DECEMBER 19, f?o 1394] U’ Pr siv 'he ef ^2 Im.. r g:!f ii);-H-■ ^K) fee » ui'’ }«i . . = \ -t... ix. r:mtte»iS;,-. “.jsfji StI W.)rUs, Oil »»orii8 a: o ua%v i;j coEiplet ftperatian, and . . .vf. u!ie a-jikin^ but^tXMl rojLa in proiliwir.^ li-.* ,vT recyBim«iid ii to U iht‘ of iha kind , «■ ' ,f- It. is * liatt L«briratiiii; and Tiumer’s t, aiij v.oiuj b« ?lij to :*««3ive orJei-s frosa tb* i.vemnisnt .v.».i the pualio t'»*neral!r. We will srH on "Wi cib.o tcr«9. MOORE. UASHWELL A CO. FAY?.TT£¥ILLE I3GRTH CiKOLIMA • nss.ST. iiS. f ,#€’.# £>#ial2'r. a S c!a; . 0 ‘. ?4 I 'f'5 : ' thi i'.ur sriu ifil! 5 ''’■’uco.sio i er.ft A.ldr«-:a • 8.1!/ ‘‘T6IK mUE iasns Wi'-BSLY IN] n’ LlG!’N"d*E, .•> j- S f jTtfrly A •'!’ K ?rj ; tf-ra iha c'^ur.. ^ s. .■ iiss !■* t-j ^*1? VVe^k!? m, > D'lLY ^EDITION of 'hi jourRMl kj ‘ b* ii' u« ^ Furi'ae* cntjee w'il be ?’7S'; r neecna^.rv 3.T'n^';- I Ev-.i«( for n>-::r>jp'.i*a 's " ; ! FircUev'.n*;. N 0 , Dc-3 I t 82 tf 0' it, t'i* ■ be- 6T!!t>r*- ' ' P^PCT > ; I'ik'iifif, no p4jrjv, ■-1 If St- ;-i'; Mjf (in-w »•■?- tiuniiai .vsj 'Uii'nor-'i-*'' per ®» •'-s*«na >iU S’* it (! thj r«- AH.-; >'jr; r.A=:!iL3 1 ’'r.rTsT’i.i.}! ; V l?ep \'u;d ii r? J-.-i’t 1, L''J9' lUUMUJHUJL. %v *i)r»jr Fron PCtfJS'- ' • SIHAl-^iSlO.%% AUGTic.J h. K. t'oraer .ysi-s.^ S^san', f'AYETTSvlLLS, 'f. €. t ^ 'Di- jCit " ■ ■*■' ; > ■:• *C -Hiuj. UIL ROAD WHEELS ■ ’ '•.stM, -5 s; 2-!. 2W 25 ‘si' SC iyc.H. u* ! Ir-ii s.>: '.- . l3» i.--T •■-.I- . r . - _.-5. .-t' --''c t :> •h’-Zf (■•* ' ■5B t.» 6 « I'-t; th»a w* trw ■ '.fj S-- r' k' '.--'V 1, t>: .t: r Cijajic' »f OiSst- a!i JviDS '0, 1854 *i> * 10 UV^.Q $ vV tiSfrt, tirdc^'r ftfid I’aaaslsdeti jferehuu, FAYKTTEVILLS N 0 dt8,pe IS. ^ -W bT Attorii'3> FA?BTT*V iLL«, In . 0. V^’ 0>L iba Cs.iaty kh ' tv, T*y OaiuWriacd, liar!-. t, rigjr : . tt*S. I'T9»pt AtltiiM. .. g Tf i .. :, eUii2ii eEirusit.l >■& -4i;-Lia Oct. 17, 185t - ts _ j5'^ ^ ” ~~ firoeer ftnti FAYETTiiv'LLLii, : v. Jwi’y 10, I'vJS. ii ti SA A. itrMD]Lv>'. \V4. H. SthK.^fU; !f. JL. STED^aA ’%' & t iJ., WHOlJgSA*,^ A^ii aikf^a A K D (l^Om.TlBIS^IOir TIEK€ISji 11^, 10, 5>fr«el, FAYMXl£fILLj&, A. t; April a«. rc-iif A!CL;?-E80?! 3i iHJ K9TSUAlL »?Hc yRFivHl iND fiiBSiiNuEll I'RAJN'Si i*f tW 1 rU.i-i tea ■? jxwsteit , ■.-■3 rcisratag !cft» j ^■.'/T- »* 1 .'wci, r. 2j t>? c-t TV .-X. V105 ?/ i r. g±. n ivsu A Y «i il it*. 5!j\, ISOo. Pai*r?^ffi!?e .■l\ INQ JNO. >! Jt03i.. i u a". Tr^a. »7tf il. uy * 1 t (J > tX - ■ V’le-J- lOieT c' ,';ir Oil, ic t>il fjr ijoi !-i ! ‘.i CaLfeJt .'%aj *0 fh- q :»;»! ‘•3 %■:— ■ 'S-: S8l ,• 1 si r ^ ajt -., "•-.■n »-i-‘ - v I r 1’Sa*! la^ob u i i 1 '.’.'-a h-s ft;.---■ .--x! -u- 7 Oil, it i-hjiiujt -k-ar- t ; Hi 'U ■ 0 -T-'N } pi 0-1'. m .1-1 ¥■ K i I Salesil Aiuiaiiaes. BLUM’S r*rM-.r.i »sd PUuvcie a1oj*li-j for t. ? t. 1861, re(Wivsi a»n4 far oj t^c », ic* ■ , •iP)|L« ojpf, thn BOOS *'XOA* ^WA..^’1L'E£>. ► > i TTEIL^l, i,50u ” (JOIiy. \^*6vn* &*Tin^ tka abora jjra - . ike Wifix&it Cas.1 j^ioe nj ftt ftte Mwcliajit Mills, i ^ ti*. 0. bar St his ola bUad oii ; ALK> ^filler tl yU n .*> ar n. f i' lv> • ^ J Ui .£, ■ mOiL ;.■• ■ browj. nVM F^yatt8v;If\ N/.' Fit* r- ) : Proof P siJit. !•. • . re te^t F. •-■ k.a qq'^ o; xils ai I n, ttsd £ie Oour a»cp lY E 'OLTON, Aft ? K Co. bBJ :000 fWytlt f49V [• -3 30UlSaJ3A'.T. - t I C BQ3ii‘ -3 dOUNiJ 3A '.T. •' iie iu U. • °priQg rxehsa*- ii.ijri>*,^0J .. .- rs, Tr.- .-..i':.’ Alsj, S') ' x liu 'Ih'G L iiA.C»_0; f?r bxU, i&t ar st •>; o?j; .■ ■• -T. r ,r a- -.s. K t» t’n'OaN'J’ON. A 64 tf Jt 'il; 188M. . ^ f' ' " icj,t :i.f?-2r Shi% ?. iiuiiT Tii:' AJS.ITI' UAEIAi:^*. A-^ rii] E. I’OJfii - (14^ OwC«iSi-*r A H e'nioSs. i!., >11 iaaO JC'i/. A. •'- Ag'i C. V. Stilt iAJd pr»p*«Ki w in.!»auiar-t&rt &ii - ' ■jf w»- ii»rne«a for Armj Uav*. 1 i«nt aaj leirLer . :.i _ fi7d gooi b*Tf»in«i. HI; uo wt-il to sc-ai u.ii •rden to me M uj ,y eu^il fei^te prar. 11 fctuaucu,. w.' off la qawk -Ja.« C.VA.iiSa. &oidS'^e p. O . Cis.k;fc;a Co., u., : junt 1-'., I ■ ■>2. J AHer ftiiK daSi: 1 wsii pj«j ij Ccato pc; }«^i lao iiigneai i>. rft7*Ueyui4, *r ». xa> oi. Feh’y IG, ltiv4 .vtPiAif ORjlNJL.Nt^i ; jiAiiJiau, iN. •-;., -w .y a, j LitXi) WAi?Tii).—i Wi.'^a i«i piix,j.i-oa i,3ii ior bi.- i>epbn,::.dur Peuoai qu«u fitiea will pi-sass *pttiy u JEoe. W.ii gi^,- 1 p,n ii POWDER rot 10 potiaij of juE.^lD, Tli'jsi IJ' 0. y. la ciiivge jf 3f OCR Seaior I* irtaer, nao ,» U -jj s: a ;u Ii, .’ , iga i> ac»cr»l W'.ekJ, w*’i. bay auI s ..;t C .-ia «lu. ■ .ii, B~n.k Hjtcs ot tills ,8-a-.- * iTi- jS jiB ; o. \ .r gi -i* »id Nijrta C»rcuri«, rii^ liix'uaSj'j t-a E-jji -a J »Kd thj pri»’oif>«.l citiu-n of bjuiayrs C AlsOf dt*to *ci KaJrofti B.iiild tiid 'jf eep*T4t.e.y He Eiay b*’fou-i »i tea Ii oi 8 13 ' **. iv. D. Taniar, eorner of fi/c.u^iud an i-J; vgr. Pii.'Mcat vuiting tbtj oitj o?= buai- r ca oitt. TH03 liii t.S , copauiiiiiS of amkrh’i, ) i;’raj -'=K, rsf^'urymHV, Diet, C&I'E s'iAB. J- : VtUrr-.:^. .Ja., N. J., z-i4i*nii ICw?. lbf.S. » I ‘'•i.’e'i'j- %; 61. ■■ --11 baring claiu^ . ‘'i the Eliij. -er U»iv-fe-.'is .-Ei, fot wvises ■ -.7«y‘ 3^ '^rer? r.a «x»5f n«»r • ualiijicr-., C. t.u-A tr.e aut'isrsijayd is i^'Jioriaed ; 3k_i '« **3 t«ae fct bis .^Sioa, cq t'la oe- j ecjiid floor of tbe bjiliL'jjr nos^ klt-Tn M.»Ard8’ I>rug I -"lioro, MiS'kt*. 3irv,ri. T*" OT jafis'? T'owcrs ;:.f A'.iorac^ wil. ob- I T/e tij3 f^Liiiria# for*—tasir ssgu*ture«, ii> ftll c%3v.% ■ be w'- :’- by *rta witiiissts is.i 415 i .; jn uiiTtii- ;, .te, or tjs-jy mij be wibi,ti>r3 & J erf ice i ]■ jace or Ci.irli of f.ay G .art i F03.M 0? PC:VSili OF ITTOSNSY. 1 Q* —Qg iiir-j-y appoiiit ^ ef ——, lay ; true *n i liTfol .‘-^est to ?ira rcefjipUi for, »ad raoeite nn'ut of »u rt uacyg da • if ci-; ty tbs Er-jjiaev? i>e- »-iSieai of Ui-! Coafeiiratfc 3t»t«3 of Aai.ri.Ji, : -:r ijio -r-tw t-f my 9;a»s« ■' i;pI'jVwi is libc-rer , „ tbe Uni iwe^-s ai , datiti: iha ..-»oath of . 'Hij 'V3iF-.c:j st» 'iAisd «t •«« d*-y of —. 1>-? If* •1ttoL«w#.v..%. rsunj ] r-',x '>f o.> -f/*, , /..-tioof 8!t&aJd t!« witae«3«d Raleigh, D«e 2 [a cirj ^ . it » tei '.i Ci a & iO ’!, 0: i*o£0! BLUfjJ. iH) iik.; of ^ ■„ .. - ,-L.Miir^X ■.■ ■• a;j ■_ 4 n-?t 4> i-M t i?' -»3y To \%'iiic oa* IHAVJB V >r„ i; iul l^':i SI./. jN • -’f i ♦ to t•'-TJi i*riU 2i' g p.’rt- wr. Hiii iwka t"e Wijol'cci . -*tt i' .' I lt.-y »*!• naiu-bla ti »5ij> one .Ti-.mug t- ai->o .v dklfii ilraud/. come of hnU siz • o.' ».-o r. - - - *>>oVfl r»te». UfcNAY F»yott«Tilie, Oct. '• H Palma Hhris?! rilHJfc subF«rib€r iriil f.^y ib^ prr 1 *'ijr ?K»Bti‘r'>f ' HIDS9 fo t»B on °b io.^ i’ >-ua. f L eqQit«il",at io 3^ * > '-a •■ ia Umfl if deti'i'sd by * • p*! ?!!»• s’ - ttoir Hid64 tA.ia3'i c a \ .n to o.i looo a.^ T isfv .ULVON Weei waat«ci for ritiH ithlii ! rst;;; d ;.*• : . .1 y vaK fo. V ’ or ^.sy & »’■' . ’*■ V ^pl K- i'. k'.'^ At. 'I.. ‘ ; ^ - - - XX ■ ' ^ 1 Iv. i/ V. ;ar?iiU8 i ., .- •Li- St s', ilsiit.ifj Acit^»ajy. :'GE .- i. u cf I:. s wiH s-'»c’>. *a * - ' ^ , >'c’■/1 .s., lyo- ' i.u II -s-'dpr^.-r ' IS;'-- (.* ••-.’r’S14, ssoot • ''i b r'; . * ' 1- ^.>i 5- •.■■..^; iia.",'.rr> f- ‘ - j. V; : a1 UO..»f>01ii. Sar.i'ict*.;' T&X §5i OFFICE C«l’:^TY A3EXT, tci 1 7i 4a, TSfi-: 3§€114i?(;>st. .MILIT- 'T Ci.' ?rA»Plv‘L FI^ilSLUt; * -.Biiy. r|>iiR ■'•f.Jt b--j; ,:e B'dt> r laf, 1SC6, At Mcbs*':^9- I. vij« ,j>» H ;.v. ft Vfifiie tne #;H o»u'.'s« is rctws.3., f»r be«Q m%d«, wUfi V'fw ' ! s(>MKisii« «■ irsli •*« r^'ici Eo4oh‘-M ' iircs- ' Goi. WM ; ae’w Oiik*: a C S? I.*e4 ^*1P ft$o>i:es t'or !^o9li«r8. ^hLmXi‘.i •• OR Jr. fUWONER’«F 4tb tOiigTi»isiJi;;U K-isir^ci K. 0-. M '5, ISiW. J J F,E -'?.jtY i*»7e?a: .r U,. p.- ;.ii=csr, ' Ciuahc- kIi i I. 0 • .iij wrs»At. .T ii - i rs f-;' • liV' ’T: K far iSM ■.■«? ‘f94 !.';s'l f'r; j\ Jr }*■ ci'’ ;••-.»• .‘V) j!ia ii!{ b5 r • £nT»:‘,. nsvrJ p. i>* f«‘? a»v^f.; '.h-’r srodijsa to D-^pr-t ' -'! tijrv.- vk”*, cvf fitjsil»i' Pereois «.a"-r pr'’ ’'»!'s . /vS •' i r.^C'-'* -irUI t" ii>.“.‘r cjjh;; ' af v- ^ T»f*^ a'-r» -'--Ii- *■ . •' J '4 -.YiLLrA^a, : ""7,'" 91 tli] Aj'-a* fv? . 1 JOE:h H. cook, Aaoti&awr. ir:** »T:i ;* ; \£ ii iu-)N •, g ' ftttvl T-OT t>rH»r ■j»f---I . ■•;■{ St* ?»>■-' t4.'-ai.’-d kt Sir p. LH- •^y.^lr.e M.. J.iha ri - T ‘'’■i oi^i- 4r* JStwJien o«*ite *!V’tie r«^*r; jci»5 VrJte it • ^*s'> ^UtSa lour ba»t^r« d jrffc *i tb« 8 i' W , r* '•' P >; ?f ;.•!>:#,t- , .iT. 5( ""sr .w » * 73 18^ ,• hj-. J M. '-.t? ■♦j-r;/'' s». ;* *»f C»5ij '»- 8 •,# I'ofii D'»el i«t,i Kirs*., S2a‘ »?*6ib e; H i oi is uj;;fcd j’w t!i» bE.'*s«x> ‘ Swir'aiktX l>'c r V. 91 St Jiai.r''* V rH»?n8 »»>•* F ;-aSC .-4' ' ::»r;-^g9, *.• DTfelliog iloQSf.’) id ileal at A^ctioa* ■ -i.i; . >»■ il rdatca ■V Aa«*.= ct> i i> i;b ?*.« «orsps>a!r'.4 •*» f T’Ai Sjaencer Rifle —The most formidable of the breech-loftding «ma.I arms which have been Ciijployetl in Lhe preftect hostilities, ia tbo Spen- caf rifle. Tac rapidity witn winch it may be fired, without the least ohaogs of position, makoa it very effective, »nd with very little ha*ard to him who uses it, if onoR andcr cover. The stook ef tho guu is hollow, and is a maganize of car tridges. The action of the lock ia disoharging and rcoicking bnngs the uext cartridge into posi tion, so OB, until the supply is exhausted. Ti)o mflgauizj is then ropienifched in a half min- uce, and the pr j^ess i-3 repeated. The captures which we have made from the enemy pmbraco a large number of these Sponeer rifles. It would be emiai;ntly dcairable to arm our cavalry with them, snd thus reroove that inequality be tween the oppi'sirg lines which told so heavily c aj/aiijst us in tho oaviklry encounters of th« past b,. >,, J 'h(rtff«d to t.Jd a ! --.atxiy i-.rynti'fA f*' of Vfv: X c »Ai-g«»: L»i D f fenm^oy, AU.evli'e; 1>; '-'J A t'-'iefl, H- rgao -Jl; . J W Hvat*aV);'2; I r .! it iSfi^g-c. (« *cab^3r.j; x.r A ii ; iu, G'utrlcif**; Sir Eiwftru Hege. Hslejj; J N Mai>'>r«.;l, Kaieigh; sVar:’! Piyctiaviiie; - iiuffi- S >0; Mr F '• tt >r J. Tfrb ru; Mf J A J Askesr. us.o;i»i^i; Mr F L- K.’bcru?, arf'^ejbcro r*;c Kjxcs £ ■)□ d te ire i ■> -sjisd. profwiy uw^eed, » , u; '••-1 in it aa tctzi4 dp^oiiu M-iiiiin£a>- wss IfATC' ->n «>■? fi ' : d- • f o-crjr Ev./iV tHD VfAKtli.'* aurgcB% Gc»’l U 1. Oo‘ I'd. 80 lai tiiRt •';»? Ks\* ■ jir,. ff-r (ift-Kfi.% ti e'TT-'r^id- !'S. ■MTiPS' CEtailiasa €os«ttly. All '?«Vgi4Xtll3 T»X Pivvrs Til b; .' - tet li«. yr.hF-tant» * »*Aer. bv 4J»© Asatvsar? few >i • ij- •.■, to J 4, \?e.-s,3k*t Asswiisr, ftt Pii.usa^t’caft)' dAy« fi’itU datft. I wSi &i :-r- oCiv'“ ta rdceiw) eay apy^.o.'j tkai iosay bf Ibkou -•« cnt jt--5 *i3t,’(a^r5'4:-n '>a ll-e -'•“>• b -. I Tril.! in Ti'Cilvt ike ‘■ftx-iii ^ > t ■■• HaeE tn.'? jjl nAs- Pt'tsbi*. 2fftis ta^ 11-' d e’r l-M :S(.jw- 'i': »• “ ?•{! ‘ At Upci», 24 b i. .1 eill K.-.w:. £fi il l-fcC'i Il'uk'StT'i', 27-h '■ *• L;Qa;i0rcT6 S.'ii •■ Th fch.iTP »^pr-L»!ffi9‘s!3 E.r=' m^d-i b k ^iat» , *0- eciao-iM. i-ijoje wiio 4 y. f cctt C • fcvi :« ot money of -h^i »!d 13>J^ •55 i T will ^-ira fa^'Sjr* ^.f t ,3 ti icj I «ri-i ’ *t I*’? auu»l pta'^r? of c->:.--.'jiB* istzu'. 3'*. li Oae o! ihe Asfi»is.*0's w^ll »• nd ■»»: ■ gii r-.o"! »! rj»uras f am tbo«! vlt.i bf»i fi.f*;'* m 1 ihz't u;' ■ r£t. J M BT'^UvI, I'aii; et»r 3l«l D-'i*. !. U. ^iti8^r D-o’r 3. 91-;2 ;I> di do do e'crio*, MsiEir*!! ft. nsar Wtloa’* , ;•• =. the ftrHi »f J-i&u&t r li croo»>'-^*: 5 r.^r->~T --r M,nrrr wn-Jt rrjck ■r-T'tS • cnaifflslj^. A pTSPWOTt OttniOurty t:a,»te5. trowrrTOi, in r“>.? of stb re, .a frici su'«»4. . whiah we are intormed baa cot yet been removed Ks.yiBouct.cppoBiti>Poa*'-?«on tw-1 We ca^ to i* tho attention of oar ordnance do- teajy. » ps,rtmcnt, t?n3t the iogeauicy which has won bo k», ia rew -■>? *-Snr» » ^ r 7 o j . i:r« Ooailtree'a. , . . ^ iTiJty pcrforta ti similar scrvie.e in this The Spcnccr rifle oaaaot be us'd with any o»r*^ridg« yet furniiibei to car soldiers. The cartridges arc pat up ia coppcr eases of peculiar‘mechaaism, wliitii vfe have not yet undertaken to maK.e. Hence our valuable captures are Ptacked away in our armoii«8, as so mujh dead weight Tho thiag needed is the nianut'acture of cartridges for the Spencer rifle. It snrely cannot be long bo- fore they will be made, and in abundance. Richmond Sentinel. t iB-oxv Bnck Sior* »ni Dw*’Mr^. LitHsrty PouiL Sisiop, c r ;er of wad 9tr*5i« K8DRE k CASHr/£LL, PayolteviUe, Bi. G.; OiL! OIL’? ' \\Ji. r • w Si.e ia lAt «#,££.‘*i*iure ■ V * ^ -'^p; T r LUjJSIOITINQ OIL ■ 4 O. L' -t .*•■ j i •-J R >*^'. i, bat >*a «« , prceiss. -a'i « sui. ?6j:t!i*ble 0119 aereto f :i .* Bcvi-i'.rj i - : ..:r -t u .U*:^ . !i 2.4 : ' * ■ .'Jit Tr-?a Oi- U 'j ii, 3c.. i.ifcS'y ttj; , tco ill Trgiiiii 4.U4 cHr. ;;n» njiiruli^ uawerk »11 t&t> patj»ii«ici it m- '■ ■ lyc -«ite uigi. Wk*rtvar it hut iem tried it h* ffiv»n eiMpiUe i!id p»rai&rt* I. , ; -s J :,i8 p af »i. ;e» *'K.twio*i«n> It i« Tsis VKUT ^m9wn,ui.i Ou MAJBB 13 xac CTaWI^. « bjive aow ' n isaJ. «aie;i ire ofar u a Uw prm d'S i> >l«. Oii. To V.0 T»f ueia’ ^>d. 60 uo P*iaiiEg Oi We »r» kUoui ux bii.rri»ls a week, acd m11> oil orders from Rai ”ndj. Fjf . .fiw, F.euriM t.ud i«- di»»dd«to. .m-'OiiE & CA3W!9'E£iu, F»yelw«»il!e, N. 0. Oot’r 20 7S-‘2ax T‘ HB f?bs«T!b»r, ha»in». U m '■t T^ra; A D. 1564. of tiid n^'art c-f Pl'Sr* va" Q i -^.it S-e ..on; • ^5ibv'rU'*.l eo mty, t Lsf eri .» a rvilei-.irMic.- - j. of Jno. ilttcry 8 im'.i bx.T' by jjtres ^.s i.C*‘.C ^pijrtsons !>*vin7 c'*.'.'raj ss;-th-s iai '’#er-4- ?, to presmt .iuly withii Iji# tira^ prasofi:.od t y law, wUtft'w.sq tUiv gajd Jui^* ^1,.- pro- ' wi” p!. al»d in b»r of tb»>r rs3j-‘ ry , t-u'il, for lu.-’r'«tie* I D?b‘,ore 3 Ik? -iatd ?5taie -?r'U iaioL ’ ' I ,Ji.t- 53ys.-it DiVIO ^aMPlIY. .tdnj r li Fwrlher ^TINvi cb:«.i ed “>n Or:e • s'tu-• lh»' I 6i.» • 'D tjiC Ti.u d* 0*1 L» ■ ■ ■-• 1*}; o'Jao d-j'1 expise t. Pu''l;v-P*’ • i':;s Pir.^anfl Pfap’rtj b**.4'*si. sr tj ja'J c-3- u:.;. n*9!8tiag of H'c^obold ♦ Ei ibsc Faraif’r--. 1 Bu*??, 1 Horse, 1 T.oVr Wsg-u. llo« Hr-t > &■! N-'rt i*« b»>losg!njt to ea rill ha iur' ^ isr -.; x’ yt»r T^« rr'ipe^ty *ri!i be o; 1 ti th bl J Itr oa * or d t |f gix mo»b*—tbs purofaiSr;' bo?f4 aaa n.^iro^Jd Mooriiy b ‘fira iha prop'.rty id rjffi’-v i f3« vUl commeaso at 11 ri’o'-'ot ■ DAVI3 MURPJY, A^m’r. ■r ei*e fchc Jo do’ Hh? Htr^st. ^b^T?, Lfarriiiinr'**? OiH«.ry. B&y .>?tre«L 0 • •;•■ .i v i> .»>iiiBj; ^Tt*as;, M*.zwail S'a^*. ’I ' d i?b-r-. « ■ do do. Bi'Cirs's-'ii’fl .I'lf'p. j (?• - Si^^y Bdok 8ior« &ai Dw(*liis*g, ia Bfick Sott, IS.kj •t.-.i-i,^ ■IflierisQa ‘ Dvf*>!lliig Una-9 la^'ge lo*. »Ltid gMrduH, Chnrcb StuJt'-t House. Wsi^fioas*. Cfcurcb Lkq«. oppc^ite PfeebyterUa C'S'irob. Dwelling H us», lla-* ilaunt. oconp^ei by Scv. Mr. P.' h -r i> t' : H i .* j-'lnj of F^p'ieviDs - n 1 Oiki gar--'. Dw lUnjanJ .S;:'. 0 -‘.ea airsit, j:>iae M . Jt,r Kyle Office .Dd ^ta*iles, G.'i^'sn street. ^hote L^rio aud'.•. .^'stciour- Dwelling Housis. Diok strj , rrLsso*-. r D*rcliiu? H ijpo. Mumfoi'd ;.ireet, n^%i' Ur^? >1^!;, ar . : Mcr.i' ''rick 3to*”6 ^a" l>,»V,U'ig. fjays'-e t 2 3to"T B'i-*.k 8:cr' r'si D*r6UiE‘t ji, jo: i ove 1 Rt.e t, 2 .Va;i. iiudi*. 2 ire- -::9 s. \."^cr Fay*!.t0Ti!ia, j>iai r-^cve. T • %h? Ti ;‘y , 0 be RpatPd rder ■>f f^n- > ?3. \'.!m a;s r, t Kzccu^cra r ;b^v ,t V'.ly. Tjt fariLi'!" iiif.jT'ciiti■•>5 appl/ JOHN H CO^'K, A-uv.’r. L-s’rlO y2Sr:d 1. OSIOERS. ’’jlBR r. it ’ arci"# m tltu-tgYtj!*, R. wiab to i pu-■ fi,000,000 FUR SKIX«, Bczh -A.Vims -uU .iRAIs, ro jN, MIKS. FO0L, ij TU ■ J liii**VlS.i, Tyf srbiO"* z '».ii pay t e Isig - 6.-' frh f i cit vr ia lif^d^raie Ii*ok UiliS »ad c. , .r eicbi-.v- f .'o Jattoa Y»i-a or Ha 3. ,1. a .fio i.i it au i^■;sa wio wi.ia to ead9tu»g3 & S a'.fttrj c . ria;. ;?:U eirrt t‘»?anelTai ia gettiog uK ■ r3. via 3 will pk%i3 «c’. as A^ca^n, btjiriog ill V11I tb»t « w I ps,,’ 25 p j?at. la -'r* .a*a &ay on ,l83. ‘fUIK') ?,^KV & SALTZdilRY. ■Ir. S. B:iANi)C ii ur * i- . rtz^d A?;a' Cii^* btrl.'t sd ooU'.iy iv T-i'a rbr oj WirikO-voKY a 5ALTZ3EHY. N.Vr3. 81 2ja Bo&eS) fdr frbouer^ Qt War and | Soldiers* I k tiai AfOTit J. Sar,^eo-. U.a. W'.rren, I »?ili reo«i»e 1 ii »’ii fo'w.rd *li £»ox^ &3, for iJoliierg Kud piisoa I ^ B t!-* war, ;roj of cb*rif Tae Bjsj3 ts-uu!! ba Here | isy the 2^ h of •.-acti m -iiiii, 3» tiiit tfiay caa reaih 1 lUbrgc hy tS* -,•1' 0r *a raoath. I ■r» Q -.iia 0Ji«'> ■iau', to me io ui%rk, *r;tb wriitiQln- . us-iju^, ao \ m,j ‘iase i prone:iy ioae. Ail f'T pri^j »er > oi w»i* ma->t ,k» ts Ua’»ii jw ; .-ajble. If .hay aioaii nei^; mor» taau 10') lbs taoy t.. -ijT g3. J035SPE A. WORTH. . ^ etUjiiile, 15. Trca?«iiry i\otes of (he Old is^uet laeAfttrar DspvKt.'^ssr ! . d , il.. ; ■ ■■. I. i3S4. 'Vr:) thip ead tbs,; etsry f.c- * j ..t-y o.j 10 tne I. b-laers t a t^a u oic: »ng * :or •.1:0 : r. jtt.ur r. i Tri isurcvo *u » P ^y De- 1. i t:.Of. l>vp-3!J. * lei •: i.. t i faii.'.in j, iv : e ?a lG*‘ notea ' r t-.x2 t, . r .‘u-ivr, -'It! rig'. . ■- .. ,s; - ; 4’1 'i tt’rt od red fo; iul ; I., lo. . 'Ja-tuary i8t>5. ; '-d 4;t,» i'8a,^ -erei fim- hi: ' NOTICE. 'I'-dH ioNofiber h»vinc, « Djcsiaber A. 1>. I 1^4 «»f the Coa*i of P ^5i^ aad Qi*,rt'r S > -ia.ts cf Gu3&r!*.ad C:cr''> qu-bti d •& Eif-oU'.-r o.- ^ 'c os- fat.; a Titoojaa W. F rt. dei-:»i0l. bereb g vei qjuc: to i»Hri#r9or.p -▼!■-£ cU'tas »g-ia^-t.;3 c • atn cf dc- 02W.H pfiieu^ ds oe. da> v- ed. >* u i the ifck? tri*sor^bfd by )»»», otberiTisa ia*r ainia*- b'- rVo»i«i ».• ^ of »h?'r r“rj»?ry. I>*'?ona t i^e ?»il CitAf.: wiH w. f- iiune- c?L'>t»p*'.men^ W J NlNOE Ei’r. FiirUifi* f'hwdat 4a O i r of oa.’f, ‘a t >»' I bVJ a r^0 id i d^T >f D «ex:, at tb^ la’i -nOi-cf th • i»tn TicciW W F ,rt v. f.;5’ c'i i y Mce t, to Pablio 8.'- c la:* P r-. prop !?e- J to 8*id fttit-', o >’' i^tlrg 1 »ui H^- nc#, l^^-iwta'id H-i'-pc*--', C**iua Yi’ . dou^e- bof Farai;aro, F*r:’*--ig T -jU. &'■ , S.-3 fay Hpuss *iU b^ raatjd at *.ae atinc iau y!»a jSSj II Trill di fcr r» p orj %-j* Iimj propo'ty »ill be B"!!d ‘0 t*Ja aip . r ' * oracit o' s i iKnatb!—the pai*o'a~3«»r g *.3^ b app'ov.^ u;c»n'y uo^ore t£k3 pr p rty i- fc.n i.. :\i! I ■tt'y in lijSii w: ' . 'V'e.ji 0* .' I. ’8t, f »ag?d 91 6. Insura^c'^ in England.—A writer in the Bri tish Alaaaasc for 1864, estimated the amount of property insured in Euglsnd, at 1,141 millions of pounds; and the total property, insured and unin sured, at 5,000 millions oi pounds, cr 25,000 milliono cf dolUrs This gives u^ bomc idea of the enormous wealth of a pDpulation whose terr'f^ory is not as large as ihe Kta»e of Virginia An area of six miles around ''hariog Cross in Loadon contains alone, “pro perty iiabia to destruct.on by fire, valued aH4,500 miUicns ot doi!ars.” Al'owing for the incombus tible property, it may bo safely paid t^jat the are» above named is pqual in value to all the real and personal t-fop.rty in tfca Confederate States, and to half that of the UniKcd States, inoludiog New York, Bo-ton, and the nuuieroas other large cities. Frauc?. Ahicb uejxan the system of insurance mu:h l than England, now far exceeds the latcci in cho tuariuat insured, though the pr«- miun s p-^id anri ;he losses incu’red are much lesa even ia th^ ftgi'f'gAte The Uni^f’d Kingdom, in I 18G6, ineuirod five and a half thoJicand millions ot f prop%rt7, *\t an aggregate annual premium «f : the Vicfci^'n g ca^'tare f; §9,750,000, UL'd "wiin annual losecs paid by the i *t *ny pvr.-io ea*sj, vlt-i'?? j coBipaaies of S-4,875,000. Frarice insures nine lopi •rir-r, »t s.a7^tiais prior j. millio’js ol property at an aggregate I premium oi $7,800,000, and smnual loss^ of ■ S3 800,000 The eaose of this difference is not expkinid. The amount insured in the United State.; in 1856 was esiimstcd at only $175,000,- 000, but little more than one fifth of the amount in-SUrCa in Ohrcat Britain, Exesiaisge T¥r»tice—iiii. .ri.ICH!IO’'D, I, 1834 ALL OonfjieT!^-*; ora«tri i.;d rae'' w' c tci? fl.7 -.d b? ! F.^'U ■ '. aathOTiti;»i >:r? sj-'wp, r . Nov cb*r 25‘-'a. 1&34, it-; -i j’^r^d to 0 re.'i I8i4, 9." ucfeby d«ol«.rsd HO. ‘ U uP, Ag?nt of Excianj T¥OTl€K. t PPI*IOATION will be aiitde to lbs a-*s* Ganerai .' b- r* sfmsiy i'l r?‘'rtn tor-m-i «tr *0 p*^-rr.*,* ««.« removftl of aa'dijrs’ f. nalii 0 H of sao-i hcu' t ns ibfy msy aow oocapy, uniil she close of tie p iiOM’r 21, 1RH4. j;7 Mrr> I for tbe s.* 00 i1 ia.». W. J JNO. SiMCK. E-. H. cook: . lo’rS Male of iKfjffoe*. JR8D-\Nr I * 3 or is' oi I w'^i u’ ^ ii-i S:.i* ’^1 'fad;i‘»'d«,y U.^ 26 .i 12 n’t’oa'', »*. M'lr^ ■* ia F.'-yc“ SIX LIKELY YOO’‘'’J NEOaoS i Tc fns « Hn-Jtbd -viiH ♦•'’il- ^9o1 S(.oa- or it tb> of-ttoa of the --r ANGtT.S JO-.^N O'^, E '? f'f U ■ h II. V. Deo’rfi f*2 3 pd PS r> r. Mu de-r }ciU out—Late Foreign papers have long BC'iouats ot she hanging of tho murderer, Muller. It will be remembered that some menths ago a man was murdered in one of the English rall-jray earfiuges, ind robbed of his clothing and m'^ney, and ais botiy was thrown by his murderer oat Oi the car window- It being night, and the .*ar^ goine ripidly, tho murderer had little diffi culty ia dispo:^ing of the body in that way. Soon after the diioovery of the murder, Francois Mul- icr, wijo hi;d not been suspocted, excited suspicion by appciitiiig in public with more money than usasl ai'^ wearing a hat similar to that worn by th^ m’lrdered ^an; and the suspicion was oon- c froE we!'kaowE %Bd m)€t re-I C b-his departure for America Kngliah .:a..^oi ua lo I' OtJa u t. bupp .>* 3 ii' la. cie^>ori'.iid, .adtl -i .0 ac a.u%^ I'bju. cs, urward.d b«f«i3-.c^s J. t ri.jste UKr^T fV>!7B DWELTJ:^ HOHcE -'•i P J_ L-’-pr^T Palltt. l5 •_«» ■' Also, the D^e :iii ■ H, a *4 i*-." Ducc^i C&K?b»: I ‘f ; Apply >•> * '*^- IKo’*' f A faw Zmpartaut Faats IN H5-3.ARD TO THE ‘‘SOUTMEKV kXEPATlC •? r ’ LT ^re . ; p *rei f a tbe b“St qaa^Hy cf H^-ii i, c«;> l.j - d;3;-”..rdr, naw *n •>goJ ,'Vfiairisr af ■3v-‘{■•,;•:. i3'’ ■ iafs- 2. 1; *’7 tiuf. kaowQ 'or yeA'n »nd tjswd by uooj*a:^ 3 K-,t-' bun^.Ped {ssr'oas ■»*»• kaowq to .ha»". b‘?-o onr- ! b t'j - "I d Ttiey fir-t not r.’C^ axser'did tke prapr;t»V'»- for •>v?-y!hii%', b'j' ooiy f'^ •• jioh ansa fj'5*ii die- 6 D:f*5o"-oaH »nl otiriiili**^? ftac:»tapfcny ea:2!i box '', a (>h V * c.:t .»2 ;&ir s -'p. '■•s *k B-iivid'Xil’ * I • Suoi^er ho was arrestod io the North and taken i>r-r.-—i-^. Bill-;:-* f fcra. Bilioaj Rii3:iiav:is£9, ^ &ncK t3 i'^a^iuua, tifv-a. ^ JVoi OJ'. FI-nW?y. Br'^o i s &c. f to bo hung Ho mamtaiped his tanooenoe until 7. g*’rtt3tr-a niftte ta*t iJ>9 «8« of \. a’I»hln a few mouths ot his exocution, wuich took PillB bas b.?t;a to t»*ea aa aa-u*i 8%riag of iro-xx *100 5 pl^gg qq tho 14th ot November. t; *!200; taf * tv'e tha b^st T>?B(it&'’on mod aiaa .if- | ^ .- "4 f) i'as> 0uL'.c. ji Sv’TH*? rbfai-jisJtsc" 0* tie Jiie'iiest at^B iing pr^jgcribe at-o i?ie’.r f baai o^a ®f bwxe* h»v^. »oM to or\5 .tijairs ?* Dili •ytba vja^rtfr 2.8i' box's h»'»j i>5?e« ■•.vd to 5.> \p--r5s oaf ;ni3 »iUi Cjrolia% »■!!•! in; ia ’^c 'tb Crs.” -.'Jus—5iod tirae »«:o over 3 701) bixss ’».r» or by Drasg'St.-? ia os’! :>wa -d Vu'f'n » £sgr? ic^. $S 4 box. F - $i-j * d. s-a bci^-' bo «( -ji •> »r'v *.ddre':-« A ▼ ry iibatftl disc'aa* fo sni c-jani.y (?mu (uaw fc->irri-„- cr) t. w Ca^*oniia as Follows: I tii.'Conl 'n. s r Sa?rnr, «sS{ ', J Al l, , ^rt>' 91 : ?h V* 'ti T-vt'. uc.-n-.p^Bj ■T»r - y ToIr! loj Egypt Depot w.ero t i^iy # ii ■ dellT«r«d it oar ei?f:i33 0» ChatatTH . .-’ja-y. W R^fWf'rXMS G Ap« ?d. -.C • i- .Ir-;:.. O vVA *' *T4 & O' . t-'i «. ,ry 1 >' ':-T, :0*Ji . -A i • t t j •I. ■■ '.-t ■' -!f 3 -0- S'’'.- :t37;VK it- !.! -/•: iJ.-J- D. ■,' A X. J»c il. 1 3. 7. VC ps . *1l •ret ! :.*?:. r ;,'rf pniid. M l -iii. i'.AT, '»ioe i'rtwv.ltiut M-M'LL.\N S-, N T:-'.-., 'i b'4tj7,C8» t«.077 Ki r-rv-.tjpl’y, and ;,'rfiiju'0 n-jte**. ■1 i e lofe- iob if'H ;tn, ’t'A nor qu»Ui/ vf tus a v 0cf'crT.;r *«is t ‘■a pria»eu -if ' l^ob id 4 grja- ey-J-sore 10 n.\ ■^i'Jg to a-.j >A a *nfi4c'‘i'Ot«'tppi7 otX'toi ^ j t.;u cctwcou ..:• Msity f resort to *i'F ' ■ -"e fri«»!Vi3 4 ta« Obe»-'«^r poiPf, e*Te ni tJta br’.as to towfl au ta^ - tbay bm pm-ure, Wfc h*ve a’ ttoiB ouraclreo to ».u«»'d to tfectr Tuvoaase, bat Qeo. W, Wiliiai^ & Co., u^o A«^uta ia Ikia wwxi o' Mr. Morphy, will p&y 2^ osr.t* r*r tb. far • jr. BALs * »>sa K»laa.i 0. IS. I:. JaB-:-.; Aj A. A. *J. d. i ’ 8. \ L.: 1 tJtGo'.Uai >Ui ** si. J !!:*£, L:f,-.LS»t. 0. c. '’•- ■t'j.r i i. - Wji. Me Lit 6. La'ttr; A v?", dtiwi, 3. . ; j Tf .. Bufcr Kt ifuaon I, » cojjy of 1.29 r»^Ia- k -i;i ii.;-., BeU.s cr i-i« p,*7 jiorst of tae depojitoM i* cr tom d:iii.c'7 fo’w.»rd«d m rciuri. Tre Ai*--ist&tit TretK arorB siid Djpojitftnea are bur;}- i'•straott’d to re^ablieb tan ajita« O. A TKSNHOL’VI, Seo’y of Tre*aary. F.\v*ttbvili.k D»po8It»e.t, Nov. 22, 1864 Mcx 1^8 a; wi.l be p-tid f >r i:ie otL »a ,ire« ..itiiioa a& sO$c;. : ' . W G BRt>ADF>Oi . D»p’y i%JI persona tartct»t^.«? A' , are e«ra;jtiy f ?i u^ut *8 I aia in ne'^i Fa.7o{te«il8, D'O. 7. ii> liie lor c,u' .vad 'h:> I'p T. jO-dN V'ur,'T\". iil-o pd 60.000 O1. IVasited. tHlNGLE^ 'fANrtSi> A^piy io IdA iC COLLINdrfifOarH 720' iiS iliH. CItJin €AittPHOK, 50 iba Orou-d Mast-ird, ^0 cairs extr* g, ri qask^i liNtJLHa SilOtSa, 2600 w»ter r '-•of *ol't-o-)cr3d »a PEP.,. U8SI0It UAPH. 30 ibs %?hi-e ble*c^^d VIR'^IN W IX. For sale v, - ic 0, ihe Iwi JA'?K3 M.\RiriN8 NV > .3.7, lB6t S^-6bjS For iialc m Sort& A he-/i\lo, K J Aji'oa Ati>"tn:%rfe J >• (!ivii>s. I HlU, R B t?aua'ters, C’.nfl‘-Uf, J '■’-•e na'-ch'nAon, F r> ! '^rr, Ointoi', !!n,*ti?irti &. ,^.>5eliJV l>-'C.r(i. .1 ! 3' *i(’ld, J *'-)her: i.:;»i*.>r>.’. J Y Whitt^d ft Co, f't- tftteviUe, 'V A Ste-l(if.i.a & Co !r ,‘asi»ofi), Porl'r A (•■'rroU, •’o-ishor.V, Lucis &. Mmire, J tVrfrien. neuJtrsnn. Wy;-he fcO, .■■I'lnitm J P ‘^'i!n'v*o. LoaU'^ra.J (':ifu>n. I Viuion. VV.>i Wakefte'.*!, I Pitt-iimro’, I Lone, R-Hlr’ieh, vVilli.itOi Ull/WOlWJ, P F Pcsc a4, il.«f kinsuMa, J P N.jfih‘11, :^lr.!!, llsnjsri-m « Kan;», “ Harciiaii-fe GtlU^U-ir, i Shelby, K fr metierger. I tVftde^Vjri*', \V O B«Hnett, I *V.>i!tev.l!e. K IHvt**, I VVIlmi.ngloa, VV*lker Manrej, I •• • H McLln, ! “ W H Lipi' tt. '^RoaoB W UliEMJ», . M r; «p ii .a. ar.-'-sit s; J-. ., II Sherp .SfciftsI Sikeep Skinsil 4/V (H.i iitgb'38. (j-»o }/.ioa or exi’ii^asi ‘ II) f’-'t- n 5Ju-for aitan^ re.v or t.vrr.-V -.eup i iniit. A. A. .McKErajN. ^ N j9 t 2-^. 89t. Procla*s’ia^i‘>3S ot H'} -\rE OF NOR'ffT -JAH0L1^'A—•' DMBT»Li,Kr> Co WKKREAS !atel‘‘!far-i‘- u-i - t’..e bs of V.r. J. MaPbail and 7^»-aW^d. •, Raq- ■ b tci^ d-.y reached tbenader:i;ffri- d that ttlEi .*k (,>r -'le,x ) sl*»?«thepropf»rt» 'i :.JoD ni?!, >,!*^crjrair stcd Ue ont bl.l, ris V Irer ir» sn ,'c^ »ad ou-i't ob80ar«> plw*-*. b i :>g.. x p: ->? >f M'S ()*th’n Evanj" bed c'.b^^re, .--id . »g rt^fsr iajnricfl t** i"ia B^RTcfu^ cf *‘»c 't-’it.j T*'o.-s .’trc in tide i f -- f •’ rth C^r- u- >- I' r-..luire tbem. tho ?-di b^ts3, > >r;H*.-n»b sari-cod-r i.:i to thei-" ‘vA'Uv or u‘fc"r k-.-ru ant«ority, a-,t tJfiietiiriff of O'i 'PrUad !i &!itb.riB-ri, '•m'-cwored aad rfqaired ev> * is« p ' • witb bin «• he gbfcll ?h’iik Bt ^>»d t c • ir. ■^a^.Tsb aad pa'sm*. aad 4-;* -r:ii s ' tg.s *.?.'- «a iaar»a^’i>g Slav » f,?-’^av.« he'e"? ^ •-. s j--o Iciaicatioa to ae pn^' ■«c -i *1'. »*..' -.urt H DkO“. »uJ !;- tae Ffcvei '^vi lo Oh-s r-rrir .' -’.J »t tls - (.;ij»read->D Brdgp ’’ iad :*»'n tbc -li:d eI*-« t:;M if l ■;» do DD j !3»ued;fcte;y r »•!-'* to ta*ir si.i.1 t>id r.rgw r jibe ohsrj,»e T-^nre“*id, it ’• UwmW:r r ;. ,.r^o.' I C'ptnr IHf-m b7 “’sy'-.-ir fben, r.»** . , t I ■yjoa'f'on ir .Bi -s «• -’.U ' vi.iiv* itiT«n auUPr j i”iT ha'ida t. d isin i> 0 -'b-r 61,^ 5> 18*>i A Q THvlENTO ■ J P £6. »1 ] D M''"F.U,!, J P i^Seil] 92-’t ^tate oS i/nr©litia, ^’OU‘1 Y C' 0* I .c^v. V. ■ ',i'iv 5- 3;-3 ' ■* >> -. •, if R Kx • Di iji i*‘' 73 Avox V ' •' a J Piti ion fnr * av’- ^d^- rn : r i- ■-. T” *p!>-iO tao Bv i' O "tr t •L - fib;'all Patierao*. wt. •” > ^ w i F' ;ij! .ai’v-tta ia thifl t '. • r - ' t’aif S ’.♦c; It i.^ tbgr-^r-e, ot •''>> " •lo.rt, Jiat ftd»sr i*!eia-:ii'ba a. . i r ly iu tho f’j%T'^tta7illft O* -^.r, u li' l>-f*ndaB‘8 0!* -ha fiiiag of t, “ -.a' tbO” app®'.,? %t the aoit tern ?ii I a' M itit L’ouTt Hooae ia Rickinrb. 1 k a,' o'Jaaa*Ts uext, aa! ftoswer t. »t rr 11 ba t-:.rea pro oovf^no and hsa. J ( • JQ ^ ■ Louis H Wt*'*'. Clerk of cu? oidr*. »he third Monday ofOot. 1864 L. H WEDE. "i-.f' ;^HirtCt • H K. W£BB D . t , -n d s *'*i 9.; 1 Kottig’s li'U-'rte*^tical J>icil/5iiiMy, INQ a o>;u: t A AriUinecio, iUiidy*Roo*oij. U «, latcretrt (j»*ciii»tar. Bc-:/k Ke pu;. Forms, 4o « J HAI,S * 8»'»N8 IW»> IS. %fOTI€Er l>80’r I*"' iWLSH »a "ny a floupio of BO^ 8TS1N0P lamtke Toal hti ■ An/ :-ne tiiat bae tbeai oa fiaj » par- oaaaer by De"/i iressiag me at Pedic^rU Uiii, N- C, NATHAliIi2L Fll£LDd. 9»-6ftj>4 jftkrkf DEr.lfSi TU?T PRINIBU on i^up-' V - For i*1* » 0 OB.'^EivVK’l BO >KSTORE 3>so 2 SK) ' ®ESTAJIUai«T» \)%i> aYfliHS. riOEIFlDEBA'CB Qiadm BibLe S xs^iy Testum«BUi \J A B^otd & 1. mm (» 10000 Pi».€C? 'k- fU T r .r.‘M-sd. «T'fio~. -^'U b- nr,s v i,a J n iv( ,; jar C*‘a. t W haVc n-^r ’-Jirir. .-s . - ■ 1 Oar' -'iS', tor nan-. I# Ca. 9^ ^ ■ lu-n i rf-io .. d the «l j P-' li ■ *. Ti il ■ -t S.'Tia A t«fii to lacta, froma>f tIU.j, #f”1 t--> I our U*: ?e. ' 5?^ On? Half off t« the TrAd? A "^Jy for ^ata! suea of Bt>eke, Ku?»io, Smj. BRAN80:4 & fAEIlA^ BaIufh,ll.(V I ft fio®tf An hid^vend-z-it t/'inftee Mxyor—Mayor Gua- ’•her of Now Y irk. ,ya-^ '•-joaatly publishsd a card l-2nyiug s st»a*-0‘Jicut that he had hjnored Bjnat B ider with 3 Oili, m a Germaa, aa-^ l*t;ly wroia i ■citer to fu.-^ ouua rynaen, most earnestly waro- in ’ them against acowpc’uj' the iavitatlja of Fed- al rc'crutcin?' as?oa s. inis 1 tter, a*? wo learn, ^ b oa r-.jpiinwd ia nearly e/ery newspaper lu } »-a^afly; and n •.'*rly every Gei;Qan cati road, ft tctis tne.s pli-in!/ th «t yaukeo n*ti ju maans > oliRat £• 0 a tirst; aad tnoa fling t!iem to Qraat .'■■ VC, lie jua/ make niiucem'a*; of ruom afierwards has t>iJ ihjoa liowuiiny.oi thoir kindred 3 fallcu in n bop.ij;^ to subdue a fr-30- 1.:; Vi-i'7 luauv Geiuasn widows and tatherless , >Ti piuo i'l the den-i of Greenwich street, V nT York and cirsc tho d.»y they left thefathar- . -i. trusting to'o; promiS'“s '*f a yaok'^e. Her;in isdi'Xiaot newspspors of New York dea}ar« : iV-57 Gunther guiify of ‘*a iioel on tho country vs:ti::h has giv*a prolooiion and forrurie to tho ■. .ihor and his k'udred." Ungr totul Gunthorl Organiz‘i(io,i 0/ a Peace Parly in thf Rebel .jitfn.—laforrjia-Tion has been reccivod here of e orgauizition in the States of Alabama, Gcor- i J and .MijHisjippi of a strong peace party, under e dtaoiiiaation of a “States Ki'zht^ Party.” I’hc le vd'Ma ol th>9 -"irginlzation arc iofjrmally in larrtunioutiaa with tho authorities here, and «U1 probably rcccive enoouragccient ia their en- r.jrprise frons the forthcojaing message of the Prcsid nt They claim that the Sjuthem States, -?a?h for itseU, u s t*;o j-ime right to negotiate riT3 of scttlecr M’t iiud retroccRfiion as they had ‘^1 sccede fro.« the United States, and they aim f*s cj^rr.-.l toe St-it action, through the Legiala- !ure, ■■• t' is «' The same party hat, already .Vm I t h Uy in the rebel Congress. It is X lowb ibut, !>iu:’a confidenoe in tho success of this ri >ve ' r-* ij enNrtsined at the South that r**^ ovi'. ^avo bcgeod the leaders ,w to iii?kT nth tho United States 'h« ho f er jii* v protection of th® pi- 'pcr'y d •'-1' h r" bean active in the reliuioa. It i- ' li v. ‘ ta^t the allusions to ^his matter Kili !-o the uiiist interesting, if DOt iraiortant, f.atura of the President's Cor. N Y. Herald. - ! ft tbfl vro'z mes'^age - Prom'tion of Jyiful ^ o'. jJ/o.s6y.-~*Lieut. Ooi* John Mwby, the famous cavalryman, has been promoted to the rank of colonel. Blanks for »ale at this Office.