(D VOU XIV.l PAYETTEVH-ill, N. •, DECEMBER 12, 1864 [MO 1395.] l*Rl«TBD MONUA¥B AND XHUftSDAlB. CdWlKD J. fllLE & MITORS AND PR0Pai£TUB8. t*t tk« 8em.-Wwkly 0»aavTn $16 Qto, paid 1* •dTMM. V»r tti« WMkIj OBsaxwK ISIO 9% per Muaoa, tat Wtmm. iOr ADyBBTIBBMENTS iai&rted for 9t p«r iqaar» of IS liB«8 or f«r th« frtt, aai f2 for eaok ■ooMediiig publloftfloa. Advwtism vn requested to alBte the nti«ib«r ef f»9ertioni de*»ed, or they will be oentlaned til] forbid, and charged sooordlagly. Advertis^ABta ooBtinned innd^ ohurged m now ad- »ertS«om€Ote SPECIAL NOTICE. iMi Atfor thlad«te, Mnu&eaf a newrabaertibftf wB b* Mitorad wfihoat pttTiaent 1b ftdTuee, B«r will ^ |«fw be seBi t« smdi ra^Mrfbera for • Uaftiium Ihwlt^dfer. ■Mi^«foar •Id nbteribenMideain t« tBk«tlM p«- pmt m this syttom will pletM Betify aa wk«B wakfag NBlttoBtM. JU’7 1, ItM. W. DRAlJOHOrV, AUCTIONEER, 8.1. Comer Mtrket Murt, FATJBTTBTOXB, If. •. ProiB|iit Bttentiec giroD to *11 bBtineae ia bis entrosted to hist. Jane 10, 1864. 40tf ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH, }roeer aad €oBBissioi Herekait^ FAYETTfiVILLB, N. C. Fajettefiiie ftMiB Oil Worluu OUK Oil Works are aew in oomplete •perati^ «Hi M we use aotkiw bat good ro^ ia prodooiag tlM Oil wo caa recoaunead it to m the beet of the kiad aiade 1b ooontrj. ft is a fine Labricatinf aad Taaner’s Oli, and we woidd be s^ to rMsiTO orders frost the •«v«rmBeat aad the paUis geawallT. Ifs will sell MOOfiJS, OASHWELii dr 00. w EA«U FOiniDRT. 1 FiLTaTTBTiua. N. G., JaW 4, l^M. f 1 ABB ROW PBBPA&BD TO BBOBITB OBr den for RAIL ROAD WHEEI^ of the fellowiag fisss, t'-i: 24, 38, 28 -tad SO tacb. Also CIULLBD TIBBS. Th^ Iron we Basil oae ftr theta will be QOLD BLA07 OHABOOAL IBON, aad wo war- r*mi oar wheels NOT TO CiBACK, aad to b« ssmal to aaj Bads ia ths Osnftdsrasy, or ts thea* of WbRmej A Seas of Philadelabiiv, whos« repstatiaa is s« well taown by all Bail Be«n CompAnies. We have the best faeiUtiss fsr toaaapocialoa by Iteaiasis to WllxaingtoB, from theaee to My pari of the Ooalb^eraoy. Orders rsspsatlkliy soMted 4«tf 1 D ANDBBSOt} ft 00 w frvar. jigeA. jmcMJtiTn Attorney at Law, Fatxttkyillb, N. 0. J’UtL at lead ths CouMty and Saperisr Courts af Camberlaad, HaraeU, Moore and Bebesoa Coaa- tite. Proiapt attention giToa to the ooUootiotf of ail Aii^ias enurnstad to his hbnda Oct. 17, 1869. 6*-ii JOS. BTJLJBY, ^ Cfrocn* m%d Vmtttmtssimn Mertfunwtn FAYKTTBVILLB, N. 0. Jao’7 le. 1868 »g-tt Xi nujr A. HTSCaAn. wv. a. BBariM). !V. A. SX£:i».11ArV Sc €Om fVTBOLBSALfi MD HfiTilL l^fiALJBIlS AMD OOHlimSIOiV .Hfi&CMJklVTS, J^o» 19, Bay FAYfiTTBTILLB, N. 0. so. atnf Still tor Sale. 1FIB8T RATB COPPBK STli.L, 70 Osllora, uew aad in oomplete ord&r, with Cap »ai W '»ra. Apply to I t. UARTIKB. Hot as 87 6tpd Salem AJmaDaet. BLUM’SFarsMriaad Ptanters Almaa&o for tlio y^ar IMS, r«iooived and for sale, by Uie ^ro-8. dosea, or siogie sapy, at the B(K)K '^TOBK WBSTfiAIV RAIJL ROAD. Bead le»Te PayottoTilie daily, (Soadays szoeptod) at 8 e’olosk, A. M., and retandag leave Bgypt tkt 1 rpn FBB191T AND BASaENGBB TBAINf of thie at 8 4 o’obak. P. H C«me mtd Marst Tram HONOA7, WBDNBSDATaad yH-rPAY Wy or^er JNO. M. BOIB, Vrtm’T and Cm’I Traas. .^t. Jmt. an 1MB. »7tf Salt for Sale. a AAA B0SH«Lg SOUND SALT, mais ia the Ssriag «Ul/U IMt—will exohaace it for Basoa, Lard, 0«ra, or Coafodsrate Tre*aary N»tss. Also, tO boxes flae CHI¥INC1 TOBAOCO; for sal* at my store opposite A. Q THOBNfON. 64-if Gape fdar Baak. Bopt. 2. aad Thanday. April «—I7tf ] VWm and after tbl& date the Stearaer A. P. HUBT wOl leave m S o’elook, A. M., oa Uoada^ JOS. A. WORTH, Ag*t C. y. ateam Boat^ €OUUIftAfl STATIS OF AMIBIf^ .1 eiaaaa BarAancajfT, Diaz. Oatb Fbak, WilKiagt«.n, N. 0.. Marsh 16th, 18W. NOTIOB is hsrsby giToa to aU psxsoas having oialsu sfainsi tbs Bngiaeer DepartsieDt, for ssrvisss of employed as taborsrs an ihs Imi dtfmett asar vrii>siB{ttoa, N C , that th« osdersigaed Is aathorfied »ad frop»red to pay the same at his efBoe, oa so- oond toor of th» tdUdiag 'next above Mearse* Drag Stars, Mai^et tiweat. IggT' Persoas exesaikig Powers of AKorasy wSlI ob- nerve the fbllowiag forss—their signatures, la all sasos, to bs wltaeosed by two witnesses and sigastl ia di^>tt- oate, or they ssav ba intasssed befor Peace or 01^ or !aiUae of the WAMTBli. 2iuy\ BVUHBIJ WSBAX, 1,W0 • OOBN. Ybsss— havlag tha abovs srtioles to ssil wIiNosive a* H|iM8t OBah arios ^ oalUag oa Mr. M. Thaaasan, at *s Merflhaet Mills, FayettavUla, sr on the sabaort- ber al Us sM irtas4 aa Market Bqoars. ALBX. JOHNSON, Js. 76«f ly Coort. FORM OF roWBB OF ATTOBNBT. I, —— of , de hereby appoint , ti , aty tras ssd kwfial A^^eat ts s^ reoeipts ftr, aad re^vs paysMat ef aD moasys due to ate by the Kagiaser De- partaMf^ of the Coafederate States of Aaicr«», fcr the servioss sf my sUves employed as laborar* on the land defcaoes at , during the raoath of , 168 WltnasB ws^ head and 9tai «t the —^ day ef , 186 (SifTMd ia OSmI.] WKaosfs AJtlHY HARIWESS. 1AM prsparad to manufaotore all kinds of Wagon Baraess for Army use. I tan my leather and caa. gsod baigains. Agents will do well ts send their erdscs to SM as they sk^ have prompt attention, and 39nt off l» qiiek dkiMMh. JOHN GA&TBB. Goldsioa P. O., Cnaihaia Co., N. C., \ Jnae 13,1S62. / »4tf Alter this date 1 will pay 25 Coats per pooad for ^ngs, or _ the highest market price, delivered in BviUe, or tlLxaj milts os BoocftBh. d. ^bVBPHT. fSh’y 16, 1834 7-*^ FliOUR AlVD OATS. FLOTXEL aad OATS will be exohanged for Com at tiie Store of D. MoLaorin, by giving him a few days uotios. Floor good, Oats No. 1, blaok or white. J*B’y 29. , OBSirilfOl BIPARTMIKT, 1 lULBiaH, N. 0., May 8, 1863. / LBAD wanted.—I wish to pnrohatie Lead for this DepBTtiseBt Persons having large or small qoa&> litios will please apply at onee. Will give 1 pound of roWMSR for 10 pounds of itEAD. TH08. D. BOQO, Capt. C. S. u9-tf In ohaige of Ordossoe. To Wine Jflakerj or Distillers. 1HAVE for sale 10 iron bound heavy oak FERIiiENT- INO STANDS, 6f oapaoity of 160 ga loas; also, 4 not so iMavy, same siio- Prios eiagly f lOO eaoh. Any B«ss» wbo will take the whole oaa havs them for f 1000 are valoabla to aay one wishlag to make Wiae or dkiUU Brandy. Also, some of half sise sf abovs for sale at half the i^ove rates. EENBT E GuLTON. FaystfcsviUs, Got 1. 72if Palma CliristI Beans. ['I£K sub««riber will pay tSt highest cash prioes fcr [ ap» qaa&tity of Pa-a-a nvTl-jt’ B>sSf.- » 4 ’^ORTT* rv* • ■*' WAi^T£D| Hides to tan on shares. Terms, | Iieather or its equivalent in oash We oaa tan it in a Tory : hart tiite if desired, by Hiokle’s patent. Ptfsous wishing tjteir Hides tasosd o»n s«ad them to oar «dJr«:«8 to Lgy pt Depot, where the/ will ba taken firom «Ad Leather delivered at oar expetMCi Our addreds is Vftaaooat, ChathBB C/'unty W D. WATdON k 00. Befcreaoe MLessra. Q. W. WiDtaas & Co., Fayetteville. Aug 24. 61*^wtlJpd RAi;}S! RA«Sn~The infe rior quality of tae paper on whieh the wv' -w Observer has boon printed of late, aad whiah is A great oye-eore to un, ie oiriDg to the want of a snlucionttfupply of gaoi ra;^, and the oonneqaent aee- essity tc resori to inferior mateiials. We appeal to the friaads ot the Observer at all aooessible points, to Mve ^ Aca bring to town all the ra^ they can pi suare. We have no ta attsad to thoir purchase, bat Geo. T!7. WilKama & Co., the Agcats ia this tewa of Mr. Wrr*phy, will pay 25 oeat5 per lb. for ttSB. U- i. RALe * SONS. Blaak Wamjits Mrt mim hmm. The si^natnres of cihired persons shoold be witnessed by three witsesses- There ma^ be separate duplioata Powers of Attomay hr eaoh month. Blank f 'i^on at this oSoe. W H. JAMBR. ft Chief Sb|e. /««’»>#* 1P#.« forms oaa be had upon appli- W«0l Wanted for tke Stato of N. Carolina. THS andersigned eontmue to exchange COTTON YARN for WOOL, one boadle of Tam for 4 lbs. un washed, or 8 lbs. clean washed Wool. They wilf also p«y a liberal prioe in cash for Ivge or small lots. GSO. W. WILLIAMS k GO., 4gti. Fayetteville, Jnne 16. 42tf FAVETTE V11.I.E MUTUAL USCRA5CE COSPANI. Capital ia Premium NotM amounts to $267,689 2b Oash on hand and other assets. 5,077 35 Total, $272,765 16 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and Kave nevsr made an asaaeament on their premiaza notos. Total losses pBid, f:/;0,682 OHIOaKS: OhiO. McMEILL, Pre.tivlcat. D. A. RAV, Vice Prra'dent C. A. MuMlLIiAI'i, ^^c’y. DTa«ort»9.s: VT >i. Tyii'jfj.jusi, 8. J. fl Wta, ileii*iir;a, T. S. liuttixloh, A. . Stodi, J. 6. Csok, Hon. J. a. Shepherd, 5; HSr Jijha OoUms auU 0. 0. MoOvaiaci^n, Traveling Aj^ents ISSPTue Cosapwjy lp«5*e «pt>'ii«'u:onj?. Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedmaa, 0. B. MaUett, James Kyle, A. A. McEbihan, J. O. Wiliiam, S. W. Tillinghast. FAYETTEVILLE WORTH C4B0UIf A 9B First Sessioa of this lastttuiisa will c-oe? 1st of Febrcarr, 1366 4psl:sa»i9B9 for admieat.>h asst bo made prior ts th« let JMnar», 1866 abt?:l wfiiab tima >he tersn will be qusrdif kaown A1s4, wanted, two T*«o'a«fs ef Milit^ Bdasatloa aad a Stewan ic thi* Ivatttntioa. Addrsss M»j. WM A. BANKS, 8aperivt*«4e«t- Ooi **4 go-tf Hillsbm’ N* €• Military Acftd#aij« THB aezt seasion sf thia Institation will brgin ra Wad«»^a7, Feb’y l*t, 186*i Applioatioua Tsr ad- n)s9na mast b* .'Bade prior lo 15*h D40*r 1894, about whieh ttas the t^rms will bij made knnwa. ^dtirees M*j. WM. M GORDON, aaperiatsndent. •ss. 1. 73 4m Boxes For Soldiers. All BOXES FOR SOUDlBiB OB PRI30NBB8 OF War frvA Nortit Caroliss dsiiverad t* the foUsW' lag named persovs will be pressptly forwarded ftr«e of ehturge: Dr D F Snmaey, Asheville; Dr W A CoUstt, Morgaatoa; J W Allison, State^ils; Br J L Neagle, jSHrseasboro; Mr A Usgan, Charlotte; Sir Bdwftrd Hsge, Salem; Oapt J N MsDowsll, Baleigl^ Jsffsph A Worth, FaystteviUet B Unmf A Co^WUadagteai Mr F L Bond, Tarboro; Mr J A J Askew, Calerata; Mr F L Roberts, Murf^eesbore Th) B»x«s should bs weU hooped, properly narked, and dsiiversd in kima for my Special U^sssager whe leaves Raeigh on the first day of evsry moath. EDWARD WABBEN, Sargesa GsaM N & Balsigh, Ooi 29. 80-1m K90RE k CASflfTELL, Fayettf 7iU«, N. C. OIL! OIL!! W1 ars sow sxuutivcly engaged in the aiaaBfaot«re of a vary raperior srtioU of LUBRIOATING OIL This Oil la aaade teon B'>etn, but by an tmiiirtlff n«w protw, and ss far surpasses the vegetable oils hereto fore mads in thie oooatry ttiat good Judgee have pro* nocnoed it elia^t, if not quite, equal, for labrioatisg purposes, to tha best Train Oil. It has been largely u.-wd by the Railroads in Tirglaia fnd North Oarntiaa aad ftaliy auoswere all the parroses of ths moi^ expensive oils hitretbfore used. WWsacr it hm ktn tritd t( h^igivm eompUte tatUfat^vn, aad hM, pemtfencaily, t%k9a the pUos of all other f>ubrisator« It is THS vcar bist 7BaaT«BLB Ou madb im >aa GosvaDBBATB Statbs. Wo have sow on haad, which we offer at a Mry ^ jfrite, 875 Bbls. Labrioatiog OIL 76 do Taansrs’ Oil. 60 do Painting Oi We are aaaking about ^ty barreln a week, aad sott- oit orders from B^ilroads, FoondriM, F*etori«a and !«• div5du*la MOORE k CASfTWBLL, Fayetteville, N. 0. Oot’r 20. 78-2m Florence and Fayette?ille Railroad. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINft. A SUFFICIENT amount haviBg bee>i sabsoribed to authorisi tbs organitaiioa of tbe above nauiad Gom- paay, a meetiog of the Stookbclders is boreby called to sB«et in Fayetteville, oa Tauraday the I6l& day of De oeoiber next, for the purpose of elcctln.^ a Pretideat and Direoiofs of said Cudspany, aad for the trans&otioa of fuoh oihor bodiseas «s m^y oomo beforo ihe Stoot:' iiolders. The B^ks of sabssriptios are fctiil opes Tfei) ie ku im'oriant road to this oonamcnity a^d to the ooiaiiry geserally. W« hore every oan will feel the itaportauod oi doinr what ho can to seonre the speeuy completion of this road. W. MoL MoK4Y, 1 JNO M. ROSE, i A. A. MoK«THAN, ^Oom. L* A K,\Y, i A. W. STEEL,* J Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 7 A2(m founds Arit!itteti«al Dietionary, J^MBRACINO a systea of Arithmetic Reaiy Rookon- et. laterfist OalenUior, Bosk Keeping, Forms, &o. B J. HALB i SONS TWr IA, CSKNJBRAL ORDfiRS. HE Hat Maattfaoturors at Statesville, N. 0., wish to purohMe 1,0#0,4M>0 FUR SKIIVS, Saah HU RABBITS, MUSKRATd, COON, MINK, F0£, OXTB& aud BE WEB. for which we will paj tbe high* eat prioee either in C?afeisr*ts Moasy, BMk Bills aai Spedi«^ or ezohaago for Cotton Ysra or Hats. Ws hope that all those who wish to eaeearage a Sftuthora Baterprise, will exert themeelves in gettiag us furs. Merohaa-s will pleass aot as Ageats, be^riag in mind that we w^Il pay 26 per cent. mor« than any one oL:e. WITTKOWSKY k SALTZBEBY. Mr. B. BRANDT is oar anthorissd Ageat for Cost* berland coaaty to purchase Fars for as WITTKOWSKY k SALTZBEBY. Nov’r i 81-2m 60.000 Oct 1. Skin^les Wanted. SHINOLES WANTED. Apply te ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH. 72tf Boxe§, &€•, for Prifoner§ of War and Soldiers* As the Agent of SarKeoa Gen. Warren, I will reoeive aad forward all boxes, ka , for Soldiers and prison* e:s of war, free ef charge. Ths Boxes should be here by the 25th of soeh month, so that they oan reach lUleigh by the last of eaoh month. I wi«h the bozofl STnt to me to mark, with written in- staructions, so that I may have i* properly done. All boxes for prisocers of war must be as light as possible. If they she? Id weigh more thaa 109 Ibt. thf'y cannot go. JOSEPH A. WOBTH. Fayette^lUo. No» 15. Parraffine Labricatins: Oil. HAVINQ by carafol experimaot altered and greatly improve ! tbn ofc»ract^r' of out Oi!, we now cfFai for b.%is an article of Labriosting Oil for Cottoa Factories which has no sa^erior ia the Coufedersoy. It does not ;um or chill. This Oil we gnaraatee with earefal trial to be th» best aod obsa^est tHl for fine machinery in the South. As the aadlsrsif:ced giv"'i his peit^oaal atten tion *b the p'cpsrttim of the Oil, ii shall not deteriorate in qai^l^y ^ui raiber i juprove. Re'ars to AganU Ro^kfi^b r.nd Bearer Creek Maon- fec'nring Cos., Payattoville, N C , who pronounce it a very BUi>erior Oil HESRY E. COLTON, A#t F K. Co. Nev’r 28^ mineral Fire-Proof Paint. . E ere now prepared to supfriy any qnantiiy of this Paint in pond'?. It is a Peroxide of Iren, aod kiH stsnd tha most .■tevere tests with fire Color deep te/dish brown. HENRY E. COLTON, Ag*t F. K Co. Fiyettaville, Nov’r 28 86if W Fiiesr Files! Flat bastard files, aas’d, 7 to 141a. Taper ffaw Fi!e4, « 8 te 4^ta H«rso Rfcsps, l*iu For sale at the Store of the late JAMES MARTINS. Nov’r 22, 1864. 87-6tpd ^OTl€E. 4 *iICATION will be made to the next General As- ■'» Bsmblj of North Gsrolina tor au act to prevent the ’•sroovai of soldiers’ f^miiics out of such houses as they may «ow oooupy, antil the close of the present war. Iov*“ 21, 1864. 87 Stpd THB BllfttHAIH SCHOOL. A MILITABY and CLASSICAL FINISHING ACADEMY, rLB nest sflesls« begias Feb’v 1st, 1866, at Mabaoea viile. ea the N C B. B While toe s!d coarse is ret«iasd, extensive a4diiioas have been aade, with a view to Bi^g eeaa saaauBs as »el! as geod scholars Address OoL WM BINOHAM. Sap't, 0>kji. N. 0. N«v*rK.18i4 IVilF TAX IN iUJVD, Cnmberland County. WE hope every farmer fit Cumberland Coanty will meet os at (he following tines awd to lls^ their Oera, Short Cora, Irish Pstato«s. Rios, oared Hay, euTed Fodder, Buckwheat, Sufrar, Molasses c-fCsna MoImsss of Serf hu&i, Psa«, Bo&aa, Crouad Peas aod Cotton: Oedar Creek Dist^, at Tiths Dsp6t, Dee 8, '>864; Look’s Creek Joseph 1ade’s, Deo 7; flea Hill ” Mery’s Gardem, Dec 8; SilvarBaa ” David MaNeill's, IHe Blaek Xiver, ” the Shelter Bear Smith’s MlUs, Dee 10; Bethel Church, Deo 18; BooldBsh Tillage, B«o 14; Mrs Jao A McKeUixse’e, Deo 15; D C Monroe’s, Dse 16; Kiagsbury, Deo 17; Market House, Dee 19 and 20. The Fanners are required to list the entire orop of the abeve Bamed produce, whether gathered or aot, ia- elndlBg what may have been sold or sonsumed Those Biiable to attend will send their lists by their friends, as «11 are requind to list dariBg the mouth of Dsoenber By attandlag prosiptly to the above appointaenis the Farmers will save themselves trouble and prevent the eolleetlon ef five timee the value of their tithoa O H BLOCKER, J A. JOBNsr.N, Assessors 221 DUtt. N. 0. Dee 8, 18M. 90 8t2c* Headquarters Reserve, M. €.,) Ralkiqh, Deo. l»t, 1864 ) Gbsbrai. Oxdbbs, \ No 19 f Alt. |bembers of the Setii;>r R aerves of C.. who aro abci'nt from their 03um»d^ withaut proper an thority, Hi'd 6rd«red to rs?oia thorn without deUy 0?Ti5i'y Es^Iltsg OfSleers a’-e B»de responsible for the anpre^et^si^B of su^ aa do aot at onoe oomply with tbis order. Py order af Lieut Qea Nolmer 90-1 wT J«0. W HUJ8’’'3LE a a Omi’L Gray’s Creek ' Beekfish Qnwhillle Peveaty-Flrtt flarver’s Oraek Fayetteville Tax In Kind—Harnett County. WE will ssaet the Farmers and others of Harnett eouaty, at the foUowiag timee aad plaop« to re- eeive their lista of Cora, Short Corn, Irish Potatoes, Biee, Cured Fo der. Hay. Buokwheat, Sagar, Molasees, Peas, Beans, Ground Peas and Cotton: At Hamstt Coaaty Court. LUllnfton, Monday and Tn«eday 12ili aad 18ih Deo. 1864. Johnsonville and Barhacae Distrists, at BarbMue, on Wednesday 14th. Buokhom and Heetor’s Creek, at Mrs Arnold’s oa Thursday l!th Neiil’s Creak at Beaben Matthews’s Mill Friday 16tb. Orovs, at B. Turlteigton’s on Saturday 17th. JLverasboro’, on Monday 19‘h Stuart’s (k«ek, at Baoa’s Level, Toeeday 2ttb. Upper Little Biver, on Wednesday 21st. Ail Farmers aad ethers intereet^ in tide notioe aro requested to oome forward with their lists of estimates ready fer entry, and thoe^ who have friend* away in the army ar otherwise absant from thair homee are earn- eetly reqaeet«d to list their Tax in Kind for them, there by sbvIm B9 Mid them e>Bsi>iarable «ro«ble JOHN L ATKINS. HUSH MeLEAN Dee’r 2. 90^8t«8i SOVTHERIV PVBLICATIO.HS. The ELB^NTARY SPEU,INa B^OK, eontalns ahoat the wuao. hs Webster’s Bpailiag Book, with (he additional advantage cf haviag aU the vowels and ao- eaat' eoearatelv marked. A supply always ea hand, •rice S8 00. THE FI2»8T DIXIB RBADEB is a new beck, cob- Hiniasr easy readisg leesoas oa Soathwn snbj*e«6. Pr;oe 75 ote. THB DIXIE PB1M8B, Third B^Uioa, Pieterial, still 0onli*iues te bo immeae^y popular. PriM (S26 per handred) 50 ets. THS PRIMARY GEOOBAPHY, Seeoad Ediitea. to B now and popular book. It is eatirely Sonthen aai finely adapted to eammea schools Prioe 8 00 FIRST BOOK IN COMPOSITION, by L Branson, A M., is now used exteasiveiy, and is the only book of the kind published in the CoBfedaraer. Price 8 §0. YORK’S NNGLISH GBAMMAB, Third Edition, is fiAfly ad!i.pfed to oomntoa sekools. Prioe 8 Ot. JOHNSON'S COMMON SCHOOL ABITSMBTIC. by Prof L. Johnson ef Trinity Oollege, is a aew and valuable book, wad will be followed .by a high sohoel Arlthcetio. Priee 8 60. MYRTLE LEATES, by Bev. A. W. Mangum, seeoad edition, is a delightful book, aad eoBtaias a bsaatiftit story cf a “Soldier's Love ” Prioe 2 00 HISTORICAL SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS, ia sold largely It gives the studeat much valuable iafanaa- tion of the Historieal po'tions of the Bible. Prioe 76 ots. SONGS OF LOVE and LIBERTY, oempiled by a N rtt> Carolla^kLady. Contains a 'Mipalar ooUoetion of S^s and Ballads Puom ^per har^od $40) 76 e^s. THB JACK MOdG.^N SONGSTBii,ooulpi]edbyGac^ T A. B-aceon, is one ef the best oolleoiions of sosgj and sentimental ballads ever published. Priee {pitt hundred f50) 1 00 MQBVjSN AND LINDA, a tale of a soldieir's love, ii a rare aad raey little book. Prioe (f per handred) 26 ots CANTWa^L’8 LAW PRAOTIGB, Becoad BditlQa. owitajos all the basiMis forms extensively '4 Price 20 00 SlIBEr MUSIC, a full assortment of tb-' rtaoca pub lished in the South Price from 1 00 to 4 00 PTATIONKEY of »U kiada, at modoi.iti pr.c«s. FANCY ABTICLBS generally. fH^The usual deduotioas made to the Tti^. Taose ordAriog goods to be sent pe; nuiil, must remit 10 o«t« extra on the.doHar to pay po«tago. N B Our Bublloatloaa are tc be ~ 'i at the principal Beok Stares throoghont the oooutry. PaAN^N k FARRAB, »ept. 17. 76‘st ‘*Just Hover in the Hafrica**—Two n*wly mi- portcd Eoglishmen, just off the Bteamer, itroUad iato the lesraonnt atttohedto Tremont Boose, the other day, and, after a wondering itar* at the long row of individoalSy eaoh bosilj aad ailentlj engaged in bolting in their allowanoe of food in tho shortest possible time, elimbed np oa (wo stools and hesitatinglj ordwed: “A. ohop and some hale.” While the agile William wbs ordering their meal, the attention of one of the Balls was at* traoted by a dish unknown to himj bat of whiok his neighbors were partaking with great [osto- Caretnily waiting until the man next to him grunted, “Nother ear o* oom,” he nudged his brother Bull with: Enry, there’s an H’ameriean wegetable that we don’t 'ave at 'ome. Let’s 'ave some,'* and aoaord- ingly he ordered: “Haw! waiter, h'ear o* oom.'* Tbe oorn (a dish unknown its Eaglai^) was brought smoking hot, and Bull pas^ it to his countryman, who observing the manner of bit neighbors, slioed it down with his knifb and Iwtai it with an approviog wink. «Goodf” asked Bull No. 1. «Wery!’’ said No. 2, adding, with true British economy, ^'there’s no use in bordering another; 'ere’s enough for both of us;’' passed the bob to his companion, who gravely sliced it after th# manner of a cuoumW, and after seasoning it commenced eating the sliced cob. Hegotthroogh two or three slices with some difficulty, to the huge delight of a small boy with a croppod head behind the bar, and then turning to his oonpaa> ion ejaculated, “iky hyes, 'enry, hif this is a sample hot H’amcr- ‘ican wegteables, their stnmaohs mtut be Iroft plate9 like their bloody ships!’' An uncdons grin slid over the faoes of the witne£se«>, and William turned fiercely oa tha small boy and ordered him to “make change at the other end of the counter.” Commerciid BvUetU^ STOLlsiiir, From my l»t oa the B&ilroad, aoar tho Mile Branch, ea Saturday night, abaut Sbvea o’e'^sk, a RED OX aboot foar yiars old, erop ia Uis right ear, no horsc), and white fao« I will pay five kaadred dollars te aay persoa who will arrest the thieves aad defiver them t« me T. 8. LUFTERLOH. Dee’r i. f0-2t the WAJITEB, 4PEB CBNT. CBBTIFIOATEd; i per eeat. Csafederate Beads; Baak Bills —ALSO— 60 Bbls Spirits Tarpentia*; 180 Oil or Spirite Tarpentine Barrels; 1000 lbs Hoep Irea; 1000 lbs Tallew. T. 8 LUTTERLOH. Dse*r 6 90 St c E C TESTA.m£I«TS AxlTD HlTHilTS. lONFSDE&ATE States Bible Soeiety Testaments. A OeassliM ef BiMalh Bekoel TrcMorj N.tes ef Ihe Old Itmc. IftSAtuBY DspiiiTaBjir 0. S A , ^ Ricbnjoni, NaVr 11, 1864. I) the end that eva’-y f ieility m*y be afforded to the hol lerp of notes, in eiFeotiag the Molirage for new the Treasurer, Asslsta-it Treasurars and Pay De- positaiiee, aad the Oopoeitarle.i woose doty has been. Jithei'to limited to fancliu2, ars hsreby vuthoris^d to rf.p.vtt th« noten fvr cxchRsgs These not euppUed wi*h ^anls will reg'wt^^r tfee x>am&s of lha depositors, reo’jjviag ail notes offered for and entitled to exohaoge. until the 1st day of Jat^uary 1865. inelcsive The notek. received and registered nast be forwarded by express to tho TreMurar at Riohmond, with a ejpy of the regis- t*f» *nd aew issues for the payment of the depositors be immediately forward^ in return. The Aseietant Treasurarv and Dapoaitaries are here' by instrusted to republish this notice G. A. TBENHOLM, Seo’y of Treasury. Fatbttbviub Dbpositobt, Nov. 22, 1864. «®JJ_I*»ae will be paid for the old, on presentatioa at thiB OSse. W. BBttASEQOS;, »i|>. FOR SALE, OFFBB, COPPERAS, FLOUR, POWDER, TOBAOCO. NEEDLES, SHEETING, TOOTH BRUSHES, Country Fluinel, &c J. 0. POE. Dee. 1. 89 3t 93 lbs. «IJ]n[ CAifiPHOR, 60 lbs neleman’s Groucd Mastnrd, fiO pairs e:^a good qoaUt? ENGLISH S30ES, 2500 water proof anti oorroalve PER'HUSSION CAPS, 30 lbs white bleacbed VIRGIN WAX. For tale at the Store o. ib^ late JAMES MARTxNE Nov’r 30, 1864 89 6!pJ WAWTEO, Sheep SHiiisl Sheep Skins!! [WILL pay the highsst eash piio2 or •oA'ihADgs No 9 or 10 CoitoB Ca^ for either tiw or taac»d shcsp skins. A A. MeKErHAN. Nov’r 2« 89if A f»w Important Faets IIV &JK3AKD TO THJB ^SOVTHBRM HJ&PATIC PllXS.’* 1T0BY ara prepared froia tee b«»t quality cf Modi- , else by the di^ajverer, bow an aged iVfinist^T of the Gcspel, and s’^e safie. 2. Tb«j bavs been kacwn 'or ^earit ;ind t^jted by tfcooB' nds i Five haadraJ pdr?"n3 a *. i f'. been cored b: thrm. 4 Taey are not r«>i>oroaieiiid8d the propricter fer every*kfa.5(. bet ealy for diToaese woios arise Ir'na dis- ordsitvd I'vers. 6 Direotions and oer;i4oate« aoeompaay OMh box aad these certifiers are t^oui well knoira &’id uiost re- ^peotable Individuals * OorreepondentE reoomsieBd tlieai ai> gool f^r Liv er Disease, Chills and fevers. Pneamoniv, Jaun- dioe. Dyspepsia. Bilious Feven>, Bilious Rheumaiiam, Worms, Pleurisy, Broaohitis, kc. 7. Several gentlemen state that the use of th.::se Pills has beea to t^em an annual saving of firoin f 100 to S20C^ they are the best rlaatation a^ieina ever of fered to the publio. 8. SosM Physioians of the hi^chest standing prescribe them to their patients, and hundrs'^s of boxes have been sold -to regular praotitioners 9 Daring the last quarter 2,88^ boxes have beea sold to Druggists, ope in Snath Carolina, and one in North Garv.>Utu—and s^se tima a;o over 8,700 boxes wcr« cr eted by Druggists in oae iowa in Virginia. l9*Priee. $3 a box. For $30 & dcsas boxe* will be seat to any address. A very liberal disooon* to Dmgnsts and oonntry merchants. Cash (new cnrren* cy) to ace;>TOp»ny orders. For Sale 1b lorth Carolina as follows: AstMvtlie. E J A'stoa, Albem&rle, J M Rivint, i Ubapel Hili. R B S&anden, Charlotte. J Nye IlutchlnsgB, “ F 8 Carr, CliDt«n, Hubhard & Moael«y, Onncord, J Reid, { Entield, J Cohen, | fliSliboro', J T Whtttad Sc. Co, Fayetteville, N A Steiiman k tJo UreensiKiro , Porter & Gi)nell, doldsboro'. Lacas ^ Moore, HaUfax, J O'Brien. lleadersuB, Wyclic StO, ..exin^iD, J P Stimwn Address. • »nl» 1V0T1C£. WISH to buy a ocnple of BO^? STRINQB to make _ wool hats. Any one that haa them o*n fiid a pur- shaeer by addressing me at Pa !l'r’a y^'U, N- C. NATHASIE.L FIELDS. Dec’r 2. 90-6tpd Fair J!¥otice. The Bridge over Lamber Rivsr, (tnowa as Gllshrist’s Bridge,) has beea examined—is thsugt^t uas^fe. I am not responsible for anj aeoident. JAMES A. GILOHRIST. Dee’r 1. 90 2tpd BLAMK DEEDS rUST PRINTED oa super p^per. For at the I OBSERVER B0DK8T0RE. DiO 2 90-^ WANTED, mo puroha«e or hire for the next year, a neat and in- I rellifeat ycong woman fo* n uurs^. Apply to JOHN H AN»>E^«»ON Nov. 30 89 4tpd NOTICE. OUB Senior Partner, who will p. jon»-n in R.%?dgh fo several weeks, w5’i buy aad Cjuj .nl Buliifta, Bank Notes of this State, and Treasury Notee of Vir ginia aad North Caroiiaa, and Ex^hang.^^ on Eag'.an; and the prifoipal oitieo of the Southern C >oft;d8rAoy. Also, Stits and Bailrca*! B>uds aad Ooapon? of the same, separately He may 1h found at th'h B''%okS .^ro of Vr. H. D Tame**, ooraer of Fayetteville and Nawbern elreeta. Persc-ni viaiiiing the eit^** 'in busiri’-sa a'">iDvit3d to oall en him • TH03. BRANCR! k. ^ON, of Pot«r»hnrg. Raleigh, l>eo 2. [b oi] 90 2 :* Imfwrtaraf Notice. AMEFIING of the DONORS to tbe N C. Orphan EitciowmeBt Fund, and th‘t Durr-^otors, will be held ist the basement of tbe BiptU^. Oh>}'*ch ia the o^'y cf Baleigh, on Thursday, the 15.h of Dxteml»r. 1824. at 11 o'olo^, A M.* As this is a meeting of grea’ v-^port- aaa% a gennoil attendmoe is reqaen'-ed. GEORGE W. MO^BCAl, Prarident J lalccolnton, S P Sherrtll, IjoaisburK, J Citnon, I Marion, VVna Wakefield, I Pittsbom’, I Lrf>Dg, Kalelgh, Wllllains A Eayweod, “ P P Pescnd, Rockingham, J P Northam, 8aii»bi^, Hendenon tc. BnnU, “ Barbank 4k Gallofhar, Shelby, R Prnneber(?er, I WAdesboro , W O Boanett, I Whiteviiie, K Haynes, I Wilmington, Walker Meaiet, 1 “ H Mct*in, I “ W H Lipp'tt. OBOR.-^C.W n«E-Ma, r:-.J,l.hiTro'. .V C- An Intricate yrofifem.—In East Teni lately a youth, whom we shall oall Tom Smith, married the widow Jones, and invited his &ther —a gay widower—to the wedding. The widow- brido of the boy had a blooming daughter, witb whom Smith, the father, fell in love at sight, oourt- ed and married. The son married the mother and the father married the daughter. The %nea- tion arises as to what is the relationship of the parties to these matrimomal unions, and what will bo the relationship of the o&prin^ Bristol Registtt, Th» ExU^i Home.—This is the title of aa is* stitufion established by the State of Georgia, to provide for the support of the women and chil dren who have been driven firom their homea. Jt haa already between seventy-five and one.hun dred families in charge. Among them are only six men, all of whom are disabled. Looms, spin* ning wheels, and other facilities for self -support are being provided, and it is thought the Hone will require only limited aid from the Treaaury. Union of C'AurcAes.—Rev. Arthur GlevaUnd Coze, D. D., Episcopal Bishop of Western New York, preached a sermon in Brooklyn, a few days since, in which he proposed a Union of B^mo- paliaas, Presbyterans, Methodists, Moravians, and other sects, ‘on the basis of the Nicene orasd. n 1 The statistica culled from the British R^ittmr General’s report ^ve some curious details as to the ages at which men are most likely to manj and women to be married. After a woman passes 20, her prospect of getting a husband b^as to fade. “T^ing the years 1859,1860, 1861, we find that 78 girls were married at 15 years of age, but no males. At 16, 17 youths entered the state of matrimony, and 637 girls. For both sexes, 20 seems to be the most fitvored bm for marriage. In 1861 the numbers of each sex then married were 48,495 men and 50,640 wo* n. At 25 thii proportion was reversed, the numbers being 26,473 men to 20,673 women; and at 30 the difference was still more marked, for while 10,621 men married at that age, only 7,840 women found husbands. The males hav ing onoe obtained the propond‘*ranoe maintain it to the last. At 70, we find 119 marrying, and only 21 women; 30 men and 3 women at 75, aod 8 men at 80 to 2 women. State ol Noftli C^roilna, lUCH^lOND 'OON'TY Coart of Plo.^3 mid Qaa-'ter S's^ioss, Oat. Term, 1864. Angas R Pi»tt*:rson Ex'r of Diniel pA'.ierson D^’d, vs Arohibal-:! Patter:>on, et al. Pct’ti^P f-if »v sale nf Slaves fer Pariition. X app«»riB>; to tnie satisfaoiiea of the Cour^, that Ar«*bibald Patt^rsDn and Guyton an J wifo Flora, D>ferdantH io thi« eiuae, reside beyond ths lioi'.ta of thin State; It is thcref^'re, oa moHoa, ordered by the Court, that kdvcrti.^ement be icade for ix wreks suc- oessivtly in the Fayetteville Observer, nowfytog the pwd Defendants of ^he fi'ing of this Petitio.-i, a~d that uolfss they appear at the next term of this Ccurt, tw be h id at the Court House in Bockiafham, oa the third Monday of January next, and answer the Petition, tbe ranae will be taken^pro oonfesso and heard ex parte as to them WitiT'sa, Louis H Webb, Clerk of our said ^ourt, athffioo, tbe third Monday of Oct. 18^. L. H. WEBB, Clerk. 86«6wodS14inpt H H. WEBB. D-rp’ty State of North Carolina, RICHMOND COUNTY Ocort ni Pl'^as and Q larter Ssssioas, Ost Term, 1864 S^rah Brown va Tiioa Barrentine aud Wife. Petition fw Dower. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Cour, that Neill Brr.wa ftQ! Joshua Brovn, Defendants in this cause, reside beyond the limits of this Siate; It is there fore, on motica. ordered *'y the C^urt, that aivf-rtise mtnt be made for six wec-Vs sccoossively io th-. Fay etteville Obs;rver, notiffir.^ the said defendants of tue filing of this petiticn. »n«l t V at unless th»y appear a* tb» next term of th>e Court, t,- be held at the Court Hon^ in Boekingham on'the third Monday cf January nex‘, BBd answer the petition, the same will be taken p'o eonfeseo »-nd heard ex parte as to them. Witness, Louis H. Webb Clerk of onr said Court, at of&oe, the third Monday of Oct, 1864. Ii. H WPBl>, 86»6wp?$l4inr.t H K WBBii, Dnp’y. Rain in Ntrth OaroUna.—It has been found by carofal observation by aid of pluviometers that the average annoal &11 of rain in this State is about 45 inches perpendiealar, in other words, wooli cover the State with wateif about 45 inehes deep. i*'mm an eighth to a quart»T of an inch would make a moderate “April shmer," one half to three quarters of an inch, a ^ood farming ‘^sea* don.” An inch deep wonld be a heavy rain. Ia June 1861 fell the heaviest rain on record ia this State, seven and a half iaches. The heaviest rain ever observed was in Guinea—twen ty one inches.—Raleigh Cons»rvUit)e. U»e of Old Paper* —Many friends who hava >tried papers news or wrapping paper—as a non* oonduotor for warmth speak most favorably, and oommend it to others. For persons troubled with cold feet—a common ill with many other* wise well and an inducing cause of many other ills—two or three or «}ven four folds of paper, which oan be readily introduced in any good fit ting shoe or boot or guter, will be found equal to an extra sock or to India rubbsr or a oork sola as loag as kept dry, and without tho incidental liability to cold afterwards. Pe*'son8 exposed to cold os ihe chest also will find more, comfort and probation from a sheet of newspaper between the shirte than can be g;ained easily or cheaply any other way.—Oha». Couritr. Negroes lor Sitle. T'E Bubwr b 'ra hAViJj-: qual:fi'?d aa Exeontsrs to the lif^t Will aad Trstam*n of James Worthy, deo’d, trill s«*l at Pablio Sals, at the late r»aidenoe of the de eeased. on Cnuic’s Creek, Mooro eounty, on the 30th day of Daeember T864, en a credit of six months, NmETEEN LIKELY NEGROES,—men, wom*n, boys aad girls Purchasers irvin* bond and approved secu rity, bsfor* delivery of the property. WORTHY, OaFvML 80»Ib Among the .incidents relat:d of the metaorie shower of 1833, we' clip the loilowing from a Macon paper: An old Qiaker gentleman, who lived in Vir ginia, was among the unfortunate ones who Huled to witness the phenomenon. Having heard of it among his neighbors nex^ morning, he spoke cf it (0 his family, none of whom had seen it, except a half wi^ed boy who was kept about the honso to do the chores. Sid—the boy’s name—told Mr. P. he had seen the *stars fall.” “Wiy di^’nt you tell me of it,” said Mr. P., somewhat crustily, being wroth that he|had mis^ so rare a treat. “Why,” said the crude Sid, “I thovght it WAS nothing anconmum—I thought the itars fell every monuBg. I did'ni know where eke

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