FAYtTTTEVIlA?^, N. C. DECEMBER 22, im 1395.] P«WrSD Jf >RD4Yg TaUKaU.Wf Offll'S i. HiiE & my.i. fclTOie ANb PROPdlETOas PflW.Vtk, d««ii-\Yo*kiy o» ..EVKa f20 00, ptii ia frofor 9UC acDt^-?: ?6 -or thrr% njen.>s r t *«W»*kiT Oa*»9iTa, /.»5 fJO f r e'cbt iso- H-; gj, moa'Vs; »5 for fnar «4 fnr three Tsoi^C'ti c« I'd lasorted for W j>cr a aarn af IS lim> !.s* f^r tb» l„t, T2 f«r puWi««Uoa. . .dv«tif.rs ar-.* requited to HC5.l,r .f iascNb-. las? »riir till f.,r^5d, »ni chx,o i »ooerJ«-!j{- / NOiiCE. J|k,a Vi tkU daw, n« sAne «f » uew subacrtl'et' ra ^ Mtcr«4 wiiliant psjcafut ia bdr&nM, nor ir?U *▼ F*P*^ *'**t t« ■•Oil s'c-taoribera f»r » loafer tlma (fHi is paid f«r. cnr aid 8n^89ri>«>rB f»s «U'«ir« (9 >»ke th* p»- f«r •« this ^jsten will please rotify »s irbeu irakhm M^maoes. jaa’T 1,. 1SI3. be r? i “TaSi: iiliT«LLI«E'V€KR.J» T' E iraac of Ue WEEKLY INTELLIOSiNCKR, tcTi pcrariij puep nd^d ^ i,^ wacha .-vgo, »ill tD»T.54 ta t*wa ia thtj course of » few dsya U c-ddiiijB 13 tbfl Weekly publio»tloi», » DAILY BDiriON oftli« i Bif janr^ii ws’l b« iscus J. Furtfeer ■oUo'? vIU begiyr a ”b >rjiie;.e3sar^ wrcogs- njfr's for ri«p«r?r ti»i fra ?ay{ tt:'vil’- N C , D-o 11. 92 IT FAYETTEVILLE If QRTHCAROLirJA . JtSM£,MT^€St ir ^CJinEJflT, The Fint Gcatios of tbia la^titatita wUi ocnmoBM lei r'FebfUirv, 1366 Ai/rli.'tticss for sdscifsioa r»aei b'l ftdJioiiod to Of* M‘j. T?M A. BANKS. 8ap3rl»*Mt4?ai. 80 If Confederate States of America, War Uepirrmeat, Bareaa of Conacriptioo, Biobmoxd, Ya., Deotmbar 2, ldt>4. Ci20in.AK \ No. 8.5 / W. DRAlGHOr^, AVflTIONSEH, 8. S. Corner Msriiei Siinar«, FATETTjSriLL£, Jf. C- Mr ftttentin gives to »ll bu«l««8a in IUb eclrasto to bitn. /a»«>ie, 13S4 401/ ISiAC ilOLLL^GSWORTH, ®rtf«r aad Cdjrai>?!ioa Merciaaf, FAYEiri2VlLl.fi. N. 0. WVtl. IfleE,. Attorney a'? LaT??r, FATSYT»yiiLB, N. C. WFjL t^p Coas.iy *aii Saperlet CotLri* •: CoxtbcraUtd, t!jkra»it, Moore »aU KoDcr-on Ccon- tt«3. Pn)up.t ationiioa gvv . 10 thi» eoUrstioa of »il skiDu datrasted te Lis ttrid.?. Oct. 17, Igfd. jo^Ti^'tTs’Y^, €>racrr ai*A Commkf7£ v,t FAYRTTEVlLLd, N. 0. Jyty Id, 1865. VARUM A. SIBDiUii. WM. H. BSHXAU. If. A. STEDiTJA.^^ & €«m WEOLBSilE li\d Kfii'iiL tfSlLKttf; AND €V»«iS103r .UEStCHAIVTS, 19, ^ay Sireei, FATEXTEv'ILLE, it. 0. April >0. W KA«cI.E FOUNBRT, \ FATBTTMTIli.*, N. 0., Juiy 4, 1«64. r £ A&B MOW PRSPA&BD TO aEOElVB Oft- f«r RAIL ROAD WHEELS of *he f»llaw:a? t^ias, v'l; 24, 8«, 28 »»d SO !toh. (JR1LL9D TlJi33. Ti^i Iroa ▼« •Is*!! ac*. fo# U:#* Wiii frd COLD 1«LAS C CQA&COAIi Ii£ON, tau 'Wj wa^ jfeat otr wb;:e.3 NOT TO ^SAOX. »«d to be tqs-u fcc »ny K»via L« tie Oot^deriBj, trt ta tJj«sa of ^Irliivy & n* P'ltkd'lcfck, wbcs* r«pstaulra ia n mil kaowi i»y »U Bui Ro'-d 0crs7»Qf«. We hr:;»i tb« b -st f%ci3y,:n for (rMMtvcrl&floB by S‘ef»»>er3 to Wilstcgt-os, tk^acc t» M7 pwt of tkf ihdttrii r««p^t^>Uy 8»!?oh«l. 4W1 D. A!fDWRSON * 00 rail ROAi>. 'pHB FTJfllGHT AND PA8SEXQFP. TX*.IIf3 of til Jl R«»'l 1»T3 Fsy«ttav:;l8 asily, (Saadaya oxceptod) ri 8 o’clccik, A. 32., Kid relkralac l«aTa £jcypt *4 1 t'sX’MK, ?. :1. Ojtdt ^ n^rtt TYom MONDAY, WEDKESDAY «-id i'hWAY. ?y crdnr JNQ. M. K03E, Tr^.»’r »•!« uca‘1 Xr-'vai'. ilg’t J*-!. 23, i98H. 9/tr P.irrniiine tillbricating; "JTAVI*'® by (‘ar^fn! ex'crlse't .iUerol /ill pr^^stk rX imprp-?:-1 I Ci-.r39t»r of .xir 0*1, xc oow -a'-. f«-r fc:»h rsi A-ticlq of r.a*'flc»t5ag Oil for Catto'* Fa'st.jrij** raira • sa as E"T>cr{-)r la tat^ Oasf'iirjoy. a'( Xir. 0? ci ill TjLjOi.1 W8 in^raAteo wiiii airsfal tri'l tc i>e tll^ be3» »»d ohes -^ss *'il for fiao K;*ckiatry ii the ^ouia. -1« ha ucdcrsiraed k!*v'* h?a paraosal ttU» Sion to tho a of tuo Oil, it sh»r aot dot*riir»te iu qifchij bat rtth-r iuipraTs. ^^*>••9 to Ap*a*« »od Bc^'^er Oraek f-otar ng Co»., Fiyitisfillj, N C . who prjacuao# it » rtrj Ba;*erljr Oil HBflRY E. r.OLTOy, Art F K Co. SoT’r 28 flilhbsrs’ €• Militarj Atni^^y, 'pfIB n*xt s?»a’3a cf tliii Irtntitatiaii will k*ria ?n i. Iff, i8». AppUsAti«!Vi f«r ad K>.-6»oa .arjtt *>« pfiur to 16vb D;«’r 1334, fcVoat ■rfiricbi «m t»r» B viil bo n*dl9 kn'ntt. Adir^ia Aitj. WM. M. CK>f.lK)N Sa»9riak-;«rf4i;t 1 7:': 4a TEIK »cmpasu A i’U,ITATlT A5iD 0I-A93iaiLS. MItiaSlKl AOADKMY. rpHB ofxt br^Ina Feb’v 1st, 18SS, »i X eaUis N. 0 R. & While tke eH eearee is rec&iaoJ. g:-«o«iTe uddlMeae k«Te beoa atda, with * 7>£W to ank»tjj •••• saasiiu m well ss g*> i Adara,M 0-»L WM B»«IAK, 8np’t, O.Ju, M. 0. Nav’r 22 BSfklf Sale •! IVeg^roca. PUR3UAWT t9 .■ erd^ of Oeart, I will effijr at lie 3iil3 e« ?T0dii«aiMiy Uie S8th Pw’r istJi, 12 oVceV, at lie U«rut ^ente la Fay«t**Tlle, SIX LIKELY YOU^a JTEa.«l01S. Tixms, S ax**ths t?!th bsa nd ge«4 smq* rlty, bT owk, at tke eptiva ef tks pa*o’;>t!er. A569S JOIillSOlf. Ss’r tf fliuli K*’»y. ^ec’r ». 92 3'p 5 IVOTl€G. TiiS (Q'Meriber ftariac. at Dce«*K^ Tens, A. V. 1B64 »f iki 'J««irt t>f Pi«M »Ad Qawier &4«tieci cf Jn'ii'iKT^..ad 0»a^ty. qa»lifl»d at? Bxeeu'er en i«c ««- tfcts of TJio:a*» W. F it, d«>sa«ei, t^reby give* o9»i«« t} .\51 ?>c7S'j-i3 olSiiit4 iM^iatH t‘»e j.w »>f i>ii «.»- 03.*is-d. to ptv^it t^c M«%o, daTy wltiit t^e u«» S'ucribci b7 law, ethtrwMe t«4« aofcioe will bo iLr44l9cl uj lk»r itf ih?l? rar«rcry. D..ti''rs t/) i**3 lif'kid o.:Vit3 wt'.l pf^x^'e oM'e iiain4~ •iiUo p»7^ox.‘. yf J. N\:iGE Ex’f. ■ica,) ot. I idt>4. GSi7ER4.IS Comm^n Ucg RetorTtv in rosp^etife eut«9 will pre««td fc.r-.lmti, &vi with u-m^sc Tlj^or, to or^AQiKe for “couua■!o^a Irjoal ejrTice, to he ffi*i9;.cred ia for t'lc WRr,” on.T«n*.nl’?3 to c Ti3iat of a:l T.fa fit forligiitdniy, saci nat it'sorwin« *?ec;!>tn,»d, i-^d «oic» j/ wmployrd, of tafu t^ftajfsrrcd to t'»c Iav»l i s-ad fnuad fi: fjc tii'> i.’n i«3 hir''’.3art»r iu'iio'ii'vi, ».ud such m*a •'•! nre t^c:pjr*rlly dfstb-ai fo? fi*’d S*rT'89- Ttfc ?20ii of f-i letter 0 A'?B. wbea i'otv>d rfe“^' tortHe to bs fjrtuwita vest»T®d thcIr pro'^tr osm2ua!ii^g, I Tiicto ceupar''^ oansist of not iejs tliaa fixty jMB *»* cflioera of tb« R».H*ry^* Cor-‘9 w'll b« tssiKaad 9^tke 0389^*110rua«xi-.Mag 1.0 a 3f ht-va, and the mu“ter rr-lia f^rwe-rl' ! t » tifs Barota Dpi>n thair rtcaniira t*!® nf Wttv will astigr s!Bb‘;rs ta t>« n^mmaad of hke oo^p^aiea ^ It 28 tke parpoaa of the War Dtpartneat to assiga t'«e«t comoftfliea to da(y a? gu-irda at Po9'v3 Pridoaa C>a&]pi of laetrootioo, in Rulrcad traics, asd saoh likn azrviae. Prompt aotiaa is rr q iired of offiaero charged with the dat'M btrein pr«30rlbed. By order of tbs 6kc&btart of Wa.». C. a DUFFIBLD A k. G OrriciAL: Jho. W. Qusoub. A A^TMCE. T?^ sab30iib»r haricg st Disczaber Term )t^4, of t'uo Geurt of PleiM Q4«rt«r 8atii«!u of Covbsr- l«sl Ce.mtf, takea Let-eri'O/ AdsiM'etratioa or tLe Eture of Martid', i4o'd, hereby giTos nalis) t« S.U perearkf bSTie^ oUias aga'.KSt t ht Sitata of tkf ds- cev!)^. to pres?Et th* .*;a!a>, duly aatkoQtie&ted, rit.Ui« the r. by 'iw, ethVw’'Ofl ih’e asUss wLl be al»»dc4 in brr of ta.'iij rrsoTory. Dib{»rB to J5atfc»« wiil iil«v3e m.\k^ T-'EO WATvri-E, Aaa’r. a nEADQUARfSa^ RE3EBVE, N. C., RAiiXiGH, Did. i3, 1SS4. Guxul OaDBss, I No 20 I Fud'ttier iVdtice. H* VINS *a O.-in ef r«.nrt, to t^t rfFfte*, I ^ i h%.L GJa i^se fey a? D»^m'>eT next, %>Cia >*te ' Tirsiit .s- of tje >4o Th./nM W Fort, !u fact of Hey ^ou'it, nnart. to P»!bli-s Sue 'C.^ ?«ir»cr%] Prrptrtv b^ iv-s^cg K» siL.->2 »• 1 Wajfoa «b($ Hif- aa ?, 1 (Vr:afld Yam, Tobseoj, it jcoo- Fara:*»-« FAdc^iek* Tv^:*. Aa , *-j Houje 7>il in* r?Kidd at ;he note tiiM fer the y*rr 585a It will d» far a ewjre aii dw^llis; Tse '»jj be ejid •-.> i\e bid^si* •> a c'dit of ute^Lhs—'Jus pa:n)ajkd«r giTie.*; b.udaad appr.}vod oe’>re Ui^ pp p?rt7 i3 bit *>' J. nance. Ei’r. JNO. H. COOK, Auot'r. Dsa'r 6. 9’tii IN Puriii4noe of‘'iranlw No 35, Bircan of f’o^«:crip- t^oa, CjxitsqI Stri»», ell sifht enty kmo, Tot asitj;a»Ji in a »‘*Sr Dci'a^Mcat, *11 -a-«a of ..\s fit f^r ga-.rJ dtt/, tna ill sIdi«rB t,}rsu:Ta?iiy d'lablei for fieU !>?rTio», i*'. t>9 SUte of N:rUi CarolL'’s (ex cept of Hthr'a B'-ttnUnu. an! tioas at Pc«ts of Oi'rlitta, S*iwburr. Ur!t;'!->b>;r.'’ »• ;d ia rp. fftr^to vbsa spariifl^ icfi^ruouoaJ k.r7d be»u sifaa) will rspcrt ia person, ai oaa of itia Oan:-v o’ I n'ruiil-or., for ex^asiatiios. by B^>^lt M?iic>l Etioiniuic BjarJs Ticsj f?>ind un^bl* f.'ir fi'’i B:r»lce, hut fi‘ for ?a4rd i d?.ty, will, u.i-Jer dir^c-ions of wh* Co»^»i»ad4i: t of tis* I Oamr, be or^a’i«d iai» conspiiai** of ast !sa9 'haa six j tj Eiea. ‘ f.r canuaaoai Ijo*! s nr’s*," or rill be j assJgjjj to f^-cnp^-ies ^l.'faiy o^jc»c>»9J. Tiicy wili b3 mne'trtl in fsr tii> wir, •nd dnnll'w.te Mas- ? I Hsl'a forwa'i'l to th’a oQca U 1>9 tr^*aaiiii-'4 t* » I 8'0">l»r*y of i^ar, for i.t« *rti->amsr»t of proper rffio-^ih. I By CoAJiaai cf Liaci 0«^ Hjlmcs. JNJ. W ii:XSD\T-E, 94-211 A A Gca'L S’iirtSier rifotlcs. HWI^G obtfti^j? ! ta Orda* o? Oouvt *o that cff*st, I 01 ta» 18th d^y ef Ja”u>ry r»X’, at t-s* I*ic toro on H%7 of t^** d?s»^. expese ti Paolic ui= ?k'iv>etMy. bsltf*?:!»g to caid Sst^*.*, o?aiiiv,i >5 ci" iiw 9ij?k of tl'-rdears, Grc«*ri«, Ti», asit All (fee T‘jcl.j baiuaxias t-j T'n Ma.*cfv VT a.*dCaiv cr 3=9i!A il%uv/tkii9iy, aod rariM* oujb «'’ii.»;^>'eteii* oas ta ni«*:t:}a Tae property will he sold to tfca hifHeat 5>*d4cr oa & (r^dit »f ejc m^atka—khe ps:«>iia»ci- gitixf boad asd tpp'073d se^arity .j-'f^ra p'^jierty ij rjaae^i. The ailt will eoBasi’BO? V 11 Js’slttok IHBO MAaflNB, A4»a’r. Dso’r 12 93,8 i¥OTIC-K, TSE Sabfsrib?? '‘^■^iTif’. *i D.-'»>»>bsp Torra, A. I) 18^4, cf t-ij Cour: of Pleas *::d QiA.'ter-fiewlaaa of ruir.b rival OoTiiy, qu'tL'Sed Bxteulrii oa tlse en cf Oari-n; D*ni’r:s. dcaetrtc’i, >jer^by ^iv^a ast'oc to *ill rjr?oa fc*»t ei^ira^ tg^iusi taa ejut^ cf the to pr9di>nt th» afQ3, duV authentiwt*'!. wi^iln t»je t’lai prr'Toribid b7 i*ir, e‘-o^rwi3s tkia n> tico wi!! ba pls^dcJ :a b?r cf tcsir r*337jr7. Djbt^-rs >0 the atid o'i«e tt'U 'Iwis te icake iMae- dittfe ps.yai->Qt • ELIZl B. DE«IKG. Btsoi^^nx- 12 93 3s Ailini»ii(rator’s ilii»tic«. The m'-a-fl- .^er U-rt-a* i D^^o1fR^-r T»fQ 18S4, cf ih'; 0»urt of PU«9 ftui Q c-u*- of Oc**!-.*?- l •3.1 Cwaa-y, *aktn LiU«rs of £i’Jaf^?a*im on is* Ej^atii ef fiuws»d ??^ia3iOW, jt Ua\r’*8t«ti, 5= 'uts Ciroliaa, hereby i»l7ii9 not'.oe »• all p«r-»*ts b*»-;flg t«;-,ia8i fi9 E;Utr of J-hs lo pr'ssat tfc* d^iiy aqt.*oari-^t94, wL t.a (,«■» tiiaa pTt«cri')ed by Uw, oth'-r ^isj .hi# aotio? sfill H» plcii>*d ia b&r oi tifir r^3o?ery Dsitora »o the a»id Eatftt^ wlllp’tM> ’li'c PVnicvt. C- B. ilA-iLErr . - r. D.3. a’. -12 1851. 93-J. } 23V .TIiaer»l Firc-Prooi Paiat. ^ art now preparei to eap-^ly aay qaau !-y of tbin ' ' ' - - • , t^Alor I Vf P*»!it iaisTdcr It is » ParoxiJo of I- a ■Msd CiG.liEaA34 OttO£B«. u puroha*9 '1^32 Hat 3I*a4fa^iar«ni *t S4a««8TiUe, N. 0., wish to .erifceyf-rj f*;^etteTiU 2jeo T^axB us Salem Aim:tn»cs. BLUH*B Furaie^i ..it l IMi, too»i7od and for by i..' #ro dos, a, ur nagle e-jpy, at the UOOBL n’TutiK WAKXEB^ ~ BTOHElia WHBaI, 1,300 ” eoi’.;; U8 aa'tiiig tka ai?oTc artlclaa i' seii r ijir;cet». tke Slg’i.eat Caih wut.3 l>y ^ on . I-i nt Ae Merchant MilL), Pay-■ilo’rillc. tr on ihc ira>3«l- bw ttt old 0taa> oa JOH£«^ON, it- No*. 6, 188a. Aio.’aY ¥ AM fr*p«i3a m icajiUi«.-';i-M ali ef i. Bariii ss fw Aray uiie. I tsa uy lr;'..-ao:' and 3*-a I ?y goo I bsiTgaiin. As^aJe trit! do *■911 w tbtir | reuoiea Sre Uw »‘/bCa iMSa ftM HENRY K. OOLTON. Ag’t f. , NaVr 28. K Ce. 8tttf 1,000,000 Fua g > . ea ‘*;ta«rr la d»«5^ierate ‘floaey, Baak BllLi u« ' HEADQUAHTtRf RK3ERVE. N C., RALaiua, l»:o. 14, IS&l ainaA.L Oaosaa, > No 21. / I. Mij->rH R Il3apr*r, Qaarti'rmRgt'r P. A. 0. •‘•- ba* Qg in obedisajo ts Special Or.i...'3 iOi. P*r. XXr^I, A & I. 6 0. ^rrect Seriaa. report* J i^t th!3- Hiv>- quar»ra, is asii.^ed t-» ’ucy Qii'term^^te', R*^ B«TTe* cf N. C , aod wiil be oaeyei itid r.jape^’,-J *c- oordiaglr II Alt offlow ia oomm'Jid of !lc3«rTB8 will at o««c mike r'qaisiiloa for ol* ii-g. a'^d ocu'^ia!.'; fvr fanls for the i>*Tin'jnt of th ;ir 03'«niandfl. forrardlug taora »o *I»j3r flcaptr at RiWf:>.. By ca-am^ad of Liiut Gea 9'^i.vie, . ^O. W. i\cgroes to A.VD LAND TO RENT. TBE sabsoribc-'", ^3 Aitj;iai«^r*i.-ir “do b'-als non” c' Aa»u3 'ty, (d o’d,j wVil :rrd oai N?*'frj'i8 b*- j loajiBt; t3 3:*.id Esv^t) on MOND.\Y the 2 j d-*? of ■U:)'- j uary 18*i\ al the Uta re^iie^s? of iao -Viii Au*’i» Ri*, j oa Gxrw^v'a Oreek. All persir.* yto a-i7« the I hicjd !.ais year will have then at ths pUje of atria;; on abave awssd day, or they will l e “I 'l” reapaatible T>e t.l*n(*iio.a ku^aa av. t >« Siua E ''Ivi', -.-r Rf ABEAM ALLEN. . Tao letter of Her. John S. L^ng, which wo pub- Iisbod a short tima ago, paid merited tribute to this worthy colored maa, a meiaber of oar Charch ia W tti.hic^ton. His history is ao iitoresting one, and it ocourred fa vu that i!; might be of sorfioe to nofi;’f briefly a few incidents of his lifo. Abram wr^s born^ we beiseve, ia Newbprn; at what time ca woat to Waahirgton, we arc not ad- viscdj bnt az the tiine of ifs e^.pcur.i by the Y^*n- kees, ho was one of the oidcit oitiz3C9. In early life, he was Isarnad to read and write, made a profe^Bioa oi roligion and j jiaud our Ghuroh. HLs intalHgenos and inf’rmitiion were of a eupe- rior order tor a colored Ui&D, and &• it vras ail.iwed in that day, he beoaT«e a pro*o>fj£.ol Gospel. Ssvci i] jCn ,. ii_- JU *.ii. , licentiate, many white p?r»on8 freqoefitly going to hear him preaob, aad he was c/rdaiaad a detojn in the Chorch of God bj olc of our Bishops. Ho coaticaud to fze^oiM his ministry with iise- fabesu and acoeptability uatil after the wicked and diaboUoal iasarreetion in Southampton, V&, ‘ when Norib tJarolina with the other Southcra S i&tea prohibitea sbres and i^cc negroes frocu pr»*»okiDg. As soon as the l&w was pissed, Abram sarr^^ndcr- ed bis oreden'i&la to tf^e Churob, rem^rkius; that ha fili it his duty to preach, and is would be a great privation to bs prevented from doing so, but he tclt that his State h^d done right—thu oondaot of bad men had m.iie the law aeoessary, and ho would subiait wicuout a murmur, lie coalinued to niii.’staln hia ehridtian intogrifcy, and aitsr a whiiC for soiat! cause satiefaci^ry to himself, he .nUidrew ir *m (.he Motardlst a *d jo=iid the Pio- tcstant Episaonsl Ohnrch, where bo roTaiaed until 18o7 or 5S. Duiia^ a revival io Washing ton, under the labors of Hev. T. P. R ctud, be rdlunedtothaC&ureuMf hisfi.Titchoice. la i.859, *’e fouad hira tnere a oUm leal'jr,aDd lie rcciari- cd to us ihat. ha oeais back to tha Church, for tlie roas va that he could not feel at home ehewberc Wo found Abra»r s faith ui, mja, arjx- iouj t^r t-ie prosperity 'Aon, snd us he read the acw^papc^s, and kipt hijaselt well posted in taa afF;ii.’sof the cat'oLi, we f.-und nomaa mor.'^conccra- j cd aoout th3 CQnditioa of afifura th»a Abrotn, dur- j ing the latt.r ^art oi 18G0 He Sii‘*med io have I a preaeat.ment that the Southeva 8tatet would i sceed-3 and a desoiatiag war wt'ild easae. He was, how.jvcr, devctid to tiis State wud the Scatli, and irhc-.^ North Carolina seceded she felt he^haddone right, ajd ought to resist the invader of ou' righca. Whan WasihingtOti w»s taken oy the Yankees, AbMin Wis not in a caadi^io i Xj loivc; h^s wifo beiiig olave, he would aot Ic'ive h jr. At cno® aiJcjics, t!te Bue pl^o, aad Riy*? , wil-. •>»( i »ii*A diiSc^itics UC^th wiiii the biaeks aad tho rent'd at ihe eame eiiae ^ bocause OiUia devocioa to tiie South. Terca=i at sale. NSiLL R\Y. At’a’r. j \V\i h.vc be«a lufunaad tba. « ad:'ro chili died Do 12. for Sale. i *|A AA BU3HRL3 SOUND8/iI.T. aaado in the 3pric ; i vUUU 1S63—wUlesshi^geilforBvioa. C«*r* Ocru, * r C:afi>5?r»*.9 Tre»8nry l«ot,vi. ^Vlso, SO aox«!« ftae 'cSEV^i^Q T'^BAUCO; ft? 6*ic at ay stor« c*>pv-iw ' "t. e Fi.* A. d TH0r»;TV01\• 1,000,000 FCB SIKS.^S, mi kok 9 M. eao«a^a|C* fjlHI ruMerlber. iuTiii?. it Se^io-aber T-irra, A D. ajd t iO bi&ckfi Called oa to cfiiuiate jrOTMCB. w*M» wt"*« - i|vna Fu»»«riD«T. haviii?, it St^i9-M^9s i'^rui, rUi «xert tao!uci?l7«s in ijoti’aA 1«»4, of Ae Ojur: cf Pl^M and Qx^rter 8esjl il pl«M> act as Agcais. b«.*.r!J3g i Cua'Derlaiid e«taaty. tsk^s Lot n4 of A4miai-”tr*i S' I. ;4-‘f \r- * yroia aaJi alter t5ii% iats tiiJ SteaaMir A- P. nURT will • 8 i'iiO.'a, A. .id., .>a .\ud Tliars'iAy. J "M!. A. WOP.m, 6—iiif ] A" i C. F. Bok Q*x prlsea “it»*rr ia 0*«f^4er»te 8peei«, *r cxahecga f(>r Oettoa Yari or Ha»«. Vfe hope (bat alt tho«M who wt^h to Boathcra t^aterpr.se, wU: ■s fu-i M?rchar.-.e will ;n ift'.cd we W’U pav 26 tnj** 04nv- mar" th*H aay oBoeifc rrrrrfeowHKY » CALizaERY. ilr. 9 U*lA!fDT U tor aa *:j/Hi'»4 Aro.i* Ur Ou»- b",*U 1 ooaaly la ir^ ia«^ ^vi-d fo-- a« iv^riSOTfiaY & 3Af: *Z3a^Y. N-.-.y r 8. 81 2iJ FOR t^^ jrcar ta$ ia Sisk A. A V>».^9UQii •\ppij.WBMV » «• i MW »-.i. J l Mr. J W. LKTr D o’rlT T4 4tod r ’ose:, u-i.aag cutJ.n '.fi.'C 150 laws of Li:» as a iiO vfas no 5-«ito torbld C05?fiBSS4?F. Oif A^*^.E»C4, ) L'2?fc.v.ixi;xr, C C£.\bl, >■ Wilmlu|;t. a, N. C^, >i;»rcli ICih, 1&63 } ' i=J] Boie«, &Ct« hr PrHooerH of War and \C tli; .A" it cf SarRnjii 0-*j. ffa-r’n, I ril! rtog’vR auJ f f%ri »U sex. 1, &3 , f >r V / ’’'rt --n •: > uijn- a:3 of • fre-'.'f cnrirg ‘ ?ee Bjz^j 'o; I'.'.a h-r» Wy ‘hf 2S‘b of i«h ^-s ;ist *»ii»s7 ta r^saoh a»lp '■« by th»( taiii cf ei^h aipn i il'jas of { e«taaty. tsk^s Loi nft cf .44mi3i.*tf4t‘7B | .bi e«ai» of ^ne Hetrf d«B d. '.er&by givpg ao not to all pwt«oat itavBj alaucj la^ uf thv> *0 pres'rr.t h^ S3Su3, eaiy •*‘i'j»eati,?at' 0, ■ w’*hla ti» time pf«‘>0‘» '*5d Vy l*w, o Lse this uoii'e ; \fii '-■» ia I'-ar o; r»!'>T •/ ' Dtb=or.- :o ha a*id '>sia s vi'l v ''*3 '■* i'i^ke i>aac- j diate J'kVlJ ’^UitP.'iY. Adn’r. r-bi' i*' ** Ori«.' : o tVt cT I sb\ > t" ’ 2'^ -t -ia* of D ic t; ' uei , wi n -i five of Jaj Hset/i3:a ex')'>se to ^ufilr^; Sa 3 ? !0 ? '• c’«'l ?ro?«rt7 I ' r U;• c:- »*‘8, o aitLif -f, 1 H't' Ui %'d 5b.* "W Fu-t.\ ■’r , 1 Bv:.»?v. 1 uorv*. 1 ? ..- r iio? '.’aM.a, & . D-C19 LiY kFON Pi 2i.pl Pla'alaliosi to IScnt. BET'VEEN 60 \tid 100 of c’eireJ, and about 300 r.o-v’! c* ff-yni ;*,aJ 7-} ill:-8 from P.ya.tttil p .-•n i^is 0ntiv Pisiik Rriad Lie-a s, fTc > fT-re.'. ^or rtat F»7‘ fleyi l'*, D 0 17. COOP wi h t33 aiaVi iuiprof.- >1. to ALCX iluPHESSON, Br. O4‘*^l0d 1 .V. tiiia dat« t 'ivsu tlic hig-i'est mar tet price, deJiTsred t* r^s>U«T'ito, or at niy a'4j’.n »»a Roaiia ^ 0. ¥T3KPE'/ PbVy 1«, 18^4 >.i;j prr'oifirl p. y tae a: ti* >.56so, cc tu9 Ba- e'l.U Uii':;r «; ue ouiliiai; b.‘.Xi> ai-»Te Mi>arej' JJcdg pay 2ii irosiU fill pouai fcr ru£^, or j eior«, &i»kot direet. " “ " g5^P?,r8caj e33.-ut:ag Powen-f Attemsy wUl oh- the .'sllowLnji fcra—itieJr Ei/ii."tvL’r«a. all ftij.'a. t9 be ri>s'ie-?l by two w.ieijmcs ini higvad in du’^h* 3V»e. or -.hf^7 n>^T !h! w fT, ',3a-l bflTi^r^ a Jn«n.i,'c of lae or of »a7 Co trt. FORM 0? POWER OF ATIORKEY. of —ao hereby appoi-at —, if , wy *: jj aid Ivwfol Ageat to ci-r. rar'eipta f t ■'rd Tjoeive r>a tn.'?''.! of »h ndue lo we by the Eivi^it;-»r De p .Ttanea’- of ih^ (!caf d^rnto SUtaj of Anierica, for -ii;, ».c.*7ioi3 of ?ay tI*T63 •Jinpl'sya J u lab tc:? e ■ tba ]«tsi UetCTiocs at , i.-ts Pi'/BiJi of , 1S6 eiia5i50K DEPAUT!:™'!, , ; R;»,t.xi6 . 0., May 3, J.8H« / I AJk.fi WAKTED.—i *7ia K» puniL*;.c Lead lor i=iis i I>epartxeat. Parsons hsiTiajt ^av-!:; or “iiii Jl qi^R- iK 23 wiil |tteae« apply *'■ i.ive 1 p. V DCa tor 10 pouafla of uEAD. T'ilOf: D. HOC>. Oapt. U- 8. ^ j.jjf ia c'nt*‘g»- of 1 '.TV h vhi' b>r»^ s?a: to r.o awk. «flth •rri-teaii- i to t*K‘ Jiiil -« c:tt*a f-ir I’exiy’ai i Ta.* ;^eri,/vitii :‘rt old to ihi ^ bi !1 r ;■* ix lainil- —fie purv.b*et^ S'boi^ia o'fjT ^rop'-v/ ro d. p B-ila W'.’l cjeafi'.a:.! »* >l ''S" ’_>AV1 > :.aUJ.P-Y, A-tn’r. DeoV 8. ' Si -T i^ract' '.m, so f'.j.t mty «• e i' >r-i*etly d'j ’.a. .•v'l i '.xii! f. ' pri93a;r3 of ’=?•' rii.i:'*. *w Ujh* as i.",F'h'c. If til*;/shjrli Tj'fj' '':ta 101 i’--* -hfjf .v-ic'tco MosapH A. wo'xrn ?ayo*'e*in-». Not. 15. Ta .♦ c?edi'. c f Trfasary iVetes of tho Old Issae. Tiiiaarar DaPKSTMaar ^.3 K , III? I aoni, N-v'r U. 18S4. 'pO the e&l th%i 87*“y f«.aili 7 u*y be affo.dei ta th» t h3l i;rtJ *f »::.jda u.HeB. 'H laa ex^aaa{c for To U iae lUuker or i^isiiUers. I;iA-VE f-r t*Ia 10 iroa bound U ;?yo»it V'EiidENT ijiG iJT..JD3, of ol 1 0 g* 1 iC ft3; aid ‘1 t»*i -i* O'J i'iCi ly m wi’a t;;k3 ita wfc.ieo«.a t iv^ t.'ianj f.f ^VJ'OO r *.re rtioikUlc 13 an/ os3 m*MZ~ t) m-ss V/.aO cr ; 3rs“*ly. «o 13 of hsL’alxe «f atio»o fjr rale tt b- tba iiSi^RY E ilOL'^ON lilt •.Vib;.* -8 u^T hau l »c ’. •—*j j*. i 0 (3-:,.;i» 1 in uapUsat:.) vritp«.iu4 ta« day ef [8.^] ■■>, t ,,e Ftyjtievllio, Oct. I. Fajii&Jt Chrittti jJtuasiiu IlJfci wil'nrib«*,will p»? cash prkae foi nr cai^ttity «ff > .var* Okt!f ‘ 3.ta*is. rinr WAIVTjKO, ^11)28 to fcvn ca aaar^;a. Terra;!, ^ I^Cither or its eqairalent ia caan Wo oai tin it ia a vorj i-Uort tixue if dea.red. by flioklc’s patout. Perwine wie^»’.ng tkv r Hidoii tauodd »Jia a^Q-i taea to our aiHrsr? to Kii ai Bopct where-a^y will be tak.jnf: • i lL?aifcer Jfc.iTTrad at our ex at«. Oar a.iir- s.' ^ B ^aawoat, h thasi Canaty. W D. jiVAToT ^ S. 1*0. ^?f>fereTi-)e Mesars G. «iiiia3ia & » F-.;c vt.iTuIe. ^ ' 24. 6l*&>^tlJpl TKfi /-'i.nihuof ocJofvd p. i^'-«a cbo^id b^ witaes3ti '>y *hTPfl wit.ija"**-? .rbfi'.:. r*.nst b>- fparsti* ;o; Uc-tc Powei-i -if Atten^sy €*'■ fT^'Ulh. Hliut irut^fi «• n “iRi ir^^ou appli- -*..0f -t t.«iF o»r,.->-. VC p Mv*:? . ,ri ■»n‘» J/' ^ Wcrl \fac.t^d for tJia Stptg of N. Oaroliaa. ri'fciS nnd'rs’i1*"d ccat»uae to ex-;h» ai^a UOTTOS } YAiN for WOOL, ouo buD^i^ of Yatii f-jt 4 lbs. uu- W'K.^'or * Tiey will aiao r*T a ijijaral pHo; iu oaoh fo? W/fl or pgtall lots ■ o;^o. w ■ r’.ycll^?«i’'e, Jaae i^. V/ILl^iAMS it CO.. A-ti. 42if Oh imuLWp] 11 t*reir’nj» Nates amouais to fi367,683 2b ' . . g (jy; 85 Oil tt«ud »’Vi o*5i»r ajuin. RAC:^! BAttS!!—The infe rior qudity of tts p>por aa wbici ^f>bi«rT*^r t« bosn prlatad ef late, i.id Obierrt^r . . whi'h iB a great eye -^oie to as, is owing ur the srant cf a f.imaient9upply af good rijrc. and »h«ooa=.nqn-Dt om- «iiiy K resort to iufonor jaatcrij,l». Wo arp«4l to the fci'jnd'' 9t the 0l>!>er76f a* s>il %c; wibla p,*3iita, ts e*7t ui ^e^trlDg to town ail th- r»c.- they wi r«jure. >?i «> tiine ouraelTCfl to atts'^d lO tceir puroiate, l« id ifiTs. Geo. W. Wulia-Tui 4 Co., the Ageuts la U 41' fa of Mr. Mnrpky. wUi pay -> orat? p- r lo. tw new, t':3 Tr.-^aunsr I'reaaursrs «a1 P;y Ds- . I p ■-.U,;iea, a-sd the D!*p’-Uar.o3 m -dts daty >aa b.T.i ^ I hiCe-to liuibf'd to fa.ti’TV?. ar> h ieby »a*hor!*:i it • 'tt t'i* uj‘«8 f r vxoiikiji;? T'OJtf aot Lappde-i a 'uc'ta ’siii regiit^ tb^ aaa's of th» dopoaitor^, 'ea ‘v'.'Sf all 4 tos off-trd f »r mi nliti''d io rxiiaRTe» ! mil iV i Is; iaT't' l?o5 in;’ :«iTc>. Ihfi uotat. 1 rc?:>lYrd ar.d re^;‘'lorei a.ust. be fcrw^'^d-I by exprupa to t jo Tr'«8a*er a‘ Ri-jhnaonl .~;tb a 0)^y of *.!to r«’i«- trr, t ni now isda'a 'or th- p»?(u,.'jt of ths depodiiori ♦rill l« iiPTied fo'W*riji 'a ?>8 A» i 'aat Trsa-t'ir^M a id D'podt^ipa ara h?r>- by ir.,atraaU.a ropa’jliaa tiis n *l;e O. A TSENH.^LM, S?c’y of Trevsary. FaTiTTaviLLB DiPoaiToar, Ko7. 22, 1864. Ni'w I ’sae wi>l ba pwid for tho old, ca |j«‘C3-it;.tioa at f 'is Oxace. f7^1 W a BROADF^T, D?p’y. Tux in Ki.'ad. OFFICE COr.\T¥ AfiEXT, ] 4th (o.iji;rc»si;>uai Uistra*i >■ ^.\yttt:.T e P 3 5, IS*^^. J HEEEBY give no:io3 le the p'-odaa-.s o: cri-.rd coc.atv Waj ntiy ba Jas the G -vai aTa; an -ti -« iu Kin I far tbj y >s? *3*^1, t f* ‘^: tris d* e »0 .'w pcri^Olba pjr « iM m:il ■>e ^ro-.np!iy paid ptrlics t'-f haaliji:* their prniiio' ta Lai* Uapoi icr all diitatcoj n.-r ev^t.fi ciil. 4 * Pii-^oja ds’.iTariag theL* prid-ioc *.a bt»e iniicii'f i wiil t’e a' iing tboT coan r« an will i3 s bb:ral C')ia3ea'';i'*t f *r ths txsia Gr.ln Mg* ■'i I be furav'-hed to p- l-a>:»r3 *>’; appli- .'Vica laid oEtje J. M. 91-iiJj Aff'at Ui Oun'- riia-i c us'y. pars?u. II prcav cr, ho had a*7ijnt "^prdafin!**?!!^* stoutly rc^u^, wbea tney tnr«atened him with pcrsjual violance, Slid h'.ally wcUt oflf and brought soverai armed WAITED TO mas, 1 Yankee ooioiiers aa order Irota an o£ocr, to |70^. th*-. fu«*'a 7 ys-.r, & ca;j».le Si^viaJ., who • c,»mp(i him to t,Siois,'«. He told them ho was i& i i3-»3ccd waaj:«r -a4 Ifj-jw v & their’pc .ver, ba* proteuted aj;aiast t« ei' foraiag T. LA. Li\ & ^0^ ^ ^ ^ J cars:c. his Stitc, a::d tyid him be shjuli gi. H« replied, ‘•Aly Sca.tc caanoi do wruug, but i wiil go with you under compiusioa and protest.” Ho •vea* f>ud read the buri*I service, tat would not ite.i;pt to proach la various ways they tested is fiuelitjr u iiia S-ate, unal when the whitos Wwro ordtr^d to Livo or iake tho oiith, Ab^am Anpliei for a pa^spcrfc to ierve vith th'''ai. Tho officers refused, tolihig him he ^as a iof>i, that the Yankoeu were his lr..jud3. Abram replied, “I want to iro witi. theu}. I krow who my Iriends are.’' Thus he wai c:nipclLd to' remain among tjem, but notl iog cauld .. :*ko a’i£- devot: j i to his Static aud the S^utli. When tfce Y«iik’.’C3 cv'su- itod the placc, Abram was urge ’ t j go. Hia wife was djtcrmiaed to j?» wiib Lhs.m, but A' r^ni re fused, and he with iive others oaly rcmsin .d, thus attcstioe their gratitu'ie and de/otion tn tur i^ei)- pb- W2 prcFuuie !h-i Aj~::.ii is aboUv 70 ytars old, anxi Usly v»ait\i;g fcis cha.-ge Yet ii\rc the devoted Kuth in 6cripSu~e etory, hi fro nia native South, “I will not leave t!;cc; thy G-jd shall I>c my Gotl, thy peopb shall be r:y people, v?here i *iy lic^t I will lie, a.id »ui r' th )u ^103% ih jre I die and beoarisi."—iV. t! Ad -.ocatii. B;r waLaum.', MOORE & O.^StlWELL. 0'"^ IL BARRELS aud eXXVE" ^ \NTED. br M00^.i2 ci jASHWELL Cortti*aci% tiiv S-Vi’rsls. ’jiP’E wDl 0 >!3trA0t for tas l;;iv.v*y rf ccs t’loasai.-J BAtllvllLS fcr oil, bjuad wita wo^d or Ir'n M('0R>: & C.iSa«^ELIi reV- 17. M-2m 60.000 Oot. 1 Sbin^l^s Wanted. 8BTSGLB^ W^»^TKD AppIt te IP A.40 HOLIiIitOS WORTH. 72tf WAJITED, Sheep Sicitis! Sheep Skin»!! [WILL pay tho highest csah pdoe or azchv^ug') No. 9 cr 10 CottoB Cai^a for either raw or tanned aheef flkloa. A. A. McKi^i'H.\M. Nv)T’r 2ft 89tf rvoTics. tk/ 1, a t FATS » IlxchaiiSC i^piJicc—Ao. ^3* i io iyi/*»Oi Dj« r 1, 18 j4 A!.L v'’'nftlrr»te ffSotr. ^ d .^«u a'^io . *’*• deV-'^.ci bT»**o '* J - »* 4Ui.!> -'ifiea -t any i&tk, i!«4 ftr^. ^•''■e'’y dsotr.r*^ to pi be e>:oa a AU ti .- July 4th iiuJ 1 Sut or of t« Hove»i)f ’ ;t- flasgad. 91-6t , 1 ' .0 i -. »e M I . ^ V'okafcarg ?»ri{arc uf » i ■ o...» }• •'''*» either . ifi ’'i7r r, i -.• p^'i.^' ro y iroUrc.l 10 0* *X- T-tvi, 5272,705 IQ Tta Conpaty have p^id all lc«»es proraplly, and u*7d7 EsaJ^! %ti a^‘'S'iii»eftt oa tb^t prsjuioisi aotes Tof.fcl paid, Orvioxas: tiEO. SIcl^filLli, Prceidaat. i>. A. R.Vi, Vice ?n-^iio5t C. A. McH'LMN, Mfi’y. Dia«(rr;>aa: uo-;iy Lilly, - '7. V.. Til{i«g5ii.5(v ki. i- Myroter, «is. /. flLtJ^dai*), S. i. Ei.Tiov, ‘'Tti. itlc'iaiiria, A. etsdflOUi, i.'. 8. Lutterloa, A. Steal, J. O. Gsok, Hou. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brn.ra, 1 A.B. HaU, i’nir.ett, Traveiiag A|;eut9 r WISH to boy a ocuple of BOW STRINGS t« aitka I wool hat9 Aay one that ban thera o:-b fiad a pur- chtEer by addroaatog me at P'Uflr’a KiU, K. 0. NATHANIBL FTER'fl. Deo’r S. 8tpd Boxes For Soldiers. 4 LL B03 iV War from Norfh Caroltaa, d'livared to the fjllow inp ohargc €Siaf3iam C3aaty. i LL ratif-d.Tfci? liZ P.iy.-£-8 uii hvr« t^y aof.fiid that l\ tlie liat, valttttinas a.'id CKaTK:i*»t»c:,8 ca> tad *V"'n by tho A?«?'sor3 eta fX».wir> i by epp Tip*r o J A. Wwiact. .4.3i>.‘!:;dr, %*■ Pit/sbor'''uj>i, f;? f ;t«esj- dayp ffpia d»fe. I wHl ^t*er.d at »y o{u->e Pi ts'r-oro. t“. r«j' -KTe aay appeals that =iay bs tahta aa to afroae- 0U8 ^eiaatioa *»*d enunie'a'if'o, oa the 20th iaet. ^ I W .U ?-tmid to rea?i?e the trxts due at the foUow!*? limes ano pUces: Pittaboro’, 20th aad 21 tt Deo’r 11^64 Mayweed, 221 Ooaasil’a, 234 “ Ai Homo, 24 h . “ “ Silk K>pe, 26ih “ ** Paa'l H*ckaey’»>, Eaq 27ti “ “ L-iount Grove. 2^th *• *• Th* abpTC arpoiaimeats rsre Kade wHh a viaw to ac- .>^T!iBso'2t te tho^e wao btTe 4 p«r ceat. Certifioatos or moEoy of tho old iitsas f>a hand. I w;ll sti'O fu^.hcr uotiw of the tiaies I will tUev d t t t>eosa^ plaoes of ojdscuag tasiaa not msatioaeJ abere. Oaa of th® Aesassore wJll ^ticr>4 with mo to r'sesive re^tunzs from tkoas who fiklled '0 lis nr^n^rty. J M BYNOf, CoUeetor3l3i.I> :> N. C. Pitab’ro*, DfC’r 3. 91 *23D Rtcdfvad ca :;oa?lgiixio»t. aui /or S».la, D 'Z CALF SKI.iS, larga a-zs, (J J. Mfcicei’s ) ^ GS3. W WILLIA?d8 & CO. D’o’rl.^ 913t Pr63‘'y'e*i«a jjpy 'i ’«*eke rnHE ecv*'».! DI»t'-io; Co tetu fir rcl'.t.' of osH'er-' 1. *■ ara rtqa3’l-;d to i''*et Ri. tha nS'03 ‘f V M. ’artpbell a Sv^m‘d-y 2i ,h I ?1 , at. 12 o’c'o s- iiy order Cctitrai A. A ricR rwns'n. D.-3\-17 W.lz^'TiCD, k T tha Sl5‘ F:-ati-? >> - > '• •wu 0’ F%. sHct uc, K. .•i 0, tT3 -tlMULDKaS St.s-.dy *’^pli?s-''!nt Aod ffO"''! wages. M A. B'KER. D:c 19 94-tf FOR RSilfT. The owacr ^>^pircs to reat 1* g'»oi twa hor&'» farai for tno year 18S5 Tne laad ia partJ^ caw sw-*a^ I at; ha -Lil furuiah 1 Male aad piiugi aad itsroc haw ‘e The faiT's 8i*uated fi?e aulea below towa oa W.l iaiagtoa Raad. Apply to ® AM. CAMPBELj. Des’r 16. 9*-2t cA»i# rvoTi€S(i:. LL B0XE3 FOR SOLDIE ia OR PEKONBRS OF , AN 8ATUSD\Y the 24‘h of tbi* 01oa.it. the taVor War from Norfh Caroltaa, d'livared to tha fjllow* 1 \/ b«r. ai Car* Ajf jat fjr ta« Couaty r. ~ lap 2«med psfcoas wiil be promptly forwwd*d fr?e of j (t.-'U at tha Conrt H U9d a Carth«.g« 4 )''l £i03t Certilicatc. N''TICE -8 herab " f.Uen t’-ia appUoati^n will bo madj f'.r u durHcate ci & ce; i'fi j»ta iot»t nr r)jsi»id—\a- Bnai by W. Q. BraadroKit. C. 8 Dep;?'U?7 at Fayettfl v;ll9—d*t;d Mar.-jh 21, 1864, No 1209, to Jam-s Ar>« airoBfT, fcr cifeht haadf«d doltara *or 4 per ojat. iatareBt pc? ataaai—MTriar aot Itih Fab’y 1864 i«. 1861 94^6 r>‘J ^l'i.^ett| ,'a.i 33 *iyie, .». A- 'IjJiethaai, J. D. ^Miisajf;, H. »V. XiUiafb ..;it. Jcia. G-jlIias ^ai «'J. 0. '’d.- C.'tar: iy I .»itt I8>i. RO OGL'», Ag.:ai of Hxehaag^. E ;irU^i&eliea^ iliciioaary MBSACi'IQ «i B-s' -5 of Aritiii er, latrro4t !>*i -«)Mer. Bo?k Ksipja.;?, Fo^s*. l>? DjF SoaiJZJey. A-herille; D» w A. Coll-'t'., Mori»a"t ,^a; Dr J W Aliia.'n. SsftteaTi'k; I?r J L G-^eajbcro; y.r A Iiegr.a, Charlotte; Mr SiW.,i-i Hege. Bs.!pni; Oipt J N'i.TcX>o«pl, Ralei?h; .■'o-'jpa A W irih, Fayetteville; 1’ M ;rr»7 St Co. W»!?iiagt0B; Mr F L Bjad. larharo; TSr J A J Askew, C'»lerain; Mr F L Rab'Mta Mutfrceabftro. Th'' B)xee should b« weU kooped. properly marked, aad delivered ia tine for lay 8peoal M^aseager wiio lie, Ready R; ':'i''o- (leaves !•= VH _^a ^3f of fVirj month. Moo*-, Till r 00)TON a d ■'^OOL C.\RDB. Thea^ Cs.r4s will fc sc’d to the c iixana petijrally 8. E. JOaSiOM. Arent. Dee 10. 93-3 !*2t Wanted to purchase or hlfe for tho next y.;ar, A 0001), ii.aeat girl, to - oaiU’u bU'-iin! Acply la M. A B.'KER. D>o'r 10. 94t? 0’^; Scfaiool iiK>ader», CTE OWN FIRST RSADER; Sacoad “ • “ Bpr*lleT; «i »« Prlase? For f H> at the FAYETTEVILLE BODKrlTOR^ D e’t 7. B. S HAI« * 8)»P8 EDWARD WAilRSN. Surgeci G-in’T N 0. Oot 29. 80 1» BS^iAT^'K I>£££5al JUST PEIHTSD oa aar'” r'’':r. Tir 9-.1' • *h9 0B3Eft7KR BO ;SSTORB. D*-! 2. 90- «^Tbe Steamer IWortli C«.ro!f?ka vil* 'i0'‘7S F-Ti''*o*il*.^ iioau.'-ys *al T ' -i o’clock, \. M , ft&i Wilmittgioa TtieeJi.yi • F" at SP. Al T. C. LU:TTSRTV>FI i>eVrl4, 93-S Funeral J^^siice. TgiHr fn=er4l of Ti?n)«3 I) ^ilarp;. :»ii» \> '■^..'-^■1 1 by R'v L 0’ilb'e‘hU Bj»h» y Ona"s\'Vt it:e fir;t eu'-tl^y -.a ^aa’y 186-5. Uao’r 13. 2t ' c*’r th. Bkokfl lor sale at this 0£ce. fi«.F,ar ft todoi far «S \im OSi*. T£!!«TAia£]lXS AIV2I nOSriSdUKATB BikiM KMs Svotaty TeaUmMU. Vi A OattMMobvC fisMSysoM. [ r«i*h9 lt.^KltUI« iTlas^oaic AddLr^y ". I ^ • SONIO ADORSS.*?Vwl /i.-Ilvsrsd ia Lotaber- A. if' ja Tii«=(d.%T 27--h irci-. v.i '1 oVl^oV. Sro N. *. MoLfW. Tlta Ma^or'o fr»*»jriii^y jr: vcrtl.^ arj ia- vHr I to att=*ad Aa iuvitatioa is al'> i-x’-*3d5d to o»ti- jjnj. I(03N A. UOWLAv.ND, JOdN R CARTM15, T. B »SD, Qdi'T^** of ArraBCCMatf. Tr>e .New Y-jrk 'I’’fbu,ve ifx ('oniphrrtents fo Eti'jhn 'f—u'luit the yrinJcrs rou^ I dn if €‘vy J'L ‘‘a? difpoe^d.y—Too Triboi^c, ’•eiCTfi.ag odico- •lly to bovTiid’fi late letter io to L^rd WitMTcUffo’s r qseit to disti’ibuto cue iu:idi col- I'loted for Conftdirita piisouera it t.iL*! Liverpool iiaz iaV) soais a.v-ay upon the Amcricaa eagle's wings ia tuia wis.:: “Wc know that w« p-^'seas the power, without takiag away a singb soldier now f^oiug the rcbjls, to brush away Canada like gees'mcr; aad without taking a singb ves‘»ol frooi ou? iilocka^e, to sink every ship in the Britidh nav ,’ as if taey were but ojckio BUell. Yet wr nard t-'.ke )itt!o or no trouble to pat England and Kn^!.- men on their better ochavior. Woatever dojrf sot seriously damage us wj let pasi with hv. i. scorniul wo;d or two. Whatever do63 seri u.- ■/ damage us, we quicitly reserve for iitu“T 4i;uomc.at.'' Trang/usiou 0/Blood.—The pr&cuo-i of revi- viog dojilltr :d persons by iojcotieg th ir vein* withui' .itaincd li’ota a Lo^ltly person havint: pleu y “t ti.e vital fluid to spare, lias been of late 3 -ir» iv.LC.v .-'i by i by3iiia">3 anti ^.argeons with A bucc^TSirful case of trausiui^ion of bI(K d ii:t tno veins oi u. woman was prrform^d I-.telv in Ki’’uaraock, Ayrshiri*, S«otlar;d The woraar., alt^Ot:gh ia tbo prime of life, hsd bcot'me ) wtai lri>ia tuc los=i of blood tliat pTtldatiun was io t;uie3 imporcopticle. The bloou cf a iricnd ; icjcolod into a vcia in otie o! her arms, ana I :.io mo3; olicoiii.\^ iC3uL« wcro iiumedif tely oani- I - s:.sJ fontlnuod to improve rapidly, and j'last aocouu-.j ccro’deted beyoad the roach j of duugor. SohleW Wit —A CQrtiiin cojipanj ia uC'»n bad lost it8 big drum. A-. ony of f.ur portly ci^ 2o::«», having a ‘‘good ronn:t h;uly wi-.h tV. c^ron -inod," r»'^ pttftsing uloog liroad slr«*et, 6 >1 :his company shouted to oae oi Lis coaxY^l>t^: ‘*1 say, Hill, there goes the chap wha: swailowtd our big drum." CC/^See 4ih pairo. WieraEls ?or ss.e