IPA'SrHTOIBTir VOL, klV. PttlHTBD MONUAYd aND THaRSDATB INWARD i. HALE & BBITORS AND PROPRIETORB. PtiM t»r tbe Serai-WceUy OBsaftTas $16 00, paid in •drft&e«. ^6 We*kly Obsikvik ^iO Oft per ^nBani, paid bi wAyanaei. ADTERTISSMENTB ioierted for !|t per i qaare lia®8 or less for tho first, ui«l 2 for eMb puMicstlo*. AdT«rtis«rs ar« raqti«st«d to U»« aombar of iusertionc 4«iire4, or they will k# 0*nftlBae4 till forlkid, and ckaifed aooorAlngly. A^TrtUamnt oontinuod mtiit, ok&rfod m new »d- vestieetBonts, 8PBCIAI. HOTICB- _ ikls d»t«, u« —r irfyitiifMiiiiiriftra- tw vuabut ia struM*, nsr will Um p«pw h9 iMt U imoh RnWoribem for a longer ttmt tk»B is p«i4i for. Sack «fov old «al»§or)b«ni m d«8&« t« t«k« tiu pe* pvr on iliLi8 vyiien will yleue aotiiy iu whox makhusr MtobtMSes. Jan’y i, 18A8 FayetteFilie Rosin Oil Work§« OUR Oil f^orkB are now ia complete operation, aaii an we use notkiog bat good rosin in prodacing th« Oil We oaa recommend it to be the best of the Mnd mada in this coontry. It is a fino LidDricating and Tanner'a Oil, and w« weald be glad to rOTeive orders from th« Qovemment and the paolie generally. We will sell on reasonable torou. MOORE, CASHWELL A 00. - ^ A rjiHB ■oiud Im EDITION Fiuihnr Beats f*y .(DlBSIBlBTim IBKLT FAYETTEVILLE. ECEMBER 15, 1864 fifO 1393.1 W. DRACJOflOiH, AUCTIONEER, S. B. Oomer Market 8ti«re, FATBTTaTIlXB, If. «. Proappt aueauoc ciT«» ic *11 bmeiatsK i« hh» eDtrttflt«4 to bfiB Aim 10,18S4. «Otf ISAAC flOLL^GSWORTH, Amtr tid CoMiiissioii Merehait, FAYETTKVILLB, N.'O. It. If m«. j9M€M0. jmcKJiv, Attorney at Law, FATSTTiyiLUl, N. 0. WMiL ati«Ad the ComMty and Superior Oo«DP«i «l CoKberlaad, Harseti, Moore uid Robesoa Cou* Um* Prompt Ait6atioa to U&0 oollMiioa #f ftB •UfaM eotnuted u hia hands. Ooi. 17,18W. JOS. VTJL£ir, MMl MerehoMt^ FAYBTTBYILLB, 5f. 0. J«n*y 10, 18W. 98-tf MABLUt A, SmtMAM, WK. H. BMUIAaD. IV. A. «TBJ»illAl« A CO., WIOLgfiALK AND RETAIL DEALBR8 AHD €)Oi1imSSIOiV HfiRCflLiJVTS, 19, Sirmei, FAYBTTEVILLJB, N. 0. A^puA SO. 20tf •&lem Aimanaes. BLUM’S Parmera a&d Miaaaao for tke year i04^, re«BiT4d 'or aa ila^>« wp7, at tSi« BA«UE Fommaw, \ f ATETTBVILIJI, N. G., July 4, 1^04. I 1 ARE NOW PREPARED TO ESOSnri OR dars far RAIL ROAD WHEELS ^ tha fallowiM sisM, ▼'*: 24, 26, 28 aad 80 iaok AIm OHHiUID TIttBS Tbs Iron we ^^all nae Ibf th#a will b* COLD BLAST CHARCX)AL laON, Md m f«r- rtat oar whetls ROT TO aRAOK, »ad to h* tqiial to »ay Mfrde ia tba Oonfp,Jorft«y, or to those of Whi:a«y h iM of PUladslpbift, whoa^^ repotaUoa la s* wtU Jmowh by all Rail Boaf Companiea. W« baT9 the bMt faeiUtiM for InaqMrtattM by StMMH to WUviagtoa, firon theao* to ms p«rt of tk« Ooafcdwaoy. -v r— Ordart reapeot^Uy yolfatted, Mifl D. ANDBR80N * 00 WBSTISRIV RAIL ROAl>. THB fBBieHT AND PAS8EN0EB TRAINS of thla X Raad leare F^eiterille daily, (Soadays azoepted) U 8 s’olook, 4. M., Mid retvaiiif 1mt» Bgjpt ai 1 o’aloa*, P. M. Oattb Eortt tVoin MONDAY, WBDNBSDATaai nUDAT. JNO. M. fiOSE, Treaa’r asd 0ari Traas. A^ l9m. 186a. 97tf ^^BToaS WAJXT^. 2ByVk BUSHBLS WHEAT, OORh. ^SCTaas kaTisg tke i^ts artiel^a to wiH raoeiva tke higbaet Oash priee by oalli&g on Mr. M. Thoiaaaoa, at fke Merehant Mills, FayettoTiiie, ar on the sraibsorl- Iw at Ml old staad oa Bilarkat Sqoare. ALBZ. JOHNSON, Jr. Ajtmv HABNBSa. 1AM frapared to mauafaotoro all kinds of Wagon ■araass far Army use. I tan my leather and oaa ■ir^ gaod barp^ Agents will do well t* send their •rdsts to me as they shall have prompt attantioa, and §a{rt fif In i^iiiok fispateh. JOHN CARTER. Oaidflton P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., 1 Jane 18,1862. / After tIkIs date 1 wUl «pay 25 CeuUi per pound for rags, or ^ the bluest Gsarket prise, delivered in ar at my isiUfl oa Rodtfish. 0. MTJRPHY 1-if Farraflliic Labricatinir Oil. Haying by oar^fol ezperlmect altered and greatly improved the oharactw of aur Oil, we aow offer for sale an artiole of Lubrioating Oil far Oottba Faetories whieh has no sniverior in the Confederaoy. li does not gam or ehilL ThisOU we guarantee with earefol trial to bs tka best «ad oksat^st Oil for fine maehinery ia the 8outk. As the ondersigsed gives his peraoaal attea- tion to the pTpu«ti«n of the Oil, it shall aot detsriorate m qoaliiy bat rather Laprove. Ee'era to Agents Rsokfiah and Bea*ar Creek Manu- faotaring Cos., Fayotteville, N 0 , who pronoaaee it a ▼ery saperior Oil HBMRT B. OOLTON, A#t F K. Oo. NoT’r 28^ iVIiaeral Flre-Prool Paint. WB are now prep%r«d to anpfly any quantity of this Paint in DowUer It is a Peroxide of Iron, aad will st«nd the most i»«Ttare teats with Are Galw deep reddish brown. HENRY B. COLTON, Ag’t P. K Oa. FayatteyUla, NoVr 28 88tf Salt for Sale. Cl AAA BUSHBLS SOUNDSAI.e, 0i«i« ia the spring ^UV/V 186*—wlii exohMge it for Bason, Lard. Oom, or Confaderatfl Tra*sary N»tee. Also. 80 boxes fine CHEWING TOBACCO; for sale at aiv atoro oppocit® 3ape Fear Baak. A. e THO&NXOK. Sant. 2. FAYST^VILLE WORTH GAlROLIIVA JfUIsMTJlRlI* First 8«ssioa af this Institution '•ill L 1st of Fe&raary, 1865 Applioations for admiaaion mnst be made prior is the 1st JatnarT, 1866. about wkloh time tjis terms wfll be K«do knovrn Also, wanted, two Teaoheri of Military Bdueatioa and a Siowai d in this IvstitaUoa. Address M%|. WM A. BANKS. Soparlataadeat. Oct,QA. 80-tf Hill8b«r«’ N, C. Militirj keui%mj» THB auzt pssnion of this laatitutioa will begin an WedaOiMiav, Feb’y let, 186» AppHsations far ad* mlisioa mnat be made prior to 15th D«^r 1864, aboot which time the tanu will be made known. Address Mi^. WM. M. OORDON, Saperiatendeat. •ot. 1. 72 4m • TMUS »lM«iiAl!E «ICHO#L. A MILITARY a9D CLASSICAL FINUHINA ACADEMY. THB next sessian begins Feb> 1st, 1865, at Mebaces- TiUe, an the M. C R. &. While tke eU ooorse Is retaisad. axteasiva additieas kave been made, with a view to matawg aaa* saiams as welt aa geed sekolars. Addraas QoL WM BBICSAM. Sap% Oaks, N. 0. N«v*r tt. Its# mtlW Boxes For Soldiers. A LL BOXES FOR SOLDIflas OR PRISONEES OF Uk. War,ft‘>tn Nona Carolina, d«Uf«red to (he follow* tng named peraoss wiU be ps’omptly forwarded firee of ekargee Dr D F Svmmey, A.'heVUle; Dr w A CoUatt, Morganton; L't J W Alllsoa, Statasvilla; Dr J L Neagle, Greensboro; Mr A Hagan, Charhitte; Mr EiwKrd Hege, Saleia; Capt J N McDowell, Raleigib; Joseph A Worth, Fayetteville; IE Marray & Co, Wilmiagton; Mr F L Bond, Tarboro; Mr J A J Askew, Oeleraln; Mr F L Roberts, Marfk^boro The Boxes should be well hooped, properly merkoil, and delivered in time for my Speoial Maaaenger who leaves Raeigh on the 8rst day of every moatk. EDWARD WARREN. Surgeon G«a'1 N (L Raleigh, Ooi 29. 80-lm llVTeLLI«E'^€KR.” f 4ke WEEKLY INXELLIGBNCER, tem- il^adcd a few woeks ago, will bo re fn»9a. in ooarec of a few days te tke Weekly pubHoatlon, a DAILY same joomal wUl b& isuus'j. win be given wkeo necessary arrsnge- ptisn are made N. C., Deo 11 92 tf *!lhix In Kind. ifFiCE corifTT AOfiirr, Diltrlct If. C Tey«ue>illa, Dwj 5, 1884 setiae to tke prodoeers of Cumberland ■mj be d«« the Gcvemment anything as the year 1864, that f^«m this date 10 per mila vUl be promptly p^d pwties prodaoa to thla Depot for all dittaaees Penoaa delivN'iBg tkelr prodaoo m 4ddiig tMr sooaiiy as well as s—iimsaUuu fsr Mm naete •rain bap will be mral^ed ta prodaeers on imB* eatioaattk^aftoe. J. M. WILLIAMS, f 1-tlJ] Afeat far OambeHand oeoatj. 1 J CMtiuua Goaaty. AU OeaMarate Tax Pajran are karr^y aetMad tkat tke H#, «alaatfM aad eaanatattoiar made and t&kaa bt ti;.c A assseers oaa ba axaminad by appiyi&g t« J. A. WoBia^ Assmmt, at Phtsberoogb, far flfteea days flram dat^ I wiU attaad at my offloe la PUtsbora, to reeeive a«y appeals tkat aaj be lakaa ns ta errona- 9«s valatiiMfc wd eaameratton. on tke 20th inst- tlmes^ ***** Pitt«£?/^h and 21st Dee’t 1864 Maywood, S2i «• « Oowil’s, 28d '• « At Hoaie, S4th • « Silk Hope, S6tk • Daal Hackney’s, Esq 27tk« “ lioeart Grove, 2^**tn • *• The above appoiatraeats are made with a view to ee- eommedata tkoee who have 4 per oeat Oertifioates or money of the aid iaaue on hand. 1give ftirchar notioe of tke times I wiil attend at tka nsosl plaees of eoUeoting taxes not maationad ftbava. Oaa af tka Aasesnore will attend with me to reaeive retovM from tkoee wko had tkiled to list their property. J M. BYNUM, Colleetor Slat Di«t. N. C. Pittabore’, Dse’r 8. 91-i23D JOHB H. COOK, AaBtionser. ON Saiarday Deeembn 37th, 18^ will be sold at Auotlttc, that daslrabla HODSB aad LOT. eomar of Baaseii and Spring atraata, oaevpiad by Mr R Lit- tit, aad a^olas Mr John Shaw. The dwelling eon- (MQs 7 roams and 8 Are plaees, d>cbla KitAsn. Smoke Hoose, aod ether bnlkttiw^ all in eomplete repair; good garden aad exoeOeat well of good water aad fa a desi rable aeichboriio«d; wltkin firar koadrad yards ef the joeatre of the towa No. 88 Pew in Prtsbytariaa Ckoroh- Plaaiation oa Wiliali^|toB street, oaatalns 18| aeres, ooenpled by Mr. J H. Walker, and a^elas lands ef M^ears UUiay and Saadfbrd; Dwelling Hooa«, Kitahaa and Stabla; a part of tUs is meadew aad tke baUaoo prodaotfve ni^aad Deo*r 7. f 1 St JTOTMCE. MOORE k CA8H#ELL, Faysttsvltls, If. G. sabeerlber, kaviag, at September yerta, A. D. OIJL! OlLn WB are aow axteiiiavelj esgagad ia tka maanfWntara of a vary vuperior artial« of LUBRICATING OIL This Oil is saade Dram Rosin, bat by an as» pro0em, aad aa ^ surpasses the vegetable oils aerato- fore made in this ooaatiy. that good jadges kava pro> Qouaoed it almost, if not qaite, equal, for labriaati^ I pnrpoaes, te the beat Traia OIL I It has best* largely used by the BaUraada In TIrglaia I Had N»rth Oarolioa aad ftilly aaswvrs all ths pnrrosos of Lho most expensive alia heretofore oaed. IFlUrwsr M hat hem tried U Am gwem •atte/sedaa, aad has, permaa , taktm tne plaoe of ali ower Uobrioators It u *aa vaaT aasT YaaatAaui 0» xapa i« sn )oanBB»A.«a d«A.Taa. We aave aow • n hand, whiah w« %Sar a( a vary im 875 Bbls. Lubrioating Oil. 76 «o Taaaers' OiL 80 ao Paihting OU . , oiHSrcnn imar rmuwuC l uamrreB, J'Mt^si MilTa* div^da«la MOOBIf & 048HWBLL, Fayet^viUa, N. C. Oot’r 20. - 78-2m 18, 1864 ORBHAir€£ DXFiftTMlUIT. \ RajilUQB, N. C., May 8, 1868. / Laan WANTED.—1 wish to purcnase Lead for this Departzoeni. i'eraous aaviug Ujrge or small qoaa- wiU pleaw) apply at oao^. Will give 1 pound of POWDBR for 10 pounds of iJElAD. TH08 D. HOijG, Capt. C. S. In charge of Ordaanoe. iiori€fi. OUR Benier Panaer, wao will eiy jtira in Rikigh for several weeks, wiU buy and sau Cjin and Boiiioa, B»ak Notes of this State, aad Treasury Notes ai Tir siaia aad North Carolina, and Exchaage oa Eagliuid aad tke principal citie* ef the boathera C^nfederaoy. Also, State and Railroad Bonds and Ooapoaa of the ■asMy separate^/ He may be found at the Book Store of Mr. H. D. Tu'nae*', eoraer of Fayottsvilie ani Nawbera streets Peraoas visitiag tae oity on busineaa, aia invited to eati •n him. THOS. BRANCH k SON, ef Fotersiiarg. BaIeigh,Dee2 [aoi] »0 2w To Wine Alaker;^ or J^istillers. 1HAVB for e»le 10 iron bound heavy oaft FERMENT ING STANDS, of oapaoity af 130 gti L'-us; ale-), 4 not aa heavy, eaiae oiia Prtoa sirgiy ^ 00 eac'a. Any persaa who will take the whole e«ui hava tliem fvr $1000 They are valuable to any ^na wiskins to make VViMO or distill Braady. Alan 9ome of half sise ef above for sale at half the above rates. HENRY B UOLION Fayetteville, Oot. 1. 72»(, Palma Ohriiitl Reans. rnSB sabaeribar will pay ta« aighest oash prices foi A aa^ qvaatity af Palaia Baans From and after tbte date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 e’elook, A. M., ou Mendiay Thursday. JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. ODiriDBRifl BT1T18 Of IMBBIGA, ) fifoiaxaa DaraaTiuvT, Disr. Can PaAa, > Wilmington, N. C., March lOtii^ 18^. J Notice y hereby given to all persons havi^ daima against the Engioeer Department, for serviees of idarves employed as laborers on the lamd 4ef\attn near WiliBiagtoa. N 0., y>at the anders^pted is authoriied ^ prepared to pay the same at his «See, on tj^^s se> ooad floor of the bi^diog aext above Mearee’ Brag Store, Market Stoeet. Persons exeontang Powers ef Attorney will ob- serve tke following form—4heir signatures, in ease^ ta be witaeseed 1^ two witnesses and signed in dupli- oate, or they may be witnessed before a JiislM of the Psaee or Clerk of any Coart FORM OF POWER OF ATTORNEY. I, —af , do hereby appoint ——, of , my trne and lawful Agent to sign receipts for, and receive payment of ali moneys dae te me by the Engineer De- pArtmant of the Con'ederate States of Amarioa, for the «ervioefl af lay slave* employed as labsrers oa the laad lefuaees at , daring the moatk ef , 186 Witness my hand and seal at t¥e —— day of —.186 , (Sigaad ia dapBsats.) [SaaL] Witaeese 1 1864, af the Oaurt of Pleas aad Quuiar Sassioas of Oaari>erlaad eoaaty, takea Letters of Admiai«tratioa oa tka estate of Jao. Heary Smith, dae’d, Hereby gives ao- tioe ta all parsons haviag claims agaiast tke eatata of tke deeeased, te presant tke same, duly aatkantieated, witkla tke time preacribed by law, otherwise this notioe wiT be pleaded te bar ef their reoovery. Debtors to tke said estate will pleaae to make imme- diaia paymeat DAVID MURPHY, Adm’r. Further Tfotiee. Having obtained an Orler of Court to that effect, I shall, oa tke 28th day of Df;oeicber aaxt, at the lata rasideaos sf J^no. Henry Staiih, dea'd, expose to PubUe Sale the Personal Property belonging to said es- taU, eensistiag of Hoosekold aad Kitehen Furaitore, 1 Boggy, 1 Horse, t Timber Wagoa, Hogs, Cattls, &?. Negreet beloaglag to estate will be hired for next year. The rreperty idll be sold to the highest t>id ier on a eredit of six m«aths—the pnrohaser giving bond and ul^fD MUBPirr, 3Tto*r. Dee’r 8. Olte moTici^ THB sabsoriber having, at D^eember Terr, A. D. 1864. ef the Court of Pieas and Qduier 8 -.aaiont of Cumbwl«Bd Couoty, qaaltficd as Bxecu'or on the es tate of Thomas W. Wart, deceased, hereb/ gireii noiioa to all persens Having claims s^nst the e«iate of the dc- eeased. to present the same, duly aaibr.r.tlMted, wi-Un the time prssoribed by law, otiierwise this aotioe vriil be oln^ ia bar of their reoovary. ^btsrs to tHa siud eHate will please to ma^e imme diate p^jment. W. J. NANCE, Bx’r. Farther IVotice. HAVlfG ebUiat^i aa Order of 'Toort, to that elTaot, I ahall oa the 26lh day of D -eember next, at the laid |rf the late Thomas W Fort, at foot of Hay to Public SMe the Personal Proparty be- estate, oov*^tf8g of 1 Wagon ^ad Har- ^aad Hamess, Catton Yarn, Tobaooo, fioase- FMroiag T^ols, &3, ka I will ba rented at the same time for the i li will do for a store an1 dwelling opan^ will be sold to tae highest bidder on a six Hanths—the purchaser ^via^ bond and approvid saaadty before tke pr-^pwty is rerasve . W. J. NANCE, Ei’r. JNO. H. COOK, Aaol’r. D>Vri »’« fixchani^c fVotlce—Ifo. 13. aiOHHovD, Doo’r 1, 1864 1ALL Confedarata offiosrs aad mea who Jmv* baea , , delirered by ihe Fed^iral authorities a* any pf^, | f pnor t») November 25th, 1864 atre hereby declared to exchanffsd. _ . , 2. All effiwa and ia?n of the Viaksbarg eaptnre of »uly 4ta 18«3. who reoortod at any parole camp, either East or ▼eat of the Mississippi rivor, *t aay time pnor to Novamber 1st, 1854, are hereby declared to ba ex- BO. OULD, Agwt of Bxekange. 4 PPLICATION w3F^^BPW to the n?xr5ene-»l Ai Mount, onging neis, 1 oredit The BijiaAtnTee of eoioTact ;jeT8onf> saotrid be wimassed oy three witnesaos. Them miflt l>e emarate dapli«at« Powers ef Altom‘»y ?r aaoii siontk. Koak A>nas css >«d upMi i^pli* «tt«a «t iais office. W »f : V n* t rbief P,ng. ta»t T iO. Tciw.- Wool Wanted for the 8tatd of Of. Caroiiaa. ^|1HE nadnsigaed eontlnao .:^u£9 COTTON A YARN for WOOLi one buad’* jf Y'^ra for 4 lbs. un washed, or 3 lbs. cleao wasfc :-^ ^v.i! Tiioy will'^la? pay a liberal piio^ !n easa for ox s^U lots. GEO W WTI.LIAM8 * CO., Agt3. FayetteviUe, JtuKe 16. tftf FAYETTEVaLLE MCTGAL IIISiiaA.^€s; €OMi*Ai^I. Capitil in Premima Hotee aaic jrts to $267,688 2(? Ca^ on hand and other ass«>3 5,077 35 >afii»aafPa WAIVTED, Hides to tan on shares. T«rau, | Leaguer or its equivalent in oash We oan tan it in a very short timo if desired, by Uiokle’s patent. Persooj wtahiog their Hides tanned oaa s«ad tbem to oar address te flgypi Depot, wkera they will be taken from aad Leavher tlalivered at our expeose. Our address is Beaumont, flkaihA- County. W D. WATSON It 00. ffafartarm Messrs. G. W. WilUams k 0« , FAyatteviUe. Aag. 24. 61*4swtlJpd RA)}St RAGSn—Th« mf«- rior quality of the p^per on whioh the Observer haa been printed of late, aad IS a great eye-aore te us, is owing to the want a snftoiont supply of good rags, and the eonaoqaent nee- tmUj ta reeott to inferior matoriais. Wa appeal to tke frittiub of the Observer at all aeoesaible poiuts, to save u( idfto bring to town ail the rags they eaa pnwure. We have ao tioie ooiselves to att^ lie tkeir purohaae, tat Means. Geo. W. Wilfiasas k Co., the Ageata ia ati towa ef Mb. Korpkf, will pay 2i omu psv Ik fst Total, $272,766 16 The CM^paay have paid all losaea promptly, aad have B«vers^ade an assessment on tiieir premium notts. Total laeses paid, $29,682 C^oaas: GEO. MaNEILL, President. D. A. RASf, Yioe President. G. A. McMILLAN, See’y. Dtaworoiu: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdnlo, B. T. Hawley, Wm. MoLao^ Ha^aa iL Stsdaaa, T. S. Lutterloh, A. W. 3teeL J. 9. Cook, fioa. J. G. Shepherd, it. F. Brown, 1 A. B. Hs?l, / Wilm'gton. John Collins and C. C. M^amiuen, Traviiiag Ageoia 9^|^>Tha OoiBi;>Miv a|«pUe%t;aa*. loiBg*! AritkM«tlMl dietloBary, Embracing a system of Arithmatta, Ready Riohoo er. Interest Caieaiator, Boak Ka^piBg, Forow, &o A J. lAla * SORB DaaPrlK. «}£jlERAL ORDERS. ’113B Hat Miut^aotaracs at Stat»«viU«. N. G., wiak ta X 1,000,000 FIJR SKliVS, Huoh an BABBITS, MU^K&ATS, COON, MIl^K, ffOK, OTTE:^ tr.-d BEAVfiii, for whioh we wiil pay tba high est pnoee eitar in Confederava Money, Bank Bills aad bpecie, oc exchange for «loUan Yarn or Hats. We hope that alt tnose who wish to eaoaurage a douthem Enterpriss, will exert taemwlvos in getting us mrs. Merokaits will please act as Agents, bearing in mind that We w^ll pay 25 per ceat. more than aay one else. WITTKOWSKY k SALTIBERY. Mr. S. BEANDT is our authorrsed Agea«. for Cnio- berland couaty to puroaase Fars for os WlirKOWSKY k SALTZBERY. Nov*r 8. 81 2m Baxes, f«r Priioaers of War 9aA Soldiers. As the Agent ol Sargeoa Gan. Warren, I will reeeive and forward all boxM, ks, for iolditfa and pdsoir- ers of war, free of chargj T«e Boxes should be here by the of each manth, so tnat they oaa reach Raleigh by tha last of e«ah month. I wHh the b3Z«4 seat to me to mark, with written ift*, . s^ruotions, qo tbat I may itave it propwly done. I 'pURSllANT te an order of Ooart, I will offer at All boxes for prisoners of war must be as light as | A He f *la en Wj^nesday_t?\tf 28>h D!*’r i-»5t, i p )s8tbls. If they skoold weifh more than 103 lbs. they ^.^anot go. JOSEPH A. WORTH. Fayetteville, Nov 15. Treasury Notes of tlie Old Issio* TaaASiraT DnPAnTMsjn C. S A , Rioiiaioni, Nov'r 11, 1864. r) the sad that every facility may be afforded ta the holders of these aot^M. in effaotiag the exeiiaaga for u3w, the 'freiksnrer, AS8l3ta.>it Treasarers and Pef D«- positarlM, and ths Depoaitanas wiiose duty has bS9o hitherto limited to funding, are h'iraby authorised to poeWe tha notes for oxohaage. TLose not bappUed with fands wiil ragist« the names of tke dapoeitors, reivjiving all notes off:sred for and tntttled to exokan^e, until the Is: aay of Jaaaary 1865, ineiasive. Tho notot. ’•noelved and ragiatered must tn forwarded by ccEprets ■.o tha Treasarer at lUchmond. with a eopy of tn» regie- i«r, aad aew jtseass tot ths payment of tke depaaitors M imoiediataiy forwarded in retora. Tke Assijtant Treasurers aad DapoiAtariee aes Itaro- iastrwted to rapnbli/A this aotioe G. A TRENHOI^ Beo’y of Tnai^. FazaTTavuaa DwosrroaT, Nov. 92,1804. New Lfsue witl bs paid fur tae old, on gn»ta{mUom at tiiis Olfioe. H7tdl W. G BROADFOOT. Shingles Waated. Ctfi AAA BHUiGLBS WANTBD. Applj ta uU.VllU IB^^O HOLLIllGStrOSTH. Ooi. 1. 72tf sembly of North Carolina lor ai wjt to prevent tha removal of soldiors’ f^mili?a out of suoii hoa’«« as they may now ooonpv, antil the cioae of the pr?s*at war NevV21, 1864. 87-8tO(i Sale of JVcf^roes. - - - prii*. at 12 o’Alaclr. at tke M^Aet Hoaae ia F«yettrvll9, SBL LIKBLi YOUNG NEGR0B3 TarsM 6 maaths credit, with bond and gnod sdcu- rity. ar ensk, at tke optimi of tke purohaaer. ANGUS J0HN30N, Ez’r of Hu>?h Kelly. Dae*r 4. ' 92-8tpd FOR REIVT, THB DWBLTJj'?G HOUSE m PcPicu «rre«% below Ltbar^ Poiat, Jmowa a? the Jsrdui Heasie. Also, the Dwaliiag Hoaao oa Harriagtoa HtiL known af the Danena OaapbsU resideaso. Apply ta AM. CAMPBELL. Dvo’r T. 9l-?fpd All persoas ladebted to me for Shoe*, Aa, are earaMiltrequea^ed t» call aai *ay op witkeut dsleyt «> I — »>»eei of m^ FsyetteviQe, l>5«* 7. Titf’ei.iw. 01-Stpd 0. B. MaBett, Jamee Kyle, A. A. Moðaa^ J. D. WilUams, S. W. TiUingaast. M lbs. «U.I1 CAillPHOR^ 50 ibs Oolemi-u’s Gi^oaad Mastard, FQ ftiiB extra good quality ENGLISH SHOES, 2600 watar proof aati corrosive PB&0U881ON (JAPS, 80 lbs. wUte bleached VIRGIN WAX. For sala at the Store oi the lata JAMBS aA&TINH. Nev*r 80,1864. 89-5tpd WANTED, Bheep Shins! SU6in9!! I WILL p»/ th4 highest e-.dh prtca or e*oh»ngi Mo. 9 i or 10 Cott^ Cards for eitattf raw or tuujjd «heep ‘ Mkina. NoVr 28. A. A. M«KBrH.VN. 89tf Proclamatloa of Oatlawrf. arAJ* OF NORTH UAROUiSA—Ca«B»atABD Co iiruBRBAS iatoliigence under tha W MsPkaU Mtd ^okn Wad^i!!, Esq., * k thL^- d»y i Dinkail the aaderrfgaed tlut Jevse amd ElUck {or *lex ,► Bti^tha propertv of Rhndal MoD»ai«l, ranaw^v, wt^a oet kid, and taurkiag ta swamp*;, w^s and ether placw, tlUeg caUle and koge, Ml. Qstk’a Bvaas Mid others, *ad eommicttag cWier tsji rtes te tkapeaaefal Inhabitants of the , 1 base we ia tko nwe of the State ot North OaroUu* to squiw thsis. a* Mid slhvea, fOrikwi^ ^ ihi to tktiT iMBt«r or otker lawfal anthorityi as the Sheriff ot Ottmberlaad Cookty is eathoris^ cK emd aad wqolred to t%ke raaa pnarw ^ih Wm ae le shall tMah it aad aeaeeeary f«r g9ie? ia s^h hO pavMit, Mi •ffeotaaUy apprehwdmg sac -. auUylug 5xir maraadiae slaves, aad wo do hereby order this pro* eliNttea to be imbHtkad at tke Ocort Houaa Door, and ia tha FayettaviUe OiisarVer and at thr •• Ciawndon BriBgo," aad warn Ike ssid slaves, that if t^ey do not u^*o4i»Wy rehita to their said aa^tar, and aiHiwer ihi eb&rges a!br«aid, it Is lawfal for aay pei^oa ealteri them by alaying them, or otherir«»e, without *o«»fcyoa or imf»&>e)iment of snv criTue. Give« nsdv oaur k^ade and asala this D joembw 6th, A- D 1864 A G THORNTO'f. J P- [Seal ] D McNEILL, J. P l8«»* J DwelUiig Boosf^ to Reat at Aiotioae ON 7hotsday &ka 22i last, will ha mtad at Aaotioa I>weiliBig House, eorafr of Moors WH do. do ia rear ef absv^ sa JMak straat. do. do Haymoaat, opposite DoaaldMaAoa- demy. d«. do. Haymoj^ la rear of above, near Mrs Ochiltree's, do. do. 2 stories, MszweU st., near Welsh’s. 9 Sto-^ Bciok Store and Dwelliag, LU>er^ Poink Shoe Shop, eoraer of Hay aad MazwsS streets, do do Hay straei, Joias above. DsgasuReM Gallsry, Hay strssl. One story Dwelling House, Maxwell strsat. Wood Shop, joins above, do da. Blaolcsmith’sSMop, joins above, do do. a Story Brick Bkva and Dwelling, in Brick Row, Hsy street, joins Mrs. Anderson Dwelling House, large lot fad garden, Churok Lane, Stuart House. Warahonse, Charoh Laae, opposite Presbyteriaa Chureh. Dwelling Hoose, Hav Moont. occupied by Rev. Mr. Pf^ther Large Oarden, Hay street, joins Bank of FayoltoviUe and Messrs Hale and Sons Large Dwelliog aad Offics, Green street, Joins Mr. Jas. Kyle Offioe aad ^tables. Green street, opposite above Largo and oapaoious Dwelling House, Dick street, Crnaoe house. Large Dwelling House, Mumford stoeet, near large oak, aod known as McRik' House. ^ Story Brick Store aui Dwelling, Hay street. Joins Mr Martino;. 2 Story Brick Store and Dwelling, Hay st, joiiis abovo. 1 Dwelling Honae, Bargess street. 2 Wharves, Rush. 2 WaraHousea, Lower Fayetteville, joins above- The above rr®perty ie to be vtaated by order of own ers, Administrators aad Bxecators respectively. For ftether information apply to JOHN H. COOK, Auot'r. Deo’rIO. 92 8tpd PRIVATE LETTER FROM GEN LBS. TMe original ot the foUowiog prirate letter from Gen. Lee to hb bob was found at Arlington House, and is interesting as illastrating a {mase in hifi eharaoter: Ablington Housi, April 5, 1852. My Dear Son: I hm just in the aot at leaving home for New Mezioo. Mj fine old r^;iinent has been ordered to that distant regioQ, and I must hasten to see that they are properly taken oare ot. I have but little to add in reply to yotnr letters of March 26, 2T smd 28. lour lettws breathe a true spirit ot firanknMs; th^ hare or- en myself and your mother great pleasure, ion must study to 1m frank with the world; fraaknsss is the child of honesty and oooiage. Say what you mean to do on every oooaision, uid l»k« it tor granted you mean to do ri^t. If a friend will wrong him and fAtng; tion of any kind. Ntrer make a friend or keep one; the man w&o requirsi you to do so, is dearly purchased at a saerifioo. Deal kindly, but firmly, with all your olaffhimitsi^ you will find it the policy whish wean best. AboTe all; do not appear to others what yoQ are not. If you have any hiult to find with any one, tell him, not others, of what you eomplaia; there is no more dangerous experiment thaa that of undertaking to be one thing before a man’s faee and another behind his back. We should live, act, and say nothing to the injury of any one. It is not only best as a matter of prineiide, but it is the path to peace and honor. In regard to duty, let me, in ooooluaion of this hasty letter, inform you that nearly a hundred years ago there was a day of remarkable gloom and darkness—still known the dark day.—a day when the light of the sun was slowly extin guished, as it by an eeltpse. The LsKislature of Connecticut was in session, and as its members saw the unexpected and unaccountable darkness ooming on, they shared’in the general awe and terror. It was supposed by many that tiie last day—-the day of judgment—had eome. Some one, in the oonstemation of the hour, moved aa adjoarnu>ent. Then there arose an old Puritan legislator, Devenport, of Stamford, who said that if the l*st day had come, he desir^ to be found at liis place doing his duty, and, therefore, moved that cAndlies be brought in so that the fiouse could proceed with its duty. There was quiet ness in ths^t man’s mind—the quietoess of hear- enly wisdom—-an inflexible wUl****^ present duty. Dnty, tbeUf is the subliment word m our Jangusge. Do youT du^ in all things like the old Puritan. You oannot do more; you should never wish to do less. _ Never let me and your mother wear one gray hair for any lack of daty on your part. Your alfectionate father, To G. W 0U8TI9 Lm. R. E. Lbb. 1. A fsw Important Faots IN BXOA&D TO THE "801TTHB1I5I HEPATIC PILLS/* THEY are prepared ft-m tiie best quality of Medi cine by the disc overer, now aa aged Miidster of tj««5 Q?wp?l, anS **9 safe 2. Thf>y have been known for years aad tested by thousands Five hundred persom* are known to hava tef>n cored b^^ them 4 They are not rwounended by the proprietor for everything, bat only for diaeaaea wiiioh arise from dis- .'>rdar«d I'vers- 5 Directions and cartificatas aecempaay each box and these oertilloates are from well known aad most re- npeotabla fndlvidu^s. Correspeadaets recommend them as good f3r Liv er Disease, Chills and Fevers, Paeamonia, Jaun- dioft. Dyspepsia. Bilious Fevars, Bilion.’s Rfieamatism, Worms, Plearisy, BroBohit-s, *o. 7. Several gerU;men state that the ose of these Pills has bflsn to t*>oin aa aa'anal saving of from flOO t > $200; they are the best rlantatloa medicine ever of- fwid to the publia. 8. Som^t Phy6i-'i40fl of the hi,3i:osi.at;acing praeoribe hem to t!joii»p*nent8. aad handsels of boxea luve '“ien eeid to reguUr orMtit’onara 9 Durirgthe last' quarter 2,83 boxJ« have been sold to Druggists, oac ia Snath Carotins., and one. in North Car >Uua—and s^rRe time over 8 700 boxes vrer® or'^ere-l by DruggiaU« in ona tovn in Virginia If^Price. ^ a box. F^r $i^0 a dosea bdxe^ will be seat to any iwidresa A v'rj libe*iU dlacoan* to Drogrists and oountry merohants. Gash (new carrea- oy) to aac.)mpany orders. for Sale li lorth Oartliaa as follawi: Aalwvllle, B J Astea, I Llncolntoa, 8 F Slierrfll* •Mhe«arie, J M Bivins, I LoaUboi*. J rhapet HHl, R B Saanden, I Marioa, Wm Wakefield, Charlotte. J Nye Hntehhuoc, * I .. u i “ PS Cur, i KaJeigh. VVlUlaia* ft Hajweorf, UUni«i, Hnbbwd k M»«eley. I “ ¥ P P«»cwl. Oineord, J ReW, I Roddngham. J P Wortham, BnSeld, J Cohen, I aalUlwry, H«ndw>n Ban!*, dllUboro’, J Y Wbltted & Oi, I “ Burbank «i GaUaghar,r rayeOeTiUe, If A Sudmaa A Co I Shelby. R PrombeKer, - I Vir&de«boro’,W O Beoi Greensboro*, Porter A Oorrell, Ooldebofo’, Lucas S Ballfax, J O’Briea, Headewon. Wyche fc Co ' "“Adi**. Boaetl, IWWCMSC^IMiffVJ JTW W WUmlas««*. mmn*. state of fVorth Carolina, RICHMOND OOUNXY Court of Ple*9 aad Quarter Sassiona, Oct. Term, 186f AngosR Pattersea. Ex’ref Daniel Pattersoa Dea’d, vs. Archibald Patterson, at al Petitiea for a sale of Slaves for Parti^oa. XT appeariag to t^e salisfhction o^ tha OoaH. that JL Arahl^ald Patterson aad — Guytoo aad wif# Flw», Dafead&ats in this ataae, reside bey^ad the limits of this Stato; It is th*ffof-'re, on motion, orfered by tha Court, that advtrtisement bo made for ix waeks aua- ejstively in the FayetteviUe Obtervar, aoUfyiflf ike f iid DefsTidants of »hs ft’ing of thisPeUtio^ tney appear at the aaat tarA of this Coirt, tj ^ k’ld at the Coart Hoase ia Rocklagha^ Monday of Januarv aext, aad answer tha PetltioB, tke Sft ne will bo taken pro ooafasw aad heard ax parte as ^^n^ Lanis H Webb. Clerk of our siid Court, A. 96^wpd$ltinpt H H.WBBB.Dep»ty BkVlO. IVOTIGE. a t. KAua h (KYNa 1 I WISH to buy a ooupie of BOW STRINGS to make!] wool kar-i. Aay »ie that nas taem can flad a pnt'-i dhaoar by addraesiag ms at Pedlar’s HIU, N. C. NATHARUL FULDB. Dse'rS. - * bLank deeos TU?T PRINTlD oa sniv?v r'if'T'. For sil» d OBSERVBR BOOKSK IN 2. iESTAR^Kirni AUR HTRm. IMi WanniMluaa.. -^l|10B«H@raiaiesDttlaaeal^ 10.000 Fie5e» Mew Wasic, TDBT received, which will oe seat to a^y av.v.’-ess on »>' a*» B.ISJ ~ I Wnais Pabliahers la tao South. ^ ,m i« »u,d - O*. off *o llmito. ke. 4hr Catalogaes of Books, Masi^ ^ APiflJ IW uaiai3i« * FARRAB, Bakil^V. 0. »•*-» ftp ** An Ex'fTnple for Military Jkfeia.—In 1808,_ths Xi«Hftip^«^S&«’»rmini-expeiniiA Jiaitined to ope rate in the Peninsula He had made all liis preparations with the foresight and thoroi^ness characteristic of the man; and the expedition had actually sailed, when the Ministry determined to supersede him in the command. In a vwy la conic note, assigning Qo reasons for the ehitage, VisoouDt CMtlereagh, Secretary oi State, inform ed the Dake (then Sir Arthur Wellesley) that the oommand of the troo]^ had bot^u assigned to Sir Hew Dalrympla, with Sir Ha^ Burrard second in command. By this operatioii. Sir Af^ (bur’s sphere of command was suddenly dimin ished from an araiy to a brigade while in the very act oi preparing to meet the eneiny. An ordinary soldier would at once have thrown up his commission in disgust. Though deeply mMr- tified, no doubt, he saorificed all personal oon- siderations to patriotism and principle, and in a letter, written soan after, said: shall do my best to ensure the sueoess of the army; and you may depend oa it, that 1 ahall not hurry the ope rations, or commencc them one moment sooner than they ought to be commencsd, in order that I may acquire the crodit of the sueoess. Ths Gktvernment will deteraiiae lor me ia what way they will employ me aeroafior, either hero or elsewhere." When asked by a familiar friend ho«r he, who hai oomtainded armiaa of forty thousand men, who had re'^eived the thanks of Parliament for hi^ victories, and been-elected Knigiic ot the Bitb, could submit to be reduoed to the oomnnand of a brigade of infantry? *‘For this reason,” was tha r^ly, “I am nimukwaUah, as we S4y ia the E*st; 1 have ate of the King’s salt, and therefore I consider it to bo my duty fo starve with Z3al and ^promptitude when or wherever the King or his Government may think proper to employ me.” A great miliiary principle is here eaforeed by a great nuUtary man, cot only by praef^ bnt «K- ample OfiELoacs who deeline to wnre th^ oo«n^ try in a eapamty which fthaj eonisdar inferior to Eheir merits may study frith advitttage dtn pags in the htotory of WntHngtwi ...Peal Dmauating the South —Spaaking of Georgia, the New York Times, laaoola's espeeial metropo litan organ, thus most complacmtly observes: "When Qeneral Sherman finishes with her, she will be but a monument of deeek^on.’^ Desola tion has come to be the sole pofi^ of our enemiea in this war. They cannot win us ba^k by sedu cing and cotruptiag the people, nor eonquer us back by overthrowing our armies: but iX least they can, from time to time, lay waste a^ tract of fertile country on their march, and gratify their feelings by the sight of old womnn driven house less into the forests, and by listening to the wail ef ehildrm erying bread They cannot destroy the Confederate armies; but they can ^tuM the souls of thoasanes of soldiers by the thought that the wi^es aad little ones they left at lunne may he a- a^nie given moment subjected ter ^e outrage? of armed ruffiioa; may be wandering shoelcbd in the cruel winter weather, after seeing the roof that sheltered them aad their wh^e pro- vitrion for the season burnt to ashes. Yes, so muoh, at least, that mighty military nation, with its enormcuB armies and all the resources of Mienoe to aid, has been able—to its great honor and gl^ .partially to aci^omplish And Uie natien highly appreciates and keenly relishes this sueoees, for want of hotter. Northern readers gloiU over the descripiijn of a “broad tract rf desolation” left in Sherman’s line of march; and Sheridan has he^ coma the hero and darling of his people ever Ieinee he sent them thtf aeenrato list aiUs and dwdltn0i bowk to Hu» th* gfiisiiiff