FAYETTBVXLtBL N. C n JANUARY 9, 1865. [HO 1399.] t’firNl’ED MOKiJAlfS and TflUASDAlft mwAm i. BALE & MSS. pkoprietorb. Prtj« Jar th* S«Tai-Weekly t)Tj=t»T*wkB S20 00, p*:c It ■47anc«; f.lO for s'x wop‘ha; 55 fnt ihr»tt mon J*« Fer tks Weei2> 0»w.vsa r» 5 ^t-r ^uae va. j,»H h. $10 f'r k'^ht f,r six aontba; f5 fnr fsur ^4 f?r thr-e went!:*. KSrADVEiiriSxiM^^Nrs msortsdfar p« smart, •f 12 lines o» lees for ti« first, nd sg fjr ro«*«edim publication. AdT*rtie»r» ars r« ^ueaied to ftsto t-ar u.iiabw of iascrtkna iieoired, »r they ril; b« o«itina«i nil forbid, aad *o«rdi»ciy. Adveri»gf>nicxit» oonliaaej tfuidr, okargtd m •sir »«rti3©aaejK WlESTISaW RA1£. ROAI^. THB FRSIGHJr AND I»A8SENaBBTTaAINS Sf this R*ad Imt* fAjoCUnlltf (Uilj, (o’jvdays czMpU*) at 8 c’alG«k, A. M., and retninai&f %vr% Sxrpi at ■ «’c!!>54, p. M. C^U« mitt 9Vflfc MtW&AY, WBDHBarOA7 aad »r«^r JVO. ML flOSB, Treas’r and •«’! Tnous. Aj’t. Jjta. at !8«. f !?r»m and aftei* tSafir =* •, K? SteamMT A. P. HURT riV 8 b’akMk, A. V., oa . - •'y* A* IwiVd St 8 b’akMk, A. yid raar«ii,7^. jQg. A. WOfiTt p::!! fi—17K Apr r«3 A.^t C. F. iSttsii Hoai.Oo. 8f£Ui-iii Frois iw •, »r thit date, bo nane of a a«w wiV»«rf1^r' *iil b* enterctl withoai pijaicnt i? a» vil*' 8i6 paT>er br ssnt t« s# -' ’cbe'';’'7bcr /*jr .\lej Ukaa i« P&I4 for. 8Mb ordiir old oubsortl>«r; m de«v« u t«2L0 Am pa* ^ OS ihifl system inil 9l«aeo a«tify u 'rb^A nakr^ Mkkittiuaoes. Jan’j 1, 1S68. I¥4>rtlft Cjiro9mA '1 9-=» F r-.ue?U'fl dl %ni T4ars:ii»:vM *t 8^ •’ol:H‘k, A. M , »B i T7iicaiucioa Tactiujg »ad FrU^ar.- at 2 t*. M T. B. LDrrEJtliOfl. Dt?’r 1-t m W’^IC SOCTHERi^ ^VBLlCAjTlOilS. rp*l fii.KMSi»TA&r. SFBLLWg IdOK, •cfitauw 1 »ms M WehrjtW.ai^Diiis 8i.*k. wttt, •tfdMoaal adTaatage cf kavtDC tk* vtwtit m4 *« S3 00. FtS#*T DIKIB RSA9BK ti a mw book, o«s- iatnLEMI «MJ Mading letdoaji «a Seathera ■atjvota Pr=«y 76 ets. TEB DIXIE PRIMSR, Tfeird Sitioa, Piotorfn), stRJ ontl9if>s to be imasaael/ popular Prioe (S26 tar ftuttinra) &0 nt«. Tfi« PRIMARY (JBOaRAPHT, flwsdBdUlee, in* HOW ?*d pop'il&p book. It •• e»tire!f 8t*c=th«itt a«f fiaely >d ip««d ta wri»ie!5 sok(x>l8 Priae S 00. PI^ B .-OK IN OOMPCHITION hf i BranMa, A. M , la Doir owdl e^tea^iraijr. aad ia tha ooly back oi THG P®bii*^«d'i/» tt-? 0{»*if«!d©ra.r^. Prirts 8 OQ. A MILITA&T AlfU 0LA88I0AL PINISill^llp;?^ MON SOHOO£ AJaXfiMlTin, PAYSTTSVILLE WOHTH CA20LI!|1 T?TB Pint «f ;i«if litviii&Hoa «fli -oam lit of F#orn*rr, 136S. A.iiT>li«R4icue f«r adn’i.'Ri mout b#a]irtM9d to MfJ. WM A. BANKS. flap«rl»tMMt«at. Oti. 74 90 tf nillsbsro’ IV* p. Military lea4«My« T3B r.-xt eewioa of ihia Iislitati^a irill bcgia%i4 Vt'edii^’daf, Pob’y let, 183^ AppUaati«>cii f« rfl-i Ri;>n mn'-t b,i mada pritir to 15th Dco’r 1844, abo^^ c’- Tho terir>e wiii t>4 wie kB>wa. AddreM ^ Wil. "M ftOEDON, SapsriDioBdcai. V 0-.I. 1. 7J4a ' tChie«ra CoUeiriate Institiite. W. DKAUOHOM* * AUCT10SI2£&, s. s. Cdrner M^rkot Sqiare, FAlrSFTfiFlJLl^fi, n. a. ProK/rt &Mcxitift£ jb ilk entrujcex ta hist «tin« 10, 1884 40i# ISAAC aOLLUGSmdTH,~ Gfdeer aad Coaoissida Merekaaly FAYCrTEvririLB, N. 0. Oil. y oarcfcl aiioral (froat.h iDa?r*«e:j tb^ -T^etwe of our Oil, 'f* »ow oifsx tor *a]* *» .v*icle Ijibi -ftaiiug OU fwr Cctteo aJftct jri-' v'fai-ii • »3 «o ;^u?>orl:r ia lia Coofodotaoj. I' dao3 act g’i j ■:' fc>iUL TtiaO’l jtaaranta« «ri’ha%t«fal tri*l to t«3 tlsf b£«t and o^aft 'oat *^i! far fias naebiacry in tke As ih« ucdviw.rsod ffivce kiB p»t»*za1 at'^ UoB ^.a tiie p^ep^ratiaa of the Oil, it shall attdetoriorai'? is qa»lily but rather iavroT*. ko'ora to Ag«nta BsexfiisH nad SM-*«r Oreak Masa f. j ar:5|; flos., PiyeU^-Till*, N 0 , wko proaoaaaa it » very Euocrior Oil ilESKY B. COLTON, A«rt P K. Oo. Siv'r 28. JSM IS 0 tf H'VSIS. ^UcMa, Attomsy ftt X«aw. FAY*rr*vimi, N. “C. WILL attend t^e Coouty aud 6aperiar Ooorts of Cuabariand, naruett, McoV« and JtlobMoa C«a»- liaa. I’rorapt attention gires to th« oolbotioa of ^ ^tslBUi entrosted ia iiis luAvis Oct. 17, 1^9. 65-cr JOS. ttJTiiJKY, Wroprr cuui C'tnsimission wWitrcfi'$nii FAYETTEVILL3, N. C. Jaa’y Id, 1S63. S8-W XAimsi A. srasuAj*. wu. u. »es»A&o. N, A. HTEOnJkyi & CO., momULU AND HijJi'lIL 0£ALE88 AND €0xlS.T5ISS10.^ TI£R€SE[A-i^'i'!i$, Jto» 19, Bay Sireet, FAyEITEVIJuLii, N. G. April 20. 25if j$ale?ii Almanacs. BUJIl’S P*nujP . «: d i^wa.jrj AIob*. for th« yrer 18(i5, roo*lT?d a’>d lor a»!o, oy tu- df« :b, i.r Bio|^ oopy, at (19 BOOK. 'T01«S. w Miaeral Fire-Proof Palat. E t-r? BofT prep -rt i to eapply any q«»n:5ty of tMt> ’i’iit iarow- r It if* Pt-oxrdo cf Ir^n, »i:'' ^i-1 St!*!!! tb9 Hiast Udt3 with fire Color deep revi’iL- - broTTB. * HSSRY B. 0OL705, A-i’. P K. Oo. NsVr 23. 58‘f w %VAi^TiKJi>. BUSHEXJ3 WHEAT, 2,500 1,600 “ co:i^-. 'feiiKjns &tkTiiiS tic SCC7:, article* lo wn - the iif'jest Cash ^7 c*ui.r;g Mr. M. Thooi^-;—i, at tha Msroiiaat Mills, FiifCkiM^ii-e, oi* oa t.-c bu at aia old stand oo T’^aritet Squaro. ALBX- JOHNSON, Jr. N*». 1862. 7W IE . FOVNDBT, \ PATSTXsviiM, N 0 , Jaly 4, IfW. * E ARB NOW PKEPA IKO 10 E3GEI7E OS- d-js ^or I RA[L ROAD WHEELS cf ifca f iliow » » ▼ x: 24, 26, 28 a»d 20 rich. AJt. CHILLSD TIHS8 Tti* Ir'^n we 9b*^ rse f.ir wu: he *:OLD CLA-ST r>H\R’-OAL ISON, ad re var- r^iit oar whee!« NOT TO BACK, and to fc-' ‘‘qnal tc ‘.aj in tbo Gi^nh Ur>».c7i •>? to tbcsf of Wbitn-T- f- B 06 of Phil^d#lr>H, r^fao«!» repataHoB is on well knowF by il! R»il So 1 C«P!r’»ui"«- Wo b»vj- th« b^vt £iciU!!»fl fcr traQ35ortar'.n *>: 15*0 4K--'TB to TVilmicglon, from tb^^aoc to aoy part of tlsf C’fifc'trac- Oru«rs rcupeet'ally solioited. 4ei,fl D. AND^ESON & CO AOADBMY. next et'agdoBbigifiiJEri rtiMftfti, Sf.aiUlis wflUoM ik*Te b«9B made, with a view to aakiag mo99 voavuas ta well M Aluress 9aL WM MIf«E V-iVr 24. 1864 •obotan . Sap% K. 0. mtl9 JYOTMCB. rEl sabsoribsr havLig ai ^sosabsr Tsm 1864, of the Court Plaaa auti Qaartor SeMians of Oaatbor- had Cnuaty, t%lcea Lcttsrs of Administratioa on the fi«t%t« of /am«s Mlartla«, Hes'd, htirahy fivas Betiec t« all pers9B« havio; olalisd crainat t h« Satata of the 4«- feasou, ta present tho aaras. duly aathem?sated, witbia tha 'iuie prssoribed by law, otfaa*ir.ie tha no;io« wiil be pl««d9i im bar of their rissomy. D,»btors to sai4 &Lt%(« ^i;l plaan« in%kd in ae-.Uate TBKO MA&TIN1, Ada’r. Fartiier Xotic*, Hi>.VlNd ohtaiH«d aa Order of Court (o that effot, i t .»;i, oa the 18LU day of Ja&aary afixt, at late va H*r Bireot, of tiia dee«a.^ed, azp««a to Pallia dale (A« Pjticaal Property, hiiatcgiaf m said Sat»te, of his stish of Hardware, Oraoeriaf, Tia, aad all cao TooLt boiMt(ia to Tta af aau^fMtory Uid Oep^er fiq>itb Ma .afaotory, aad varieai oUer artivlci too («di- eft« to no'ticn T^e property wiU ba Kold to the highest b’dler oa a cr-^dlt ef six moaUis—tho porahacer gi?lag bead aad appco^id so a?it/ I3ef,>r3 iko p'^^pvcy is rsaavad. Tae 14c wdi eoaaoaoa at 11 a'Alock TiiCO. MAKIINS, Adn'r. DiO’r 12. , 9»ta €OOP£RS WAHT£D, By MjORS & CASHWSLL. Prof L. JoXttSoc Trlaity Ooll0ge> ii • MW Mt Tahiabie book, and will be folloired hy a Ugh Rhool Arl^cietio. 8 60 MT&Tldt LSAT5S, by Bev. A. W. Mewgwa, aaooad edHioa, ^ a dali^h^fal book, aad eoalalai a b«Miifdl i4ory cf a “Soldier'* Price a 00.' * HisTORicAX. soaiprgas qubstions, is «eii largely It gitee ih* stadeat nneh Talaable iaforma- UofB of^he HistoHeal po>rtiaBS of the Bible. PHoe 76 eta. SOHCW OF LOT! and LIBiiRTT, eon^Ued by a N«th Oarsliaa Lady. OoniatBc a papslar aelleeiiaa of SoBM aad BaU«ds Prie* {j»ev h«Bd^ f40) Ti eta. JACK MOaaAN SONQSTBK, eom»ed by Capi. T A. BnuRsoa, is ece of t!*t best eellootleas ef poags aad sestiaKHital b»Uad9 erer pabUahed. Prioe (p^ haair^l $50) 1 00. MdRVBN AND UNBA, a Me »f a tokUer’e h>te, if i> mt$ ait^ taey UtUa bo)k. Priee ($1^ per haaired) U ols 0AKTWBrj.*8 LAW PBACXICB, leeoad Bettea, eotttaliM all the baalttosi forms eateaiBlfefy naed Pr^ tJ 00. SnrBir music, a taU aMertMeot of the pieoea pah- Hshed ia the Benth. Pricte trem 1 09 to 4 00. PTAVOjerBBT ef *11 kiwis, at aMdocate prieee. FANQf ABTICLS8 generally. B0T Ihe osaai de^etiaws aade to the Trade. l9*1Heee erd^rias goods to be sea* per saall, most *«ait 10 Mdta ex'ra m the dellar te pay postage. M 6 Our PtfUlaatieae are ta be had at the prlaoipal Book Stotte thronghoat tb« eoipatiy. nRAWvc^ * FAtiUJL ^lalfh, rf. 0. •epL 11 Ti*tf 0 IL BABBBLS aai ST.%V£ s W.A.NXBD. by MOO&M A CASHfTBLL Contracts tor BarrcU. * B viil o:>atri.ct for t i: d ■.ire.'j of oai thoasaad tar oil, h.>u-ii *r;^h w}'>d or ir^a idOOft« « OASaifCLL. Dw’r 17. 94>2bi ! WAiHTea, At tao 3ia^ PoaiA jr l i ».ura of FaycUoTillo, N. J, iwj good iCIiDSliS. Steaiy esiploymcnt I &:.d wagsfl M A. B A.KBB. FA V j3TTS3 VI SLfc! « T i 1>_4 i:i. ,.i. fit. •tT’ *, ARyiY laASirtiiEsa. 1AM prepared to Bi»naiaoi»ire cli kin*ia of Wx^:>a Bwasitfl for Army uss. I ii’i uiy ani c&a giT«> good bargft?£". AgenM will uc well to scad u*cir •ri^en to m# as th>'y s'aall hafc p';o*upt aiic-Qtion, and lent off in quick diajiteh. Jurllt OAlii-’iiB.. Goidztoa P. 0.. L-siatii&in Co., C Juae i'i,- S4it C*piial ia PrcTn^am NotPi amoaats to (jMa oa aaA older as^wt:. JL i i • f2G7,S9^ ib 5,077 After $bily «aie 1 wiil f pay 2S Ccnia per foaui for rags, or ; tiie Jugheat laarket price, del»Terai ia ■■ jugi fayottcniloy or at my milis sa booikiiea i>. FeVy 10, 18t>4 MD&PaY 7 *1 Total, ^^272,735 It The Cocp'».;y aaTO paid all loraas proJiptly, aaJ kaveaeTer A':td6 as a«!?S8'Ti‘at on their areiaiusi ao^?i. Toul lofli'>3 pail. S29,s>S2 UrncniS: ^■£0. M-.5lKiLL., Pr»siic'at. D. A. ilA f, Prx'3iiaat C. A- M.MII-X*AN. S.;;;’y. Df&aorciiS: He -ry Lilly, w. ?*. TlUx v;^a>9t, II. L. MyroTer, d. J. i^Le, 6. s.'. H*w:ey, Wci. >l:LAuna, A. S.cimaa, i'. S. h-v tarlik, A. W. j. a. C’s-.s, Hon. J. 'i. Shepherd, a. P. Brow a, 1 A. &. H:»ll, j * '*“* MjGfjmaidj, TraTdliag Aj^--t« C. 3. Mallit, d/:e, A. A. J. I>. Tri3»li-a3, 3. V*. ^■)un CvUia3 *oi J. 0. O^KiSCa BSPASIMKNT, 1 N. 0-, M>y 3, I88;i. / LEAD WANTED.—I fl’ish to paroiufcitt Je&d for this Departmeat. Fer-joua usTiC^ jsjgo or SM*il uuia- tities wiU please *Pifly oase. Wiil g»Te 1 poaad of P0WD2B (or 10 pouads of uUxD. TSOS D. HOaa, Ct^t. C. 8. oy-tf In oaar^e of Ordaaace. To IVine xfiaker^ or l>i«tiJler«i. 1HAVE fv>r Bile 10 iroa baaad heavy ?£«. r- INa STANDS, of cfc»aoHy of 1-^ g* loos; a.r>, 4 au fo heavy, eauie ai«e Pnoa si.-.giy e*ot. Auy persoa who will take (ho whoio caa a %re taeu tor $10d0. They are T%lai>bla to aay ea« wisamg to mbke Wide or iistiK Braady. Also, soaa of haif si*9 of aboro for B\Ie at h»’.f t\ie above rates. HENRY E COLTON. F^ytttaviil*, Oct. 1. 72tf Palma Ctkri^ti Reaas. fpHB fabflffribar eriU pay &e h^hont o«ih prtoes for aa/ qaaatitjr of reisw niirM.i Beaas. ^03T» RAGS! RAGS!!—Tho infe rior qtulity of tas p»per on wk;sh tha Obaerrer has be^n priated of late, and irhlab is a great eye-sore to ti>s is oirios to t^o waat of a snJE&oieat supply of g- ol r*gi, «ad t.le ;qa-‘>'t aec- esiity te resort to inferior ma>.«ri%uj. Wo j'.npeAl to the trleads of tho Obdtffver at ail £soc3dib!e uoiuts, to' save V ana bdag to town ail tue tht/ vaa praoare. Wt har^ ao tisis ourseWes t-> nU^ad puraU^ee, bat W. TiUiacii & Co., tas A^satd ux this toire of Mr. Mnrpfiy, wiu p»y 2> cesta rsr lb. f*iT Ihem. a J HAL* * Veb*y U »44f >^T* ".TI C- i’n9"»ay l'3'si*'* annlJe’.t’iaii. ICA, ) G Fa.v»., >- 6fa, 1868. j CONFUDISftA.TS gTATKS OF AMK&ICA, £sountH& DsraBTU^NT, Dist. Oape Wilmington, N. 0., kiaroh 16 ■^OTICB is b»reby jriTisn to all per;»'yna barin? clainx* ftiraiiiat. tbo Engtaser Dcp^rtoio*it, for servieea of f>^iTe3 *ijaploroi m iaba^ijrc oa ths land defmeu near WilialDgtca, C., tint tha utdomlgRei is authcrixed •R’l proj’.i.re'i to p»y tbo eeme ft hi« office, oo tbe nc- OTfld floor of tito building next aboTS Moatwi’ Druj; aton, Market f‘jrset. !|SI^ Ptriioaa ezacnting Powers of Attorney will ob- eerva the io'dowicz forra—tacirBignainr*s, in all oa»«j, te bo witnecsdd by two witnaasi'a signed In dapU- ca:e, or they m»y be witaBSsjd belore a Justice ef the Pvaoe OT Clerk of •^■nr Oonrt. rOilM OP POSTER OP \TrOP.NSY. I, of . do hereby &r-C'-‘ri' , i! . my tme aad lai|ful A^at to aign r».-jeipta for, ftnd reeeiTe nayment of all maaeys due to ics by the Buginoer D«>- i>f.rtB>?a«. of the C(^f^derate atitcr* of Asterica, for tha 84rrioM of my ciapioyed m laborers oa tie land de£enoe« at , I;mag lae month of , 16S Witaaes bit h>-nd ft! J , »!;(» —> \t j oi , 183 (eigr.c^ ■P;sftV'45« 3o2£s For Soltlieris. All BOXiJd Foil 60uD.E ' J !>a PaiJONER^ OF WKrfrod Sortu 0.^rjua%, d’llT‘rei to thj ^oibw- lag aamed psrs;>na viU b-j ^roapUy f^WMdsd ffie of ehargo; Dr D F Buvaraey, A berilla; Dr W A Coil-tt, Mjrii;aQioa{ i/r J W AlUdaa, Stat^HT^iio; Er J L NoagLU, Qrs‘5ii? >)rjj M.- A liigoa, Chario'.to; MrEiir*ra csi j.-j; Oapt J .Si Mr Jo.to’I, itileigh; Joii'i'U A W'-.rt,, Fv:.iv.cvu -ij B M'irr*--. A Ho, Mt* P Li illui. ‘i!* Jlr J A J vtA • vJ' cr%l , Mr P i Ribdu kiu. iro. The Bsxe^ eHoa 4 b-a w&.i a-.nujl, p aad doiirerol in 1.1012 c.'»i .leaves R^'.gh oa t- 3 fi.-j', d i/ of o7jrj _ £D??ARD WARiB^, Sarzeo Baldigh, Oct 29. ** Th» sj^aatiires of eobredj^srsooe eksjuli be fritaess^ ,»tfefso wit«ee»eB. * Th?»re iaw5‘ bg aeparate duplicate Powers of Attorney Cor e^ah noath. Bl*ak t'iT7as> can be ha t npon oatica at th^^ w. .¥«'» 5ft. ISA# H. JAMSa, Ca*t. * Ckief Bag. REWAUO. I WILL pay a raward of One tiuairel Da’Hra for the dehv-;r^' to ia PeiyRit4»Ulo, N 0., of'^^e he&d of a?EF 0-iTILE, balo’giat; t-j tb« v5:?cv-j a*at. or »uit*bl« reara'd f-ir *i-ay vafor’nation o'* lisir w’=ier3 ftijpnt-? TiJC oict'.o Tfati b.T53:iit frot^ ^o.»re Ocuaty uu«l will no li-U^i *ry to E> ie ihsb" way oi'sfe. fcsotaa ofthea w^r» m^rksi as iOll >w^: Oa^ S.eer, aoau ty risjt?, crop off tac left vjn^ Haifer, piled rel. an .oas re 1 o-iw Qa^rka mt ra^. au^ e 0I ' Siwr, V'ite dia ry, 8uaath cnp off thi off b.'th rujnohira C ic’lls S:^- r*-l. So-Q3 of »'* wcpn •;!,r .y ;d nai ^nkil IjAti-JT 1 Vojat tiicir cs > ?3 »n i A fr'tn ibrta tii u's'- '* N ■v.'.ra'>!'C D 0 VJ 94 if Wanted to parehasa or ill e for Ihe next /mt» I liU >D, iijue^i gu'i, te * i ohtll’s buree. Apply 1 to M. A BASBB. Dje’rlO, -- Diride^id Mo. O. HE nijrsotom of Tha Fay 'ttv lit Qm LijM Company L ‘'aT.' iiijisr.;t a D ot T a D'J*rJ per sLai'c, ;7»bla oa aai a'ief L>k’c '0 I'^d*. N. Ti£i-£ .aaA3T, Tfjas’r. D o’rSl 95 2w .vieat aad iJread lor tkc Army. _j the %!• oy i li sf J*5 r*it o? ant aad or:«.l»taJf3, I a a ii.'-o td t J J*7 ii J3se b * -a^plii, ta-ii 1 »■ .1 p»7 fiir v*ia* ioa tor ta-3 aanj. .P«f9o->s ref .i i-ug to 3011 iurp.u3 at. f ur v^iauija, tio aasio w. i »>d up.c'saai. Ii n aop»i a.', wao o»a will 3'»ll lo tue Giveraa^at. 1 an a si prepared ti rujdipt aad p*y for auy tuD^at of pronsioaii dad b/ exdiapia aad aoukiioi ^er^oad uy Dielnot. J. B SaUTHSB'^AND, . Puroaasiag Uoa., P.^yottjriU9, N. C. DDo’r 21. 9 'tf A few iBij^frtaBt Fa«ta . IN BXaABD TO TIIK ^OUTafifUr OBPATIO PlLLf 1T3SY are pit«par>d fr«» Uie^ hoM euUi^y 9T ..di- a eine bf the di«eovece*, aew aa ag^ MiaL*tir of the Gospsl, acd ae« saie. 2. Tu«y have hem kaowa ^«r years aad tested by thoastacj 8 Five haadro-1 persena are kuown to hare been o'tfe-} bj then. 4 Taey are aot reeeaaeaded by the preprietw for eTerythiitjr. bat oa'gr fcr dlMMei waieh ariso fsom diS' ordered I'W*. 6 Direotloas aad eertffeates aeeenpaay eoeh bMc aad these oert-iloati'S are fteas well iCAOWa 1^ nost ra- cpaetable laliTida^ls. e Correapeatieau reeoamead theai aa goad for Liv er Diat«se, Oailis aad Fevers, Paotuaoaia, Jaaa- iiee, Dyspepsia, BUiotu Fevers, BiHeas &UeaautiMi, Worxas, Pleorlsy, BroaoHitis, 7. Several geatltiaeu itate that ihe use ef these PUiiU|M beea to t^em as aaaohl Mviag of tnm. flOO %. Some Phyeioiaas of the higbe^t staading proeOTibe ih jxx *9 their patiaats. and ^ondre'^s of b>xe« have Neen void to re.i^aiar prsotiiloners. 9. Duri'j^ tae last quarter 2.83*) boxns havs «ld to D;a-g.jts, oas la d’'a.a 0.rolir.*, izi cae in Njrth C»?o.va»—ani »'’sao tinio ajo over 8,700 bozss nsn ''T'Wei by Druggists ia oa? town la Virg'n’a. Pries, per. gr»3s, $5) per dosaa, f6 per box. • For 8alo la Kortb OArelioa as Follows: Wiiti leeead Ta^ay ia May 1866. This IcBtit!?tica hM a thoroagh gradnatisc eoarte for Ccllegs, w>th enoi depaHneat oatfrely separate. m , . . **?«■»» AS iouK>ws: Tnitioa u» Pfiicary, ^ Coajaoa Bngliuh, M 09 Hjgher “ yg 00 Ljingoijre, eteh, 20 W Ma«o oa Piano, 7# 00 Ufo cf Piano, i 00 Ieoid2«Sl fro, 2 ft «. t^lrevi|deii at tkt folbwi^ prtoM: Pioor $6 50 par bbl.; Coni 91 pear hash ; Baeea aa J Lard, eaeh, 16 «t8. per Ik, asd ether edihlM la ^li« same proportica This will reqaire for a seesioa ef hoard 40 &n&lie!rtf Cent, 268f HM Bmib er Lard, or 8) bbls. ef Floor. Each one will be refnlrad te foraish kie or her owa rooa; I tea'pooa a^d 1 kaife aad fork. Beard fee be pa>d mearMiljr ta adensr, aad tsitioa eae kalf at Uk« begi^uiiag, aad the remaiadw ia the middto ef ^ i«»- sioa No ntravagaaeo ia rfre« is oipeeted. 4 asat k«ai9> iq»aB snt is very saitable for sehesl er ekareh. For forthsr partienlam address Bev. P H. BCOTBLL, Pree’t, Loaberton, M. 0. - Deo’ra7. ««-l*t Mloe Inipector M A 4th BUts. H. Cn t Goldsboro’, N. 0., Beo’r 20, 18i^. ) IN obedleaoe m Par I, }. O, (8U A & I Cl. oar- rent series. Conaty Bnro-Ung Oaocre of tke 4th Coa- smsioaal Didtriet will unsa to be a^seabled al the foUowlDf times and plaOM, ail »:rsea aoldiag eert'fl- eates of exeaiptioa ’fcr physieal disability, aad all per* seas aesifned to light da y. VII peraoas of the aboxt named oHases who eiiali be n«*ihle to he preieat at tiaM ef inffpeeUoa, wiU forward te (he BaroUiag 02I- eer a e»rtiflsate his atteadtag physieiaa, set'ia^ forth M fiM their disease, the probable eeatiaoaaee ot it, aad iheir frtttni actual oadltioa, ka. T«e oartii- cate moat bo swera to hdfore a magistrate WhiteviUe, Oolaabos oooaty, Jaaaa7 4th, ISM. Boekiagham, Btohmond ooHtity, Jaaeary 6‘h 7884. Lnmbertoa, Bobeeoa eoaaty, Jaaoary §.b. 1S^5. Blii»bethteva, Biadou e^oaty, Jaaaary llih. If^S. Fayetteville, Chtmheriaad eoaaty, J*aas?y ISih aad 14th 1886. StucaervlUe, Harai^U esnnty, JaTinarf 16th, 18*5. Wilaitngtfva, New Oanovar 0 unty, J»nitry 20th aad 21r, 16*6. J. A. BABNBTP, 99-4t InscqjBtor 81 and 4tk D«8trlot». Bu&es, for Pris»aers of War and Soldiers* As the Agent 0/ Sar^eaa Gea. Tfarraa, I will reeeire and for 5ATU ah soxea, , Uf Mjldiera am pruca- s of war, free of oharjj Ia« B>x?s soouid b« h^re by tne 2S u of «aoa u >2tS&, sj u:^ai t^ey oJkti reaah Raleigh by the last of eksa raonth. I wi^h taa bax:i4 asat to me to mark, with writtea in- etruotions, so taat I ntiy aars it. properly done. All boxsa fjr prissa-ara of w»r iauat be aj light as p;saibla. It they naooli iuoira Laaa 10) lbs. t&ey otnnat go. . JOdfiPH A. WORTH. PayettaviUe, Nov. 16. WaolW^^for tbdState of H.Garallnfi. lilB nad;rai?ael coatiaae to axohaaga COTION YARN for WOOL, oae oandle of Yata for 4 Iba. aa- xraihed. or 8 lbs. elean washed Wool. ' They will also 5k7 a liberal prioe ia >ash for large or small lets. QSO. W. WILLIAMS * 00., AgU. Pay«tteviUe,.Jaae 18. 42tf Asherlii'e, S J .\^:na, At^temarSe, J M SiTias, • 'napel R it 5«anden, Oturlnita, J Nye tiaicblnton, “ F 3"Carr, Ollntiw, Hnbhard ii Moseley. UtH'.cor j, J Aat-t, £d&«911, j Cobco, H!ll*t>.>ro', J V Whlttcrf fc Oo, Kay^tfaivUlv, A 3le^ir»i>»a fc Co ^rrenM>or'> , Porter H O'trroU, tJotdibofo’, Lne%s h. Mtyire, liailf&t, J O'lirl'Stt, Uaatiers.Mi, Vi^ycue it Co, i.aexuigtoa, J F Stlmsoa. AMre», rnl» »«.. '*« Llnculnt >n, P Sherrill, [ Ln«i«bur(. J ('lilV>a, j Marion, W-i W^keSeld, I ritubar>’, i Loo);, I Kateigb, VVilliMu* A Haywood, F Pescud, IMJl fialt lor Sale. BUBHRLd SOUND d ALT. made in the Spriag l&5S-^will oxohaaga it for Bkooa, Lari: ii'^ra, cr oonfeierate Tra«eafy N>tes AbK>, 30 b:>xes fine t}HSWINQ T03AGOO; for sale at ay siore e?p:>si;e tiape Fear Baak. A.. Q TaORNTON. 8»pt. 2. 64-tf E4IST RG^O MALE AND FEMALE. nPHE next B.:s4on of this lastituti-'n wi 1 o'maiense Jas’y 21d, 1861, oa the foUowlog Tirmi per eesRioB of fiv3 mont s: lit Spelling, Reading. Writing and Arith- Toedo, ^ 0® 2d Ctati^Bagliflh Qramaar, Qeograpby, Com- ptHition aa - Qistoryj : Ctow—PailMopny, Aetroaomy, Chemistry, Rhetorio and Bloontioa, 44 (7^«>~L%ngaages and Mathematics, 0)utin«;eat Fee, Bw^ Washing and Fael per month, the above terms to be paid ia o^ra at 75 cte. per bashcl. wkeat $1, ba«on V«| c*»s »er Ih., or ia other prodnoe *t oorre*«p'>alia« ra^o* If paid ia eurreasy an eqnivUe>t will be rcq^'red Sladents f)rom a distanoe mitt pay ia advaaoe. Foe othiff iafarmatioa address tHe P*i>:9i>al. ABRiM WEAVBR. Priaoipal. K Ml Beal, Yadkia Oa , H. 0 , Dso’r 80 97»2tpd 1 ar! Tar!! A LOT in fine order for sale. J03. Dee’r 21. A WOBTa. 93-8w 60.000 Oat. 1. Slkinglcs Wanted. siiiNaLE.^ Wanted Apply to UA^G HOLLHiaaWORTH. 72tf WAiliT£D, Sheep SIcms! .Sheep Skins!! I WILL pay tu» highest oaha prioe or exohang't Wo. 9 or 10 Uottoa Ca^ Ie-for ttiher raw or tanned ?heep pjrini^ A A M'jKBT^iAN Nor»r 28 . . 8»tf 0-- Scbool Readers, UR OWN PIR3? JISADBR; l33eoad “ ‘ B>pUer; (« « pfiai'T Poratleaithe FAYE ?1'3VILLE BOOKSTORE. D“o’r 7. RLAVK rO~T pglN.EU D»-j 2. i.i.o'tT Fir e»l» a*. ».he oaasavKa bo )Ksroas. 90- operly raik-kod, 1 s/rajuf wko miata. Gor.M N a 80-Im WmMk m P*.la H MILO { O /. * -r'.! ' io •• *zz I f ;r i .»i>- ra. i la i ■ ..*■ ■?' * 0 V R a -%aga*. ffoa W PjyottoT-l.e a..^d liit pla: I"' % i li ry U’H^U t! i D ■ ! vra \ 'ler The vl/ bv-tir-.eK t >‘I ' 'l>r: ' ii’S aibte S'-.iv'y T?-it;:»4S^ I • ■ » Vn*.-'' ‘T- ^3>. D^c’r 23. J. B. eoa CiTE ’LVND, Purchasing Coainiida;ir;, ?»y9l*3viH^ N. 0. 95 tf BiaKka Ux «•]» ayi. thic Oftce. RockiDi{hjm,J P NiXthani, SaUsbory, Hen.ien>>n It Bunis, “ DirbimR Ac G^ilasbor, Shelb/. R Pri>n^i>ei»er, I V¥ftde3b>ro , O §«aaett, (Vhitflv.lle, K Haynss, >T»iki'r Me&ies, H McLin, I " W H Llppitt. saoaoB w oaEMS, Q-tids-v'.ta*, ^ Ci i* »M B. O. HARMSTT GOUIfTY, 1 Johttiioavil.e, Uao'r 24, iS44. j 6fB0iA.li Oaoaas,) S) 38. / P.iE. I la obedi'j^os «« ia4:raoUoaa from 101. B:»r- n««’i, latvootor 2d ani 4t*i D s^rieia. N. 0 . ali p«r- 8?ns wItHiA the CTon'y of H^mott b«iw»*a the ages of 17 aoi 50 j!e»fa who >iav« beea heraUi'oro exenpt from military borvise by i-jMoa phyaieal diaahiUty, will fifr'vemble »t Somaaervlle, N U , ea tke It^h Taaaar/ ]8tS5. at 10oVli«k A. M ,. f-v r« ex4mla»Uoa. Thll iaeia-ies those who have, pcrmaeeat seriifteates ef dis> ability II All salllers aad eo^rsriptt that are asslgaed to light duty in the ooaaty. saeh a« are ia a O.* serviee, Q. M. ssrviee, 4e, will asseaioie at tke same eii x.f*-- A. H. TOLAR. Oapt. k E. O. Wanted lor the l^asaiM^ ITear, Af£.M^LS £jjA''HBA vjei'n dijjel la Muiie, wa^ e*n sinj .•♦oi pl«y wal on tho Pia o, aad is alsa Ea^iisj Bt'^n^hes. aad tfreneh an4 L>ta. Papils will not exoeed t«>n- Applicants oaa etate ihcir tarai3 Aldreas W 4. H. PONTO.'l, Waldoa. N. 0. Dsc. 28 95-4 pd 4'ARU i^Ort€£. Tele HE is nowaaotac-ri^tuf Coitoa»ad Wool CARDS (ready for aee) for distribnttoa to Soldiers’ fan>U.iS. al $10 par p*>ir AgtiOis wiil pletss o%ll for the:a H A. DOWD, A Q M N 0. Deo 80 . 97 6t 7 60 10 00 16 CO 50 • 00 At a MEiblINQ OF THE l0^M[18S10 vRd, to cpen book) of euo33ripuon to the e»pi «l 8‘ ^3 of uie D)3p River Tr^nsporUtioa Compan/, ^eld in B« leigh oa th» 2%th D .>tfaiber, 18;^, it appsaring hat mors thaa $:-0,o^ i^ra duoseribed by soi*eat aabiori bare, it is orderei that a mseting of «he soakhold;r» be o^Ued at ibe cffi e of the B & G R. R. Co , ia Ra leigh, N. O., oa tOo 12ia Jaaaary, 1866. at 4 o’clock, p m , for the purpose of orgaaising the covap«iy. Orierei funh.^r, tbat tbe books of saOsoripUon bn kept opsa unui the da/ of meeting, aiF*ye;ttivJle, na >ier eaper.nt'^adeaoe of 0 B. Mall^tt, Eiq , at Pitts- boro’, of E. H S.raagha, E^q., at Gnlf, of Geo. Wash ington, Saq, at Lock'i.leof vJapt. E Bt-yan, at Rale:ga. of the nndera'jae 1 BJ order cf tko Coramiastoneri W. J HAWKINS, Chaimui. Kbmp p. Battli, B -o'y. Dee. 80. 97-2t liOfit or mislaid, ACBRTIFICATB, Ho 69, dited Marah I8th, 1864, iseued to as'by John W. Saadford, Dspo:iit«ry> at this plaoe. for $10d0, 4 per eent. Gonfeder^te Band*. Said ecTtifleate is wiihont oar eodorsf^meat- Xhie ie ta aotify the pnbMe that we kave made appUoatioa ixt dne fcrsi ef law to Mr. Saadfori Ht a daplioate C ^nifisate J a N. A. CAMERON. Faye^tevine, Dea’r 29. 97*«tpd 10,000 Pieces IVeir lHasic, r«;oiTed, whteh will be seat to any addrcfs oa r-ie'*5 y> of oar C*t^-o??a» prioes. W-> -*»»e BOW o«9ome the SOLE AGSNVS in Nor k Qarnttaa, for Geo. Daaa k Co. of Riahuiaad, who a;e tie iarfai vaAfinest «a3«e Pabiiiherria the Sooth., AJU ordera to tho£3, from *’Jda State, irill he flUe-i at oar St&pw. 5^ Oae half off to the T** ■.! i. k'stiif its ^ B ko. BRAS.50-: * FnK.a\a. SUiiii?o, N C. Sesx ? % Rei¥ar4l. STOLEN f'om th« sabsoribsr, oa ihe 2d init., a Chest nut SorreS HOBSE, oboat foa? yeara old; ^oth his hiai feet are wh\t«, one ha? more whi^ than the other he hae a ’fh^te ep-H in hl3 f^oe H" w«s st-iha br the hor«o ♦hi»! Fry. *ad tha last h»ard of h5m wai in hi at Bane’s Bridi;e oa Drow^iiag Crae& i -jriil g-T3 t e above ta? the dsUv^try of tht* I cj« to me or iaforaafioH s'* tU*t I 04.1 get h!a» airaia *{t aidi^an »3 Ai:§vh P. O ' o-'a-!?*r, •?. C 3\.RVH ANN Deo’r i ®‘2*^7!;>cr'.f $3900 REWARD. ^ILL pay oaeth'n3^ad doUarareward for the apore- kenmoaofam»abyihea«iae of WM 8 *-ORKMAN, who broke j«il in this o'uaty oa the 30th I>ee 1834. Said Corkmaa is aboat 28 yea*8 of age. sbaat 6 f'sel 8 or 9 in^^hee high, light eonplec'ed, iigh hair, stint bailt- Also, Five hundred d)\lars for each of foiiiwiag p8*t)0BB who broke at the «tarae atme: Wiley Noaaery, wao aboai S-S years of ate. 6 feet 10 iaoheestaigh, stoat baiU, U$ht oampleoted, light hair, three fingere of his left hand off. William L- Perry short laiox set, stoat kailt, dark oompleeted, fro at teetk ba, oaaoat. Joha UiU, [bis supposol name, he has reftssed to t«L it,l ab^at 22 years of age, ehork thiok set, sear ea kis head from a reetnt blow, bad kaag-dog eoaateiaaae.' P. F. ALDBR^VN, Jailer Deo. »0 1R54. 97 *f FOVi¥l>, APUR3B, cost%*‘uiQg a faVd nim of m)a*y aai BO'jo ot5»T r;«* «j Tii oar>e“ »%a kav* it by caiiing oa B. G'o^ar ? jd p^fiat; t>- t'i••.• .Jv’Hlwmeat. Deo’rSO 87-iipd Hft>ficc—$503 iSew^r*i. Ri[NAWAY {r'. a ■' ■ n ..i: , iw ftajTT) r\t: ‘S ^'»Ued a’-'c.ut 29 feer per lolor, sreiyi-j jout I U • I* i '.a .'id :;0as30'T.n •*. 1 inij-tf3 bi^j. tfwiupic&ioa. w^ijhe liJ Toe above reward w21 be paW for taeur ai»^cii*;lon »2i d«>M”:ry ia trxr J?.” s j f '“Ij g^* tha*. W. L. BoaaeUsville, 8. C , Dse’f 2”. 97-6 oi Rank of Fairctteville, DXOKMBEa ^1, iHo4 ‘"fiats Diraotors of this B*ak -^'3 d*o ira« i. a» an 1 nn-*.l Dlv’doal of Fif:eea p-r dea*. —payaoie ia ».:oa f'djrv-* eartcaey. on the 8i o' 3^ 3, j W. G. BT.0 M)?00r. Cai'Me^. Wanted linmediateisr, AMILL’IR, well rewamadwl as o'aarastw aad OAi^biUty. ai Iteoka^ M^*^Fg^^ Mcia^ JLo^t Notice is hereby giien th»t »p jltcati ja w;ll b-i ajvi*. f;r ^ dnpliaate of a oert ftj^j lost or oii^l'iid—U- euedby W G. BroadC. 8 Dep'vaitary at P>yette- ▼tUe—dftiai Marok 21, 1S64, No 1209, te Jam^a Ara- irtroBg, for koadred dollMNi for 4 ^ MBk iatereifc uw ■■■■■ wain aaHTttiliVy lacL. Sotlce i« hereby 5i»en, aO-rafij-to, N.WJ9 fjr i,-«j h.tuir’d^'I } 1 f.»r J S'S? PC t. -‘■■'i* '- • 304 ‘lil M&.’-oi 1%^—•‘*“'1 ^ ^ B o^'Sfjo^. 0 S D'p-J «.t»'-T at FAyettsTi N C . ia '*vor, £«s beea lost •r aialud, aad that apoUoatioa will be made for a D«- tKSri. BESJA^N INMASI BIwlniiir BIGH SCEHE AT A MSDItiAL BOARD. The Montgomery ^ail has the ioUowiog: We happened jeaterday to be at t!ie ofioo of the MediOjil Soaid auder oharge of oar esteemed Inead, Sargeon Miotiei, C. S. A., when the guard brought in an exiremely well dressed indi vidual, wno, evidently ill at ease, seemed deter* mined, if' it were praodoable, to persuade the Board, th»t he, of all men living, was least adapt ed lur the aerviotffl demanded ot' a high private in tke Oonlederato Statoi service.'. Motioning hif visitor to a aeat, Surgeon Miohei blandly inquired: **Youc name, sir?" “STour oconpationr' **A member of the Bkri* “Abd plaae of birthf'^ “OharlestOD, fiir, Charleston, South Carolina; die most beautifid and"~ *Just so,'' interrupted the Doctor, dryly, as a peculiar exiwession, a sort of a no-yoa-lmty thit time, kind of look stole over his features, *^Char* leston is the queen eity of the Con&denu^ uid has no equal.'^ fizoept Chattanoogar' grunted out Spiviu who sat near the fire. *With a quiet, nervous aetion, the Dootor turned upon Upivins with a glaaoe, meimt to aa* niiiiiate nim it powble. But immediately i»* covering his equanimity, resumed his quettioB* ing. **Are you troubled with any ehrooie mt loeal disease, sir?" **Weil, ;-e-e-es; 1 nave suffered a great deal ixom seurvey, a disease, sir, contracted in Nor^* «rn prifions, where 1 was a captive, a eaptiv^ ni; and l.tbink that my teeth and gums are, to bmm extent, alfeeted. Indeed, my medical adviser ktlMi prescnoed vinegar and—*' “Exactly so,'' responded the dootor, ‘^step into the next room one inoi&ent," and as the arresled party and the physician withdrew for the purpoit of an examination oeing made, Spivins ventured to remark: “Neat dodge, that! the gentleman haUs fraai Charleston, eh? A beau-ti-ful card!" “Yes, very nice, but unfortunately it don’t al ways work," said Dr. Howard, very quietly. The examination being over, the arrested par^ began a series of expianauons as long m the legiu* ised acts of the lace session of our State l^^islap tare, which was out short by Dr. Tabn, who politely handed the gentleman a priated oerrifieata neatly filled out, which entitled the reeipient to a first olas3 position at the butt end of an Eafield rifle—he oeing declared, artier oarefol exatflina- tion, fit tor field service. The gentleman just sent to the front was no less a p3rsonage toan Robert S. T*ierin, Esq.| attorney at law, and forjaeriy a partner Hon. Wm. L. Yaneey, whjje reei^eat th n MUmafion of others. Returning to M;>ntgoineQf for the put pose of removing hia family, he waa “taken out of the wet,'' by the vig'iiaat conscript boreku, and at some iutiice time may be able to 3zclaiui; like O&hello, “I have done the State iome gerviod aud they know it T*- Horrible Sltnghter in Japan-^Skt Bun» dred and Thirty Woman and Ukil tren Mwr~ iered in Cold Blood.—We have reeeived, via Haiiaaii, a letter from Japan three days lat^r tnan tho nows already publiehed. It has baen a.ready tftaiod that the Pmoa of Nagato having refussd to pay the war iademnity supuiated in the treaty of peaaa signed by hioi, a jadgmcnt ot the crimi- «al tribunal ot Yeddo hal decided that his tiro palaces should be rasid to tha ground aad hia aervaats put to deith. We learn taat this singa- iar and sangumary sontdaae was ap^jroved of by he Mikado and by tae Talooam, the spiritual and temporkl sovereigns of Japan, and that the number of servanta killed in execution of it was foor hundred and twenty men and' two hundred and fitteen wom^n and children. The Prince, on learning the facts, waa deeply ooncjrned, and seat to t*ue capital his first Minisceroa board the £n> glish corvette B&rrossa, whieh was placed at his disposal by Vioe A laairal Kuper. .The Minister, on arriving at Yedio, waited upon tha repraasn* ative3 of Frtinee, Eugland, Qolland, America and liiissia, an i be^ougac tham to intercede with the Talooum in fivor of tha Prince, his master, who htd decided oa exeoutiag ail tha provisions of the tresty, and immadiataiy paying tha sum due. Saeh was the dtuation of affurs at tho last date. Oaligmni's Msttcngcrf December 7. An Italian bishop, who had struggled throagh aian/ diffiailtias withoat replaintr, aud beea muatt .oppose'* without mioilasting impatieacs, being isked by a friead to oommaniaate tho secret of his always being so happy, replied: *‘It coasifiti in a single thing, and that is, mak ing a rigbt tise of my eyes * Hia friaad, ia surprise, begged him to explain his m3aaing. “Moat willingly,” rwlied the biihop. *‘In whatever stote I am, I first ot all look up to heaven, and ramember that my gtoat business is to get thare. 1 then look down upM earth, and call to mind how small aspaca 1 shall soon fill ia it I than look abroad in the world and sao wkat naulbiUadae ar®, i* aU rmpaatt^ myseit. And thas I learn where trua hap piness is placed, wiero all my cares mast end, lad how little reason I ever iad t j marmar, or to bo o.h8rwise than thankful. And to live ia thia dpirit ia to be always happy.” A very talkatiw little girl used often ti her n >'■ ' 7 ^"^Vins; remwks about tha vintOffS ; Oa oae oawwioa a gaa- tioMian was expeuMd, whose nos^ !iad^?>e«u aoai- dental^ flattsn»4 n-^nrly to ti;e , Tai mnner ciuii>»ed h.*f pa-tloiUfly co nj aothing about cHij I nuiaa her coxiteraatioa when llie litfle .»ne exa'iimil, “Mi, yoa toid ms not tD say 'iay*1iin? aboat Mr. Soaiith’s nosa; why, he hasn’t gas aayl' ’ Admiral Porter report.’ that, within the last fif* lee» days, the blo«x?. ^e*floet oft Wilmington oap* turcd.frdcstrj5cd^5,50O,COdwarth of chsencmj'a Titopcrty in bloukade rannera, about two-thLrds of whieh oovcrs c:if turei piopertj. The blockadc runner Pctrd was driven aahore by the gunboats at New Inlet on the 15tii; was fired upon, sunk, then broken up by the gala« Cargo « arms aad ammunitioa gone. Bmk w.mavm tm mim MF*t . -J #