BK LT VOI ?AVETTPVn.I,P. t- NOVEMBER 21, l“WJ4. [NO 1386.J I’RINTFD MONvAl'B AND THUK/>DAf8. V^AHII J. yiLE & SONS, .'r iTOK8 Ar'D PBOPRIE’iOnS. Pri3i; cii‘ Ssmi-WeelHy $16 ftO,.p*W i» •av»n Put ee^ly Oaaia^um SiO 00 per ^*ld l» gsx. Ai/ V'M i IKfcfaLK r.f ir .fCiioa for $S pj»r a:}aaTe •f Vi Uii.v* r I (»> fir *nd f«r o*ok . - A V-cv i sTi ai3 re iae«fsd'o suite 11 i .. ;- r of I 'tttj dcsirci, to tliey will be c. o I', ■ ; ' -.lid. *. 4 '’>»rgfa ncuntllugly. &.t v.' K " " tK’i'i^nu*' ^ *^3 nfw •(!- COTTOW C;yi.Rjni», l¥o. lO. Thb Fayetteville cotton c rd hanu^ah. TURING COMPANY are now tPfaufaoturiog A RDS ! niperior to any nia throngh tfce blockade, aud at prc^asnt M« »eU^ for a less pric« the aiogle pair or by tb> qaan- tity. ’ ' ! Any peraoa orderiag mx or more piirt*, they wlil be j ieoarely packed and deliTer«d in WUmicr,toa free of ax- ! ptnw. Call oc adirtw A. M^KET^AN. J. A. Wv. ;iTH. ALEX. JOflfKSO J, Jr. Fay*tt*Tille, N. C., / pril IS 24t! Wi DEAUG>HON, Aaoti‘)3«ert i*iriAiSTATi©Sr with rr?p, SiocV, !!lnl«s, Ay., t h-4*ow, lat« ifffajor Jokn T. to be sold at JPoMic Auctioit. Y - t tir»r$d fcr tale oa tb« nn ' tar i f.a date, ro ranc of a nvm ntlninaee iriil b'e ■ ?n:a vithoui paynitoi in advaaoa,^nor will Ibie p. p«'r >e ceal U sucu 6ub«cribers for a loagtr (iu« Ueui le «i for. gaoli o; ^or gld subsoriucra a« de«ire ;e iako tht pa- par oc I a srstsiB '▼Ul ple&ci: CAtiiy ns irhen R>aki&(; rcsniti ‘ ■•. Jan’y 1, 1368. ('osfii W^rfes. OUR Oil Works aro now in complcta opertiMoa, aiid as we use aotkiaj; l»at good roeia in prodacio^ tke Oil we can reooiamaud it to b8 tbs beat of t'.\a kind made , in this coca try. It is a fina I:ubvicatLig and Tujuer'c j ' Oil, an'^ w* tfottld by ^lad to receive ei-dors tb« ^ frwif.,1!^. Wt t». reasoaable tarma. l^OOuS, CACilTWHLL A CO. April 1&. *8-tf wt J .-a. TUJi-^DfY tfaLO 29 h NsTembar 1R«4. I fa L*rr i; ^ ^ ^ eonv*o^ ^85 ecr*«, Marly •I. 0- w-i au }a yirs « La^-i, beinf 80 : y.i 4 f .j.*;} ] • 'le)f ea.iivatifn, jie!£- >*g U ; -est f’"jjlBlC ■•'■'ly lard laia ««oti.>Q of t: Ti ro q «8 -1 K f b u. *' w. DiiAiJGmm^ AUCTIONEER, fi. K. Corner Murkft Soare, FAYISTTETllXB, «. •. P{CK£{t atu'stioB givAa le all baaiaeaa la kii ; ri'!?*(^ fo b-r Jane !0, 1864 40if IbAAC HOLLl G8W0RTH,. (rr^eer cad Coatiaissidi Dlerthaity FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. Jane iit. 40 tf W %ivm. mcJL. at. la&w, FaYI’i’T^VILLS, N. 0. 1 Li.L the 0 a»*ty i.ad Superier Coxai» of Cnmbarbutd« U.'^rzicil, Moore aad BebMen Coaa- liea. i'roiupt- atisnuon fivea to ^e •oil««tica ef ail el&iiBS ecimit(Ki te his haada. Got 17, 1S59. M-tf JOig. U'iri.£:Y, thntctr cfmi ^ommissiot* JUtr*hm%t^ FAYETTBVILLB, N. C. J%a J At), 136J. S3-ii rs ‘ -fi*^ ■t • - r:yt^ EA«UB FOUNl>BY> > Fatittbtih.*. N 0 , Jaiy 4, 1*^64. f WI AR* NOW PREP/RED TO RSCEIVS OR- ian for RAIL ROAD VYHEELS of tka f^lloirmf aitea, £4, 26, 28 and *0 inch. A’bo GHILLBD TIR^S. T»» Irca we sfci^l C3« for thau wUl U OOLD BS,A8T CH i & . OAL IWN, wi 1 vst TMt Mr wkeele NOT TO 'BACIC, and to b-’ '-qmil to any Kade in the Con'-dcrAay, or to thc^e of '' iiitttey U ioas ef Fhlltivlpkii. wIhhv r«pata:i«a 5a •'» well knoVs ky *11 Rail Ro'd Csi' r-.n??- We IfiTe tSe b*«t fsotlities fer triknapovtatioa k7 8tf»tR*era to WibaiE|r*o*, froat thaace to aay part of thj Ccnf«'*e!^y Orders r«apMt^«lly »ulSeitHT 48tf] D ANDFRiON k (^O WAmui A. stkokajx. WH. a. acaiiAaa. A. A €Om irnoLESALii: md hetail wmiEm W£lST£ai¥ RAII. IEIOA0. The FRBICHT and PASSKNOEa TR.VIN8 of this Read leara FayettOTlUe daily, (Soadays exoepted) at 8 a'olool:, A. H.. aad rctcroiiu la^^vo fiiopt at 1 •’c4wat, P. M. , . CMl4 attd Evnt Trj*n MONDAY, WBDNE8DAY aad FSmAY. By wrtf-i JTfO. M. ROSl, Trcas'r Cra’i Traas. Ag‘t. iaa. X2. IMS. 97tf am 700 «f dvranp L*nd i\a--^cf oj;* .«tion. to b«o!ear*d. (* ma of wfci'oklaafriady r ^,-iz ■ i/'V t;:» -•*„:aia-cr is ScCcl *er ’t«1. .. • btouver. a^d tmUdia^ %rn '■‘•■t : ‘-r: '.-'. the -n'i'v Vi' 4 •T- ? 5-uU^'i«fC4 •>c ia gi«)i »-epair, in*- ■';>t li iiRMi ‘r •s'lea OdUTem it aa'l 'd ’’czr ■ U£,u:«s; s»od /’. jcee aisMBP, e&^as,' g >rtl us &3. Tue plaat;tien i) 14 aiil^o oa the Bkfli aide of tiie 0*p» Fear j ci»e fcv;d a kaif m’les from the Rirtr, end exibo'^1'5 W jhi ii kaowa as Alli^atcr Swamp, »djotr.a J->.inapn atd "thew, m4 i6 ^o- T-ry far from the moath of le Cr*elt tuo rtsaiviHsoe of Mr, J. 0 Biookar. 4- iOiure hv.a •. 4 C’T.’ wi.:» a I A i 'n^i i w«.l s- . I'a.';' c-.iip, lot'- fr n F>,n JOHlff H COOX APoHontT. ..Flue Ii«itd and.Hickory AT AUCTION. • ON THUSSD^Y the iiS4 iji:tiat, will behold ia froat -f o»y Swre 60 Aoras af Pine Timbered LAND, ab.^t k»lf mile f oa Rail Ec-td at B?out flpriif—oa tki’^ Lacd it • qautii/ ©f ezf;'liA£it-Li|;htwaool t!ia8,.l H etory BUuGY. aearly r.ow Not. 1*. . 84 2t ^ MOTl€£. WItL b* rented »t Public Aa-rtion at tke M:- kefr nn Tkairt:(|*y ♦,%« 24ma fast., tbat very ^icaV r*b> ^£-iIDBNOfei at the otroor of'HAmsU aad D ok siTMtM, i>':'.sania^ to.tke &i‘ata U Joka Mulli^t, dtc’d, Vftk *a^ Idi aad f ai;d«a adjoinlaK, anraeo«B jury ont' 1»» f>r twalre aohtka, aci poM^s- iaia!0ktflj , ttBItt ad# piat'i jriil be r^aJUd f >r tr^iira yftai'iia wap ia^»ry v « - j*?'*}". Poiat H -anv. l^ia-iJa ljwifjEsai»-j, i>r6fW%4^tfcSroosr •tofJuiCiii for a boor.^i-^ koufa. er asroral f£.BuIi«s 'irrAM made known at raatiag. Fcr fartt»^r iofor- mittcn aidr»tie JOHN ? COOS ^ Ki x’r H. 84ir At the t'me aaJ rL‘0« will b« offered for sal«, ♦he ■'•'rsi.a'l pT'part-y: IrOx) I , 2000 bu... ’a ;,f C in; 'i'l e otfiK 0‘ F-: -d»r. Sbnoka, Peas, tea; FtvO'^ t 0»itic, fl jga. G>ats, Sic; 4 T*;ueblff Malbe; Otifc>'5oirei Oa? Ogc* 4 Ho> tC ’Tagra; ?ne Timher Carf; witk alTtke Fa ming X .oi^ »ml oiuat &rtijl»3 om the p.ecuieg Terau wiil ke .xr»i« kaowa before %i» A. J BYRNE A JIoLi^AN, }-£x*r9, B F M90RS F j >til! !f. 1 . Oit. 11 77-U FAY:r SEVILLE WORTH Cj&ROLINA li ist J-*aio-j cf tt.is I»*ati;u'ion will oemmsaoti L Is- cf Fovaary. i£66 for must be mada prior te tbh ift J.'uaar*, 1865. About W'l.ioit tima the teimi wilL be r i'io ku;>i*n. /•u» waQi«i, two!iEeaoLittfj ofMli *.4r> Edu,iatioa aad a 0 ewt: i ia tcii j I- Bittutioc. AdureM M#j. WM A. BANKS Saperi^t^udt •Or ^"4 80 tf NO .TiliiaCUAMTS, ^o. M.D, JUay Utreei, FAYETTEVILLE, If. 0. Aj>rU ao. 15tf «-!&**^ ^ ^ ^ i,6Uv UOA»xt. 1 iravOQ aavicg tke >.rtiv..e« to Mil 'pjUroo«iTt kiguc:-t. Gael! pricd >->y c:i jdr. lAOiauioc, at tke 'Acro-fcut *r oa tka snbdarl* k«r%i uia oil ou 6.iUare. JOaiiSON, Jr. Nov. a, 1 box t ittt A giillY ' • i Aitt pri»rcd t(j iQSTiu{\c..are ail km'Is of ^j*gan 1 H^ru^oa lor Army use. 1 ^ *uy leat:ier aad oaa fite s^C'i s A^vUJb Wiii do wtii le stad tkoir erdcT: M) iu« ae 1*1 *y aaali b»»e f fomti atteatioM, aua •aut on iii 'I — OARXUR. 1^. O.f 02*auia.ji Oc., X^. 1 stAJi Juae 13, Iboa. / iirOrii^e. I 8PUH Yarn f,»r Branly, W nj, B%(^n Lard ai i B «tt. r D. D FUBN H. Loffibiirion. Not. 4 . 82 6’nd Wanted to Lease, vs.a -r ra^ra y-^r- MOKT.iG0B PL'CE, • 2 to H nj ‘ Bfr-se F*-ftt niUe f o t» ; Id K.i-»er Ifcaa^ni V4*-«»»»». daidrod. ta oae w« > b*9 snffljiwat izra* » vork Uie f r®. »? will «atl aa interi^M Mr.j Notll iCcDu-’Sid. K U’t LuidLof P O., win eiow tKa placa to au ^na aei lriaf ta it C C BA^iiK3 it i O. Barelayvillc, Ca;>.bf rl^cJ Oo , Sao* Salt for Sale. OAAA BUSHBL8 80UND8^t-T. maJsia the Spring 4UvU 1>G^—will fsehangaii for B*ei'a. L^rd Ora, or ‘’oaf'iisralc Tffc^sary Knea Abo 5^ ftui CH*«fINQ TOBACCO; fir atU at my i*.-re ^^p^>8^te Car«F‘ar B6.k- A Q 1-OAci£i)^. 2 64 !f A tier tlki» date I will io OcDH per pvond far raga, oi t^c iiijju-ti iu«rfcdt i-risa, deiiTcrd-i ia >.t V.--V iHiiie D. MUaPHY. 4 7-ti Fayetfcsiviae, > • keo-y itt, lb vbTa^ oat^ FLOU-K. aad OATd wili be t-xoa^agsd for Corn at tiiL dt*ire of 1>. Jtt.Lauiio, by girizig kina a Xew daya aotio4. t'i^ur good, jlSo. i, black or wkite. Jaa’y 29. OKDNArtOA D&fiIiTMB5T, I RAiJuan, £«. 0., Alay 8, 186S. / LLAD W ANT£!T>.—i wjui la parokaBe L^ad for ikig i>epari,meuk. r^iaoas aaviog iwga or small qoau* t;oe3 Wid picifcois apifiy i poaid ol i'O ViiDiib 1'r lU pooiioi! of ijuciAi). lii' Jd L. aOQii, Capt. G. 8. ■.>.tf Li 01t‘ki’gV9 Ol OrdlAtUkCS. * To VFiiie Makers or Oistiilers. f-*r ««»« lu ir-.Li o.anJ a;aT/ot» ?liP. dENr- 1^0 iT-iNDjS, ja,»acrt/ of 1 0 g» lous; iida, 4 nvt jOJic*ty, rf*:ae i-.n. i'l-CJ ri, gi, 4 00 eiwi. Aay }.brs«B wbowJi t^iidtiio wkjteou iMW^Luam f^r »1000. Ta'‘y are ?«ioaui« n any cud #i3aing to make itiae or distiil Br:iu.d/. Also, eao« of kalf 'sixt} of abofe for eaie at u*lf the abuT? ni’ji fiEURY £ GULTON - F*y* .ItOVUid, Ook. 1. *' 7^‘f Paiina €liri«ti JBeaii*. I'^HiS BabD*iiber will pay thi hi^jsedt oaak prioes for Miy of Pal>.» Chriet*. Bt-APS. ; f WAiVTJSid, ffUiS^ to ti-u vU f-aaz.' Irruis, | Leatadr or iu> cq liTaient in o^t i oaa tia u m a Vary fhon t.me It I bj dickie s ptieat. Ifersijna wisJiiog iheir Hidea i*:ia»J oan B;5i-d i.iem to our auJcohs to Eg^pl w;wretaay wiilbt i: jjiaiid Loa-aer Jtouveri'd ui oar ejip«*i»j. >ii aud' -dit; li .Aaisont, Gkkibaia t.i'uuiiy ' W D. ^ ^0. K«fi>''.uoo Me3«rj (J WiUlieu tt 0 •, FijattaTille. Au^. ii. 6l*ij^»,lJpd K£ WAKO.« SrolifiN aboai 2d au. irom •“ ye'-tfi?ilb oathfc Fay el^t;»l•i• a‘i4 A’’0jui*t V Pi»'»k RjaJ, on ike 8A of «o*emu£>r, a ttt-.am e.z :d BAY MOi-sB, i>*tad ia t!;o le/l eyo, wua a ori taia ^a%ua, mad agei about lU Tears. The abo»a reward wiU be paid for £ia c;»liTery Jo J. A GILLI8, At Piyett«;Tilitt Are^fcl Nor’r .1. ' H4 Jtpd RAijJS! «^A«S!!~The infe rior qaality of tao paper oa waick tke Obf-cfTtr aas beoti p^iBi^^d of late, and wju A *4 %rcai Bys-sora to is owing to .the waat of a (afficU at s^ipply of g^^od r '-^a, ■id the oon^equ^at neo- •-'ssiiy *'■ i »it'or. 'O iofts'ioV in*«€ri*l3. We appeal to the friwd's ct lu** Obt r?er at all ac8 'jiiblo poiats, to *-^re Ui «a bring o 'own kU tie rs^s they proaure. V?t h't-fc ,u> '.itu.c oui«til'vo8 to att'jizd to their purokaae, bat Mcdiirs. Qeo. V?. Wiiiiaioa & Co., tke Ageat.^ ia tui4 tcv.i of Ur. Alar^ky, will pay 16 ^U« per lb. for tk»>^ 1. J HA LI ft SONS. faVy IB. MW SUjiJi W«mat» fm laW kmm. ^rom and a^ter thi& dato the St>«amor A. F. ffl’ST wiH _ leare at f e’olook, A. M., on Momd^y aad Thursday. JOS. A. ^ORTS, April i—jl7tf] Ag‘t G. F. Steam Bou Co. COHTSDSSUTfi 6TAT£S OF IKfi&lilA, Encinbbr Ditr.\aiysaT, Dist. CaFa>ti. Wilmicgi?a, C., ^areb luth, l&6d NOTICE ia hereby givfta to all pefsoca kaTius claiiBa a^alntft the Befiucar DepartiBcat, -or Fcrvic*es oi t!i»re0 ^cjployod m laborers ca the dffeneu nv^r Wiliaiaftaa, N*C., that the undcrsicaod is aathrrijsd aad prop^rsd to pa; tke same at kis %SIc-3, on the to- oond floor of the bailaiag a^Z'. above Moarua’ liras. Store, Market Street. Parsons executing Powers of Attorney will ob serve tke foUowiag loroi—thoir signktures, in all casea, te b« witnessed by two witncsios and signed ia dupli cate, or they Tnay be witneffied heft'rs a Jaef.ce of the Peaoe or Clerk of tay Court. FORM or POWER OF ATTORNEY. I, —— of , do ber-.-by appoint , of , ray true aad laTfnl Agent to sign receipts fcr, ,nd reoeiTc paymftat of all mottcyi dae to me by tiie Eoji^eer De partment of the Conf.ulcrftte Staieti c? Am^ri^a, for the serriow of my slater i Tiiployed as laborers on fi.i liad defeacoB at , dnriBg U»a laonth of , 186 Wituesfl «y hand aad *4*1 at , tH« day of , 186 (Higaed is dapIiMtt.) [SaaLj WUccare Tk? (.igantuxcs of oolorod persc'os shotild be witneesed by tk:T;« wilnesnoe Theto must be separafj duplicate Powers of Attorney ^r oash a>'mLk. Blank fornns can be aad apoa aa^li- satios tJt *,Iiis oSce. W TI > C.r^ififV ; ’«rr lUOrti' Wool Wanted for the St%te of H. Carolina. The aadersigaed eoatinae t.o exoui.a^-e (JOTTON YARN far WOOLi^^e buaife of Y -a fir 4 lbs ua- wasked, or 8 lb«. clcaa washed V7ool Tq;7 will also pay a liberal price in caSb for larji'e or pmaU lots. GEO \7 v7ILillAM A CO., Agia. Fayetteville, June 16 42tf flilhber#’ N» €• Militarj'leadtMjt n'Xt bvMica of ttii> I istitaiion will begia oo A *V*d i*-, Pci>’y lot, 18.i'>. Applications for ad m^ssioa inu t bi3 made pri^^r to 15lh D;o’r 1034, about sTkifli. i.mt ill* terms ♦•ill v ; tuii'll knjwa. Addrara Mtg. WM. 2J ti'.iRUON. SttprrinteadoaL 72 4n Ojt. 1.. A Circiitieman, uamarried, oi sa% ■; j^t -a exp^titact, dsairea a OUttiaai aad Mmtht- matieal t r tjie ca^aiac year. F jr t»r t, Re'ntnctif uaJ other partlMlars^ t^pplj mediately to C .^1. Rat Tail L'.jnaba.'g, 'Jj*. 3 81-6;pd Boxes For Soldiers. LL B»XJ!d i’Oa £Ol.D^JSilii OR PBIIONBRS OF W >>sa tag nAk^d p»'ss will ba promptly fanrarded meoT ohargt; l‘i- D F Saamey A fcevillej Di' ■ • a. Co.! It, Mor^'av. o-; . ' J W Aliiaju. 3 1 r J ti Naagle. Q ■'cai joro; >■ ..Li 'aarlwi^f; ■ir E dward Ileg?, balen; Csft J McDiiwcii, Raleigh; J -if A Worth, F^^oitevilio; / il ir -t. & Go, Wi^miogtoi; Itlr F L D>ad, T^rborc; yji J A J AciofT, VI i'^i'aia; Mr i’’ L Rob^fta MurfitijD ro Th- B:-zos 8-iOtt d co we-i .400i»*»d, properly ma'ked, aad daiifcrod i»i tirisa j'or ay dp-'ciai M^sfeager who leareu Raai^h t'jc fi.’il day of evdry moath. EU»V iRD Surgoo' Giu’. N C. Rkleis , Ooi 29. 80 Im . Will be sold at Pabllc Anction oa idoadjiy of G-'iort waak, 21 jt a%/ g: Sorsoiaoe, for Co4h, *> L’koly Negroea, a« foliaw« 6 liikeiy yoaag Nogro ?a«a 1 " “ - aipi, 1 ^oman aad Child. Taa w^maa is a good wa6ker, Irea»v and Cook. T ^ey ar‘> sonnd and kcntUhy, not refogee csgross, and v-o acid far no f«alt TUCKER, ANDREWS * CO AaoVs ft Cam Merek’t&, RUeigU ^ G. Not’»9 ii 5 pi President and Directors’ Oflice, Lavaiirauao 0 ,'Nov 7, l8-»4. raS auauiti Meeuig of > je Stociaoiac-is i ae Wil mi:}gtoa, Chu'itHif! * Ruthirf'jrd R&iircad ;Jami.aa^, wi'l ba aeid in tue Town of L;'ic ^l3*oa o& Weaa«sday, SiUi Novotuber 186 4 8«t« jAMEM McO^LtU rfee’y. 0ladeu Couaty JB^nds. 11HE auderdigi.ed will ctffcr lor saUs ia JSl a it>«^htowii, . oa Siiurday the 26 ^ i^ist, sixtj-ia.ad th»u^Aa.i ^;^68,K)0j dollars, in l»uads oi tae avaaty of filadaa, seariag 6 pee oaai. interest Sad pay^oly twelve month j afterdate. J W PORDIS Novi 10. 84 4 pi Bank ot IVor&h Carolina. A.VlViDkN«> 01 rix |.ci m» .1 oa tke C.»piii*x fitook «. tkie tfaac lor t^« ir.«t *ix u^a^a hu ko9B decUiea iua day—^payable ia tt>« Four for Cast bonds of tb>- iiOdtlftditkM States ai their ffce«; auc ail suii/s ludar cut. haaared doilars payaaie la Ooafadarau Treasary N(U«» at ft dejuc'ioB ol Taiaa—said Dtvidasd pajakle ta taa Siasahoidcrs aa tUw 29ih iaaiaut, at ‘taa priaoipa. Bank, Araaokas aad Asawiea. Xha riviiieada at T^rt>c~o*, Nswbara, Wilmiagton Wiadaoe aad Goidsooro’ pAyabte at Rai iga, aad «i WeaLwoiti: Agea*y at l&iltoit. C. DEf7IY,-Caiblir. Nov'r 10. 84 St 8ALT FwR SALE. ^ COlflldiiMJ^X ot cUO ttvLsHeiB «(Ov>d dry PALI ai the lawaat miukat puos lens for tae woole t,»t. Sfr - -- M30RE & GASHhLL, i'ayetteviile, N. C. OIL! OILH WE ar.^,uow ^xtcajivuly e ;;igc_l in the m-m'j^ctjr.- of a vciy pup^nor ^r .c’« of^ .CUBRWATING OIL 1 :*i3 Oii u iiituj iro u xi -tia, • u( by an Ktkrel^ new proec4e, Ru J so trr sur.-asset the vsigutable oils nersto- f'lre made in t:.u couatry taai gaod jadgea kaa pro- acuacdd it ^Imjdt, if not quitd, equal, for lubrioati&g parpoiies, to the beat Tram Ou. It has bo-ii*. Urgcly aaa i by tha Railroads in V^rgiiii^ aad N iri,h. _»rji«a:» ani faily an%ivera all the ^riH>«c-tt of iae m e^paajive oils heretjfore u»ed. Wfurettr it hits been tried it h>i'gioea compUtt toUttfaction, and has, pei:a*a nn , «**jtoa ;ae pl*jo of all ot(»er Labrioatord Ir 13 TiS VSET BdST VMiUTiBUU OlL KADM IS TBa CovriDsaATj .st.iT2S. iVo h«vi aow ‘>n nand, wkiok we offer at a very Ina friee, * 8 '5 BdJs. Luorioatlug OiL 75 ^0 Taauars’ i)J. 60 dr> P*tot.ag O.'l We are aif,kij^ about si^ty b*iti\ lj a week, a^d soli cit crucrs from iiaitroadj, Fouaaiisi, Faotorles and i^- di»du»l3 MUOliB & OAiJHWfiLL, Fayet erais, N C. 78-2m Oot’r 20. FAyETTEySLS.E ’HDTCAL- taSU!li^4)4; €>;Si*A.V¥. Capital in Premiom Notes aTuounte to $207,688 2b Cask OB kand aad other aseets, 5,077 35 Total, . $272,765 10 Tke Oompaay have paid all losees promptly, and kavaDaveriRadeas asseabmeut on their preiiiiu^a notes. Total losses p&id, . Orflosas: GJO. MoNEILL, rt-eeident. , * D. A. RAF, Vice Predideat. a A. MaMILLAN, 8^’y. Di&«o*.-uR»: Henry Lilly, vV. N. riLda«»hast, E. L. MyroTcr, 5. J. Hi ndttiO, 8. T. Hawiey, Wm. iloLaurjn, NaUiaa A. Stedataa, £. S. Latterlok, A. W. Steel, J. a. Cv.k, ' Hen. J. ii. Shepherd, R. F. i^Town, ) ^ A. E. H»li, / JokB Golliae ana 0. 0. iMeCram£aea, Traveling Agents “*“Tki Go/>:i>aaf lo*-'-; » '-.ii:, >’ » C. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. MoKethaa, J. D. Wiiliaas, S. W. lilUcgkiBt. liiidl^irJClRAJ^ Uaft»£RS. TfTfi H it 'Ua xf -jiators SU.devill^, N. G , wieh to puroj-aa 1,000,000 FUR SKIIVS, siurn i aASiilTd. «»(J isTaArS,' OUN, ML'iK, rox, OVTE ’• ••: d for whtoa W4 iFu* pay tDetdgii- Oat f.iijea uitscr m C;,af8dur.iij Money, Bank Bills aad dpv.:i^ or exaa^'.-j? for '..>ti.oa Yra or Has. b pe thit ail those wi? wish to caaoatagi} a S Kntrffprue, wiU ex^it thviaiel/m ia. geaipg U3 /nrs. M'jioLau’s wiil ?!?**■> ao; as A*ea s, bd riLg n miau iha!> we w I*. P*'/ 35 pe.* o- at. mort* man aat one else. WlTIKOfySKY ft SALTZJERY. Mr. S BRANDjl Li fuc -.ufh;'r;x.4 A^eut for Cua- berlaud Oju'.i*y to pure , mo Fu"d fot aa WirfKOff^KY ft SALTZBERY. Ntv r 8. si 2o WALT12R WATSO.\, tiuo, Pistol Maker and Maeiiiiiisla Uaas and FU(ols made and Bspiired wUh IHs patek. . Mb »iBER8 0? Reserves aad H >me Gawds can kaxy th *;, ^itrma rop'^irad at aalf pr oe. All kinds of Ma- c.'iao w>r doae C-, opposite the resi ir»y .M^urji, Fayetteville, N denoj of £ J Halo, £sq Nov. 5. 82 8tpd TESTAlHErVTS AJVJD HYMHS. CIONFSDS&ATB fiiates Bible Society Teetamants. I AOoilMtiMkarMhBtkBakoalHjiBja. litfalBlV B- J- B4UI • B098, B. J. €oaI .Uine. rM tmdersigned were, at tha November Term of tke Confe-i jrate Court, DIstriot ef North Garqliaa, ap- polutod V.^n*gpi3 of the E»ypt Ccal Mine prepwtjr, cnd^jave !iatered into oopartnarsbip for the purpose of ainiu^ adi I'eiliug Coal, and scliuit orders for the saAe .n acj qu»niity. Orders for aty aoifoitnt oaa i tra-r.liei on «hcrt nfltice. The Ca.U from this mo- ?ert713 ’indoul-to'Uy the best ia tke Confederate States. AppiicjiiuM taay t>e made to Okas. B. Mallett, Fayette* n^(t, J. C., cr James Bro'voe, Ckarloetoa, B. 0. CHARLES B. BiALLETT. }.\ynt9 BTtnwifF .vo » >0. *K'^* J SALT. ~l (bI D^Y oaLx, toi; sale by M^’r 14. T. IlJ.»tLCr ft fidN. S4-2ipa iHOTICfi. Tithe Pa^ fra of Ru;A(Bs>aa o>>anty wiil^pltase id- r ili thwir Ttikttb of Wa.t.t, 0*mi, R^« ,a. W^Oi by 20ta aa.- o I^ov. v;|^0'^def C»pt Jamas M. McGowaa, Post Q M. S ‘. yViiBB, Go. Ag.tut. Nij’r 8. «r Fi»reic« and FajeUefille Uailroad* . STOCKHOLDERS' MEEriN^, ASUfFiVlcINi' amuuat iiaving baaa subscribed tc •uthani: tt.e organifh iou oi .iii^avovonaceedcom- a ut.' .iwg ai ta« otooaaoliers is hura»j« oaiiod ij mevtia k«>«tieviUa, on Tuurs^ay ta> idta d»y of De- oujskr aexi, for tne purposEi m eleotiug a Pfe-ide^t aadwueotor yf eaid Oom^>aay, and fur tae traasaoiioa ol bii'.h other oudLiess as oi«y oooie before the Sto jk hoidai-B fad B'oks of aab?ripUoa a.'e ftiif open, iot&it) an un or^aat road to ta;s«o:amunity aad to taa oou^y geder^l,/ ^*’e hO'-e ovei'y mau wUl feel the iiapoKtacOtf ol doing irhat ho Cia ta »t]dure the speedy eod^tiwB o/ tain road- W. MoL. MoKlY, "1 JNO M. ROaE, | A A. MoK iX dAN, }-Gam. D. A RAF. , A. W. STEE'.., J Fajettevilie, N. 0., Nov 7 ' 82au fOOO Reward. D^ISL N')Rt'ON who baa Desa ooafiaed in p ieoo 'vvcr ta'O years, oroke out of the Jail of Rionmona i^ooa^* ou me uigat of the ul., and ’a.t mwie isis Said f.ouoais auoat4» or ep ycard of rg; aark hair aaii dara waissvra aud moustaohe; had on irheB ae leit a uoit of grey joitae; shoes uttiuiei, with leatSiyr strin;;^; iookj very ioad.:r>nibloaohed from hi« .cng^eoufia .'>ea*; is afcoat 6 ftet 10 ipohes hlgv"; ir»3 ir jaU iipou a oa rge of trie laurior of Aagus o.iapboll I wife gtva $300 lor uia vieiivory to mo or confiaemdnt iu liff Jail 8 ) I can get aiiii. I JriU give $tOd rewatd f^r W. Tottier A/, whv breSvjaiiat ui« usuae time 11) oatis himi'^lf so0.e tiaiM W. T. tiarrij also tV. T. Jilvana. He id abont b tcet'b of 8 i^oaes kigfc; d&rk ka.r, i^car on his slgLt Ug /osi atMve hut aoaie; h^d oa wkea its left a cap L.ouadf wUk raa; was in Jail for aorse ateik-uig JOHn a. LO>fa. Ghei'iff of Riohmond ojaatv. Nov*r 8. 84 (it JyOSJT BErWEEN Shoe-Heei D9po^ G. ft R B. R , 'aai aiy &)ap Fao'ory, cu the la«. day of tho preient utouta, aPooket Bjok o^atainlng ta'«following notes, i ^ #it: Oaa note on K. B PattersL;n, payable to W P. tlol)o:iaUt, dated ssmo time ia Juae cr July last, for oac note oa H Middle*, m for $600 with a ore tit 01 #250. dAted Sspi’r ’fi3; oae pevti&!s.t« fora Coul.d 3ate 4 |3r 0e4v bitad i(100, H. B llii-aiiio id, Wados ;:>ro‘ N. IJ, Dap^t^rr, data ani nuruoct rot rsooli,et- od All perBoas t.re hereby foranr rae 1 fom t.vJi.-g for any cfsald t-jtej, tn^i panies uMkki'g t tem wi.l i;ot pay them to any person save myaclf. Aud notion ie hereby given, that 'tppHoa'ion w^il be 02.. Ij for a da- plioate of tke abore meationad oertifisate 9. 3. A SKEW. Roekiugkaoi, Nov. 7. 84 2 pd $iOe REWARD. 0^ Ia« ai^iii- t '.e 7th last, was atjin.') from isy (Sta ble, a* «jj Rockiag^am, a IIGHT GRVY J LT S ye* te c-M aoxt .‘Ipritg, a^oat la^ U.'v? ‘f lign, r»»b?f bliffl bo !i, «ilt> Jwk ra-»as tail *a i l-g^, f; e mara c' i-.ie conar oa the right aiio”l •£• nal hzi -Tna^ pvt of a akoe eu the rigc^ fvre f„oi T .e 'ci^ *as tt> doabt t^kan b? tho notorious Fr/' who rcka Jait in Rjekin^kcm. on the night •’bcvs men aav«ed. 1 «jU1 gi.a «nj a.i-nro reward f>r t're OoU. ot aa^ iofciiaatiou 1/ wn: ;?j I c-»'i g.:' ^iai tn\ cT,.i him- ■Ired dollars 'aorc i't thi .pp . >a ;f .uj r- OK) N>RTH\M. Roekingham, ’■?> 10 34 2ipd ^Bfles Wanted. WlS'fBD Apply t > Dy.vUv iBAAo HOLLuieswo&Ta. ntf Tai la Klid—€amlberlaBd €saatj» WJk will laeM the Farmera of -Oombetland ooaaty at- ihe foilawing ti.a«« and pUe-s ^0 rsonve th ir H'.*e cf Ocm, Short Cora. Irisk Patatoeff, Rioa,-Cured Fodder, Gara? Ray. Baokwkea*, Sag tt. Ifoiaasai. Pi.as, Beans, Greaad Peas, and Cottea: Cedar Creek Wstriet, at Titke Depot, Vee Otk, 1884; Lcek'a Creek do at Josapk O^e’t, Dee 7tk: Flea Hill do at >i»ry’t Sardes, D>;e 8tk; 8i^w Rub do at iDavid MeNeill’s, Deo itk; BhM^River * & ai the Skelter Bear fimitk't ftUUs, . ^ Dee lOtk; Ori*yJe C^eedc at Bethel Ghirok, Dae ’Stk; (tookflyk ^ Kt Rockfteh Village. Deo I4tk; 'Q-iWkiffie do r4 Sics Jao A MeEeHhea's, ISckj 9««nty-fir*t de at D 0 Monroe’s, IHw 16tk; Carver’s Creek de at Kiagskory, 17tk; Fafatte^ille do at Market House, l^h ft 20tk. Ti*e Farmers are required to list tae «atir» erop of tke a>^ ve named, prodoea. wketkar gitkered or not ia- ruay atva be -a eojci or ooa oatad. # Wm hope avsr^ pridi(e«r-wW 4ip»Bd prei^ptlr, aad thereby s&v« theuselfcs «a^'w Busah tr-)«Ma ^ •. H. BLOCKIR, J A JOHNSON, ▲Meaiors S‘>d Tax DisU N C. Nov'r 9. 8S 6»*3t CoRlederate Tax JVotice. I WILL atre»d at the following plaaci fo* tlie porpcae of ooIl*etiag tke ^anfeierate Tax te-wik Liberty, on Monday Dsoembor 5th, 18^ W4dcw Cox-V, Tsceday Daj itk; Fracklinsville. Wednesday Doo 7tk; O. O {’iler’s, Thnrjday D.e 8 h; Jositlt -'kfrek’s, Friday Deo 9lh; Mcffitt’s tdiUe, Sf>turde.y D«>c lOtb; Georga Speaoer’d, Meaday Dee 12ih( £11 braaa ?n’fl. Tnrsday Dae 13th; La88it«r*d Mtlii Wednesday Doc 14tb; Temple Cr%.nford's, Taarsday Dio 16th; B A Morgaa's Friday Dae 16tk; Steioa M.1L S&ia. dty Dse 17th; NatLan' Speao^r'e Monday D:e 19tk; . Ni ^veb Rush’s, Taefc4ay Dea 20tt; Ponael Ak&oli’f, ^ji2a-.8day D>a ’>!•% Jiezekisk Dors.sU (■, Tanrsiay Dee 2id; Bnsh HUI, Friday Dc.o 2S^; New Market. Satorda? Dc& 24tk; New Salem, Moada; Dao 6'b; Aakebtr**, Tuesday Deo 27ti!; Byrd Thorcbcrg'^, Vfed^esday Dec Mik. Pereoas who have net paid all tkeir titke ef 1863 had better m»et rae (utd pay the moaey. T*e icsrwg.'irs will eooompaay sae for ti .• pn^oee of takinx the ii«t of those who hi«.Te aot listed ' Di ullers oan give in the angler ef gaI*o.u dii-tUled I hope the people will B.oet raa prompt y anc^early and pay up their Xai Nev r 11 J h TrtOY, Colleal»r R^^dclp^ isonaty. • 84*4t SOVXHERU FVBJLI€AX10i«$. ELE.dBffTART tPFLLIf^r B.)OK, e ni uaa X about the s*me as Vei»ster’s STCluag Book, witk tke additional advantage wf iiavtag all tke vawels aad ae eeat aaeurately marked. A Ripply always ob kaad. *rioe SS 00. TfiS FI3>ST DIXIE READER ieaaewt>ook, eoa laiainx eaav reading leeeeaa oa Seu'ktra auhj'veta. Pr:ee 76 ate THB MXIE PRIMER, Third Bdidaa, PiototUl, sUU eeotiruea to t:e iaxmen-.ely popular Price ($25 ^r kardred) ^0 cts. TtiS PElMAaY GEOGRAPHY, S^cood Sd-ilon, is a aeic aai p-^puiar baoV. It is eatlr«:ly Slathers and lately ad4p,3(. to c^oiaon astbtle Prioe 3 00 Fi.iiST BVOK iN ^ JHFOmT^Olf bj Br*nsoa, A #1 , VaVSrtMrlnrty -be kiad pald?ia^«d i^-e Oonfederai '- 8 00. Yuftj£ti ii^NGLISB GRA31VAK, I'aird EJiticn, is fi:i«>iy adapted to c'‘.m'>«oa.8o‘'or.'B Prioe S 00. Joa.^SON'O COaI-V!uN 8GM0;L . HIiaMBIir, by Ptcf L. Jo>naoi: u. TrmUy C^ltego, is i» aowa:d vatuibiO i>cok, an:t will fcllowei D'a bigh school Arith -■etio. i'tic.' 3 60 MYRPLii LEAViiS, by Sev A. 'T. Maci^ja, eeo'cd edit'on, *e a d* i«t,’fi,l aai.ron; a kfftaiii’ei 'toty rf a ••£}oltl;3r s L;v.^ ” ¥rit^ 2 00 MISIORIOAL SCaiPIURE QWEaflONS, Is Si.d iar«,2iy It give ta; t'tuae&t much valtu e infonua- i5o> t f ‘ ,*n.s'or;'jiipr.'^tioas 't e Bl^iie. frioo75ctt;. d LIB RIY cv'gi»»iel by rONGo OF i.OVK N ,riu Ciuoliuv- L»d/. -Ojlaifl:- •» ’^ upah.I* ojil -’tion of Swn^fi 4.n^ Cali'ds Prcn «p«.r tiacartd $4Vy75 de TH^SJ ^CH. MOiiG.iN bOi"»i*;Tfi ‘, eoup' ei .'j C»2 ‘.. T A. Braneoa, ia oae of th^ bvat colk^itions of aoaic and soatLnaa al b»lial3 ever put-iisced. Prioe (p«f huaircd $^0; I 00 MC&VSN AND LINDA, a t»l3 of iik eoldicr’elovo, ij a ra^o aai racy litUe book. Priei per Hundred; 25 te C\NTWE'L’S LAW PRACTICE, Secoad Edition, aii the biKiaea^ fsrsi? exteciiiTeiy ou^d Fr oe 20 00 SHj££r MU3I0, a fuH assortment of tke pieces pak- iishea in tho da*'ih. Prioe from 1 00 to 4 00. PIK^NF-RY ox all kiads^ at moderate priee*. fancy .ARTICLES geaerally. ' WOt“ ^ tko uaual Ueduouoas made to the Trade. JI9* Those ordoriag goods to be seat per mail, must remit 10 oenta extrs ca tke dellu tk pay postage. N. B. Oar PublioatloBa are to be had a^tke pnaoipal Book Stores tkroug^out the euuatry. B&AN90N ft FARRAR, Ralegh, N 0. «epi. 17. 76*tf . • A few ialportaiLt Faotg IN &£aA£ll> TO TfUE ^‘SOUTHfiaif WPATie PnJLS.^ 1T££Y are prepr.red from the best quality of Medi- • oine by tae discoverer, bow aa aged MiBi^tor ef the Grspel, aud a^e safe. 2. They kave beea kaown 'or years and teoted by thousands 8. Five haadred peraoBa.are kaowB to have beea oGiel t> them. 4 They are Bot reeonuaended by tke proprietor for sveryrhing, bat only f^r diseases wkiok «rise fireic dis- ,.'id%»»d i'vera. * • .6 Uircotioas and eertiflea^ee aoeompuy eaek box aud titeae csrtidoares are from well kaowa aud moet re spectable iBdivldaais. 6. Correspxadeots reooaimend theu as gooi f r Liv> ir Bidease, Gkilis and Fevers, PcjttmcBia, Jauo- Uca, Dyspcpiiia, Bilioud Fevord, Biliooti RacuaiatibBi, i^orimi. Pleurisy, Broao'sit'o. fto. 7. Sa rerid gentUmen state tkat the use of these Pills t ad been to tkem an annual saviag of Ccom #100 to $200; tney arc tke best rlaatatioa medicine ever of- ifired to tke pcbiio. 8. Some Physicians of the Ms'ae^jt scaudiog prescribe (uem 0 *t>eir patients and haadreis of boxes have ^e-n sold to reguUr practitioners. * 9. Duri:ig the Iasi quarter 2,8Si boxes kave been to D£ugg:at&, one in Sr-uth Carolina, e-ad one in NortH CaroiiBf—and some iime a«o over 8.700 boxes wer;' or ered \ij Drujgistb ia oac.towii in Virginia. C^Prioo. a box. • For $30 a dciea boxee will be sent 10 auy .'.Udress. A very liberal discaoBt to Dmg/iets and eouutry merohatits. Cask (new enrren- cy) to aoe'.r:!:pa:iy utUers. tJarolffla as f\»ll«wi: Llocointim, H p Sherrill, r«.v For H&le in HoitM AthevUle, & J As(oa, \UieniarIc, J M Bivins, I'hapel lliil, K B H&unders, Charlotte, J N^e Uotchlu»ua, “ F d Cair, CUalon, llabb&rd tt Moseley, u'oocord, J Ueid, infield, J Conen, riiitsb>ro’, J K, vVhitted & Co, .rayet-ieviilo, S A feU)Uiiiaa ^ Oe 'jreen&k>oru , PorU'i & tionvli, ' (•iildstioro’, LncHs It Moore, iiaiiCiz, J U’Brieu, i-eniierw*a, Wyche tt Uo, i.iexinftoa,‘J f Shiuaou, ..'xddnM, *nu '*»«»' '*>* I LoaUijuri;, i (,tiftaa, 1 Marlun, Win Waaeueld; I Plttsbiiro', 1 , talelfh, VVlUtaiiit fe HaywooS, I “ V h' PeseuJ. Bwkinfh.nm, 4 P N ' U.im, I .Saiiatnuy. Hen»1er»iri m. Boats, • I “ Ciiirh’iuK '>; »« »lwgli*r, 1 fhelby, P Fr- «cbci|«r. I WaJe-'buro , IV O lii'anelt, WhlievMe, K UKfaes, ■ I VVILaiaxUiD, VV»Uier iJaaraa, U McLIn, W H Lilppltt. t)BOR01LW DiSBMd, &>M.«-Pt-j N (' tf *¥ Gtnt. Rodos and Ram$eur.-^ln responding to a request tor a day’s suapeasion of diviaioa dutiea that proper tribafcos of respeot mighc be paid to the reoiaiQB of Gtona. Rodea and Ramsaor, Gea Early wrote to Gan* Grimes, now oommaadiog the (tivision:— take oooasion to express to the DiTiaUm, oo lately eommaaded in suocession by these Umantod ofiiocrs, my high appreoiation of their mehta, and my profound s^irrow at thilr deaths.'* **Wh le serving with Geu. RodeS| whed wa were botn DiTudon Commanders, I had tonned a ▼ery high estimate of his qualities as a mum aad an officer. That estimate bad been greatly an* hanoed duriBg the recent campaign. 1 hart been Buruck with admiration of his oonsranfe and vi((iiauc lievotiou to duty, his oarefol attention to the dicMMpiioe aad weliaM of kia meo, and hia asid gaUantry in aouoa. Ha feil^os'ihe'ldjh of Septembo*, .ac the head of ^a* jDivisiou, maitiiig one ot the most gallant ohargea that has been made daring this war. I parted witn bim as he was going into ^e oaari^e, and witbc;;isftd tae 'vigor with which he huri^ hia Dividioa agaiost the oolnmii^ of the enemy, drmug them back in oonfusiDn.* fle met Hia didsth jttst at ths moment when the enemy was liymf: before him, and there never fell a (roar g .QLisimaa nor bravor soldier. In his death hia country jboutained a severe loss whioh oannot be eabiiy repaired, Dut be tell nobly, gallantly, ha- roically uoiQg bis duty. ‘'Major Gen. Ramsenr has often proved hi3 ouuiiige and iiis capacity to command; bat never did tbese qualities siiine more oonspiouooaly thaa' on the aitsrDoon ol the 9 th ot this month, whea, alter two diyisicDS on his leit had given way and bis own viras doiag tbc same tiling, he rallied a emtiii band aiid fcr oae hour and a quarter hekf ia check the enemy, undi he was shot down him* self.' iu eadcavonog to stop those who were ra> tiring irom tbe field, I had oocasioa to p^int tihem to tae giLant staau made by Ramaeur with tia small party, and ii m spirit ooaid have animated those who left bim thus battiiog, tho I9tb oi 0> tober would have had a far diffbrent hibtary. lie met tbe death of a aero, and with his fall i>hel«at bupe oi saving tho day was lost. Gen. Ranaear was a soldier ot wbom his citate has reason to oa prcud—lie was a brave, chivalrous aud capable. *‘Your Diviaion has thus been called oa io mourn the loss, within one aiuuth's time, ot two cammanders who have falibu at their post. It is a sad io^s to tno Divisi00|||be army and tne coaatry. I ieid it most senijible. in them 1 have lost not only valued frleuds, bat most aole and effioient assistants, aad I join with the Division so well couuaanucti by them, ia bonoriag tbeir memory. Let tiie Divisija be inspired by the example gf taosc iioblo herces, while lamenting their IJMSS.'^ Muirimot)^ in Olde*i Times.—Rov. T. L. Cuy* lur, i't * reecac letter from Greenfield, Oonneoti' cut, relates faojno iuteresting incidents of its early iiictory. lie says: l^milVHOBllCQfl ojf thiNO days, .s tue lamcus courcehip ot the Rev. Stephan idix, of Wtiat,bersiicid. He made a jonraey to Nortiiampton iii lt)U6 in search ot a wife, fia arrived at tbo Rev. Solomon Stoddard's, infonoad t.im ot tbe objcot oi bis visit, and tbat the prea- sutc ot home daties required the utmost dispatch. Mv.' Sfoddard took him into the room where hia , uaugaters we^e, aud intioduced kim^o E^.^ucr, Ohristiaos, S»ah, ReOekab ana Hannah, aad iheu retired. Mr. idiz, addressinj^ Mary, the eidcct daughter, said be had lately iMen aet- tied at VVcatacrsfield, and was desirous of obtain^ iag a wiie, aud concluded by offering ber hia ue^rHaud baud. Sue oloshingly replied tliat ao iuij^rtaat a proposition required time for con* sidcratiou. He rejoiaed tbat he was pieased that he asKsd for suitable time tor refleotioB, and t&at, lu order to afford her the needed opportoni- ty to thiuiL ol bis proposal, he would step into thft next room and smoke a pipe \> ith her iather, aad sbe oould report to' him. Having smoired hia pipe and seat a message to Miss iidary that he was ready tor aer answer, she came in aad asked lor iartber time for coosideration. He replied that she could reflect still longer on the saojaot, and send her answer by letter to Weatherbftold. In a lew weeks he received her reply, whioh ia probably tbe most laconic epistle ever penned. Here is the model letter, whioh waif soon loUowad by a wedding: “Nobtblimpton, ISftd.' ^^Rev. Stephtn Mix: “Xes. Marv Stoddaed." The jnatrimonial Mix-torc took place on the 1st ox December, 1696, and provea to bo coiu- pounded of most e.>ngenial elements. Mix waa pastor of that paradise oi o»>V>n« forty todr years. Modern Economy 0/ Time.—Tbe Scientifta Ameriuan thus shows now time has boon econo- xnii^cu by the applicadon oi maoninoiy: Oao man oan spin more cotton yarn now than four hundred men cop Id iiavo done in tbe same tijie m 1669, waua Atk^ngat, tbe oest oottoa Siiinaer, touk out bis fiiSt pauiOt. Oue man oaa make as uaueh flour in a day aow as a hundred and fiicy couid a century ago. Oae woii:aa oau maJce as maob )aoo in a day liow as a buudrcd wcmou could a huadrcd yeara ago. Ic requires oiily as many days to refine sugar now as It diu mouths thirty years ago. It uuue required six moatbs iio put quicksilver on a gla^s; nuw it needs only forty luiautcs. The oagiae of a first rate iron oiad frigtto will pericrm as luuch woik in a day as forty-two thoa- sandshorses. levBg’s AritlMMtteal fMeti«aai7, EMBBAGIN# a systesi of Aritkmetio, Beady ReeLaa «r, Mtsnst Oatoalatar, ~ ^ “ “ Book Eeei Foma fto. kmm. DasnrlS, Mr. Augusiu^ Retmot, of Now York, offered to bet $10,000 that if Mr. Lincoln ba elected tho North will be ia a state of war durin^g the tern ol his administratioa, or wiil be forced into a dia- graeeful peace. The largest wingle payment ever mads an aa* thor was the obec£ lor i^20,000 paid by the Long* macs to Macaulay, f jr tue tbird and fourth vei* uuies of hi^ History of Eagland. ‘Tbe fever oi speculation in Roston ia at !^a height. Thv3 mioiug stoska now in the market repreoent no les^ iLaa two hundred and forty-eight enterprises, unbracing copper, gold, coal, koof lead, plumbago, antimony, &c. ^ A thick p^tmphlet has just been published to prcve that Picaidenta Harrison and Taylor we^a assassinated by poison ia ttre interest of the Soath and that ti^e mysterious National Hotel eydemio iu aS57 was the reaulfe of a aim«ta> nat lifeofllf.BwdMDaa. dk msA