SEIMI-WBISK LT v\»j. ^ rv FAYE'rTEVlIJ E, N DECEMBER 1, 1HH4 (NO 1369.] tmiNfiiD MOPJUAV'd Ai^O I’rtUtwSU - V:H i. MALE ^ Stix^S. U.'li(»Kt» Aa1» Pii^PtUi,rO&B. Fria*'^r !he Omnii.vdii $16 00, fjMd la Ad^nee For Uie T^ d^kly Ud»k»VKS liiiO u( pw *«iua>u, p&id m •t'nyac-. • ifj^v^DVERTIBEMENTS iiUBt;e«i for *3 p«r » )iiar« of 12 liiiea or l»8s for th« firsi, i^ad fa fit cswh ■uceoe'iiyg inibli.ia'iaa. AdTortuerd are reqaeated to itatv the Quml^r of insert’ 'ub de. ired, or khoy will bf coDtinoed I’Vi fr-^bid, »cd rharpcd accordingjy. AdvertlBtro»*ntij o-jntiauod tniidA, chsrf(ed « %d- verf4«emen I Fayetteriitf Hosiu Oil Wdrkft* I AUR Oil vVork* are now in complete operatif’n, and A3 we ade notking but good rusin ia prodaclng tlie I Oil we can reoomxnend it to 6e the best of tha kind madu I in tbi« country. It is a fine Lnbricating and Tanner’s (Ml, and we would be elad (o r««elve ordars from the OoTemment and the public generally. Ws will sell on fo£0onable terms* MOO.R£f CASHVTSIiIj ik CO. April 16. yt-tf SP£C5iAL NOTiCfi. -Proid » U j‘nisdate, n' r,A.' of nev »u’'f»flfiber will be CRforml without, in a1vaiMia, nor wilt the papcT ‘ «!• unnu J. ers for a r. than ia p’» i ‘or. Such ai av uid jiw .tjr« u, .iire lo tske tao p» p^r ou th's ,f8t ' ■' pL-.V"-j .iuuly «ii remitiaiiceF. Jan’y 1, 1858. I/!I I p ^ v FAYETTEVILLE WORTH CAROLIIVA will oommcBeo '11R g F rsv 0 i J. l'>* of F:»‘'.i*narv, f >*isa iLsu'Qiioa 1866 i.' I :til arj for ad *>^ aioa bo iSAde prior t« th» I-.*. Jm-uw , 1865. aboat WMc'tt time be t«rm« wfil 8 c Ttle ka'i^Q Alt.? w^t« J. two Te%cbera of Military Rdaoatioo ftod a S i in this lTs(itat:on. Addr«M kl*j. WM A. BANKS. Sapdrivtevdeat. 80 tf Ov \v . DHAVGiUm^ AUC^IONEEa, S. B. Corner Msrket Bqaare, FAVETrfiFllXE, l!f. C. 0jir Pirir;'t proeu &I1 tmeij'iP'eB in hit entrt’Bti to uim. Jnne 1C, lSb4k 40tf ~I^^^^^WOLLi \ GS ^0 a THi i}r«cer aad €oflais9ioa Merchant) PAYEICEVU.LB, N. G. W EAGLS FOVNDBT, \ FATBTTaTlI.I.a. ^ , . Ju.*; 4, 1'«4. • E ARE NO*? PREPARED TO RECEIVE OR- ders ^or RAIL ROAD WHEELS 'f the til ow'n- ▼ t: 24, 26. 28 aad SO itet». Also CHILLED 1IR88 Th« Iron we shall use for tbec: wil{ b - OLD BLAST CHARCOAL IRON, aad wd war t.ini oer wboeia NOT TO "'RAOK. tnd &«• equal to any B'ade in th« Ooaf^de; «j, to th of *^hi(ney & Soiifl of Pbilad^lp^iLt, whoa*> reputaiios Lj *•' well Known by all Batl Eo*d Gompaui*s. We have t-'e bo«t faoilit-isa for trt.i-:iporf*t?on %v S^eaoieni to Wiliningtoa, trom thetuo to s.iiy pm of the f’otjfe-’eracy. Orders respMt^lly soUoiicd. 46tfl D. AND»«B30N & 00 fiilhboro* €• liilitorj Acadtaiy* rHE n F^esciion of *i^i^ I>\«t:tati)a will brgia oo Wed;;e (laT, Pc^'y 1 ,t, i86'» AppUftatlons for »d- m'''si>in jna'>t prior to 16ih Dco’f 18-»4, about ,.f iot t'liuo 'fle t“r.'«j will b-'* mvia known Adciress &1~). M QOIiDON, dnperint^bdent. Oai. 1. 72401 ifoxcs For iSoldiers: All Bl>X«3 tOR so .DiE td OR fitl iONBRS OJr W«r tfota botib 0.roUa%, dtlirsred to ttod foilow lag n. m-'.: persoiis wi.U ba proiuptly forwarded fr»e of okarga: Dr D F SucaoK^y A »;6’rillG; D.' ‘ A«’oti‘H, Mor(i»a«on; I rJ W A!'s«j m. S-«irsTi'le; Ir Ji« Na*g a Gri'^nsboro; Mr A H 'g-tn, Cbarloii,e; Mr £Jw*r«i Uege tiaieoi; Oapt J N MoUo«eil, Aalsigh; Jo«eph A Wor»h. Fa^ettcvil s; fi M irrav ft Co, W»!miagtoa; Mr F L B>iid. T^rbiro; Mr J A J Askew, Coleraln; Mr y Lt Roberta, Mnrfteejb.>ro Th» B )Xds shou'd be we'i hoo^f^d. properly marked, Aad daliv^red in litae for my Sp«>oial M^saeager who ldSTt)8 Raeijtrh oa ibo first d»y of every moath. EOt?ARD WARRBN. Surgeor OdnM N C. RU-i^-', ()&[ 29, 80 Im PafFaffine fjabricatin^ #il. HAVnfO by oarefol ex'^erimeat ftlierea uid greatlr improved the eharaeter of our Oii, we now off»f for saie an artiole of Labriealing Oil fc-f Cotton ^aotorin* whioh bat bo aar'crior la the Gonfsdttfcey. I> does not goal or ohlU. TbisOU we irnaraatee with e^reful trial to be th« b«8t aad eheareat f*il for fine ma«hiiiery in the Routh. As the aoderaiirved frivrH h^ rciaosal at>ea- tien to tha p*^epkrfttivn of the Oil it rh^U uoi deteriorate in qaality bturatbsr iatprove. ^^BTt to Ag*Bts Boekfisb and Bearer Creek Macio* f-rc‘UiinyOos., Fayottevilk, N C , who proa-maoe ii a very superior Oil HHNRF B. COLTON, Aft P K Co. N«Vr28. iHineml Fire-Prool Paint. W£ »ra uov prepared u» snpp y «ny quanti y of thi« Ps B« ia powaer It se a P^'oxide of Iroo, «iil S' the moat severe testa with fii-e Color doep reddish «BNRY B COLTON. A g’tP N irr 'JB K Oo. 88vt THE B1IV«HA!9I tICHOOli. A IflLITART AND CLASSICAL flNBHiriO AOADBMT. The aext eetaiAn begiiiS Feb’y 1st, 1865. at Mehartes- ▼ille. OB the N 0 R> B Waile the uld e'-nrs3 is r^iam^d, cxU»niTe %ddi’ioas have been lofidti. with a ▼lew to making soos sotnuBS «•!) -» c'od so ola:.n A(?«rw Cel. Vfii »IN»HaM 8*-.u’». O. k- N. n l»«v>22. 1W4 _ Kit'-P ♦0 tf ■^0'%'fM* myjtCjSurn lt'% £i.ttotJiGy &t Iiaw, FArJSiTJSVlLLil, N. C. ; iLit ait-4ad the Coauty and Superior Oourta of CunberltkOd, H»meit, Moore and Robeson Coob* Kes. Prompt atieouon girck to the ooUeoiioB of all iiaims eatru£:6d ta his itaads Oct. 17, 1869. 6»-*f JOi». ttrtfctr and C'ammiinii0K Jl&erehan*^ ij'AiiETTjiiVlLLli, i\’. 0. ^ta’y la, Ibu > W-lf MAlMAy A. dTHI/JCAJ(. WM. H. BSSVIBO. iH. A. » Jk €0., WBOLESAl^ Ai\il aUJTAIL i>£ALEaS AKD nea€HL%i«TS, id) J£ay iitrttly PAYEirEVILLE, N. 0. AS^ *3. W£«T£R!V BAlIi nOAB. Ilia FRlSiaUT AND PAaSENGKp. of thi3 leave Payeitovilie daily, (S-.UPft73 oxcapted) &t 8 o’clock, A. U., and retnraiui; i£gyp; at I o’olooK, P. M. Oath aud ffaru T^ain MONDAI, WSDSEisDAYaad PEID lY. n Bycrdir JKO M. ROSi;, Treas'r aod 6321'! Trane. Ag’t. Jan 22, 1883. 97tf Salt for ^ie7 i meORE & CASH 4TELL, FayettevHlOi N. C. . OIL! OIL!! 1 Wf^ BOW «xtet* jiTilj e gjtgts'a in the manafactare , if cf a va?y of LUBRIv>ATING OIL j jLAis Oi'i is snitia ttoii R 'eio, ^ai by an enttreljf n«w j>roeui, and 00 f*x sac: arsen* uto re.{9tabte oils iiereto ■ fore luadtf in luia ooasny ta«,t gjjd judges aavR pro- I uoanO'ji U 'vlajet, it not qaii^, eqaal, for luuricauog ' purpc9C8. to the bM( Train Oi> I It b is bfio- l»rgeiy u^e.: Dy t'le Bailri>ada ia Virgiaia : ui'i N >ri,h C*r'>un» Bil folly anb#tin all the purposes nt Ike mr'sr expeuaive oils uerotofore uaad. WJurtptr BUSHELS SOUND 3\up, naie ia theSpriog i IMS—will exohaniTi Itfo’*I? SOS’!, ijftt'd C'rt. 1 • j i . Ur Uoafeierato Tfe^^ury N 'tw. Al?o, 30 boxes iJoe j•*/!»««»», MdJias, CaBWmo TOBAOOO; for sale at my ..ore or pcsite ’ » o‘*^« ‘ ub/ioator* Oape Fear Bank S'PL 2. A. O TdORNr 64 if From and alter tidri date the Steamer A. P. HURT wii* at 3 a’c}o??f, A. i£., wu McuiU?" aad Tliumday. J03. A. WORXa. April 6—17tf J Ag’t 0. P. Steam Bo.*i Uo. 25tf 2,600 I'scsoo'* asTiog t.'ve aovW ko a^U i Ao iiigiieoi Casu ptioe by oa'uutg oa .vir. M. Ihojiasou, | «i tke Merohaat Xtiila, FayciicT:lie, or oa tua robwri- | 'r-'it M hie oli on >’ x-ket Square. AL&X. JOHNSON, Jr. ■Iio». b, 18tf2. j VLARXMSS. ( AM prepure>i to mAaaikkavare iJi kmcta of Wag;u 1 Llar&tiBS for Army U3U. 1 uui luy ieatkur and ca:^ iife good bargAja-*. Agen^ Wili ao well to send th«tr »rdrrB t j me a& to -y su»li bjtve prompt atteuuon, anc oC in qai&k di«pa;«a. JUilN CAiLIHR. P. onafcuata Co., iS. u., i June la, li;‘j2. / OOIfiaiRiTft SIAI1& Of AMKBIGA, ) 6l74UIBaB DxFA&ZJfBdT, D18T. C&f V Wiimia^tau, K. C., Mareh Itith, 1868.) N0XIC£ is hereby eircD to all persca^ haring oUinu against the Bagiaeer Doparineat, for sorvieee of •Utves employdd aa laborers ob the land defence near Wilmiagion, N C , that the CDdarsignvii is anihorised aud prepared to p»y the same at hia »Sic«, ca t^e m { MDd floor of the boildiog oox& t’ t>rag j Stor?, Market 8tre»5t. S®*Ps>Man, sxwHetiiig Powers of Ati ’Ti»y »'j11 ob- •ervQ the foUovrisg form—taoiraigaAttirea, ia all 2aio«, I te be witnessed by two vntaesses and sigt^ed io dapli- cate, or th*y oa&y be witc^iM bci'ot-a a Juetioe of t:ie I Pea'^ or Clerk vf any Coart. It is TBI YMKt BBST VjA.iBIaBi.B Ou tlAlta za T&B Ooarai»KBA«ji draTss. ^''e ii&7« uow vB ttaad, watjb we offer mt m 9trf U» pn9t, 8:& Bnli. Labrioatisg Oil. 78 ao Taoaers’ OtI. 60 do PaiBiiag Uii. * We ate iaakiog about sixty bftrreLi B week, asd soli* csit orders from iiAluruads, Foaadried, Faoterie- a&d la- div att^ls MOOEE 4 UABEWKLU, FByet‘sfiiia, N. 0. Oct’r ao. 78-2ia i OMO£B». 0 faya(V7-.'iu«, or 7 lb, Iboi Alter thili date 1 wilt pay 16 O^nts p«r pound fer raga, o; Lae UlgUUdt Ubt «7t pfU'9, •i'siiidt b'U I’i it axi’ latitt* UoJkll.;» *>, «w'iipyr 7-tf FLOU1& A.\l> OATi^. j^LOU£ aad OAIi w.L oc cx;:^ a^cd Tor Cora at the L bterj of D ik^jiAarui, b/gwi3g aia a lew da>t; uo>^ce. jTi-ut ^ood. O' - cJ ' i Uvi u: wiivv. ian’y 29. *i tf FORM OP POWER OF ATTORNEY. I, —of . do hereby appoint , of my true and lawful Agent to sign receipts for, aad roceire pa«B>«at of at! moneys due to me by the Bagine^ De- aartment of the Oonfodernte States of Amarioa, for the lervioes «f my slaves (employed as labcrera ou ths land i? fences at . duriog the month of —1S6 WUneu" sy haad ai^ swai *i tKt ■ ■-■ day of , 183 (Binned in dv;'i^;«t«. ^ — — ffoal.] Wjtoew tiao, Pistol Maker aud ittaebiniiit. (•ant and Flstois made and KepairM wltii Oil PillCU. B£R3 vf Rsaei-Vvs >t.a tl -xao Gaards caa have L.icir m- tna r»^*ue.t *t pr ve. AU kiuus ai Ma- Wu^a uLr»d H*y Mcuut. fiyttterille, N. 0., uppoaite Mia resi denoc of B. J >aiu, i;^^q Nov- 5. 82 blpd M- OBiiXAXCK BSPABTMMI, i RiLi.aiQn, M. 0., M*y 3, 1863. / i - A3> WAJ^TfiD.—1 wisii 10 pureaadc Lead for tais ii Di. Ai'iixiovi... I'crsvaa Uaving large or amail qaaa- itM3s ffitl pi:.Mv>o apply ai. oaoe. Wilt gira 1 pouad of FOi'i Dtitv . .r iO pi/ujoa of hhAJ). riiuL D Hooa, c*pt. c. s. • II ,lu cb...»gt; of 0rdiia;i0a. Vo Wine Jiaker« or Distillers. IHAVE f r saij 10 irou o^and heavy otJt ?lSllvB£iX Il'i} bX^ND3, o( a' 1 0 ga lOus; 4 adt so htfavy, s^axa » *9 -uigi/ $ Od eaou. Aay ^rs»a wi^o Will taks th: r oa.. a«va ^.^em iW i^lOOO Th(>y are valuable to aay ^ad wiraing to xaatrei ^i&e c? diflstii Brandy. AIm, bo-ne of half • » . j! above -jt a£ t»if »h^ve rai Fr.. ilSNltV E VJ t/OiiTON- 7i4 'I UiiSLun, o*3h priy* * T^- *Wi E'”r I--:- .' tfi-ir li E*i.xP- I’ aim ted, c» Ivn or fi!r Oj ^ f^«ath->r or its ‘Pat iu 0. ; •.*a ii> in a Vft?y '-hen. ; . MJ dlukh’j : f ;il. Prrsoai wiB&iag • I )d ! ia i to ou 4i*ri*j3 to .t V .r-i - K ■ ' '-i ju fromnad La c-jr T^i> siga*tuze« uf ool»red persooa sboaia t>« witnesso >>y thrse wiwesaes Th'fa iau« be eepayate dcplioate Piwert of Attomtj 'iiT eac^ !Benth. Blank forms can t:e sad-upon afpii* '*.*t:rvr» ft ♦.h!* nfHee W If n*^t * Chief Kng. Wool Wanted for the State of NT. Cardliua. THB and-rsi^aed coctinae to exaa»>ige COTTON YAJLN far WOOL, one bundle of Yara f ir 4 lt*;j. ua- washed, or 8 lbs. olean washed Wool Tl-ey will also pay a liberBl pride in cash for lsj*ge or siaail Io4 OEO. W WILLIAMi it GO-. A-ts.' Fayetteville, June 14. 42tf FA^YeTTEVlLK.ii MOTIIIL iSSDRAAICii; (lO.^PAiVt. Capital ia Premium Noties amouuts to ^267,588 2t esi pr.^ies eiiayr dp«uie, uf exohuags for Oouca Yaru or Hats. vv e a. >p^ th^i all those wao wua ts eaoeurags a S.ut:^-.!ru r^nt«rpnae, will exert taemsalves ia getting iv furj. MeroaaTi*« will pl?ase aot as AgsaK, be:r;iig a ibiiii kUat (Fd w ll pa/ 26 pe' o«at. mor4 than a^ uue 61M. WITfKOWdKY ft 8ALIZBBBY. Mr. 8 BRA.MDT is our a’iii)«rit..d AgO'*^ for Oun- bctla.d to par>^aa4e Pa*s for (ts WlifBO^aBY & SAIiIZSBRY. Nov‘r 8. 81-2m $600 Keirard. DANISL N'iRrON, who aas osda coaflaad ia p'isoB over two years, orcke out of ihe Jail of BiohaoaJ ooUBt> oa the atgat of the 7tii al., aad aaa made his esoap?. Said Norton is aftout 4§ or 50 years of ag4; ■lark aair aai dark whiscers aad moustaohe; had ob ffaen ao left a sail of grey saoes meaJad, with leataer mrin js; iookj vary i^ader and bleaohed froa his ooa&i-' eat' is about 5 f:et 10 iaoi^es high; WB8 io jtit up-.a a ca*rge of the •uaraer of Aagos (Jampbeli. I wir give for nis dslm^ry to mo or oouiaemeat j lu a&y Jail sj 1 aan j^et aim. I I w'U give $100 r:w4rd fjr W. Taraer Fry, who uroao jiti at tae saiao luaa Us oatla hitns.iif sons limes W T. Harfi^ also W- T. Bva&a. lie is about 5 fbdt 6 or 8 i.tolies aigb; darx hair, soar oo his rigat i;g j oat above his aux?c; a»d on whea he isft a oap iiound wuit rod; was ib Jail far horsa staadag JOH'J A. LONG, Sherifi' of Biehuoad ooaaty. Nov’r 8. 84 6t Gash OB hand and other a-saets, Total, T)iz Uompan/ have pnid s.11 liav(S !ver made an asfids^eut ToJvl I'isaris pai.*. 830. Mc_4J3iJ; r-f. D. A. RAi', V; fi C. A. 5,0/7 36 :J272.7t;5 1' promptly, and • ;^r Botu. S‘^9.eS2 Slliiii^les Wanted. ^A AAA SaiNOLES WANTED Aprdy to Ol/,Ul/U ISA^C HOLLINGSt^OHm 72tf Tax ill Kind—Robeson County. An Bftims'e sf tut pres nt ve*r’» c»cp of o *rc s cr* oorn, bn kw?*eat, roui;h riee, Irisb potstoea, cured Day, cored foddw, sug«r moias«>^ti of o»ae, tnoUsB a of iiorcham, cottes, r«a«, be»ns aud qrouad peaji, v^e'sg oalled for bv t.te Qarero*ji>nt. w» inll meet ths farj-nrs «f B'. >«8cu Coolly, ai t*«c f illowing timai aad plies'*, to take thetr rdspeoti«e lists, vis: At Lu^te'ioa, Mo ’ *ivy, Tuspiay and ’*^olnesday otOcnn^y Court, Njv */8’h, 29ih aad 30 h, 18C1, Burnt 8ff'>rap, Tnur^day. Dao 1; Smith’s, Friday 2; Blue Springs, Saiurday 8; Lumber Bridge, Monday 6; St PaulV; Tuesday 6; HoweU :vi:ie, Wednesday 7; Burat Isl&adt, Thursday 8. LomberioB, Friday 9; Baek Swamp. Batnrday 10; Alfordsvilie. Monday 12; Thom:>3)n's, Tuesday 18; White Hcuife. We-ae8d»y 14; fiteriicg’s MiUe. Thursday 15; QaaI*«’S, Friday 16 It will bs fl«^n that farmers are required to render full asd securate lists of tbeir eu4re erop of the abo*a artiolts of prodaee Alth >ugh some nay not be Uablo to a Tex in Kiad bj the law yet all will be required to 'hasd ia tkew lists uader oath. Otherwise they will be oon 'idered liable to the tax and held respoasible It affords as pleasure thmugh this mediRm to aekaow- ledge the loyalty, patriotisia and prompt^es9 of the farmers of BobesoB ooaaty ia listing tbeir small grain and W3ol With very few exoeptioas those rtqulrod to pay a tax in kiad oame forwavd promptly, at suoh times as tkey eouM »aet us, aad rnalered their I'sta, without a munaor. All seemed ua^ted upon the cbo great issue —-onr oaos4 aad oouatry Suffer us thea, fellow-oiti' xeaa, t« a»ti«ipat« the aama glorious suoo^sa io jtur ap preeddae oasp^gn. Pri^pare your lists properlv be- fora the day of listing If possible—rememtwriag at the saaa iiakS, the soldi«>rB’ wives aad others a*ouad you who are left alone, aad have no persoa to attead to tkki Batter for Ueta, ani briag theirs with your own, oa tb« daj Mt Bfiart to reeeive them W« should be uait^ saalous aad *oti«-e a diso^arg- *v*C7 kaowa d«sty ia this our gr^at struggle for Uf^ aad Ubwiy. BOQH A. CAMPBBLL, A>-aUB D BROWN, Aasossoi's 26th Tax N. C Laabarto*. R>v 8d-2v Treasorj Notes of tbe Old Issae* % ^ Trbasdbt DBP.\BTMsar S A. , ^ ^ Bic«?«cc !. Ncv’r 11, 1864. f) the «Bd that cvo'y fvoUiy m'y be affordei to th* h Iden of tbeM n'>tM m effei'tii.g t.)>e exs^ang for new *be Trt.36urer, t Treaf-ur^ s »ni P.y D puflitaries. aod ihn D»po8iiar'e>> wbcse dat7 ’ aa b3.f.« ;;i?QaTto liTiit-i to fa Jin., ar- b rcby*u‘bo * • rtc»ve ti«* notes f r > x» o g* T os« n ♦ upT» i wi*h uo'^s will r» g "r tin* •nin' h of h e Oiti ot i reo jvia* *’l i off . ud .o- liutil '*»« la •■*.» o# Ja''u.r'r I receltfd *ni r«r^ i u i to th2 T>;.s’s :ii’.r »r fli ->a> n t ?r, aa*i ne v» ssu » nr •• g t»il. nc ima. i i*t^ fo'W TaeA* i-tako T"\'ii a* ipf^truotcl to re^!U li' t.-« n O i a» ^1.5 n'l i 0 U x: V . t t I O T. i*r te '• 1. and held on /or awhile under a pitUess and fplM- did artillery fire. Veteran Illinoii and ladiaiia infantry were ia these redonbte, and they had a hatred of sorrendering, ahhongh I had aaked them to do so. Time prefwed. Rra hours had been spent in these operations, aad I oonld not wait. Col. Shanks, eommand™^ nj old Brigade, than whom a braver nor a hettw TDAn never set a squadron in the field, was order* ei to djsinoont hii command. Col. Jaokman al- s>> didmonzf^ a paarti»i of his Brigade, and these formins as ia&oory witb Col. Shanksi dashed forward ander their intrepid leader at the pas da charge, while a stroag body of oavaliy were held well in hand for any emergeney. The ganrison grow nneosy, but over the sea of dark greea prarie, over the white puffs of the bursting bomhs and tiie rippling shots of the skirmishers, a I»g blue line ef Federal (Rivalry and infantry eama loomiog up, and as they grew nearer and bca''vr, nnt from the doomed fur« the garri* eon r ashed with frantic speed for help and hope. I 'i'oo >atel As the diemounted men gvned die j (H arid the palisades, tiie reserved oa^dij, I V stee Js had all the long forenooa been i o' ..'Tl pice impatient bits, dashed away after them j *n a bn?, fierce gallop. Sharp and brief the ehaae. j witiMn 500 yards of t£eir friends, the Fed* I lIT's weiii overtaken, surrounded, ridden over, I aad Col Mitchell and 450 of his of&oers and men Hurrcndero.i unconditionally. Th^ were imme* J¥otice lo IVa|r^tra.tes. rfiate.y couatermarched and double quieked to rrHB of ;nmncri*r^J Coauty a-erfiqu^sted j ^^0 bullets of their triends aU the whUa 1 «0->»riHo«,.= F..o.t.-M..™Ta.» Ui„p^fi„ce dfaoorduit mete. I Tha immediate and tangible fruits of my ez> I pediiion are 577 prisoners, including 1 field ofteer I und 11 line officers, over 250 Federala killed aad %7ousied, ten miles of railroad track completely (i.slroycd, the ties tom up and burnt, the iron ; iieatei aad bent, tslesrraph destroyed, bridges aad ' trestb work rained, 300u bales of haj eonsumed ' by fire, 20 hay machines chopped to pieces, 5 fo^ ! raz^d to the ground, 500 stand of small arms dii- I to my unarmed men, many fine horses * ' captured, 12 barrels of salt brought off aad T,- . Lo ’y «r rr ? n\\. FaT3TTSVlLI.8 DlPOSlTORT Nuv. 22, :8t>4 New I’sna wiJ Be pa*d f jr t^e : io. tu ,»f«a.;r.t.iiio*i a t^-jg Offiso «7».d! W. Q BROADF-'.Or. Dep’y. J- D'oember T.*rm, to orovi.i^ for t^:? er,r>{ irt of s?! ii5's faic Uca A full I'vtr'.'.Urrt'^ *fqii ‘.d at ’1 o’olf-o'x of Ti-.'vt d'.y DAVID M.i.i£IL: n--3'.- No^imbw 2' 8^ 2; BETWEEN tb j M'-rti^t HjUc*j t*ni the D*po', t»o * fO ci.>i«*nd two ¥20 bills. Any .sou fiatiog •k9 j uty w 11 oonfsr a /»?or oa v>e by Ic’^^iu^ it a- t >.'« £ i. rvlinj:0ffi9e 0 A BU N i. FarstieviUe, Nov. 24. 8B 2t'»H to ^piiB Ui*t aiaii.ifa3:arers «t S:a.««vUle, N U , wish to X poroiiaae 1,000,000 FUR HIMIIVS, Tax te Kind Rickmond County. • Such a. RAflBlIS, ..UdltBATS. COON. MINK, FOX. ^F^ainfT^qSS^i | 01TBit ,«d BitAVBit, for waioa we *iU pay tke 1 Meet oa at the foJU>»inx time* a-id plaoaa, prepared j la UwBfoasr«id Mojjy, Baak BiLi aasT to Dori, ?n*ort Buijkwheat, j Bioe, Irish Pot«t Four per cent. CERTIFI^.. THi( BS Qertiflouiui for $20J i>ao:x, D T. NF.WBY Nov 21 8H- Statc el Mortli CaroHna, B1 'HailiND COUNTY Conrt of Pleas aad Q ikrtsr S?e*i31 *. O !t Term, 1SS4, laaao Masoa, Bxeo’r uf Isaaa af-«saj, Djo’>'*, vs. Naao« Hnrly aad Sam'l Uarly )»er has*’and aad othtre. PotitioB for Aooooat aad Sottloo^rat. IT aV’pearing to the sutafaeUon of the Oaar*. that i Jbfca iBgtam, Wiaohe^tsr .M&son. Rsbi^.’a ‘'ovijtg- | .sa and £ki*^ei^Isaae, William aad £'!sa:>c^. Solomca | llaaoB, Harriet Blgsiowaai busb^i Join Bigolow, rs- } — tttr Twn ais»Fa aide boyMid tbe Uaaitj of this Stats; It it t^*erefo7o, oa - lUii rwu uirxtf. aotieu, ordered by the Ooa.'t, tbat advertiseni at he j A boy with earnest eyes knelt at his mothtr'a a^fe ftr s!z weex.« soosjpsivelyia ^ F-yf-ttoirlUe Ob- f fenoa. She stroked the gold of his yellow h^, xsofi/yiag .h'i Dsfenii:i* > of i.*se Ijiag ?f ; q.^ ^less her boy. He grew in JMV this Patlti,^. aad tkat Kuloas turr appva? it t • > v. , , , . i.' u • v j (era«rthls (Jo««t. ta b.-> *ithe H ^CN, ;a il ek- fstrength; and .^e day, in his Iwyish dr^. in£fe^iM^ (kW cf thero app?ftr^d to hizn two spintsi 6MB of* 1 swer the pKiiioE, tue vriU .j« t»kfa pi j ;>oa't>3*» 9 fetiof' him b gift. Both gifts Were attractive, yet and beard ex p«rte hi to ibeti .... - Witaojs, L^nifl H Webr 0 e>k of a eomtnand suffering for it, besides supj^yiag many needy soldiers with blankets’, shoes, bools^ ! hats r.nd clothing. i AU this WM done within 6 miles of DuvaU'a ' Bluff and my details were tearing up the tiaok while the enemy’s bullets, fired at the eovariag rdgiments, were throwing the splinters from tke tics id tbeir very faces. My loss ia the entire fight^g is 173 killed aad woande.d. ‘ ... ft H B ;fSJl •-'1 k. / J es, V^ddsr, il»y, Molaiis4« at Jaae aad Sorghum, Foaa, Cottoa atd Grjuad Po«*, to- 7it« At Sale’s, M the Sih aad dth Deceuioer. tflMral SariQfd, 7tU “ ** Boekiaic^am, 8th aad 9ta • •« Liarel Hill, 12th and ISth “ “ Stewartsville, 14th aad I '^th “ • WOltamsoa’s 16tli “ Baoh prodnoer mu9t make retura of the eatire qnas- Utj of each of tao above article* proioodd by hla du riag ths yean whether gathered or aot Kve bttshels oora per huadred pounds of aet pork, will be allowed free of tax for rais;a. aad fatteaiag kogs. Tko tax payer must furnish a list of the aam ber pooada he expeots to sUughter; nad olaia the de- daoUoa at tke time the •stimato is made. The Ariends of these ebseat ia the army are earnestly reques;.ed to list for them. W. D TOWNSEND, . PETBB MoRAB, As»393or« 82d Tax Dist N- C. Nov. IS. 86-t6D WAi«T£l», By a Toung Ladr who has bad exparienoe,. a fltuatioa as Taao*>er ia a private family or lu tl»« primary do* partasat 9t a soho^. Salary is aot of as muoh ooase* qaeaoe as a soafortable home. Ad!re» Mis3BLLA WI.^rHBOP, WilffliBctoa, N. 0. Nov’rSS. 88 S.; d Filet! Files! , 7 t 8 to 4|tn FLAT BASTARD FILKS, as;’d, 7 to 14in. Taper 9aw Files, MsiflL.J DiaJi'.'r fletiry Lilly, H. L. Myf .r«f, S. X. Hawic/, Nathan A ^teomaa, C. B. Maliett, James K>.e, A.M. McS^etjiau, J. I). Wiiliaraa, S. W. Tiili aghast. Jo^a Culliau «ad C. 0. rl;-Jr jarrae Co%»iit>*By i-; » ^ *S9i, T Wa*. i. i. iiCikorloh, V. 7. 3»eal, 14. r. Sroira, i , . A. d. dki: I •a'j.e t, Ti- .v»lag Agents Florence and Fayetteville Kailroaiit STOnKHOLDERS’ MEEflN^. ‘ gUFFUIENr amouiit uavio;; iJ. oa BsiLBor’Diid to A Joiweroa • Kefi *^ ace V'eg'ra i Aux -4 ■ * ii _ 39 is B xumoat, W T» iVA '’aON 4 to -«i!:U .>s 4 0 F«yett«villa. iil*^4#rtlJpd RAt;il^! RACiS!!-A^e infe rior qui-Iity of to> paper oa wci-^h the ObB.’ifer r.KS bo?u priated of late, and W'-i iU.M a rcat >';y ' >ore uj, is owing t-o the '*%ut of a »a.^ei- jtmrj-.-ly ofg -od r»,^-», .■•t i.i8 ojn eiiuoat aoo- ■ •i-ri "} iii>' rior matertain. Wj to ‘^le '' I 0^>4oi.-or at all aueessible poiats, to save jiX iM town aU t?ie ra«t they oaa prosure. .> lime our>eIv;a to atteud to their puronase, ^*0. W. Williams ft Co., the Ageuts ia tbui to^ ” fit hluTT^hf, V*’ pv -5 Wits per iLs. fir thora B. J. BALI * 8QI& ■M^Ui MM t:.c! oare tbo jeuy 1 Cte i V I U{ >n(x Vfv but li j>*ay, a meedcg of ihe «iiookaolicr3 5h called to mf:et ia F*>«tt*'-»vlie, oa T:iarsJay ta^ IStc d*y of De- ceTiber Bex^, fiK ti>o purpose of cl-oting a Pi'efideat and D reetur' cl iaid Co-Tipau^', a^d t.:»? tuo uauf«0tjca of Buoa othir HasiQ-jBB raiy oo-'u b.:f jr8 th.i Swwit bold^rs. T^e £J-oka of ^ab*jrla are =ti.i uj^eu. This is aa itu'^r.ani ro»l tj tft.a co^n.iiuaiiy aid to tus Ojuatry> 6 »c;y .’i.a w-U f.-«t inipoitaoo« ot wti«t ;^3 c i' t Ov'Dipl«ii.Mi of tl is roi3t>s W. ;l.'L M.KVY, JNO Al liO.'E A A. McK .irfAN U A &\Y. , A. W. BTliBL, I Fayettevillt, N. 0., N>v 7 h2im loniig’8 AriiUBielieal Oietioaary^ EMBRACING a system of Aritamstio, Bea ty &>okoa er, Intcrtfri (.’alcBl#t;»\ ltu»k Kocpiag, Fofms, &o. B f. HALS 4 mm - la. TfHSTAiHCilTS 4x«il il'YtUiW^. ^ONFBDBiiATB States Bible Society Te6t*c«eat ;' OoUeotloa of Sabbath School Hnaas. kf 1. J. SAU 4«K»as BoxeS) Actf far Prisoners of War and Soldiers* A 8 the Agent of Surg«ja Gja. Warren, I T#ill rooeive and forward aL ooxud, &j., tor ;Soidiera and prisoa- i B of war, frca ot cbarga Tad Bu^a should be here oy ae 23'h of •aoh mmth, so taat tbey oaa reaoh R>^leiga by tha last of eacdi month. I wixh tbe bjxei Si^at tt) me to mark, with written ia- s’.ructivns, so tttat I may nave it properly done. Ail bcXi.'d fur prisoaers of «r«r must bo as light as p ^ssiblo. 1/ taey s&ooid weigh morn tban 100 lbs they c-i^iU-rtgo. J09SPH A. WOBTH. Fayettevitla, Nav 16. notice to Tax Payers. I WILL a^t£ud at the faU jwiog tiaiei aud places to re* eeivo tae propeny or 6 per ooat. Tax aad the Sol- i^ieis’ Tax Tbe Tax Oij j'i'cmsrty will be rcoeived in 4 pw oe:*t. certiflcatis Xha ajidiora’ T*iX ia new issae oaly. At SuseWa on AI aJ.-y an: Ta^i^ay 6ih aud 6tb Dao Al Spnags va T/tjdr.esda/ 7th; ao"ki-ng.->*£a oa r^uvaiiT »a^ Pn.W Hthand^th, L«ar&l ;ixi! oi sad Tatfsday 12th *jd 13th; t*'5w»risfii'9, W=.1u2sl*7 and Tauwday 14ta & 16^6; WIi.U«m*.>a’s. ' riia/ Iftiit AU p.:r)oa=; wh > owe Ux will do well io attend aud lid.t’e >r the eit^ ao>e poB^ ties vf^tho law will be e:k> forosd Iba Ai9e9‘Hir» f.?r tha Tax ia Kind will also att>iifi to re oire tie Tttns Iwt fo» ta# or-.p of 1831 noi. air*oidy L «v. MoLAURIN, Ti»i fiollecior. 88d Dirt N 0 Nov’r 5 S6-tG.fiD JAMBS MABTi'TE. 87-5.pd Horse B^sps I'^iu For sale at the Store of the late Nov’r 22, 18M. SOYICE^ 4PPUOATION will be made to tee n^xt Qsn^ral As- eeably of North Carohn» tor aa *ct to prevent the removal of s^'dier^’ f'-miliea out of suoa hou? :s ad iha^ may aow oaoupy. until the cbs? of I'a: pros*-rit war. Nov’- 21, 1834. 87 «tod Still lor Hale. 1 FIRST BATE COPPER flTIi.L, 70 OaMons, rew aad in oompleto order, wita Cap fnd W-^rm. ’ Aoply te Vr. MARTINS. Nov' 'it. 87-6tpd ' " ' —— Salem Almanacs. BltUM’S Fsffmeri and Planters Aku-nao for the year 1865, r^o«ived a'td for sale, by toa fC*o-*«, dosen, or nagl^ copy, at the BCK)K f^TO&B. FayetteTille Hotel for Rent. T’JE tbovr property rill ho >'ent«i at Atjr.floa in froo:. of tbe ppf.mises. on Tau^s'^ay the -Da- •Kt2b« next 12 a'olcTOk. for 12 mostks. t«> bf! on ist J&aunry 18^6 Tbe Hotel is hao^a to ba o ia of th* In the 8la»e Hw comi?i'!J''aa Booras and e/«ry ootiv«ni- onoe usual about a; is capable oi rc^omAo1:.un^ any anonnt cf on^'om A3 a it i » •--nvcJiicctly sUnaled on Hay 8tro»t au'i «ltjg«!^ 4r Li - ct the mosr desirable toba had. For fu.*f-*r ion, r«fve&oe t.«ay be m^de to liENRY LILLY, Pr>«’t. Hov 19 Siitr State ol ili»rt^ CAroiiua, H'^kk. 14 £■ i.' Y 'Joart 01 •••d Q i*. .i. ^v. , l'6t. F i?. Bluio-k'ti. H. B a»wi.i -i.,f I'ur-rd, Wm. B.bIo^ . B D l, iiuardiiaf r Hard; Blaisok. Pi tiii lY. for Diwt’r. If apn^arag to s .ua.«o- .o ^ ef h« Ooart, tk .t Biolook aai B D Ga^rliAii fir H B>..uosk, iwa of Ike d«f- udui;3 a tai-j otu*)3, bey-^oi Ui uaite of tkia State; Tt ts thtrifcr?, on aotioa, ord^r«-i by ths Crar>, ttiat ad^^rt- emc t tnadtt for b.c w«k> suo^siveiy ia the Fayf-ttovula O^sso r;r. soiifyiag t^' said deCiBdanta of t'^o luaj; of tku p^Uti u, aad ih4> OB'ess they appeu at the iixt term of tiiis Cfiorl. as answer ths petitia:i, tao aaoit will bs tak^d a»a'es«s> aad heard ex parte as to ^hea **itaess, Benjamin F. Saa^^, Clerk of s»d O^urt. ai Ofioti in Lilliagttni, 2d Monday ia 84ptoa«br^ l'*64. 8l*«wJ B. F V J r's. State ol rVorth CaroUna, H&BNBi'£ »,jUsiY Coart of Pleas lad Q>'Wt'‘r Sessions, S'pt T,^*'m 1884. H B Dewar anik wife Mari' M. iii'&gy Dup*o, vs Wta Bla look, B D fltli, duardiaa for Har iy BULek. Petiuoa lor ParUtloa of L ^ad. IT appearing to ttte satis^tioa et the Hourt, that Wm Blalock aud B D ^sdl, Qaardian^for Hardr Bla!^cz, Defendaats ia luis otn]', reside b^ycai tho halts of thts It la theraf re. oa mot’ou. i^r 0/ tnf OjOTt. t,a»t adveri9r>neo^ oj "»&4e fr-r *Li •rerk-' «ia 5es»iv;ly iu cae F*ys^ ',7 :1!: Jj Cf^ec u.' i',i ^ Dsltudan s ol n.. o . u.» pcvr. .*u . u-u.. u»ay acp»ar tne ^jjxt t^i'm uJ .--i* o taa _ v ■ Uio {lellli .a. tac S..1U4 rill UJ jfi t »J .l.ii) * ' Acerd !tx p.»rie %!> ti *^it&e3S. B^ajamitt F duiw. Oi>>r; of sii t 'i tcri, ei Ofiof ia L iliugt^ii, ii 5ija «a/ la tsspt-^vub r 1861 tl»6w ft. F SH -■ •ff 0 State ol i^orth i3aroliiia, a\RN£.Ai- I OUN Y Ooi.r^ of Pi?a« au>i Qi«ri;ir - ejsua.. Sa^i, t{», 1^''4 Fraaoed F Bia'oik, til^'acy Bap.-e, 'I B Dsw aa 1 #if>; Mary M, vs Wm Blauax. B D d^x, Glaarti«a ror Havd> BUiosk. , Pe iti-in far Divistdn of 6iavi»(i IT ap^oaring 0 t ie sa ijU;«.i04 or too Coart, t^a% W- Bla^JOk, B D Hail i >r U«r.t/ l).*look, du lAodaats in lais oauio, reside biyj^^d iao liati s of tat» !tate: It is tberefire, oa(Bt«.i >B. e.'isi'e i b, ta« ij^xxrt, taat advertlsemeat no luals far six «r«.ekd «U}v>v‘i>siv8iy is the Fayeitovill? Ob»^rva^ ao ify'ag las «aid y^/v-nd- auES Ol tke filiJ^ of tai4 p'..t:;ioa, taat aoio i «.-.e^ appear a> the a«xt to'’a of iavs aod ans«for tbe petitioB the sauo wiii te taken pro ooi:fojao aud a.’^urd ox parte aS tu tb«ai. Witneai, B^^oJ^oda F. Si4W, Olerc of said Court, ai O'lioe Ll 2 t Moaiay in 1864. 8l*~'wl B F eJA ^ iJiark. he eoald ohoose but one. One was a pearl, whi«h 1* tint might cream of little value, but the more j yon hoked at it, the brighter it grew, until you ; ?sw it was the Pearl of Great Priee-~the ; ’ufn of God. TLe otho'^ was a yellow gem ofaMsI pocming, burning with a fervent radiaaea, sad ras tbe love ot Gold. Ye.irs passed many. Springe were sueeeeded by «u Jim 'rs, and summers passed into oool autumns a d cold wiat3rs. And as the years oame aad went, ail the time the boy^s heart was busy with* in him He was now a bold-browed youth with flashing eyes, but their fire was dimmed for a time, for his mother faded, and at length withered away. Birds sang anf shadows danced, and tiie •silvery water bells tiakled in the streams, and ths daadolilens spangled the green turf upon hia mo ther's grave, and the youth’s heart was softened. The mildly beaming pearl seemed lovelier in Ms eye, for his mstber’s voico had blessed it. He would have taken it to his heart, but the spirit of the other love v»a olose beside his ear, *Wilt thou ohoose that, and with it poverty and 00a- tempt among thy fdlow-men? Look! this shall bring thee happiness, for it rules mankind. It shall fill thy coffer**, so that men shall call thee honorable. It shall make thee ready servitors, far thou shalt say to this one ^go^’ and to that one ^cosne,' and all shall do thy bidding. It shall bring thee all that satisfies, for it shall bring thes hotnai^e from thy fellow-men.’* Aa i then in the boy’s ears sounded his mo- than man. Fayettevllld Arsenal and Armsry, l Aov 18, 18(;4 i rVOTJICE. FbddONS are herctjy iijira^d against p::roha8ing aovt-rnmaat «;loiaiug franutbe Soid'ers aad Or>er» t If 8 Of ifl's PMt. S jvero p :aalties are attaehed ao this off .Uvvj by law aud taoas ^igaiiist whom praof oaa be • aua} will bo ptosrout^d. F_L ;HILDS, Lt. Ool Ooand’g. JLO^ST, I tMW abUokNBWFOUND• l LAND DOG, about «uxt.>;ei aoaths old. Aay per- 200 FOR Sa^Lfi. BAGS OLD DRY SALT; 126 Rt:l8 Dj; ‘-O') “ La’^riositing Oil; 60 “ TanBsr's Oil; 60 “ Paiat Oi'; 200 Boxes Tobaooc T 8 LUTT2RuOa. Nov'r21 86 2 IU AOoU i ■■mtoi eon retumtiig to me tbv m do^ or glvSng ae infoiW *® ltio=Trs.r5l«aa?etW;^^b.UH.»uitPv|""^ 0*yofNov,A D 1884 SHAW. 3»c.rin c*xh mm 8e-2^:f Siaalfc WamiitaiHraiiia TH* rhairmen uf tn.« , he • . D;a- tciets, appoiat-.'d br *bft IJjurs of Rjo-soo (Joan^. the dlstribuUon «f mo loy at« rr viBion aaoBg IndigeB' Soldiers’ famil^e*, ar-> hereby sotjfied it at tke Court Hoo^e io Lamb^fioa on ‘bfl *’8*11 aad f'*r :?* &%■((■ for i^i>6. A («ua»iuat at THE fR:iK3 MI3SI .sblP**! We have reo'ii'e J a ocpj ov a G:a«al Oric’" of M j. I G-B Mwfradcr, of iLo 16;U iSjp* ^oid tkcvgof'd.j a»aa- ing Gco. Sae'by aod ii-S .iliiJi’i cuvl fosa for tij.r g&i- g*.dvi exploits. I'-^iabau. ’ ■ij f.»lli>»*i »g extrao sfror-t Gen Baelbj’j ro -r wa . ^-e o JpT a t oa’y f'jr •>'« fuo rf aoih a graadii‘ qu-i ■ siy!'s -s >? a *' roally jr^l -int aud d6yhiJ>^ so liovaa'Sii-a jf >iai Tr •. - M59«i^ilrri troops. G a Shelby says: “My forlorn hope of ftdva.>ee, nrd^r the* brave and intrepid W iiliams, imiuodi^ff ;3-' oharged the retreating eaetny, and a wa«* t‘i si-- » ovorlap- ped and swallowed up the flying o The fort wa3 sarroaaded, tuo artillery opaned atpvMct blank range, aad high ov»?r the waits bursts of the pt>wder oiou-J, that drilt;*d aad floated away before tha battle breczs, a white fl-tg w oi ou as a token of snrre’tdcr. Tae resnl.f; of ^p- turo were 15C prisoatr*, 200 small ,ar.:js, b>sidej larpTc qu vuiivicH of sxpplics- S^aiioa N^o. 2 wa- ncxi arta. k a, eaptu'tid and drst:royr!d, s»id 100 inore piisouers added to the first. Station No. 3 shared tae same £ate, while 50 teadw.. is«ara«£tijf * qicjted. - ImorepriioaerBaweiiedtheaamber OesMimisasr | SirtWilio^B^aad&wmBtalriNKaaBddefiaat fhcr’s worils, ‘‘Fear Gi>d rather “S' fck first the kingdom of Giid.” The boy became a man, yet began to pasi an- heeded among men, for he had not gold. Hia prjud spirit could not brook the world’s neglect. The pearl was offered him again. Would he choose that aad walk obscurely, or the other aad be rich and honored for his erown of gold? He forgot his mother’s words, he foi^^tho Ail* seeing eye, he f?rgot the yearning tenderaesi of Bim who became poor that we, through his pover- ty, might be made rich. He forgot all, and he took to his heart the ether love! aod so subtle was its nature, that, unconsciously to him, it supplant*- ed all other affection! The desire for gold, that he might command the homage of men, burned lcep in his heart. It corroded and eonsunigd the m'^moriei) of hb early life; and the long grMa, sodden with rain, over his mother’s grave, wepi the only tears which were now shed there. Thu cirnest, tender light had faded from hia eve:—they were now cald and hard; and instead uf the open glaqce whioh had been their wopt, they had now a repellant, suspicions gsse. Hii fo*m w!kj bent, too, and the brow furrowed aad knit Tith care. In the worn, repulsive maa, yoa Roarcely rccognised the frank and noble youth; for those powers whioh might have givea him i.i.h place in the intellectual world were prostitut ed to the base, sordid use of money-getting. Hia h?7.Tt wi: canker-eaten! 13 a!: he gaiaed his en^. Gold freely, lavishly, iI:)T7jI iato his money chests, and men—4ow- boired, but they reverencad him aotl Whc-a those who had early loved him died, ha lived anloving and uol'ived. For he had lost all i/onerju^ impulses, and he was now only a miser. Oi;h«'r *nen h^d treasures in the hoosehol^ hs had n3ae but in his drawers and chests and bags. O^aei men had treasures in friends; he had ao trieods, and no treasure in any human heasl. Other men had treasures in heaven; he had laid up none there, but hoarded them all oa esrtii. [le vas offered the Pearl of Great Priee, bat re> fosdd it. He was offered the love of ^ld, and aoccpted it. He ehose for what he should live, ’ind lived for it. Aad then he misen^ly diedl The first spirit oame tv his bed side and wept; tho otbier came Men aad mocked. “What diaU ii profit a man if bs g»im tiks whols woild, and losa hiB gfwn so«lZ’* amusa laiab

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