TV EKLY 'PROGRESS THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1801. WATCH FOE1 THE CROSS TCARI And as soon as it makes its appearance send $-2 by mail to renew if you wish to continue the paper All papers discontinued when the time paid for ex pires. Ecmewlier the Weekly Progress U now the only paper published in Newbern and ubo remember . that it gives more news and a belter variety than any in the State. FOR NINE DOLLARS Six copies wiii be sent one year to one office. Let subscribers make up clubs of bx omoro and there by save fifty cents to each. Tosin-le ( the paper is in all cases, to be paid in advance, and tbe paper cropped when the time expires if not promptly renewed. So watch for tbe cross mark AND SEND TWO DOLLARS P,Y MAIL. OurStHfo Cosivi'titioii Is it torn- posed of 3Icn or of Boys? Many plain people in this section think that our State Convention should not have been in session more than two weeks ; that after the , ., r T f Unwcs nn Gin, i nassace of the Ordinance ot beechSion, uie r, f , ,. t ,...,:,,: nn 7 adontion of the permanent Constitution and aumuun yi i iUoViHrv defence rrivinf proper attention to the Miluarv ueiences - V . t in r D bn- ' of the State it should have adjourned. It haa , , . . ,.i n nmnth -,r-,l i been in session however nearly a montn ar.ei . beyond what was accomplished during the j first few days of the session nothing has been done by which the State has been benefitted j an1 .ftt tey Want 80 single ones as soon as as the public is aware of. Are those who com- j tJ fV f:riri et t.em? ar!( t!at they hope to re pose the Convention, then, men full grown j CL.-.Te t-ncm frQri Xewbern. We sue requested men who realize the condition of things and j aiso io s.dy to f iti.-et;s v.ho are disposed to as appreciate the. dangers which threaten us or J ,t -n gating these matrasses that W. II. 01 are they boys who are willing to tritlc with j jver j..p will reach e them and have them the greatest interest ever confided to adclibcr- i dipped as soon as made. ative body in North Carolina. j . . . For nearly two weeks tbe Convention dis- j Tns Ladies Fokeve::. A number of the la cussed the subject of Coast defences, and j dies have already volunteered their Services finally on the 7th instant, brought forth the to assist in K silting the uniforms for the Corn following: iany t'iat '"e aro assisting in raising and AN ORDINANCE. whose barracks are next to our cilice. We To procide tr the def-uce of the Seaboard j t,.-nk tpjC jaj:cs -m t'llc n:UliC cf oUr companions , 9''''" ''' r''lt- r c.t . land assure them that the company v ill be Jit. it Ordained. 1 hat the Governor of t lie State j t -e le instructed to raise by voluntary enlistment i filled and the materials for toe uunonns given for twelve months, from the county of Brunswick 0utin a few davs. Were the men of the South and the counties lyinff on and cast of the Wii- , . , . - .- .. , rniogton ar.d Weidon, and .he Seaboard and i only ah us and patnoticas tile women Eoanoke Railronds. one regiment of Cavalry. the Yankees would bev.h.ppjd in less than two regimei.ts of IilfiVs and four reginents ui " z- weeks. Infantrv for the defence of the Seaboard counties j ' of the State: Tint said regiments snail te or pmized willj as little delay as possible; tliat ihey fchall bo officered, armed and cquippt-d. and tlmU receive the same pay as is provided in the act of the General Assenibly passed at its late session, rutitlfd "an act to provide for the pnbiiu de fence," and said regiments shall be considered a -e J .Jl;, .1.. ,..-.. IrHll VI. 211JU 'Ml iiuuiijt.u l.i' l li u UJ li ll IfCI forces, which the Governor is authorized to raise ! tiy acts cf the General Assembly : I'roiihd, the j Governor be permitted to retain the volunteer j row stationed at the various points on the coast, j or ordered there, as a porliou of the proposed f regiments triments We do not propose to discuss this Ordinance, whether it was required for the defense of our coast or not; we know however that the peo ple generally in this section were pleased at its passage and many companies have been started under its provisions. But here comes tne wisdom ot the Convention. Alter con turning ng two weeks in the passaa-e of theOrdin-i . . I raising seven regiments lor Coast uelence a ice they turn right round and consume another t week in rcvcuifiuj it. Now the Convention j "aj v'v' b'"-o Wi v ing it, we don't know which ; but we co know j that the plain neophi throughout the State has either erred in passing the bill or in repea- j who l?ave been t::ught to bclewe that all party lines were obliterated wiil h Id that venerable body responsible for the wast 3 rf iu:,e ar. l consumption of the State's tiuance in deh.j. nothiing. As to the matter cf our Cc-ast diiVi-.ces we prefer to say nothing. One thing ho veer i certain, either we do not know how very ,v cure we are, or the Governor and (he Conven tion have boon deluded as to the work whleli has been done. Yc do not care to point out what we consider the r ?. points on our coast, b;it that there arc weak points all khow here . . . , 1 ., i . 1 1, . 1 1.1.1.. -. . , . .1 . . ... .. I llcncc wc were 8stonihed at the concluding! : paragrapti ot the lonowtng letter lrom Govern- or LUis to tiie Convention : HaleigJi J'rsixtvr saj-s : A rumor having hooti circulated in this city on Mon !.'.v to the eth et i that a large body IJetuiblican tioons iiad invaded tlu'.-s State at a point below Yiht.iu;iio?i. Mr. Kitroll in tho Convention, moved a resoiu- ! tiou of inquiry, soliciting information IVota t'.e tlovernor as to th.e truth of tile report Cov. lo 1 1 i s promptly- responded to the re.sol ution in tin; iollowing commnnieation, from which we mo gratified to learn that, our coast is in such a state of defence as to defy the whole power of the LT. S. Navy : To the Honorable, the President . n r - , s-i rpvT( ppv "7,,1!"M"!' 'y t-?rr7.""1 ; ; liENTf.EMEV. 111 III Ifllleo ll i Mm nn nexed resolution of your Honorable Body I have to state that the rn.nor referred in u li.iiiv- wiri.J ! out foundation in truth. j I furthermore beg leave to assure the Conven- ! tion, that I am in a situation to obtain reliable in- i telligeuce from every part of the State, as goon as : anyone else can obtain it, and will mit delay to j advise them ot the approach of danger. batteries are properly served, a fact of which I could entertain no doubt, the power of tho IT. IS. Navy is not . sufficient to effect an entrance iuto any one cf the Harbors of the State. Respectfully submitted, JOHN W. ELLIS. EXECl'TIVF. Dr-PARTIEXT, ) Raleigh, June JO, Icol. J - t"o.".. t., or, to. it 11 oui t Now we cannot doubt but Governor Ellis is ' honest in these expressions, but that he is i v., i ,. i i r .i t laboring umler a dciusion is perfectly annaront ! . 1 " ' j to every intelligent man near tho sea coast. As to the Convention we most sincerely j think that the best thing it can do is to I ,i;nnl.n f,,r tiw. Qi.,in ; ;,, i-,- i aujourn, loi tne Mate is in no condition now . . . . , ,. to keep thc body there to do nothing. We see j some one says tie Convention is working for j posterity. This we suppose must be so, for it is evident ifc is not working for the resent gen eration. Let it adi ourn, there is no time now to spend thirty days in discussing ad valotm. Smiles Vs. Tears. Wc would impress upon our fair townswo lr.en who have labored so hard for the soldiers since the war broke out and whose labors and prayers will ever be appreciated and remem bered by the virtuous and good that the soldier, when the cars move off and betakes a last gaze at their angelic faces, would see them wreathed in smiles and not saddened by tears. Smile upon him as ho goes forth to duty and he carries a light heart, but if you mourn, es pecially if the loved ones left behind are seen to weep, the brave man becomes saddened and womanish and loses much of that buoyancy which otherwise would bear him up. Let us beseech our fair friends then to give the sol diers their smiles when they leave, reserving their tears, which then may be tears of joy, until their return. We know that tears are Secred and we would not come between them and the object for which they are shed, but we suppose that we are very much like other men and we know that nothing makes us so thoroughly a coicard&s woman's tears. "Would rather fight a regiment any time than see a woman cry on our account ' No news from Raleigh last night. Don't know what thc Convention is doing, YOLUSTliEllS WANTED ; To serve the State for twelve months, who will be clothed, fed and paid by the State. About 50 men have enrolled their names and are now, or will be in a day or two, in barracks, cn Craven street 2nd door from the Progress Office. This company will be filled in a few days and will be the first now raising to go into service. The bounty money will be paid each member of the company as soon as it is accepted by the State. - A list may bo seen at the Progress Office. Call and en roll. The' company will be uniformed and drilled immediately. For . particulars apply to the Editor of the Progress or to II. It. Iiryan, Esq. Parting Blessing. In response to a very pressing invitation, we were present at an im promptu collation served by the ladies of New born to the E. C. Rifles and Jones County Ri fles yesterday afternoon, near the encampment of the former, and were not a little aston ished, as well as much pleased. The tables were sufficiently long to furnish ample room r - - I i f.n 'Or Hie IV.O coiiil.'Uiiic.-, numw'-o 1 ' men, and were groaning under as rich, abun- dant and superb a dinner as it has been our pleasure to see n many a day. Ihese com iia - names leave this morning. . Want Matkasses. We learn that the j ceri.,rt.r,arti nuss left here without matrasses j Missed a DiNSSn. We acknowledge an in- j viiation from the Capt. of the Elm City Rirle men to dine with them at their camp yester day, and regretted our inability to bo present. The boys leave this morning. Turn out la- , Ai rri 'CB " A "The 'Moutmr.ery Confederation. lenrns that the commissions whicn have been given to in tl,e Conted-rate Ann', umier tiie a-je ot twenty onejive to be revoked by the President." President Davis is a man of common sense. He know? that the armit-s of the South ;ire not to be made up of hirelinjr minions or st-rfs, but of freemen full grown men, who would not be willingly led by loys. W e observe that several bo3's h"te commissions over our State troops The idea as well ts the fact, wiil he damaging. They may be very clever boys, but being boy? our aouthern men. J hero are a number oi , brave, Intelligent b.ys in the State w!;o pant t.-r ; lho lialtle.g(.1(J ; iftiu.y iiliVe Wat tied a little i of military tactic, they they must have an orllea and w!:;r a su, It an ine.-rreet uio.t. j .en: asf:,ij niastois in the camps of instruction : ;ei:;, asmiii niastois u: tue camps o? instruction ; but if they mar go to tha w.-.r, let them .-djoulder ; ltif,r !ts. a0-3 theaisc.ves to men. ; AH oi '.vr.'.-vh wo most ucvouity neueve. ; The appointriKiit cf boys in this S ate will not r.uect the cf.icsency cf the ::erv:.M but 1 pointment m tins itnmeuiuie .see-iio.i ; 1 wor-iC oi rtc:u;'.if'.r. , r- . 1 .nu.ri t- it. 'ieii aecustomcd t-. control (.JO ike to be contrr.lled bv them hi the .is we . i. we t!.i::.i 1 aai 111 many instances tne resnonsiointv o! rtmomiing ; v. is v, ith those v,ho rcermimead tiiom and not j the appointing power, as the Governor and ! military board, cannot be expected 10 ki.o'.v, , pcrsnually. ail who apply for commissions. j li the practie-e of haum? h .s upiointea 1.3 to 1 . .. , . , L r,.n,..o ,,. I i)Q COIlllllUCit ie iJ"OU tiiuv 111 luuii t .11' 1 -.0 will be also annoiutea to attend the cuuetren C-Ul!'). rUi5iSiCtI. t'CJJiat5Ir5-i. h l-i, rv. J une t that Ctn. Beaut cgarU uecrires ins iiileiitlOti U) cone at Mi nt rate a force of 70,' -bo Southern troops as o urtetion. i-lx-t Governor Wise is fo fake command of the Confederate troops in Northwestern Vir ginia. Ton thousand secession troops, if is said, will ; 'je iii e'.,iu.ii"i in j'i lijui-j. j. o.i t e il y is oi i j 1... ".1 ti,..,- :.. .. I great state of fermentation, liie people seemed prepared for a vigorous rising against the Fed- ' i . -1 era! (lovernment. Arms have been stored in private houses, and other preparations made to cany out this movement, but the Government j authorities are determined to bombard the cit,V j on the first uprising. Marshal Bonifant says that there arc 4,000 Secessionists in lialiimore now ; ! that thev have alartre amount of concealed arms; i and that thev are. awaiting an omiovtunity to j mI- I.j ,!,-,, 9!Oi t in I .vM:imr..'t The Southeruersclaim to have 15,000 troops j at Harper's Ferry but the Unionitits say the)' j have only 0,000. The Federal troops have reached Edward's Ferry, a point halfway to Harper's Ferry. The Government is in possession of letters ; 1 .1 IK..! I-... ort t.,-.T Ir'.lAr. 1- ll,.. i iiiti:etiii iiiul iiti t tiiii.iii Liciuui-i ai. tiie North, and endeavors to keep thc people of the United Suites ignorant of the movements of the Government of the Confederate States. It is - i 1 i ,i i merely rumored here that the Confederate Government is located in Richmond. Col. Robert Anderson has declined to take command oi ;the Military Department of Ken- tueky, and it has, therefore, been attached to r n t n . . i -r 1 Gtn. McClelland s Department; and Buckner, of thc state Guards, and Rosseau, of the Home Guards, have been to Cincinnati for a confer- ence with Gen. McClelland. The Fairfax Courthouse skirmish is deplored hero, because it has caused Southern move ments which embarrass the Federalists. At three o'clock this morning a large force marched through Georgetown towards the Point of Rock:'. The Southerners are in possession of infor mation regarding the contemplated movements of the Federal troops. The Government has advices from Manas sas that the cannois there are placed hi a cir cle, with the rauroad station m the centve. The Southerners talk of flanking the Federal lines and capturing this city with out going by way of Baltimore. Scott's horse was sent to Baltimore to-day, and it is believed that the General himself will Lave here for Frederick City to night, to take command of the troops at that point. The batteries of thc Confederate forces at Acquia Creek are now supported by about 4,000 men. 'jflae Wise Legion. The State Journal says :s Hen. Henry A. Wise has resolved to receive part of his Legion from North Carolina and to divide with our State the fame which awaits its achievements, and bencd he has coinmmissioned Col. W.J Green to recruit a regiment forthwith. To the ambitious of destinctioii this is a rare op portunity, for the Wise Legion will. occupy a prominent place in the history of this war. We think Gen. Wis has been fortunate in his selec tion of Colonel for his North Carolina continsrent. Col. Green will prove to be an excellent officer. DEFEAT OF HENRY WINTER DAVIS. Baltimore, Juno 11. Henry Winter Davis, tbe Union. Submission, Black Republican candi date for Congress, ia defeated. . . 1 i LATEST NEWS. Harper's Ferry Said to bo JGvacu atcd. We give the following which we find in the Richmond Dispatch of yesterday for what it is worth : , Washington, (via Augusta,) June 15. Gov ernment has received information cf the evac uation of Harper's Ferry. Freekick, Md, June 15. The bridge at Harper's Ferry was burnt this morning, it is reported that all troops are withdrawn from the Maryland shore. Eight car-loads of provis ions were destroyed, to prevent their falling into Federal hands. The bridges of Shepherds town were all burnt. The following was telegraphed to the Peters burg Express. All to be received cautiously : EVACUATION OF HARPER'S FERRY! Richmond, June 16. Passengers from Washington to-day report the evacuation of Harper's Ferry. A reliable party left the lat ter place Thursday night and saw the bridge burning. He knows that the Maryland Heights have been abandoned. Professional military men here approve of the evacuation. No battle is reported only that the Confed erate troops have evacuated the position. May be so but we doubt it. MARYLAND ELECTION. Bat.tikore, (via Augusta) Jnne Leary, Unionist, is elected in the lid Congressional District by inajoritj-. For the Prorrtii TRACTS FOR THE SOLDIERS. I have spent most of the time for sever.;! week? among the soldiers, to whom I gave 200,000 pages of tracts, and had conversations on personal religion with ovVr 2,300 in their camps and Hospitals. I find many of them pious, daily reading the bible and praying to God. But, b' far, the largest portion are irre ligious. Li three companies of about 300 men, only seven were professors of religion, and there were but few Ribles and Testa ments among them. Several benevolent friends have given me from $"2a to 50 cents each, to supply the soldiers with P.ibles and Testaments but I have almost exhausted my supply, be sides what I could get from other accessible sources. From a full supply of suitable religious books I am striving to put a message of gos pel truth in the hands of every man. In "camp life they have many hours for reading. The darters to which they are ever ex pi s?-d, in cline them to solemn relied hm. A lady re quested me to civefor hor all f had of the excel lent tract, " CCme to Jerfue," $ ! 0,7 IS worth. A copy of which I gave to a soldier one Sun day morning, on which I marked the -01 St Psalm. The Snnday folowing, he wished mo tositwirh him in his tent. He slated that the tract caused him to get Ids Riblu to read the Psalm. On opening to it he was surprised to find a piece of pinned to t'nis Psalm, upon which was written in beautiful hand by his sister Emma those lines : When ftom home receeding, And from hearts that ache t bleeding, Think of those behind who love th.-e ; Think bow lonjj the nic-'nt will bo To the eyes that weep for thee." " GoJ bless thee and keep thee." The melting tenderness before God in that tent cannot bv expressed. Some of his mates were religious and ready to encouragj htm in seeking salvation. All are anxious to get tracts, r.s they are cViofiy oi;r inttnj.nt voun x,lc1i the hope : cl;.;rch amJ Co7,!;tr" and no W.rts u'snnplv them with ' - . . what is mti-reslir-j:, nisti uciivj aiui savunr, .hat they be not forever ruined by the peril- o tem'.taiioa-, and dangers Ihtvutning them very moment. . , . . , 1 i;i;i 1 .j 1 in 1 .11:1.-., .iii'i ino vv s v i.-i 1 ' ' ' . Coloorteur's salaries hi Noi'th Carolii a. besides large grunts of books and tracts, ab lUt .$1 1,0 ; ) more- than we have given the Society I'voui thjo State. Although v.e arc cut off from this Society and the North, yet the Tract cause can and must go on, ami I am appropriating all funds I can eet to reprint bur the. Tracts h .-re lor thc 0 pages ready very soon ; ami every dollar given v ill enable liw to re-print 10o0 pages. Kcv. F. Fitz-Gerald Chaplain of the second Regiment, was the first to secure five dollars worth or 7,500 pages. Rev. J. N. Andrews, Chaplain of the second Regiment, has just or dered a supply. There are several Colporteurs in great want of Tracts. Il is proposed that I have the Tract "Come to Jesus" and the cheap Testament re-printed, which I can da as soon as the funds are given me. Several thousand copies of each can be printed here for 1,000, about as cheap as at the North. Neither of these are printed in the South, and we must have them for our soldiers. I propose to re-print the New Testament, un der tbe sanction of the N. C. Bible Society. Let Jricnds respond immediately, and this work shall be done. A hidy writes, "En closed you will find a check for $1G0. We were very glad to hear that some way is found out to re-print tbe Tracts for the poor soldiers. We are willing to do what we can for their never-dying souls." May God speedily raise up many such friends to aid in supplying the soldiers with the gospel to read, by which their chaplains will be helped in getting them to secure the peace of God in their souls, as well as the peace of their country, so that if they live they may be God's children, and if thev die that thev may be God's saints: 'Yours truly, " W. J. W. CROWDER, 2'ract Agent for A7! C. Raleigh, June. 1S61. AN ACT to provide for the time when volun tec ? shall receive pay for their sariccs. Be it enactel, &c, That in all cases in which any company of volunteers may have been, or may hereafter be, enlisted and organized under the proclamation of his Excellency the Gover nor, and shall have been tendered to the Gov ernor, the said volunteers shall receive, from and alter they have been so tendered and ac cepted by the Governor, the same pav and ra- nous, uoiu uie ouicers ana privates, as are re ceived by volunteers, after they have been mus tered and received into the service of the State, and that thereafter the expensesincured by them in organizing, and in their transportation pre vious to their being mustered into service, shall be refunded, whether the same shall be incurred by the commanding officer of the com pany, counties, corporations or individuals: Provided, hoirever. That proof shall be made to the satifaction of the Governor, of the amount they expended, and that the same was neces sary and proper for the volunteers afore said. Sec. 2. . That the Governor shall have pow er to draw upon the Treasury for the sum necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. A spy yas captured at Manassas Gap a few days ago with plans of the works at Harper's Ferry concealed in the lining of his coat, and making bis way to Washington, to lay them before Lincoln and Scott. As -a matter of course he swung between Heaven and Earth, and his carcass being rather heavy, his neck bone was suddenly dislocated and his spirit wentin search of that of old John Brown, which dwells, in a region that will shortly be inhabi ted by whole regiments of Lincolnites. JT. C. Timia,- - ' brief and pointed, and easy to earrv to read. military corps wnie:; act ar, uie ;.i 'i:e r .- , Being separated horn wives, mothers. .sisU-rs eeutivehavc thus become the fountain ot i and other loved ones, thev long for, and hcavti- ! tice. the supreme law-giver ana arbiter ef toe ; !v respond to expressions of sympathy, .allec- ! destinies of the Jrtcmeu of the ortm-rn ;;ues. j t:.m umi r- in; i:in iii'Iinni--i 1 IiritJ i neni to J. i". J . utic v-v.-, closet! up so the tract bocietv cii.iuh seint 1 " ' ' . " . -, , p.. ,.,.,.,'-.,,. ' i --i .' 8-p,;.,':-F?::r?iip'! rf-r;Lli fiPi; WM A. P. A'! CHKLO" S HAiSi DYH prodwee- tliem to me. for which the oiticers express ! f'1 V ? " ' ' ? "'TvT i T WC. ' V 2 ' ' -ke ,-.. to be. di-ti,., m.I.ed fro,, e-e, and i., deen re,m:t. and nromise to send when thc ; the dictatorial spirit ot Granu W aie .. J r tto! Z .-.r,, no, .1, bjar iu 1,. !,,.v:v,, w t c v 1 i- .- 11 I l.ut so certan iy as tusivu v is nnuosopuv icacn- fear.-' ?D4i.'4--'.'i ; 1 (M 'M ift 53: n nn.v ba eonlmiu-iJ, an.s tiie. 1.1 ebeeis .r n-.u uje 1- 1 way is open, such publications as may bode- ''... .m r'u n,.,-'),;,;,,., l. : Nti-M f f Al kl'f I .4m.d. The hrdr is invmotv.J f,.r liw by tbi. r'". rai", 7 it!?,.,1 i;,L'it;,;bi,;;,!ds,,,.rn!::i,v1,-l: . SasWseifl : rx -" " S-,B 11 a ; -""-" -"' ' 1 otc:... ,.w .... 11...t1 ,-.v,-i,i,5..l tbvo.ds5iHc. i .,m'rr -yK-rffrlSr-ic: ' ,, . . , . ,r;- .. T- :. ..1 . r -.,,;. c-t-t-t,. : - -,.;, - e t? We have already heard the muttering yi tue arei :ease-9sS-?:it- ! Scu'es bv Dniis-uai r .n.eJ b- Ik.i-....-.. ! m. -:- from tins Societ3 it bus paid tt cth to j 4 J 0 i Ife.&iSSV.-i, ----v-rr 1 T;,n i, ,,... : .,,. Wiih.-m. A. P-atelie- I s.ddicfs, at our lus-hutR-a for the Deaf and I , '"'-y powor is a reaay v.,., ! Dumb and tho Blind. I lav; cointnmd tli(?ir independenco, and what tli-y now ivgar , I ttnd shall conftnuo iitis work under the approv- fry necessity they will soon oo:t uyn ; ! al timl Counsel of all the Pastors of this, K'-t,ma lnt 11 t;"? t tz 1 j -, r , - ., r,. , 1 , ) peop e nor the letter ni ConstnuTicn could not c-ach 01 wnom nave read thc tracts selected, t'-M'- , i , r, , , r 1, , ., m esorvc the united states from sucn a tale ve 1 and r:ve tne first donations. I will have '.'b -' P'e.s-iie --e e ""- - . r , 1 u.,.I.nnf..,r. in Mt.llP llnr' ' .P ! ""The followingTeditorUl, from the Montgom ery Confederation, expresses our - views so thoroughly and is so much better written than we feel capable of doing uppon that subject, that we adopt it and invite a careful perusal of its contents.' If the masses of Northern people could read it and realize its truth, as. they will be forced to do finally, Lincoln wpuld be . beheaded in less than a fortnight MILITARY DESPOTISM. It has never before lk;en the fortune cf the American people to witness the stops by which misconstruction of Constitution leads gradually to a military despotism. The United States has within a few months past lost its republ. canism, and glided swiftly into an absolutism as crushing as that of the Czar Alexander and inflexible as that of Napoleon. It matters not that the chief is a man of insignificant intellect, so long as his coadjutors are willing and pow erful instruments to further his plans. It mat ters not that Lincoln is weak and Scott a dotard, so Ions; as Seward arid Cameron, the Biairs. Banks, Butler and the hosts of political and j military aspirants are united in purpose to fvist J themselves intoposition over the prostrate form of liberty. Grant that ihev believe their Gov- taininir the Government, r.ot the Cor.slitutifi; that tho ConstituUon does not contain withia itself the remedy for its protection, but iti ix- j tstence mnit be niaintani-d bv miHtarrusun-.a- j t;. , L-n i. i, Af .. . force the laws among a people who profe'-s i tut-ir only object to oe ti:e e:;J"orce:i!ont ot t'ne laws, results in s cousplele disregard of uli law. - The nWbati Corp-Jt has ever been locked upon by the Angle-Saxon race as tho stablest bulwark cf civil kb'.i ty. We may then lo A: upon any effort to destroy its eliieacy as a blow at civil liberty itself. In the recent ca-.e which has attracted popular atteniior, Merri man was arrested by command of Cadwalhi dtr without civil process. lie applied t Chief Jusfice Taney f,ra writ of hc-.-lcus cor pvs: The writ was issued and sarvod, but re sponded to by a letter from CadwalN lji-, sla ting that the arrest had be. on mado by order of the President of lho United States. The gross ness of this outrage upon the judicial p' ueess is made manifest when it is remembered that Congress only lias the pe.ver to suspend tno hibms corpus. It is of no' interest to us o! the Confederate States, except as matter of Lis'.., ry, whether or nut the judiciary of 'Juj Unite- Sta'es be made Hubs.-rvierit to tho exeeutive. It is a matter of small moment t.i u:: w i,,.;h 'r the three oo-rd:t:tc and equal brat.ohes of tie. j Oovorntnent of tho old wrectc be d.surraT.gvd i and one branch crush out the povve.'S of the others; but stiil v. e may learn a vniu-tM.-; les son livm a due ybssrvanaa cf such cncroueh meats. ..... The sanctity of this great remedial writ has never before been violated in America. Al though the power to suspend its operation in times of danger has been granted to Congress, been exercised in the history of the country. At the time of Burr's conspiracy .i bill to that, effect was introduced into the Senate by Wra, f. Giles of Virgihia ;but was defeated in the House by an unanimous vote, so unwilling were tbe Representatives of the people1 to ob struct th? great safeguard of civil hberty, even in a case which might have justified such ac tion. But in the dying throes cf the C";:ited States no jucli sotnpunction stir the breasts .t the officers of Justine. The executive wres: s the nower from the hands of the Legislature, and m- lercents the mandates of the judieu.ry ! . ,! -! ' Quatorze, and acting upon t tie gran u suea wn.ea , i had taken possc-asiuu of him, the autocrat com- : ' bincd within his own person the legislator, !..!.. -.1 II.. ...... t.....,i,;n..,.i.rllil,. i : j'tugc ami iuuuuh.u. ic iv.ta;l,:i.f..Hm.v i be lived, but even t3elore.lus gk.ry was sUont i "i the grave th- storm had set 1:1 wlnon swept i Franco into the mad passions and anarcny ol J ! 'involution. ''My revenues,'' savs Abraham j . . , , - , , ,t 1 .!;. ..r..l -lerin nrniii flu. te: v lcf tbe n 1 .,.', ,..,,.;.... I.T.i : .. . hiivc i t-pnrtv been flaunted upon Northern banners, and fund every breze has brought to us tho pesti erous breath of licentious mobs. If we mis- take not. the signs 01 the limes a worse late awaits the Abolition hordes than death by our armies. fund every brweze has brought to us the pesti FROM MISSOURI. Herman, Mo., (via Mobile.) June Pith.- j The Missouri Militia leive a battery below j South Osaire river. Tho Missourians nre concentrating at Jefferson City from all quar ters. ST. Lorts. Mo... Line 1 tth Three boats, with Lyons' staff and 500 men. tiiid soiufi ami lery, havu left for some piont on the Missouri river. i Storks Count. A. II. Joyce, Esq, has ! been elected to the Convention in place of j Hon. John llill, deceased, and has taken his seat. LOSS OF THE STEAMER CANADIAN. New YoiiK, (via Augusta,) June 15. The steamer Canadian from Quebec, June 1st, lor Liverpool, was lost on the ith at Belle Ish-, by slrixinga sunken iceberg. Twenty ty tiiirty lives were lost no names given. FR0MM1SS0CEI. j ITtjRMAX, Mo., June 15. The steamer AVlvte j Cloud, laden with military stores and cannon, ' and having the Governor ana ttttte on.Cti aboard, has left Jefferson City for Arrow Rock. . - John O- lirinkley, ) lit tne Court of Pleas and (uar vs. ter Se.-iions for Craven county, Joseph E. IIohdy. ) Mareh Teitw, ltfl'l. OPIGLNAL ATl'AtllJiEXT. It appearing to the Court that an alt-iehrnent ha. isued upon the eomplaiiit of the phutdifF in t'.iir ease returnable to tiie 3I:iroh Term, IS61, of Craven County Court, nraii;-?t the defendant, and the same has been returned to s:iid Court levied on Scho-nner Jonepli 3Iiles and her fur.iiuire : And it farther up peaiing to the Court that Jo-ei h E. llobdy, tiie de fendant, resides beyond the Ihrur.s of ilii- State: It is ordered that miiiiieation be made in tbe Pro- rres.-i a newspaper, 'tinted inthe tov.-u of .Xewbern. 1 for .ix week!?, uoiityii-e; him to appear at the next term of the said Court, to ne lielil tor the County oi Craven at the Couit liou? ia Noivpern, on the sec ond Monday of June r.eit, then and there to nusoirev eaid nttaclitnetit, or f anient -pro coufesso will be taker. a-aiii.-t him. and heard accent ingry Wirnes-s, W in. G. Iiryan. cierk oi our sua court, at New beru. tbe -!nd Monday of March, 1861. WM. G. BRYAN, Clerk. April 27, 1SG1 wGw GENERAL ORDERS. RiLhiGH, June 1st., ISoL GEXERAt OllBER, ? No. 1. $ 1. Iii obedience to ordr No. 2, May 2"th., flow tiie Adjutant General' office, the. nndersit: ned liere by assumes command of the Noitbern Departtuent ot the Coast Defences, and establishes his Head Quarters at Newbern, N. C. WALTER GWYXN, Brijr. Geii'l. cmd'njj Northern Den"int. juae 4, RsGl-diwtf of the Coast Defences, Raleigh, June 1st., 1861. General Order, ? No. 2. S John D. Whitford, Esq., baa been appointed in the Ordinance Department, Wm. H. Oliver, Liettt. and Assistant Quarter Master and Daniel T. Carra way Lieut, and Assistant Comnii-ary . for the Northern Department ot the Coast Detence3. The Commandants ot all Forts and the Engineers in eharge of the several batteries under construction and to be constructed in thij Department, wiil ad dress their requisitions to these otSeers at Newbern, for whatever the Departments to which they sever ally belong are required to fut niah Officers of the Navy will address their requisitions to John Man nine, Commsndinjr. N. C. Navy," Chief of-Bureau of Provisions atd Ordnance. ' WALTER GWTNXt Brig. Gen'I. Coind'sg. Northern Dep'mt june i d wtt ... of tbe Coast Defences. ernment to be attacked by traitors, whatjusti- j &S7jS 'fi$4 ficatton do they find lor endeavoring to put j f t'tl down treason by ignoring the Constitution ': C?Wfir They can find none, nor do they seek one. - L- ITiev tacitlv acknowledge that ther are main ! 'JC!-"-''-' -- - i:ig.r--- - J j;e I I nrive v-ioa neu o;u tiei i.'uti'jn t,.-n DRY GOODS. d-r-iT--r-T-i A-a-rrw ottttt-it - -tor. OXTJAO-LTUX- OUiajjlXiXv, 10X21. ' 3 ' :i--t .5-! '-'..d mi life I (t;;' pS: mimt f -h s t, j Sf -S iY. 'V . ; j . I a a it c j-f al le js; i V:! r ijl S N W M Pi Pi ft? xJ Id UJ i J j I DEALER IN FANCY & STAPLE ' '-S--" W - "a- 11 gl'l J j -wSSriV-A lsfe ' i'' & '4 - ' ! '4 ?iC" -if Jt - 8 w yS orrEiis tor sale is his T??' ?4 53 fF '1? Xl'Zf t W1 -Si-i &msi AT THE oii.x jb ir :rs, A LARGE STOCK OF Spring and Gumrncr Bry Gooul-, j Faiicv Sr. niack Silks, Tissjucd, Da- ! J ! rcges, Mu-sliu?, Orguittlies, Va- le:;ci:-s, Prinis, Dorncslicy, I lujii.'i'julL'i'ffo, bhawJs, i Cass: uteres, "Vo&firjirs, Carpei, ; Kertvirs, B!a:iket3, IlaLo, Caps, Shoes, -Are. My Stork has been selected with cre-at care, jureha.ed on th- fcobt terms, and whi bo sold t prices to salt the times. Ji I'ollnU Ntrffl, rwbnt, IV. C V:i"Uttdur tittnlion gitcfi to Orders. A nil xK5, ISoL ISGO-fH. i;m :s et cutt i Bii iit. i m-yM m t m ; 71 ,k . v V-4 ivvN i r v ', j 1 1 ) (3fij).Di C'lUBOUUllU : Ky v i NEW STORE, CURNLR CF roLLOK MIDDLE SIS., JOT 01 "EN ED A 3i.t;Mstc !:rT roc it OF Fine Dress Goods, of the me- t d--rir:tb!e and FASHION A IjLE STYLES : i-nbi aehig nil the ;.;.Vt lt .:e j of tho .. tiyon. ALSO Voir I m!l CLOTH CLOAKS, ( - ; A P T7 r CTrC JrS.. Rir OO JLlKJ LLCfc V I together with his usual Extensive V uricty OF FINE READ V MADE CLOTHING, CAI2PETING, BOOTS, 'GA1TEBS AND 1 HATS '& CAPS, TRUNKS, Ribbons, Gloves, HOSIERY, EAIBROIDEHIES, &c.f &c, 6rc. EMMET CUTHBEET. oct,S0,iS59 dtwly ATLANTIC FEMALE SCHOOL! AT JiOCEiaEAD CITY, IV. C. TILL open tb noxt pension Stb Ju'j-. A healthy, ' f p'roxnnl and waive retreat. Yonnq; l idies can not afford to be unrdHcnlcd. even theu;li there should be vur. SO aJdi.iouul young ladies can be com fortably provided for." . - - - Fiu- circulars apply to h. TKANSON, A. M. ' May 21, 1S61 dlivwtf Moiebead City, N. C. ,' f." " ,''''.i'..'.'.'::.ii'ji;t:a r. , I -i"-. """" ' .' I f ne.I" ,! e:.--;i b -.;v. i 1 f A.T. Jei kius, H la the Court of Plea and Quar - j . vs. - ' ter bessiotirt l'nr Craven County Joseph H. Hobdy y Mitreb Term, 1-61. OliltJINAL ATTACHMENT. j, appearing to the Cotirt that an attachment has j isaod npun the cnu.plairit of the plaintiff in this case etnrnable to the Slarcli 1 erin. 1 , ot Craven C'obu- v Court: ftsainct th? defendant, ami thesauic has een retarn:d to aid Court levied or? Sehouner Jo sept, 3i;ies .ij.J i,tr funuture : And it further cp- p.-arinr t t ne-v.:oiii 1 1 nat J.v-epn u.. tioocv, tne ue ferni.Mit. reriles bevouj the limits of t!r? Vt".tet It is ordered that publication be inude-in the Pro rre.-. n prrnted iti the t'ivn of Newbci'u. i lur slji wcvkf, nvsiu i'.HL r.iiu to npcctr at the nei.t Witr.e.-.-;. Win. O. Ui van. Clerk of oar -!1 tuur!, Ct Newborn the 2nd Moiidav ,f Mndi, i M. G. BU I AN , ever' . j April v, lvol wtuv j EhzaOetii Iti'iiM- widow uf ) Craven Cnnry, C'-ui t of PLetis and v. Qaaiier su.tsion4. p.-jj i"ii) r. i:o;hp. T? .t...r 1',.-...'.- ..,..1 v-it. I V:iii'i "IV-rrn uuu Oe-'l'e v . ivouie-HV j l Wit-j arvl ot'.i -'j. " ! PEfllTOXFOfi DQWEn. It appo.-'.siiij; to tiie --alis; ;k : iou d tne C'-nrt that Ceo'ire V. Korrciitv ait Ui:ti"i.-s v bi wite-, two t tXtO ! ia t!ia cause, Sesi Ji beyond thu 11-Tl its i t'ie St.ile : It U i-rdvrea Umi pubi'n ulion be unii fr rix weeks m t! .- Cii-,:e .!. ? -.-l 1 printed in tbe tvii oi Newtiein. o.ifyiu t:it;i-: t tppear at ike nevt t.-ru. ai.l Cvurt be h-id t ho Con; I Hon."1.:- in Nt-uternoa the t?i..' ?!oi;d.ty of J cn--, I silt, hud r-lend.!?i.swor.r iietur t 'k p--taioi. vvi.'i t-e i '-lion jC.-t co-.Jmo us to theru ud L;--iii .c core jnsi v. i S'iii.'e-s. W"t:. (i. ItrVaTS. Clel k of o-ur en'A Court til New be!;, Uio 3ir,d.n? f M.irc., L-til . V.i. i'i. iiJIl'A.N. cVe.-i. April .T, !"! wiw ci re as 'riiii .fit KHKntzu if io t:- vs, Sr. Creek. w-r- .n-mk J on roc S'U. in-tart by ihe ;i!n..uitu:ite:it that J.ihii Cl-&pmai. a r3pe.:tHbi a'?nvf CoS:y. had be, i. iua.Ueivd by c. bn.-.d of i:.,:rt:--, L.-adtd bv a tirro imtu caiiiiif; bun "-If ItJa oa. the Ltvpcity ei WitUau Gritues. lb-i! ;ji: i-i -nrposed t be th! nppro th.nt shot and kiiici 2iir J!i;:.!i. ..)!. rl':.i- Laud f ratuirav r.e- li. li.i..i is tne terror oi ("S'J'.T, ai:t t!.c itii'M:- of the Coiudv,;. . ..-i. -p.--.,...: n in-. t.r...- r.:i.:d a .t'bsei .;-- tion oi .-J.'t l.-r I1--. - n.i,r-! eii.-..ou oi tin; send J'.-t', crmri..:;'.- Ltiowa .-.s is. e S -m Tl a; :ion j iiili.e i :.!- K. P i. uh.-.Mi, ,. V r iv,-: Co. 1 : ' . ' i :i S T. I 1U. i ! . iT! t ! ' i J j ittl h 'it -i uhar&. i j !i. i.;.. , o! . t.u-i '. i by i i. i, !. !ioi Li s !.-- v 1. 1 ;. iv.::v;y leit b. '.i; . iii.t o i,:1 v it wiii. b : iived. bWifT CUiii-.K. i.-i i i .v ! t j ACir.N VlL! r, Co., I e.! i. C.uohaa. ) rT-,AKLX T7P ind loJj.vl in On-d.-w Jad on i', i. ti i: ..ji .. a i v- v- .W rf l. '. ; :'er r. -iur, :b Wi u bou! oi i : i - m-.s.'I.-. :itnnit feet. It' 'f:Oir; i-i-ZU. Wl o M.VH j.l- ! !!:. t- 1.VVG l)f. .'.it Jive-u I or i. io , i ev". ve.ii e iii Vi ;-. v .:; . Juiitv. r-.liout iVi''i l'i:i.'S 2'ruiu N WeelU, Itt.d IP; I iUvr ttte 1 t:iui-tC. leveutiv, Si.ct J Jividl WLttty'-J Veiaeei , el' ii.'iet V. IJ- I'-UMVntiV.Y, ?h'iT. !i w It ! .-rsim. iH-XJ"K. ia.-t of tiie TOliK pa: '' C- oi ruety ior tiave.. ! -"7;t !u" rucave1 an,i wiH bc fi"M Jlt "'t'iil 'haed by the C':nndllee of Safety fur Craven i. v Wxc. JI O.n Co , John P.. Amyett, T ie:. i iVi'.lian.s, Z fiiown, lionder and H.-nderscn. J. N. Allen, John L Gardner, W. W. Pi !e and W. C Wh.Lford, ct TIIIKTIXK CI-lNTs P1.K eads which intendc-I to eov-sr ti e efsl. Mr. Wl 'i nn II Oi: .-.:- will h:s e the jvrk in chargre. Newb.-r. .In. ''r:i wit. ,-V! ' - . '5 1 1" i ; . I b : - I'... , ivo.t t he T-l v '"fe I...-1 t!n e..r I'tl'l Ibr Cra en Cout-ty .ii'i Jiold the r ' I'.-. iiv i:ijn(tioii. ami leniie. ---t .ill .0 i : . ! r 1 1 ' in.- e-t iili y unh.-'.i. -I laid 1 u-i' ITI t lie t.'-'t l ' e; i-tii. lojel ! ; !lJl I i.!,'5.e;t a!l pir-or- ! ' : 'irw.i'.it ai-d . elt'..J theil 'liKvei 11.-iauui-.;' ii'.e .ili.j: tLi- e- ;' ;:v.n. A. C. LATHAM. Sheriff. Ma .-Sv'.Sru if suMjis s.v?:: hajsj ifsvt:' v'5i A. V. .vT'lir.if.f::t :s li . i;t PTE Tt.C li'v ! I :il :iur ',:: J. li. ;l:ib:e l.t e Ki.-i-ivt; ! AH ; v-ri a,-! tnei a i:ii i .il ior -, ; a ud jhe ui l 1 avi'iiv! if 1 "-I ni-h to ' !:' -.hie. ;R!A . V t;i e- hlVTY liATH dyed irstntly to 1 i be.-m: ;.'! j ii-j nut nra" or Hi ttJi. wnt.out tuc b-.'ist M'bir. lo'iiiii' or Sk'ii. i I-'lb'i Mh Mi:;ALS AND DIPLOMAS ! '.-b-oii ut,i.r1et; t.'V. M. A .'. li'HiiOR .-ii ''! 1SJD. rui.i . vei U!'!t (JO ri i..i'. ii-MVe b.-ei: made to the liS 1't !,!- tl'llO'H I V ei-. .'i'ii.r.!.f r.i ! ;i slev : i:ie t so:l"" o! '.V.' ll ' ''a.. i W hitii-a.Tiis' S' l.t ii v. f s i Tiarl-y Late -o iJroadwuy, A'ow Yotk rrrJ!j.Ty ,. . , T r lrT IV 1 O L N U .-i , r - AUJlIA A ! C' ML ! ' t . .i " t : nut v a t s. i . j A V C A':r L XA M i V '. I r i EbK you cJti bav. - !.,.'.. !' i. nu. rr.,.t. t. 5 if j.!.:i!e'--- ji v !r .s.v - ami i.eit.oro i' i, iv . r j .... ;,;,( i" s . i.;u-;, n oe ,v. v. w .ii -ii;:'! coin-., end l'--i- . .' n. , 1. iVom t.',. 7 '. :-::d form tt-j t-ud ;tj($ ui"..ii j -!'!. i cite p i:. '. . 3 ;o . our.- men csn bo iicco.v. n.ahited with I.o.ird, 1'aiiMii" "I i i:'i'.i .H ?'-' i '-r month. j Poi a-eiU.-r at.ely to It, -f- W. A HKl-iPINC -r ! DU K. L PiT:kl-s. Curoiiua. Coy, C. i I Mavi-I. Iv'l .ii'.viHt j ONFLOW C UXTY UONDS FOR j i 'M;X THOTS.WD D-.H-hm tvorlh t f O'i-!ov j j I i :--i!.:l- ii i -. ; :aeo !.y i.i.ii o);y oi' i!..-tJev 'ii:' V''l llii'! t It: i-e ve: il-lll P, l-'.-lllli' lie, UUl.lMTI 111.- Ij'lW iiI:.Tel 1'!" 1 to i.i a l.e it nve. anient u- ' f' I i . . ..... 1 i . , I , . tt ' I , 1 1 V A 1 1 1 ' V T f ....t. t. ... .v -i . - -- i -- , . . ! .ill iiiiieli. fee.; 7 j -.(,;. ,1! wi 1 w tOKr ,illiV ide, N f VlAXbs, ;E'u MLIO, ET;. rgll!-: fctiWvibi-r hto. .imd e'.ved j,0n0 Pieces -" "'? I --.;"-. i....r u:?t. .,1- tfi.le.Il tt',11 . ..t- " - S. !,::', C,..-!'',s aiio .S--ri.':a "ii.--. r. ;11 br nppli-n T'on ti,iu:s f. n-.-n.Jj.bie U.-5 the sltliio Clin fee plir- ; clof-.-O et the A-.n;,. A ! iii stoek v! ai..-ie an. A .Uu le.-.l I il-veiei a!- wav i !..u,it. ... . JWil- r . li-.i-M-. Xevvbt-ru, Aj;i:l P A:'.v3iri - tfuarlrrinitKlrra !) r rime! , ) JNetv o ;n, .1 line l. i . 4 I.L nnhtary inpani.-:- m tat- f i vi -o 01 tt.e- 1 t1'-'- ,v!j, i"'e!,d ct.minto toi pliic..- to g- is.te i eaaip will ylun -..o'ify iv e .-e-vernl .lys oelore their I.L military e. o.u.i. in the f -rvi -o oi tt.e- j a: i i-. .ii, t!i j n.mlierol t.u ;i t;i;d the ti::!C whenj ll-.-y may I-? ei.poeted, o that oaariei - fiojy W j t.r..udea ijv theui. M. II. O.M r.l. tur.n..; cifrter at .Ne btru. June Pel lit wlw 1 Qi- Aui te.riA-1 i n (iiNi iiiL's On at, Rai.V.oh. 31av l.'2. Ho! I Tailor.-, and o. tiers wIl;:i:C' to eo!:.aei j't.r m.-tkin; ..r.l I', ii-i.i .. Uir tii'o V.'lt'i ( Vl!-,.'"?!-! trnl'l-l ;ui I in.,.,-.,. .-....i - - - - - i l r. o.ieed to t.tU ima.-ti.-.te UMdh'titiou at the i ! ',..;:!. i:i ;i:t--i (j.-R'rds ti!,H--t in l.a'.e,,;:i. 'i'he iit wiil uu iii-l.v---n"l to coDnact',;3 at aiiylt.-'i P 'rol Depot 'v.'. t!;r Jr'f.te. W ma,0 eoja, nJ p-tU, cun be u,iivered week Mav 21 w.w T A sine!- bottle rd SPALDING'S PKP.PAR12 GLL'E wili av ttn tuuo ito .3 spAi.uirs-K'M ia5:akkd clue : 8FALDI.'VC'.4 I'iilil'Ar.ED CL.VE SAVE THE PIECES ECONOMY i DISPATCH GF" "A Stilek in Tune Srtvc Xitie."J3 As accidents will happen, even in well rcjrulaLea famiiies, it is very deijirable to have come cheap, and cotiverdeul way for repairing Furniture, Toy- Crockery , &.e. SPALDING S PREPARED GLUE ineetfi fill such etnergencies, aii-1 no hou.iehold ca idTord to be without it. It is always ready, and up to tile fctiek.iijr point. " USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N. B.. A iiru-ih acc-oiupauie-ieach bottle. Prict 2j cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, Ko. 43 Cedar SUeet, New York. CAUTION. A", certain Tutprinciplcd persons are attempting te palm iftf on the unsuspecting public, imitations d my .PREPARED GLUE, I would caution all per soa to examine before purchasing, and see that the full panic, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, . is on tiie outeids wrapper all othfcro are ewiadiiig cowiterfuits. nor L'J diwly t ru of the f-a:d Comt. to be held t..r the C'oan'y oij Now n-oing on, we have determined to open Civtven, at the (-ui t if.m. e ia Newbern.on the sec i . c - vm,U - oul Monday of June next, then and tiier tv Mu?vvev ! triail bocks for Daily, ln-Y ecKty, WeUll-' exu aid ariaehlni rt, or jinitriiM'iit will be j , . .. " r- t .,j 0ii nf ttiki-i n-nhw hhu Zud heai-i atcMrduely. lv and Weekly subscribers. Each and all oi Latest News from the; War ! PROGRESS OFFICK, Newbern, N. C. ) April 30th, 1861. S In order to accommodate the mails and afford persons in the country an opportunity to get the very latest news concerning the progress Of tlHJ G R E A T R E V O L V T I 0. N , ,. . ... r.r t.-t.t nna-c CUUIon.-J wiu -io .e.j ..ev ....... , M v ,T EXPRES3 and TELEGRAPH up to tins very latett moment. TERMS: Daily Progress", one year, Shoo LOU 8.0O S.OO Lot) 1.0t Tri-TYeekly " 44 Semi-Weekly " " Weekly " " " Dailv I"rogicss, nix tconths, Ti i-WeekJyv " " " Somi-Weekly 4 " Weekly " " No paper c-v.'it until the mo icy is received. Tho Weekly will be sent to clubs of six or ove to enc eCUv, cne year, for $3.50 for each copy. No chls taken for less time than a year nd n-o deduction in price on any but the weekly parcr. The PROGRESS :s a political, news, miscel laneous and commcrdial newspaper, devoted to the rights of the South ui:d all the great kite-' res.s of North C&rulina.-. nelesnics Itt (lie fetafe Convenliou. The foil ,wing is a list f the Delegates iit t):e Convention of th-i people of the State of . , . t N-.-rth Ciro:aa as oraaized on tuc -Ota. .May, 1SG1 : y'lirnav e Hi'.-P M, Thes RuCiu. A'czamti r -A feievsarl. -is 'I J I) iYlbe.S Atis-h A Myers. J A Lei.k. ;c.t.r H li .s-prnell. .las liond. JJcntifartXV J Aliison, E J Morrow. Lliiicn T D McDowell. 1'runvick T D M airs, ih.' N W Wooiifin. Htirkc.) C NtcD. well. - c . h a .-1 j C I I , ; f . r . LcdiriH P .l-ri.-K. I'll' .. ; ) 1) Peiebi e. ('irh.rtll V. il Thomas. C-rir-li I'.e.J I'.rown. J A Grave-j. C..t.'M . 1 C Il. nkie, L J Meir.ll. ( l'.-'e r'...'1-i J II H adeii, Je-liii iluuiing, J"r, ( ''iniLTn --l. If Djiiard, CLcr,lr.d' J Miller, J W Tracy. t "oi , t i.-s Ko-h.-ud Wool e 11 . Geo loeeu, Jon 1 W hi I ford', CuuiL rlnnd Warren inslow, L'a i j McNeil Currituck ll 11 haw. D:ci'hon hi A Kittrelh 13 C Douthit. L't'cic Itob't Spiunsi.'. ;,.. ,1W J Houston, J T Liiodes. J.a-n.onn'.r. V t Battle. Geo How-aid. I'vhiftf.. T J Wilson, K L Patteiiou. J'r.nikU.tX D Whliams. Ct'it-OH si .J.dui.-ou. 'Jut,- s . . Walton. Cram il t A V Wnablc, T L Uaigrove, 8 3 Roy ..ter C urn W A Dai den. CuHjWdJuo A Gilmer, Ralf Goricl and R P Dl.-U. Ji.hpr.V. Tl Smith, C J Gee. Hyde K Ii Mann. tl'ir, tat A !S Mi Ni il. In it iruod Win 1 J i ..- k s. Henderson W M Shi-p. l!r d -Kenneth Ihiyuer. jr.eJdi. Andersen Mitchell. T A Allisou. JacLmn W H 'j'hotoas. JokiiimC li Se.imdeis, W A Smith. Jfwt,s- WTni Foy. Lenoir Jno C Washingtou. Lincoln Wm Lander. Muron C D Smith. JSTddirvn J A McDowell. Martin Asa L'ligifs. McDoirttl J 11 Greoidee. Mecklenburg J W Osborne, Wru Johnston. iWontgomtry i II Christian. 2lvrz. ii Turner. Rush A 11 Arrinoton. Aer Hanover li II Cowan. W S Ali. A" liniiij)!on D A Barnes, J M Mcody. OndunsG W Wanl, Cm.igc V A Graham, Juo Beny. J'tisCutiti'ilu 11 R Sjieed. li I'.iiii'dUc J-"1!1 S'.n. Pi .-m'.--John W Cunningliam. l'i'tl' IJ aaiteithv. aite. II Crimes. ki'rid.d.dt W J Lorg, A G Poster. KchimnJ-V? F Leak. iu'bi.uuiJ P Fuller, J C Soutiierland. ilvi.kinsihuM D 8 b'eid.ET Broadnar. i; ic in li Craisre, II C Junes. lUakurfurd and i'olk J li Carson M Durha a. !.':i:ipm K A Mostly, Thos Burning. t-lll,llJ--E IleiT:.-!. 7...-s--Johli 1 1 ill-Srr-j T V H.un'.in. V;.t'-r:i Spraell. i t'ni'in H M Huston. r.,Ac--C L Badger, K P Battle, W W Holden. liurrcrt Vv' N t.d wards, Frank 'I'horutou. ',' I',.';wW S Pettigievv. i;.ovLia J V Counsel' Wufjne -U V Strong, E A Thompson, h'u.'-t-- Jas Cailovvay, Ptter Eiier. yu..'.m- -R F Airoll-d. i.iu,j - U P l'eidanJ. .4i'ti.Ti-:e,i-: ssr.s-Aii'Ji'.tii-.ivr, ( ! ?.l4ii.l, .Suite IO, Itstit. ' ' 3 1 1 1 i - 1 1 1 ' ' e r S . il O ir.t.t.-! i.:...-.c-.ii .u. nit- ..-- 1 h Vey 1 r.on iin 'Ji,ii".i 10. oi neioi i.-eei v t.l-.iv or uo -w -c-i .v at e.orii ot tne loilowm .. , . ,. .,. xx- i.. ... w-.i. i v...... ; 1 vrl.-'j V:7. : ie,tiei;u, i,, ttutu, i, luiiuqujii au-i v. . - p. ,.-.. al.. lor t!o de'lvt-ty of vf petabUs 10 the taune iiiaiiin i tied al tbe -.a'ne places are also i!e ;ii, d. 'l li-t may he made eit iur to the Coinu.i:-a-irv al iuv Poftts named e.- to tho under.-ii'Ued. WM. JOllXSION', l , . i . .-... i . i iVi ji. . Ci.inmiistarv Gen'vl. j rj-0 ,(,;. VOT;!: of C'-ICA VJK' t'OOTV r, i I I J full, 1 ,o;r leiw'i: i,Ll n'liitC ill ysolt a , a candidate n-r tho ofm-i; ot CVi'n. of t tie County ... rt) .,, ,;.c ,.;;,, u 6 .td on Tti'.ir.sday tho , $t .t A'suust. itt-xt. liu.uiu C.evotJju tne ast tlirert j , i,, t.,Q fiuiie.-, of tint oi-iee-. jfo whieh I was j I-h-i ted b the JuMtei 3 of the Coivuy,i 1 Hatter my i !f that I hiivo dLcliarged the awo to your tatis f ie'Ioi. t if l 5mtiM bo cU-etc-l fvr the nert four jears by if 1 AhuM bo cU-etcl fvr the nert four jears by , v,.,,,r ..-i;rmtftep, t'l tune fhad be devUed to your 1 .-victs as';, public ofilct-r. I,.iii;L; tn as inmiy r,f you ill pofible beforo tit. tlct.i.j,fM, 1 remuiii Yn'.r O'ot. Servant , ,Mity 18 is:tl. d(, WM G. BRYAN. NOTICE. I AM NOW tretlim. Cypres Shirsieii of giiod ivial.ty tiom -i to 6 inch.-a rider and can fill nfd. j tUtuioit noti'-e. TImi wi&hing to j.-urchaBe wil .1 .. ... u v a '-i.. ..... j .iit - irj tt-. mi e-r-t. iv;iiu'.l il j Anil VS. iht win,. SAMUEL S. BIDDLI j - , Tr .MFRS TP miFIi SOLE ATsD 1IAI1NESS LEATHER of superior finish will be kept on hand. paid Tor Gre-n and Dry Hide?. Mareti S uiiwtf W. P. MOORE; Jr. JJ i"V L-wcll's do ALo ( llocs with hand'o . For nale bi W. II. OLIVER At CO. Oi: ;K ANI l.KttOe!- Hoxes Meeaina Ornafes ; " - " Lemons ; Jast received and for eaie low at A pr. I , .iii w. S. TAYLO R S' lfiS! -It'K!-I HAVE NOW ON HAND A lare bupply of Ice . Ice for the country carefully packed on the can or iu barrel or Hogsheads and forwarded promptly lee furnished free of all Extra- charges except Pitekat'es and Freights. IlC Kept on hand all the year.' ' WM. P. MOORE, Jr. Newbern April 11 1861 d&wtf HK ! THE SUBSCBIB EIJ CONTINUES HI3 SUPPLY OF ICE II13 ICE no USE b-iing located on an arm of the RAIL ItOAD ai this plaue, be will forwaid ICE in any quantity to any person on tho Rail Road c,u-" ueclimr with the A. ifcN. C. Rail Road, free f.oin all EXTRA CHARGES except PackafM m,a Freight. Y. - A."T. JERKINS.- ' Newbern, March 27-d4w6ut .: .-f ;; . ; I IV V K PI S .-At TAYLOR' 5 1 AKEU X Deel : a . I I