vOl . V^V.l TKV?I,f-K . '! C., JANUARY 30, 18G5. fNO 1405.) t'RINl:'!) a:^D TiTIm.-^Da' S KD'f^ AilO i, ik . t: ii‘t)i'.w \ ,. i»v: i.;ah'; I'rt;e .'ir .ii- ,s- .;-w’.. . » ’i= .•.liv.iM: • -J O ',»r ■■.1 ' •; '^1 f tfir •“ r;'n *'or l?ie Wce-i/ it-» . v. . ' !> I . 'i • • ; n. ; s ' fcdv&')3?; 5 0 fl'?''* mi l ' }•'» Tor fon” ra'>n*’s; :4 ' •■ t' •:» c 1^8. W$'‘ADV 11' . .:d t ;r »3 per B ;a*rc- of 10 or le^a r^ra AdTeriiecr^ *re rcqucelcd to stats t’** n'unb'r of iiissrtioas do siretl. or la«y will jao_- !i 11J.'.1 C!vi il foraii aadoaarj^f) ACoorJ lo;.;-Eta Mr.tlau.’'' ' o^ir^ad 2 y f?" CfEt 'x«r*. RITES OS' T;iiJiS?a:iTiT!iK\' f>ji Vapf ii'cun* Mtiv >* Jati* li), B§S5. • 1*11, *■ I-', V ■' ^ ci; ! T JM. I! ■ w per h" I; Frou V; ijili t: ; t r. tUc rr ; tUOQ U pi tfucb 'ji . per oa th: = r nw 3t E.'. •; ^ j- v.t?>r . la* ', r'u r' :h J = =. .'it a».v i 31 . .;r i,;- sulu.ar.. : i\jJa “a of & ccw •i:ihicrib?* I . .v i.ijc, ui'i ni! i ■ i fa? » tiiiic ' R S c; t^’y X !EOQ'.lsr i Pt } 1. e ?, iHs.'xi, I- r ». per 100 lbs, • l).-* packed, lio 3o>'t-.*s.^ 3, iu?r rer ?bl. O n^'rts P':!’ ^*rh, J9, f'.'v »^n’8 end Co»clifa, C ff • 5 *r B g or Bbl, I %■ F r I p. 1>3 p>'r I' Md -''b»>y si i;-^. f)' Bii.a.’! Rpcketa, !'' la'f"' do, >’c>» up-;rB!?, r '« ve' ^ ^ j U e » p y, , li j W. 0L LUu ..cv; li, ?•:. C I'-.itrr 5 v'-i?'l'Scjair?, FAscrr.antxc, s, c, I M’.onijou tttt 'lu&i-jtm io tti- uyr Pro L'Mri’s! Jiii-a IG, l.-i'.jl 0 aj n 40'f ISAAU HJLLi JS.ViMira, ♦iroccr aad CuR^i^jsida jferckAat, • FA.fnrravTii.LE, n. o. Joiif » i. »0 tf > It - JSl ^ Fay:'.xxi:v ii.i.?-; 0. 6iU'V.a luo ( .ciuty L’ui.- ri>;r Courts of *T Ci.iaberiiiHt, t-mr.-H. Moci'e i^ad Robeson Coun ties. i rw>r4pj - ;»vev >0 ni? oolljciion of *11 9i-«ian,i'c.iuu^e,i li lad XLsu ia Oct. 17, It>5y. ^ 63-tf ' JOS. t'TS^ElT, fusion J^Mrrcha*%t, FAffcrTKVlLLF,. N. 0. j I y lu, laG^J. S3-!f XAmi-N 4.. STLDXAV. A. iirsD>2A:^ wa. n. BlfiJlNACD. VfHOLI^Si^^ A^O A.ri D J^(*. is, Sire:ii FAYi5Tv^Vli.Li^, N. o' 2-l;ni 20. ■ • 2o£i Shn'p mcii^sl I WaL F-> iii ■ . .. J A or lOOiii'-i >.‘ACj- .’..r d-'-, ' ~ -ir ;«.; •• ■ 3 '. ci, fkitts A ■ ‘ K ii ■ • ‘J. N-Vr 2R ni) • fi Fi,S p -i v.erbbl, If i-r b .«.*’■ F d r. V trl. . •"'"a ■>. e. -UB'ac'. ti* ,i i . u;l'» “rlOOibS, .‘/v ‘n • n y i f.d F d.l r per bfc!e, U'.-% 'ry, U> Or.^ V, If n. J eat s»J Pr^ Iron, par 100, I q^iori rer gil.iO, I/aie p?r • D > per uM. ’ 'AO I'-'-u-'nt fo'dd p'r ^oot, N'ji-'d. p-f heg, ■ 1 Po* Nut, itT b*rr»l, *• “ ^0'??«?'r. T =r iej. of 23 Iba, Ri- e, p»TO '--’k, ‘in JO’’ tbl Sail, f8>- Calk •• bll * I ^ i ^ ^ ii'8 Rtd flttares. n «-'*r. p*r t>M. t^oap ifOihsu • unier 1'0'^8 ■h?( iag pjf b»>* 3, .5 * a cJ pjp ••- per 8»g, .■^pia T :tp a*!-!* p!«r bbi. .'»Dd ^t-x par o^'l. •Wap.'r^ -lip 8?, * 2 W *1 eclbari e wa Y*ra. p*}f ; ftl-* ->f 250 tb*. Shi' p"r M, A - «: .*. I .’la-'la pc-ck-vjs*, $5 f»o!L All «.a. rj ^ acl ;jaarr»9r»'ecl ^i.l a® ?ti r5-»Aia pro?orti?a to j a’t'^o: Vfi*. I [ tvtsk*? fflO W»t p''--'gj •’•r.y fr^Lut | ! •' I! :'3 o'li-g-.? d .5->3 A Wiar:! *7’. 0. F -ii - I 3. uCrT-^ilLO.l/Propr;:>t'r 8’t N. 0 E M Oi’.HEL^., ‘;r 3t'*ni K;«e •■ J*.WT1 14')0-St» «n 0«» 7' Om ■”> Ofi 7 > 0 • 7 ?0 6 00 n fO 4 O ') 10 CO 26 00 ?0 CO 40 to 60 (0 1(0 00 4 > t'O 50 Vd 25 M) 2 00 4 0^* • fi 00 SI ! •■ 1^ 00 oil 10 0 1ft 01 10 00 40 0 . 1 t'f; 4 (iO to 0- 20 00 5 0.‘ 7 0 3 Oi 1 CO IS 00 It- CO 1 r,(i 7 00 40 0 R5 0 25 to 7 CO 20- f'O 25 CO 10 Ot 21 Oi 10 U' CO 200 00 80 00 Ifi to 10 00 ro Oi SO 00 80 CO 1 ^ f)0 100 ro 76 U) 10 to 40 00 25 00, FAY JIT1T?XLLE TiOR^a. ?.\RQLVSA 1* r. F (Rt v.o» 3 li '-'.u OJ «r li nxti^ivn i. liv of .v^-. I:c5 .v»i-L5 f r i-c»«; ‘ ib^* »i'ii’C.P^d t.i> h’l j tfM A li ^jv S3, JSii:px:i Oci. ?4 do ti IliiS'bard’ X, Slilitarj Acailcmj. I'HIS n sc la cf t h I iuirini.)rw^i!l oa V > li'o*''/tst, iSJ"* App ia»^:or»« f.>r ad uu*t b? Kfida pri r vo 15.ti Dro’r 18’*4, a^>out Yfcioi tfr ■ i] tctli bi kaov/n. ■ A.dl'a-38 nl-y ?ijd. H. Gj;U»ON, i.'Upiri»;t-ndt’oU O.H. 1 7J: 4 m TUE Bii\GSiKm SCilOp'l/. A MliJTAr.Y A>D Of-AS'^I P1N13LIIN0 -iH^OEMY. 'T^IIE !^*xt ?(»8»Irta b'g*"8 Ftf'o'y la', 1865 at I I" oa i!i N 'I . vT i e ttu j’d c-urs* ie ro' - inrj - x‘: u - d !»n^ a*.v« be^a Qvlc. wuh » • i-w t * m^ki. g Qooa oOLuits.* 1 '>1' ol ;io’'Olftr.i ‘■'l ;rc3s CoL vwy BINQHaM 8up’t. o k S. n 2-2 1fW« 87 I P orf^c 1 POST iiUARrJERllASTrp, 4iil »■ • .-.t . a.uUiSiSl b ti. li U N. i .j I^Ha pfl-jAid to'.T jf ill: prafsat ;>.iil *; . n- 1 . c 'uiin li.j jC (‘>•2^1 f j wy jnii ci 83 th’ *4 •>! I ir.o ij i^ 8 ai'.'us i*g*d friim tinn* of eut-jfir.p No lCfcU3 ioa eic'p-. ^ vf s okota#. goad rerai4 m.derA O »ad i'i8i.tirf!'i''a li'.r'U5’i. A'dfesi li*T. J.' E Auioi Tilie, N 0. J'B’y 3, 98 12 ^Z0^.di*^i i liicara €olf‘c^i:i{e liistitufe. ^'HE tifst cf t^m lu^.iiu i3T (:oo*i3l a- Loui I b«rtoii, N 0 . 'n W (J. .t R li ft ,) will ojen »fi*a » fa’.l ?.n 1 e?p*> co.ps cT l«»L0^d’*8, lue e o ad* Wo.iue.ii/ a Jin J *ui a'osj i-e huti Luisiij ia ils,/ 18;'.5 Tbis liiiri’-.ti u 0^9 >'% T ai;'i gr:.du»li.:g ooariu for yo iag 1- 1. 3 ial %iB) iko-u ss f^r pff?p*rij' ^ ^ 1 f^r Col‘-»gd, «fita tv»o 1 di ■n'lan.tt o>\t.rei/ Bepz:»L’t. Fxpstfdsa AS rji.LOws: TuUica ii T » naiy, ^5'T CO ‘ I'l'-'RO *L-”0 ‘ cui*r s '’c^: V ' n'E. I hx :1 'Q 1 ~- 0-» jriii Cona OzpiCB !Bcr A» > :.... 70 f [c rv ] ^.i.iii..Q (,.iT. n, y 1. •Sr.-- .. 4 Jaa'v 6. 1Sj5 1^1 a-' . t tv ,'d E J r T-I'. k- '.'Yc'h !i, ibe Ai.-^- o'i T§ i! 1'aj'S'i* r -* 0 ■ •■■, '‘■ •3 15 1- 3’ibs;qit4i T ' c i> if i-ij T X a K>■■! f’rg'rcr ■ i !?'r li t-trrt, It hia Cli' ’ th'.a rri ? , U . ■''»• cT IQ3 f^OT'El* vT n ed i'y »!o i tv'Tf*" -a; T».x V- K - i 3. r '^.•e u t 0 II • ■ Q- ^ ^ -• ' o. • . ifi’. c''-inlr.yc='fl ■S' ^ ■''I a>t! »,».a t Citoi:' t) i-'-:s r • ^, ".r-jinp: » JsJ Ol li.S piO/.iiuCS o' E. J H>R'''IV. » j'». ■i. >5. ■ N-lZll. i i C- j M M €•»»*. »^d P 3 Q ‘1,4 * ‘‘:i T>!’t 3 ] OI>S> FROWN-V/ ND3QR SO'-P, Li S -la ^y p*ck»j(. J« «'y 23 110 If S F ,'t tc' cfiic' of O »isE ot 0 A?'1\¥?LTj. 3 :^d OJ.E\. nf.UE SU.b;;rlf b • In * 1- 3 '.•.eid i 1 c-p-Jf' >• 1 !:ii II :• , %:a *3 ^ b r-*e, 'w.‘ik I'iA.k. 8 bl-iit ' !&’■; .1, ■ cd.u op-5?' T*e, w. st2 *d h.rr 8 c f bi» i-. 0 to i- .Thu** 20 ■)! 1 •o'lard wi or H’v. i'lio , ho 'ii io ^ ; ill 3 If WAiVTCEO. ii kiifi BTJSHhLS WiiEAT, /60U\/ 1.50UCOi'i,'. Pfrscns kaying 1,^0 »boT l. sell ffnir»oa»tf a,o highest C»?o vriot* b\ c i ing ' -r. AI. ThotaMcx:, ^ Ihr* Aljrob^'if. Mill", F >7 ■-ieTii'.c, ?'.r on ihe Eub;wr.- Lvr M bill old fsard on -vt.i. )ZIIi',:iOii, Jr. -. 6. 1862. - ;^tf ( %VESTJCiIi% RAIL ROAI>. {•^BE FBlsrOHT AND PAESKHGT^R T«.AINM ef th!? J. Sc'.i lt»T« F«yeite?iIIe d*!iy, {.Suiil'yB eyvet'fed) j - S . ’ k-. .A. >1,, *od r7ti>niii-ir le»T' at ] rilocjt. P. ‘f - C, :i-j oui Tratn iiONnAY. 7?'EDNE^5DAYnnd 'r. Dy order -fTT^ V P.O?S, Tp«»«‘r »od Qea'l T»i*9. A.rt. J^9. 22, 1863. 97tf A.llXi¥ I AM prapanji tj laivtinr tfir ^ "TV • ■. n;J ''Virr •■ '. A, ir-i-ra to me w i ^ v a.*, a 'a 'i'.'iik 1.., . X. ‘ P. O., t,^ J - 2t L'i. ..ty- - ir.‘i ■" i« FfcysUn*!;*#, or »t -.'u'.il o i X n l% cf »Vai;r/,» 1 .9^ } from asiil Jifitcr dat* the S‘>e>»uci .A. ?. firrr.T iri’i 1e!'Tc vl 8 A. M., on .iojJz- ias x;;uri-,ij, JUS. A. ^OHX;i, At . M 6—17tf j Asf’t C- F- I’-t-.iu. Parr.u'Iiue J^noricalinj? 4>il. } yy Vi v3 ' J- - »ni Co Od 75 liO “ L»Lg ’!io-3, cio’i, 2‘» tO Mu,ij cQ ritsaO; 70 CO . Ujc cf Pisuo, 6 Od^ Ic^oid at&i r e, 2 6u 8 Hd jctB bowfciia^ trita Uie Preailant will 09 na vr !.!(» "ooBiaat ?j. :Tr-d-a »a 1 ra oavgod f • p'r 1 -J r»sd i» piOT.eioii^ ft. _hi (.ii'jrics Dfi’es: F uf $G •>;) pur bbl; '-j:# pcr'bttib ; B«o'>a i«a i Lftrd, c»d ., 16 H's. p:r i ; , and 0! jcr cdibleiij »nc 9*39 p;-opjr‘i'ja.' ih* will »• qair^ for k eesjiaa of • oard 41 1 lieia of Oira, 2'i ^ oa likcoa cr Ls^rJ, ar GJ 0? F _f. li lO;* ^ *-. l oj 1 q‘iir«j to ara fcia or hsr own ro'*••: 1 n*-: x' » jI i Ti. 3 ir ' to be , ii' » u’irta6iif advt'-tce, &ad tailicu PC« ii4if a*, i*;r TlirBi ■;?, iftcd :L(j reim.aai-jr ia Ihe aiidd^e of -bi 8«3 ».r.Q Nv xirtTag.ij; sa i*-i8 ia sxpoa:#!. A nsat horn ;- . pun t.a t » te.’y to Sv-Uo^i or oliarca. F^>r , »ut.-.alf-ra R«r. P d. ijnOVELL Pres't. Luuibc'ioa. N. 0 D^o'r . 7 • At''ertj^'cVr Term 1834 'f t •’ C .•urt of P pssbh! Q nrier S'9-;i''n of la 1 • nur.tT, » la 1 • Till hud >^'t-.ra*ct cf,:b? i«: • •^'ex'r E ! i.t.,;.Ir, w i ^ , 10 p»-b te vi\ l-c pu'a.^v. -'r t'Jj .-.ei i t r eiti-'.f*'!' “y a i X > %r ht> f 1' r nn .. 'i i 'i '.in iho te*t..luf lilt m k - fn*' m u' j .a.' T ••» ; a^''!Cg, e’.»’ a-' t-) bs 5 it. •! t ;aast ■ "i. n u? :.ai3, o;- t^i3 r.v''ice t bi! pi a-ji u.-»r '•* ! o!r r c v 7 J Q IIEP HE iD. J.»:,’yl4 18=55 €«si?€dcratc Tax i¥otice. L .1.*: i J ,-J i t ►. rs »4 n»« fo .0’ iai? ■ • . ^ i-' o i '■ «i»ij Ttu'po a of r :ii i»iu# til ' * J ur 1835 .Vi-> tc Hst Sp c fi' Tt-x t ■ 1 L ;•• •; I TiS on is^na ^’-r ; j--s juar --r ea'^isg 3lw > to r i-'ti’; ,ti r U.C u'cs, Pf. (i d »vij 1 &»'»ntra; Ad- f.'i’.i aai Tftv; t: H'.g me ’e b- bu’ippaad p#;ji»r »• f bCT-ati Jr!‘> 1 I, I86i, »rd -^wi’y In, 1&65; •■• d;. Ji '^r nn ? -..fif3 tx «edicg £5 per cast, dxixusa: l .(i4. ^ • Avr c r Of.t i a 'r j int »}. ck coojptny: tis: Arc^.K i'-’h iitt'y 9.*, 1'65; Satffi'Iu’s P^b’y i0‘; Pv.' F i'v lit' ; *U-en F »co F«*'’y 13iv; 'i'ji'.'o- V I 14 I-; -’s 15it; Ms >1? 10 ; C- -.fc’i? 17.^, fa.ibjgd 18 b; »1bo »• : i 221. ^'oart •«ek.) AH w»c ’p u.a :' •• T-r t Tit.ifcH iir* remiaded.tb* '.c r. '!t -V ?\.af i£a!it bn p'.id «•' r-’r* .-r *6^ wii! > •> : . CT ,d. A»>X KELLY. • tlcl'co or 3Ji D Etrici N C 20 3*-it 11XOM rry 1 ;i C - i ’ •': “ 2 — Y _.v; ■■ ti-, * V-ol , %D. #hcD l»i I • f».‘» i^kEi - - t.-^V ii'.ViEg *■" ■ J *t ve • ~ Vlv n':''T ^ -'^jmv :-%l >f r ;->-,5 r tic - f .1' by ae on tu^ -’ at i -i 3 n>': r liiii e—U 01 V : t A V, Who Bi'd niB\ ? w? ■ xT-^rr ( jbr ^ t? II i rot ric ilect«d.) r-d Ih* >" ti^ai ap j. c r t «• ai,'ji«'»ic8 iu {* O ws'^ in f U3 •' wIi’ n »*'•■ e t*tti >» sn a I sUr i. t I- fcr-i'ie , t» ! I’u i ,■ ?»;'rk of t5»! ci.) r o-« her »'. J I he 1 fi !'*o* a liitle 1* g-;r tb»n tbt r; .-i, w I. bui t, H.30 a scar oa lb«ieft j*» boBec«U9cd •>_? ln ..ftiler b- auc I*?. j'nj id.-n t 'i gap e**'i Mar* » d p.dc’rcsBlnjf be" • Gu- rf.. ,r r, C ’’uL'bus CvUt»*j, will bf lib:r»liy re *- da I Any iii oi-.ii%tion 'eidisg to-tcr wii$'c*bcatt w ;i «c Wi'7 rco-:TcJ. R D SESSIONS J ’j’» 9 • , 1 3 p,s ms ^ r‘ir,jv 4thJ»r^tt65 'd'- , -it.' V- cl ,&Q' WbcD Ci)kLE]¥DAR FOR 1865. CQ eS a o ► * o S8 a ► * c; H 00 O ► M O « s ► IE a 9t 00 O ► H s- ► 00 >5 a •• H ii th- ti'of {r'lrO i. ri aDwrff^t t(-r r\f .. ,iiier fttia V «•»;■> '■•tv * tio’.e ••>.■ rsif O’J f-.f Oo too :^.»ctDris3 * • i! tv ua i i«ir ! ’ *’•'■ ■ ”-8 a-* i •‘id Oinf-jlrr^cy. I' d" not -il ’- au.1 ! j.'c ir •jUiU T ti-O i e ■ wi'b o»rtfa! iri I'u S ;■ ■ J : ' I’’ - b 8 tni s' » rs u\ tit fija '^a^cnia rf ia th? ‘ I --ve-i «c'T'8 h's terajr*! at-ea ■ a a‘o r.( ■ V-^-p-*r .ti Q f !n«Oil, it ^h»11naiuelc^iox»te , 'D q t n- ’•Athar : j "’• -.▼a ■ B i? H{ 'oPv;.*j fi'** «Tji Cfp-'k *M4 n- - .lai fvr o’" ’ ^^ C . wao pro.trunoj U » ., ... .1 j . Ve y eu er-if O.l ,' , ' • '. HS-MRY E. rOLTON, AH F K. Go. •I'Hi’uY. * N v’r 23 J Lead wantku.—i w v i» .•partnfuL rer^‘C-4 tii CP wiil p] ftcp j c P >'V’i}.SR ? U» p"' L'l! •- . .«rr ^ Firc-PrM>f P;ii:it. r nTE-r>o,w pr^-c'rei to ?ap;ly tuy qiantiiy of tbii } : VV r’^ia*. in : o*»'-»r It u % Pjrcxida of I''H, »-.d ‘fi t 3*. ol 'N-; a'it _'~frc te;t> wijb fi-rf? Co.or ie'f ic-ii..ib bro»a. Boxf^, &e*f fdr Pris^aers of War anil 4 s the A o .l it of Saps«i>a G a. 77.i. ren, 1 will recei»« _ . »od f 1 w'^.r l ilt box 3, Si -. f folJicrs »u * •> ISin- 0 s ji jt;. . ircti cf B-xaj snoa.U bs h n by ‘.km : ■■ 4 of k,i mi, hmt tt>ey o*n ttal*;!* J jr tu-i Si’t >1 oi tt nJcih I .’.. b;. V- •; . ij i2t ' > :yi'k. w'th «rn'.ju;v 3£ru:-rioJ'--i. w -'- ^ j.rc- "V da.^o .1 ! b.x .J rif ' > .r.icf w*r r ..3 pUB.Ma- i. 1 J ■ ‘ij'i.J W-. ga ni '.r .»;; 10.f . 'i j oasn.jtj5a, JOd;^i*il A WOl-»Ui Fn>-fei..y-i'L I'l *. 16. ?iSWAi3^D. QT .‘LE.i fr I Ji ib :C 3 .I'.jI - • J -ix its t-?.- u > If’*/ -*T.l * 5'. 3f^y =r 5 r. i.ii, * iJ U i Jivsa, 8 - -I-- i, »’• 9 ; ■-a *i. >3, a ^'e'2'.ja :•} » «!!. cyi,I a *.2 ., >1 >‘il r.aii ti e tipa of 3 .U'ji aa>-J r.iiii >> :»» it. a 4if tie -. ■ i ■» • io0i> ’ ’witI ^r'lt pii.i f>* ti '>rv i»f toe '■■.■.a:, Jt-i {i v) fjr IJ l -iC' t 0 uriOi uiiii QftVi.V-t D J»a ^ 9d 8 • J I Ftit’iiEcr c. SALE. ON F* *y' -c IJ. d»'? if i'"'/? 1865, *• i.b(' ’■ffi' -tfldc; of .M". • n E Itn*., I wili sell fa PL.\N TATIO-1 o 1 t'b'! E»3 si 1' of the 0;?^ Fair Ri^- r, f rm- *r'y ca:li'At«i by Alex. Flliott, Jr.,—atj^ui 6 nj:J:» Ibi- Ur i D si/a —d e a vclag cn;*’' "03 CT » a .-a. ill i.-»clcn tr ■« s;!.- of fhe ' r ra-^A’i f.% th* v'm *• *i-• . I ni J ‘*U 2. V .i k'. ;L \Vli ; f •■* 3- '«,■■{ . )\ :!-,• F>t T . I . 5'iru • i*c ~>r:i 3! of th 1 ;'1\ ■:’i =i'«S-o:i. I’ii- ifl j . u sa-at u lao d*r 0 h- •7,il; t ■ r,^ -.1 «(,X a. o^ed/ ia ,ts tai liMis.'S *-jl! f y 3vh, J. Cf. ^tv.? KRO. Kii.M or. ’ ’1 1 ./ $50,000 Rr;ud;}jp!i Couiily Bon(K* ► Y ».: c ■ rf : , .raer oiad i *,t N)». J' raii3j4 of , iiii:;,»S.-{r.vRV" iPfcl>Ll U BOOK, c u«ia* « ft'oa, tc o '^V'i'Tt.'.’o 3,^ollin^ Bjtit, w t!i i»e »a--.tl^ail »dr-«j.i*j;e tie vjvcla aa-i at. ••a" 6*T »r=v.'ly i^aris; A »»upi.- jr fciiT-,.i on aa.O'.. rd O '. T IE fi-A:? DiXfE KE.\Dr;a h » bo-)k, oou %'affr. '4?f u'al.t^g leiso.i'* oa Scat&cra tV O . 75 C^;’ : 'I '-: !;lXiE PSr.lria, Tbir i Elitisa, PioisriaJ, Bti!} i;jr> i ’iC3 t« l« ioi je.nielr vjful-ir. Frioa ($26 pei ( QU. fO OtBv . T ;r. PaiMAEY GKOGUAPnY, R?fl.?QiEd^:La, :aa ; ^ fcj»: pjpalar b;-oi;. I b tntircly Soj-'cr^ and Q '7 dn,c -4 ♦•o-'i Djioa jc‘ria>» 3 00 J* Ot IN L!tlM.*iJ_ir fa's ii r.'iaaon. d ox?- a.avc'/. a:i.; »j tiio o-^Iy look of * i-y .u-oftfdi.-aor. 1’ iw 3 0«J. , J'l tJHAM y AH, *r«jlrd ^i.iiao, I-* ■va-''ca £0'0».8 Prij; 8 00 ' •'-luOiS 'Vficdasri^. -:i vf Trnliy 0c>?8ga, i6 a ttew as^d w.Ii bn fcllowei bv a bl^b ssaooi 1 50 V by HtT. .\ fal liooi, aad fon^^ a i & ts antiitll ; _ L i ' ?r f-’ 2 ^K) ru ?r: QCisd^ 'Ui^s. ia Bo’d -. t ..iii‘ :a icU «&laV>’e ttfcrioa - Ij ‘J'bi'i Pr.0475 c;-3. 4,0 C Lfli % e-sapllel by a Jo2afy (l.ur'i 1 iT'r oif-ir i.Ji *»i>i i Bv ».: C fl-.nl 1.0 -U.H . t . tav- •.i f, .i'i ■-• d’."r,'?t iJoufi n?» f (V.«: ru IJ -=» «r ^ .!l C'*n;ty. Ta«a‘M bon 9 to’■ut for teu y»^r- f-f>nn > . t. e •rU’^ !a'-Tt :i *' -■' • • fi D'.’T O-^. t D3i tJ- n;i; • > t-; 5 - ! ^ ai *naat.;i;' la ^tjo- OU'T: ^ b - rt.-iTfd u > i'*ys ■'* ^ ^ i ! W ;)^, ;-R. .CcU .?;• •• o-j: ••■•■ f. Jsu'» 2 08 ir- ^ M le y Joa.NSi 7 P.r^..f L fA ji b!c rcv. Ar‘*i-fi}o t rravLS i. •,.?■ t'oxi, ' 9 * dt •' 1;, 1 -1 'U«Iii HT?3T‘it,i ’Ali r.:. ii.^-.iy I. givtii it' !■‘ -r ’ . OFO O? OV ' 0-! ¥0 %Va '5ic«l !?;■' £•: F • YE. . l.v'lL\ '.•\ J ■ f ; ’ > 1 i N r P -CC-: ' ‘ 11 li .. it •.. ■> ; \ a! ■ u ■- li..* : O d N n B -vt Jul- .'4 i 1 I r- ;»l; quit- i-uni ci -t. C. 8. ' ‘ T *'i vnn - HENRY E F 5-“;tfT:ib, N .»> 28. COLTON, F. K Co. I8if To. %Vimc ifl.iker ; tar sii^ffelcrs. In AVU f.r s%I« 1 j ir?'; bt’U-iJ b.AF/o.- i: ■'i'ST- L'iU 8T xNUa. of o**-v-nty of l‘;U h j -*4 a t to 0 :*vy, " s:? l*i-i • - •'i .g,/ ^ (>> A*3-j, Any P’.ri a w o w.il t^kdt^i-. H-J. 1 a ■■ ,vi . ;.a fir X ^ *'•: Tili:>oii t,‘ a ’ aaa t- 35.10 ii,j or d i!.1 Br ’ 1;.. AiT-> hkL^i::»rof .-a •f'.-? «t bi'* ?V aboTu fi iitlN'lY E OuTiToJl. F^ytt! 'TilWi Cot I. IZ f' Dbri«ti «nbf. >r;bir will x*y U:e bi,-hc«i --awii; pr,-«s a-’jy 3t;»u«i~ ' rf.’' . - * Uju»a Fbas, V sb Ifttb. 1om3 j coiffSDSEATS sr.iT?:4 (iv Es;>ltfs« I i)tri*.'l!>e VT, D '’1, ;r. 0., .r»rflb Ifttb, IJOTICE 3 hQT.-'-y .’I .0 tj P ■ - n- y-iMT. '•Iftims «.gAiau the iiag.a-:r 1> 1 s -f plare^i c:iii!lo/ed *a iftS iftr ' a noar Wilmiagtoa, N Cl , tiftt t£o ij.i h i.iij; ru«d and prep*r *J to \ -y the ‘i- n 1 tt hu v*' i, on I'-a se- ooad floor of tS.i baildta^ ucit .'-raa’ i>rog Store, M»rkftt Btrfoi. Ig^lVreoaa exesutiEg Powers of Atisrsj-y wil’ cb- Berr« tite following form—incii ,ic sii : ;j a, t9 be wimMsei by iva w^meav;:* aai aiga? 1 in dupli- cal«, or tbey ci\j bo .r.tue3*; i i’ofors * Jiuiioa of ifea Peaoe or Ci«rk 0/ lay CriP^ POEM 0? POWitia OP ATrORNSY. I, 0’ , do h)r - t r?'5!''i . of , my truo and lawful Agoct to s:ga rsjosif i-g for, *.e i receive pajmeat of : J gx' u.yt duv- if' aae ty the E igjiocr Dc- part^ojQi of the Cor^f'dsrata of Ani«rica, fur the esrvitM al r»j aUY..a *;aipioyed *is Uuorerj 00 the laod dcfoa333 at darlt»g i..c liijaia 01 , lSt> Witless h.'E ‘ »n'i ?* .’ ‘ - - , tj-; — dtPr o2 —, m (Sigaed ia iut'-^U > (EuL] ta«£«« 8i(aato7ea of Bolsrcd persoaia ehoald b« witnaued bj tbiM witaeasea. There nust be teparat# dnpiieate P9v«n of Attoraty for eanh noBth. Blaak fimai oMt b« h«d mpou a?pli- «Uio> %t tiOf of|M. W. B. JAMES, Gftpt » Chief Suf. UQQtf W , EACtE FOEJ?n»IIT, > ?ATs:r:-iV.LMi. ij , J • V 4. 1^01. ■' E ARE NO^ PilSi’ARED TO RCt^EIVB OB- derj tryr RAIL ROAD ’WHEELS . r ' f I ow-nr s:«69, » i: 24, 26. 28 a*!d 80 Inc-. AIro vJHILLiiD TiRS'S Tn» Iroa we nsa fcr thsiD wii? b > ai.r> BLAST CH VBOOAL IP.OK, mj « we ww- i a (jQr wyieais ? TO OUACiE, fe:.d to ‘j«j ■-’qual to *ay aids in tr.» Couf*dericy, &r to tlirjis of^Whitucy & i-.a of Phil»j*l?6i%, who«* fepai»ii:a ia bo well kaovn t>y vU Rail /clo*a fonspsnicB. Wc h»-»8 tbft beat faoiU^ies for tracsporiation' by ciaimnra to W^ilzaiggtoo, iTOfia Ikcoee to aaj part of the »cy. Ordp-fl reap^ct^llv aolioltod. 43tfl ■ D. ANDTsiRSON ft TO* €OOP£RS§( ilTA!»T£D, M )0R3 4 CA3HvyELL. OIL BARRELS and 8T*VB^ WANTED hr MOO SUB A OASqWELL Cdutrac^ for Barrels. WE will cjatract fjt tH9 UdliTory of oaj t'i;)Ba\nd B.\.RR£L3 tor oU, b'Unl wHh wo'»d 0? Ip.a 4 OASPr. VELL. D?-i’r'17 9J-2ja TESTA^E.HTJ^ A?«D H¥TL\S. pONPSUEiiATI? 3Utc3 Bible Sodety TeaUmeati SSaleui A,lmanac«. BLVWB Farmors asd Plutan Almanao foi tho j«ar 134S, reoeivod «id fix MLfL bj the t;roaa, dosen, or BOOK man. ?/eoi »Yautt3d for tio 3Uta or Orir^Uua* i'i^C id t> ’j'>rrj.'i i YASII ’j' W>>3u, 0....' r, I.; J if i'»”a •.■ 4 uc- -r .®-1>;3 c‘iC-»-' w» ’ V7 ;i. I' .-r’/ Will aho ;‘»y a i i' »-' . ;•? i -r.-ij or aia Q/.'} W r#iCi wLi. I5 A-JO., A *?!. F»y>t‘«.Ti’Ic. J: n- lo ■ fayettavil'e 03p J3lt3r/, Jla. 4,1855. 4 N .V T h»s »^oa ,>.si*lb/ ti* ! j »f3i 1 ■•■. j 0>i □L icriii ax.'a tia? ta • t. ^ 'far exi •. .! g T-;»vjf/ Nj.”h' N-iw iMitt xHm/ a-4 1 ft’r • .»u itx *'jt *'i-a at tb.d OS^a- ’ ' 08 4»] W G. BROVDFOOl. D‘piiuwy. 60 000 WiNTBl>. A -plv io 2; 00) r.-*! PUv t; iM'UO •• il'iiiu.?; 0 *. ar S I i'.s iU.'Mjmiaa «1 ' • J»n’ • 9 Ol'. C'-rdli». wi“\ or T S LUfrE ti. >H. ‘9 3.r i ■, • ■ N 'Sii St >uf Ov.. 1. 18^1 dOLL!N.JiiVVO»'»T3 f Ssirhooi r\Vn 0«VN Flllfc R.-jvDER; “ “ S.^v'i-id “ ti « ^... 5* * “ I''! r' F.ir e-* Tai las FAYEri'AVILL^ UOOS^’TORF.. ‘ D or 7. ISoxe.^ l'or Soldiers. fOR ?'0 ,r>'E»»i Oil Pin >NER1 OF A V7»rf»uca 'io.'tl G»rjaui. l-li»erjd to ihj . j.ltw ins :i \ci3i p('.-£ - 8 wi:i ba proaptly fori^Aridd fr*«e of oiarge: Df D F SuTit*?ey A hoTiUe; Dr A Oall'tt, M^fz»>itoa; Dr J V? AUi$;o, Statdsttiie; , t'r J L Nda^ic, Gfj-d*a?boro; Mr A tl'.g^a, Obwloiia; Mr Eiw-ird (jejft Saietn; Ca^t J N Jo«i«pa A W rta ^'iyet‘stfii:o; B M Jrr»7 at ‘■3% ^V-l tii- • MrFLBsnd f b ■'TOC Mr J X J Aaks#, v^tM.-aia; 0 Mr F ii Roberts. Marfrceib^re. Th« B>x39 eboti;il tte w-» I htjopdil p'O'jerly marked, a:i*i delivar«J in tim* for iby Spaaisl ^’afaagsr wAO loavas Raaiflt ou J'!5 fir ft d-iv of ■‘Ttr/y'uioQth. El>'¥.\KD WARR£>J 8arj53.«0*iMNa Raleigh, Got 29. 80-lia aA4iJ?^J!.lsA«8!!—Tho infe rior quality of the p 'per oa which lb • Obf?rrar dM bian printed of late, aui whiob la a .rrest »yo sore i-i ui. ta owioi; to the jrant of A B*i&oieat aap?'y «f g i m1 ra-sd tae coaofqaent •wity re t^tur., to ^afarior ja^kteriais. We appeal to th« {i-i.-ndx cf tb» Ob.iB'TTsr at »H aooessiblo poiate, to aaTt af brtag '0 i.c>wa all the raga thoy aaa ptodore. haTfl »n linje '"araelTea to Utand tleJr fuvkiiM, atti M»W». Jts». w. WilHtaks 4' Oo., th# Afonti ii «f Ut afiu.‘!t4y, wiU p^y 26 o««ii f«r Ih. for _ a / OiJbK * SOH& W^Xkr i4K w^>iv 1,11 r ^ILli piy Jiie ■ a it' n I .i .-^4'>nrf ' i b i^io- of -s'i-i't •'. lA • OH: n - J k • j . u t i; 0 ■ >t/ ji *•; ; Sai4 »;;rt a a 1:8 s ^ OS' ^ -a h -d jii'aT -- ^2» "pl'-’ \ viiii't. AIh?. F^'?’bun !r -1 ,• f r * 3i j’•-•. j foil JTitt ofok^ j I V i"0 " 1 ^.ly Na'ia’ry. wio 3> yi»i 1 f ».;(’. 5 f 10 i.-; ;L .i -i!,'?!, at3 i- b :ii , h a c j. 'ivai | '■I -ir, thf'’’: fii; ‘i ?f h •I . ft a* ^ 1 ff. ^lUUai L ■’ rlBi1\ }i,r « !, .37t CJ i 'c • =■ t'3; a ,n ■ Jshn uii' [ u 1-Jpp { a .ai> ■ at it,l i biU 22 f-;►?•« of ij:4 t ion f. o- t Ueri,t f-ja » rfc«» iili>w. b. ii*-^ ‘. vi .P / Hcs J?0 IRS'! U:* v-‘ - . • J* ^ rw^alat c.il«tiea ;f . ,a.\' P.'jo* ,pbf '.iiit.&rad $40; 75 oil- " IlK ’ i' 1 JTSO-:iQ3T£-, couxci ed uy6«p^ bs«i coUeoticas of acajiS a.a j s?‘«* total . 'Icdt . »er pabliftbea. Prfce (per nr^'tre*; >^*0) • 00. ftV'iiN AND LINDA, a ti^le of a sbWler’Bto^ to a rare ax - racy liuK ba-jk. Priae per buiiired) i5 C*STTrii^r.\=3( LAW PHVCTICS, c-coai E*di«;»3. c>at».i-J ail the lu?ia«f« forxas ext«falve:y naed Pr ce i* 00 * ' 3-1-E” WUSIi), a inU L£:-jf *Toat of las wecaa pab .1-U tr;,.a i'r.ai I U0tj4 00. •■’T -.Tj Y cf »;l i*! -.I i, at moiar^tc prioe*. F-\ -nCY B ; lULSS ffjBt rillj. J.. ' •; *1 ii d^-a'*ti'>"fl aif.i* to 'be Tra^b. ar : j T i ; - ^ ■ 111 ue te'i per -aai!, iBXUt -. ..; . ’\> « 1 .n t!i- to pay po:tafe-e. . N R Oii£ ?a ... •-.» to ti bai at the jjal -:>r ji -.ATOKg o'- i ■•.' cmaf-y. % rA.*i?lAR, - 5S*le%h, N, 0 ‘‘apt. 17 76nf A £ow ijsporoiiit iaota IN HBOAItD TO Tam “S0«jTJiiSAt- hjupa f ic piIiI.8.» i ■ r ■' t¥ ,.ro f rcpir.'.^ (■ u tc-.a* qir .lity uf ^:di- L, ;iuo by iJxr dis* •.• :■ T now an aged Hiniptrer of .;-6C -'p-.!, xa.i ; V 3-.'^ jani/ary 1 2 3 4 5 jb. 6 r 8 9 10 •11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20«3l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FEBRUARY.. 1 2 3 4 * 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 . 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MARCH.......),; , 1 2 3 4 & 6 7 8 9 10 11 n 13 14 15 't 17 18 20 21 22 24 25 i 26 •27 28- 29 30 31 APRIL....*. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ir 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ^1 ..i«.^ 1 2 3 4 5 ft 7 8 9 10 11. 12 13 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20 - 21 23 23 24 25 20 2T 28 29 30 31 1 3 S 4 5 6 7 8 .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 84 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 o md 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22' 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 . SO 31 AUGUST 1 2 8 4 5 » 6 7 8 9 10 1^ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SEPTEMBER. .1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7'- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ‘15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NOVEMBER.. .•» 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 , 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DECEMBER. 1 2 ” 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 19 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ■ 31- H^aie ot Bank 9itoek. Hariag ob&aiaei a dsoree of Oaar; $0 tbat efi fccf, 1 siiaii na TacsJaj the 7th day of Fiibraary ,n>=Ktf at 12 o’ol >ck, at the Matket Hoase in ezpojc ro paHlio sals, 10 Share* of ths OapiCal St^jk of t!io Bink of North Caroliiu Terms mada £nown daj of B%le. J. T. WARDE.'f, Adin’r. Jaa*y 17. 2-tspd 2 r >. ■> u*.o &v.a V -.JWC '-'.IT ••.■ara and t««t«d by to b!,78 be^n V* ir.j htu: I'e i j' r^oas Laawn V b * rc Tlci fc/ the pccpTi5w>r fo : >r pi;u“ aiise irom dj» b x; t Ir-V ■»';» J ■, h'i r\ie i, .r^ii 'T tr Fiano l»r S;iie. i?. r. H.-1-.VLET & N. • f Apply so J..’vl4. FAYI^rr V5I.5^‘ p?e*iiiaaa t.> t'a'sfi Aii t oiln»r 4 T ii-y 3J; a'? \ 'C o •*:.«■ -iii .i- rtifijst-g *w5flttpaay ettih box '.0‘1 ii.i'3? or-r --a'ai.^H »--c fnm vfeil tcDowu.asd oiost re- y>;=*bio’n Siv -a-.ij ♦. xjiyrtKii-i.^iz' ta ro.iaii3;:ai t3,e:i; 68 good f^»r Li* r Dfl^a->.v -ills t-iJ ?!itsji‘(aiA, Jaae* • ■'■•. .•■!•» ti.'.„u» k v^—•'. Silioui Ra;auaiaix^;ii • : ; :* i’rO • ■.'.Mf a. 30. 7;. s.»cr I t: ;n: a r t^a tie of !*5*sr Pii’s 'H -u i> I tea aa ‘niM javirrr oi.ttjia fWQ ■ $zOO; s-.-'j tuj tifbt -itur:r..;'ja ut- drcine svcr t-f- :r-i a uie pub*l3. '1 foia-i Piiyg' ts* 5 ‘if Ui ?ii.,- -esl 3t«jdiEf prsacrib, ''em *0 t;'"ir p«.tic-a»' r .a of bos^jc hav% .=va ? *a trrtiKr tfae;H!Otr'-s '• g'-I.; qu^.;'t-.f ifc-i box'** h*Te b*'eii -'j j tj (> -■■'•I:”., ' c.-at »t Hutiii »'»;v t.'i -■■ *>0 oror ^8.700 box-w *!•;■ •■^r 'fti >’T !: ' j’; ' tb ia Virg'fl *. Tr ^s! J p r $5J perd4j.i, f5 pa* For H.ilf lu lorU Oiroilos M Follows: I'# J \ J ' I -'ins. 5Va^ 1- Tk.s Coajpfti,. have paid all k>?39^ promptly, an-l ri?(3?x'-n.au« Aii t!ic p»*9raj-i-»'. not^*^. ■'J.rUt loss!.'^' ; s-i iv ' v>»iuiat: 6 SO. M iTSILl), r-e-.ids’Jt ii A. R/i./, \^ioe PreaUsui th A. MoHIl r.UT, a*a r Djaioijai: W. ki. T;*liT-z*ran« S. 1. It; WtB. T. t. .A r . !> tf«i, . J. a. -i, Il 'a, :. •. Sl3j>iM>»4, r,. f. ~ . flwy Liiir, il. 1*. My jY^r, B- T’. ilawlej, Nat’ian A. Sta4ai4^ 0. B. Eyie, A. H- ^etHaa, J. i>. ffiiiliiie, S. Vf. iisat. • oxm Ooilisi. ^ ^}. V - ■:> ? A.V! *. \e r\» \o?if?g’s iiitiissetlfa! Did^ ^ngry, EMBR.iCl^lG % cf Arithmo'js, i'.oaiiy Raclron- rf P V Ke*ripn:. Fr-aia, ft* 8 J. HALfi -" f*,iU8. BLAIVK DEiiOS PUm-nRft «n >nT»»- p > t. For **l* a .)?^ErtVasi BO »MTORK Die * * 61askD«ejft for B2ie at tkift oSied.. uinfolni-»i, ^ P Sherrill, I ix>ni«b:ir>. J Clif;»A, j Msr'.oij, A'.) ‘^aiftncM, j r.ttntfor..’,4 L«na, , S'.i' iga, XVttliHui-i &. llavwood, ! ’• r* K rev-ad^ Iiiocsi'a-mrn, i I’ N i».i5\r.m, .■>•8.! -iiari, Uf- iftrvifi b Cooi«, 1 3’.i '*:ink H (J iliajhur, f.iy* tievi'le. \ r-it- i.ii u Ac. { ^Kri&y. il Fi-.n'-'horMr, Jrcenslwiro , Porter it. «Jorretl, f '»V i-.i»r6oro , W O Henncft, l-.iii-.lhi'y’, i.iica* fic I VV-ditpv:lle. IC llsyass, iiiif'ui. J 'I WUu»insu»n, xV-..ik-r vcaies, i-r Wyche & Pr».^ | - il Wr.iitn, .«-x o;:i'n, J f SHBjii JB. i “ W H Wpuitt. «5Bna«B v> yiCEMrt, h; r. ■'t'-r'f - Hill, » H •^ftiin-iers, • ti; rt- la:, J .''>■•• flaicltiPiion, ^ I 'r.rr, i.’tlnTpn, iiuliliarj U. _.-Pt n J tnllfhl, J iii; b >r>V, J V >\ hiitCil & Cn, I4> Pi?e«« "%'cw fliMic, f05T ru3.i47c.d, wjijiti wili be Mat to auy adiiMSS os »3 rac>-ipt 0? o jt prLaca. * W« h'lyt nu f i -fias r-:e 3JL.S AGS11’TT3 !n Hor h iJarciivN f'f n'ir7 '• of R--w^jO Me "s-,,0 £ .!'.:• • •«. 4 1' ae S^n*n A'" t r rr^ tit tai ui iioai ■ jtii-u, »mI ba ftiisd iX rc. i f f-6 rri.d?, :« C.1 Or». ca, 4q. 6RA»SOdr * '•♦r.’lAR, a>-.wn*fc, 9 t^Or- A: ij 3 r>* s Lost or .’Tlitil.iid,- \ CEnxinCiATE, Na 6«, d* iS ?>, 1354. i.k ip'a 1 tom b» ToHh *y, =^>-s/?^'>rcl. 0'r>:>.it»r7 -t tl is far $10-'0, 4 p«r t^n 'i-fs P -ii certifiaatf* r'i!b..ut c jr u : •} •!», at TJiis is to t^oiify the t- *i *i»T^ -jii-i* , ppUijatlaa in da* form of la’"^ to Mr. Sialf-'-^f -* * da i;‘.-3UA G:r*ifia»t J * £7 A OAMERON, P3r-.M.wi?l». D > 2fi 97*lfn Laad to filsnt AOOOD PL\f’TaIiO.'J on ^'apoFdkr RWct, in')lad' log about 100 aeres of ftae b>tt«it land '0« tho T r-:£ijKa ia a lug9 DmeUiag Uoos» aaAKMr oat boUA* i2^ «r H. iCaKAT. iMMawk aflOatafL J | «eS5TS3b«.)r- Claims. Persona having claims again.»t the County of Cuaabtjrlani fere rtqae'^ted to hand th^m to the Clark of tha Caaoty Oourt, on or before the lit ot Februiry oex>:. Tax List Takers, in partioalar, are reqtiested to iil 5 their claims for taking t^e Lisfs with the Clerk of tiio Oo ia y Oourt, to ba pastel a.K>i>by tha Oumoaittee of i*iaaa2e oa the liii Monday in FoSraary next. By order of the Oommtite3 of Finance. Jany 19, 1865. 2tt NOTICE. • ” IJt Tjr':aa or an ordir of t-ho Oaaisty Oaart d II.»rn3tt at D ;s;aber Term 1861, thu so 'soribef «riil atfead at tht; ibhofiag t.mtid and p'lo.-s ia sai-i ojuaty, for the pUr^soof caileoan);a8a ^oial f iX leviud for ciie support of SHiierd’ futuiiies fbr tli3 y^ar 1835 At Mtd. Oacnerja’s for Johnsonville and Barbe- CU3 Disc. Thur'tday J to. 26 Turaor’fl store Up^er L liiver, Fri lay Jan 27 “ Bikei’s Stif-*, Sttfjrar^’a crees, ditarday. 28. “ Ol lueit'^ SiOfO. Avjrasao:»’ M mday, 30 “ R ruriiajtoa’s, rutHltj, 31. K -M‘t*«iei*’i* Aliilj N *iii*s oreek. V7cdaasdaw Feb uvy I. “ Mrs Am )lJ’n,'Bi^khorQ and H^etir’a crcelu Thu»«'Jay. 2d. All Tax P-tycrs are aa^ent’y reqie^ed to aeet at >.hd cimei and piae^ sp^oifiad and pay, as moaey is needed for ttie at>o7e importaafc l;urpo3e. J. R GRADY, Sn'ff. J*nV 3. 2 It . Nitat* of \ortti Caroiiifist, xMONTtlO-VIBRir OOU-'^TV.-In Eaurrr. Olivia J. Oojtiran aai others,, vd J. B. and Gr W. (/Ochran aad oshera. Petidon tjr the saia of Land. It appearing to my sattAfatuion that i. K Coch ran, G W. Coohr&n and the heirs of P. J. Coch ran, deo’d, and i^ho heirs cf i'erry Slvnroe, dic’d, wife of Archy Ma'ir'', rsnde bsyoad the limits ufthij State It »a^;e!o.'e ordered that pab* iioatioci be lasi:; fjr ^tx Wtipka in the Fayetia^iiia O^serter, notify}eg a.itd dafoaiaats ol tka filing of thid Pdtitfea, aud that they be and appear at th;> n«zt term of che Ooart of E^ity to be held (ar the Caanty of Moat^jm?ry,at Ae Oaari Hoaas in Troy, on the hst Mjaday in February next, then and there to aa««70f this Petitioa, •ther mae the same will be ti^ea pro eonftisso and hoard ex parte as to them. Witness, Kim’d J. GatQeo, Clerk and Mater in Equity for aaid county,, at office in Troy. 2 6w E J. GAINES, 0. M. E. A%'OiV fi. HALL, f«rwar4iaff4 flerehaM^ ghreqmefc daapatgfcte geadaeeaa^enedteMai Tf PwttMtarattaBliaB^viHita all rradMt •#■**!» ittwtim, Oeeaigaswti «f «ut* mmi%m

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