ii SEMi-WBBKL.¥. f VOL. XIV.] FAYETTEVm-E, N. C, JANUARY 5, 1865. • [NO 139 8.] PRINTED MONDAYS aITD THURF»D\YB iilOWAKi) i. HiLE k S0N8. EDITORS AND PROPftlliTOKS. f rto« f©r the 8dni(-\^i>eic\y Otihhvvkb !J20 00, paid in AdTa&M; 5S10 for 0ix aontbB; 55 for th7e« raon.Ha F«r tke Weekly OasnwB SE15 Ot Txir Aantvni, p*id hj a^wioe: $10 f^r eipt*>t monihs; $9 fr»r oix nonthB; •8 for four raon»bn: f4 for thr#e moytliB. ADVERTIREltfKKT8 lAfert^d fdr $8 per s ^uarc •f 12 lirea ot k»e8 for «;ti« firet, and f!2 for e&oii «a909«ding publidstina. AdrcrtfMrs »re reqneat^d to uniabfr of inswtioog desired, «r Ihsy will b« CuiiManM *,ill fcrWd, nd «»ti!irjred *ccoMln?ty. AdTeri;9em«a»& ocntipa«ii .eh»rff«Jd #f ne^r «d vertlfleasBi'tA. W£j$TE€ll¥ HAIL ME FREIGHT AND PA88ENGFR TRAINS ofthi# RoatJ l**re F«kye(?'e»iUe d»iy, (Sand»ye exoopted) ai S o’clock, A. M., «4id retwrsine toave Esnrpt »t 1 o’olocfc, P. M. Catiie xtui £W*« Trai-,: MONDAY, W3DNS8DAY»ad FBII>A? Bj ordiT JNO. M. EOSB, Trens’r w»i Gen’l Tr&ns. Ag’t. J*B. 32. 1868. * 97tf S^'irom and atter t3ii« d*t? tlie 8leinM» A. P. HUIET triii ic»T8 at 8 9’cloo'i, A. M., on Mood«j? wii Tharsday. JCS. A. WORTH, April e—17tf j Ag't C. r. Steaw B-.it Co. **t^T&e f^teatncB' i¥oik*tSi Carolina f win ■ F-yatJ*s*iJ« ’J Jloyi »v4 T^utad&ys •« I o’olf*ok, A. M , uni Wila;iogtOtt Tacsiiyi »ud Fri-ltyb i *±‘.I V M n -a i.nnns'QT^\ii FAYETTEVILLE NORTH CAROLINA The First Session of hi8 IiiotitaUon iHll com&iMtoe let of Fobmairy, 1S66. /’ppliaations for adiriipBion esQst besddreMed to. M»j WM A. BANKS, 8apori«te«deat. . 80 if Oot 94 Hillsboro’ N« €• MiliUrj Aeademj* TBE q xc reasioa of this Iiuiitatioo will begia oo IT-jd ®'da7, Fab’y 1st, 18d^, ApplioatioM for ad- mibeioa must be made prior to IStli Pre’r ISfMI, akoat ^hioh tita« (iio tarraa tfil! be made known. Addreoa Mf.j WV. M GORIM)N, Sap.3rxntoadeDit. Oo^ . 1. 7* 4m *t 2 V M Dau’? 14. a. LorrERW'H. 93-8 «r j Parrafline JLabricatfng: Oil. aPECiAii ROTiOl FMia (w& fc.ter tbiadate, noti&aeof a new labsoribox Kill be entered wlthont ^byment ia advance, nor will | me paper bfc Bdjit t4 stall‘nbeorittars for a loiitgr L-zie r-r*Tr, ^-r-, . is paid for. ■ H careful ox; ahstei end greatly ^ XX toproTPd tJie c&t.raoteF of wir OiL we now cffer for SHcii of ouf old subsortbers a« desire to take the pa- j Eal* »n article of LaHnoaiiPg Oil for Oot.oo Faotoriee per on tliia syetea will please aatiiy os when naJdsg .v ^ . rtsiitUnp..-. j^n*y i, 1868. W. DKAVGHOi\. &nCTIOIIEER, S. K. Comer Msrket Sqnare, FA¥jarT5:riLi.E, w. e. Prom«>t btiectioD givoa to all buaineso if. &»8 j «ntra?ie(! to LLbj I Jure 10, 1864 40tf i which no saseriar in the Confedernay. I« does not gata or ohill. TciBOil we gaitftalej Vfitlx oircfal tri*l ic tb” biiBc and chea'^eit ■''il for nukcliinbry ia the 8outa. Ab the UBd^rsijjned. hia T'crjoaal attaa- lion to fha p*'eparatlca .if th.iOii, i» thi” aai dele: U> qaality but rather improve. Ee'srs to Agnte Roek4sh aad B«5ft»er Creek Mann* fwjtarsDg Co*., F;iy«tteT!lle, N C , who proaounoe it a tcry BoneTjor Oil TiESRY E. rOI^TON, AH F K. Co. Nev'r 28. THE buyc^hahi school. ' A MILIPARY A.SD 0LA881CAL PUfI8aiN« AOADSMY. The next aes8i('a begias Feb'y 1st, 1866, at Mebaoos- viile. OB th9 N. Q. ft. & WfUle the oM eoorae is reU!ti«d, ftslonaive additiaas have been made, wii4 • view (9 making oo»» bolbiikb w well as good soholan Adcirces CoL WM BINGHAM, 8«p’t, 0«ln, N.' 0 Vor’r 22 18«4 8Ttl F ISAAC flOLLmGSWORTH, f^rceer aad Coanissloii ^erekaot, FA.YfirTEVILLB, N. 0. 13. I IVIineral Fire-Proof Paint. WE ara aoV prepf ted to snpply any quantity of this Psint ir» powder It ia a Peroxide of Iron, and { will si*ad the siast ashore Icaut with fire Cc!cr deep i raddlMh brown. ' HENRY E. OOLTON, Ax'i ?. K. Co.. FftTJtteTula, N:?t r 28. 88tf *fScjL. jft.ttomoy fit Ziaw, FAYjSVISTILL^, N. G. f^tLL *£fet\d the County and Scperior Oonrts r r C Moor-j and Kobw^wc Coae- ties. irrompt giTca to the ooUoctios of aL sbdms entrusted u h'« Kasn? Oct. 17, 1853. 68-tf of .5©??. DTL.EY, Urocrr i4nd ^'Verchant^ FArElTSTlLLE, N. C. Jsa’y 10. 9S-tf NirK42f A. SISDXAN. Vm. H. KEKNAMD. N. A. :HTEDWLXS & €Om K'lVOLKSALi: llSTilL »£AL£RS ▲ N 1> MERCHAIXTS, -to. 1^, JBcty streets FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. • Apra 29. 26tf w Sale.it Almanacs. LUM’3 F*ruer3 ^d Piatt'»>ra AlaiauJkC tot the year 186», r-MS-iwd a'*! for ay tn dci^'R, or felugle copy, at tue BOOK FTORK- B WANTE8I. 2CAA BUSHELi? WHEAT, ,OUU 1,500 “ CORN. Partoiia having the a'ooT^j arttciee to sett *iIire«?iTe tka highQBt Gash {.rioe ^ oalliag oa Mr. M. TitoaMeon, at tk» Merohaat Milla, Fayeiteville, er on the sabsori- bu at hifl old BtaiM oa Pqaa?e. ALSX. JOHNSON, Jr. . Nov. 6, 18(«. . 7*1" EAOIJE FOITNDRT, \ FAT»TT»vaJiK. K. C . Ja'iv 4, 1*^64. f E ARE NOW rSEr.4RED TO X?CEIVS 0P-- ders for • RAIL ROAD WHEELS of thn following eiiea, ▼’*: 24, 26, 28 aud 30 inch. Alai. O HILLED TIRE3 The Iron we ihs.ll uaj for them ' wiUb« OOI-n BLAST GUAP-^^OAL IRON, aci ***t . raat oar wheels NOT TO i^BAOK, and to be etjuai to ' fc&y mido ia the Csafaijr*cy, w ter tiow of Wliitpey & ■ HanB ai Pi»ilad*lplii », whoKo ra»utiLi!.i» ifl well knows ' br f.’.' Ewl Eo''d Como^niea. ’Wc Sj^Te tae best f%c: ^or tr^asportation bv Buataera to WUniingtou, ft ora th«>Bo la any pati of the C-J!ils'''eraey. OrJora reapeot^Uy soUeited. 46tfl D. ANDBR80N 4 CO JYOTiCm. r|iHE 8ab«!c»b;-r haviag at D ioeiaber Tarn 1864, of 1 tae Court of Plaaa aad Qskner Seasloas of Caaber- iMirx Ooaaty, iak«a Letters of Adat^uiatratioa oa the Eatate of JasxM Martiaa, de«'d, hereby givva aotiee ta all p«v80Ba haviag elaiaa araiast t ha Estate of the de- oeaacd, to proaeat the eame, daly aatheatioated, with in the time preaeribed by law, otherwise this notlos wi'l be pleaded in bar of thoi/ reoovery. Debtore to Baid Edtate will please make ?2am*i!a'.e paymeat Tli'EO MARTINS. Adm’r.- Further JVotlce. Having obtaiaed aa Order of Conrt to that elfeet, I •hal^, 03 tha 18th day of Jasa.^ry n«xt, at the late etore oil Ha? street, of th'^ deoe&wd, expeii to Pabiio Sale tae Persoaal Prap»r'y, bsloag-ag-io stid Estate, oonsisti&g of hia atook of HaHvare, Grooeriea, Tia, and all (ha Toole l»eloafing to Tia Maaoflaotory Oopner Smith Maoafaotory, and Tarioo* other articlea too tedi- can to B’letioa Ti.e property will be sold to the hifhest bidder oa a rre iit of six moneys—th^ paroUaser gi«iag bond and epproTsd ee'*arity before *.iie property is remoTtd. Tae 8*le will ooauaenoe a? 11 o’cl jok T3R0 MARTINS, Adja'r. Deo’r 12. 9Sts COOPERS WAMTEJD, MOORE & CASH WELL. fpHB .1 abc SOUWERIV P1JBKl€AT10i¥S. SIiidlENTARY SPELLING BOOK, eontaine aboot same aa Webater’a Spclliag Book, with the additi(»>l ^Taatoge of hatriag ail the Toweh and ac- oeBt Aoowttelj marked. A aapply alwaya on hand. ^rioeSS M. THB FIZiBT DIXIE READER ia a aew bo(^ eon* taiaiag ea^gr reading leseoae on Soathera sabj^t?. Prioe 76 eta. THl DIXIE PRIMER, Third Sditioa, Pictorial. ntHl ocatinaea. to be immensely popnlar Priee i'(26 per huadi»I)Wto. , THB PRIMAKT G{K)GBAPHT, Seooad Editioa, ia a new and p^Jtlar book. It ie tatiraly Soathera aad flnefy adur«4'to ooDsa'tc ashools Prioe 3 00. FIRST > OK IN OOJIPOSITION by L Brar^MU, A. M., ia » w OKed ext«&ei«ely, aad ia the only book uf the kind ui'*Jtihed i» the Ooafedetiaev. P*y ^ ?nP^- YORK'S GBAtf UA'^ XfiJUU is ftMly adai»te4 to ootnmoa scaoohi Prioe 8 00. JOaNSON’S COMMON 8GH03L ARITaMRTlO, by Prof L. Jo'^nson of Tsiaity 0;}Udge, ia a aew aad vakiabie book, and will be follewed hy a bigh aehoo! AritiDetio. Price 8 60 MTBTLK LEAVES, by ^ev. A. W. Maagtuca. seooad editioa. a a dflQrit»fal tMok, aad oentainfl a beaatifol story of a “Soldier’s Love ” Price 2 O'). HUTORICAL SCRIPTURE QTJESIIONS, la sold largely. It gire^ tike 6tua«r- mocd vaia>b*c >nfc»rciia- tioa of the Hiatorioal portioii? nt it-.e nibi*. Ft 75 it/j. 80NG8 OF LOVE aia UBRBTY, by a N >rta Caroliat Lady. Coct-ilas a popalv -toUc^-^tir.a of Bcaxs ntii Ball'^de. Prio*' (p*r hnadroi 4 ^0, 5 otn. THE JACK MOaaAN 80S(i3TE n 'ipk d - y C.*?t. T- A Branson, le cue of i- - b«.3;. ouVjrrr.iv j3 f and aeatiaerital balUda ever pablipLo-j. Pri'sa ^p j* .iinftdred ^>0) 1 00 MORViSS AND LINT) A, a t'le o'a noHier’s Jove. U * rare aad x*ej little book Pnee ($1'^ par buii lrrd) ‘j& CAHTWE^L’e LAW PRAOTICE. E^JCoaJ EliUwi, ooaiidafi all the bosineaa forms axten^veiy used Pr^oe 20 00. SnEST MUSIC, a fall as>'>rtaient of the pieoea )Mib- tialied in tke SoaUi. Prioe tr^a. 1 00 to 4 00 OTATIONBRY of all kiada, at moderate prioes. FANCY ARTICLES gtaerally. The aaaal deilaetiopa made to the Trade. Those ordering goods to be sent per maU, maat renib 10 esats extra on the doHar to pi^ postage N B. Oar Pabliaatioaa are to be had at the priaoipal Book Sterea tkroaghoat the eopatry. * FARRAR, Bth f*VL 17 Chicora Collegiate Institute. TF>E first seasioa of thia Institatioa (loOAted t/L Lam- berton, N C , an W. (,!. A: R R II,) will open with a fall and e::perieaoeu oorpa of Teacob'S, the seooad Wednesday m Jan’y and o'ose the fifth Tuesday in May 1866. This Irtstitation has a.dkoroagli gradaating eonrse for yonag l«dica aad also a ooorse tor prepmriug boya for College, with eacli d3partm(>2ii ertfrely separate- •XPKSSIS AS F0I.I.0W8: * Taitioa ia Primary, $60 00 >• • Conunoa Soglieh, 55 00 “ Higher “ 76 .00 *' I.AB^oages, each, 20 00 Vasic on Piano, 70 00 Use cf Plaao, 6 00 Lioid«n(al ft e, .AJ6f> c ~ ^ -fc- Ti h« .... 0^ 4 »^e?T8 *.0 be paid i»s provisioas «t the fcilowibc* prioes: Fluar $6 60 per bbl.; Corn $1 pw bash ; Baoca ' tad LaA'd, eaoi^, 16 eta. pf.r lb , ar-.d other edibles irt *he saroc proi^ortioa Thie wU» reqa«te for a aessioa of board 40 bnvheia of C«m, 266f las j^AC?n or Lard, or bbls. of Fio'ir. Each one will be reqaired to fora'sb hie or her owa roorr>; 1 teaspoon a^id 1 kaife aad fork. Board to 1« paid invariably «n advance, and to'tion one half at tbe hagtnafng, aad the r^niunder in the mu^'tle cf the acs- aioa No e3.ti^vagaao«i ia re38 is expeo.vd. A ae»t hom»- spaa bc\H rer/ suitable io- scacol or okarob. ^ For fcrthop j.art;eu]t*ir address Bov. P SL. SCOVELL, Freest, La.:ubertoa, N. C. D o’r-'y. PH ->t IL BARRELS »ad 8TAVJk3 WANTED, by MOORE A CASHT^LL w Contracts for Barrels. E win 0)Atr»0t for tha delivery of one thoaaand BAR^LS for oil, bjaad with wood or iron MOOR8 M CA8H«?£LL. Dec’r 17. »4-2ia wam¥6»^ T the Sta’’ Fjuai-'f la 'H-j town of Fayetteville, N. f'AVETTEVlH.E fUTrAL !'«srsiscs CP3PA%’T. Capital ia Pnminm Kotea atnouBta to Cash on hasd aad other aaaet^. $2d7,«SS ?»,077 36 ARMY ! I am prepared to Eanafactarv' kuiin of Wajoe ; ' Haraesa fjr Army use. 1 lan 3y leatasr aaa c&e ! fiv«s good hargauiR. AgenM will do weil 15 ses i fiieir { vrier«» to luc aa tii'!y siiall hi*Vv pro^ipt ^tieuiioa, aad ! «Hst cff in quiok diauacch. JO^N OARXFR. j P. O., CUat'iMB C!^., N'. C., i juae io, i8b;«. / S4tf AttertMs date I will : pay 25 Cents per pouad for rags, or 5 the highesi. market pi ioe, delivered in Fayettaviile, at my milla ^ Ro^k&sh. D. MU5PH1. Ffc-Vy 18, 1864 7-f- Toial, $272,765 lb The Comp?-j.y aav^ p*>ia a11 lo«»e3 promptly, and *iHkver made aa asr^^ssTl^eai on taeir weaiiiuai aotea. paid. '.>?u'3aiu; GiO. McSXILu, Preeiient. P, A R -»/. v^ice Pr*«n‘i»at C. A. 5e.'y. N. Tiai.u:ha3t, 3. J. Wra. MoLaarin, T. &. Lai«.erlc'h, A. W. 3'^tl, J. G. Cfcok, £Ioa.. J. G. 8iieT>herd, a. P. Sro^m, A, B. Ha:i, ML iCraxa>a«u, TtavaUug Aents n. i4. Myrorar, S r. flwiey, jSixtiiaa A. Sic ltna-i, C. B. MAdnU, J^ea Kyle, .A A. MoðsA, J. D. *?illifc>n3. 6. W. ‘f iUiag^Ji-Bt. i&ha CoUIas a&>i C. 0. I' Wilm’gton. A. C , two %otd tJiid goA>l wages Deo 19 MOULDERS SV>ady employment M A. BAKER. 94-tf Waut«d to pareiiMe «r hi « for the next year, Ago OD, h«j0j»t girL to * « ohild's aarie. Apply 10 M. A BAKER. Dso’r 19 94tf Diridcnd rVo. 9. pHE T»i'Jictora of I%« FaytUevUls Oat Light Company i bava ieolarea a D:videai of T n DjUam par bUare, piT'ble oa and after Oao’r iO, 1*^64. W. N. TILUI jQHAST, Treaa’r. D«c’r 21 > 95 2w iHeat and Bread tor the Army. As the a**^y i^ ia grssi waat of meat aad breiletoffs, I am di^oted to say t» ^hosehaviaga tmrplas, that I will pjky k'Oil Of ftkir valaatioa for tho saTa's Pei’so^'-a irefoslng VO (fell ihair saroios at f%ir valafttioa, the eatne wiU be ioap.-^s^i. 1( i$ hop )i aU who eta will aall to i.ae Guveram^at I aaasi prepMr;:d to reoeipt and pay for aay aiaoaat of proviaioas dae by exdmpta aad detailed t'ersoaa ia my Distr.ot. J. B SOUTHERr.AND, Parohaging Cooi., Fayetteville. N. 0. Dee’r 21. 9Hf A f«w Importaat Fac^s IN BK^JAaD TO THK *8017TJmBR9l JOfiPATIC 1T3EY are prepared frun tao best qoality of hijii- • ela« by the diMOverer, mw aa aged Bf^^aiater of the Gospel,* aad are aaf«. 2. Th«y ha^ beta kuowa years and tested by thnoeiiclii 8 Five bwidrod p?rs oa »rt kaawa to have bo«a eared b'!’ th^aa. 4 They »?e not rjc^inae&ded by the proprleMr for e««rythiag. bat oaiy diaeasea woioh sriae fircm dia- ordered I'vera. 6 Direotlons and eertifleaiea aoeompaay ea«h box aad these eertillcatea are froM weUkaowa aad moat re- (.peotable iadivido»la. 6. Correspdadests recommend them aa good t» Liv- «r Disease, Chills aad Fevers, PaecunotiLlay Jaaa* uee, DysMoais. lUUaus Fi-rtm, Biliooa Rheamattsia, Worma, Ifroaehitta. Ae. 7. SovaA gaatlcmen state that the aae of these PiUa haa besa to tkea an aaatMl aaviag of from f 100 to $200; they are the beet idaatatioa sMdiciae ever of fer^ te the pabUc. 8. Some Pli^ciaaB of tke higheat atanding preaeribe them ^e their patieata. and handre^ of boxo4 have bees aeld to regular practitioaera. 9. Dariag the iaat quarter 2,88') boxia have h^en sold to Droggista, oae in South Carolina, and oae in North CaraStaa—wid aome time ago ovef 3,700 boxea wer^ Y^^er^ by Dmggista in uae town in Virginia. tS^ Prioe, $460 per gresa, $60 per dos^a, $6 per box. For Sale ia Nortk Carolina aa follawt: O0ce luspec&OT a & 4ih Diets. X. i GolleDO>y, N. y., Djc’r'io, l§o4. J TN otuKiionae to Par I, G. O', (.31 j A * I G 0 , oar- ji. rviiil Reriea, Cjuaty Earo'tag OSLcfra of tho 4th Coa- fferaijaat Distriat will c%ase tj be a.-aembled at ta' following tim*s and places, ail persoaa holding uert>g- oates of exetaptioa for phyeioa! disability, aad all p?r- sens asaig^i to light da /. AU psr^oas of the »l>ovc named oiMsefi who shall be ua»ble tu be oibsen^ at tim3 of ia.spc-clic-n, will forward to the Earull ag Oi&> oer a )'‘rtifioate firom his attend lag physciaa, seuia^- firEth in fttU t^eir dissasa, the probable ooatiaa«ac3 of it, and ihe’.r prfsetU actual onnditioa, I’c-e oeftifi- oate mast be ewora to befire a migiEtrate WhiteviHe, Colucjbae county. J»naai y 4i j, 18^5, Rcokiagham, R'.ohaxoni noanty, January 6-a, ' 8Q(>. LaiTtbertoo, Robeaoa ooaQ^y, January 9 ■», 18*56. E!isk!'>o^bto»n- BUden onuaty, Jaanur/ ilib. 18f?3 Fa^>Jtt^viti?, CnmberlfcBd ovaaty, J>aa&ry 1.3th Mid 14t,a ld!>5. 8um>*servUle. ir«!’'aatt c.'uaty, narr lQw», WiU’iiiiijt'tn, New Haijovcr cjuuiy, J Auaorry *^th and 21af, 18«6. J. A. B.*.RNETT, 98 4t Ini'*eotor { 4'h ORBNiKCl BlPlEf MaKT. 1 Rauioh, N. C., May 8, 1862. / LBAD wanted.—I wish to porcaase Lead for thia I^partmeat. Pwsoas haviag large or naall quan titles will please apply at once. Will give 1 ponad oi PO^DSB for 10 poinds of iJ&AD. THOB D. BOaa, Ca^jt; C. 8. 39-if la charge of Ordi>aac«. To Wine jUaker«i or Distiller*. I HAVE tv sale IJ iroabouui heavy oak FER'-tENj.’ IFG 8TANDB, of «t.,-»aeity of ISO g* ba3; als”*, 4 not eo heavy, same eiae Prwe singly #’00 eaea. Any psraea wto wili take tbc wholecaa have 150® l3! $100o. They are vaiaable la aay oae wisiiiag to makb W lae liir diatd‘ Braudy. Also, eoat of half also of above for K-iic hiif iit.it above ratea. HENRY E. COLTON. Payottf'Tillev Oot. 1. 73if Palma Christl Beans. THJi sabMriber will pay t'ls hightAt priow for aay qaaaUtf cf PaUia Carlat; 5f»»a. RA«S! RA€(S!!—The infe rior quality of tad p*per on whieh the _ Observer has been printed ef late, and wlucit is a great eye-sore to us, itf owing to ihe want of a siffioient supply of g >od rag^, and tho coa'^equ^nt nee* esaity te rcaort to inferior mawrials. We appeal to the friwds of the Observer at all aeoasslble poiata, to aave up aaa brhi;f to town ail the ra^it they caa proaare. W« have no Uma ourielvea to a«.i»:^l ie tb>ir pcu'^ohaee, bat Mc»3r8. Gsc. W. Williaias 4 Co., tiie Agents ia tkia town Mr. Morphy, will pa^ 25 caata per lb. fw FeVv ■- y HAtl k SONS he ?J'>Tnpray »pp!ieat*a!M. GOIFKDlBiVl S7AT£S Of AMSBIGA, ) - EaQiatBirs D«rAa».'W»T, Diar. C&pi Fbax, > Wilmiagton, N- C., M^ro!l ISta, 18^. y TaOTICE is hereby gi^cn to *.!» pitaots kaviog olaims n$;ein6t the Ksgiaeer Oep;*tt>msat, ?or ecr^ees of slaree" employed an lal^rers on the lt>ad icfen«u aear W!ln:i»’gt.in, H. C-, that the uadersigaed is aathoraed a&i orepared to pay the sam« at hia afiloe, ot the so- co*id floor af tke ufist above Mearee’ Drag 8t->r^, ^I»vrlfai Stxeet. *arp c?i*cs8 e?‘touting Powsrw of -i.Lifi.»acy wiU ob- eenri tlis foliov^iu/ forui—iholvsigaiitursi, in all casea, be witnessed by fcwe witaeasfcfl r.ed siaaed ia dupU- fiate. or :c.3y m«i.r be wit1.4-.3aci hni^r>^ a Jnr-tioe of the P?*« tr Cljric c: xiy Ooar.. \)i POi^ER O? -TIORKST. J, 0! ——, 10 hereby by^yjl , *5f , mj trie and lawfal Aj^snt to tiga i-eceix.« for, ^ad receive pf.7Hicri of all mcaey* due to at by the Sogiaeer De partment of tbfe Coafi-de?a.ts Bt«tc;c of Amiriea, for tUe eer^ioea ef my slaves eaaployeti ts* laborers ou the land d^feaooi at , ‘J’uKcg tiie n«>rr.i 0/ ——196 Wia-e»« my , ii'ii — ixj of , 180 i'Sigi.sfl is [BeaLl W/t-xn-: Boxes, for Prisoaers of War jiad Soldiers. As the Agent of Sorgeoa Gea. Warrea, I will receive and forward all boxes, &a , for Soldiers and prison- eta of war, free of chargs- The Boxes should be here by the 23^h of each month, so that they caa reach Raleigh by the last of each month. I wiah the boxes sent to me to mark,' with written in* atructious, so that I may have it prcasrly done- Ail box4S for prisoners of w\r must bn as light aa p->3sibla. If they shooid weigh more than 103 lbs they 3»aaot go. J08EP3 A. WORTH- ^.iyettetfjUe, Nov. 16 Asheville, B J Astos, Alhemvie. J M Biviu, Chapel Hill. R B Sanndera, Ohuluttt. J Nye Hutchinson, " F d Cmn, tnintOD, Habbud tt Moielay. Omcord, J B«iS, fiafteld, J Cohen. HllItlMro’. J Y Whined »l Go, Payetievllle, N A dtedmaa fe (Jo Ofwoiboro . Porter it GorreU, Uoldsbero’, Lncu It Moaie, Hallfu, J O’Briea, Headervie, W yche It Oo, ^ez>n|^^^ StiaMoa. t.Hv «S«fc. Ta« sij^atnzee of e&i«red peraoaa should be witnataed by thrw witsMsea. Xfi'-re musv be- separate duplicate Powers of A.ttorui'y for eiMh TMZiiit BlacJk fOrrxm caa be bad upon appli- -j^tio^ at th;5 office. W. H. JAMES. Oapt * Chiding. Jan’v W IWXHf Boxes For j^oldiers. All boxes for SOLDlE irt Od PRIdONERB OF War froia North Carcliai, d'livere.* to the follow- lag named persons will be prompUy foi'warvted fr«e of oharge: I>r D F Bumiaey, A heville; Dr W A Colbtt, M,orj»aatc.t; Dr J W AUieon, 8tafeg»i:’.e; Dr J L Nrjigic, Gr-' ecjvjfu; Mr A Hi.^%n, C-i-rlo* e; Mr Biward icge, da^eui; Ca,it J N Mcw?C7Teil, kti>ii5Q; Joseph A Wcrth, F»yetUv7u:e; S M irr*-' A Cc-, Wiirii»i *oa; Mr F L Baad. X«/3oro; Mr J A J Askew, On «t«in; Mr F ii Roberta, vlarf'- eibnro- The Boxea st.oa;d be we i nowpad, properly marked, aad delivered in time for my dpac;al M*e«eager who leaves Baaigk 4a the first day of every moath. EUff ARD WA&BJfiN. Sargeea Gea’l N 0. Raleigh, Ootad. 80-lm Wool Wanted for tbe State of Hi Carolina. The oad^raifraed ooBtiaue to exchange COTTON YARN far WOOli, oae boadle of Yara for 4 Ibt. on- ifashad. or 3 lbs. clean waahad Wool Th^ will also a Ubetal priee iti cash for Urii^ or amaU Itia. G50. W. WILuIAMJ ft CO., Agts. FayeUeriile, Jxtae 16. Salt ior Sale. A A BUSHBiiS SOUND 8 ALT, made in the Spring wUU V 18&i—wiUexuhaa^itforBaooa. Lard, 0>rn, jt voafeierate Ta^e^ej «'itea Ala®, 89 boxaa Sue OliEWING TOBA0C(h for aale at myjitore oppMite Oape Fear Bank. A Sept. 2. « EAST BEl¥B ACAOEHY, MALE AND FEMALE. Tbs next session of thia laatitation wil commence Jaa’y 23d, 1864, on the foUo^ng TVmw per session 3f five (ao«i.. s: 1« -Spelling, Reading, Writing aad Arith* meiic, $6 00 2d QUut—^Eaglish Grammar, Geography, Com* > poettion aa'^ History, 7 60 SW CUuM—^Philoaopay, Astronomy, Chemistry, Rhetcrio aad Elccation, 10 00 4:th Cla$$—Lwsgaagea aad Mathematica,' 16 00 Usctiageat Fee, 60 Bcu^. Waahing aad Fuel per msnth, • 00 The aboTS terms to be p%id in,com at 75 ots. per btaaeL wheat $1> baeoa cie, ter lb., or in other prrda39 at eerr«5p:Bii3^ ra£!» If- paid in ourreacy au eqaivaleat wili be reqaired Students firom a diataacs mask pay in advance. For other infenaation address the Principal. ABR^M WEAVER. PrincicaL Etfi Bead, Yftdkin Oi., N. 0 , D?c’r 80 97^-itpd tt my store opposi O TaORNTON. «^tf A lar! Tar!! LOT ia fiue crder for sale. JOS. Dee’r 21. A WORTS. 96-Sw 60.000 Oct. I. Shint^les Wanted. iJtilNGLBa WANTED Apply to ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH. 72tf $100 REWARD. I WILL pay a reward of Oni Hundred Dollara for the dn^vjry to toe ia Ftyottevills. N 0., of five he*d of t D-bEF CATTLE, belo’ging to the Goverament, o" a viiitaola rewikTd f•^r any iaf^orn^fciion ef their whern- abouis The oait-e were brought from Moors Gcuuty ind will no >rt to mi't'e ttieir way back. 3n ot them w«Ta marked as 'oU)wi: Oae B‘eer, soiaJty white, crop off the left ear; oae Heifer, pided red, and cai relftow raarks a -t roj'.ilt on.-. S'.^er, #>*iie dia ■iy, a?>oc'b oj? ibe left ea- and naa^r nit off botU; Ofcie lio h.> Ii Brindle Il^lfar uniatrkad. dr'ina of ihe wb' a str4y.»d had soiall b^^hjr l«bdl4 &bout their hexde >nd tails- Aiisa etrfcj-si fr?sa me abon/ tij t.-jt of N,veabv,p t i Pale Rao 51lGC;*i ;0 s!»*, an;, very small I rflaTU“>4 :i*>arijf 1 wi'l pay Tw-jnty fire DjUsrs I f ;r idfurjoUio i tVi.t enable ms to j^et bar The ejw wss brought from Wtirs^w and i>i likely between Fayettefdle a>id laat plao^). J. B. SOUUflERL^ND. Parchadng Commia^wj, F«yeiii37ilU N. 0 Detfrao. 96 tf WAiVTED, Mheep Skitis! Sheep Skins!: I WILL pay the highest eaah price or exchange ^0. 9 or 10 CettoB Cai^ for. either raw or Uaned sheep ikins. A. A McKEPHiN. MoT’r 2fi Sch(H>l - Rt^Skder s« UR OWN FIRST BBA.DER; Seooad " Soall^; *« “ Primer For Pa’e at the FAYE PTSVILLE BOOKSTORE. Deo'r 7. 0”' BLANK »£B»8 For aal4 at .IHkxIl W9gtmm» ^ JU8T PRINTED oa super paper OBSERVER BO >KSTORB. Dae 2. 90- tKe TE^TA^IEIVTS AIVD i^ONFBDEAATE Sutee Bibin SoeUty Tes^ameait. J ^ OoSraa w ff Rclwi «5y®ns Llneolnu>a, P Saurrul, [ Loelsburx, J C11(V>q, I Marten, Wm WakeOeld, I ntuboro’, I LonCf 1 Ealeigh, Wlliiaan St Haywood, 1 *• P F Pe*cnd, I Bocklngham, J P Nonham, I Salisbvy, Hendenon It Konls, Barbaok te Uatlafhar, 1 Shelby, E Pruneber^r, IWadesburo’, W O Iteanett, WhiteviUe,K Haynet, WiUBinctaii, V^iilker Meares, “ H McLiIB, W H Llppltt. * oauaoB w OiiEMp, «*jd«K.w, c» c; d *tf 13. O. lI.UttXiiTT eOU3rTlf,\ J >haioatiliP, Deo'r 2», 5 504. j Spboiax OaDias, > No 28. / P.lli. I fa obedi»»nae to inB%^-a3iioa« from Col. Bir- ne t, laipbotor 3d anl 4t-.i D s»rio a, N. O , aW Orr- suoa withia tae raanjy of ii'rn?^^t bct^^en the a$;e. o: 17 Md 60 yeare who"-'tve besn ■«»tof >r4 exempt Aroos military Mrvi^e by rarxiaa or paysioai di^ahility, will as^dmblv at S imaierville. N C , oti tae i6th '&i.u%ry 18t>5. at 10 o’cljci: A. tf , fjr eza?!i’n%’{an. Th-> iacludes those who have permaaeat certificates of dis ability. II. AU Svldiera a&d eoo^ripi.? that are Msigned to light duty i« ia* oanaty. eocit m* are in ht. O. a^rvto* Q M serviee, du>, w>ii assamoie at the same place oii the same day for re-ei«mi3auoa *•***« 9d-4t1 A H. TOLAR, Capt. & E. O. 1. —« Wanted for the Ensuing ITear, AFEMALS ri^A HSat »'!J0Uif>Ufae'i la Musia, *1" can aing aid play wall oa the Pia ^0, and is oIm qaaifii'd to tf.aoii v^rtjuj E:t?Ms^ Braashea, and French and LuLo. Pupils will not exceed ten Applteany can state their terms Addresj W H. PONTON, Weld^a, N. C. Deo. 28 96-4tpd €'.ARD iVOTlCE. T3E&E is cowaiios* -rlotof Cc to*sft >d ^op). f^ARDS (ready for ude) for diBtributiob to Soldiers’ i&m'lita, at $10 per pair Agents will please c^ll for them H A. DOWD, A. Q M. N C. Dec 30 97 6t A T A MESTING OF THE COiljIlSSlO'irRS, to • RESOURCES OF THE CONFEDBRATE STATES, Fron the Richmond Diapatch. Two remarkable articles, upon the “Physical Resources of the Confederacy” and “The Sitoa- tioB, Past and Present,” were published, several days since, in.the Kichffond Whig. As they seem to be ths resalt of profound study, and are v^ry encouraging, we propose to give a summary of tneir contents, having no room to publish them in exfenso. The belief has bcon very widely entertained fhat the arme-bearing population oi the Confede racy is exhausfcod. This boUef—common to us and the yankees, has had the effect of depressing OOT '-tuple and 'stiaiuiatLiu; tJxa ya£.kees». utte.ly erroneous. u«vcnii,l*, oi are coiCposed eziat wevad os in soittciost dance not only to Keep up our force to its present standard, but to enlarge it beyond what it has over been. This is proved by aompariug data derived from the statistics afforded by the cem^us ot I860, with an estimate of losses and diminu tion of resources sufficiently large to cover all decreat^e in tho supply oi arms beariog mea. For example: The white loale population of all the Confede racy, leaving out Keutacky and .Mipsouri, .was, in 1860, a tmcdcn less tLaa 2,800,000. Of this male popu'ur,oti, a irac^icc ’rs3 tt.r i 1,^00,000 were butwt^iD me ages of 17 and 50. The per- aons who have arrived at the age of 17 aiuce 1860 are co jiputed as a iraciion above 330,000 —a moderate computatiou we think. Add these numbers together, and we have, in round num bers, 1,630,000 fighting men. Allowing 200,000 for tae average natural mortality oi four years, and we still iiave 1,430,000. But a great deal of the Confederacy is in the hands of the enemy. It id computed that this occupation deprives us of 340.000 men (in round numbers) between the ages of 17 and 50 These are to be deducted, and they leave lj090,000—say, in round numbers, 1,100.000 ■ If these are underestimates, they may be supplied by troops fvom Missouri, Ken tucky and Maryland, and reff'.gcea from those portions of the other S^^ttes uoder yankee domi- uution. A farther deduction must be made for the oasoalcies that have resulted eitder in death or disability. Tnis is done by estimating the losses in Gcu. Lee’s uiuiy for the last year. Patting it at S5,000—which ii greatly above the truth— and allowing 5,000 for dead and 5,000 for per manently di.-.abl3d, we have 10,000 for that army. Making che same ailowauce ilir the Army of Tennessee, we have 20,000 for the two armies. is fair to make the same allowance for all the r%t of the forces, so that che entire disabling casualties amonnt to 30,00i). To these add 50 per 03nt. for mortality peculiar to campe-~45,000. The whole loss then may be computed at 75,000 men fur this year. But it has been much heavier tills j^car than it was during tne other thre^ years of t;io war. It is fair to sajr *!»•• i» xsox, when there was little figating, the loss was 30,000; in 1862 and 1863, 60,000 each—so that the whole loss from diseasa and battle has been 225,000. Add to cnis 50,000 for prisoners Total, 275,000. Taka this from 1,100,000, and we have 8'i5,000. Allowing 100,000 tor exempts and details, snd there is scill a fighting population of 726,000 men! Allowing one out of every three for details, aad we still have 4S0,000 men; joiore thantUe yankees ever had, and enough, if •.‘mbodied, to drive every yankoe out of the coun try ia three months, aiid keep them out We have not followed the numbers vf our author ful> ly, beoaus3 ne aims at exactness, while we uae oxUy round numbers. 8uoh we believe to be very nearly a true state* ment. There can be but one thing wanted to secure undoubted success. That oue tUiog' is the spirit of the people It they will use the ad^n- open bv>oki of subscription to the capital ciook of I tages they have, their triumph is certain. - But D 30,# River Tranap >^it9n Com^uj, held in Ri I spirit is gone, ten millions of soldiers, “arm- liost or mislaid, i OBRTIFiGATE. No 69. dated M»xah 18t'-, 1864. .iaan/^ to oa ^y Johm W. Sandford, Depo-^itary, *t thia place, for $1^00, 4 per oeat Confederate B'nd«, Said oertifteate ia without our e^dcrsenent Th*a ial^ notify the pab'ie that we have made ^pplic&Uoa in da* ft^m of law to Mr. Sasdford for a daolicate C>^r'ificate. J A N. A. CAVE’.tON. FayeHevill*, Dsc’r 29. 97>-‘?i’3d J 10,000 Pieces njew UST received, which wil\ t«e aent to a:y addA«c uu receipt ef'car CuaLogun prices. We have now bodome the SOLE AGENTS in Nor>h Ca^cii'aa, for Geo. Dana & Oo. ef Rlca.afi’sd, irho are tae hnrgut v^Jbuit Masic PobUshers in >.he South- All ordeci te theaa, from ^hia State, will be filloi at oar Store. £9* Cm half off to the Trade. Apply f«F Qatelognea ef Ba«ka, Music, BRANSON k FAR.>U&. Raleigh, N 0. Befit S i»*.t f )I00 Reward. STOLEN f^om the aabaoriber, oa the 2d Init., a Chest- But Sorrel HORBE, about foar yeare -:>ld; both his hiad fe«it ace white, oae has more white t'^u ^is other he ha^ a white apot in hia faoe, H« w*e stol^a br the horee thi?f F;y, and the last heard of him h% was is bis poss»aioa at Ms’m^ Slae’s TS^dge on Drowning Croek. I will g»V9 t-e above reward for tne dsl .v'-.r^- the horse to n»s or •s.'sra^tica 1 caa giit him a;aia jjy WiddreM u Axi^le P O 0 ?r»W«iaii’i oiiuty, N. C * 9iB.AU 4NN GvDDEY ieigh oa th>; 28th D »]smt>er, lSt>4, it appearing *-hat mere tkaa $50 \KM) ara eubscriHed by solvent Bub^cri bera, it la oraer^d that a m'^^eiiag of the atockhoUere be c»lied at tae offi ‘c of the R & G R. R. Co , ii Ra leigh, N. O., on the 12!.h January. 1865, at 4 o’clock, p m , for the purpcae of organising the compaay. Ordered fur^er, that toe bouha cf subscrtpdan be kept open until the da? of meetiug. aw Fayetteville, un> der saper nt nd^iioe of O B. Mailatt, Eiq , at Pitta- boro’, of E. H Straughn, Esq., it Gulf, of Geo. W^sh iogtoa, E^q , at Look'Lie of tJapt. E B.'yan, ai> R&;e g‘.i, of the nna^^rsigoed. By crder of the flftiomiaaioceri. W J HAWKINS, Chairman. Kbhp p. BaTTLS, S^’y. Dac. 30. 97 2t ~ 555ooTrewarK I WILL psy OBC tii«u*e^Bd uoliais ^•award for tie apare- r-eapioti 0/a uan bv the nwoe of WM 8 ORKMAN, wio br^kejftU in ti>i3 a'un£,y u» wac 30ix D30 1831 8ai)J Gorkuian la aboai. i^8 yeafs of age, k'houi 5 f&>t 8 or 9 iu'^aea aih, ii^t c^^aplected, ligh ikair, stout built. Also. Five haadre;( doUara f^r each of tas folliwing pj’i'sofiB vbo bfoko j^l at the patae t'lae: 'Vilsy Naan?ry, wao m about S i years of asa, 6 feet 10 laches h^h, stout buiU, lifh«- e->mpleoted, a^ht hair, three fiagera of his left haud off. William L. Perry [Bud] short thici sat, stout built, dark oonplftctcd', fraat teeth ba^, vne oat. John Hill, [^his acpposed n^ma, he has refused to tell it,l about 22 yearj of age, short thick set, sc&r o-i h-a head Iroia a recent jIqw, bad haag-d>i5 connteiaTvae P. F aLOBR >I'N, Ja-lor Hea. 80 1864. • 97 tf F01Ji%D, t PURSE, c*Btauiiag a gmrvl ftUTJ of money f-ad /V aoBtc Other wftic e.'?. T'o owae- c=»n iu'iv.' it by calling on B. Glover and paying far tfeis *.dveftif:*ni?al. D.cr30. 97-2lpd I¥otice^^^$500 Reward. ANAWaY froai the suDsaririer on toe 547uaiaat, two uegrc men. via: CHARLES, ponetimes ca'led B^AOH, about 20 year- cid, six feet high, dark cop per color, weighsaboat 160 Ib^. WILliIASf, sometimea called JOHNSON aboot 19 ye*ra oid, fife feet t*n inches bign, copper complexion. w«igha about 170 lo«. The above reward will b^ P^’d for their apprehension and deli*ety ia wy Jail so I cm BaMettavilie, 8 C , Dac’r 2’. 97-G>^ T Bank of Fayelfeville,) DiiOEMBBB 21, 18bl I I »a-1 O '• ’''Sdcf P - —nayaole »n Con j federate c;/jrreaoy 93 3t] on sf’-s 3i O- '*n’T 18 io. W. Q. B?-0 DF007, Caaiier. Btoakfi lor a«k ait Oioca. Wanted Immediately* A MILLER well reoiAUMaded a^ to caaraoter asd eaj)ahiU(.y, at Ue Mecehaal Mdio, Fayetlaf^lla. I ' MalTHTIfin'i ^ iMUL liOst Certificate. NOTICE S3 bereb"^ giv^n will b?> for a dup^a»*/« (if i •’iri’fiiat^ Ijas -r ;av3laid—;s- eued by W G. Brovif'Wt. C. 3 D«pJ3iiaTy at F*yette- TiUa—dated March 21,18&4, No. 1209. to Jsxass Ar«i- atreaib Car eight k«Ad?el deliaM-fa? 4 pec Mat.^iatetd:( ^ 17tk9Wf wL a I lJoti€5« 1=4 hereby ^iven, Cmifica‘6, Ko. '19 f>.'hviadrfd d.>»- i-w for 4 par crf‘- si»arj as- - ^ » - - - ’ *•- -it BSNJA'flit INMAN. 93*^Stpi! d all in proof,” will do no good We are pretty confident that that time has not arrived as yet. Looking at tae actual situation, we are far from being diseour^ed. We hold, at this moment, far more territory than wo did this time last year proof that, upon summing up the whole, the campaign has besn greatly in our favor. At the opening of the last cioapaigu, Grant invaded us jfit-J an army s-j large trh..t the yaube'JS '.faoa;»Dt he aad nettling to do out to mi’-cii iaio Rtonmoad Sherman hid tae coaamaQd at Dalton, and was to advance ViCooriousiy to the gulr or ocoan, haally subduing every foor of er-^nad as ha passed over it. The who^o ot North Aia'jama and tito -vhole of Tenness.e werj ia Lh? paaaCjHif'Q of tue Yan kees. Across th3 Mississippi, Pna^ had bsan driven to Gamdeu. Ariaasas aa-.l Louisian i wer^ oelievcd to be cjnqu^red; • nd ia Toiis, tttey held XKisedEion of iho »ojror Voiiay of toe ili » Gr=.ude. How is It now? Grant ii83 inaotive—apparently unable to move—after having lu>.t‘ln his \ irginia operaUoas 250,000 men; abca* 75,000 nare tba^ bis vjrij^inalaTiny consi^tei of Suei m m has mifch- dd t>aroi($h «u«i itttt tlia w>*ol« ooMAn'tty open behind hiui. The eneoay ha^ oeen entirely expelled from Al-bajaa, and atmost eutirely fi‘om Mississippi. Arkansas, with the exi ptija cf a very saxall portion, has been regained, and the Cuuiederate fi^g, except at Now Orleans and .ilon^he river banks, fljats ovei' the wiiole of Missisbippi. Tho Yankees hold no pari ot Texas exc’^pt Brazf^s SaniiagJ E roa .'iftor t he defeat of ilood—tho only matea^l disaster wo hive suf* iercd—pur ar^iies are r^ironger ia T^roportion to those of the enemy than they were this time last year. ffaheas ' o^pus —The following wan the vote in the H iiias of Rjpresentatives on Mr. J. M. Leaoh’s anti habea?-corpus resolution, noted in a late Observer:-^^ jDjvfs—Masara Audj'son, Atkln^, Ayer, Baldwin, Boyle: Braneh, Cicptoa, Coly *r, Cni*k«ha3k, Dar-eB, Bjhole. Farrpw, F-jater, ^ai‘^i»f. Gwian l, Haniy, Her bert, Foldsn, Lioapkiu, Las’^'r, Mbtahall, MMeea, Miles Si-npsoa, J M tt»Uh. W E ^aith, Baith of Ala. Smith of N 0, WicKhara iad Wi’herapaan—31. Un-'B >fe38P3 Autea, Barks tale, Bitson, Blanfcrd, E M B?-.c3. H W B’aiJS. '^hUtou, Chriorata, Hlark, -^luiky, Ocn’*n.d. O'icr’jw, Dy^tinson, Du^rae, Eitioi, K ting. FanstcT?, Gj&oe, Sfai-tM'iige, lia*oaer, ilo;lfiay, J jbnaoa, K*chl-s, Kanacr, Lron, Machen, N rt n. P rkius Pash. S^zt-^n, Shewraakar, Snead, .■Iwan. T-n- K*ts Vest, V l:«-o, WtUs-., aad «r Speaker—41. r> A* • i -Sih ■ ” 0 S. I>epo- ft lavoT, bts he^in l.Mt ^eate. Ya.'h^t SiocJcixde —iieikt xYdmirai PoTt‘?T'~ 'yf TH^ proceedd of cotton, blockade runners, &o, sinse he assumed 00m- maad of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadroo, ia s^d to amount to $200,000. Over 35,00(^ bslea of opbaa h«»s beoa wftend, worth m