah month. BlanZ fornas can be a* l npoo appli- >atton at this oSvte. W H JAMB.^t. 4 Ofelef Eiif. I«r-T W JL »*ia, at N O , C) :^ei.o>ng ine lOii o, i , OjtO.ui a,ja u-•. *'>e iU.a L*.\;...ut‘);:r, a..U wlI b«i ct j ; .0 uiatca at th^ o’ il5 ui ap«^«:ia vr tufee | j ‘j’r-r!!* •■•.'fu, r ■:,« n>*riel price >il luv co»a cr op.- j i Cl* lu vo. i- 'itffcto I’ij.iC/, d'JUy Oj V C | j t’aoae ttn-3 mij:. iuvh t>/ twe bti-p u> wui i»« > j I vwo Ljird-' 01 tuj iu3ar*iioi:, witn to lo ibe OcjtitU lu | C’-i\fs ius.>us>!, w o ia a g groc-* *nd will n»»;e a;; i .v-.j i! . I • p'ef -O ---u;!) 1 ■■ lit) i'>r no;, til'*y laa v. C r. Xu j is*»u a^oo .u. a / lo bi> f 1 . . •* 1 ), J jid ’ It'S ;i C. »a 6S I1. luj.^ U'o .J» i» ij Jl !.* ) ’U'« I '• iiiC t V 1. wi )9>J •«c>a V iwi ci-.i aii i .uat^a.c ruOiri ^u* li^'aer: £•'c SbUd Ulc*^ .% u ■«. k t -..■-ii vi>y iio a.ii ..a lu a rib Sijbi*)cs of u«j wrxcL, *.r;4 i.r fu^a-arr Oi piroa», uvTi: C«li o vl Ji liA%reh iiy^ ^lU > XUta U* k aX k|9^.T0 liiliWO 1* .'Am o«ra P£DiaH.£S V' CK E a-iaeli • i.ij a/- urei 8t L wrracs; «*at U. U il.'.. »' •'■♦•-ij* * j’p!. lj.»i 4 - »•, ■> .e Ji .ut t>:.- ji'-'.O- rf* -t- Ci* ' IC ^ U d- ol J. ji Ji'l ■ ' T,:.ip-i' .0 I fi. •' ■■■•■ a v.«r.l«n, i_ i.,e g ^f.yO *. 1 ’>■'* o.J T H bucu ^-i- 1»J 1 * y lU'; (>'•0 OW r I . a Jl», o *fLJ, Lim .1, ’-eJ j;*'-*- i.i •« I ut », v.a. «i.i o. jtn .a >u luii ~.b ' k, It li ;d^u vl] .» > c.cOia wd luf ucicg tne fi I-^t ii'jo jcU Ow;a.- lu tie .'* •. u Dii.S Kl» fiON. Vick Fm nu lw.a e gm old UsiSprirg, mo •UU_J »j*>, OJ f ia. KjU Dr .. .• i. , M 'o !*iy«e, R9«*nw3 •cd -laraoiin,/ in cameaR, »ie a*o I I »i:> eqa* , uav;c^ t>a^ ii matsacd iao fa3trj' horsas is ‘ ta» Sia'e't...! a«7ji b:?M.a. H) »a# ouallo&g ia t.>e I -’U 'i/d i*cy 'or e-jid a.^d nt)u,ui,.^ in uataatid I'aia lu i a rsia ouaiica. if you ir.i#«..i 1,5 a •ox ' itEJcE’* J 'd. Agsn*. ‘ P. H. M.^red 9 at from a iiiat-saco v.ii bo tutuoa oa I £rz U4' lots, »ad pa.siu*age ffvO of v>ia*g3 ' t/c*- 'U- 76 tf Oillce Insp-r 3tl & 4tli I'oit. Ui^., C'. t Go!..' 'ttj^o , KJ y.. ioo4. J '"It Uu\R. To County EnrolUnc OJiC'rs 'd ,)■ -ilh CoTigrettional Dut. icts, y c. By AUTrOHITY a di>:c:*l 0.-.?«*r No 65. He*d q N >'J , «ue Ot dl»raiSC*1-J a^iru 1“'“? >n.fci 0? t.'> 0 'H.'crjp 'o-j Sertioe of t.a 3 • a- d 4 h C niti i)ufritVB L C’l Eiirul i' j, O.Sj’.ra wtU, a" r'qu rpd b f^ra iUr THE PURI AL OF M08F8. Aad he bjricd him in a valley in tha land cS 'Ii'.sh, over a;;aiost Uath peor; but no man know- ciii of i'.is sepulchre unto this day.—DeuVM:®. Bf N'bo’a Ionity m'>nntain, Oa this si-is Jor Jan’s wavo, Id vfiile is tbu land of Moab Toere lies a ’oaely grave And no nan dug that eepololire. And no man e&w it e’er; For tbe angeb o' God aptamed the sod. And Uid the ;?e»d man there. ■ That tra.' the grariieist funeral That ever passed on eartl!; Bat DO luaa heard the trampling, O? saw the train go forth- Noiaeisesly aa tae daylight Comes whea the n'ght is done, And the orimsoa streak cn oeeM'f cheek Orows into the gfe&t tun; Hoiaolei’slj as the spring time Her ttuTU of vorduro weaves, Aad ril the trees oa all the hills Oota tt-eir thousand leaves: 80. without aoRnl of i&asio. Or v«io« of taeaa that wept, Eil atly down froci the mouatain's erovm T4« graat prceaesion sir»pt Perohioioe the ba!d old eagle, On gray Beth-peer’s height. Out of bis rojky eyrie Looked cn the wondrous sight. PeroHanca the lion, stalking, 8 ill £iiuns that ha'Iowed spot: For beast anl bird have eeen aad hsard That which man kaoweth Pot. Bat when the warrior dieth, ms ooairadee in the war, Wi'h arms reversed and miifflsd dra■^ Follow the fu.neral oar. They ah”W tbe 0 inner3 taken. They toil h*a b^tiles won. And after him lead his maeterlesi stsed, Wi.j.'e pes'a the miuur«-gan. Am'd tie aoL’e^t ({ the land Men »j tae eage to rest, And site ihe .r.Td en honoarsdplace Wiih c^’Siljr loarble drefft, la the n>ii.3'er transept, Vi’u%:r£: 1 ghts likagloiias lall. And thd i^w ei. oaoir t,iag3, aad the organrlags^ Alorg the e’ubLsoatid wall Tt^s was 'fce br»Vi;flt warr>or Tja*. c’Tcr bao»Ied sword; Tbi-i the mi'st gu'ted poet Ta«t ever breUh’d a word; Anu iiev«.r cari.b s phi^oaopaer Trac:J viia'iiia golden pen. On !h» pa£o, tret a half so sags Aa he Wi.ote down for meu. And Ha l be uoc high honotuT Ti30 i»iii aii^ f ir bia pall. To i.Q ia B.ata while aagela wait, Tilth etsrs for .ap'TS tall, Ac-1 tee d.:,r» rovk pi;.';c3, like tossing plnsasa 0»*P a?-* L'ivr to Trare, An>’ O.'u’s wa b^ai, ia that loaely !aad, X *ay .iua in la . grifc; lo I At Ubdp gr:^ve widout a name, leaoe ii uuCoHi-ei ol»/ ha^.i Offi k xa at noadroas thoaghti' Before tiio J iOicmea' D-.y: Aad &und V to ^lot-y wrapped araond t>u tan fiiiU he nover trul, 11! ■ •'b is. oi iiz sirifo that won ocr lift I Vi'iA I •caraaie 3oa of Gad. I O lone'y to'rjb in S'oab’a land, ! 0 d Ik b ta peer’s U>11, I Btii&kt. lut ce ouiicus nearts of ears, ....i liiaa 10 bS'SiiU. • hvA h a m>Bi«riea graoe,^ I W*>a tas : wa cannot tell; ' Ea hid .a t=>;*ia d ep, li^e the s^O'et &le»^ I O. ttii= - J -ovcd eo W'-l*. I Dublin Uaivtriisy Msgaamn. The Year’s- W^^k,—Tne Augasta Chronvel* I and Sentinel, riferriug to the near approach ni ■ fcutr iiiue waen ‘Wijter will l»y his beoaoibing I Imnd npcQ (ho armioa of both bclU^ereots/ says: "* i ‘Tee olo'e ol ttie campaign witnesses the donth- - , . 1 #7^ ern armies move r.jwe;tiU and deiiint than at iti 1% SrpziCallOil Wifi IUdd«.- to j J^j,d the Souihern people more jyOTiCE, El’! subsortber wtti itf^r i,r sale at his resi4en''e, KiohmC'U j count IT. N i.^, on the 16'>h day of Novem Cc. ncXt. tae STOi K aad BO? of his plantation, con sia itg of Hor.>eM, >]»]e3. Cat’iD, Hogs, Ac. Aitheaam i.-d pl'ca be wih rent f>r oaa or more year^, the PLi *T.iTION oonsis iag of aboct 200 acres 0# ope» Laad. tiaaei feacn. wuh tae privilece of wood and riii timber, of afcous. 700 "ores wood land—all Ijing o" tUr W. C. A R. Ro«d. The imprcvemen s &ro ir- tolerable g)od order. Aay peraon wisbiog to rer-1 or lease cat VI- w tnd prcmweg. A t the a^me time &£d pla^e, be wiL aire lor ttie baltnee cf laid year a«d ihe waole cf ccx y^a:, • i.aia^er cf ycairg, ncdthy men, w^ tacn, bcya and rirl*. i' made Iraoiin on cay »»-l . DOvcaN .MfL.lU«lN. B«llachoiiah, near SpriaffiatJ P. 0., Oot ‘^2. 80 2 f d STR4VEI?, From the subscr bar ia Augut.i l*si, a BED COW with an undnr square in *b* ligatear, and ovfr fq^are i^*- ia» ia.'t I »iU pa.- k liSa-^ai rewar 1 for said Uor d^• iiv^rcd to iae id F*^-oad?i le, or aay ^af-ravmn tfai»at filil" TiB MVtd. W. H. WlwvOi'f Ool *7. 79 IVOTICE. * rrLirJATION OJ u>.d u tb» Oi-uind L;gi*.l»* t-urc f r in'! luourucia ioa.c'f tie Goai;d^r»i! i ottot >>ai V^ooLsa MtUa, ni'a%ta ^t Rjokin;;aam, Richcaoad O' u 17 Ou'f 24, 79 4t Tfie subscriber wishes to h^re two cr I. ire !'• Sf - i » cj .igot wo;k 00 ae f^vrn A lihtzA fftii fciid".; u:i ::J rc 1 1 • H'»i 1/ gwaa i.iU. P« having such O t’r 24 18 4. Tn^O EVA’S 79 f i xoopki'cij’to the ’^'•1 f.\u J3C! tiiir .t f-.oi tiii ;t..u.iui« >«i jL I'lU'.XE for tUtf fiij-* "f P?ilJ' IPAIi COJB- i.i E,. Eel to '."ie '1- X. •li t cf N >»th (j-uro:iu:^ Ht u in luo^ar t>e ii.‘.Ci .^rril 18til, and is no'*' auU o.. -itc-t I.' :eoi.d Lfs pioiX3 hita 11 lu it iui,.aiuL uuah».i(0 at uiit>. W J. SAUND^BS. Ooi’r 25. 79-' ats u 1 1 . iM.ri.i ,1». J* for iu ^ ^ | c>»maieaceir.rat, . . , - . !n^f;?-.ra.ij :aa 1'ra3;sta jf »J-a;cj»'a0 t'. ^ia e Iu» itut^;, j a'llted Atd da-iraiinod, it possib^P) than at •DJ !u L:^..uOer.ja, ■.■jbi.;ou Oj i*. O. ii. A McL I #^1 Oc- ' :>e r or* >'l t' rrf d' ,s ^•j?c :ii- 1 to : :pt '-.itii 1 ■ -a ot Ai*- m.:- j « «C!.r w '1 ra-fcjs i.Tj's Mh tun -f R'l iT* » tpu'T''*;^ tv*: ■ ••O, viat 'O pir! Li • •i‘ ‘fii: w,'-*r‘i!r :‘5J^ -rt f^ih.'ul aai ;i Ti i'tu'^d.j 0 f :*'■ J :- 't^ A i J7f ’U‘^i fXi*c it'Oa 0' t !r »t-» orl^rs tf Jo^"i ltd *nl c ricr:z-i rr:‘i h; r -^r.'r^.t, t c u royti *u i:i. tJ ■-•a «*r^-fi.;/iii-,-a; >{ .oj eJ ''0 f i *i' 1 ; p-.-i :!oa.3 uf f ■■ Q'V-r- a .it Aov • • % i'i>*; ir . a i-b? (n.t 0.' L'»*s' Eji •it-iu^ Oa ' * «i I ^r.jis;! V r^p-n^i u txo ■ tft;: ii«,l at li-lcigi J A TVRTsrr Iv .. .3 * 1 h D VC Ov ■ »> I ■» -I J '9 - Osi 24. iAN, '»«ra rroji«i"'i no £>t)amj^at5 .^ud iiallr.''ids tiikd N^lice, t^ot f i ( .. •• i.- I'-jj-'.! '01->iS, d.' ai .! *i;pp=r -r O^s ■. 4 i»ta- n.i .i-iK ic c'oaaa.^-, t)/ M. A KA.K'.'tl 7tilui B’',: iraii ■,»» a u a’ O-.u'-t -f js^ ; t- ;'.j the -•• V.vj of D .giil fi’iii* . --ad Ofjfjrj |»« iU^t XJO.' .i J, *-:i V. e d—P-; U-. 1 : , 0 L-.f r P . 0*. -i w.i x^ -Vi 1 »!• 3 -e o T 6j»a» t >e 16 a i}) i>» >: ii r.'!tQ J 0(' ^hSO r-U :ue E Si . > «* r'.'."' ov».v-':u g 1.0 ■V*’..*!', ’J *ori 3, .•»>* J vcfti. ' .uoUv ft»t> r ilv>i^' ■ '•■ a- i-I i-.(.o rCAlJ Oj la Oar Oa\ 2 >VVi ;y Tor j-» »t 8 ’ IPI. %V th '«C i, W ri**!' '^-'3 >J* J :»li « i'. bs »oi;i at Auciivfu. '1115 !i*!’>v» pronrrty W’ll he off ’■''d *ot Pa’e on t « : this X prrMi.c« ou lUi3D.\r the -9.a Novembf^r 1 Court, 7« I* er ot « £'ti*oii4&a, V U --I b l:i' ' t> ■M'i V O U \ Sio’rior * •>ir«, uJ t«.w. F .il £.itui \ I) l^tS. X AA.urjF Itfil.iAtugOIl. Peti’i'.a for Di\oioa this o&ase, it At •• ar>v.g lo the satisfaoticn of h( taat tae D^feadant Mary Wil'.iamsoa reeider • niiiCT period siaoe tiie b ginniiig of tlia Wit.* R ictring to the results ot tue cacupaigo, otur oo- icniportti^ adds that, ‘ius-'ad of nitrowiag the ot file rcLiellion bj this y-.^ar’s operatiooSy iu j u.-vo t>»eu eiicuded. Tlio cuetuy hare • -rgo* field i‘i saoduc than they had as the 00m- aicuoiaieafi ot the cajapatgn. Arkansas and vVestera Lou'.ijana have bstn wrested from themj iai liave to'bd cosqaercd. The r«*beliion has br.jkca out alVcsh in i.’rlitdoari, and tae invincible aui u'oouquerabie Prije, di'^putoe its pofstssaion I rfitli 11 >a,.cidu6 and ni'. Dutch miiitia. Ouf army AC ihis tuoditiac ro ousupies .Nori^’ern (Georgia \tter ociag fl.tnked oat ot it by Sherman^ and tbroatens to ex^'d the Fjdcrals ^rom Atlanta^ With i ,kir prvspco-. ot'auobe s. Rishmoad ia not tak- .'n, m>r i koly to be takaa. Tho gallMt and .1 liouB ar^ay cf Virgiaia, inspired by its great ’arJer trf-i uayi.luiag vaior and stubbornness, stiil riittifoats OrciUt wiitt uabroken ranks aud defiant nouro, aud viitiioui the slightest idea of deleat. LeitcT ^rrun thi Dim'‘crcit‘c (JundidoU^ fot Vtce P esuie x' 0/ /As D'-ti-'e 2 ,St»fe«.—The foUdV- iog letter from Ujn. Gr'Orge li. Pasdleton, the Dooioeratio ciTaduate for Vice President, hae ine Lasa is i« one o-'dy. and conta ns;8^ acrs-i. oea*ly j ,.0jond the Siiaiib of laa 6»at', cr so 0on '6.1s aerK, 'f ! f ctn reOviv.2d by Iloa. John B. HasikiO) of the bei'’^SO| lijai, ijj;? rriia.r» process cf tae law osinaot ba aervcc i Now York Deiaocra.ic Kxeoutivc St&io Coip* *.11 of wAioa is v’U^Mo Htr-\rrf Laa I, tbere rorfls wt'l drained, «’e»--d and »;'..t>T enltiv tti-a, jrieiO ^I'g tie ' est arop'cf aii/la>'d i4 laia sno(.io>' 0' t^»‘ ia:0 T >ere is also ar-oa'- 00 40f:!H of dw-tp Laud pro^e«i apon hen I*- iS taetef->re orar-rcd, taat publioatioa bv uad 1 *or aix w«eks in tao F,»ycttt)VilIo Ooaerver. t) s' t o said Daf. utjUnt, Mary Witliamsou, be aad appear a uauec: Cincinnati, October 17,1864. 3Iy Djar Sir: I fiave r*’eetvrtd yoar fneodlj qially *8 n -od as that UivJer cu tiv%tioa. to t>3oeaf d, Court of Law, to ba hoiJ for the I ^^7 ^ r>eetvrtl yoar tnendiy wnich RJ.y be easily dr%in:d, (a .mo cf whioH is already of Caaiberiaul, at tho Oourt Hoa^e ill Foyette j letter. M ib'gaant representitions and xalsehoods To WF2ie *?£ k€l Oi* UlMtlliCi'M. ijyjiA *• ijl;‘*.ENX 1- 0 d;a lOdiii; a d , 4 u- r z .’i ■■ -«v g 4p O'J i:sou. A 3^ i.«1-*it w 1'I'it* o-A* . ^. iiOlU /ii" $1U00. itf 4,0 a^y cua ha^£c vt luO 0- ft/a.. 1 u -\i Til*-v ».'a ^ -a. •^i=ai! Bf, Ai»L of hiif'siaj of ahojo *or naie afbalf tho ah-.a raic- iiEl'ittY E t OLTOX1 F^y. io, Oot. 1. 72if ! Wool WantoA for the Stale of N. Oaroliaa. t'J1UE nndersj^jjod ooalitijd ia C£‘'-»Q)S« COTTON I I YAF ■'^ for WOOL, one l!o ->f Y*'u f >r 4 1;3 uo- I ^a.-he-l, or 8 lb«. oieai WMn^.i T )*.y -ill aldu 1 p»v a litjeral pHo^ in om « 'or U^r.? or aai* I lo!.. 1 GEO W WILL1A.\I.^ A CO.. A»t«. I F%y«»tl®vil'e 1 V 4*' f f^YETTKVlEiS.S-: SCTBAl, ISSUHASCS C0«Pi3iY. Capitfbl ia Preminm Not«s amcacts tor f 267,t^J‘ v,t. a*r.!;«kM CSivi»^i ilcaiiti. I Ut •ube^tioer wui f*y aiijhest oash prloe* for ^ my ~-t Qc%&s. . ■ 4 -^ORTW • le rw * O&ah on hand and other asBeUs F,,07 So I Sur^^ vt Co?i! I r>lF- ot!d?T3!gM?a were, at tso Novosaber Term of tbe I i 0«jurr-' vt-* 'Uifitrct ' :'io;ta C^vciiiia, -p- I oo'Me'- '■‘"r- v'--r3 0.' i!"* n^yr* ^^’'•*1 proper*4, j . t i>. ? ..'J' I c- ?».rtsorBoip for toe pu-fo-e cf aiciuj; naJ Cos*!, and HolioU orders for tho same ■1 -.nK dt-K'.-ci quH^t’.ty. Ori'cre for any bva^at c»c •t ^^upp.icii oa (iiori notirte. The Cos^l froia this pi*o- . tr'.r m ua-ioubt?dly th;* Oeai in the Ooa'cdciate Sta‘j.j. \v>p!i-*.Tjc?i8 may be m*.He to Chsn. B. Mallett, Faye^te- li ij.. T-r Jam.’." Browne, CiarlcETon, B. C. CHAHiiiia 3. -UALi^ilTT jAiiies .f.T-oMi-'M- ■- • ■- '-•I- HI •P'-' C* t»>u 01 1} I V ■ -m in > ou aB*;c.s. !'• rm», J Leather or its Wa o»a t.a iw '.n a ve»y *hort .* red 41:5:.Itr-..:ottt Perf^oua wiahJng ’■’■■"r 1' i„.. ’CiQ tj i i t;.c.a to O'iV lo w -fwi;; :'t;--iija tro.u aa I Lea'^^-r oc«T (>uf ’M 11 oo-*uu:oat, y/ U w’AtS'»:; A '.vO. ve .ii j. Q w. »illi*,ns A C», F»y«it5viUe. 61*&vwt.lJpd hsTj p: k • Cu iKxr % i>5>;ic iiioii wiU be ^U kde to 1 ,r i-iy b .••;.•.•■»•'; tt Nu.'.ii U-..rou*a 'or ft-a ; u/ ■ j-p?f i.a f r t j.j E itarpfiaa Ootioa i vomj>*ay, sibuated ta Fa/eiteviilo. 6. Total, 5:272,76.*i 1(J Xhe Company have paid sll losa;8 promptly, and ^va no"»or made aa assessment oa their premium actea. Total losses p«.4, f2y,fi8S 0.rn>',6»B; GEO. M'3?B1LL, Presidert. D. A. RAY, Vioe Ptcsideut. 0. A. MoMlLLAN, Seo’y.. DlUOTOIi.8: Henry Lilly, A- K- TilHBghaat, H. L. MyrovM-, 8. J. Hiasdale, 3. T. Hawley, Wm. McLauria, b^rttian A. btedmaa, T. 8. Lutterluk, 0. is. Mallttt, A. W. Sieci, Jainoe Kyle, J- ^^‘♦ok, A. A. Mc'Kethan, Kan. J. 0. S-iepherd, J. D. WUliAms, ft. F. Brcwn, \ 8. W. TiUuigaast. A. K. BaO, ) John Colliss luid C. O. SioCraiiiiaea, Travaibig i^ents jM^The CompMf appli«ati«RS. I «- RA(UI^! £&Ali«n—The infe- rjf.r of t!?9 p^per on which the i C'ed anl r.;rtly o>%r^d;)- tbe ter is u ad va.nufa and wood landv T*.i housjs »id ba’’ I'n?^ a'c ht ?. Cfin7aaieit d'.jt'-r./j*5 fr^ns the Nr’nvair i»B it> d.-!,o'i»5l. on a h. *uby ft\ r.r»d tiry part i f l^c ir»n vfi Rird wik'er. T e bn l isea a ■!’n g oti-cpair, ia ■ lfi Ua? a :) fo'ti.o!3 l 'Imj r u^3 oi.tvfui-ai tn -•lie, on ttie 7IP t uber A. D I86-4 . r-emur 0 e^i 1 itics, or i.h') o.uai '^'il be hoara X r*.irtM au; D o rcai;-. s;‘ ^CJ >f«iia ' y '.•ucaa J J a vV . B»s r. .r , ot our said Cour , O'S:e in F»yet-‘vllU), N -J, th' 7.h Monday afcer I a i-.a&rd re^ro hou.^ef; isw.d??fl'cs eta'Ics. ha- s, 1 4.^ of September, A. D g^rdeuB, &3 Jhe p ^n'.»vi.>n ii^ 14 tnile.-i ■:&.« pd] 1 W BAKER. 1/1''S. _ »'-«»t‘cviUe, oa tao E-st siia of tua Cap^ Fj%r s;iT?ir. *S->ut one af=d a t-.alf miles fro'a the Rivrr, rnd I !i>)fao«ti wiat ia k&own aa Alligator Swamp. Kujoii e .loiiMnn and 'thers, and is not v ry far from ‘he m.ioth •’f C35'.r Croak aad tho rejidcnoo of Mr. J. C Biooker. .ttinaa; afc*.r th^ 4fci Monday iu Sep | «re SO Ireiq leat ia uur polxtioal struggles .that I i4, and iLca ind there pWd, a^wcr j rarely uadcnakcn to correct or relate them. 1 make nu pruics'^ious ol a new isith. T only re- )>€at lay roKcrat d prof.'ctiioQs ot sn old one whea I say tuat there is no oac wiio oheiishes a great er regard tor tue U.iia2, wh^o has a higtier Bense oi its ine'tijiabia benefits, who would more earn* ostly labor for its rcstoratioo, by ail means vhioh will cff ct tnat end, thitn myself. The UaiuMi is the ^uiraaty of the peace, the pawer, tbe pioiiporily of the people, aud no man At l\^ futn^ ti'TO and pUoi will be offered for sale, • he i«'llrwing ro’--«>ual pr..pirty; l-'OJ to 2.X)0 bunh^is of Cf«rn; T'lO crop of Fot d*'r. Shucks, Peas, &c; 8tf»3k cf Cattle, Hogs, Goats, &o; 4 Valu*-ble Mules; Ofi* M*re; Oae J Oas 4 H 'fse TfagM; one Timber Cart; wifh all the Observer h»e been priatod of late, aad | j ffuioa u 4 great oye-sore to Uj, is owing to the waat of j j 4 ealfioicat *upjly of good rajjx, aud the con«eqnant neo- | I ^^ity tc reeor. to inferior niat«riala. Ws appeal to tt>» i y^,miag tIou’and X“r anlcl^oTtbe'“pr6m'i8«s' ‘ .»n*,«d> of tt»o Ohrerrcr af all .wn^saible poiuts, io savo j ^ ^ bafore -ale ! aj mna brin#; to town »'l tuo rajr^ ta*»y can pxo.;ure. ' b.'WK time ournnWes to atu?:;d to their purobase, . iot Mc.'srs. Geo ff. Williaois A Co., the Ageats in I this t9W9 cf Mr. Murphy, wiU pay 15 cents per Ib. for i Uiraa. 1. J. BALK A SONS. 1 ? h'r i«. fi-itr 10000 P1CCC4 :%*iw .viutfic, JU3T rccaiTcd. woioa will be »ent to aa/ address os reojipt or our C*ta.3gu' pr.c^a. We hh73 n&w ueoom^ t^e SJiE AGENTS in Nor h , . . _ ^fti'cli la, for del. Dana A Co. of Rioimoal. who are I vould deprt’cacrs mjre heartily, or oppose more tae largett mni Jlaest '>ujla Pablkhers ia the Sonth. : pcrsisti;atlj, the esC^olishmen^ of another goveru* Ail u.derij to them, from his .8tate, will be AU^i at j over any portion of the territory within ilc 1 limits. I 1 am in f^vor of pxaoting no oohdilions, insist* I iog upoD no terms not preset! bed in the Consta* I tu.ion; and I am cpposed to any course ot poliej j «^hioh wiii dafcaS tbe re estabii'^hmcnt of the ' vernoienc UDoa it3 old foundation and in ita ter- lar Sore. C^y Oae half off to the Trade. Apulj Ut Oatalogaes of Books, Mu)le, Ac. B&ANSON & FAsi^AK, Ealeidrh. H. C. Sept t fifi'tf A. A E. Oat. 11 J FYRNE MoLE AN P MOORS, E ] , V Ex’r.*. S,) 77-t« JLaaidt tor 9iate at Anctioo. Tie Biiba-'fibsr wiU offtr for saia at Auswoa -n Lnm ; integrity. I LiOfit or 9^tol«;a, 4 BlaofcP\R130u, nor^ hav- i xV. tag a figare i b->rd«r and fria^e Tae fioder wilt be a M*a*>'y r;*w»»*.1- d o-i le^nn^ it at i.hif>t)lfioa 8*pt. 12. I l^bimk Wqxihj^ t«r I l>oork«tper»ii!p oi tiie iSenmfc. I 'lltiE aalersigiied reBoer’ fuily wi'ji-.-i luiuK. ii' -»e a i I. o-nd!tla'.« for ths offiw of ASSISTANT ,l/0‘*R' j REEi^Bti to tho 8«a»ta of North er jiii»a af tho e.i-a- r-g s?BMon o^ tho L -gislatare- I aa'^e b^ea .1 e.rvioe, I w-»a wounded, and am now oa I'g^t daty ;lf cleo •■d, 1 i will ?o aU i i ceptabiy. I Om’cM. 7ow i barton, cn Taursday U«o. 'at, a traot of LAND, con I ’ainini»ftOO a- j liiing the laod« of A A Mo.'ililian ; aad Arah'd McN ul Cu^ila, /bo3t ssven mi'es iroa* * [ Ki Pail’e. A^'^ut 76 aorea ot t'i9 a'o-i^a Land are ; j c'e%iie I and have i.-npr:»veuients of bu:M n? for n'jro j I quarters Teria.^ »t Sale. J. iff. OADOEY. i St l>aal’j P O , R »t>3«on Co., O3?. 17. 77*6;pd I am, very truly, yours, etc., GeOBUB il. Pi£NDU.TON. To Eon. ,/o^ri B. Uukin, Neir York. taaog’s ArithaMtical Dictionary, EMBRACING a sysle-a of Arithmetio, Ready Reckon- l« Mtva the Sjuate fai bfuity aui ao-1 Ui er. Interest Cal^uUtor, Book Keepi ag. Forms. &o. i, M. LOaD£AMIi.S. i I. J. fi/VUI * SOliS. I «Wt>t l«. Lo»t For*rer.—An old paper givn the follow ing itaiD, whioh ^e hofw may operato as a caatioB tj others to gu^rd against similar losses: “Lost, the other day, somewhere between ri^e aad aaniet, two gulden hoara, eaeli set witk I sixty diimoni mintit33. No rcwtfd id oSued|fl9 are goA3 faraver."

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