TaaB.i Xiv.l ?\4YETTE^» 5 K C., MARCH 2, 1865. [MO 1414.1 ilOnOAYP and TflUMDATP J. HALE & sons. lOBS AM« fBOFKUjCOIUI Saoii-WesklT ^s%tu SI20 W) for tkij 0«A»vs« 816 W ft)f gix nenthB VIBTIBEMENTS loaerted for $S p«r s ;tt»5 3a or leM for eM^ pubHnfttion AdTertiser* ?t«4 tc «Ut« the nmabor o^insonioBs de will o« ftuiQtlnaed till f«r%>ii, uid okwged oojadAuM iiuid*, okwf»d fi'ly per 8PBCIAL KOTICE. as' A. ter tl>i8 daXe, a« Mine of a mew nbeeriber I eniered vitliOBt p«7ia«Dt ia »dTaaoey nor ^iU ~r be se&t te •«ioh «ub»rrtb«r8 fer »levger tbae paid fer. rsd? oid »aiKicriD«3re •«' deebre te take Mit p»* os this eysteu. will please botifj aa whem maXixi^ ifltniituees. Jan’y 1, 1858. FATETTSVILLE NORTH C&ROLINA JiCJatnEJflir, Plrsrt of thio lanitniion wiJl coam^BO^ I let of Fear.'^rv. 1365. «£.pplic«ta.tiis for &dBacei>n zaoal bs addre?9«d to M. j. WM A. BANKS aup^H- t-'^.deiit. ‘ « »ri 94 80 tf »A1E^ aOA£>. The f aE:GHr and fasbenqsr trains of tiu* ftoftd lo4^e Fayetteville -iialj, (Saad&ys ozoepted) ft 8 o’clock, A. M., and rqioraln^^ lo»Te Rerpt at l c P. M. * C^Uie mJ licTi* -rvw.. MOKO Ai', WBPHESB VY J J'-I IP ay. Byerd.?r JN©. M. E08S, lV«^f *nd Geo'I Tra«, Ag*t. ^ 186)t. 97tf "BSH W. DHAt^GHOrVe AUaTIONEER, B. X. Corner M»rket B^onre, FATETTBTILLB, If. €. fl^r Pronspt given to all boeinesd is hie aalroeted to biia. J^e 10. 18&i 40if ISAAC «0LLI:\G8vV0RrflL ftraeer And CoiiiBi^siea Sferoliaiit) PAYETTKVILLE, S O iitaa IS 40 tf ifvii. j^ejL. .Tfcirr^^y, Attorney at Law, FaYSTT»VILLI5, N. 0. fl^ILL ati^ead the Qouuty aii^J Superiisr Conrta of M Cnnberlaud, Bamett, Mcorc Robeaaa Couif- k*ee- Prompt aiteotion jiTca to !i* eollcotioa of all »lai«« eutrui-ied t« bis c. and!? Oek 17. 1S59. &8-tf J OSrtlxL E Y, €Hroc*f tu%4i -Wcrf^»^» FA:fiTTifiyiLL:S. N. 0. iaa'y 16, 1S83. 83-tf From and aft«r tMs date the- Bteajsaer A. P. HUBT »iU , Jeaw fi 8 »’elofk. A. K^,er..M»aSifcy vid TAna^«r- - — —1."TeBTK, ApvS €—17;f ] Ag’t C P. Stsaa Boat Co- E9XCI9, &e»f for friseners of War and Soldiers* ^ 8 ifto AjCiit of a^rgfcvi.,. Ooa. Warreu. I will r'icciT? iV fory.bo:x«‘% &o., f>r at-,Viera ’ prifio'i • s cf frfij i f T". Be**-- Bi -ja'd ba ber > by tbe 29.JI of «»na :a«/Dth, tast t!:«7 caa reacit by th« last Cl cvjh tiiLUtn. I Tfifh Uis bOTSzs eoat to -uo to aiark wMi wtUtm 'w~ BtrBcUajis, 80 tisat I may baraj I* trorerly done All boxas fir pr.-«cr.rri of vt-r xaaot ('« aa li^kt as pietiible. ii *ii7 strulJ laora iu*a lOJ lea. ut^j cvrnotgo. JOS?.PII A WORTH ”aTe^te -’.l! i. 16. Hsx*>x)Qa’s Abmies of xhe 0. Statss, ) | Parr?tfliiic IjUbricatiiig Oil. 11th FebtUis'J, 1865 ) j D AVIN^J by oRrefuI €1 -erimsnt atterei aed greatlT G .'ifiBAi. Ohdbis, Ni> 2. • inproted tL* ohJiraotB’* of oar Oil, w»5 new cffo? for in enttirins upon the campaiea about to opoD, i >?* »*‘n a’tleie of Labxioatiap; Oil tor Cot:on ywomies .the Gooer4U».Qbi3f feels assured that the J t. I. i 1 I u\ I .««« ihfl gcaiorohill Thj« Oil Wfl»faa?-^»o? with o^refal tnalto d»*»r8 who havs 80 igag Ri u 80 nobly uorao tue - - hardships ftal dctD^ers of the war, require no eZ' horration to reapond to the oclk of honor and duty. With t6e liberty iranROiitted-bv their forefath- tTH'I ap3 aew prepare» if .'Paint lo powder i^^oldierti’ laimts.' 'piiE uadtifajgueJ ’•»avi..g !' :n d “Cou mie- J. i'^'jer to i'▼ s igti-. o-il eci »»a J.jirlbul'*'•U raB of P;o^*kDl Soli*?ra ’ give." u .*»'»'• afei-the 20 h iuBt, be wi'l ba prrpr sd to facixiKti tl •. bUnlm wher«- f tije w\r,3. ohilJrrn. ereon! fs or ai~tra',cr8 of do3- --*^d soidic^n nny htvo ihsir o'ai.rH pUcod !a pr« pnr f' roi *0 ba fil;d in Jhe Aud 'ir’s cftioa in Riohmond, •ni will C3« oTfry efl'3«t in b>3 p w*r to ba»e tco siraf ^r.impily p'iid Pc'sotiB epptyinjt for blanks rone* fo-TrtJu a "0 o‘-rt 3 Bt .Tin (or tiro 10 cf.ct bii'a) to p-cpay Uic poe t.'«ge oa (he n«me A &er^i3t:r of all olaiots wili b-: ksot and at aty tima t^e sUie f a o'aia ma? t-e i»-ot itfc:D-d HENRY B C'^L'ON. Fayetteville, N C Pf > 14 ICtf ^A*\’TEO, SHecp Sicitu.’ ^ihecp Skit^n iWILL p*7 the highiwt c* ot • inK'; 9 ^ l^C-jttflB Uards for or \ A Sof’t i'i t-’WETTEVlLLE rJAL IlSUiUXCS 10 iPAM. C*i.-tai In Pr^Bii Di 1?oIm a’nc 'at*! t) ( » .« -i i> andcUi f 2S7 «3i :4-. 5,077 33 ini » . i -te^-p MaKBi'tl V5. Sfitf *ict tc the p’■epl^ffrtljn cf it .■‘hiUaotdetarioiatc in qavlity but ii*i-'ioT3. ci-a they have inberittd the spirit to 3 u • • t Eg ucs., “Afattr^Ulc. iS C , vio ’s’.jnouao.' ^ « T io o'i^ioo befweon war ana ^bjrct subiuissicn , g ' . 13 holcra them. To aucu a ^rtjposal brave vacn. j * HENRY 8. f^OLTOS, A t P K. C^. with f^nas in their hands can have but one answer lcT‘r 28 Tbej CBDPOt barter maithova for peice, ncr the rigbr of self-governEQcni; far life or property. , Bui ju&tice to them requires a sterner adracoi*' tioQ to those who have abandoned their coaaradct ia tht) bour oi peril. A last opportonity is offer ed them to wipe oat the disgrace and eseape t\tc qf iht^w yiihrni the President of the Confederate States, a pavdon ie acnouaocd to such deserters aod men im^ro* perly absent, as shall r^turn to the o.mm&nas to whieh th ‘y beloDjf within the shortest possible time, cot exocedinsj twenty days irota the publi- o’tion of this order, at the headquarters ot the (lerar;ment ic which they may bo. Tafse y‘t.,0 m%i be yireTt-a'cd by iaterrupiion of oom- OFFIC£ POST mJAJB TERMASTEB, | 4tU Congrtssional District, N. t.» r FATBTTaviLL* F b 24 l>‘65 ) To the Patriotic Farmers of Cunu beriand, Harnett and Bladen Counties, oe lit best »ad ohea-^est oy f., fine oiaobiaery in u\e j KBPeo»fa’ y rtqeewed (o bring your TITHE 5c-Ub As *he ucdeirfiit^ed his ren»«al attea y bahON to the Depots netr«st tfcJs Poet ae soot as oocTeDient. as it is very asnch resded atpreieat Wbaa i^neral i'ire-Proot Paint. to sap2>ly any mi-iiti^ of thia It is a Peroxide of I‘on, acd f>ii stf>ad Ike nodt severe tost* with fir^ Color deep V brcwa. HENKT 8. CQLTOfik-AjS’t F. K. Ce. r>. the a^s'ssor* maKs iheir at'p'-witmeats, yoa oaa your rtce’pte and have t’ac estimites credited for the tmoai.t paid. Parties hau'tiag o^w 12 saile" to this t'»wn, will be pai«» 10 o's per wilo oer huatJred. I hope the farme’fl may bring ia laeir Saooa proirptly Capt J. M. MoGOWAN, Capt & Popt Q M. Feb’f 2». 18 ‘ii* 2t p rcit-atioas. mav rer-ow. nnihia ihn tioue epeaified to 'Se nsar-*8i ♦cvoi'iug ®Mrc.roth?r oSaer c-n tiniy. f! /or'r*rdod a8fl./on*^pr*ci.ical•^e, aa i upon nrP8fat'»>a • certiftcat'i (’‘om eucli offi*-r ah 'W og ciBii'lie«c»“ with talerc^iaireiawit, wilir :?c>TO thep»rdou berfhy offared. T*!Obs wbe baT»dfi8vte^ to tho ssrvice of the en?m», or who i *’e ep^s teii fcftei baTinj: be«a one - rp*‘doT3-d for 3«iT'>; cflFeo", ind inc;- who eb&li de»ert, fr vh »9ct »h“tr^rlt ;s wi'h')”* aatsori-v a^cr the tublio»‘ion nf ttii? '■’■'bp. «ir9 esf laded tro>a iu b'n fics. Nord^t'w offer of tsrtio.1 tz:.cad to other offeroea than Je- s>rficn »nd ahsepce »iih':ui rerminEioa Br tbcHiraf «n*i»orrt7. it ■»l“o aiclarsd ih»t no e ne rs.1 aiPceBty w'li afc*jn be?rmed, »pd those who refus? to aoeept (Le pardof rowoffere l. or who sh*!'b«re8ft'r de'^er'. or tbsont th~o »ei»'s wit>>out :e»r». shtli suQ r ench pur-ishmeni tg !*'■» 0 n'ti may impose, and aoap- [ Ujati''a f>r eleKeti 5 w 1 bo eat^rtaiaed T*kir^ B«» r »='!uUoa fra.'a t^e fait w':iou oar eno- E’i'S iptrnd f- r vs t cTTy man deTots all bis cn?r- f'ca to the oonai t de^- j?* Our r.'>6iUf’e», wisely and Tigcroubly rmpleyel, ara •«n'le, anl^ith a br»;Te •*^r* *cnt»i*:’d ‘ - a tlo'errc'ced and peoi>1e. auf je«s. with Q d’s »96is-» .ar, c»s>eo? b? );iiht^nl. Th«> alTtattgfe of t&? enecy will '..T»Ta bat litUe ▼alua wp don't P'-irTBit th-m to ltr.p»ir on:'re^olvt'on I*»t than, ippo?9 oor.sta cy to adTcrsl'y, fortiiu^c to ^rrffer insf and c3a.'»ge ‘o danger, ^ith th*-fer iaisar' co-»b\t Hewi o g^To frprdvsi to cur faOiprs viil b'tea the e.' farts of tijfir cbilireb to pt .t'e. r? it. R. E. LEE, Qcner*! 11-tit a E Lb«. 0;-n. I-* Tot' Crrap»-.‘t AJa]!l¥ HARiX^SS. arepai'ed to maauiWrtuure all ^^ls of Wf^oa Vmm for Army ose. I 1“»^«” ani gie., Afeitd wUl do well te esai tb.6tr irden ko axe ahaL ha»e prompt tttentio»», ais-^ lat oJT la qaioi. iiapi- JO-*^LH ‘'Aui'5R P. 0., C., * - i !3*li *11 l.ii'J p;OCiyt’j, jki ■ « s-?:- :.;._9i;t on tr v ac ee. ». Orft.saa: ). M.rEJJ.',, i*r* •- /lut *. ■•’;C3 r -..J- le v. A. till- da.,v ' 25 CVU i-tr / u-nd fcr will ttt« hig.' fXy'}UWtll«t W '^T Feb’y 1ft. loark pr- J vfuir*nr / .- />,i0KA!rC* DltPABTS«5T, \ KauiiQH. N. \i., 3£*y tJ, 18‘>3. / ad for tjiiri 1 f.Vl- 1- f.T> 1 poacd L„ . T, waHTAW.—1 ^ish to puribv ; L ad , Fereons hariag - me- .. liu wAuM apply at onoe. W'.'l giT> 1 p of tiEAD i>9V T503 D. HOtJa. Carit. C. 3. In oii«rg'- of Ort>’?-:n.,: Ucmy ■ illy, C. L. 'ti/TOfvf, s. T. H •--e?, C. d. • ..ir.t, J%^r. Ky;a, A V. MoK^tWaf,, J. D. TViiiia »3, ^ % . . *i , Jota Co.'lii Q Q, J • • i. ' >S . ’ ■ I: . :-w*8: V. iS. Tiluifraa^i J. Fi'.’-iUlx McL.virin, T, 3. *V, 3.. v^. J ’h Gs3S, J. G. .‘’tb^^'bnrdl, A. a. uv., .Tifliea, Irar- ’ing A » %Vifue ;*lakcr^ or D!»fi!5€f*. J'lAVE fr bcanA a . vyoai Flili'-fliHr- iiJQ 8T/^1^3. cf aifacity of ItiO g» loas; »Lf>, 4 iiet M KaTT. Aay pcrsuti ^>1^ wuole e- a .iop' f.,r 1000. ^faiuibie i-> '■'»« t. owe n iae or i Brwidy. 4ho e&me of half nae of abota fir taa ^MTe rates. E • fayctteTille, Oct. 1. " 72 f Palma CUriu^i Bea?aft. }>jfS sQbe*nO'r wili pay r-Svii! r f f a&y iua*»- ? i’^ri WA.^TfiD, ' HIDEfl to t«.a on eharea. Terme ^ L"a*.her its equiviilent ia o%«h. We oaa taa it in a rery sh"^^. time if debir^d by H ckie’s pivcat. Pef3oas wisniag tboir Hiien tauacd csriFfsl tii.ci to onr address to E .,ypt licv-ct, w\erfc tfcev f ill be tsk^a from and Lie»th»r dtlire-^ i r. ouf rxae>is» 0>?r aidrsje is Be»umcnt, tTnathira C.ma-y W D ^AT3f>N & CO R-.reieaco Meoara G W WiiiiaoiB & C'*, F*jetf.«»ille. Jm; 7 25 4 iirapd Headqr’Sy Army of tbe C. 8., ! 1 Ua Fv&ri:ary, lbt-6. ! Gixceal Ost)BK8 \ , No 3 / The di^tritiltn " and rffi:ieaoy of the a.ray caTo l«.ca jf i»%ily impt'red by meu le-ri: g tb?'ir proper com- ; El. ads j ,iu s.ii:'ra, ia wbich thiy fiud ssr?ioe mere i Bgreckbl*! • This rrfcrtioe, almost ae iDjariou* in ita coo»»qu«n.3ss • »8 the oriao* of de-'ertioD, by the Artic’eo cf WhT ox I roses the offender to a similar paainhmpRt, *nd 8c’> ij-’O ! the ofiiocr rev ving him to di^TO-s'al from (he i »rmy • i , rrovlsions of Usner»! I t rier No - of 'bu ta «. from army h^tdqaarte s, »p I r'r nifn as bave left the'r proy^r ocmioaais ■ ^ joiarJ otlers irj bout being rejulafly irwis'erred. i.ey V ill r*Ciif.- (be p»rdon prou'isc; iu tbi t crdT unc coa'pljing wiiH; its coB'^itioss, or euffjr tiie ocnsa- qne'ce( aUaohed to aeclcc’itg it. TQ(> namc-B of Booh •‘tjapo r«a will Hi forthwith re- p-v’ted to theae heaiqa‘!’te’’8 by tbe ofiio^ro with wbora t oy »re Mrring and immediate measures taken to re turn them to their prov er oorotBan ’s. As 803n as rrao loable an in8p*oticn vill be made, and chs'i;rB will b-^ nreferred ax aiost those who upg'-’Ct to ».*ifiroe this order . R E. LEE, General. X'.. '.r 'ft- *' yC .^■.. I S‘aTBTTKVTI.I-5, ■; . Jl-'7 -i, ’ r« AP*" NOW !='At,p\ii,v; TO aecEivfi oii- a RAIL HOAD v^HEELS of the f lic’«f!n.'> eU«S; \ i: 25, 2'i. t.i - dO iaoh. .'ibu CKILLKD TIR»-:S Tb'« Ir.« t>>iall U30 for fieoi t iUb-' ouV nL-lST CH.->>fv mi ?-’0N, wf rvit (w »>!eaia h'>T TO v i to be *oi.a'. to t'lj in i.ue Ctrf'-Jerak^j; ' f t> -.v^ of ^'litr.oy A to2-; of ?i>-vid-'lo^ia, wbc-= r\pn.-» •c’j -a sc well knowu • y tU Tvv.l Ho*d ooruTJ^ni ^ Ts hrvv *. ;e I-3t f* .iuiit.js r •.^■^T■.^po^titi(;!i tey SieaisaTB to Wilr.ii.gtcn, from tb>f«‘ ■ %ay pui of '*10 f jafo>:«r*c7 Order-; loijpcoi’iiUy soh^ii-?^ 46tf] D Au’ I M” * tiO .* GiVIU\L OlDIRft, I No 12‘2 f Uicdw.*-ID, 11, 1 ttii' •TIT THE followiug aot of i’ocjt'cbs ia pirti •‘.^d for ills, tha nformaiion cf all oonoer .ed: I “Every perEon, not c‘. f ibe Uules •■Ed articlfg I of T*r, who Bha'l procare orenti'e asjild'er ?f *h« Con- I feie'^ato PtHtwi to d«psr‘, or who Bh»Mpurchase frrm ar.r BOldfer his arm, uniform, elothirjf, or any p xrt thereof. $ii;SOO HJBWAKU. i’^ILL p«y 7a.i!E as%»ii ivlivrsTeward for t«p ipn'-e beTisiosotamanbytcoai «d of WM S t ORSSl AN, 'irV.o t>rok» jail in tcig c ty oa tfl.' 30th Dcc 1864 Bai^ Goraman is abont 28 yo4’-8 of ago, »boai 6 fe«t 8 or 3 iacbee hirh, li^'.‘- oo^aplaotei, iijjlK. .-»*ir, s£:ut | B-iall a~oa legal onsvictijr, be S eJ, at ttie duoreli iV. b”51i. ^ ^ ... !— ... I of the n.'ju.'t having c'gcinR-e'f the eevR in »> / t>um Aif.j, Five aandrei d.iilara far each of tie falLwing' | not vXoeed*'ji? three fcundrei dollsre, aal be imrr-Boacd ^*058 who L'Toko jr.-l a* ti*e same i ;ue: i net 'X'pcdiog one ye^r.** -T. A Won.'TH rH'vJA#v=.?T!« COIJIDIKATS STATIC OF AMKKICA« | E»q’ji*«s DiraaTMaai, Disr. C*p» F*a», V Wiitaiugtoa, N. 0., March 16th. I56d. J \»OTK3E i» Hereby ijivea to aU poreoae fiavia$: clatma 1^1 agaixio'. the Er»g; 3cer Di:panr».ent, for services of ■laves employe ! *e i%i*^ere on the land ieftnttt ^•♦ar Wilmiagtoa, N C., that ih© Gndersij;nel is ant.horixed aad prepared to p*| the B'i»*e at iua eiRoe, oa the se- ooad floor cf the buii-Jvig ctz,i at"'fe Moares’ Tni; Store, Market Etreou jp^j^ Perf(o«8 exeoat'.’^j^ Powers of Attorney Will ob- ■erro tfie foUowiog .'crjo—tf ":r s;^.t‘.aro«, in ail csjrts, te be witneescd by -so w *ad signed In dasU- oate, or they may t e wiines»i6d bei^re a Jasiic# of tbe Feaoe er Cl«rk of j.'^v Co art. FOKM Olr toMfiS OF aTIORNKF. X, of 1 >- -iby pppciat 1 ef , my trae and lawful Agf n\ rcoeip'^ for, and nwirtf payneot of •? to ia« ^yjhe Ba^iaear Wilty Nuanery, who i*^ aV;0U' 35 years of are, 6 foet 10 inch-a Uigb, stoai bail-, liftat ojmpleot^d, light ha:r, Hire? fingrfo of fl'a 'zti i-ff. Wiliiani L. i^oiry aiDrt taio* set, atout built, liirk ea’tijii'jotol, fr'"** te^-h ba’, oi'jcU. Joha nib, ['-ia aappoa-^i n ms*, ho h&? refuse 1 f'* tell it.l about 22 years 0/ agi. sa : t thios set, eo»r o.? hia !:r-,a frcai i^eccnt blow, bai n^c.x i'^si coa-'iesanae P. P ALDERVIAN, J*ilcr. Beo-SO 18G1. 97-tf pcJuMtit of the Coaf^ terriom ef my ilave^. Aafeaces at . Witaeea By h»AJ , 188 (asatd in •ito Biate«i of Amerioa, for the ploys 1 ae l^borew oa tho bad cf V 183 -4.' at — , tV4 —iay of - rSeftl.] The riiMturx i>f *X Bf three witp.ere^"- „ .... There tH» iw»r4i*i- r-jwe-- ef Attoraary isr 9aeh arcEth. Blw'l fotne pvt t^e t M apor appli- *,tio« ai toie offiM- , „ , , „x,- ,v - vT u Of'fl f nb;afv.j. ¥• a fW* ■» f ^ ^ Boxes Wor Soldier*. i LL BOXES FOR SOIiDIEtttf OR PRIdONBRS OF A Wat from North CaroUaa, deUv=Ted to tbe follow a oaed persoas will be promptly forwarded fr-e o# Or D F Sttouaey, A 'bevlile; i>r W A CoU‘tt, Morganten; i r J W AiUecn, Statesriile; h: J L Neagle, OrecnBboro; Mr A Hagaa. Charlotte; Mr Edward Hcg«, Salem; Oau. J K Moi>wwell, Raleigh; Jofl.-fh A Worth, Fayettevilie; t Murray * Co, WUmiagtoa; Mr F L Bond. Tarboro; ^ Mt J A J Askew, Caleraia; Mr f u aoberte, Murfreesboro. Tke Boxes Btiali be weU hooped, properly *®lioii7.r3iv;. ime for my Special ad-8»toger who ^’•8 aaei,h oTj the ftret day of every moath. libWAllD WAIlftBN. Sorgeee Ooa 1 H 0. ^^«8h,OofiO- ^ Moticc—^**500 ItewHrd. R ANA WAY a tiie aubdorirtr on ihti ‘27 t ir.Ht. t'fo ce;^o men, vii- CUA‘i*..l’3, e3ujt‘i;.u .? o-^ eJ fiK.O-i’iI, a ■'•ut 20 y 0 a, six r*.^* viga, dtrk c-n per color, wet-tt)"^ JSboat 160 lbs. 'WILLIAM, som. JOnis.^ON, about 19 yeara otd, five f^-ftt t*n Imkes higi', copper c:iapl«*ion wfiijba ar.out 170 lbs The abiiva raw&rl w>H oe ptid for tteir apprah jieinu and dfli'srT in p> \j JsU so I eaii get t.*>cni. L fEnSTT Bwi«at*i'vilU,. S 0 . V"h'r 4 7-*2mi>f' By or er of the Se^re^r.ry of W*r. (Sij^aeJ,) 8. COOPER, Adj’i & Insp’r Ofja. FEADQUARXER8 P.E?ERVE N C \ Raleioii, F^b'v 10 i865 J Official: JNO W RINRDALP, 10 71 A A O Q’l IV. C., I bICE, V J H WAHTE.®, IDES.to Ti>a on obarca. Terms ^ leather or its equivalent in oaait 1 oao taa it m a very short timo. Perssnj having niu-s to taa, cw send them to .ray address at J'Miesboi'o’, W R. & , Mooro oounty, or deliver them at jay Tan Yard. • JOHN M. ELOAS. Jonssfcrro’, S'wb’y 9- Q-iO>r»d Waii^cHs and Teams Wanted. WE will give flte»dy bacltug aad g;od WAges for tbroo or four w»E:>as erd tearts MOORE & C.A3HWELL. Feb’y 11. Im An Overseer Wanted. IWAtiT to e'jploy an OVERSEEk. Ua nr.uat be Clear of oon^cr>pS, and So- er. steady aad attentive; one in whdoi ojufiaea?e oaa be piaocd. E:.rly applioa tioa is denirable. Add :SB B3X 173. Fayetteville P. O., Feb’y 17. , lltf BA««! I*A f.?*«!!—’l’he infe rior quality of the p per on wLieh the Obsarvfir has been prinlod '-t Uto, arjd which is a great eye-soie to us, is coring to the want of » s’lfBoieat supply of g»»od fagf, and ibe ooai^equept aee- easity te resort to inferior mat^D^il*'. We appeal to the friends of the Observer at all aosssdlbla pdL^ts, to eav« op and bring to town all tea rapra ttvj oaa pro.'.ure. We have bo time ourBelves to attend 1,1 theif fitr^iheie, bat Meaers. Qeo. W. Wiiliaics k Co., ii«t» A^«at7 i« tl!'3-tcwr: of Mr Mu"r-Vy. wiiJ p«^ 25 o«r-t* tor lb. for * ■> n*f,« * 80K% r *.’' *. BLAi^K JU8T P&UITJID ou sup^.r paptsr. For sal* at the 0BS£KV£3 SOOKSTORB. Dm-1. »0- Headquarters Reserve, N. C. Ad,totanx tiRassai. a tin- RaU’gb, Feh’y 13, 18t^, GaneaAL Oeobb ) No 4. / T M'.JORtT S tiTHlNOFK/.LOW. ^^r UntAdju I, tiai Q.uprsl. «\ 8 P A , W!ll rfi:*r»» C*pt Jogb w Hics lUo. Ata’t ^ ’j’t Oea*r»l cf Res rro N , au-i .bo lR*.tT i3ioer wiil proofed to join t^e 3J Rfgioieat Rc?erveB cf tf. c , as ita Co’on^l, be h»vlcg been dr-lv el’Ct*d to t^at »>ffr.e on the 3J Jan’y 1866 Ttjo L'eutsnant Q9a»>T»l Comm .ad'cg, in t»Ving leave of Col HiDSi-^lp, tfBl^ra bis warm caQgratuiKtionti oa hia p ntcotio'j sad ei^raestly tiopea ittat tbe i. teilip;a-e, leil an^ ga Isntry, whi'h has oha'sotcri* d Ms sarvioe M a Staff Officer cay be mstorcd by fxp‘-r>»?o^ itto ^reste*- ue’^aln’^ss ia his aew aad more extended anbcro (S'gaod.) TH. H. HOL^Ei, Lieut. Gen. Oommandiag Official: Chab. S BTauariiLLOw. • iVifcj^r aad A A. G3aeral. 10-*t II. OFFICE POST QVARTSRMASTER, ) 4 th CoHgressleoal mstrlet, X. (J., > FA.TITTBV11.1.R. N C. Jau’y 19, 18«6. j Enrolling OFFI' ERS p^ad Tithe Ageais 4th Ccu- gressic£^l District N. C , will please aetioe the Gir cular below: [OOFT ] Cobs Orrioa, Rasirae, N. C., /%a’y 6, 1865 CiBocj &a, \ No. 70 / ■ • »' » » * a THS 5n;f>nvecl3Rca cuised by the int.?rfgreDce vi'h t!>3 Apsnts of the T#x in Kiad aerviice rta d'rB it r-*C)W rr to remind Enr'llitg Offloor? th^t Getie- ral Ordori, I?o 35, frota He*.i Quarters Reserve, aad Bibocqa- n ir.^'ruoUon t.horeon, aira^f that eiaplr'yeea of the T-'i ?n Kiad "sr^ioe. el-all a.it b^ s?at t-) Cnmp cf Ina-aotifja EorolliagOffiofirs »U! h-.wever, pro^pt- I7 raport t; ibis t;fi5jo :ny aOaae of tVa provisions of tkia ?rdrr By ord-*r of the Cooua’dt (^^j«Ded) E. J. HARBIN, Adj’t. Offic;al: • 8. M. FINGER. Mj. and Ooiad g Q. .M N. C. Offioiak J M, yLcQO'^AU, 8 t] Capt. aod^'Pos^ Q M , 4ia Ooug. Dut. Weol Wanted fo» the 8t9te af N. Carclina. THS oaderaigned cen»’nno to c-ohanj^e COTTON TARN I'or WOOL, osie baadjo of Yarn •‘'or 4 11>3. un washed, or 8 ibs. oleaa washed Wool. They will also pay a liberal price ia eaea for large or small lots. • _ QEO. W. WILLIAMS ft CO., Agta. AvMtevSHtetlA m kn- Md by '2 have be-i« by the proprietor foj MW'S fro'B dis- / icw.-' i: s^v./ eaoii box iJj 7*n aa‘i mt.it te- L i«w Lap t>i taut ^'acts IN RSaARU TO THE «SOUT«KU:V HEPA MC I, JEY ar* i.'-a t.: best qu .luy ot M di g ciae by «c «iu ^iai'tcr 0 • 0 .If and 2. fj-.y have t'w. K. * 0 •, tt-oi^«*.ada 3 ?>v? bniare.i pcitirj 0 a « ‘ b fciiem 4 T.ncy arp'aot ri-'V"!aiik'lA ./.'ryi*’Of- bni ouLjr i ; ..>'-4..' rr 'cr-' 1 liTjrs. 6. r'irf'jtioas »nci ofn^^I3»t= %nd t-^.sse cerUiii?t.te6 a: >;c^«i*ble mdividuals *0. Corrcsponae-iia va-:*. a-jii iiu liic-.; j^ood fcr Liv- ;r Diaeaee, CiiiHa a*'' Fe^ms, Puctm. liia, J&an* lice. Oyepepsla, BiUrua Fcvc.s, .3L’:?u? £ueuais:isx, Wormc, Piei’i*iy, Drj:oh;!.s, aw. 7. Boveral gi'^tlsKicn «t»ti tha-l rhe i»Sf of tLe.ee PiiL*! kw l«ed to fchora >r, .uinu&l fat ug of fto r flOO .0 $200; tbej are the bv«t. »>;a»tt^j>n. racii-.cire crzr of fered to the pr.t)i»o. 8. fc> 7S16 Pt;y3»3ia’'a ef the hijf**?.^*. pt+.rulSng pi-«otjbe t’jcm *3 fbcir ptticrfa. aad bu»die'*a of ioxfv have oeca *‘jld to rogiiiar'praotitaoniira Ikiriag the last qusr^jt 2 8-W box'»e bavt beea 9c’d to Drogfjpis, onr ia is"atii Can;i’Xif>, ^cd oa* in Soith CrroUi»s—*ad s.ua.’ *me a^'o i-fST 8,7 jO boz'»e uer» ordered by Dru^^^-i ia er-.cf town la Virj^'ai*. MF* Friea, #4®0 p&r gr»«8, $50 per dozea, ??5 per lex. For Sale in North Garoline as Follewa: .Asheville, E J Astoa. - Alii«niarle, J M Kivlas, Oh»i>eI Hill, I! B !?*andors, Chsrlofte, J Nye Hutchiasnn, F !5 i:nrr. C!liiioo, IlnM.ar(l St Miweiey, (wtifiorii, J Held, Er.tield, J ' «h.jn, (lUUbom'. J Y VVhiltsJit tto, V«vrt:eviiie, ^ A Hteitinau Si Co , l'"?rU;r At Oorrell, b. More, J icn, L^'.der«:;in, W ycbe & Oo, *..M;Ea’'iu, J I r;tia».TCo Art:5rei», Lmcolnu)ii, P i^hcnlU, I L*)^isburc, J t'lifton, j .»ltj’'on, W'!t Wnkedeld, I Pilisboro’, I Loiii;, I tl&ltfigti. VViUiniuii fe >i;iywo:4l. I '* P F Pescud, : Roekinf!^rm, J T North.ur., 1 s?iIijbTiry, Hen.i«rson a: East*, I ** Buri>auk jk OalUgiiM, 1 Shelby, R Fronel(eigcr, I Waileaborn', \Vl) Bennett, 1 Whiteville, K flayatis, I Wi’mlDgtun, V^’:ilker iMmres, ! ■ H Wchia, '■ W ii I/.pn'tt. k'K. fSOtd w at-i.?*!. rj ■md^nartsn Re»«TT«) If. €.» tiAi>aiOd, N- c., Fea'y 17, i.bt»5. GaiaaaL 0«»ib, \ NO' 6 / ... if "*«*•* Aliirtajrf 4 iwf wwt toe.trib h 8‘ I, War, %’d ^Mkaral Ontwra No. 7i aerieff ■" ^oio tho Adjutant and loapaotor OeacraraOfliwe. which will be strietiy obsorrad In all eorcespoadonoe with tkesd HaadqnarierB. • .AU 0'>mmuQicatio&8 not .pi’operly endorsed and for warded t^r^;u^h ibo presort ed ohaaaela, will be re Inrned w^tiiodt aocioa, and a rcpatitioa of the vffe'ase will S'lbj.'ot the pa'ty to trial ior a violatioa of orders L(*i'Pr paper will be folded ia three, a»d fooisoap in fo'jr eqiftl falda and es‘* is^ th aa: 1. Pest or atation aa^ date of Letters. 2 N»n»p. and Rack of >7riter. 8 Aaaiynia of (Joatents By command of Lieut. Gea HoLina: V KAP. 8 STRINGFELLOW, l‘--l2t M»j aiid Atrt A^j’t General THE HOaTH CAROLINA SGTIIIL LICG ISSUKINI'E COaPASf, NO'? la .Ue fif ecat!s year cf 8uoc*e*-fai opera icn wi.fe .'j.-uWi^g u»pit*l Bua flrois’' Uoia > pon pahlit cr afiJ.;nc-9, pocti«ju2H to iapars th9 I ves of all healttiy pt-TBons f'ca? 14 to 60 ysara of ag-», oar year, for c ven ypAii 3^. for Ufe—.^11 life m‘'^^^rs &hariag ic tha prcfi'-B All g’r.jfj .'roni 10 to 60 years of sjr are inau'ed fcr oae year or *or St j-?ars for two thirdn thair value. AU less 3 are p iaf tuil'.y p?id wUbia 90 d^ya aftc* lat’sf Cfiry pro%f is prep ntsd i'( r "nrtbcr iaf ramtioa ♦he rnblie is r'ferr^d to A?on s of the rom’>»3y -n a)l ' • : the 8t«t? and t P. H BATTI" . r.;-et5kr», R?=gh V^ M. HU3KE, Ai ai s., F*; «ttt>vill». N C. F:>‘^’v 25 1865 13tf SOUTBKRX PlBUClTiOXS. BRAN3C*V & f AariAR, llALEKill, N. 0; l^^IRS-I DIXIE PRIMEil 3' E i n, .^di,a‘ed cs e- L ciftliy i'> t.i*e L»-r cOii/ ^Tfcjj ^ ny r Scu hrf n Matron, frri M li I;.'orc, t'*' 0) Pricn (oer . ua red $60)$*. FIRffl’ DIXIE EE l>t^v ojiipri^Ja* «**By reccing !■ 9''n3, t-' s':otit:d iw. P.iD'fr. D* aI s M l> M 'e. Piic«, $ THE DIXIE E E''FNTT.Y FP£L-.r G BO^X •iicat cj?o'a;t» aa-i a’’*v\rJ f r G’ut crc Scnoc s By Mr®. M. B Mo~r'. Prir? $i THE PRIMAP Y OFnoRAPHY. -srit; Mar« !*cfii--lv tew an rorni»r B‘ Mrd. ?1 B V.-orn Pr . » 4 50 JOBN;ON’d COMMON SCHOOL ABl'fHMEnC. j -5f fj JO -li. p'p'3 niid in greet d> aiau 1 By i^ro*. L Jo*'!ip}c. of Tr niiy t'cil^re Prioe, #4 5 FI 'cT U- \)K !N (:t>M?08fT()N o precede Etg !i c Q *rj«r.«T co^’voii z a v*'itty f ;■'■ afr«.ut wrii uf- **^5^)KK’6 EKGLlSil GRAMVATi. T ;-i E itioa. il J .1 atvd bT d.sxiam ,?a ;’'e;yB S .'^.rcruwo k end ; ue of tbo !«r* :p r*’t,: y a dev.M.ed Ttac'>ir. ^'r o?, 4 nO HII L’8 F0EM5 pr.^t-uo-pd by lue te»t ciitica to be ••true aad geiiciue Poctrj.” By Th:0. U Hill. Pr ce, 00 MOBVEN AND LI MBA, a tsle of a "jWier's faithful iive. B? W y»;^nnj. P.ice. 50 c s MVRILB LEAVES, a Hook for the tir'"^ by ^*v '. w ‘ ip 'U'' of fine t’^oai^it, a?- ia beiuliful I ro»» a»> i eP"!*f 3 CO lilSXOKls’AL SCP.IPTORE QUESTIONS, for S»b b»«h 6oh fc 3 ?.iJ t.'-e t,'a’»:p. Price, (i cr >.uaircd $50^ 1 00 • I- I*! aeci'’-* i y fhi- l>e*l w«rk I h%ta knnwa on I‘■■jbj'jct. It ?,i (H b d uUfnt a fi c know-t Bi 1 H;’i.:-r/. ’ W /.'.V » rcwder, Trw. ijtert. ■:jONOo OF LOVE '»*:d LIBERTY, comiiilo '. by h N rth O^rr.h;.:-. L- 'j. fov b.uibera r?'ri3»8 Prc“ (f60 r tr toa.'rcd,) 1 00 J UK MOni> -.N rn:;H3'JT£;n -i- eclroM-’^s. »-y V, * !■ .. B " '* 10 vf Gi . Lij’s &:c!y Prloe, ^i‘5” rcrNi{^;v.^J I 00 firl ^ ortmei t r' Muvio ’• kfft baad at a'l ;raes 3. MisBio ad Book 7008 0: 01 fta'is. gtSrTk :'3 f s'o -n> p. f wai , ro»it>i ■..iXi't lO C'!.'" rrlra o.r *-• *-»-.i.r tn p*.» pc;!,-*- . Tae usual d*dio>ioD n»» '■ »-.c TrftiS^. 15 AtT-3'>N At FA^B.ir, . R»lo!^'«, ii. Fr’;‘y22 12»!f Bouse »nd F ot lor Beut. ITTE HOU-^?: *a’ LOT a n'n? Mr Ar ;y ani Mrs 'IITTE I E. Rou«e. wi'l be rcuted u p blio AuoUinoa Saturday ce 4:a Maroh nex; Is-rms aiade kaown *i reatiag. W DRAUQHON, Kmi’r Feb’y 21. 12*tr f 0^% ' FI3TE CBEW13IG TOBACCO! CAKOiiLXA BhLLK BXIFF. F r dile by ISaAC UOLLING 1 WORTH. F. b’y 21 1-2 4t N COITON CARDS! TO '0 an txaelle.'t an.o'.e, wholeaatrr or retail, at MARTI>E’S , itat. taa». * 12 5 p>* B*€8fer#t Rail .Road. No Gattie cr Uv>fB b wilt be trj.T;spori«d oa this R:>ad UEtil iurtber »t tio** W K TILLINGH AST, Freight Aveat. ••eb’y 27. 18 2t Bank ^tocii tor l$aie. SEVEN SHARE3 Bank of North CaroUaa- WM. HUSKE. Feb’y 22 I2tf From tba Riokmosd Itispa^eh CAPTAIN.R*PBASL 8EMMB8. Since the days of John Paul Jones, no com mander of a single ship has achieved such a re' putatioD; none, even ineluding Jones, accomplish' ed such results as Captain Raphael SemmM. Of aU the rebels to whom' this war has given rise, his hand has struok the most galline blow^, aad* reaohed the most sioDsitive parts of the Yankee organiiatian. fiver siooe the last war with £ae> land, that modest nation has arrogated to its^f the dumioion of the deep, and looked down with profound ooctempt upon pretensions to naval skill and enterprise by anybody outside of New £ngla..d. A yet stronger passion was woanded by tbe career of Captain SemmcB. Far more powerful even than Jonathan s love ot gloiy ia her fjt dness for pt li. Semrnes, with a rn'hieai hand, stripped ti e ass of the li.n’s skin, and clean- cxlMt tae.frib h 8 f?*** U seemU mcst inoredfjie'Ju«^a oomoicfci^ -idtnFr7*1r^ ol»ia;ed to be scound to no ofher in the world, wa« literally swept from the seas by one man in a sin gle ship. Such a prodigy will engage the won* der and admiratiun of posteiity. It wUl read in the pages of history like the fabled achievements of the demigods of antiquity. But it is the lit eral, tru'h; and the man who performed tnis mxt to miraculous w.nder, and whose name will here after loom tp auioog sea kings like Bimmaleh among the moantainl, is now in our city, as mo* dtst as he is heroic, as retiring ami^og iti> nds aa . he is aadacious and unrelenting to his adversaries. “Th,s n.odo of wariare is con’rary to our sys tem end utterly ihsofferable,” said an old G.rman ^eDeI'&l whout Napolfon Wvs pressing to the wall like an'attimated tnund»rbolt Xhe iigh'niug like rapidity of Semo)e3 upon the seas rir^ ei that of Ni-potcun upi.n the laad Ot course hii “m de i warfare was contrary to th»* (Yankee) system." Did they ever see the instruction s ot the R, voiu- tionary Congr«.ss to “John P«u Jones, E.-q ’ (see page thirty eig^t of Sherburne’s Life ot Paul Jones,) to “take, sini*^, b irn or dt^stroy all such of the enemy’s ships, ve^Bet8, g^ods and tffects as you aiay be able”? Perhaps the off ue of tJapiam Seu^mes cocsists in his violation of the Yankee palentT Certain it is, Jones had no snch he d of operations as Semmes. No eea wa^ s. f:; from him. From tlie coast of the Uaiici States to the Caps of Good’Hope there was not a wave.that Ameiioan oouiBierce was sectire on- The dreadlul pirate seemed ubiquitous. The Flying Dutchman n‘ver caused moie apprehension among snperstitious marines. He laughed to scorn efforts of the whole United States navy to overtake him, though he made hia path across the ocean as hght as noonday by the blaie of burning ships He might tiave eeciped, finally, it hn had not eh sen to fight a vessel vastly the superior of his swift, but fra* qile, bark; and then he buried her ueneath th« wavee, and she went dowikK to her grand matiso- leum unprofaned by a conquertr’s footstep, with her mi-sioa acoemplished, and the whole com mercial marine ot the United States vanished tike the fog ot the ascrcing. We hepe the time is not far distant when tain Semmes will be once more on the watj a ship worthy to bcai the pennant of t_ daring, enterprising and suooebsiul c«val ca^n of modern times. To €ta« Consumers. ON and after M«iC& 1st, ibe price of GAS willbe S8C per ItOO fe»t WATERHOUSE & BOWES, Lessees. Feb’y 22. - 12 8t f'or Bent, A WAREHOUSE. Will stare from 600 tr 1000 balef' C'-.iton. £. F. MOOBE. c'-.iton. Feh’y 10 9 Im FOB BEi\T, A DESIRABLE RESfDl^N' £ oa Hayxouat, a^ioiRiag Mr. W G. Matthews at)d oppoaiie Mr. 8. J. fitna- u»;«’s. cowmialy known as the Pefc^3» House The hi’'.Si is large aad h's a g oi garden wiih fruit treep, aaJ *18 J ^11 tbe aeeessary out acusas. *pplv to W G. MATTHEWS, er HE. COLTOW. Feb’* 1. «tf Sliiin^les Wanted. /?A ('|AA SHINGLEJ WVNTED. Apply to UU.l/'JU ISAaC HOLLliiaawOilTH 72tr Ocv CJarden Seed. 6UPPLY bf fre h GARDEN tEED, cf every de ex.,lion; growth of 18G4, at M. ERAMBBiir 8. cb’ 18 il-4tj'd Ileadquarters 3d Reg’t Juu. Res«rvM, t . 'lOuBAM, ue.r uiui~.BO.tfv; , Jnu'j iU, i8^t. j i}«;~;«aAL OaoiSRS No —. All tuna. a:;«cnt from tala command without leave. >re ti -i8Dy urdicred to report to theae U^iailquarieif t)iiiai;diai.ly, or tttey will t>e ooaaid^ivd aa daserteia, aad dei-lt wi h 'coordiagly By or^tr of Vt . FO.HIEA FRENIH, Lt CoL Cnmd’^g. F. hi Aqostisi Aot’g Adj’t. 6 iOt Plantation lor Bent. • ^3E Bubdoriucrs ffjr :ar r*ai their PiiAi!TAlION JL on IcwOape FiS^r fiiver, oppcsite bummerville ia Harne'-t ocuai', fur 3 years Tue farm ooauina 8 or 400 ac«eb vi oieited laad, of wiiich a fir proportion is RiV'r bjttom ^tiiicli « *a aot an *ivated la^t yea^ Taere »ra 10 aorcB s wn la wueut, aud an excellent rasgd for hogs. Tue faoiiitiaB {or improviag with swamp muck are very g^uat. Tormei {30>>0 OMh aud one fourta of tao crop eao^ ye%r Apply to ua at Barc’ayville. C S. BAR^E£ & BRO. cb’y 20 111 f WAr«Tg3f>, Rides to tan r» ' bite!?. 1 rM, i Leathi-p op its eqmvalczt in csb’i c-n tan it, ia a vory ehort jlifstiif desired by Hic?^i‘»’6 patent. Pt:r35»fl wishing ih-'ir Hides taaaed can ^ead tbeiu to our addr.EB to E»yr t Dono., wheie they «rili ha t&k^a from an 1 Leatiirr o ,ti»>‘re*i 6* rrr f srsrp; Our aldro's i? B*ft"m >i5t, Oha:>.am C'^iuuty. I> WATSON * CO. ila'oreose Messrs Q W Wilifams k Co., FaTEt'eviila, Jaa’y 25 4-.*2mpd Bkmk« ior salo oX this Office. $1000 H£WABB. IWILL pay oau iuo4>-wd «^l.a s fur tae apprebensiea •uU o.ufiac-acat ax A.eraadcr V. Cu:'ne aau Paac«t> U/-orn, two deeerters wc» tobb»-d loy houa* oa ih« 81 to>>- of the fo.luWing, Vis; Xhre rr f'^ur hundred dolUrt> in Rank biiis, aad from twelvd to fifte a huud'^ed dol la- a ia Oonfectoi-ate Treasury No'.es. Aiso, fvur notes, oae on G. Maloy for three buadred dollars, snbjset to a oradit of one anadrel fifty dollars; oae on Don«an McMi'laa for cn-: hundred dollars, subject to a eredit of twelve dolUrs; two oa A. b. Moceili, oae for three hnadred aad fiUj do lars, tho otaar for one huadred kud fiiteea or tweaty del ara. Tae dates of either of the above n»m«d notes ane not (•ooileoted. I forewarn all persons from trading for any »f the above named aotes. I wi I pay a reward cf oau thouaaad dollars for the cc!rtfia'u;nt in' aay Jait, of tbe two above named thieves, or five huadre i dollars for eitber of them, so tae crdiaary process *of law can be served cn them. Alei. W Currie, sou cf Dam*! Currie of Rio^mond county, Duocaa Browa, sun of Maioom Brown ef Moore eobUby ne»r the Jaeitson Sprirgs; b.>th the thieves are young men from eignte*n to tweaty yeara of age. Car rie ia sp»ra built, inclinei to be stnjp .ihouklered wtll weif^a ,about oae huaJred and thsny or forty psuada. Brown'psfhaps is about the same weight. DANIEL MoNEILL. I 8pri0g&9ld, SiohmoAd C9., Feb’y 18. 12*4w Brilliant Repartee*,—TlYxe dexterous leap of thought, by whica the mind escapes trom a s em- ingly hopcl ss dil«mma, is warta ah t.e vtst- ments of digni y. which the world bolds It was this readinesd iu reparttes which cominualiy saved Voltaire Irom social overturn. He o^ce praiied another writer very heartily to a third p.roon “It is very strange,” «a:» the leply, hai you speak so well of him, for h^ says tha you are a charlatan.” “O! ’ replied Vo..aire, “1 th*nk it 'ery likely that both oi us may te mis ak«.n Again, you must all have heard tbe anecdote'of the young gentleman, who w«s discoursing very dogmatically about the appropriate sph re of wo man. '‘And pray sir,” scrcamtd an old Ldy, “what is the appropriate sph» re of woman?" “A celestial sphere, madam!” R bert Uall vid not lose his power of retort even is madness. A hyp* ocritical ovndoier wiih hid mufortuaes onoe vi.it- ed him in the madhous *, and said in a whining tone, “What brought you here, Mr Hall?” Hall sign’ficaotly touched his brow with his finger, and replied, “What’ll never bring you sir—loj muoh brains” A rapid change frjm enthusiasm to nonchalance is often necessary in society Ihus, a person gAc ■ eloquently euiogiai g tbe angeiio qualities of Joan of Arc, ^a^ suodeuty mei. by the petulf Dt qiestit n, “Wi at was Joan ii‘ Arc made ul?” ‘ Sti3 was iVia d of Orleans.” Shcridao uevtr was without a reason, aevef tailed to cxtncate himseif m an emergency by bis wit At a coaatry hcuse, where he was o..c« on a visit, an elderly maiden lady desired to be his compaaion iu a walk. He excused himsclf at fit St on the ground ot the Dadncsa ot the weather. She soon afterwards, however, iu terra r. ted hias in an attempt to escape witnouther “Weil,'' she said, “it has cleared up, 1 see.” “Why, yes,” he answered, “in has cleared up enough lor o e, but not enough lor two it «as this re^uinecs which made John Randolph so tenible in leioxt He was the Thersites ot Ooi'greas, a tongu* wtab- ber. No hyperb >le-of contempt or scorn could be launched against him, but he could overtop it with something mor** scornful and contemptuous Oppobition only uaddentd him icto biiliunt. bit-* terncEs “Isn’t it a shame, Mr President,” aaid he one day, in the Senate, “that the noble boll dogs of the administratration should be wasting their precious time in worrying the rats ot the opposition? Immediately the Sec ate was in an uproar, and lie was clamjrousiy called to order. The presiding officer, however, sustaine*) him; and pointing bis long, skinny fingera at his op ponents, Riudolph screamed out, **Rats did 1 say? mice, mice!’* Another Gon/e'^erafe Privateer Afloat —The U. S. Consul at London has informed iiis govern* * men t of the sailing from Kingstown, Ireland, oithe steamer Ajax, wbich, ic is njt doubted, is intend, ed for a Confedej^e privateer Her armanent had gone or would go out in a sailing vessel. Notwithstanding the fact that she is small, it is believed that she will be able to do muoh danuige to the Yankee shipping if she sets s'arted in her metiitated career It-was thought she would go to Nassau before takicg on boaid her guns. Salem Almanacs. BLU!tf*8 Fariaera and PUOitera Aliaaaao for th« yc 1866, reeeivad aad for sala, by taa groiia, doi«a, MHBV. at HOOK mm^wrn. •Itik W«FrftHi*%r iftit hmm

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