SmMl-WBKIi Lf I WTfl'TlI (.i n'V. r^VF’TTS^VMLLfc, N. i . JANUARY 19, 1865. fN© 1402.] iH Ti PRINTtiU MONDAYS aNU THURSDAYS i;i)WAR» i. uiLis: ^ SiHTORR AND PROPRlErORB. I*pl3« f»r th*« Semi-WMklT Obskkv**. SE20 00, p»ld in* ftdvwaoe: $-0 for eW $5 for ihr^^ won ha for tho Weekly u;i»iiiv '»i .^16 »KJ per auaui^, p*il In •dfHTJ-v ; $’0 e’rbt moTi*b=; f‘'P inAotbs; $6 for fonr tBot!»^s; 14 f ir three inontbB. r i8ir*ADVEFTl^y>^ELn'd iaFcrtiKl for $8 per o ;uaro of 10 lines or less for p%oM paV'''‘’*t'on AdTertiBsr* »r« retjueEtvd to ate tlio nautb^r of insertioas de- Ri*e«), or they will >e o-jatiaued tiJ forbid, aud oharced •ooordiugly. i^uTerii33iBoat« continaeu oliurged fl'«y per eeot *xtr». I gPEC AL NOTICE. Ficza »n : - tar this date, no.tianie of a ntw subsoriber will entared without payment ia advance, nor will the paper be s«i i« feiwu ‘•ub?sribv;ra for n longer time jMi S palu foi. 8uc]i of our old eiibscribcru m deairis t'.' tvke *iie p»" per on this eystaia w«ll please bpIx^ qj wfccu making rMuitiAuoes. J»Mi’y 1. 186S. WE9TEarV RAIL ROA0. mHB FBKiaHT AND PASt^ENaEB TRAINS of thid 1. Koad leave FayetteTille daily, (Soadaye excepted) at 8 o’clock, K. M . ar * rctam?tia: lesTS Egyp* at 1 o’oloofc, P. M. . CatHe aai Hor$» Train MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and F^vIDAY. By order J1?0. M. ROSE, Treai'r wd Qen’l Trane. Afc't. Jan. ^ 1863. ’ Tiii aad Ihoradiky. April 0—iVtf ] fr'rbm and after tfciU date t^e fiteaaier A. P. HORT wiil le«ve ai 8 «’ol«ck, A. U., on ifioBdA* J0«. A. woaia, A|(’t C. F. 9t««si Boai Wo. C^ARB iVOTlCE. THBJIE Is now another lot of GoUoa Md Woei CARDS (ready for n».) for distribntto’a t j Soldi^re' at $10 per p»ir Agen*s will plewe o&U for iheta H A. COWD, A. Q M S 0. Dm 80 97 W. ORAUOiIOi\, AUCTIONEER, S. K. earner Mi^rket j3qn!ir«, i'ATCTTEYlLLE, 91. 6. Prompt at.c"-o'.i to all buaitea^ in hia eittraated to tai ^oe 10, 1864 40^f ISAiC HOLL[mWORTH, &ad Coismssion fl«rekaut, FArSTTKVILLS, N. J. JjUK 13. ^ fcf vrjfi, mcE,, Attomay at Law, Favjsttxvills, N. 0. lj'UiL attend uie Oouuty and Sttperior Courte of SS CoBiberiaiid, liMncit, Moore and Kebeson CouB- ttts. Prompt ate:juv>u girca to tkf oeUeeiioDof all riidbu entrusted te his hanufc. Oct. 17, 1868. M-if JOH, UTIiEir, €hro€er and iipminlitfgn FAYBTTBVILLS, N. 0. id, 18^ M-tf irkl|4s Ak Rsiauii. wa. H. MMI w. 'H; 4- a$T£D]IIA]« Me, WI#i||iLfi kJib »^WS ’ * AND' • iMiwaiioiv JijBR»Aimi. A^. 10» Mtnf Sirmi^ ' FATBTTKTILLB, N. Q. Aprils#. am ITA1¥T£D. 2SAi\ BO8SII4B waiAt, , ,0W 1,600 » Qoai!. ParrnlBiic liUbrif^atinsr Oil. |f &V1NQ by oarefal exTenaeDt altered and greaiW £1 iaproTsd thf chtmeter of onr Oil, we now offeir for sail an a’tinle of La1>ridathig Oil for Cotton i?aot«rie8 whioh has no miMriof‘*ia the CrafederMy. It does net gum or otJiM. ThioO':! w«i fuarantee wi»hewef«l »rl\I tu b*5 th'> beet and ob«i"fl8t ^11 for fi«i« niarblo^ry in the South As ihe »)der8i|;tiei elvM ’'is pet.> lion ^0 the p*«p*rati«n of the Oil^ it phatt Bot deteriorate In quality bai rather Ijicrove Ke'ers to Agects Raekflf'i and l^)«ver Greek M»bu- f^o>u^tcg F^yjKtOTiilf, N C , wio preaoa%04 It a »ary iaocri:)r Oil HBNRY E. COLTOM, Art F K Co. NjT’r 28 iTIineral Pfre-Prool Paiut. WB are bow prepared te sapply any quantity,of thU Paint ti powder It li a Poroxt ie of Iraa, sad will st-^nd the mc-et eerere teeta with flalor deop reddish brown. HENRY B COLTON, Ag»t F. X. Co. FayettoTille, NoT'r 28. 88tf €OOP£R»i( WAi«T£I^, B/ MJORB dt OASHWBLL. 0 IL BARRB[.a aaJ STATB.^ WANTED by MOORB & CA8IIWELL €oiitraet«i lor Barrels. will o;>atr»ot for tae d.iti7ery of oat tbossaod BARRELS for oil, biaad with wood or irun MOOR® % C.\3H^EL:i. Dee*r 17. 94-2 m W*. Iks U|hMt (hi^j^oe ^ « Hr. M. TKooarta, at tte*ei6|pi|t HiilSi *♦ oa tLo eabsori- b«r at hlai^ lUad sa Market' fioaiire^ iJjkSL JOHH30QS,.J[I. a«». b, 18«SL - *5tf WAMT£D, At tkt Sttf^ Faaaify la *.U« towa of Fa^eUeville, N. O.f two goei tfOULDBRS StaaJy v.-nplayneak aadgMdwafea M A. B lBlBR. i>tc 19 94 tf Watt WanUMor Uxe State of Bf. Car«li&a, ;ild**F*tod «oaitnuo t-j exoHajige COTTON X TAKH for one imad*>» of Yarn for 4 lot. aa- %inhad, er 8 lb«. jttaa wfcshod Woci The> irUi alco pa^SMnl pti4c !a 0M3 for large or small Ut>. * aW>. W WILLIAJfe i 00., Afto. Fi^fMie^Ve. Ja»e 1*. 41tf ARJUT 9ARiV£i^Si. to Tnarnifa^***** all kiads of Wj Atmy ttae. I 07 leather and eaa HH. AgenM wiU do wall U seai tkur M they shall hare arempt attantiea, ud ik dupatoh. JOUN O., C^tham Co., B. C., 1 04^ Jtuw 13, 1882. ; ***♦ •94F#f mfi WARD. T 19ILL paj Ma'h^ttaad dollar*reward 'or the appre j^-irtarionofft—»abyAaa»me of W,\I 6 COBK]t.l.N, #feo broke jkU in this^^3ty on the 30tii De« 1864. ** ~*‘Ht V** Tin— of as). •bojM.ft-Jaat ee»ia5eiltiiga, li|pK ooaplao 'id, Ugli. iiair, itaat -tailt. Alw» Fiva haad»e4 dollars for eaeh of tae foil iwiaf rercoaa who broke j»lat the same tme: Wilsy Naaaary, wh4 i^ about 85 yeara of age, 6 feet 10 ia^ea aVnt bailt, lizht ompleeted, light ^air, theae flagm of kia lefi. h% i i ^ S. WUltaaiL Perry [SimIJ tiu ast, Btoat biUt, 4»rk eospleatQd, fr3*?t tad.a ;%•. 'vn os*.. Joka fiiti, £Bi* upp^33i &e iiai r^iftis^d s tell 1^1 about 22 yoare of age, saort itiiok sas saar oi hte head from a reeeHt biow, b* t hajg-.i ? iuota laaie. P. F \LDBd‘4' !?, Jaiter neo.801R«4. 97 tf Atter tM« date 1 will pay 26 Cea*» pec po;tmd X«r r»p,‘ or tke bjfhijrir^ market price, dieliTered la Tiil9, or at R -aklsb 7-tf FeVy 1ft, 18ii4 OEfilfiHUB SlPiKIlUKT. I RA.Latca, N. 0., M%y 8, 1868. / Lead WAHTtD.—i ina:* 0 punhasa liiad ror tki« Dep^rtoi^nt. Persoi* iiR^iug Isfge or amall qaaa- titie*) will plaasa apply » ■ ^ ponnil nf POWDfiR for 10 p^nd. jf L^.iD. Ir aOQO. Oaipt. L’. 8. 'f Or'^o:^ri4 To Wiae iflaker- or l#i«tiller«. 1HAVE f)* B 10 ;c- 1 boaud ht*7y oak FER vIEST INQ CjTANl»d, of oa - wu^ of I >0 sr* I .ns; a:i >, 4 B«t eo hefcTy, sama X3 Pn.. *: g i'(yj luaoa. Any persea wfco wiU t*ka i’’? wusl’i .tj i-v jj f f1000. Th«T are Taklaable t • wirbmi to ajaks Wiae or dui.ill Bruidy. * Abo, iwmo of half aise of »ho*6 ”,r yO- *t the aboT* ratw. E. OUL^’ON. Fa/ette»ill«, Oot. 1. 72 f Palma €iiri»ti THB eabfMtriher wii* pa- t>o hiriic*t or»b rr. tefrr mar onaniity ^ I'v;: i’ !»♦»«€. • T * WORrP v«*«4««v^n* r»#* » «• , - Sapposeil to be Kidoappcd. • f 100 REWARD. IWiLL ^atke abore reward for ihe rsoovsry of a NEQ30 flURu, 07 tli) uvne of daraa Kat.^, m'sssd on the eveirisf >f Dso. 9uh, IS-'il b^t^oaging to N '11 Ray, 8r She w%i ahoat 11 yearu cld c^aalfac , dark ooaip^MtfoiJ, pleasaat bokiiig when epokoa to. ilOO more will be givdn f»r too dateotloa of .aa thief. N MoPHaIL. Spont Sprag, Jm’y 7. 99 4 ^4 PayetWllle Dapjsltory, Jaa. 4^ 1863. An A I a») been pMS-jd b/ lu (Joafol-- ‘Joa- ^633 exi^ndin^ tHa tim* for oxoh»9i^icg Tr^asurf Nites New Ihnas m*y be na^l '>r the Old on pr'ssat- a'iriu at th;a 0£:e 98 4w] W O. BRO^UFOOT, D‘p33!‘~rr. COiniDKRiTl STiTKS OV AHiSBlCA, ) £vaiirBBa DspASTMGiiT, Dist. ('ipm Fn^a, > Wftmiugtim, N. 0., .ii«-3h 13B3. } HOTICE is hereby giTMX to all peraoofi haTlnf olaima 55*^VVr.J Vi IT: fm?- ■i w EACi^LE FOlTIVOnY, FATiTi'KViti.s, N 0., July 4. 1^64 B ARE NOW derd for .} PRBPIRED TO RECEIVE OR- ■taves employol aa i&bvrora oa fhe Janrf d-fenea m%t Wilmington, K C., that iho and-irRlgaH !a anthoriiid and prepared to pay the svime at kia -»J5oa, on tks ee- oond floor of the building n^Tt ai/OTe Mearee’ Drug Btere, Mwket Strr H. fg^PetaoBS exeouUag Pow«r4 f Attorney wul ob- eerre tko foUowii»g form—their sign \tur*3, in all oases, to be wltaeoeed by two wUnoswos iad aijri*'* »» dupli- or they may bo wtaesijj bsiors * Jusibioe of the Pea^ or 01e’‘k of any Co rt FORM OF POW'bR OF ATTORNEY. of , do hereby ap^oiat , t-f , my true aad lawful Ageat to aigu leoeipte for, aad reoeivo payment of all moneys due to me by the Engineer De- pvtmeat of th:' Con‘'- defate States of America, for the MTviooe of my ei.wca ^.mployed as I&berore oo tlio land defeaoes at , durtog tne laoath of , 186 WiiaeM a»y hand and »4»i at ——, the ■ — day of , 186 (Signed ia dapUfftto ) Witaewe of th« fobcwin;; sisea, v's: 24, 26. 28 and 30 Inch. AUto CHILLED TIRBfl. Thi* Iren we BbaJl aeo for them wiU be OOLD BLAST CHARf’OAL IRON, and wo war- fiat our wheels NOT TO ^RACK, and to bs equal to any iaade in the Confederacy, or to those of ’i^hilney & Boas of Pbiladc>lphia, who** repatation ia so well known by all Rail Ro'd Companiea. We faavd the best faQillties for transportation by Steamers to Wilmingtoa, firom thenoe to any part of the Confe'^eraoy. Orders respeot^ully solioited. 46tfl D. ANDERSON k, GO The eJ jnatoree of e«*orv Tf^r- jns sbotiid b« witneaied by three wit"»e8so8 There wuBt b? eet>*» &i« dupUcat# Poatfs of Attorney fw each uoa^x Blank foruie oaa b« had apoa appli- mtivm ai-tkis olkoe. W H JAM*B,Oaa*.*Oklaflag. 18M " »alt tor Sale. lAAA BUSHi^yiiQiPDSALT, madh la tko Sartaf ‘ -itf*rBaoott,Lar4.0«vra, otM. Alsa, 80 boxes 1 for Mk at mj itora aMorfla L tt. TOMTOii. CM 186^^ or Ooofederata OHBWlNa rflfctOOQ; RAIL ROAD WHEELS FA7ETTSVILLEIVORTH C^OLIDIA JUiI,MT^R 1* etf JSairi*. TI’sH FirPt ^c'?0;o.j cf tb’6 Ineu'.ution will dommeaae 1st of Fioraar7, ii;6§. ^ Applitaticcs for admission miut be adicaieod to WM a. banks. Saperh>tuRd«»t. Oct. 94 80 Hillsboro’ it« €• Militarj IcadMije The aoxi Besoioa of hk Institution will bogia oa Wedncp ’iO, F»t>’y lat, 18&J. AppJioak'ar.3 t!K Rd- mission mast bn taai-a prior to 15;h Dco’r 1854, about wKioh tiata tke t«rM will be mad-* kaowa- \Mkumi WM. M. QORDOB, Sa|»«riat»a4Qat. Qot. 1. 74 4oi THB BlJV«HAi1I senooi... A MILITARY AND CLASSICAL FINISHIIK} ACADEMY. THI orx* e(V8.\i!>a bagins Feb'y 1st, 1806 at if ehabot- Title, oa the II U. ft. R WaUe the old ovmrse is retaiaad, ectoBeira ^ddivoaB aare baea made, with a view to makKtg «•»» iioz,Biaaa as well §ood eehoiars. Adirasa 6oL WM. 3*^% 9ake, St. Q. NoT'r M. )8(M WW :hi«ora Collet^late InstUate. The eessien t>t thiii la«»ta*io« (iMU^au Lom- hertou. N 0 , W G. * R R K ,) win opffu with « fu’l and exp^ri’^boe^: corps of TeaoAers, tie seocad Wednesday in Jan’y and o’ose the fifth Taseiay ia May 1866 This Inttitirtion has a thoroagh gradaMlgtf ootbtsp for V o'jag UiiM and also a o'^orse for prep«eia^ boys for College, with “«oH deoartiaoat eKtirei/ eeparate. BuaaBis as rauows: Taitioa ia Pritaary, 00 « Common Snglish, 06 GO “ Higher 76 30 “ Language, eaoh, 20 00 MuJ^io ca rtano, 70 0® Use of Piano, 6 00 Iaoid:u1al fee, 2 60 Students boarding with tke Prosid«Bt will be uadtr his oonetant 8B{ierriaioa and be ehargod $8 per moath of 4 werks to be paid i^. proTisioaa at tk> fcUowiof prioes: Flour f6 50 per 'bbl.; v'om fl per bo«k ; Bacon and Lard, each, 16 ote. per lb , ijid other edibles io the ?%Tae proper).: on Thie will require for a aessioa ef ^oard 40 ba^eta of Cera, 266} lbs Baeon «r Lard, or 6| obld. of Floor. 8%oh one witl be reqalrad to famish his or her owa room; 1 tevpoon aod 1 kaiie aad fork. Bof^rd to be paid invjriahly m advtn«t, aai taitioa oa« at the egianiag. aad the reuilnJer in the mildie of he les- sioa ^0 extravagaaoe in ^jraea is expected. A lUkt httme* Bpau buU 8 very Baitabl* fo^ school or okarob. Fer fartkar partlealars address Be». P H. S(X)TB[jL, Pree’t, Laabertoa, N. 0- Deo’r?7. »«’2t AT8erte« Ja. Quarter 1VOTICJ5. her Tefn 1864 of the Coart of PleaB and Quarter SeMi'^ns of Ombarland county, the l’’.8t •pill and »»-tMa«nl of the late Alex’r Elliot, Jr, was ad mitted la prAbato and the snbst'riber reoeired letters lestMuentary as Exeoutor taerKf Per«oaa tadebted to ti>e testator must siakf p% . mi^nt to ate Tao«e having claims to ba B'-ttlei muat pi'eseot thpm'in f’ua time, or this notice will be pleaded ia fc»r of their recovery. J a SHEPHERD. Jan'yld 1885 FuPther i¥otife. I.TlPORTAf¥T «AliE. ON Friday tbn lOii d»r o; F?-’y 1865, the is»?i- denc^ of M^. WiUitm Elliot, I Wili sell the PLAN TATIOS ou the Saal side of the Gape F«j%r River,'for«n- triy en't^'ated by AUx. Kliictt, Jr.,—abfot 6 tnilea aVova the ^larendea Bridge —s-ad ft*n,iining cea'* *^00 nores. A?ao a smell trs,ot on tha ireei aid* of th« river, knowa ta •'the n’»c».” At th* 94m'« tim^, I wiil sflll 2! valfjable.aLAVE?; alao t'>e (JtookHogs and Cattle, Farmitig Tool^, F?»raitnre tnti aP of thn plasta Man Stejk. Thia gale is ma"*^ n-ur'?'’ rti to tha dir®?- tieoB oi tke Will; aad the torma ^i.l l>e eii months credit ualeai the bidders uhould prefer t*? pay 085h. J. Q. 8HEP-{ERD Executor. Jan’y 14. l-ff O'*. SILTElt WARB, AT AUCTION. N Tuesday l^th iaet, will be sold at Aac t^on. a beantnv of SterliHiT SI4,rer Ware, aoBBjetiae of T?a and Tabia Spoons, Forics, Trays and Disbes, Ivory Hacdle Kniyes, Plated Ij^oa&s and Forki; Napkiu and beamtiftil Toilet Table C«vtrs; one Gold Wat«h. JOHN H. COOK. Aaat’r. Ja»!’y 12. 14W 2tpd ftiand aad IVefi^ro to sell at AiMtion. ON ’’weedny next, the 17th inat., will la sold at Aae- tioa— ^8 a'lre? of Land oo Eisi side ef Wibniagtoa Boad, joins Ml'S Soady »ad runs to Blooat’a Greex 1 D«^o Mvb, 44 years of age 1 Seffing Maohlae. 1 fiae Rifle 1 Gold Watch IDS Muikelg Salt. Jan’y 11, T8W. JOIN H. com;. Aaet’r 1400 2tpd APPLY to Jatt’f 14. P. TAlfl,OR ottcrm tor iSal«, BLE.4.CHED S&RETI «, luISfl LiN^N; meok D.laaen Spool ‘'otlon. Bkck tnd Wbi«e; Black Flax Thread, a^d Buttone; A Large Lot of Needlee; Far and Wool Hats; ^offee aad Sugar; Eaglish Copperas; CottOB Cards, No 10 * Windsor SoAp—Cat Taoks; Salt. Ji»nu*r7 1 2i $50,000 Randolph Cooatj Bonds* Y virtiu of aa order made at Nov. Term 18i4, of Randolph Goantv Gonr*, I w;li offer forealu at p''b« ho Aaotion, to the higiiest bidder, »t the Cou*t House do.''r in Aahi-ooro’, oo the 7th da^ of February 1865, FIFTY thousand DOLl.lRS iu Comon B3ud» of tftld oooaty. The s»id bonds to ran for ten years fross date, bearing iatere&t at the rate of 6 par oe&t per aa- nniR, to be paid ssmi'aaooallf la suoh oarreney m will be reoeived la the paym*ut ef publio taxe^. J M. WORTH, County CotamiBaioaer. Jan’y 2. 98-Im Carolina Peiuale Coliei^o. THB socotmI term of tha present Oolk^iate year wil' oomafaoe oa the 2^ 1 of January aad close t^e i4th of Jaae 1866 Stadents charged from tirae of entering. No daduetioa exoop^ in ^ases of prstraoted a.okaM*. Board go^ raFflu m.>dara^ airi iostruotion tkerau^a. A^driM Rnv. J. R QRIFFirH. Anaocville, N. C. Jaa'y 8. 98'12t920f(iinpt meat and Bread tor tlie Army. A 8 tka amy i* in grett waat of ujat aad br&sdit jffii, A^l am diree^^ to say to tho«e b%viag n iurpiu$, that f^ULaMT t99*t pr fai; v»laaiicn for t3e sa>a) Paraoos r«^Bg to self laeir aar^tua at f«ir va>u\tioa, t:ie SAoie *Hl be iflBpra«3«'i It ij hop«i >11 oau will -t’iril to '.he ftjTeraineat I ajiayi pr^par^d t) reos'p*-and a«y far any amoant of prori«^nf due by extapcs and detailed Tenoas a my Distr:oi J. B SOUTHBRf.ASB, Par>>h>3itij Jaai , F.iy-jaiviiin, N. C. Dee’r2I. . 9tf Wanted te Purckatie. TK)WN OF FAYETTEVILLE rOUPONH; X Cioun*y of Cumberland U >upobc>; Old N C 6 per oent. Coo pons; Western Rail Road Stock; Town and Ocunty Bond?; Old N G 6 per cent Bonds; Bank Bills, Qold and Silver. —ALSO— 25,000 Barrel Stave?; 6000 " Heading; ^000 feet Poplar Pluik; Spirits Turpentine and Oil Barrels*, with Iron or wood hooDB. T S LnrTERLOH. Jan’y 9. «9 8w rayettoTUIe Arienal aod Armorj,» J&n’r 4. 186 > / Poundry-.Hau Wanted. NE oom'>'jtent to take Oiar;^, and lamiiiar wii.b oaat> ing B^t and shell, will iid steady employoie.'it anf go'-d ^agoa Apply to tae 9S-6t OOMD’G OFFICER MoieSf for Frisoaen of War and Soldiers* As tke Ageat of Sur^esa Oen. Warrea, I will receive aad forward all box^.s Jto , f;r Soldiers and p'isoa- eri of war, free of oiiargd The Bjxes ahbuld be here by tke 26^^ of »aeh moath, so that they can roaoh Raleigh by the last of OikOh month I wvOi the boxe^ aaut to me to m^rk. with wHaenia* stmeticas, so that I may have it uro;>arly doae. All hoxee for prisonera of war Mast be as lieht as possible. If thay ahoald weigh mor^ loan 109 lb.'>. ih«y oaanct go. JOd^EPH A. WORTH P!»yi»tterille, Nov. 16. PAY£TTEVlliL.E MUTUAL IMSUftANCG COXPANf. Uapital in Presaiuxa Notes amounts to Oa»k on kaad and otker awwti. 9267,688 2b 6,on 86 Total, *272,766 16 The Oompany kave paid aU losses promptly, and Have never a»de an asBossmeat on their praxnium notee Total loe^B paid, S29,6^/t Ornoaas: QjiO. MaPfEILL, Premdeat. D. A.. RAY, Vioe Proaideat. 0. A. MoMILLAN, See’y. DiaaoToas: W. N. Tilliagkast S. J. Hinadale, Wm. MoLaaria, T. S. Latterlok, A. W. Steel, J. a. C^ok, Hon. J. 0. Skepberd, R. .P. Browu, I , A. i. Hall, Mka9#Us andO. 0. BloGrommea, TraT^'sg A^eatg OauHAi Utdti •ppUsatieei. It Henry Lilly, H. L. MyroTer, 8. T. Hawl», Hathaa A. Stedmaa, 0. B. UaUett, Jai&ea Kyle, X A. MoKetkaa, WllUaam, §.M. liitinjtast. ex: 60.000 On. 1. Shlnsles Wanted. ddlNOLSd WANTED. Appl; tp ISV^X HOLLINQSWORTH 72»f 0 School Readem, UR Ol^N FlRJl READ Ed; ** S^oad “ “ S?eUur; “ “ Primer. For sale at ♦he FAYETTEVILLE 300KBT0RS. Deo’r 7. L Conscript rVofice. Orrtos Mioioju. iasraoToa, ) 81 and 4th Dlst’s N . Qoliaboro’, ^aa’y 5, I'^5. j HAVI'^O baon ordered to rwieve 03l B» *ae t cf that portion of his datiod req iired by Par If, Q (81) A & I 0 0, 18*^4, I Will Attend with lum at tbn folloTing timne and p\4093 f)r the purpose of ia- speotin? a’l mea betweea ihe a^ee of 17 and 50, hVd inc eertifioat?» of ex3''’pvioa far phyalfla! dviability. Also those a*aigno1 to Light Duty. Suost peraoas cf the above ta'aed c'assan as *ibaU •>« unO'Ole oa a;coa&t of B!c fneaa to report at the tim^' of Ia8p*etion will fcr- ■nrard to t’se Enro’liaa; Officer eartifloateji from their at- leading Puy«ioi»n, R’r‘'rn t-o befo^ ■» *^*gi8trat3, set ‘i' g forth the faots ./uUv Abaentea for wham a good txeute it not rendered toill be sent to Raltighfor maminmiion II County SuroUinV OSLoers WiU aave m’^d": irat ao curate r lM of the ntm^a of a'l men in their e^u itiei embr c*d ia the ’oreg >ing puragraph III. Owing to tha fact that a portion of the Bximptt from Colambas, Bo’oestin and Richnoud are in 40iive aervio>7 with the Hcma ^uard, it wilt be uoiio..'d that the appolBtmcats hitherto aiv.rtisdd by GoL B^rae^t fcr thoae oonnties havf bean ohaoged: E!ii>bathtown, B’aden, Jan’y llik. 1865: Fay.'tteville', C*uiaberl«nl, Jan’y I3tk ^ad t4'h Summerville, Harnett, Jan’y I6ih. WilmiDgiO), N H. Co , Jin’r 20,n aad 21st. Wbitevilie. Columbas, Jaa’y 2SJ aa^ 24tb Rookin^bam Riohmond, Jan’v 27th and 28ti. Lumberton, Roheion, Jaa’y SOtii aad 81st. 99 4t O. M. DOYwE, SurgP AOS. WAMTE0, OR the NavaT Ordaano^ Wjrkj, two gojd N jjtro BtackflJiilhs. Too car-*)ot wagea will oe pa'd for their serviaes ^pply to Offiie Naval Ordaanoe Vjrlw, Person atraet. - Jan’y 11, 1866 ^ 1400 4t F Oflaice of €. S. Nawal Qrdnauce Works, F'/e'-te^'lle, .»»n'y ll>a, i’^U PROPOS \L8 will ba received at this t>ffiea (or LU.^- BBR of tke following dimeasions: Sills. 12 X 12 Posts, 8x8 and 8 x 10. PKtes, 6x7 Sleepers, 8 x 14, P afteri», 2^ x 6 FloortDir, t 12 Pence Pouib 0x6. ^*'r-oia«r, It!? Wa» hur B '>,rit!Jg, Ss^dt’Iag, &■». Proposal will alBO be re^alv^ lor 50 (^0 Briok and forty barrs's of Lime. D P MoOORKLE, U Cwa’f Maval Qrd. Works. Piaiio lor ^ale. 8. T. IJA LEY & SON. 1 tf Motice*-$500 Reward. ) -AN AW AY fr>m the eribsori^er on the 27 .h iast, tW3 . !w aegro men, vii: CHA*^LE3. eometimsa oa^lel UROA'iH, about 20 year old, six f^^et big4. dark eop- per color, waighiabout IdOlbi. WILLIAM, som^timofl oa'ied TOHNSOJ^, about 19 y^rs old, hfc ic?'. t»a inehea high, ooppsr eimplosion w?ijha about 170 lb4. Tae above reward will be paid for ibeir appraheasioa &ad deli*ery Ut any Jail so 1 caa get th;>m. W. L. LE1ETT. Beatittiaviile, S. C , Deo’t 2*. 97-6tp \ EQJDlTYSLAIiE. By virtue of as Order of the Court of Equity for Cum berland county. Fall ferm. 18.-4, I will offer for » le at the Market Hoaae in Fayetteville, oa tha 24th of January boxt, tae PL-vNT iTION of toe late Daucan MeNeill on Can^a Cre«k. o^ntataing 1,044 acres, and the following Baal B /^ti; m Fa/cttevilie; Oae Lot oa Bow street, kao^n aa ttc Shop Lot Oae vicant Lot adjoiaieg Oae L»t ooracr of Owol 3pring and Raassll etrenta. Oa'J Lot South sivJft P^r.^i it atri-j», j -nd Bra ‘Bon. Oae Lot ^o^lb a^du Par^ ’u strict. lav> r.^.s, Haoiv. Oae Lot Scutk aide Perioa‘7t, with two dweiiiags. One Lot Ke&ncdy Hree:. wii^h doable dweliir^ One Lot, vao*at *ij jbins One Lot, -vsoaijt, in u«io?ki5llion 3-7 of 7 aCk-es betweeci the Clarendon Jridge aad the diouth of Orosa Creek. Ooe smAll tr ot oflAOit joialag Joka Murphy, of 30 aores, and a email tract jo:uiag Robert ->illi;kme, qaaa* tity act yet kaowa- 'ferma at Sal-:. Ptirabas winbiag to tee srdpinty ipill aprl? to A. A. MoKetban or Oh. r «>8 MoNes'l DiVID .'loiSSitiL, ConiTO^iSi^mrr. ^Hj’r 1* 93 FOR HIRE. A GIRL of 17, aad a WOMAN o' It and akiid. Ap- pl 10 B. L WIW3L©W J«=?’t 1». 1866 1400 8t ' RiTES Oli' TRAj«8P0RTiTI0N On Vape JFVar Himer from Jan* 10,1M6. AiUir, p^r btl, Apples do. Bnok per M, Blue Stoae per bbl. Baggies, Bbta, empty Spirits, Bbk, empty, Basoa, loose, per 100 lbs, Do pasked, do Bedateada, rider per RbL Copperas per Bbl, Carts, Carboys, Carriages and Goaokes, Cfffj*! per Bag or Bbl, . ^'0*1 per Too, D per Hhd, Ob". - T> r-.. Oo‘ . r > Ceru • s ^ er- J i> Fiah Flour Finid p Or^ pe Si'.tlBg. jaU Boekera, a’’P3 do, ^ r Bale, er Bb', « e®pty, fill'd, i i‘?rk per bbl, ’ hhl, r bl, ^usbei. Qriadstoae^ per 100 lbs, Ho«v«s aal Cattle, eaoh, Ha^ aad Fodd'T per bala, i>3 OfeeB, Irf>o. I v>ad aad Pig Iron, per 100, Lqaarr. per galloa, Lime pif Taak, Do ^ bM, Meamrua^at Koods per foot, Nails, per keg. Oil, Pea Fat, rer barrel, “ Coal, “ Boaia, “ Paper, per btudle,^ per 5^ or !£6 ib#, Rioe, peroask. Bosia, pe* bbl Salt, per Cask, « bbl “ '* bac, StUls and fiztares, SugM, per bbL Soap per 100 lbs. “ oader 100 lbs. Skeetiag per bale, Spioe aad p«pp9r per J’ag, Spts Tarpeatiae per bbl Tallow and Wax per bbl. WagOBS, 4 korse, 2 “ Wheelbarrows Yam. per bale of 250 lbs. ' Shioglea, per M, All small single packages, 96 aa'tK 00 16 00 75 00 'i6 00 75 00 7 60 6 00 li 60 4 00 10 00 26 00 80 00 40 OO 60 00 ICO 00 40 00 60 M 26 00 2«0 4 00 ^ 00 %60 1» 09 2 00 10 00 }6 00 10 00 4f) oa 1 00 4-00 •0,0^ so 00 • to 7 oo 5 00 1 101 16 00 10 00 1 60 7 00 40 00 *§ OH FOB THS 0B8HBVXB. At Camp Wiatt Uoepital, N C., January Ist, 1866, of Typhoid fever, in the 22d year of his Private Robert M. Beard, a member of Co. B, 36th Reg’t N. C. Troops. He is tha third oae of the family that has ditd in this a^fol war. He leaves a food mother and tfro brothera and sisters, to monrn the loss cf ad affeotionate son »nd loving brother. He was m.ti4tcr^d into the service of the Coafedorate Sratjs Jaa’y 1st 1862, and served tbree years faithfally to the time ho died B. F. P. In Raleigh, D»02irb‘-r 30th 1864, in the Peace lostitnte Hospital, No. 8, William Riokwts Brogden, of Co G, Hahr's Battalion. ^ The subject of this notice was a citaaen^^ Wayne county, aged about 40 years. left a disconsolate widow and two infaa*^^"^^^ and their loss is indeed irrepaMble- acd hcmaniiy SF6T»-diaiugtti' character, and he wts prolmbly as near fanltleM as the frailties of humanity would allow. He earnestly desired to do right in all thiogs, aad ever feared to do wrong in anything. In all the relations of life he was entirely oon- scientioug, sincere and true; and endeavored at all times to discharge, with the utmost ptinctuali- ty and fidelity, every duty and obiigation imposed upon hiui. He was a virtuou?, unoffending and good oitizan, and sustaioed the most irreproaoha^ ble and spotless charact« in the county where he resided. His innate aijd constant purp^ and intention was, to perforfc^ll his duties feithfully and in a proper and ac^ptable manner. He wae without guile, pretention or dcceit of any kind, and there has probably not fallen a more innoceat and harmless victim to the present war. Though unaided by rank, genius, education or ealth, he trusted faithfully and firmly in tha blessed and overliving truths and promises of tha •id aad now Tesllfients; in the holy doctrine ot ehristiapitj; in thoiinfinite and unbounded good- nMi, Idifci* mercy and j«rtioe of Christ, the Great Redeemdr; and lived.ia the ezerobe ot that faith ‘‘whioh is the substanee of this^ hoped for, the evideaoe o£ithings not seen/’ tai||^*adorning the doctriae of Q«4 his Saviour,” aefiOf^ig h«mble mMsttfe of his abifit^ and tldN^ ugat of his undenitending. But h% in#beea removed fiMk.ihe numy dan gers, evils tpd cares of ikis vjdn and dtf twrld aad naatey, aflftietidn aad snffe ,«e a worUi,4raM*« etwrnd hi^piness joy, in iinNwrtin the foantain of the water life Where mints and aogeb dwell, ‘^wlMce at the i^ght baad WIttiam B. Brogdee is no sMHre oa earth, tMi^ his memory will be loiigf aii^ aiFeetic fy hif fsailx a^ftiei^ tnmslated to tke ofwLwkrae 7SickB0« and sorrow, pate and dsath, //Jura i* aal iwred ao BMte.* ilOOO R£WARii>. STOLEN fr •*» tne ^abaSiib^r d j.t*oi-j, .»J nM-?a w at 0.’ F^yj.^;jv.i j.i ^ B.iY uORdE, 8 »taw old, vjvy fi e ojui^ ’n :* ‘ianisl ia hia right eye, din, !»aod all rou»d tr.a tips of ais hind ahoM rAtacd, a fo# >a»te ji 4>ir t'le saddle 9600 ftcwsrd will pvd f^rtho r'':o^'Tv if the ittiae, a95 0 for jao tbu’f s*ici cvi i.'uoa to ooaviot i»iji GRA^A-t D B-«.&.S^. J»n 4 98 8'nd Stop Thief! IStop TliicI!! «100 REWAUD. STOLE'' from mv aiablo oa AI nd*y s'srln t o 9(.a Jin’T 18iiS a gojd «a>d SORREL M •' liE, b years old, nnfform in color, a 'ittie inoiiued to be raw-borei, 'ii good work order, a little p*?’’ot t5ed ia the right fore foot, tke poia^a of tHe hind uoofa worn off b/ dn^g :iug whaa tioiiiog. Stif is dull A.d alcapy looking irben still, oaa p^oe a little, aitd is an o^'na*, trctLer, gentle in all har^eaS, and is a va'txab.'e f%rn aaimal The thief was aeen ri ling her at a furious rsite up the Fayetteville road6 cniles above me at 10 o'ciook P. M Moui^ay night. Any pi>r«oa w^o rill ♦tr?et hsr retora her to m?, cr cotfiae her that I may g’^t ho eba'.l receive my tbaaka and tbe ab-tve revard MyP 0 id RlHok R:ck, Bla??'D *, N '. 9^00 •^•IdUional r«>wa'd ^a ttf'i- si r r .. j.d>'-.0'i saffi- i-.n'*0 cittvio'i^a th««f J.\3 b OLIVER, ii Rvjk, P. O. B Aden, .T > ’ 10 1 »• •*roo 10 00 JO oo 10 oo 8 00 aoo 00 80 9 19 00 it 00 IH> Oo 80 00 so^oo IS 00 100 00 7f 00 io 00 40 00 2f 00 JLU. otker freivat net oaunserat^ will be okaif^d in proplltieB to above rate*. Through passage 980. Waj p.*,asag8 aad waj(,ireigkt will ba oba'g^ aoo'diag it diffioultv of laadi l|^. JOS. A. WORTH Ag’t 0. F- St E» «». T S. LUTTSRLOH, ProprfSt»r 8t’t».0. R M ORRELIi, fer Suamvr K^te Jan’T 11 1400*Sw Boxes For $$oldier«». 1 LL BOXES FOR SOCiDIESa OR PBJSUNllRl 0? War frona North G«nllaa, d?liv»reJ ',o the fcUaw- ng namad peraoas will be preaiptly forw W^d fr'« of charge: Dr D F Somiaey, A invills; Dr W A Collett, M >rgantep; l>r J W AtUa>B, S’atesviile; Dr J L Nc&gle, Qi'ceudbor^ Mr A Hagaa, Charlotte; Mr E iwat d Hege. Salem; Capt J N MoDawell, Ral^igkj. Joseph A Worth, Fayetteville;, E Manrav k Oa, Wil?iiingtoii; Mr F LBoad Tarb>ro; .tfr J A J Askew, Gi>i«r»in; Mr F b Roberts Marfr««4boro. xh- Box..iii should i>e wcU h00|>«d, pr.>u«sy aa*xed, •-'>d dolivtircd ia time for my ijpeoial Si- ssenge'r who leaves Raet»b oa tho flntt day of every .aonth EDWARD WaRRE^ Surggc’c Qaa’l N G. Raleigh, Oot 29. 80*lm mm RAU!»! RA««n—The inte rior qu^ility of the paper oa wiiiek tke Observer has bo^a printed of la«e, aad wktjh iii a great eye-aoi-e to ua, is owing to the want of a B'il&oidat supitly cf g>od rag.^ aad liie coa^eqae^t^ aeo- ^'iaity t4 resort to inferior laateriala We appoal xo ^e frienis ot the Observer at all aeoetbibie poiidts, savf .nuA briig to towa all ttie ran they oaa practice ■Vn tnva tto ourselves to aitwid to their ■"jt *4.^«ra. Geo. W. Wil^aiUB 4 Co., the >■ t : .uiii .own of M?. Msrphy, will paj 26 eeaia pet ib- ‘‘K •».». W. J WATmK Jk ~TEHTAnEXT» Ai^D I'lONFBDE&.ATS f*tates Bible Sooi*ty Teetameit* * i A. CtittK.: H'^OEB* » ^ ^ 1 T*? Grsve 'HQ the 11th A«^s«s4,1164. iU the breekieg Mi of tbe wmt he velttitteared is Aa Omapein efeUttl 0. K. Boys, BOW the 81st N. G. T,, as .Oe. B. He was takea fl4Nl|«!:^ oa Boiuu>ke Islasd, and af^ he wao eeehiBgei Hk jwed his Regimeat. He wsf is the «enu»M*r delense'of Ohtfleston, S. 0.^ sad woa tfie ecmft- deaoe o£ his oflloere and oomiadet by hn hmforj^ Mid oandmet. His Bc^e (OHogiBaii’s) beiiif ordered te Petetsburg, he was wonded foj jO» verely at Drewxy’s Bluff on tiie 16th Bfav, u aad was sent to BishsMmd, «ad after ^ several mondirtB. severe iuff^nng he obeed career in ranipation and peaee. 3e waa a di^- fol 800, affdotioate husbMid, kin^ taiaster, a §sod neighbor and brave wddier, and a nsefal aod eOa- •istent member of the M. £. Chna^MMSeath. vfhile hu relattvee ahd friends ttOttm|ijnintime- ly death they have great fonstditfMrin reflect ing upon his past history; andJm^velieving him to be transferred from a worltbof trouble to the xenons of eternal peace fltfiriiappiQess. May his *H(B&di and relatives imitate his virtues aod at i^st join him (Hi the bsaks of sweat doliverenr.;. N. M. JR. Ixr0BTa.N03 OF NSWSPA.PSKS.—People never timate the value of a thinif until deprived of it. Savannah refugee writes to ta** Oharlesion Ooft HQ accoant ot tlie aiage and fali of his city, iu wj he tella of “tha di»raal fearj and forebodiags ’ tbe daya when they had no n iwjp‘*p»r8. ktiew the value of ue^apapefa till t,b.en. b«3 with our country, whea taesd li?Jj out. flow great will be ths darkne lo withoui a Caii;^rfe38—by «ao actj President to do auy aad «}v^t,iryttii'j| him best for oar anceeas, «;hau tvT {»ers. Iu the h'^a ia of Pco/iutiac ftr iaatrameat used for the '^*bta( t>‘5ttdence than th»^ Pr3‘>a. If C._ quire of the people of di .'aaaati t ne truth of thia remark.” _4n Ui*Iuckj/ Number.—A letter U^at recently thirteea pickpjssk! kti.i tk»> by tiie ptpal police aud brum^’^ loit up. The “inteiligecce” cfl&oer, wh'osupenn- t€iui.ed the stations released oae iff thcsm, on thd iprv aiid ihat thirteen 'ffas .‘ uob a I u :laaky nam ber. Salem Almaukc«. BLUM’S Farmer J and PlaBtei'* Al 'laaao tor f le year 1866, recaivsd and for sal« 'J t.u *rro», di i ;n, or aingl-, copy, at the BOOJC PT« »Ri5. WAHTEO, Shei^ S^iag! Sheep Skins!! I will pay tho hi^heat eaah prioa or exohaiig) No. 9 or 10 n.->s.vua Cardii for either raw or tanaed akeep ’king A- A icKRTHAN. N.1V*' -A* ^f Wanted to parchMa or hi e for tha next year, AQO 'D, honest girl, to ^ n child’s nu’^^. \p'*iy to M. A BAK19R1 T>e i’r 19. 94 f J blaiiijk: deeos UPT PRINTED on sc per p»T>ir. For saU at tke OBSBRVBB BOOKSTORB. Dm 2. 00> fMiBg’8 Aritksetieal t.lMBRAniN8 a Bysteas ef AiithBietic, Ready ] teokon- a ar. fatereat GaJoalai^r. 'H*’r If?. liost or ]Hi«laid, AGBBTIFICATE, No 69, dated Marek ISIiL 1864, i*«ned to us by John W. SaBiford, D.'p^liiir/. at • tais piaoe. to" ?I0)0, 4 per oent. Confed«Sll^9^ad«. Baid ocrtilij*- s withjut our eu lorseeMal^ ^ la i« te tttiify t^e sib‘>o tHai w» have atila appUeaBba|,la do* form c; law to Mr. Sandford for a daiilieatlg|e«i{0jate. J. A N. A. Fayettevillo, W««tpd £ i'fit of AdL'*r8>ti/.—A smooth s;a nevor fn'.^e i skiiifttl marinei- Neittter do nniutorrupt- ad prospeii y and «u^eai qiAlity m tor uaeful- QCtis y' fiappiaess. The Ntorins of the occaa rouse r.-'e /^.cultios and excite tho iaveacion, prudence, skill Tsai farLituie of the voyager. I i)av9 al(*ivfc pretcrrod cheerfalncds to mtrth. Tiie latter I coaaider ao an art, tae foriU’tr as a habit of miud. id^irtn is bhort and t.«kasient. Cheerf^ess fixed and perm:tnent.—Addis'm. to The rn-es of rl"%«ufe seldom last long enough adcrn ttio oro-;^ cf him who tluoku them, and they are the onlv whieli do not retain their sweetaeaaitiicr they have loaf their beaut j.—Slair. Where nee«sn^ endi, dei^ire and ctirioaity be gin; and no sooner are ire supplied mth every thing natore ean demand, thaa we sit down to eontrive artifiaial appetite8.-^*J^^»- Forget injories and ratfsmber bMNfits; if you grant a favoK,. forget it; if you receive efufi remea- bor it. BtaunkB ioK Mb ai tkm^HUmi Tiic dove wak the first newspaper earner, eoe marniag it went sdsd fstehed a leaf fye ] It eofttsW » p«ag!»pk ytheweatfMr^ 1« ,1^ , I