(7 m H A CHEAP- NEWSPAPER. FOR THE MILLIOX-SKGI-K C0P1KS 81.50;. TO CLUBS OFTEN, ONLY SI.25 ;;MD TO CLUBS OF TWENTY ONLY, $1.00 A YE ARIN" VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. yotuaiE ii. N.-.C.j TUESDAY MORNING,: AUGUST 7, 1S60. r NUMBER 40. IPS: iSlE ! o r M il 5 a WEEK! ,Y PROGRESS ISV .1. fj. PE.M.GTO.. ItntrHOfAdrerlbingia tle Weekly ProrcsM The following are the only Rates of Advertising fn the Weekly Progres. to nil save those who con tract by the year and advertise in both weekly and daily paper? : One square (12 lines minion) one insertion, 1 00. Subsequent insert i ns, each, f0 cents. Any number ot squares will he charged m propor tion. All advertisements marked (tf) till forbid, will be continued till ordered out and charged as above. FRIDAY MORNING, AUG. 3. 1860. The Election Yculerday anil the Keault in Craven. - The polls opened hero yesterday morning ami all went on quietly. We went np abent 1 1 o'clock and voted without molestation, and in fact every body seemed to be doing just as they pleased. We noticed the two candidates for Sheriff around and about the polls but did not see any of the can didates for the Legistatnre during the day. ; . The vote polled here and throughout the coun ty, as will be seen by the tabular statement which we give elsewhere, was a large one. There was but few country people in town and as a number of citizens of the town attended the different polls in the country the streets, with the exception of the immediate vicinity of the Court House, were probably more quiet than usual. Messrs. Clark and Alfred, whigs, are elected to the Commons over McRae and Reel, o!em3. N. H. Street, Esq. Jem is elected over Harper, whig, by 0 votes. Pool's majority in the County is f3 votes. Two years ago Kills carried it by ti'Jl. Pool's gain is 2o3 votes. Goodinr got f3 votes for Sheriff. . The official returns may vary our estimate but it is not probable that they will affect the result when the official vote is announced. We shall give the table to-morrow corrected by the o.IicUl announcement. From the large and unexpected Iops in Craven we have but little doubt but the State has gene for Pool for Governor. We 13 rive Spoken. We Itfive time and again urged that the friends of the regular democratic National nominees, Douglas and Johnson, in North Carolina, assert their independence and defy the party press and the party leaders who are attempting to crush them. We now reiterate what we have before said : put it fairly and squarely to the democrat it: people of North Carolina and they will decide in favor of the regular nominations. Will they speak out then 1 The following letter from a supporter of Doug las we find in the last Standard : Mi:. Editor: How is it to be expected that har mony and union can hi? maintained in the ranks ol 1 1 it- Dciiinei alio Party in North Carolina when some of I im pa; -;rs advocating the Breekinriltrc and Lane tieket aro indulging in the most scurriilous abuse and wiiiton misrepresent at K;n of the motives of Judge D-ughis and his friends Itru-.J the. Douglas men vviii rjiioiiiit in silence i'j'';er to sueh indigni ti---. In the la.-L Monday's i-u of the Democratic. Pie-, (here 'a pubii-.lt.-d an article; fr-m the Wash ington (Jit v O- 'list k :i! ion m w;. iej th Xat i' nal 1 emo cral ie ('on'vein ion .t I 1 1 i more, imni; uai ing Dong las, lias applied lo ii the nio.-t insulting epiphet : "t 'ie thru!-irn! Democracy' under! -sk ing ''to in renrfr Mr. Fit .pat rick, &,"' tons.- him for their sciiish. pur,-tones, S'C '' they weie destitute of de vi! ion to an if pri 'icifi'e :' "their renal ! was put to Fiiiii;!," '' had the nihirit .. to claim , fc'." "their atraggting- followers in the South." Is it supposed that T.'.e two cr three hundred thousand freemen, in the South, who intend eat ing llo-ir votes for Judge D-ucrlas will submit to such insults from the venal otiii ial organ of the Administration at Washington, retailed by indiscreet, political wranglers, who have far more zeal than discretion Is this the way to unite and harmonize the Democratic paity I ask the Douglas men " Is if ipmr pu rposr fo submit to such treatment. I If nut SrtAK oft!" J I. 'STICK. Judge EJonirlu Coming lo North Carolina. From th(following we are given to understand that Judge Douglas will probably visit this State in a short time. Wre hope he will come, and we promise that if ho does and his presence creates no more enthusiasm than did the visit of General Lane we will drop him. The following is from the Petersburg Express : Bequest to the Child cm of Judge Douglas. Ty the death last week of the mother of Judge Doug las' first wife, who was a Miss Martin, of North Carolina, his two boys, his only children, come into possession of a large fortune. The Judge has been sent for by his connections in North Car olina, and after bis New England tour will proba bly visit the old North Stato. Abraham W. Vksahle. Is it possible that this notorious individual who has been quietly sleeping among other d parted political fossils for many years, and who of late has not been even considered a member of the democratic party, is the only man that can be got to act as Elector on the scceder ticket in the Metropolitan district ? Alas for Seceder democracy ! Alas for Abraham ! But a short time ago and he was bid depart, ye refractory member, we know you not be ac. cursed for you have wandered from the faith ; but now the Seceder faction take him up and fold him to their heart of hearts. Verily, verily, this is the hour of their great extremity. Personal. We had the pleasure yesterday ot an introduction to Dr. Wm. Ward, a native of New bern, now a resident of California. The Doctor says lie sees very little alteration in the town since he left it tw3nty-five years ago, except the addition of the Railroad and its fixtures and a little improve ment on Pollock street. lie left yesterday evening for his d'i-tant Western home "having taken to him self a rib since he has been in this country." We also made the acquaintance of Rev. Mr. Maksey, an Epis opal clergyman from Mjobile, Ala., who was in company with liim and wbo, we also understood, left yesterday evening. Impudence of Bennett. Here is old cock eye's notion of the way to get out of" the present crisis :" - . The best thing that Mr. Douglas and Mr. Johnson can do, and the best thing that Mi. Bell uml Mr. Everett can do, in this crisis, for themselves, their friends and their country, is to withdraw from this Presidential canvass, so as to remove all obstructions to a fair fight between Lincoln and Breckinridge, the only two candi dates for President, who will be heard of in the electoral vote of the Union. ARRIVAL OF THE EXPRESS, r St. Joseph, July 31. The Tonev Express came in yesterday, ten days from San Francisco. News nnimportant. , General Harney and staff had left for the Atlantic States. MOVE - ENTS OF THE PRINCE. OF WALES. Halifax, July 31. The Priaco of Wales land ed here to-day. - . . - ;' Patents Issued. Patents were issued last week to Jacob A. Hartsfield, of Kiigston, N. C, for the imoroveraent in cotton cultivators, and J. C Whitson, of Marion, N. C-', for an lmprove nt in railroad switches, inent DESTRUCTIVE HAIL STORM IN ONSLOW, We regret to learn from a Jetter in the WilmiBg ton Herald from Ovven Huggins. Esq.. that on the 3d of July Mr. IPs plantation was visited with a terrible whirlwind, which .did him vast damage, prostrating his fdables, a long and heavy building, valned at 3.000. It also blew down a poultry house in the yard, 30 by 1G feet, and damaged his corn crop. Mr. Huggins says : "On the 11th day of the present month, we had another hurricane which blew down the corn and about 5000 pannels of fence forme: and on the evening of the 17th inst, just as the sun was set ting, a most terrible looking "cloud sprung np in the West, and passed over with the most appalling consequences.. It rained and hailed in torrents for one hour. It was certainly ruinous and destructible- to me all in a single instant, as it were, my crop wasperfectly devasted. I had about 1200 acres in corn, which was in a fine state- of cultivation and bid fair to gather from 2500 to 3000 barrels of corn ; about 120- acres of beautiful cotton, and 23 acres of sweet potatoes, all of which looked promising, but now, alas, it is all dissipa ted, as it were, and I shall not make anything at all. I also planted about 400 bushels of peas, and there is not a pea standingon the plantation. ,At the very lowest estimate, my loss is as follows, viz: 2200 barrels of corn, say $ 4 $S,S00 Peas, at 75 cents, : . 3,000 Sixty acres of cotton, say it uiade20 bales, VA'A) Potatoes, 700 Damages to houses. 400 Five hundred stacks of fodder, 1.100 Total,....-... $ 14,360 Besides the loss of my pork, which is Consider able, as I intended to fatten 350 hogs, but alas, I cannot do so as all my anticipations for the future are entirely prostrated. I' rom the information 1 : can gain, no one is injured seriously in this conn- oy, out me .except one or too poor men v no reside j contiguous to my plantation. T II E TRO UBLEAT OCCAQ17AN. The latest news from Occaquan. Prince "Wil liam county, says the Portsmouth Transcript, confirms the statement of the excitement there which we published yesterday, but of its having subsided. In accordanco with the attention an nounced, a number of the people of that county assembled at the point vhere the Lincoln and Hamlin pole had been erected, those squatters who erected it being present, having previously run up the American flag and the party ensign beneath it. This was Friday morning last, and we now copy from the Alexandria Ga zette? : "At 3 o'clock, the Prince William Cavalry, Capt. Thornton commanding, entered the vil lage and ranged themselves in the neighborhood of the pole. They were followed by a compa ny, aoout forty strong, under command of Capt. M. Frtzhugh and Major Carter, who,, paying no attention whatever to the horsemen ordered there by Governor Letcher to preserve the peace, quie' ly formed a hollow square around the pole, facing j inwards. I " While this company was surrounding the pole, Mr Jos. T. Janney advanced to the Captain of the troop of Horse and claimed protec tion for his property, upon which the pole stood. "At the word of command, Jas. W. Jackson, of Fairfax, a stalwart yweman, sprang forward and gave the first blow, others followed, 'redoubling stroke on stroke.' During this there was no in terruption, and in a few minutes the pole came to the ground and shivered. Instantly the crowd gave three cheers, when the " Republicans" res ponded with three for Lincoln and Hamlin. All were quickly ;:t work on the fallen pole, and in less time than it takes to tell, it was chopped up and the pieces carried off. The flag was sent to Brentsvil'e. The crowd then dispersed and quiet prevailed. During the evening a personal rencontre occur red between Col. Brawner and Joseph T. Jan ney, in which the Republican was badly whip ped. Douglas ix Pennsylvania. The Pennsylva, nia Democratic State Convention met at Ilarris burg on the 20 ult., and passed resolutions in favor of a straight-out Douglas ticket, repudia- ting the action of the Democratic State Commit i tee, reccommending a union or fusion tieket. j The fTdlowing resolutions, among others, were adopted unanimously: "Rcsolcr-d, That it is hereby declared to be the duty of said Democratic State Conimitee that it should call a Convention of the Democratic, par ty, to be elected according to usage, in favor of its regular organization, and to nominate candi dates to meet on or before the 2Sth of August next, or as early as practicable, for the purpose of preparing a Democratic electoral ticket pledged to support, maintain and abide - by the action of the Democratic National Convention and the regular candidates. "Resolved, That it is the will and wish of this Convention that an electoral ticket be presented wholly pledged tor Mr. Douglas, to be called to meet as aforesaid : then and in that case only, the Democratic State Committee, organized as herein suggested, shall exercise the power and authorit3T to form such an electoral ticket." The Carnival of Blood in Texas A letter writer at Houston, Texas gives the following : Since my last, this place has been comparitive ly quiet, but one or two insignificant shooting and stabbing affairs having taken place; though accounts from the interior have all along borne a sanguinary hue, and a sulphurous oder.- Texas appears to be in the midst of one of those strange and unaccountable moral epidemics which takes their rise in csuses beyond the reach of human understanding, and cultiminate in scenes of blood and terror. In looking over the State papers for the past sixVveeks, I have noticed more than fif ty cates of shooting and stabbing, to say nothing of depredation by the Indians. As a marked pecu liarity of the blood letting' mania in Texas, you must have noticed the infrequency of appeals to the code of honor by which, disputes are set tled in Southern States. Regular duels are events of rare occurrence in Texas, " difficulties" being usually settled in the street. Douglas in 1859 " Slaves according to that decision, (the Dred Scott decision.) being prop erty, stand, on in equal footing tcilh all other proper- tn. - There is just as much obligation on tlie part of a territoral Legislature to protect slaves as of every other -species of property as there is to protect horses, cattle, dry goods, liquors,' &c. If they have a right to discriminate as to the one, they have as to the other; and whether they have got the power of discrimination or not, is for the Court t9 decide if any one dispute it, . If there is no power of discrimination on other species of property, there is none as to slaves. If there is a power to discrimination as to other property; and I think there is, and then it applies to slave property. In other words 'slave property is on an equal footing with all other property." Judge Douglas still stands upon this opinion without the shadow of change,; Selama Ala.) Sentinel. . ' - Modest. A gentleman in an adjoiuing coun ty, who is not a subscriber to the Progress and who never has been, sends us a piece of poetry, modestly requesting us to publish it and send him (paying the postage ourself 4 cents,) four copies of the paper. This gentleman is a professional man and is abundantly able to subscribe to a pa per. We shall comply .with his request however and publish his poetry and send him the four co pies though we have to pay the 4 cents postage on them ourselves. LATER FBOM KCROPE, ARRIVAL OF THE PRINCE ALBERT. St. John's, N. F., July SI. The steamship Prince Albert from Galway the 4th inst , has arrived.' Lord Palmerston has announced that the gov. eminent has adopted the commissioners's report to fortify the dock yards and. coast. Nine Millions -ponnds. sterling to be raised by annui ties, terminating in thirty years only two. mil lions required this year. The transfer of the Galway contract to the Cana dian line has been cancelled. The parliamentary proceedings are unimpor tant. Iiord Broughsm disclaimed any intention of insulting Mr. Dallas by his remarks in the sta tistical congress, touching the presence of a ne gro. . France is preparing for a powerful intervention in the Syrian aflurs.' She has notified other Eu ropean powers. ... . . .' J - -; The Neapolitan ministry have. withdrew their resignations, tht King" having : taken decisive measures to secure the adhesion of the troops to the constitution. China advices to the 7th of June state that hostilities were about commencing. - It is rumored that 12,000 Russians were march ing on Pekin. London, July 24. The telegram from Sicily says that Garibaldi has announced his intention to annex Savoy to Sardinia. The disturbances continue in Syiia. C jMMERCIAL. There was an advance of 2s. on corn yesterday. Cotton sales of the wank ending the l'Jth. 02,000 bales; the estimated sales of Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, 20,000 bales, closing quiet with holders offering freely ; Orleans Fair ac 7. ; Middling 5.5 ; Uplands Fair 0J : Middling stock in port 1.2si7,000; American 1,110,000. Flour firm white partial, advanced Od., quoted at ' 2i:'0s. ' .Wheat, firm, advanced Id. since Tuesday : red 10s. 3d. ZL lis 3d. Corn dull Gd. Tii Is. lower, closing steadier. Yellow 30'a 30s.; white 3l'&31is., and still. Provisions dull. Lard slightly higher. Coffee steady. Sugar firm. Rice quiet. Rosin dull Is. 3d.24s. 5d. Turpentine dull at 31s. American Securities dull and unchanged THE GliEAT EASTERN- HER DEPARTURE. The Great Eastern lett New -York Sunday, on her trip to Cape May. An exchange gives the following account of her departure : Captain Hall appeared on the wheel house next to the city, -and uttered clear commands ; and while all the people wondered whether the strength of the two tugs would be equai to the task of drawing off the boat, the paddle wheel slowly and with majesty turned, and like a huge, noisele-s, phantom, the Great Eastern glided from the shoro without the assistance of either tug The movement was so quiet and grand, the sen ses could scarcely realize that the monster was not inspired with more than the wonderful genius of her designer. Any little vessel that gets out in the channel makes more fuss and has more trouble than made and had the Great Eastern, and Philadelphia must settle about the mud in which she was firmly embedded. The mighty bulk moved gracefully over the water, out in the stream her anchors were drop ped, and the boat nodded salute to the city, the liags of England and the United Stales waving fore and aft. A large number of tickets have been sold for the excursion to Cape May.. The holders will be conveyed to the steamer oo the Island Eeile.fioni the fuot of I lainniond Street, and are requested not to be later than two o'clock, the steamer sail ing at thr?:e More than a dozen minor vessels are ad ortised to accompany the big boat to the Hook. The following table shows the number of per sons who have visited the Great Eastern since her arrival : First five day?, Second week, Third week, Fourth week, 8,r.7S :),29 7(5 olio Total, . 11.5,SU.) Tite ship will return to New York on Wednes day, and on Thursday will leave- for tho Chesa peak Ray. SUPERIOR COURTS FALL CIRCUIT. Eden ton Howard, (exchanged. ) New bern IJailey. Raleigh Heath, (exchanged,) Orange Saunders". Wilmington (Vacant ) Salisbury Dick. -Mountains Osborne. Mtt. IIoldknt: You arc authorized to say I have received Mr Haywood's resignation as Clerk and Master which has been forwarded to Judge Heath. Ii M. Sauxdrs- Raleigh Standard. "JjBXF.cia liov" Challenwedby a Southern Nixiito 'Bfiy." A" well known citizen of Albany, Georgia, has forwarded a challenge to Heenan, to light a negro 44 boy" down there, for any sum between $1,000 aud $10,000, in twelve months from date. Heenan has the proposition under con sideration, but he will probably decline, on the ground that his antagonist is a colored person. The said Albany boy stands 0 feeet 2 inches high, weighs pounds, and is 27 years of Boihks Recovered. We learn, says the Nor folk Herald, that the bodies of two of the children drowned by the burning of the steamer -Pennsylvania, were washed ashore on the river bauk near Jamestown.. 'The first one recovered was buried at Jamestown, the second was sent up to Rich mond by the Curtis Peck on her last trip. Farmers, Read i THIS PLEAS ANT NEWS to Y0XT. flhc lr!ilrsis;nf?, having purchawcfl the JL Right to mi 4 it- i it-i r x- c f ir r r- r r i t v ts r t T'f vr I for the Counties of Caiteret, Craven, Onslow, Greene, Jones, Pitt, Beaufort, Washington, Hyde and Tyr rell, are rapidly making preparations and expect to begin to manufacture them in a very short time. We shall offer yon an out nnd-ont Southern Plow. All the parties are native born North Carolinians. We shall guarantee to furnish you With better Plows than you have ever seen, and if we fail in this we shall not" ask your patronage. We will shortly give you a description of the plow with aP the par ticulars Rnd warrant satisfactkai. We are also wil ling to sell-off the right So a few of the abeve eou- ties on reasonable terms. - " - SIMPSON & HOOKER. .T. A. SIMPSON . ROSCOE H60KER. july 23 da-wly ' " . ' ' -' (JIlSAl J86Ii:SlS GOODS. J GEORGE ALLEN - Invites public attention to his stock of Dress G-oodi, f onus, v aienctas, jjarcges,. muslms, -c, cc. winctv he is selling at greatly reduced prices. Alo to his stock of Remnants;oi" Muslin, .Valencias,-De-Laines, Ginghams" Calicoes, Sec, See, which will be sold very cheap. Cad and get a bargain." July II, 1S60 d&wtf ' - To the Citizens of Craven ami adjoining Counties. The Undersigned respectfully of fer his services to the citizens -of Craven and ad joining counties, as a surveyor and leveler. Residence, Xewbern, N. C. " . .. Feb 21-wtt . HENRY A. BROWN. 1 patent Olf Grease TOR LUBRICATING Axles, Mill Gearing, and heavy'bearings of all description- also stages, waggons, carts. For the above purposes itisetter and cheaper than any other article used. Size of packages from 2 loa to 250 tbs. Jut-t received by Feb 16 J. GOODING, Jr. IE JILIACFACTCRE ! GUNS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS NOTICE f ....... NOTICE ! Military (loinpanifR & Sporting Gentlemen. I have opened oce-f the largest and best assort ed stocks ol Guik, I'itols? KiHi-M, and articles pertaining ty that line of besinss, ntid would most respectfully invite all that may wish anything in that line to aive me a call and examine my "stock. The following iist compiles a poitioa of the arti cles now on exhibition : G-ins, Dmtl Ic and Sifrlc -Rifjis, mads to order .- lircrrk Loading ; " Celt's Pate ni ; " Sharp's " Merrill's u--Cox' " 1'iKloX. Con's Paten ; Smith $ Wesson's 'a tet-f ; Ada ids' do. Be all's - do. Alien . Wlieelock's do. Smith '- W. Cartridge ; - ' t t'it'ol Holsters ; ' fiho.i l-avchea; Poirder Flasks' ; Fuils and Masks ; Fencing- and Boxing Cloves ; m Finking- Tackle ; Gun Wadding; Kiev's Caps ; tl. 1). Cap? ; 44 Cox's Cans. Colt's Caps ; Dog Collars ; Chains : Powder and '?u.f. SZrpniriiig C'roxaiplly nttrnrit-d lo. Merchants supplied at New York prices. JVIamifnctui cr of Cox's Rifle. EDWIN WANT, r.pvil 27 di-wtf Pollk st.. Ne wbern. A. NE WBERN, N. C DEAI.KKS I.V Di'T I5oo1, Groceries, Hnrdwnrc. Pistols and Rifles, Pocket and Table Cutlery. Swede s American and English Iron, Last and German Steel, Plough Steel, $?c.; Iren Axles, Mirins Favmisi !fui jslcmcis tM, A ood assortment of Carpenters, Blacksmiths and Brick Masons' Tools : GENTS AND NEGROES' HATS AND CAPS; Also a lare stock of Sled ISIankrts, Negro ISImikets, Uronns, Kerseys and Osiiaburgs, Ladies acd Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Shoe's, Gaiters, ccc. Harness; Saddles Bridles. &c, Crockery and Glass Ware; Blasting and G an Powder, Shot, Caps, Balls, &.e.. Sec. I'criivimi auI Ilohisison's ifluniituIntcU (JUANO, Lime, Plaster Paris. Cement, Hair, Vc.: Mess. Flank and Rmnp Pork, Corn Meal, Fimir ; t-'-'KubbeUV' Leather Machine Banding: Agents for the sale of Grover Sz Baki r s, Sewing Machines, Alo, Auents for Evars fc Watson's Salamander Safe, which are now considered tlie hest. "AW orders from Cash or good customers will be charged tlie lowest prices. Feb 1 li (Lmw MAM ZB !, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just nublished. in a Sealed Envelope, a Lecture on the nature, treatment and radical care of Spermat.or- j rho?a,or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nerv- j ousness and Iuvoluntary Emissions, inducing Impo- ; teucy and Mental and. Physical Incapacity, i Bv ROB. J. CI: L VE R WELL, M.'l) , j The important fact that the awful consequences of ; self abuse may be effectually removed without inter- ! nai medicines or the dangerous implications d" eaus : lies, instruments, medicated uouies. ana outer em nirical devise: is here clearlv demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as jidopt.td bv the celebrated a id hor fuil v explained, b v i . means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thou sands. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, by addrcssiuir Dr. CH. J. C. KLI-S'E, M. D.j -iHU First Avenue, New York, Post Box 458(3. April l-diwly j. b. onov. i J'. ci.k:iexts fO: C O TTON F A C T O It S AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. IVo i& and lit i?icliiloh; Wharf, NORFOLK, VA. N. C: References. Flon T Bragg. K Rayner, "Ral eigh ; J T Morehead, Greensboro'-,' E Wilkins, Iq. (iasfon; II K Burgwyn. Esq. Halifax: W K A Wil liams, Hamilton ; D W Bagley, Wiiliamston. Yiiginia Rrfei enccs. Cashiers of the Exchange, Farmers' and Virginia Banks, Norfolk. Particular attention triven to the. sale of Cotton, Grain and Naval Stores. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. april 13. d&wly s. WITH CIPPERLY, HOOVER CO., Importers, Manufacturerers and Jobbers of Strnvr OooiIm, 3Ii11inerv and ISibboii, HATS, CAPS, FL'RS, UMBRELLAS, Parasols, !tc. No. i-2 Courtlandt .street, Henry J. Chpperly, Harmon Hoover, NIIW YORK. Frank McNultv. Feb 7, lS'ftO -u&wGui T AltEIY Ul AMI ( OJDHTTFH.-A lie gro boy, claiming to be the property of MRS. PARXAHA31, ot Jones coumy, was taken up an a runaway on Monday last ar?d confined m jail. Said boy is black, about 5 feet high, rather sum about 14 years old, has a line set of teeth, a small sear above the right eye, smart, speaks quick and says he was forced to leave his home by JOHN, tho pro pei ty of a Mr. Haskins, who he says came with him to Newbern. The owner is requested to come lor ward and redeem the property. ' A. C. 'LATHAM, Sheriff. July 9, d&wtf I I ff AC1SI2S OF JAx'i lor Nai-. Liul The subscriber offers for sale a valuable Tract of Land, lying,on Adams' Creeks, containing nbout six hundred acres and said by judges to be equal to any land in the State. Also, another tract lying on Hancock creek, about twenty miles below Newbern' and three miles from Haveioek Depot, A & N C Railroad, containing 5O0 Acres, and is well timbered with long straw pine, hickory and oak. For further 'particulars address the undersigned at Newbern, N. C. dec S d&wtf JOHN N. IIYMAN. WJOOSt A-, PEROT, -Tf . ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS', Philadelphia. Manufacturers of Iron Railing for Cemeteries and Public or Private Buildings, Verandas, Balconies, Fountains and other Ornamental Iron Work ot a ' decorative character. " A. r MITCHELL L SON. Agents. Newbern, N. 0. Would be pleased to diw designs and price u to all who wish to purchase March 20 d&w6m T7'II'j.A3I 'II AY. V T 4HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, NEWBERN, N. C. Contracts taken for work in town or country, which viil be promptly executed and satisfaction guaran- i ui tied. Paints, Oils and Varnish always on hand and v.-id be sold at reasonabl prices: Sept. 2J d.wly NEW GOODK! Just received by Express a handsome assort ment of Silk?, Grenadines , Berages, Lawns, Ging hams, Brilliants, Robes in all their variety. Kid Gloves, Summer Cloths, Cassimeres, Ve&tinsf. Sec, &c.,&c. - EMMET CUT HBERT. march"28tlT. 1860 d&w , -' FOB SAj2. A tract of land,-situate on the Arorth-western border of the town of Newbem, and near the Railroad, containing about forty, acres, known as 44 Farmville Place." Apply to SITGREAVES ATTMORE. ' July 21,1800 d&wtf DOCTOR JIARTI.M'S CATAMENIAL CORRECTOR ! ! HAS HAD A TEX YEARS TRIAL, ' which should be . sufficient to convince every Suffering- Women of the great value of the CHlameHial t'orrt'rlor!! and that it is without exc-Ttf ion Before the public for hi! diseases a'iing from- lire"- i uiaritfes. Cl onic or Nervous Deb:iit Palpitation I of the Heart,.Vertigo or Dizziness, Pains in the Kid neys. Pains in the small i f the Back, Pnii.s under tehoulders. Lowness of Spirits, Languor and Nervous -ues jrenerally. Difficult Menstruation. Suspended Menstruation, or Cessation of the t nt. most endless variety of other diseases attendant on - ----.oatitauAi lrregjilamies superinduced by cold, bv tiort, oy a weak constitution, severe meii iea"talor phvi-! is to pet at the if ard von ji ovc-r exer- cal labor. The simrde remedy for all j primary cau?s of the disease r'remove i : . -y - . . t . . rr,, - , r situ uiui t i resriiiate. aius can n.- jone ' -. o. mT i x ivt T rr r 1 1 t- i.. . . ! tione hv the : rrtt " - : i O - j ; which has never failed to effect a cure-when proper-1 j ly used, according to the directions and a fajr tiial' It is prepared from the recipe, and under the Trr I sonal supervision of a. most Skillful Phyeicmn, who for a number of years confined its use to his private j practice. For the few years that it has been before j the public it has gained" f..r itself a position that will j soon by its rapid increase of popularity, place it nt the head of all re. nedies heretofore ottered for Wo- j miii s uisease-1. i no more esieci. Itv t!iisr- a'jnve j enumerated whicli to-often end in CONSUMPTION 1-or sa'e by n.o -t respectable Druggists through out the Union .'tad Canadas. PIIICE, $l..rt'J VEIl liOTTLE. N. IV Wlion it happeiia that your Druggi.-t has not t!ie article, the money can be remitted ui:et.t to us, and if two or more bitM-jj are ordered at one time the medicine will b sent free of charge for transpor tation. Particular directions as to use, &c, accompany each bottle. Druggists can be supplied direct from our Labora- j torv, or bv sendin? their orders to . j ! BARNES PARK. New Y.uk, F. C WELLS & i CO.. New York, S. B. 1IANCE. Baltimore Md., 1) ! i OTT'S, Philadelphia, Pa.. J; WRIGHT Jt Co., New i Orleans. La.. JOHN D PAKK. Cincinnati, Ohio, 11. i II. HAYS, Portland, Me. Or to any respectable ! Wholesale Druggist, in New York or 'Philadelphia. j Circulars, with iraue I'nces, &.C., tor the Corrector, j and our other medicines, sent free to Wholesale Buy i ers. No medic ins placed on coik mission. J. D. 1. DE NYSE, General Agent for the United states and Canadas. 4'J Ann St., New York. July 10 wlv !1 THE PERSIAN FEVER rthe prevention and cure of CHARM. F( Fever and Aue and Billions Fevers. This wonderful remedy was broucrht to the knowlcdire of the present nronrietors '; by a friend who has been a reat traveler in Persia ' and the Holy Land. j While going down the river Euphrates, be expe- rienced a severe attack of Fever and Ague. On ! discovering his condition, one of the Boatmen took ' from" his person an A rrtulef, sayings 44 Wear this and i no Fever will touch you.'' Although incredulous as j to its virtues; he complied, and experienced imme- diate relief, and has since always found it an effec ! tual protection from all malarious complaints, j On further investigation he found that the boat 1 man attributed to it miraculous powers, and said j that it could only be obtained from the Priests of tlie I Sun. Sometime afterwards, the geutlemau in con ' versing with a Priest obtained from him the secret of its preparation, and uscertu.ned where the medi ' cimt! heibs were found, of which it was compound ; cd. The wonderful virtues of this article have in duced a lull belief in the minds ot the natives in the miraculous healing powers f their Priests. Since his return to America, :-t has been tried with the happiest effect by several Ladies and Gentle- ! l!1,in n rh character, who have tdven it the most unqualified praiso. This remedy having been a spe- cine in ivrsiu ior nuiiareus ot years, ior tne preven tion ami curetif l ever and Ague nd Billions Fevers is now otlcred to the American people. It will be sent by mail, prepaid, with full directions i for use, on receipt of one d-diar. j Principal Depot and Manufactory, IRS Main St., i Kichmoiid, a Biauch Ofhce, liantc ot Commerce Building, New York. Address j a ly 1 1 - w I y JO H NVI LCOX , V CO. ELLl'S Patent wlD(HV JSI.trVBN. V A ORE A T IMPROVEMENT. SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING IN USE. j Tois Blind when closed shuts perfectly tight, and ) keeps out all w-t, dust, insects, He. v., and entirely ! exclud.es the light, and makes a beautiful appear I nuce on tl-e outside. It has every advantage Over j the other kind and costs the same, j This Blind will recommend itself. Any one can judge of itssupei iorif y overihe old style at flrstsight. I No per.-on that has seen this Blind will ever order .any other kind. I The subscriber will be happy i show a model to j any person wishing tn obfcaia Illinds, and' receive tlieir orders, which will be promptly tilled. List of Prices of Blinds. All size under 2 ft. ft inches wide, .)') cents per foot m height!) : all X? It. I and under It fit) cents per foot ; nil "3 ft. and under :"$ ft.. 6 inehe 70 cents, all 3 ft. (j inches and over O C ,'Ht S. .' A lull supply of the above Patent Blinds, Doors aud Sash kept constantly on hand at John Washington's Factory, Kinston. - Odd sizes made to order at short notice. J.D. BURDiCK, Agent Kinston, N..C. '3r X. B. The Doors are sis panel, and inouldin on both sides. may 2t, wlyv J 0.ATIIAIV M'IA SjE V, CLOCK & WATCH MAKER, Keeps constantly on hand an excellent as sortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelrv, Pla ted Ware,&.e., Sec. Those wishing any of the aiiove articles will lind it to their advantage to ca-U and ex amine his Stock. - . Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired with" neat ness and dispatch on the most reasonable terms. JONATHAN WHALEY. Craven street, Newborn. N. C. Oct o. 18o0-w!2m Oki Maaufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CABS, STRAW Sc MILLINERY GOODS, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, FLOWERS, HI RONS, .fee, &C. o. IS Courtlandt ft. lTp Ntairw, NEW YORK. D. D.ORKELL, Formerivof Favctf cv'slh. N.C. B. F. GRADY, Late of UTimington, N. C. may l."-w3:n JI. C. W!IITFOK, GENERA L COMMISs ION MERCHANT East Front Stkekt. Nkwekkn, N. C, Agent for SMITH'S LINE New York Packets. Goods received and forwarded. Feb 7, ISh'O. wtlin ISFiVAIil. Ranawav from the sub- w'J scriber about-ten months 'since h negro j woman named Levinia, she is about thirty years f old and about 4 feet 5 inches in highth : black. I ; understand that the sf i 1 negro is lurking about ' Streeta Ferry.'' The above reward will be paid mi her delivery to me or confined in jail so t hat I can get her. , ADOLPII COHN. Newbern. July 9 wlm 7hitc Lrat, Lime, Paint ii Oil nnd Varnish. Linseed O'd Raw and Boiled, Paris Chrome, Saxon andlmpeiial Green," Verdigris, Umber.-Terra' de Sienna anl Vandvke Brown in Oik Dis temper and Dry.Frcach Liquid Dryer, Coach, C'opul, j Japan and Damask Varnish , Arti.-ts' Colors in Cclop i sible Tube, Brushes in great-variety, Mineral Paint 1 SzCrScc, lor sale by . nov22w JAS. W. OAR.MER. TM. z: S. COFFI.V, i6nimtf Parmancstly located in the town of Ne tif f nn - xniirh hioui OLrteLi ottDosite rue liasioa , Hon "... . Dec 20 wff D EfOBEST, AU.TKTROIVO & CO DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, SO & S3 Chamber! Street KewTork, Would notifv the trade that they are opening weekly, m new and beautiful patterns, the W A M S U T T A PR INT S , -. ' . also the : - : AMOSKEAG, ' A new Print, which excels every Print in the country for perfection of execution and design in full madder colors. Our Prints are cheaper than'any in market! and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly attended to. Jan 13 wly c& i I SCHOOLS. ATLANTIC FRJIALR MCUoOL, MOREHEAU CTTif. N. C. I ICer. L. Rraon, A. ZTJ.. j 4Ias Vrecn employed to open this School on Wedre9- day, the Slh of August, lid will be aided bv com petent teachers in each department. . i Er.Uh Tuition per Session .$10 ' - Latia, Greek. French p.nd Pnintiiic. euch Drawing, Embroidery and Wax work, each. o Music on Piano Board (ineludirg furnished rooms, washing at tendance, and fuel, ) per tesaior. $1-0 Contingent Fee i Expenses due one half at the luuidie. and ose linn at me w?c ui eat-ii session tare and corn- j"rtal',e Duuoirg has been secured, tror.tincr the . . . . r Mumi amnue wean. iaisw:!l be used until the nevr frIck Schnol Building car. lie completed i y,un-tdie: a,'1 the same building wi 1 Principal ur.d his Familv Tli with thd II. CUNNINCGIM, Jr.. Steward. 'Julv 13 wtf LEIVOIR MALE A."VI rii.lAl.i: 11?1M 'Formerlv Ler.oir Coiteuiate Institute V LEN O I li COUNTY , N . C. Pi Sccinrd. MRS. S. L. SMITH. Prin. Fern. D'nt. : with necessary assistants. j After re-orgar.i7atiou of the nhove Instilulior, th' i fust session will commence on Tuesdav, the 21th of ; July next,- Mid continae 1 weeks. Students wid hi t . - ' chHrpeI1 fl"om entl!in to tne ecu T l'i out deduction except in cases of orotracted sickness. x union m rue iMuriish branches ironi . to 16; Latin, Greek aid French. $.3 each. M usie on t ho Piano, with vse of insti umrnt , ?17 ; Grecian painting 10; .Wax Flowers, Wax Fruit, mid painting in wider colors, $5 each, ard all ether extras propoi t iohhIIv low. Children .f Ministers, el all denomiiiut io: , who are in tha regular work vv be churned halt tho expenses of the Tuition. Be n d can be had in th.j village and vicinitv at fiom iS to 9 ner mouth, in ciuaiug wusnmg. Mioient-' conim stop at Mosely Hull, 6 miles from the t.v Railroad chools, whero private conveyance can be had five ot notifying any of thp ur.der.-iriied in tune charge by w'u'mi thev win arrive, tor luriuer particulars r vase add res ) either oi us. F. A. BKOTHEKS CI I AS. F. S.Mi i II. M. D JAMES M PATRICK. Lenoir Institute, N. C, June 22 wSw 1IAIVO A!VI .tl I:fJOIK.'.-Prions con teniplating purclrasing a PIANO or MELO DEON, would secure themselves from imposition bv making such a purchns through me. as ( will i ot act as Agent for tho sale of any except the best m struments. I assure all such, that the instrument will notco.-t them any more when bought through me thii when bought from the n anufacturer. It" I any should think fo tlie contrary. I wnl cluugt- them ; nolhmgior advice, respecting the puicJiac of a Pi i ano or Melodcon. Second-hand Pianos taken in exchange. I have now on hand two Pianos which i am unthoiizcd t sell cheap. Also, a very line tuned tlve octave inu Ioleor. Pianos tuned and repaired. L. P. WII1TAK Elv, Tea.du-r of MvhIo iU Wayne Female College, Gold&boro'. march (j dlw-wtf. pOTfO. atXfi We invite l! ntterdion of .J Planters to our Agency for Oeo. Eidd's celebra ted Cotton Gins. Those in want of a hist Class Gin will do well to give us tin order early that we may furnish them in time for the present crop. We would refer those unacquainted with this make of Oin to B. Wethersby, Esq., of Craven and Edward Patrick, Esq. of Green: county, who hae theni in use. A. MITCHELL vV SON. June 15 wtf j I have recently added to my Cotton Gins C. Me ! Linden's Improveim-nt on Cottoa Oin Boxes, by I which a Gin will pick ubout one third more cotton m j a day. und improves the quality of the cotton from $e. to Jc. per pound over any gin not using this im j provement. It picks the seed cleaner and prevents I any cotton from clogging on the saws. This improve -j ment consists in plunging the heads of t he (.Vlfon I Box six inches from where the snws pnss through. t!;c. ribs, in a dire-t line outward, detleciing from this line in an angle of about fifteen degrees, enuring, tho cotton as it passes upward to contract and expand going downward, thus shifting the cotton so as to present a different surface to he saws each time. Messrs. A Mitchell & Son, Newbern, are my agents for the sale of Cotton Gins, who will till firry order promptly. juiy 24 wtf GEORGE IIDD L tii roit saij:.-NOTICE. The subscriber oners' for sale a Tract of Land of 70 h Ac rex, lying on Trent River, uine miles from Newbern. All of this land is well adapted to the culture of cotton. About l.jil acres of it are cleared and ready for cultivation, and the residue is i covered with a growth indicative of great, fertility. ! There are on the premises in rood repair a two story f dwellmg and ont-honsepi, und ft 11 otltor n;lding-s I needed on a farm. Marlis found in great abundance I on the land, the water is good, and the neighborhood industrious, moral and intel'ient. i Terms, made easy to nurch users. All .''ppl'icnt ioi-- must be addi essed to the hiibsciiber at Newbem, J North Carolina. JOHN D. MAY. julv21wtf ! Jt.t'arboro' Southerner copy one month end hchd I bill to the Progress. so An SOAP ! SO A I' OEt-U.ISKF.S IVo. 1 sod Extin .Vo. 1 Hoap, niatiutact nred liv W. B. WALKER. NEWBERN, N. C. At the Maryland State Fair, held i Baltimore in 185 1, a silver "medal waft awarded to this soap. Also a silver medal from tlie Franklin Institute at Philadelphia, 185-1. Also First premium at the Rhode Island State Fair, 185b Sold fo merchants in town nfid throughont tie State at wholesale, only, at New York wholesale pii- j ces. i Cash pi id for Tallow and Grease. I All orders for the above Soap must L j ed to Dr. W. V,r. Oimsbe?, New bern, N. C. Jan 21 wit ITI a r b I e V a rl . NEWIJEKX, X. C. Marble Monuments The subscriber is receiving a large slock of Awricmi ft ml Fort -inn Ma rite, and is at all times prepared to fill oi ders for MunutiienLs, ft; abs a I'd Tom b Slow.s, of every de scription, at less than NoraiiKitM prices. Our woik will b". delivered in nil parts of North Carolina and Virginia Free of " c iharrrc. Our workmanship ha been gcncraliv irdroducc-d in some thirty counties ia North Carolina, and speaks for itself. Orders by mail will meet with prompt rdter.t ion and be faithfully execute Address, J. C. WIE2, New bern, N. C. Jesse Kemp, Esq. t Ageit at Goidsboro'. Sept 16 wly T 1 K. A3IYETT-WOULD RESPECTFULLY' J call the attention of tL-- citizens of Newbern. tnd the public generally, to bis large and complete a&d' tment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, t riirh hf Tins tiv -on hnn.l nnrl wjII fiintinii'iltv" rr- ii.u: - u v.A it. J C'"" rr"t! " - would rcii-ict- FAMILIES, o his stock of Grocciifc", such as Pork. Bacon, Lard, Bvlter, Flour, Meal Ricr, Saipf. "Candles, Starch. Coffee, Teas, Crackers and Cakrs, Molasses and Syrups, and in fact verythiug usually kept at a Grocerj. He alsokeeD a szood fciock ot Domestic Drv Goo.? Ipuch asMarlboio" Plaids, Brownhirtings and Sheel- . j ings, Osr.abuigs. Prints, Hosiery, Gmghan.s. Hiits, Shes, Hardware and v tnlery, allot which Iih wi sell on the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing to -pnrchase will do wclPto give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. - ' South Front St., 5 doers below the Gaston Houstr. may 23 wly i t ; & p.: ' i '. Ml m ljyjf27t I I I

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