VOL. xn’.i F. ft ^ nms‘OHucT^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, MAgCH'-9, 18C6. (MO U16.] POINTED HONDArS AlJT> THUR8DATS. rowiRD j. HiLfi A mm, RDIT0R8 AIJD PBOPRIST^BSS. r^90 hr the 8««i.W«ek!7 OBsasTn 520 00 for six ■ratka. r*T tk« WtAiy Osram^v «1» 00 for «ix momthi JtV^ADVBRTlSEBOiNTS liwertM for ffl par s^tuure tf 10 OT j>Qb)!««tloa AdTerfiitre PvqaMied t« st«(« the Boiob«r laseriiens dft- stret, «r th«y wiu b« owotlaasa till foAu, and eharged »co«i4tagij. Advartiscrieata eonitnnad mwW«, ohurfc^ CUf per wBt fxtn. 8PBCIAL NOTICE. •*! »«tor tkii d»t«, n» nfrae of • aatr sabioiibcr w® ^ xrttk9ut pajseot i« adTaaao, nor irUl lUfp9rh« sexit t« m«]i eu^aoribtxc for »loo£«x tiUM la p*hi for. Smok eftroji^old suMvrfbon* m tlvrlrs te..-islrn &• pn- on thi« uyst m fitttaaw. Jeu’y 1, Ict/i. W. DRAVGHON, auctiohebb, 1. 1. Comer Market Sf isns FATETTETOLlB, M. Ck ‘ Prooipt atieatioita givea to *11 biuiaefls is hfs itnuied to tntnuied to him. Jbae 10, 1864. 40tf ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTft %tMr tid CoBMissioB Herehant, FATBTTBVILLE, N. 0. JStHl 40 if Jmy 10, 1868. 98-tf WArVT£D, Sheep SIcitis! Sheep Skine!! IWILLjmj tke luc^est oush prioe or exoli«nfe No. 9 «r 10 Cotioa Oar^ for aithw raw or tann^ sheep A. A. MoKEiniN. Kov’r SI. 89«i ASLMY HARHE88. IaIi prapwed to aianmliaotare all kinds of Wagoa Bara aw tor Anaj oae. I taa my leather and c«c ||t4 gaod bargains. Ageate will do well ta aesd th>>ir Wim to me as thej sb^ have promM attemioa, and MBt off ia qoiok dlcpateh. JOHN GABTB&. aklat>a ?. O., C^tham Co., N. G., \ Jtsae 18,1868. / Mr i or at mj miil« «a ftoo! fab’j 16» 18C4 After tliis date 1 irill M Ounta r*»^. ?* ue ^ij^heflt market prioe, deiiTared in “ iklsh. 0. >nmPHT. 7-t: 0MBI15C1 BIPAITIUVT. • ^ Rajuicts, N. C., May 8, 1863. / lAD WANTED.—I wish to porahase loiad for tUi Dq^avtataat. Paraons having large or e^sall qoan- apply at onoe. Will gira 1 pound of I fbff 10 pcanda of i«SAD. TH08. D. HOQQ, Oa|)t. 0. S. §9.|f In charge of Onlnaaoe. CWDTMIIAIS 8TAT1S Of iMlB10A» Saonnaa DaPAanunti, Dnrr. Catb Fsab, Wilmiaftoii, N. C., March 16th, 1863 ,1 Nones ia hereby giTea to all persona ha^inc elaima against ike Engineer DepMtmeni, for MrTiees of riavcfl employed as laboren oa the Imd d^cnett nawr WBafaigioa, M. 0., that the oaderaigaed is aathoriied asd prepared to pay the aame at kia affioe, on t^e ae- ooad floor of the baildiag aaxt abofve Means’ Drag Ston, Market Bteaet. j|0r Parsoas axeonting Powers of Attorney will ob- Ika fUlowing form—their aignatutee, in all casea, te ba witnened by two wltneaaea and aignad in dupli- or thfy may be witnessed before a Jostioa of the Peaoa ar CHerk » any Court. FORM Of POWER OP ATTORNEY. L —»». of ■ -, do kereby appoint , ef , my inie aad lawfol Ageat to rign receipts for, aad reeaiTe Bwnent of all moneys due to ine by the Engineer De- partmaat of the Gonfederate States of Amerioa, for the m rtuQg 0f By alaTea employed as laborara on the laad ai —. daring tiia moatk af ——»186 WUasM agr ka»d and saal at , Ma day of —, IM WUaas* FA7ETTEVILLE NORTH C^R0LI2IA The First SeesioA of this lastituilon will eomaenoe 1st of February, 1865. Applications fur adiaii.8ioD senBi be addrasaed to Mej. WM A. BANK8. 8ap«ri»t«n(!ea*. %0-tf Get. 34 WV9^. JUcMs. J9teK*aiJi% Attorney at Law, Fatkttsvxlu, N. 0. attend the Couaty and Saperier Oonrts ot Tf Oaaiberland, Haraett, Moore and Robeaen Coua- ilaa. Prompt attention givea to Uif ooUeotion of dUaa entrusted ta his 0«t. 17, 1869. 68*tf . JOS. UTIiEY, •t'o#sj mnd tknnmisH^n JWerehatU^ FAYKTTBVILLB, N. 0. IIm signatoraa of ariwrad panens skevU ba wiiaasstd ^STbasiaparatt dapBuat* Powits of Attorney fw^a^ ^^f«^«aa otkadapontppl^ •atlaa at this oftoa. - . W H. JAjWW. Oat>* * Oklaf Kaf. A Hxadqe’s AaMiKs or the 0. Statks, ) 11th Febioarj, 186& j Gsvimat Oaoaas, No. 2. la entering apon the campaign about to open, the General'in-Ghiei feels assared that the sol- d'ezB who have so long aad so nobly borne the hardships and dangers of the war, require no ex hortation to respond to the oalls of honor and duty. Witii tbe liberty transmitted by their forefatb VTBSTCRIV RAII4 ROAO. FREIGHT AND PAS8BNGBP* TRAINS of this it Ro.«i IcareFayetteriUedaUy. (ihiadayseacepted) !£T® lamented the spmt-to drfepd it. n . ./I I nn/\infa KAfv^A«% «««• «kKa/sAf eu •t o o’olook, A. M.» rctundAg fijc^rpi %ix o’clock, P. M. OmttU «ud Rort Trmn MONDAI, W£DNSSCATacd FRIDAY. By ordfir JN». M. JBOSE, Traaa’r cixt Gaa i Ttio:ji. i^’t. Jaa. 1968. 97tf From and after d*kte tk« 9t«amer A, P. BUST will leave nt 8 a'oiock, A. M., on SSc-tiila-ir JOB. A. WORTH, C. i. Bismm .*>c?-t Co. aid Ttoraday. Apxli—17tf j ft*r War aitf ^I4ifn« As tbe Agent of ■oif»oa #ea. Warrea, I will receive and forward all bucas, Ac., for Soldiers aad pirisoa- ars of war, f^ea of okarga- The Boxes ehoald be here by the 25fh ofeaah aoatk, ac tkat tliey oaa reach i^eigh by (k* iasaof caoh aoath. I 'Wish the boxes sent to ms to mark, with written la- slroctiona, so that 1 may £>ftve it properly doae. All boxui for prisaaera ef wnr mast be aa ligUt aa p?ssible. If they n'aooid areigli mon than 100 Ibn. they oaaaotgo. JOSEPH A. WORTH. Fayetteville, Nov. 16. FAYETTEVU,I,E aiiTDiL iNsoaMci: coMrist. Capital ia Premium Notes amcunts to $267,688 ‘Jtb Caak oa hand aad otkier a^86tc, 5,077 Total, f272,765 16 Tka Ocmpaay hav« pAid all losses promptly, and have never made an aaflcssnarat on tkelr vremlum notes. Total losses paid, S!^,683 OrTioaaa; GEO. McFBILLjInresiient. i>. A. RAf, Vice Presicieai C. A. McHlliXiAN, iJso’y D\30k>u: W. N. TiUUigha?* S. J. Hinsdale, Wot. McIatU'iA, T. d. Latterbk, A. W. Steel, J. G. Utfok, Hon. J. Q, Bbcp!i»ri, R. F. Brown, J A. E. HjiU, / S*o»- Joltn Oalliaa and G. 0. *i'‘^rum.'»en, TrsvaUnf Ageatt Si^The Coa>i9*ay ap;Uc*>>ooe. MavM. 1P«T. Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover,' 8. T. Hawl», Nathan^ Steiraan. 0. B Malleu, James Kyle, A. A. McSelltea, J. D. "77iliiaau, 8. W. Tiiliagiitst. H WAiHTBD, IDES to tan on shares. Terms | Leather or its time if deelred by C Okie’s patent. Persoas wishing their Hides tanned can fend them to onr addrcsa to Egypt Depot, whert they will be laksn from and Leathsr (?dlivered at our eicpenae. Oar addrees is Beaumont, Chatham County D VAT80N ft CO Reforance Messrs. G W Williams k Co., F»yotteviIle. Jan’y 26. 4 2aspd Boxes For Soldier*. LL BOXES FOR 80LDIER8 OR PW305ERS OF XX War from North GaroUaa, ^ lag aamed pmoos wiU ba promptly forwarded fraa of Dr D F SoBuney, Askeville; Dr W A Oellett, Morganton? Dr J W Allison, Btatestille; Dr J L Neagl®, Greensboro; Mr A Hagan, Ckarlotte; Mr Edward Hege, Salem; . Capt J N McDowell, Rale^; Joseph A Worth. Fayetteville; E Murray k Go, Wnaiingtont Mr F L Bead, Tsrboro; •Mr J A J Askew, Coleraln; Mr F L Roberts, Murfreesboro. The Boxes should ba weU hwp^ Md deUvered in time for my Special Mtwnger who leavaa Raaigk on the first day of every month. EDWARD WABEB«. Bargeon Ge^ N Q. Balai^ Oct 29. I WILL pay ODethous»^ >cllir.^Telrara fir appro hensioa of a man by cf WM 8 rORKMAlf, wbu brv>ke Jail ia this c'^Q^y on the 80ih Dee'1864 Baid Corkman is abou'. 21 years of age, about 6 feet 8 or 9 iaohea high, U^at oompleoted, light hair, sto-nt built. Also, Five hn«drei dollars for each of the following persons who broke jail at tts same timK Wiley iiunncry, wlio is about 86 years of aire, 6 faet 10 iMChes high, stout boiU, light csaplsCted, light aair, three fingers of hie left haai off. William L. Perry [.fiu4l] ekort. thiok aet, stout built, dark complected, troat Ueth bad, one oat. Jokn Hill, [his supposed name, he has refos«d to tell it,] about 27 years of ags, short thick set, soar oa his head from a reemt blow, bad hang-dn^ conatanance. P. F. ALDERM4N, Jailer. Dec. 80 1864. 97-tf IVotice—$^00 Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber on the 27th inst, two n;gro men, vis: CHARLES, sometimes called BROACH, about 20 year« old, six feet high, dark cop per color, weighs about 160 lbs. WILLIAM, sometimes called JOHNSON, about 19 years oid, five leet t«n inches high, copper complexion. wMghs about 170 lbs. The above reward will be paid for their apprehensios aad delivery ia any Jail sa I can get then. W. L. LEOtTT Bennattavllla. 8. G., Fab’y 4. . 7-2mtx> WAilTED, Hides to Tan on shares. Terms | leather or its equivalent in cash. I can tan it in a very short time. Persons havicg hides to taa, c«n send thorn to my address at Jonesboro’, W R- & , Moore county, or deliver them at my Tan Yard. JOHN M. BLOAN. Jonesboro'. Teb’y 9- 9-1 Ot)^ The ohoica between war and abjcct submission is before them. To such a proposal brave men with arms in their hands oan have but one answer. They* cannot barter manhood for peaoe, nor the right of self-g07emment for life or property. But justice to them requires a sterner admoni tion to those who have abandoned their eomradet in the hour of peril. A last opportuni^ ia offer- ! thf>T? to wipe C2t the disgraee and escape the ' pinisliment of their orimea. By authority of tho Ptc^deat cf ths Gonfederate titat08| a jm^ob *iq sn{is::c3vra to raeh deserters and meat impro* , parly absent, at) shall return to the commands to which they belong within the shortest possible time, not ezcoediog twenty days from the publi cation of this orderi at the headquarters ot the department in which they may be. Those who may ba prevented by intermpiioa of com- monications, may report within .tha time speaified to the nearest enrolling oftoer or other tifficer on dnty, to be forwarded as s:»on a« praoticable, and upon preaentinic a certificate from such offieer diowing compliance with this requirement, will receive the pardon hereby offered. Those who have de«itrted to the service of tka eaemr, or who have deserted after having been once pi^onfid for the ^ame offence, and those who shall dase^ or ab sent themselves withont authority after the pubUcation of this order, are excluded fircm its benefits. Nor does the offer of pardon extend to other offences than de- qerlion and absence without permission By the s&me authority, it is also declared that ac gene ral amnesty will again be granted, aadthofw who refuse to accept the pardou now offered, or who shall hereafter desert or absent ihetnselves withoat leave, shall suffer such punishment as the Gcarts may impose, and no ap plication for clemency will be entvrtaiaed. Taking new resolution from the fkte which our ene- ories iatead for us. let every man devote all hit ener gies to the common defence Our resources, wisely and vigorously emp’oyed, are aarle, anivlth a brave army, snstaiued by a determined and united people,* euooess, with fod’s assistaaoe, caonot be donbtfuL The advantages of the enemy will have but little value if we do net permit tk^^m to impair oar resolutioa Let ns, then, oppoee oonstaTicy to adversity, fortitnda to suffer ing and courage (0 danger, with the firm assurance that He who gave frradom to onr fathers will bless the ef forts of their chuarea to preserve it. R. E. LEE, Gaaeral. . n-6t B E Laa, Gen. MMd4r% Army «f tiue C. t,.! ] Ith Febntary, 1866. / GaxaaAi. Oanaas \ N» 8 / The diacipline and effieienqr of the army hava been greatly impaired by men leaving their proper ecm- mtnds to joia others, in which they find service more agreeable ' *Thts pnotice, almost as isjnrious in its eonsequeaces aa the crime of desertion, by the Articles of War ex poses the offsnder to a simi^r pnaishment, and sab- Jects the officer reseiviag him to dismissal fTom the army It is therefore (ieelared that ike previsions of Oaaaral Order No 2 of tkf? date, from army headquarters, ap ply to such mns as here left their proiier commaods a-rs jstned of aera wiihoat belug ragalarl/ trasa^erred. They wiU receive the pardon premised ia that order upon coeplyiog with its ooadiUoas, or suffer the eoase- quences attached to aeglec^ing it Th» nam^s of such »bsentees will be fortkwitk. re ported to these hcadqoarters by the officers with whom they are serving, and immediate meaeores taken to re turn theai to their proper commands. ' As soon as practicable an inspection will be made, and charges will be preferred against those who neglect to enforoe this order. 11 6t] R. E. LEE, General. Wagont and Teams Wanted. WE will give steady hauling and good wages for three or four wagoas Snd tea>ns M^ORE k GA8HWELL. Feb’y 11. lia An OTerseer Wanted. I WANT to employ aa OVERSEEtt. He must be clear of conscript, aad so\>er, steady and attentive; one ia whom eoafideaee oan b? placed. Early applioa- tion iit desirable. Address BOX 176. Fayetteville P. Fob’y IV. lltf Soldiers’ Clalmi. rpHE nndereigne'd haviag beea 1 aionar to, iavestigate, oo“«®‘fu? 5o!h of Deceaeed Soldiers ^ gives Jh^ iast, he WiU be prepared to furnish the by the wives, ehildren, executors or ® deeaaaed soldiers may have thair claims “ PJ®' per form to be filed in the Auditor’s office in Richmo^ and will nee every effort in his power to have the same PfOlQptlT Mid. • AA Persons applylag far blanks must forward a 0 cent postage stamp (or two 10 cent bills) to prepay the pos tage on the same. . » . A Register of aUftlaims wiU be kept aad at aay time tka state of a claim may t»a aeeertained. HBNRT B COLTON, fayetleviUe, N. 0. Iib'y li. RA«^S! RAOSn—The infe rior quality of tha paper on wiaick the __ Observer niu been printed of late, aad which is a great eye-sore to us,' is owing to the want of a snl&cient supply of good rags, and the consequent nec essity te resort to inferior materials. We appeal to the friends of the Observer at all acccssible points, to save up and bring ^ town all the rags they caa procure. Vie have no time ourgelvea to attead te their purchase, but Messrs. Geo. W. Williams k Co., the Agents ia this town of Mr. Mnrpky, will pay 26 oeats per lb. fer tkeau • HALB ft eONS. lUltf BLAIVK DC£DS JU8T PRINTED on euper paper. For A.^*t and Inap’r «l«n’a •Am.1 RioaMoBD, Bapt. 11, iSM. / GaHaaAi. Oanaas, ) No. 122, \ mTHE follswing act of Ccngress is published for « the information of all coacerned: ‘‘Evary person, not subject to the Rules and articles of war, who shail procure orentiee asold'erof theCoa- federate States to desert, or who shallpurchate from any soldier his armt, uniform, clothing, or any pari thertof, shall upon legal coavictioD, be fiaed, at tha diecretioa of the Court having cogniiaa*e of the same, in any sam not efteeding three hundred dollars, and be impriscDed not exceeding one year.’’ By order of the Secretary of War. (Signed,) S. COOPER, Adj’t k Insp’r Gen. HEADQUARTERS RESERVE N 0 1 BALaioH, Feb’y 10 1866 / OfBaial: JNO. W. BIN8DALB, 10 7t A A Gea’l luper paper. For eala at tka OBSERVSB BOOKSTORE. ]>4«. 3. se. Wool Wanted for i\9 8tat« ef N. CaroIlBa. The undersigned «cntlB:;a to excSange GOTTON YARN for WOOL, one bncdle of Yarn foe 4 lbs. un washed, or 8 lbs. clean washed Wool, They wUl*al8e pay a liberal price io rash for large or small lete> « GEO. W. WILLIA MS ft CO., Afts. VavwMwflla Tnw* '•ft 4Mf Bea4«uarten S4 itofn Jan. lUaerwn^ C&MP MoLi^, near Goiaebwro’, J»a’y 80, 1864. OaaiiaAL OHdixs, No. —. All men abseat from this command without leave, are her^y ordered to report to these Headquarters immediately, or they will be considered as deserters, aad dealt with accordingly By order of W. FOSTER FRENCH, Lt. CoL Comd’g. r. M. AaesToi, Aet’g Aty’t. l-lOt OFFICE POST lirARTSRSIAliVKll, 4th ConsressloBal BUtrlct, 9. FATaTTaviua, N C.. Jan’y 19, 18ti5. j Enrolling officer^! and Tithe Agenrs 4th Con gressional District N. C , will please notioe the OtV' cnlar belowi [corr ] Covs. ^nea, Eaiamh, N. 0., Jan*y 9,1M6 Ciaoin.Aa, \ No. 70 / • a • ' • a nTHE incsnvenicace cansed by the interference , with the Agents of the Tax in Ehid sewice rea ders it necessary to remind Enr«'lling Officers tkat Gene ral Orders, No 16, from Head Quarters I. Jttrrt), aad snbsequeat instruction thereon, direst that employees of the Tax in Kind eerriee. shall not be seat to Camp «f las'rncti^n EtirpUittgOfficers will, however, prompt ly report to this offioe*aay abase of the previaieas ef kis oniAr. By order of the Com (Burned) 8 t] Offlciab Q@d»k dt E. J. HARDIN, 8. M. FINGER, Mij. and Comd’g Q. M. N. G. J M. McGowan, Oaft. and Pea'- Q. M.,'4th Ceng. Tax iil lUndy RolN»ion Oonntjr. The Titke Payara ef Bobeson eaaaty are reapeciAiBy reqaeste'd te aeet ns at tke fbllewtag tiiaes and places fer tot fwpen ef Ustlnf tkeir BAOOK of this seasem HerellnrUle, Wednetday Marok 16th; Bt. P&ai’p, Thursday Marek 16th; Lumber Bridge, Friday Marek 17i!k Baadal«vlll«, Satorday Marek 18th; Smith’s, M,»nday Marek 90th; .AlferdsriUe, Aaesday Marek 21it) Thoap’Ttn’e Wednesday Marek White il^ouea, Tknreday M«reh 28d$ MIUs, Friday Marek Mth; Baek S^aiap, Satorday Mare*! 36thf liumbe^a. M«MBday s^ Tossday 27th and Sitk af of Superior C«ur^ * Barat Saamp, Wedneeday Kareh 29tk. Those rcai'U^ Ib Saaley’s aad Wiahart’e Blstriate will please maet aa at Lnnktitoa Maaday er Tuesday 27ft or 2Stk This the v ry best anaafemcnt we eaa pessii jy :^e. -Kaewiag tkat autny paraoaa resld- iag ki wUl aeaeisarUy^ bi attMdaaae at Oe«rt • Wkers penmas caaatrt e««rPrrTtr5»e^t»; they MSt sead la their Uste daly aotkeatieated An aeeorate liit ef’idl tke (aet) pork sla»tktered durlag twelve maatks precediag IstMwrah 18^6. Tke true meaaiag ef tke term net is>rk meaas the hog aftw.beiag •3ressed limply flie weigktef kams, ekootders and sides alone caaoet be reasived. Again we retnn. onr thaake to the people fer paaetuality in listiag tkelr Titkes under «x2sug crisis. AjrOUS'D BBOWB, EVffH A. OAMPBBLL, Assessers 26k Distriei. Feb’y 2S. 14 8t Til IN KIHD, RICHMOND COURTf. The eliixaas of Riohmoad Ceaat? are requested te meet us at the following times aad places, prepared to list the aaraber pounds pork pr^need by kegs slaugktered by them wilkin the year ecdiag oa tbe 1st March, 1866: At Laurel Hill ea tke l^tk aad 14th Marek. At fltewartsrille oa 16tk aad I6tk March At Wiillaoiflbn’s on 17th March. At Bcokinjrtam on 20tk and 21st March. At Steele’s 22d aad 28i March. At Mlaeral Springs on 24'k Marek. We kope all 1^1 attead promptly. W. D. TOWNSEND, PETER MeRAE, Aseeesors 88d Tax Diet Feb. 28, leet. 14 14M Camp near Cape Pear Rirer. Haai>«’as G. 8. Navai, Foaoas, March 2,18M. NOTICE. All abseatew ft-om this oemmaa^, wke reaort'Aen- selvas on board C. 8. Iteaaer *'fatrick ueary” at Riohmoad witMa tweaty days from this proclamatioa will aot be ^nJshed. Those who remain abseat will be arrested aad treated as deserters. J, B. TUCKER, 16-8t Flag Officer Commaadiag, IM. Parrafllne ljiil>riMtinir4lil. Having by carefoi experiment altered aad greatly improved tbe character ef onr Oil, we aow offer for sale aa arUcle of Lnbiieatiag Oil for Cotton Factories whick kas ao superior in tke Confederacy. It does not gum or chuL This Oil we guarantee with earefai trial to be th« beet and ohea*>est ^il for fine machinery ia tke Sontk. As tke nadandgaed f^vee kie pereoaal aUsea- tica to tke p*'apMatioa of tke it skall aet deteriorate Ja quality biS Mner improve. Beware te Ageatp Roakfiek aad Bee^>er Greek Mann- tMtniH^^^^ayettevHla, N 0 , wko j^oaooaee it a . HBKRY B. COLTON, A«i F K. Oa. Bov^t S8. W mineral Flre-Proo^ Paint. B are aow prepared to sapply aay qnaatity of tUs Patat ia powder. It lea Peroxide ef troa, aad will ataad tke mort eevwe tests witk fiae Celer deep reddiak brewa. HENBY B. OOLTON, AgH F. K. Gcw layftte^ne, NoVr 28. 8Btf OmCIPOSTt ^ FATaTTBViiiUi Marco 8, >866 ) Tt TitliB hgmtXM la Aioluitad Cti^y. YOU will eelleet ae seen as pessible all TTiraBd fap year coanty, partieolarly Baeoa. De aet wait for AssMsori. . . Jkmwr* are rafaested te delivw as seel as peeeikla ». Kf. MoGOWAN,.Capt 16-2t*l t aad Poea^Q M., 4th Ooag. D!at, N. 0. Offie* Conntir Ag«nt, ) Fayduoviie, N U , 4, iiiS f THZ proeaoere of Cumberlaad are nrgeatly requested te tiring in their Ttiiies to this d^pot as early as poasibU, eepeeially Baooa, whether tkei’ooghly eared or n^ Tku aniflli is Buoh needed by tkt Armj Bew is tka time to usplay patriotism. J WILLIAMS, Ag’t lA-4t*4t Coaaty ef Comberlaad, N 0. BHiayctto^Ill* AxmoaI Ja AnsMMTFTl Faoruar? 2a, i 6a. / A LXi Oeattaeters muI Baipleyeaa ef Coatraators fer to tUe Peetfer aaty Airway' J>ring tken witk then for nonate^ rviee 14 4t F L T!HILDf, T u OoL Comd’g. •iMdaurten 7U Begn H. ) Maaao&iA, Feb’y 2^ 1866. ) LL abeeateee from tkis commaad are ordered te re A. port Immediately te me at tkii plaee lA^Stpd JA8. 0. BURB. C01 CeUFEDERATE TAX KOTIC1S, EICHMOND COUNTY. r[B OcUectcrs witk Assessors wUl meet the Tax payers at tke fellowieg tim^ and place*, to-wit: At Laarel HilL ea Monday aad liieBday Itth aad 14tk Marek. At StewartsviUa, on Wednesday aad Tfesrsday 16th aad l«tk March. At WilliMasoa's, oa Friday 17tk Match. At Reekiagkaro, Moaday aad Tneeday SOtk aad 21at, Superior 0 urt week. At Staelc’St Wednesday aad l>arr.'ay22d and 28d Marek. At Mineral Springe, Friday 24tk March, To aasess aad cellect the feUewtag taxes, new due, Tax oa Privileges; Ckoss quarterly aalesi AddiUonal tax on proits made by bnyiag and selliag betwaea l7tk Feb’y aad 1st Jaly 18^$ laeenes, sala ries aad profits for 1864. . Additioaal tax .ea profita eie«eding ^ per cent, made by aay eofptratien er jo^t stock Go.,’ dcring tke year eadiag 81st Dee’r. Also, 1 per ceat ea all agri- cnltural pro|wrty not keretofore coUee'ed Persone failing te'meet ns at tke above aT-poiatmente wiU kave but oae more opportunit? of making returns Ac, oa Meaday aad Tues^y of April Gonrt, »fter which tiaie tke booke will be closed Hereafter, |^s •monat of quarterly salss must be made promptly oa 1st Sat'^r- day of April, Jaly, Oct’r and Jaa’y, at the Court House in Bockiagkam, cr tke penalty will be enforced in every ^taaee. All persoas a arrears for tax must meet me aad pay seea, or tke extreiae paaalties ef tke law will be eaforeed. L. W. MeLAUBIN, Tax OoL 881 Oiet. N. G. Feb'y 28. 1866. 14t%1 Mb Confederate Tax IVotice. 1WILL attend witk tke Aateesore for tke parpeee e collectiBg all arrears of TaxM, aad to liet all Pork elangkured frem 1st Marek 1864 to let M^ck 18Ui. l kopa all will attend premptlr at 10 o'clock at tke fol- lowiag timee aad BlaiM. vis: Arck’d Kelly*a. Marek 16 1866; M Shefleld’s, l^tk Much; Smyrna Bekool Hons >7thi BHter’e 18tk: Salem Chnrch 30th; D. C C*mp beU’e Slet; B. M. Ifelatoah’s S?d; J R fflcaa’s 2^': Abealem Keliy’a 24th; Poter Morrla’s 2^th; cf. MoK Z> m»rn^, r*-i tm kgrlmf 23tb; Mrs Barrett'e SOtk; Gartkage tlet aad let day e* April It is reqnsated tkat all attead witk tkeir lists mgte out. ALB3L KELLY, Col 82d Diet. Gartkage, March 1- 16 tt A WANTB0, T Be. 17 Maritet Bqaare. ««LD AND SILVER; . • BABKN0TB8; N. 0 TBBASUBT NOTBB nOTlCE. Bt order of tke Goaaty Gonrt of Baadolpk, I wiU eell at tke Court Hense deer ia tke Towa of Askeboro’. on Tuesday the 98th inst., Tweaty Thousand Dcilara of COUNTT BONDS, tea yeare 'to nia, payabl« ia g^d aad lawful mea»y, iateraet payable semiaaanaUy, ia suck ncaay as will Marek 1. ders for * EAoo: FoiriiDn. i FATaTTanLLB, N. C., July 4, 1^64. | B ABB NOW PBBPARED TO BBCBIVB OB- ders for RAIL ROAD WHEELS af the following elies, v’a: 24, 26.^ 28 and 80 iaeh. Akw CHILLED TIRES. The Iron we ehall nee for them will be COLD BLAST CHARCOAL IRON,*^d we war rant oar wheels NOT TO CRACK, aad to oe equal te any made in Ac Confederacy, or to tkom of WUtaey k Sens of Pkiladelphia, whoe* repntatien is so well known by all Rail Ro«d Ccmpaaies. We kave the best facilities for transpcnadea by Steamers te Wilniagtea, fkom tkeace to any part ef tkie Cenfbdetacy. Orders respectlUly seEdted. 46tf] D. ANDBR80N k 00. ■«M4aart*n Beacrre, If. €•, RAUBian, N. G-, FeVy 17, 1666. GaaaaAL Oaaaa, 1 No.6 / I SPECIAL at*.entiea is called to tke 84ta Article of , War, and General Ordere No. 78, series of^864, from the Adyutant and laspeotor General’s Office, whick will be strictly observed in all cSrreepoadence witk tke^e Hetidquarters. All communications not properly endorsed aad for warded tkrougk the prescrioed chsnaels, will be re turned witkout action, and a repctitioa ef the offeaoe will subject the party to trial /or a violation of orders. Letter paper will be folded in three, aad foolscap ia four equal foils and endorsBd thus: j. Post or .station and date of Letters. 2 Name and Rank of Writer. 8. Analysis of Goatents q By comnaad of Lieut. Gen. Holmbs: CHA8. S. STRINGFELLOW. 12-I2t MaJ. and Ass’t Ad^’t General For Rent, [ WAREHOWSB. Will stere from 600 to 1000 bales i. cotton. B. F. MOOBB. Feb’y 10 9 Im Palma Christl Reans. The subsstibtr will pay the ki|*sst saak pHses for any qaaAttty tS Pabna Okristf Maas. h A. COTTON CARDS!. NO. 10, an excellent article, wkoleeale or retail, at MARTINS’S. Feb’y 22,1S66. 12 6tpd Plantation for Rent. The sabscribers offer fer rent their PLANTATION, on tke Cape Fear Biver, oppoeite Snmmerville in Harnett eenaty» for 8 yearn. The farm ooataias 8 er 400 acres of cleared 1m^, e( wkiek a fiir prop«tion la River bottom which was not cuMivated last year There are 10 acres sawn in wheat, aad an exeellent raagft for hogs. The faeilities lor iiMroviag witk swamp nnck are very great. Terms fSObO cask aad ene-fonrtk ef tke crop each year Apply te us at Barc'ayville. G. 8. BARBEE A.BRO eb’y 20 lltf eiOOO BfiWABO. I WILL pay one thoncand dcllare for the appreheasien and confinement of Alexander W. Currie and Duncaa Brown, -two deserters who robbed my hens* on the 8d inst of tke foUxiwing, via: Tkree or four knndred dollars in Bank bills, and from twelve te fifteon hnnd'cd dol lars in Confederate Treasury Notcs^ Also, four notes, one on G. Malby for tkree hnadred dollars, subject te a credit of one hnadred and fifty dcllwa; one on Dnnean McMillan for one hundred dollars, subject t^a credit ef twelve dollars; two on A. 8. McNeill, one f^r three hundred uid fifty dollars, the other for one knndred and fitteea er tweaty dollars. TKe dates ef eitl^er of tke above named notes are not reecUeoted. I fef«wam ^1 persoas from trading /or any of the above aamed notes. I will pay a rewurd of oae thousand dollars for the coafinement ia aay Jail, of the two above named thieves, or five hundred doUars fer either of them, sc the ordinary proceee of law caa be served on them. Alex. W Cnrrie, son ef Daniel Currie ef Bieknend eonaty,' Dnnean Brown, sba cf Maleem Browa of Moore eoonty, aeer tl^e Jackson Springs; both tke tkieves are young men from eighteen to twenty years ef age. Car rie is spare built, iacliaed to^e stoop dionldered, wilTi weigh about one kandred and thirty or forty pounds. Brown perhape is abeat tke same weig&t. DANIEL McNEILL. Springfield, Bickamad Co., Feb’y 18. 12-4w rv. lublie taxee. WOBTfl, Gonnty Trustee. inty 16 7t|l6pdpt s 990# Reward. TOLBN firom the fubecriber on the 21st insL, alarg^ SORREL H0R8B, about 14 hands high, with a white star ia his face, 9 years old, 4 waite feet, with saddle mark an kis back. 1 will give the above reward if aay Mrson will deliver or inform me where I oaa get him. 1 believe ke was carried off by mea goiag home ondetalL J K MELVIN, Go D. M N. 0. Gav.y Barringer’s Brig. Feb'y 22. 16 2tpd .'A BBMARKnBLB DAN'Sa Donatoj tha one'laggcd dancer, is attraaiing much attentioii ia Londott} and a paper thara thn» desoribes hii feats:. *^Wh^Q SenOT Donato fint presents himitol^ hopp'ng on frwB the aide soene*, no pleaaurabla ‘imocion is feh; on tha contrary, the immediate feeling rather partakes of tke disagreeable. To S0e a nutD ^ the very prime cf life, with ova leg and s^mDp without support, ooming forward, sipi* liog and offering to oo is a state ot mutilatioa what fuwmale daooers, j[.c> fjct and whole, of the greatest art and experienof, ever could do—nrame. ly, aff.>rd unqualified gratifioaaon—seems to shook rne’s-delioaoy, no lees thaa mook bis credulity. Senor Donato, boWt^er, enlists ;our sympathiea prrtty well before'you have finished inapeoting nim. By hii extraordinary bounds'and^iirouettes on kis entianoe, he fixes jour attention in a mi« jMBt, «nd jou are «s£oaifehed at beho’dicg a dan. *>—isniiliLilijiig on cnn leg w^B^' jou eaunot re- monbeir aay proFhiCT t T*rpAi«lkov«aa art hayisg aaoomplished on two legs. Nor when as. tonisfam«nt has passed off is jour interest in Senor* Donato ezhamted. On the contrary, you mo something to be pleased with in his p^ormance every moment, until at last you acknowledge that he is not only one of the most surprising danoer yon ever beheld, but one the most engagiog} and such is th« case. • A perS*)n may smile at hearing the word ^graceful’ used in speaking ot a ore*le^ged dancer, but if ever tbe term were api licalle to a male Terpeichore&D artist., it is to tiunor Danato, whose motionn, actions, gestures and general d portment are instinct with that natural ease and prcpriety which are the essentials of grace. In short, the fact of Senor Donato having but one leg is soon forgotten by the ST'eotatorS, and their sjmpa'hies are enchained'in fcllowing bis marvellous teats of ag'Uty and science; and these are by n'> means easy to describe. Senor Donato enters boundiog ^ the stage to'the tune of some Spanish danoe. He accompanies the tune with tne castanets, whl0h he plajs with mere ooqsura>jaa^e skill than any one we ever he&rd. This maybe a tr fie, but it is a great gain for him His pirouettes are male with incomparable ease, and the dexterous manner in waich he swings his body round, peifjrming -two revolu. tions, is beyond all belief. Amoog the most difficult f^ats he pertorois is placing a csstanet on the ground with his right hand, at right angles to his body, and taking it up with his left hand without bending his leg all the time. The prac. titioners in gymnastics will nnderstand the diA. ‘ culty of achieving this feat $ta^ ding nn two l^g». That part of Senor Donato’s performance, bow. ever, which engage^ moat attention and creates the grea*.est excitemcnt, is the' cloak dance. How the dancer flings the cloak around him, making it assume all sorts ot fanciful hbapes— now olotbing his bodj^ wita it, transtorm'ng it, as it were, into a sea shell; now waving the mantle over him like a bannpy; and now chitnging it into a floating oloudland, making it descend like a otist around bi&*—mui-t scef to be mderrtood- ' hicougb, k t us* hope, I. v - eec saifl to fhow that Spoot Doauto im oae of tbe m >at r- markable per* f rm«ia cf this or any ag ; and tbai London is about to do hb talcots full justice, following the example of maay of tbe towns and cities of tbe continent, is evident from the crowds that atitud Covent Garden nightly, and :rom th'^ immense enthusiasm his perform ado 3 creates liOUTHEElf PUBLiCATlUl«8. BKAIVSOiV h FARBAR, RALEIGH, N. C. FIB8T DECUb primer. 8d BdUion, f*edicat«d espe cially to tbe Dixie Gaildren. (byaScntkrea Matron, Mrs. M B Moore, NO) Price (per hundred S60 ) Si. FIRST DIXIE BBaBBB, comprising easy reading lessons, to snocced the Primer. By Mrs M. B. Moore. Price, SI THE DIXIE BLBMENTABT SPELLING BOOK ost carefully arranged aad adapted for Sontkern Sckoois By Mrs. M. B Moore. Prioe. S8. THE PRIMARY QEOGBAPHT, with Maps, entirely aew and popular. By Mrs. M B Moore Price. 4 60 JOHNSON’S OOMMON SCHOOL ARITHMSTIU Just from the preas aad ia great demaud. By Prof. L Johnson, of Trinity College. Prioe, f4 i FIRST BCOK IN GOMPOSITiON. to precede Bag Usk Qramaaar. containing a variety of pleaaant writmc exercises fer tk* atadaai. By it Braasea; A> M Price, 4 60. T0BK*8 BKeUSH eRAMMAB, Tkird Bditici^ U- lostrated by diagraou, entirely a Sodtlram woik, aad oae of tke best ia nee, by a devoted Teacher. Price, 4 60 HILL’S POEMS, pronoun«ed the beat critics to be **true aad gwanine Poetry.” By Thee. H HilL Pnce, 6 00 MORTEN AND LINDA, a tale of a soldier’s faithful lave. B\ A. W Maagnm. Price, 60 cis MTRnE LEAVES, a Book Hr tke times, by Bev A. W. Maagnaa, is fUl of fine thenght, set in’b^utifUl prose aad pcetn. PriM, 8 00. HISTOUCAL SCBIPTURE QUESTIONS, for Sab bath Schcas and the Camp. Price, (rar aundred $o0; 1 00* *'Itis decidedly the best work I have kaew#oa tke subject. It gives tke Mudeat a fiae knowledge of Bible Histoly.” W J. W. Crowder, Tract Ageat. SONOS OF LOVS and LIBEBTT, complied by a N«tk GaroUaa Lady, fer Sontken patriots. Prioe (f60 per kundraiU 1 00 JACK MORGAN BONGSTBlt, ckoiee sdectioaa, by Capt Z. A. Braaaoa, late ef Gaj. Lee’s army. Prioe, (SM ear hnadred) I 00. 10^ A fall asiwrtmsnt of Mnsic is kept on kaad at all umes. Mnsic aad Bock Catalogues seat gratis. M^Tkoee orderiag goods to be seat per asi^ anst twrnU 10 cents extra m tke dollar te pay postage. Tke lunal dednetioB ude to tke Trade. BRANSON k FARRAR, • Baleigk, N. a Feb’y 22. 12*tf Salem JJBBaftaasi 1O,NI!0 Pieces Hew masic, TUST received, whick will be sent to aay address en reeeipi ef onr Gatalogna prieee. We kave aow become tiie SOLE AGENTS ia Nwtk Caroliaa, tot Gee. Dunn k Co. of Richmond, who are the larfot tmijhiett tinsie Publishers ia tke South Ali orders to tkem. from *kis Stale, will be filled at oar Store. Oae kalf off te tke Trade. Apply far Oatajogoes of Books, Music. Ac. BSLAmOV'k F4BRAB, R»Uigh, N O. ••p*- • WArVTED, a IDES to tan on shares. T-rma. ^ Leather, or ita equivalent in e«eh We c«n tan ii in a very short time it deeired by Hiokie’s patent. Porscos wi.-hiog kheir Hides tanned can ee>^cl tr.cm to our addr as to Egypt Dopot, where they wMl be takt>n from an 1 a.livfred at oar expense Our aldre^a in li-apmont, Guatbam County. ^ D WAT80N A Co. Befereace Mesnrs G W WilUasa & Co., Fn'. et!e'>illa. Jan’y26 4 *2aipi A few iinportaiit Faots IN BXQABU TO THK «S01TTHJfiBI« afiPATlC PIJLLt/* 1TUEY are propareii fr>'i« ton best qu«i(ij ot Mudi* • eiae by the disouverea, aow aa ageT Minister af Jie Geapel, and a*« safe. 2. They kave beea known far years and teeted by thcasHida 8 Five kandred 2»vons arc knewn te aave b;ea enred bv them. 4 They are net r^oommeaded &y the. proprietor for everything.* but ealy for diseaees rhicti arise frotu ctis* irdered lver8. 6. Directions aad certtfioatee Accompany each box and tkeee eertifieates are flrout well aaowti itact moet re- tpectable individnala. a. OorresponaentB' reeommeBd then* aa good far Liv er Dieeaae, CatUe and Forerey Paeamouia, Jkua* dice. Dyspepsia. Bilious Feven>, flUou« ’'^eum»tiasa, ^orma. Pleurisy, BroacHitis.. Ae. 7. Several gi>t>tlemen state that the oee o^ thise Pills has been te t*>em an *aunal saving of fron flOO to 9200; they are the beet rlaatatlan medidae ever of> fer^ to tke public. 8. Soaae Pkysiciens of the highest standing preecrtbe them *e their patients and iiumtre^e of boae. heve ^een aold to regular practitioners 9 During the Ubst «;^narter 2 88- box^ have o*ea mid to Dn^ggists, oae ia tf^'Uih C«ro(xn». aud oae ui North Carolina—aud some tuae ag) over 8,700 ^oxee were ord«^_ by Druggusia la lawa la Vu^ a :v gSr Price. 94oO per gr ««. $60 par tjsea. per box. for 8al« tn Kortk Onreltnn as follewa: t MndDi ftr ftto at tlwi BWflPS Fanaecs aad Plaaters Almaaae te the year MSS, rssstvai aai fit islei bf tha noes, doaeni or AshevUle, G J Aaioa, \ibemarte, i M Rivins, | Ob>p«l HiU. B e ^OBdors, Oharlotie, J Nye HatcktMoa, “ pa Cut, dtaiion, Hnbtiani tt Moaelev. Uaneord, J Beid, I Enfield, J ()ohen, | itUMoro’, J V Whined Co, npailBTllte, N A StedinaD A Uo GMnsbom , Porter a Gorrell, Qoldaboro’. Lacai a Moura, d&liikx, J O’Brien, Baadenon, Wycbe a Oa, ueatngtoa^ J P SttmM*. AdifrwB. tnw aatb iea« Laocoinii>B.c P Uberriti. L>o«Ubur|, J Clifiuo, ' Mariun, Wm (Vakra«id, I PUubvro’,* f IjOok, Haletgh. Wiliaait a Haywi,..) P r Pescttd, RoeklcghHoi, J P N-irtbtiu fl&lUimry, HenJcnon a Bnnia, “ Barhfliik % U’lllashar Jjhplby. !l Fnuieberfrer. I WMieatioro , W O Uennstt, I WbiMviiie, R ilaya«*, I WHnilnfrton. Walker Means, I “ H McL.in, ' “ W H LlppUt •ar^KQB W OtEMi), o . , The Enterprise OeCton fr'actory is BOW prepared to exchange for com or bacon the * flBest numbers of SpoB Tarn, eaitable fer Spring and Somnw Oloth. This Thread is ef a superier qnality. nM by any in the Gen ^iSaraej. ♦ ' I**^ BbnkB lor gale ol tlii« Offiooi

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