4 riaio&B e DMty UftiM itt iltm- > 9om- a|>roed^ Ml «K di k> a >f llOBthfi cd foj^ I proTi- >prived having >.1S€4. ixemJ^ the ^1- t or d«- 0 natift- »unt pf produ*- for ti»e Le may, m 6u«b h oT*r- be sat in try in he mili- •uipticw) inter ©r inl*T in i« labor ain and lent ao4 exc»ed- 1 artides « anaer itor and pany aa* .ereof ae 11 certify efficient Ied, that by Utii one per- ctual na« •xempU kcriptiQU, I left th« nrho may Uid sbafi approved ,ct to ex- xnaila oi iriv^ejrs ot itary aer* :«mptions coatlnaa actnally ito or oe- and ha h ila, under be iseued of pewoB* r from the are, in bii aeeaity re- ▼oke Bnoh ka pre^rr grant ea to id exemp thorite the hrac 'r for »CC, u,.U« ttuieii* mar [at tl;u pw- } arc iudia- i contract: Buch con- faithmlly» auch c«n* 11 cuase. sal boards of persona mbor com* d from the rhich they nation. , N. C.A 1863. ! iJfaiUtUtAit tJfaiU Mo. psi. Si. I. »t 7 ^ «A 1 P> M at 6 P. M r .t 1 F. 14- >»• kv ftl £ A. M. p «,t 1 P. M. ►WN. « iht 6 A.. 54- 7 «i 2 P. If. fTH. ac. BiaTOl* •» / oMd the «»•* 1901 off fro* wtd for M if pr«-psidl bj 8* CO 9| A U.I1HA „ MPiNVf nuon. witk _i publio COB” p«- mMt, for Berea t jntheproflM 9 ingiiraii f** tir vslOB' dmjB P nterrtui |8t*to, aft* k, h€T^ ItlLILIS (DIB I-WEEK.L Y TIEIE I'!. XIV.1 t'AYETTEVH.Lfi, N (NOVEMBER 17, (S64 (MO 1389.] PRfNTKD V.ONl‘A.Y8 aND THURJ^DAYS. i. UklM & CDLltlKS AND PR0PKI£T0\18. Pri3* 'or me Scmi-Wcek’v )3«fRra& $15 00, p»iii in advaace. For ibe •Seetly Ot>«>:».vaa #10 0^ -.'cr >it\iauw, pfcii in aavaucc. afi?“Al.*V ERTIt^EMtri j 8 lasftncil for ^3 per e uare «f 12 iiajs or IcsB for me flrsi., Aud f'2. for eaih 8'.i?3e».uii'5>r pu'‘>’iOH.i ‘ii. AdveriiHsrs are re pl*to tr» u itstirt cf ii's-’rtiona denireti, or 'hey irill b* r fvT-Sii. d cbsrtetJ accord’tiTif. Ad¥f coatlaat i chirged as ncvr td- ♦crtlMr 5tr * ‘•'?Kv::;'L NOTICE. JYo.n*;* ■ t»r ihisdstc, EC name of » new sub*criber will be ea.t eJ >i. 'lout puyment ia i*dT»Bo©, nor'vrill tho paptj P8 Beat t? accn Babscribetfl for a locgar iim« than ib p>- for. 8uo« ^ ir o>{ H'ib9cri> c’.» as desire to Uke tae pa- • per ou tbi«! syiie» will vaoase uoufy as when makmg rexuittaur.i j. Jan'y 1, iJ'.'W. \V. OKAUOiIOi\/ ~ AUCTIOI\JElIil, t>. E. torcirr Market 8(iaarf, FAt tlTTr.riLLE, HI. C. Froi: 11 aticiiiion g:\ta to all hueine&A in bid tn'n it' to M Cl. Juce H'. 18t34 40if iS Vac H(»LLis«~swoPtfH, f^retvr aiid i^erchiiut, F.WETTKViLLE, N. G. I €«»TTO:V €Ai?©«, Mo. 10. ! rrHE FAYETTKVC.LE COTTON C f. RD .'dANUFAO- i 1 TUHISG COMP‘NYare now mamifjictiu’injiil'AftDS aaperior to any rua tarough the blockcidc, and at are f>elling lor a le.S8 price the s;ugle pair or by tic q^auia tity. Any petfioa ordering eix or more pairs, Ihsy T.1II bo : aejurely packed aud delivered in Wilmiiigtoa iiee uf «r- p“ap!. j Call upon or addrees A. A. McKETHAN. J. A, WOitTa. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. Fayetteyille, N. C., April 18 FayctteflSie liosin Oil Works. OtJS Oil Works are now in complete o^>ersU.ion, and aa we use notkiri^ but ^od rosin in pnxiacin'j Ibe ' Oil we can re«omme,nd it to Imj the bast of the kini m«la in thi* country. It in a fine Lubricating and TaUiicr’s , Oil, snd vf* would t>e clad to receive orders from the ; Goremnjent and the public generaMy- We will sell on i reasotable terms. UOOUB, CAi&HWELL % OO. ^ ApTHI 16. 28-Lf T’r- i all c ii-n. 'A^ O,V' v -IX V7. DRAUfi^ON, Aretioieer. ” ~ f * litk ^TvlTriolv wjUii rR‘*’i»i ec^, W«a:©«s, A:*'-., saii.' rs.'OT'S, .^i^joir JohBi.'i'. re’s, ^old at Piiblic y%i5fi36a ■ i -■/“ ,) «7iU ‘iK ■j.ff'jreA for f»ale oa the ■ u TUE-’-O.iT tiio 29ih No.enibar 1R64. I i.eb ''.ij »ad o)u»«lu 48> iwjraa. aearl^ ij f-.i. h e^fvap L»a!, ifif're being 80 v.-r': irjU .':»129d, ulc ' J ^ ;d I'l. lor cu'.:,i ^.itiOQ. /iald- i»'g !•? o^-or 'f f y Ift-.il iu ihts s *diiofi the . !i T - -: - ■» r-!. c '‘ oac -00 •ores of bwamp LamI pq-“.'I ;,a k -o l Ij.Hi. u !■■>>• to bec'?a?'d, T-■ ■ - 7 b' '!v ir infi), ^nonj of "wkic:- isii.)rr»'y •> c' u a ll J'- ’• ( jo roiuAin er B used fcr r.run.To pi\-- V .1 .* iiuu Tht> houaaa >»a( buudinga a^e lit - U. i-.'.ti' fxo.i'the ff.riaiCK Uuda ibove ■’ '.icrlb- '.1, A » a-r^'iay, i.ii .iry part of the tract. niic 'Ovc! Xl’i; uiliidg.s are *ii gaaa •'cpiiir, in- oVj i'.iJt; i iT r-)r*&rb .»weU'.T.g h'vi'j3. con'y?ai*’Jt »n4. •wz’.l t»os?; j TTSila'^e; Kiod foacea avrihics bfcrnB, 0*1')^ I'.ta, g'l2i25, &o r>.e ptant»ti;>a i) 14 miloj fr'm i' " ~ ‘ JOHN H. COOS, Anotioneer. Pise Land and Hickory Buggy, AT AUCTION. * OS XnUF»SDAY the 2M in*t^,nt. will be-f.’ ! in front • f *“ y Store 50 Acrea of Piae Timborcd LAND, »bif:t J'JtIf roile fi’ona Riil Koad. at Spout Spri-jt—on ibis Xtan 1 is a qa»ntiiy of excellent Ligbti*oud. At 9»Tne time, 1 Hickory BUQQY, nearly n^w No» 14. 84 2t ]VOTI€£. be rantod at Pab’.io Auotio« at the Market W Home on Thursday t^se 24th io9t., ihet very dcai- r:b:e ^^ESIDENOE at the 0 'tner of R-'.ssell and D ok titrj«t», bQlrmfing te the Ea'ate of Joha MulHus, deo’d, W'tii »rgp lot and g»rJea adjoining, aud neoesjat j out- nOvWvs T"> ba rente3 for twal?e moUthe, ai-i posues Bioa girea iannediatoly , Atitise 84me time ai d plaoe will b« rented for twalve moirtB from thfe fiisl of ^anuury B»*t, riio Liberty PoLin House. Thia m «iar|re ktonMt pr«Tid«i with room enQcieuf 'ix a laarJinK iicuia. or Mvarad familios lWm« m&de known at reatiag. For farther iRfor- matic?i^^'ireBs JOHN H COOK Nov*!- 14. . 84ir "•i' -t e i'V, DCS >13 S»st aid’ of tiiJ C»pe Faar P»iT'i. rlio.:* or?-* a,:; •. >.alf isiios froti tho R’.Tor, *nd j . e • c.3'^-.at ii k.:o»ra t3 VUifjator Swa-ap, sojairs | l>C 8OI1I at PllbiiC AllCtiOli Jo'^rj i'.n ^.>ii ('thers, h jot vpry f*r fr:Tn ihe mouth j of Cf is.r CrdOt aai iho resiJenci of Mr. J. C Bloeker. Tax in Kind—Comherlaad County. WB wilt meet tbe Fi.*iaerB of Cumberlaatl oouoiy at (be fii'owi-.c tiiafis and 1 r^oMrd thei** Hit3 of Cor=», f*!ijrt Cera, l.’iiih Potito?*, Kio*, Cnre>1 PoiOcr. Cared Hay. Ba^kw^cat, Sugar, Molaowa. Peas, Bears Gronud Pcta, and Cotffvm CeJftr Cretk Dia*rIot. at Tithe Dopct, Dee 6th, 1834; ftt J ««cph Cada’s, Deo 7tb: at Mary’s ^&rden, Dao 8»h; at David McKeiU’s, Deo 9th; ftt the Shelter near Saith's Mills, Deo 10th; at Bethel Chireh, Doe 13th; at Rookfiiih Village Deo 14tb; at Mrg Jno A McKaitbea’s, 15th; at D C Monroe’fl, Dafl I6ia; •t KiBgabary, "^eo at Market House, i'^th ft 20th. Tb j Fatmaia are raquirad to libt tno f-ntire crop of the a >0Ta n^taed praduoe, whether gatherad or not; in- oladiiig whft' may hav«.b«?n sold or coB'tnaed. We bop^ every prbdassr will attend proipptl/, aad (hereby savs^soEaselves as maoh trouble a. H BLOCKER, J A JOHNSON, Assessors iid^Taz Diet. N Nev’r 9. S3 6t*3t Lock’s Cropk do Flea Hill do Silver Rua do Black River do Grsy’a Creek do Ronkfi)h do Qawliiffle do Scv*j>ity-f?ft do Carvd’d Ci’eek do Fave-le'slJe do C. r‘ V ■'Sf-'J '■0./ '•■W .} EAOl^K FOlT3iDRT» Patitt^vilh, ?• t' . .In ■ 4, l'ti4 ixTE AR3 NO'V PREPARED TO EF KIVE (>U •lera for RAIL KOAi) WHEELS W Joii« IS. !.t. ij. J c Mi*>I -a.vcei.aoy fcts XtAW, N. C. LM. sti^id tbe Coti.ify anl 8up«rior Oourta ct ind, H.STEfii. Mooi** and Robeson Coun- t,«s. iTi .Ui i ac.^Qtiou giTCB to tbe ooUectloa of all Ciain.? ruato ! 10 fi’s lx»nd3. "ct. i7 ISo.- 6S-tf 30 inch. ' >0 n -r-n ih'.ii G30 f->r tU * . IRv»N. «■> '*. »r x,*T V ■ rq '.-1 *.■' , f r 1 .ts of ' '-•iinsy .£ ecu.' ^ S'* if-'Il 5 r .•^»d ’V'LM. SI 'T CtLKl JOS. UTL.EY, tHrocrr aitfi JVfr€h4%t%t^ FAYETTfiVlLLE, N. C. wy 10, 1863- S-i-Jf WK. H. BKRNaBJ). A. JSYEOIIA.IT & €0., itfclAIL DifiiLEHS AND ^ >.IS Tfi a S'-i I .»i K wen A .%€>. i9, MSay Sirteli i'AiLiITfjS\ aL1j]3j, N. C. Afrt'il WAIIiTE^. 0 BUSHELS WHE.M, i.o'jo cuivix. Peiscns having tae above articles to sell wiil receive tie hig.h'est Tasn pnce by calling on .tfr. M. Thoaason, at the *Maro!-.-*ni Mvlla, Fayettevilla, er on the subscri ber iii!« oM ii*n-l Mifcrket Squats. ALiiX. J0HN805, Jr. Nov. 6, 18b;i. 76tl ARllY liARi%iiSS. 1A!i prepared to nianufactore all kinds of Wagoa iia-nees for Army use. 1 lan lay leaiher and oaa jiTO good bargains. Agtutd will do well to send their jT’lars 10 me as they shall bave prompt attention, and leiit ot m quick dispatch. CARI2B. woldiioc P. O., Cflawaoi Co., K. C., ) June io, IbW. / .if I*!** f V i; ii, io, or^iLbSD tir::' t: t. wii’. b ? f OrJ> ?’■. ■' CK *, n 03- '..’t.i'z'.a TO Ml’’ in *' Cin' ’^Drir- •S*?u; i p2iia{»lp.Kie. v '.n«- ' b; £.:> Ccf'-V’.aie^ We bsve thci fac:M'!f.s Co? tr-nifpcrtaMoT* fey St»tn>er^ to Wibaing'.oB. froia f h^toc to ^a)' part of the Cocfc'^tracy. OfUers r*«pcct'i:ll'" solioit'vl 43tfl D. AXD^'RSUN 4 CO ' WESTEa.ir RAf 1/ROAO.' The FRF.lGflT ANl» PAS«EN*iSa THAIN.S of this Roal leave Fa-aU^viila daily, (Sn • aicr.pted) at 8 o’clock, A M . and re»umin/ 2^ypi at 1 c’clocfe, P. M. OaitL-. aud Hortf r-.»n .VIONDAY, '»El> IJ-SD.'.Vaid FRIDAY. HRt c”dm JNJ. M. RUai., j Jar. ai. I8fi'i. ‘>7»' ’ i\oFf€^E/ ' I W.1! giv*. SPDN TARii »*.r Tli'b *j, W n ■, > 1 Lard ».rd Batt»r , i). D FH.KN H. Lu berton, Nov. i b2 Sfol At the S1.T15 tide *ad fl ,cfl will be offered for sale, the fcllow.oe r-Br’.a:! pr^p.rty: 1^00 11 2600 busL^ls of O '.q; '? bo crop 0' Fc .’.fr. flbuofe**. Pias, 4«; f fii C-.tf-e, Ilogi, G >fci.s, &a; 4 Vilutb.e .Hules; ‘ 0? .'^. .*.'1 '*sre; (*ni? J'TiTiet; 'ne 4 Horse Tafon; on** Timber Cart; with all tho Fa'DH'Tig Tio'.i r.nt o?‘5«i 8.r*!ol»« 03 the pieaiises To>ms w.ii c»e *-»at k. Wi; bf'ore *a;o A J RYP.NE ) A M.cLE.-iN, >Ex'rs. £ t' iiaORE. J 11 ' 77- a , on M n»»7 *>i 0>urfc »tak, 21.t la/ of Ho»ea»be'r, fjr j Cash, 0 Liicly Negrocs, as fol'ows: ‘ 6 Likely ysun/Negro mea 1 ' “ Girl, 1 “ Wom^n and *'hild. Tae w.>maa is » f f>od , WMhw, Iran^r a-id Uaok. Taey are soond and healthy, not rtsfag negro'is, and a^n «old no fault. TUTKEtl, ANDaaWS & CO Auotr’fl & Co'ji Meiolt’ts, RilsigU N 0. No’.’r 9 8t-5‘v>4 N. Os Al.'. *. Trs,a-«d. tr a 8 .j» '. i iu , i-> I MO ' Ocf ?4 FAY::^T£ViLLE MORTH C&ROLnv A !' • F r.--- 0 ■ ^ -i L ■'! urioa ■* U oo:u;^-aoe 1 1-. f Fp-.= r»r- ip li .I.-''-.r \i ji'si.i-j mu.it b-i n.’*de priur to e 1 ' J ;-r l8o5. i‘: -.a:, wiicu tiao Ihc tetmi wiii b? c ^ k'!'. - J .0 >r'. of Milit»rr Eiucstion ar-.d ■'ituiio.j. A'li^r'Sd y-i A. BAj.SfK.3 (Superi»teEd>5Bt. 80 tf ! President and Directors’ Olllce, 18y'l i'0¥ flillsbort)’ A. €• Hilitary icademy* ^ri^E n*xt J-C'fls'oa of thi^ lastilation will be#^in on I Wed!*e i&", Fe’"-’y l!l, i8j’ Applioit'ora f-ir ad miefiioa a;u f ba t-.;. ie prior to 15th Dso’r 18^4, about wMch tii: 'he tc*r;’ a will b; tnowa .Address M^j. H'.'d. M G'>liT)ON. duperit.l"ndont. Om 1. ’ 72 4m 34tf -lifter dale I wiil ^ fay 15 Oeiits per pcaaa for ra^d, or toe u.fcc.e-,1 Tiaraet priae, delivered in Fa7eu« ;.ii, or at luy coiu ■ . ^ D. ‘iOiii^SY. Fa^' V i'), '■'?t;i4 7-if 11^01' K A i¥il OATS. ij’LOiHl aai OAi’o wiil be exchanged for Cora at the ' sitore cf D. MvLauria, by givirg him a few days nouse. Flour goo i, Oaco i.'to. 1, or white. JaVj Wastted to OR one or m r- th^ V*ONTAOUB PL'CE. ♦0 14 miles . Fa>oti4?iile ou tuc old Hiycp Koad *0 R-'kigf!. T;.r ir..;. s 741 ^c.’cs. L desitcd. to o%e w - . b%S3uffljiont faro» ra ^-or* tba f'rm', we will ?ell an iutcr.»s( Nu'ilt McDa«'ald, K-le’s Ltndiu.; P 0., wiil ba'-w tLe pU'^c to au- oos de:- viug to see it C. O BARBEE & CO. BatolayviUe, Cnivb«l*nd Co . Cep‘ l* 1 man, iiiftiiiarricd, ot , X, "ir'itcu d -r.i a C’io*«icai ac'^-WaAtf- mu:icr- «:;u-r i ' r t.ie eu iing year. F T fi- .• Referrncfs, »id aihar partisula’s, apply tm* mtdiu'eiy *0 O*., R-b ."ait ^fiv. 3 81 6tpd iIHE Aaan.l .. e i> g ut tbo WH . aj.i-gtta, i5hviione \ K'unt.rVoni fta«lrc«d ('.ompany, will t« atltX >u me lofta of Liuo.int>.>u on We^ii^ tii'^, i •>0’.h Ncveuiber led4 I 8*iu JA.ilE!^ 1 >1 uiLLU-1. ScVy I madeti C'oiiuky Bonds. I UllHF uua.raigbtd wu! cfisr :or btvl^. >a u. r .i/^^btu’sra, , X OE a .iin.Uy th.- 2*J i ic.. , dix;? v (*r im j ($o3,UOO) doUarci, iu iloaij 01 tae c:u of h. .len. nearing b p.;r cent, iutercetand paycoiy tK.’iv utuuiii. alter daie. J W FUtlDIE. Nov’r 10. 84 4 pd Bank ot rVorilt Carolina. ADlViO£>Nu of Hiz p^r ceat on the t/»p:tal iiiook ^ Uiis Baak lor the l~st six mcatha has been de larcd LUIS uay—payable in tae Four i'er Oei-t.. coudii A ib i oonte.!rrM diatfs at their fao«; aau all sum^ u^d7r one hundr^l doU?rs ptyablc in Coniedsratc Treasury Notob I ai a doduciiou cf oxb tqieu DividcLd p«^£.olo ij I the Bio.ihotdcrs on t!;: insta-it, a; the priucipV. j I Uwik iBfRacaet *nl ’ I The '■ivia'jUus Cl Ttrao’-u', Newbern, Wili^iri^ton, Wind..cr and G>ld3bcr': p./*bte at Kuugn, and cf j I Weat*fcr'.i; Ag-jmy ai'diitoa. | ] 0. DEWEY, C*8’a*cr. No^’t 10 8i Si j Confederate Tax IVotlce. I WILL at’e'id at the f i!l'>vr:rg vlaws fo- (he ptirp^'sa of collec’itg tho ‘onfe.Jcrs3 Tax to wU: l iberty, on Monday Drceiab«? 5th, 1884" V?idftw Co*’^, "'oesday Df^i 6tii; J nnkMnnville. Wednn!?i«7 D-^c 7«h; O. O ti'.cii’s, Tt;urrday D o fi \-, Jos’nh * Friday D a Oft; Mcfflit'ii .UUis, Olituruaj Deo lUih; Genrgj apencor’a. Monday D«c 12}h^ l.li Brans'ji's, Tn •8?*y D c 13‘*'; Laesite'^a Mii.a W^.cueeday D^o 14ib; Temrlo Crinfrrd 8 Ti-urgd^y D?o 15tk; It A Id-r(,;*ii’a F« i»y Deo Ififh; f t^aiu MiU, 8i.ardey DcC 17th; K«i »r. -\ievi> I'j Mr,n1^y D c 19 h; Nitier^t F:ui:L’8 TaffE»ay l>dc20u; I'l nuel Arooll’ij, tf>dn''s'»af Dea ‘^li»t: ; h i'-‘;riei= p, TEurr.:*»j D»a 2Jd; } aeh JI: i, I. d- D’o ‘2Eu; i:. w yurkei. c'l'iiia. Da.t 24ib; SiteCT. iSa-^i'A b.-o ‘6 B; / shvj. ,’'o\ lur. J. y D’s i7.b; I-yri i.^;-3-rBr.arg’-j, Wijdf.e^d'iy D?c 2’itn. Po’ soas ’-h r I ■* act pv’d t‘: 1* t. hocf 16G3 fcftd CH -11, iii.* i-. i lay ai - -ey. f.'t ■ -rci 17. i s;coB)|>JV3y m ;• ♦'•tfr, ir j ’iti of *a '“e who have 1 c*ii g ve !n liie nu ub^-r of gallo.ii dijf.il:'. 1 uapelra pco > c wiil meet D43 prompi’,- .rl earlj and pay up their Taxes J i'ROY, Colleotcr R«.dcipb •: ouaty Nov’r H OHBNA?itS DSPAkilHAJir, \ itii.aiRH, l-i. 0-, ^lay h, iSfiS. / W.-lNiEU.—I WI8U tv jjiiri;ca.ie IkJ*u for thik ytf,ir(c.tai. i‘'fti0.ie havisig large or amali i^uaa- -U1P3 w.il pi*i'.i-.e app'y *i ouoe. WiU give 1 pound of >*OWDfcit tor 10 pouuii of uE/J>. Idxi6. U WOUG, Capt. C. 8. • In cuarge of Ordnaaoe. To tViike Makers or Lli^tiiiera. [ H. A V ti f ttiU 10 ir )u o.'Unl hr.-^vv oak FEttVlENT- 1 liNG oi -iNLiJ. of Ci,-.*-3iiy of 1»0 g;^ loas; ikid>, 4 nai a hrjavy, ea’as h li. i*' Oo yir g'j £. yj eaoj. .Any pcroivi-I, f.il tik^t'ac^iiijlic .Ji aifmncJa i j; $1000. Th'-'j ai'2 T* ja.ib’} Vj uij one wishing to Wiao or ui3till Bri "*/ AliO, Sin',? of ha’f ai*J of aborc ^or sai8 h*’f the !»cvo-te r%' ■» Fayei.eT'.'e Oct. I. ^ait tor i^ale. OAAA BUSHRLS aODNDdAfjI inaJe iu thsCoring 4UUU ibtiS—will exchange it for Bwoa. usri or Confederate Tre**ary Nstcs Ala.i, 30 l>jze!) fine CHEWING T^BACCO; for sale at lay store onpoiite Capa Fear Baak. A G THORNTON. Sept. 2 64-if Frosn and after tliiig date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Msnd^y and Thursday. J0£. A. ’.vyRTH, April G—I7tf J Ag’t C. F. Steauj Boat Oo. ) CONFSDERilTJS 8TATK8 OF AHKUUl. E«'iUK8& DiPAmTitB»T. Diet. Cap* Jc'aAE. ^ WilmLi?''>0, N. C., -\iafc*i Itjth, lbt3 j Notice is hereby given to r.U persons h» vla^ cltlaiii against the Engineer Department, for eerviccs of •Uv38 *>n>Dlo7?d s>8 luborers on the land def'r-eti near Wilmington, N C., tfiu tbo andersi.mf V” »n^bori*i*d and prepared to pay the same at his eSco, on tijo se- oond floor of tho buildiiig text above .\5ea*‘ej’ Drug Store, Market Street. Persona execjting Powers of Att''rn5y wLil ob serve tho following 'oru>—tboir signaturca, in a’l *d be wi‘ae38cd by two witncsecs tkul sigaoi ia dunU- cato, cr they tn-iy be wltaeaiiieJ hafo’/e a Jmtioe of the Paace or Clerk of any C jart FORM OP POWER OF ATfORNEY. 1, of , do hereby appoint , cf , «ny true and lawful A^eat to eis:a recoipta for, acd rweive pay ment of all aoneys due to me by the Engineer De partment of the Coafi'deraJ.e Rtatas of America, 'or the service? of my slaves cmploya-A t.s labcrers ou ths Uad defences at , dtiring the mouth oi , 186 Witness n».y hand ar d at , the Jay o' , 186 {Bignaed in dnpliw't.) — re«»i.i WHnesse Sloxfs l*^or ^oldiem. i LL BMxea ?0R oa pris^jners of ^1. V.'.'iki'f- jin No.ta O.r.’ c», d differed to tho follow iu^ n-uut*d persojs #1:L tb ^roatpuy forwarded free of cuarge: f)r D F Suatofey, A '.o^iUe; I>i* A Coll'tt, Mor-.in»on; : W A’-3-.a. S’.M^Pvl’S; Ir J L Ni.»g.c. Grsensborj; Mr A Hftgan, Charlotte; .Mr E lward Hege, Salem; ('^pi J N McDsurr!!, Raleigh; .’o2;p!i .A Wcrth. Fayettetiiie; B M'lrrav & Co, WiiaingtoD; Mr F L B:>ud. Tarboro; Mr J A J Aekew, C«leraln; Mr F L Roberta MarfreesboT’o Thp B >Xcs should be we l hooped, properly ma*ked s.T>d d;.i»!.-re‘l in L'mc fcr P'.j Sp>*cial M*8aeagcr who leaver Ra? ;fh on tic first day of erery month. EDWARD WAR.'.ES, Surgao- G?a’i N C; Rtlpi(;’“, Oci 2H. 80 Im MOORS & CASH‘fxiLLTFayeOevii^ OIL! OIL!! Wfi are now »x?ea%iv«ly e’,(»g^d in the mftnnf*ntara of t »ery uj-cuar -rtiok of LUiiRICAtlNG OIL l: j Oi* ia dsvii fiO j R g.n, but by an entirely new 1' procets, an 1 so far eur^ xdoos the vegetable oils hereto f'jic laaic in t-na oou'Jtry that gojd judges hafa pro- 1 u *lmj!*£., if not quits, i.qual, for lubnoating pii'-poin'S. 13 the Tr&in Oil. ! ii li »H b»? U.gely ujevi oy the Railroads in Virgl-ia I r..n t N.ffa Ci»-r aa.; iuii; aii«*r“ri all tae piiri'Ofea • f « Ki -• * ip>.i‘»ive oilj herctj/ove u^ad. Wherever il k'ui bfen Iriei it hi' given compUte sdttsjMiion, and nae, pe'-ntn n 7, tikji tir pi».j3 of all otn.ir *.ubri3*.»ors Ir la Tiid V2&; ui^aT Vbjbtablb Oil maob in twb CoHrSDEBATB STATSS. have now > n hand, whiah wo oS'er at a very low price, Zlb Bola. Lubrioa'ing Oil. 75 uo Taanertj’ Oil. 50 do Painting OtL Wo ivre maKing ab.jut hixty b»reh a W(;ek, and soli- oit crJets team Raiiroadj, Fjirc I'io?, Fictorio» aud in- div:du*la. MOOAfc- n F»yet evil!«*, N. C. Oat’f iiO. 78-2‘H SALT FiH SALE. COrSIJNitrii’iT of tOo liashfia Kood dry *^ALT at the loaeat market priQo o. ISUUTHER^ J!>UBLl€ATiO:¥^. XHE ELMi%iE*TARy SPELLING BOOK c^niRir.r about tae srme as Wchstar’a SnelUrp Rork w’tH iae addilijn... advaauige cf ijavmjt ail «.."t v.jwci9 a.id ac oifiit »«'0”rft)e!y marko'J A supply aiwaye cu hand, ^rioe f3 00. THE FI'a3T DIXIE PEaDER is * new r*oik. cob tainicK •'aav reaiing le«o;.'i on flou'.Kera sai/j'-cttt. P.' C4 76 citi. TH3 DIXIF PRlMta. TLi i SUtis.a. Plotcrial, «vUil .A>nti! ue>! 0 be im”Fn"'Oi/ p -pn’ukr tiunaied) .“"O cts THE PLYMOUTH AFFAIR. The Goldsboro Journal, copying the aeeoont of this affair Iront the Observer of t*ie 10th, preALOi the follomng statement:— *• Plyiujath lies on a low, marshy point of land, barely above the level of the river in frocft| and this preicnts the first obstacle to a suoceeafol ar tillery dofeftoe. The upper fort* (HaI) was oon- struoted by the yankees, whea in poatieti:!ioa of Plymouth, to command the river above. _ It moaated several heavy guns, the heaviest of which were taken elsewhere when our troops tick pes- sessioB of the placs, and all the^ rest excopt two were sabsequently removed to tiie lower works ot the town, on a oonsaltatioa between Gen Bakst eji^^sptains Oooke and Maffitt, they deemiag the dSo^r mosl imminent below and the Albcm’trh beiog buffisient to comoaaad tho river *b'>?e and j the approach to the town by way of Middie rivcTy All tho guns on Foxt Jonee and the other woi^flT were plantxd to bear upon a fleet ascending the I river towards Plymouta, exccpt three which weie i traioed to bear across or slightly up the river. It ^ snouid be borne in mind that when the.Yaakeea Ouilt Fore Ual the Aloemarlc wad up the Koaaoke ' it Was tlieir purpose to keep her there. When (?cn Baker, on oonsuUation with Captaiaa (Juoke Pud removed some of the guns from Fort Ot.1 to Fort Jones, tiie Albemarle waa be* 10 . I’V' .'fc Hal quite capable of looking after herself i jiom a bo VO, tae guns taken away were to look i filter her ar)d the town tromihe enemy’s fleet beiow- When tiie atrack was first midetrom below, as ! wa.a ex ecl* d by Gun. Baker and Captains Cooke and 'laS tt, i' aud ihs guns from Fort Sal iieipf ti to ia«a.i. rt laii Bat the Albemarle being blowi a:, For: ilal needed her £uns agaio, bat ' thert ju ta get them to the Fortj aad w.her tiniyrt.ikeo 9, et passed up Middle river and reruc7.'* liic: ctiGtruciions, it was an easy matter to paiij Fort H u v*iih its two guns and comenpoa the aiiu rear d Fi,rt Jones, where, as Wf uave fcvo.:, but tlirce gauu were m puiiitiaa to ta- ; oeivt ttJtiii. Tua rtsuit was as migLt have beea ■ oxpe :t .d. 'i'» c m .gfcziae at Fort Hal waa blowa of , 5^ t^e encxuy'a uro—the three guns oa Fort Di tilierB dioiaounted, and then, by order, ' the lat^cz.ne of tliat Fort w;>s blown up by out i owjp tr jops and tiie place was evauuatM in the I midst oi a most terrible fire from not fewer than ■ tevent^ three y&ukee guns Who will cay the defence was not a gallant GEO. N«v 9 ua tuc (ae wuoau lui. Vf WILLIAMS & '..0 83-2«r ISALT. 1 SACKS DdT bALi.', for iale by iv;vi^ B T. Hawley & son. Nu* f i4. 84 2fcpJ nroTic£. rHE Tttho Paytrs of Rioui&oad county wiit please da- Uver all thcir Tithes of Wheat, Oaw, Rjfo and Wooi by the 20ta day Nov. By Older Oapt James M. McGjwaa, Post U M. S w. WBBB, Oo. Agaat. Nov’r 8- 83-4t HEHRY E COLTON r2f Jl'ailua Ciiristl S^eaua. rr will pay the iiigheat o»rh price# for aj. r'l aa; . t-. - ..‘7 0" PaJ-a-^ OUr>»;« Beuu The cignatuics of aoljred peiaone ahoaid bo witaess'nl | by tttrvB witBcaE'ri. 1 Thera must be separate duplie-to P >wera of Attoruey i for cacn moaih. BKtik forms can bfl had upon appl'.- at tliia ol5c«'. W H TAMS3. » CMefEng. /•n’i W. 1SA« iinrnr Wool Wanted for tlie State of N, Carolina. The undersigwwi oontinne to eieii'ia>?e COTfO^* YARN for WOOL, of.o ban ile of Y*,'a for 4 Ibj. ua- it ia a vary fihort j wanbed, or 3 lbs. ola&a washed Wool Tiiay will alfl* . X >«- i V r.5n» wiBfcin* p*y a liberal prior in cash for iar,;*s or sma'ii lot? WAxlfTEO, LI1;F« 0 tun oa shires. cgtuvileut ia r»3;i W it i: i«‘.:rel bv Hi-.kl-» p. te.'.t t*-r«a» wisting ir H .^-ss oan Bead them to oar addresa to ’7[ _ wae. a the? fca ttkaH froEJfciii usatijcr ' ■ -1 *i oa*" Pipeus^- Ou" a‘iai.';-.i3 lu B;jtua>ont, IV . . ,ur.-.y W D. WA^BOiJ & CO lOfi MedSM G w. Willlamb & ' ■■>. F*yaft3vi!le. ^4 «il*&4WtlJpd prior GEO. W. Fa?attevil'e, June IG WILL.IAMH A CO., A’ta. 42* r Aig $.10 Rlt^WARf#. N ab.-rtt 'in r.7!i:i» ni i> -y'' t. .’jUe ontba Fay FAYISTTEViLLE MtfTlIlL lSSiIKi.\4;K COSMSS. CaDital in Premiam Not-j^araoaatB to $2G7,0'}8 2b Ca^ on hand and other aetiotfl, b,0’’7 85 »i^ilERAf. ORO£R$. fiViE Hu Miai.'a'jturors at 8.*Lcsvill», N. C , w;ah Io X parc--i3o 1,01)0,000 FUR ?n.'b .HAUUUd, • U-'A.liAfd. rouN. MiNK FOX, (H IE ' ; d J VEi, for whio'i wfl will pay me tigt- est prioes eitlr-r ia iloufed-jr**^ floucy, Bauk Bil d ftad Sp'#;ie, or eTcb??g" fjr tlotton Yira or Hi^a. We hnpe that all ts.i8s wao widh to enaoutaga a *l .uh.jra Kaier* rise, wili exort thcm'ielfei in gettiog 119 f9rj. MBrchAits will pkaie aot as Agents, btt^ring in mind that wo w li pay 25 par o-?at. mor^ than auy onaelfle. ^ WlfTKOWbKY & SALTZ8ERY. Mr. 8 BRAMDT is '■ur »ul>-'rtz;d Ageot for Cats- berlacd coujty tj pur^'.iasa Pu's for us wirraoWiJKV & saltzsery. Nov’r 8. 81 2ia Floreuee and Fayetie^ille Railroad* STOC:KilOL.bEttS* MEEflN*>. A^'JtFl iENT amauut Jjaving beea bUusar'bed is a>' honxj >.be or^ituiifcaou ol lue »oove u>>'’.;.cd Com- y».uf, a iui>Cvi..g oi .au ui.i..0B..':claerj id assrxj caUv.. tu ueet m F...^ ottovilia, on i'uuraiay me 15ta day ot De- ceiaber next, for tie purpaue oj ehcting a Pre idcat aud Duiovur of baii Coupon/, a&d lor me tri>aEsciio«. 01 BUun other butiiueas «a m%y cjm^ bsforo ino Stocit- holaer.1 Xne Book4 of auoenipaon ar: stui open, iliis ia an im''oriant road to t&is comoiunity aad lo tao oouniry gaueralij. >Ve horo e?ery iui*a wiil feel tc.e importaaoo ol doing what ae oax to aoonre ('peed? ocmploticn of li-is road. W MoL MoK iY, ') JxVO .M. ROrfE . A. A. MoK ioAN, fCoia. D A RAY. , A. W. STEEIj, j Fayettcvilla, N. C., Nov. .7 82ta one? Gen. Baker’s entire lorce did not eaaeed Sve huadrcd mea. They were subjected to a coatinuous fire ot the most destructive kind for lor nearly three day», and all the work they ooold ■possiluy do during the three nights and days waa put upon Fort Hal, (which by the way had beea cut dowu almost to a level by a previous General la c.^mmaad, as useless) and in throwing ap AcTe Ys‘25 p^r ! brea. tworks, to prevent a landing above the town. j The force of the enemy may be gathered from iHE psiVAiiy GKOURAPJlY, 8«‘ooadi:i't;tl3n, it«a j fcUovring which is the fleet opposed to Gea. aew i-.od p'puitr bcf‘. it is 9 r.* :-ra and ^uns. The list is oorrcot:— ) fiae’.y to cJiEjwo rtcartci" 1-no;; 3 00 ‘ . 1 n 1 11 innV, 9 FIRST B OE iN C')MP031T10N by - Briiaon- The Oliamrock, 10 guns, VIZ. 4 11-inch, 4 100« pouoderB, and 4 24-pound hewitzets The Com* mcdore iiuli, 4 9-inch guns and 2 100*pounden. The Otsego, Wild Lucy, Taconey, Chicopee sad Bombshell, each ten guns, viz: 4 9 inch, 2lU0 poon* 4cr »ud -1 pound ho^vDaara . Tda WhitAhead. 1 100 pounder and 2 24 pound-howitsers. The Valley City, 2 100-pounders and 2 24 pound how itzers. Four Tugs with four 12 pound howitaera. Total 73 guns. The character of the guns Gen. Bake# had to meet the force may be inferred, when we state that the Yankees did not dem them worth re moving and blew all of them, save one, to pieces wb.cn they landed. This statement is submitted to the puplie in vindication of truth and of the gallant Gen. Baker and his handful ol gallant men. $000 Reward. DAM&L NJittON, who aae ocen Ccufined in p'isoQ '•vcf two years, broka out of thu Jaii of Aiiohmud ; ;.iUty on tka uight of tae 7*.ii kI ., aud t us made hia edcape. Said Norton is about 4& or 50 years ot da'k hair and dark whia«»*‘? — “**" BBitor ^ey jsa-.s; itioQd iuea-'’ei, wua ioatucr siriagu; look* very leader aud blc&chcd from ai j 4:ng coufia«>veni; is htoul 6 feet iO luohes hi&a; vi»i ia jiii Uj(Ln a ca*rge of the laaraar of Aagua,vMipb5:ii. 1 will give ijIkSOO for his djlivar/ to >no or oondaemeat tu any Jaii sj 1 oa* ge;^ him. I wiii give $100 reward for W. Ttuaer Fry, who broke jaa at tue same wims He c*l h hiai«i‘lf wnne tim.a W. T. Hartij aiao W. T. Efans. He is about 6 ifcst t> or 8 i'-oafca high; dark kair, soar on his right iig jabt a;>«ve his an^iU*; h*d oa irt;eu he >eft a oap oouad with r«td: waa ui Jail for hori>a atb^dng. ■ JOH i A. LONG, Sherilf of Richmond county. Nof’r 8. «»- A M , 18 now u'cd ezttaeiveiy, and le the only book «f »ho kind publiah«>d in ih«> Oonfederaor. P'iM 8 00. TOBK6 ENGLISH ORAMSfiAR, T'iird EiiuoB. is fiaeiy adanJed to oom'^’on eo'-ooJe ‘ Price 8 OO JOaHSON'S COMMuN^SCHOaL ARliaMETIf', by Prof L. JO*'ii8on o-’ Trinity i;ol'ege, w a new ana valuable book, and will b? foUowel bf a bigh sohool Arithuietic. Pfice 8 60 MYRTLE LEAVES, by Rev. A. W. MangniB, peoond edition, s a deligh'ful book, and contaiasi a beautiful story of a “SoHier's Love ” Price 2 00 E18T0RKAL SCRIPTURE QDESriONS, is sold^ largely. It give" tb^ etu ient muca valuable in/onna- lio« pftbe His-.orioal pornoa? of the Bible. Price 76 cts. SOSG.'? OF LOVE acd L1BBR:'Y, com?i!»iO by a N rth Carolia? L:dy- voar.aini a Pjpular ro)l**otion of Stngs and Ball«us Pric" ^p*‘r iiH-drod $40) 76 ots. TH«S J •*-CK MOHGAN SONGrfTE ’ eoiapijcd by Capt. r .A. B'amsou, la oae of tii? beat collections 01 sougs aud 6»ntiiji;-aial b*lUda ever puoli6^»i. Price (per haadr?u S[>'Oi ! 00 MCRVtlN AND LIND.A, a tale of a soldier's love, is a rare aad Pae> Uiiie book. Price per hundred) 26 CANTWELL’S LAW PEIOTICE, Second Baition, contains all me busiacsa forms exteusiveiy nsod Price 20 00 8;iEET MUSIC, a full ftasortmen* of the pieces pub- iished m ma So-.nh Pnoa from 1 00 to 4 00. PT.vllONERY of sU kiaia, at iaederatc prieea. FAMCY ARTlCLEd gancrally .Oho asuil dAju-jtioaa flial‘ to the Trade. T'jose or lj'r.ng goods to oe per mail, must .Ciait.'O «atB on «.ae doTlar to pay postage. N. B. Oat PublixjatioBS are to bs had at tho ptinoipal Book Stores througaout the country. ' BRANSON ft FARRAR, Ralrigh, N. O. 76*tf Bept. 17. A tow Important faots IN R£OARD TO . ancj -ovaJ'it'ia£K?l HEPAX'li; jraatius.** IXiiEY are prop«od from taa beet quali y cf Medi- , cine by th"; dis>joverer, aow ui aged Miniotar of t;^e Goapdi, and &’*e a^fe 2. Tavy have been known for yoara and tested by thousaads Co-^ federate State* Educational Auociation.-— Tais body, now ia sessioa at Charlotte, has elect* ed the following officers: — President.—Rev C H. Wiley, N. C. Vice Presidents.—Prof. C. H. Winston, Va., Prof. Wm Bingham, N. C., Rev. J. I. Bonner, S. C , Rev.'J. >1. M Caldwell, Ga., Rev. G. D. dines, Ala , Rev.-W Baird, Ark. Rocording Secretary.—Prof. G. W. Hege. Correspoudiug Secretary and Treasurer.—J. D. Campbell. North Oarolina Eiucational A$soctafion —• The followitkg offiaers have been elected for the en suing year:— President —Rev. R. Burwell, Principal of the Female Institute, Charlotte. Vice jProoiUoute.—Prof R. Sterling, Greens* boro, R. F. Armfield, Yadkinville, Maj. W. 31. Gordon, Hiiisboro’ Military Acadamy, G. W. Hege, Yadkia Institute, S. H. Wiley, Salisbury, Rev. A^G^ Stacy, Davenport Female College, aud A'bs' X rueimru jt'O I't z .1 Bd ’. w:th B ')Ti th >- ciiae, a;;t a^ei a*'cui. 10 j -ars Tue aoovi reraid Wiil bt |;»-'d for 'n ••.! liverjr ^ , J A OILLI.^, At Fay'ttaville Ar»e*>al | ' 1 '^t;.d j RAt*«! RAtilS!! -The infe-1 rior quUify of the p»iper on whioh the ; fibs'irver haa be^n printed of late, acd j ■^.- ich i»i a grt'ai. '•.ye-Bora *o u**, is owing to the want of n ■; .fcci J5* -Tiipr.ly of g >od rags, aad the consequent nec- W'Bity v,r ri Borr to icfi^rior aiaieriala. We appeal to the fri(-nt)5 -1* the Observer jit all accessible points, to save ir 400 bring to town ail the rajrs they can prooure. . h»vn UP time our hjIv.ts to attend to their purchase, Measrs. Geo. W. Williams At Co., ihe Ageati ia •hia town of Mr. M*irphy, wiU pay 16 cents per lb. for tliaia. ■. J HALK k SONB. »«Vf tn R uf RUpk WnFTtitt fiar iai« liar*. Tot*l,' i»i272,7rf, l!) R li, on ‘b'3 810 of ! The Coicptmy bav*! paii all lc«ces promptly, and Y llOd. E, blitiu iti tfee . kavenavetxttAieai/o^ atasJieatontheirproimusa QO'-Cfi. ?o*il Icssea i, Or/i'iaaa: GEO. McSLlLii. PreBident. D. A. RAi'. v^c^^ fri?iicut. n, A. M-.'dD'.LAN, 8co’y. DlKCTO~>tS £29,C82 N. TiilinghftSt, 8. J. Ii:a3iv£;.i6, Win. M.cL*tiiin, T. S. i.iUtf;rlo^, A. W. Steel, J. G. Caok. Hon. J. G. Shepherd, John CoUina aud C. 0. McOrummen, Traveling Agants yyTha Gompajiy in*^ta'aT>p!iaati«P3. 14ac H? ’ * H«ary Lilly, a. L. Myrovor, 8. r. IHwley, Nathan A. Stedmaa, 0. B. MaUett, James Kyle, A. A. MoKathan, J. D. Wiiliamfi, 8. W. Tillinghaat. TEOTAHIBJITS AN» CONFKDERATJB States Bible Society Testaments. A OoUeotiM of iabbath Sokool Hymas. fsi sMsl9 , 1.1. BALi t I WALTER WA'WSOX, (fUn, Pistol Maker sjid Sfaebioist. I Gnns and Pistols made and licpalred with Dis t patch. j l^iS CER3 of Reitrvos and Homo Gosbrda tan ,bivp I iU. tfcei:* arcao repaired at briUpr oe All kinds of Ma- ; osiaft m -'-k doae j II *j i'f->aat, ;?Ry®tt97iIlo N CJ., opposite the rest d 200 cf E J. Bhle, Esq 1 Nov 5. 82 8tpd r’ ^ypt Co.r?f MSne. T’HB nnderair^ifid were, at tcc Novein>»3r Term of the 1, Ooofecfwaie Court, District of i-Iortii Oaroliua, ap pointed AlRa%j(i>''a of the E;;ypt Coal Mine prcparty, and have sntered into copartnership for the purpose of milling and selling Coal, aad soliriit oruers for the same in anj de«irc^ quanuty. Or.’era for uiy amount oas M supplied on shori^ notice. The Coal from this pro perty ifl undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applioatlona may b* made to Chas. B. MaUett, Fayettci- vi'tis, N. U.( cr James Browne, Charleston, S. G. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMKR RROWN^ Va.v«ltavil)a. Ja»*» 90. 1 Wtt a«if JL LOST, BF.rVfEEN Sttoe-Heei Ddoot,, W. C. & a R- R, »ni . . m^uoap Factory, cu me 1st day of me j,re^e« J Piil« to t-'e*.> aa'tunual a^v.ng of from «,iOt , UP^kvV, Hook 0uu. a, > - ■ j «o t.vy .rc ihe ueat j.iaatatioa medicine ever cf f . yy A 1ja 3 Five haaired perions ar,^ known to have been , Jjaij,3ir. 1 Recor liBg Socrefary.—S. Lander, Lincolntoa 4 They arc not roootr^cienuca by ti? propriei-j' for > 1 tj • t • 1 *. jv«rything, but only for diseased wbioh arias froai dis-I 05 uina'7, LincomtOn. ^ jrd«ftfd l'V8rs. [ Corrcspoodin;iSecretary.—W. J. Palmer, Pnil- 6 Directioua and ccrtifica'^s accompany each Vox | oipat Deaf :.nd Damb and the Blind. ftud these ooriifioattss are frooi well known and most ro- j ■ coeotable :ndividn>la. j ‘8. Oom’iepoude.-ts recoiajr.end them as gool f r Liv- ■ er Disease, Chiils auJ K.^ers, PneBmcaia, Jaua* iioe, J)ysp“p5ia. iitlioaa Fevers, B:lioud R'joumatiBm, 1 Wcrff’ , PlauSay, Broio’ i*.!B, &3. ^ 7. baveral gei-tiamen slave that the use of thcB'J ■ tiUU lA4\>UtU t?i(: O 10 uoio o'» E K. pa.iers-'u, pay,., li to i»IeJ>J-iali!, d'l-d s.iiii3 iiia'i laJa ifc or Jaiy i&ai, lor 51010; oao aci» oa H Midalet a ijr $600 wi;i« a ci eait vi $2§P d«twd dapi’r ''*3; ouo cBitittoti* tor a Gjnfud jta'.e 4 vor oeat boul *103, H. B Uauimoad WidoB i)oro' N. J, Djpo^it’trv, date ani ed. Aii pfc.'-30u3 *ij Aeraoy forejfrrncd ary cf eaid -'otoe, a:ia iho partiea r^aiti pay tiem to any pvfcOa jatfo niyaeil- A'jd na.ioe »a hereby given, thaf f4ppi»oi-ion 'srill b;> tt \lti f®^* du* plicate of tao abova mantionsd oorkifi,3ai« to J. B. AoKxiW. RockiOighara, Nov. 7. iiOsTRIiWARO. ?! r;ipl>.. > tie 7.a lasi, w ■ i.c-.'.'.i ir iry rta- ?:;r Roakiaiaaia, a t W iT c-lliiY Ct >jT, 3 yotnj o i nag. a\iout lo| Iv r-', r»?i;'. shm haUi. wii.;', ..irk cu!»af> tail aa ^ . - a f thp yiJ ST OB tho rignt s'ao-W. r, aal ua-.t :C poll oi a sk03 oa the vi*’i't- f.r • i .c't Thf* uJ d-tabi; taken by the uotoriou Fr/ -?fco crake Jait ia liookingham, on the nigat bov^ racn- tioDC'^. i»i!l give ‘bJ sbave reward far t'.ie Oo)t. or any infotrs*'i'*»i by wbi.ih I can gat him an® ou* h dred doV2»ra 'aiore fw th: appreheusioa of ta-; GESoRTH \M RoukiimhaEi. lov’r 10 84-2ipd leicd o it.e puoiiO. 8. Some Puysi ifcaa of tte hizhagl sia.nding prraMbe them >0 t.^eir pa!!fut-t. ana tiu&didis of boZ93 have ''ecu sold to regular prooittiouers. 9 During the last qaarter 2 83^> box‘>e have b»*ca T^iinbisr not reoiii. ol-L^ld to Dru^g’aia, one leJt Havana wi^h a crew of til T.noi t.-'m It a.-,' iT ur ; Nort^'- v.i4ro’ina—r..ad B-ne lime a«c over o,700 boxes . • *. j £ w if w.r r ere • by Dra^«-.s:s in one own in Virgin a. The pa ty capturing consi^ed of only ^ I _.T% U* J w IT .M X‘*A A .-4/vw. KfaVA.* «ara1) h9t /1 f fi J^-P' ioi:. !|ii box. F r$ .’*0 a dc*B*i boxi*' wiU hoe wil l '0 a.iy a.idreis. A ”cry liberal discoun* tc! i Drug, lats i»ijd oiantry merohants Cash (new eurran- j cy) 10 aco..uipacy otdvro. ^ F>)r 8aie In Korth Carolina as Follows: Tho foliowing ^eaigattioas have beeti reooatl/ aoccpced by ttie Presiderjt: — Lieur. D B S uith, 28th R-'g’t N. C. Troops. ■ Ctia^'j'a \j O Dj'ison, 4*jtb Ret;’t N.0.Troops. ijt 7. T Iv-Jju, l3t Rjg t N. C. Raasrvcs. CapC. f 1). R Royii* 34.h il5;'’t N. C. Troops. Liaat. J R. btt-nia^, lOcii R-g’t N. C Troops. Capt. ' Isiac La-ra, Orange cotiafcy N. C- R;3orves. i Rtleiyh *'u^t^rvativ€ A PerJf'Us Adoentare.—The Steamship R^a- tifry persoaf. ten men. Wuminytoti JimrHcU. 1 1 'C U b>«. mara wbea ts* JoU v*R. Asheville, E J .^sinn, Mliemtric, .1 .M Biviiis, Chapel Hill. K B >aundere, ChitMte.J Nye Hu;chlnsm, K S Uirr, Ebuik Waprwita wit kti% j Clinton, llal:i.-.iil Motley, l.tii.eiirii, J ilc.iJ, J 1‘uh^n, J V VVhUleJ&Co. , PtiVetteville, N A Siedman & t>) | t'helby, U rc- r, UrttjnsborQ , Frirter & Corrcll, j VVitik «bi«i.' , ' *■ " ."H UoWsbori)’. Lucas & Moore, I Whilev;li. Hv flay.ies. hun- Sliiagles Wanted. /•A AAA 8HI»aLE9 WANTED. Apply te OUaUOU WAAC HOUUMMWORte. . oJii. ^ Li'jcitiniiin. P Shenill, i lAiuisburg, J Cliftnn, j Mnnon, VV.n VV.tkefield, I ritisbiwo’, I , Ualeijjh, vVillUi.ii'i tt Udywuol, 1 “ P r IV*. ud, I Bockingh»i.. J P .\ )rth ini, I rialisifOry. 11 Miicrson >V. Lnnls, I *' iiui.iMak A. liiii.tghar, tt. Halil’iix, J O Bricn, H«(nSei!>OD, Wycho & Co, >.,exingU)n, J P Stimion. Addresi, ItllT >»W»l ffnn Wilmuij5t.>n, \\ .wk..r Me:uea, '• H McLi*n, “ W H L.ip{iitt. OROROE W O iUI«Vwo\ N r ftniig’8 Aritiittetiefti Dietionary, EB1BRACIN6 a Byaieia of Arithoetie, Beady Rackoa- er, lateiwt Oatoalatet, Book PARODY ON “HOHENLINDEN.” A B.11I •' tin 1 wHauihe sni wa low, Ev>H £“ i!' f rn f«» was pala as snow; >ad leu • ai j iO-xdaj^a raao the crow Oi Y. ckof a boasting rapidly. B it B .li. R-n B’.w aaotber eight, W.j u in t’«e •.!*■. p’a'ng shades «f night. Towards w^Tr-.x urt Hcose rose tae flight Of Yaukeea ruaijiog rapidly. Then bros«* each corps wl h terror riv*n, Tiifcn roaU’d tae a.eel from batMe driv’n, Tf-e n>en of bv*.ttry Number Sevan Foisook their red artiUerj. SMU on >dcDowdU’s farthest left The rrar of cannon Btrikes one deaf, Waere furioos Aba and fiery JctF, Contend for deaUt or vlcto^. The pwio thiekeaB. Off, ye brave! Throw down yoar anas! your baco* savat Waiva, W«skiogtM» all s^ples vaita. And 8y vUk aU ytar oUmhry!

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