■S IBTOWIHHL K L. Y VOL. XfV.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. [BER 8, 1864. [MO 139L] P&IMT£1> MONUATS aNO TQaatfDAm fei>WiKi> i. HiUB & mm, EPITOSS AWD PRO?R«TOR.H. Frtot for til* 8»ml-Weekly OBaBftvaa jSlft 00, »» •dvmadc. Fer tk« Weeklj f 10 06 par »aauui, p*id In •dvuioe. HrADVEBTISEMBNTS iaserced for f8 per s laare •f IS linefl or l?s« lor th« flral, *atl '*2 for «»ob nMOMding Adverusers ara roquestod to the Bambcr of ineertioiu denireti, sr tb«>y wi!l k* ooDtfvafld till forbid, sad ciiarj^d kocordtngiy. AdTcriifiBaiestii oontinaed iniids, eii^rffcd M »ow sd- wtiaH£«at.. tke p»p«r b* MBt t* (Wflti rabferrbaCA Ifcaa fai paid fw. Snok of on old Babaoribftn M denre to take th« pa* per oa tbis sjBtaia will plo*^ Betil^ bb vboB mBkisg rwrnittuoM Jsn’y 1, 1868. w. drTughom, ADCTIOnCEB, S. 1. Corner M&rket Sqiare, FATETTETUXE, If. G. ■ Proibpt fttiMstioB girec to »U btu;npmt la b*>p BDtrBltHI to hilB. Jnne le. 18M. 40tf • “Isaac HOLLivGs^oRTtf, flrteer and Coaaissioi flerfkaat, FAYETTBVILLE, N. G. i'ftjetteillit Rojsiii Oil W«rks. OUR Oil Works are bow 1b oompleto operation, wi M wo Bse Botkias but g^ood roain la prodadBg the Oil we can reconuneuu it to be the best of the kind made in tkie oountry. It i» » fiao Lmbrica«]^ and Tanner's Oil, and Wa weald be elad to rMsive orders firom the -aoYerument and the pablio generaUy. We will sell on reasonable MOOWB, CASHWELL 4 00. nlAUr.. - I • /v..f SF6CUL onger . FAYETTEVILLE WORTH CAROUWA ^C^MMMEJUnr. tkis laetimtion’ will ooeiiueat9 W^hroary. 1865 A •rb4a£i>B(i fw adai«8)^t irost b# iBade pfiof to tfe^i J««gar*, 1866 aboui wkiok tiae (ke terms will be B nd* kaown ww‘ed two Te»ehcr« of Military Edooation and a in tiii^l^’stita'ioiu Addmss M»j. M A. BANKS Snpffrlat*»»deBt. Oct. ’4 80 tf Hillsbore’ N* €• IHiliiarj Aeadtmy* I ^pBE Q**xt tfeaaicn of tikin lasUtiitioB will bc|[;«B on I. VVedue Ja*, Feh’y l^>t, 100^ AppU>*tioR3 for ad I mi^'on iau®t bo pritr to 16th D'c’r 18‘>4, abcot (fhioh tio>« the t«m*a will bs mads lAiowa Address WM. U GOKDON, 8ap?rinteBd«ai. 0»t. 1. 73 4a, Tm^: A MIL! THI next I riHe, M retaiatd, view to AddrtM K*Vr S2. 11 il$CHOOl4. CLASSICAL FINISHING tCADlMT. Ibs Feb’y 1st, 1866. at Me*'%ne« R While the oM ovarse is Itiaaa have beea aiade, with a f^»ms as well m good eoaoiars rO«L WM BINOHAM. 8«p’t. 0#ka, N. C. 87tlF Boxef .F.oi* Soldiers. Cm VI7T1 hopei ff mee! tielr I oared Fg MoI-kms of I CoUao: 7edar Gceek i Ir'ok*« f) Jose It. 40 tr ftVHP. JmeMj. MeMAir, Attorney at Xiaw, Fatittsvillc, N. 0. rLL attend the Coauty Bad Saperier Coima of Comberlaad, Harnett, Moore and RoImsob Goos- Mea. Prooipt atiention giTea to the eoUeotioa of aQ •lalma entrusted te his hands. Oot. 17, 1869. 6«-tf JO». IJTLE¥, lro#r tmtt Vo>nm*mion JVercharUi PAYETTEVILLB, N. 0. iaa*y 10. 186«. *a-ii ■A nCA* ▲. trnUMfAX. . WH. H. BBSMAflD. !f. A. «ITfiOTIAir A; €0., iraOLESALIfi kSD HSniL MiLiSBS AND 00!H:11I««10?V ?IEaC&A.^T9, •to. 19, Miay Street, FAYETTEVII.LS, N. 0. ApiBM. 2&tf EAOIJ^ FOUNDRY, FATnnnuJi, N. 0., July 4, lt>64. WB ARB NOW PRSPAKBD TO RBGUYE OBr ders for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of ihe f >l!owtnx siica, ▼ t: 24, 26, 28 «ud 80 inch. Also CKILLJBD TlBfSS The Iron we ais&U ase for them will be HOLD BLAST CHAKOOAL IRON, and we war raat ear wheels NftT TO ^BACK, and to be equal to any nade in tke Ccnfederaoy, or to thoe« of ^hitaey & Srns of Phil%d»IpH!&^ who"> rapatation is so well known by »n Rail Bo '^' Companies We the beat fkciUtiee fot tTaospcr;fttioB by .SteameTfl to Wil3>ington, from th«Boe to any-pan of the. Oopfs'^eraoy OrQare reepcot^uUy eolioited. 46tfl D. AND^iRSON & CO 1¥EIST^R]V RAIL ROAD. rnHE FREiaHT AND PASSSNaSB TBAIN8 of thlt X Road l?».?e Fayetteville daily, (Sandays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A M., and retamiag leave Egypt at 1 o’olook, P. M. CaiOe amd ffane IVan MONDAY, WEDNSSDATaod FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r and Qkm’i Trans. AgH. « J«a. 22, 1868. §7tt fr^v^T'Tirtb Cf^vihrv ing BAued persons will be promptly forwarded fr«e of okargK Dr D F SoBsny, A^kerills; Dr W A CoUott, Morgantoc; 2>r J W AHIsob, Statesville; Lr J L Neagle, Qreensboro; Mr A Hagan, Charlo«.te; Mr Eiward Hpge Salem; Oapt J N MoDoi^ll, Ralei^; • .*o.‘'«pb A Worth, FayetteviUe; 8 Murray & Co, Witmiogtoa; * Mr P L Bond. T*rboro; Mr J A J Askew, Colcrain; Mr L Roberts, Murfreesboro Tb* B )z?s sHon'd be weH hooped, properly BMrked, and de!i?rred ia time for my Special Mosseeger wbo leaves R«*ii(h nn the ftrst day of every month. EDWARD WARBEN, Surgeon GenM N 0. RUeigh, Oot 29. 80 Im Malt for JKale. ()AA A BUSHKLS SOUNDS A .T. made in the Spring 4*\/UV/ 1864—wiilezohaa^eit/orBaoon, Lara C*rn, or Ussfeierate Tra^aory N^tes Abo, 80 boxes fine 006*^1110 T'‘BACCO; for sale at my store opposite Capa Fe»r lUMk. A Q TflOilNTON. e#pt. 2 64 if Prom and after tbij& date the Steamer A P. HURT wiU ieeve M 8 o’ciook, A. M , oa iVloa-ia^ *nd Xb:ar8day. JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17»f ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. meORE & CASH ^ELL, Fayetteville, N. C. OIL! OIL.!! WB are now extenmvi>l7 nngageci io the a»nafaotQre of a very vnpprior arilol* of I UBRIOAXIfJO OIL Thill Oil is atade from Ji^^in, but by an rnhmlf/ new froceu, and ae far aarcaeMs the vegetable oils hereto* fore made in this country that good judges kav« pro- aounoed it »Unjst, if not quite, equal, for labrioaticg parposes, to the bMt Train OiL IL >i«s beei- largely aaed by the Railreads in Y'rgiuia and N'jrth Carolina and folly an««r;rs all tke purposes of the nos* oxpeneive oils heretofore u^ed. ff%«reMr ii hat tried it ktf given •omplett $att^faetimi, ssi a»d, permanent y, takoa t!)A pU:^ ,;f all other ^obriiia^ors It is TfiB VKBT B«S« VTj3BTAB» OUb UAOM IM TBB COBrSDBK\Ta dTATBe. W« hare now 'b hand, whioh we offer at a eery Itw 1 Still ior Sale. FIRST RATB cOFPiill STviiL, 70 OaUcos, »« aad in eomplet* order, wita «’ap W 'r>a. ^pply ^ M'iRTIiiK. Nov 2* 8" 6=?^ Salcuk Aiiitanacs. . BLUM’S Farmers aud Pl«iuu»r9 Aima.^0 Co.- the joat 180*. reMiv«d aad for eais, i>y t*e icro'^e, do*-sa, or siBgla «jpy, at tae BOOK ;-TuRE WAJlT£i>. 2CAA BVSHIUB WHSAT, ,OUU 1.600 “ CORN. l*MraoBs having the above aniclee to sell wiii receive tha t Gash pnoe by oalliug ob Mr. M. Xhoiaason. ^ the Merchant Mills, Fayeueville, er on the 8ub»on* b« •! his eld stand oa Market Square. ALKX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 4, 1862. ‘6tf ARi11¥ 1AM prepared to mannfaoture all kmds of Wagoc Vf^rnnss for Army use. 1 van my leather ana oas fiTj geod bargaisM. Agenae wili do well te send thou «den to me as tliuy snail have prompt attention, asc ftit gf i^ qoiek diaMteh. JOHN CARX£R. ••kistoa P. O., Uhatham Co., N. C., i 044/ June 18, 18(i3. / ***“ €0!lflD£RlTS gTiTI8 OV AMKBICA, ) Exouresa D»aB.T»KT, Dist. Ca^b Pbab, V •MtmiBgtou, N. C., Iii*rch IdU;, lo63. } ]^OT?('E ia hereby given to all persons having claimt: L V aftAiiLdi the Engineer Department, for sefvioe« o tflavos employed as (aborers on the kmd defeneu near WilrniQ^.o^ N C , tka^*. the nndersigBed is authoriaed aad pieparr'i to pe.y same at his effioe, on t(^e se ooad fioor of the buildiAf next ab*ve Uearee’ Drug 3tor% Market Btr^t. Perec&s ereoutiag Powers of Attorney will ob- i*r»e thB_lblla*iiia-£o»*-—*^***“"»»»tiir£«t ha ^ CA3®!U. te be wttxieseeu ty .two witae^see aad sii|i(aea Tu ■sajiif' «u«, or thsy mar be witaea^ed before a Justtoe of the Pov" or Clc-rk of inv Coari. FORM 0? TOWER OF ATTORNEY. I, of , ao hareby appoint ——, ef , my. tras and lavfal A^at to sign receipts for, and receive ^a^meut of all mot>eye due to me by the Evgineor De parimefkt of the Confelerate State* of Amsnca, for the ^erviewi ef my elave^ eisployed as laborers on the land defeno«s at —, daritsg tae moBth of , 186 Witness my hsai a^ *»*i »t » ‘•he day of , 186 (Sigaed IB dia>Iisftt* ) 875 Bhts. Lnbrioaiicg OiL 75 «o Tanaers’ Otl. 60 do P*inaag O I We are mskinf about aixi? barrels a week, and ssli- '’’t or'^^rs f c«a EaiU*oAda, Fa.-na-.iee, F»«lwioti utd ia- iivdu.ls- MOORB It GASHWBLu, Fayet*«vil!e, N. C. Oct'I* 20 78 2m «lE.irERAfi OaOfiRS. T^E H%t M»u!t.'ai]tar«ft %t Skaieeville, N. 0-, wtoh te psro-iase 1,000,000 FVR SKI.lfS, Hoih VI RABBiTfl.-#^ U.Ka\TS,f!OyN, MINK/FOX, 0TTE1 aort 'VEd. for «rh:ots we will pay tti« higo- eet pnees eitbsr in C Bfedarate Money, Baaic Bills aad b*^po”thar*^^ Southern ■oterpri%e. will exert theraMlvet In getting us ftirs. Merohac'S will plnaa* aet as Agenta, be«riag ’n mind that we w U par 25 c^at. mor» than any oaeel=*o. WITTK0W8KY & SALTZ3ERY. M-. 8 BSAND? is our antH«r!x''d Afen^ for Com ber itr.d cuUiity to pur'^ha^-i Pu»’s f^r ua wirraoffaiY & saltzbsry. Nov’r 3 81 2oi IN KliVD, ^laad County. ler of 'O'jaabnrlahd Coonty win ' >wiog tiaiea Aad pUoea to Us. r, Irtsk Pautoev, Rioe, car^ liaj, sat, Bttgar, .MoU"ses of Cane Pe«s, Baaaa, tironad Peas and i VHhe Depot, D^ 6, 1884; ipk Oade*B, Deo 7; Blaek Rivt^. ** th« Phelter sear toith’s MUis, Deo 10; Gray’s Ost«k ’* ' Betkei.Gbarch, Deo 18; Rook4jih ” Rockfish ViUaice Daa 14; Qawkiffle ” MinJnoA MoKe?t^«>a’s, Deo 16; PeveBt/'First ” DO Monree’s, Dec 16; Carver’s Crtek ” Kiogebary, Dec 17; FayeUavilla ** Market Haute, Deo 19 and 20. The Farmers are repaired to list the entire crop of the above named p^uoe, whether galbered or no* in- olud^Qg what Bwy have been soid or oonsumed T^iose miable to attend wi^I send tbeir Hstg by tb*ir ftiftnda, as '11 are required to iiet daring the month of Dfcesiber By attending promptly to t^e above appo\ntoi«nls the Farmer* will save themielves trouble add prevent the collection «f ive times the value of i hair tithes O H. BLOOKER, J A JOI NS >S Aisesscrs S2i D^»t. N. C. Dfo 8, 1864. 90 3t2t« W Tax in Kind—Harnett County. E irlU meet the Farmers and ot;i*cB of Ha'Dci' eotmty. at tke fcllow'ng (im»s aad Dlaoea to re oeive their Usts of Oora, Shart Corn, Irinh Pctato-j, Rioe, Cared Fo der. Hay, Bnokwh-^at, Sugar, Molasees Peas, Beaai. Gr#an4 Peas and C otton: At Hamett Couatj Gcurt. LUliiu'toa, Monday aad TU'^sday 12ih aad 13tl> Deo 1864. Johnflonville and Barbaoae Districts, at Barbooue, on Wednesday 14th. , Baokhora aad Heotor’s Greek, at Mrs Arnold’s on Thursday l^tk Neill’i Creek.at Renbea Matthews’s Mlit Frid*/ 16!.!i. Orove^ at R Torlington’e r.n 8&urd«y 17th. Averaabore*. ea Mnaday I9'h Stuart’s Creek, at Buan’e Level, Tuesday 20tb. Upper Little River, on Wednesday 21st. Ail Faraera aad others iat^reeted iu tfeia aotioe are r*qaast«d te eooM forward with their liflts of estimatet roftdy for eitry, aad taod' wHo have friends away in thi anar or otiieri^e absent from thnir homM are earn e -tly requested to list their T *x in Kind for them, there by saving Bi aad them O'^oaiderable 'm^b’e JOHN L ATKi:i3. HUaS MoLEAN Dac’r 2. 9a 3i«3t W 4Mn?B»e Jieal-l 60.000 O'l I. 8hin£Tles Wanted. SHINOLEI Vf ANTED Atrly to IS\AC HOLLINGSWORTH. 72tf Alter this date 1 pay 25 iJeate per puunu for «ril8 rags, OT ti»« uignest niarset pri3«, de!iv«T«>'i tp retievuie, or at my-nxiiis vv D. MwiiPliY Fab’yl6, 18»4 7 ' The si^Q&t rces of t' '^rwi r^rsons ehoold be witnesses! ay three w?tae8««?t!. There most be separate daplioate Powers of Attorney for ea*}h month. BLwik fomse oa*' be )»ad apon appli- :«iiCB at this oHlce. vr H TAVTtfl. r-%n. * Chief Eng. 1.^ T ' FLOUR JkXMB OAT!». raiOUR aad OATd will be oxosi-wiiei lor Carti at Uii. I! StMt of D. MoLaurm, by giviog tu n a lev; uajc aatiee. Fionr good, Oaw No. 1, ulaoa ct wmit. Jaa’y 29 . - O^iNCK D£riKTXJC5f, I Rai^ea, ii. 0., May B, 18W. / Laan WANTED.—I wiaa to purobado i^ad lor thit Department. Persons having large or small quae titiM wiH please apply at onoe. WiU give 1 pound o. POWDflR lor 10 pounds of liEAD. THOS D. HOQO, Capt. G. 8. charge of Ordnance To Wine ^aker^ or Illfit«ller«. IHAVS for saia 10 iron bound heavy owk FERMENT INQ STANDS, of oafaouy of IbO ga Ions, aiso, 4 net so heavy, same eiae Pnoe Mi>gly ^ 00 i$aoa. Any persea who will take the wnols can have laem ft'r f 1000 ney are valuable to any one wishing to m»ke Wine er distill Brandy. Alaa, e»me of half siae of above for sate a^ half the abate ratM. HENRY B COLTON. Fayetteville, Oct. 1. 72tf Palma Chrl»ti Roan^. fTEK stibsnriber will pay t^e lagha«t \aafc i-rioes fo: X any qoaniJty «rf ra>*w ni»r'S: Weoi Wanted for the State of N. Carolina. ItHE und'TSignftd ooslmue to esohange COTTOS Yarn for WOOL, on« baalie of Yarn for 4 Iba. an- iTBsbfiJ, or 8 lbs. clean washed Wool laey will ale-' psy a liberal a.-io* in oaau for large or sinall lo>^. GSO W WILLIAM*^ ft CO., Aijts. Fayetteville, June 16. 42* f FAVieiTTfiVlLI.E aOTDlL ISSCa.i.'iCC S9»?kSi, japital ia Preioium Notea amounts to $i!67,688 2t 'aaii cn haad aad other awots, 6,077 86 Total, $272,7'i6 lo The Compaay have paid all losses promptly, and lavenever uiade an asiwsiicstit on their pramtusa notm. Toial Icssss paid, $2V,682 OmcBB^: GEO. McSEiLL, CcanMani. D. A. RAT, 74oe L’vwi>ita» iX A. D'rbo; V-.?: tienry Lilly, ' n. s. H. L. Myrover, S. t . S. r. Hawley, Vti&. ‘rlcLvotin, Nathan A Stedmaa, ^ iah, C. B. Mallett, A. •¥. , James Eyle,' 0>iok, A A. MoKethan, ilon. J. 0. Shepherd, J. D. Wiiiiama, • ii. P. Browa, 1 S. W. TUlinsh^st. A B. Ha’J, icaa OotUaa and 6. 0. Id -Onuaada, Travslinf Agents ihe Oo-;.paa.v Boxesy &c«) for Prisoa$r§ of War and Seidier§« As tae Agent of 8ar«eo* Q -o. Warren, I will ri>c;!ve and Tarward all boxes. &3 , f^r Soliliers and prison- e s of war, free of oh«rg? The B>x3a should be here by the 25 h of saoh month, so that they can reaoh Raleigh by the last of eaoh month. I wi- h the bDZfts seat to me to mark, with written in- atruotTons, so tbat 1 m«y nave i' properly done. At] hr»x9S for priaonera of w*r mus* »>e as light ss o')4!ble. If they shoctd weigh mor» timn lO") l‘'» they caitaotgo JOSEPH A. WORTH Fav^t'p'iUe, N''’» 16. PArr»fiin« Liibrieating Oil. Having by o^reful ex -mme! t alterel and greatir im?r:.vpd th- cf’araot^r of onr Oil, we now off«t for «ta at a-tide oi Lu'>ne»iing Oil fur Cotton ?»atari«u vhieh baa no styjeri.'^r ia the Co^f«der*oj. It does not gam or ch;ll TaieO-l we jrnarRatee with careful tri»l to !>e th^ best and cbrB'est *il for fine machinery in the lonth. AS ihe U3d«>rsip’.ed ^v .n his personal at*en ion *0 >he p'‘ep^r»ti n of tacOil, it th *11 not deteriorate D qaality but rather ioiprove Re'ers to Agents R iekfi«h. and Beaver Creek Manu f' c nnag Cos., Fayetteville, N C , wbo pronounce It » very superior Oil HENBY E. COLTON, A^t F K. Co. Nav’r 28^ xVineral Fire-Prool Paint. WE are now prepared to supply any quantity of this P»int in powder It is a Peroxide of Iron, and «iU st*nd the most severe tests with fir« Color deep reddish brown. HENRY E COLTON, Ag’t F. K Go. Fayetteville, Nov’r 28 88tf PavHtMlPa. On* 9- 'tORTff .■ WAIVTCR, KIDBS to taa on shares. Terms, | Leather or equivalent la cash We oaa tan it in a v^ry ^ tiBM if desired by Hickle’s patent. Peraoa^ wishing their Hides tanned ean seal thoa to oar -ddruas to Igypt Depoti wnere they wiU oe taken ti'om and Leather d«liv«r«d at otu expeBse. Our address is Beaumont, County W. D. WATSON k UO. B«fare9ee Messrs. G. W. Williams ft Co ,,F>^yettevii:k, Ang 24. 61*«wtlJpd RAISSI RA«S!!—The infe rior quality of tae paper on whioh ths Observer has been printed of late, and M » great eye-sore to as, is owing to the want of a snflicient supply of good rag.i, ^id the oon^equoat ntc- te reeort to inferior matenais. We appeal to tae frivids et the Observer at all auoeaaible p.jlc.i4, to sj^ve nr tma bring to town all the rags they e*a pTojare Wa hav« bo iime oorselves to attead to their ptirehaae, Meam. Geo. W. Williams k Co., the Agents in tawa of Mr. Marphy, will pay 25 oeats per lb. for a J. HAL« * SONS. Piyyl* Btek Warrmat* % laW Wa. Floreaee and FayetteFille Railroadi STOOKHOLDBRS’ MEETING. ASUFFI-^'IENT amount having beea subscribed to author xj tue orgauis.* ioa of tac above nsmed Com* paay, a me?tl:.g oT the Stcckhoi>ien is aereby called to meet in F*>ett««ilte^ Tbimijay the 16th day of De' iu}.iiber next, for the pc. pose of elcoting » President aud Dlreoiore of said ffOtitpany, and for the transao-ioa of Buon oth?r basin^M »a m^y com* bef^>re the 8t>v'it' holders. Tue fi'‘ok« of saba^tpUau are etUl cptn Ttiis is an Im'^ort&at road to this ooosuanity and to the ccantry gapen.lly. We fco^e every raisa wili feel tbc importaikoe ot doing what he oa^ to seuure the speedT eoBKpleUon of this road. W >IoL McKAY, 1 JNO M. RO?JE. i A A. MoK ,1*HAN, ^Cow. ^ .A RAY. , A. W. STiSEL, J FayetteviUi, N. C-, Nov. 7 R2»*n loiiiig’§ Aritknetieai Uictioaary) K^MBRAOING a system of Aritiimetio, Revly R ;ckon U n, Inter««>t C»l>n:}at-}r. Book Keeping. Fo-:ma. A X J HAtl ♦ SONS TW’r \f.. STOLEIT, FM>M my lot oa th^ R .tlro'^ 1. uear the Mile •a Satard*y o’g^t, ab >n'- S'*vea o’o'?ck, a RED OX ^br.u» foorywtn Old, crap in tta ri»kt ear. h^jcns aad white faoe . I will pay ire huadr^ dollars t« any r>ersan who will arrest the thievM aad deliver then to r>e " WArVTEJBS 4 PVR CfiHT. CE*tTlFIOATk^; 8 per eeat. Cftnfadsr&te Bov.d«; B,.nk BU>s. —ALdO- 60 Bbls Spirits Ta*'p«iotiB>^; 100 Oil or Spirits Turpentine Barrel*; 1000 ift Haob Iron; 1000 lbs TaUew T. S LUTTE’^LOH. Dee’r 6 »0 St tOR SALE, COFFEE, copperas, FLOUR, POWDER, TOB C'O NEEDTES, SHEETING, TOOTH BRU**HES, Couarjr Flannel, 4o J. C. POE. Di*c 1. * 89 3‘ li>9. OUill CAnPHOR, 60 tbs ‘^okiijau’e G''Oua>i J, fO ^rirs extrt irsos qa'i it-" ENf?LI'?H Si30E3, 2600 water proof anti corro'»’v«' PER UdSlON 'JAPS, 30 7bs while bleM f*d VIR'IIN W X. Fdr sale at tbe Store o. late JA*»E3 M’R’f’iNE Nov’r 80, 1864 89 5‘pJ Headquarters Refterwe, IV. C.,) Ralxioh, Deo 1st, 1864 J GaHBaAL Oai^BBs, \ - No 19 f Alt, jp«>iaHer« cf tae Sflniw R-serves of C.. who are abs«Bt from their commasdc without proper aa tbori:y, fvre »rderei3 to rsjota them wifckeut delay C«urty Bnrolliog OfRcnw a’p ra^de respoa>ib!e for the apprebec^on of suoK as do not at onoe comply witb this "irder. Bv crf^e*^ of Lftut Gan Fol«e« 90-lwi J.*iO. W HiNR= ‘M A A OcrM SOUTI^jBRil PVRLICAT10.V8. Imu BLK4»iil7ARY SPSLLI'JU B^ OK. e-niain« «':oat «ha Akiuo au ^obstor’s S.>ellu:g B.»ck. witb th«> aJdilioaal adwatage »f Jiavinf all thA TnifBis smd ae- ceut aoc«?at#ly mfidjb4. A tnpply always ea hand, ""nee ?8 00. - , T3E Fli»ST DlXn BJEADKR teaaorbe^k, eoa- taini’^'S easT' iTMtUug l«s«oe«> on Sstithem ’ sub^-ota. Pr;c» 76 cts. xHfc: DIXIE PRIMBR, Tkird Eiltisn, Pictorial, stUl tWKi«y|yjg»pi»h«’ Prica (§25 peri THJ! PRIJMfAMT new Md popular boo«. IT is ratireiy finely ad»pi4^ to oomiaoB Bchools Prioe 8 00 FIP^ B OK IN COMPOSITION by i. Braasca. A M«id now uied exteamvaiy. aad ia tke only book of he kind published in tke Confed«r«07. Priae 8 00. YOBK’S BNGLISH GRAMtfAR, Third Elition. k finely adapted to oostmon schools- Prioe 8 00. JOHNSON'S COMMON SCHOOL ABITHMBTin, by Prof L. Jo^.ns«n of Triaitr Coliege, is a new and valuable book, ana will be followed by a kigh sohoel Arithoetio. P'ie« 8 50 MYRTLE LEAVES, by Bev. A. W. Man^um, second edition, s a deiisa'ful book, and oontAins a beautiful utory cf a “Soldier’s Love '* PrJce 2 00 HISTORICAL SCRIPTURE QUES7I0NS. is sold largreiy It give^ th* etudeat aaoh valuable iaf;>rma- tion of tbe Histerioa) portions of t&o Bible. Price 76 ots. SONGS OF LOVE and LIBSRTY, comaUed by a N rt>i C*’o\itt.'' L'tiy. OonUins « ^'ipalir coileotion of Son^s an& 3a!l«da. F.-io«^ tp^r (’s-'dred $40) 76 ote. THE J.»CK MO«G*N S0N?a^T8», oompi ed kyCaK^ Ip A Branaon. ;d oce of »’:e bset collecUeaj ti icugf- and sentimental halJads ever publisted. Prieo (per huRired !(60) 1 00. MORVEN AND LINDA, a tale of a soldier's love, i» • rare sad r^pj little book. Prioe ($1’^ per bnndred) 26 ote CANTWE^ L'ft LAW PSAOTICB, Second Bditioa, oontains all the business fonas extnisivo.y •'fi-d Prtoe 20 00 SBBET MUSIC, a fail assortn^ni of the pieces pub- ii«hed in the S»j»Jth Price from 1 00 t 4 00 ®TATTONERY of ell kinds, at modorjit prioes. FANCY ARTICLES g*t»eraMy 9^“ The osttAl d^ooUons xn*da to Tr^de. Those or i.*nng gooda tj ^e aeot per mail, tboat reaiit to ot!St« extra on tha ■’i^^sr to pay pcmmgt N B. Onr PaHttc'iti iVJH nr* to b.» > ’id -t tbe |.rlicipa! I?«K>k tUarts throuf iooi the o.»aatvf. -»T?4N-»OH ft FARRAR, a%^ih, N c “ep? 17. 76»tf A few Important Facti IN SEQABD TO TH£ 80I7TilfifUr HEPATIC PIU.8.^ 11' EY ffra iito bast quality of Medi- , oino by the di^o:»var»*r, now an stged Miniater of Use Gjspd. aal *r« sa-'-. 2 TH- V ha^e been kiiowt? *or years and tested by tfcoa«’n.^e 3 P:t3 bnaar«d pjreons are known to have been ourei *». them 4 Tbey are aot r^oo Jtiaended by the prcprister for yvorythiar. but only for diaeasta yhioh arise f^om dis- 6 Uireotio.ns and certTSe^ias So» ! WA.liTKIl, Sheep S^iHst Sheep Skins!: WliiL pay the higha»v osaa ;^rioj or oioh«ng No 9 or 10 k>ttoa Carda for either i-w or taaui-d ■ leep akins A. A VIcKEfS.^N. NoT’r 2^ 89if Flies! Files! , 7 ti 8to4iia Flat bastard files, aw’d, 7 te 14in. Taper Paw Files, Hr-rse Rmps, l^in For sale at the Store of the lata Nov’r 22, 1864. JAMES MARTIt^B. 87 6tpd JVOTICE. Application ^ be made to the next General As »Ambly ot North Cwroliaa tor an act to prevent the removal of so’diera’ f«-miiies out of such kouSdS aa ‘hey may cow occupy, until tbe closa of the present w^r Nov’- 21, 1864. 87 »tnd TE^il'A.tlEi^r^ A \i9 CONFEDEliATE States Bible Sooiety Testamauts. A OoUMiiM af Inbbatk 8duK)l Hymns. VKvAilt B. SAfcfe a iOMi Treasury Notes of the Old Issue* laBASITST DKPAaTMBJIT C. S A , RicI>.BionJ, Nov’r 11, 1864 TO ead that evary ftoUity latj be aiForde-1 to the h -^l iera of these notes in effecting (be exoaang for ’iOa, tbe Treasurer, .Aas^ktaat Treaaurets and Pay De p^Itaries, and the Dspoditaries whose, duty Han been uithecto llmitJil to fuading, aro hereby '.uthoravi to r»!ca ve the notes frr ox^Haags T>’03e not eupp'ied with ^un-ie ^ill reg'-tsr the B»m''8 of the dejoai'ors, toe tvitig V.1 a tea oif^red for and entitled to rxoaange, iiatil t.Ho let dftw af Ja-aary 1866. ino’.ofwve Tb® note' reoelvd and regiate*-ed & tiat be forwarded by expreo '.o the Treftsarer at Biolimond. with a c:>py of the regis ler, ana new !bbu?s for the paym«at of the depositord 'il! be immediately forwarded in return. The An^->tant Treaeurera a>id D po:ataries are here by iaatnibted to reoublish this notiee G. ▲ TBENHOLM, See’7 of Trsasnry. Fatsttktillb Dspositobt, Nov. 22, !864 New I>siu wul be paid for the old, on preseBtntioa at tvisOftoi. nt41 w. CL B1041»00x» Sif'f. • and these oer'ifioatee ari>, from well known aod m;st re spectable individuals. P>. Corrt.spondonts reoo'ameud them as gooi for Liv er Disease, Chills aad F->vers, Paeaiaoni«. Jann- dioe. Dyspepsia, Bilious Fov^, Bilioue RBeum».it.ia, Worm4, Pleurisy, Broacbitia. ftc. 7. Several gentlemen state that the use of th‘)se Pills has bean to t^em an ^rual saving of from flOO to (200; they are the best niasiatlon medicine ev«r of- fttred to the publle. 8. Some Physioiaai of the hi«*’.estii^nding prescribe them their patients, and hundre« of boxes have »een sold to regular praotiuoners ^ During tie last quarter 2 boxes have been »n1d to Drogrii*^!!. in s-sirh Ctrolm*, ai»'t one *p Nurth Carotini^—and S'>e:-3 time ago over 3.700 boxes were f.r ne) by Drufgists ia on? towu iu Virg=n-a. Prioe. $3 a box. For $80 a doi^a bv.>x«* wil> be seat to any addrv"iS A v:>ty libsi»l diac^uni to Druggists and country merehtnta. Cash (ne^ carret^- cy) to tocoWipany orders. for Sale In Korth Carollnt as FoUowi: AiiheTiUe, G J Aston, Alhemar'e, J M cS.vin^. I (!bape1 HiU. R K launders, Charlotte. J Nyf llatGhinson, “ F S Carr, i_1lnu>n.ilnbbar1 it Moseley, t>»nr.orfi, J RcSd, BntM-ld. J CuheD. 'JHlvboro'. J Y VVhltted Co, Payetieville, S A Stelumn ai Oo 'liwnsb«r> . Pnrter fc Gorrell, •JoldiburoV liUcii* it Minire, URlifHi. J O’Brien, Hendf'tin, Wychf fcCn, J P !?Usn^aTi liti, V l.lnooint'-n, P Sherrill, 1 Ln«sbttr$;, J Pliftnn, I Marion, VVrn V*'a.ke*ie)d, 1 Plttsboro', I I it Haywood, I '■ P P P.'scnd. I Roc.khish-».ni, J P N irth*m, 1 c^aititMiry, Hendannn fc Ennis, I “ iiurb&ak fe G illaghar, I Shelby, K Frmeltejjrer. j W.ido*boro , VV O BenTiett, I Wtyiev lie. K II tyaps, iVVilm’.njjton, VV.’.Str Metures, H Mfbin. “ W H Lipp IL W DPEM!>, C.U-Wr •- n IVOTICE. WISH to bay a^uple of BO»V STRINO?* to m*ke _ wool kai3 Any ona that has taiem 0 -n fi^d a pu' chaser by addressing me at P^ ’1 r’j *1^*1. -N C. NATHANISL FIELDS. Dee’r 6ird Fair IVotice. The Bridge over Lum'wr Riv'^r, (k:. jw^ Gilcbrist’a Britige,) has b«ea examined—is thought u-.a«>fe. I MB aoi rMpoasibl* for any accident. JABftSS A. G1LCHRI3T. Beo’r 1. 90 2ipd RLANK DEEOI§ JUST PRINTED hi super p»p**r. Fo? «al« at the OBSERVER BOaXSIORE. D o 2 90- WAMTED, fro parcKaae or hire for the next year, a neat aad in* 1. teUgr,dt young woman for % nnrae. Apply U JOBN H AN»>EBS0N Nov 80 89 4tpd IVOTICE. OUR Senior Partner, who wiU h j 'Hfa R\!'’ig.i for reveral weeks. wf>l buy a?d so 1 C >in ^ Bdl ^A-^, B.ink Notex of this S.at* and Treasvy Woie’: of T»r ginia aad North CaroluiA, a»-» ExDhaaxe Etigie. »d bnd the principal eities of the South«r.n C Also, State and Railroad B^ada aad 0->npen? of tte gam*, fl^'oarate^y He may b-i foiied at tbe Book S'.nre of Mr. H. D. Tnraen oomer of Fayetteville and Newoeru stTe-H. Persons visiting toe oil? on baei^^'^s areicrit^d to a*!! ca him THOS BRAN;m ft S0'«. * of Poternbnrg. Raleigb, Dee2 [a or] 90 2* NORTHERN PEACE V0VEMINT8. The Riohmr nd Sxamiiier oonohidef from all indioatioiui at the North, that the jmnkeee aro mnoh more intent upon peaee Ami the Oonfsdw* ates It says:— Ooe tiling at least it plain, thi^ th^ are all looking for an early peaee, hoping to it, ooatri- ▼iog some device ior eompaasing it. Thej had flittered themselves that the re eleetion of Lin coln would be the virtual and oi the Gonfederaoy: and now that the great blow has been stmok, and nothing has oome of it, they are almost at their «it’s end to find some t^her way oat of the bad business. Peace they most have, that k peaoe with tbe^bmission of the South: they had made themselves believet tha this consummation waa fairly due to them at about the present date; aad that ttie re-election of t^eir War President waa to be the sore signal of tbat happy event. If il do not oome about that way, they feel eertaia that way.- Th^ need it: Fates. Peaee is quite as mpeiitive a for them a^ for us; and mnoh mor« so;—o^y thsj cannot bring themselves to take the onfy meani by which they will ever see it with tiieir eyea. lliey know well that their ooontry cannot bear the strain ot another foqr years* war; and' they abhor the thought of sudi a task, or *^ob,** as Lincoln balls it: but they abhor even mtwe (just at present*) the thought of acknowledging the eZiStence 01 the Confederate States or Gov ernment- Here is a difieulty: and nnlesff see ex tricate them it is a difficulty tiiat must ripen in* to their ruin. “Ia there one single Gmfederate so idiotis aa to believe that they would now be so anziona for poaoe but that they are conscious of inabili^ to carry t'n the war with suocem? Is it booauae they love us tbat they think of inviting ua back to their frat«maL arms? In truth, the whola tone of the Northern Preos since their eleetion, brinffs us the pleasing assunwce that th^ are frightened at the prospect of undertaking over again, and beginning onoe more at tbe beginning, saoh a ‘Job!^ as they have found ao heavy tm their hands these tut four yflata. If by any amount of bullying, cheating, lying, bribe^ and intrigrte, they can now bring about distraction of our oonnsels and desertion of onr alliance by one State here and another there, then they think they are still saved. Avd the obvious lesson whioh, if we are rational beings, and not cowards, we must learn from the movements of our ene mies, is that we should now, beyond all times, show an united front, and a resolute determina tion.*' State ot iVoi*lli t'AroliHa, Rl( H.40NU i.OU 'f = Y Oonrt of Pl*«B aod Qua-^or S Oc*. '^r7v», 186'*, Ang'js R P^ttijrsoo ii'x’r r D-^ i*l Piuei-'icn Deo’d, vs Arorti«>*l i P»t.er?on, et Prti i'^n f. r a sale of SIm^s fur P»r»t*?on. IT apjKsPiisr to t>e svipfaciion 0^ '-ha t'ou ».h -t Ar*b!*-»l' Pa'*erB!>a and G »ytof re ^ wif** Flora, D frT^dft-'ts in Ibis e«.u4e, r a.de b-y*o"? la'.iT-.. a this St*te; It is tharef're, on motio" or«ier#d by th? Court, th»t Advfruaement be ac:ade for ’x w?‘fes bu- vM88iv-lv i»i the Fi'?et»e'nlle Obse*‘''?'r, n >S'fyi«.’.5t ‘ eaid Def^Bdjinta of ‘he fi ia« nf tiiaP*tUi'>^ » d unlNic they appotr at the n»xt t rw of this C ur*^ t ■ - h Id at the Court Honse ia Raskin-ham, on t-e tbird Moaday of Jannary next, aad answer the PeMti n. th same will be taken pro conlssso aad heard ax parte »• to them. Witness, Loni{> H Webb, Clerk of onr s^d Court, at ofBoe, the third Monday of Oei. IB'ti. L. H WEBB, Clerk. 86«6»rpd!|ll4lnpt H H. WEBB, D p’t-? Marryhig the Wrong —The following is a love story brought to light recently by proceed ings in the German law courts: Vienna has been stirred op lately by the oom- ical result of a strange love story. It seems that, in the house of one Herr Kuhune, a teacher of languages, Dr. Kant, a young lawyer, happened to make the acqoaintaaoe of a lady, burdened y®*”- ^e yann^^y^^imiCTTW^ interest in She made love to him—^in fact, very strongly— and persuaded him to visit her at her house. Bat alas! he loved another lady. One evening, while cmversiog with the Dootor, she said: “Why, with your favorable idea of matrimony may I ask if yon ever thought ot marrying yourself? * Dr. Kant sighed, and, h^s eyes resting on the ground hesitatingly muttered in re^: ^*I have already thought of marrying, and ix9ne my choice, but ’’ “But!” the lady hastily interposed. "But,” h€ continued, “the lady is rich, very rich, and I ?m p joi. 1 am afraid I eould hardly aspire to her hand; and rather than allow myself to be tax ed with sordid design), I will bury my passion in my breast and leave it unavowed forever.” At an early hour the following day, she, how ever, botoak herself to a solicitor, and, in legal form, declared her wish to present and hand over, as his property, the snw of 150,000 guilders (£150.000) to Dr. Kant. When the document had been signed and duly completed, she sat lown in the office, and, enclosing it in an elegant nvelope, added a note to the following effect: “Dear Sir: I have much plea.«ure in enclosing paper, which I hope will' remove the obstacle ia tiic way of your marriage. Believe me, etp., “Ancx Martini" Dr. Kant—for he aad no other was the ad dressed—was the happiest man in the world on receiving this generous epbtie Repairing at once to the parents of Fraulien Fischel, the lady of his love, he proposed ior, and received, tha oand of a sdrl who had been long flattered by hia delieate, though unavowed, ihtec tions. His reply to Fraulien Martini, besides conveying his sincere thanks, contained two c'frfes de vistte, linked to- geta V by the signifieant rose-colored ribbon. Misa Martioi forthwith sued the h^ppy bridegroom for restitution, but as no promise of marrii^e kad been uiade, the case was, by twoauccoaaive ooorta, decided against her. State of rVorth Carolina, RICftMOND COUSTY , Ccuri of Pi-^aa ««d Qi^rter S**f8ioB9. Oo* Tn’^m 1864. Sarah Brown vs Thoa Barr;otiae and Wife. Pet1l«oc frr Do^er. IT apfv»»riiig to tbe fMti^faodon of tbe 0**ttr*, that N^ill Brown ani Joshna Brcwc, Defenda:it8 in tbi* cause, reside bey.>nd tbe ii»jiilB of this State; It *e th?re fore, on mouof order«»d by the Coart, that aivertid« B ent be n>*vde for sfx wei’kw ioo3‘?flsi«'ely io th Fay ettovilJe Observer, notiffin.^ t^e 9»id ‘-'efi-ndiifo of the filing of thla p^iiM.>o, ta.I »ifle«B ih^-y appear at the Dvxt lerm of th'« Ooar*, 1. *t tbp C.-inrt Hon' 4n R{>ekingh»m on the tMrd Monday cf Ja-itiary box*, »»d aiiswer tbe peiitiou, tha sane will be taken p ‘*nf»>«so’ an^ heard ex rt%»-tn as to t^era. Witness, Lr-ui* H. Webb Cler^ ' o >r B»id Cou t, a* office, the third Mondr.y of Oct . 1 Rd4. L H. nik. »»6*«wp^ai4!BTt ff Pr ij p» Important flfotit^. AMEETIN? of TRE do iOR3 to th* N Os pb^n Eadowua-at fati sa' fh^ D..>;otors, wiii b» held in tbe bascTJoat t :o B‘'•**’it/ the o y f Raleigh, enTbMrsiay *«•; 76 c D “eBt'>«*». 18’4 at 11 o’cloek. A M.. As tbisis a rw:' g off.r^*t iiuport- aaee^ a generai a*t.*n I. •io’t ia GEORGE W MOADBOAl, PnsidM^ CKecus r. DaiHs, FtnMaiai AfaaU» an.at. ^ • IVegrroes for S&ie. T'^E robber b r« h»vi qa*l Scd r * E-'ecntore to tbe last Wi’’ aad TeetJtini v o. J‘.me: Wi.-tay deu’d will 8?ll at Pablio Sal , at the « ro-i^^eaoo of the de ceased, oa Crane’s Cr?^&, Moo-ts e'iuaty, on the 89t^ d*y of Dfnemb?* 1804 -rn » oreJi* of *>x rnor-th? NINETEEN LI?3LY NiGaOE'^.-men, woa-n, b»ys and g rls Parehasm civAUg and approved seen itv, btfnre Aeliveiy nf the nropertr. X H. WORTHY, a. E JOHNSON,} **«•'■*«• QlTtM. The Lady't RepeMautic*.—the life of Dr. Raffles, just publbhed, the following stray waa told in connection with i^reaching journey in 1814. On our way from Wemto Hawkestond we ised a house, of whioh Mr. Lee told ne the Allowing oocuneoees: “A young lady, the daugh ter of th^ owner of the booae, was ad ireseed.by a man, who, though agreeable to her, was disliked by her fadier. Of course he would not conswt to th^'ir union, and she determined to'elope. Tho night was fixed, the hour came, he plaeed tha ladder to the window, and in a few minutea aha was in his arms. They mounted a double horae, and were soon at sotc tistanoe from tha honao. After a while thu ^ady broke silence by aaying: “Weil, you sea wnat a proof I have given you of my aifeotion; I hope you will make me a good husband.*' He wui a surly fellow, and gruffly answered: “Perhaps I may, and perhapa sot' She maSle him no reply, but after a imenoe oT some juinutes, she suddenly exclaimed: **0, what shall ws do? I have lefc my money behind no in my room ** “Then,** said he, “we muat go back and fetch it.'* They were soon again at tho house, the ladder waa i^^n placed, the lady re mounted, whi^ the ill-natured lover wuted below. Bat she delayed to oome, and so he gently called: “Are you com ng?" When she looked out of tha window and said: “Perhaps I may, and perhaps not;" then shut down the window, and left hi|S to return upon *he double hofse alona. Waa soS lhaa s haroy thosj^i tt tha lady's part s Is^- |si0ses)l»r' i