... ,' ... ,rJ. ;.-.-y ?t a -T - v,-y -,V a L'?,Cs' TV "' :;zr;y;;A cukap lotspapek for thf MELION.-TERMS, sioopeiunnum-inyaiuably in -advance. VOLUME IV. NEWBERN, N. C, TUESDAY MO .IMPING; MARCH 1 1 , 18G3. NUMBER 36. ' arte. ' ;' - BY J. I, PENNINGTON.- .. .. . .T1JR .. i .,. ..... ... KEWBERN WEEKLY PROGRESS . AXMVSPRNDNXT MWSPAISR,- ; it Htuu raoa .vn e-V-.'. PROGRESS BUILDINGS, : Every Tueeduy lueratng, at TWO DOLLARS a yaer alwy$ Ui Unpaid i rftw '. The Paper will nut be sent to any on till the mnuey ii received, uud all subscriptions, will ba discontinued when tli- lime paid for expires. Money, it mailed In the pretence of a Postmaster, ttiayb Mitt at our risk. - THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 18(12. , Frointh Knosville Register of tth ult, . ,t?'. THE PANIC AT NASHVILLE, , . D A correspondent at Chattanooga, who seems to be posted, gives us a narrative of occurren ce at Nashville, after the fail of Fort Donclson, which if not exagerated mid we have beard ''' f mttobNionoarreeA testimony in tk cftse ait' inclines ti2 to rely upon the statement -call for the severest reprobation of the people who . have so much staled upon tlie conduct of the War, and demand the most searching invest iga lion of tho government Our correspondent does not wnto fpr publication, but his version is, so straight., forward ami forcible, that we adopt it with but slight modification, II says: - . "Verily, thtae aro days of trial to our young Republic. In addition to, disastrous reverse tq our arms, we have some most humiliating examples of incapacity, if not worse, in the , management of our military affiiirs. lam no "croaker," nor do I assume todiotate the war fMilirjr of the government ; but certain moves as been recently made which astonish and confound tho mere lookers on, but ardent : nyiiipathizers with our causa. I refer to the evacuation of Nashville, and the incidents con nected therewith. ' : :. f. i . . It aecins that Gen. Johnson Informed the , anthrrtties of tho city on Sundny last that he' could not hold it, although no enemy was " tear, or threatened It. Iinmediutflyi all was consternation and alarm, . The Governor ar.d Legislature fled panic stricken. With this axamplo set them, nothing better could bo ex pected of the citizens 1 Mr. V. K. Stevenson, Quartermaster General, and President of the , Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, &c., in toad of standing sentry at his post and protect ing tho immeuxe accumulation of military tiireft, and controlling the Railroad so as to remove them, fled. Early Monday morning he loaded several cars with his personal effects his negroes, horses, I'ai ringcs, and house hold furniture, Including hi own sacred person, and hastened to this city, whew ho hits ever isince remained. By liis direction all the rol ling stock was hurried to thiji end of the road, and no effort, nr next to. none, was made to Wing any ol tbo Government property from the doomed city. Nearly a k'.tU ha clnps"d and no enemy' ling" smmiiicli.-d.' Darin this time every pound of liac:on and noar'trmiister I f Pnmn i en i in i il in mil in I i ii I I 'I I "' I Jf Ml I fi eesbo', if no further. Lis:! or this being d .nethe doors of the storehmiscs were thrown open and the people invited to Carry asy an tlicy wished, and the torch was applied to .he rest!' Was e'er ducli n union abandonment nd destruction of property ? The Railroad l-ridgo at Nashville and the Suspension bridge wort b.jih burned ! VTiy not iet tlie lle.-ia'm ticTpo nito this act of vsndalUm T Why lnive our forces mnde even a sin w of difeud- ' ing their capitnl city ? Sorely, if we thus iP-e from our strongholds and our rent res ol wealth, what estinmtc of our valor will our foes uc i-.r.'dit lo us, and lio'.v . ill cur contest for in dependence be protrncH'd ? 1 "The public mind here is highly incensed at the conduct of parties referred lo. The panic eceins con'agimis, fur nil t'ia but- n is beinu removed fro.ii hero. It is but half etned, and in this warm weather is Hiililo to be spoiled, and the fact of concentrating all at one point , Atlanta is again objectionable a single calamitous fire milit destroy the whole ' imiowntl Truly, wisdom seems to have ue- aertcd our realms, and calamities may be cx- 1cotod that shall wring tears of blood from the marts of oat riots." We team from Lieut. Alex. W. Harris, of Col. OhurchweU's regiment and who came up yesterday morning diroot from Nashville, that on Thursday morning last our tronpsj set (ire to and burned the Nashville and Louisville " Railroad bridge across the Cumberland river at that place ; aiso cut the main wire cables of ,.. ; rBU.tl &OKFOLK. , (r LATER FROM EUR OPE! ' . , . - i ( ('.... NonrniK, March.4. Sixteen transports left Old Point to-day bound seaward. . By Hag of truce Northern papers of the Srd have been received. ' 1 The Arabia arrived at ilulilhxtm Saturday, with I.ivi rpool dutes to the 15th and via Qiieeniitown to the 16th. " Tho American question was occupying much of the attention of Parliament. The attention ol thai body was being cullid lo the stone fleet Win-kudu, the distress in the manufacturing diiiirictf, '&!. : ' ' """ Government Ws busiljr preparing all tha in foruiition In its possession relative to block ade to lay it beforo Parliament. ' ' ' The French papers think that the question relative to Mexican affairs, will lead to the fall of trie Pttlinerstnn Cabinet. " . ' - : It sbilieved,tht Mexico willlw Cdcrced in Ion Monkrchy.,, ..- ' The Federal General Lander is dead. Gen. Shields succeeds him. The evacuation of Columbus is officially an nounced in a report from Commander (We. The report that tho stores and equipments, ana pnhaps toe town, were burned is contra dio'ed. ("-" -' ft Is said that Andrew Johnson will bo an- I pointed a Brigadier General td act as military Governor of Tennessee. '' The 'i'rensury Depnrtmoht' has Ordered the cotton taken at Nashville, valued at $100,000 to be nt to New York. '' Fortillcations at the mouth of Delaware Bay havo been reoomtnended at a cost of $800,000. ' The Federal frignto Vermont was spoken on the 27tli, off Cape Cod with loss c-f rudder, both anchors, sails, &c The ship Is supposed to be lost. ' f' The St. Lnkranee sailed on the 2nd from Boston for Hampton Roads. ' The War Department refuses to transmit letters to the Southern States, Sas FkAxciseo, Feb. 1. SaiJcd steamer St. Lou.lt for Panama with $480,01)0 in specio for New York. ' 1 Nnw Yona, Feb 2 Foreign exchanges 113. Not much change in tho prices of stocks. A dispatch dated Harper's Ferry on the2:(th ays that Gen, Ranks occupied that place on WcdemdiV bv crossinir on a nnntonn bridce. It is said thet Com. Footo h been up the Tennessee river to Eastport, Miss. contkderate" CONGRESS. Riciimond, March 4. Tho Military Commit tee havo reported a bill authorizing the Com manding Gruernls to destroy all cotton tobac co and other product end property liable to full into the hands of the enemy. Compensa tion to the owners will bo provided for by sub sequent legislation. The bill will become a law at an early day. It is unih'rstond lhat the House to day pass ed a bill authorizing the creation of the office Ilia liiJtiili ' FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, 18(52.' The next grand movement of the enemy is tp be made against . Norfolk, Richmond and Memphis. . . II these places fall it will protract the war a long time, hut should our arms be successful in repcling these atts l.s, the. war may possi bly be finished up before another winter sets in. ' The Raleigh Stnninri. thinks that Burnsidu will probably make a descent upon Newborn and Washington just prior to the grand move ment on Not lolk in order to distract our forces and attentions, sod wa think' this view not nt all unlikely, as it is repor'ed here upon au tbority which is croditcd in official circles, tliat a hundred or n.oro Mriinitrs and transports aro ntw st Unttuus. - It tey, hoaevtr,.turu out that, is nothing but a land force can at tack Is or folk in the rear the vessels under command of Golduborough will attack Ncwbern and Fort Macon while the land force under B urnside w ill rush upon Norfolk. Be the pro gramme, however, what it Rioy,- wo think llcee c fiVers will not move until Mct'lellan and Woo) are rtsdy to move forward with their riti crtive ditisi' r.s, so that, l.tnauKvn:ent is made a get eril ergngement nuy be ix ptctcd. a, ,":.;...' i-. Opinions of cei?tsc, arc only (piioers, and as thry aro rife these days, we will be par doned for fprndirg curs upon paper, which is, that the struggle which is to be nmdu lu the next few wttks to prise the gtnnd army out Ircm ut dtr the tl.rr! hold of tie Federal capital to porscrs the heart of Virginia, w hile the western wirg tries to fprce the pesstige of our Latteries on the Mississippi and take pos session of tho great valley, is to determine the duration of the war. If ll cy succeed in these two objects, the pr has cnly commenced, but khould they fail it will be nearly at an end. Hence the great necessity of tho utmost preparation and cnerpy on our part.' Let every brdy do his utnxst duty and all is well, but let indifference and carelessness rulo the hour ami all is lost. among which is the following official report of OMiimndorf, Lynch which bad been prepared bcTSu e Ivr.ving the Inland for Elizabeth City : REi'OlA OF.COM. LYNCH, OE.TliE C. & waert'I r.av Deuurlilient has received Irnm I Cnai. Goldiborough the ord t books, signal bnka, le(Ler books, and Copies of official din- paienus oi j Lorn. i,ytcn, commander of the finludcji'. ict in-. Pamlico r-ound, and the may be re-issued in payment of debts of the State or in exchange for six per tent, bonds f the State On application of the holder at any time before tho notes fall due : I'roeidra, That the Treasury Notes issued to pay the Confederate 4ax shall not be used to pay the debts vf the State ; and the Treasuer and Comptroller shall each keep an account of all notes re-iksucd, and those re funded in bonds from time to tune, and the date of such trans action, and particularly noting the interest on v , - - i ncuoil, mm iiiu i iciiihi ly iiuiiu me iiueiisi. "i 1 ankeo i!ifnpcrs are publishing (says ew:b bonrt ,t. tnken up, and the amount of in How SmAxne. -News dealers like Yankee pednlers, catch at everything out of whic'i they fancy they can extract blood. The Stato Journal publishes a P. S. to its steamer Nash ville article, saying it has gone from Beaufort Harbor to parts unknown, Ac, while in well informed circlet, it is known that its comman der has not yet returned from the seat of Gov- tho ''. i.cyii4- Mujmlch) everything they MilW their theivisli' bands upon,, even urprivai" i-juers anu otiier mutters U no pos ;b!o interest to tho public. The following is Com. lunch's report of the sngagoniont at lUuinokui'ifnd: .. ... ., FMii-!THt. ScA-Biim.' off P.oanoke Island, Fee jr.. l(;i;C.Vi: lbavo the honor to re (ort Ill-it l.h enemy, at 10 A. M.' to-day-, with lwey-tjj)cavy sleaif.ers und one tug, made -AiliCjfjiiiiin this squadron and tho battery at PiH K Taut, . As iis;-t.amer;cal force was ovorwhelmlna. we coiiiiiifnoid the Action at Ions ranee, but . . All i.n -i t c. unvui i.ui inn hi ion, wiiiie nis uurni over and around us, (owing, I think, to the superior quality ol his powder,) we wire even tually uiJiel,d io kliorico the distance. Toe liutH la.it td continuously from JO A. M. toO.bCP. M., throughout which tha sol diers, in the, battery sustained their position wun agmaniry wlucli won otir warmest ap probation. .The firo was tt-rriliu and at times ihe lali5Vv would be onveium d in tho sand iuiJ.du.it thrown up hy shot and shell. And ;".t their casualties was only one man kilivti and;' three w ounded. The earthwork, hwcrerjws very much cut up. I men lion the betUjrf bcaiMe in all probability,, cnia municalMd.Vwill leach you beforo iuleliia gvuee. will be , received from appropriate olHcial source. .The enemy approached in ten divis ions, the r-;ar one having ibe hciiouncr tuns ports in tj'w. . The' iiice, which was the attackin di vision, ar.ia subdivided, and one portion as sailed ti'.uiid (he other tlie bU.ry. Repented ly, In thtf ceutso ol the day, 1 fvaredthatour tittle squadron of seven Vessels would be utter ly detuoiisltud, but a gracious Pi evidence ore- survuluiST;.' MaiUr -Commanding Uoall, of the Forrest, receiver's wound m tlie head, which is pro nounccd serious, it not uioital. I yet trust that this promising young officer,' who so brarely-t'oof ill bis ship, ill be scared 'to tiie scrvief. ,; .Vidshipmcu, Camn, of the Kllis, and -1 - ( t theCurlew, each lost an arm, which, with thruuilhcra were slightly wounded, con stitute ttiisuiu of our pcrsunalciuiuiillieit. ' 1 no Mirry to say that the C'ui lew,- our largest steamer, was sunk, and the Forrest, one ol the propellers disabled. We have re ceived oilic injuries from shot and shell, but eoniparrlUi;'y of light character, and could, rtith thCxcet'Uon of ihe Forrest, be prepared to von- w "'i SLiiiunUo-morrow, if we only had IPubliidn-d by reqneit.-! Ill I.I. KIN. The f Fenrlh Ilrlgnr. Alll "On the Hmid to Brighton." Bt W. H. Kiu.ra, C. B, 1t M;.kilasd Rio t. :o: III .lolv hist do Yimkees did ftttncl: n, Hut w liinl iout hearts and itrong arms to bm k ns. 'Twas a hard r.n'1 to trabel, but we licked "em back aernrdin', l'orlilllci liiill linn lind turned into Jordan. Oli, my ' you oiiirlit to see 'em riinniiiu, Two fortv down Jo road, Black "Horse coin- inc." Oli, my ! ynn onjrht to see 'em skiting. L Vsukees run so fast dat dey neber thought o riliiiii'. Oh, my ! ) on ought to see 'em (kiting. Rip slap, skin a ma-ding, hoop de-dooden-dno. De roml frem Mnnsssa was awful lint and dusty ; But for a slap at da Yankees our boy wore get linir rnslv. With our clicors, ai wo went along, we made de welkin ratlin. And we double ipiicked fur seven mi'es to get into de battle. Oh, my: ie. De Yankees dey thought our musket balls a tii ft. But dey lind to give in when wo give 'em do n JOINT PROCLAMATION, followinir proclamation from terest due on each bond when exchanged for Treasury notes, and in-all cases shall charge tlie psrty receiving sncli b inds with the Inter est due st he time of delivery. 4. Be ttfvrtlier ordained, that as tbe ex igencies of the public service may, in the opin ion of the Governor, require, beforo the first day of January, iHtlit, the publicx treasurer is authorized and required to issue other Treas ury notes aa afofWHriaV.-notxceeding inamoum the further sum of fifteen hundred thousand dollars, and that the said cotes shall be prepared, signed and issued as in tho said or dinance, ratified on the first day of December, 1811. ' 0. R it further ordnhid. That the aggre gate amount ol said Treasury Notes outstan ding at any one time, and of the bonds given in exchange for or discharge of Treasury notes as aforesaid, slmll not exceed the amount of such notes authorized by law heretofore, or in this ordinance 6. Jlo it further whined, That it shall be the duty uf the Treasurer, as soon as conven ient, to issue Treasury Notes of the denomi nations of live, ten and twenty dollars in equal amounts, instead of, and to exchange for, any of l he Treasury Notes heretofore issued, not bearing iuU reni, of the denominations of fifty and one hundred dollars, on the application of the holders of said notes; and when so ta ken up or exchanged, tho said notes cf fifty and one hundred dollars shall bo cancelled, and the same shall be noted bv the Treasurer on his books and on the books of tho Comp troller. , 7.' lit it further ordained, That if any rue shall falsely, forge, or knowingly pa3K or offer to y;sss, - . any false, forgrd, or coun terfeit pupir, pin porting to be a Treasury Note nr bund of this State, he slmll he liaiile to indictment in the Superior Courts in the coun ty in whlcq such offence may bo committed, and on conviction thereof, shall suffer 1! the pains and penalties, according to the SUth suction of tbe !t4ih chapter ol tho Revised Code. . Be furthea ordaned. That in addition I mi(i ff No v Madrid to the Treasury Notes heretofore ordered to be.j up i0 Saturday. KATES OF ADVERTISING THE WEEKLY PROGRESS. The following are the only Bate of Adyertlslag m the Weekly Progress, to all tare those who eea tract by the year and advertise ia both weekly e4 daily papers i . i One square (12 Uses minion) one fiuertum, 1 0. Sulwequnt Insertions, each, Weents. Any number ot squares will be charged ra fro portion. All advertisement marked (It) till forbid, will be continued till ordered out and charged a -ibnv the Suspension bridge, dropping one end into De celebrated "Fire Zonaves," dey formed in the river. They then burned the James John- line to mee us ! Z and James' Woods, two large tirst class B .' hgj- and run em, oh, dats de New Oilcans packets, which were laying at .,. the landing being in process ot a transtorina tion into gunboats. Our informant also stales that the Mayor , and Common Council went down the liver on , Thursday last with a flag ol truce to meet tho , Federal gunboats, and surrendered tho , , city of Nashvilie into their hands upon condi 1 lion that all private property should bo res pected. . . . We learn from othor sources that nearly all of the citizens have loft, taking with them ' whatever they could carry, leaving tho balance ;'' to be retpected as aforesaid. Comment is un ' necessary ' . Ixqcest. Yesterday forenoon, (Friday, tho 28th ult.,) Corroncr It. J. Jones Hem an in quest over the body of Jos. James, an cngi ; riecr on the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, who came to his death from the cf- t feels of a blow, inflicted tho evening before, ; bv a knife in the hands of James Thompson, 1 1 The facts, as testified to beforo tho coroner s jury, appeared to be that on the evening of the occurrence. Thompson invited t'. deceased, "' together with three or four others, to go with " him to tbe City Hotel and lake a drink. One 1 . ' of the party replied "No, I have money enuttgh ' ' to pay for my own drinks." The decttscq re plied to Thompson's invitation, " Yes, let's go t' and take a drink with him," after which they ( all repaired to the Hotel ; when arrived there, Thompson confronted one of the party, Mr. Gillican, and remarked, " Now I am ready for the man that insulted mo down street," at the same tiire miking a thrust at Mr. Gillican's " throat with a knife. Mr. Gillican turned to retreat. While doine so. Thompson struck at bitn a second time, Mr. G. having got out of bis reach, Thompson wheeled immediately . .- rnnndand remarked. " Damn you 1 can whip tfre whole crowd," striking the deceased as he 7j ! ..nl. l.tULolttn a omnml Train ill ej, in mu iivva, iimtwM'g ( - '' mlwh he died, at half-oast elevon o'clock the 0 "' anibe night, the blow with the knife having inflicted a little after five o'clock in the .. ffahinff. Thompson was fully committed on the V 'eiarge of " Wilful Murder." The deceased bore an excellent character, and, as we learn, "" ' leave a wife and family. Wilmington Juurn- time dnv beat us. Oh, my ! &c. Old Virginia on de left advancing, Oh, it was a glorious sigut to see acre nsyonots glnneing. Do Yankees took a long look, for ou viet'ry dey'd uern nremiiiiu?, And dea they cut across de field, dere coat tails a atreHining. Oli, my t &c. Old Tonnosjee on do risht was strsleliing, De sight was enough to set the Yaukcus retch ing i Brave Major Morgan cried, "On Baltimore we'll meet you, Go in Tennessee, or Baltimore will beat you " Oh, my ! i o De Newtown Battery did great execution, To give them praise enuiifrhi I haven't elooution. Wid dure one, two, three, four, same as dey were drilling i Bnt de weddor was too hot for sich a great hoK killing. ' ' Oli.uy ! &c. De "Maryland Linn" was a laying in the valley, De Yankece formod on do lii!l an i triud tu make a ra.lv : But brave Elzy, he cried, "Up, Maryland, and follow," And den we started for 'em, you ought to heard us boiler. Oh, ny ! &c, Do Of)th Now York was full ob fight and gassy, But uur boys charged upou 'em to merrily and saucy. De bully Col. Corcoran so burly and so tricksey, But we took de mean cuss prisoner and teut bim down to Dixie. Oh, my ! &c. Dar was great news to take to Old Linkum and bis uirccs, How de Grand Army was cut all to pieces, vVe hsmmercd dem so well, like do scripture fiirhts accordiu' For we smote 'em "hip and thigh in de valley of de Jordan. AI. ... I - 1....... .r ! t,tai.r,,l'! i, UMVi. i i MIID.CI VI iii.iiw,,i,u ...... ... . rights of tho Southern people ; but credulous and aruorani looia as us limy uiiwiun u-, n ( '.;,d -t!.,.;.! n,l noilihh, pmoirrh In be dpreived I ,.,....,,.- ..... ... - ... -r .. ..... , - i atir i nn.'e m seuooas. ine esiiuviiiuiis in lio 1 'tueral Adaumairatiou ) icccjuucu meuui- Tho following proclamation from Com, Goldabornuh and Gen. Burnside "to the people of North Carolina," savors of the usual amount of Puritan cant am) inflated patriotism : Roasoxe Island. N. C. Feb. 18. The mis sion of our joint expedition is not to invade any of your rights, oui io assert mc auuioruy of tho Lniled states, .and to close with you tho desolating war brought upon your state by comparatively a fcv bad men in your midst. Influenced infinitely more hy the worst pas sions of human nature" than by any show of i-levatcd reason, they aro still urging you astray to gratify their ulioly purposes. They impose upon your credulity by telling you of wicked and even diabolical intentions on our part; of our desire to destroy your fiee doin, demolish your properly, liberate your slaves, injure your women, und such like enor mities all of which, wo UKMiru you, is not only ridiculous, but utterly and wilfully false. Wo are Christians as well as yourselves, aud we profess to know full well, and to feel profoundly, the sacred obligations of the character. No apprehension nued be entertained the de mands of hnmanhy or justice will be disre garded. We shall inflict no injury, unless forced to do so by your own acts, and upon this you may coulldently rely. Thnso men are your worst enemies. They, in truth havo draw n you into your present condition, and are llie real disturbers ol your pence and tho huppinenS of your tire sides. Wo invite yon, in the name of the Con stitution, und in that of virtuous loyalty and civilization, to Sfpctaic yourselves lit once from these malign influences, to return to your allegiance, and not compel us to resort lurlher to tbe loreo under our control. The Government asks only thut iis authori ty may be recognized ; and we tepent in no manner or way does it desire to interfere with your laws, constitutionally established, your institutions of any kind whatever, your prop erly ol any sort, ur your usages in uny respect. L. M. (jtii.tisiioKoruu, Fliig-OtTiccr Com'g N. C. Block. Squad. A. R. IU'rssiiie, Brig. -Gen. Com'g Department N. C. jMB,"ic'..rrii' i in,.... not a - ..i ..f - - T?!rtr.7-!l n.J.-.LTT..ri i'-Mi5r .uincr st-&"f-'iti sie ouiier uu. iruriug wu iMiter i )0ug rlCTlli, engagement, wlien our ainniunl-1 ft,n(S) issued, it shall to the di?ly t.l the Treasurer to issue one millien of dollars, in small denomina tions, to wit : four hundred thousand dollars In the denomination of two dollars, lour hun drcred thousand dollars in the denomination of one dollar, one hundred thousand dollars io in the denomiuatian of fifty cents, fifty thous and dollars in the d-inomination of twenty-five ousand dollars in ihe duioroinaTTorr'or tcii uavable on the first day of January, tion was nearly exhauscd, I sent to the upper ss0, to be t.s -d in liquidation of any claims baltjry for a supply, but ten charges weie all j .niml the Slate to persons willing to receive that Cold be spared, and those were cxpen- tu same. but not to ba fuudud in bonds of ded at 4rk, as tho enemy was withdrawing tl0 sute, but shall be receivable in payment Iron) the contest. ' f taxes or other public dues; and he shall In all probability the contest will be re- keep v, accurate account of tlie issues, from newedfo-nioirow, for the enemy having Ian- time to time, made under this section of this ded a t)rco below the battery will doubtless ordinance. tndeavir to divert its fire. I have decided, 0. Re further ordained. That no bank ro- after fcceivWg the guns from the wreck ol cl.jVii)R ilm Treasury Notes of this Slate, as the Lilew, to proceed direct with the sqtuu- contemplated in the second section of this or run to' Elizabeth City; and send express to dinance .shall be required to receive, or have NorfoU for ammunition. . Should it arrive in ol, ,aj ai any one time, wore than two-tilths time w will return to aid in the defence ; if i ()r t,tt cnuital slock of such lank in said nut, .pl there make a tiiuil stand; and blow ,,0t(.8, up thu.veB.sels rather than they ahull fail into io e u further ordained. That so much the tutus ol the enemy. uf ihe net of tlie (jenerul AsseiubU', entitled There aro reasons lor retiring upon Norfolk, ...in a,.t (0 nrovido ways and means for tlie but it would bo unseemly thus lo desert (Ids ' rlefence of the. Stale, ratified September IS, sectiot of country, ll I have erred in juilg-1 istil, ns a-iliioriziis the isstiu of one million meiit, by a speedy notillciition the error will j ,()n,,rs of the denominations of two dollars' bo corrected. Commander Hunter, Lieut. ,mo dollar, fifty cents, twenty five cents, Iwcn' Commanders Cooke, Parker, und Alexander, ! ,v cenls. ten cents and live cents, and also and Misters Commanding McCarrlck, Tu) lor, ii,0 oidnnco uf tho Convention, rauiieil De and Hoole bravely sustained tho credit ol the teniber 1. 18(11, directing tho issue , LAI EST FROM TENNESSEE, ; , , Mksi his, March 2. Jinas Leilbetts, who, furuished the Union Sag to the Federiala at, Fayctteville, Arkaraas, and who oointed out tbe leading secessionists and their property uv -that place, has boon arrested by our troop,' and was brought to Van Buret) in ire I pa Eriday last . I .a to advice from Clarksvill state that it will be a week before there wll be fight tt' Boston Mountain. , j ' i;i i The latest advices from New Madrid repre sent that the Federal army, 20,000 strong, ha within two day's march ot that point A skir mish occurred on Saturday with tho advanced Federul guard of over 1,000 cavalry and about 200 undir General Jeff. Thompson. Tho small force under Thompson was driven in, The Federal loss was twenty-Cye. . , The Corilederatcs arc in Isrg force ot New Madrid, and they expect to whip tho Federal there. ' ' " " The Latest advices from Nashville. repreeene that only three Union flags are flying in that city. The Lincoln soldiers are surprised ana chagrined on account of tbe little sympathy' exhibited by tbe people. ..- Capt- Morgan captured ninety ef the Federal ; on Thuriidiiy nicht, and every night Federal pie eta are either killed or captured. The Federal piotn now extond thdr operations to Freaklia, N milieu aoulh of Nashville. ' . A skirmish occurred a a locality called Savaa nnh. near Eastport, on Friday last, in which 18 Federal!, w ho had lsnJxd from their nnboatt were killed. Four were killed on our aide. Gen. A 8. Johnson u falling back at con nient point, lo-oi to be in supporting dUtaoce el the Charleston and Memphis railroad. A battle is expected to take plaea at Boa tea Mountain at e very early day. Mtvpi'ms. Mrch 4. We have report Iroei New Madrid up to Saturday. The Federal arm kni then stated to be thirty aide off. and ad vancing. Their aiivanc gnara was wnu ut Sa Bgbi..ig oa eveorrta ... The latest intclliaence rccciveJ from Nub- ville states that the Federal troop in tb city . are conducting themselves with marked propo . tv. All the Confederate soldiers on lunougm have been arrested. A company belonging to Colonel Bates' regiment was arrested oa " Thursday while crossing the river and making their way home. , The company csoalstod of 4 ; A very few stores are open. AO arrest 01 private citizens have been made. Memphis, March 4. Reinforcement are rapidly coming forward for the define of the) Mississippi Vulley. Gen. Johnston bad fallen back to Decatur, Alabama. ' BY THE GOVERNOR OF NORTH CARO L1NA. . . servica, ond cery officer and man perlonucd his duty with alacrity. Lieut, t'oininiinding Simiiis, although ulisuiit on detailed service, rxhibitcdsuch an eagerness to participate in tho conllct as to give full assoratieo thut if grali lied, he would havo up! '.id his liigh rcpu'.a lion, 1 am, very respectfully, vonr obed't, W. F. Lvnui, Flng Uliicer. To Hon. S. R. iltiU.iry, Soc'y ol tlie Navy. A PROCLAMATION. NORTH CAROLINIANS! OUR COUNTRY needs your aid for its protection and defence against an invading foe. The President of tbo Confederate Slates has made requisition trpoa our State to complete hor quota of troop 1c the field. Our own borders are invaded by tb ene my iu force, now threatening an sdvanee to de prive us of liberty, property, and all that we hold dear as a self (rovornine and free people. W must resist bim at all hazards and by every means in our power. He wages war for our eab inirniion a war forecd upon nt io wrong, and 0 prosecuted without right and in-a spirit efvenge Now, to show that the ahovo is basely and wilfully false and only intended to quiet our nerves and prevent resistance until they can gut us under their thumbs, w e have only to in troduce the following, Irom the Richmond Dis patch of the 5 th: ALEXANDRIA. A gentleman of high character and intelli gence has given us a shocking pieluro of the outrages perpetrated upon helpless women in Alexandria. It makes the blood run cold to think that sucli tilings can be in this 19th cen tury, and in a land pretending lo he civiliiized; things which cannot he transferred to paper, but winch, sooner or later, must bring down divine vengeance on their perpetrators. Wo do not believe that Gen. McClellnn is oware of these crimes ; but if we could get his hearing, wo would appeal to him as an honorable foe nian, to investigate them himself, and for tho sake of humanity and religion, put an end lo such inconceivalile horrors. It seems that at every point where our army has been defeated we have been unfortunate Un losing our private and public documents. jtc seems mat ai ivoanoae, we were tnus un- brtunate and the Northern papers are filled vith private letters as well as jmblio papers ioiivi'iuloii OiitiimtK ci. The following ordinances passed hy our Convention will be found iiiteiesling to all clusscs : AN ORDINANCE To jimide for Fuudimj the Tremiry Xote of North Carolina and fur other jitirpmci, L Re, it ordiiiwJ, f'c, 'Mint any of the Treasury notes i-sued or herealter to be is sued under llie ordinance of this Convention, ratiflud the 1st of December 1161, directing tho issue of three millions of Treasury notes, as well asthosu issued by un ordinance of the present scsion, entitled "An ordinance to pro vide for tho assumption mid payment of the Confederate Tax," may be founded at llio will of the holder, in coupon liomlsnt the State, to be prepared by the Treasurer, and payable 20 vcurs slier date, or Sonne, ut the pleasure ol the siatc. and bearini interest at tho rale of eight per cent, per annum, payable svmi an nually at the Treasury, or in six per cent bonds of the State, payable !J0 years after the 1st of January 1S02, interest payublu semi annually, exchangeable in Treasury notes at the option of the holder, from time to time un til tho Treasury notes fall due, said bonds be ing of the denominations of $00 and $1.00 in equal portions. 2. Re it further ordained, That all taxes due to the Suite or lo counties, and for School purposes, or taxes for llie poor, and all pay ments for entries of public lauds,' and ull other dues to the State, and ull tines and forfeitures for the use of the Slate or couuiies. shall be paid in Treasury notes of tho State of the Confederate States, or in the notes of such of the solvent Banks of this Stato as shall receive and continue to receive and pay out as money at par the Treasury notes of tins State, or in gold and silver coin ; and it shall bo tlie uuiy of tho Treasurer to issue instructions to tlie Sheriffs and tux collectors in tlie several coun ties on litis subject, and it shall not bo "iawlul for any Sheriff or collector to receivo taxes in any other funds than as directed by thu Treas urer, f 1 ' 3. R it further Ordained, That all the Treasury Notes funded in Bunds, or paid into the Treasury for taxes tr other publio duet, Ihreo millions ol ili.ll.it s ol .treasury notes, and " Ihe ordnance to provide for llie assumption and payment ef (lie confederate lux, " as well as all llie issues of Treasury notes and bonds under said act aud ordinances are hereby willed anu confirmed. 1 1. IU 'it further mrd'iined, That in the event of llie inability of the Public l'resurir or comptroller m sign the treasury Notes authorized by law to be isMiod as speedily s tho demands on ihe Trea- ury may require, then il shall be lawful for euiier ol them loein- oy some discrcnt person by and with tho ad i'ul wickedness without a parallel iu the bietory of warfare among civilised nations. A you val ue your rights ot sclf-govemneiit i all toe Din amirs of freedom i the hallowed endeirments of home and fireside ; of family and kindred, I call upou yon to rally to their defense, and to suiUi the noble and sacred cause in which we are ea- BSifed. Ninth Carolina has always proved trne. to s'nut and brave, in the hour of trial and of daneer. Never let it be seid in tlie future that eh ho failed lo maintain this liiill renown. If w are threatened now more than heretofore, aud npoa our own soil, let our exertion! be equal to every lemnuit on our patriotism, honor ana (lor, no ' vice and consent of the Governor, lo sign and j temporary reverses dampened the ardor of yoor couutersiiii the said notes, whose names shall tie published in the newspapers m tho city ot Raleigh. 12. Re furilur ordained, That this or dinance may be repealed or modified by the General Assembly, bul so as not to uff-ci any transactions bad or rights vented under tlie sauie, previous to such lundilhalioii or repeal. , AN OiiDlMANCE. To eneonragi the manufacture of Cotton and !('(( O.irde. Be it ortain, lee.. That if any person or.pnr ons shall erect building and euonatruot machi nery for the pmpo'u ot manufacturing Cotton ami Wool Cards, and shall make pieof lo llie Oover ,,, ol ihn r,.Hl ,if soeli wniks. llie Governor he mid ba is hereby antiinrizeit to draw on the Treasury for sums not exceeding Ihe cost uf said works, to bd hia.icd to the owners thereof on ihe execution by lliein of buuds payable to tio Slate with sufficient sceuiity, conditioned to repay such sums at such time as tho lieneral Assembly may prescribe, and with such inlertist as may be required, not exceeding six per cent per annum: twtmit J TtlM.r, l uai mo eaion win hwiuiw tmed I mil in tlie hi si plaeu bo euarou tor earn iu the citizens uf this Statu AX ORDINANCE TO TAX MONEY. Be it or iluintit, See., That hereafter all monies on hand and all moiiiua on deposit with individ mils, or in the Hanss or other corporations, Jodl be Isiert oue-Clihofone per eonlas now imposed on money at iiilerosli and all'peisons having money in possossiou or ou depiwit as aforesaid, on tlie 1st day of April in each and every your, shall be required to list the esme when they list other taxable pro erty, unOer the snuw liabilities anil responsibilities as now impusid by law for a failure or neglect te list other taxable property : IrucM. That bnuk notes. and Conlederate Treasury notes shall bt considered -n money; I'rutidtit furtHtr, That the provisions of this ordi nance shall nut anolv to those who mav hate less than one hundred dollars to list; Ani pmrided fur her. That this oul insure msy bo mo'lincu or repealed by tlie Uenerai Assemoiy. Rln the Blockade. The neainer Gen. Miramon, it is staled by the Msbiie RtgiLer, has oiaile, a successful entry si New Ol'lcsug, with arms sail inuaitioni. liUK "ELM CITY UU'l.th,' sBoldvo!ua- A. teer coo. pany, now in the 2nd K-'irimeel ancestors, even though ihe enemy marched ia columns through the wate. i ne nres oi uoerty still burned brightly in their breasts. They were moved to new energy, and resisted, by gallant deeds, with abiding hope and unflinching eour age and perseverance, bravely contending With eivmios at home as well as the foreign foe. snlil tifirr a struggle of seven long years, our Inde pendence was achieved and acknowledged. Let us imitate their giorinni example. The ene my Is redoubling his efforts, and straining evrery nervo to overtoil our country and subjugate to his domination his avarice and ambition. Already it is proposed in their Congress to eeWb lisb a teiritorial guvernirfiit in a prfon f .State. Now is the lime tu ptuve oar aealautt an imate by inn example. 1 call upou the brave ami pvtrlntie men of eat Htato to volunteer, fi"m the mountains wine You are wanted to fill up our qui t io tho Con federate Army, sad for the special defence of tb Siste. I rely, w iih entire. conlidence, fur a prompt and uhoerful response lo this call upon your pa ir!' tism and valor. Tender yourselves in eum paniesatid in squads under oflicei uf your own selection. You will be at once sect-pled and or ganized into Regiment uud- the laws lhat are or may be inod, and which it is my fluty io exeeai. I lit' AUjii.aul Uenerai ol mo aiaie win issue we necessary orders for this purpose. Fellow Citizens! Youi first oileciane i da to North Carolina. Rally tu her banner. ' Let every maudu hie duly, aud our country wilt 0 atf. Given under mi hand and Ihe teal ef l?iA.T J. tiie State, al Ral.'.gh, this Wd of Feb., one thousand, eight hundred and list) -two. uenky t. Clark. feb2H-(iat "." All iho p'prrs in the Stat are uquMlii to publish 3 times C. S. T.. w in receive more recruite. Youli. mil. wiuhine to connect tlirineeirea with good milium- o'l an mlion, will do well to Jul thia company It already iinmbers e'glily five (85) but it is dwril'le raise it t" the Bioxiuiem umiih -r. uiwhuuureaouuiweuljBv. buadi.4 ilollllll lieui.ty (liven, Klid exui-usea psiU tu Wis t'eiuu. I'ui luii oer p'-rtieuinrs amlreee ; v Cipi. OEOKMI1 0. LLWIS. luO heiiuieht M . t . a T. , t '''J : 1 y.v