T ilu- -.t! le- ;i- ■ pt •( due- ■1 the 1 h f’.i h ■>N er — ► c., p \i ;WlLlIilS (DIB E III 1>W B BK L T V(» \IV.1 F4YCTTKVliL».!':, C. JANUARY 23, 1865. Ni) 140S.1 PKimED M0NDAT8 AND THITRSDATB ICDWAKl) J. llALfi A SONS. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. PrlM for tho Semi-Weekly OsRVKvam $20 00, pftid la adviiBoe; 9'0 for six aoDths; S5 for three moii>a fer Lke Weekir Ovaasvim $15 00 ^«r amnani, paid In ft^TaDcc: f 10 f'lr eifrht monthu; $8 for liz moatha; fS for fDnr monf’’8; f 4 for three nonths. fg^Ai)VEKTlHEftl£NT8 interted for fS per •qaar* 10 lires or less for f»o>« pabH*»toa AdTwtittn ar« requested to stae the number ef iasertieiu de- •ired, or they vill Se aKjatiaued till forhid, utd ehuged aocordtngiy. AdTeriisemeatM ooQtinmed kutd4, oharfcd fl^ky per MSt 'xtr«. BFliClAL NOTIGB. k ihla date, a« n*ae of a b«w eabeoHber wiM be entered without payment la adTaaoe, aor will tk9 p«p«r be Beat te saoh anbnoribera far a loacar tea thAD )• p&id for. Saoli of our old sabsoriberv at desire i« take ttM pa per oa this syatem will pleam aotiiy os whea laakiaf remitlaaeec. Jan’y 1, 1868. W. DRAUGHOilla AUCTIONEER, S. 1. Corner Mftrket FATETTBYUXE, W. Prompt attention (iTen to all boainesa ia Us fntrasted to him Jane 10, 18t>4 Mtf ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH, fb'teer and Coaaissioa Merchanty FAYETTEVILLE, N. Q. «o tr •rwri. JticJL, Attorney at Law, Fayittivilli, N. C. WILL atieod the Gonuty aad Superier Ooarte of Ctiaberland, H&mett, Moore and Robeaon Coaa- ties. Prompt attention (iTea to the ooUeetioa of aU ilalToa enirusted te hi* handa. Oet. 17, 1869. ¥i-a **rvun' m%d VamtnHsHmn JWertiutnit FAYJS'TTEVLLLE, N. 0. Jao*y 10, IR^. W-t/ nroaj; .k. smnLoi. wm. h. lauuiuts. M. A. Sc CO., WHOLESAL& AND K6TA1L »EALK08 AND CO.T£ Ta»l!llO.^ .TlERCHArVTSI, •f«. 19, Ekty SireHt FAYKTTSVILLa, N O aoeH 2e. Mtf flHBSTEBlV RAIL ROAD. rLB F&lieHT AND PASSSNQBR TRAINS of tai« K«ad iMTf FayettATflle daily, (Boadayi axoapted) at 8 o'nlaak, A. M., and retoniing leave Icypt at 1 o’oktok, P. M. (kUlU mi StfM Trmm MONDAY. WBDNBSDATaad rniDAT. % M. BOil, 'Areaa’r M>d 9w’l Traaa. ^t. Mm, an. 19N. «7tr Pron aad after tliiA kke Mwaar A. P. EURT vriLl _ l«e»re s* 8 o’aio«^ A. M., on •adThoMay JOl. A. WORTH, A|irtl 9—17>f] A^t C F. 9tea» B>v(4 Uo ParrAffine Lfibricatini^ 9il. HAViHG by jar»fal ex '-jnm*nt altarai Md Kreatlr UBpr«V9d Ui« o^oaoar at oar Oil, we aow off*t for aaU an artiala ti LetrtaaUas Oil far CotWa faaiurtaa wMth hm aa niMrt'* fa the C«afad«aoy. I* dcci aot gam or ohiU. This Oil ife iraanaiM with etrefsl tri*l to b« iV beat aad ohaa^'aai .‘il fer fine maehin^ry ia the South- Ao »he BBdarviMad his perioa^ at«ea- tioa fo the p^wpairetloa m the Oil. it ahall aot ddMriorate In qaaUty bat raUiar t«arove i«^.r« to A genii EU*tah aad Btrm Oaak Maoa- faetorCfef Cos., Pajraitarille, N C , whe pr^oetuoe it a »ery re?eri«r Oil BBART E. COLTON, Aot F K. Go. Mit’r as iVlfa«ral Ptrc-Proot Paint. Wl are a«w piaf arjd te aappiy any qaaatity of thi^ Peiat Bn a«w4ar It 9i * Parox;le ef Iron, aad will sUnd the meat etrvare tasta with fire 0«l«r dsep reddish browa. H8NRT 1 COLTON. Ag’t t. K Oa. F*yettaTili«, NjT’r 28. 88if COOPCR9 WAmTEO, 9/ iix>Ris 9k eAaawBLL. 0 IL BARRBLS aad BTATS9 WAATBD by MOOai A 0A8QWILL W Ceatrr4Cts tor Barrel*. Fill eJslrvs^ f«r the dedrery of thousand tfAdRKL*) for oil, b.aad with wood or If in ilt>ORB 4 CASH VEL: DfKj’r 17. 94-2ra WA.HTEO, At t&e Star #vua«'/ *.a -ae luwa of Fayeaeriiic N. 0 , two good ^ )ULDE£13 Steal/ emplo/i4«nt aud god wagea M A. B^KKR. Deo 19 94 -f Weoi Wanted for the State sf N. CaroUaa. I^HJi OLuucra^aed oaatinae to exahaage COTTON TARN for WOOL one baad'e o' Tara for 4 lo4 un- «aehel, or 8 las clean WMhui Wuui I jay tni) also pay a dberal prise iq ca^^ lot Large or Hmall lata. &R'* W WILUAS*'* * 00., As‘.9. * »/teTil-.e, Jaa» 14. iJff FAYETTEVILLE ]10RTHT;ARPLINA TfTE'Fint SfiNMoa of this In^Utatioa will eonuaenoe l»t of February, 1806. • AppUoatioaa for adicisaioa nast ba addraseed'lo W.M A. BANKS. Bopo^MaiHeai. Oct. 94 • 8t tf Hilhiberf’ N. €• Mlllttrj Aeadmj* a»at aaMlea ef this lastitaiieB will beg^'i oa A Wateerf-i*, Falk’y lai, 18t»^ AppiiaaMar^ for ad BiiMtoa ma«( b« made pHer m 16ii> D««’r 18M, about •*tiah ifaae iha Mrr« b« ai^»4« kno ira. Mi^. WM. M. OOROOII, Sof^riBtftaiiaau »s(. 1. 7I.4W THG Bllll«nAra »€ROO A UILITART %9D CLASSICAL FIN18SIN9 ACADEMY. let, imia n( jife'.'WMe- «rso is with a ivirricc. At 8ept«aibar Tarm 1864 of the Coart of Pleas and Qoarler 8?ui«ns of Ct'mberlaad ootinty, the last will and tentament of the late Alex’r Elhot, Jr, was ad- mittad fea prnbtta aad the sabsoriber reoeived lettent tMNaiealsry ai IxeotUor thereof PeMoat iadabted to the teHtaior mu3t aiake pavmpat to ma Thoae ha^iag olaisa to b« settled must pn»aeat thea in c ae time, or this notice will ba pK«ded Id bar of their rccoverj. J G 0BEPHERD. J%u*j 14 18f6 Till KfCt «Mita bagtas Peb> let, tUI*. ea tha B. ti iL R White the oi4 e rataiaad, «ataB«iao adatiaaa have baaa naia, view te makiag aaa* bomijmm m waLi aa poad selMtara. Addnas OoL WM BWOJIAiL. Sap’t, N. flTrW Chicora Collegiate lAstltute. THB first Kaaiaa of thia laMtNUiea (looatad aH Lma- berlaa. N 0,gnW C. AR R R,) will ov«o with 0 fail aad expari«e«d corpt of 'faaofeeiv, kba second Wadaeeda^ 2b Ja^i'y aad o'oet the hfth Xaeaday ia 1866. This Inatitatl^a has a tharoa«h frwdnatfic oooive for young kadlat aad also a ejoiat far prtjffcitan boys for CoUa^, with aaeb dapartmeat aatiraly laparato. ix»aBsas ^ roLMWs: Tttitloa ia Priatary, 900 00 • Common BaftMW M OB WfSn “ 76 00 Languagae, aaoh, aO Ot Musto •« Plaao, 70 00 Use of Plano, 6 00 l*oid«atal 2 50 8tad»Hts boardiag with tbe Praaideat will be «id*r his eowtaot sa^erriaion and b« oharg^ $8 par moath of 4 we^'ks to be paid in proTiaiaaa at the fcliewing prices: Fiaar f6 50 p«r bbL; )ora fl per boah ;■ Baooa and L*fd, eaaa, 15 ot«. per lb , and other ediblaa ia the same proportion This will require for a eamioa of >«oard 40 boihels o( C»rn, 2dt>| ibs Baooa or Lard, or ftf bblH. of Floor. Each Ace will b« required te fum'eh his or her own rcom; 1 lea^pooa a»d i knife aad fork. Board to be p«ii mvariablf/ m udtmum, and toitioa one half at the oefinning, :irtd ihe reta tinder in the middle of *ho oes- aion Ho rxtrsTagaeoe ia f^rau la ezpeeted. A naat homa- apun aaU a very aaitabU fo^ aenoel or eharoh. For further partioulara addreaa Rev. P H. 8C0VBLL. Pres't. Lniabacton. N. C- D*erV7. «• I2t Further JVoll'e. i:fiPORTAiirT 9AI.E. ON Friday tho 10th d»F «f Fah'y 1865, v th* ^e«»i- d«BO« rf Mr. WiiliMB EUiot. I wili wli tV« PLAN TATIO’f C-* »he £«at»ide of ihe C^pe Prar River, forrc- erly salti'atfMl by Alax. Eiliott, Jr.,—about 5 rail^s above the Olartiodon Bridge —asd aoniainmg naar 7Q0 iS. Also » aaMll ir*«* •» 4tk* wMik aid* of ike riTer, wn M “the Bam.vter |»i»eAt the iim«, 1 Will nail 21 valnabiA SLAVES; a!ao tbe Stock Hogi and (^tla, Far3aii»^ Tools, Furaitaie and al* of the pUata- tion Stook. This sa!9 is ma'^e fiursuMit to the dir«e- tiaaa of the WiU; aad the terms will be six montha oredit ualraa the biddara ahonid pm^«r to pay oaeb. J. 0. SuKPSERD, Exocutor. Jan'j 14. l-if 150,000 Randolph Conntj Boad§« BT nr aa of aa .-irder made at Nov. Terra 1834, of Raadt^lfh Caantv Court, I wtU offer far s»l« at p-^b- Uo Aaation, ta the higheat bidder, «.t the Ooart Bouse do'f ia AsVbero’, os the 7th da« of February 1863. FIFTY TQOnS AND DOLLARS ia Couoon Bonds of said ooaaty. The a*^id bonis to run for tan yoara from date, b^r^ ’ntereat at the rate of 6 per cent per aa- num, to be paid serai'anaually in iaeh ourrenay as will be reeeived in the paymtnt »f public taxe«. J M. WORTH, County Commisaioner. .lan’y 2, 98-ln Sheep SlciiiHl Sheep SkinnH WILL pay the higher; a-ia prise -r exohangi No. 9 10 Coitoa Cardi for either raa or tanned &he«p A or skint. NoVr 2* A. A MjRErii\N. 89tf WAT^TEB. *1 fi^AA BUeETBLS WHEAT, 4.0W l.WH) “ CORN. Persona having the abova artioies to aell wfli leoeiva she highest Cash price by oalling on Mr. M. Thootasou, u the Merohant Mills, Fayetteville, ar oa the subaori- bar at his old stand oa Market Square. AL^X. JOHNSON, Jr. 75tr REWARD. I ^ILL pay ;aaia u3fi>u 1 ioIl«rsr^«r»rJ for the «ppre A beu'iiouof a mac by toe a«oie of WM 3 i OEK.tfAN, wiio brokf J'.U ia tiiis c aity on the 80th Dao 1861 I Said CoriuaAa w aboat 28 yea's of aga, about 5 feet I 8 or 9 ’n'shoe high, li^^t oo.'aploo'ed, ligh* biir, stgat 5 built. I Also, Five Hnnlte l dollars fir *aeh of tie following I peraonit wtio brok - jtH »>. liie t’me: WJ.^y Nunnery, wno i« aboni 35 years of axe. 6 feet lO iaoaov hijh, at«ut baili, lixa.‘ ossaplaotad, lifht hair, th(a« fiag^rs of biS >eft ha;i 1 off. WiUiaia L Perry [fiuij short thi jx set, atoat bailt, dark oomplMtel, firoot teeth ba*!, oaa oat. John 3il(, [iiia sapp'>aei n»me, he haa refused to tell it,l abjut 22 years of age. short tbiok set, scar oa his head froa a rectnt biow, bil haag-d-'g ‘.'ouataiance P. F AL0£K1\N, Jaiicr. T>e4 «0 1«64. 97 tf Nw. 5, I8tt2. AR.nY RARIVE^^. iAM prepared to manufaotore al? kinds of Wtgoa &arne98 for Army usa. I tan my leather aad oaa giVd good bargains.. Agenda will do wail ta send their ardors to me as they shall have prompt attention, aad teat c,Y in quick viiiipatcj. JOEN CARIS&. Gt»ldatoa P. O., Chatham Co., N. C.,' June 18, Ibtti. Fayetteville Dap jsltory, Jaa. 4,1855. An a.’ T haa oeen p»8jjd by ta^ Ci>afaaif»Lo Ooa gre«9 ex.iuding the tiaiD for exehavi^i«ig Trcuur/ Njtes Ne«r I'sae oiay be had for the Old oa present- tion at this 0£oe 08 4y] W BROADFOOT. D^p>ai»ary. 34tX Atter tkis date 1 will pay 25 Cents par pound for rag«, or _ _ the highest viarket price, delivered in aveUanile, or at my milia on £>*>okt3h. I>, MURPHY. Feb’ylS, 18U4 7-*' OS)NAXCS DK^FAKTMCrfT, \ RAi.aicH, N. C., May 8, 18W. J SAD WANTED.—I wish to porohase Lead for thia Department. Pereons having large or small quaa- titiea wiii plcaae apply at onoe. Will giv« 1 poaad of POWDER for 10 pounls of tEAD. TH08 D. HOOO, Capt. C. b. 69 tf In charge of Ordnance L To Wiiic >^laker« or Di»tlller«. I HAVE for 8%h 10 iron bound heavy oak FERMENT ING STANDS, of oasacity of l*>0 ga Ions; alao, 4 naj so heavy, name siie Priaa aiBil? p^reon wHo wai i»ko wo whole can have taem for il» Thov are v*laable to any one wiaiung to make Wiue or distill Brandy. AliO, some of half siw of abo»e for sale at half the above rates HENRY E COLTON. Fayetteville, Oct. 1. 72t( Palm* ChrlBtl Beans. ^HB subsariber will pay the higheat oaah priaw fbr anj qnaniitj of Palma Okriaii Baaafl. J. A. avr«Ma«ntL rv« ■ WC»TF STATIS OV AHKEICA, Svsixaaa Dipaktiuht, Dist. Cafb Faaa, Wilmington, N. 0., Mareh 18^. Notice ia hereby gives to all persona having olaima against the Engineer Department, for servioes of aUvee employed as laborers on the Umi iefencu naiv Wilmingtoa. N. C., that tbe nadereigaed ia authoriied aad prepar«d to pay the aame ht hia effloey on the aa- oond floor of the boilding next above Maaraa’ Drag Store, Market Street Persotis executing Powers of Attordey will ob serve the following form—thoir signatures, in all cases, ta be witnessed by two witnessea and signed in dupli cate, or they may be witaesaed before a Jnatiee ef the Peace or Clerk of M»y Court. FORM OF POWER OF ATTORNEY. I, —of , do hereby appoiut , of ——, my tme and lawful Argent to sign receipts for, aad reorive payment of U moneys i^ue to me by the Bi^ineer De partment of the Confederate States of America, for the eervioes «f my slaves employed m laberars on the land defenoefl at , daring the month af f 186 Witnees my hand aad aaal at , tka — day of , 18d (8ign*d ia dapliaata.) — [BwL] WUoMf • T;-»e aignatmea of eolorad peraona photild be witnaaaed by three witaeeaea. Carolina Female College. The secaad term of the prMent Collegiate jrmr wU'- commoaoe oa (he 1 of January and cloae i«e 24th jf Juoe •8^fc Btaden^ oh^rged from time of eaterisg. No deiuooloa exoept ia oasaa of protraoted a.oknes«. Board good Terms s'>'lerat« aad lajiiruotioB thorough. Acdreas Rav. J. R QRIFFITH, AnsoavtUe, N. 0. J«a'y S. 98-12l920pdinpt IVIeat and Bread for tbe Army. As the anay ii in great wait of meat aad breadstofls, I am iireoted to say to thoaa k«vi«g a sarplu4, that 1 will p>y local or fair valuation for the same Persona refusiug to sell their surplus at ftir valaatlon, the same aill be iap>>>:Bjed. It is hoped all wao ean will sell te the tf jveromaat. 1 am %'aa prepared to receipt and pay for any amoant of provisieas dne by exempts and detailed T>er4oas >n my Distr’ot J. B SOUTHBRLAND, Poronaaing Com , Fayettevillo, N. C- Dee’r2l 9Hf gSP.y w CAOLE roiniDBV, FanTTBviLLi, N. 0 , Juiy 4, r64, E ARE NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVE OR- ders for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of the following' aises, v'l: 24, 26, 28 au4 80 inch. Alao CHILLED TIR£8 The Iron we shall n?e for them will be nOLD BLAST CHAR30AL IRON, and w« war r^at onr wbeela NOT TO "RACK, and to be equal tc any made in the Ccnfr-eracy, or to those of '^hitney & Suns of Philadelphia, who'’* reputation ia at well known hr -U n—, We have tbe best fRiIiit?»s t-r transportation by Steamers to WllmingtoB th»‘uce to aay part of the Confe'*er»cy. Orders rwipect^lly solicHod 46tfl D ANDHR80N & 00 FAYETTEVlLIiE MUTUAL INSURANCK COMPAff. Capital in Preminm Notoa amounta to OaA on hand and other asaeta. f267,«88 2b 5,077 86 TotAl, $272,766 16 The Company have paid all loasea promptly, and have nevar made an aaeeasment on their premium notea. T >tal loaaea paid, $29,682 Ornoau: 9BO. MoKELLL, President. B. A. RAY, Vice Preeident. 0. A. McMILLAN, Bec’y Duioxoas W. TOhiighast 3. J. Ilia>dale, ^ua. MvLaurlu. I. 6. Lutterloh, A. W. Steal, J. U. Osok, Ho». J. Q Shepherd, a. F. Brown, \ A. E. U*ii, / John Gollia- *a'* 0. 0. McCrumman, Travaiing Agenta »skr anoba*t’«»» Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, 0. T. Hawl», Nathan A. Stedmao, C. B. Mailett, Jtmoa Kyle, A. A. MaKethsn, J, D YlUiaaia, S. W. Tilun.^h.'.at. TB^TAHEfVTS AMD /^MFBDfiRATB Statea Bible So«te.y Teat&meBtM i J A rt'3^.Vv4)l Hriao« {oxes, fer Prisoners ef War aad Soldiers* As the Agent of Sur^eoa Qan. Warrea, I will reefive and forward all boxea, &o , for ioldierb and p.iaoa- e s of war, free of charge The Boxes shonld be here by the 25 h of aaob month, so that they can reach ^leiga by the last of ea^h month I wuh the boxes aeat to me to mark, with wrii^«n ia- atmotiona, so that I may have it properly done All boxes for prisonars of war must be as light aa possible. IX they ahoiud wetgh more taaa 100 lb?, they oannotgo. JOSBPH A. WORTH. Fayetteville, Nov. 16. 60.000 Oct. 1. Shingles Wanted. SHINQLEi WANTED. Apply ta ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH 72tf School Beadere, OCR OWN FIRST READER; “ “ Second “ " “ Soeller; “ “ Primer. For sale at the FAYETTBVILLB BOOKSTORE. Dec’r 7. WAIVTED, For the Naval Oriaancs Works, two good Negro Biacksmllhs. The ourrnat wages will t;e pa-d for taeir servioes Apply to OflB'^* N»*-' ” ilnV ir,’i8«5 14C0 4t Office of Q. S. IVaval Ordnance Works, i F-yeaeriUe, >^af llih, 1»6> j PROPOSALS will be r?coifed at thia Office for LUM BER of the following dimenai«»us: Silta, 12 X 12 Poets, 8x8 and 8 x 10. riaioa, G & 7. Sleepers, 8 x 14, Rafters, 2| x 6 Floorinc, 2^ x 12 Fence Posts, 6x6. Fenoinc, 1 x 12 Weather Boarding, ScaatHng, fte. Propoaala will alao be receiv^ for 60 (^0 Brick and forty barrels of Lime. D P McCORKLE, 1400-2wj Lt Oom’g Naval Onl Works Piano for ^le. PPLY to 8. T. HAWLEY ft SON. L Jfa»’y 14. l.Jf THE CHURCH INTBLUOENCER By request, we copy from the Church Intellie«ioer the following letter from Bishop Atkinson, nrg^ing npon the members of the Episcopal Church to give a liberal support to that paper. The Intelligencer ia, without doubt, very ably edited, and the excdlent Bishop’s ad- mocitioDs should be heeded by tJioae to whom they are addressed; TO THE CLER4T AMD LAITT OK THl DIOCESK Of S CAROLINA. Dear Bekthren: The proprietors of the Church Irtel- ligp"cer require and dfserve our co-operation. They publi’^h s paper of acknowledeed excellence, both in its meohanicul execation, and in its literary aad theolotpcal character. If °natained, it will be a great benefit to the Church; if liberally distributed through the arrov^ it would be a valuable and welcome lx)cn to that body of men to whom we owe eo much, aind ♦or whoee spiritual welfare we do so little. But the paper cannot be sus tained nnles* others exert themselves ia its behalf as we:l as the Editors. I therefore request the c’ergv, and others interested In the religions instruction cf tbe people, to do what they can towards increasing the circulation of the paper, and I recommend that those who have money to rive for I rcli^ons objects shonld include thia aotoog the objects * for which they provide. If ten wealthy men would give five hundred dollars each, and fifty, less favored in that rcspect, would give one hundred dollars each, directing thi.t the papers to which they would be entitied by the contribution of thw>e sums shonld be sent for di»tribu- tion in the camps and hospitals, two 'n:iportant benefits would be secured—some part of the debt we owe to the army would be paid, and our useful organ of the Church maintained. THOMAS ATKINSON, Bishop of North Carolina. Wanted to Parchase. rpOWN OF FAYETTEVILLE COUPONS; A Ooun‘y of Camberlaad C'lupoiat Old N 0 6 per cent. Coupons; Wcatam Rail Road Stock; Towa and Cvmnty Bond*; Old N C 6 per cent B^nde; Bank Bill^, Q>ld and Silver —ALSO— 25 000 Barrel Staves; 5000 “ Reading; ^000 feet Poplar Plank; Sptrite Turpentine and Oil Barrels, with Iron or wood hoops. T 8 LUTTEHLOH. Jan’y 9. i9 3w layetteTille Arseaal and Armory,) Jan’v 4, 186^. / Fonndry-.Han Wanted. ONE competent to take ahwgi, ani familiar with oaat- igg shot aad shell, will Had steady etaploymeat aai good wages Applv to the 9S-6t OOMD’Q OFFICER RATES Of TRANSPORTATION 4IM Cape Fear R^mer firmm Jan. 10, AWm, per bbl, Apples do. Briek per M, Blae Stone per bbl, Bnggiea, Bbls, empty Spirits, B^-ls. etapty, Baeon, loose, per 100 lbs. Do packed, de Bedsteads. Cider per Bbl, Copperas per Bbl, Carta. Carboya, Carriages and Gnaohes, p^r B»g or Bbl, r!oal per Ton, Do per Hhd, Chairs, sitting. Do email Rockers, Do lar-ge do, Cotton per Bale, Cement per Bb\ Demijohaa, empty. Do filled. Fish and Pork per bbl. Floor per bbl. Fluid per hbC Orain per bushel, Qriadatoaea per 100 Iba, Horses ani Cattle, each, Hay and Fodder per bale, Hidea, Pry, Do Oreea, Ir'tn, Lead aad Pig Iron, per 100, Liqaora per gallon. Lime per Cask, Do per bbl, Measnrem'fat goods p?r feet, Naila, per kag, Oil, Pea Nat, per barrel, “ Ooal, “ “ Rorin, “ Paper, per biuidle. Powder, per keg, of 25 Iba. Rosim, per bbl Salt, per Cask, “ “ bbl '* bair, * Stills and fiztarea, Suffar, per bbl. Soap per 100 Ibe. “ ■tuder 100 Iba Sheeting per bale, Bpioe a«d pepper per Bag, Spia Torpei^Die per bbl. $2^ 00 16 00 • 75 00 ■JiC 00 75 00 7 50 6 00 R 00 4 08 1ft 00 25 00 W 00 40 00 60 CO 100 00 40 00 60 00 25 CO 2 00 4 00 8 00 ao 00 16 00 2 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 40 1 4 00 60 00 20 00 6 00 7 00 8 00 1 £0 15 00 10 00 1 50 7 00 40 00 35 00 25 00 7 50 AO OO 25 00 10 00 20 00 10 CO * 00 200 00 30 00 16 00 10 00 fO 00 30 00 SIOOO BEWARD. ST JLEH fr n :.ae auSaoribir's staOls, 6^ mike we^ it F*y>jtl’Viile. OM Sunday uigitt laat, a B “ HORSE, 8 -rean old, very fi le condition, a bleatiah ia his right eya, medmm six}, shod all round, the tips of nis bind shoes raised, a fair 9hite apota a?dor the sa^f?le $500 Reward wili b» p%id for the recovery of the horse, aod $6*?0 for the thief with evidenoe snffiiiieat to couvict i^im QRARAH D B\>(8R ian 4 98 8tpd 80 00 Tallow and Wax ^r bbl. • 15 00 Wagona, 4 horae, 100 00 “ 2 “ 76 00 'Wheelbarrewa 10 00 Yam. per bale of 260 Iba. 40 00 Shingle*, per M, 26 00 All email single paokagea, $6 eaoh. Ail other freight not ennmerated will be okirgod ia proportion to above rat«J*. Through ptaa^ge $60. Way p&saage and way freight will bo chargad aoo)*ding ti difficulty of landidg JOS A. WORTH .Vg’t 0. F- 8t Bt Co. T 8. LDTTfiRLOH, Proprjeter St’r N. C R M ORRELL, fer Stean^c K«te J*«’vll 1400-Sw Saletu Almanaeai. BLUM’S Farmers aad Piaatere Almauao i^or the year 18ftj*. reo^ived a*d for Mie, by th« ero §, oar liiigl* ejpy, at tac BOOK PTORB. tfUBg^s AritiineUeai'E^ietioaary, Ther^ must be **9r»rata daplioate Powara Attoruey . ^ h. Blaftk foma oaa b« kad spon appli- I l^MBRAOINO a systfii, cf .Arithmetic, H «J- ‘ -• Ir*er««» Oalc8’kt«r, Keau.: ^ ’.tioa- for each month ••tVea at tUi of&eo^ an.': B J HA: ■£ ♦ 'IS W. H. JAMIS, Oapt. ft OhMli«. lor aab al t)aa» Ofice. Stop Thief! Stop Thief!! $100 EfiWAED STOLE'I from my stable on Monday night i'>e 9iU Jan’y 18&S a good sixed SORREL MARE, 8 years old. nniform io color, a little iaeiined to be r*w-t'0'>c4, Ui good work order, a little parrot toed in the rigbt fore foot, the pointa of the liind hoofh worn off by dr ging when trotting. She IA dull and sleepy look’ug when stili, can paoe a little, and is an ordina’-y u t.er, gentle ia all htrueas, and is a va'.nabla farm aaii^;«l i'ae thief was seea riuing her at a furions rate up the Fayetteville road 6 miles above me at 10 o’clock P. M , : Mja>*ay n*giit. Aoy p»non wao will arrest her and I ret ra her to me, or caufine her that P may get he', : 4ha.i reeeive lay tdanks and the abjve reward My P. I 0 iH Black Rack, Bladen coaa'j, N. C. { $600 additional reward ia o^ed for Qvidenoe soffi- i oieii^ ta eeaviot th« taief. JAfl. F. OLiVBR. I l-if OCR CAUSE AND COUNTRY At DO period of fefae war haa the general anzi. etj of the peopla been more itronglj HiaDifeited, in refereaoe to the oondition of our afifairs, than at the present time. The Baooess of the enemy in the Somh, the state of the eorreney, and the aappiy of food and raiment both for the army and people, ail oombine to spread sadness over many faces, and to awaken deep eonoern for the fate of the eanse and the ooantry. Congrpea appears to be at its wit’s end, and eTery one is aaziona to know his neighbor’s opinion of the sitaation. For onryelf, we are just where we were when tbe b i!l of reTolntion started. We have never had a confidence in onr sacoem exoept in the govji I*, videaoe and grace of God. We have nevtfr :^>-gded in the atrecgth of our oombina- tion:>. t." skill of our gene^ab, the courage of our tro' p^, or the unanimity of our people, or th« justice (>r*our oaosa, unloes we made God our leader i^or, humanly speaking, the odds have been vaeUy against us in all material respeots. Hence our oonfidenoe has waxed or waned, just as we have seen our people humble and reliant upon God and prayerful on the oae*hand, or prood, vain-gloriouB and wioked and prayerleas on the other. The hiistory of the paat year fully sustained us in thia {>osition. More than a year ago our peo ple were downcast and despondent The oam* paign upon the whole had been against us, and very general anxiety was felt for the issue. For tunately both in the aroiy and at home, the people began to manifest tho true spirit of penitence and prayer. God appeared in got ranks in the power of his Spirit, and there was a general awakening Soon our foes bcean to give back and at all pointa we were vlotorious. The spirit continued to grow and Bpread until summer Thousands in the army and at home were converted. Even in the trenches our brave troops prayed and sang praises to God. Oar succcsiica £hiled to humble us. Prayerleesness, vain glory, forgetfulness of God, mirth and wickedness, and defeat followed. It need not be blinked, that the diseouraga* ment and despondency of the people are greater than at any other period Our ^fficulties have inere>sed upon tu and the cloud is denser and more portontous We in are in danger of abso lute inertness and submission to the foe. The courage and fortitude of the people at home leem to have foreaken them, and crime and sin abound among us If we are more disheartened, we are nevertheleaa greater sinners Our chastisements have not humbled us, nor have we drawn nigh to God. It this state of things continues our rain is inevitable. What now? We believe there is yet mercy with G^ that he may be feared. Our o«6e is not so desperate unless of choice we make is so If we are ruined it is our own fault. God’s arm not shortened that it cannot save. He is ready to come to our deliverance, if we hunoble oorselves and call upon his name. Faith in God —humble reliance upon Him, wiH infuse new life, a new spirit into our people We need but to rally our Uith, our courage and determination, and God will help us Let prayer be made oy Vml's IQ O^rnvntr fuB ilko •acaaa an:l tllA country—Ril Christian Advocate. . J ■" AN EXAMPLl TO BB FOLLOWED. As an old woman would saj, we have struck a streak of bad luck,—our cause has fallen upon disaiter. It seems that the gloom that gettled upon the army and people oi Pmssia, at the ter mination of the fourth year’s campaign of Fred erick the Great, was to be felt by us in onr not dissimilar struggle -for liberty and independence. In this particular «here is a very striking coinci dence, which should causc us to take eourage and continue lo strike, so long as the hated foe persists in hia unhallow^ purpose of barbarous war to bring ufl in subjection to the will of an inhuman tyrant. Frederick, with a population of five millions of souls, went to war with combined Europe. The Confederat«e leagued against him, Bumm«d up a population of near a hundred millions This proud array of numbers had no terron for the immortal chief or his devoted followers. Their country was threatened, their own chosen liberty was to be subverted, and they determined to avert the danger, er die as patriots are wont to die, rather than temely yield to an exacting pub lic enemy. Their country was little adapted to defensive war, and nothing seemed to favor them but an unalterable tpirit never to yield to any human poioer whose purp''set were inimicml to their country’M cmuae. For four long years Frederick led this brave people to glory aad to victory a- eainst innumerable odds. The fir?t, second, and third year, he held his own, but gained very little advantage. The latter part of the fourth year, he met with serious disasters. In a regular pitched battlo, ho lost nearly half of his veteran army, killed and captured. He was reduced to the ut most strait. All seamed to be lost. But winter came and put a stop to military operations, and, nothing daunted, in defiance of his serious re verses, his Tinyielding spirit was commensurate to the danger. Though many ef his best troops who had marched under the black eagles to victory lay cold in death or were languishing in the filthy prisons of' his numerous enemies; though his counti7 was plundered, devastated, desolated; and though his enemies w»re still numerous and ex acting, his courage failed not, his energy and ability proved equal to the emergency. When the campaign opened in the Spring following he had succeeded in getting together forty thousand troops, with whom, through three eventful years of sui^equent war, he succeeded in freeing his country of its enemies and establishing its inde pendence So much for energy and a settled purpose. How is it with us? We have been at war for nearly four years against the most intolerable tyranny the world ever saw—a tyranny to which we can never yield, on any conditions, without an entire surrender of every blessing and immunity dear to freemen—against which we have held our •wn—we have met with no irreparable disaster; but because we have austained some serious re- versee, and the enemy has gained some of our principal cities, we see fear and trembling taking bold of the people, And a spirit of despondency prevailing throughout the land. Will our people not take courage? Will they not cease te drapond? Will they not make an other manly effort to redeem their country? Ohl will they not reflect UTH>n our abject misery, should we be finally subdued by the Northern armies? The world is looking upon us in contemplation of our action. Posterity will cherish or execrate our memories according to what wo now do. “ Salishury Watchman. Sale of Bank ^tock. Having )btaiaoJ a dccree of Oouri to th’^t ef' feot, 1 shail oa Taesiay tho 7ta day of Febrairy next, at 12 o’cijck, at the Market House in Fayetteville, expoac to pablio sale, 10 Shares of the Capital Stock of the B tuk ot North Carolina. Terms made known day of sale. J. T. WABDEN, Adiu’r. Jan’y 17. 2-tspd Boxee For Soldiers. i LL BOXES FOR SOLDiEBS OR PR1J0NER3 OF t\ War Crsm North Carolina, delivsrad to the follow lug name I peraous will bo promptly forward.^d f^»e of ohargf. l>r D F Summey. A hevUie; Dr W A (!oUett. Morjaatoo; t>r J W AlliS‘>n. StatesviM^; Dr .T L Nnagle, G^'»ensborj; Mr A H&gan, Charlotte; Mr Elv«rd HegA, Salem; Capt J N McDowell, Ralei«rh; * .i>«enh A Worth, Fayetteville; M'l’Tar 4 0 >, Wilmiajttoa; f-ir P B >*id T'rboro; Mr J ^ J Aakev', f!'»lerain: ^ Mr F L Roberts Hurflree^boro. ' T'j’ pSou d t^e vfj-l hooped, properly maeked, 6>>.i d ''i»eTcd ii time f-ir my Special Massienget* who ?e*v«« R««'.ith on **»e firnt dar of evarj- month. EDWARD WKKVLEH Sur4aor Qwi’l N 0. Ral-ig... Dot-39. 80-1 m County Claims. Persons having claims against the County of Cumberland are requested to hand them to the Clerk of the County Court, on or before the 1st of February next. Tax List Takers, in particular, are requested to file their claims for taking the Lists with the Clerk of the County Court, to be passed upon by the Committee ot Finance oa the 1st Monday in February next. By order of the Oommittea of Finance. Jan’y 19, 1865. 2tc FOB SAL.E. A good FA&M HORSE, 7 years old. Apply to J. G. COOK. Jan’y 18,1865. 2 2tpd BLAIVK DE£D($ JUST PRINTED on super paper. For Bt»a. .le at t\e OBSB&VKa, BO^KSXOU Wanted to purchase er hi e for the next year» AOOOD, honest girl, te * a onild’a nurse. Apply to M. A BAKER. 94tf .Deo’r 19 BA«^S! RA4>»Sn—The infe rior quaBty of the paper on whieh the Observer haa been priated of late, aad wBlcB ia a great eye-sore te ns, if owing to the want of a rtffioient supply of good ra^ j, and the oonwequeat ne«- eeai^ tc resort to inferior mat«riala. We appeal te tke flri^nds of the Observer at all aeeeaaible poutta, to aave ^ and bring to town all the raga they oaa proeore. We have bo time ourselvee to attMMi to their purehaae. but Measfb. Oeo. W. WilUaaM ii Co., the Ag«its thia town of Mr. MW7I17, iriU pay 23 oeata per lb. fot Worthy of being N'jtmed —A few facta have recectly come to our knowledge in reference to the conduct of Maj James M. Stevenson, 36th N. C. Troops, wnich are worthy of being named. At the late battle of Harrison’s old Field, which was an advanced position, 14 miles from Savan nah, Maj. Stevenson wv in command with a part of his own battalion aud a part of tho 50th, 40th and 10th battalions. Gen. Hardee did not in tend them to fight the enemy, but merely to hold them in check a few hours; but the order to re treat failing to reaeh tho Major, with his small , force he fought the enemy till flanked by two brigades, by whom he and his whole command eame near being captured. Information reaehel Gen. Hardee that the M^jar’s command wa* cap tured, for a Yankee Brigade was in the rt>ad by which ho would have to retreat. Maj. Stevensou, however, seems to h;»ve knowu the oouotty better t^an Gen. Hardee’s informant, and made his escape with all hin mon, except thirteen killed. He also broaght off al* his wouud- od, hi(3 artillery and wigons, and that same night mii^ehed iato Savannah and reported in person to Gen. Hard'^e, by whom he was waraaly. re ceived and highly coaplimented For this aot of galUntry and flkill we think the least that ean be doae for >lajr Stevenson is to hand his exploit round Saoti conduot. though doubtless highly appreciated by the commanding General, does not al «ays meet with recognition in official reports, and we esteem it an important duty for the press to encouraze all acts tending to the efficiency of the army By proper en couragement every private in oar armies may skilfully act the General in emergencies Goldsboro* Journal. B. i. UMLM 1 The Rev. Dr Hawks, we understand, has re signed the rectorship of Christ Church, Balti more, and returaed to New York, as the Asso ciate Reotor, with the Eev. Dr. Soabury, of tho Cbaccn of the Annunciation. Doubtless his tuitbful devotion to the South has again oau'^ed his reaioval The last aecounts from him, in Baltimore, were that the Federal authorities were harassing him. Hia great popularity and power, as an orator, ma'^e him especially obnoxious to the Administration, and the result seems to have been what his Mends, for some time, have fear ed. The Associate Rectors are in sydipathy, each with the o*^her, in regard to both their ecclesiastieal and political views. Dr. Seabtipy is the author of one of the ablest work.s, ^ ia de fence ot American Slavery, ever published— probably the very ablest. Both are men of gr^t power; and the congregation to whom they minis ter is blessed *‘far above the eomtcon walks of men.”—CAitrci Inidligenctr. That wonderful Newburypjrt (Ehode Islimd) 3ian keeps up his cold bathing. Runs ten miles, jumps into tb^suri oflF Plum Island, and thei. runs home, every morning Hia health ia per fect, and his name is Smitli. Promoted.—Brig. Qaa. W. 0. Butler of S. C. ta ba Major CtaMial.