yjEKLY PROGRESS. -rZT cnii THE CROSS MARK l3Lrtctiting their papers urith a CROSS ???fX)onthe margin may khov, that their M -h is aboutlb expire, aud unless they renew subscription imthediately, ike. pptr &UI "be H 9enT3 Inmoiiics by mail ht anr risk. Jtuesdav MORNING, MARCH R$, 1860. Th' Pfirfi Dailr and Weekly. This being Court week our friends from the country who may be visiting Newbern will find it a convenient time to call and subscribe, if not already on our list; or if they are and their sub scription year is about 'to expire they will find this a good time to renew by paying tor another year. It is our determination to spare neither labor nor expense in furnishing the public through the Pro gress with all the latest mews during the approach ing campaigns for tSoVernor and President, and we snail studiously avoid on all occasions with holding anything and will labor zealously to give all sides a fair and full showing, thus renderiug the Progress indeed and in truth a newspaper. Our commercial and market reports are arrang ed with much care and may be relied on. The Daily Progress is served to subscribers at $6 a year and the Newbern Weekly Progress, contaiuiug an immense amount of reading matter at the low price of $1,50 a year. Iter. Daniel YVrth Helper's flk, etc. A bonfire was made of 150 copies of " Helper's Impending Crisis" at High Point a few days ago. We take the following from the Reporter of last week : Jesse Pope The Impending Crisis. It is known to many citizens of the State that during the latter part of last December, a quantity of Helper's Impending Crisis was brought to this place to the address of one Jesse Pope. We have, within the last two months, received many inquiries as to what has become of Pope and the books, but owing to reasons that may be guessed, we have, heretofore, forborne to answer. We now proceed to give a statement of every thing concer ning the matter. While on our way to this place about the 28th last December, we stopped over night in Raleigh It had been discovered that the above mentioned books had come up the R. &, G. railroad, that day, for High Point, by Adams Express line. The Agent at Raleigh informed Mr. Holden of the fact, and upon consultation with Judge Saun ders, it was agreed the books should come on, and a writ was issued by the Judge and placed in our hands, to arrest Pope and take the books in charge, but allowing us discretionary powers to wait untill Pope should call for the books and to endeavor to obtain evidence sufficient to con vict him of circulating them. On arriving at High Point, the books were left in charge of the Agent here to await further developments. We found, upon enquiry, that Pope is a simple, inof fensive aud illiterate fellow, and that he wax. at that time, an invalid, cofined to his bed. We watched the post office to see if any letters came to him, but there were more. At length, some weeks ago, we took a gentle man of sound judgment and good sense, with us, and went to Pope's fur the purpose of endeavor ing to obtain evidence against him, if any should present. The result was, we found Pope, as we have stated, a simple, illiterate man, incapable of planning? and executing anything either good or bad. We were further convinced in our own mind, from the confession of Pope, that he had been made a tool by Daniel Worth, in getting the books here, and that he was ignorant of the character of the book until the time of Worth's "arrest. He stated that some months ago. Worth had some books sent here in his name, giving as a reason for it that as he ( Worth) frequently pas sed High Point on Sunday, he would not get the books well, and had them sent to him for that reason. lie said that Worth-had said nothing to I him in regard to the last lot, but he supposed he r i . i i . im i .i ii : lino mem sem. x ins auu many uuier iiuoga in duced the belief in our own mind and that of the friend who accompanied us, that it was unneces sary to arrest tho poor fellow, and take him from his family, afflicted as he was, and we declined to execute the writ. The books we let remain in the Depot until last Saturday, on which day at 10 o'clock, a. m , in the presence of : large number of citizens, they were taken out and burned to ashes on the pub lic square. There were 150 copies of the cheap edition, and made a delightful fire. We were in debted to Mr. J. W. Lambeth for fuel to raise the funeral pile. The fact of the books being here, notwithstanding the inju"tion of sei'ry, jw known all over tho country, and published in some of the papers, within a few days, after they ! came, and had I'ope been me oiacKesnnceuuiary ! out of jail, he would have had sufficient warning S against giving any hold upon himself by calling ! fur the books, or by doing anything else that Cole Vn.soii i would have led to his conviction. Jiueingcnce I ,, '.--YV. W. Avery, Burke; S. McD. Tate, j f w,"c ar"ved heVe .b thc'R,n.e J,1" vjetnranc """ 1 tdM Opened. fik. -nnounced yesterday the Democratic State nvention adjourneu u r to the abominable mail arrangements w hich liist between Raleigh and ewoern u win oe i 3 nprhaDS. before vre get the full proceed - time uaj" f , . .. . . . "J Notwithstanding we have a daily train be ll en the two points it takes the mail the best Srtof two days to go through. We are enabled, F er to compile from various sources the fol facts relative io iubwuvcuuvu; uc w I dance of delegates was large. 63 counties be ll" . . n-n J 1 i TT represented oy aooui oou ueiegaies ; non. . i o t?:.1 nridpd as President f th f"rn- aVld o. ut r ntion with eight v ice Presidents. Messrs. Jas. ijfulton, W. J Saunders, P. J. Sinclair. John pelman and C. H. Foster were appointed Secretaries. The Secretaries with one exception, (Mr. baun n) were all members of the Democratic Press of e State. On taking the chair, Gov. Reid returned his i grateful thanks for the distinguished honor con 4ftrred on him. He had often before met his Dein-jL-ra.tic friends on similar occasions, but never be fore on a more important occasion. He firmly be lieved that the preservation of the Union depend ed on the success of the Democratic party. He gsid that they must sacrifice principles of minor importance, and not allow unimportant issues to tljptract the party. Hoped that the concert of ac tion which had always characterized the party, wculd at tu's crisis animate them. The Demo cratic party, said he, was the only opposition par ty to Black Republicanism. It is for Union, and he hoped would be able to save the Union. Said hd, let us rally our forces for the defence of the Uj'ion ; I spurn the idea, added he, of sacrificing principles for temporary political ascendancy, as other parties are in the habit of doing. Let us tale a firm and decided stand on the Constitution. "Wc should demand our rights, and be satisfied wth nothing but our rights. Let us act with de liberation, and establish such a platform as will gpru the people confidence in us let them know thlit the Democratic party will protect their rights, their property, and the Constitution ; and success wll! ceitainly crown our efforts. He then took hU seat amidst shouts of applause. jVc learn that ad valorem vag ably discussed, of and against, but ignored by the Convention bj a large nijority. A large majority of the dele- J g4tes from the West as well as those from the Eist-epped it. ''(. )n Thursday evening. His Excellency, Govcr Hflr blllis, entertained a large number of the dele gates at the Executive Mansion. jTlie following gentlemen composed tbe Com jniuee which drew up the Resolutions, or Platform, which wo published yesterday : . pst District. W. A. Moore, Chowan; II. K. Cbrgwyn, Hertford. ,hd Dis G. S. Stevenson, Craven ; L. W. Hum phrey, Onslow. V,d Dis. Jas. Fulton, New Hanover; W. L Steele, Richmond. Alh Dis XV. J. Saunders, Wake: Hon. W. N. J2d w ard s. Warren. t,th nis.J. R. McLean, Guilford ; S. P. Hill, Casu .11. i ith Din. A. M. Scales, Rockingham; W. D. jtBethel, Rockingham. ' 7fh Mg.W. R. Myers, Mecklenburg ; S. W. llesrs. V. W. Holden and W. W. Avery, and lions. W. S Ashe and Bedford Brown were ap pointed delegates to the Charleston Convention Hon. A. M. Scales and E. G. Haywood, Esq ,were appointed Electors for the State at large. Vlon. J. W.Ellis, of Rowan, the present incum bent, was unanimously nominated by the Con vention for re-election, and a coramitteo being ap pointed to inform him of the fact, the Governor soon appeared before the Convention and addressed i at considerable length, accepting the nomination and pledging himself to renewed exertions in be half of the principles of the party and the South. Friday evening the Convention adjourned. ' jlow the candidates and the platforms are be fore the people, and the first Thursday in August ntftt will determine under which ruler we are to iive lr the two years next following the 1st of January next. - 0urs not being a party paper wa shall have nothing to do with th.3 canvass as a partizan, but tfhftll be zealous to keep our readers and the pub lhyposted as to the movements of both, thus fur nishing what cannot be obtained from any one political publication, because the', of course, give bat one side, and in many instances they so dis figure that side as to render it almost impossible for its best friends to recognize it. As the issue of ad valorem is likely to be thoroughly discussed during the campaign we here take occasion to say to all who favor or op pose it, that our columns ate opeu to good teui-! pered articles on cither side. Our circulation is largo and we offer those who may wish to discuss this subject the benefit of it for that purpose. We o not propose discussing it ourself, though our sition relative to it is well known, and was taken and ex Dressed before eithet -of the Conventions out forth their platforms Dr. Drrmi' Schools lA Register of Dr. Deems Schools, located at Wlson, N. C, has just been issued from this of fice. The whole number of students in attend ance the present session is 175, of which 93 are males and 82 females. The number has increased ao rapidly that more room it is found will be nec essary, and so the proprietor has determined on tha erection of otherand more commodious build tags. Though but in operation a short time it is already, we suppose, the largest school In east ern North Carolina. We are assured that well tried and competent teachers have charge of the various departments and that the progress of the pupils, thus far, has been most satisfactory to both teachers and parents. Wo most cheerfully com mend these schools to those who intend to edu cate their children in their own State. To those i who are determined to send their childreu abroad to echool it is unnecessary for us to say anything. There are good schools and colleges nearly all over the State, as good as can be found in any State in the Union, but still many of our people rJeipise the idea of educating their children at borne. Our University, in their eyes, is nothing : to compare to Princeton, Cambridge and Vale. y5f prefer patronizing home in everything, where feoafible. as we know that our prosperity de j lads oo tba taaxrper iii which we 8ttstaiautxyil Jme interests- should be a witness against Woithin his approach- insr trial. Theitrk. "this temple of fun wu crowded last evening, and the entertainment gave entire satisfac tion to the atidience. We did not arrive la time to see the rendition of Richard 111, but learn that the characters were well sustained. The "Maid with the Milking Pail" and " Jerry Blossom " were well performed and elicited nprorious applause. A choice bill is offered for this evening and a crowd may be expected. FaifGHT WrsT bt Railroad. A freight train left the Newbern Depot on yesterday morning with about one hundred and twenty-five tons of merchan dize, all of which reached Newbern over Ocracoke bar. Both our Western and Eastern friends, who think we do no shipping, had better visit us and take a stroll around our wharves. We do nearly as much as some places which boast much of their " deep water." Cocktt Court. This tribunal met yesterday for the dispatch of County business, F. P. Latham, Esq., chairman. The usual number of lawyers and clients were in attendance, but no business of par ticular importance was transacted yesterday. The State docket was gone through with, we learn, with the exception of one or two case which will be dis posed of this morning, when the civil docket will be taken up. Wintekish. The atmostphere was quite mild at 8 o'clock last evening but when we emerged from the Theatre at 10J snow was falling briskly. Those buds which have put out so handsomely will be "nipped in the bud" if they don't look out. Another Union Demonstration. The Charleston Mercury of the 9th instant says : Slave Stolen, A gentleman of this city, while on a recent trip to the North, had a negro stolen from him by the abolitionists. We call this another Union demonstration. Chivalry. We see it stated that the Charles tan hotel keepers have resolved to fix the price of board at $5 per day during the sitting of the Na tional Democratic Convention. Dof) Charleston Import f ' In answer to this question the Murcury says : This question looks idle to us in Charleston who read almost every day the consignees lists of ships arriving from Liverpool, Havre, Bremen, Havana, &c, but, to many at a distance, it is neither idle nor impertinent. Charleston imports salt, hard and hollow ware, earthen ware, crock ery and glass ware.aarriculturial impliments, guns, j tools, bottled beer, prints and stuns for the wear of both sexes, from Liverpool ; from Havre and Bordeaux, wines, liquors, preserved fruits, soaps, oils, and such niceties and el-gancies, besides cotton, woollen and silk stuff; from Bremen, glass, ware, toys, beer, and the products of the looms of the Zollverein ; from Havana and other Cuban ports, sugar molasses and fresh fruits the year round. We instance these at random and without thought, or the list mipht be largely in creased. If any person desires greater evidence, we will give, privately, the names of merchants in our city who import these articles, and can refer to their entry upon the books of our Custom House. INTERESTING FROM CALIFORNIA! Arrival of the Atlantic I ! New York, March 11. The steamer Atlantic arrived to-day from California on the 20th ult., and brings $1,200,000 in treasure. The Jews of California had forwarded $20,000 for t lie relief of their brethren who had been dri ven from Morocco. Eight hundred men had secured claims in the new quicksilver mines in the Jeyser mountains. Large companies at tho Virginia mines had re sumed operations. At Honey Lake, the excitement about silver continued. There were appehensions of Indian difficulties, and an attack by the Snake Indians on the Warm springs reservation in Oregon. Gen. Harney was about to send sufficient foree there to meet the emergencies of the case. NEWBERN PRICES CURRENT. Id It should be understood that our quotation generally represent the wholesale price. In filling up small orders, higher rates have to be paid. 18 28 60 13 1 Hi 12J 10 15 9 93 121 20 00 55 Beeswax, ft ... 00 9 33 Beef Cattle, 100 IBs. 4 50 -SOU BmcKS,M. 7 00 a 00 00 Bakrels, Sps. Turp., ea., 2d band,..l 60 0 00 New 0 00 d-2 00 Caxdlf.3, V It. Tallow, 1G It Adamantiner22 Sperm, 45 Coffee, Java 17 Laguayra, .. a Kio, 13 r St. Domingo.12 Cotto.h, f IB. Cotton Baogisg, vard, 13 a Ro6e. ft- 7 Corx, bbl. 0 00 3 85 Corn 31eal, bushel, a Domestics, Sheefg.yd 8 Yam, f IB-00 a EGS, doz ..10 Feathers, t ft 50 a Fish, v bbL, Mullets- ..6 00 6 50 Mackerel, 12 00 a 14 00 Herriugs,... 4 ti 4 50 N. Car., ..0 00 0 00 Floor Boards, rough,. .. 8 0010 00 planed,.. 18 00 20 00 clear, 25 00a30 00 Flii;k,X.C., bbl.. 6 75 -a l 25 Gi.uk, y Tit. ..15 -w IS G v s s t Bags, . 12J & 20 Gi;ano, Peruvian, ton $63 $65 Reese's $53 d $00 Robinson's Mauip. 4ton, $50 Nc;vassa... $ Id a $40 Laxh Plastkk, tbbl,....l 50 V 00 Grain, V bushel, Oats, 75 3 00 Pas, Cow,. 85 S 00 Wheat, It, 1 25 tt 00 ltiee, clean, 5 - 00 Hides, t lb., Green, 5 2 6 Dry, -9 12$ Hay, 100 lbs, Eastern. -.0 00 11 35 Ikon V ft, English, as8'd3i 00 Sweed'href'd5 0 6 Lime, V bbl 1 00 0 00 F m store, 1 30 T0 CO Lumber, V M, (MiUj (Steam sawed) Ship Stuff, rough edge 8 00 a, 10 00 Molasses, V Gallon, Cuba hhds.OO '& 30 Do ' bbla,.00 a 33 N Orleans,.. 00 a 50 Liquors, Gall, (ilom'e) Whisk v, 34 a 00 N E Kimi,..45 "d 45 Gin, 37J 40 Brandy, 45 50 Apple do,. ..65 a 80 Peach do, -.85 ai 25 Naval Storks, (Turpentine t 2S0 His) Virgin,. -.. -30 00 Yellow dp 0 00 3 15 Hard 0 00 -2 15 Tar bbl t 03 dl 65 In order,. 0 00 2 00 Pitch do..O 00 l 50 Koiin. P, .1 15 -a 0 00 DXo2.0 00 1 30 Do'o3.1 12J30 00 Spirits Turpentine, gall 43 44 Varnish, cal, 30 3 00 Nails, & m Cut, 4 0 Wrought,. ..10 a 12i Oils, Gallon, Iunseed,raw90 -9 00 Boiled do, 1 00 SO 00 Train, 60 9 00 Refd whale 1 00 ' 00 Lard 1 10 1 30 Pea Nuts, I 00 si 25 Potatoes, bushel. Sweet, 00 a 60 Irish, 00 1 00 do 4? bbl,2 50 S3 00 Provisions, lb, (N C Bacon,) llama 12 j H CO Middlings, ..00 11 Shoulders, ..00 -3 10 Hog Round, 10 d 11 (Western Bacon,) Middlings, ..00 'd 00 Shoulders, ..9 a 00 N C Lard, ..1213 14 West'ndo,..00 -3 00 Butter, 22 27 Cheese 11 'ci 11 J Pork, (Gr) IB 6 'i 7 Northern, v bbl.) CitvMesH,20 00 3 00 00 Butt 17 00 d 00 Kunip 15 00 Beef, Mess 00 00 2 16 00 Do Fulton Poultry, Chickens, live, 30 a 50 dead, 30 50 Turkeys, li,. ft" 0 75 Do dead, Ik 12 't 00 Shkep, head, Lambs,. ..1 50 2 00 Mutton, ..1 75 S-2 00 Salt, Alum, bu.30 a CO Liverpool, iy sack, ground,. ..1 25 Si) 00 do fiue,...l 9d a0 00 Sugar, 4f IB, Porto Rico,. 9 10 N Orleans,. 10 - 10J Loaf and criirthed,. .llj 12$ C vellow,. 2 lOJ Granulated,-11 J 12 Soap, lb C a 10 Shixgi.es, M, Contract,. 3 00 2 4 00 Common.. 1 50 a 2 00 Staves. M, WO bbl. 15 00 313 00 li O hhd. 14 0010 00 Ash head, 8 00 12 00 Timber, & M 20 004'J 00 Tallow, lb 10 S 00 Tobacco, IB, Common, ... 12 J 11 15 Medium i.'5 a 30 Fine, 45 a 50 Wool. IB -.15 S 20 AFA9IILY PfECESSITVTLe following statement speaks for itself: Extract.) "In lift ing the kettle from the fire it caught and scalded my hands and person very severely one hand almost to a crisp.- The torture was Unbearable. It was an awful sight. The Mustang Liniment appeared to extract the pain almost immediately. It healed rapidly and left no scar of account. Charles Fos ter, 420 Broad Street. Philadelphia." It is truly a wonderful article. It will cure any case of swelling, Barns, Stiff Joints, Eruptions or Rheumatism. One Dollar's worth of Mustang has frequently saved a valuable horse. It cures Galda, Sprains, Ringbone, Spavin and Founders. Bctrar rf immitalions. Sold in all parts of the habitable Globe. BARNS & PARK, Proprietors, New York, March 13-w4t. MEDICINES. Mr, W ntlaw an rxiH-rkncrd Xunc and Female Phvician. had a Soothiiiir Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums redu cing all inflammation will allay ail pain and sre to regulate the bowel.-. Depend upn it, mothers, it will give res-t to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Pofectly safe in ull cases. See adver tisement in another column. di wlv Dr. KOMCOC IIOOKEK, (A trradu- ate of the Universitv of North Carolina and of thw Medical Department of the University of New York.) after successful practice of eight years having per manently loeated in Newbern, respectfully offers his professi.-nal service, in all its branches, to the citi zens of Newborn and the surrounding country. Dr. II. has heietofoie given and will continue to give es pecial attention to the diseases of women cud child ren. When not professionally engaged he may be found at his residence (or office to be built immedi ately) one square North t f the Court House und ad joining the Presbyterian church lot. Jan 23-d&w6m JOITX N. W.tXIIIIVCSTO.'V. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office North side of Broad Street a ew doors Kast of the Court House, NEWBERN, N. C. j tn 6, i860 dwly. PIA.-VO.S AND JIKI.OOJiOiX.-Persons con templating purchusirg a PIANO or 3IELO DEOX, would r.ecure themselves fit m imposition by making such purchase through nie. as I w ill not act as Agent for the sale of any except the best iu stmnients. I assure all such." that the instrument will not cost them any more when bought through me than when bought from the manufacturer. If any should think to the contrary, I wiH'-ehnrgt them nothing for advice, respecting the purchase t)f a Pi ano or Melodeon. Second-hand Pianos taken in exchange. I have now on hand two Pianos which 1 am authorized to sell cheap. Also, a very fine toned five octave nie lodeon. Pianos taned and repaired. L. F. WIIITAKKK. Teacher of Music iu Wayne Female College, Goldsboro'. march 6 dlw-wtf. .VI KM. MOOTIIIX SYIlfP. J'-a- An expa rienced Jfurse aud F.male Physician, presents to tho .attention of motii en, her SOOTHISO SYRVC. For Children TiMthinj which greatly facilitates the process of teeth.Hsj:, by softening the gums, reducing a!l iutlammatioti- will allay all pain and spasmodic acti n, end L SCHK TO RI.OCLATE THE BOWEL. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rct to your selves, aud Ittlicf and Health to 'on- Infants. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, aud can ay, in confidence and truth of ii.whjit we have never been abl to sav ot anv oth- X E V E R FAILED. IN 1SST A NCE. F E C T A timely ued. Never did we know an instance of ';s- s.ati6tactiou by any one who used it. On the cortra ry, all iuc aYhgfcted with its operations, and speak, in terms of highest comme&Hntion of its magical ef fects and mcuical virtues. We sj-eak in thi- m&trer "what we do know," utter ten yens' expMietce, and pledge our leputati-'U i r the Vuiri!ment i f w i.at. wo here declare In aiiimst cvciv ii.starn e wl c'c the infant is ulTering from paiu and exha.stii:.. ie lief will be found in tittecn or tweutv m.iiUtos uTti-r j the syrup is ad:i:initercd. j This valuable preparation is the pve-oription of one i of the most experienced and skilful Nurses in New i England, and has been used with Level f uiii. uc ! cess in THOUSASDS OF CASKS. j It not only relieves the cliiid from p. -in, but invig . orates the stoniach and bowels. Corre t- acidity, av. i j gives tone and i nergy to the whole fteHi. It vi!l j almost instantly relieve Griping in the Uo'.vels. a,d i Wind C'uolic, and 'V.:i-.ire er medic!!;'! HAS I ; A SINGLE T O E F CURE, when couvul ions, speedily rem death. " We best and FOK t ihi.i) i: i: whi-h, it' rrt-t cai-d, c-.l la leii--Ye ( tl.u Mis ct remed v ! in the world, in all cases of Dysentery and l.a!i!;u a ' iu Children, whethf r it arises lium teething, o. iix iii j any other cuu.-e. We would say to every mother ' who hi'S a child sumling from anv of the Yoivp.irig ! complaints do not let your pi je.dices. n-.r the pi ! judices of others, stand between your sufferinr h.)-X : andtiie iclief that wi 1 be suie yes, absoluleiy y:i j to follow the use of this incdicli.e, if timely n-ed. j Full directions for using will accompany caeh lu.tiie. I None trt-iitiiiie unless ti e fac siu.ile ot CI'KTIS ! PEh'KlNS, New York, is on tie out-ide wrupper Sc"!l by lruggist throughout ti e w.rld. Principal olUee, No. 13 Cedar Street. N. Y. i Price nnl'i 20 Cents Jut:!:. i dec 13, l.S5J-xidLwly I TISUEK, f OAItI & IIOOKRR, Iricc of fjiviu in Charleston. Really it costs something to live in Charleston The Murcury has the following : Makketinu. The prices paid far tnble supplies arc at the present time most unusually high, in duced, it is supposed, by parties who are already speculating for the large increase required during the Convention. Beef, and not very prime at that, is now selling in our market at 2oll cents per pound ; mutton, at 31, and pork at 15 18 cents. Fowls also range at high prices, v Turkeys sell at $3$! a pair, and wild Turkeys sell at these figures a piece. Vegetables are more reasonable, except cabages, which sell at 31 37 cents per head. Post Office Wanted. We loam from Mr. David P. Whitford who called yesterday to sub scribe for the Progress, that a petition has been sent on for the est iblishmsut of a Post Office at Little Swift Creek, in this county. The point at which the office is desired is 12 miles from New bern and that entire neighborhood have to get their mail matter from the Newbern OfSce. We trust that Mr. Ruffin.our Representative to whom the petition has been sent, will exert himself in its behalf aud see that an office is established at that place. Craven is poorly provided with mail facilities and Mr. Ruffiu can serve his friends in this county in no better way than by urging up on the Post Office Department the establishment of new mail routes aud additional Post Offices. UNJUST.-We see that the Murfreesboro' South ron accuses the Petersburg Express, a neutral pa per, of uncalled for remarks towards Mr. Rayner, and of attempting to influence the elections in this State by a series of articles leaning to thi de mocracy. We are a coustant reader of the Daily Express and protest that we have seen no such leaning, nor anything else unbecoming a neutral, journal in it. The Southron will hardly find any journal of any character iu the South to justify Mr. Ray n era Resolution and remarks in the late Whig Convention. His own partisans, on. the very spot, by a most overwhelming vote, con demned it. We condemn it and would we care not what might be his politics. An Important Item. Several car loads of freight from Boston and New York bound for Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Kentucky, left here yesterday morning per the Norfolk aud Petersburg railroad. We find the above in the Norfolk Day Book. This is indeed cheering for Norfolk and the rail roads leading out of that place. In a short time, as soon as the stockholders in the " City " Com pany gets things fixed, we shall expect to hear of similar shipments from " Morehead City " across the Mountains to the great valley beyond. SUPREME COURT. Rv Pearson, C. .1- In Wn" v j :-. Meckienburjr. judgment reversed and veniro do novo. In McRae v Davis, in equity, from Mont goinory. decretal order affirmed Jn Cox v Wil liams, 'in equity, from Jones, dismissing the biil. In Palmer v Giles, in equity, from Orange, dis missing tho bill. In Paul v Nelson, iu etjuity from Orange, decree for plaintiff. In Johnson v Johnson, in equity, from Yadkin, directing the account to be corrected. By Battle. J In Ilcwett v Wooten, from rninhorljinil. uttirmittr the iudfinciit. In Rtatfl ..... v-w , n i o v Willis, from Chowan, declaring there is no cr- a irrts ! . ror in the record, in jenKins v iroutman, trom Rowan, affirming the judgment. In McCuIlen v Whitford. in ennitv. from Craven, direction a dn cree for plaintiff. In Little v Perkins, in equity from Pitt, sustaining the exception of defendant. In Fei ruster v tucker, in equiiy, trom Iredell, slaves belong to next of kin. By Mania', J. In Barringcr v Boyden.from Rowan, affirming the judgement. In White v Cline. from Cabarrus, judgement reversed and judgment here for plaintiff. In Rosier v Verble, from Rowan, arnrniing the judgement. In Klutts v others, on petition to sell land, from Rowan, widow entitled to dower, decree for a sale. In Gaither, v Albea. in equity, from Iredell, dismiss ing the bill. In Glenn v Kimbrough, in equity, from Yadkin, directing an account. The Removal of Jude Stump. The Senate yesterday concurred in the action of the House of Delegates and adopted the address to the Gov ernor for tho removal of. Judge Stump from the bench of the Criminal Court of Baltimore by a vote of 18 to 3. This movement is a highly com mendiable one, and absolutely necessary to the promotion of the ends of justice in the administra tion of criminal la w in this city. In the present aspect of aff iirs, however, it is but a partial effort and may prove of little practical benefit. The State's attorneyship, filled by a person returned to that office by means which have elicited the condemnation of every good citizen, forbids all hope of an efficient purgation of the court until the people can get at tho ballot-box and do the work themselves. Tho responsibility for the suecessorship of Judge Stump will now fall upon tho Governor, and we trust that his choice, with the fidelity of the incumbent, may commend the appointee to the electoral vote of the people in 1931. A good, earnest, inflexible man upon the bench of the Criminal Court will certainly hold the State's At torney himself ta something like the faithful per formance of duty. Baltimore Sun of Friday. Yellow Fever at Havana The Havana correspondent of the New Orleans " Crescent,' under date of February 25. says : " I am sorry to report thus early cases of yellow fever in this city, but there have been three cases in one house that of Dr. Tincker, on Havana street. The first, Miss Blodget of New York, died : the other two. Miss Tincker aud a servant girl from New York, recovered.' 15 E VI 12 W OF IV K 1VB E KI MARKET FOR THE WEEK ENDING MARCH 13, 1880. Turpentine Sa'es during the week of 2500 or 30C0 bbls. at former quotations, $3 15 for Dip and $2 15 for Hard. Rosin nnd Tnr Rosin and Tar have been ar. riving in very small quantities and sales have been effected at $1 10 3$l l lor the former and ?l 60 $1 65 for the latter. Kpirita Turpentine Very little doing in Spirits, a few lots only have been disposed of at 43 "44 ets. gall n. Cotton A few smill loU met with ready sale da ring the week at from TCc, not much doing. Corn Some 15'!0 or 1610 bushels, up River Corn, U Ji.'pouc'd ;flT.it T7o. liuslid Flour Flour is unchanged, still going at $6 75 for Supeifine and $7 Hb for Family. Bncon 5100 or 6 )00 lb . North Carolina. Bacon went U)dV2ic V lb. For piiees of other articles see Prices Current. NEWUERN', X. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER S, (LlQfORS EXtfciPl FD.) A.XD COMMISSION MERCHANTS respectfully invite the attention of their numerous patrona and the public generally to the fact that they alao deal in Corn, IIay,Oat. Dried Fruit, Guano, Superphosphate, and other kinds of Lime, Hydraulic Cement, Sta ple Dry Goods, Shoos, Leath er, Feather, Shingles, Nails, Iron, They call especial attention to the article of Flour. One of the firm has been for years a manufacturer of Flour and has an acquaintance among the bast man ufactories of the State, in consequence of which they feel safe in assuring their customers and the public, that they can and will furnis.li them with any quanti ty or quality that they may desiro on the most r. a sonahle terms. They also call attention to the fact that having purchased vessels with which to import theii own goods, aud having a good wharf and drays, they expeet to sell all articles iu their line on as good if not better terms than they can be puichased else where: thoy will also receive and forward goods ow accommodating forms. They intend to conduct their business in such a manner as to continue to merit uu increase of their already extensive patronage. Feb '2(-th , I860 d&w OHSHARNESS FREIGHTS: TO NEW YORK On deck TurpentiucaudTar, F bbl. 35 Rosin do 35 Spirits Turpentine.. ..do 6') Flour do 00 Cotton, i lb 0 00 Cotton goods, iy bale 75 Flaxseed. V bushel, 00 Ground Teas, bushel, 00 Wheat, tv bushel, 00 Lumber, I M 0 00 S 5 00 TO PHILADELPHIA, Turpentine and Tar, t bbl.. 00 Hosin ( Spirits Turpentine....4' 00 Ground Peas, buhsel, 0 Cotton, t lb, 0 00 Cotton goods, V cubic foot,. 0 Lumber, Mas to size, 0 000 00 TO BALTIMORE Turpeiituie and Tar, t bbl.. 00 Rosin 00 Spirits Turpentine......44... 60 Cotton, lb 0 00 Ground Peas, bushel, 00 Rough Rice, V bushel, 0 Lumber, V M, -- 5 000 00 Under deck 35 35 35 d 35 00 & 00 30 i GO o a 0 3 75 o a 8 0 8 0 a 8 0 COS C 00 30 s JO -a 5:) 00 'a 0 co 0 d no 30 60 8 x T a lr. Uronson having been bo far reduced by con sumption, as to be considered beyond all Lope ot re eovery by the most eminent of the medic ai proles sion, and also by himself a regular physician of twenty vears practiee as a last report, cont r ived ti e u&a'of ANALYZING THE RLOOI,ai..l apply ing the subject of physiology to the moie immeiii.- l connection, and effect of the state of the blood upon the health and svstem. The result has been the pro duction of this "lLOOD FOOD." from the -.:.-e of which Dr. llronson wa restored to peifect health Wit bin six months after its introduction, over t-., thousand consumptives were effectually cured by it. If you have any complaints of a consumptive: l.-;: dersc.v, Coitijh, Cold, Head ache, l'nl tutut '" . .-. Ifvitrt. Loss of ttpprfitc, or pntn in the .;''. h-. r time in procuring u bottle of the "1JI.OOD FOOD. If you are suffering from Scrrous Dt ltltiu. or your sleej) ts broken nnd disturbed, if your Spirits nc 1 i -pressed- wr Vour Organs rco-.red, you will find in thin an unfailing remedy, by commencing with ten !if j.s. If your Lit er is torpid or diseased iu any nun i. v whatever one or Tiro bottles will be sure to invioi ,-ite, and bring it into lively and healthful action. 1:. t.Vt most inveterate cases of Dyspepsia, the patient can bore find the most efficient and grateful relief. . benefit is always experienced after taking o. ' i- .? Lottie. In Male or Female Complaints aud Wtoh vesses, the sufferer, after trying other rcutedi.-s in vain, may rest assured, that a certain cure n il! re-.nlt. from the use of two or th-ie bottles. The " HLO I FOOD" is c"Teet.lal in all cases of Eruptions, S.iiL Rltenin, Scrofulas and other like complaints. Pole and emaciated children aad tr lulls are iiruiiedi.ilelv benefitted by its use. It gives strength to the boi'.y and color and beautv to the. skin. Ptttisician. tj ull schools are usiiitr it vCitli woi 'h it til sucr-ess. For full directions bottle. bte circulars. Pi ice 1 p. 0 00 I6 00 3) 30 Tv 6.) 00 'ib 00 a 00 8 5 50 n fin 00 30 60 8 South Carolina. -It seems that the people of South Carolina have determined npon being repre sented in the Charleston Convention, and have called a State Convention to meet at Columbia to appoint delegates for that purpose. This is sen sible. We never have been able to see why that State should hold herself aloof and disdain any participation in federal affairs as she has. Hon. T L. Clingmah. We see the name of this gentleman has been spoken of m oopcectica with the TIce Presidency. New Trial Granted. We understand (says the Salisbury Banner.) a new trial has been grant ed by the Supreme Court, in the case of Oscar, a slave, convicted at the Fall Term of the Rowan Superior Court, of an assault with intent to com mit a rape on the person of Airs. Bryan, of Concord. The grounds of error we understand to be a misdi rection to the jury by the Judge of what consti tutes rational or reasonable doubt. It is thought the new trial will take place in another county. Desiocratic District Convention. -The Raleigh Press has the proceedings of the Conven tion for the Wake Distrie. Paul Cameron, Ksq., of Orange, was nominated for Elector; Gen T. J. Green, of Warren and J. W. B Watson of John aton were elected delegates to tho Charleston Con vention. Chespeake and AlbeMaule Canal. We leara that Gov. Ellis has appointed R. Busbe. Esq., of this City, A?ent and Attorney of the State to investigate the affairs of this Company. Mr Basbee is now absent in the performance of this duty. He is entirely unbiased in his views and feelings in the business committed to him, and is well qualified by bis sound judgement and his patience in mastering details and calculations, to perform thoroughly and satisfactorily the duty assigned him. We presume bis report to (he Go ventor will be pablfetjtj.awsr?, WILMINGTON MAKKKT, March 10. TURPENTINE Sales yesterday afternoon Of 500 bbls.. aud this morning 13G bbls. at $2 75 for Yellow Dip, $2 20 for Virgin, and $1 60 for Hard, -280 lbs. ROSIN Sales yerterday of 1,000 bbls. Com mon at $1 15 310 Ids.; 400 do Nos. 1 and 2 at $1 20'2$1 61 ; and 860 do No. 1 at $1 50 $2 bbl., as in quality. TAR 90 bbls. changed hands this morning at $1 90 bbl. COTTON 34 bales sold this morning at 10c. for low middling, lOc. for midding and 10c for good middling. FLOUR Sale this morning of 40 bbls. State brands at $6 62-h for superfine, and $6 874 bbl. for family. NEW YORK, March 10. Cotton closed stea dy : sales of 1.500 bales. Flour closed buoyant: sales of 10,500 bbls: State 5 '25'S$5 35 : Ohio. $6$6 -20: Southern, SB-aSd 15. Wheat clos ed buoyant and is held at an advance of liJc: sales of 5.500 bushels ': no sales of Southern. Corn closed firm: sales of 20,000 bushels: White and Yellow, 78S81.ic. Pork closed heavy ; Mess $18 12: Prime. $14 50-2;$14 62. Whisky clos ed easier at 2324c. Sug-ar closed firm: Orleans. 6-6ct Muscovado, 6iS7ic. Coffee closed firm: sales of 1.800 bags at 12S!l3c. Naval stores are quiet and unchanged . BALTIMORE. March 10 Flour closed firm. No sales reported : Howard street and Ohio $5 75 City Mills $6. Wheat closed quiet and firm: Red $1 36 SI 47. White $1 55$1 70. Corn closed quiet and unchanged : White 7073c, Yellow 73'275c. Pork closed firm: Mess $18, Prime $15. Lard closed active at. 11c. Whisky closed dull at 23i24c Carpetins.-I HAVE NOW ON HANI) a good supply of Carpeting which wili be sold cheap. Call aud examine Will make to yur interest to pur chase. J. M. F. HARRISON, march 13 dSc-r rabrfl idrie A GOOD STOCK OF AlA. JLj the latest styles kept constantly on hand, which I offer for eale at a small advance, march 13 d&w J. M. F. HARRISON. H ATS, r.4I8, BOOtS AIVO SHOES A good supply kept constantly on band and sold upon the most reasonable terms. Apply to march I3d&w; J. M F. HARRISQX Cloths, CnMimen, &c. Kept constantly on hand a complete t-tock of Cloths Car.simertt and veftings, of the latest styles and bet oualitv. march!3 d&w J. f, HARRISON. FOB RENT. I wVu rent for the balance of the year, the hr,0e a4 lot on Middle Street, (known ni the4 V, p. Moore house and lot.) It is pleasantry jacn'eq, nas hub garden, a superior kitelisfl, carrhige-hpuse, stable, and aU fther out- nations in Newbern. Posseeaion given on the 15th im. Apply a , . 7-.M. F. HARBISON. wkeWCPltl-dCfwlt EVERY VARIETY OF HARNESS, SAO die., Ilridles, Collars, Whips and Trunks ; all kinds of Lent her, Calf Skin, Oil ; Condition Powders for diseased Hrses and Cattle; Coach triunuHigs, Carpet Bags, Valises, &c. Tlie largest stock in the State, void wholesale or retail at the lowest New York Prices. Harness and Saddles repaired. JAMES WILSON. Ao 5 Market bt , Wilmington, N C. Oct IS d&wly Near the Wharf Jut ICcceivcd Per Exprat tfrom D. If. KINO & Oil's. Manufactory, Philadelphia. 5(1 Pair Ladies' Kid Welt Buskins, SO ' " " " Boots, i6 rt 44 ' Xl Buttou Gaiters. SO 44 Misses 41 . " Boots, SO 44 Children's 44 " Boots, 3G " Indies' Super Lasting fruiters. Feb lOdtw OKOKGK ALLKX. - "I f( ACRES OF LAMD for Sale. J. Yjv t The subscriber offers for sale a valuable Tract of Land, lying on Adams' Creeks, contniniii'; about six hundred acres, and jaid by judgca to be equal to any land in the State. Also, another tract lying on Hancock creek, about twenty miles below Newbern and three miles from Have-lock Depot. A &. N C Railroad, containing 500 Acre, and is well timbered with long straw pme, hickory aud oak. For further particulars address the undersigned at Newbern, N. C. dec 8 dJtwtf JOHN N. IIYMAN. fE. AMYETT, SOUTH FRONT ST., NEWBERN, N. C. Having just returned from the Northern '.-itie? would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of New bern and the public generally to his large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which he has selected with on re to suit his custom ers. He would especially call the attention of Fann ers and those shoeing and clothing their servants to call and examine his stock of Kerseys and Blankets, Shoes, Hats. far. , before purchasing elsewhere, us he has bought the above Goods low, and will sell them at small advance for cash or country produce. He also returns thanks tor past patronage, aud hopes by strict attention to business to merit a Coutiuuauce of the same for the future. Don't forget to call as he is determined to oll. J. E.AMYETT. Nov 14. '59 dfcw A .HIT CUE LL, Sc SO. . iY IVBERX, X. C, D ALE US IN Dry fSoodw, fJrcfrif, Ilnnlwnr, Guns, Pistols and Rifles, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Stredts American and English Iron, Cast and German Steel, Plough Stetl,' 5fc; Iron Axles. Spring Faruiing; Implement, A good assortment of Carpenter, Blacksmiths and Bri:k Masons' T't GENTS AND XEGROES' HA TS AND CAPS'; Also a large stock of Red Blanket, IVegro R!nuk?t., Drgnni, Kerseys and Osnaburgs, Ladies rtcd Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Sbc.es, Gaiters. Sec. Harness. Saddles Bridles. Acc.: Crockery and Glass Ware ; Blasting and Gun Powder, Shot, Caps, Balls, fce , kc. PrruYlau aad Robittvon'a TOanipalatctl GUANO, Lime, Plaster Paris, Cement, Hair, &.r.; Mess. Flank and Rump Pork, Corn Mead. Flour ; tWi Kubboll's" Leather Machine Banding: Agents for the sale of Grover & Baker s, Sewing Machine, Also, Agents for Evans Sc. Watwou's Salamander Safe, which are now considered the best. 53"All orders from Cah or good customers will be charged the lowest prices. Febl6dw Ifjfif ATI If AY, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. NEWBERN, N. C. Contracts taken for work in town or country, which will be promptly executed and satisfaction guaran tied. Paints, Oils and Varnish always oq band aud will be eold at reaaouabZ price?, fief t. 23-dwl7- aUoc aad sm .j 'a.ji i.y ji.).v;;o X(.t.il -q f-nui '.ijnoq ijoini un.r,j ji.nhli.-.i.vv btioii -jo.iipoqt 'asi:o u nj s.i,Hoai v oi ;iqt!!j.i.i si yH su j jos n fr'puoun.'.toj t 'ao-v.M Jiuus .it) joj i j"t!i -slll-IAJIU AltJ t-l OSIIddxO 3oiA. osoqM ,i-ol III!.) s 'SJUinall.;ApT! TllOj p.li J( tl OlIUV. OAV 11 1 1 " Jill ! ( sijl jo s;uoiy.it;d.id .i:ij iiui(4 ;uoui tjomu os k)--i. ti A'usb'j -jt Jfu!.m .; m ;nuii ci avnn o uo.C pu.n:: -lilo..).l AlJUIUO OAV VLf . s-lloirJll I100 Jo nrtt-V.i (!.' Iif otpouisuds-iuii-- pij.ioAi.od v iiui( jinn ' o.urpiiyo. a.id i'1'AV uo Mip.i yq tiuj i 'srsii.istp jo tiuia'.! pun Wli;j j'.iu ,iiiOJIO "i '.i'".li,J '-inH v s! f l"f,,l I sill m pio;) .iotJ prijiMib-mn si i; sp.uoq .iniDiii -iqnlir.i .ioki uiimI 3itAai..i puu snm ;mi jSii!n.i ; aoj '..sn ; . ';mo: ''AHM.I.NMSAd s i. : i)Kl TIJ.33X OXIUN'JXXV S.L I V r I I IV O .' ) 11" ".! : ha 'il""ii;.iud.i.id .i ij.i a'j 3.i js.m a.ui u.) sJt .)iiav sh. J"iiao!0 .xjj ) u; .'n-J-i pun .in.) uu.i..) u si ih 'iim:)iii sou i JMji .uiifiii jiiuhb.i puu fScui.iHn a"i.k.i-mI .CpH-HlO Spllfil UAVO Sllj A'J UJOql JO XlllMU llo j( jo uojl.JJUip yi.i pun sjs:.ioj oq mo.i) i'inp ii,. . p.jtj-tp si jt i(.mA moA) tioj X.i.a fii wois Kpiiit'dmo.! o;iluujut joj ;;.ii i.iu.r.ono Auw ijh-n l " u-j -l.uidiuo; u su 'o.iu. 3i; i.ii ij'iav du nd si jj A;'.o'I.I sau;nriiii.)s si; StlutpVi."j jo pun;s-i- 'pjup iw- ' . Itiit.iDjyns uqi SifA'uu.i.i Ai s.ia.:.i.i .C ju . rt f - iniv 4pUTj aiiu jo opndo ao .i.ioji.).ii:d iko.ij j.i.i; .('.j.ii ,u.j j AipVocDs; tu.i'ii joj . n;.i. i.t.id oj sjtLi;-iuio. ii -linqm tit n.;i "i.i-dx. i.)uut iho.ii p-iiiqi.-nV. i-i.-u ii v 'uui.iisiAH'l JupiltOJ ii jo uoiu.iidjjd if -'". iivk y.' '. "j- -o;r,irq w "s'-ivrtio io os.lll' jnill uiitMsou a".i." ..:. '. Xinoi.uidus hjt .Jpij-- 04 .utf p . VltJJf :K '. t- 'f'li; IN VAS.I SXOJ.V3 UU lU! vaa ti .. vwl ui Sold by CHURCH DUPONT, Druggists "o. iJG Maiden Laiif, New York, And for sale by F. S. DUFFY, Newbern, ami by nil respectable Druggists throughout the country, nov 7-d& wly Ni:KOi:4 WAXTKD.-1V A. SI II PP is t-ltll buying young and likely negroes, aud pnyiag the highent c"sh prices. Newbern. N. C. Feb 2. dScxrVy Office of ihc ."V. C. Stcnsn Trauspnr lalion Co., Bai.ti.voi:e, Nov. 17. lsA fcFrimi and after the fir.-t dav of dafl-ittrv. thft P.outrt of this Corj,av wii! run weekly be'ween Newborn, N. C v; Aibeinniio and Chesapeake Canal, and Balthnot Philadelphia, New York and Boston: until that iJot. irrfrtv.'ar trip-i as the Ag'-nt at Newborn may rx-uire will fe mad-, between the above iinmcd pk-ea luo iioti'.' will be given of rate of freicht. FREDliKITK A. PfTIPPf, Sap't, VM, C. MTHTFOKI). gcut at Newberu, nov 522 dwtf g BBO'O'X TlK.AE,f Wv i' .YIT1J 'CIPPERLY, II OO V Eli & CO.. Importers, Manufacturerers and Jobbers of Straw vf, Mitliuor) ul Cibbuut, HATS, CAPS, FURS, UMBRELLAS, Pahasoi.s, Scc, 2o. Lourtiauut utreet. Henry .1. Clipperly. " IPrifon Il4over, Frank McNultv. Feb 7, 1860 .d&wCm XEW YORK. GOODS I SB1V GOOU.S I I RECEIVED THIS DAY, BY EXPRESS, AX J. M. F. HARRISON'S : SUPER BLACK BROCADE SILK; 44 Bayadere, do. " Brocade. do. Colored Marceline -, French Wool DcLaines ; Byadere Mohair; Mohair Check ; WlPh'lGs; ' Unioa Cneck ; Fieuch ValencHS) Foil de Chevrea ; Duonl Plaids ; 6-4 Black VVcwd DeLames j Raw Silk Plaids, 61c, 6ic , &e , &e., all ot which will bo sold on very madci ate terms. Oct 12 J