4 - 1 'r V O . "v. OT3KLY.EB7a -i- r .. ... it TT'o . ..;'. . -. . ... .. ... i .. ' , . T I 2 fc UZZEtX. PaoraiKTOBS c r not-Over W. C. Btronaca Oo.' - :. t 1 PTetteTilIe Strest.; V- , nee, t per ttm la Advance. 1UF.?DAY., ..DECEMBER 18, 1873.' tOQAL; MATTER. 3 1"V i F. C. WOODSOJT, EJitor. Ti(fVGrNERAir Assembly ox the Cue ENCY.The foildwing resolu-r t p introduced by Senator Hum--.rey, severi days aO was reported ni l lie Committee favorably yester- ".as, In the opinion of the : ; , Assembly, the lt - -icicl trou-. "i co" "try, vrt: .'i 1 -.ve r ar- . . ' bv. . ii, t ;.;r 1 t t - f? ion rut' ".esu! 1 "3 f-e pou.? - ; u.efore, rrl Assembly '. - t t nators . r.t u -i ... .rg; , j. icTuimate I j" rouibitingf ..j interest on, da- ed, restricted to -a ingonehalf of the I ? allowed by law to i Yt hereaa the increased . ' csea and demands for aces euefr stringeiicy ? .:;era as - to enabw the aoney lenders' td exact rates .of from 'twelve to--er .-cent j per knnom, . g eneral Ajwembly in the j ra expansion of the cur i !y needed ; therefore, jat our Benators and i J : ,-e3 ia Congress are re- q l their influence for an ' . " authorizing the issue of . Jred 1 miliums -of legal ten. -ry notes of the govern- ; V' ni'er , r.g no interest and, that ' ' thet ry of the Treasury be au thor; ! . i directed to Tiae the same in tal ' ' up outstanding ! bonds jof the gov t .uuent, That, in the even . of a r ' - ncy of the ! currency ' &UvIio;..y la isue bonda of the gov ernment for absorption, bearing a low rata of interest and payable at the option of the government. - " A MEaiTEl CojdpLimentI The following deserved compliment .to Hon. James L. Robinson, of MacoAj ; Speaker of the House of Bepresenta j tivesbf tha present General 'Assem L b!y, . we find In the last! issue of that able paper, the Hillsboro Itecor dtf. We reproduce it with peculiar pleasure, for we know that : the high compliment paid to Mr. . Robinson is nothing exaggerated but is only that gentleman's due : - i . -, .. "The presiding officer of the House of Representatives f s alyoys a man of i mark in that body. It fa no trifling q uolification of brain of nerve and of integvitv-h-,r f for that posi- I tion. 1 ie-atiocT iTnariiof iruetY jthsTTaiy won by well tried tests """of merit, and few men have, reached I it without passing through the sever 1 est ordeal of proof. Whenlthe dis tinction is won it is evidence! that it is deserved, and there are few instances of bad judgment or misplaced confi dence in the body which qpnfers the honor. I, . , , . . xhe present House has maintained its traditional sagacity in the choice of Speaker RobrBSOTATseiJoTOf ses- sion of service confirms the wisdom of its selection, and develops more r.io.riv th THencea which first re- jxmimended hiu- .i knowledge of :r .m --- y law he is without a n- v3,and in clearness of apprehensicn and promptness of decision he. could scarcely have a superior; "'All feel the urbanity of his yule, and all 'admit the perfect impartiality of. his decis - ions. - - r rn- - . "Mr. Robinson Is yet fourig, a great favorite In the wesVa he is .with his party everywhere, and has, we hope, , many years or nonor ana awuncuoa A. E. HEJTDERSOIT,' EsQThe fol lowing communication has been sent ; us from Oxford in regard to the above named gentleman who succeeds Messrs. Horner & Graves in the con- duet of -tW - Well knowtt : school ' there : fro the Newa. Oxford has yer.peenr5faino-aar for the superiority of its schools and the invigorating healthfulness of its cli mate. For these reasons; it has re- ' ceived a liberal share of patronage from the eastern portion of the State. Some, doubtless, sending their jspnar and daughters here for either one or the other of the , advantages named, and, in many cases on account tf both. We are gratified to state that Mr. A. E. -Henderson, a gentleman r of culture and talents,will succeed Messrs. Horner & Graves'.,' 'He has rented II r. Horner's private residence near the Academy, and will be pre- ' v red to take boarders lh his family1, 7- .fr llfihason's experience j and ; qualification3 render it certain that1 hwill discharge his duties faithful ly and efficiently., Mr. .Henderson formerly taught as" Principal of Dan . Jiiver Institute, and - the Board" of Trustees for the same used the fol lowing complimentary language in a published circular:! "The sawion of this institution hav ing closed, the Trustees would avail themselves of this method ;of renew ing the expression of .their high ap preciation of the Principal, Mr. Aj K. Henderson, ' whose ; success,, In the thoroughness of instruction and ad mirable , discipline;; justify -them to commending the school to the friends? of education, as affording very supe rior advantages.1' M Mr. Henderson is.a grapdsop f. the late distinguished Judge Henderson, an d is of a family , that . has , left the , impress of its intellect on the history of several of the-States, and of the United States. To parents andguar dians w would say, you cau safely ipatronize theOxford Academy with satisfactory results while he is chief - at the helmv t f i ? vv ' z' f'lmTiiTivrAft fOvFKRnm - to Oxfobjd OKHAKA8YiinMj-Yester- ur f r J. P. Adams of thiacitv. left at this office a handsome bed-quilt to be forwarded to the.Orphan Asylum at Oxford as ai-iJuistmas offering. We hope that many of our 'people will follow Mrs. Adams' example, and that by the' comingf that holy day large lots of useful articles will ; be forwarded from this place to be devo t d ; to the same t- charitable end. ould it not be well to send the-lit t'a ones at this institution sme, ire f.' r.ts, suitable to their ages, in order t'at their little hearts "may be glad ' ed on this day of universal joy ? 'V -f f, Y vivv ,..'' LEGISLATURr: cr 4 . CLl. A. EIGHTEENTH DAY'S COS. : r . - ' r . .i:-',.!..' t -. ... Jv .. ' ' . ... -i . ' x - t i ' ; fV:-' 1 'f. - , On l . u": . i !i,t ' - a ' ' - .'!'-. i v 3t Itri I or- the t " i nn? ract F .l3,tO : ("' an;'n;' ar.. riking c ' a vict 1 . id the i 1 ttia w ?n: C9 bill "No.141. to .incorporate T.zm Lodge No. 171, I. O. OTP.; of liewbernf! passed its several- read- ' Benatebill No 67, bill for the relief of the sureties of.Jw L. High, former SheriflT of Graham county, who was recently can victed of couhterfeltine and sent to the Albany Penitentiary, . passed Its several readings: ' J ; iiouse om jn o. 3 senate bill m, to prevent the felling of trees in Rich land Creek, between Carter'sMill and the mouth of said creek, bassed lta second reading and recommitted to Senate bill Ho. , to exempt the citizens of Graham county from pay ing toll over'the Cherokee turnpike Mr. "GudgeTsmoved to amend ' fey exempting alt the people in the State from paying toll on this road.. i The bill as amended passed its read- Senate bill No 86, to amend the Charter of the Wilmington Seaside ' Railroad, passed its several readings. House bill to incorporate Sharon Camp Ground, in Cleveland county, passed its several readings. - 'y ' Senate bill No. 9, to incorporate the Cross Creek Cemetery Company, of Fayetteville. passed its several read-. ' lng. 1 -" -" '' 'f ti ' Senate bill to Incorporate Athemea Lodge No. 8, Knighte of Pythias, of Newbern, passed its readings. -"-v t J ' Senate bill concerning Clover HOI i Camp Ground in. Cleveland county, and to authorize a Board of Trustees 'thereof, passed its readings. House bill to amend the charter bf the town of Lumberton,' extending the limits of the town and for other purposes, passed its readings. ' ! f it i x I jMisceUaneoua. ii i n l p . Mr. Murphy Introduced a bill to amend Private laws 1872-'73, chapter 89 sections 6 ' and 10. Referred to .Committee on Banks and Currency. Mr. McCauley introduced a bill to repeal chapter $43 ' 9f Code of Civtl Procedure; chapter l t Battle's Revisal. Referredi to the Judiciary Committee, i 4 On motion of Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, the vote by which the reso , lution in regard j to completing Hawk's History of j North Carolina was reconsidered. . -1- A-communication was received by the ' President and read, from the Committee of the Cape Fear Agricul : tural Society, inviting the President to visit the Wilmington Fair.' 1 On motion, the President; was re quested to acknowledge the iuvita- !tion,&c. " - " ' r . i SENATE. i, J J r. NINETEENTH .irri :, j$ - ir DAYS PROCEEDINGS Tuesday, Dec. 9 , The Senate met at U oldock, lieut.' Gov. Brogden in the chair. . . : Journal, of yesterday read and ap-1 proved. MA Cowles asked if his name was reported as Voting On the resolution . in regard to the back salary grab, as i he discovered from the report in the ' Nipiysthathlii name was not reported. ; Thejreporter of that paper,, though : had stated to him that on account of the night session lie was - unable tb .vuncvbuiB. uruui auu several fcrrors hadcrept iniiiieporeijna .1 i ; Mr. Cunningham stated that he j was unavoidably absent from his seat yesterday when the vote occurred on 'the back pay resolution.. He desired j to show his condemnation of this act I by recording his vote In" the aflirma Jtive on the passage of the resolution jand; in tBe; negative -onf the;iutefld4 jmen t to strike out that portion of thq resolution Censuring the President. - f; psMr. McCauly stated that the NewsI had reported his position on the reso-l lution . incorrectly, ; and desired to' I know if he was correetly reported on . the journal. - t I Report? frond Standing. CoMfiiittees ;were submitted as follows:.;, Messrs., Allen, Morehead.of Gttilford,Grandyj j Gudger and Todd, from the Judiciary: Mr., .liove, ;from Propositions and ; Grievances, Mr. Norwood from ' the 'Agricultural, Mr. Murray fromEni S" rossed blilsr MrTodd from Enrolled illsMr. Cramerfroni Committee oa ll I 1:11 . i r r j .1. j 'Judiciary. ,j-..i.fltKii,m..t J i Introduction of RU1.X '.?" i I ', J "fit v" - ' ." 5 By Mr Allen, a bill to lav off and establish a new connty bv the name iof Morehead from a portion o Grapi jville. Franklin and Orange counties The bill and accompanying petition,' ; referred to the Committee ons Propf ?osition ana unevancea.' , -" wv ! vByJdr. Welch, ft bllL'to. siabluh : a new county by the name of Bragg! I Referred to Committee on ; proposi-8 tions. and Grievances.. U . - j -vBy 'Mr. MoCabe, a bill to authorize the late Sheriff" of Edgecombe county.' 1 WJVf'SytfgM tQ collect arrearages of - .taxes lor teat county. ; iteierrtHi ta t Committee''n'on Proprosltions:"t and i Grievances.!;'-, ', -; ;',! &',; !' ;V . .. t By Mr. Todd, a bill to cure certain, i defects in iurisdiction .in 'certain' cases. Referred to ..the ' Judiciaryj , By Mr. Ellis, of Columbns, af bilf to amend see's. 264, 205, 272, 273 of.the Code fx Civil Procedure, m Referred to Judiciary Committee, ; v Di; ' ' By Mr, MeCabe, a' bill to provide for filling vacancies in theorace of County Surveyor. , Referred to Judi ciary Committee. '-. - 4 jf f Mr. Alien introduced,a,. supple; ment to tbe bill offered by hlmseit to establish the new county of Afore-' 1 Special Order. ' ' At 12 o'clocK", the'Tiill' Vorevehi fraud in the sale of Commercial Fer- . v 1 n I ' i . - - A ii I-1H.. V V tUizers on lt third reading was an nounced as the special order, a r , Mr. Norwood In advocating, the passage of, the .bill . referred . to the large trade of North Carolina in fer-, tllizers and of the large amount ex pended for this commodity annually From a report made at the last meet ing of the State, Agricultural Society it was shown that a certain brand of fertilizers, for whlch Ihousarids of dol lars had been ' paid, contained over 60 per cent of pure sand. The farmers could not avoid this imposition,' and this act Vouldrovide for a remedy for the evil. The1 act pf 1871r2 waa( not adequate to the purposes and the committee thought proper to substi tute this bill for it JHe referred to: the act spoken of, and comparing the' two, "showed the difference in their; Effect and operation;; ; ttV' in - Mr:' ; Cowles " objected; to the IBth5 section'- of the'bill'that providek a fee of $15' for the ;State Geolo'.st bn each, analysis;; and" jOfTared An amendment that the feer shoul i be aMe'l to Uie Educational fund of llz. urpiiy" cppo&edhe .aiead ment, arguing' from a' scientific point that the chemical preparations required M to." make this . analysis would cost the State'Geologist more than the sum of $15." , 1 : " !; Mr. Norwood Bald that he was In formed by , the Geologist that", he would ' be ' compelled- to employ a; chemist who would operate under his own direction to make this anal- ..yslsj li Jk ivH wti ttff fK Mr. JLove called tne previous ques tion on the passageof the bill, which" being sustained, 4 he amendment of Mr. Cowles was voted upon and lost. The question "recurring upon the passage of the bill, it passed by 29 ayes to nays none ; -: " ""' s The bill to' amend chapter 101, pri vate laws of 1870-71, being-" an act appointing a ' Weigher 'of Cotton and Insoector Of flour --and salt fish for the City of Raleigh,' came upas tne special order iorOi o'ciock. After considerable, discussiofi, the special order was postponed till Tues day next at 12 o'oloek. ' 7 - - ; r. it in Unlet Buqaended. J u.'i .1 . t "Undera suspension of the ? rules the House resolution for the relief of John M. Young; Sheriff of Buncombe county, allowing him till the 1st of January to settle with the State Treas urer, was taken, up and passed ' its several readings. ,. On motion of Senator Harriss, the vote on the passage of the resolution ; was reconsidered and that motion Maid on the table. ',-i jvi On motion : of Mr. Cunnineham. ' the bill to incorporate the North Car- I : T . z . f ft : A. A. iit ' uuuii xiuuiigraiuu ouuieiy, ah yv ar renton, was taken up undera suspen sion of the rules and passed its sev eral readings, hv, v;.t.. u On motion of Mr. Grandy the rules were suspended and the resolution ia, favor of.the Sheriff of .Gates county; taken up and passed its readings: J The resolution of Senator. Enrjes. Hsreg ;totcl-r order for Wednesday next. The bill to. authorize the issue of bonds for the purposeof raising funds to build a railroad from Hickory to L in coin ton came up on its" third reading, and passed by 27 ayes. The bill supplemental to, and ex planatory of all acts of incorporations passed bv the nreaent General Amem., ; bly passed its second reading. i ne .. mil to prevent flogging and whipping in the-penitentiary, pria-? ons or - workhouses, was next taken . up. ' 'o ..-.. Mr. Worth amoved to lay on the tableH. w-.-fco '4T?".: . Harris called for the' ayes and .The call . was sustained, and the motion of Mr. Worth prevailed; by vote of 19 ayes to 15 nays.; - . e Senator H in explaining his vote in the afllrmative,' stated that he only 'did so for the purpose of calling ; for a reconsideration , as he desired , to make some remarks on the bill, and was cut off by the motion of the Sen- ator from Randolph to lay , on. the table. ; ' - - .t I . Miscellaneous. y, J. p, ..V ! ' On motion of Mr. Gudger, the Senator from Johnston,- Mr. : Avera, ;wasgranted leave of absence da, ac-. count of sickness in his family. . - i I Mr. Wtlch announced that the Sen ator from Carbarrus,..Mr. Barnhardt," j was detained in hisroopion account fof sickness;1' C The President announced 'as the, , .Senate branch of the Committee on adjournment : Messrs. Waring, Mc ICabe, and Murphy. C , V I t The House .resolution of Mr, Mor ning (published in the-News a few' daj'siince) in regard to the new Fed eral Court House in the city of Ral eigh, and transmited from the House jwas read and Mopted4 Mr. Cramer offered a. written pro itest for himself and 'other Republi tcana againstthe action .of the Senate in,, voting against the back saUry grabresolution which Is too lengthy jfor our report. 1 :; Note Ir, Cowles voted in the af jfirmatave on the resolution in, regard I to the back, pay resolution reported tin yesterday's News. His name was fun intentionally left out by the repoi!- teTiAlso in yesterday's report on the ;8aineresolutionthe name of "Hea ton" should be Horton, and "Kirby" (should by King. ' On the resolution In regard to striking out that portion iof the resolution censuring the Pres iident,' Senator Harriss is reported as jvoting on both sides of the question.; iMr Hj voted for the resolution. Mr jMcCsculy who Is reported ' asxvoting , fer.the amendment, voted .against it. ! and Mr. :M il ler, who Is represented fas voting for the resolution, . voted lagainstitr.:.-;'- '..l-j;-.. I The reporter jthnks 4 but sheer justice to notice the remarks of Mr. King, of Xenou, who in explanation foi nis vore tor tne resolution, stated jWhllehe was'wllling to show! hyhis j vote his condemnation of. the back 'pay salary -grab,- yet he would not fvote for that portion of It censuring i the Executive, simply fomfthe fact 'that the Constitution forbids any ad-' i vance of his salary, Jie did pott draw it, audhe jQuLl. not censure him for Ian act he was not guilty of.-, i - " "jt.'im j ;-ik v-'-i '.' f HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES l'Mf. Speaker; Robinson, called the jHouse to order at 10 a. m. W j .Journal of yesterday was read and lapproved. . f Several . petitions were ! presented and appropriately disposed of. "; -Messrs;'- 'Bennett, Waugh, Carter, jGidney, McGehee.WUey andMcNeill submitted reports from varlousstand ing Committees, i .11 -iN ii r SAtirai By Mr. Blythlv bill defining the duties of State ofdeers in makin?r re-' ports. Calendar. t I By Mr. Bryan, of Alleghary, a bill giving the proceeds of the gales of vacantland3 Ini Madison, Alleghar ny, Buncombe and other counties for the -completion of the Marion a-1 . Asheville turnpike road. Referred. By Mr. Shackelford, a bill to amend the act to Incorporate the New River: " By Mr. Ilinnant, a bill tn amend , chapter-19. laws of lS72-'73, Re ferred. Ttxr-KTr --TlATIaf a kMl p rate the Sandy Cross" Colored Far- mers uiutuai Aia B0c::y ci u-tes county; "TJeferred. ' Rv Mr. i,1nev fM io. 1-y cT 3 cf Cent rlew .county by the i. pl By.JTrDdfreyra bill fo tr" . fhe coigr.fA' 1 1 Dare from tl;e frit to the s : -ppjia.A Udicial Di: trl zi.'' F -L r. i. r icier- 1 rBvte Gldnev1 a bitf to '"imerid1 section 76, title 7, C CP. Refer- 1CU. ; , - . . . . ... By Mr. Paschall, a resolution of in struction, to the Judiciary -Commit-' tee. ::;- " '; ;'; , .;r;'.', " The resolution concerning the' cot-, ton tax of the United States in the! ; years 1865-'66-'67-68 was taken up and auopteu. The bill for the keeping of the public highways was taken up. ' ' : Mr, Andersoni'of Clav. to indefi nitely postpone.' Carried,' s' 4 ' ' ,! '5y"Mr. Johnson, a resolution In favor of the Sheriff of Buncombe' 'oounty.Mr' ".f" ' un motion or Mr. Johnston, the' rules were suspended and the resolu tion was adopted. "s ' ; ;.' 'The bill In relation to ihe special5 term of the Wayne Superior Court, ' to be held on the first Monday lnJ January," 1874, was taken up and adopted. The bill in relation to the ' State Library was taken up and passed its several readings. ' '4 " The bill in regard to mischievous animals was taken on and. after - de- ' bate, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. ,J - ' " ' .. The bill to prohibit the sale of li-' quor in the town of Trenton, Jones county, was taken up and passed its' several readings. ' . . By Mr.1 Ballard, a resolution in favor of the Sheriff of Gates county.; On motion of Mr. Ballard, the rules were suspended and the resolution passed Its several readings. - By Mr. Wheeler, a "bill to amend charter of the town, of Winston,' Referred: . v';;i f ,-"':-1 " The Nil to incorporate the town of Bethel, Pitt county "was taken up and passed its several readings. ' The bill to incorporate the town of Johesboro,' Moore county, was taken up and passed its several readings. The bill to incorporate the town of ! IWanni Wilann wuitihr nr.. 1 npand pn?yd Its several readings. rIlie -ciii feihtsjraofateT5 Socic tif F. and A. Masons in Moore county was taken up and passed its several readings. ' The bill to amend chapter 126 laws of 1866-67, in relation to weights and measures, was taken up and, oo mo-' tion of Mr. Moss, was postponed for. one weelt. - " ' " By Mr. Gorman, a bill ' to" author ize the establishment of free ' schools ' ih the city of Raleigh. Referred. , The biU-xo aeciare welcn creeK, Martin county, a lawful fence, "was taken hd. and. 6it motion of Mr. ; Maxwell,, was indefinite y postponed. - ine oiu Eoexiena me ume oi tne tax Collector of McDowell county to 1 settle with the County Treasurer, was' taken ud A and Passed - its - several ! readings. i us f.-... - . -fine bill to limit a day's work to .ten hours in cotton,' woolen and pa per mills and tobacco, factories, &c, was taken np-- - J : Mr. Maxwell moved to table.1. Car ried. -.& - , -v ... r " , i The bill to amend the charter of Newbern was taken up, ."' Abbott, colored, moved to' Indefi nite postponed, ; which motion' was lost by a vote of yeas 35 nays 51. j The - bill . then passed its second reading. . i,,,,:,,'' i Under a suspension :of the rules the bill, came up pn its third .read-, ing and passed by A yote of yeas 2, nays 36, ris.,- n.j.lsffiA'" t i A communication from .'the .Ope. Fear Agricultural Association was i read Jnvi ting the General Assemby, to attend the Fair at Wilmington was read., ;i ,; vo .-.lui.-n tM- On motion ; of . Mr. McNeill the. clerk was ordered to return thanks for the invitation. , . -i f Spbeial 'Order1? '" I ,?The bill to amend chapter 0, laws of 1872-'73. was taken lip as the spe clal order. ,?iAM J" t ".jua ?-... m 'The qtiestion recurred on a 'substi tute offered . by , theCom&ilttee -on I 5 The reporter had prepared kfuQ 'report of the proceedingsi, together iwlth the proposed substitute, but our space did not admit; of its pa bli ed ition to-day. ., j .Pending the consideration: of seo tlon 4 48j the House adjourned to, jnleet agaiij tonorrow at 11 a. m. " . (..rjlb PBOCEEDINQS. , SENATE." ":i ;t THDBsiAY, Deo. 10, 1873. The Senate met at 11 o'clock. Lieut. jGov Brogden In the chair. . rtM. I Journal jOf yesterday, read and ap proved . , . , ,;;. v, i SIr. Powell asked the privilege of recording his yote in the negative on the : amendment, to strike, out '.that tportioh of the back-pay. resolution in sregara to censung the resident, and fin the affirmative on the adoption of the resolution. f ,4 4;, Reports Irom Standing Committees were submitted asfbllow Mr. Cun ninghatn from theEklaoatloaal ; M rj Weich,from the Corporations; Messrs. Seymour and Gudger, from the Ju diciary : MrIroy, from Claims. - Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, made, a verbal report from ' the Joint7 Select jCommittee to wait oi the Attorney (Generat, to the effect ' that the opinion-of that officer in- regard , tq the present session , was that the law was jprospective and had no effect bri the session of the General Assembly. ' I 'otlomandelutiont. v 'J , i On motion of Mr. Ellis,' iof Cataw Sba, Senate bill No. 65- was taken from' the Calendar and referred to the Ju-. diciary Committee. -p.. iT7-T 0T.l ' T.Ori motion c.' Jfo."59 was Mi. and referred to mittee. . I ' On motion T bill for the 1 briars 'over Tx ' Vi3 withdraw i t;:i.teandre-: t - . . C: - ' f r.t3 tc: rft'ie t cf t;.e ; Con;iit- - . .' r " , ,. - re-head": of 1 t it-, when .1 ac'journ 1 o'clock, as .3 call?!, for Tii embers of ! attend, the lution of J a. lint"" t J ' tl . i.. eState I -s :lt6f,- - v " r:,o' -.1, i-. C ; , f i i t) r ai, t-r ,t, tl -t Ttr e. :an to-Ilr.Cr?-ir-tructic i--.CGrpr rrts of t C 1 By Mr. Welch.a bill to' amend an act to prevent distemper -arid other iflfectuous diseases among cattle-Referred to Committee on Propositions and Grievances. ' ,t",'- .' By Mr5 Powell, a petition from a citizen of Chatham county, "asking Legislative enactment for his own benefit. Referred to Committee on Propositions and Grievances.-1 t ' By JtfrTodd, a bill to make seduc tion -a 'misdemeanor. 'Referred' to Committee On Judieiary.-' - ' ' By Mr. McCauley, a bill to Incorpo rate the Peoples' Bank of 3bnroe. Referred to Committee ori Corpora tions 5f'".-v -,si ;w By Mr. 'Ransom, A bill to protect oysters in the waters of North Caro lina.'' 'Referred to1 Judiciary -Com-' mittee.-. - - -'; ' " By Mr Worth, a bill to adjust the public debt. - - - - On motion of Mx, Trov. the bill was 'ordered to be printed; and referred to tne (jommittee on Finances -j 5 j 1 By Mr. Humphrey a bill to amend the Constitution of North Carolina. Referred to1 Judiciary Committee. - By!Afr. Troy, a bill to incorporate the Diamond Cottott Chopper and Cultivator Company. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. f " By Mi. Nicholson, a bill concern ing the ' State debt - f Referred to Special Committee on State Debt, and on motion of Mr. Todd, was ordered to be printed. '' ' Calendar. i The bill supplementary to, and ex planatory of all acts ; passed by the present General Assembly, which requires I all - corporations of every character authorized by this General Assembly .to carry ut their proper and legitimate business, etc., came up on its third reading. , , Mr. Humphrey was in favor of the billV but as it cfid not reach further than the present General Assembly, he would move that the bill be either referred to the Committee oa Internal Improvements,, or have the. bill prin ted and made a soeeiai'order. , " ' ' t, MirKiai5f;tlfi.gf. to explain'' bulryielded to the re quest of , Mr.Humphrey, to have the bill referred to the Committee on Banks and JPrcf', printed and jjuKie the special order for Friday The bill amendatory of theelection law was taken up, and onr motion was referred to the Committe on Privileges and Elections. :, The bill to amend the bastardy law was laid oh the table. ... ' The, bill concerning incorporated towns', and' Villages, . providing that towns and villages that fail to hold their elections on the 1st of January; as required by law, may do so( after wards, was taken up and passed its several readings. ,. . ;i. , it ,t j w jSpcctai Order. The bill to insure the. completion of the Western Railroad, came up as tne special oruer at 4.2 o'ciock. .An. amendmendment was offered to the bill' by . Mr. Troy, when. Mr. Welch moved to postpone further ac tion oh the bill till , the return of the Chairman of the Committee on Inter nal, Improvements'Mr. Morehead, of Rockingham. I ," ' : ;., t I Mr. Cowles irave several reasons for j his motion to indefinitely , postpone, ! first, that several suits were pending : with the private stockholders of the road,' and time was needed to see how ithey were decided,' Second. 'that he was not satisnea wiiu tue cuaracier bf the bonds the bill provided should be paid for the State's Interest. . .; ;Mr. Morehead; of "Guilford, ' was surprised .to .find Mr. Cowles, by opposing the' bill He explained the character of the bonds proposed to be ;givenibr the State's interest, to be on par with bther State bonds, &c. Mr, Cowles stated that his Objec tions were confined to the character of the bonds proposed to be given for the State's interest If he was satis ified that bonds of in' equal dignity rwitb any of the State bonds would be !jriveny he would j withdraw his mo tion. '' ; ' - MrTroy was in favor of the post tponement, and at some length - ex- 'pialneu nis reasons tnereior. ne ue .talled the history of the road, the fi Inancial difficulties it had experienced fonder the administration of Andrew Jackson Jones, and the' effect- of the legislation of the Andy Johnson lOonvention, that "placed; Jones in power ; the difficulties that bad been sarmounted t by the private stock holders in saving the State's interest, fccv - In conclusion he stated that he jwas thoroughly impressed that now iwas not the time for legislation, &c f Mr. Norwood favored the motion to postpone, stating that there was 710 one who was interested in the bill bushing it. ; - ? .yi, ; f Mr. Morehead,of Gruilford, said fthat he represented the State of North jCarolina as a Senator on this floor, land he conceived it to be the interest iof not only the people of Chatham, Randolph and the Yadkin Valley, to complete ; this rouif but of ail the jStbteand proceeded to press the pas eage of the bill. -He was willing for jits postponement in accordance with the motion of Mr. - Welch. . QMr. Powell opposed the indefinite pbstponemdnt of the bill. 4 I Mr. Cowles withdrew his motion tor, indefinitely -- postpone - and ' Mr fTroy renewed it. - ?Mr. Morehead ealled for the yeas and nays, When the -motion to indef initely postpone was losby 15 ayes .to'20 nays.- v- t - ? I -Mr.Troy offered an amendment to the bill; w hich was.on motion,order ed to be -printed, and the bill as tamended made the special order for Tuesday, the 16th Inst. - Adjourned. rvIlPRESENTATIVES: . The House was .called to order at 1CJ o'clock, a. m., ; Mr. Speaker Rob inson in the Chair,"' - -- Journal of yesterday: read -and ap proved. - . v Several petitions were - presented appropriately disposed of. Messrs. BenneWaugh; JoynerV Mitchell,' ;-Wiley and ""Anderson, -of f Uavi submittad reports from Stand ing Committees. .--..- ' " .: Leave of absence was granted td a number of members; - , .v:-f ; 'm :By Mr. Bennett, a bill to. amend the act for t he better govern ment of tbe town" of Wadesboro.' - Referred--' By Mr. Eennett, a bill to add cer tain sections to Ba. :as Rc-isal. Re f rred. - ; - .- PyIr. Brown, of Mec! T inburjr- a , I to protect farmers froi' i Railroad t, orations. Itefered.- - ' t 2 lr. Whitmire, ab"1 to amen ' e - 1 p". i 4, chapter I , Revise t r. - a i.to ' .ai-- t' ingham, Richmond county. Y Refer- rea, ;.. ?, - By Mr. Bowman, "a bill .to chapter 102, Battle's Revisal. amend. Calen- oar.-'-' - - ;' ' By Fletcher, col. a bill in relation to tbe fees of witnesses in Justices'. Courts. Referred... , By Mr. Turner, a bill to authorize the collection of the arrearage of taxes in the town of Statesville. Referred. - By ? Mr. Cobb, a bill to creite an additional term of the Superior Court for Edgecombe county. Referred. By Mr. Todd, a bill to legalize the action of the Commissioners of Wa tauga county. Referred. By Mr, Waddill, a bill to prohibit the sale of liquor within two miles of Center Church. Referred. - By Mr. Blackweli, a bill to prevent indictments in certain cases. Re ferred. . ' ':- - . ; ". ' By Mr. Outlaw, a bill to incorporate the town of Teachys, Duplin county. Referred.. . . By Hughes, coL, a bilb to prohibit the sale of liquor near the Episcopal Church, Sassasfras Fork, Granville county. Referred, , By Mr. Carson, a bill to amend the act incorporating the town of Wash ington. Referred. - r A , . By Williamson, col., a bill to amend section 15, chapter 105, Battle's Re vised. ; Referred. ;iw-: , l By Mr. Carson, a bill to incorporate the town of Taylorsville, Alexander county. "Referred.- ' v - By Mr McGehee, a bill to provide for the election of Trustees of the. University of North Carolina. Re ferred. 1 By Mr. Houston, a bill concerning Maiden and Clark creeks, Lincoln county. Referred. 1 '-- vt a By Mr. Bowman, a bill to make entry-takers in - certain counties ex officio county agents. Referred. - By Mr. Gilbert, a bill to amend section 1, chapter 171, Revised Code.; Referred. : ,- ", ; - - . ' .-- - , Mr. Gudger arose to a question of privilege in recard to the . Public i Ptjntinresigning position of iiairuiau ui nit) xxouse uruiii'ii oi ine joint committe on Printing. Mr. Gudger said : Me, Speaker: I arise to ask to be excused from "serving further on the Joint Select Committee on Pub lic Printing. I deem it necessary to state to the House briefly the motives which have prompted me in this ac tion. Twelve months ago the Committee in good faith and prompted by pure motives contracted with the Raleigh News to do the State Printing. For this the Raleigh Sentinel' saw proper at various times to reflect on the Committee and impugn their mo tives. I am sure I reflect , the senti ments of the whole Committee when I say they have seen no reason to cause them to regret their action in the matter. , M ! During theearly part of this session charges wefe made through the Sen tinel that the News had not done the printing as per "contract. The com mittee thought it advisable to inves tigate the matter, which they did. The committee after carefully inves tigating th facts, found and so re ported to the House (unanimously) that the printing had been done bet ter and more quickly during the past year, than for thirteen years." That more general satisfaction had been given and less complaint made (ex cept by the'jSenttnel) than in any year previous. t-' :? . :;, s ,..;. Again, I feel that it is the para mount duty of a paper which pro fesses to be the party organ to stand by and advocate the claims of those who are nominated for office by the party. In this the. Sentinel failed last winter. 4 Its columns were. silent, it is true; but I submit it was the duty of the editor to lay down all-personal pre ferences and march up like a patriot to the support of the conceded nom , inee. Instead , of this its . columns contained communications before and after the contest, justifying and encouraging the action of those who saw proper todisregard tbe expressed will of the Conservatives of the ;stater .-v'-I Having1 proved recreant in this sacred duty then; I gave my consent ifor the News to have the printing. I feel that I did right then ; J enter tain the' same 'opinion now." -I feel that the party is under no obligations, as far'as the printing is concerned, to the Sentinel, and I cannot, 'hor will not, as Chairman of the House branch of the Committee, sign the Contract with that paper. : ' - !' ' ;,! To a question of privilege, I will refer to the. charges contained a few days since in the Sen tinel that' I "after an ineffectual effort to bolt was informed, I and no doubt convinced,',' etc.. etc. ; This charge of bolting' comes with very bad grace from a paper which is it self a bolter. ?Dia the Sentinel sup port the nomination last winter ? There is not a child in the State who can read but what would answer em phatically no. Then who is the bol ster?; .Is it the Editor of the Sentinel pr myself?-v is it chargeable at my iddor or his? This question I leave jthe public to determine. He stated jthai he "kept steadfastly aloof from t.he contest after Governor Vance was nominated." It is true I desired the same majority rule to be applied in the ' matter of printing, that was applied in the Senatorial nomination. This is what I desired, and nothing iuore-. With regard to my desiring to J bolt, I stated plainly, distinctly ana unequivocally that I had never belted, and never intended to bolt.' I here state I am for the voice of the party being heard, but my own self respect, after the insinuations con tained in the Sentinel, require that I should resign my position as Chair- i:ou ii T- - NO. 43- man of the House Branch of the Committee. I ask to be excused from further service on the same. '.I am deli berated in the steps I have oik en, -ajid have well weighed the conse quences. My course maybe criticised out I km conscious of an honest en- deavor to perform my duty to my party, to ray ijonstituents and to my self.. .1 trust it will be the pleasure of this House to' srrant:tnv reauest and thereby shield, me from further attacKS, 'abuse and newspaper eianr. L .. On motion of Mr. Bean, Mr. Gud.rir was excused.' - ' - - - V At their own - request, . essrs." Craige 5 and Gidney T'ere excus J from further servi 4 .the bs5 Committee. , . , - The education bill Wits take'n up iij the unfinished " buttress, vand the question. ree'Tr'1 1 on the ubstitut5 for the or'rinal I II. . .- ' - The c .a tooli a wide range, t:t J r :;s amende; its to the propo- 1 Ltatewerer ,t',ll.-Thel., a t was ad 1 t'lebillf " t "T1 1 r- ' J:r. .- Vhen the 1 :i i .3 i.i 1 wcid, the bill will be .vt.i On motiuu m iiLi v J. the RaUroad Consolidation;; bill was made the special order for .Friday at 12 o'clock. ' s ;; The bill to change the line between Bladen ; and Cumberland counties, was taken up and passed its second reading. ' . " . . On motion of jifhlNorment, the bill concerning the ferries, causeways, &c, between Wilmington and Bruns wick, county, , was taken up and passed Its several readings. Adjourned. .-- - : SENATE, TWENTY-FIEST DAY'S i;.i3 , , , PROCEEDINGS. Thubsday, Dee, 11, 1873. s Senate met at 11 o'clock, Lieut. Governor in the Chair. ; , v Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. ;' ; Mr. King submitted a protest, from himself and other Republican mem bers of the Senate, against the action of the Senate in not striking out the name of the President of the United States from the resolution condem natory of the ? back-salary grab." The resolution was otherwise endors ed? Placed on the journal. .' 'Meports of Standing Committee. Mr. Murray, from Committee on Engrossed Bills jf Mr. Ransom from Enrolled Bills ; Mr. Love, from Pro-, position and Grievances : ; Messrs. Grandy and Allen, from Judiciary : Mr. Avera, from Propositions and Grievances ; Mr. Welch, from Cor porations, and Mr. Todd, from Judi- .Reports from Select Vommitteet. ,: Mr. Humphrey from Joint Select Committee on the Public Debt, sub mitted a report upon the various bills that had been submitted to it upon this subject, the Committee presen ting a substitute for the whole. On motion, the bill was -ordered to be : printed ni made the special order for 12 o'clock to-morrow. . ; , . Mr, Welch moved that the bill subV miieed bTrmsetr SPc;atrcY yg'er Kitt debtbeade special orde 'av.'.l2 T'portect byj he C o'clock Saturday. V f tions and Griev Introduction of Jiilbsi Mr. Powell, a bill to amend chap ter 189, laws of '71-72. Referred. Mr. Davis, by request of friends, a bill to change the time of holding the Courts in the First; Second, Third anp Sixth Judicial Districts. Re ferred. . ., . ., .,. Mr. Walker, a bill to regulata the drawing of juries. Referred. Mr. Troy, a bill to prohibit the sale of liquor within 3 miles of Friend ship Church, in Harnettcounty. Re ferred, i Mr. Barnhardt, a bill authorizing: I the sale of the jail in Cabarrus coun ty.- Keierrea. Mr. Murphy, a bill to amend chap. 104, of Battle's Revisal. Referred. v 7 Petition. , . ."' Mr. Murphy, a petition from the citizens of New Hanover, praying for a new county to be named Jeffer- .son.-; -Referredv-.-.'v-:.-'- . . Ihe Whipping of Prisoners. , . Mr. Harris moved to take from the table the bill in reference to the whipping of ; prisoners in the Peni tentiary and common Jails, and that it be referred to the Judiciary Com mitteet - The said bill prohibits such punishment The Senator did not sympathize with the prisoners, but common humanity prompted him to see that such outrages be not allowed. Mr Worth opposed the reconsidera tion of the bill, as the punishment now inflicted in the penitentiary had proved wholesome medicine. i 11 y" Mr. Gudger favored the motion of Senator Harris. He - thought the General Assembly should look into this matter, and if the authorities at the penitentiary were acting inhu manly, they should themselves be properly punished therefor, w . : ; t The motion to take from the table prevailed. ' Resolutions.. , fV Mr. Cramer, a resolution of inst ruc tion to the Public Printer, concern ing the embodiment of certain reports ia the Legislative Documents. Ta bled. : r r . r '- '-. - i ;. '4 Mr. Murphy, a resolution appoint ing Mr. J. Turner Moreheadof Rock ingham, a member of the Board of Public Charities. r - . , Bides Suspended.' I On motion of Messrs, Grandy and Davis, the rules were -suspended to consider certain bills. ! A bill to change the dividing line" between Granville and- Franklin counties, safd bill defining the change made last session with some amend ments. Passed its several readings. . A bill to extend the time required for the erection of al bridge across Pasquotank River. ' Passed jts sever al readings. i '' Mr. Allen called up from the Cal endar bill No. 105, and, oh motion, it was made special order for Wednes day next at 12 o'clock. . Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, called up bill granting Battle's Revisal to such members of the Legislature as may be Magistrates. Passed its sev eral readings. ; . Mr. Cowles moved the considera tion of the bill declaring the manner of distribution of Battle's Revisal. Certain amendments, requiring that all county officers turn over to their successors in office the said laws, was adopted, and the bill referred to the Judiciary Committee. . , k ; Mr. Love here insisted that under the suspension of the rules, as moved by Mr. Cowles, the latter gentleman had accepted an amendment to con sider at the same time a bill named by himself. . ! ,-.''. HATES OF ADYERTISEIG; Onfr-yr.fyyelnnnrf.inm ,.,.,.,-, ,, I" One .. 1 t o L" wrtioaa,.......,. . . 1 Oa 8 d, t -ire 1 rirmm r f Oi)t re. f iur Inrttmn , , O turee r , fg C 'd,aixlnuu, i 10 1 t 9, twelve il.. i ,,, ,, , i m - Tc-r 1 'T .advm,s'' rv-t n pareilcu. ..Liiieoiies The Tr of this . i Clerk, f tion of i-1 ' Ilr.I i:cf ly. but no e; dec: ion t ' '.nt mJt th-tno r ---jtion was ma3 ty t that he . had np recti' -vii r.i;- !:JncK'a ft: es tmi cj- tikei :r, 8- . the r f. i o i. c I vi itb; Love eti! irr.'.r-j'r-' n.' s v ; and re' :-: 1' i:: : it l , . we i r w - until Uie r z 1 3nat. ; .The xaoiion to i . riousriEri 7 t i ' ...--r " '";;' u proved. ' , , - Several petition were 'prestevl .' and appropriately deposed of. j - I ; r- Messrs. Bennett. An dersonVbf C"y Brown, -; of --.Mecklenburg, 1' rl?r, Wiley and Moring submitted rt orta from various ' Standing Committeee. ' By Mr. Bennett, a resolution ia re . gard to certain Importantmanuscripta of the State. Referred. By Afr. Brown, of Mecklenburg a resolution in regard to taxes Illegal ly collected from the Atlantic, Ten- nessee and Ohio Railroad; Referred ; By Abbott, col., a resolution of in strucUon to the Judiciary Committee. , Calendar. s . .1. By Mr. Marler, a"bIiniiTaf or of the securities of Isaac Long,' late Sheriff of Yadkin county.. .Calendar j r By Mr. Mitchell, & bill- to Incorpo- rate the town Of German too,' Stokes county. '- Referred. J1i sI " " ' By Mr. Guyther, bill to incorpo rate the Seaboard and RaleJghhiUil" road Company. , Referred, ... , . i. By Mr. Norment a bill to change the line between Graham, Swain and others counties. 1 3tefrred By Mr. Heaton, a bill -to authorize the re-issue of certain lost special tax bonds." J Referred. : " - - - 0 - ' , 5 By Mr. Craige, a bin ' concerning the act in relation to Executors and Administrators, Referred. lt By Dudley, col., a bill to Incorpo rate the United Brotherhood of New bern. Referred. - 1 r-' By Hughes, cob, a bill : to repeal section 3rd, chapter 67,lawsof 1872-3 Referred. - By Mr. Shaw, a bill to Incorporate the town of Sanford, Moore county. Referred, ' ' f -''1 -! ' ' By Mr. Carson, a hill to prevent the sale of liquor within one mile of Stony Point. Methodist Church, Al exander county. Referred Messrs. Outlaw, Richardson and Moring were announced as the suc cessors, of Messrs. Gudcrer. Gey I Craige, oh the House Comnr P of the Joipt Committee on Prin ' , s(.".mon(m-:o&,m-Eorr me tions and Grieveanees. r t for the various biJJs f the act in relation to i of the sale of liquor In I ties -which,. are now 1 -r taken up;.; " ; C 1 Mr. Brown of Mecklenb -rj, rto to make special order for Saturday 12 M. Adopted. ; . v , " On motion - of Mr. 'Johnston,' the rules were suspended and the bill la relation to Education was taken op. -1 Mr, Bennett moved to strikeout, the section which authorizes the Su perintendent 6f Public Instruction to subscribe $1,000 to the State Educa tional JournitliA.uH a U ;". '-. Mr. Bennett took the ground that the General Assembly had no right to draw' out from 'the Educational Fund money for such a purpose. Mr. Bennett proceeded at length to urge his objections to the section. . Mr. Bennett's amendment was put to a vote and adopted yeas 66, nays 26. ; v ; ,;i .-...- i -,w-- The bill then passed its third read ing. 1 ! The following is the bill as it passed the House : j v. - y. The General Assembly of North Cars olina do enact: - Section 1. That all acts, rules and regulations heretofore adopted by the State Board of Education in relation to free public schools be and the same are hereby repealed. , , - ; - Sec 2. That section 30 of chapter ' 90 of the laws of 1872-'73, be amend ed by adding after the words "of each count " in line sixteen, the words : " and furnish the County Treasurer with the amount thus apportioned among .the several school idistricts. . and the amount each district is en titled to." -"V- - ?. 'HM:' fV - ' : Has. a TKnt Tha nrt H Tr.l In " section 38 of chapter 90, public laws 01 i7-4-'73, oe stricKen out ana " uo-, jtober " inserted therefor. ! Sec 4. This act shall be in force 4 'from its ratificatlonf . ' ; On motion of Mr, Joyner, the rules , were, suspended and the bill to in- ; corporate, the town of Pine Level,' Johnston county, was taken ud and passed its several readings. - ( . On motion of Mr. Brvan J of Alle ghany, the rules were suspended, and . the bill giving to thecountlesof Ashe, v Mitchell, Alleghany, Watauga, Bun combe. &c the proceeds of the entry 3 of vacant lands in these counties for the purposeof completing the Marion and Asheville Turnpike, was taken up and passed its second reading. The rules were suspended and the , bill was taken up on its reading and," on motioa. of Mr. Bryan, of Alle ghany, was referred to the Judiciary Committee. i I The bill to cede to the United States certain lands for , the erection of beacons, light-housea, &c., was taken up and passed its several readings. -t The bill to incorporate the Rich land's Farmers' Association, Onslow county, was taken up and passed Its several readings. The bill to iiico 3 rate the trustees of Fairfield-Acad ?y Hyde county. was taken up and its several readings. i - i The bill to repeal parts of : chapter 250, laws of 1868-9; was taken up and passed its several readings. i The bill to Incorporate the town of -Jonesville, Yadkin county, was taken up and passed its several readings. - The bill In rehttion to the sale of cotton was taken up. : v "c-, t - The bill prevents the sale ef cotton ? in baskets; sheets, Ac, in the seed or ' lint,; in quantities 1 less than thst ; which is. haled, between the hour? t sunset and sunrise, j t The bill passed itsaevprc:: :: passed X . " - - . .'V. J,. V

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