P^rifTBD M0JD>T3 WWiED J, KiiLS & §i)m j^TOBS AKT)>aov^axuB * Prt>« S» t]i« if«m~W9^k.y ^20 -sj ->t m^mlhg. fit *e WmMt 0»«amnm $15 f;r sJx ’iiontbs MITADVERTISHMISNXB ixigerb4i f*>j »5 C'itjuats •f 10 Ms«6 ftf le*3 for f.»«H Avi7ertift«xn We r«qa«8t«d to jiate t>!« oui^Nfr ioserils*-* Si- ^•♦4, ivr Uisy will *>? «srnti*a«(J t; ■ fr’ )>-- i m\» ' ■ ' /{ : i Advctrte4«ra«aU osaHnuad »««?.'«, ebtrjt^ f’ ‘y per W%4 axtrk. FAYETTEVILLE MOHTH CAKOLIWA V ^9C\iDE^lMir, ^ P'rui, ■’S’or’ ,>f tbl3 I • iituUon will ' i I'll 0^ F;-16vo. IV. 94 '.n-tus for aa-.c. *jon must be ftddre*'30d ta SI j WM A. B4NK9, euj>ar5 ta >deat. 80 f' RAfL ^fl>i AND lU8S£NUrm TSAIN3 of thi. AoAtl iers?e diily, (3a»(L'yB ex;^eJy r^taraing have ^ rypt frUCLAL HOTIGH. Plwsi an ■ jifeCT Ji* n«r\r t? % g«i4?35.i’'«r «S1 bt ent«rf4 p /K^t !b f nor *lfl ik* P*PM* b4 5^, ' «« ,io^, rfrf* 7 *■ ft !oS?^ iir»S timn. |i pai4 twt. «f rw *ii M^nrfbws m «l«)9ttr: t- ?*• ^ OB tkla lyafean trfli rlMs« m«lUy w n»»V.f&5 nnMkMKm. J*n’y 1, 1J^56. —gggWM—HP—pif—iii 111 mill. iinMiw.^w W. DRAUGHOM, AUCTIONSSR, . S. 1. Comer lark«t 8tnfi?e- FATETTJi7I!JLa,'M. «. ■0t^ ftrMtft (a e.n bashiesa hi bie «[.. -;t i iiv,’Ni)AY, W AT /2f«. M. fty^s, r *al Qec’l TrftS'S. t- 87tf a»ad if t>9 »ie it^'TUB'w A. th6^ p. S»l^lT ^rSi Hbadqr’s AaMiEa or thk C. States, ) 11th Fobiu»’‘j, 1865 ) G.i»kea1i Obdiks, No ‘i. la eotering upoa the oauptiga ab«at to open, tho GenoT3l*in Ubief* fesla asann'd that *he fcoU diers woo have so lf«g and sy nobly borno th - haxdshipg and daspjew of the war, require flo ex- hv>f tution to rcsptfud to the otH.? of lionor aad siusy With tiio liberty trsnsoiitted by their t’orefath- era they have inherittd -the spirit to defend it The aruic3 between war and abjeot eubuaisaioo in fceioro them. ‘L'o Buoa a proposal brave meu with arocs ia their bands oan have bat one ansxrei They oannot barter manhood for peaoe, nor the rw^ht of ecif-gOTernEent for life or property. But justiaa to tLjm reqairea a sterner adtnrni- to those who have abaadoned their coiuradM iu the hoar of psrii. A las& opportunity is offer- ed them t-o wipe out the di?gra>^e and escape Uc ^il. AVIKQ by c*rcful «•frjajoM aHc- 1. ■ d iBiprafe • t-r (j'?\rAc!f^r o'^ ''it? 0>t, tf- *11 a'lioL) ^^V»rJCtt Oil ‘s ; i«fe “MTio r;- -■ ■l"r t'’ j Oo tfei-'r^ - I' ‘i---.- , t f^or ohVi! T iOU k? '•tl'u ^ « i • a beas «a4'«*ta''e&6 n ’'A A* *U- iarbitjiif i (ri»-n 'f a- diW *• tile prt ' -a 1-1 ■ ^O.’- i bss?’ ’ jt u-JtsrlorV.e Ixi*. n i-a 1 lo •’■■ ‘ (*T' ■t|tt*arw!j ' •••.,. N 0 w^O ->v ... "«t*7 ‘•apetlor 0; • ’"r iM? F ULTr>», A F K Sof'f 88 kav« sA. 8 v’ilook, A. r.aai»hjiieot at thpir orim^s. By aathoritf;. c£ 103. k. ’^OT&TH» A^t C F. 8W«fa Jimi Co. I ‘'WRLrcsp-iI Paisa't. I W8^ l to e'ip»ly s»v ^TiiAll^y ti «ki!a t. |T Fatet H ootr « It I* * rc»xisiw^* of lf'3* T1691 ■1.’! *- ;it flr. Wc J ^r^.h , i* *mrt fer WH. IHtTmi a COLTO't ? C tatrMted to hint. 10, 1864 40il ISAAC flOUmSSWOLlTa ffrtM aad CoiaBysiido^ Ilcrofet&C,- FATSTTSyiLLE, «. 8. Box«», 4«j, fcr Prise&eni' War aa4 i i »bft Assist of S .rjitoiiH CUtni. ffaasea, I will resof-ft v^.il vi'. W. xea, !i3 , f«t .al-y»T8!'n1 6 » r-»r, f’'; ;* . Th" B3*'9 bs hi-'^ by fbc 25ih of »*3i oionbft, *9 »*;»* thtj ofti\ rd»‘^ I y tha last of CMh I I tf.-""- vao »e?-!9 $«sA a sts aark.. t)-.a ivri^ua k.' affiici? ia, 60 t^at I 0*7 hsT* !♦ 4 #59. a5I x.a pr^i.iasT* *f yrvt nast bs ^ t!^t m ?5tvsilM. If -.3 7 BSiali weig*» laorr ta»n lOt Iba. th«T C .’i.iptj. J03BPH A. WORTH. * ?ij et'-jrU-*. 16. 13. 4Q tf 'irvfBr. Attorney at Isiiw. BATaTTlVII.M, N. 0. S71U aMefi4 th« Ooosty »Bi SBP^«r Qoxuta Vf Gnaberiaud, Haratfct, Mcor? and lleb{4«a Coun- Ike. Prcnpt attdntiiou 9^re:% to *Ji« •oU^otica of aU IUbm eatraeied it bis 9aL 17, 1869. &8 : - JOS. o»’ww «mf €Jomm69H«Bhn FAYSTThiyiLLB, N. 0. J*a^ ¥i, 1868. ' M-U WAWTJBD, SfciHs! Sh^ep SHi^9eH 1WILL nay tke fatgb*^ «>3a prioc i»i' e«C'i%ag3 No. 8 or Itt wdSii4}a fo# eHiji r rcir «? us...aci siico^i •kica. A. A M-K)ti4lAN. HoT'r i*. S8tf Scltiiers’ llalmv. ^ rrUB uauerngafd i 6ti4g been appoiat?d ‘•Cottimis- JL i -irr ta i .V o:>Uect di«trJfcuie JUa'ins of i:;o‘‘r:oJ Holdttrs ’ s;ivos nutio« that aftor *.ie 20th , he niil b« preparsd to faraUh the blaaks irhero- the si^rs^ cb.il'ir.a. eieoatcts or 4»4n:iaistra^?f» of ctcc:2if«d 89ldierf m^.y Iii to th«!r ciaiios pl»}^ ;a p;o r?r form to be iilgi in 'he Aaiitor’s office in Riohni'ad, »n j will nse ev^ry el7nt in hia p»wer to lia?e tijLO s&ni: j r.’Rjp!)y ptid F«raoas ^pplyis^ /cr blacka C:iut fonrari a 30 osat pcsfftje 6t>mp (or two 10 ocBt bil!*) to jprepay tha pc8 age oa ih« eaoifl A R9(i3ter of all elsiiai will bi kept aad at any tint slfttj f a elatJSi ntar a^ejrt^^iaed. HENRY 1 COLTON. Fayett#rJle, N. C. Peb’y J4. lOif ff’AYE'TTSVlt.f.E scrm issuiiiNCE cospmi. fS37,583 Hi 5,077 35 C4pits-I ia PrtjHdun N?t«s auoa&te to Cs' . «» kaau aiwl ot^-^ »3eat«. IJM prepared te xaanofiiAUfe all idc^ of Wagsn Khmb ftr Array aw. I ny Is^wi^r and «M 99i Iwqp^n. Ase«» will d« ^«1119 etcd l^eir to Me ad Aey shall have aUnntion, »q4 Mft off Ib £^^t«h. O-V&i If. 0., (^tban Oo., C., ) tu. i JoJie 13, 1^2. ) Aft«r tiiis date 1 Will 36 0«3it8 par ytiTii ftr ras*, cr (At ci' ii, i^litcJsi la «r *4 air €■*» HKAj, nj/vuT. m^vj 1*, MM 0»B5i!rC8 BEfAaTMiHI, \ &AxaiPR, N. C., M*y 8, I36i. f iMf WAV1MH>.—I wish to pa?3b3.io L«fi4 for thii itMKat. Fwrooas cr bv^I? cu'j-- fieaen »{'^ly at onte. Vfxii ?i?a 1 pcjr-ii of 18 ©caada of iuSAD. tiiua S>. HOQ(», Cifit. C. 8. ■tt ia *f vhrttLiaoa. To Wine itlalicr^ or BistilSera. 1HA¥£ for sale 10 Lroa b«aa/l ^>aT7 c«k FBH ->££41'- IH9 STAlfDS, of of ItiO >n loos; aleo, d ut-t 90 heavy, laBia mae Pri-« siejlj $100 e^ca. An/ Ignaa w&o will taktj t/*c jrtiuia on h ■ 'issa fcrjj)10U0. Key are Talxi&bie t~. cas to mvk? ta« or dl«m'Bnoidj^. AhA, »9sie af b«k' £)k of aacvd ' >r -i>!o b»'f ihe •H»veraiee. EEI^r.Y 3 CuLlJit. AiTetteviile, Oot. \. Tjft PfiiKliSt CiiriMti rvgff aatenniber w’.Tl pay ii -asct oo^;= r^ricca f‘ - A 10^ aBaatJJ#. ■.•* A J A- W»>p:TH CtBmSRiK STATIC OS' AMEFJCA, ) fiJtemca ParAitT3wrT, Dim. Caps Fa.\a, > WUsua^tcn, N. 0., V;'\wh 16th, 18^i8. j woncfi ia hereby giv«a to all )r;r;(cnB hatin;; cUums afainat tho ii!cgiae^ l>«pari'iR':at, Pir a«rvi9er of dines on^loyvd S9 laborers pa the IsTvi a«ar ». 6., thu tiw uadcr£)£a«4 u! ai'.tliofistd Md prepared to p*y tke s««o at b !a cffioc, en sc>- ooaA iaor of the ImihSxrnc &3;it eioTe Meases’ D;u.* HasiRt Street. j^»P«rsoM eaoecrtkt^ Pt>w«f3 of Attcm^ will cb- ■erva (he iWiair*og fbrm—^.fesJrsieE-.iBris, all er-.j '?, lo IN wUnoeMd by two a. i l\ i tt:\x . eato^ or Ikey sMty be' wftaeB»ed ite. jro a ^ PMoe Wf Otevk ae^.Crmrt, tO&M Of P«V?EJl OF ^TXOS^TST. y- o( —jo heraby «,pp\,!->* —*-i i* . nr/ lt«e asA l»wftl A goat w siipii rccei'^^ fi;, aa4 rtcelr? awftentef «l! aoQ^ d»>e to ae aq Sr jLoecf 1>&- Mftaiwt ConT’seratc Utaks •’ An«?:r,^ *or th« of B>7 8l^«9a es£^oyc4 aa V»>isr:? oc eU? lattd foiitoiciq] a4 ——, c? —, 32(» WttMsa Kf •» ' ♦*’-'* —^ 'is?' —» 166 • Pipe4 to At* ' „ ., Wi Total, 5272,745 Id lao Co.-^paav hava faid all Ic'sees preniptl/, aad r Ac.:*iir t&ade a& oveesjiseut on ta»lr preniin a ncitn. T jtil paiiJ, f ?9 Ot:i03Mt‘. SJ30. MojHELLI), .^Xtos*iect. D. A. BAY, V>« ?re«wieat 0. A. r».je’7. uenry Lilly, -V. ?iiiiaRfta»t ■ II. L. MyroTCt, i. /. SiraiiUs, 8. T. Hawiey, Wm. McLaaria. N^han A. StedcM*; 8. Lnt.Lwpj>va, * C. B. MaUeU, A. Vf. Uta«l, Jais«e Kyit, J- (>. Caok, A- A. MoKethi2, R-ju. J. 0. 8h?ce*ri, J. D. ffilUa nj, ’t f. ‘Ji-jra, i , B.n. TUHa^.iat. \. B. iliU. / Jiim CoUiaa aiii C. 0. /■••: J.-JUtisa, Ir4-?oiia{ • ••- gBTTh# C;- i-^-ivsiy t=»" Vwv 2-^ V H' WAiVTfiD, IDES t9 tfji 00 eharefl. Terms ^ Leather or iio eqaiT»leat in e*9h. Wa oaa taa it in a very shcrt ttma it d«aircl by H ckie’a pateaL P«^oaa wiehiBg tbolr UiJed taaced 6«a pesi tb:'xa to oor addr^si to E^vpt Kcpct, where they will be (*ken from aad Leath*>r deli'^ered at our tz^eofie. Ocr addresa is Beaamont, Cb»th:,tn C»Da y W. D ^^aTSON & CO K iTcrcnca Mv^ers. Q W WiUiasce & Co , Fayetievilie, Jaa y 25. 4 2mpd ^ t^3 Proddont of the Confederate States, a pardon is annoaneed to >aoh deserters and men impro perly absent, &s shall re.tan to tho eommandd Id nhich th'^y belong nithin the shortest ,poa?ible time, not exceeding twenty days froai the publi- oiUcn of tnia ordor, at the headquarters of f:he departmest in whioh they may b«. Tit«se ^h J may be prc>««3ted b? iatotraptioa of eom- rc-Qieaii as, may report itliMn ilke time spteKled to t'te ns»r)8t anrclUDf gAoar croihsr olQoer on doty to 11 fcnr»rdqd as mod as practicable, ai>d upco proeeatisa » certif oato Aom oaek o£5^r chew.^ng ooicpliscoe with this reqairome&t, will reo«l7e the pardon hereby offered. Tho83 wbo have deaert«^(! to the B‘*rvieo of th9«nemr, or who ■’i*T6 dpwtod after haTiag been oflc* rardoasd tor ihs sswB cffen!?, aud tbcsi* who PoaU detert. or cb- .e^Et thfiojaelres wjihort antbori'y after tbe tnblio^iion of tfiie cHer, ajo exoladed fro a its benefiifl. Nor dees the offdr of par 'on eata&d to other c?esoea thaa de- BerJ’ca snd abasnoe withopt pprmi^oion By iho 9»tae tptherity, it ia alao decl&rod ^hat no ^tne- ril amnesty will again bopr*ai«l, -niifeose who refasd to aooept the pardon bow offcreJ, or who shil! b«a“fter d^ert or abasat thcni89lr«9 witao«t. leave, eaall suffer snob ptiTiisbiae&t •• the Ccarta may ia*po6e, and noap- jrlieatioa for oleineaoy wlU be ectertaiced Takisg uew resclctiou from tbe fate whioh oar eoe- tai»a iat*nd fi'r U9 1st every maa devote all bis caer- ffios to the ec!xt£u3a deCeaoe Oar reecorces, wisely end vigorooalv employed, are emtle, ani with a brave arT’y, ea«t>iBi:d bf a determiaed and anite4 people, eacccss, with Q>d’a ao^istasee, cacaot be dcabtfaL The adv»atagc8 of tha eaemy will have bat little vslae if we do aot (dnsit them to inipair oar re?okitioD Let-as, then, ncposo ocnstacoy to adversity, f,>nitade to soffer- ing and ooaetge 'o danger, with the Sra a«9ar&ooe tJtat He who g»ve freedcm to cur fathers ••511 bices ibe ef forts of tbfir children to preierTo it. K. E. LEE, 0K&er&l. - l*6t . E E Laa, Q». M«»aqr’i, Armr'^i tlie C. } Ith Febraary, 18t6. / Qksseal OaDBB* \ No 8 / THEdijcipIiaeaatfoffijiaaGyofthe army have beea gra^ly impaired by men leaving their proper cna- maads ft Join «.thera, La wliich th«»y find sorvioe morf ftgrccftble This rrartlo?, almcet ae IsjorloRs in its oooscqueacsd as tiio crime of defertioo, by the Artieles cf War ex T'O^cs the offender to a fimilar panlshraent, end 80?> jeo’fl the officer rejoiving him to dismissal from the army. I* i* thAi ih« itfoviaions of Qenoial Order No ^ of thla date, from army headqaarters, ap-' plf to Bcch men ae have left their pro^r command* a»d joined others wi boat being resularly (ranarerred. They will rcodra the pardoa proni^e i in that order upoa corjplying with its eon^itioa», er aalTcr tha coasa- qnoncca attaobed to ncgleo^iag it. Tbf camcB cf eueh ^bscateea will be forthwith re- po' ttd to these headqii»rte’‘8 by tbe ofSeera with when t*:ey tro eerving. and immediate measures taken to re- tura theai to their proper ocQ>aaa(iR. Aa soon a^ prfttioable aa inept6'ion will be made, and ehargcB will be preferred axainat those who neglf it to eoforan this order. 11 6«] R. E. LEE, General. 959000 .R£WA»f]l. I WILL pay one lb 'as^ad dcliawtewara for the appre- ben^ioii of a man by the aaae of WM 8 COBKM AN, w'30 broke jail ia tais o-'uoty oa the 30i;h Dee 1864 Adpt iintf ln»i^ ••n’ft UiOHMcaD, Scpf. 11, 1' 63 f (Jisaaaa Oanaas, ) No 122. f mTHJB fcllewiag act ofTongresa is pobliehed for • the information of all ooooeraed: •‘Every pencn, not suhjeot f> the Rales and articles 1 1. 0-..V , of i^«r, who BhalJ-proouro orentlte aaold'Vof theCou- . ke jail »a taw fl^unty on tae 30iih Deo 18&4 I fcdi^rate Btales to deeert, or wka abaiinr*m Uaii Cerkmjtn :S aboat 28 years of age, about 6 feat aoldter aia armt, uniform, eUtMnf, or an^ j^art 0Hrc'»^s Vha sf •• f' 'Tr-:vk r- c' by tksao wtHBweH. auiet be i ffr 9^ tv-rp&i tJru ■ • p-rpL:- lit W ^ }Ar^'KV7j:.i i: '-^U- S-'3 - !«?:>* • Boxes For SSolfli«r«. k LL 10X18 FOftSOLDIBas 0^1 PRiJ()2?BftS QF A War firora Korth ieliTarcd t> o foil* * lag pow;>r>8 inU l3 pjempil? forww^^'^ tr-ei of eharge: ... Dr 0 f Bnn;»iey, A ficvuio; Dr W A OoU^tt, M-i'^aaton; r»r J W AlU?>a. fltatcJr ^3; Dr J L Neafl?. Gi!«u3lora; Mr A Hagan, Cliarloti^ Mr Bdward Heg«, * Capt J K MoDoifell. Rale^cb; Jo«pli A Worth, faysttevUioi fi Mmj & Co, WUaiafton; MrFLBoad-l>rboro; Mr J A J Askew, an; Mr F L Roberta, Marf^eesb'jro. WAMM. SK^.-n H 0. BaWjh, Got WsDnits Hui S or 9 inehes high, li^at ooiaplaated, Usat h»ir, stoat baili. Also, Tlfe bnnlred dollars for eaob of the following porsoQB who broke j:^ at the aame time: Valley Nonaery, who i« about 36 years of acre, 6 feet 10 iaohes high, stoat bailt, livht osmpleotdd, light ^«ir, three fingers of his left hanl off. William L. Ferry [Bud] short, thioii Sdt, dtout built, d^rk compUcted, frj.->t teeth bi3, cae oat. Jobs EUl, [his eapp?3>l n»zadt he haa refoasi to tell U,1 about 22 years of ag3, sh^rt thiok set, e)^r aa his hi,t^ tiim a recent blow, bad Uaa^-d^ coaateaaace. P. F. ALDEtt^IAN, Jfiiier. Dec. 80 1864. 97 tf IVotic.e—$300 Rewsird. O ANAWAT froa the eubioti&er on tag 27’.h i-.ist. two 111 net^ro maa, vis; CilA'tLES, cometioies c«l!cd liUOAOH, anout 20 year)* old, six fr*et hi£h, cop per eoior, •Jf'iij'ha about 160 lbs/ WILLI A ^1, somaiioics f.a ied JOHN:^OH, eboGt 19 years f^et t*>a .'Wvtes hitj's csppsr c.’r>i>lMion weighs aboat 170 lbs file above rwa^i w 11 bo p«-d for tiielr «.ppreheusicQ iod df.U’^«T7 ia aay J«ii >>d I ge- tbaa. W. L. LS(7SIT BeancttnriUft. it. »] . 4 7-2inv»* H' WAMTS15,. IDES lo Tab on thai^ a. TtrEia J Ia*t*i‘r or ita equivalcct in cash. I taa it in a vary ohofi tim-3. . PeraOQS havij)s.bid^ s ta ta », omi eaad tbtm to »ny addreafl at J;‘i)esborui^ W R. R , M>ore ooaoty, or delirer them at my Tan Yard. JOHN M. SLOAN. J.'>n»?{>3rd’, KeVy 8- ft-10-. pd Waj^en« and Teams Wantefi. WE will give ste&dy hauling and gjod wages for tbrae or four wtgoaa tea-t s MOOEE 4 CASflWELL. FeVy 11. Im An Overseer Wantc«8. IWAllT to ccploy an OVEESEEti. Md s*u3t be oi&jr of ooni-eript; and eoler, steady aad atfe-'itive; oue ia whom c m&denoe caa be placed. E^irlj appltoa tioa desirable. Add 638 " BJX 175. Fayetteville P. 0., Fcb’y 17. lltf iih^ upon i«s»i' oo»Totibv, be flvedi, at the disereticn of the Ooort having cosnisaa*e of the same, fa any earn not exceeding three hnndred dsllars, and be imprisoned not ixceeding one year.” By orier of the Secretary of War. (Signed,) B. COOPEE, Adj’t & Insp’r Gen. HEADQUAETERS RE8BEVE N C 1 Ralbjoh, Feb’v 10 1866 j Official: JNO. W. HINSDALE, 10 7t A A Q-a’l r. ICB, \ ^ J Headquarten BeMrre) N. Aujutaht GaiiaaAL’s Urrics Raleiph, Feb’y 13, 1865, QlHBaAL Obdib \ No 4. / r M.VJOE G 3 8TRlNGPgLL0W, Aaeiaiant Adja 1, tunt dcueral, 0. Jl P A, will roiiftve Capt John W Hinsdale. Asa’t \^j’t Gcntrxl of Ecs'.rve N n,, and She latter ''fficer will proceed to join the 3i Regiment Reaerves pf N. C‘, as its Colonel, he having beea dwlv el^o'ed to that off oe oa the 8d Jcn’y 1866 Tbe L'eutinaat General Oo^nmwidjEg. In tsiiag leeve cf Col Biusdale, tcn l»irs hia vr*rm oougratulaiiona oa h’3 p"o«:otio'? and earce^tly hopes that tho telligen'-e, fctl an ! p-A Untry, ^hich has aha aefcr i«d his scivico » Staff OScei* way he matured by expcricuo^ if.to jte>ter u^efuln^is ta Mis newaadr'ore extead^d sphwe (ffigacd.) TH. H. fiOL^TES, Lieut. Qea. Cemmandhic. Official: ^ Chas. 3 BTviHonuow Mf^jsr *nd A A. General. lO-«t OFFICE POST ^VARTWI]9KA8TSB, 4th ConsreMieiai Oistrict, IT. C.. FATiTTaviMH, N C, Jaii’y 19, ISdo RAOS! SACilS!!—The iafc rior quality of the pjper oc winc?» the Observer has been printed of late, aad Which ia a great eye-sore to as, is owing to the want of a i’lQcient supply of good raj??, aud iho oocse.tuaEt, aec- 96&ity tc i viwrt to inferior materiais. We appeal to the firidnds ol the Obeerrer at all aoo«ssible points, to ^ ana bring to town ali tho rags they caa nrooure. Wi lave DO time eurselvos to attefid te tbeir pnrcVa'W, but Jbo. W. Wiiiiaa:i & Co., th» Aywli? in X.T Wer w.U dm 35 ec-r.-u «r lb. for * 1 jk got^g Enrolling OFFIPHRS and Tltue Agenda 4th Ocl- greesicaal DLlriot N. C , wiiJ please notioe tho€ir cuiar below: , [00*T J Coi*8 OmoB, Eauicu, N C., Jaa’y 6, 1865 CiBOCI AB, \ No. 70 / * » • * « • nXHS Inc^nveslasoe caused by (he icterferenoe , wi-b *30 Ag?at9 cf thiv-T>x in Ktad service i^en- c*era it roc^f&i^rr ie reruind BarolUng Offloers that Gene ral Ord«r?, Ro 15, froEi He*,*! Quartrffs Roeorve, atd aabeeqaea-. isetniotior. taofocn, .lirea that ©kaployees of the IHx Kind >^er >ice shall ajt fag fl»Bt ta Camp ■'fTna:rniruMi. BjrolHag Officers 7-i^. h ^wer^r, prompt ly report to this cfiiw any aboao of the fravfsions of tk“? crdar. By ordsr of the Comm’dt BlfAIVK DEEDS JUeX PRIKTfla on super paper. For aa)« at tk'a OBfiSRViui BOOKSTO&a. Bm.8. H- OFFICE POST tIJARTERlliAST£il,l . 4 th (Vngi*iJUtoaal Dlitriet, 5. €.» \ • ATe-Tftrvn:i.a F b 2i4, ) To the Patriotic Favmeritof Cuny^ beriandj and, UpMden ^ommieu. YOU re r gpsctfui y r-.qti9«04 to brl --g yew* TITHI B N t.- ♦h*^ : -^ ta this r*-t as soon ae ojiif- t, it, ',t i - v«ty .a. ^h neededai cTHi^at Whew t? ea;i> .^op-• th ■■ ft«p.>!atiaeak: yaa o*n show ycci e 'p fi ac(; '-‘V> t .5 l^^'ijn^tes c?>dlte4 for tb/» •*iaoa ■ vd P:rt.**.v Ss-t iag ov6r 12 >t^lee ip this t^wa ’yji ba r v-*. 10 o.s »v»r iril# esrhaadre). I hopo :.L-e - ^a> b? ng ai Bmcu pr-itji’ - ' Capt J. M. McGOWAM, Capt Si Poet Q Feb’y 25. 1# 2t« ' H«e4iii*terB *eeeinr%Jle O9 N 0., J«Vy \7, GfSiiv u Objivb, 1 N.. 6 / 1^?£0i4L &t^cntli'n ia osiicd to tho t4th Article of • i/.^Ag V W EA6HJE FOirjrJDKT, ! FArBTTsvifciiS, M- 1), Ju ; 4, i M. t E A^E NO?; PBBPAitED TO SSCBIVcJ 0>i- RAIL ROAD ^fHEELS of the t>ll0ffin? aiis# r j; 2 L, 2 j, sa l 30 iach a.’-^ CHILLED lIR'ii'^ Tbr) lrt>..i wo ehall ose ior iliciu will be HOLD 3LAxir CHA2 JOAOj 1-^'.*'’^, wo **nt our rhrt»le NOT TO :RACiI, t .3 to b»> »qu%! to *ay tiftde ia fae Corf?i.^arac7, or to tls- '‘‘j of ^hilasy 9t ffoae of Philid^lphiji, wtrao* ropctation L so well known by all Eail Bo-d Oempaai?'!. Wo hare tha bast f»>jli(.ie9 for transportation by Btoamers to Wilmiagtca, frm tb*i;cve; to %uy aart cf th« ronfederaey. Orders respectfully folie^rcd 46tfl D. AND k CQ >»M. ar,a Gi^aeMj ortwa »c. »♦. ■ :>n>u the Adjntaota^dlaepsatcr GcaCial'aOffioe, whieh * will be f>*rietiy cbs»ve^. in »>i eorreapeaienoe with ^ th as> quarters. All oonimanlaatioas cot properly eadersei and for- w:%'-ded terotisH the p?e«enaed chanaeli, will be re turned wtr^ioa* aetiop, aad a rt'peiitioa of the offense wili fubjeot iho party to trial ior a violation of o dera L?’ •; paper wiil be folded in three, and foo'tssap ia fcur (qii&l folds a«i enj.>rs3d thus: 1. Post cr St&tioa ^nd dato of Letters. 2 Nitm*? and Bank of Writer. 8. Aaalyeis of Coatenta By oomsca&d of Lieut. Oen Holmss: i H^f. 8 STRINGFELLOW, 12-l2t H»j. aad Ars’t Adj’t General SOUTHERN PUBLlCATfONi^. ' BRANS0:J fe FARRAR, UALEIOH, N. 0. IjllRST DlXUs PRLxlSR, S.* E iii;^ v;. ei'ica cd c a ! oiaily ta tbe I'ix'e CiJii'^ren (byx S juthrcn r*f»troi', Mcf. M B h’core, H C ) Prica {per uaa>'red !J&0 ) $1. FIRST DIXIE RE'DKR. oait'tiF^Tg eapy rc*f5ipj: lesions, to sr'oceed Cue IMtusr. E/MiS M B r -. Price, f I. THE DIXIE P"E'»INT«T^y iflELLirO BOOK Most oirc> ally arr Rge i aa^■ ada.^oed for i! ut. cri* BohooJa B-. Mr«. M. B Mo"r*». Prioc $8. THE PRI.MARY Q20QR ^ PHY. Mars rtt-r 1- new ani popu’ar. By Mis. B V o'e Pr*- e 4 50 JOHNSOS’e COMMON .8‘;K00L ARITBMgri.J, jiist from the p»e*s »Hd iti gie^t Py Pni'^. h Jehaton. of Traiiy Ooilya Pr ;.;, $45 FJRBT B*.Oi Itf OOMVOaiT ON ■ ■ arcacde Eng lish Grammar oonta'airg a t;*ict/ ; &s.,bbt writ n t eseroi^M far the aiadi.i4«. B/ JU Lruiaon, A. M FrfoV, r50 * YORK'S ENGLISH GRAMVAK, X^iyJ E. Irica, il l:atrated by dlaj(ram , eniiiviy s 8a»tl:eni ro k rod one of the b^et ia oee, by a deToted Teachor. t'r ’oe, 4 ftO Blf'L’B POEMS, p'rc.ncui- *■'1 b~ tL .. ■ ei»t vnit'ca to bs “tru: aad genfune Paotrj.’' Ej Tjco. II Hill Ft ce. 6 00. MORTEN AND LIND \ s ts!e a c .1 .irr, fwthfal lore. Bj ^^rr-fuxa. V i. % 60 c p MYKTLB LEAVK.i a B .ok .'or «h^ " i \. V? Mic.-^nv i* la'll of fine s.' ia troso ani p,e P-i v- oo Hisroaf ^.-^L fcCriPTOiirj QUE3TV0NF* for 8 b bath Sch o a aaJ t~*> ^’».-up. Prj 'c. f- er "ua^rrd f'oO} 1 GO- ‘ It ii d%fidei r The » --t work I hw fej ir., ou the pnbjrct. It giTt. ih . a!iid. ni t ft know -. =ga cl B;Vl.i tiiatorr. ’ W J. Vt. ( r.;»r.Jcr, 1 aci Age: t. dONGo or LOVll ar’^ LIIJP'R'’y, comc'?p-■ by a Norta Carolinr Ltdj-, for Sca^hera \>str:ots, Pr^oj (J60 par hundred,) 1 00 JACK MOKGAW ST^flGSTf: oh.'iio scleciio-’a, by Cap:. T, A. —te of . Loa's umj. Price, (#(ki Per fauudi'ed) 1 00 « a full M40ftmo:ri of Musie In kept on IxMid All 41IDM. Masic and Book C#{aif f«esj>pnl gra'ip. tSF* Those ordt^Tin* ;joo .v} t> be .li. tsni^ raaat roTiit \0 es^ts ^ztm ox* v '-ar to ptT ptxsta^^, Tho usual d' iao ion gi» ie to Tr=-,de. BaAKSON & PA»EAR, Raleigh, I^. C. Fe^i’y 22 J2»;f THE NORTH CAHOLIHA MUTUAL LlfE IMURIBICE COHPANT, NO?? in tie &&«enta y«ar *f saco^fff^sl oper»(ien w'*h growing o^pil*! and flraie*' h?ld epoa pnMio i) :.S?.'ac4 eentlau?3 to ianura tha live? of ail kealtby •:> raoaa from 14 i- 60 yotrg of aga, f r one year, fur jcifeo yt'-rs ani for life—all Ufa apnbers aharing is th^ prcfits. All slawos from 10 o 60 jears of age are insu'^d for one year or for flva yeari fcf two thiads their value. \il less'a are paactuilly paid withUi tO dejf after 3aiiaf»ct»r7 proof ia presented. Per farther inf'rmation t^o publie is rtferrai to Agents of the C«mnany fn aU *s )f the State, and to R H BATTLf^, a«.sretary, Raleigh 1?M. HOSKS, A?;: at at fayetUvllle. N 0. Fs%’y 26, 1865 " lltf House an(9 i ot tor Rent. rHE HOUaE kovi LOY a^ji nicf Mr Ae jy and Mrs. Erau'. ca M>>cn'ord street. koowB aa the G'lmoro H'jui'e. r i'l te r«>>tet7 it ;,':bUc Aue\ioa on Satmrday se 4v!1 Mhi^oh next icado koowa at renting. W DRaUGHON, Aaot’r Feb’y 21. 12*tr T0BA'€0 ArVD «ilVFi'! FOTB CKEWIMO TOBACCO! CAKtflilKA BELLI SxXVVf. F >r a*lo by ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH. F'b’y 21 - IS 4t COflON CARDS! r Feb’y 22, 1^ aa .xcellis t artio'e, wholesale or retail, at MARTINI’S. 12-6tp W^9tem Mtril JRoad, No (iattio or Uorsca will bs trvaspoitod on this Road ULiil further cctloe W N TILLINGHA3T,'Freight Agent ^eb’y 27. 18 2t R.'ink Stock for Sale. PC|EVJ;n SHARiid Baak of North Carolina. . ! O WM. HUSKS. FrVy2J I2tf (Sijned) OQloiai: Offioicl: €t>fl E. J. HARDIN, Adj’t, S. M. .FINGER,’ M*j and Camd'g Q. M N. C. J M MoGOV/AN, •yd P‘.« Q M., 4'h I'ong Di^t. Wwl W^tod f?r stat© t5f I?, oarclisa. rilUB underpigned orrt^.ue to exchaci^e COTTON J. YARN for WOOL, oaa buadie of Yarn far 4 Ibsi un- waehed, or 8 lbs. clean washed WooL They will also pay a Ubtral prioeia oaah for large cr smaU lots. A fsw important Facts IN aSQARl> TO THB “gOCTHEilM BUGPATiC PJXi^.»» ITEEY aie prep.'irei frwa tr.v: bvat qu*iiiy ot Medi- a ciue by tli« disju »^wr, b »v *u J Miaiit-;? of* ti.0 Qou^i, aal c.-'** 2. Tnf/have btsn a; :v*q ■ ^ hj (•hou9::a^. a 3 Five huri'^iol ptro-sisfi ^ -.avsa -3 -iT3 b;’U core*! K» them. 4 Hii'J ’'-fC .’t'i r •• - '.• ' b-r t*!0 ffcprl'i* ? fcr •'♦?ry;..nii5», bet •. ' '• c. -■ • • • ,r (*-3 iiv.j u-b- ..I'-lCT.Ct 1T3T? 6. Dtreoilca.*. >H': *-rUi r; acxj’ e^j/i bx ■T.’id cav^se cts s^r. fra ^ •. r ,» i .1 ■, ijpt'Ctaijle iau»!au«ld. B. Uotrfcspcn.NCvi3 t*.iii^ ?i« .^'oos f-e u- ’- nr Diseass. ’ ■iz /• . » > -, 1*; v«;ui:.aia,. Jvuc- dice, Dyei'-jj-sia, iii.-ui .ohi-j;.: R-.eumr.itrii, VfoTsan, P;«nri*iy, Bsi/jct** li. &v. 7. S3?e;.>l gi»yii-'i£jn i ?*-. hit iisj tjw of th-..Be Pills haa t>cva to t^c^^-. ai. -lir.ajl of fio ". ^100 to $200; they are ths b^S!, PisJtt-iiicn tECdiclce svrsf >rf. feted to the ivablio. 8. Some PhyeiC!a?’a vf tae hi^best pre«eribo tham t’o tijcir paticri* »r-d fcui^ite'^a of . have been »;>M to rf'gaiaf rs. Doricg th.9 iiri^u^iiisr 2 68«^ boz»a have b^n sold to Dxagjietfl, o-.v ?.r S '.’lh Cwolisa, c:Td ons in North (fcvcllRii—s^d s'‘usa tauji Sj.o r.fvT 3,700 baios were «^*ereu by tovrn la Vag-u^a. Prico, $4iO ^dr $50 pai* -Joxeo, ¥-5 per box. For Sale ia 5ortli CsroUes ‘iis Folloiti: Asheville, E J Aiiioa, j UiucOlntou, P lihertUl, Albamarie, J M Uivins, I JLui^sibOurz, i Ctifu>ti, tJhapel HU(, R B Sannderg, | Mnxion, vVfu ‘-Vakfrtald, CbulDtte, J Nyc Hutchindoa, ( 1 L.on;;, , iUlf'.311, :>.£* & Kaywijo.!, j 11 p I’cgcHd, j Bociir.eh.*.v«i, J P Nu«hain, 1 i5aU.*tnisy. Il«r.(i«r5.;u tc. JMnIs, ( “ UurijT.u.it fr. 0.il!ag;iar, ^ Fruntutsfter, \'-'nu*-»l;oio’, \V O Beuiit'ti, To €ra« Consumers. QN and afto 1st, ibe ptiae of GAS will be ISO pe; It 00 fa^t WATERHOUSE Feo’y 22. & B0W8S, Lessees. 12 8t For‘ Rent, AWAEEH019S. Will sten f^oin 500 to 1600 teUs cotUyu. £. F. MOOBB. FeVy 10 S-Im •FOR R£IVT, ADEBIRA12LE RESIDENOfi oa fiaymoBBt, adjeiaiag iir. W. G. Matthews and opposite Mr.- 8. J. Hins- Ufcljs's; ooramcoly kaowa as the PearoM House The konae is Urge and h>s a good garden with fruit trees, aad &:6o all tha noeessary out honaea. pply te W G. MATTHEWS, er H E. t^OLTON. Feb’y 1. uf Sbiii^les Wanted. AHA i^HlNGLEe WANTED. Apply to OU.UUv ISAAC HOLLinaeWORTH Tat# Oi*t. 1. A fnardeit Seed. SUPPLY of fre h GaRDBN iiEED, of every de- ori^aica; growth o! 18d4, at Feb’.- 18. U. EBJiuMBBET’S. il'^tpd Headquarters 8d Reg’t Jun. Wtmewrwm, \ \j.\ar uu.r Uoiukotiro', J^'y i#, iHM. j Gbsxaai. Orusbs Na. —. ALJu ib.t;u »c3«ui from this oomm&md without leave, i-r^ hcveby or iered te report to these Heetdqaartors ,u.‘;ii:diatdly, or Mey will de eonaidenpd ae daeerters, kiii do.,li Wiili fceorjinijly By or4er of W. f03i£tt FRENi/’U, Lt CtoL Comd’4. F. M AaosTiai, Aot’g A'ij’t. 6 104 PliAiitatioii for Rent. |UIE sabsociOcrs ^ft'cr fur rant their PiiANTATION. X on the C&po Foi^r River, oppssito Summerville in H»raott uouuty, fc-r 3 years The farn» ooBtaias 8 or 400 acres of cie^i'ed land, of which a tiit proportion is RiVv’r bottom, whioh not cu'tivated Ustyear. There are 10 acres s >wa in whea^, aud aa exeeUent rasge for h.iCS. Tae f&CkUties tor imprcviag with swamp muck are very great. Terms $8000 o«ih and one fourth ef the crop okch year Appljr to ua at Oat e'ayviUe. C. S. BARi^G£ & BRO. cb’y 20 lltf F 0 Carr, dtntofl, liabbud & Mowiey. Cancord, i Rel^, Knfietd, J Cohen, Uill«iKito% J Y VVbltled it Oo, 1 FayetievSU®, N A Siertmap & Oo ! Greeasboio , Poiier £t Gorrcll, Pt(lklKiro’, Lucas & Moom, ' finUf-.t, J O’Brien, nendersoB, Wy#he it Cu, Cex>iidpa,-J 1' :^:in>.v,a » :*% «4l>. TA« VV'^}U“\ ite, K nayue*. vVUoiioslon, Wiiker Means, 0 VcLL-., V J; •iX '.ICp \ i-: WAi^'TF.i^ a IDES to tftn OR sbav**?. ^ fLoatte” or its equivaleot >n cts'; We c>a it ia a v?.'/ ohott itaa if d«;ired by p*.4’r P.r-?,r* ' ^ivhiag tb^ir IKdce tp.cQod o«n .snd tlie-a t» ca*' :ldr?5a ta Egyrt Popo', *fhore th. r ^?li be t’ko frca a” J l.-eather d,.fi»»red at cur esrec”* Oc-t ^ iq Ii!»ar!inont, Chstliam Covnty. ^ D Wj\T80if ft Cl). Referenoe M^rs. 0 W WiUiaina & Co., Fayottoiille. Jan’y 25 4-^*2mpd Bfamka ior iate at this Office. OBBONOLOeiOAL AGB Of THI WORLD. In th« Old Gbronieleof S^ptthecoii • period of four hondrod aad forty; jMurs of a ojbIo 7ole, oontaiaiag fiftMn generationB, which pre cedes the record of the historio kings of . A Dew ealendtf was then adoptad, B. 0.1986, m ia shown by the feUowiag ealeulations; and a sothio cycle then b^an, whioh aadad in Ae year B. 0. 525, when Oambyaet, tha PeriUa, eonqva^ iigypt, fooiiMn koadim and dztj-ana Sgrptian yMTS later Uuui B. G. 1986. ' Tha itatesMt tliat a so^o eyek ended in the year B. G. 625 has been doabted, beeanse ii kaa bean anoBiad that a ■othie ojele «mid only begin when Fixat Throth, the nawyaat'a day of tha Soptiana, ooinoidad with (he helieoal risiBg of w atar 8irinS| and thereibta the sothio cyola of tha Old Ghooi^ most have oommeneed «n the 2(Hh of Jalj, B 0. 1322; b«t Mr. Osbum, in kis Monomental HiatOTj of E^pl, has tfiowB that, •& the beginning of the BjflFpitM walwi if, -JlimmL Tiaio^ W»M tha dlW of the loll mcen i^r the eWtr Stihu apfeand in the evening, after she setting of the son; and by oaloniation, it is certain that such a coineidenoe happened in the month of December, B. G. 19^0. By using the iont sdar cycle of seven hmmdred years, composed 1^ mnltiplying the solar (^cle of twenty eight years by the lunar t^ole of twenty- five years, the pened of fonr hnndred and fortj- three years is thtu explained: From the sum of three Ivni soUtr oyoles of seven hondred years SlOO jeare, Dtdaet the years of ^ world from the areatien of Adaa to tbe end of the l>eloge, 1,667 years* The remainder is he period fonad in the Old Chroniclo . 448 yoarv. • These dates and periods produce a remaAable agreement with the Bible Chronology, as o»>tain> ed in Brownes .Oido Saolorum, which dates the oreation of Adam B 0. 4103, and the beginning of the Deluge D. G. 2446. Cambyses eenquered Sgypt^ B. 0. 625 Ad(Ta sothio cyele 1,461 years. The bei^nning of the oalendar. Add a part of a eynie eyole B. 0. i.tea 448 years. $1000 R£WARR. I WILL pay Oiie taov*>*aiu.d ».oIia>'Sfur the apprehension s ..a ooti&aement cf Aidsaaaer W. i;orrie and Danoaa Browo, two l-jseiterB wbo robb?d my houa* on the 3d. J ia-jt r-f tliQ fc'lowiag, jti: Threti or four kwidred dellars in nA»k biiia, and from twelve ta fifta>?n huad'ed del- Isrs in Coa/cdorata T/e^sury No^ea. Alse, fcur notes, ct;o on 0. Jhji inrte tmadred dnlarf, subject to a 3T3(J t of OES huudrel t-ni fifty doUara: one oa Dontaa MsMiJcn far oni huadred dollars, s'ib)oct to a credit gf twelre doU*rs; twj on A. S. MoNeilU one for three hnadrcd &nd fifty doUars, the other for one hundred »&d fitteea or iwnty doliars. Tho dates of either of tbe above a«>uiid notes are not rMolIected. I fsrewam all f erscas from trading for any t>f the above named EOtes. I wi I p*y » rew*rd of one thsuaaad doUara for the o'*fiatmeut iri asy Jaii, of the two above naAed t&ieTta, or fiTa hondrt.'. dellars for either of them, so the r,rd5.a*ry procees of law caa >#e served on theav. Alex. W (Janne, boa of Daute). Curr.e of Riobmond eounty, Dauc*u Brow.*:, son of UbIocmb Brown of Moore oocUi/. s6»T the Jtjkina 3pzifgs; both the thiaras are ycuT'g teen from e»g.\»>e*n to twent)' yaarj of ag*. Cur- t/e is ajiitre built, incline^^ to be st cop shouldered, wdl woifh abcnt one houdrod and thi rty or forty ponads« Brown p«raapa la abov^t tha Bo^ao ireight. D &NIEL MoNElLL. Bpriosfteld, Biohiaoad Co., febfy 19. * 12-4w Mliraim, father of tha Igyptiaas, B 0. 2,429 yeart, or sixteen jeus aftor the deluge had eaded. The year of the world, at the'end of three luni solar cycles of seven hundred years each, is equal to B. G. 2,002, sixteen years prior to.B G. 1986; but Ptolemy, of Mendes, having ekpressly stated that the Old Ghroniele began with the s^ven* teenth year of Atiam, the difference ia at onea accounted for. But the Old Ghroniele is of^mpoaed of twen^ five oyoles of fourteen hundred and sizty'one years eaeh, equal to thirtyisix thousand, five Htm- dred and twenty-five years,*of whieh twen^*one oyolee are given to the gods and four oyoles to the human race, down to Gambyses. Varioos attempts have been made to reconoile these enor mous periods with the truth, principally by eon* aadering the years to be lunar instead of solar, but without any aoourate result. The following solution brings the Old Ghroniola and the Hebrew Bible into exact ^eemeat: When the Ejgyptians adopted the calendar, and gave names to the months corresponding to the seasons, they commenced the fourth cycle of seven hundred yean, whioh oycle was, in later timea, extended to one thousand four huadred and sixty- one years, and was called a sothie t^ele. Hence, when the Old Ghroniele was written, it was known that the history of the world was contained in four oyoles; but, bei'jg desirous of making Eicypt the oldest country of the world, the four cycles were each made to consist of one thousand, tour hundred and sixty-one years To bring )t back to the truth, it is only necessary to rejeot the twenty-one oyoles belonging to the gods, and give the remaining tour oyclra theii proper vidue, t^bus: F«or«- 8 loni lolar cycles of savea hondred years each 3 108 1 aothia ejfol* 1,461 4 eyeles 8.5B1 Add the period before the seventeenth year of Adam is Making the year ol the world 8.677 Tho first year of Adam, being B. G. 4,192, A. M. 3,577, is equal to B. G. 525, the era of Gambyses. This exact agreement of dates is worthy of ex amination by those persons who are interested in the subject. Keeping Cotton from the Enemy.—^The Biobi mond Sentiuel eays: It ought to be an object of' prime concern to prevent, either by removal or destruotion, the fitl* iing of a pound of cotton into their hands. Far sooner should we allow them to capture munitions ' of war—for while these would be ind^ a eon- venienoo to them, cotton is a necesn^y, sAd is daily beopmiuf; more intensely so. To baffia the enemy is a principal duty of war. To deprive or disappoint him of whatever would add to his convenience or stseng h is an obvious policy. There is nothing whioh our foes so much desire, and so urgently need, and nothing whioh we oan so easily hinder thorn from obtaining, as ootton. In proportion to value, it is readily re. mTved. When it cannot be removed, it may be very easily burned. The oases must be very rare when one method or the other is not in our power. In short, the time has come when cotton is in faet, a power, because a pressing neoeesi^, both in yaokee land and in Europe There are no property considerations, which rationally interlere with the destruction of cotton that cannot be ren oved. It b as much destroyed to the owner when it foils' within the reach of the yankees, as if it had been given to the flames. Linooln^s neoessities make him rapacious for oot. ton. Even that which belonged to for»igners at Savannah was seis^'d like the rest, without hesita tion or sornple. When cotton canapt be removed within our lines, the only question is, shall we leave it for the benefit of* our enemies, or shall we bum it? To ask the question is to answer it. But ft is necessary to be deeply in earnest in thia matter. We must make it a cardinal policy, and we must sacrifice delinquents promptly and sternly, until it ia diligently and faithf^y eza> cuted. - — A WOODEN MORTAR ,nd PESTuB, ttrt-o v f„ beating Rioe or Homuiy Applv «t tbia • Cce. Feb’y 20 f TfiSTAIIIRIiTS AliR RTJUVS. rKMmKXEKATa Stotoe BIMa floeia^ Maaasals. U AOeUeattgnaffalfbattSstoalKM I ffirrtlihf Ei:iaur«

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